Curriculum Vitae

1       Personal Details



Mr. James Koima Kimaru

Address & Contact

Lake Bogoria National Reserve P. O Box 64, Marigat, Kenya. Tel/Fax +254 51 215312. Mobile: 0722 446262 Email: [email protected]

Date of Birth

21st April 1978

Marital status





2 Academic Qualifications




2003(July-to date)

B.Sc. Environmental Science thorough the distant learning from Leicester University institute of lifelong learning (L.U.I.L.L) in UK on Global Ecology and Wildlife Management Funded by Darwin-initiative Project through the Earth watch International

2002 (October):

Attended a three months computer training course with nine packages.


Attended a three months Certificate Course in Nyanza Project under Interdisciplinary Training Course in Tropical Lakes Studies and Research Methods, in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania where I was trained in Limnology, Biology and Limnogeology. I undertook a research project titled: 'Line fishing in relation to limnological parameters in Kigoma Bay, Lake Tanganyika'

2000 (November):

Attended a two-week certificate course in meteorology at the Kenya Institute of Meteorological Training Institute at Nairobi where I was trained in collecting meteorological data and maintaining a fully equipped weather station.


Kiptoim High School. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)


Molos Primary School. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)


3 Employments and Experience


Occupation And Key Responsibilities

June 2002-date

Lake Bogoria national Reserve Ecologist working with other stakeholders who are part of the conservation in the reserve like Lake Bogoria integrated catchment programme (WWF), Earth Watch International, Darwin Initiative and relevant Kenyan Government Ministries in conservation among other Non-Governmental Organisations. The aim of the lake having Ecologist is to enhance conservation of the Lake Bogoria's ecosystem by curbing/reducing environmental degradation while improving the human development and welfare.

My task on this job is to work with other scientific research in implementing the ecological component of Lake Bogoria as part of the Council input in the management of lake Bogoria and acquiring scientific research practical technical knowledge from them. Actually my work involves the set up and installation of mechanisms for monitoring biological, chemical and physical trends, collect data, and update literature/documentation on all important areas of science that affect biological and physical processes and pass these information to community and the management of Lake Bogoria National Reserve. This includes monitoring of the lake water level, mammals, birds and vegetation trends.

Also I ensure that research activities within the reserve are harmonised, In addition I supervise and collect meteorological data at the Lake Bogoria National Reserve weather station, including community and institutions rainfall stations.


4 Work Experience




July 2003-to Date

The Darwin Initiative developed programmed on the monitoring water quality and Flamingo mortality of salt Lakes in the Great Rift Valley. I being one of participants in the Ramsar Lakes include Nakuru, Bogoria and Elementaita funded by Darwin initiative Project in collaboration with Earth Watch International.

March 2001-May 2002

Clerical Officer III for Lake Bogoria National Reserve. I produced treasury reports and financial status, for the Lake Bogoria Joint Management Committee, sales and purchases and causal payments for the reserve. I also made contacts and arrangement for schools, clubs and organized groups intending to visit the reserve.


Leading the planning team for Lake Bogoria National Reserve World Wetlands Day celebration.

2001 (July)

Leading the team collecting data on flamingo bird mortality and morbidity during the lesser flamingo die-off period


5 Workshops, Conferences and Seminars


Workshops, Conferences and Seminars

2005( July)

I attended two weeks training workshop on the development of the management plan for the protected area with out the management plan which was organized by the Earth Watch international in collaboration with Lake Bogoria National Reserve.


I attended a one-week training workshop on Fist aid kit organised by Red cross in collaboration with WWF Lake Bogoria Community Based Wetlands Project and Lake Bogoria Joint Management committee.


In collaboration with University of Leicester, UK and Earth watch International they organise two weeks residential training workshop on the "Taxonomy for biodiversity conservation of Lake Bogoria"at Loboi.through the Darwin initiative Project and I participated.

2003 (September)

I attended a one-week training workshop on the Ramsar awareness organised by Friends of Nature Bogoria in collaboration with the Embassy of Netherlands and in collaboration with Kenya Wildlife Service Institute Naivasha.


Attended and contributed on the first Darwin initiative workshop on "Aquatic Ecosystem Health" In July 2003 at Loboi -Lake Bogoria National Reserve


I attended a Stakeholders Planning and Management workshop organised by the WWF. The workshop was held at Lake Bogoria Hotel. The objective of the workshop was to develop a management plan for Lake Bogoria National Reserve.


Attended a one-week seminar on the natural resource planning for Lake Bogoria National Reserve, which was organised by the WWF Lake Bogoria Community Based Wetlands Project.

2001 (October)

Attended a one-week seminar on environmental education baseline survey, organized by the WWF Lake Bogoria Community Based Wetlands Project, as one of participants representing Lake Bogoria National Reserve.




  1. Dr. David Harper

University of Leicester

Department of Biology

Leicester, LE17Rh, UK

Email: [email protected]



  1. Mr. Fabian Musila,

Project Executant,

Lake Bogoria integrated catchment programme Project,

P. O. Box 43, Marigat, Kenya

Tel. +254 051 2214517 Fax +254 051 2214935.

Email: [email protected]


  1. Mr. William Kimosop,

Chief game Warden, Lake Bogoria National Reserve,

P. O Box 64, Marigat, Kenya

Tel/ Fax:+254 051 2211987, +254 051 2214935.

Email: [email protected]