Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov
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Абагуров Б.Д. (Abagourov, Abagurov B.D.) 1975. O mekhanizmakh estestvennoï regoukyatsii vzaimootnocheniï rastitel' noyadnykh mlekopitayouchtchikh i rastitel'nosti. Zool. J., 54(7).
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, herbivores, végétation,vegetation.

Abbassi Mohamed 1999. Les rongeurs du sud-est de la France et de Ligurie: Implications systématiques, biostratigraphiques et paléoenvironnementales. [Rodents of the South-east of France and of Liguria: systematical, biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental involvements].Thèse Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Institut de Paléontologie humaine, 1-229.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Marmota marmota, France, Italie, Italy.
Ce travail consiste en une analyse systématique, biostratigraphique et paléoécologique des faunes de rongeurs de trois gisements préhistoriques du Sud-Est de la France et de Ligurie datant de la fin du Pléistocène moyen et du Pléistocène supérieur. Le gisement du Lazaret a livré une faune de rongeurs très diversifiée allant des espèces des steppes continentales (le grand hamster), aux espèces méditerranéennes (le campagnol méditerranéen). Cette liste diffère de celles des deux autres gisements par son âge plus ancien. De nouvelles espèces ont été mise en évidence : Pliomys boronensis et Mimomys lazaretiensis ce qui confère à cette séquence un caractère particulier. La grotte d'Arma delle Manie présente également une liste de rongeurs très diversifiée. L'élément nouveau par rapport à la faune précédente, est la présence de deux espèces boréales : la siciste (Sicista sp.) et le campagnol de Male (Microtus malei-oeconomus), provenant de deux couches différentes (respectivement III et VII) qui permet l'individualisation d'au moins deux phases froides au cours du remplissage. L'abri Mochi a livré une liste moins diversifiée que les deux sites précédents. La marmotte constitue le seul élément allochtone de cette faune de rongeurs. D'autre part, l'étude paléontologique a contribué à une meilleure connaissance de l'évolution de certaines espèces. C'est le cas notamment d'Arvicola, qui constitue un bon marqueur biostratigraphique surtout pour les sites du Pléistocène moyen et du début du Pléistocène supérieur. La question de la présence du mulot à collier (Apodemus flavicolis) au Pléistocène moyen reste posée, étant donné qu'il n'a été cité jusqu'à présent dans aucun gisement daté de cette période en France, et que seul est mentionné le mulot sylvestre (Apodemus sylvaticus). Alors qu'on retrouve les deux espèces au Pléistocène supérieur en France. Le lérot (Eliomys quercinus) présente des variations cycliques de la taille au cours du Quaternaire ; ceci étant sans doute lié aux déplacements des faunes à l'occasion d'un changement climatique et à leurs différenciations géographiques. En général, il existe deux types de variations, temporelle et géographique et il n'est pas toujours aisé de mettre en évidence la part de chacune sur du matériel fossile. Enfin cette étude a permis - en confrontant plusieurs méthodes d'analyses paléoenvironnementales (proportion relative des espèces, cénogrammes et la méthode de calibration climatique) - une reconstitution du climat et de l'environnement de ces séquences. Ainsi, au Lazaret, à la fin du Pléistocène moyen, dominait un climat froid et humide. A Arma delle Manie, au Pléistocène supérieur, il y eut deux phases froides entrecoupées de phases chaudes. A l'abri Mochi, les niveaux inférieurs (H, I et J) sont plus tempérés que les niveaux supérieurs (G à C).

Абдуназаров Б.Б. (Abdunazarov, Abdounazarov B.B.), Есипов А.В. (Esipov A.V.), Арипджанов М.К. (Aripdzhanov, Aripdjanov M.K.), Тарянников В.И. (Taryannikov V.I.), Ходжаев А.Ф. (Khodjaev A.F.), Есипов В.М. (Esipov V.M.) 1990. [Composition, structure et nombre de vertébrés terrestres et perspectives de leur conservation dans les réserves d’Ouzbekistan. Composition, structure and numbers of terrestrial vertebrates and prospects for their conservation in nature reserves in Uzbekistan]. InNature Reserves in the USSR: Their Present and Future, Zoological Researches, Abstracts of Reports to All-Union Conf. Novgorod, part 3: 1882-1884.
En russe, in Russian.
Vertébrés, vertebrates, population, conservation, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.

Абдуназаров Б.Б. (Abdunazarov, Abdounazarov B.B.), Вашетко Е.В. (Vashetko, Vachetko E.V.), Ланрвенко Е.Н. (Lanovenko E.N.), Зиновьев С.А. (Zinov'ev S.A.), Мухина Е.А. (Mukhina, Moukhina E.A.), Мирзаев У.Т. (Mirzaev U.T.), Ходжаев А.Ф. (Khodjaev A.F.), Шерназаров Е. (Shernazarov, Chernazarov E.) 1996. [Espèces rares et en voie de disparition en Ouzbekistan. Mammifères, Oiseaux et Poissons. Rare and vanishing animal species in Uzbekistan. Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes]. Information Bulletin, Tashkent, 8-9.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammiféres, mammals, Oiseaux, birds, poissons, fish, conservation, Ouzbékistan, Uzbekistan.

Abe H. 1971. Small mammals of central Nepal [Petits mammifères du centre du Népal]. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 56: 367-423.
En anglais, in English.
Biogéographie, biogeography, mammifères, mammals, Népal, Nepal.

Abe H. 1977. Variation and taxonomy of some small mammals from central Nepal [Variation et taxonomie des petits mammifères du Népal central]. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, 7(2): 63-73.
En anglais, in English.
Biogéographie, biogeography, mammifères, mammals, Népal, Nepal.

Abe K., Kurata T. & Shikata T. 1988. Localization of woodchuck hepatitis virus in the liver [Localisation du virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte dans le foie]. Hepatology, 8(1): 88-92.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, parasitologie, parasitology.
L'antigène du noyau central du virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte d'Amérique est produit et assemblé principalement dans le cytoplasme des hépatocytes et semble rapidement assemblé en virion. La similitude de l'infection par le virus de la marmotte d'Amérique avec l'infection par le virus de l'hépatite B chez l'homme fait de la marmotte d'Amérique un excellent modèle expérimental pour l'étude de l'oncogénèse par le virus hépatite.
Localization of woodchuck hepatitis virus in liver tissue from 10 infected woodchucks was investigated immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. Woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen was detected by immunoperoxidase methods in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes with a fine granular and/or inclusion body appearance. Woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen positive hepatocytes were often found in the peripheral zone of hepatic lobules. In contrast to human hepatitis B core antigen, woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen was observed only in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, but not in the nuclei. In hyperplastic foci, woodchuck hepatitis virus antigen-positive hepatocytes were found in 3 of 8 animals. Furthermore, in 1 of 5 animals with hepatocellular carcinoma, woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen and woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen were present in carcinoma cells. Electron microscopic examination revealed many filamentous structures (18 to 20 nm in diameter) in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Noncoated core particles (18 to 20 nm in diameter) were found in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes, but not in the nuclei. The coated particles (42 to 45 nm in diameter) were observed in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. These coated particles were shown to be morphologically identical to the virus particles in serum. These results indicate that woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen is produced and assembled mainly in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, and seems to be rapidly assembled into virion. The similarity of woodchuck hepatitis virus infection to human hepatitis B virus infection makes the woodchuck an excellent experimental model for the study of hepadna virus oncogenesis.

Abe K., Kurata T., Shikata T. & Tennant B.C. 1988. Enzyme-altered liver cell foci in woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus [Foyers de cellules hépatiques aux enzymes altérées chez les marmottes communes d'Amérique infestées par le virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte]. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Japanese journal of cancer research), 79(4): 466-472.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'Amérique, Virus.
The histochemical characteristics of liver cell foci in woodchucks were investigated. The foci appeared to be distributed throughout the liver and were observed only in the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)-positive animals, including all 19 woodchucks with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), and 7 without HCC. No foci appeared in 11 WHV-negative animals. Histochemical studies revealed that liver cell foci and carcinoma cells were characterized by positive gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) enzymatic reactions and decreased glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme activity compared to non-neoplastic liver. Furthermore, serum GGT was significantly elevated in almost all of the animals which had larger carcinomas. Ultrastructural findings of foci showed some resemblance to carcinoma cells, being characterized by abundant free ribosomes within the cytoplasm and undeveloped endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that the liver cell foci are potential precursors of HCC in WHV-infected animals, and that serum GGT may be a useful marker for indicating the development of carcinoma.

Abe K., Kurata T., Teramoto Y., Shiga J. & Shikata T. 1993. Lack of susceptibility of various primates and woodchucks to hepatitis C virus [Absence de susceptibilité de divers primates et des marmottes communes d'Amérique au virus de l'hépatite C]. J. Med. Primatol., 22(7-8): 433-434.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'Amérique, Virus, Cercopithecus aethios, singe vert, green monkey, Papio anubis.

Five different species of primates including cynomolgus monkey, rhesus monkey, green monkey, Japanese monkey, and doguera baboon and woodchucks were inoculated intravenously with infectious serum from a chimpanzee infected with hepatitis C. Serum samples obtained weekly from these animals were negative for hepatitis C virus RNA and anti-HCV during six months following inoculation. Furthermore, serum alanine aminotransferase remained within normal limits, and normal liver histology was seen. This study indicates that these primates and woodchucks do not appear to be susceptible to hepatitis C virus.

Abe K., Kurata T., Yamada K., Okumura H. & Shikata T. 1988. Establishment and characterization of a woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (WH44KA) [Caractérisation et isolement d'une lignée cellulaire de carcinome hépatocellulaire (WH44KA) de marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Japanese journal of cancer research), 79(3): 342-349.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'Amérique, Virus, lign»e cellulaire, cell line.

A continuous cell line was established from a hepatocellular carcinoma obtained from a woodchuck that was sero-positive for woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). The cell line, designated WH44KA, grows as an adhering monolayer with a doubling time of 36 hr in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The cells not only showed epithelial origin on light and electron microscopic examination but also possess biosynthetic markers of the latter, such as albumin and alpha-fetoprotein, which were demonstrated in cultured cells. When they were transplanted into athymic nude mice, tumors developed at the site of inoculation. These tumors were shown to be hepatocellular carcinoma, similar in morphology to the original tumor from which the WH44KA cells were derived. Chromosome analysis revealed a chromosome number ranging from 31 to 126, with a modal number of 35. Integration of WHV DNA was shown by Southern blot analysis. However, WHV surface antigen was not demonstrated in the cultured cells or supernatant medium. The WH44KA cell line appears to be a useful in vitro model for the study of virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma.

Abel Othenio Lothar Franz Anton Louis 1912. Grundzüge der Palaeobiologie der Wirbeltiere [Paléobiologie des vertébrés. Vertebrate paleobiology]. o. Stuttgart. i-xvi+1-708 pages, 470 illustrations. 8vo. S.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Abel Othenio Lothar Franz Anton Louis 1875 - 1946.

Abel O. 1921. Die Methoden der paläobiologischen Forschung [Méthodes de recherche en paléobiologie. Research methods in paleobiology]. Pages 129-312, 129 figs.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Abel O. & Kyrle G. eds. 1931. Die Drachenhöhle bei Mixnitz [La caverne des Dragons, près de Mixnitz]. Spelaeologische Monographien VII-IX.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Paléontologie, paleontogy, glaciation, Autriche, Austria, Othenio Abel 20/06/1875-04/07/1946, Georg Kyrle 19/02/1887-16/07/1937.
Selon Bachofen-Echt l'un des terriers observés dans la caverne de Mixnitz remonterait à la glaciation de Riss.

Абеленчев Н.И. (Abelentsev N.I.) 1967. Zapasy, okhrana i ispolzovanie baibaka na Ukraine [Ressources, protection et mise en valeur de bobac en Ukraine.]. V kn Resoursy faouny sourkov v SSSR: Materialy sovechtchaniya 27-29 marta, Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, gestion, management, économie, economy, Ukraine.

Абеленчев Н.И. (Abelentsev N.I.) 1971. Baibak na Ukraine [Bobacs de l'Ukraine. Steppe marmots in Ukraine]. In Fauna i Ecologia Gryzunov [Faune et écologie des rongeurs, Fauna and ecology of Rodent], M., MGU, 10 : 217-233.
En russe, in Russian. Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, faunistique, fauna, Ukraine.

Абеленчев Н.И. (Abelentsev N.I.) 1975a. Baibak na Ukraine [Marmota bobac en Ukraine. Steppe marmot in Ukraine]. Vestn. Zool. [Bulletin of Zoology], 1 : 3-8. En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, Ukraine.

Абеленчев Н.И. (Abelentsev N.I.) 1975b. Tchislennosty i khozyaistvenioe ispolzovanie rsousov stetsnogo sourka na Ukraine [Importance des populations et utilisation commerciale de marmottes steppiques en Ukraine. Size of population and practical usage of the steppe marmot resources in Ukraine]. Byull. Mosk. Obshchest. Ispytaleï Prirody, Ord. Biol., 80(6) : 29-35.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, économie, economy, gestion, managment, Ukraine.

Абеленчев Н.И. (Abelentsev N.I.), Самош В.М. (Samosh V.M.) & Модин Г.В. (Modin G.V.) 1961. Sovremennoe sostoyanie poselenii bai;baka i opyt ego reaklimatizatsii na Ukraine [Etat actuel des populations de bobac et expérience de réacclimatation en Ukraine. Modern status of Marmot’ settlements and reacclimatization experience in Ukraine]. Trudy Sredneaz. nautchn.- issled. protivo-tchumogo in-ta [The Proceedings of Central Asiatic anti-pestilential Research Institute], 7 : 309-320.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, peuplement, réintroduction, Ukraine.

Абракина И.Б. (Abrakhina I.B.) 1983. Vosstanovlenie kolonii baibaka v Ulianovskoï oblasti [R éintroduction de Bobac dans la r égion d'Oulianosk. Rehabilitation of settlement of Bobac in Ulianovsk region]. In Okhrana, ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie i ekologiya sourkov, Bibikov D.I. & Zimina R.P. eds., M. : IEMEZh AN SSSR, 5-9.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Oulianosk, Ulianosk, Russie, Russia.

Абракина И.Б. (Abrakhina I.B.) 1987. Vliyanie raspashki ugodii na tchislennosti i razmezhenie nazemnikh belitchiikh v Ulianovskoi oblasti [Influence de la surface du sol sur le nombre et la répartition des Sciuridae terrestres de la région d'Oulianosk. Influence of top-soiling on number and distribution of terrestrial Sciuridae in Ulianovsk region]. Tez. Vses. Sovesh.
En russe, in Russian.
Sciuridés, Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, peuplement, Ulianosk, Russie, Russia.

Абракина И.Б. (Abrakhina I.B.) 1991. Results of conservation and transplantation of the bobak marmot in the Uliyanovsk Region [Résultats de la conservation et de la réintroduction de la marmotte bobac dans la région d'Oulianosk]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 6-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation, réintroduction, re-introduction, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Абракина И.Б. (Abrakhina I.B.) & Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1999. O donorskikh tsentrkh po rasseleniiu sourkov v povolj'e. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 5-6.
En russe, in Russian.

Абракина И.Б. (Abrakhina I.B.), Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) & Леонтьева М.Н. (Leontieva M.N.) 1993. Obzornaya karta-sxhema mest vypuska v povoljye [Revue cartographique - Schéma des zones de lâchers de marmottes dans la région de la Volga. Cartographic survey. Chart of the marmot release zones in the Volga region]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Абрамов (Abramov) 1952. Bibliography of ticks and tickborne disease [Bibliographie des tiques et des maladies qu'elles transmettent]. Ed. Namru, 3, Il Cairo.
En anglais, in English.
Acariens, Acarida, parasitologie, parasitology.

Абрамова С.Г. (Abramova S.G.) 1950. Perejivanie tchumogo virusa v vysushennykh na solntse tarbaganikh shkurakh [Résistance du virus de la peste au séchage des peaux de Tarbagan au soleil]. Izv. Irkutskogo PTCHI, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, virus, Sibérie, Russie, Russia.

Académie française 1694. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome premier A-L, Coignard, Paris, Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, absence arctomys, absence bobac.

Académie française 1694. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second M-Z, Coignard, Paris, Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1718. Nouveau dictionnaire de l'Académie française, dédié au Roy [The New French Academy dictionary, dedicated to the Rey]. Tome premier A-L, J.-B. Coignard, Paris, 922p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, absence arctomys, absence bobac.

Paris : J.-B. Coignard, 1718. 2 vol. ([XII]-922, 820 p.)) Académie française 1740. Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome premier A-K, Paris, J.-B. Coignard, 904p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, absence arctomys, absence bobac.

Académie française 1740. Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second L-Z, Paris, J.-B. Coignard, 898p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1743. Nouveau dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The New French Academy dictionary, dedicated to the Rey]. Tome second M-Z, J.-M. Coignard, Paris, Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1762. Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome premier A-K, Paris, Vve B. Brunet, 864p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1762. Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second L-Z, Paris, Vve B. Brunet, 967 p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1765. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second L-Z. Libraires associés, Paris, Num. Google.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, marmot p.68.

Académie française 1798 (An VII). Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome premier A-K, Paris, J. J. Smits, 768p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, absence arctomys, absence bobac

Académie française 1798 (An VII). Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second L-Z, Paris, J. J. Smits, 776p., Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence monax.

Académie française 1835. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome premier A-H, Firmin-Didot frères, Paris, 911p., Num. Bnf
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, absence arctomys, absence bobac.

Académie française 1835. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française [The French Academy dictionary]. Tome second I-Z, Firmin-Didot frères, Paris, 961p., Num. bnf
En français, in French.
Français, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, marmot, absence monax.

Académie française 1878. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, septième édition : dans laquelle on a reproduit pour la première fois les préfaces des six éditions précédentes. Tome premier, A-H. Institut de France, Paris, F. Didot, LXI-903 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Francais, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, absence arctomys.

Académie française 1878. Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, septième édition : dans laquelle on a reproduit pour la première fois les préfaces des six éditions précédentes. Tome second, I-Z . Paris, F. Didot, Institut de France, septième édition, 967 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Francais, French, langue, language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1859. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1858 Actes de l’Académie des sciences naturelles de Philadelphie, 1858]. Philadelphia.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys monax, Sciurus hudsonicus, Tamias lysteri, testicules, testicles.
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Ackerman B.B., Lindzey F. & Hemker T.P. 1984. Cougar food habits in southern Utah [Habitudes alimentaires du couguar en Utah méridional]. J. Wildl. Manage., 48: 147-155.
En anglais, in English.
Prédation, Felis concolor, Utah, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Ackerman Robert E. 2003. Continental shelves, sea levels and early maritime adaptations in the North Pacific Region [Plateaux continentaux, niveaux marins et dapatations maritimes précoces dans la région du pacifique Nord]. The Fifth World Archaeological Congress.
En anglais, in English.
Île Prince de Galles, Prince of Wales Island, Côtes du pacifique Nord, North Pacific coast, dernier maximum glaciaire (DMG), Late Glacial Maximum (LGM), marmotte, paléontologie, paleontology, marmot.

Acloque 1900. Faune de France : Mammifères [Fauna of France: Mammals]. Baillère, Paris.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, France.
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ad hoc Committee on Acceptable Field Methods in Mammalogy 1987. Acceptable field methods in mammalogy: preliminary guidelines approved by the American Society of Mammalogists [Méthodes de terrain recommandées en mammalogie : lignes directrices pérliminaires approuvées par la Société Américaine des Mammalogistes]. J. Mamm., 68 (supplement):1-18.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, méthode, method.

Adam Karl Dietrich, Bloos Gert & Ziegler Bernhard 1987. Das Stuttgarter Quartär. [Le quaternaire de Stuggart. The Stuttgart Quaternary.]. Stuttg. Beitr. Naturkd., Ser. C: Allg. Aufsätze 25 44 pp. En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, Quaternary.

Adam Paul 1902. Le temps et la vie. L'enfant d'Austerlitz. Paris, P. Ollendorff. Numérisation BnF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, coiffure, head-dress, Paul Adam 1862-1920.
extrait/extract pdf

Адаменко О. (Adamenko O.) & Зажигин В.С. (Zajigin, Zazhigin V.S.) 1963. Fauna melkikh mlekopitaiushehick i geologicheski voozrast kochokovskoi svity ynjnoi Kouloundy [Faune des petits mammifères et âge géologique de la suite de Kochkovsk du sud du Koulounda. Small mammals fauna and geologogical period of the Kochkovsk's zone in the south of Kulunda]. In Stratigraficheskoye znacheniye antropo-genovoi fauny melkikh mleko-pitaiushchikh, Nauka, Moscow.
En russe, in Russia.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Russie, Russia.

Адамович (Adamovich) & ьдаман (Fel'daman) 1960. Bibliography of ticks and tickborne disease [Bibliographie des tiques et maladie qu'elles transmettent]. Ed. Namru, 3, Il Cairo.
En anglais, in English.
Acariens, Acarida, parasitologie, parasitology.

Addison E.M., Bybus M.J. & H.J. Rietveld1978. Helminth and arthropod parasites of black bear, Ursus americanus, in central Ontario [Les parasites helminthes et arthropodes de l'ours noir, Ursus americanus, dans le centre de l'Ontario]. Canad. J. Zool., 56(10): 2122-2126.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Helminthes, Arthropodes, parasitologie, parasitology, Canada.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1993. Koznye zheley Mongol'skogo surka [Les glandes cutanées de la marmotte de Mongolie. The skin glands of the Mongolian marmot]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 42.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, sécrétion, secretion, saison, season, histologie, histology, sexe, sex.
The mongolian marmot is one of the economically important fur bearing animal of the mongolian fauna. At present Mongolia is the only exporter of the valuable fur of this marmot. But, however, our knowledge of its biology is far from complete. The information about chemical communication of the marmots is nearly lacking, neither we know much about the sources of chemical signals. That is why the purpose of this investigation has been to study the topography, anatomy and histology of the skin glangs of the mongolian marmot, their corelation with sex and age as well as seasonal variations. In the species under study the exocrine glands were found in the oral angles, in the skin of the soles, around the anus, in the upper and lower eyelids and in the orbit. The plantar glands are tubular structures located in the pads on the soles. The glands of the eyelids (meibomian glands) are found on the wider surface of the upper and lower eyelids. The ducts of these large acinous glands are opening on the eyelid surface, some of them empty into hair follicles. The orbital. Herderian gland is a tubular gland featured by wide lumens and mined serous-mucous secretion. As to the oral angles three groups of glands can be distingnished : large acinous glands that are closely associated with hair follicles, and two complements of tubular glands differing in their location and tinctorial features. The anal glands can be described as three massive skin sacs the walls of which contain large acinous glands emptying directly into the sacs cavity. The acinous glands are surrounded by a sed of tubular glands with basophylic epithelial cells. All the above mentioned glands have appeared to be fully developed only in sexually mature individuals. The plantar glands, the anal glands and the glands of the oral angle demonstrate seasonal variation of their structure. During the breeding season these glands increase in size, what can be interppreted as the indication of the effect of sex hormones on the glands function. These are, at least, five areas on the skin of the mongolian marmot where the exocrine glands are located. Some of these potential sources of pheromones are under hormonal control and hence they could play some role in sexual behavior.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1994. Les glandes cutanées de la marmotte de Mongolie (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862). The skin glands of the Mongolian Marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 14-15.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota sibirica, glande, gland, peau, skin, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Au cours de nos recherches, nous avons trouvé que les 2 sous-espèces de la marmotte de Mongolie présentent les glandes suivantes : glandes palpébrales de Meibom, glandes de Harder, glandes plantaires, sole et glandes anales ainsi que des glandes acineuses en relation avec son pelage et une distribution diffuse sur l'ensemble du corps. Comme les autres rongeurs, la marmotte ne présente pas de glandes sudoripares. Parmi les différents représentants du genre Marmota, seule la marmotte de Mongolie ne présente pas de glandes jugales. Nos données montrent que les glandes ci-dessus mentionnées sont bien développées et fonctionnelles chez les animaux âgés de 20 jours. Elles ont leurs propres caractéristiquesen parallèle à la topographie corporelle et les différenciations spécifiques et sexuelles. Selon les données de la microscopie électronique, en références aux glandes nucales et de Harder, les formations acineuses des glandes anales et plantaires, les cellules épithéliales sont spécialisées dans l'extraction de substances lipidiques, car chaque cellule est munie des mécanismes de synthèses appropriés, c'est-à-dire un réticulum granulaire. Mais la structure de ce reticulum dans les cellules des glandes nucales, ainsi que les différences morphologiques des granules rendent ces cellules différentes les unes des autres et nous permettent de définir différents morphotypes, ce qui implique que les substances synthétisées par ces cellules ont des structures chimiques distinctes. C'est pourquoi, nos recherches réalisées en microscopie électronique, montrent que les glandes dermiques de la marmotte de Mongolie constituent un groupe d'organes hétérogènes, ce qui n'avait pas été montré aupravant. Les cellules épithéliales de chaque glande sont spécialisées dans la sécrétion d'une ou plusieurs substances caractéristiques d'une glande donnée. Les résultats de cette étude, donnent, selon nous des bases solides pour considérer que les glandes de localisation différente peuvent constituer des sources de signaux chimiques véhiculant des informations variées. Il serait logique de supposer également que les sécrétions présentant un dimorphisme sexuel, c'est-à-dire, un dimorphisme en rela-tion avec la spécialisation cellulaire, pourrait véhiculer quelque information en rapport avec le terrain également.
In the course of our investigations we have found that the Mongolian Marmot including both its subspecies has the following glands as the eyelid meibomian glands, Harderian glands, plantar glands, sole and anal ones as well as the acinous glands referring to its hair being distributed diffuse among its body. Similar to other rodents, the marmots does not possess the sweat glands and among from the representatives of Marmota genus only of the Mongolian marmot is characteristic the absence of the cheek glands. Our data indicate that concerning all the above mentioned glands, their having been well developped and actively functioning are typical even of twenty-days animals. They have their own peculiarities referring to the body topography parallel with those owing to sexual and specific differences. According to the data provided by electron microscope with reference to the glands of the nape and the harderian ones, the acinous constituents of the anal glands and plantar glands, the epithelial cells are specialized in extracting substances of lipid nature because each cell is provided with appropriate synthetic mechanism, i.e. a granular reticulum, but their distinction relating to the packing of the mechanism presence of a granular reticulum in the cells of the nape glands as well as that of completely different granules regarding their morphology make the cells to be dissimilar each other, and allow us to attribute them as pertaining to different morphotypes which implies that the substance being synthesized by those cells are of distinguished chemical structure. Therefore, our investigations carried out on the electron microscope-use bases, show that the skin glands of the Mongolian Marmot are a hetergeneous group of organs which has not been established prior. The epithelial cells of each gland are specialized in secreting a substance or substances characteristic of a given gland. The results obtained due to the study, give, in our opinion proper grounds to consider that the glands of different localization can serve as source of chemical signals carrying various information. It would be logical to suppose also that the secreta of glands possessing sexual dimorphism, that is a dimorphism in respect to the cellular specialization, might be carrying some information relating to the field as well.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1997a. Vozrastnye i polovye osobennosti strouktoury koji mongol'skogo (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862) sourka. [Particularités d'âge et de sexe de la structure de la peau de la marmotte de Mongolie (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862). Age and sex pecularities of the skin structure of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862)]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, peau, skin.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.). 1997. Возрастные и половые особенности структуры кожи Монгольского (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862) сурка. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 5-6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, peau, skin.
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Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1997b. Morphologitcheskaya kharakteristica volosyanogo pokrova sourkov (M. sibirica, M. baibacina) Mongolii. [Description morphologique du pelage des marmottes (M. sibirica, M. baibacina) en Mongolie. Morphological description of the hair cover of the marmots (M. sibirica, M. baibacina) in Mongolia]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, peau, skin.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1997. Морфологическая характеристика волосяного покрова сурков (Marmota sibirica, M. baibacina) монголии. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 6-7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, peau, skin.
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Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1997c. Promysel sourka v Mongolii. Marmot hunting in Mongolia [La chasse de la marmotte en Mongolie]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 7 (Rousskie), 113 (Angliïskie) [In Abstacts Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity, 7 (in Russian); 113 (In English)].
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, M. baibacina, chasse, hunting, fourrure, fur.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 1997. промысел сурка в монголии. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, M. baibacina, chasse, hunting, fourrure, fur.
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Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 2000. Mongolian Marmots: Biology, Ecology, Conservation, and Use [Marmottes de Mongolie: biologie, écologie, conservation et utilisation] Mammalian Ecology Laboratory. Institute of Biological Sciences. Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
In Mongolian and English.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, conservation.

Адьяа Я (Adïa, Ad'ya Ya.) 2002. Biology, conservation & problems of sustainable use of Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862 [Biologie, conservation et problèmes de l'utilisation durable de marmota sibirica]. Doct. D. Thes. Vladivostok, 48 p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, conservation.

Adovasio J.M., Donahue J. & Stuckenrath R. 1990. The Meadowcroft Rockshelter Radiocarbon Chronology 1975-1990 [Chronologie radio-carbone de 1975-1990 de l’abri sous-roche de Meadowcroft]. American Antiquity, 55: 348-354.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d’Amérique, abri sous-roche Meadowcroft, Meadowcroft rockshelter, États-Unis d’Amérique, USA.

Афанасьев А.В. (Afanas'ev A.V.) 1947. [Essai sur l'écologie de la marmotte des steppes. Essay on ecology of steppe marmot]. Izv. Ac. Nauk Kaz SSR, ser. zool. Alma-Ata, 6: 35-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Écologie, ecology, Marmota bobac.

Афанасьев А.В. (Afanas'ev A.V.) 1960. [Zoogégraphie du Kazakhstan. Zoogeography of Kazakhstan]. pp. 259.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, biogeacute;ographie, biogeography, Kazakstan.

Афанасьев А.В. (Afanas'ev A.V.), Бажанов В.С. (Bazhanov, Bajanov V.S.), Корелов М.Н. (Korelov M.N.), Слудскии А.А. (Sludskii A.A.) & Страутман Е.Ф. (Strautman E.I.) 1953. [La marmotte de Menzbier. La marmotte à longue queue. Menzbier's Marmot. Long-Tailed Marmot]. In Zveri Kazakhstana [Bêtes sauvages du Kazakhstan. Wild beasts of Kazakhstan], Alma-Ata, Publishers of Kazakh Academy of Sciences, 175-180.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, Marmota caudata, Kazakhstan.

Афанасьев А.В. (Afanas'ev A.V.) & Беляев А.м. (Belyaev,Belïaev A.M.) 1953. Kratkiï obzor gryzounov Pavlodarskoï oblasti. Troudy In-ta zoologii AN KazSSR, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Kazakhstan.

Афанасьев А.В. (Afanas'ev A.V.) & Варагушин П.С. (Varagouchin, Varagushin P.S.) 1939. Otcherki mlekopitaiushikh Kazakhskogo nagoria [Mammif ères vus sur les plateaux du Kazakhstan. Mammals on the plateau of Kazakstan]. Izv. Kazak. CCCP, 1, Ser. Zool., 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammif ères, mammals, Marmota, Kazakhstan

Афанасьева О.В. (Afanas'eva O.V.) 1951. [Cycle ontogénétique du tique Ixodes crenulatus Koch. The ontogenesis cycle of tick Ixodes crenulatus Koch.]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 1: 119-127.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida, ontogénese, ontogenesis.

Афанасьева О.В. (Afanas'eva O.V.) 1959. [Ixodidae des marmottes tarbagan. Ixodidae of Tarbagatai]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta. Alma-Ata, 6: 275-284.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, acariens, acarida, mites.

Агаджаниан А.К. (Agadjanian, Agadzhanian A.K.) & Ербаева М.А. (Erbaeva M.A.) 1983. Late Cenozoic rodents and lagomorphes of the USSR territory [Rongeurs et lagomorphes du cénozoïque final du territoire de l'URSS]. Nauka Press, Moscow, 187 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, URSS, USSR.

Агаджаниан Н.А. (Agadjanian, Agadzhanian N.A.) & Елфииов А.И. (Elfimov A.I.) 1977. [Rôle des chémorécepteurs dans l'adaptation du corps à l'hypoxie. Role of chemoreceptors in the body's adaptation to hypoxia]. Usp. Fiziol. Nauk., 8(1): 44-54.
En russe, in Russian.
No abstract available.

Агарова А.И. (Agapova A.I.) 1953. [Données sur la faune helminthique des rongeurs du Kazakhstan. Data on the fauna of helmints of Kazakhstan's rodents]. Tr. Inst. zool. Acad. Nauk Kaz SSR. Alma-Ata, 1: 146-160.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Helminthes, Helminths, Kazakhstan.

Agassiz Louis 1863. The Formation of Glaciers [La formation des glaciers]. The Atlantic monthly, 12(72) : 568-576.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, European marmot p.569, fossile, fossil, Louis Agassiz (1807-1873).
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Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1994a. [Les puces des marmottes des foyers de peste du Pamir oriental et de l'Asie centrale. Fleas of marmots from East Pamir and Middle Asian plague foci]. In Prophil. i mery bor'by s chumoi k 100-letiyu otkrytiya vozbud. chumy, Mater. nauch. conf., Almaty, 197-198.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, peste, plague, Marmota caudata, Ectoparasitisme, ectoparasitism, Pamir, Asie centrale, Central Asia.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1994b. Les puces de marmottes dans les zones de peste enzootique du Tien Chan et des montagnes du Pamir et de l'Alaï. Fleas of the marmots in the plague enzootic areas of Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alai mountains. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 16-17.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, Marmota caudata, Ectoparasitisme, ectoparasitism, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Alaï.
Thirty-six species of Siphonaptera were found as a whole on grey and long-tailed marmots and in their nests in the plague foci of Central Tien Shan, Alai, Gissar and Talas mountain ridges as well as in Eastern Pamir where no plague was discovered. From 8 to 21 species occurred in each separate region, but only Oropsylla silantiewi, Citellophilus lebedewi and Rhadinopsylla ventricosa, specific parasites of marmots, were met with everywhere. They are most numerous parasites that numbers depend on mountain altitudinal zonality. Pulex irritans is also important component of the marmot flea fauna in some foci. The rest of 32 species comprised 0.3 per cent of all collected fleas. Such findings prove a weak parasitic contact between marmots and other animals living in the same habitats.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1996. Puces des marmottes des foyers de peste enzootique du Tien Shan et du Pamir-Alaï. Fleas of the marmots in the plague enzootic areas of Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alai mountains. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & L. Le Guelte eds., 89-94.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, Marmota caudata, Ectoparasitisme, ectoparasitism, Pamir, Marmota baibacina, Parasitologie, parasitology.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.), Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.), Аракелянц В.С. (Arakelyanz, Arakelïants V.S.) & Куницая Н.Т. (Kounitskaïa, Kunitskaya N.T.) 1996. [Les puces des marmottes et leur rôle dans le maintien du foyer de peste du nord-est du Tien Chan central (foyer de peste du kokpak). Marmots fleas and their role in maintenance of plague focality in the north-east part Central Tien Shan (the Kokpak plague mesofocus)]. In Marmots of Northern Eurasia : the Biodiversity Saving, Moscow, ABF, 91-92.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, peste, plague, Marmota caudata, Ectoparasitisme, ectoparasitism, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.), Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.), Аракелянц В.С. (Arakelïants, Arakelyanz V.S.) & Сапожников В.И. (Sapojnikov, Sapozhnikov V.I.) 1997. К истории открытия и биоценотической структуре кокпалслого мезоочага чумы.. On the history of a discovery and biocenosis structure of the Kokpak mesofocus of plague [K istorii otkrytiya i biotsenotitcheskoï strouktoure Kokpakskogo mezootchaga tchoumy. Histoire de la découverte et de la structure biocénotique de foyer de peste de Kokpak]. In тор биоразнообразия, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov [III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts], 4-5 (Rousskie, Russian), 114-115 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Peste, plague, histoire, history, Kokpak, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.), Поле С.В., (Pole S.B.) Аракелянц В.С. (Arakelïanz, Arakelyanz V.S.) & Сапожников В.И. (Sapojnikov, Sapozhnikov V.I.) 1997. К К истории открытия и биоценотической структуре кокпалслого умезоочага чумы. On the history of a discovery and biocenosis structure of the Kokpak mesofocus of plague [K istorii otkrytiya i biotsenotitcheskoï strouktoure Kokpakskogo mezootchaga tchoumy. Histoire de la découverte et de la structure biocénotique de foyer de peste de Kokpak]. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 4-5.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, histoire, history, Kokpak, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
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Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.), Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) & СЛудскии А.А. (Sloudskii, Sludsky A.A.) 1997. On epizootic role of fleas in the Gissar Range (Tajikistan) [Rôle des puces sur les épizooties dans la chaîne du Gissar (Tadjikistan)]. Theses. for the Third Intern. Sympos. on Fleas. China. Baicheng: 1-4.
En anglais, in English.
Insectes, insects, puces, fleas, épizootie, epizooty, Gissar, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & СЛудскии А.А. (Sloudskii, Sludsky A.A.) 1985. [Données sur les puces des mammifères du Pamir oriental et perspectives sur les observations épizootiques sur ce territoire. Data on fleas of mammalians from East Pamir and perspectives for epizootological observation of this territory]. V kn. Aktual. voprosy epidnadzora v prirodn. ochagakh chumy. Prirodn.ochagov. chumy v vysokogorie, Stavropol': 10-12.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, insectes, insects, épizootie, epizooty, Pamir.

Ageeva V.S., Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.), Аракелянц В.С. (Arakelïants, Arakelyanz V.S.) & Куничкая Н.Т. (Kounitskaïa, Kunitskaya N.T.) 1996. Blokhi serogo sourka i ikh rol' v podderjanii otchagovosti tchoumy v severo-vostotchnoï tchsti tsentral'nogo tyan'-Shanya (Kokpakskiï mezootchag) [Les puces des marmottes et leur rôle dans le maintien des foyers de peste dans le nord-est du Tien Chan central (The Kokpak plague mesofocus). Marmot fleas and their role in the maintenace of plague focality in the nort-east of central Tien Shan (The Kokpak plague mesofocus). In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 5-6.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Marmota, peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Агеева Т.Ж. (Ageeva T.J.) & Петрова А.Д. (Petrova A.D.) 1990a. [Répartition des acariens mésostigmates dans les terriers de Citellus relictus du Tien Chan occidental. Distribution of mesostigmatic mites (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) in the holes of Citellus relictus in Western Tyan Shan. Zool. J., 69(8): 51-58.
En russe, in Russian.
Sciuridae, parasitologie, parasitology, acariens, mites, terriers, burrows, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
The authors collected 6373 specimens of mesostigmatic mites referring to 26 species of 13 families on the Angren plateau of western Tyan-Shan from different parts of various holes (nesting and protective). According to their connection with specific parts of a nesting hole, three ecological-faunistic mite groups are isolated, i.e. ticks of "nest", "toilet chamber", and of "nest-toilet chamber-substrate".

Агеева Т.Ж. (Ageeva T.J.) & Петрова А.Д. (Petrova A.D.) 1990b. [Structure des populations d'Arthropodes dans les terriers de Citellus relictus de l'ouest du Tien Chan. Population structure of the invertebrates of arthropods in the burrows of Citellus relictus in the West Tien Shan]. Sesth. Mosk. oun-ta. Ser., 16, Biologiya, 3: 20-25.
En russe, in Russian.
Citellus, insectes, insects, terriers, burrows, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
26763 arthropods were obtained from the burrows of Citellus relictus in the West Tien Shan in 1983. Standart samples from different parts of the burrows were taken and arthropods were extracted by hand sorting and with the help of phototermoeclector. Arthropods of 4 classes 10 orders 39 families 55 genera and 60 species were found there. Mites are the most numerous group. The main bulk of inhabitants are saprophages, zoophages are in the second place. The most number of aethropods proved to be foleophiles.

Агеева Т.Ж. (Ageeva T.J.) & Петрова А.Д. (Petrova A.D.) 1990c.Raspredelenie mezostigmatitcheskikh klechtcheï (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) v Norakh reliktovogo souslika (Citellus relictus) v Zapadnom Tyan-Chane. [Répartition des acariens mésostigmates dans les trous de Citellus relictus dans le Tien Chan occidental. Distribution of mesostigmatic mites (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) in the holes of Citellus relictus in Western Tyan Shan]. Zool. J., 69(8): 51-58.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, acariens, mites, terriers, burrows, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
The authors collected 6373 specimens of mesostigmatic mites referring to 26 species of 13 families on the Angren plateau of western Tyan-Shan from different parts of various holes (nesting and protective). According to their connection with specific parts of a nesting hole, three ecological-faunistic mite groups are isolated, i.e. ticks of "nest", "toilet chamber", and of "nest-toilet chamber-substrate".

Agrawal V.C. & Chakraborty S. 1971. Notes on a collection of small mammals from Nepal, with the description of a new mouse-hare (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) [Notes sur une collection de petits mammifères du Népal, avec la description d'un nouveau pika des steppes (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae)]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Calcutta, 24: 41-46.
En anglais, in English.
Biogéographie, biogeography, mammifères, mammals, Népal, Nepal.

Agrawal V.C. & Chakraborty S. 1979. Catalogue of mammals in the Zoological Survey of India. Part 1. Sciuridae [Catalogue des mammifères dans le relevé zoologique de l'Inde. Partie 1. Sciuridés]. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 74:333-481.
En anglais, in English.
Biogéographie, biogeography, mammifères, mammals, marmotte, marmot, Népal, Nepal.


Agricola Georgius (Georg Bauer) 1494-1555.De re metallica

Agricola Georgius (Georg Bauer) 1556. De Animantibus subterraneis Liber, ab autore recognitus. In De re metallica [Sur la nature des minéraux. On the Nature of Metals], Bâle.
En latin, in Latin.
Mures alpini, p. 486, Minéraux, minerals, mines, géologie, geology, mining.

Agricola Georgius 1950.On the Nature of Metals. [De Re Metallica. Sur la nature des minéraux]. English translation by Hoover Herbert Clark and Hoover Lou Henry, Dover Publications Inc.

Agriculture Canada 1977. Répression des marmottes [Control of groundhogs]. Ottawa, Agriculture Canada, publication 1587.
En français et en anglais, in English and in French.
Recommandations concernant les pesticides valables seulement pour l'année de publication. Pesticide recommendations only valid for year published.
Marmotta monax, marmotte commune du Canada, groundhog, gestion, management, Canada.

Aguilar Jean-Pierre, Bachelet Bernadette, Bonnet André, Lesage Jean-Luc & Michaux Jacques 1993. Le gisement karstique du Grand Serre (commune de Montclus, Gard). Données nouvelles sur les faunes de rongeurs du Pliocène terminal dans le Sud de la France. [The karst locality of Grand Serre (Montclus Commune, Gard). New data on the Final Pliocene rodent faunas from the South of France.]. Géobios -- Paléontol., Stratigr., Paléoécol., 26 p. 633-640.
En français avec résumé en anglais, in French with English summ.
Marmota minor, paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocene.

Aguilar Jean-Pierre, Michaux Jacques, Delannoy J.J. & Guendon J.L. 1993. A Late Pliocene rodent fauna from Alozaina (Malaga, Spain). [Faune de rongeurs de la fin du Pliocène d’Alozaina (Espagne)] Scr. Geol., 103 p. 1-22.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota minor, Paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocene, Espagne, Spain.

Aguilera P., Mascagni A. & Ribera I. 1998. The family Heteroceridae MacLeavy, 1825 (Coleoptera, Dryopoidea) in the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands [La famille des Heteroceridae MacLeavy, 1825 (Coleoptera, Dryopoidea) dans la péninsule ibérique et les îles Baléares]. Miscellania Zoologica, Barcelona, 21 (1): 75-100.
En anglais, in English.
Entomologie, entomology, Coléopteres, Espagne, Spain, Portugal, Baléares, Balearic Islands.
The information available on the family Heteroceridae in the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands is revised, based on published sources and on the study of unpublished material from the authors and museum collections. The male genitalia of the 17 studied species, eight Augyles and nine Heterocerus, is illustrated, and a brief description is included. Augyles hispidulus Kiesenwetter is recorded for the first time in the Iberian peninsula, in Spain, and Heterocerus fossor Kiesenwetter for the first time in Portugal. A key to the European genus and the Iberian and Balearic species of Heteroceridae is provided. Brief ecological notes and distribution maps of all species are also included. While the known number of species in Spain, eight Augyles and eight Heterocerus, is similar to other nearby geographical areas, the fauna of Portugal, with only seven species, and that of the Balearic Islands, with three, is considered to be still poorly known. The possible unrecorded presence of central European and north African species in Spain is discussed.

Aguirre E. 1989. Vertebrados del Pleistoceno continental [Vertébrés du Pléistocène continental. Vertebrates of the continental Pleistocene]. Mapa del Cuaterario de Espana, Instituto Tecnologico Geominero de Espana, 87-94.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pleistocène.

Aguirre E. et al. 1990. The Atapuerca sites and the Ibeas hominis [Les sites d'Atapuerca et les hominid és Ibeas]. J. Hum. Evol., 5 (1) : 55-73.
En anglais, in English.
Hominidés, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Espagne, Spain.

Ahima Rexford S. 2000. Leptin and the neuroendocrinology of fasting [Leptine et neuroendocrinologie du jeune]. Frontiers in Hormonal Research, 26: 42-56.
En anglais, in English.
Physiology, physiologie, hormon, hormone, cerveau, brain, prise alimentaire, food intake.

Ahima R.S. & Flier Jeffrey S. 2000. Leptin [Leptine]. Annual Rev. Physiology, 62: 413-37.
En anglais, in English.
Physiologie, physiology, hormone, hormon, tissu adipeux blanc TAB, white adipose tissu WAT, cerveau, brain, prise alimentaire, food intake, équilibre énergétique, energy balance.
The discovery of the adipose-derived hormone leptin has generated enormous interest in the interaction between peripheral signals and brain targets involved in the regulation of feeding and energy balance. Plasma leptin levels correlate with fat stores and respond to changes in energy balance. It was initially proposed that leptin serves a primary role as an anti-obesity hormone, but this role is commonly thwarted by leptin resistance. Leptin also serves as a mediator of the adaptation to fasting, and this role may be the primary function for which the molecule evolved. There is increasing evidence that leptin has systemic effects apart from those related to energy homeostasis, including regulation of neuroendocrine and immune function and a role in development.

Ahima R.S., Saper C.F., Flier J.S. & Elmquist J.K. 2000. Leptin regulation of neuroendocrine systems. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 21: 263-307.
En anglais, in English.
Physiology, physiologie, hormon, hormone, cerveau, brain, prise alimentaire, food intake.

Аяала Ф. (Aïala, Ayala F.) 1984. Vvedenie v popoulyatsonnouyu i evolyutsionnouyu genetikou. Moskva, Mir, 232 p.
En russe, in Russian.

Аяала Ф. (Aïala, Ayala F.) & Кайгер Д. (Kaïger, Kayger Dj.) 1988. Sovremennaya genetika. Tom 3, Moskva, Mir, 335 p.
En russe, in Russian.

Аидралиев К.А. (Aidraliev K.A.) & Берендиаев С.А. (Berendiaev S.A.) 1978. [Statut épizootique des foyers de peste d'altitude en Kirghizie. Epizootic state of the high-altitude foci of plague in Kirghizia]. Zdravookhr Kirg., (2): 41-5.
En russe, in Russian.
No abstract available.

Айдак А.П (Aïdak A.P.), Сапожников Н.Л (Sapojnikov, Sapozhnikov N.L.) & Димитриев А.В (Dimitriev A.V.) 1997. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektiva rasseleniya sourkov v kolkoze "Leninskaya iskra" yadrinskogo raïona tchouvashskoï respoubliski. Modern state and perspective of the marmots' settlings in the collective-farm "Leninskaya Iskra" of the jadrinsky district Chuvask republic [Etat présent et perspectives des réintroductions de marmottes dans la ferme collective "Leninskaya Iskra" du district de Jadrinsk de la République Tchouvache]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 8-9 (Rousskie), 116-117 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 8-9 (Russian), 116-117 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Tchouvachie, Chouvachia, Russie, Russia.

Айдак А.П (Aïdak, Ayudak A.P.), Сапожников Н.Л. (Sapojnikov, Sapozhnikov N.L.) & Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1997. Современное состояние и перспектива расселения сурков в колхозе "Ленинская Иркра" ядринркого района чувашской респуълики. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 4-5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Tchouvachie, Chouvachia, Russie, Russia.
Version pdf / Pdf version

Aikens C. Melvin 1970. Hogup Cave [Grotte de Hogup]. Univ. Utah Anthrop. Pap., 93: 286 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, comté de Box Elder, Box Elder county, Utah, EUA, USA.
Présence de qq marmottes vers 8400-2600 BP. Absente depuis dans la région.

Aikens C. Melvin 1975. Hogup Cave [Grotte de Hogup]. American Antiquity, 40(4) : 501-502.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, comté de Box Elder, Box Elder county, Utah, EUA, USA.
Stratum 1 : 7815-10000, 1 MTfl ; Stratum 2 : 7815-10000, 4 MTfl ; Stratum 3 : 7815-8800, 3 MTfl ; Stratum 4 : 7250-8800, 1 MTfl ; Stratum 5 : 6400-7815, 2 MTfl ; Stratum 7 : 4610-6400, 1 MTfl ; Stratum 8 : 2600-6190, 2 MTfl ; Stratum 11 : 1530-2600, 1 MTfl 1.

Aikens C. Melvin, Cole D.L. & Stuckenrath R. 1977. Excavations at Dirty Shame Rockshelter, southeastern Oregon. Tebiwa, Idaho State Univ. Mus. Misc. Pap., 4: 29pp.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota flaviventris, Malheur, Oregon, EUA, USA.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev, Aykimbaev A.M.) 1990. [Moyens de perfectionner le contrôle épidémiologique de la peste. Ways of perfecting the epidemiologic plague control]. Dis. M.D., Alma-Ata, 285pp.

En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.) 1992. [La peste. Plague]. RITz publishers, Almaty, 1-106.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Айкимбаев А.М. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1997. Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya o tchoume v tsentral'nom Tyan'-Shane. Additional information on plague in the central Tien Shan [Informations complémentaires sur la peste dans le Tien Shan central]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 9-10 (Rousskie), 115-116 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 9-10 (Russian), 115-116 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айкимбаев А.М. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Агеев В.С. (Ageev V.S.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1997. Дополнительные сведения о чуме в централъном Тянъ-шане. Сурки голарктикикак фактор биоразнобразия, 9-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
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Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Казакбаева Р.А. (Kazakbaeva R.A.) & Ибраимов Е.С (Ibraimov E.S.) 1980. [Sensibilité des différents groupes sanguins de la marmotte grise au microbe de la peste. Sensitivity of grey marmot with different blood group to plague microbe]. Proc. IV soviet-Mongol. Sci. Conf. of Antiplague institution, Irkoustk, 2: 77-78].
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, sang, blood.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Литвал Я.И. (Litval Ya.I.), Сшварц А.В. (Chvarts, Schwartz A.V.), Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) et al. 1991. [Instruction sur la surveillance épidémiologique des foyers de peste de montagnes du Tien Chan et d'Alaï. Instruction on epidemiological supervision in mountains plague foci in the Tien Shan and Alai ]. Alma-Ata, 124pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Alaï.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1994. Utilisation d'un test de sensibilité des marmottes pour la surveillance épidémiologique des foyers de peste naturels. Use of a test of marmot sensitivity to plague for epidimiological supervision in natural plague foci. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 18-19.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Quatre groupes sanguins ont été mis en évidence dans la population de Marmota baibacina du Tien Chan Central (Korneev et al. 1971). La sensibilité des marmottes des différents groupes sanguins aux microbes de la peste varie de 9x102 cellules microbiennes (phénotype IV), 8,3x105 (phénotypes I et II) à 5,3x108 (phénotype II) (Aikimbaev et al. 1980, 1981). L'analyse de la distribution spatiale des marmottes dans le Tien Shan Central montre que des épizooties locales de peste se manifestent, dans la première place, dans les territoires où les marmottes partagent 51% de groupes sanguins IV (Aikimbaev et al. 1981). La distribution spatiale en mosaïque des différents phénotypes de marmottes dans l'espace est due à des facteurs génétiques et écologiques et fournit une clé pour comprendre le phénomène des manifestations épizootiques en micro-foyers des foyers naturels de cette maladie. Le test de sensibilité des marmottes aux microbes de la peste pourrait être utilisé dans un système de surveillance épidémiologique comme signe indiqué pour la prognose d'épizootie intensive lorsque le risque d'infection à partir des marmottes augmente.
Four groups of blood were found in population Marmota baibacina in Central Tien Shan (Korneev et al., 1971). The sensitivity of marmots with different blood groups to plague microbe were fluctuated from 9x102 (IV phenotype), 8.3x105 (I and III phenotypes) to 5.3x108 (II phenotype) of microbe cells (Aikimbaev et al., 1980, 1981). The analysis of spatial distribution of marmots with different phenotypes in Aksai population of marmots in Central Tien Shan showed that local epizootics of plague were manifested, in the first place, on the territories where the share of marmots with IV-th of blood group was 51% (Aikimbaev et al., 1981). Mosaic spatial distribution of different phenotypes of marmot on territory was due by genetic and ecological factors and give a key to understanding the phenomena of microfocus manifestation epizootics of natural foci of this infection. The test of sensitivity marmots to plague microbes may be use in a system of epidemiological supervision as indicated sign for prognosis of intensive epizootic when increasing the risk of infection from marmots.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.) & Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.) 1996. Test de sensibilité à la peste des marmottes et surveillance épidémiologique des foyers de peste naturels. Use of a test of marmot sensitivity to plague for epidemiological supervision in natural plague foci. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes / Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & L. Le Guelte eds., 95-96.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, peste, plague, sang, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
La sensibilité des marmottes au microbe de la peste fluctue, suivant 4 groupes sanguins mis en évidence dans les populations de M. baibacina du Tien Shan Central. La distribution de ces phénotypes révèle que les épizooties se manifestent surtout lorsque la proportion du phénotype 4 est de 51%. Leur répartition en mosaïque est due à des facteurs génétiques et écologiques. Elle permet de comprendre la répartition en microfoyers de cette maladie. Le test de sensibilité au microbe de la peste pourrait permettre de prévoir une forte épizootie lorsque les marmottes présentent un risque élevé d'infection.
The sensitivity of marmots to plague microbe fluctuated with the 4 blood groups found in population of M. baibacina in Central Tian Shan. Spatial distribution of these marmot phenotypes showed that local epizooties of plague mostly appeared where 51% of IV-th blood group was present. Their mosaic spatial distribution was the result of genetic and ecological factors and allow to understand the microfocus manifestation of this infection. The test of marmot sensitivity to plague may be use in a system of epidemiological supervision as a prognosis sign of intensive epizooty when the risk of infection from marmots is high.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Поле С.В. (Pole S.B.), Казакбаева О.А. (Kazakbaeva O.A.) & Ибрагимов З.С. (Ibragimov Z.S.) 1981. Tchuvstvitelinosti serykh surkov s razlitchnymi gruppami krovi k zarajeniiu vobuditelem tchumy [Sensibilité de la marmotte grise suivant leur groupe sanguin à la contagion par la peste]. Epidemiologia i profilaktika prirodno-otcharovykh infektsii, Saratov, 78-81.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, sang, blood.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.), Рощин В.В. (Rochtchin, Roshchin V.V.) & Сквортсова С.С. (Skvortsova S.S.) 1967. [Transmission expérimentale de la tularémie par les acariens Dermacentor marginatus aux marmottes grises. The transmission of tulameic microbe by ticks Dermacentor marginatus to grey marmots in experiment]. Mat. of Vth Scient. Conf. of Antipl. Inst. of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata: 342-343.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, mites, Marmota baibacina, maladie, desease.

Айкимбаев А.И. (Aïkimbaev A.M.) & Темиралиюва Г.А. (Temiraliïeva, Temiraliyeva G.A.) 1994. Cortisone in diagnosis and treatment of plague [La cortisone dans le diagnostic et le traitement de la peste]. Almaty, 101pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

Aimar Antonella 1992. Analisi morfometrica di marmotte pleistoceniche. A morphometric analysis of pleistocene marmots [Analyse morphom étrique des marmottes du Pl éistoc ène]. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota , Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi , Macchi , eds., Torino, 179-184.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, chasse, hunting, Savona, Italie.
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The study shows that the sample represents a homo-geneous population for morphometric characters. This population is morphologically and morphometrically comparable with other pleistocene marmots. The presence of an additional tubercule on upper teeth is described also in remains from Nestier and Lazaret Cave. According to Chaline, it characterizes Riss marmots. The enamel analysis shows the typical organization of Sciuromorpha which is comparable with that of Marmota marmota. The frequency of skeletal elements were representative of the entire skeleton, and some skeletal elements were discovered in anatomical connection. These last observations as well as the absence of tool marks suggest that these marmots were not hunted by humans. They probably died during hibernation in burrows and were buried by the sediment.

Aimar A., Alciati Giancarlo, Broglio Alberto, Castelleti Lanfredo, Cattani Laura, D'Amico Claudio, Giacobini Giacomo, Maspero Alfio & Peresani Marco 1994. Les abris Villabruna dans la vallée du Cismon [The Villabruna rockshelters in the Cismon Valley]. Preistoria Alpina, Museo Tridentino di Scienze, 28 : 227-254.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Würm Tardiglacial, Upper paleolithic, Recent Epigravettian, Veneto Alps.

Aimar A. & Giacobini G. 1995. Analisi dei resti faunistici del deposito epigravettiano dei Ripari Villabruna (Val Rosna, Belluno) [Analyse des restes faunistiques du dépôt épigravettien de Ripari Villabruna. Analysis of faunistic remains in the epigravettian laying of Ripari Villabruna]. Atti Primo Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia (Rovigo, 1993), Padusa Quaderni, 1: 125-134.
En italien, in Italian.
Paléontologie, Paleontology, Italie, Italy.

Airaghi C. 1922. Elenco dei mammiferi fossili delle grotte lombarde [Liste des mammifères fossiles des grottes lombardes. List of fossil mammals in the Lombard caves]. Atti Soc. It. Sc. Nat. Milano, 66 :(1-2) : 142-154.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Varese, Italie, Italy.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1943. Ekologia altajsko-tienshanskogo sourka v usloviakh Kirgizii [Ecologie des marmottes altaïques en Kirghizie. Ecology of altaic marmot in Kirghizia]. Trudi Kirgiz. filiala AN SSSR, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Kirghizie.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1950. Ekologia tienshanskogo sourka M. baibacina centralis Thos., 1909 [Ecologie de la marmotte baibacina. Marmota baibacina ecology]. Avtoref. Kand. Diss. Frunze.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, Russie, Russia, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1954. Razmnojenie, rost i vozrastnoï sostav popouliatsii tienshanskogo sourka [Reproduction, croissance et classes d' âge des populations de marmotte du Tien Chan. Reproduction, growth and age classes of populations of mparmots of the Tienshan]. Tr. In-ta Zool. i Parazitol. Kirgiz. Filiala AN SSSR, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, dynamique population, population dynamics, reproduction, croissance, growth, population, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1959. Sezonnyi obzor zhijni i sutotchnaia aktivnostitianishanskogo surka [Revue de l'activit é saisonnière et journalière de la marmotte du Tien Chan. Daily and seasonal activity of the marmot of Tien Shan]. Tr. In-ta Zool. i Parazitol. Kirgiz. Filiala AN SSSR, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, éthologie, ethology, saison, season, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1961. [Quelques résultats des mesures de prévention de la peste au Tien Chan central. Some results of a plague-prevention mesures in Central Tien Shan]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1983a. Sovremennoe sostoyanie sourkov v Kirgizii. In Okhrana, ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i ekologiya sourkov, Bibikov D.I. & Zimina R.P. eds., Moskva, 9-12.
En russe, in Russian.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) 1983b. Rasprostranenie i tchislennosty surka Menzbira v Kirgizii. [Propagation et effectif de la marmotte de Menzbieri en Kirghizie. Number and spreading of Menzbier's marmot in Kirghizia]. Redk. vidy Mlekopitaiushkh SSSR ikh okhrana, Mater. 3Vses. Sovesh. M., 54-55.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, biogéographie, dénombrement, counting, population, Kirghizie.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) & Белобородова З.С. (Beloborodova Z.S.) 1961. K voprosu o znatchenii surotchej nory v epizootologii tchumy v Sredneaziatskom gornom otchage [Sur la question de la signification des terriers de marmotte sur l' épizootie de peste dans un foyer des montagnes de l'Asie Centrale]. Tr. Sredneaz. Protivo-tchumn. in-ta, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, terrier, burrow, Asie.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.), Белобородова З.С. (Beloborodova Z.S.) & A.A. Borovinskaya et al. 1961. Protivozpizootiïnaya effektivnosty rabot po istrebleniyu sourkov v Tyan-Chane. Troudy Sredneaz. protivotchoumn. in-ta, 7. Tien Shan.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, éradication, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.), Белобородова Е.С. (Beloborodova E.S.), Рапопорт Л.П. (Rapoport L.P.), Берендяав С.А. (Berendïaev, Berendyaev S.A.), Джаилоев А.Д. (Djailoev, Dzhailoev A.D.) 1961. Efficiency of once-only extermination of gray marmots and their ectoparasites on a large territory [Efficacité d'une extermination des marmottes grises et de leurs ectoparasites sur un grand territoire. Effectiveness of the extermination of grey marmots and their ectoparasites on a large territory]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta. Alma-Ata - Frunze, 7: 134-143.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, parasitisme, parasitism, extermination.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.), Донцанко М.П. (Dontchenko, Donchenko M.P.), Поляков В.К. (Polïakov, Polyakov V.K.), Белобородова З.С. (Beloborodova Z.S.), Кудрявтсева К.П. (Koudrïavtseva, Kudryavtseva K.P.), Тииохин К.Е. (Timokhin K.E.), Стетсенко З.Д. (Stetsenko Z.D.), & Горфинкелв Г.А. (Gorfinkelv G.A.) 1960. Epizootologitcheskaia effektivnosty rabot po istrebleniiu surkov v Tien-Shane [Efficacité de l'épizootie pour l'extermination des marmottes du Tienchan. Epizooty effectiveness on extermination of Tien Shan's marmots]. Sb. Prirodnaia otchagovosty i epidemiologia osobo-opasnykh infekstionnykh zabolevanii, Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, population, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Айзин Б.М. (Aïzin B.M.) & классовский Л.Н. (Klassovskiï L.N.) 1952. O sloutchae spontannoï zapajennosti tchoumoï barsouka [Cas de contamination spontanée de peste chez le blaireau. A case of spontaneous contamination to plague in the badger].Tr. Sredneaz. nautch.-issled. protivotchounogo in-ta, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Mustelidés.

Ajasson de Grandsagne, Jean Baptiste François Étienne 1829. Histoire naturelle de Pline [Natural history of Plinus]. Vol. 6, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, hermine, ermine, Mustela erminea, martre, marten, Martes martes.

Ajello L. 1974. Natural history of the dermatophytes and related fungi [Histoire naturelle des dermatophytes et des champignons associés]. Mycipath. et Mycol., 53 : 93-110.
En anglais, in English.

Акбаров А. (Akbarov A.) A. 1965. [Nature des montagnes. Nature of the Mountains]. Tashkent, Fan Publishers, 29-31.
En russe, in Russian.
Montagnes, mountains.

Aki Becker Michelle, Aki Becker Michelle & Chichera Dominique 2007. The Journee of the Marmotte (La Journee de la Marmotte) [Groundhog day]. Scholastic Canada, Limited.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Акиев А.К. (Akiev A.K.), Йемелянов П.Е. (Yemelïanov, Yemelyanov P.E.) & Лабунец Н.Ф. (Labounets, Labunets N.F.) 1976. European suslik as a possible carrier of plague in natural foci in eastern Europe. Le souslik européen comme porteur de la pestye dans les foyers de peste d'Europe orientale. J. Hyg. Epidemiol. Microbiol. Immunol., 20(1): 82-90.
En anglais, in English.
It is possible that the outbreaks of plague observed in Roumania and Bulgaria in the 19th century were of local origin because marmots and susliks--known as the main carriers of plague in nature--were widely spread on the territory of these countries. In the subsequent years, marmots died out in consequence of the economic activity of man and the habitats of susliks became sporadic and occurred in small foci. However, data obtained in the last few decades point out the possibility of long-term preservation of plague infection in the populations of rodents occupying small areas of land. The presence of the European suslik in the countries of Eastern Europe and the fleas parasitizing on the rodent, capable of transferring plague infection, permit the authors to raise the question of a possible occurrence of natural foci of plague in Roumania and Bulgaria. Data are given demonstrating the suitability of an extensive epidemiological reconnaissance in these countries.

Аксаков С.Т. (Aksakov S.T.) 1953. Zapiski poujeïnogo okhotnika Orenbourskoï goubernii [Notes sur les chasseurs d'Orenbourg. Notes on the hunters of Orenburg.] M., Geografgiz.
En russe, in Russian.
Chasse, hunting, marmottes, marmots, Orenbourg, Russie, Russia.

Al-kahtani Mohammed A., Zuleta Carlos, Caviedes-Vidal Enrique & Garland Theodore Jr. 2004. Kidney Mass and Relative Medullary Thickness of Rodents in Relation to Habitat, Body Size, and Phylogeny [Masse des reins et épaisseur médullaire relative des rongeurs en relation à l’habitat, la taille corporelle et la phylogénie]. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 77 : 346-365.
En anglais, in English.
Biométrie, biometry, rein, kidney, rongeurs, rodents, aridité, aridity.
We tested the hypotheses that relative medullary thickness (RMT) and kidney mass are positively related to habitat aridity in rodents, after controlling for correlations with body mass. Body mass, mass-corrected kidney mass, mass-corrected RMT, mass-corrected maximum urine concentration, and habitat (scored on a semiquantitative scale of 14 to indicate increasing aridity) all showed statistically significant phylogenetic signal. Body mass varied significantly among habitats, with the main difference being that aquatic species are larger than those from other habitats. Mass-corrected RMT and urine concentration showed a significant positive correlation (N=38; conventional r=0.649, phylogenetically independent contrasts [IC] r=0.685), thus validating RMT as a comparative index of urine concentrating ability. RMT scaled with body mass to an exponent significantly less than 0 (N=141 species; conventional allometric slope=-0.145 [95% confidence interval (CI)=-0.172, -0.117], IC allometric slope=-0.132 [95% CI=-0.180, -0.083]). Kidney mass scaled to an exponent significantly less than unity (N=104 species; conventional slope=0.809 [95% CI=0.751, 0.868], IC slope=0.773 [95% CI=0.676, 0.871]). Both conventional and phylogenetic analysis indicated that RMT varied among habitats, with rodents from arid areas having the largest values of RMT. A phylogenetic analysis indicated that mass-corrected kidney mass was positively related to habitat aridity.

Al-Suwaidi, M., Ward B.C., Wilson M.C., Enkin R.J. , Nagorsen D.W. & Wigen R.J. Port Eliza Cave: The sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeontology of cave deposits and their implications for a human coastal migration route. [La grotte de Port Eliza : implications sédimentologique, stratigraphique et paléontologique pour les routes cotières de migration humaine]. In Early Humans and the evolving northeastern pacific margin, Geological Association of Canada Annual Conference.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
The timing of late Pleistocene glacial advance, retreat, relative sea level and environmental viability between 25 and 12.5 ka (14C yrs BP) remain a key issue in the feasibility of a coastal migration route for the first North Americans. Here we present stratigraphic, radiometric and faunal data for Port Eliza cave, a raised sea cave, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A 2.5 m deep excavation near the back of the cave revealed three units: (1) > 50 cm of relatively massive, silty-sandy diamicton that contains bones, striated clasts and small fragments of dripstone; (2) 2 m of laminated clay; and (3) 20 to 30 cm of oxidized, weakly laminated to massive silts and clays containing dripstone fragments, rare bones and charcoal, capped by stalagmites. The genesis of unit 1 is problematic; however, the unit likely represents the surface of the cave floor into which bones became incorporated over time by resedimentation and bioturbation. Unit 2 represents deposition by suspension settling in a subglacial lake, indicating ice cover during the LGM. Unit 3 is interpreted as early postglacial and Holocene accumulation of resedimented fines (from unit 2) in standing water in topographic lows. Unit 1 has yielded 4 radiocarbon dates from single bone fragments of known species ranging from 18.0-16.3 ka. These dates show that ice cover on the outer coast was brief, from ca. 15.5-14 ka. A diverse vertebrate fauna of marmot, vole, marten, cervid and various species of birds and fish indicates a partially treed landscape with the sea near its present level. The fact that relative sea level was close to the cave at a time when eustatic lowering would otherwise have placed the shoreline ~ 15 km away, implies significant isostatic depression. The terrestrial vertebrate fauna is consistent with a cool, open parkland environment with maximum summer temperatures cooler than present. Although most fossils represent small mammals, the presence of at least one cervid confirms viability for ungulates, a significant source of food for humans. The marine fauna also indicate the proximity of a rich marine environment and suggest that salmon runs, affording an abundant seasonal source of protein, likely existed prior to the LGM. The existence of this diverse vertebrate fauna as late as 16 ka demonstrates both marine and terrestrial resources available to support humans, confirming the viability of the coastal migration hypothesis for this portion of the route.

Al-Suwaidi M., Ward B.C., Wilson M.C., Nagorsen D.W., Enkin R.J., Wigen R.J. & Hebda R.J. 2003. A multi-proxy study of Port Eliza Cave and the implications for a human coastal migration route [Une étude multidimensionnelle de la grotte de Port Eliza et les implications concernant les routes cotières de migration humaines]. Geoscience Horizons, 2003 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting & Exposition. November 2-5, 2003. Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle, Washington.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
Port Eliza cave is a wave-cut cave 85m a.s.l. on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This cave provides direct information on both the timing and extent of ice cover and the associated paleoenvironmental conditions, both of which are essential to the evaluation of the coastal migration hypothesis. A multi-proxy study using sedimentology, palynology, palaeontology and geochronology indicates that a diverse fauna and favourable climate existed until at least 16 ka, prior to ice cover during the Late Wisconsinan. This demonstrates that human migration along the coast of Vancouver Island was possible. Three units were identified and interpreted to represent deposition before, during and after glaciation. Unit 1 is a diamicton and represents the palaeo-floor of the cave containing abundant bone material, clasts of varying lithology, size and shape, and fragments of dripstone. The genesis of Unit 1 is characterised by textural as well as SEM analysis. Carbon-14 ages of 18.0-16.3 ka from bones constrain ice-free conditions on the outer coast. Uranium series dating of dripstone fragments may further refine the duration of this ice-free period. Unit 2 comprises laminated silts and clays and was deposited in a glaciolacustrine environment formed when the cave mouth was blocked by ice, sometime after 16 ka. The presence of strong remnant magnetisation supports deposition from suspension settling and also allows tentative correlation with other Late Wisconsinan deposits. The glacial origin and clay minerology of these rhythmites will be analysed through thin section, XRD, and SEM analysis. Unit 3 is a post glacial deposit consisting of oxidised clay containing dripstone and charcoal fragments, and the remains of a mountain goat that yielded a Carbon-14 age of 12.3 ka. The interstadial environment was reconstructed from Unit 1. A diverse fauna of marmot, vole, marten, cervid and various species of birds and fish, indicate a relatively productive environment. Pollen data and terrestrial fauna are consistent with an open parkland environment with maximum summer temperatures cooler than present. These conditions lasted until at least 16 ka, indicating that prior to Late Wisconsinan glaciation, humans could have survived in the Port Eliza area on a mixed marine-terrestrial diet.

Al-Suwaidi M., Ward B.C., Wilson M.C., Hebda R.J., Nagorsen D.W., Marshall D., Ghaleb B., Wigen R.J. & Enkin R.J. 2006. Late Wisconsinan Port Eliza Cave deposits and their implications for human coastal migration, Vancouver Island, Canada [Les fossiles du Wisconsien tardif à Port Eliza Cave et leurs implications pour la migration humaine côtière, Île de Vancouver, Canada]. Geoarchaeology, 21(4): 307-332.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, île de Vancouver, Vancouver island.
Sediments of Port Eliza Cave provide a record of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) on Vancouver Island that has important implications for human migration along the debated coastal migration route. Lithofacies changes from nonglacial diamict to glacial laminated silt and clay and till, then a return to nonglacial conditions with oxidized clay, colluvial block beds, and speleothems, along with radiocarbon and U/Th dates, define glacial-nonglacial transitions. Scanning electron microscope studies and clay mineralogy confirm that the laminated fines represent glaciation. Preglacial faunal evidence shows a diverse range from small species, including birds, fish, vole, and marmot, to larger species, such as mountain goat. Pollen data from the same unit show a cold, dry tundra environment with sparse trees. Deglaciation occurred prior to an age of 12.3 ka B.P. based on dated mountain goat bone. These data support the viability of the coastal migration route for humans prior to 16 ka B.P. and then as early as 13 ka B.P.

Аланиа И.И. (Alania I.I.), Ростигаев Б.А. (Rostigaev B.A.), Ширанович П.И. (Chiranovitch, Shiranovich P.I.) & Дзнеладзе М.Т. (Dzneladze M.T.) 1964. Data on the flea fauna of Adzharia [Données sur les puces d'Adjarie]. Proc. Armenian Anti-Plague Station, 3: 407-435.
En russe, in Russian.
Puce, Flea, parasitisme, parasitism, Adjarie, Adzharia, Géorgie, Georgia.

Alaska Geographic Society 1996. Mammals of Alaska: a comprehensive guide [Les mammifères de l’Alaska : guide détaillé]. The publishers of Alaska Geographic. 176 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota broweri, Alaska, EUA, USA.

Alaska Native Land Claims Part II, "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress First Session on H.R. 13142, H.R. 10193, and H.R. 14212, Bills to Provide for the Settlement of Certain Land Claims of Alaska Natives, and for Other Purposes. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.
En anglais, in English.
Siksikpuk, marmotte, marmot, amerindiens, amerindians, Alaska.
fichier/file ou Extrait pdf extract

Albert le Grand 1495. De animalibus. Venise, Joannem & Gregorius de Gregorii], 254 f. Num. BNF.
En latin, in Latin.
Extrait pdf extract.
Zoologie, zoology, Mus.

Albert T.F. 1981. Massive infection of tapeworm larvae (Taenia crassiceps) in woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Infestation massive de la marmotte commune d'Amérique (M. monax) par des larves de ténia]. Worldwide furbearer Conference Proc., Frostburg, Maryland, II: 670-677.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, parasitologie, parasitology.

Albert F., Ingling A.L. & Sexton J.N. 1976. Permanent outdoor housing for woodchucks, Marmota monax [Cages d'élevage extérieur permanentes pour les marmottes communes d'Amérique]. Lab. Animal Sci., 26 : 415-418.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, méthodologie, methodolgy.

Permanent outdoor housing for woodchucks (Marmota monax) was constructed from chain link fencing sections on a concrete base. Metal poultry nest boxes were attached to 1 side of the cage. Each enclosure accommodated up to 10 woodchucks and provided adequate shelter and exercise space. This housing system was inexpensive to construct and efficient to service.

Albert T.F. & J.A. Panuska 1971. Evidence for extensive blood shunting in hibernating and non-hibernating woodchucks (Marmota monax) during artificially induced hypothermia. Physiol., 14 : 100.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, sang, blood.

Albert T.F. & J.A. Panuska 1978. Regional heterothermy and cardiovascular responses during induced hypothermia in non-hibernated and hibernated woodchucks, Marmota monax [Hétérothermie régionale et réponses cardiovasculaires durant l'hypothermie induite chez des marmottes communes d'Amérique no-hibernantes et hibernantes]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., A, 60 (1) : 1-6.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation ; thermorégulation, coeur, heart, Maryland, EUA, USA.
L'hypothermie provoquée entraîne une diminution plus prononcée de la pression sanguine, de la température carotidienne au moment de l'arrât cardiaque, une hétérothermie régionale et une résistance au froid plus prononc ée chez les animaux au sortir de l'hibernation.
1. Immediately prior hibernation enhanced the physio-logical performance of woodchucks. Marmota monax, during induced hypothermia as compared to non-hibernated woodchucks (NH). 2. Carotid systolic blood pressure was lower in hibernated woodchucks (H) than in NH down to a carotid temperature of 13° C. 3. Carotid temperature at cardiac arrest was lower in H (3,4 °C) than in NH (7,3°C). 4. Regional heterothermy was more pronounced in H with the maximal differential between carotid and colon being 7,8°C in H and 1,5°C in NH. 5. Resistance to cooling was greater in H with a cooling rate (min/kg per C) of 10,5 for H and 4,3 for NH over a carotid temperature range of 30-10°C.

Albert T.F. & J.A. Panuska 1979. Postural variation in hibernating woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Variations posturales chez les marmottes communes d'Amérique hibernantes]. Am. Midl. Nat., 101(1): 223-225.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, hibernation.

Albert T. & J.A. Panuska 1980. Comparison of complete and and incomplete arousals from hibernation in a woodchuck Marmota monax [Comparaison des éveils complets et incomplets au cours de l'hibernation chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Worlwide Furbearer Cont. Forstburg, August, 1980, Proc. Vol., 1, S. I; 1981, 316-324.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Albert T.F., Schueler R.L., Panuska J.A. & A.L. Ingling 1972. Tapeworm larvae (Taenia crassiceps) in woodchucks [Les larves de ténia (Taenia crassiceps) chez les marmottes commune d'Amérique]. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 161(6): 648-651.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology.

Albini G. 1901. Le mouvement peut-il empêcher ou retarder le commencement de la léthargie chez la marmotte [Can movement prevent or delay the beginning of lethargy in the marmot]. Archives italiennes de biologie, 35 : 294-295.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, Italie, Italy.

Albrecht W.A. 1945. Discrimination in food selection by animals [Discrimination de la sélection de la nourriture par les animaux]. Sci. Monthly, 60: 347-352.
En anglais, in English.
Alimentation, feeding, botanique, botany.

Alciati G., Cattani L., Fontana F., Gerharddinger E., Guerreschii A., Millichen S., Mozzi P. & Rowley-convey P. 1994. Mondeval de Sora: a high altitude Mesolithic campsite in the italian Dolomites [Mondeval de Sora : un campement mésolithique de haute altitude des Dolomites italiennes]. Preistoria Alpina, 28: 351-366.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, chasse, hunting, Dolomites, Italie, Italy.

Alcorn J.R. 1947, 1948. Alaska Highway field notes [Notes de terrain des autoroutes d’Alaska]. Mammalogy Division, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas.

En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Alaska.

Aldezabal A. & R. Garcia-Gonzalez 1992. Clave para la determinacion de las graminoides mas abundantes de los pastos supraforestales del Pirineo Occidental a partir de sus epidermis foliares [Clef de détermination des graminoides les plus abondantes des prairies supraforestières des Pyrénées occidentales à partir des épidermes foliaires]. Act. XXXII Reu. Cientif. SEEP, Pamplona, 37-44.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Graminoides, herbs, épiderme, epiderm, Clef de détermination, identification key, Pyrénées Occidentales, Western Pyrenees. A menudo, en estudios de ecologia pratense, se requiere la determinación de las especies vegetales a partir de fragmentos foliares o de ejemplares carentes de los órganos necesarios para su clasificaió (flores). Las epidermis foliares pueden consituir un buen medio para este fin. En este trabajo se ha elaborado una clave para la determinación de 58 especies de graminoides muy frecuentes de los pastos y prados del Pirineo Occidental.
Grassland ecology studies often require the recognition of plant species from leaf fragments or individuals without the necessary characters for taxonomic identification (i.e, flowers). Leaf epidermis can help to this goal. ln this paper we have elaborated a key for the taxonomic determination of 58 graminoid species abounding in grasslands and meadows of the Western Pyrenees.

Aldezabal A. & Herrero J. 1996. Marmota Alpetarraren (Marmota marmota L., 1758). Elikadur Hautespena Euskal Herriko Pirinoetan, Internal report of Eusko Ikaskuntza.
En basque, in Basque.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Aldezabal A., Herrero J., García-Serrano A., Remón J.L. & Garin, I. 1998. Marmota alpetarraren elikadur hautespena Euskal Herriko Pirinioetan [Selección del alimento por la marmota alpina en los Pirineos Vascos. Sélection des aliments par la marmotte alpine dans les Pyrénées basques. Food selection in Alpine marmot of the Basque’s Pyrenees]. Naturzale, 13: 155-196.
En basque, in Basque.
Marmota marmota, affouragement, foraging, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Aldezabal A., Herrero J., Garin I., Garcia-Serrano A. & Remón J.L. 1992. Diet selection of the alpine marmot Marmota marmota marmota L., 1758 in the Pyrenees. [Sélection du régime alimentaire de la marmotte alpine Marmota marmota marmota L., 1758 dans les Pyrénées].
En anglais, in English.
In a preliminary study on foraging behaviour, diet composition and selection of the alpine marmot Marmota m. marmota L., two family groups inhabiting a colony in Western pyrenees were investigated from May to October in 1994 by two different techniques: the micrographic analysis of faeces nd direct observation. Food availability was measured monthly by point intercept method. The general composition of the diet was similar in the two familis but particular feeding behaviour could be associated with specific environmental features of each group's home range, mainly vegetation type. lpine marmots are a wide variety of grasses, forbs and seeds, but did not feed on all items in proportion to their abundance in the environment. Results from faecal analysis indicated a clear dominance of dicots in the diet, according to the trend described elsewhere. Fabaceae (Leguminosae), Asteraceae (Compositae), Liliaceae, Plantaginaceae and Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) were positively selected, and Lamiaceae (Labiatae) or Rubiaceae were rejected. However, selection for some plants families chabged seasonally. The ingestion of animal prey (Arthropoda) was confirmed in one of the family groups at the beginning of the active season. Direct observations of where marmots foraged and limited data from faecal analysis revealed that they chose actively floral parts (inflorescences) of plants on the basis of relative abundance and phenology. We conxluded that (1) marmots exhibited an activz selection on plant items which were irregularly distributed over its territory, and (2) the two techniques used in this study oefferd a complementary information abour diet composition. Thus, we siggest to apply them simultaneously in future researches on feeding habits of this species.
Marmota marmota, alimentation, diet, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Aldrovandi Ulisse. Opera Omet al.olumes Bononiae, J. B. Bellagamba (et al.).
En latin, in Latin.
Marmota marmota, Aldrovande Ulysse 1522-1605.
En ce qui concerne la Marmotte, Aldrovande n'est qu'un commentateur de Gessner. Appendice, Dubois, 1896a.

Алекиеров Х.М. (Alekierov Kh.M.) 1966. Mlekopitiushie Iugo-zapadnogo Azerbajdajana. [Mammifères du sud-ouest de l'Azerbaidjian. Mammals of South-West Azerbaijian]. Bakou : Izd-vo An Azour, pp. 148.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Azerbaidjian.

Алексеева Л.И. (Alekseeva L.I.) 1968. Die asiatischen Elemente in der Säugetierfauna des Ost-europaischen Anthropogens [Eléments asiatiques de la faune des mammifères de l'est européen anthropique]. Ber. Deutsch. Ges. Gel. Wiss. A. Geol. Paläont., 13 (3) : 299-303.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, Paléontologie, paleontology.

Алексеева Л.И. (Alekseeva L.I.) & Ломизе М.Г. (Lomize M.G.) 1960. O nakhodke pleïstotsenoboï faouny mlekopitayuchtchikh v verkhovyakh reki Beloï (Sev. Kavkaz)) [Découvertes de mammifères pléistocènes en amont de la rivière Beloï. Discovery of pleistocene mammals upstream of the river Beloï]. Izv. vysch. Outchebi. zavedeniï. Geolgiya i razvedka, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, pléistocène, Pleistocene, Caucase.

Alexeeva L.I. 1980. Peculiarities of mammals associations of the last interglacial at the Russian Plain [Particularités des associations de mammifères de la dernière période interglaciaire de la plaine Russe]. In Mlekopitaiushchie Vostochnoi Evropy [Mammals of Eastern Europe], Troudy Zoologicheskogo Institouta AN SSSR 93: 68-74.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, interglaciaire, interglacial, mammifères, mammals.

Alexander James Edward, Sir, 1849. L'Acadie, or, Seven years' explorations in British America. London, H. Colburn.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys Empetra, Wood chuck, Quebec marmot, Québec, New Brunswick, New England, descriptions et voyages, description and travel, Alexander James Edward Sir 1803-1885.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Alexander Stephen 1988. Fossil collecting in the Seymour Formation of North Texas [Fossiles récoltés dans la formation Seymour dans le nord du Texas]. Fossils, Q. 7 p. 17-23.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota arizonae, paléontologie, paleontology, Texas, EUA, USA.

Александрова Л.П. (Alexandrova L.P.) 1965. [Campagnols fossiles de l'Eopléistocène de la Moldavie méridionale et du sud ouest de l'Ukraine. Fossil Eopleistocene voles (Rodentia, Microtinae) of south