Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


Mise à jour le 05/10/07 Updated

Si vous avez connaissances de références bibliographiques absentes de cette liste, ayez l'amabilité de me les communiquer.
If you know bibliographic references unlisted here, please send them to me.

Babenychev V.P. 1959. Kratkiï otcherk istorii tchoumy v Mongolskoï Narodnoï Respoublike [Essai sur l'histoire de la peste en République populaire de Mongolie. Essay on plague history in the Mongolian People Republic]. Tr. Yubil. naoutch. konf. Azerb. protivotchoumn. stantsii, posyachtchennoï 40-letiyu Oktyabya, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, histoire, history, Mongolie.

Babudieri B. 1932. I sarcosporidi e le sarcosporidiosi [Les sarcosporidies et la sarcopsoridiose. Sarcosporidia and sarcosporidiosis]. Arch. Protistenkde., 76: 421-580.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.

Bačkor Š. 2000. Súčasná situácia svišťa vrchovského tatranského (Marmota marmota latirostris, Kratochvíl, 1961) v Malej Studenej doline v Tatranskom národnom parku. Seminárna práca, Zvolen, 39.
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Bächler Emil 1912. Das Wildkirchli, etc. Schriften des Vereins für Gesch. des Bodensees u. seiner Umgebung.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland, Alpes, Alps, Interglaciaire Wildkirchli (Riss-Würm).

Bächler E. 1921. Das Drachenloch ob Vättis im Taminatale. Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Natur-wissensch. Ges., 57(1).

En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland, Interglaciaire Drachenloch (Riss-Würm).

Bächler E. 1924. Wilden-mannlisloch. In E. Tatarinoff, Fünfzehnter Jahresbericht der Schweiz, Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 1923.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland, Alpes, Alps, Interglaciaire du Wildmannlissloh (Riss-Würm).

Bächler E. 1928a. Die ältesten Knochen-werkzeuge, insbesondere des alpinen Palaeolithicums [Les outils en os anciens, surtout du paléolithique alpin. Ancient bone-tools, especially from Alpine Paleolithic]. Jahresbericht der Schweiz, Ges. für Urgeschichte, XX.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland, Alpes, Alps.

Bächler E. 1928b. Die Eiszeit in den Alpen etc [Période glaciaire dans les Alpes. The Ice age in the Alps]. Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Naturwissensch. Ges., 65.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Bächler E. 1940. Das alpine Paläolithikum der Schweiz im wildkirchli, Drachenloch und Wildenmanlisloch. Monographien zur Ur- und Frügeschichte der Schweiz 2, Basel, 263 p.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Bachman G.C. 1993. The effect of body condition on the trade-off between vigilance and foraging in Belding's ground squirrels [L'effet de la condition corporelle sur la balance entre vigilance et affouragement chez les spermophiles de Belding]. Anim. Behav., 46: 233-244.
En anglais, in English.
Citellus beldingi, Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, vigilance, alimentation, foraging.
A field experiment was performed to examine the effect of a change in energy reserves on the trade-off between foraging and predator vigilance. Free-living juvenile female Belding's ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi, were observed in a three-step experiment. First, a squirrel's behavioural response to a tape-recorded conspecific alarm call was observed (playback 1). Then, over a 6-day period, either ad libitum foraging was supplemented with an energy-rich food (peanut butter mixture), of foraging opportunities were restricted for a few hours every day, during which an energy-poor food (lettuce) was available. These two treatments resulted in weight gain (supplemented group) or moderate weight loss (deprived group), respectively. Finally, a squirrel's response to a second alarm call was observed (play-back 2). During playback 2, deprived individuals were less vigilant and foraged more than supplemented individuals. At playback 2, vigilance was positively related and foraging was negatively related both to a measure of body condition and to the mass change during treatment. Body condition and mass change during the previous week were not independent, making it difficult to determine which had a greater impact on foraging activity. However, in the week after playback 2, when all squirrels were foragiing freely, the deprived group showed a greater rate of mass gain than the supplemented group. These results suggest that (1) the foraging versus vigilance decisionis affected by body mass deviations from a set-point, and (2) a moderate reduction in energy stores can influence the trade-off between foraging and vigilance even though there is no short-term threat of energitic shortfall.

Bachofen-Echt Adolf 1922. Die Baue der eiszeitlichen Murmeltiere (Arctomys primigenius Kaup) in der Drachenhöhle bei Mixnitz in Steiermark. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Vienna, 59: 217-218.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota primigenius, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bachoffen-Echt v A. 1931. Die Baue des Arctomys primigenius [Le terrier d'Arctomys primigenius. The burrow of Arctomys primigenius]. Speläologische Monographien, 7-8, 9: 763-768, Wien.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota primigenia, Arctomys primigenius, terrier, burrow, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bachofen-Echt von R. & Hoffer W. 1930. Jagdstatisk und Geschichte des steirischen Wildes [Etat de la chasse et histoire des gibiers fossiles. Hunting status and history of fossil game]. Jagdgeschichte Steiermarks 3, Leykam Verlag, Graz.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota bobac, Marmota marmota, terrier, burrow, paléontologie , paleontology.

De la forme des terriers observés dans la caverne de Mixnitz, il a cru pouvoir conclure à la présence de Bobac. Mais M. Wettstein estime que par ses caract´ristiques morphologiques, la marmotte de cette station est un Arctomys marmota. (Dubois et Stehlin).

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1991. K rasprostrabebbyu i ekologii tchernoshapotchnogo sourka v severnom pribaïkal'e [Sur la distribution et l'écologie de la marmotte du Kamtschatka dans le nord du Transbaïkal. On the distribution and ecology of the kamchatka marmot in the North Cis-Baikal Region]. In Biologiya, ekologiya, okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie sourkov [Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots], Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 10-13.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, biogéographie, écologie, ecology, Baïkal, Sibérie, Siberia, Russie, Russia.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1994. Les traditions religieuses des nations de Transbaïkalie et la protection des marmottes. The religious traditions of the Transbaikalian nations in the marmots protection. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 24-25.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota sibirica, Marmota camtschatica, éthnobiologie, ethnobiology, Transbaïkalie.

Les Bouriates et les Evenks se sont constitués en nations pendant les processus de peuplement de la Transbaïkalie. La pénétration russe dans ces territoires prit place au 17ème siècle. Les Bouriates sont un peuple d'éleveurs de bétail, cantonné aux zones méridionale et centrale de Transbaïkalie. Au contraire, les Evenks sont chasseurs et éleveurs de rennes et vivent dans les zones septentrionales de taïga de cette région. Ainsi, sont répartis les intérêts vitaux de ces deux nations. Ces nations montrent quelques schémas comportementaux particuliers en relation avec leur activité de chasse. C'est dans cette approche que je voudrai préciser leur attitude vis-à-vis des marmottes. Il y a deux espèces de marmottes en Transbaïkalie : Marmota sibirica dans les zones de steppe du centre et du sud, et M. camtschatica doppelmayeri dans les zones alpines des confins montagneux de cette région. Ces espèces de marmottes présentent une caractérisation écologique. M. sibirica était une nourriture d'été accessible aux Bouriates éleveurs de bétail pendant une longue période. Le cycle de vie annuel des Evenks comprenait du temps pour chasser M. camtschatica dont l'habitat relevait de la zone des terres qu'ils utilisaient. Les idées religieuses traditionnelles des nations transbaïkales qui nous ont été transmises mentionnent la vénération des esprits, maîtres de certaines localités. Il existe des systèmes de banissement (proscription, tabou) dans de telles localités. Par exemple, il y a proscription pour déplacer une pierre, abattre un arbre, tuer un animal. Il y a de nombreux exemples de la réalité de ces systèmes de proscription à l'heure actuelle. La montagne Khan-Oula proscrite dans le sud-ouest de la Transbaïkalie est abandonnée aux marmottes. Il est interdit aux gens d'y chasser les marmottes. Les localités à marmottes isolées qui subsistent dans les zones centrales de Tranbaïkalie (Monts Shalsana) doivent leur existence à de tels interdits. Chez les Evenks, il existe des traditions similaires qui constituent un facteur dissuasif de surchasse des marmottes et qui peuvent être utilisée pour la préservation des marmottes.
There are two species of marmots, with ecological differentiation, in Transbaikalia -Marmota sibirica, southern and central steppe areas and M. camtschatica doppelmayeri, alpine areas of the northern mountains. M. sibirica was an accessible summer food for cattle-breeding Buryats over the long period of time. The Evenk annual life cycle included time for hunting for M. camtschatica whose habitats entered in the sphere of their used lands. The traditional religious ideas in the transbaikalian nations were related with the reverence of the spirits-the masters of some localities. There are some systems of bans in such localities and many examples of these ban systems effectiveness at the present time. The banned Khan-Ula mountain in the south-western Transbaikalia is abandoned by the marmots. People are prohibited to hunt marmots there. The isolated marmot localities preserved in the central areas of Transbaikalia exist due such bans. There are similar traditions among the Evenks that represent the deterrent factor of marmots over hunting and that may be used in marmots protection.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1996a. Traditions religieuses et protection des marmottes en Transbaïkalie. The religious traditions of the Transbaikalian nations in marmot protection. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes / Biodiversity in Marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & L. Le Guelte eds., 63-64.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota sibirica, Marmota camtschatica doppelmayeri, éthnobiologie, ethnobiology, Transbaïkalie

Deux espèces de marmottes sont présentes en Transbaïkalie, Marmota sibirica (steppes du sud et du centre) et M. camtschatica doppelmayeri (zones alpines du nord). La première rétait une source de nourriture d'rétré pour les Bouriates et la seconde pour les Evenks. Ces nations rrévréraient des esprits, maîtres de certains lieux où des tabous, toujours respectrés, interdisaient la chasse à la marmotte. Ils ont prréservré l'existence de populations isolrées de marmottes dans le centre de la Transbaïkalie. Ces traditions exercent une dissuasion de la chasse aux marmottes et peuvent être utilisrées dans le cadre de leur protection.
There are two species of marmots in Transbaikalia, Marmota sibirica, southern and central steppe areas and M. camtschatica doppelmayeri, northern alpine areas. The first one was an accessible summer food for Buryat and the second one for Evenk peoples. These nations revered the spirits, masters of some localities. In such places bans still effective at that time prohibit marmot hunting and have preserved isolated marmot areas in the center of Transbaikalia. These traditions represent the deterrent factor of marmots over hunting and may be used in marmot protection.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1996b. Tarbagan v zpadnom zabaïkal'e: Morfometritcheskaya kharakteristika [La marmotte tarbagan de l'ouest de la Transbaïkalie : caractéristique morphologique. The tarbagan marmot in western Cis-Baikal: morphologic characteristics]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 6-7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Transbaïkalie.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1997. Ареалогический обзор тарбагана в связи с крурными речными системами. Arealogical review of the tarbagan in relation with large river systems [Arealogitcheskiï obzor tarbagana v svyazi s kroupnymi retchnymi sistemami. Revue de la distribution de la tarbagan en relation des grands systèmes fluviaux]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu;, Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 13 (Rousskie, Russian), 120 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota, distribution, rivière, river.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1997b. Nebol'choï ppyt rasseleniya tarbagana v Bouryatii [L'expérience de la réintroduction de la tarbagan en Bouriatie]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, reintroduction, re-introduction, Bouriatie, Buriatia.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 1999. Vektor rasseleniya pri formirovanii sovremennogo areala tchernochapotchnogo sourka: svyaz' s elementami bycokorrykh rastitel'nykh soobchtchectv. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations. Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 6-7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, marmotte à tête noire, black-capped marmot.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2001. Forage plants of Marmota camtschatica as elements of high-altitude plant communities in northern Transbaikalia. [Plantes consommées par Marmota camtschatica en altitude dans la Transbaïkalie spetentrionale]. Proceedings of Zoological Institute, 288: 234-244.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota camtschatica, Black-capped marmot, marmotte à tête noire, foraging, alimentation, Trnsbaïkalie.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2002a. Vector of dispersal in Marmota camtschatica: the relationship of the marmot with key plants. Vecteurs de dispersion chez Marmota camtschatica : relation de la marmotte avec certains élément de la communauté végétale de montagne. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 14-15.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota camtschatica, black-capped marmot, marmotte à tête noire, dispersal, dispersion, Transbaikalia, Transbaïkal.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2002b. Unusual time for the reintroduction in Marmota sibirica:. Moment inhabituel de réintroduction chez Marmota sibirica. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 16-17.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota sibirica, tarbagan marmot, marmotte tarbagan, reintroduction, réintroduction, Transbaikalia, Transbaïkal.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2002c. [Morphometric parameters of tarbagan in Baikal region. Paramètres morphométriques des tarbagans de la région du Baïkal]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 3-6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, morphométrie, morphometry,

. Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2003. The origin and radiation of Marmota camtschatica: the relationship of marmot with some high-altitude plant community elements. Origine et radiation de Marmota camtschatica : relation entre la répartition de la marmotte et des plantes clés. Вектор распространения Marmota camtschatica : связь с элементами высокогорного растительного сообшества. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 141-148.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota camtschatica, black-capped marmot, marmotte à tête noire, dispersal, dispersion, Transbaikalia, Transbaïkal.
Le but de cette étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques des communautés végétales d’altitude qui influencent la répartition de M. camtschatica. Ces résultats et l'analyse des patrons de distribution de ces caractéristiques permettent de comprendre le patron de la radiation de cette espèce de marmottes. L’importance de plantes de la communauté végétale d’altitude, comme Pinus pumila, est discutée. Certains éléments indiquent que M. camtschatica s’est dispersée du nord est de l’Asie au sud-ouest.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2005. Is there synchronization in cycles of marmots and their forage plants ? Souchtchestvouet il sinkhronizatsiya v tsiklakh sourkov i ikh kormovikh rasteni‘ ? [Y a-t-il synchronisation des cycles des marmottes et les plantes consomm-aes]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 18-19.
En russe et en anglais, In Russian and in English.Marmota, rythme, rhythm, alimentation, foraging. The annual life cycle of marmots one may imagine consist of subordinate ecological cycles - monocyclic reproduction, seasonal cycles in consumption of definite forage plants, fat reserves expenditure and deposition. The important should be the terms of synchronization of cycle and involved trigger mechanism. The general synchronization of annual cycle in marmots performed by hibernation. At the same time may exist system of the triggers of more subordinate level responsible for the synchronization of the cycles including with those originated from external sources, for instance, the relation of cycles in marmots and their forage plants. The seasonal cycle in movement of reserve compounds (the pool) in plants most probably catch by marmots. The geophytes, plants with resting bud located under earth surface, are characteristic by the reserve organs as bulbs, rhizomes and tubers. The visible marmot consumption of geophytes in vernal and autumn time seems as one of examples of the synchronization of cycles in marmots and their forage plants.
Russian pdf russe

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) 2006. [Quelques applications à partir de la réintroduction de marmotte. Some applications according to reintroduction of tarbagan]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Réintroduction, re-introduction, marmotte, marmot, Russie, Russia.

Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.) & Sohepin S.G. 1991. Sostoyanie i ispol'zovanie resoursov sourkov v bouryatii [Etat et exploitation des ressources en Bouriatie. The state and exploitation of resources of marmots in Buryatia]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 13-14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, biogeographie, biogeography, gestion, management, Bouriatie, Russie, Sibérie.

Baedeker Karl 1911. The eastern Alps - handbook for travelers [Les alpes orientales. Manuel pouir les voyageurs]. 682 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Topographie, topography, Cima Marmotta (10, 950’), Marmotta Glacier, p. 386.

Baïgusheva V.S. 1968. Paleontologisheskaya kharakteristika po faune mlekopitaiuchtchikh osnovnykh verkhne-pliotsenovykh razrezov severo-gostochnogo Priazovia (Liventsovka, Port Katon) [Caractéristiques paléontologiques de la faune des mammifères des principaux étages du Pliocène supérieur du nord-est de la région d'Azov. Paleontologic characters of the mammal fauna of the main upper Pliocen layers in the north-western region of Azov]. Abstract of dissertation, Rostov-sur-Don.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Pliocène, Pliocene, Azov, Russia, Russia.

Bagdaa D. & Tsenjav D. 1990. [Composition chimique de la nourriture des marmottes. Chemical composition of marmot food]. In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 28-30, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica.

Baikov Nicolas 1939. Les bêtes sauvages de la Mandchourie, suivi du Ginseng ou racine de vie. [WIld beasts of Mandchuria, followed by Ginseng or the life root] Paris, Payot 1939. In-8 broché de 271 pp. Traduction de Gustave Welter. Illustrations in et hors texte.
En français, in French.
Bêtes sauvages et chasse en Mandchourie, le tigre de Mandchourie, le cerf Wapiti asiatique, les ours d'extrème orient, la marmotte de Mandchourie, la chasse au faucon, le loup et le chien, etc.

Bailey A.M. & Hendee R.W. 1926. Notes on the mammals of north-western Alaska [Notes sur les mammifères du nord-ouest de l'Alaska]. Journal Mammal., 7: 9-28.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota broweri, Etats-unis d'Amérique, Alaska.

Bailey E.D. 1965a. Seasonal changes in metabolic activity of non-hibernating woodchucks [Variations saisonnières de l'activité métabolique de marmottes non-hibernantes]. Can. J. Zool., 43 : 905-909.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, saison, season, métabolisme, metabolism.

The metabolic activity of non-hibernating woodchucks (Marmota monax) was measured over a l-year period. The Haldane method of indirect calorimetry was used to measure CO2 production to provide an index of metabolism. The metabolic rate was seasonally cyclic, reaching a peak in May and decreasing gradually thoughout the summer. The lowest monthly values occurred from November through February (the normal time of hibernation for these animals), though the animaIs were kept from hibernating. The seasonal decrease in metabolism probably creates a physiological predisposition for hibernation and allows fat deposition without a great increase in food intake.

Bailey E.D. 1965b. The influence of social interaction and season on weight change in woodchucks [Influence de l'interaction sociale et de la saison sur la masse corporelle des marmottes]. J. Mammal., 46 : 438-445.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, saison, season, métabolisme, metabolism, social.

Une coopération comportementale subtile favorise un développement pondéral plus important chez les individus groupés en contact visuel que chez les isolés.
Sociability and social interaction play an important role in weight changes in woodchucks (Marmota monax). Woodchucks were visually isolated in outdoor pens and compared with woodchucks that were allowed visual contact. Visual contact between woodchucks influences weight change in a positive direction and directs the general activity patterns of these animals. The relative effect of visual contact decreases linearly from February to December and is correlated with season. Social interaction and sociability exert maximal influence in spring and minimal in autumn.

Bailey E.D., & Davis D.E. 1965. The utilization of body fat during hibernation in woodchucks [L'utilisation des réserves lipidiques pendant l'hibernation des marmottes]. Can. J. Zool., 43 : 701-707.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, lipides, lipids, hibernation.

Bailey T.N. 1979. Den ecology, population parameters and diet of eastern Idaho bobcats [Ecologie des tanières, paramètres populationnels et alimentation du lynx de l'est de l'Idaho]. Research Conf. Natn. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. ser., 6: 62-69.
En anglais, in English.
Felis rufus, Marmota monax, rédation, Félidés, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Idaho

Bailey Vernon Orlando 1888. Report on some of the results of a trip through parts of Minnesota and Dakota [Rapport sur quelques résultats d’un voyage à travers des parties du Minnesota et du dakota]. Rpt. Commr. Agr. [U. S.], 426-454, illus.
En anglais, in English.
Exploration, Minnesota, Dakota, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Vernon Orlando Bailey (1864-1942).

Bailey Vernon 1913. Life Zones and Crop Zones of New Mexico. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Biological Survey,100 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris nosophora, Marmota flaviventris obscura, Marmota flaviventris dacota, Marmota monax monax, Marmota olympus, exploration, Nouveau Méxique, New Mexico, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bailey Vernon 1918. The mammals [Les mammifères]. In Wild animals of Glacier National Park, 50-53, Nat. Parks Serv., Dept. of Int., Washington.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, faune, fauna, Bailey Vernon O. (1864-1942).

Bailey V. 1926. A biological survey of North Dakota [Examen biologique du North Dakota]. USDA Bur. Biol. Surv. North American Fauna, 49: 1-226.
En anglais, in English.
Précolonisation, pre-settlement, Dakota, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bailey V.O. 1930. Animal life of Yellowstone National Park [La vie animale au Parc National de Yellowstone]. Thomas.
En anglais, in English.
Précolonisation, pre-settlement, Montana, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bailey V. 1931 (=1932). Mammals of New Mexico [Les mammifères du New Mexico]. North American Fauna, 53: 1-412.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris.

Bailey V. 1936. The mammals and life zones of Oregon [Les mammifères et zones de vie de l'Oregon]. N. Amer. Fauna, 55.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Oregon.
Prédation des marmottes par blaireau.

Bailey V. & Bailey F.M. 1918. Wild animals of Glacier National Park [Animaux sauvages du Parc National Glacier]. U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, DC. 210 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Précolonisation, pre-settlement, Montana, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bailey V., Bell W.B. & Brannon M.A. 1914. Preliminary report on the mammals of North Dakota [Rapport pr-aliminaire sur les mammif¿res du Dakota du Nord]. North Dakota Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ., 3 : 1-20.
En anglais, in English.
Exploration, Dakota, États-Unis d’Am-arique, USA.

Bailleau 1870. La grotte des fées de Châtelperron (silex, ossements) [The fairies cave of Châtelperron]. Bulletin de la Société d’émulation de Moulins, T11 : 81.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Allier, France.

Baillie J. 1996. Marmota caudata. In: IUCN 2004, 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 28 March 2006.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caudata, spèce menacée, threatened species, LR/nt.

Baillie, J. 1996. Marmota menzbieri. In IUCN 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 28 March 2006.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota menzbieri, spèce menacée, threatened species, VU B1+2c.

Baillie J. & Groombridge B. (rédacteurs:compilers et/and éditeurs:editors) 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, espèce menacée, threatened species.

Baird Spencer Fullerton 1857. Mammals of North America; the descriptions of species based chiefly on the collection in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution [Les mammifères d'Amérique du Nord ; descriptions des espèces basées principalement sur la collection du muséum de l'Institution Smithsonian], with 87 pls. of original figs., all illustrating the genera and species and including details of external appearance. Philadelphia, 1859 4 to: pp. i-xxxiv; 1-764.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys, Baird Spencer Fullerton 1823-1888.

Baird S.F. 1857. Mammals: general report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railways routes [Mammifères : rapport général sur les nombreuses voies des Chemins de fer du Pacifique]. In U. S. War Dept., Reports., Explorations and surveys for the railroad rout from Mississipi River to Pacific Ocean, Washington, D.C., 8: 1-757.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.

Bajanov V. S. Voir/See Bazhanov V.S. Bajgusheva Vera S., Titov Vadim V. & Tesakov Aleksei S. 2001. The sequence of Plio-Pleistocene mammal faunas from the south Russian Plain (the Azov Region) [La séquence des faunes de mammifères du Plio-Pléistocène de la plaine russe méridionale (Région d'Azov)]. In Neogene and Quaternary continental stratigraphy and mammal evolution. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 40 (2): 133-138.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Russie, Russia, Azov.

Baker C.F. 1904. The classification of the American Siphonaptera [Classification des Siphonoptères américains]. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 27: 121-170.
En anglais, in English.
Insectes, insects, Amérique.

Baker Frank Collins 1920. The life of the Pleistocene, or Glacial, period [La vie au Pléistocène]. Univ. Ill. Bull., XVII i-xiv+1-476 pages, pls. i-lvii, 5 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vetus, paléontologie, paleontology, Baker Frank Collins 1867-1942.

Baker R.H. 1951. Mammals taken along the Alaska Highway [Mammifères capturés le long de l'autoroute de l'Alaska]. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, 5: 87-117.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, Marmota caligata.

Baker R.H. 1983. Michigan Mammals [Mammifères du Michigan] Michigan State University Press, Michigan, 642 p.: 179-188.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, Marmota monax..

Bakhvalov V. F. & Bakhvalov K. V. 1991. Vliyanie khozyaïstvennoï deyatel'nosti na tchilennost' krasnogo sourka v Altaïskoï doline kirtizskoï SSR [L'effet du développement sur la population de la marmotte à longue queue de l'Alaï. The effect of development on the population of the long-tailed marmot in the Alai Valley]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology, population

Bakhvalov V.F., Varivodina T.A., Kudryavtzeva K.F. 1985. [Efficacité de l'éradication des insectes dans les terriers de marmottes du mésofoyer de peste de Verkhnenaryn. Effectiveness of the deep desinsection of marmot burrows in Verkhnenaryn plague mezofocus]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy. Stavropol': 170-172.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Insectes, insects, terrier, burrow, peste, plague.

Bakken G.S. & Gates D.M. 1975. Heat-transfer analysis of animals: Some importance for field ecology, physiology, and evolution [Analyse de tranfert de chaleur chez les animaux : quelques intérêts pour l'écologie de terrain, la physiologie et l'évolution]. In Perspectives of biophysical ecology, Springer, New York Inc.
En anglais, in English.
Ecologie, ecology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Balabkin A.K., Chanova A.M. & Sarzhinskii V.A. et al. 1962. O irirodnom otchage tchoumy v Gornom Altae [Sur les foyers de peste des montagnes de l'Altaï. About the plague foci of the Altai mountains]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, vyp. 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, Plague, Altaï

Baldwin B.H., Lawless J.W. & Tennant B.C. 1982. Reproduction in the laboratory woodchuck [La reproduction chez la marmotte de laboratoire]. Laboratory Animal Science, 32 : 431.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, captivité, breeding, reproduction.

Baldwin B.H., Tennant B.C., Reimers T.J., Cowan R.G., Concannon P.W. 1985. Circannual changes in serum testosterone concentrations of adult and yearling woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Variations circannuelles des concentrations sériques en testostérone chez les marmottes adultes et les un-ans]. Biol. Reprod., 32 : 804-812.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, endocrinologie, endocrinology, saison, season, sexe, sex.

Testicular volumes and serum testosterone concentrations were determined biweekly in 5 adult and 4 yearling woodchucks maintained indoors from December through August. Food and water were provided ad libitum except for 2 mo beginning at the winter solstice when feeding and lighting (12L:12D) supplemental to available natural light were discontinued. Temperatures fluctuated with outdoor temperatures greater than 4 degrees C. No significant hibernation occurred. Testes in adults were small in December (0.3-1.8 cm3), largest in February and March (3.5-5.6 cm3), and smallest in late June (0.1-0.5 cm3). Testosterone was basal in December (less than 0.6 ng/ml), maximal (3.4-6.6 ng/ml) between early January and late March, and minimal from April through August (less than 0.8 ng/ml). In yearlings, maximum testes volumes (1.6 cm3) and serum testosterone (0.9 +/- 0.2 ng/ml) were less, and occurred later, than in adults. Testosterone levels and testis volumes measured in newly captured woodchucks in March and April and again 2-3 mo later were generally similar to those of their laboratory counterparts. Thus, in woodchucks: annual cycles of testosterone production and of testes recrudescence and regression parallel each other with maxima during the short, late-winter breeding season; those cycles are not altered significantly by the absence of hibernation or the present conditions of captivity; and yearling males apparently are not an important part of the breeding population.

Balenons 17 ? Traicte des animaux a quatre pieds terrestres qui se trouvent dans les Indes occidentales ou Amerique septantrionale ; suivi d'un Traitte des oyseaux ; et d'un Traitte des poissons [Treatise on terrestrial quadrupeds which are find in the Western India or Nrthern America; followed by a treatise on birds, and a treatise on fishes]. Manuscript, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Faune, fauna, siffleur, whistler, Canada.
extrait Pdf extract

Balginnyam Ts. & Ojun-Erdene B. 1990. [Questions pour l'amélioration du traitement des peaux de marmottes. On the questions to improve the technology of marmot skin treat.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 89-96, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota, peau, skin.

Balis M. 1971. Doterajsie vysledky aklimatzaciou a introdukciou zivocichov na Slovensku. Ochrana fauny, 5 (1) : 34-36.
En russe, in Russian.
Réintroduction, re-introduction, Slovénie.

Balk M.W. 1987. Emerging models in the U.S.A.: swine, woodchucks, and the hairless guinea pig [Modèles émergents aux EUA : Cochon, marmottes et le cochon d'inde sans poils]. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 229: 311-26.
En anglais, in English.
Modèles animaux, animal models.

Swine have been used in biomedical research for many years, but have generally been limited to those locations with personnel familiar with this species and with specially designed facilities and equipment. There is currently a growing trend in the United States for more swine, both miniature and domestic to be used as research models. Commercial availability, education through workshops and symposia, and specific research applicability in the areas such as: organ transplantation, cardiovascular surgery, nutrition, diabetes, dermatology, and renal physiology have all contributed to the increased usage of swine. Additionally, increasing costs and public concern about the use of random source dogs and cats have also resulted in a refocus on swine as a laboratory animal model. The woodchuck (Marmota monax) has recently gained a role as a laboratory animal model when it was discovered that woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) is closely related to hepatitis B virus in humans (HBV). Chronic infections in woodchucks with WHV have shown protein particles in their blood which are similar to the Australian antigen found on the surface of HBV. There is also immunologic response similarities by the respective host to these viruses. These findings have resulted in a number of laboratories using the woodchuck in infectious disease comparative research studies. A euthymic hairless guinea pig has been described in Canada and recently been produced on a limited basis commercially in the United States. For dermatologic studies requiring an immunocompetent animal model the hairless guinea pig may prove useful. time to have the ability to add.

Ball S.S. & Roth V.L. 1995. Jaw muscle of New World squirrels [Muscle de la mâchoire des écureuils du Nouveau Monde]. J. Morphol., 224: 265-291.
En anglais, in English.
Squirrel, écureuil, morphologie, morphology, mâchoire, jaw, muscle, America.

Ballenger L. 2002. Marmota flaviventris (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed March 28, 2006 at
En anglais, in English.

Ballo M. 2002. Svište v Národnom parku Nízke. Tatry, 2: 10-11.
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Ballo P. 1997. Štúdia letu orla skalného (Aquila chrysaetos). Naturae tutela, 4: 153-160.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Ballo P. 2005. Nezvyčajné zážitky pri monitoringu svišťov. Sinter, 13: 63-65.
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Ballo P. & Sýkora J. 2003Monitoring of alpine marmot (Marmota marmota latirostris) colonies in the west Tatra Mountains [Suivi des colonies de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota latirostris) dans les Tatras occidentales]. Oecologia Montana, 12: 41 - 50
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Balzac Honoré de 1842-1848. Études de moeurs. 1er livre, Scènes de la vie privée. T. 1, Albert Savarus. Paris, Furne. Publication Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : Acamédia, 1998.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, sommeil, sleep, littérature française, French literature.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Balzac H. de 1842-1848a. Études de moeurs. 1er livre, Scènes de la vie privée. T. 2, Autre étude de femme. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 2, 1, 1, 2. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, coiffure, head-dress.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Balzac H. de 1842-1848b. Études de moeurs. 1er livre, Scènes de la vie privée. T. 4, Modeste Mignon. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 4, 1, 1, 4. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French. Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, coiffure, head-dress.Extrait/Extract pdf<br>

Balzac H. de 1842-1848c. Études de moeurs. 2e livre. Scènes de la vie de province. T. 2. Les parisiens en province : la muse du département. [Document électronique].
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, paresse, laziness, littérature française, French literature.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Balzac H. de 1842-1848d. Études de moeurs. 2e livre. Scènes de la vie de province. T. 2. Les célibataires : un ménage de garçon. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 6, 1 ; 2 ; 2. Paris : Furne, Numérisation BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, dormir, to sleep.
- Elle dort comme une marmotte !
- Ah ! tant mieux, dit madame Hochon, je voudrais qu'elle dormît pendant le temps que cette affaire s'éclaircira. Un pareil assaut tuerait cette pauvre petite !

Balzac H. de 1842-1848e. Études de moeurs. 3e livre, Scènes de la vie parisienne. T. 1, Le père Goriot. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 9, 1, 3, 1. Paris : Furne, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, dormir, to sleep.
"Sylvie monta chez sa maîtresse.
- Comment, Sylvie, voilà dix heures quart moins, vous m'avez laissée dormir comme une marmotte ! Jamais pareille chose n'est arrivée.
- C'est le brouillard, qu'est à couper au couteau.

Balzac H. de 1842-1848f. Études de moeurs. 3e livre, Scènes de la vie parisienne. Les parents pauvres. 2, Le cousin Pons. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotter, to mumble, to pray.
« Schmucke, accablé de douleur, saisi par une affreuse palpitation, avait laissé aller sa tête sur le dos du fauteuil, et paraissait évanoui.
- Ui, che d'endans ! mais gomme si du édais à deux cend bas te moi... il me zemble que che m'envonce dans la dombe afec toi ! ... dit l'Allemand que la douleur écrasait.
Il se rapprocha de Pons et il lui prit une main qu'il mit entre ses deux mains. Et il fit ainsi mentalement une fervente prière.
- Que marmottes-tu là, en allemand ?...
- Chai brié Tieu de nus abbeler à lui emsemple ! ... répondit-il simplement après avoir fini sa prière. »

Balzac H. de 1842-1848g. Études de moeurs. 3e livre, Scènes de la vie parisienne. T. XI, La maison de Nucingen. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 11, 1, 3, 11. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, coiffure, head-dress.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Balzac H. de 1842-1848h. Études de moeurs. 5e livre, Scènes de la vie militaire et scènes de la vie de campagne. Les Chouans. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 13, 1, 5. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotter, to mumble, to pray.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Balzac H. de 1842-1848i. Études de moeurs. 6e livre, Scènes de la vie militaire et scènes de la vie de campagne. Le médecin de campagne. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 13, 1. 6. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, pays des marmottes, marmot country.
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Balzac H. de 1853-1855. Scènes de la vie de campagne. Les paysans. Oeuvres complètes de M. de Balzac, La comédie humaine ; 18. Paris, Furne. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, cabinet de curiosité, private natural history collection.
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Balzac H. de 1970. L'illustre Gaudissart. La muse du département. Paris, Garnier,1970. Publication Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, paresse, laziness, ittérature française, French literature.
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Banfield A.W.F. 1974a. Les mammifères du Canada [The mammals of Canada]. Presses Univ. Laval, Québec.
en français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota caligata, Marmota vancouverensis, Canada.

Banfield A.W.F. 1974b. The Mammals of Canada [Les mammifères du Canada]. University of Toronto Press, 107-114.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota caligata, Marmota vancouverensis, Canada.
Hoary marmots dwell in alpine tundra, open-rolling meadows, rocky talus, and cliffs. The area surrounding their dens often are heavily grazed. Bad eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus Linnaeus) common on Monatgue Island, are probably the marmot's main predator. Brown bears putt out great efforts digging marmots out of their dens. This predation may occur in spring before the dirst salmon runs. Marmots may travel hundreds of meters to feed. In the northern reaches of the continent, Indians and Eskimos used horay marmots for food and to make fur garments.

Bangengezhm Z.A. 1977. Paleontologitcheskoe obosnovanie stratigrafii antropogena severnoï Azii [Preuves paléontologiques de la présence stratigraphique de l'homme dans le nord de l'Asie. Paleontological evidence of man stratigraphic presence in northern Asia]. K x kongressu JNQUOA, M., 139.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Bangs O. 1899. Descriptions of some new mammals from western North America [Description de quelques nouveaux mammifères de l'Amérique du Nord occidentale]. Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1:67-72.
En anglais, in English.
Nommer Arctomys ignavus, named Arctomys ignavus, Marmota monax ignava, Canada, Labrador, Marmota avara = Marmota flaviventris.

Banks R.C., McDiarmid R.W. & Gardner A.L. 1987. Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada [Liste des vertébrés des Etats-Unis, des territoires des EU et du Canada]. Resource Publication, 166 : 1-79.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota Blumenbach, 1779 -- valid -- marmots
Marmota broweri Hall and Gilmore, 1934 -- valid -- Alaska marmot
Marmota caligata (Eschscholtz, 1829) -- valid -- hoary marmot
Marmota flaviventris (Audubon and Bachman, 1841) -- valid -- yellow-bellied marmot
Marmota monax (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- marmotte commune, woodchuck
Marmota olympus (Merriam, 1898) -- valid -- olympic marmot
Marmota vancouverensis Swarth, 1911 -- valid -- Vancouver island marmot.

Bannasch Peter 1994. A technique for serial liver biopsies in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Technique pour des biopsies de foie en série chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Exp. Anim. Sci., 37: 34-41.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte américaine, woodchuck, foie, liver.

Bannasch P., Khoshkhou N.I., Hacker H.J., Radaeva S., Mrozek M., Zillmann U., Kopp-Schneider A., Haberkorn U., Elgas M., Tolle T., et al. 1995. Synergistic hepatocarcinogenic effect of hepadnaviral infection and dietary aflatoxin B1 in woodchucks. Cancer Res., 55(15): 3318-3330.
En anglais, in English.

Interactive hepadnaviral and chemical hepatocarcinogenesis was studied in woodchucks inoculated as newborns with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), which is closely related to the human hepatitis B virus. When the woodchucks reached 12 months of age, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was administered in the diet at dose levels of 40 micrograms/kg body weight/day for 4 months and subsequently 20 micrograms/kg body weight/day (5 days/week) for lifetime. WHV DNA was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridization in the serum and by PCR in the serum and/or liver tissue. The histo- and cytomorphology of the liver were investigated by light and electron microscopy. WHV carriers with and without AFB1 treatment developed a high incidence of preneoplastic foci of altered hepatocytes, hepatocellular adenomas, and hepatocellular carcinomas that appeared 6-26 months after the beginning of the combination experiment. Administration of AFB1 to WHV carriers resulted in a significantly earlier appearance of hepatocellular neoplasms and a higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas compared to WHV carriers not treated with AFB1. Neither hepatocellular adenomas nor carcinomas (but preneoplastic foci of altered hepatocytes) were detected in woodchucks receiving AFB1 alone, and no preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions were found in untreated controls. These results provide conclusive evidence of a synergistic hepatocarcinogenic effect of hepadnaviral infection and dietary AFB1. Except for the frequent presence of ground glass cells containing surface antigen filaments in the infected woodchucks, the phenotype of preneoplastic foci of altered hepatocytes was similar in WHV carriers with and without exposure to AFB1 and in animals treated with AFB1 alone. Clear cell foci excessively storing glycogen and/or fat, amphophilic cell foci crowded with mitochondria and peroxisomes, and mixed cell foci composed of various cell types including basophilic cells rich in ribosomes predominated. The cellular phenotype in neoplastic lesions varied from clear, amphophilic, and mixed cell populations in highly differentiated adenomas and carcinomas to basophilic cell populations prevailing in poorly differentiated carcinomas. The striking similarities in altered cellular phenotypes of preneoplastic hepatic foci emerging after both hepadnaviral infection and exposure to AFB1 suggest closely related underlying molecular mechanisms that may be mainly responsible for the synergistic hepatocarcinogenic effect of these oncogenic agents.

Bannikov A. G. 1954a. Sourki Mongolii [Les marmottes de Mongolie. Marmots of Mongolia]. Utch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-ta im. B.P. Potemkina, 28 (2) : 257-303.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Bannikov A. G. 1954b. Mlekopitaiushie Mongoliskoï Harodnoï Respoubliki [Mammifères de la République Populaire de Mongolie. Mammals of the People Republic of Mongolia]. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 669.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota sibirica, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Bannikov A. G. 1957a. Tarbagan [Marmota sibirica]. Okhota i okhotnitchie khoz-vo, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

Bannikov A. G. 1957b. Ekologitcheskie osobennosti i otchagi formirovania vysokogornoï fauny mlekopitaiushikh Evrazii [Ecologie particulière de la formation de foyers de haute montagne de la faune des mammifères d'Asie. Ecology of mammals foci formation of upper mountains of Eurasia]. B kn. Materialy soveshania po zoogeografii syshi. Livov, 5-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota sibirica, écologie, ecology.

Bannikov A.G. 1966. [Réserves naturelles des forêts de montagne du Chatkal et Zaamin. Chatkal and Zaamin Mountain-Forest Nature Reserves]. Over Nature Reserves of the USSR, Moscow: Mysl' Publishers, 223.
En russe, in Russian.
Réserve, reserve, montagne, mountain, URSS, USSR.

Bannikov A.G. 1974. [Réserves naturelles des forêts de montagne du Chatkal et Zaamin. Chatkal and Zaamin Mountain-Forest Nature Reserves]. Over Nature Reserves of the USSR, Moscow: Mysl' Publishers, 234.
En russe, in Russian.
Réserve, reserve, montagne, mountain, URSS, USSR.

Bannikov A. G. & Skalon V.K. 1949. Novaia forma tarbagana iz Mongolii. [Nouvelle forme de sibirica de Mongolie]. Dokl. AN SSSR, novaia seria, 65 (3).
En russe, in Russian. Marmota caliginosus = Marmota sibirica, Mongolie, Mongolia.

BanvilleThéodore de 1859. Odes funambulesques. Paris, M. Lévy. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, BanvilleThéodore de 1823-1891.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bapentsev A.S. 1993. Vliyanie nekotorixh antropogennixh faktorov na tchislennosti tcherzhaotchnogo sourka na Kamtchatke [Influence de quelques facteurs anthropogéniques sur l'effectif des marmottes à tête noire du Kamtchatka. Anthropic influence on the number of black-capped marmots of Kamchatka]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, population.

Barabash-Nikiforov I.I. 1928. Narisi faouny stepovoi Naddnipryanchtchini [Sur la faune steppique de Naddnipryanchtchini. Steppic fauna of Naddnipryanchtchini]. Kiv. Derj. vid-vo Oukraini.
En russe, in Russian.
Faunistique, fauna, steppe.

Barabash-Nikiforov I.I. 1957. Zveri iougo-vostotchnoï tchasti Tchernozemnogo tsentra [Animaux de la partie sud-est du tchernozium central. Animals of the South-western part of central tchernozium]. Voronezh, kh. iz-vo.
En russe, in Russian.
Faunistique, fauna.

Barabash-Nikiforov I.I. & Aleksandrov V.K. 1953. O sostoyanii stada sourkov baïbakov Voronejskoï oblasti [Sur l'état de la population de M. bobac de la r´gion de Voronej. About the state of M. bobac population in Voronesh region]. Byull. Ob-va estestvoispyt. pri Voronej. oun-te, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, Russie, Russia, Voronej, Voronezh.

Barandiaràn, I. 1973. La Cueva de Los Casares en Riba de Saelices, Guadalajara [La grotte de Los Casares en Riba de Saelices, Guadalajara]. Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España, 76: 97-116.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Espagne, Spain.

Baranov O.K. 1981. [Immunogénétique évolutionniste des protéines sériques des animaux. Evolutionary immunogenetics of serum proteins of animals]. Nauka, Sib. Dept., 225 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, immunologie, immunology, évolution, evolution.

Baranov O.K. & Vorontsov N.N. 1973. Serologisheskaya differe siya pyati palearkticheskikh vidov Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae) [Distinction logique de cinq espèces de marmottes. Logical differentiation of five Palearctic species of Marmota]. Zool. J., 52(4): 577-583.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, immunologie, immunology, taxonomie, taxonomy, paléarctique, palearctic.

Serological similarity of five Palearctic species of mamots was determined by immunodiffusion and turbidimentry using the rabbit antiserum agaisnst the blood serum of M. baibaina. The data obtained showed a great antigenic similarity of the serum proteins in the studied species which are, however, at different phylogenetic distances from M. baibacaina. M. baibacina and M. bobac are very closedly serologically related. M. caudata and M. menzbieri are more or less equally remote from M. baibacina. M. camtschatica had diverged most of all from M. baibacina in its antigenic structure. These observations concide with the results of chromosome studies indicating that M. camtschatica holds a special place among the Palearctic marmots.

Baranov O.K. & Zholnerovskaya (Jolnerovskaya) E.I. 1975.[Relations immunogénétiques intergénériques dans la famille des Sciuridae (Sciuromorpha, Rodentia). 2. Analyse des différences antigéniques des genres. Immunogenetic intergeneric relationships in the family Sciuridae (Sciuromorpha, Rodentia). 2. analysis of antigenic divergence of genera]. Zool. J., 54(1): 103-113.
En russe, in Russian.
Immunologie, immunology, génétique, genetic, Marmota, Sciuridae.

The sera of Marmota, Citellus, Sciurus, Spermophilopsis and Eutamias were investigated by means of immunotaxinomic methods to establish their antigenic relationships. The preferential similarity of Marmota and Citellus, as compared with the other genera, was established thus confirming the correctness of their association by some authors into one tribe Marmotini and of the isolation of Tamias into the tribe Tamiini. The data of turbidimetry suggest a certain isolation of Spermophilopsis from the all other Sciuridae under study that is confirmed however insufficiently by the results of immunodiffusion.

Baranov P.V. 2002. [Modern condition of altai marmot's population in Kemerovskaya oblast. Etat actuel de la population de marmottes de l'Altaï dans le district de Kemerov]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Kemerov, Russie, Russia.

Barasa A., Durio P. and Gallo Orsi U. 1991. Crescita dentaria anomala in una marmotta alpina. Anomalous tooth growth in a alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Croissance anormale des dents chez une marmotte alpine]. Proc. 1st Inter. symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds., 197-198.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, dent, teeth.

Barash David P. 1973a. Habitat utilization in three species of mountain mammals [Utilisation de l'habitat chez trois espèces de mammifères de montagne]. J. Mamm., 54 : 247-250.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Marmota caligata, Hoary Marmot, marmotte givrée, écologie, ecology, habitat.

Barash D.P. 1973b. Latitudinal replacement in habitat utilization of mountain mammals [Remplacement latitudinal lors de l'utilisation de l'habitat des mammifères de montagne]. J. Mammal., 54 : 535-536.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, écologie, habitat, Ochotona princeps, Spermophilus spp., Marmota caligata, Marmota flaviventris, EUA, USA, Montana, Colorado.

Barash D.P. 1973c. The social biology of the Olympic marmot [La biologie sociale de la marmotte olympique]. Animal Behav. Monogr., 6 (3 ) : 171-245.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, éthologie, ethology, social.
Dispersal in Olympic marmots is gradual and initiated by the young.

Barash D.P. 1973d. Social variety in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) [Variabilité sociales chez la marmotte à ventre jaune]. Anim. Behav., 21 : 579-584.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, social, EUA, USA, Colorado.

The social behaviour of high and medium elevation colonies of yeIlow-bellied marmots in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, were studied. The medium elevation animals were consistently larger, exhibiting greater physical spacing, lower frequencies of greeting and upright playfighting, and a higher agonistic component than did those of the more cIosely-integrated high-elevation colony. These results are interpreted as part of a complex series of adaptations within the genus Marmota to variations in ecology related to growing season.

Barash D.P. 1973e. Territorial and foraging behavior of pika (Ochotona princeps) in Montana [Comportement territorial et alimentaire du pika (Ochotona princeps) au Montana]. Amer. Midl. Nat., 89: 202-207.
En anglais, in English.
Ochotona princeps, pika, EUA, USA, Montana.

Barash D.P. 1974a. The evolution of marmot societies : a general theory [L'évolution des sociétés de marmottes : une théorie générale]. Science, 185 : 415-420.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, évolution, evolution, social.

Barash D.P. 1974b. The social behaviour of the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) [Le comportement social de la marmotte givrée]. Anim. Behav., 22 (1) : 256-261.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, social, Montana, EUA, USA.

The social behaviour of four colonies of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) was studied in Glacier National Park. Montana, during the summer of 1970. Colony structure involved a dominant male with a few females (3 years or older), 2-year-olds, yearlings and pups. Patterns of burrow use, greetings, play, and aggressive chasing are described, indicating a closely-integrated social structure with reproductive patterns suggesting late dispersal and maturation. A close resemblance to the behaviour of the Olympic marmot (M. olympus) is proposed.

Barash D.P. 1974c. Mother-infant relations in captive woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Relations mère-jeunes chez les marmottes communes d'Amérique en captivité]. Anim. Behav., 22 (2) : 446-448.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, parent, relative, New York, EUA, USA.

Mother-infant relations in three litters of captive woodchucks were studied from birth until about one week after dispersal normally occurs in nature. Weaning correlated with dispersal age and with an increase in aggressive mother-infant relations and a decrease in solicitious behaviour.

Barash D.P. 1975a. Ecology of paternal behavior in the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) : an evolutionary interpretation [Ecologie du comportement paternel chez la marmotte blanchie : une interprétation évolutionniste]. J. Mammal., 56 : 613-618.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, écologie, ecology, éthologie, ethology, comportement parental, parental behavior, évolution, evolution, Washington, EUA, USA.

Male hoary marmots living in isolated colonies at Mount Rainier National Park demontrated a significantly greater involvement with their infants than did males living in a larger, more interactive social situation. Patermal behavior correlated inversely with frequencies of extrapaternal social interaction. This pattern is seen as maximizing male fitness in each situation by providing for male defense of his reproductive interests when this is dictated by the proximity of other adults and facilitating direct paternal involvement when relative isolation reduces the advantages of extra paternal sociality.

Barash D.P. 1975b. Marmot alarm calling and the question of altruistic behavior [Cri d'alarme de la marmotte et la question du comportement altruiste]. Am. Midl. Nat., 94 : 468-470.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Marmota bobak, éthologie, ethologie, altruisme, altruistic behavior, communication.

Barash D.P. 1975c. Neighbor recognition in two "solitary" carnivrores: The raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the red fox (Vulpes fulva) [Reconnaissance du voisin chez deux carnivores "solitaires" : le raton laveur et le renard commun]. Science, 185: 794-796.
En anglais, in English.
Procyon lotor, Vulpes fulva.

Barash D.P. 1976a. Pre-hibernation behavior of free-living hoary marmots Marmota caligata [Comportement de pré-hibernation chez les marmottes givrées sauvages]. J. Mammal., 57 : 182-185.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, hibernation, Washington, EUA, USA.

Les femelles maternantes et les marmottons se nourrissent plus tardivement que les autres. L'affourragement diminue fortement pour tous les animaux au cours des quinze derniers jours d'activité hors des terriers.

Barash D.P. 1976b. Social behavior and individual differences in free-living alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Comportement social et différences individuelles chez la marmote alpine sauvage]. Animal. Behav., 24 : 27-35.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, social, Savoie, France.

Le comportement de marmottes sauvages a été étudié du 1 juin au 19 août 1973 dans le parc national de la Vanoise. La comparaison d'animaux de mâme sexe et de mâme classe d'âge montre que les différence comportementales individuelles sont plus importantes entre colonies qu'au sein des colonies. Les différences individuelles des adultes est supérieure à celle des jeunes, et ces différences portent plus sur le comportement social. Les canevas généraux de comportements sociaux ressemblent ceux des marmottes nord américaines, à l'exception d'une tendance des mâles adultes de rester hors et au-dessus de leur colonie, ainsi qu'une d'une fréquence plus faible de comportements de salutation. Les implications de ces éléments dans l'évolution du comportement social des marmottes sont discutées.
I studied the behaviour of free-living Alpine marmots, Marmota marmota, from l June to August 1973 in Vanoise National Park, France. Comparing animals of the same sex and age class, individual differences in behaviour generally were greater between colonies than within colonies. Individual differences among adults exceeded those of yearlings, and greater individual differences occurred with regard to social behaviour than with relatively asocial behaviour. General patterns of social biology resembled those of the North American marmots, exceptions being a tendency for adult males to remain somewhat away from and at higher elevation than their colonies, and a distinctly lower frequency of greeting behaviour. Implications of these findings for the evolution of marmot social behaviour are discussed.

Barash D.P. 1977. Sociobiology and behavior [Sociobiologie et comportement]. Elsevier North Holland, 378p.
En anglais, in English.
Ecologie, ecology, éthologie, ethology, social, Washington, EUA, USA

Barash D.P. 1980. The influence of reproductive status on foraging by hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) [Effet du statut reproducteur sur l'affouragement chez la marmotte à poil blanchi]. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 7 (3) : 201-205.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, reproduction, alimentation, foraging.

La différence entre femelle reproductrices ou non, en ce qui concerne le comportement d'amassement ne se manifeste qu'à certains mois de l'année.
Predictions were made and tested, comparing the foraging behavior of reproductive (rf) and non-reproductive (nrf) female hoary marmots, with the following findings: in June, no differences occur between rf's and nrf's, regarding daytime foraging. However, rf's forage more in the evening and during inclement weather, suggesting that greater nutritional needs and higher reproductive value select for the assumption of more risk while foraging. These differences disappear by August, when nutritional needs and reproductive values of rf's and nrf's are comparable. Finally, rf's reduce their near-burrow foraging relative to nrf's, which minimizes competition with their own young.

Barash D.P. 1981. Mate guarding and gallivanting by male hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) [Surveillance des compagnes et recherche des partenaires chez les mâles de la marmotte à poil blanchi]. Behav. ecol. sociobiol., 9 (3) : 187-193.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, reproduction.

Seven years data on the vernal behavior of hoary marmots, Marmota caligata, suggest that males engage in a two-part reproductive srategy, which consists of guarding their mates against possible copulation with additional males, and also gallivanting- wandering about in search of additional reproductive opportunities for themselves. Data are presented which support seven predictions derived from the assumption that mate guarding and gallivanting are parts of a reproductive strategy by male marmots.

Barash D.P. 1982. Sociobiology and behavior [Sociobiologie et comportement]. 2nd ed., Elsevier, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Ethologie, ethology, social.

Barash D.P.1986. Pre-hibernation behavior of free-living hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) [Comportement pré-hibernatoire de marmottes givrées sauvages]. J. Mammal., 57:182-185.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, hibernation.

Barash D.P. 1989. Marmots. Social behavior and ecology [Les marmottes : Comportement social et écologie]. Stanford University Press, Stanford, p. 361.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Marmota caligata, hoary Marmot, marmotte givrée, Marmota bobak, éthologie, ethology, social, écologie, ecology.
Hoary marmots from the Kenai Peninsula, south-central Alaska, commonly eat legumes (Oxytropis Candolle, Astragalus Linnaeus), sedges, fleabane (Erigeron Linneaus), and fescues (Festuca linnaeus).

Barbetti Yvette 2000. Marmotte. Lito.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, child literature.

Barbetti Yvette & Mallard Marie 2000. La Journée de la petite marmotte. Lito.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, child literature.

Barbero B.B. 1960. On the migration of Ascaris laevis Leidy, 1865, in some experimentally infected hosts [Sur la migration d'A. laevis chez quelques hôtes infestés expérimentalement]. Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc., 79 : 439-442.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota broweri, parasitologie, parasitology, Helminthes, Helmints.

Barbey A. 1873. Les grottes préhistoriques du village de Jouaigne [The prehistoric caves of the Jouaigne village]. Annales de la Société historique et archéoloogique de Château-Thierry, 261.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Aisne, France.

Barbieri F., Bellinzona G. , Fasola M. & Gabriel G. 1974. Indagine per una pianificazione ambientale-faunistica del territorio della Provincia di Pavia [Recherche pour une planification environnementale et faunistique du territoire de la province de Padoue. Research about environmental and faunal planning in the Padova province]. Comitato Prov. Caccia, Pavia, pp. 76.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management, chasse, hunting, Padoue, Italie, Italy.

Barbour A.G., Burgdorfer W., Hayes S.F., Peter O. & A Aeschlimann 1983. Isolation of a cultivable spirochete from Ixodes ricinus ticks of Switzerland [Isolement d'un spirochète cultivable à partir des tiques I. ricinus de Suisse]. Curr. Microbiol., 8: 123-126.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, tiques, ticks.

Barbour R.W. & & Davis W.H. 1974. Mammals of Kentucky [Mammifères du Kentucky]. Univ. of Kentucky Press, Lexington. 322pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Kentucky, EUA, USA.
In Kentucky, about 267,500 marmots were taken from 1964 to 1971. Marmots are good swimmers, crossing rivers 1 km wide.

Bárcena C. & Herrero J. 1994. Hongos queratinofílicos [Champignons kératinophiles. Keratinophile fungus]. En La Marmota alpina en Navarra, Herrero, J., García-Serrano, A. (Eds.), 55-60, Diputación Foral de Navarra, Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Pamplona.
Champignons, fungus.

Bardeleben K. 1885. Zur Morphologie des Hand- und Fusskelets [Sur la morphologie du squelette de la main et du pied. About hand and foot skeleton]. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Suppl., 19: 84-88.
En allemand, in German.

Barkalow F.S. 1956. Extension of the known range of Marmota monax in Alaska [Extension de l'aire de distribution connue de M. monax en Alaska]. J. Mamm., 37: 291.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, biogéographie, biogeography, distribution, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Alaska.

Barker I.K., Lindsay L.R., Campbell G.D., Surgeoner G.A. & McEwen S.A. 1993. The groundhog tick Ixodes cookei (Acari: ixodidae): a poor potential vector of Lyme borreliosis [Le tique de la marmotte Ixodes cookei (Acari : ixodidae) : un pauvre vecteur potentiel . J. Wildl. Dis., 29(3): 416-422.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitisme, parasitism.

Evidence for infection with the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, was sought in Ixodes cookei and in groundhogs (Marmota monax) in southern Ontario, Canada, and ticks fed on experimentally inoculated hosts were examined for the spirochete. Borrelia burgdorferi was not detected by immunofluorescent examination of 110 larval, nymphal or adult I. cookei collected from the environment, or taken from humans and other animals. Three groundhogs inoculated with B. burgdorferi developed titers of 1:20 to 1:80 by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test, but B. burgdorferi was not isolated from the spleens, kidneys, or urinary bladders of these animals. One of 30 wild groundhogs had an antibody titer of 1:20 to B. burgdorferi. Three (5%) of 59 I. cookei larvae fed on B. burgdorferi-infected hamsters became infected, in comparison with 23 (28%) of 82 I. dammini larvae fed on the same hosts. Borrelia burgdorferi was present in 5%, 16% and 4% of molted I. cookei nymphs fed on infected hamsters, rats or a groundhog, respectively; prevalences of infection in I. dammini fed on the same hosts were significantly (P < 0.05) higher (45%, 36%, and 23%, respectively), as was the intensity of infection. a naive groundhog on which I. cookei nymphs from an infected cohort fed did not become infected with B. burgdorferi, but it is uncertain whether an infected tick engorged on the experimental host. Ixodes cookei seems to be an inefficient vector of B. burgdorferi, and is unlikely to be significant in nature. Groundhogs are potential wildlife reservoirs of B. burgdorferi, based on their capacity to transmit infection to I. dammini.

Barko Valerie A. 1997. History of policies concerning the black-tailed prairie dog: A review [Histoire des politiques concernant le chien de prairie à queue noire : revue]. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 77 (0): 27-33.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys ludovivianus, Louisiana marmot, Cynomys leucurus, white-tailed prairie-dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, black-tailed prairie-dog, Conservation.

Barkow H.C.L. 1845. Der Winterschlaf nach seinen Ercheinnunge in Thierreich Dargestellt. Brelsau.
En allemand, in German.

Barkow reconnaît à la torpeur hivernale des causes internes et des causes externes. Les premières sont : 1° Une structure particulière des organes respiratoires ;
2° Un pressentiment de l'hiver, une sorte d'instinct spécial et un besoin particulier de repos ;
3° Une sensibilité spéciale expliquée par une structure organique peu avancée.
Comme cause externe, il admet avant tout l'abaissement de la température. L'oeuvre de Barkow est surtout une compilation dans laquelle il a réuni et classé les faits connus de son temps sur les animaux hivernants à sang chaud et à sang froid. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Barlow G.W. 1988. Monogamy in relation to resources [La monogamie en relation avec les ressources]. In The Ecology of social behavior, Slobodchikoff C.N. ed., Academic Press, New York, pp. 55-79.
En anglais, in English.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) 1996. Kadastr poseleniï sourka v mordovii [Cadastre des populations de marmottes en Mordovie. Cadastre of marmot populations in Mordovia]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 7-8.
En russe, in russian.Marmota, répartition, distribution, Mordovie.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) 1999a. Ob organizatsii pervogo sourkovogo zakaznika respoublikanskogo znatcheniya v mordovii. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) 1999b. O raschirenii areala stepnogo sourka v Mordovii. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 9-10.
En russe, in Russian.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.), Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) & Плечова З.Н. (Plechova Z.N.) 1997. О значении сурковых колоний в сохранении устойчивости и биоразнообразия малых степных урочищ. O znatchenii sourkovykh koloniï v sokhraneniï oustoïtchivosti i bioraznoobraziya malykh stepnykh ourotchichtch. About the meaning of the marmot's colonies in the preservation ot the stability and biovariety of the small steppe plots [Les colonies de marmottes et la conservation et la stabilité de la biovariété des petits lopins de steppe]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 14-15 (Rousskie), 121-122 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 14-15 (Russian), 121-122 (English).
En anglais et en russe, in Russian and in English.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.). & Грико А.В. (Griko A.V.) 1997. Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya o rasprostranenii stepnogo sourka v Mordovii [Données additionnelles sur la distribution de la marmotte des steppes en Mordovy]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) & Грико А.В. (Griko A.V.) 1997. Дополнительные сведенния о распространении степного сурка в Мордовии. Additional data on distribution of the steppe marmot in Mordovia [Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya o raspostranenii stepnogo sourka v Mongolii. Données additionnelle sur la distribution de la marmotte des steppes en Mordovie]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 14 (Rousskie, Russian), 120-121 (Angliïskie, English).
En anglais et en russe, in Russian and in English.

Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) & Силаева Т.В. (Silaeva T.V.) 1997. Стратегиа охраны и реакклиматизации степного сурка в мордовии в связи с охраной степных сообществ. Strategy of protection and reacclimatization of the steppe marmot in Mordovia in relationship with protection of steppe communities [Strategiya okhrany i reaklimatizatsii stepnogo sourka v Mordovii v svyazi s okhranoï stepnykh soobchtchestv. Stratégie de protection et de réacclimatation de la marmotte des steppes de Mordovie en relation avec la conservation des communautés des steppes]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 15-16 (Rousskie, Russian), 122-123 (Angliïskie, English). Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Rumiantsev V.Yu;, Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 15-16 (Rousskie), 122-123 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 15-16 (Russian), 122-123 (English).
En anglais et en russe, in Russian and in English.

Barnes C.T. 1927. Utah mammals [Mammfères de l'Utah]. Bull. Univ. Utah, 17 : 1-183.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota monax, EUA, USA, Utah.

Barnes Thomas G. Managing woodchuck problems in Kentucky [Gestion des problèmes posés par les marmottes communes d’Amérique au Kentucky]. En ligne : On line Accessed January 04, 2007, at
En anglais, in English.
Marmot monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, Kentucky, EUA, USA.
pdf disponible/available.

Barnett S.A. & Prakash I. 1975. Rodents of economic importance in India [Rongeurs d'importance économique en Inde]. Arnold-Heinemann, New Delhi and London, pp. 175.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, gestion, management, Indes, India.

Barnosky C.W. 1984. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene environmental history of southwestern Washington, U.S.A. [Histoire environnementale de la fin du pléistocène et du début de l'Holocène du sud-ouest de Washnigton]. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 21: 619-629.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, pléistocène, Pleistocene, holocène, holocene, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Barnosky A.D. 2004. A summary of fossilized species in Porcupine Cave [Résumé des espèces fossilisées dans Porcupine Cave]. In Biodiversity Response to Climatic Change in the Middle Pleistocene: The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado, Barnosky, A. D. (ed.), University of California Press, 95-116.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Barnosky A.D. & Kaplan M.H. 2001. Population-level response of Marmota flaviventris to a middle Pleistocene climatic warming event in the Colorado Rocky Mountains [Réponse populationnelle de Marmota flaviventris à une période de réchauffement climatique du Pléistocène moyen dans les Montagnes Rocheuses du Colorado]. Scientific Program and Abstracts, 8th International Theriological Congress, p. 33.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, dents, teeth, jaws, mâchoire, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.
We used morphological details of dentition to track populations of the yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris, through approximately 100,000 years. Fossil teeth and jaws from the Pit Locality, Porcupine Cave, Park County, Colorado, were sorted into seven temporal intervals that most likely range from 750,000 to 850,000 years old and span at least one glacial-interglacial transition. For fourth premolars and the third lower molar in each time interval we determined mean length, width, and proportions. Log(area) of the upper fourth premolar (which we regressed against skull length in modern specimens) provided estimates of body size. Many of the traits changed in mean or variance through time, but the changes were largely independent of one another even for traits on the same tooth, suggesting random variation of independent characters that probably are selectively neutral. As population size relative to other ground-dwelling squirrels (Cynomys and Spermophilus) decreased at the transition from a glacial interval to an interglacial, body size significantly increased and the number of morphological changes may have become slightly more pronounced. At that time there may have been selection for larger animals because of the interaction between climatic parameters, length of growing season, metabolic rate, and hibernation.

Barnosky A.D., M.H. Kaplan & M.A. Carrasco 2004. Assessing the effect of Middle Pleistocene climate change on evolution of Marmota from the Pit Locality [Evaluer l'effet du changement climatique du Pléistocènhe moyen sur l'évolution de Marmota de Pit Locality]. In Biodiversity Response to Climatic Change in the Middle Pleistocene: The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado, Barnosky, A. D. (ed.), University of California Press, Chapter 25 .
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Barnosky A.D. & Kociolek A.V. 1998. The role of climate in limiting the biogeographic ranges of small mammals [Rôle du climat dans la limitation des aires biogéographiques chez les petits rongeurs]. Yellowstone Science, 1998, volume 6(2), Spring Supplement, Agenda and Abstracts, Making a Place for Nature, Seeking Our Place in Nature, 125th Anniversary Symposium, May 11-23, 1998, Montana State University, Bozeman, p. 26.
En anglais, in English.
Spermophilus columbianus, Spermophilus richardsoni, SIG, GIS, Climat, Climate, Sol, Soil, Végétation, Vegetation.
In order to provide information about how small mammals might be expected to respond to global climate change, we examined the correlation of several climatic parameters, soil type, and vegetational assemblages with the geographic range boundaries of two adjacent but largely allopatric species of ground squirrels, Spermophilus richardsoni and S. columbianus. Using GIS techniques in ARC/INFO, species ranges were overlain on maps of potentially correlated abiotic factors constructed from the VEMAP database. Apparent correlations were tested for significance by CART analysis and spatial autocorrelation statistics. Results indicate that Spermophilus columbianus may be limited to areas of high snow cover, which provides insulation to keep hibernacula relatively warm. However, S. richardsoni may be kept out of S. columbianus's range by a competitive interaction that focuses on ability to dig effieciently in rocky soils. These results indicate that while climatic parameters may be the main limiter in some cases or in some parts of a given species range, adjacent species may be limited by competitive interactions that have little direct linkage to climatic parameters. Hence, predictions about how mammal communities might respond to ongoing global warming may well be possible because in some cases linkages between species ranges and climatic parameters can be established. However, accuracy in such predictions only will result from analyzing several species within the community to determine the complex interplay between climatic and nonclimatic influences on biogeography.

Barnosky A.D., Leuvan Tonya van, Bibi Faysal & Kaplan Matthew H. 2004. Irvingtonian mammals from the Badger Room in Porcupine Cave : Age, taphonomy, climate, and ecology [Mammifères Irvingtonien de Badger Room dans Porcupine Cave: âge, taphonomie, climat et écologie]. In Biodiversity Response to Climatic Change in the Middle Pleistocene: The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado, Barnosky, A. D. (ed.), University of California Press, 295-317.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Barnosky A.D. & Rasmussen D.L. 1988. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 57(12): 267-292.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota flaviventris, Irvingtonian, Badger locality, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Barone R. 1976. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques [Compared anatomy of the domestic mammals]. Tome 1, Ostéologie, fascicule 1 et 2, Vigot, Paris, 428 p.
En français, in French.
Anatomie, anatomy, marmotte, marmot.

Baroyan O.V. 1962. Otcherki po mirovomou rasprostraneniyu vajneïchikh zaraznykh bolezneï tcheloveka [Essai sur la distribution mondiale des principales maladies transmissibles de l'homme. Essay on world range of the main infectious diseases in man]. M., Medgiz.
En russe, in Russian.
Médecine, medecine, maladie infectieuse, infectious disease.

Barry Paul 2003. Origin of the groundhog dance. Cherokee legend [Origine de la danse de la marmotte. Légende Cherokee]. Canku Ota On line Newsletter Celebrating Native America, 80, accès / accessed Jan 09-2007 à / at
En anglais, in English.
Ethnologie, ethnology, Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, groundhog, amerindien, indian of America, Cherokee.
pdf disponible/available.

Bärthold 1904. Artunterschiede am Säugetierschädel. Zeitschr. Naturw., 56: 365-368.
En allemand, in German.

Bartholomew R.M., Carmichael E.P., Findeis M.A., Wu C.H., Wu G.Y. 1995. Targeted delivery of antisense DNA in woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks. J. Viral. Hepat., 2(6): 273-278.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte, woodchuck hepatitis virus.
An asialoglycoprotein-based DNA delivery system containing an antisense oligo DNA against the polyadenylation region and adjacent upstream sequences of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) was prepared. Experimental woodchucks were inoculated neonatally with the woodchuck virus 23 weeks before initiating the study, and all animals subsequently developed hepatitis as evidenced by the presence of measurable levels of circulating viral DNA. Animals were injected intravenously (i.v.) with asialoorosomucoid (AsOR)-poly-L-lysine complexes containing 0.1 mg kg-1 antisense DNA for five consecutive days. Levels of surface antigen did not differ substantially between treated and control animals. However, intravenous administration of complexed antisense DNA significantly decreased viraemia, as shown by a five- to 10-fold decrease in circulating viral DNA 25 days post treatment. The decline lasted for at least 2 weeks, after which there was a gradual increase in DNA levels. Antisense DNA alone or a complex containing a random oligo DNA of the same size and linkage failed to have any significant effect on viral DNA levels. We conclude that antisense oligo DNA can be targeted to the liver in vivo, resulting in a substantial and prolonged decrease in viral DNA levels in WHV-infected woodchucks.

Bartolomei 1964a. Mammiferi di brecce pleistoceniche dei Colli Berici (Vicenza) [Mammifère des brèches pléistocènes de Colli Berici]. Mem. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Verona, 12 : 221-289.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italia, Vicenza.

Bartolomei 1964b. Primi resultati delle ricerche nella grotta minore di San Bernardino nei Colli Berici [Premiers résultats des recherches sur la plus petite grotte de San Bernardino près de Colli Berici]. Annali dell'Univ. di Ferrara, N.S., 1,8 : 157-185. p. 166.
En italien , in Italian.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italia.

Bartolomei G. & B. Sala 1972. Nuovi dati paleoecologici sugli stambecchi cacciati dagli uomini preistorici di alcuni giacimenti italiani dell'ultimo glaciale e del primo post-glaciale [Nouvelles données paléontologiques sur la chasse des chamois par l'homme préhistorique de quelques gisements italiens de la dernière période glaciaire et de la première période post-glaciaire. New palaeontological data on prehistoric man hunting of chamois from some Italian deposits of the last ice age and of the first post ice age]. In Una vita per la natura, WWF, Camerino, 110-120.
En italien in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, chasse, hunting.

Bartolomei G. & Broglio A. 1975. Risultati preliminari delle nuove ricerche nei depositi quaternari della Grotta A di Veia [Résultats préliminaires de la nouvelle recherhce dur les dépôts quaternaire de la grotte A de Veia]. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 2 : 217-238.
En italien in Italian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, grotta di Vieja, Toringien final, lateToringian,, Italie, Italy.

Bartolomei G., Broglio A., Cattani L., Cremaschi M., Guerreschi A., Leonardi P. & Peretto C. 1984. I giacimenti paleolitici e mesolitici [Les gisements paléolithiques et mésolithiques. Paleolithic and mesolithic deposits]. In Il Veneto mell’antichità, Preistoria e Protostoria, Pleolitico e Mesolitico, Broglio A., ed. : 169-319.
En italien in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Toringien final, late Toringian, Ghiacciaia shelter, Toringien final, lateToringian, Italie, Italy.

Bartolomei G., A. Broglio, A. Palma di Cesnola 1977. Chronostratigraphie et écologie de l'Epigravettien en Italie [Chronostratigraphy and ecology of the epi-Gravettian in Italy]. In La fin des temps glaciaires en Europe, Coll. Int. CNRS 271 : 297-332.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy.

Bartolomei G., Cattani L., Cremaschi M., Pasa A.., Peretto C. & Sartorelli A. 1980. Il riparo Mezzena [L'abri Mezzena. The Mezzena shelter]. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 2 (2) : 1-69.
En italien in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Toringien final, late Toringian, Ghiacciaia shelter, Mezzena shelter, Vénétie, Veneto, Italie, Italy.

Bartolomei G., Peretto C. & Sala B. 1976. Depositi a loess con Ochotona e rinoceronte nel Carso di Trieste [Dépôt de loess avec ochotona et rhinocéros. Loess deposit with Ochotona and rhinoceros]. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 41(3-4)ser.8 : 280-285.
En tialien, in Italian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy.

Baryakin 1909. Ouzelkovaia forma tchoumy ou tarbaganov [La peste bubonique chez M. sibirica. Bubonic plague in tarbagan]. Gaz. Pousskii vratch, 16.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Baryatchnikov G.F. 1979. Teriofaouna i pozdnepleïstotsenovye landchafty gornogo Prikouban'ya [Mammifères et paysages du Pléistocène tardif des montagnes de Prikouban'ya. Mammals and landscapes of the later Pleistocene in Prikouban'ya's mountains]. Vestn. LGOU, 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, paléontologie, paleontology, paysages, Pléistocène, Russie, Russia.

Baryatchnikov G.F. 1980. Surok v paleolite Kavkaza [Marmottes paléolithiques du Caucase. Paleolithic marmots of the Caucasus]. Tr. zool. in-ta AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Moustérien, Mousterian, Caucase, Caucasus.

Baryshnikov Gennadiy Fëdorovic 1980. Surok v paleolite Kavkaza. [La marmotte du paléolithique du Caucase. The marmot in the Paleolithic of the Caucasus.]. 93 p. 50-59.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Caucase.

Baryshnikov G.F. 1991. Pozvonochnyye Barakayevskoy must'yerskoy stoyanki na Severnem Kavkaze. [Vertebrates from the Barakayevskaya Mousterian habitation site in the North Caucasus.]. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 238 p. 139-166.
En russe avec résumé anglais, in Russian with English summ.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Moustérien, Caucase. Baryshnikov G.F., Baranova Galina Ivanovna & Dineyko Ye.V. 1986. Golotsenovyye ostatki pozvonochnykh iz peshchery Talyng-Leget v Yugo-Osetii. [Holocene vertebrate remains from Talyng-Leget Cave in South Ossetia.]. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 156 : 3-40.
En russe avec résumé en anglais, in Russian with English summ.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Holocène, Ossétie.

Baryshnikov G.F. & Golovanova L.V. 1989. Mlekopitayushchiye must'yerskoy stoyanki Matuzka na Kubanskom Kavkaze. [Mammifères du site d’habitation moustérienne de Matuzka du bassin de la rivière Kouban du Caucase. Mammals from the Mousterian habitation site of Matuzka in the Kuban' River Basin of the Caucasus.]. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 198 : 3-55 + 2 plates.
En russe avec résumé en anglais, in Russian with English summ.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Moustérien, Caucase.

Bassano B. 1992. Il roditore socievole [Les Rongeurs sociaux. Social Rodents]. Piemonte Parchi, 48 : 18-19.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, éthology, ethology.

Bassano B. 1996. Problèmes sanitaires liés à la cohabitation marmotte et autres animaux des montagnes. Sanitary problems related to Marmot-other animals cohabitation in mountain areas. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & L. Le Guelte eds., 75-88.
en français et anglais, in French and English.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.

L'analyse de la littérature relative à la pathologie du genre Marmota de 1975 à nos jours est présentée. La plupart des travaux sur la pathologie de la marmotte (87 sur 187) concernent Marmota monax. Le plus souvent ils ont pour origine les parasites du tube digestif et les ectoparasites. Les maladies bactériennes sont rarement décrites et parmi les maladies à étiologie virale, les hépatites virales dominent (90% des travaux publiés). Sur le continent Eurasiatique, la présence de foyers pesteux assure une prédominance des aspects bactériologique et épid&ecute;miologique. Dans ces régions, la marmotte est une source importante de maladies infectieuses, transmises par des Arthropodes hématophages. La marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) semble jouir d'une bonne santé: peu d'études ont été publiées et les seules maladies décrites sont de nature parasitologique. An analysis of the literature relative to the pathology of the genus Marmota, from 1975 up to the present day, is presented. Most of the works on the pathology of the marmot (87 out of 187) concern Marmota monax. The most frequently occurring are derived from parasites located in the digestive tract in addition to the presence of ecto-parasites. The bacterial diseases are rarely described and, among those with a viral aetiology, virus-derived hepatitis stands out (90% of the works published). On the Eurasian continent the presence of foci of Plague ensured that the bacteriological and epidemiological aspects were given precedence. In these countries the marmot are an important carrier for infectious diseases, which are often carried by hematophage Arthropods. The Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) seems to enjoy good health: few studies are published and the only diseases described being of a parasitological nature.

Bassano B., Durio P., Facello C., Macchi E., Piazza R. and Trinchero C. 1992. Analisi preliminare dei parametri acusti temporali e spettrali di emissioni sonore di Marmota marmota. Preliminary analysis of the temporal and spectral acoustic parameters of Marmota marmota sound emissions [Analyse préliminaire des paramètres temporels et spectraux des émissions sonores de M. marmota]. Proc. 1st Inter. symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds., 69-83.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, communication.

Vocalisations of marmots (Marmota marmota) of different colonies of two valleys of the Western Alpes have been analyzed. The vocal emissions were recorded lying in wait, under natural conditions, and also after artificial stimulations (realising moulds of birds, volontary presence of humans carring lights and providing the capture of two animals). The physical analysis of the vocalisations permitted to releave at least 4 different types of emissions: Single Whistles and Multiple Whistles, Single and Multiple Squeaks, Growls and Screams (emissed during capture). The emissions were analyzed in their temporal and spectral caracters, and from the analysis it results that whilst the whistles and squeaks have harmonic structure with discrete spectral components added to components of low or null noise level, the screams and growls are polluted by noise, produced by the subject, in high level besides which consents the finding of the harmonic structure. Such a difference is analysed from a semantic point of view.

Bassano B., Eri G., Macchi E., Perrone A. & Tarantola M. 1993.Methods of capturing and marking Alpine marmots [Méthodes de capture et de marquage des marmottes alpines]. IBEX J.M.E., 1: 11-13.
En anglais, in English.
Available pdf disponible
Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, gestion, management, écologie, ecology, Italie, Italy.

In una colonia di marmotte (Marmota marmota L.), situata all'interno del Parco Naturale Orsiera-Rocciavrè, Alpi occidentali italiane, sono state effectuate 15 catture a scorpo di marcatura, con l'uso di due diversi tipi di laccio, sistemati sull'apertura di tana: lacci ordinari e lacci a scatto. Questi ultimi sono dotati di filo di inciampo e di elastico, che facilita e rende più efficace la chiusura del cavo. L'efficacia dei due sistemi viene confronta sia in termini di frequenza di cattura (numero di catture per giorno e per numero di lacci impiegati), che in quelli di probabilità cattura. I migliori risultati si sono ottenuti con i lacci a scatto, che consentono frequenze di cattura tra le più altre rilevate in bibliografia, senza rischio di traumatismi e senza distinzione di sesso e di età. Si sono registrate anche due ricatture. Tra i sistemi di marcatura utillizati (collari elastici colorati, marchi auricolari metallici, pastelli colorati per uso zootecnico) viene sottolineata la validità dei collari elastici, sia per quanto riguarda il riconoscimento a distanza dei soggetti, sia per la loro persitenza.

Bassano B., Grimod I. & Peracino V. 1991. Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) distribution in the Aosta Valley and fitness analysis [La distribution de la marmotte alpine dans la vallée d'Aoste et analyse d'ajustement]. Abstracts 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) and on Genus Marmota, 5-6.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, population.

Bassano B., Grimod I. & Peracino V. 1992. Distribuzione di marmotta alpina in valle d'Aosta e anilisi di vocazionalità. Distribution of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the Aosta valley and suitability analysis [Distribution de la marmotte alpine dans la vallée d'Aoste et analyse d'affinité]. Proc. 1st Inter. Symp. Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds., 111-116.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, distribution, Italie, Italy, Aoste.
In the period 1988-1990 the distribution of Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) in the Aosta Valley was studied and the environmental characteristics of the territory inhabited by the species analyzed. This kind of analysis supplied useful information for studies on the suitability of the territory for Marmota marmota, taking the following parameters into consideration: the physionomy of the site, exposure, altitude and slope. The map of the actual distribution has been compared with that of the potential distribution. The results rising from the study are the following: -The two distributions agree quite well (out of l18.750 hectares suitable for the Marmot, 82.350 hectares, equivalent to 70%, are actually occupied by the species);- The discrepancy between the two distributions may be refered to (i) non-valuation of some environnental factors such as geological structure, botanical composition of the grass-land and disturbance due to ski-lifts, mountains roads, etc.; or (ii) the methods of analysis of the physiognomical composition and land-use utilized for the issue of the suitability map for the Alpine marmot.

Bassano B., Grimod I. & W. Tarello 1989. Indagine sullo stato sanitario della Marmotta in Valle d'Aosta [Etude de l'état sanitaire de la marmotte dans la vallée d'Aoste. The pathology of the Alpine marmot in Aosta Valley]. Rev. Valdôtaine d'Hist. Naturelle, 43: 17-47.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.
Cette recherche examine, en préliminaire, l'état sanitaire de la marmotte en vallée d'Aoste. Après l'analyse bibliographique de la pathologie du genre Marmota, on expose les résultats des recherches copro-micorscopiques, anatomo-pathologiques et sérologiques. On a aussi étudié la diffusion des Dermatophytes sur le terrain qui entoure les terriers. Les divers agents pathogènes trouvés sont les mêmes que d'autres auteurs ont observés; la présence de ces agents ne semble pas liée aux densité de population. La progression de la Coccidiose est très intéressante.

Bassano B., Janeau G., Macchi E. & Mann C. 1990. Raccolta bibliografica preliminare dei lavori scientifici inerenti il genere Marmota [Bibliographie prélminaire sur le genre Marmota. Preliminary bibliography on the Marmota genus]. Collana Scientifica Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso, 177: 40-54.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota, bibliographie, bibliography.

Bassano B. & Peracino V. 1994. Etude de la morphologie interne du terrier de marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota L.). Investigation of the internal morphology of the burrow of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota, L.). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 26-27.
En français et anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, terrier, burrow, Italie, Italy, Aoste.

Le plan et la morphologie interne de 85 terriers de marmottes appartenant à 15 systèmes de terriers situés dans différents secteurs du Parc National du Gran Paradiso ont été étudiés grâce à un petit véhicule auto-propulsé muni d'une caméra vidéo. Le robot, une fois introduit dans l'ouverture du terrier est guidé grâce à la caméra reliée à un enregistreur vidéo externe. L'information a été rassemblée permettant de déduire le plan et la conformation des terriers, les latrines internes et les stockages de nourriture. Le système s'est révélé très utile pour collecter des données concernant par exemple la température, l'humidité ou la vitesse de l'air.
The development and the internal morphology of 85 Marmot burrows in 15 different burrows systems, situated in different sectors of the Gran Paradiso National Park, have been investigated with the use of a small self-propelled craft equipped with a video-camera. The robot, once introduced into the opening of the burrow, is guided with the assistance of a video-camera connected to an external video-recorder. Information has been gathered on the development and conformation of the burrows, of the internal connection of the various entrances, on tunnels, internal latrines and stores of food. The system has proved to be of extreme use as a way of probing and collecting physical data concerning, for example, temperature, humidity and speed of air.

Bassano B. & Peracino V. 1997. A robotized system for exploring mammal burrows [Un robot pour explorer les terriers de mammifère]. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 25(1): 98-100.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Vulpes vulpes, Meles meles, Hystrix cristata, méthodologie, methodology, terrier, burrow.

Bassano B., Peracino V., Peracino V. & Montacchini F. 1994. Food habits of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota, L.) [Habitudes alimentaires de la marmotte alpine]. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 28-29.
En français et en anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, Italie, Italy, Aoste.

L'examen des résidus végétaux microscopiques présents dans les fèces et l'évaluation de la composition du régime alimentaire de Marmota marmota ont été réalisés dans une partie du parc National du Gran paradiso (Alpes occidentales italiennes). La détermination des fragments végétaux a été réalisée en fonction de la taille, de la forme et de la relation réciproque des cellules épidermiques, la présence-absence de poils, les caractéristiques de stomates et parfois de la présence de cristaux d'oxalate de calcium. La détermination de l'espèce a été effectuée par comparaison avec un atlas de référence réalisé avec des échantillons prélevés dans la même zone d'étude. La composition du régime a été réalisée au cours des différents mois de la vie active des marmottes (de mai à octobre) et comparée à la végétation disponible dans les pelouses alpines exploitées par l'espèce. Une grande préférence pour les Dicotylédones a été notée. Elles sont recherchées sélectivement. La liste des espèces les plus communes dans le régime est fournie.
In the examination of the microscopic vegetable residue present in the faeces and evaluation of the composition of the diet of Marmota marmota in a field area of the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Italian Alps), the determination of the vegetable fragments has been carried out according to the shape, the size and the reciprocal relation of the epidermic cells, the presence-absence of trichoma, the characteristic of the stoma and sometimes the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. The determination of the species has been carried out by comparison with atlases of reference, realized with material taken from the same area of study. The composition of the diet is highlighted in the different months of the active life of the Marmot (from May to October), compared to the available vegetation of the alpine meadow used by the species. A big preference for the Dicotyledons has been noticed, which were selectively looked for. The species which are more common in the diet are listed.

Bassano B., Peracino V., Peracino V. & Montacchini F. 1996. Composition du régime alimentaire et habitudes alimentaires dans un groupe familial de marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) - Données préliminaires. Diet composition and feeding habits in a family group of Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) - Preliminary data. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & L. Le Guelte eds., 135-140.
En français et en anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, Italie, Italy, Aoste.

La composition du régime alimentaire d'un groupe familial de marmotte d'une zone du Parc National du Grand Paradis a été étudiée par analyse microscopique des fèces. Le groupe a été observé 2 ans, de début juin à mi-octobre. L'activité alimentaire a eut lieu surtout entre les deux terriers principaux. Une forte préférence pour les Dicotylédones et les plantes fleuries a été notée. Les changements du rapport Monocotylédones et Dicotylédones dans le régime ont été observés durant les différentes phases de l'activité. Certaines des espèces préférées comme Astragalus alpinus, Helianthemum chamaecistus, Oxytropis campestris et Sempervivum montanum sont rares et même absentes des secteurs les moins utilisés par le groupe familial.
The diet composition of one family group of Marmota marmota in an area of the Gran Paradiso National Park was investigated on the basis of microscopic analysis of the faeces. This group was observed two years, from June to mid October. For feeding activity, the sectors located between the two main burrows are favoured. A clear preference for Dicotyledons was observed, especially for flowering plants. Modifications in the ratio between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons in the diet was observed, during the different phases of activity. Some of the most preferred species like Astragalus alpinus, Helianthemum chamaecistus, Oxytropis campestris and Sempervivum montanum have showed an extremely low percentage of presence and may even be totally absent in those sectors least used by the family group.

Bassano B., Sabatier B., Rossi L. & Macchi E. 1992. Parassiti gastro-intestinali di Marmota marmota nell'arco alpino occidentale. Parasitic fauna of the digestive tract of Marmota marmota in the western Alps [Faune des parasites du tube digestif chez M. marmota des Alpes occidentales]. Proc. 1st Intern. Symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds.,Torino, 13-24.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.

Qualitative analysis of 18l faecal samples, quantitative analysis of other 154 from four study area at different altitude and the necropsy of 46 Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) were carried out with the double aim of realizing an inventory of the parasitic fauna of the digestive tract of this host in the Western Alps and studying the dynamic of the most prevalent parasitic infections. Three coccidia (provisionally named Eimeria type l, 2, and 3), two tapeworms (Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Ctenotaenia marmotae) and six nematodes (Ascaris laevis, Citellina alpina, Capillaria caudinflata, Ostertagia circumcincta/trifurcata, Nematodirus spathiger and an unidentified Spirurid) were found. C. marmotae, C. alpina and A. laevis appear as " dominant" species, whereas the other helminths represent "capture" ones. Prevalence, intensity and relative abundance of these parasites are reported. C. caudinflata and N. spathiger are signalled in M. marmota for the first time. A "spring rise" in Eimeria oocysts' output was demonstrated and the highest risks of infection were found in late spring for C. marmotae and in the middle of summer for A. laevis. Helminth Parasites were absent or rare in young marmots.

Bassouls G. 1956. La protection de la nature [Nature conservation]. Soc. Agr. Sci. et Litt. des Pyrénées-Orientales, 33-45.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management, réintroduction.
Introduction projeté dans le massif du Carlitte.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1994. [Méthode de détermination du polymorphisme des protéines sanguines par électrophorèse. The method to determine polymorphism in blood serum proteins of Mongolian marmots by using electrophoresis]. The Journal of the Center for Control and Research Natural Infections, Ulaanbaatar, 31: 49-59.
En mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, genetic.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1995. Comparative study on genetic structures of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862) populations by their blood polymorphic loci [Etude comparative de la structure génétique des populations de marmottes de Mongolie (M. sibirica R., 1862) par leurs loci sanguins polymorphiques]. In Asian cosystems and their protection, Ulaanbaatar, Davaajamts D. & N. Ulziikhutag eds., 6 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota sibirica, génétique.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1996. [Theoretical and methodological principles on the rational use marmots in Mongolia. Principes théoriques et méthodologiques de l'utilisation rationnelle des marmottes en Mongolie]. Scientific Journal of National University of Mongolia, 3(121):21-34.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian with English summary.
Marmota, gestion, management, Mongolie.

In this article the abundance of marmots in Mongolia is discussed. Are their numbers decreasing? If so, which factors are influencing this? The author has attempted to answer these questions after analysing the data on marmots and their exploitation. At the end of 1980 years there were 10-11 million marmots in Mongolia. Their abundance is being desrease year by year by overhunt and destruction their habitat. The author argues for rational use of marmots i.e. hunting, especially in plague infectious area and need decrease hunt or protect marmots in plague free area.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1997a. [Some specific characteristics of the high mountain's marmot population. Quelques caractéristiques spécifiques de la population de marmottes de montagne]. In Prirodnaya ousloviya, istoriya i koultoura Zapadnoi Mongoliï i sopredelnych regionov [Natural condition, history and culture of Western Mongolia and contigous regions], Tomsk, pp.14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, genetic, Mongolie.
During my many years study on marmots (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862) and plague focus of the Ugalz mountain - a part of the Mongolian Altai I observed some specific characteristics of the spatial, genetic and physiological structure of this population. In other word, the Ugalz mountain's marmot population was differentiated from forest-steppe's populations by many characters of population structure. I consider that this difference between high mountain and forest-steppe marmot populations have related with the ecological difference, especially high raised location of the population. Ugalz mountain's marmots live at the a.s.l. 2300-3100 m , the compared studied forest-steppe marmots live at the 1200-1600m. The mean body temperature of Ugalz mountain's marmot population was lower by about 3 degrees (34.4oC) than marmots in the forest-steppe populations (34.3-37.7oC). But the body temperature of individual marmots within the high mountain's population varied greatly; in the range 25-40oC. In general, variation range of most phenotypic characters of this population was widely. The gene frequencies of the TfL allele in the Ugalz mountain's marmot population was 2 times lower (0.1850) than the frequencies in the forest-steppe populations (0.3513-0.3929). The highest frequencies of TfM allele found in the high mountain's population only. I have been suppose that it may be a specific allele of blood serum transferrin for the high mountain marmots. Also a lower frequencies of the Al A, Pa A and Hp F alleles were found in this population. The genetic distances (Nei's distance: D) of this population from forest-steppe populations were D=0.0157-0.0192. The internal organization of the Ugalz mountain population was more different from others. The genetic and phenotypic characters change along vertical direction of the mountain. The marmot density of the population demonstrated an increasing trend from the base of the mountain to the peak (r=0.89; t>3). The population nucleus of the Ugalz mountain's marmot was located on the mountain peak. The more heterogeneity group of the population was locating on the peak too. The genetic differentiation rate within the population was comparatively higher (FST = 0.021314) than others. It may be connected with vertical microclimat difference of the mountain. These characters of the marmot population which are adapted for the high mountain ecology may be the most optimal habitat for plague bacteria circulation. In other words, the marmot's type of plague natural foci perhaps mostly locate in such natural condition or marmot populations.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1997b. Изучение генетической структуры роруояции монгольского сурка и некоторые проблемы чумы. A study on population genetic structure of Mongolian marmot and some problems of plague [ Izoutchenie genetitcheskoï strouktoury popoulyatsii Mongol'skogo sourka i nekeotorye problemy tchoumy. Une étude de la structure génétique de la population de marmotte de Mongolie et quelques problèmes liés à la peste]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 16-17 (Rousskie, Russian), 123-124 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, genetic.

In this paper a general picture of population genetic structure of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862), genetic distances between marmot populations are differed with respect to the prevalence of plague and plague epizootic influence on population structure were described. We firstly studied blood protein polymorphism and population structure of Mongolian marmot (Batbold 1994, Batbold & Batsuuri 1995 a,b). Blood samples of 1123 marmots from 3 separate populations were collected for analysis by polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis. Four polymorphic loci from serum proteins of Mongolian marmots were observed. The blood serum protein - haptoglobulin (Hp) of the Mongolian marmots with 3 hereditary phenotypes determined by HpS and HpF alleles; the Transferrin (Tf with 6 phenotypes, by TfK, TfL and TfM alleles; the Post-albumin (Pa) 6 phenotypes, by PaA, PaB and PaC alleles and the Albumen (Al) 3 phenotypes, by AlA and AlB alleles were observed and confirmed. The mean frequencies of the observed alleles for Mongolian marmots are shown in the table. The mean heterozygosity of marmot populations for 4 polymorphic loci was 25.56% within 24.0-27.1% range. The means of inbreeding in marmot population were FIT=4.56%, FIS=2.84% and FST=1/68%. The F-statistics or genetic differentiation was ranged from 0.009928-0.021314. We selected and studied 3 populations of Mongolian marmot which are geographically isolated and differed with respect to the prevalence of plague: high intensity plague focus, non-intensity and free from plague. These populations were almost identical by frequencies of alleles in the Hp, Pa and Al loci (l = 0.9967 ± 0.001), but were differed by frequencies of alleles in the transferrin's locus (l = 0.9361 ± 0.05). The genetic distances (Nei's distance: D) of marmot populations geographically remote from each other were 0.0022-0.0192, and we found a correlation between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.977). The marmot population within high intensity of plague clearly differed from the 2 populations in areas of non-intensity and free of plague in their population genetic structure (D = 0.0157-0.0192). The D coefficient was very low between the populations in non-intensity plague areas and populations free of plague (D = 0.0022). The high rate of genetic differentiation (0.021314) and the observed heterozygosity lower than expected (Ho = 25.5 < hc = 29.7%) were observed in the population within the intensity plague area. Although these populations were differentiated from each other, the observed genetic distances between marmot populations could not be determined at the subspecies level. Plague epizootic influence on marmot population structure was studied for 5 years in the Gobi-Altain Tonkhil sum's focus. Prior to initiation of the plague epizootic, the genetic structure of the marmot population (Ho = 0.2583 < hc = 0.2883), population subdivided into many small groups, high inbreeding rates (FST= 0.062320, FIS= 0.042750), and the population susceptible to natural selection. Following infection of the population by plague, HpS, TfM, TfK and AlB allelic frequencies decreased and frequencies of the TfL, AlB, HpF alleles increased. Among the polymorphic hereditary systems studied, intense selection during the epizootic acted most strongly on the transferrin locus (S = 0.545). The TfL gene frequency increased 1.7 times, and both TfK and TfM gene frequencies decreased (selection rate of booth alleles STfK = 0.67; STfM = 0.56) during the plague epizootic. After the epizootic, the FIS disappeared from the population (FIS = -0.077585), the FST decreased 2 times (FST = 0.030214), heterozygosity was increased by 15.8% (Ho = 0.2992, Hc = 0.2684), and population survival abilities (or average fitness in relation to selection) improved.
Alleles Gene frequencies Heterozygosity
rangesmean, st. dfiv.
HpS 0.87-0.92 0.9026 ± 003 0.1901
HpF 0.08-0.13 0.0974 ± 0.03
TfK 0.26-0.28 0.2717 ± 0.01 0.5834
TfL 0.18-0.39 0.3097 ± 0.11
TfM 0.35-0.54 0.4186±0.11
PaA 0.01-0.06 0.0275 ± 0.03 0.1614
PaB 0.88-0.91 0.8912±0,02
PaC 0.03-0.12 0.0813 ± 0.03
AlA 0.91-0.96 0.9360 ± 0.03 0.0764
AlB 0.03-0.09 0.0640 ± 0.03

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) 1997c. Проблема управления (Использования) сурков в Моголии. The problem of management on marmots in Mongolia [Problema oupravleniya (ispol'zovaniya) sourkov v Mongolii. Problème de la gestion des marmottes en Mongolie]. In ;артики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 17-18 (Rousskie, Russian), 124-125 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, Marmota baibacina, gestion, manageent, Mongolie, Mongolia.

There are 2 species of Marmot (Mongolian - Marmota sibirica and Altai - Marmota baibacina) in the territory of Mongolia. From them, the Mongolian marmot is a widespread and numerous species. The positive and negative significance of marmot to human community are very clear for our country, therefore problems of marmot conservation and liquidation always clash with each other. The author consider that it is very difficult to find a good way of management of marmots in Mongolia and must take into account the following three factors. 1. Marmots carry out very important role in some ecosystems of Mongolia. They live as keystone species in the steppe and mountain-steppe zones. They linked out with other species by alimental and nidicolous connection. In other words, when deciding marmot management the fact that marmots are very important in our country ecosystem should not be forgotten. 2. Marmots are very valuable animals (fur, food and materials for manufactories) for our economy and our people. Between 1906-1994, 104.2 million marmots skins (except from 9 years which were not legible) were prepared in Mongolia (Batbold 1996). It shows that for each year 1.3 million skins were prepared over the last 80 years. In other words, marmots are very useful for our people. This should not be left while considering management. 3. Marmots are main host of plague natural foci of Mongolia. It is their big negative side. There are 55.3 per cent of marmots distributed area and 63.2 per cent overall numbers of marmot in the zone of plague natural foci (Demberel 1990). Human plague cases break out every year, its main reason is connected to the hunting on marmots only. Therefore one must account its negative influence on people health. To find the very optimal variant of marmot management one must account mutual relations between above-mentioned factors. If the attention is paid only on one side of this question that it would cause damage. We have such history of marmot management and control on plague foci. I would say some examples which are connected to the factors. a. The marmots were distinct on the big territory of Central Mongolia after their habitat was destroyed by work of bring new lands under the plough. Between 1940-1970 years marmot distribution area decreased 2 times and sowing area increased 7 times (Eregdendagva 1972). The distinction of marmots influenced badly the ecosystem's structure and conditions. the species composition of the ecosystem has worsened. Lately, the number of pest rodents is increasing. b. Marmot hunt is very useful for any Institution therefore overhunt was spread everywhere, especially in the later years. In the time of Socialism the Government had overplaned the collection of marmot skins. Before the plan was realized, since 1970s marmot abundance decrease had become apparent clearly observed in marmot populations which are located within area free from plague. Marmots completely disappeared in some areas. From other side, plague break out in humans was increased by marmot hunt increase. c. Hunt on marmots was forbidden in places where human and animal plague cases were observed. In 1973, hunt on marmots was forbidden in 65 areas with plague of 20 sums (an administrative unit of Mongolia) and after 20 years (1992) it increased to 266 areas of 58 sums. In other words, the areas with plague grows up if the marmot hunt is forbidden. It influences negatively on work of plague surveillance and decreases number of marmots in area free from plague. I suggest that the following variant is very optimal in marmot management. The management policy on marmots should be very flexible. Not only conservation or only liquidation but it must comprise different policies and activities within marmot dispersal area. I have considered that it is the most important to increase number of marmots in area free from plague and decrease or hunt more in plague foci zone. It will be possible to realize above mentioned policy if 8-20 per cent of the abundance of marmot population in plague free area and 50-60 per cent of population in plague natural foci could be hunted. I consider that it is possible to stop the spread of plague infection in natural foci if the hunt could increase the intensification of general migration within marmot population, therefore a spot placed hunt is needed to be organized.

Batbold J. (Батболд Ж.) 1988. Khentiï nourouny ovor khesgiïn tarbagany popoulyatsiïn nokhon ouïldveliïn asououdald [Etude de la reproduction des populations de marmottes de Mongolie des monts Khentii. A study on reproduction of Mongolian marmot populations in the Khentii mountains. Scientific reports of the Natural Infection Research Institutions, Ulaanbaatar]. GAKhOES baïgououllagyn ESh bouteel, 4 : 75-90.
En mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, population, Mongolie.

Batbold J. (Батболд Ж. ) 2002a. A study on population genetic structure of the Mongoloian marmot and some problems of plague. Изучение генетической структуры популяций Моннольского сурка и некоторыу прщблемы цумы. [Izoutchenie genetitcheskoi strouktoury popoulyatsii Mongolo'skogo sourka i nekotorye problemy tchoumy. Étude de la structure génétique d'une population de marmottes de Mongolie et quelques problèmes liés à la peste]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev VY., Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots, Cheboksary, Russia, 54-67.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, génétique, population, Mongolie, Mongolia.
In this paper, a general picture of the population genetic structure of the Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde 1862), genetic distances between marmot populations that differed in respect to the prevalence of plague, and plague epizootic influence on population structure are described.
Key-words: Marmota sibirica, Mongolian marmot, population genetics, plaque, plague epizootic.
Une vue d’ensemble de la structure génétique d’une population de marmottes de Mongolie (Marmota sibirica Radde 1862), des distances génétiques entre des populations de marmottes présentant des prévalences différentes pour la peste et l’influence de l’épizootie de la peste sur la structure des populations est présentée.
Mots clés: Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, génétique des populations, peste, épizootie.
pdf disponible/available.

Batbold J. (Батболд Ж. ) 2002b. The problem of managemen of marmots in Mongolia. Проблема управления популяциями сурков в Монголии. [Problema oupravleniya popoulyatsiyami sourkov v Mongolii. La gestion des marmottes en Mongolie]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev VY., Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots, Cheboksary, Russia, 68-75.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, marmotte de Mongolie, gestion, management, Mongolie.
The abundance, distribution and hunting of marmotsin Mongolia are described. Also the past and present situation of the use of marmots is outlined. Marmot abundance has been decreasing year by year due to hunting and habitat destruction. It is necessary to undertake management of marmots. Key-Words: Marmota sibirica, Marmota baibacina, management of marmots, hunting marmots. L’abondance, la distribution des marmottes et leur chasse en Mongolie sont décrites. L’état de l’usage passé et present des marmottes est esquissé. La densité des marmottes décroît année par année en r&ison; de la chasse et de la destruction des habitats de marmotte. La mise en place d’un plan de gestion des marmottes est devenu impératif. Mots clés: Marmota sibirica, Marmota baibacina, gestion des marmottes, chasse.
pdf disponible/available.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.), D. Batsukh, & J. Batsuuri 1990. [Influence de la peste sur la structure de population des marmottes. The rate of plague epizootic influence on population structure of marmots]. In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. Editors: Dulamtseren S., D.Batsukh & D.Tsendjav Eds, 59-61.
En mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota, peste, plague, population.

Batbold J.(БатБолд Ж.) & J. Batsuuri 1992. [A study on epizootic mechanisms of plague. Etude des mécanismes de la peste]. In Epidemiological survey of the plague natural foci in the Central Asian Region, Ulaanbaatar, Editors: Batbold J., Z.Adayasuren, G.Tsevegmed & G. Erdenetsetseg Eds., 26-34.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian with English summary.
Peste, plague, Asie centrale, Central Asia.

The paper reports on hypothesis of calm down of plague natural foci activity and permanent factors influenced on it. Plague natural foci periodicity is natural phenomenon of carrier-rodents number and changing of their sensitiveness to the infectious deseases. Changing of the carrier- rodents sensitiveness depend on decreasing of the potential energy, iron balance in the blood and alteration adrenal hormone of the host animals. The authors suggests a hypothesis on host animals resistant depending on their body temperature and protein hereditary phenotype of the blood transferrin. At last, the authors have considered that should be the explanation of natural foci activity phenomenon make a valuable contribution. To study host's body temperature and environment in comparison with their blood protein transferrin, haptoglobin, iron balance in blood and adrenal hormone (corticosteroids, cateholamines).

Batbold J.(БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995a. Mongol tarbaga. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 1-201.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts).
Marmota sibirica, population, génétique, genetic, Mongolie.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.)& Batsuuri J. 1995b. Mongol tarbagany popoulyatsiïn ekologi-biologiïn bouttsiïn ontslog [Population structure of the Mongolian marmot. Structure de la population de la marmotte de Mongolie]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 5-52.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts.
Marmota sibirica, population, Mongolie.

Research on the population of the Mongolian marmot yielded the following results: 1. There were distinctly different habitats in the high mountain zone which influenced marmot population density. Marmot density in Ugalz Mountain demonstrated an increasing trend from the base of the mountain to the peak (r = 0.89). No data was collected on the marmot populations in the mountain's steppe region. 2. There were 2 distinctive sections of the marmot population (center and edge) which differed with respect to population density, location, burrow size, state of burrow occupation, and family size. When mortality increase, migration increased from the center to the edge of the marmot population and density decreased on edge. 3. Embryonic sex ratio of Mongolian marmots differed in every population. The sex ratio of kits depended upon size, density, and mortality rates of the population. A higher percentage of female kits were born in population with higher mortality rates and a higher percentage male kits were born in populations with high densities and lower mortality. 4. In general, the sex ratio of Mongolian marmot populations were male dominated (mean 123±15 males : 100 females); however, this was not the populations with high mortality, particularly, populations within a plague focal area. 5. Mongolian marmots have survived 9+ years (wintered 9 times) in nature. Older marmots comprise only 1.0-1.2% of the majority of populations. 6. Female marmots can reach sexual maturity when they are 2 years old, but the percentage of 2-year old actually reproducing depends upon the density, size, mortality rate and over-all sex ratio of the population. 0.95±1.9% of females 2+years old reproduced each year in a population within a plague focus area and with high density. The proportion of reproducing females increased to 15,8% in hunted populations free of plague. 7. The percentage of pregnant females was negatively correlated with population density (r = -1.0). The mean percentage of adult females mating or impregnated was 45.2 ± 7.6. 8. The mortality rate of kits was 33.8 ± 0.9% during the embryonic stage, 31.6 ± 2.5% during neonatal development, and 65.4% over-all from zygote until first hibernation. 9. The reproductive potential of the Mongolian marmot population was 60.0 ± 8.4% per year, but kit mortality was comparatively high. Therefore, reproductive potential beyond the first year was actually about 20%. Reproductive potential was negatively correlated with population density (r = -0.99) and positively correlated with the percentage of pregnant females (r = 0.96).

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995c. Mongol tarbagany tsousny iïldsiïn zapim ouourgiïn polimorf khelbershil, tedgeeriïn oudamshlyn togtoltsoo [Polymorphism of blood serum proteins and their hereditary systems in Mongolian marmots. Polymorphisme des protéines sériques du sang et leur hérédité chez les marmottes de Mongolie]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 53-74.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, peste, plague, sang, blood, Mongolie.

1. The blood serum haptoglobin of the Mongolian marmot is a polymorphic protein, with 3 hereditary phenotypes (Hp S-S, Hp F-S, Hp F-F) determined by the HpS and HpF alleles as they passed from offspring to offspring following Mendel's Law. 2. The blood serum transferrin of the Mongolian marmot is a polymorphic protein, with 6 hereditary phenotypes (Tf K-K, Tf K-L, Tf K-M, Tf L-L, Tf L-M, Tf M-M) determined by the Tfk , TfL, and TfM alleles as they passed from offspring to offspring following Mendel's Law. 3. The blood serum post-albumin of the Mongolian marmot is a polymorphic protein, with 6 hereditary phenotypes (Pa B-B, Pa B-C, Pa B-A, Pa C-C, Pa C-A, Pa A-A) determined by the PaB, PaC and PaA alleles as they passed from offspring to offspring following Mendel's Law. 4. The blood serum albumin of the Mongolian marmot is a polymorphic protein, with 3 hereditary phenotypes (Al A-A, Al A-B, Al B-B) determined by the AlA and AlB alleles as they passed from offspring to offspring following Mendel's Law.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995d. Mongol tarbagany popoulyatsiïn genetik togttsyn ontslog [Genetic structure of Mongolian marmot populations. Structure génétique des populations de marmottes de Mongolie]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 75-108.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, genetic, peste, plague, Mongolie.

1. The marmot populations studied almost could not be differentiated from each other genes' frequency at the albumin, post-albumin and haptoglobin loci (Nei's identity I = 0.9967 ± 0.001), but could be differentiated by genes frequencies at the transferrin locus (I = 0.9361 ± 0.050). 2. The rate of Mongolian inbreeding differed in every population. The range of average inbreeding over all subdivisions of the correlation between uniting gametes relative to those of their own subdivision (FIS) was from - 0.006369 to 0.048250, the inbreeding range of the correlation between gametes within subdivisions, relative to gametes of the total population (FST) from 0.009928 to 0.021314, the total inbreeding ranged from 0.017277 to 0.061978 in separate marmot populations. Mean FIS of Mongolian marmot populations studied was 0.028444 ± 0.030, mean FST =0.016798 ± 0.006, and mean FIT = 0.045601 ± 0.025. The FST rate high and the FIS low for the population within an intensified plague focus area having a high density of marmots. Lower FST and higher FIS defined populations in areas of no-intensified plague foci and free of plague. 3. The mean heterozygosity of Mongolian marmot populations for 4 polymorphic loci was 0.2556 ± 0.0157. However, every population of the Mongolian marmot differed by heterozygosity level. Observed heterozygosity was lower than expected in the population within the plague area. 4. Mean genetic differentiation in the Mongolian marmot populations was 0.016798 ± 0.006047. Populations in plague intensified and non-intensified areas were characterized by comparatively higher differentiation (0.021314; 0.019182) than the population in areas free of plague (0.009928). Marmot population density might lead to an increase of genetic differentiation in that population. We found the highest genetic differentiation from the population with the highest density. Genetic differentiation between separately located marmot populations was 0.012764 ± 0.0120. The level of genetic differentiation could have increased from high level to low of population's hierarchy structures. The majority of marmot populations demonstrated high genetic differentiation's at the transferrin locus (mean FST = 0.039665). 5. The mean genetic distance (Nei's genetic distance-D) between marmot population groups (or subpopulations) in a population was 0.0199 ± 0.0041. A comparatively high D coefficient (0.0244) was found in a population in an intensified plague foci. The D coefficient was 22.1 - 33.2% lower than this populations in areas of non-intensified plague foci and free of plague. The genetic distances of marmot populations geographically remote from each other were 0.0022 - 03.0192, and we found a correlation between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.977). The marmot population within intensified plague focus clearly differed from the 2 populations in areas non-intensified plague foci and free of plague by population genetic structure (D = 0.0157 - 0.0192). The D coefficient was very low between populations in areas of non-intensified plague foci and populations free of plague (D = 0.0022). Observed genetic distances between marmot populations could not be determined at the subspecies level.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995e. Mongol tarbagany popoulyatsi dakh' takhlyn epizootiïn shinj tchanar [Characteristics of a plague epizootic in the Mongolian marmot population. Charactéristiques d'une épizootie de peste chez la population de marmotte de Mongolie]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 109-141.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts.
Marmota sibirica, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, peste, plague, Mongolie.

1. The plague epizootic which occurred among the marmot population in the high mountains featured a central plague focal point which appeared in the area where the epizootic stopped the previous autumn. The epizootic then spread through the population along a definite corridor defined by subpopulation boundaries. The plague epizootic moved 11.6 ± 6.0 km and covered 4.2 ± 2.9 thousand hectares every year for the past 8 years. For each of 3 study years the epizootic began with the first case of an infected marmot appearing on the 26th of May. The period of intensive plague epizootism lasted from July through August. 2. Plague passes through 3 stages designated "signal", "peak" and " consequent". The plague pathogen remains in the marmot population for 3 - 4 years. Infected marmots represent 7.0 ± 5.4% of the population during the signal stage, 33.8 ± 6.0% during the peak stage, and 5.9 ± 13.8% during the consequent stage. Attenuation of the epizootic was indicated by a decrease in the percentage of infected marmots, and a drop in of raptors and carnivores densities. 3. Prior to initiation of the plague epizootic, the structure of the marmot population was characterized by a high density (3.27 ± 1.4 marmots/ha) of marmots with a strong male bias (165 males : 100 females), a small number of kits, a low percentage of young marmots, and a low rate of reproduction. Following infection of the population by plague, 34.8% of winter burrows and 52.0% of summer burrows became empty, family size decreased by 52.7% an population density by 76.6%. Male marmot mortality was two times greater than that of females, resulting in a shift to female sex bias. Additional influences of the epizootic included increased immigration into the population and intensified breeding. Over the next 3 years the percentage of kits surpassed that of all other age classes, empty burrows were occupied by marmots, and the number and density of marmot increased.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995f. Tarbagany popoulyatsiïn genetik togttsod takhlyn epizootiïn noloolol [Variation in the genetic structure of a Mongolian marmot population influenced by a plague epizootic. Variation de la structure génétique d'une population de marmotte de Mongolie sous l'influence de la peste]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 142-172.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts).
Marmota sibirica, génétique, peste, plague, Mongolie.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Batsuuri J. 1995g. Mongol tarbagnany bieiïn temperatouryn touvshin, oudamshlyn sistem ba takhlyn khaldvar tesverlekh tchadvartaï tououniïn shouteltseeteï baïdal [Body temperature of Mongolian marmots and its relationship to with resitance to plague infection and the hereditary system marmot. Température corporelle des marmottes de Mongolie en relation avec la résistance à la peste et à l'hérédité]. Scientific Journal national University of Mongolia, 1(115) : 173-199.
En mongol avec résumé en anglais, in Mongolian and English abstracts.
Marmota sibirica, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, génétique, genetic, peste, plague, Mongolie.

The body temperature of individual marmots within a single population varied greatly. The rage of body temperature has 25-40oC and followed a normal distribution. Separate marmot populations were characterized by significantly different body temperature means, coefficients variation, distributions, and ranges. Mean body temperature of marmots in the population in an intensified plague focus was low (34.4oC), and it was higher by about 3 degrees within populations in areas of non-intensified focus and free of plague (37.7; 37.3oC). Body temperature was not dependent on age, sex, nor climatic changes. 2. Marmot body temperature is partially determined by individual's blood serum transferrin. Marmots which possessed the TfL gene were characterized by high body temperature and marmots which possessed both TfM, and the TfK genes were characterized by middle and low temperatures. The frequencies of the TfL allele increased and other allelic frequencies of transferrin decreased following the plague epizootic. Thus, marmots having high body temperature persisted during plague epizootic. Following the epizootic mean body temperatures within the marmot population increased by 2.2oC. The relationship between the transferrin system and marmot body temperature was clearly indicated by 3 results. First, mean body temperature of different marmot populations was significantly correlated with the frequency of the TfL allele in each population. Second, both the proportions of the TfL allele and the mean body temperature of marmots in the population increased during the plague epizootic. Thus, transferrin allelic fitness changed during the plague epizootic; as TfL allelic fitness increased significantly relative to both the TfM and the TfK alleles. Finally, there was a significant correlation between genetic distance at the transferrin locus and mean body temperature differences of marmots from geographically separate populations.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.), Batsukh D. & Batsuuri J. 1990.[Influence du taux de l'épizootie de peste sur la structure de la population de marmotte. The rate of plague epizootic influence on population structure of marmot.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 59-60, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.), J. Batsuuri & D. Batsukh 1990. [Système hér;éditaire de l'haptoglobuline sérique de la marmotte de Mongolie. Hereditary system of blood serum haptoglobin of Mongolian marmot]. In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., D.Batsukh & D. Tsendjav Eds., 17-21, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, génétique, genetic, polymorphisme, polymorphism, Haptoglobuline.

Batbold J.(БатБолд Ж.) & B. Demberel 1988a. [Les méthodes de détermination de l'âge chez la marmotte de Mongolie (M. sibirica Radde, 1862). The methods to determine age of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862)]. Scientific reports of the Natural Infection Research Institutions, Ulaanbaatar, 4: 65-70.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, méthodologie, methodology, âge, age.

Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.) & Demberel B. 1988b. Kheeriïn tarbagany (Marmota sibirica, Radde, 1862) nac todorkhoïlokh arga. GAKhOES baïgououllagyn ESh bouteel, 4 : 75-90.
En mobgol, in Mongolian. Marmota sibirica, Mongolie.

Batfroi S. 1981. Histoire secrète des Alpes: Dauphiné, Savoie, Val d'Aoste [Hidden history of the Alps]. Michel, Paris, pp. 336.
En français, in French.
Histoire, history, France, Italie, Italy.

Batsukh D., Adjasuren Z., Bud D., Tumerbaatar D. 1990. [Possibilité d'utilisation de la ressource marmotte dans un foyer naturel de peste. A possibility of use of marmot resource in the plaque natural foci area.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 61-70, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.

Batsukh D, J. Demberel, B. Demberel & Batbold J. (БатБолд Ж.)1988. [Etat actuel du foyer de peste de Mongolie. Present situation of natural plague foci of Mongolia]. In The natural foci of Mongolian Peoples Republic, Irkutsk, Golubinskii E.V. & T.I. Innokenteva Eds., 36-38.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Mongolie.

Batsuuri J. 1986. Nasledstvenny&iulm; polimorfizm i genogeografiya narodnaseleniya Mongoli&iulm;. Dissertatsiya dokt. biol. naouk, 284 p.
En mongol, in Mongolian.

Battelli G., Bianchedi M., Frigo W., Amorati P., Mantovani Al. & Pagliani A. 1978. Survey of keratinophilic fungi in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) burrow soil and adjoining soils [Aperçu des champignons kératinophiles du sol des terriers de marmottes alpines et des sols voisins]. Sabouraudia, 16 : 83-86.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, mycologie, mycology.

Soil samples from 127 marmot (Marmota marmota) burrows were examined for keratinophilic fungi along with 48 soil samples from adjoining areas. The occurrence of keratinophilic fungi (especially Microsporum gypseum) was significantly higher in burrow soil. A review of the literature and our results support the hypothesis that the "animalization" (i.e. the enrichment of soil with hairs, crusts and other organic matters) of the environment may create conditions suitable for the growth of keratinophilic fungi. The presence of keratinophilic fungi in alpine mountain soil was noted for the first time.

Battisti Corrado 1997. Riserva naturale "Monte Soratte. Fauna [Réserve naturelle du Mont Soratte. Natural reserve of the Soratte Mount].Piani di assetto aree naturali protette di interesse provinciale [Plans d’organisation des aires naturelles protégées d’intérêt provincial. Plans of order protect natural areas of provincial interest].
En italien, in Italian.
Faune, fauna, Marmota marmota, réserve naturelle, natural reserve, Latium, Lazio, Italie, Italy.
pdf disponible/available.

Baturin A.L. 1983. [Rôle de la structure des groupes familiaux de marmotte de Menzbier. Role Structure of Menzbier's Marmot Families]. In Rare species of mammals in SSSR and their conservation, (Mater. III Vsesouz. sovechs.) M., 56-58.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, social.

Baturin A.L. & Mashkin V.I. 1983. [Interactions au cours de la période de dispersion chez les marmottes de Menzbier. Interrelations between Menzbier's Marmots over the Period of Distribution]. In Mechanism of Behavior, Proceedings of 3rd All-Union Conf. On Animal Behaviour, Moscow, 1 : 215-214.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, dispersion, dispersal.

Batzli G.O. 1981. Populations and energetics of small mammals in tundra ecosystem [Les populations et l'énergétique des petits mammifères des écosystèmes de toudra]. In Tundra ecosystems: a comparative analysis, Bliss L.C., Heal O.W. & Moore J.J. eds., Cambridge University Press, New, York, 377-396, 813 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Ecologie, ecology, énergétique, energetics, toundra, tundra.

Baudot M. 1960 (1961). Observations sur la toponymie de la Savoie [observations on the Savoy toponymy]. BPH, 519-525.
En français, in French.
Toponymie, toponymy, Savoie, Savoy.

Baudouin Albert 1909. Marmottes pérhistoriques [Préhistoric marmots]. Bull. et Mém. Soc. Anthropologie Paris, 78-79.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota, Seine-et-Oise, France.
pdf disponible/available.

Baudoin Marcel 1909a. Trois cas de déformation du crâne, observée sur des sujets trouvés dans la grotte de James, à Martiel (Aveyron) [Three cases of skull deformation observed on individuals found in the James Cave in martiel (Aveyron)]. Bulletin de la société française d’Histoire de la Médecine, 4(1) : 58-68.
En français, in French.
Déformation annulaire, ring-shaped deformation, crâne, skull.

Baudoin M. 1909b. Moulages de gravures sur rochers (cupules et pieds), découverts à l’Île-d’Yeu (Vendée). Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 148 : 442-444.
En français, in French.
Gravures, engravings, quaternaire, néolithique, île d’Yeu, Vendée.

Baudoin M. 1909c. Démonstration de l’existence de la déformation artificielle du crâne à l’époque néolithique dans le bassin de Paris. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 148 : 1636-1637.
En français, in French.
Néolithique, neolithic, crâne, skull, déformation annulaire, ring-shaped deformation, homme, man.

Bauer K.M. 1991. Distributional change of Marmota marmota in the Eastern Alps during Holocene [Variation de la distribution de M. marmota dans les Alpes orientales durant l'Holocène]. Abstracts of the 1st European Congress of Mammalogy, 57, Lisboa, Portugal.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, paléontologie, paleontology, Holocène, Holocene, Europe, Europa.

Bauer K.M., Baar A. & Wirth J. 1979. Die wirbeltierfaunistische Durchforschung der Höhlen Österreichs. 15 Jarhe Biospeläologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft an der Säugetiersammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums [Examen faunistique des vertébrés des cavernes d'Autriche. 15 ans des groupes d'étude biospéléologique sur les collections de mammifères des museums d'histoire naturel. Faunistic examination of vertebrates from Austria caves. 15 years of biospeleologic group study on mammal collections of the natural history museum]. Höhlenforschung in Österreich, 17: 77-86.
En allemand, in German.
Faunistique, fauna, Autriche, Austria.

Bauer K. & Spitzenberger F. 1983. Rote Liste seltener und gefahrdeter Saugetierarten Österreichs (Mammali) [Liste rouge des Mammifères rares et en danger d'Autriche. Red list of rares and endangered mammals of Austria]. In Rote Listen gefahrdeter Tiere österreichs, GeppJ. Ed., 43-48, Bundesministerium fur Gesundheit und Umveltschutz, Wien. Liste rouge des Mammifères rares et en danger d'Autriche.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, conservation, Autriche, Austria.

Baumann 1939. Herrliche Alpentiere. [La magnifique faune des Alpes. The splendid fauna of the Alps].
En allemand, in German. Marmota marmota, Alpes, Alps.

Baumann 1941. Murmeli [Marmottes. Marmots].
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Baumann F. 1949. Die freilebenden Säugetiere der Schweiz [Les Mammifères sauvages de Suisse. Wild mammals of Switzerland]. Bern, Stat o svistich na stra., 182-190.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, Suisse, Switzerland.

Bauman W.A., Meryn S. & Florant G.L. 1987. Pancreatic hormones in the nonhibernating and hibernating golden mantled ground squirrel [Hormones pancréatiques chez les spermophiles à mante dorée]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A., 86(2): 241-244.
En anglais, in English.

The effects of hibernation on pancreatic insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide was investigated in the golden mantled ground squirrel (Citellus lateralis). During hibernation, pancreatic organ weight decreased to 57% of the nonhibernating weight. The content of all four pancreatic hormones during hibernation was significantly reduced. The concentrations of insulin, pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin, but not of glucagon, were significantly reduced during hibernation. The maintenance of the pancreatic glucagon concentration during hibernation may be related to its role in counter-regulation and carbohydrate homeostasis during fasting.

Baumber J., South F.E., Ferren L., Zatzman M.L. 1971. A possible basis for periodic arousals during hibernation. Accumulation of ketone bodies [Une base éventuelle des réveils périodiques pendant l'hibernation. Accumulation de cétones]. Life Sci., 2, 10 : 463-467.
En anglais, in English.
Physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Baumgartner M. 1993. Störung von Wildtieren [Dérangement de la faune sauvage. Disturbance of the wild fauna]. Wildbiologie, 20 : 1-15.
En allemand, in German.
Dérangement, disturbance, Marmota marmota.

Baumgartner M. 1994. Störung von Wildriere. Die Pirsch, 46: 25-29.
En allemand, in German.

Bavaasan A. 1974. Epizootologitcheskoe zpatchenie blokh gryzounov i zaïtsebraanikh v tchoumnykh otchagakh Mongolii [Signification épizootique de la puce des rongeurs et des lagomorphes dans le foyer de peste de Mongolie. Epizootic effects of the rodent and lagomorph flea in the plague focus in Mongolia]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, vyp. 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Lagomorpha, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Mongolie.

Bavaasan A., G. Batjil G., Adjuasuren Z. 1990. [Les ectoparasites des marmottes. Ektoparasites of marmots]. In Question on management and concervation marmots in Mongolia, Ed. Dulamtseren S., Ts. Zhanchiv, Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C., 46-53.
En Russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitisme, parasitism.

Baye J. de 1872. Époque de la pierre polie. Grottes préhistoriques de la Marne [Neolithic age. Prehistorical caves of Marne]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 74 : 1595-97.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, homme, man, Marne, France.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bayly Karen . & Evans Christopher S. 2003. Dynamic changes in alarm call structure : a strategy for reducing conspicuousness to avian predators ? [Modifications dynamiques de la structure du cri d'alarme : une stratégie pour réduire la visibilité aux prédateurs aviaires?]Behaviour, 140, 353-369.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Marmota caudata aurea, Marmota bobac, cri d’alarme, alarm call, prédation, predation.
The design of many animal signals reflects the need to maximize signal efficacy while minimizing conspicuousness to eavesdroppers.The aerial alarm calls of birds have been a useful model system for exploring such evolutionary tradeoffs at the level of general call structure, but much less is known about changes in fine-scale signal characteristics over the course of an encounter with a potential predator. We analyzed variation in the alarm calls that male fowl, Gallus gallus, produced in response to raptor silhouettes moving overhead. Spectrogram cross-correlation was used to test for changes in structure over the course of a call bout. This analysis revealed that aerial alarm calls are individually distinctive and that they vary significantly from the first call to the second. We then measured single acoustic parameters,including the duration, dominant frequency and frequency bandwidth of each component in successive calls. Males almost invariably began the first call in a bout with a high amplitude broad-band pulse, which was followed by a much longer and highly variable sustained element. They then selectively reduced or eliminated the introductory pulse, while leaving other aspects of alarm structure unchanged. Recent work has shown that the introductory pulse is potentially costly because it has attributes that are readily localized by raptors. We suggest that male fowl have adaptive plasticity in alarm call structure, allowing them to manage short-term predation risk while continuing to signal to companions.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bazardorj D. 1990. [Distribution et dénombrement actuels des marmottes de la région du lac Hubsugul. Present distribution and numbers of marmots on the region of Hubsugul lake.] In Question on management and concervation marmots in Mongolia, Ed. Dulamtseren S., Ts. Zhanchiv, Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C., 3-5.
En Russe, in Russian.

Bazaliiskiy V.I. & Savelyev N.A. 2003. The Wolf of Baikal: the Lokomotiv early Neolithic cemetery in Siberia (Russia) (Le loup du lac Baïkal : le cimetière Lokomitiv du Néolithique ancien en Sibérie (Russie)). Antiquity, 77(295) : 20-30.
En anglais, in English.
Ethnologie, ethnology, Marmota sibirica, faune, fauna, Russie, Russia, Asie, Asia, Sibérie, Siberia, Néolithique, Neolithic.
The authors present a synopsis of research on the remarkable early Neolithic cemetery near Lake Baikal known as The Lokomotiv which was first discovered by the constructors of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the 1880s. A current campaign of research is beginning to understand the great variety of the burial rites and their contexts. The rites include communal burials, burial in pairs head to toe and decapitation before burial, the position of the skull being sometimes taken by a carved object. Among the earliest graves was one containing a Tundra wolf.
The second most abundant category of goods are the incisors of the marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde), which may have been used for decorating clothing and ...
The territory around Lake Baikal features mountains, lowlands and plateaux, and includes the Watersheds of the Angara, Lena, Selenga, Barguzin, Vitim and other rivers. A favourable climate and a wealth of fauna and flora have attracted people since early times, creating a rich archaeological record, particularly for the period of the Holocene climatic optimum (8000-4500 years ago). Over the vast region of Northern Asia, Baikal Siberia is the only area in which several hundreds of burial complexes relating to the later Mesolithic into the Neolithic...

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1930. M. bobak tschaganensis.
En russe, in Russian.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1939. [Les anomalies écologiques. The ecological anomalies]. Izv. Kazakhst. Filiala Acad. Nauk SSSR, 1: 109-110.
En russe, in Russian.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1940. O srokakh razmnosheniya sourkov [De la reproduction des marmottes. Upon marmot reproduction]. Sovietskii okhotnik, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, reproduction.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V. S. 1944. [Les hybrides chez les marmottes (hybridation interspécifique en milieu naturel). Marmot hybrids (On the question of interspecific hybridization in nature)]. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 42(7):307-308.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, hybridation.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1946. Severnyi predel i vysotnyï diapazon obitaniya sourka Menzbira [Limites nord et altitudinale de l'habitat de Marmota Menzbieri. Northern and altitudinal limits of the Menzbier's marmot habitat]. Vesti. AN KazSSSR, 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, biogéographie, biogeography.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1947a. Sourok Menzbira v basseïne r. Arys [M. menzbieri dans le bassin de la rivière Arys. M. menzbieri in the Arys basin]. Priroda, 5: 67-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, biogéographie, biogeography.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1947b. Nekotorye voprosy rasseleniya sourkov v nagornï Azii [Quelques questions sur l'histoire de l'installation des marmottes dans les montagnes d'Asie. Some questions relating to the history of the dispersal of marmots in mountains of Asia]. Izv. AN KazSSR, seriya zool., 36 (6): 65-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, évolution, biogéographie, biogeography, Asie, Asia.
original paper in Russian

On ground of a series of investigations the author concludes that the marmot genus (Marmota) primarily originated the Central Asia on hilly surroundings. Therefrom the marmot spread over several directions-to the north the sibirica form, to the north-west and the west a series of forms (baibacina, centralis, schaganensis and bobac) to whom belongs the Marmota b. menzbieri too, a previous form developped in a form apart. And lastly a branch of the primary population moved higher to along with the raise of the Tibet-upland and the Himalayas, developping into a well prononced highlands type, to which belongs also the long-tailed marmot. This last spread from the mountaineous areas of Central Asia in the Pamir-Alai system and further into Tian-Shian, thus separating the areal of the menzbieri form on the extreme west of Tian-Shian from the basical area of M. bobac.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1953. Sourki [Marmottes. Marmots]. V kh. Zveri Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, AN KazSSSR.
En russe, in Russian.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. 1957. O razvitii razvevaemykh peskov na mejdouretche Selenga. Khnolk i merakh borrby s nimi [Sur le développement des sables éoliens près de la rivière Selenga. Moyens de lutte. On the expansion of wind-sands near the Selenga river]. Materialy po izoutchennyu proizvoditel'nykh sil Bouryat-Mongol'skoïASSR, byp. 3 Oulan-Oude.
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, Russie.

Bazhanov (Bajanov) V.S. & Kostenko N.N. 1962. Atlas roukovodyachtchikh form mlekopitayuchtchikh antropogena Kazakhstana [Atlas des principaux mammifères sous pression anthropique au Kazakhstan. Atlas of the main mammals under anthropic pressure in Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN KazSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, faunistique, fauna, anthropisation.

B.C. Parks 1995. Management plan for Haley Lake Ecological Reserve South Coast Region [Plan de gestion de la réserve du lac Haley, région de la côte sud]. North Vancouver, BC, 21 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, protection, Haley Lake Ecological Reserve (C.-B.), gestion, management, écologie, ecology, réserves naturelles, ecological Reserve, Colombie-Britannique, British Columbia, Canada.

Beard J. 1888. Recueil complet de ses chansons en patois savoyard avec traduction littérale par Aimé Constantin [Full collection of songs in Savoy patois with a literal translation by Aiméé Constantin]. F. Abry, Annecy, 72p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, France, Savoie.

Beasley R.P. 1988. Hepatitis B virus. The major etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma [Le virus de l'hépatite B. La principale étiologie du carcinome hépatocellulaire]. Cancer, 15;61(10): 1942-1956.
En anglais, in English.
Review. No abstract available.

Beaucournu J.C. 1999. Diversité des puces vectrices en fonction des foyers pesteux [Diversity of vector flea species according to plague foci]. Journée IP en hommage à Paul-Louis Simond.
En français, in French.
Puces, fleas.

Beaudoin R.L., Davis D.E., Murrel K.D. 1969. Antibodies to larval Taenia crassiceps in hibernating woodchucks [Anticorps aux larves de T. crassiceps chez les marmottes hibernantes]. Experimental Parasitology, 24 (1) : 42-46.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, Cestodes, Cestoda, hibernation.

Beauharnais Fanny de 1787. Les Amans d'autrefois, par Mme la comtesse de B***. Il est bien temps, ou les Confidences, La Marmote au bal, avec pour titre courant : "La Marmote philosophe et Poésies diverses. Seconde partie. Couturier et L'Esclapart, Paris.
En français, in French.
Roman, novel, Beauharnais Fanny de 1737-1813.

Beauharnais Fanny de 1811. La Marmote philosophe, ou le Philosophe en domino, précédée des Amours magiques, et suivie de la Nouvelle folle anglaise. Guillaume, Paris, 3 vol. in-12
En français, in French.
Roman, novel.

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 1651. Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs provinces du Royaume de Pologne. Contenues depuis les confins de la Moscovie, jusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. Ensemble leurs moeurs, façons de vivres, et de faire la Guerre [Ukraine description which are several provinces of the Poland kingdom from the Moscovia confines to the Transilvania limits. General view of their customs, way of life, and way to make war]. A Rouen, Chez Jacques Cailloue.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 1660. Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs provinces du Royaume de Pologne. Contenues depuis les confins de la Moscovie, jusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. Ensemble leurs moeurs, façons de vivres, et de faire la Guerre [Ukraine description which are several provinces of the Poland kingdom from the Moscovia confines to the Transilvania limits. General view of their customs, way of life, and way to make war]. A Rouen, Chez Jacques Cailloue.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 1661. Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs provinces du Royaume de Pologne. Contenues depuis les confins de la Moscovie, jusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. Ensemble leurs moeurs, façons de vivres, et de faire la Guerre [Ukraine description which are several provinces of the Poland kingdom from the Moscovia confines to the Transilvania limits. General view of their customs, way of life, and way to make war]. A Paris, Chez Simon Le Sourd.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 1673. Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs provinces du Royaume de Pologne. Contenues depuis les confins de la Moscovie, jusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. Ensemble leurs moeurs, façons de vivres, et de faire la Guerre [Ukraine description which are several provinces of the Poland kingdom from the Moscovia confines to the Transilvania limits. General view of their customs, way of life, and way to make war]. A Rouen, Chez Jacques Cailloue.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 1990. La description d'Ukranie. Etudes ukrainiennes de l'Université d'Ottawa, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de 2002 Description de l’Ukraine. Introduction et notes de Iaroslav Lebedynsky.
158 p.
En français, in French.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beauplan Guillaume Le Vasseur de, Levasseur Guillaume, Pernal Andrew B., Essar Dennis F. 1991. Description of the Ukrainian. Monograph Series, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute.
En anglais, in English.
Bobaque, Marmota bobac, histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine, Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-1673).

Beaurieu Gaspard Guillard de 1770. Cours d'Histoire Naturelle ou tableau de la nature considérée dans les hommes, les quadrupèdes, les insectes. Ouvrage propre à inspirer aux gens du monde le désir de connoître les merveilles de la nature. Paris, Lacombe.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Mus alpinus, Arctomys, rat-ours, bobak, jevraschka, cricet, Monax, souffleur, Guillard de Beaurieu, Gaspard (1728-1795).

Becher Ulrich 1969. Murmeljagd. Reinbek, Hamburg.
En allemand, in German.
Littérature allemande, German literature, roman, novel, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Becher Ulrich 1972. La chasse à la marmotte [Marmot hunting. Jagd auf das Murmeltier]. Seuil, Paris, 446p.
En fran°ais, in French.
Extrait pdf extract Littérature allemande, German, literature, roman, novel, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Haute-Engadine, Suisse, Switzerland.
Mars 1938. Hitler envahit l'Autriche. Albert von * * * , dit Trebla, social-démocrate et révolutionnaire convaincu, quoique issu d'une illustre famille, fuit son pays à skis pour se réfugier en Suisse. Mais il n'y trouve pas le repos : deux tueurs nazis sont à ses trousses, il s'attire la vindicte d'un mari jaloux, d'un aubergiste criminel, d'un jeune paysan assoiffé de vendetta. Les dangers se multiplient inexorablement jusqu'au dernier chapitre où lors d’une épique marche nocturne de Saint-Moritz à Pontresina, ils atteignent une telle intensité que le lecteur, et le héros lui-même, les renvoient dans l'imaginaire. Au-delà de ces épisodes, le vrai drame est plus vaste : c'est celui de l'Autriche, entre la révolution de 1934 et l'Anschluss, c'est-à-dire l'Europe sous la montée du nazisme. Piège historique, dont l'inexorable filet tendu autour du héros-narrateur Trebla n'est que l'image individuellement vécue. Ainsi l'actualité (juin 1938) est-elle soumise aux irruptions du souvenir. Berlin, Vienne, Graz, Brésil et Slovaquie, l'ne de Hvar, les fronts d'Espagne, et d'innombrables prisons et camps d'internement jalonnent l'itinéraire. Autobiographie de l'exilé, de l'homme-marmotte, traqué comme le sont ces petits animaux par les contrebandiers grisons, mais aussi - car Murmel a deux sens en allemand - de l'homme-bille, qui roule au gré du jeu, de main en main. Cette image ambiguë reflète bien le style de l'oeuvre. Baroque, foisonnante, étourdissante dans sa virtuosité, sa joie d'écrire et de conter, elle touche, de l'humour noir à l'humour tendre, de l'ironie au romantisme, du tragique à l'élé-giaque, de l'érotique à la plus fine délicatesse du coeur, aux registres essentiels. Ce grand monologue épique et policier est, jusqu'à présent, le chef-d'oeuvre d'Ulrich Becher.

Beck H. 1964. Records of mammals in the lake Athabasa area, Saskatchewan [Mammifères de la zone du lac d'Athabasa, Saskatchewan]. Blue Jay, 22(4): 165-172.
En anglais, in English.
Faune, fauna, Marmota monax.

Beck P. 1921. Von den eiszeitlichen Murmeltieren [De la marmotte de la période glaciaire. Upon the marmot of the ice age]. Oberländer Tagblatt, Mai.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Becker Andrew. Is that a marmot under my hood?
En anglais, in English.

Beddard Frank Evers 1902. Mammalia. .. 8vo., x, i-xii+1-605 pages, 285 text-figs.

Bedenikov E.P. 1983. Itogi akklimatizatsii baïbaka v Askanii-Nova. In Okhrana, ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie i ekologiya sourkov, Bibikov D.I. & Zimina R.P. eds., Moskva, IEMEZh AN SSSR, 26-29 .
En russe, in Russian.

Bedenikov E.P. 1997. Iz opyta pereseleniya stepnogo sourka v Askaniya-Nova [Sur l'expérience de réintroduction de la marmotte des steppes dela région d'Askania-Nova]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Voronej, Voronezh, Russie, Russia.

Bee J.W., Glass G.G., Hoffmann R.S.S & Patterson R.R. 1981. Mammals of Kansas [Mammifères du Kansas]. Public Education Series of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, 7: ix+ 1-300.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, mammifères, mammals, biogéographie, biogeography, Kansas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bee J. W. & Hall E.R. 1956. Mammals of northern Alaska [Mammifères du nord de l'Alaska]. Univ. Kans., Mus. Nat. Hist., Misc. Publ. N°8, 309pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota broweri, Alaska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Beecher Henry Ward 1862. Eyes and ears [Yeux et oreilles]. Ticknor and Fields, Boston.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available

Beethoven Ludwig van. Marmotte. Opus 52 n°7.
En allemand, in German.
Chanson, song, arrangement musical, musical setting, texte de Goethe, text by Goethe 1773, Beethoven Ludwig van 1770-1827 .

Bei-Bienko G.YA. & Mischenko L.L. 1964. Locusts and Grasshopers of the USSR [Criquets et sauterelles d'URSS]. Manson, Jerusalem, 290pp.
En aglais, in English.
Insectes, insects, URSS, USSR.

Beiglbock C. & Zenker W. 2003. Evaluation of three combinations of anesthetics for use in free-ranging alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Évaluation de trois combinaisons d'anesthésiques utilisables chez les marmottes alpines sauvages]. J. Wildl. Dis., 39(3): 665-674.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, anesthésie, anesthesia, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

From April 1998 to September 2000, 241 free-ranging alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) were anesthetized in the course of a field project using either xylazine plus ketamine (XK), medetomidine plus ketamine (MK), or xylazine plus a 1:1 mixture of zolazepam and tiletamine (XZT). For each of the combinations, the respective doses for short term and long-term surgery were established and seasonal variations in the amount of drugs needed were assessed. No fatalities occurred, and doses for efficient and safe anesthesia in spring were as follows (XK, MK, and XZT, respectively, in mg/kg body mass): short term surgery 3 + 40, 0.25 + 35, and 3 + 15; long term surgery 20 + 80, 0.5 + 70, and 10 + 20. In late summer/autumn, higher doses (20 + 60, 0.2 + 60, and 10 + 15 for short term surgery) had to be administered, probably due to increase of marmots' body fat content. Heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, palpebral reflex, muscle relaxation, and analgesia were monitored to evaluate the animals' responses to each of the drug combinations. Hypothermia was induced by all combinations and heart rate significantly decreased during anesthesia, especially in marmots receiving MK. Respiratory rate was highly variable and no significant differences between the drugs were found. Muscle relaxation was rather poor in marmots anesthetized with XK. The XZT combination tended to have a longer induction period but was found to subsequently depress the palpebral reflex and induce muscle relaxation and analgesia very efficiently. We conclude that, regardless of the anesthetics used, doses should always be adjusted to the planned manipulations, the marmots' nutritional state, and to the time of year. Furthermore, close monitoring of physiologic parameters, especially body temperature, should be guaranteed. On the basis of physiologic and behavioral responses, XZT is the most effective drug combination for anesthetizing alpine marmots, especially for long term, potentially painful procedures.

Bekenov A. 1986. Kydyrbaev X. Sovremennye zapasy hekotorykh poushnykh zvereï v Kazakhstane i perspektivy ikh ratsionalinogo ispolizovaniya [Réseves actuelles de certaines fourrures du Nord et du Kazakstan et perspectives de rationalisation de leur utilisation. Present reserves of some furs in the North and the Kazakhstan and perspective of rationalizing of their use]. Vestnik AN KazSSR, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, gestion, management.

Beklenichev V.N. 1960. Prostranstvennaya i founktsionalinaya strouktoura popoulyatsii [Structures spatiale et fonctionelle des populations. Spatial and functional structure of populations]. Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol., 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Écologie, ecology, population.

Beklenichev V.N. 1961. K metodike outcheta tchislennosti sourkov marshroutnym sposobom [Méthode de mesure de l'effectif des marmottes par le procédé de l'itinéraire. The itinerary census method of marmots]. Tr. Sredneaz. protivotchumn. in-ta., 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodology, écologie, ecology.

Bel M-C. 1994. Le marquage jugal chez la marmotte alpine : modalités, fonctions et analyse chimique [Jugal marking in Alpine marmot: modalities, functions and chemical analysis]. DEA "Adaptation et survie en environnement naturel extrême", UCB-Lyon I et Aix-Marseille II.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, marquage, marking.

Le marquage chimique chez les mammifères a suscité de nombreux travaux qui ont attribué diverses fonctions à ce comportement. Cependant, la plupart de ces fonctions n'a pu être testée directement. C'est pourquoi Gosling (1982) a proposé de nouvelles hypothèses, sujettes à expérimentations, concernant la fonction de marquage chimique chez les espèces territoriales. Nous avons tenté de répondre à deux d'entre elles, en étudiant la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) : - le résident devrait marquer son territoire en priorité aux endroits où les risques d'intrusion sont les plus grands ; - le résident devrait remplacer par ses propres marques toutes les marques qui ne sont pas les siennes sur son territoire. Des observations sur le terrain d'individus adultes appartenant à trois groupes territoriaux et effectuant des circuits de marquage ont validé la première hypothèse. Il est en effet apparu une tendance nette des individus à marquer le système de terriers principaux ainsi que les frontières de leurs territoires. Cependant, ces observations ont permis de soulever une autre hypothèse : le mâle et la femelle auraient-ils des répartitions spatiales de marquage différentes, le mâle effectuant ses circuits plus en périphérie du territoire que la femelle? Nous avons ensuite pratiqué des expérimentations de terrain in natura, dont le principe repose sur la présentation simultanée de deux supports, l'un portant la marque d'un intrus et l'autre vierge. Les résultats ont fait apparaître que l'intensité de marquage est supérieure envers le support simulant l'intrusion : la seconde hypothèse est donc validée. Ces résultats confortent l'importance de la fonction de gestion du territoire remplie par le marquage chimique. En outre, le dépôt chimique laissé sur le territoire par la marmotte contient plus d'une centaine de molécules différentes : notre troisième objectif a donc été de fractionner ce dépôt chimique afin d'isoler les composés intervenant dans la détection des intrus. Nous avons extrait les composés du dépôt à l'aide de trois solvants : le dichlorométhane, l'éthanol et le pentane et nous en avons testé l'efficacité sur le terrain. Il est apparu que les extraits partiels à l'éthanol incitent les individus à marquer, en revanche les mêmes individus éviteraient les extraits au pentane ; le dichlorométhane présente une position intermédiaire. Enfin, une procédure d'identification chimique et d'analyse du dépôt (chromatographie en phase gazeuse, spectromètre de masse) a été mise en oeuvre, en relation avec les expérimentations sur le terrain. Néanmoins, ces analyses en sont encore au stade préliminaire.

Bel M.C. 1998. Le marquage jugal chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758) : Aspects éco-éthologiques et étude du système de communication chimique. [Scent-marking behaviour by cheek-rubbing in the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota): eco-ethological aspects and analysis of the chemical communication system]. Doctorat, Université claude Bernard - Lyon 1, 213 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, comportement, behaviour, marquage jugal, cheek marquing, territoire, territory, organisation sociale, social organization, communication chimique intraspécifique, intraspecific chemical communication, glande de marquage, marqking gland, signal chimique, chemical signal, test biologique, bioassay.
La marmotte alpine est un rongeur inféodé aux milieux ouverts d’altitude ; elle marque son domaine vital par frottement jugal sur divers supports (déblai de terriers, pierres ou rochers proéminents…). Chez cet hibernant vrai, l’activité de marquage est maximale, au moment de la reproduction puis régresse de manière significative durant la période d’activité, d’avril à septembre. La contribution des divers membres du groupe familial apparaît très inégale : le marquage est essentiellement effectué par le couple adulte dominant (mâle et femelle > and =3 ans) à travers la réalisation de circuits de marquage : le marquage est ainsi l’expression d’un rang social élevé. Par ailleurs, au sein du domaine vital, les terriers principaux sont très abondamment marqués ; ils sont aussi très fréquentés par tous les membres du groupe. Le faible marquage des subordonnés pourrait résulter d’un compromis entre la nécessité d’être toléré dans le groupe, et celle de renforcer une familiarité olfactive entre tous les membres du groupe. Le marquage jugal semble donc contribuer à l’organisation sociale observée dans chaque territoire. Le marquage jugal se révèle également un outil essentiel pour la défense du territoire. En effet, les marques sont déposées en bordure de territoire souvent plus abondamment qu’au centre, et sont le fait d’au moins un adulte par couple. Le faible recouvrement des marques des deux partenaires pourrait leur permettre de maximiser l’espace marqué et d’augmenter la probabilité pour les intrus de les rencontrer rapidement. De plus, nous avons démontré la tendance des adultes résidents à remplacer, en les surmarquant préférentiellement, toutes les marques étrangères au groupe et situées sur leur territoire.

Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons utilisé une double approche, comportementale et chimique, afin de caractériser le signal contenu dans les marques jugales. Des tests olfactifs de la substance de marquage brute ont révélé que les marmottes résidentes flairaient plus longtemps et marquaient plus abondamment un support recouvert de marques étrangères qu’un support neutre. Ce test biologique nous a alors permis de préciser le rôle essentiel de la glande temporale dans la production de la substance de marquage. La sécrétion glandulaire a été ensuite fractionnée, et des tests biologiques ont été menés, pour tenter d’isoler les composés impliqués dans la formation du signal. Les résultats obtenus par chromatographie gazeuse (GC) et spectrométrie de masse (MS) indiquent l’existence d’un mélange chimique très complexe de par le grand nombre de ses composés chimiques et la diversité des familles moléculaires rencontrées. La réunion de deux fractions chimiques, plutôt volatiles et de polarité élevée, est apparue nécessaire à l’activité biologique. Il apparaît une forte variabilité interindividuelle, qualitative et quantitative, compatible avec l’hypothèse d’une odeur individuelle transmise par les marques jugales.

Le marquage du domaine vital semble une activité coûteuse pour les adultes, comme révélé par l’ajustement du niveau de marquage aux fluctuations saisonnières et locales. Cependant, nous suggérons qu’il reste économique par rapport à l’énergie qui serait nécessaire à la maintenance du système territorial en son absence. Nous supposons que la stabilité de l’organisation socio-spatiale résultante favorise les conditions indispensables à la survie de tous les membres (notamment hivernale) et permet au couple dominant d’avoir un accès privilégié à la reproduction et de maximiser ainsi leur succès reproducteur.

The Alpine marmot scent-marks its home range by cheek rubbing on various substrates. Overall marking activity decreases significanlty throughout the active season, from April to October ; it peaks during reproduction. Members of social groups do not contribute equally to the scent marking activity. Most of the scent marks are deposited by the adult monogamous dominant pair  : marking behaviour appears as an expression of dominance. The weak marking of subordinates could result from a balance between their tolerance in the group and the need to maintain olfactive familiarity between group members. All the more, scent marks from the whole family were highly concentrated at the main burrow system, which is the most used area. Consequently, the complex social organization seems to be highly facilitated by the observed scent marking strategy. Another aspect of scent marking deals with territorial defence. Scent marks are often deposited near boundaries rather than core areas; such a strategy is made by at least one adult of the resident pair. Marking sites of both dominants weakly overlapped ; the marked area seems maximized, increasing the probability for intruders to detect scent-marks. Finally territory owners were shown to remove foreign scents by overmarking them, which strenghtens the territorial function of scent-marks.

Behavioural and chemical studies were coupled to characterize the chemical signal(s) included in cheek-marks. Field tests performed with the whole marking substance showed that resident marmots tended to sniff longer and to mark more glass tubes covered with foreign scents than clean ones. Such a bioassay enabled us to demonstrate the primary role of the temporal gland in producing the substance. This substance was then fractionated and bioassayed in order to isolate chemicals that could be involved in the signal. Chemical analyses (GC and GC-MS) revealed a complex and multicomponent mixture. All the more, we demonstrated a synergism between two chemical fractions composed of very polar and rather volatile molecules. A preliminary analysis of individual chemical patterns indicated a strong qualitative and quantitative individual variability, that strenghtens the hypothesis of individual scents.
Marking activity involves a great investment from adults, as it seems adaptative to local and seasonal trends. Hoxever, we suggest it is economic if compared to energy expenditure that would occur without such a system. We assume the resulting stability of the social and spatial organization favours survival of all group members (particularly during winter) and enhances the reproductive success of both dominants.

Bel M-C., Clément J.L. & Coulon J. (Бель М.-К., Клемен Ж.Л., Кулон Ж.) 1997. Sovremennye ouspekhi v izoutchenii vnoutrividovoï khimitcheskoï kommounikatsii ou evropeïskogo sourka (Marmota marmota). Recent advances in the study of intraspecific chemical communication in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Résultats actuels de l'étude de la communication intraspécifique chez la marmotte alpine]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 18-19 (Rousskie), 125 (Angliïskie).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota marmota, olfaction, communication, marquage, marking.

Scent marking by cheek-rubbing in the Alpine marmot was investigated from 1991 to 1996, in order to know more about the functional meaning of such a behaviour, and to understand the mechanism underlying the chemical communication of this species. First, field observations of animals individually marked were performed. Results showed that reproductive adult territorial residents scent mark their home range especially on main burrow defence. In a second part, our objectives were to find some reliable behaviours, performed by resident marmots, in response to foreign scent marks. Results indicated that the intensity of overmarking, as well as the time of sniffing were significant, and could from the bioassay. Then, using this response-guided strategy, we tested fractions of the marking substance in order to isolate the semiochemicals involved in the chemical communication. Field experiments showed that the biologically active fraction consisted in the total volatile fraction issued from the secretions of the orbital gland. The next step of the study was to identify the molecules entering the composition of this fraction: more the 30 compounds were detected in each individual sample. Thus, the hypothesis of the molecular complexity variability of chemical composition among individual samples is evaluated, and the link between this variability and social or physiological factors is discussed.

Bel M.C., Clément J.L. & Coulon J. 2002. Recent advances in the study of intraspecific chemical communication in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Современные успехи в изуцении внутривидовой химицеской коммуникации у альпийского сурка (Marmota marmota). [Sovremennye ouspekhi v izoutchenii vvoutrividovoï khimitcheskoï kommounikatsii ou al'piïskogo sourka (Marmota marmota). Le système de communication chimique intra-spécifique chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) : Bilan des connaissances. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev VY., Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots, Cheboksary, Russia, 76-81.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
This study deals with intraspecific chemical communication of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.). Field experiments were performed on free-ranging territorial marmots in order to understand the mechanisms underlying this communication based on scent-marking by cheek-rubbing behavior. Various odors were tested, including whole marks, individual isolated secretions, and various fractions of the marking substance. Preliminary results of chemical analyses of this secretion are also reported.
Key-words: communication, olfaction, behaviour, M. marmota.
Ce travail traite de la communication chimique intraspécifique chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota L.). Des tests olfactifs ont été menés à bien chez des marmottes dans leur milieu naturel afin de mettre en évidence les mécanismes permettant cette communication basée sur un comportement de marquage par frottement jugal. Plusieurs odeurs ont été testées, dont des marques naturelles intégrales, des secrétions glandulaires isolées ou encore diverses fractions de la substance de marquage. Des résultats préliminaires concernant l’analyse chimique d’une telle substance sont également présentés.
Mots clés: communication, olfaction, comportement, M. marmota.
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Bel M-C. & Coulon J. 1999. Le marquage chez la marmotte alpine : Aspects comportementaux. [Marking behaviour by cheek-rubbing in the Alpine marmot: field behavioural study]. In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds., 27-34.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marquage chimique, chemical marking, comportement, behaviour, défense du territoire.

Bel M.C., Coulon J., Clément J.L. & Le Berre M. 1994. Le marquage jugal chez la marmotte alpine : modalités, fonctions et analyse chimique. Marking behaviour in Alpine marmots: modalities, functions and chemical analysis. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 30-31.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, olfaction, marquage, marking.

Le marquage chimique chez les mammifères a suscité de nombreux travaux qui ont attribué diverses fonctions à ce comportement. Cependant, la plupart de ces fonctions n'a pu être testée directement. C'est pourquoi Gosling (1982) a proposé de nouvelles hypothèses, sujettes à expérimentations, concernant la fonction de marquage chimique chez les espèces territoriales. Nous avons tenté de répondre à deux d'entre elles, en étudiant la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) : - le résident devrait marquer son territoire en priorité aux endroits où les risques d'intrusion sont les plus grands ; - le résident devrait remplacer par ses propres marques toutes les marques qui ne sont pas les siennes sur son territoire. L'étude s'est déroulée dans la réserve naturelle de la Grande Sassière (Alpes françaises, Savoie), à une altitude de 2340 m. Des observations sur le terrain d'individus adultes appartenant à trois groupes territoriaux et effectuant des circuits de marquage ont validé la première hypothèse. Il est en effet apparu une tendance nette des individus à marquer le système de terriers principaux ainsi que les frontières de leurs territoires. Des expérimentations de terrain in natura, dont le principe repose sur la présentation simultanée de deux supports, l'un portant la marque d'un intrus et l'autre vierge ont été réalisées. Les résultats ont fait apparaître que l'intensité de marquage est supérieure envers le support simulant l'intrusion : la seconde hypothèse est donc validée. Ces résultats confortent l'importance de la fonction de gestion du territoire remplie par le marquage chimique. L'analyse chimique du dépôt chimique laissé sur le territoire par la marmotte révèle plus d'une centaine de molécules différentes : notre troisième objectif a donc été de fractionner ce dépôt chimique afin d'isoler les composés intervenant dans la détection des intrus. Nous avons extrait les composés du dépôt à l'aide de trois solvants : le dichlorométhane, l'éthanol et le pentane et nous en avons testé l'efficacité sur le terrain. Il est apparu que les extraits partiels à l'éthanol incitent les individus à marquer, en revanche les mêmes individus éviteraient les extraits au pentane ; le dichlorométhane présente une position intermédiaire. L'identification chimique et l'analyse du dépôt par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et spectrométrie de masse ont été entreprises et seront poursuivies en relation avec les expérimentations de terrain.
Several hypotheses were proposed to explain the functionnal signification of marking behaviour in Mammals, but they are not easy to test directly in the field. Gosling (1982) proposed a new interpretation for marking behaviour in territorial species, with testable predictions. In our field study on Alpine marmot (Natural Reserve of la Grande Sassière; French Alps, Savoie), we aimed to verify two of them : - territorial owners would mark preferentially in such places where risks of intrusion by strangers are the greatest; - inside their territory, owners would replace all unknown marks by overmarking. Marking walks of adult resident marmots were followed and marking sites were located inside the home ranges of three familial groups. Marks were deposited on the main burrow systems and also on territory borders, supporting the first Gosling's prediction. To test second prediction, we placed simultaneously two glass tubes in front of a burrow entrance and we recorded behaviour of residents marmots. One tube (test tube) has been previously marked by residents of another group, the other, carefully cleaned, was a control. The number of marks deposited and the probability of marking the tubes were both significantly greater for test tubes than for the control. Then, resident adults tended to overmark unknown odours according Gosling's hypothesis. In Alpine marmots, marking behaviour seems to be important in territorial defence. More of one hundred of different molecules were present in the marking substance of Alpine marmots. Field tests of different fractions extracted by dichloromethane, ethanol or pentane showed that ethanol tubes induced significantly more overmarking than control ones. Pentane tubes induced some avoidance while dichloromethane tubes were overmarked but differences with control tubes were not significant. Chemical analysis of marking pheromone by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry has begun and will continue in connection with field tests.

Bel M.C., Coulon J., Clément J.L. & Le Berre M. 1996. Marquage territorial chez la marmotte alpine : canevas spatial, fonctions et analyses chimiques. Territorial marking by alpine marmot: spatial pattern, functions and chemical analysis. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., 227-228.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, marquage, marking, communication.

L'étude du marquage jugal chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) a révélé, par des observations et des expérimentations sur le terrain, l'importance d'un tel comportement dans la défense du territoire chez cette espèce. Par ailleurs, une étude biochimique de la substance de marquage a été entreprise, afin d'identifier les phéromones de marquage. Les résultats sont préliminaires mais encourageants.
The study of marking behaviour by cheek rubbing in the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) has shown, according to field observations and experimentation, the importance of such a behaviour in the territory defence. Furthermore, a biochemical study of the marking substance has been undertaken, in order to identify the marking pheromones. Though the results are still preliminary, they are encouraging.

Bel M-C., Coulon J., Sreng L., Allainé D., Bagnères A.G. & Clément J.L. 1999. Social signals involved in scent-marking behavior by cheek-rubbing in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Signaux sociaux impliqués dans le comportement de marquage olfactif par frottement jugal chez les marmottes alpines]. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 25(10): 2267-2283.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, Rongeur social, rodent, Communication chimique, comportement de marquage odorant, scent marking, glande odorante, comportement social, social behavior.
The Alpine marmot Marmota marmota is a territorial rodent. Resident adults regularly scent-mark their territory by cheek-rubbing, mainly on burrow entrances and along boundaries. The purpose of this three pat study was to gain further insight into this scent-marking behavior by: (1) observing the response of free-ranging marmots to foreign marks, (2) confirming the glandular source of the marking substance by hitologic examination of the temporal gland, and (3) identifying biologically active chemical fractions of the marking substance. To allow field tests, we developped a device consisting of a glass tube placed upside down over a stake. Two devices were simultaneously placed at one burrow entrance. On one device, a clean tube was used and, on the other, a tube alternatively coated with either whole natural scent-marking substances or various fractions obtained by solvent extraction or chromatographic separation from whole scent-marking subatances. Subsequent observations showed a significant difference on the duration of nose contact and number of cheek-rubbing movements. Resident adult marmots sniffed and marked tubes bearing alien marks significantly more than clean control tubes. Similar differences in behavior were observed with ethanol extracts of whole scent-marking substances. Extracts obtained with pentane and dichloromethane showed no bioactivity, suggesting that highly polar compounds are the active substances in the Alpine marmot. The temporal gland is an exocrine gland located on each side of the head with numerous pores opening at the surface of the skin in the cheek area. GC-MS analysis of individually collected samples from these glands showed that over 30 compounds were consistently present. Seven of these compounds were identified. Two fractions were obtained and usezd together and separately in field tests. fraction 1 was composed mainly of short-chain alcohols and alkanes, and a fraction 2 had a more acid and ester composition. The fact that these two fractions were active together but not separately strongly suggests that the active territorial signal results from a synergetic interaction between several compounds.

Bel M.C., Porteret C. & Coulon J. 1995. Scent deposition by cheek rubbing in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the French Alps [Dépôt odorant par frottement jugal chez la marmotte alpine]. Can. J. Zool., 73:2065-2071.
En anglais, in English.

The aim of this fieldwork was to provide information about the function of scent-marking behaviour in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Twenty-three identified animals were observed on their home range during the season of activity, from May to September, during which the probability and rate of cheek rubbing decreased significantly. Cheek rubbing was performed more by resident adults than by 2-year-olds or yearlings. The resident adult pairs made "marking tours" during which numerous successive bouts of scent marking occurred throughout most of the home range. Scent marks were not evenly distributed within home ranges. Principal and, if present, accessory burrow systems were saturated with scent deposits, the boundaries being marked significantly more than the central area. We tested the reactions of marmots to strange odours by presenting them with two glass tubes, one clean (control) and the other covered with marks deposited by marmots belonging to other groups. The results showed that residents tended to mark the experimental tubes more frequently, or at least more intensively, than the control ones. In the alpine marmot, cheek rubbing appears to be a multipurpose activity. It is used to advertise the occupancy of burrows and, as predicted by Gosling, scent marks were also laid down where the risk of intrusion was greatest, i.e., at the boundaries, so that intruders could detect them more readily. The results of field tests support another of Gosling's predictions, that residents will tend to overmark any mark deposited by a strange animal inside their territory. Thus, in the alpine marmot, cheek rubbing can play a role in territorial defence.

Belgrand E. 1869. La Seine. I : Le Bassin parisien aux âges antéhistoriques [The river Seine. I: the Parisian Basin at the antehistoric periods].
Géologie, geology, France.
En français, in French.

Belichko A.A. 1973. Prirodnyï protsessv pleïstotsene [Processus naturels au Pléistocène. Natural processes during the Pleistocene]. M. Nauka, 173.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Beloglazova O.A. ED. 1954. [Atlas d'URSS. Atlas of SSSR]. Glav. Ouprav. Geod. Kartog., MVD SSSR, Moscow, 147 pp.
In russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography.

Belov V.N. 1931. Obzor gryzounov Severnogo Kazakhstana [Généralités sur les rongeur du nord du Kazakhstan. Generality about Rodents of the northern Kazakhstan]. Tr. po zachtchite rasteniïïv Sibiri, T. 1(8), Novossibirsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, faunistique, fauna, Kazakhstan.

Belovezhets K.I., Nikol’skii A.A. & Ronkin V.I. 2005. Mathematical model of Marmota bobak burrow temperature dynamics during the year. Godovaya dinamika tempertouri v norakh stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobak): matematitcheskoe modelirovanie. [Model math-amatique de la dynamique de la temp-arature des terriers de Marmota bobak au cours de l’ann-ae]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 20-21.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobak, mod¿le, model, temp-arature de trrier, burrow temperature.
Mammals’ burrow temperature is mainly controlled by the temperature of surrounding soil layers whereas air heat transfer plays minor role (Nikol’skii & Khutorskoy, 2001). That is why mathematical model can be used to calculate marmot burrows’ temperature (Nikol’skii, 2002). The model is based on numerical solution of usual thermal conduction equation (two-dimensional case). Mean month temperature of soil surface and temperature of underlying layers are the boundary conditions. Thermal properties of soil were considered to be homogeneous for every soil type. Calculating was carried out with program • Termgraf ™ (Khutorskoy, 1996). Calculated data were compared with straightly observed temperature in M. bobak burrow in Kharkov region, Ukraine. Differences are statistically uncertain. Basing the model yearly temperature changes was calculated for four populations of M. bobak: Ukraine, Kharkov region; Russia, Saratov and Orenburg regions; Central Kazakhstan. Research depth is from 1.5 to 4.5 m. This depth is most usual for nest chambers of M. bobak. According to the model hibernation period of M. bobak contemporizes with soil cooling at the depth of hibernacula. At the depth of 1.5-2 meters temperature can lower to 0... C and more. End of marmots’ hibernation coincides with the temperature minimum of hibernacula. Annual temperature amplitude is lower at the deeper layers so at the depth of 4.5 meters temperatures don’t reach 0...C. Date of hibernation beginning distinctly differs between eastern (Orenburg and Kazakhstan) and western (Saratov and Ukraine) populations. However burrow temperature changes synchronous for all four cases. Temperature is not the only hibernation-regulating factor.
Russian pdf russe

Belsky J. & Del Moral R.1982. Ecology of an alpine-subalpine meadow complex in the Olympic moutains, Washington [Ecologie d’un complexe alpin-subalpin de prairie dans les monts Olympiques, Washington]. Can. J. Bot., 60: 779-788.
En anglais, in English.
Botanique, botany, alpin, États-Unis d'Amérique, Washington.

Beltz A. & E.S. Booth 1952. Notes on the burrowing and food habits of the Olympic marmot [Notes sur les comportements fouisseur et alimentaire de la marmotte olympique]. J. Mamm., 33: 495-496.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, éthologie, ethology, terrier, burrow, alimentation.

Belyavskii A.O. 1895a. O tchoume tarbaganov : Zapiska po povodou 7 smertnykh sloutchaev og oupotrebleniya v pichtchou sourkov, porajennykh tchoumoï v poselke Soktouevskom [Au sujet de la peste chez la marmotte sibirica : 7 cas de mortalité suite à la consommation de marmotte dans le village de Soktouevsk. About plague of sibirica marmot : 7 death cases following marmot eating in the Soktuevsk village]. Vestn. o-va gigieny, soud. i prakt. med., 26.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, alimentation, peste, plague, Russie, Russia.

Belyavskii A.O. 1895b. Zapiska po povodou 7 smertnykh sloutchaev ot oupotrebleniya v pishou sourkov, porajennykh tchoumoiu, v poselke Soktouevskom. [Notes sur 7 cas d'empoisonnement alimentaire mortel à partir de marmotte, affection pesteuse, dans le bourg de Soktuesv. Notes on 7 cases of mortal alimentary poisoning from plague marmots, in the Soktuevsk village]. Vestk. Obshestv. Gigieny, soudebn. i prakt. med., 30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, alimentation, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Benedict R.A., Freeman P.W. & Genoways H.H. 1966. Prairie legacies-Mammals [Mammifères patrimoines de la Prairie]. In Prairie conservation: preserving North America's most endangered Ecosystem [Conservation de la Prairie : conservation de l'écosystème le plus menacé d'Amérique du Nord], Samson F.B. & F.L. Knopf eds., 149-166, Washington, DC, Press.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Conservation, Prairie, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Benedict R.A., Genoways H.H. & Freeman P.W. 2000. Sifting distributional patterns of mammals in Nebraska [Changement des patrons de distribution des mammifères au Nebraska]. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 26: 55-84.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, mammifères, mammals, biogéographie, biogeography, Nebraska, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Benedict F.G. & Lee R.C. 1938. Hibernation and marmot physiology [Hibernation et physiologie de la marmotte]. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publ. N° 497, Waverly Press. Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 239p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

A metabolic survey of the marmot or woodchuck (Arctomys monax) was made to contribute information regarding the physiology of the animal itself and for comparison with other warm-blooded animals that do not hibernate and with cold-blooded animals. As the marmot may be living on one day as a normal warm-blooded animal and on another day more nearly as a cold-blooded animal, it bridges the gap, so to speak, between these two great animal classes. Forty-eight marmots, of both sexes, ranging in weight from 1 to 5 kg, were studied in the non-hibernating and hibernating states, and in the transitional stages of entering and awakening from hibernation. The measurements made included those of body weight changes, insensible perspiration, heart and respiration rates, rectal temperature, respiratory exchange, and water-vapor ouput. The effects of different environmental temperatures upon the various physiological functions were also studied, as well as the body composition after prolonged fasting. Observations were made on several marmots that were under nembutal and subsequently exposed to a cold environment and upon others that were subjected to carbon-dioxide narcosis and cold. The metabolism of the marmot under nembutal was measured and compared with that of the normal marmot in deep hibernation. Analyses were made of the urine of several marmots while fasting and hibernating, including determinations of the total nitrogen and the percentages of nitrogen in the form of ammonia nitrogen, amino-acid nitrogen, urea nitrogen, and preformed creatinine. The study of the respiratory quotients was materially aided by the measurements made on marmots under the influence of nembutal. Contrary to the commonly assumed changes in metabolism due to hibernation, there was not a marked change in the character of the respiratory exchange, the respiratory quotient was not lowered, there was no evidence of a retention of oxygen, and there was no hint of a perturbed oxidation of body material. The protein metabolism underwent no qualitative alteration in hibernation. These two purely chemical findings support the belief that there are no profound anatomical or functional changes associated with hibernation, and all theories involving such an assumption are, therefore, invalided. The marmot, when non-hibernating, has an extremely labile basal heat production average about 400 calories per 10w2/3 per 24 hours. This is much lower than that other warm-blooded animal of similar size at a cell temperature of 37o C. The hibernating marmot simulates the cold-blooded animal to some extent in that when exposed to low environmental temperature it assumes a very low rectal temperature and a very low respiration rate, but its heat production per 10w2/3, even at the lowest level, is at least two or three times that of the cold-blooded animal of approximately equal size having the same lox cell temperature. The monograph concludes with a digest of the main findings and a consideration of the possible causes of hibernation.
On fit une étude de la marmotte (Arctomys monax), afin d'obtenir des données portant sur la physiologie de l'animal même, ainsi que pour faire des comparaisons avec d'autres animaux à sang chaud qui n'hibernent pas et aussi avec des animaux à sang froid. Vu qu'un jour la marmotte peut vivre comme un animal à sang chaud tandis qu'un autre elle se rapproche plutöt d'un animal à sang-froid, elle sert de trait d'union, pour ainsi dire, entre ces deux grandes classes animales. On étudia 48 marmottes des deux sexes, dont le poids variait d'un à 5 kg, aussi bien lorsqu'elles n'hibernaient pas que durant l'état d'hibernation, ainsi que dans les phases intermédiaires de l'entrée et de la sortie de l'hibernation. On mesura les changements dans le poids corporel, la transpiration imperceptible, les fréquences cardiaques et respiratoires, la température du rectum, l'échange respiratoire et le dégagement de vapeur d'eau. On étudia l'effet produit par les diverses températures ambiantes sur les différentes fonctions physiologiques, de même que la composition du corps après un jeûne prolongé. On observa plusieurs marmottes se trouvant sous l'influence du nembutal et puis exposées au froid, ainsi que d'autres soumises d'abord à une narcose d'acide carbonique et ensuite au froid. On mesura le métabolisme de la marmotte sous l'effet du nembutal et le compara avec celui de la marmotte normale dans un état d'hibernation profonde. On nalysa les urines de diverses marmottes jeûnant et hibernant tout en déterminant la quantité d'azote total, ainsi que le pourcentage d'azote sous forme de N de NH3, N d'amine-acide, N urée, et N créatinine préformée. Les mesures prises des marmottes sous l'influence du nembutal furent très utiles pour l'étude des quotients respiratoires. Contrairement aux changements dans le métabolisme communément attribués à l'hibernation, aucun changement évident n'eut lieu par rapportau caractère de l'échange respiratoire, il n'y eut pas de diminution du quotient respiratoire, aucune indication d'une retention d'oxygène et aucune trace d'une oxydation dérangée dans la matière corporelle. Le métabolisme de la protéine ne subit aucun changement qualitatif durant l'hibernation. Ces deux données purement chimiques viennent à l'appui de l'opinion qu'il n'y a point de profonds changements anatomiques ou fonctionnels associés à l'hibernation, donc toutes les théories comportant une pareille supposition se trouvent par cela rendues nulles. La production de chaleur de même que la température rectales de la marmotte, lorsque celle-ci ne se trouve pas en état d'hibernation, sont extrêmement labiles, mais lorsque sa température corporelle est de 36,9oC, sa production basale de chaleur atteint une moyenne de 400 calories par 10 racine cubique de p2 par 24 heures. Ce chiffre est de beaucoup plus bas que chez n'importe quel autre animal à sang chaud qu'on a étudié jusqu'à présent et étant à peu près de la même grandeur mais bien plus élevé que chez n'importe quel animal à sang froid d'à peu près la même grandeur et ayant une température du corps de 37oC. En quelque sorte la marmotte hibernnte simule l'animal à sang froid en cela que lorsqu'elle est exposée à une température ambiante basse, sa température rectale ainsi que sa fréquence respiratoire deviennent extrêmement basses, tandis que sa production de chaleur par 10 racine cubique de p2, même au niveau le plus bas, est au moins deux ou trois fois plus élevée que chez l'animal à sang froid d'à peu près la même grandeur et ayant la même température corporelle basse. La monographie se termine par une discussion des données principales et par un examen des causes probables de l'hibernatation.

Benenson I.E. 1984. O sootnochtchenii polov v strouktourirovannoï popoulyatsii. V kn Popoulyatsionnaya ekologiya i morphologiya mlekopitayuchtchikh, Sverdlovsk, 113-118.
En russe, in Russian.
Écologie, ecology, population.

Benesh Chris 2003. Alaska part one. Field Guides Incorporated.
En anglais, in English.
Excursion, trip, Denali National Park, oiseau, bird, mammifère, mammal, Marmota caligata, marmottte givrée, Hoary marmot, Alaska, États-Unis d’Amérique, USA.
extrait pdf extract ou/or en ligne/on line

Benitez Bibriesca L. 1983. [Carcinogénèse hépatique : étiologie et pathogenèse. Hepatic carcinogenesis: etiology and pathogenesis]. Rev. Gastroenterol Mex., 48(1): 39-55.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Review, No abstract available.

Ben-Porath E. & Wands J.R. 1984. Monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic probes in the etiology of hepatitis [Anticorps monoclonaux comme sonde de l'étiologie de l'hépatite]. Semin. Liver Dis., 4(1): 76-88.
En anglais, in English.
No abstract available.

Bentkhen P.V. & Stremilov P.I. 1967. Tchernotsatotchnyi sourok v Severo-Vostotchnom Zabaïkalie i ego khozyajstvennoe ispolizovanie [La marmotte à tâte noire du transbaïkal nord-est et son utilisation économique. The black-capped marmot of the north-eastern cis-baikal and its economic use]. In Resursy fauny surkov v SSSR, In-t geogr. AN SSSR, M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, économie, economy, gestion, management.

Benton Myron B. 1869. Shy Friends [Amis sauvages]. In Putnam's monthly magazine of American literature, science and art, 14(19) : 1-778, pp. 85-93, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 87.

Bercy Drouin de 1818. L'Europe et l'Amérique comparées [Europe and America compared]. Chez Rosa, Paris Treutel et Würtz, Londres et Lecharlier, Bruxelles.
En français, in French.
Arctomys monax, Arctomys empetra, arctomys pruinosa, Canada.
extrait pdf extract

Berendyaev S.A. 1956. Stroenie nor sourkov v Kirgizii [Structure du terrier des marmottes de Kirghizie. Burrow structure of the marmot of Kirghizie]. Tr. In-ta zool. i parazitol. AN Kirgiz.SSR, 5: 74-81.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, terrier, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaev S.A. 1961a. K metodike outcheta tchislennosti sourkov marchroutnym sposobom [A propos des méthodes de dénombrement de la marmotte : méthode de l'itinéraire. About census methods of marmots: the itinerary method]. Tr. Sredneaz. protivotchoumn. in-ta, vyp. 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodology, dénombrement, census.

Berendyaev S.A. 1961b. Protivozpizootiïnaya effektivnosti rebot po istrebleniiu surkov v Vostotchnom Aksae [Efficacité du travail contre les épizooties sur l'extermination de la marmotte de l'Aksae orientale. Epizooty efficiency in marmot extermination in the eastern Aksae]. Tr. Sredbeaziat. protivotchumi. in-ta, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, économie, economy, gestion, management.

Berendyaev S.A. 1961c. [Sur la chasse des marmottes. On Hunting Marmots in Kirghyzia].1st All-Union Conf. on Mammals, Abstracts of Reports. Moscow, Moscow State University Press, 3 Edition.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting.

Berendyaev S.A. 1963. Prirodnyï otchag tchumy v Tsentralinom Tien-Shane i problema ego ozdorovleniya [Foyer naturel de peste au Tien Shan central et le problème de son assainissement. Natural focus of plague in the Central Tien Shan and the problem of its cleaning]. Avtoref. kand. diss. frunze, 19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, économie, gestion, management.

Berendyaev S.A. 1967. [Sur la fréquence de la destruction des marmottes dans différentes parties du foyer de peste d’Aksai. On frequency of marmot's population destruction in different parts of Aksai plague focus]. Mater. nauch. Konf. k 50-letiyu Oct. Social. Revol., 5-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague.

Berendyaev S.A. 1980. Promysel sourkov v Kirgizii [Prélévements de marmotes par les trappeurs en Kirghizie. Marmot samples by trappers in Kirghizie]. In Sourki. Biotsenotitcheskoe i praktitcheskoe znatchenie, R.P. Zimina & Yu.A. Isakov, M., Naouka, 190-194.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaev S.A. 1985. [Comparaison des méthodes sanitaires dans le foyer de peste du Tien Chan. Comparative estimation of methods of sanitation of Tien Shan plague focus]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy, Stavropol': 172-174.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Berendyaev S.A., Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov D.I.), Varivobina T.A. & Popov V.K. 1963. Opyt izoutcheniya nekotorykh voprosov ekologii serykh sourkov i ikh blokh metodom radioaktivnogo metcheniya [Expériences sur certaines questions de l'écologie de la marmotte grise et de ses puces par marquage radio-actif]. V. kn Materialy naoutchn. Conf. po irirodnoï otchagovosti i profilaktike tchoumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Insectes, Insects, écologie, ecology, marquage, marking.

Berendyaev S.A., Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov D.I.) & Rappoport L.P. et al. 1966. Opyt izoutchniya vnoutripopoulyatsionnikh kontaktovou serogo sourka metodom radioktivnogo metchennya [Etude par radio-activité des contacts intrapopulationnels chez M. baibacina. Radio-activity study of intrapopulation contacts in grey marmot]. Zool. J., 45(3) : 430-435.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibicina, méthodologie, methodology, télémétrie, telemetry, population.

Berendyaev S.A. & Kizilov V.A. 1983a. Metody ozdorovleniya sourotch'ikh otchagov tchoumy v Kirgizii. V kn. Okhrana, ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i ekologiya sourkov, Bibikov D. & Zimina R. eds, M. Iemek AN SSSR, 12-14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, économie, economy, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaev S.A. & Kizilov V.A. 1983b. Rasprostranenie, zalasy i promysel sourkov v Kirgizii [Distribution, réserves et chasse professionnelle de la marmotte en Kirghizie. Distribution, resources and hunting of marmots en Kirghizie]. V kn. Okhrana, ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i ekologiya sourkov, Bibikov D. & Zimina R. eds, M. Iemek AN SSSR, 15-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, économie, economy, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaev S.A., Kizilov V.A., Kotchenkov V.G. & Pole S.B. 1981. Opyt ozdorovleniya otchagov tchoumy v Tien-Chane metodom glubinnoï dezinsektsii nor sourkov [Expérience d'assainissement d'un foyer de peste du Tien Shan par la méthode de désinfection interne des marmottes. Purification experience of a plague focus in Tien Shan by internal disinfecting of marmots]. Mater. XI naoutchn. Konfer. -Protivotchoumi. Outchrezhdenii Sr. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 25-28.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Kul'kova N.A. 1961. K ekologii blokh serykh sourkov [Sur l'écologie de la marmotte grise. About the grey marmot ecology]. Tr. Sredneaziat. Naoutchno-issled. Protivotchoumn. in-ta, 7 : 273-283.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibicina, écologie, ecology.

Berendyaev S.A. & Kul'kova N.A. 1965. O vnoutrividobykh otnosheniyakh serykh surkov [Sur les relations intraspécifiques chez M. grise. On intraspecific relations of grey marmots]. Zool. Zh., 44(4) : 110-116.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, éthologie, ethology, social.

Berendyaev S.A. & Kul'kova N.A. 1983. O vnoutrividovy otnotseniyakh serykh sourkov v Kirgizii [Sur les relations intraspécifiques chez M. grise en Kirghizie. About intraspecific relations in te grey marmot]. In Okhrana, ratsionalinoe ispolizobanie i ekologiya surkov, M. : Iemezh AN SSSR, 15-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, éthologie, ethology, social, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaeva E.L., Kul'kova N.A. & Mikhaïliuta A.A. 1967. O temperaturnom rejime v gnezdovy kamerakh nor serykh surkov v Tien-Shane [Sur le régime de température de la chambre d'habitation de la marmotte grise du Tien Chan. On the temperature regime in the nest chambers of the gray marmots in Tien Shan]. Materialy 5-oj nautchnoï konferentsii protivotchumny utchrezhdenii Sredneï Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata: 97-99. [Proc. 5 scientific conf. Aniplague establ. of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata]
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibicina, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, terrier, burrow, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Berendyaev S.A. & Lavrentiev A.F. 1961. Materily po prirodnoï otchagovosti tchumy v Vostotchnoom Aksae [Matériaux sur la nature des foyers de peste en Aksae orientale. Material on the nature of plage foci in western Aksae). Tr. Sredneaz. protivotchumi. in-ta., 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology, économie, economy.

Berendyaev S.A., Usenbaev A.U. & Kizilov V.A. 1985. [Hygiène du foyer naturel de peste de Kirghizie. Sanitation of natural plague foci in Kirgizia]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy, Stavropol': 15-16.
En russe, in Russian.
Épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Kirghizie, Khirghizia.

Berendyaev S.A. & Zveskin A.G. 1959. [Quelques éléments des méthodes de destruction des marmottes à partir du bromoéthyl. Some features of methods for using of bromomethyl for extermination of marmots]. Tr. Sred. Az. protivochum. in-ta: 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, extermination, méthodologie, methodology.

Berendyaev S.A., Zveskin A.G., Kudryavtzeva K.F., Tarasov P.P. & Sharetz A.S. 1958. [Effets du bromoéthyl sur les différentes étapes de l'ontogégenes des ectoparasites dans les nids de marmottes. Effect of bromomethyl on different ontogeny stages of ectoparasites in marmots nests]. Tr. Sredneaziatsk. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 177-179.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, ectoparasites, terriers, burrow.

Berendyaeva E.L. 1958. [Sur les Gamasidae des rongeurs de la région de Frunze. On fauna of Gamasidae of rodents in Frunze oblast]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 275-277.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acari, Rodentia, parasitisme, parasitism, Frunze.

Berendyaeva E.L. 1959. [Découverte de tiques, Dermacentor pavljvskyi de la vallée d'Alaï. Discoveries of ticks Dermacentor pavljvskyi in Alai valley. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 6: 337-338.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida, Alaï.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Berendyaev S.A. 1958. [Observation de terriers de marmottes infestés par des puces. Observation of marmot's burrows on a fleas presence]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 279-281.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Insectes, Insects, terrier, burrow.

Berendyaeva E.L., Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov D.I.), Rapoport L.P., Popov V.K. & Varivodina T.A. 1965. [Etude des contacts intra-populations chez la marmotte grise par marquage radio-actif. Experience of a study of intrapopulation contacts grey marmot's by the method of radioactive marking]. Zool. J., 45, 3: 430-435.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, social, population, radio-activité.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Kul`kova N.A. 1961. [Sur l'écologie des puces de la marmotte grise. On ecology of grey marmot's fleas]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata - Frunze, 7: 273-283.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Kul'kova N.A. 1962. [Variations annuelle et saisonnière du nombre de puces dans les nids de marmottes grises. Annual and seasonal changes of fleas number in nests of grey marmot]. Mater. 4 ecologich. konf., Kiev, 8: 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Kul'kova N.A. 1964. [Écologie des puces des marmottes pendant l'hiver. Data on ecology of marmot's fleas in winter period]. V kn. Prirodn. ochagov. boleznei i voprosy parazitologii, Frunze, 4: 215-216.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, saison, season.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Kul'kova N.A. 1965. [Écologie des puces des marmottes pendant l'hiver. Ecology of grey marmot fleas in winter period]. V sb. Entomologich. rabot Acad. Nauk Kirg SSR, Frunze, 92-98.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, saison, season.

. Berendyaeva E.L., Kul'kova N.A. & Mikhaïliuta A.A. 1967a. [Température du nid de marmotte grise au Tien Chan. About temperature in a grey marmot's nest chamber in Tien Shan]. Mater. V nauch. konf. protivochum. uchrezhd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 97-99.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, terrier, burrow, température.

Berendyaeva E.L., Kul'kova N.A. & Mikhailiuta A.A. 1967b. Survie hivernale des puces de la marmotte grise dans différrents terriers du Tien Chan. On surviving of grey marmot's fleas in winter in different types of burrows in Tien Shan]. Mater. V nauch. konf. protivoch. uchrezhd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 155-157.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, terrier, burrow, saison, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Berendyaeva E.L., Kul'kova N.A. & Mikhaïliuta A.A. 1967c. [Données sur l'âge d'Oropsylla silantiewi Wagn. au Tien Chan. Data on study of age Oropsylla silantiewi Wagn. in Tien Shan]. Mater. V nauch. konf. protivoch. uchrezhd. Sredn. Asii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 158-159.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Berendyaeva E.L. & Rapoport L.P. 1974. [Sur la signification du facteur parasitologique dans la répartition de la peste en Kirghizie. About significance of the parasitogenic factor for distribution of plague in Kyrgizia]. Mater. V nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i voprosy parasitologii, Frunze, 4: 93-94.
En russe, in Russian.
Parasitologie, parasitology, peste, plague.

Berger I.M. 1936. O poutchnom standarte na sourka [Sur le standard de la fourrure de marmotte. About the standard of fur marmot]. Okhotnik Sibiri, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, fourrure, fur.

Berger J.F. 1828. Expériences et remarques sur quelques animaux qui s'engourdissent pendant la saison froide [Experiments and remarks on animals which go to sleep during the cold season]. Mém. du Muséum, IV.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation.

Berger a remarqué que les Lérots ne peuvent rester plus de soixante heures sans boire ni fienter, et la proportion des excréta augmente quand ils sont exposés au froid, sans abri. Il a fait quelques observations sur le Muscardin (Mus aveline). Les Lérots, comme les Marmottes, mangent au besoin de la viande ; il leur prâte des sentiments de solidarité : il a vu l'une d'elles étancher le sang de sa compagne blessée. Les Marmottes perdent 1/3 de leur poids, tandis qu'une Tortue perd 1/40. La diminution du poids du corps tiendrait à la perte de la graisse, qui est absorbée par la veine-porte, et il cite à ce propos, l'opinion de Scheuchzer, mais il combat cette idée du mâme auteur que le cæcum sert de réservoir aux excréments pendant l'hivernation, car on trouve toujours celui-ci vide et comme s'il avait été lavé. Il y a encore dans ce mémoire quelques observations sans grande importance sur les Chauves-souris. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Berger J.F. 1829. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen uber einige Thiere welche einem Winterschlaf halten [Expériences et remarques sur quelques animaux qui s'engourdissent pendant la saison froide. Experiments and remarks on animals which go to sleep during the cold season]. Fror. not., 22 (476) : 209-216 et (447) : 225-234 ; Beilage, 447 : 1-8.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, hibernation.

Berger Z. & Dobroruka L.J. 1987. Guide des mammifères d'Europe [Guidebook of mammals of Europe]. Hatier, Fribourg, 196 pp.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals.

Bergeron Lucie & Ouellet Joanne 2004. Solo chez monsieur Thanatos. Prologue, Montréal, 74 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature, marmotte, marmot.

Bergeron Pierre 1735. Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les XII, XIII, XIV et XV siècles, Histoire des Sarasins et des Tartares, et précédez d'une Introduction concernant les voyages et les nouvelles découvertes des principaux voyageurs. A La Haye, Chez Jean Neaulme, vol I. 1. Traité de la navigation et des voiages de découverte et conquête modernes, et principalement des François, avec une exacte et particulière description de toutes les îles Canaries, les preuves du tems de la conquête d'icelles et la généalogie des Bethencourts et Braquemons, le tout recueilli de divers autheurs... (par P. Bergeron.) ; I. 2. Voyage du célèbre Benjamin autour du monde, commencé l'an 1173... écrit premièrement en hébreu par l'auteur de ce voyage, traduit ensuite en latin par Benoît Arian Montan et nouvellement du latin en franois... (par P. Bergeron.) ; I. 3. Voyages très curieux faits et écrits par les RR. PP. Jean du Plan Carpin,... et N. Ascelin,... envoiez en qualité de légats apostoliques et d'ambassadeurs de la part du pape Innocent IV vers les Tartares et autres peuples orientaux... ; I. 4. Voyage remarquable de Guillaume de Rubruquis, envoié en ambassade par le roi Louis IX... en Tartarie et ‡ la Chine, l'an... 1253... écrit par l'ambassadeur... traduit de l'anglois par le sr de Bergeron... ; I. 5. Traité des Tartares, de leur origine... moeurs, religion, guerres, conquêtes, empire... par P. Bergeron,... ; II. 1. Abrégé de l'histoire des Sarasins et Mahométans... par Pierre Bergeron,... ; II. 2. Quelques observations du moine Bacon touchant les parties septentrionales du monde, avec les relations touchant les Tartares, tirées de l'histoire de R. Wendover et de Mat. Paris ; avec quelques lettres sur le même sujet... ; II. 3-4. Les Voiages... par toute l'Asie, Tartarie, Mangi, Japon, les Indes orientales, îles adjacentes et l'Afrique, commencés l'an 1252, par Marc Paul Venitien (avec une préface d'André Müller Greiffenhag) ; II. 5. Histoire orientale ou des Tartares de Haiton... décrit par la main de Nicolas Salcon... traduit suivant l'édition latine de André Müller Greiffenhag ; II. 6. Recueil ou abrégé des voiages et observations du sr Jean de Mandeville, faites dans l'Asie, l'Afrique, etc., commencées en l'an 1332... par Monsieur Bale ; II. 7. Voiage de Perse, par Ambroise Contareni, ambassadeur de la République de Venise... en l'année 1473, décrit par lui-mme, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Voyages, travel, faune, fauna.

Bergland E.O. 1983. Prehistory and ethnography of Olympic National Park [Préhistoire et ethnographie du parc national Olympic]. National Park Service, Seattle WA. 89 p.
En anglais, in English.
Préhistoire, prehistory, ethnographie, ethnography, Washington, EUA, USA.

Bergmann A. & H. Prosl 1988. Endoparasites of Marmota marmota in East Tyrol [Les endoparasites de M. marmota de l'est du Tyrol]. Zbl. Bact. Hyp. Abs., 306: 318.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Tyroll, Autriche, Austria.

Bergman Carl 1848. Ueber die Verhältnisse der wärmeökonomie der Thiere zu ihrer Grösse. Göttingen.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota bobac.
Extrait pdf Extract

Bergmann K.F., Casey J.L., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 1993. Modulation of hepatitis delta virus infection by vaccination with synthetic peptides: a preliminary study in the woodchuck model. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 382: 181-187.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Bergmann K.F. & Gerin J.L. 1986.Antigens of hepatitis delta virus in the liver and serum of humans and animals. J. Infect. Dis., 154(4): 702-706.
En anglais, in English.
hépatite, hepatitis.

Berlin A.D. 1941. Tibetskaya meditsina i tchouma [Médecine thibétaine et peste. Tibetan medecine and plague]. Vestn. mikrobnoï epidemiol. i parazitol., 19(3-4).
En russe, in Russian.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, peste, plague, Thibet.

Berman D.I., Kuzimin I.F. & Tikhomirova L.G. 1966. Roiushaya deyatelinosti jivotnykh na ravninnykh pastbishakh Iougo-Vostotchnï Touvy. [Activités animales sur les pâturages du sud-est de Touva. Animal activities on meadows in south-western Tuva]. Vopr. geogr., 69 : 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, agriculture, Touva, Russie, Russia.

Bern Anderson 1939. The Vancouver Expedition: Peter Puget's journal of the exploration of Puget Sound, May 7 - June 11, 1792 [L'expédition de Vancouver : le journal de Peter Puget de l'exploraton de Puget Sound, 7 mai - 7 juillet 1792]. Pacific Northwest Quaterly, 30: 1-35.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, ethnobiologie, fourrure, fur.
The use of marmot furs was documented by Peter Puget in 1792 while visiting a village on Eld Inlet, northwest of Olympia, Washington. This document probably refer to the Olympic marmot (M. olympus).

Bernard Claude 1855. Oeuvres [Works].
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, Claude Bernard 1813-1878.

Claude Bernard a publié à diverses époques des remarques et des expériences sur les Marmottes et sur le phénomène de l'hibernation. Pour l'illustre physiologiste, les animaux à jeun et ceux qui hivernent incomplétement ne ressemblent pas à la Marmotte engourdie. Il trouve des analogies entre l'hivernation et le choléra parce que le sang est artérialisé dans les veines de la Marmotte en torpeur ; les globules rouges sont engourdis, leur fonction amoindrie au point que ces animaux peuvent s'en passer pendant un certain temps, tandis que dans les conditions ordinaires les fonctions vitales des globules sont si exaltées que leur soustraction détermine immédiatement la mort de l'animal. La température rectale peut s'abaisser jusqu'à # 3 degrés. Chez la Grenouille, c'est l'abaissement graduel qui cause l'engourdissement et l'élévation lente et successive qui produit le réveil. Pour la Marmotte, le Loir, le Herisson et les Hivernants à sang chaud, en général, le froid agit primitivement sur le système nerveux périphérique, secondairement sur les mouvements respiratoires qui sont ralentis ; c'est aussi par le système nerveux que l'animal se réveille. Si on excite la Grenouille engourdie, il ne se produit rien, tandis que si on excite une Marmotte, en un quart d'heure elle retrouve sa température de la veille. La respiration de l'hivernation se ralentit en mâme temps que le sucre disparaît, mais le glycogène s'accumule dans le foie : celui-ci contient aussi du ferment, mais ils ne réagissent pas l'un sur l'autre. Si on sacrifie un Loir en plein sommeil, on trouve encore une certaine quantité de glycogène dans le foie, mais au bout de quatre heures de réveil, il n'y en a plus. Chez la Grenouille, dès que le réveil se produit, le sucre apparaît.
Que se passe-t-il? Chez l'hivernant, le glycogène existe, le ferment aussi, mais ce dernier est latent, il n'est pas en contact convenable pour agir. La température a aussi une influence sur le phénomène. Le système nerveux intervient également pour empâcher cette destruction du glycogène et du sucre. Si on coupe la moelle avec respiration artificielle, le sucre disparaît dans le sang et le foie, mais le glycogène se trouve en quantité dans le foie.
Lorsqu'on a refroidi un lapin par section de la moelle, il n'y a pas de sucre dans le foie : mais à un moment donné, on constate que le sucre reparaît : un morceau de foie extrait quand il n'y avait pas de sucre et exposé à la température de 15 degrés, celle de l'animal étant de 28 degrés, fait cependant du sucre. Ce n'est donc pas le froid qui a paralysé le ferment, mais la section de la moelle. Les animaux à température fixe sont pourvus d'un régulateur du milieu intérieur qui est le systéme nerveux : il serait différent chez les hivernants. Les phénomènes de la nutrition sont complexes, il y en a qui absorbent de la chaleur, d'autres qui en dégagent. Si on réveille un hivernant, la quantité d'oxygène absorbée n'est pas, pense Claude Bernard, en proportion de son rapide échauffement : cela tiendrait à ce que l'oxygène est emmagasiné dans les tissus et le sang pendant le sommeil.
A propos de la couleur rouge sang des hivernants, Claude Bernard dit qu'il en est ainsi toutes les fois que le système nerveux est affaibli et qu'il y a, par conséquent, une absorption moindre d'oxygène. La chaleur est un excitant pour le système musculaire de la vie organique et du coeur en particulier : c'est là un fait frapant chez l'hivernant. Claude Bernard a émis l'opinion que la matière blanche contenue dans l'estomac de la Marmotte en torpeur est absorbée par la veine porte et transformée en sucre, mais il n'a fait aucune recherche à ce sujet. A propos d'une expérience, dans laquelle Valentin avait trouvé de la matière sucrée dans la bile, le diaphragme, la capsule surrénale droite, l'estomac, il dit qu'il s'agissait certainement d'un phénomène de diffusion cadavérique. Claude Bernard n'a étudié les Mammiféres hivernants que d'une manière incidente.

Bernard Claude 1947. Principes de médecine expérimentale [Principles of experimental medecine]. Paris, P.U.F., 305 p. Paris : INALF, 1961-. Reprod. de l'éd. de Paris : P.U.F.
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, cicatrisation, cicatrization, Claude Bernard (1813-1878).
Extrait/Extract pdf

Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 1840. Voyage à l’île de France. Paris, Ledentu,
Il y a une espèce fort commune de petites tortues de montagne à écaille jaune marquetée de noir ; on n' en fait aucune sorte d' usage. Il y a des porcs-épics et des marmottes d' une forme différente des nôtres ; une grande variété de cerfs et de chevreuils, des ânes sauvages, des zèbres, etc. (p.91)
Paléontologie, paleontology, éléphant, elephant, Ain, France.

Bernstein A.D. 1970. Ekologiya bol'cheoukhoï pichtchoukhi na Tyan-Chane [Écologie d'Ochotona macrotis au Tien Chan]. V kn Faouna i ekologiya gryzounov, M. byp. 9.
En russe, in Russian.
Lagomorpha, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Bernstein B.B., Thompson B.E. & Smith R.W. 1993. A combined science and management framework for developing regional monitoring objectives [Une structure combinée science-gestion pour développer des objectifs de surveillance régionaux]. Coastal Management, vol. 21: 185-195.
En anglais, in English.
Gestion, management.

Designing environmental monotoring programs to deal with widespread, subtle, and/or cumulative impacts on a regional basis is challenging. It requires a shift away from focusing primarily on individual point sources to a more regional prespective. It also necessitates involving scientists and managers together in a cooperative effort to es tablish priorities and articulate clear objectives. In our view, this objective-setting task is neither a strictly scientific nor a strictly management activity. It depends on effective communication between scientists and managers but is confounded by differing perspectives, value systems, and behaviors. We present a conceptual framework to assist managers and scientists in this process. This is intended to structure such communication by helping to create a context that permits fruitful give-and-take between the two groups. We then describe a six-part model for specifying the key elements of regional monotoring objectives.

Bernt Solymár & Ken Wilson 2005. Vertebrate Pest Management [Gestion des vertébrés nuisibles]. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. En ligne/on line
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte américaine, nuisible, pest, verger, orchard.

Béroud J.-M. 1886. Nouvelles découvertes dans la grotte des Balmes, près de Villerversure, en Revermont (Ain) [New discovery in the Balmes caves near Villerversure, in Revermont (Ain)]. Assoc. Franç. pour l’avancement des sciences, congrès de Grenoble, 1885 ; compte rendu de la 14e session, 159. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 579.
En français, in French.
Pdf. Paléontologie, paleontology, éléphant, elephant, Ain, France.

Berraondo Pedro, Garcà-Navarro Raquel, Gonzàlez-Aseguinolaza Gloria, Vales frica, Blanco-Urgoiti Begona , Larrea Esther, Ignacio Riezu-Boj José, Prieto Jesùs & Ruiz Juan 2002. The Woodchuck Interferon-alpha System: Cloning, Family Description, and Biologic Activity. Journal of Medical Virology, 68 (3): 424-432.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, interféron, interferon.
Pdf disponible/available
Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) is a key element in the defense against viral infection because, in addition to a direct antiviral effect, it exhibits potent immunostimulatory activity. To investigate the function of this cytokine in the woodchuck model of chronic hepatitis B, the woodchuck IFN-alpha gene (IFNA) family was cloned and examined. The data indicate that this is a multigenic family from which 12 IFNA functional sequences and four pseudogene sequences were isolated. The overall identity of the amino acid sequence among the members of the woodchuck IFN-alpha family is 85%, and the identity with the IFN-alpha family from other species such as mice and humans is 50%. The analysis of hepatic expression of IFNA genes showed that wIFNA5a was the subtype transcribed preferentially in the woodchuck liver. The wIFNA genes transcribed in the liver were tested in an eukaryotic expression system and were found to enhance 2-5-oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5-OAS) mRNA levels and to posses a potent antiviral activity. Cloning of woodchuck IFNA genes will allow testing diverse forms of IFN-alpha delivery as well as different combination therapies in woodchuck hepatitis virus infection, thus providing useful information for the design of new strategies for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Berraondo P., Ochoa L., Crettaz J., Rotellar F., Vales A., Martinez-Anso E., Zaratiegui M., Ruiz J., Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza G. & Prieto J. 2005. IFN-alpha gene therapy for woodchuck hepatitis with adeno-associated virus: differences in duration of gene expression and antiviral activity using intraportal or intramuscular routes. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy (Mol. Ther.), 12(1): 68-76.
En anglais, in Enflish.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, virus, gène, gene.
Gene delivery of IFN-alpha to the liver may represent an interesting strategy to maximize its antiviral efficacy and reduce side effects. We used a recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) encoding woodchuck IFN-alpha (AAV-IFN) to treat animals with chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. The vector was given by intraportal or intramuscular route. Long-term transgene expression was detected after intraportal administration of an AAV encoding luciferase. In contrast, in the majority of the animals that received AAV-IFN through the portal vein, the expression of IFN-alpha was transient (30-40 days) and was associated with a significant but transient decrease in viral load. One animal, in which hepatic production of IFN-alpha persisted at high levels, died because of bone marrow toxicity. The disappearance of IFN-alpha expression correlated with the disappearance of AAV genomes from the liver. Intramuscular administration of AAV-IFN resulted in prolonged but fluctuating expression of the cytokine with no significant antiviral effect. In summary, this report shows that long-term expression of IFN-alpha in muscle is feasible but higher interferon levels might be needed to control viral replication. On the other hand, IFN-alpha gene delivery to the liver using an AAV vector induces a significant but transient antiviral effect in the woodchuck model.

Berry Louis & Guiraud Florence 1996. Arceline la marmotte. Paris, Hachette, 95 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature jeunesse, youth literature.

Berthet Elie-Bertrand 1839. Le chasseur de marmottes [The marmot hunter]. Revue du XIXe siècle.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, chasse, hunting, Berthet Élie 1818-1891, contes, tales, nouvelles, novel, littérature, literature.

Berthet Élie-Bertrand 1890. Chasseur de marmottes [Marmot hunter]. Paris, C. Marpon & E. Flammarion, 241 p.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, chasse, hunting, Berthet Élie 1818-1891, contes, tales, nouvelles, novel, littérature, literature.

Berthelot 1901. Sur une lampe préhistorique, trouvée dans la grotte de La Mouthe. Compte rendu hebdomadaire des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 133 : 666.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, chimie, chemistry, lampe à huile, oil lamp, bouquetin, ibex, grotte de La Mouthe, La Mouthe cave, Dordogne, France.

Berthelot A.A. (dir.) 1885-1902. La Grande Encyclopédie. Inventaire raisonné des sciences, des lettres et des arts par une société de savants et de gens de lettres. [The great encyclopedia]. Société anonyme de la Grande Encyclopédie, Tome XXIII, Paris, pp. 1199.
En français, in French.
(Marmotte, pages 209-210. Trouessart E.).
Document électronique, Num. BNF

Berthold A.A. 1825. Ueber die Kopfknochen der Nagethiere [Sur les os crâniens des rongeurs. About skull bones of Rodents]. Isis von Oken 1825, 907-920, 983-1003, pl. viii.
En allemand, in German.

Berthold A.A. 1837. Einige Beobachtungen über den Winterschlaf der Tiere [Quelques observations sur l'hibernation des animaux]. Arch. f. anat. phys. u. Wissench. med., 63-38. (Mullers's Archiv).
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, anatomie, anatomy.

Berquin Arnaud 1802. Introduction familière à la connaissance de la nature [Familiar introduction to nature knowledge]. In Œuvres complètes, Paris, chez André (an X).
En français, in French.
Marmotte p. 15.
Extrait pdf Extract

Bertaud du Chazaud 1910. La mission de Lacoste dans la mongolie septentrionale [Lacoste mission in Northern Mongolia]. Bulletins et mémoires de la société d’anthropologie de Paris, 127-133.
En français, in French.
Lagomys, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Bertrand de Lom 1866. Gisement de fossiles situé dans la Haute-Loire [Fossil deposit in Haute-Loire]. Comptes rendus hedomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 62 : 454.
En français, in French.
Gisement Coupet, Coupet deposit, pouzzolane, mammifères, mammals.
pdf disponible/availale.

Bertusi M.G. & T. Tosetti 1986. I mammiferi dell'Emilia-Romagna [Les mammifères d'Emilie-Romagne. Mammals in Emilia-Romagna]. Istituto Beni Culturali, Regione Emiliana-Romagna, Bologna, 64-65.
En italien, in Italian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota, Emilie-Romagne, Italie, Italy.
Ha una struttura tozza e pesante, con il pelo folto color grigio-marrone, più scuro sul dorso, è può raggiungere una lunghezza di 60 cm. Ha una coda folta, lunga fino a 25 cm. Caratterizzata da muso arrotondato (solo leggermente appuntito), orecchie e zampe corte, pelo ruvido e coda folta durante l'inverno (va in letargo per un periodo di lunghezza variabile a seconda della rigidità del clima, solitamente da ottobre ad aprile). Le guance sono ricoperte da lunghi peli che le conferiscono una simpatica aria paffuta. Le zampe sono munite di unghie molto forti, con cui scavano le lor tane nel duro terreno montano. Le praterie di montagna, tra i 1800 m di altitudine e il limite delle nevi perenni (intorno ai 3000 metri), sono l'ambiente in cui si possono avvistare le marmotte, che qui vivono in colonie composte da alcune decine di individui. Ogni famiglia di marmotte scava nelle praterie montante una profonda tana: un lungo cunicolo principale conduce ad una camera tapezzata d'erba, provvista anche di uscite di sicurezza. La vita in colonia è un adattamento ad un ambiente così pericoloso. Le piace stare sul terreno roccioso a prendere il sole, a gruppi, mai troppo lontano dalla tana, e mentre adulti e piccoli sono fuori dalle tane alla ricerca di foglie e semi, qualche marmotta è sempre di guardia: all'avvicinarsi di un predatore, le sentinelle lanciano acuti fischi d'allarme e in pochi istanti tutta la colonia rientra precipitosamente nelle tane. All'arrivo dell'autunno le marmotte cominciano ad accumulare riserve di grasso per l'inverno. Le marmotte si nutrono di materiali vegetali (erbe alpine, teneri ramoscelli, fiori, frutta, bulbi, radici), preferendo però le erbe aromatiche. Occasionalmente si ciba anche di insetti, vermi e altri piccoli animali. Non beve: il suo fabbisogno d'acqua viene reperito dai succhi delle piante e dalla rugiada. Per affrontare la cattiva stagione si spostano nelle tane invernali, più profonde, che scavano a quote più basse. Si radunano fino a 15 per tana, si avvolgono di fieno e addossate le une alle altre, cadono in letargo. Quasi subito dopo il letargo hanno inizio i combattimenti tra i maschi, che si contendono le femmine in estenuanti tornei di spintoni. L'accoppiamento avviene nella tana: i piccoli (da 2 a 6) nascono solitamente a giugno (dopo una gestazione che dura poco più di un mese), sono nudi e ciechi, e solo dopo 3 settimane sono pronti ad uscire dalla tana. La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta attorno ai 3 anni, e ogni individuo può sopravvivere fino a 15-18 anni.

Bescherelle Louis-Nicolas 1856. Dictionnaire national ou Dictionnaire universel de la langue française [National dictionary or universal dictionary of the French language]. Paris, chez Garnier frères, 2 vol. (VII-1319-XI, 1683-VIII p.)).
En français, in French.
Français, French language, 19e siècle, 19th century, dictionnaires, dictionary, bobaque, bobac, marmotte, marmot, Bescherelle Louis-Nicolas (1802-1883).
Extrait pdf Extract

Beskrovnyi M.A. 1970. Eksprimental’noe izoulenie ousdovii, neobkhodimikh dlya razmno eniya stepnogo sourka v nevole [Etude expérimentale des conditions nécessaires pour que Marmota bobac se reproduise en captivité. Experimental study of the necessary conditions to breed the grey marmot in captivity]. Ekologiya, 3 : 83-85.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, reproduction, élevage, breeding.

Bessat Hubert 1991. Le toponyme' lanche' en Savoie. Cahier du vieux Contlans, 152, 1991, 63-72.
En français, in French.
Toponymie, toponymy, Savoie, Savoy.

Bessat H. 1992. Dialectologie francoprovençale alpine et microtoponymie des alpages en Savoie et en vallée d’Aoste [Alpine Franco-Provençal dialectology and microtoponymy in the Alps in Savoy and in Aosta Valley]. Thèse Université de Grenoble 3, 265 pages.
En français, in French.
Toponymie, toponymy, Aoste, Aosta, Savoie, Savoy.

Bessat Hubert & Germi Claudette 1993. Lieux et mémoires de l'Alpe [Localities and memories of the Alp]. Toponymie des alpages en Savoie et vallée d'Aoste, Grenoble, 232 p.
En français, in French.
Toponymie, toponymy, Savoie, Savoy.

Besson J.P. 1971. Introduction de la marmotte dans les Pyrénées occidentales [Marmot introduction in the western Pyrenees]. C.R. du 96ème Congrès des Sociétés Savantes, Toulouse, 3 : 397-399.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, alpine marmot, réintroduction, France, Pyrénées.
Après le rappel de l'existence de la marmotte dans les Pyrénées au quaternaire, fait suite l'historique de l'introduction de cette espèce dans les Pyrénées Occidentales : par des particuliers antérieurement à la création du parc puis par le Parc. La répartition des stations actuelles est donnée.

Bessonov A.S. 1998. Echinococcus multilocularis infection in Russia and neighbouring countries [Infection par Echinococcus multilocularis en Russie et dans les pays voisins]. Helminthologia, Bratislava, 35 (2): 73-78.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, parasitologie, parasitology, échinoccose, Russie, Russia, URSS, USSR.

In the territory of Russia and countries of the former USSR 9 species of carnivores appear to be the definitive hosts of Echinococcus multilocularis and, among them, the common fox and arctic fox play the dominant role, 30 species of mammals serve as the intermediate hosts: voles, mice, shrews, lemmings, bobac marmots, jirds, muskrats, ground squirrels, jerboas, rodent-moles, hares, hamsters and man. The high morbidity of humans with alveolar hydatid disease (10 and more infected persons per 100,000 of inhabitants) is noted in Yakutia, Chukot and Korjak Autonomous Districts, Kamchatka, Omsk, Tomsk Region and Altai Territory; this index tends to be a moderate one (from 1 to 10 infected persons per 100,000 of inhabitants) in the Tuva Republic, at the south of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Magadan Region and north areas of Kazakhstan and at last it is weak (less than 1 infected person per 100,000 per inhabitants) in some zones of West Siberia, the Far East, Povolzhje, North Caucasus and Azerbaijan. Alveolar echinococcosis foci in steppe and steppe ones: in Siberia they are separated by taiga zone. Mainly arctic fox and lemmings take part in transmission of infection in the north and, in the south, foxes and corsac foxes on one hand and voles, muskrats, jirds - on the other. In Yakutia a village type of foci of alveolar echinococcosis has been revealed where circulation follows the scheme "dog-voles" and includes house mice and man to this cycle. Thus formation of synanthropic foci of infection takes place with considerably increased risk for humans to be infected with alveolar hydatid disease.

Bethlenfalvy E. 1937. Die Tierwelt der Hohen Tatra [Le monde animal des hautes Tatras. The animal kingdom of the upper Tatra]. Spisské Podhradie.
En allemand, in German.

Betchstein 1801. Marmota alba, Marmota nigra, Marmota tigrina = Marmota marmota.

Beule J.D. 1940. The ecological relationships between the woodchuck and the cottontail: their life history and management [Les relations écologiques entre la marmotte et le lapin américain : leur histoire de vie et leur gestion]. M.S. Thesis, Penn. State Coll.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, Lagomorpha, écologie, ecology.

Bewick Thomas 1790. A General History of Quadrupeds [Histoire générale des quadrupèdes]. First edition. Newcastle: S. Hodgson, R. Beilby and T. Bewick.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte, marmot p.343, Monax p.345, Marmotte du Québec, Quebec Marmot p.346, Tailless Marmot p.351, Lapland Marmot p.352, images, gravures sur bois, wood engravings, Thomas Bewick (1753-1828).
The Quebec Marmot is rather larger than a Rabbit. Its ears are short, and its whole head round; its cheeks are of a grey colour, and its nose black; its back is variegated, each hair being grey at the bottom, black in the middle, and white at the tips; its belly and legs are of an orange colour; its toes black and naked; and its tail short, and rather bushy. It inhabits Hudson's Bay and Canada. One of them. exhibited in London some years ago, was perfectly tame. Mr. Pennant supposes it to be the species called the Siffleur by the French of Canada.
In the first edition (1790), the Lapland Marmot was also called the Leming.

Bez P. & B. Faure 1988. La marmotte des Alpes [The marmot of the Alps]. B.T., nature, PEMF, 994 : 1-33.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota.

Bezuidenhout Abraham J. & Evans Howard E. 2002. Anatomy of the woodchuck, Marmota monax. Anatomie de la marmotte commune d'Amérique, Marmota monax. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 18-19.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'Amérique.

Bezuidenhout Abraham J. & Evans Howard E. 2003. Anatomy of the woodchuck, Marmota monax. Anatomie de la marmotte commune d'Amérique, Marmota monax. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 97-98.
En anglais, in English.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'Amérique, anatomie, anatomy.
Parmi les quatorze espèces de marmottes du monde, Marmota monax, la marmotte commune des États-Unis d'Amérique septentrionaux est toujours commune. Cette espèce s'étend du Maine au Wisconsin, du sud du Mississipi à l'Alabama central au nord de la Georgie et à l'est des Carolines. Elle s'étend aussi de la NouvelleÉcosse sur la côte atlantique, tout au long du sud du Canada jusqu'à l'Alaska septentrional. Marmota monax est l'espèce de marmotte la plus solitaire. L'appariement se produit peu après l'émergence de l'hibernation à la fin de l'hiver. La gestation dure moins d'un mois et la taille de la portée est habituellement de quatre ou cinq. Après le sevrage et une période d'alimentation d'environ 6 semaines, les jeunes sont contraints à se disperser suite au comportement agressif des deux parents. Une description anatomique détaillée de Marmota monax a été réalisée. Le manuscrit comporte actuellement 280 pages et 100 illustrations. Le texte est organisé suivant les systèmes anatomiques. Tous les termes, lors de leur première utilisation, sont en latin suivis de l'anglais vernaculaire. Lorsqu'une structure apparaît sur une figure, une citation est faite dans le texte. Chaque illustration est repérée par un nombre clé. Il n'y a pas de Nomina international autre que celui utilisé pour les humains (Nomina Anatomica 1989 et sa suite (Terminologica Anatomica 1997) et celui pour les animaux domestiques (Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria 1994). Comme certaines structures des rongeurs n'ont pas d'équivalents chez l'homme ou les mammifères domestiques, nous avons sélectionné ou créé des termes conformes aux principes de terminologie passée. Les principes, qui ont guidé les termes latins utilisés, sont simples et ont une valeur instructive et descriptive. Les termes dérivant de noms propres (éponymes) n'ont pas été utilisés. Les synonymes utilisés dans la littérature sont cités quand il convient et un glossaire des synonymes anatomiques est inclus. La table des matières comprend : le squelette, les articulations et les ligaments, les muscles, le système digestif, le système respiratoire, l'appareil uro-génital, les organes endocrines, le système cardiovasculaire, le système nerveux et les organes sensoriels. La bibliographie peut aider à rechercher les références de la littérature anatomique de Marmota. Les dessins présentés ont été réalisés d'après dissection de Marmota monax capturées ou élevées dans l’Etat de New York. Un exemple de dessin est donné ci-dessous. Les dessins et le texte devraient être publiés prochainement.

Bezuidenhout Abraham J. & Evans H.E. 2005. The Anatomy of the Woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Anatomie de la marmotte commune d'Amérique, Marmota monax.]. American society of Mammalogists, Special publication n° 13, 180 pp.
En anglais, in English.
The first anatomical account for the woodchuck, a species of increasing interest to mammalogists and scientists concerned with animal and human health. This volume is divided into 11 chapters and richly illustrated with numerous figures of remarkable detail and clarity. Dr. Bub Tennant, the James Law Professor of Comparative Medicine at Cornell University, notes that “this volume represents a quantum advance in the anatomical information currently available on the woodchuck.” This ASM Special Publication is a bridge between the biomedical research community and those studying ecology and evolution of this interesting species. Authors, Abraham Bezuidenhout and Howard Evans, have longstanding tenures with the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Dr. Evans is well-known as the coauthor “Anatomy of the Dog” and ‘Guide to the Dissection of the Dog,” both widely used in the veterinary profession.

Bezverkhni A.V.1995. Complex epidemiologic investigation of zoonotic infections in the Dzhungar Alatau [Recherche épidémiologique complexe des infections zoonotique dans le Gjungar Alatau]. Synopsis of thesis Cand. Sc., medecine, Almaty, 25pp.
En anglais, in English.
Épidémiologie, epidemiology, Russie, Russia.

Bezverkhni A.V., Tolstov V.M., Kovaleva G.G. et al. 1992. [Méthode; du sondage immunologique pour l'étude épizootique du Dzhoungar Alataou. The method of serological probing for epizootological investigation of Dzhungar Alatau]. Proc. Sci. Conf. of Antiplague institutions, Almaty, 2: 191-193.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épizootie, epizooty, sang, blood.

Bianchi-Demicheli Francesco & Oppizzi Nicola, 2001. Ricerche speleologiche e paleontologiche nella regione del Monte Generoso: la Caverna Generosa [Recherche spéléologique et paléontologique de la région de Monte Generoso : la caverne Generosa]. Società ticinese di Scienze naturali, 89(1-2) : 61-66.
En italien, in Italian.
Monte Generoso, Ursus spelaeus, paleontologia, paléontologie, karst, carsismo La Caverna Generosa scoperta nel 1987, appartiene al sistema carsico della Valle Breggia (Svizzera/Italia). Essa si sviluppa nella vasta arca carsica del Monte Generoso, comprendente un importante patrimonio speleologico. La grotta riveste una notevole importanza scientifica per l'eccezionalità dei reperti paleontologici scoperti. Sono state finora individuate oltre 20'000 ossa di differenti specie animali (iena delle caverne, cervo megalocero, alce e innumerevoli micromammiferi. Il ritrovamento di numerose ossa di orso delle caverne (Ursus spealeus) ha consentito la ricostruzione completa di 100 scheletri e la datazione al C14 di uno dei reperti ha permesso di stabilire un'età di 38'200 +/-1400 anni BR La grotta rappresenta inoltre un oggetto di studio speleologico di rilevante importanza per la comprensione della genesi e dell'evoluzione del carsismo profondo del massiccio del Monte Generoso.
The Generosa Cave, discovered in 1987, belongs to the karstic system of the Valle Breggia (Switzerland/Italy). It spreads out into the vast karstic area of Mount Generoso, which includes an important speleological wealth. The cave is of remarkable scientific importance for the exceptionality of the discovered palaeontological finds. So far, over 20'000 bones of different animal species have been located (cave hyaena, megaloceros deer, elk and numerous micromammals). The finding of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) bones allowed the complete reconstruction of 100 skeletons and the C14 dating of a bear find made it possible to establish an age of 38'200 +/4400 BP years. Moreover, the cave represents an object of speleological study of considerable importance for the comprehension of the genesis and the evolution of the deep karst of the Mount Generoso massif.

Bianucci G.P. 1980. Ricerche speleologiche alla Buca dei Ladri (Asciano - Pisa). [Recherche spéléologique de la Buca dei Ladri (Asciano - Pisa). Speleological research at Buca dei Ladri (Asciano, Pisa)]. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., Mem., Ser A 87 p. 261-274.
En italien avec résumé en anglais, in Italian with English summ.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Pisa, Italie, Italy.

Бибиков С.Н. (Bibikov S.N.) 1950. Peshchernyie paleolititcheskiye mestonakhorzhdemiya v nagornoi polose youzhnogo Ourala (Découvertes paléolithiques dans les cavernes des hauts plateaux du sud de l'Oural. Paleolothic discoveries in the caves of the upper plateaus of the south Ural]. Mov. arkhol., n° 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Oura, Ural, Russie, Russia. .

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1956. Martsutnyï sposob outcheta tchislennosti sourkov [Echantillonnage par la méthode de l'itinéraire des marmottes. Marmot sampling with the itinerary method]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivotchumi. in-ta, 3.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodology.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1957. Nakoplenie i raskhodovanie jira ou tarbaganov [Accumulation et dépense de lipides chez la tarbagan. Lipid storage and outgoings in the tarbagan marmot]. Izv. Irkoutsk, PUI, 16: 32-38.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, lipides, lipids.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1959a. Sourki v Tarbagatae. Tr. sredneaziatskogo PUI, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1959b. [Sur la question du processus des paysages du foyer naturel de peste du Tien Chan. On question of landscapes mechanism of natural plague focality in Tien Shan]. 10- sovestchaniye po parazitol. problemam i prirodno-ochagovym boleznyam. Isd. Acad. Nauk SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Paysage, landscape, pest, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961a. O vliyanii sneïogo pokrova na zhizni surkov v Tien-Shane [Effet de la couverture neigeuse sur la vie des marmottes du Tien-Chan. Snow cover effect on the marmot life in the Tien Shan]. Trudy Sredneaz. Nauch.-Issledovatel. Protivochum. Inst., 7 : 205-219.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961b. [Sur la microfocalité de la peste au Tien Chan. On microfocality of plague in Tien Shan]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz.SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961c. [Sur les installations combinées des marmottes grises et de Citellus relictus au Tien Chan. About the combined settlements of grey marmots and Citellus relictus in Tien Shan]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz.SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, marmotte grise, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961d. [Observation à l'éveil et comportement des marmottes après l'hibernation. Observation at awakening and behavior of marmots after hibernation]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz.SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, hibernation, comportement, behavior.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961e. [Signification des déplacements de marmottes pour l'épizootologie de la peste. Significance of marmot's moving for epizootology of plague]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz.SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1961f. [Sur la question du processus des paysages du foyer naturel de peste du Tien Chan. On question about landscapes mechanisms of natural plague focality in Tien Shan]. Tr. IV konf. po pririodn. ochagov. boleznei i voprosam parazitologii Kazakhst. i Sred. Az., Alma-Ata, 3: 49-54.
En russe, in Russian.
Paysage, landscape, peste, plague.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1962. Peremesheniya sourkov [Déplacements des marmotte. Marmots movements]. V kn. Migratsii jivotnykh [Les migrations animales, Animal migrations], 3, izd-vo AN SSSR, 62-86.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1963. [Nouvelles données sur l'élevage des marmottes. New data on a breeding of marmots]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodnoi ochagovosti i prophilactike chumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, élevage, breding.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1965a. Zapasy sourkov v gorakh Srednej Azii i Kazakhstana i perspektivy ikh ispolizovaniya [Effectif des marmottes dans la montagne d'Asie moyenne et du Kazakstan et prespectives de leur utilisation. Number of marmots in Central Asia and kazakhstan mountains and use perspectives]. Materialy Nautchn. konferentsii po prirodnïj otchagovosti i profilaktike tchumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, gestion, management, Kazakstan, Asie, Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1965b. [Lois spatiales des foyers naturels de la peste chez les marmottes. Spatial laws of natural focality of plague in marmots]. Proc. Symp. Theoretical Questions of natural Foci of Diseases (Rosicky B. & Heyberger K. eds., Czechosl. Acad. of Sciences, 83-88.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, épidémiologie, peste, plague.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1965c. Razmnojenie i zapasy sourkov v gorakh Sredneï Azii [Reproduction et les Réserves de marmottes dans les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Reproduction and Marmot reserves in Central Asia mountains]. V. kn Materialy 4-ï Konf. po prirodnoï otchagovosti i profilayaktike tchoumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, reproduction, réserves, Asie, Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1965d. Sourki i tchouma v gorakh sredniï aziï [Marmottes et peste dans les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Marmots and plague in the mountains of central Asia]. Avtoreferat diss. dokt. biol. naouk Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, Asie centrale, Central Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1967a. Gornye sourki Sredneï Azii i Kazakhstana [Les marmottes des montagnes de l'Asie Centrale et du Kazakhstan. Mountain marmots of Central Asia and Kazakhstan]. M. Nauka, pp. 198. Moskva, Izdat. Nauka, 198 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Kazakhstan, Asie.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1967b. Nakoplenie i raskhodovanie jira ou tarbaganov [Accumulation et dépenses des lipides chez la tarbagan. Lipid storage and expenses in the tarbagan marmot]. Izv. Irkut. protivotchumi. in-ta Sibiri i Dalinergo Doctora, Irkutsk, 16 : 32-38.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, lipides, lipids.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1967c. [Les marmottes des montagnes de l'Asie centrale et le Kazakhstan. Mountain marmots of Central Asia and Kazakhstan]. Moscow Society of Naturalist, Proceedings on the study of the fauna and flora of the USSR, new series. The section of zoology, n° 44, 59.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Kazakhstan, Asie, Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1967d. [Quelques caractéristiques d'une nouvelle histoire des foyers de peste dans les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Some characteristics of a new history of plague foci in mountains of Middle Asia. Mater. nauch. konf. protivoch. uchrezhden. k 50-letiyu Oct. Social. Revol., Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1968. Die Murmeltiere (Gattung Marmota) .. (aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Günther Grempe) [Les marmottes. Genre Marmota) (Traduction russe de von Günther Grempe). Wittenberg Lutherstadt, A. Ziemsen Verlag. (Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, 388).
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, monographie, monography.

Monographie. Systématique du genre Marmota. Biotope : types de peuplement, selon neige et pâturage. Répartition géographie en Eurasie. Paléontologie. Le terrier. Hibernation. Alimentation, réserves de graisse. Activités, relations intraspécifiques, comportement, migrations. Structure spatiale de la population. Reproduction, mortalité, fluctuations des effectifs. Croissance et concurrents, parasites et maladies. Importance pratique : vis-à-vis de l'agriculture et des pâturages, importance épidémiologique, prélèvement par la chasse.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1979. Rod Marmota Frisch, 1775. Sourki [Le genre Marmota Frisch 1775, les marmottes. Marmota Frisch genus 1775, marmots]. Meditsinskaya teriologiya, Voprosy Teriologii, M. Nauka, 261-272.
[In Medical Terriology, Kucheruk Ed., Nauka Publishers].
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1980a. Geografitcheskie osobennosti ekologii. Sourki [Particularités géographiques de l'écologie. Les marmottes. Geographical peculiarities and ecology. Marmota]. In Biotsenotitchesloe i praktitchesloe znatchenie [Les marmottes. Signification biocénotique et pratique. Marmos. Biocenotic and practical significance], M. Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, aire répartition, distribution range.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1980b. Sourki [Marmottes. Marmots]. In Itogi metcheniya mlekopitaiushikh, M. Nauka, 124-139.
En russe, in Russian.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1982a. [Particularités géographiques de l'écologie. Geographical Peculiarities of Ecology]. InMarmots. Biocoenotic and Practical Importance, Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 50- 69.
En russe, in Russian.
Ecologie, ecology.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1982b. [Les marmottes d'URSS. Marmots in the USSR].Hunting and Hunting Farm, (3) : 16-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmottes, marmots, URSS, USSR.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1983.[Marmota bobac européenne. Marmota bobac bobac, Muller, 1776. European Marmota bobac. Marmota bobac bobac, Muller, 1776]. In Red Book of RSFSR, M., Russia Agriculture publish. house, 29-30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Russie, Russia, gestion, management.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1988. Nekotory tcherty ekologii i ppovedeniya suekov pri nizkoï tchslennosti popoulyatsii i po oukhodou ee vosstanovleniya [Quelques caractéristiques écologiques et comportementales d'une population réduite de marmottes lors de sa restauration. Some ecological and behavioral caracteristics of a reduced population of marmots when restored]. Aktoualinye problemy morfologii i ekologii vysshikh pozvonotchnykh, U.2, M., 553-581.
En russe, in Russian.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1989a. Sourki [Les marmottes. The marmots]. Moscow, Agropromizadat, pp 253.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, monographie, monography.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1989b. Stepnoï sourkov : demografitcheskii vzryv. [Marmottes steppiques, explosion démographique. Steppe marmots, population explosion]. Nauka v SSSR, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1989c. [Aire et nombre de marmottes en Eurasie et Amérique du Nord. The Area Structure and Numbers of Marmots in Eurasia and North America]. Marmots, Moscow, Agropromizdat Publishers, 51-56, 209.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, distribution.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1990. [Sur la taxonomie du genre Marmota. On the Taxonomy of the Genus Marmota]. In Biology, Ecology, Protection and Management of Marmots, Proceedings of the All-Union Conf. Moscow, 16-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1991a. Marmots are zoonosis provoking carriers [Les marmottes sont des porteurs de zoonoses]. Abstracts 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota ) and on Genus Marmota, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1991b. The steppe marmot. Its past and future [La marmotte des steppes. Son passé et son futur]. Oryx, 25 : 45-49.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, réintroductions, gestion, management.

The steppe marmot of European Russia has suffered from hunting pressure and agricultural evelopment in the past. Now it is regaining its former range by colonizing abandonned farming areas and this process is being helped by reintroduction programmes. Once secure these marmots show considerable potential for increase and could form the basis for a useful and substantial harvest in the future.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1991c. On the taxonomy of the genus Marmota [Sur la taxonomie du genre Marmota]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 16-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, systématique.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1991d. Popoulyatsionnie strouktoury i reprodouktivnaya strategiya sourkov [Structures des populations et stratégies reproductrices chez les marmottes. Population structures and reproductive strategies in the Marmots]. In Strouktoura popoulyatsii sourkov [Proc. USSR Theriol. Soc., Population structure of the marmot], Bibikov D.I., A.A. Nikolski, V.Yu. Rumiantsev & T.A. Seredneva eds., 6-31.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, population, reproduction.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1992. La marmotta come veicolo di zoonosi. Marmots are zoonosis provoking carriers [Les marmottes sont des porteurs de zoonoses]. Proc. 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot and on Gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds., 25-29.
En italien et en anglais, in Italian and in English.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Marmots are widely spread in open landscapes of North Hemisphere mountyains and plains. Within their range they mosaicly disperse and have low density. Large size and big shelter-burrow are responsable for the major role they play in biocoenosis and in conservation of natural foci-zoonosis. Peculiarities in marmot ecology and behaviour create conditions favourable for microbe and virus transmission. A list of marmot diseases and the pattern of distribution, microbe circulation and activity of natural foci in marmots iss here presented and discussed.
Edition électronique/Electronic edition

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1993.Historiya i pouti rasseleniya sourkov (Marmota) [Histoire et dispersion des marmottes (Marmota). History and dispersal of marmots (Marmota)]. Mejdounarodnoe V Sovechtchanie po sourkam stran SNG [Proc. V Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states], Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow], Bibikov D.I., Nikol’skii A.A, Rumiantsev V.Y. & Suntsov V.V. eds., 5-6: 43-44.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, évolution, evolution, histoire, history.

There are confirmations of R. Hoffmann's (1968) hypothesis about 2 waves, of marmots dispersal : 1) in Pliocene and 2) in Pleistocene-Holocene. In the second wave M. bobac bobac migrated to Europe during the cold epoch (Zimina, Gerasimov, 1971) but perhaps earlier the same process took part in the east, in Siberia and Mongolia. Ancestors of modern M. b. sibirica, M. b. kastschenco, M. camtschatica migrated (possible in warm epoch) to north and east. They, as the fossil M. tologoica, M. nekipelovi (Erbaeva, 1970), developed also from eastern variants of "pro-bobac" and in late Pleistocene migrated to nortg-eastern Siberia and formed M. c. camtschatica and M. c. bunge. These forms adapted to short summer and freezen grounds. V.I. Kapitonov (1978) is right to believe the Bargousin marmot is separate species, but mean while I named this form as M. bobac doppelmayri. Also"pro-bobac" (his descendants M. b. baibacina, M. b.centralis and others) and M. caudata were more ancient between mountainous central-asiatic marmots. Maybe it's possible that Pleistocenic"pro-bobac" had been pressed by red marmot. As a result of this pressing modern ancestors of ancient"pro-bobac" obtained the red marmot's fleas Ceratophyllus lebedewi (on the east Tien-Shan- O. dolabris) on the lose part of red marmot's areal. Fleas and other parasites help to understand the history and past migrations of modern marmots. The flea Oropsylla silantiewi on the alaskan marmot M. broweri gives the good example of its asiatic origin and its migration to Alaska across the Beringian mainland.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1994. On the size of the Marmots (Marmota), their annual cycle and adaptations to the "short summer" [O razmerakh sourkov (Marmota), ikh godovom tsikle i adaptatsii k "korotkomou letou"]. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.

The difference in the body size and condilobasal length of the skull between the marmots of Eurasia and North America is hardly noticeable. Small and large species and subspecies are found on the both continents. No increase in the body size and condilobasal length are observed in the northern parts of the range and in the high mountains. The proportion of the duration of the surface activity and hibernation vary in different marmot species; the hibernation period is prolonged in the habitats with the "short summer". Various adaptations make it possible for the animals to live under the extreme conditions and reduced period of the surface activity.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1996a. Taille, cycle annuel et adaptations à "l'été court" des marmottes (Marmota). On the size of the marmots (Marmota), their annual cycle and adaptations to "short summer". In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., 141-148.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, masse, weight, taille, height, rythme, rhythm.

Les différences de taille et de longueur condilo-basale du crâne entre les marmottes eurasiennes et nord-américaines sont à peine perceptibles. Des espèces et des sous-espèces de toutes tailles se trouvent sur les deux continents. Aucune augmentation de la taille et de la longueur condilo-basilaire n'est observée dans les parties septentrionales et les hautes montagnes de leur distribution. Les durées d'activité estivale et d’hibernation varient d'une espèce à l'autre ; la période d'hibernation est plus longue dans les habitats à "été court". Des adaptations variées rendent possible la vie de l'animal sous des conditions extrêmes avec une période réduite d'activité estivale.
Difference in body size and condilobasal length of the skull between the marmots of Eurasia and North America is hardly noticeable. Small and large species and subspecies are found on both continents. No increase in the body size and condilobasal length are observed in the northern parts of the range and in the high mountains. The proportion of the duration of above-ground activity and hibernation vary in different marmot species; the hibernation period is prolonged in the habitats with "short summer". Various adaptations make possible for the animals to live under extreme conditions and reduced period of the above-ground activity.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1996b. [Marmots of the world. Les marmottes du Monde]. The New Brehm Book.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, monographie, monography.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1996c. O neodnorodnosti popoulyatsiï sourkov i ee znatchenii [Heterogeneity of marmot populations and its meaning. Hétérogénéité des populations de marmottes et sa signification]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 8-9.
En russe, in Russian.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1997. Неравномерность развития сурков как одна из основ демонрафии и воспроизводства популяции. Heterogeneity of development in marmots: one of the basic features of population demography and reproduction [Neravnomernost' razvitiya sourkov kak odna iz osnov demografii i vosproizvodstva popoulyatsii. L'hétérogénité du développement des marmottes : l'un des éléments de base de la dynamique des populations et de la reproduction]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 19-20 (Rousskie, Russian), 125-126 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, dynamique des populations, population dynamics, reproduction.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) 1999. Marmots of the world. [Les marmottes du Monde]. Scientific editor Kenneth B. Armitage.
En anglais, in English.
Ed. électronique/Electronic ed., Ramousse.
Monographie, monography.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Abramov F.I., Bibikova V.A., Zveskin A.G., Kasatkin B.M., Petrov V.S. 1957. [Plan d'hygiène écolo-épizootique du foyer de peste au Tien Chan central. Ecologo-epizootological base of sanitation plan of plague foci in Central Tien Shan]. Mater. naouch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidemiologii osobo-opasn. infektzii zabolevanii, Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Abramov F.I., Bibikova V.A., Zveskin A.G., Kasatkin B.M., Petrov V.S. 1960. [Bases écologique et épizootique de l'hygiène du foyer de peste montagneux du Tien Chan central. Ecological and epizootological base of sanitation of the Mountain plague focus in Central Tien Shan]. Prirodn. ochagov. i epidemiolog. osobo opasn. infec., Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Аракелянц В.С. (Arakelyanz, Arakelïants V.S.), Chekalin V.B., Volokhov V.A., Kazachenko A.I. 1972. [Le mésofoyer de peste de Kokpak au Tien Chan. Kokpak plague mezofocus in Tien Shan]. Probl. osobo opasn. infec., Saratov, 5: 54-58.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plgue, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Berendyaev S.A. 1978. Seryï sourok [La marmotte de l'Alataï. The Altai marmot]. In Sourki. Rasprostrazhenie i ekologiya, M. Naouka, 39-78.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, monographie, monography, Altaï.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Berendyaev S.A, Peisakhis L.A. & Shvarts E.A. 1973. Prirodnye otchagi tchoumy sourkov v SSSR [Foyers naturels de peste de la marmotte en URSS. Natural foci of marmot plague in USSR]. M. Medecine Publishers, Moscow, pp. 192). M. Meditskna, pp. 192.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, medicine, épidémiologie, epidiomology, peste, plague, Nan-Shian, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Bibikova V.A. 1955. K iztcheniiou kamenki-plyasouni i ee ektaparozitov [Etude des traquet motteux et de leurs ectoparasites. Study of whetear and their ectoparasites]. Zoologitcheskii journal, 34 (2) : 399-407.
En russe, in Russian.
Oiseaux, birds, Oenanthe isabellina, wheatears, Traquet motteux, parasitologie, parasitology.

La puce O. silantiewi caractéristique des marmottes d'Asie centrale peut être transportée par des traquets motteux Oenanthe isabellina (Temm.) ainsi que se trouver dans leurs nids. Au contraire, deux espèces de puces associées à ces oiseaux on été trouvées sur les marmottes (Bibikov et Bibikova 1955).

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Bibikova V.A. 1957. [Estimation du rôle de différents facteurs dans la détermination des processus saisonniers de l'épizootie de peste dans les populationsde marmottes du Tien Chan. Experience of role estimation of different factors for determinating the seasonal mechanisms of plague epizootics in marmot's populations in Tien Shan]. Mater. naouch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidemiol. osobo opasn. infec. zabolevanii, Saratov: 48-51.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Bibikova V.A. 1958. Opyt otsenki nekotorykh faktorov, opredelyaiushikh sezonnouiu zakonomernosti epizootii tchoumy na sourkakh v Tien-Shane [Expérience d'évaluation de quelques facteurs, de la détermination saisonnière légale de l'épizootie de peste chez les marmottes du Tien Chan. Assessment of some factors in the legal seasonal determination of marmot epizooty in Tien Shan]. Tr. sredneaziatskogo PUI, 4: 55-74.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Chekalin V.B. 1957. Kharakter raspredeleniya i tchislennosti sourkov, kak osnota epizootologitcheskoï otsenki territorii v severo-vostotchnoï tchasti tsentralinogo Tien-Chanya [Caractéristiques de la distribution et du nombre des marmottes, bases de l'épizootologie au Tien Shan central. Range caracteristics and number of marmots, basis of epizootology in Central Tien Shan]. Naoutchn. Konf. po prirodn. otchagovosti i epidemiol. osobo opasnykh infekts. zabol., Saratov, Kommunist.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Chekalin V.B. 1959a. [Données sur l’épizootologie du foyer de peste du Nord-est du Tien Chan. Data on epizootology of plague foci in North-East Tien Shan]. Mater. naouch. konf. protivoch. ouchrezhd. Kazakh. i Sredn. Azii, Alma-Ata, 15-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Chekalin V.B. 1959b. Opyt primeneniya kartirovaniya pri izoutchenii nekotorykh osobennosteï ekologii serykh sourkov [Utilisation de la cartographie dans l'étude de quelques particularités écologiques de la marmotte grise. Use of cartography to study some ecologic peculiarities of the grey marmot]. Sn. Geografiya naseleniya jivotnykh i metody ego izoutcheniya, M. AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, cartographie, cartography.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Chekalin V.B. 1961. Materialy po ektoparazitam v khodakh nor sourkov i otsenka metoda sbora ikh v Tyan-Chane [Matériaux sur les ectoparasites des terriers de marmottes et valeur de la méthode de leur récolte au Tien Chan. Material on ectoparasites of marmot burrows and value of their collect method in Tien Shan]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivotchoumn. In-ta, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Chervyakova V.P. & Chervyakov V.D. 1961. Nablyoudeniya za peredvizheniem serykh sourkov v Tyan-Chane po dannym metcheniya [Etude des déplacements de M. baibacina par marquage. Observation of movements of marked grey marmot]. Tr. Sredneaziat. PUI, 7: 221-232.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, marquage, marking, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1969. Vozrozhdenie stepnogo sourka-baïbaka [Rétablissement de la marmotte des steppes. Restoration of the steppe marmot]. Priroda, 11 : 33.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1987. Revival of Steppe Marmota bobac [Renouveau de la marmotte des steppes M. bobac]. Nature, 11: 33.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, gestion, management, Russie.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Dezhkin A.V. 1988. Vozrozdenie evropeïskogo baïbaka [Réhabilitation des marmottes bobac d'Europe. European steppe marmot rehabilitation]. Priroda, 3 : 46-49.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) & Rumyantsev V. Iu. 1990. Istoriya i sovremennoe sostoyanie baïbaka v Evrone [Histoire et conditions actuelles de la bobac d'Europe. History and modern condition of the bobac in Europe]. Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol., 95 (1) : 15-30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, Europe, Europa..

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Абрахина Т.Б., (Abrakhina I.B.) & Бармин Н.А. (Barmin N.A.) 1997. Об изучении движения генофонда сурков при их реакклиматизации и акклиматизции. About studying the marmots' genofund motion during their reacclimatization and acclimatization [Ob izoutchenii dvijeniya genofounda sourkov pri ikh reakklimatizatsii i akklimatizatsii. Sur l'étude des déplacements du fond génétique des marmottes au cours des ré-introductions et des introductions]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 20 (Rousskie, Russian), 126-127 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, génétique, genetic, réintroduction, re-intrduction.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Плечова Г.Н. (Plechov) & Плечова З.Н. (Plechova Z.N.) 1999. Ob etnosotsial'no marmotologii [Sur l'ethnosociologie en marmottologie. About ethnosocial marmotology]. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami, [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Roumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 12-14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmottes, Marmots, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology.

1. According to the law about homoligical lines of the scientific disciplines (Dimitriev, 1999) is suggested a new scientific direction - ethnosocial marmotology. In the scientific literature appeared rather a large number of new informations about attitude of different peoples to the marmots. The progressive role of the French (Louis et al. 1997; Ramousse & Giboulet 1997), the Chuvash (Plechov et al. 1997) and other people must be admitted.
2. From the point of view of knowledge and practice it is seen perspective the study of the marmot's colonies in the ethnosocial attitude. More exactly it is revealance (disclosure) of the peculiarities of the people's interaction towards the marmots and their colonies, the conditions of the ethnical specific of different people, the consequence of the marmot's staying a long historical period in this or that social sphere.
As the researches show in the ethnosocium, in the sphere of its consciousness the steps of the ancient polysyllabic attitudes of the people with the vegetable and animal world are left as the remaining kind, a new type of certain stereotype of behaviour is developed. It is as essentially influences on the nature environment and its components.
Knowing the ethnosocial peculiarities of the population's attitude to the marmot's colonies it is more possible to imagine the mechanisms of the people's attitude and marmots, to carry corrections into the ecological activities and programs, to increase the effectiveness and ecological education and rational nature usage.
3. The research is not directed to the nature objects as they are in themselves at the ethnosocial approach. The attention of the research must be directed to their correlation with the knowledge and practical activity of certain group of people (ethnos, socium) on their vision of a problem through the prism of the unseen. Thus it should be taken into account historical, cultural, economical, religious and other aspects.
4. Ethnosocial content of the people's interaction with the marmots and their colonies in the historical aspect includes first of all myths, leg-ends, traditions and narrations about former real events, which are connected with them in either case. At the Chuvash are registered, for example, ancient myths about marmot's origin form the people. Many people have poetic legends, which pass into stories from generation to generation. Mostly they are reflected in the oral people's creative work and singing and dance in ring songs and other local folklore. Most of them carry religious - cultural loading.
The ethnosocial shade exists and the usage of the marmots in the economical conditions of life and in the production aims (the observance of the establishment of the common, collective agreements in the periods of herding of animals and haymaking near the marmot's colonies, hunting on marmots of the common regime and the character with the usage of the natural objects and so on). All this knowledge gives the interaction about the peculiarities of the population's relations with the marmots and their colonies.
5. The subject of the special studying of the ethnosocial marmotology must be as a whole direction for studying religious - cultural relations with the marmots of different world's religious at the contemporary and the former places of the 14th marmot's spreading of the world fauna.
For example, the Muslims consider the marmots are the sacred animals because they go out from their holes, stand on their back paws and with both front paws "wash faces", clean hair, eyes and turning to the sun it seems as they do a sign of "bowing to Gold".
The marmots appeared from the people and must not be offended according to the traditions of the part of the Chuvash Republic, which are held on the Chuvash natural religious.
There are specific characteristics in the attitude to the marmots at the Yakuts, Kamchadals, Buryats, Mongols, Kirghizs, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Russians, Kazakhs and other peoples, which lived and live at geographic ranges of a inhabitation of these animals for a long time.
The collection, study and systemisation of all information about the marmots are the problem of the special part of a science about the marmots - ethnosocial marmotology. The subject of study can be everything, by and large connected with the marmots. There are the concrete words (names of the places, stones, plants) and reflections of the marmot's image in mythology and folklore (proverbs, by-words, songs, fairy tale etc.), phenomenon, which are connected with the marmots, and the religious notions, canons, rites having the attitude to these animals.
6. There is an intention to devote one of the conferences to the problems of the ethnosocial marmotology.
* Devoted to D.I. Bibikov which willed this direction of the marmot's study. The article is written according to the will and mutual agreement with D.I. Bibikov. It wasn't worked out and published earlier.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Dmitryuk G.Ya., Zveskin A.G. et al. 1961. Nekotorye osobennosti Sredneazziatskogo gornogo otchaga tchoumy i sovremennoe sostoyanie rabot po ego ozdorovleniyou. [Quelques particularités des foyers de peste des montagnes d'Asie centrale et état actuel de leur reconstitution. Some peculiarities of plague foci in the Central Asia mountains and present state of their restoration.] Tr. Srednaz. Protivotchoumn.In-ta, Vyp.7, 19-40.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Asie, Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Golubeva K.N., Chekalin V.B., Tarakanov N.F. 1961. [Données sur les caractéristiques ézootiques du Dzhungar Alatau. Data on epizootological characteristics of Dzhungar Alatau]. Report 1. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata - Frounze, 7: 115-120.
En russe, in Russian.
Epizootie, epizooty, Alatau.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Kapitonov V.I. 1969. Biologitcheskie osnovy promysla sourkov v SSSR [Bases biologiques de la cahsse professionnelle en URSS. Biological basis of professional hunting in USSR]. Tez. dokl. i soobsh. na simpoziume Povyshenie produktivnosti okhot. khoz-va, (IX Mezhdunar. kongress biologovokhotovedov, M., 75-76.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, URSS, USSR.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Kasatkii B.M. Mikulin M.A. 1961. O sovetskikh poseleniyakh bolshikh pestchanok i sourkov i vozmozhnykh svyazeï mejdou Pystynnym i Gornym otchagami tchoumy v Sredneï Azii [Sur les colonies soviétiques de gerbilles géantes et de marmottes et liaisons possibles entre foyers de peste des déserts et des montagnes en Asie centrale. Giant Gerbils and marmots colonies and possible relationships between desertic and mountainous plague foci in Central Asia]. Tr. Sredneaziat. PUI, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Rhombomys, peste, plague, Asie, Asia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Kucheruk V.V., Shagdansuren O., Myagmarzhav D., Pole S.B. 1980. [Les marmottes tarbagan en Mongolie. (Aspects médicaux et de chasse). Tarbagan in Mongolia (Hunting and medical aspects)]. V kn. Probl. prirod. ochagov. chumy, Tez. dokl. IV sov.-mongol. konf. specialistov protivoch. uchrezd., Irkutsk, 1: 14-16.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Mongolie, Mongolia.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Lavrovskii A.A., Mironov N.P., Nekipelov N.V., Popov A.V. 1968. [Expérience de prophyllaxie et d'hygiène dans les foyers de peste d'Union Soviétique. Experience of plague prophylactic and sanitation natural plague foci in Soviet Union]. Probl. osobo opasn. infec., 4: 135-151.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, URSS, USSR.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Машкин В.И. (Mashkin, Machkin V.I.) 1997. К изучентю спячки сурков в природе: преддожения к обсуждению. On study of natural hibernation in marmots: proposals for discussion [K izoutcheniyu spyatchki sourkov v prirode: predlojeniya k obsoujdeniyu. Sur l'étude de l'hibernation natruelle des marmottes : propositions de discussion]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 21 (Rousskie, Russian), 127-128 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Машкин В.И. (Mashkin, Machkin V.I.), Nikol'skii A.A. & Rumiantsev V.YU. 1996. K sozdaniyu ounifitsirovannoï metodiki issledovaniya sotsial'noï organizatsii popoulyatsiï sourkov [Development of the standard method of research of social structure of marmot populations. Développement d'une méthode standard de recherche de la structure sociale des populations de marmottes]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 9-11.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodology, social.

>Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Myagmarzhav D. 1983. Opyt kartografirovaniya i otsenki resursov surkov v MNR [Expérience de cartographie et valeur des marmottes en République populaire de Mongolie. Cartographic experiment and marmot number in the PMR]. In Okhrana, ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie i ekologiya sourkov, M. : IEMEZh AN SSSR, 22-26.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, cartographie, cartography, gestion, management, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Myagmarzhav D. 1986. Strategiya ispolizovaniya resoursov tarbagana v MNR [Stratégie d'utilisation des ressources de M. sibirica en RPM. Strategies of resources use of the tarbagan marmot in PRM]. Prirodnye ouslovya y biologitcheskie resousry MNR, Tez. dokl. Mezhdunar. Konf. M. okt., M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, gestion, management, Mongolie.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Myagmarzhav D., Pole S.B. & Smirin Y.M. 1990. [Marmota bobac caliginosus du Khangai : distribution, ressources, écologie. Marmota bobac caliginosus of Khangai: distribution, resources, ecology]. Zool. J., 69: 100-107.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, distribution.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Pole S.B. 1986. Ekologiya vosstanavlivaiushejsya populyatsii surkov [Ecologie des populations de marmottes réintroduites. Ecology of re-introduced populations of marmots]. IU sbed Vsesoiuzn. teriolog. ob-va, M., 3, Tez. dokl. rabotchikh zasedanii, 189-190.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, réintroduction.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Pole S.B., Smirin Yu.M., Myagmarzhav D. 1987. Razmeshenie i resursy surkov Mongoliskogo Altaya [Répartition et ressources des marmottes de l'Altaï mongolien. Distribution and resources of the marmots of the Mongolian Altai]. Zool. Zh., 66 (9) : 1375-1387.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Marmota sibirica, Mongolie.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Руди В.Н (Rudi, Roudi V.N.) 1987a. Sourki Iuzhnogo Ourala [Marmottes du Sud de l'Oural. Marmots of South Ural]. Okhota i okhotnitchie khoz-bo, 9 : 14-15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation, Oural, Ural, Russie, Russia.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Руди В.Н (Rudi, Roudi V.N.) 1987b. [Perspectives de rétblissement de Marmota bobac dans le sud de l'Oural. Prospects of restoration of Marmota bobac in South Urals]. In Influence of anthropogenic transformation of landscape on the population of land vertebrates, Heads of All-Union conference. Part l, M., .259-260.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Oural, Ural, Russie, Russia.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V.Yu. 1993. Nekotorye adaptatsii sourkov kak sledstvie istoritcheskikh izmeneniya ouslovii ikh jizni [Quelques adaptations des marmottes suite à des modifications historiques de leur habitat. Some adaptations of marmots as the result of historical modifications of their habitat conditions. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 44-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, histoire, history, évolution, evolution, dispersion, dispersal, habitat, biogéographie, biogeography, écologie, ecology.

The marmots (Marmota) vary not only in morphology but in adaptations too. However the comparable data and especially the experiences of taxonomical and geographical variation analysis of marmots ecology are evidently insufficient. It is supposed that the marmots as the ecological form of the winter-hibernating, grass-eating, burrow-building animals carry the features formed in the cold epochs of the Pleistocene when the hibernation had origin during long cold periods as one of the adaptations to the periods of famine (Kalabuhov, 1985). The hibernation of marmots correlates with their specialization on sappy food fruit full of proteins and carbohydrates, with their seasonal rhytms of fat accumulation and expense, with their interrupted diurnal activity, with the pecularities of their shifts determining the familiarization and using of territory. The length of hibernation varies from 3 (M. monax) to 9 months (M. bobac shaganensis, M. camtschatica bunge) ; for the generality of species-6-7 ones. The role of sappy food decreases in the trend : M. menzbieri, M. marmota, M. camtscatica, (maybe M. caligata and M. broweri), M. caudata, (maybe M. flaviventris), M. baibacina, M. sibirica, M. bobac (shaganensis). The most range of food types utilizated is inherent in M. caudata and the marmots of "bobac group". But even such stenofage as M. menzbieri at the upper border of its distribution eats early in spring mainly underground parts of plants (Kapitonov, 1968). It tally with the known differences in the food of the phytofages of high-mountainous and plainous steppe-like ecosystems (Zlotin, 1975). The variability of ecological potential is noticable even in the separate colonies. This fact is possibly connected with the continuing selection of the lines most talling with the current conditions. It's confirmed by the examples of different adaptations including the energetical processes closely connected with the changes of climate. It's significant that the marmots vary by the level of fat accumulation (20-25% of body weight) less than by its rate, M. camtschatica bunge and M. broweri have the highest rate-they accumulate during short time about 35% of the fat with especially valuable oily acids. It correlates with the long-time hibernation and the increased expense of this fat. There (and for other examples) we can see the differentiations connected with the demographical and ecological pecularities of concret populations. The territorriality and the shift ability had great importance for the forming of marmots agreals. As the initially-mountainous animals many species of marmots have disrupted family areas with seasonal and annual changes of burrows and pastures. It secures the survival with the changes of weather and climate causing the displacements of areal borders up-or downwards and the far migrations. In plains the system of territory using is simplified that decrease the vulnerability of marmots. The genetical variability of adaptations is possibly represented variously in different forms of marmots. The ecological variants spectrums are, it seems, connected with the history of concret forms. They determine in high degree the possibility of their adaptations to new conditions including the human press.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V.Yu. 1993. [Quelques adaptations des marmottes, résultats de modifications historiques de oleurs conditions d'habitat. Some adaptations of marmots as the result of historical modifications of their habitat conditions]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 44-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V.Yu. 1994a. Adaptations des marmottes à la vie dans les habitats naturels variés. Marmot adaptations to live in natural habitats of various quality. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 32-33.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology.

La revue de la diversité des adaptations des marmottes montre leur similitude avec celle des espèces eurasiennes et américaines actuelles. L'ensemble d'adaptations à un été court est le principal. Il est nécessaire étant donné les strictes conditions de l'Extrême Nord, des montagnes élevées et des plaines steppiques sèches. Ces adaptations sont : particularités d'une installation en mosaïque ; alimentation printanière précoce ; limites des principaux phénomènes météorologiques ; quantité de graisse accumulée et sa vitesse d'accumulation ; mue incomplète ; arrêt de la croissance des jeunes au profit de l'accumulation de la graisse ; retard de la reproduction et de la dispersion des jeunes ; etc... Ces adaptations permettent aux marmottes d'assurer leurs ressources énergétiques. Leur force dépend du rapport entre la durée des principales périodes du cycle annuel (activité de surface, hibernation). Ce rapport est lui-même soumis aux conditions environnementales effectives. Du fait de la présence de zones ayant à la fois des conditions favorables et extrêmes dans l'aire de distribution de la majorité des marmottes, ces adaptations ne sont ni spécifiques d'espèces particulières, ni une règle. Leur similitude, chez différentes espèces est également élevée, comme la différence de leur force pour chaque espèce dépend des conditions d'habitats effectives. La taille corporelle est directement liée à leur énergétique, par conséquent, la taille peut faire partie de la liste des adaptations. La variabilité de la taille intra-spécifique est souvent supérieure à celle entre les espèces. Par conséquent, l'utilité potentielle de la taille, comme facteur taxinomique, est limitée, dans la plupart des cas.
Review of diversity of marmot adaptations shows their likeness for the generality of present eurasian and american species. The most important is the complex of adaptations to "short summer", which are necessary especially under severe conditions of Extreme North, high mountains and dry plainous steppes. Those adaptations are: feeding in early spring; terms of main phenological phenomenons; quantity of accumulated fat and rate of its accumulation; incomplete moult; stopping of the young growth for switching of energy toward fat accumulation; delay of breeding; etc.. These adaptations are directed toward provision of marmots with necessary resourses of energy. Their expressiveness is depend on proportion of durations of main periods in year cycle connected with concret environmental conditions. Therefore those adaptations are not specific for concret species as a rule. Their likeness for different species is equally high as difference inside of each species. Animal body size is directly connected with their energetics and may be included into the list of named adaptations. Therefore using of size as taxonomic feature is limited in most cases.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V. Yu. 1994b. Les marmottes d'Europe : histoire, conditions actuelles et perspectives. Marmots of Europe: History, present conditions, perspectives. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 34-35.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota, histoire, history, conservation, Europe, Europa.

Deux espèces de marmottes (Marmota marmota et M. bobac) vivent actuellement en Europe. La première espèce vit dans les Alpes et quelques autres massifs montagneux, la seconde dans les steppes de la Plaine Russe. Ces deux espèces sont relativement éloignées l'une de l'autre sur le plan phylogénétique. Leur formation a été indépendante pendant la plus grande part du Pléistocène. La différence de conditions sous lesquelles elles se sont formées a stimulé une plus grande labilité écologique chez M. bobac, en comparaison de M. marmota plus conservatrice. C'est pourquoi, au cours des siècles derniers l'aire de distribution et les effectifs de M. marmota ont diminué principalement en raison de la pression anthropique, en condition d'équilibre avec les modifications progressives de l'environnement. Aucune adaptation nouvelle n'a été observée et la modification de la tendance à la régression n'est due qu'à la mise en place de mesures de protection et de réintroduction dans certains états européens. Au contraire, M. bobac fut capable de s'adapter à de nouvelles conditions dues à la transformation anthropique universelle des habitats. Cela est dü à la labilité écologique des populations, héritée des anc&ecirtc;tres, par des changements de priorité dans l'utilisation des habitats naturels et la familiarisation avec de nouveaux habitats spécifiques. A cause de ce fait, M. bobac fut capable de s'établir naturellement de nouveau dans certaines parties de son ancienne aire de distribution. La réintroduction a seulement complété ce processus qui se poursuit actuellement. L'analyse comparative des résultats de la réintroduction de ces deux espèces confirme la différence de leur labilité écologique.
There are two marmot species inhabiting Europe - Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) and bobac (M. bobac Mull.). Much similarity of their histories has been revealed including areals reduction and abundance declining for the space of centuries and their rehabilitation since the middle of current century. Comparison of these species life history dynamics would promote understanding of each species ecology specifics formed in the course of their evolution.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V.Yu 1994c. Relations actuelles et passées entre l’homme et les marmottes dans les pays de l’ancienne Union Soviétique. Current and past relations between people and marmots in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots,
En français et en anglais, in french and in English.
Marmota, histoire, history, URSS, USSR.

Problem of interrelations between man and marmots is illustrated in two quite separate, but indissolubly tied sides: 1) importance of marmots in human life, and 2) impact of man activity on marmots. Long history of man and marmots interrelations can be provisionally divided into three periods: prehistoric, historic (the last centuries) and modern (second half of the current century). The problem is discussed in following principal aspects: 1) game and trade hunting; 2) agricultural (marmots in pastures and crop-fields); 3) epizootic (first of all in regards to marmots in natural plague centers); 4) conservation and restoration of populations; 5) other aspects (scientific, cultural, social and so on).

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Rumiantsev V.YU 1996. Relations passées et actuelles entre l'homme et les marmottes en ex Union Soviétique. Current and past relations between people and marmots in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., 9-22.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota, conservation, gestion, management, histoire, history, URSS, USSR.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Rumiantsev V.Yu. & Pole S.B. 1992. [Études des marmottes dans les années 1980 (Résultats de la IV Conf. de l'Union and du I symp. sur les marmottes alpines et du genre Marmota). Studies of Marmots in 1980s (results of IV All-Union Conf. on Marmots and I Intern. Symposium on Alpine Marmots and the Genus Marmota)]. Zoology Journal, 71( 5) : 156-158.
En russe, in Russian.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Stogov I.I. 1957. Ekologitcheskie zakonomernosti statsialinogo razmesheniya serykh (Marmota baibacina, Kastsch.) v Tien-Shane [Mécanisme écologique de la distribution des marmottes grises du Tien Chan. Ecological mechanism of the spatial distribution of the gray marmot in Tien Shan]. Biull. MOIP., Otd. biolog., 62 (4) : 13-18.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Stogov I.I. 1963. Materialy po mlekopitaiushim Tchingiz-Tau [Matériaux sur les mammifères du chingiz-Tau. Material on mammals in Chingiz-Tau]. Biull. MOIP, otd. biol. 68 (4).
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, faunistique, fauna.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Tarasov P.P., Schwartz E.A., Berendyaev S.A., Lavrent`ev A.F. 1960. [Sur la classification des foyers de peste en fonction du paysage et des caractéristiques épizootiques. On landscape-epizootological classification of Middle - Assian Mountain plague focus]. Mater. konf. po voprosam zoogeographii suschi., Alma-Ata, 14.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Tokarskii V.A. 1988. O Melanizme y sourkov [Sur le mélanisme et les marmottes. Melanism and marmots]. Priroda i tchelovek, 3 : 3-4.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, mélanisme, melanism.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Trukhatchev N.I. & Isakulov K.I 1963. Nabliudeniya za spyatchkoï serykh sourkov v ousloviyakh optta [Observations expérimentales sur l'hibernation de la marmotte grise. Observations on hibernation of grey marmots in experimental conditions]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 25: 223-231.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, marmotte grise, gray marmot, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Volokhov V.A., Bpytova S.I. & Dubroveskiï E.B. 1961. Materialy k epizootitcheskoï kharakteristike Kokjarskogo outchastka otchagovosti tchoumy (Tyan-Chan) [Matériaux sur les caractéristiques épizootiques du foyer de peste du secteur de Kokjarski. Material on the epizootic caracteristics of the natural plague foci of Kokzharki]. Tr. Srednaziat. protivotchoumn. in-ta, vyp. 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Volokhov V.A. 1961. [Aggravation de l'épidémie de peste un an parès l'extermination des marmottes. Worsening of plague epizootic one year later of marmot's extexmination]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, extermination, épizootie, epizooty, peste, plague.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Volokhov V.A., Bgytova S.I., Dubrovsli D.I. 1961. [Caréristiques; des épizooties du foyer de peste de Kokzhar (Tien Chan). Data at epizootic characteristics of Kokzhar plague focus (Tien Shan)]. Tr. Sredneaz. protivochumn. in-ta, Alma-Ata - Frunze, 7: 73-86.
En russe, in Russian.
Epizootie, epizzoty, peste, plague Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich), Zhirnov L.V. & Kul'kova V.P. 1956. Sezonnye izmeneniya nazemnoj aktivnosti i vnoutripopoulyatsionnogo kontakta ou serykh sourkov v Tien-Shane [Changements saisonniers d'activiteacute; externe et contacts interapopulationnels chez la marmotte grise dans le Tien Chan. Seasonal changes in surface activity and intrapopulational contacts in the grey marmot in Tien Shan]. Tr. Sredneaziat. PUI, 3: 63-74.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, éthologie, ethology, rythme saisonnier, seasonal rhythm, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Zhirnova N.M. 1956a. O povedeniyi sourkov, sokhranivshikhsya posle istrebleniya [Sur les comportements des marmottes survivantes à l'extermination. Behaviour of surviving marmots after extermination]. Tr. Sredbeaziat. PUI, 3 : 81-85.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, éthologie, éradication, extermination.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Zhirnova N.M. 1956b. Sezonnye izmeneniya ekologo-fiziologitcheskikh oso-bennostej u serykh surkov v Tien-Shane [Variations saisonniè de quelques particularités éco-physiologiques chez Marmota baibacina Katsch. au Tien Chan. Seasonal changes in some ecologically-physiological peculariarities of the marmot Marmota baibacina Katsch. in the Tien Shan]. Zool. Zh., 35 (9) : 1565-1573.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, physiologie, physiology, Russie, Russia, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Zhirnova N.M. 1957. Sezonnye izmeneniya ecologo-fiziologitcheskikh osobennosteï u serykh surkov [Variations éco-physiologiques saisonnières chez la marmotte grise. Seasonal eco-physiologic changes in the grey marmot]. Zool. Zh., 35 (10) : 1565-1573.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, physiologie, physiology, Russie, Russia, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Zimina R.P. 1983 eds. Okhrana, ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i ekologiya sourkov [Conservation, utilisation rationnelle et écologie des marmottes]. Materialy Vsesoiuznogo sovetchaniya, 3-5 fevralya, Moskva, 135 p.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation.

Бибиков Д.И. (Bibikov Dmitriy Ivanovich) & Zimina R.P. 1983. Sostyanie popoulyatsiï i perspektivy sokhraneniya raznoobraziya geografitcheskikh form sourkov v SSSR. In Okhrana, ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i ekologiya sourkov [Conservation, utilisation rationnelle et écologie des marmottes], Bibikov D.I. & Zimina R.P. eds., 19-22.
En russe, in Russian.

Bibikov S.N. 195. Pechtchernye paleolititcheskoe mestonakhoïdeniya v padgornoï polose Yujnogo Ourala [Localisation des cavernes paléolithiques dans les zones montagneuses de l'Oural du sud. Localization of the paleolithic caves in the south Ural mountains]. Sov. arkheoligiya, 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie : Oural.

Bibikova V.I. 1958. Nekotorye zametchaniya po faoune iz moust'eskoï pechtchery Aman-Koutah [Quelques remarques sur la caverne moustérienne d'Aman-Koutah. Some remarks on the Mousterian cave of Aman-Kutah]. Sov. arkheologiya, 3.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Russie, Russia.

Bibikova V.A. 1956. (1957). [Effet de l'extermination des marmottes sur le nombre de leurs ectoparasites. Effect of marmot extermination on the numbers of it's ectoparasits]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 2: 61-64.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, éradication, extermination, parasitologie, parasitology.

Bibikova V.A. 1956. (1957). [Sur la biologie des puces de marmottes. On biology of marmot's fleas] Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 2: 49-51.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas.

Bibikova V.A. 1957. [Étude des puces de la marmotte grise. On study of fleas of grey marmot]. Mater. nauch. konf. po parasitol., epizootol. i drugim voprosam prirodn. ochagovosti chumy, Tes. dokl., Stavropol': 6-7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Insectes, Insects, parasitologie, parasitology.

Bibikova V.A. 1959. [Étude des puces de la marmotte grise. On study of fleas of grey marmot]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivoch. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 5: 223-235.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, parasitologie, parasitology.

Bibikova V.A. & Sakharova V.V. 1956. [Capacité d’infestation des puces Oropsylla silantiewi et effet des piqures répétées et de la température. Ability of fleas Oropsylla silantiewi to infect and effect of repeated blood-sucking and temperature]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 2: 41-48.
Marmota baibacina, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, parasitologie, parasitology, température, temperature.

Bichko V., Barik S. & Taylor J. 1997. Phosphorylation of the hepatitis delta virus antigens. J. Virol., 71(1): 512-8.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis.
We used two-dimensional electrophoresis (nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) coupled with 32P labeling and immunoblotting detection with 125I-protein A to detect and quantitate phosphorylation of the large and small forms of the delta antigen (deltaAg-L and deltaAg-S, respectively). Analysis of deltaAg species from the serum and liver of an infected woodchuck as well as deltaAg species expressed in and secreted from transfected Huh7 cells revealed the following. (i) No detectable phosphorylation of deltaAg-S occurred. (ii) In virions from the serum of an infected animal and in the particles secreted from cotransfected cells, none of the deltaAg-L was phosphorylated. (iii) Only in the infected liver and in transfected cells was any phosphorylation detected; it corresponded to a monophosphorylated form of deltaAg-L. Given these results, we carried out serine-to-alanine mutagenesis of the deltaAg-L to determine whether the monophosphorylation was predominantly at a specific site on the unique 19-amino-acid (aa) extension. We mutated each of the two serines, aa 207 and 210, on this extension and also the serine at aa 177. These three mutations had no significant effect on phosphorylation. In contrast, mutagenesis to alanine of the cysteine at aa 211, which normally acts as the acceptor for farnesylation, completely inhibited phosphorylation. Our interpretation is that the site(s) of phosphorylation is probably not in the 19-aa extension unique to deltaAg-L and that phosphorylation of deltaAg-L may depend upon prior farnesylation. The possible significance of the intracellular phosphorylated forms of deltaAg-L is discussed.

Bichko V.V., Khudyakov Y.E. & Taylor J.M. 1996. A novel form of hepatitis delta antigen [Une nouvelle forme de l'antigène delta de l'hépatite]. J. Virol., 70(5): 3248-51.
En anglais, in English.
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is known to express a protein termed the small delta antigen, a structural protein which is also essential for genome replication. During replication, posttranscriptional RNA editing specifically modifies some of the HDV RNA, leading to the production of an elongated form of the delta antigen, the large form, which is essential for virus assembly. The present study showed that yet another form of HDV protein is expressed during genome replication. This novel form is not produced in all infected cells, but it arises during replication in transfected cells and in infected woodchucks, and as was previously reported, patients infected with HDV do make antibodies directed against it. These findings are an indicator of the complexity of gene expression during HDV infection and replication.

Bichko V.V., Lemon S.M., Wang J.G., Hwang S., Lai M.M. & Taylor J.M. 1996. Epitopes exposed on hepatitis delta virus ribonucleoproteins. J. Virol., 70(9): 5807-11.
En anglais, in English.
A total of 17 antibodies, raised in several nonhuman species and specific for different regions on the delta antigen (delta Ag), were used to map, via immunoprecipitation, those domains exposed on the surface of the viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP). These studies showed that the domains for the nuclear localization signal and the C-terminal extension, unique to the large form of delta Ag, are exposed. Also exposed is the C-terminal region of the small form of delta Ag. In contrast, reactivity was not found with the coiled-coil domain needed for protein dimerization. When the hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA was released by treatment of viral RNP with vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes, no change in the pattern of delta Ag epitope presentation was detected, consistent with the interpretation that a multimeric protein structure persists in the absence of RNA. These RNP studies have implications not only for understanding of the process of HDV assembly but also for evaluation of the immune responses of an infected host to HDV replication.

Bickhardt H. 1907a. Ueber das Vorkommen von Käfer in Nestern von Saügertieren; und Vögeln. [Sur les Coléoptères des terriers des Mammifères et des Oiseaux. About beetles in mammals and birds burrows]. Entomol. Z. Guben, 35.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Oiseaux, Birds, Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, microcavernicole, terrier, burrow.

Bickhardt H. 1907b. Käfer in Nestern. [Coléoptères des terriers. Burrow beetles]. Entomol. Blätter, 3: 81-86 et 97-102.
En allemand, in German.
< Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, microcavernicole, terrier, burrow.

Bickhardt H. 1911. Verzseichnis der den Nestern von Warmblütern gefundenen Käfer [Liste des terriers d'animaux à sang chaud où l'on trouve des coléoptères. Checklist of burrows of warm-blooded animals with beetles]. Arch. f. Naturg. 1 (suppl. 1) : 11-18.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, microcavernicole, microcaverniculous, terrier, burrow.

Bickhardt H. 1913. Käfer in Nestern. [Coléoptères des terriers]. Entom. Blättrer, 9 : 72-75.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, microcavernicole, microcaverniculous, terrier, burrow.

Biélawski J.B. 1890. Le plateau central de la France et de l'Auvergne dans les temps anciens [The Central Plateau of France and Auvergne in the old times]. Société générale d'édition.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Auvergne, France, Biélawski, Jean-Baptiste-Maurice (1838-191.).

Bieloshytskyi P.V. 1975. [Modification of the dye dilution technic for determining total blood volume marmots and rats]. Fiziol. Zh., 21(3): 418-419.
En ukrainien, in Ukrainian.
No abstract available.

Bielz 1856. [Présence de marmottes dans les montagnes de Rodna, Fagaras et Retezat].
En roumain, in Rumanian.
Marmota marmota, Roumanie, Rumania.

Biesemeyer D.G. 1960. Research on hoary marmot [Recherche sur la marmotte givrée]. Unpublished MS (typescript). ii = 37 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, Glacier National Park.

Bigan M. 1991. Bilan des opérations de réintroduction en France [Results of re-introductions in France]. Colloque S.E.F.P.M., Orléans.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, France.

At the Saint-Jean-du-Gard colloquium in l988 on the reintroduction of animal species, the results of reintroduction operations and population reinforcing in France for 1950-1988 were presented to the wildlife protection and nature reserve associations by the State Secretary for the Environment. They were presented in question form and concerned more particularly protected species due to the type of associations present but a number of game species were also examined. Out of 57 operations involving 26 species, 43 are concerned with 14 mammal species. The beaver, chamois-isard and the ibex represent the greatest number of operations; among the mammals. The hoofed and carnivorous animals are concerned by the highest number of reintroduction operations. The majority -9 species- are protected species covered by the Wildlife protection law. Two of them had completely disappeared from French territory : the wolf and the monk seal. Those who promote operations for protected species are generally the wildlife protection associations (national parks are also concerned). The majority of reintroduction operations took place betwen 1970 and 1980. The map illustrating reintroductions shows the representation of the wildlife protection associations on French territory. Operations can last from l to 25 years depending on whether a reproduction phase in captivity is required beforehand. In most cases these phases were successful. The quality of preliminary studies and the following of released animals has greatly improved with the years. The Saint-Jean-du-Gard colloquium made it possible to develop numerous recommendations for carrying out of reintroduction operations based on U.I.C.N. principles. It is also a good idea to continue making specific identity charts for certain species similar to the one produced for the ibex.

Bigelow W.G., Trimble A.S., Schonbraum E., Kovats L. 1954. A report on studies with Marmota monax . I. -Biochemical and pharmacological investigations of blood and brown fat [Rapport sur l'étude de M. monax. I. Recherches biochimique et pharmacologique sur le sang et la graisse brune]. - Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Serie A IV : Biologica, 71 : 37-50.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, lipides, lipids, médecine, medecine.

1. A brief outline is given of nine years' research designed to extract a biologically active substance from hibernating animals, related to the phenomenon of hibernation. 2.Testing for physiological activity is based on the premise that such a substance would increase the tolerance to low body temperature of non hibernating test animals. 3. Although minimal positive results have been obtained on occasion, no really reliable evidence of such a humoral agent has yet been found. 4. The reason why this team adhered to the humoral theory of hibernation are given.

Biggins Dean E. & Kosoy Michael Y. 2001. Influences of introduced plague on North American mammals: implications from ecology of plague in Asia [Influences de la peste introduite sur les mammifères Nord-Américain : implications de l’écologie de la peste en Asie]. Journal of Mammalogy, 82(4): 906-916.
En anglais, in English.
Intercontinental movements of invasive species continue to modify the world's ecosystems. The plague bacterium (Yersinia pestis) has colonized and altered animal communities worldwide but has received much more attention as a human pathogen. We reviewed studies on the ecology of Y. pestis in ancient foci of central Asia and in western North America, where the bacterium apparently has become established much more recently. Although rodent populations on both continents are affected dramatically by epizootics of plague, the epidemiologically important species of Asia demonstrate resistance in portions of their populations, whereas those of North America are highly susceptible. Individual variation in resistance, which is widespread in Asian rodents and allows a microevolutionary response, has been documented in few North American species of rodents. Plague increases costs of sociality and coloniality in susceptible hosts, increases benefits of disease resistance in general, and increases benefits of adaptability to variable environments for species at higher trophic levels. Prairie dogs (Cynomys) epitomize taxa with high risk to plague because prairie dogs have uniformly low resistance to plague and are highly social. Relationships to plague are poorly understood for many North American rodents, but more than one-half of the species of conservation concern occur within the geographic range of plague.
Coévolution, coevolution, relations hôtes-parasites, host-parasite relations, espèces invasives, invasive species, peste, plague, résistance, resistance, rongeur, rodent, Yersinia pestis.

Bilbao R., Gerolami R., Bralet M.P., Qian C., Tran P.L., Tennant B., Prieto J. & Brechot C. 2000. Transduction efficacy, antitumoral effect, and toxicity of adenovirus-mediated herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase/ ganciclovir therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: the woodchuck animal model. Cancer Gene Ther., 7(5): 657-62.
En anglais, in English.
Gene therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has shown some promise, but its evaluation requires relevant experimental models. With this aim, we present an evaluation of the interest of using the woodchuck model of HCC to assess in vivo gene transfer efficiency. We tested the transduction efficacy of the adenoviral vectors directing lacZ gene product expression under the control of the cytomegalovirus and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) regulatory sequences. We have also investigated whether an adenoviral cytomegalovirus-thymidine kinase (Tk) vector might induce an antitumoral effect in this model. Our results demonstrate that with direct intratumoral and intrahepatic arterial injections, transduction of a significant proportion of tumor cells occurred even in large HCC nodules. Furthermore, due to intra-arterial anastomoses, direct intratumoral injection led to transduction of some noninjected HCC nodules. Moreover, direct intratumoral injection of a herpes simplex virus-1 Tk-encoding vector induced, on ganciclovir administration, a significant antitumoral effect in the two animals evaluated. However, in one animal, massive hepatic failure occurred due to Tk expression in nontumor cells. These results emphasize the need to target the expression of the Tk gene to tumor cells using a hepatoma-specific promoter such as AFP promoter. However, we showed that, in vivo, lacZ expression as driven by the AFP promoter was extremely low, thus emphasizing some potential pitfalls when using this approach. Altogether, our data stress the need to test gene therapy-based strategies in such in vivo animal models of HCC and evaluate gene transduction, expression, and biological activity, as well as its potential toxicity

Bille R.P. Un charmant rongeur : la marmotte des Alpes [A fascinating rodent: the Alpine marmot]. Plaisir de la chasse, 71-229, 313-315.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, chasse, hunting.

Bille R. 1968. À la découverte des bêtes de l'alpe [Prospecting the beasts of the Alps]. L'Ecole des Loisirs, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota, pédagogie, pedagogy.

Billings Elkanah 1857. On the Wood Chuck (Arctomys Monax).
En anglais, in English.
Canadian naturalist.

Billings W.D. & Bliss L.C. 1959. An alpine snowbank environment and its effects on vegetation, plant development, and reproductivity [un milieu alpin de talus de neige et ses effets sur la végétation, le développement des plantes et la reproductivité]. Ecology, 40: 388-397.
En anglais, in English.
&Ea;&cute;cologie, ecology, botanique, botany.

Bingley William 1803. Animal biography; or Authentic anecdotes of the lives, manners, and economy of the animal creation, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus [Biographie animale ou anecdotes authentiques sur la vie, les manières et l'économie des animaux de la création, rangés selon le sytème de Linné]. Richard Phillips, London, vol. 1 Quadrupeds.
En anglais, in English.
Marmottes, marmots, Alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, bobac, Bingley Rev. William 1774-1823.
Extrait pdf extract

Bingley William 1804. Animal biography; or Authentic anecdotes of the lives, manners, and economy of the animal creation, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus [Biographie animale ou anecdotes authentiques sur la vie, les manières et l'économie des animaux de la création, rangés selon le sytème de Linné]. Richard Phillips, London, vol. 1 Quadrupeds.
En anglais, in English.
Marmottes, marmots, Alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, bobac, Bingley Rev. William 1774-1823.
Extrait pdf extract

Bingley William 1829. Animal biography, or, Popular zoology; illustrated by authentic anecdotes of the economy, habits of life, instincts, and sagacity of the animal creation [Biographie animale ou zoologie populaire; illustrée par des anecdotes authentiques sur l'économie, les manières, les instincts et la sagacité des animaux]. Vol. II, Mammiferous animals - Birds. C.J.G. and F. Rivington et al., London.
En anglais, in English.
Marmottes, marmots, Alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, bobac, Bingley Rev. William 1774-1823.
Extrait pdf extract

Bintz G.L. 1984. Water balance, water stress, and the evolution of seasonal torpor in ground-dewelling sciurids [Bilan de l'eau, stress hydrique et évolution saisonnière chez les sciuridés terrestres]. In The biology of Ground-Dwelling Squirrels, J. Murie & G. Michener eds., Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, eau, water.

Bintz P. 1979. Grottes Colomb et de la Passagère. Méaudre [Colomb and la Passagère caves. Méaudre]. In La préhistoire en Vercors, Courrier du Parc naturel régional du Vercors, 22 : 28-31.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, plaeontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. 1988. Le gisement préhistorique de Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Chartreuse, Savoie). Préhistoire et paléoenvironnement [The prehistorical deposit of Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Chartreuse, Savoie). Préhistory and paleoenvironment]. In Quaternaire et Préhistoire de l'avant-pays alpin du Nord, Livret-guide de l'Association française pour l'Etude du Quaternaire : 37-44.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, pédagogie, pedagogy, Savoie, France.

Bintz P. 1995a. Abri mésolithique du Pas de la Charmate, Chatelus (Isère) [Mesolithic shelter of the Pas de la Charmate, Chatelus (Isère)]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, 104-117, 10 fig
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, plaeontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. 1995b. Le site magdalénien et azilien de Bobache, La Chapelle-en-Vercors (Drôme) [The magdalenian and alian site of Bobache, La Chapelle-en-Vercors (Drôme)]. Ve Congrés international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. : 118-123, 4 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, plaeontology, Drôme, France.

Bintz P. 1995c. Le site préhistorique de Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Chartreuse, Savoie) : préhistoire et paléoenvironnement [The prehistorical site of Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Chartreuse, Savoie). Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Chartreuse et Savoies, 31-47, 14 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Savoie, France.

Bintz P. 1995d. Les grottes de Méaudre (Isère) [The Méaudre Caves (Isère)]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. : 73-79, 4 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. 1995e. Les sites de plein air de Chartreuse méridionale [The open sites of the southern Chartreuse]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Chartreuse et Savoies, Pierre édit. : 91-93, 2 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. 1995f. Pas de l'Echelle, Rovon (Isère). Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre &eacut;dit. : 80-83, 1 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. 2001. Ecosystèmes et peuplements préhistoriques du Tardiglaciaire au début de l'Holocène dans les Alpes du Nord [Prehistorical ecosystem and populating from the late ice age to the beginning of Holocene in Northern Alps]. In Les écosystèmes alpins. Approches anthropologiques, Actes de l'Université d'Eté 2000, CRDP, Aix-Marseille : 19-28.

Bintz P. et al. 1994. Les grottes Jean-Pierre 1 et 2 à Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Savoie) ; 1ère partie : Paléoenvironnement et cultures du Tardiglaciaire à l'Holocène dans les Alpes du Nord [The Jean-Pierre 1 and 2 caves in Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Savoie); first part: Tardiglacial paleoenvironment and cultures]. Gallia Préhistoire, 36 : 145-266, 51 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, plaeontology, Savoie, France.

Bintz P. et al. 1995. Les grottes Jean-Pierre 1 et 2 à St Thibaud-de-Couz (Savoie). Paléoenvironnement et cultures du Tardiglaciaire à l'Holocène dans les Alpes du Nord [The Jean-Pierre 1 and 2 caves in Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz (Savoie). Tardiglacial paleoenvironment and cultures in Holocene of the northern Alps] Gallia Préhistoire, 37 : 155-328.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Savoie, France.

Bintz P., Argant J., Chaix L., Pelletier D., Thiébault S. 1999. L'Aulp-du-Seuil, un site d'altitude du Mésolithique et du Néolithique ancien (Saint Bernard-du-Touvet, Isère) : études préliminaires [L'Aulp-du-Seuil, an altitude site of the Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic (Saint Bernard-du-Touvet, Isére, France): preliminary study]. In L'Europe des derniers chasseurs. Epipaléolithique et Mésolithique, Documents préhistoriques, 12 : 611-616.
En français, in French.
Archéozoologie, archeozoology, Paléobotanique, paleobotanic, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France, Europe du Sud, Southern Europe, Mésolithique, Mesolithic, Néolithique ancien, late Neolithic, Préhistoire, prehistory, montagne, mountain, environnement, anthracologie, anthracology, palynologie, palynology, végétation, vegetation, industrie lithique, lithic industry.

Bintz P., Argant J., Chaix L., Pelletier D., Thiébault S. & Vital J. 1995. Le site du Mésolithique et du Néolithique ancien de l'Aulp du Seuil, St. Bernard-du-Touvet (Isère, France) [The mesolithic and late neolithic site of the Aulp du Seuil, St. Bernard-du-Touvet (Isère, France]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Chartreuse et Savoies, Pierre édit. : 79-90, 8 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P., Bui -Thi -Mai, B. Caillat, M. Girard & S. Thiebault 1987. L'occupation mésolithique de la grotte de Coufin I à Choranche (Vercors - Isère) [Mesolithic occupancy of the Coufin I Cave in Chorance (Vercors)]. 108e Congrès national des Sociétés savantes, Grenoble : 41-66, 8 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. & R. Desbrosse 1979. La fin des temps glaciaires dans les Alpes du Nord et le Jura méridional. Données actuelles sur la chronologie, l'environnement et les industries [The end of Ice ages in the northern Alps and in the southern Jura. Present data on chronology, environment and activities]. In La fin des temps glaciaires en Europe. Chronostratigraphie et écologie des cultures du Paléolithique, Actes du Colloque international, Talence, 24-28 mai 1977, CNRS, Paris : 239-255, 9 fig.
En français, in French.
Grattoirs, scrapers, burins, perçoirs, perforator, travail des peaux, skin dressing.

Bintz Pierre & Evin Jacques 2002. Événements bio-climatiques et peuplements du Tardiglaciaire au début de l’Holocène dans les Alpes du nord françaises [Bio-Climatic events and human settlements from the Lateglacial to the Holocene in the French Northern Alps]. Quaternaire, Colloque Q3 Événements rapides, instabilités, changements culturels au Quaternaire, 13(3-4) : 279-287.
En français, in French.
Climatologie, climatology, anthropisation, anthropization, tardiglaciaire, lateglacial, Holocène, Holocene, Alpes, Alps.
Le but de cet article est de corréler les données culturelles avec les données bio-climatiques pour mieux identifier les changements rapides et l’impact des climats sur la dynamique des peuplements à la fin du dernier cycle glaciaire. Une corrélation de 96 dates calibrées BP, s’échelonnant du Magdalénien au Mésolithique, avec la courbe isotopique groenlandaise GRIP est d’abord proposée. L’oscillation tempérée du début du Dryas ancien, bien marquée dans la courbe isotopique et confirmée par les données polliniques, correspond précisément aux premières occupations humaines de l’espace alpin après le retrait glaciaire. Les événements froids du Dryas ancien supérieur, du Dryas récent et le réchauffement inter-stadiaire brutal du Bølling n’ont par contre aucune incidence directe sur les peuplements. La période de réchauffement climatique du Boréal, correspond dans l’espace alpin à une importante expansion humaine vers les territoires d’altitude et les massifs plus internes. Enfin le “ coup de froid ” de 8200 cal. BP marque la fin du long cycle d’occupations (10 millénaires) qui sont le fait des derniers chasseurs-collecteurs de la Préhistoire. La mutation culturelle qui correspond à la transition Magdalénien/Azilien n’est pas en rapport directe avec un signal climatique significatif de la courbe groenlandaise ni avec les données polliniques qui indiquent une forte poussée de la végétation arbustive. Elle est par contre liée à la disparition des faunes arctiques remplacées par les faunes forestières tempérées. L’ensemble de ces données permettent de remettre en question certaines conceptions anciennes et de proposer des hypothèses nouvelles sur la dynamique des peuplements en relation avec les événements climatiques dans l’espace alpin.
The aim of this article is to connect the cultural and bioclimatic data in order to identify the rapid changes and the influence of climate on human settlement dynamic at the end of the last Glacial. A correlation of 96 BP calibrated dates, ranging from the Magdalenian to the Mesolithic, with the Greenland isotopic curve (GRIP), is proposed. The temperate oscillation at the beginning of the Older Dryas, highly visible on the isotopic curve and confirmed by pollen data, corresponds accurately to the first human occupations in the Alps after the deglaciation. The cold events during the late older Dryas, and the Younger Dryas and the rapid inter-stadial warming of the Bølling have no direct incidence on the human settlements. The period of climatic warming of the Boreal, corresponds, in the Alps, to an important human expansion towards high altitudes and internal massifs. Finally, the “cold event” at 8200 cal BP indicates the end of the long human occupation period (10 millenia) of the last prehistoric hunters. The cultural change which corresponds to the Magdalenian/Azilian transition is directly connected neither to a significant climatic signal of the Greenland curve nor to the pollen data which show a strong growth of the shrub vegetation. However, it is connected to the disappearance of arctical fauna replaced by temperate forest fauna. All these data allow to review some previous ideas and to propose new hypothesis on the dynamic of the human occupation in the Alps.

Bintz P., M. Girard & M. Egloff 1995. Le Tardiglaciaire et l'Holocène à l'abri de La Cure (Baulmes, Vaud, Suisse) et dans quelques sites préhistoriques des Alpes du Nord et du Jura méridional [The Tardiglacial and Holocene at the rockshelter of La Cure (Baulmes, Vaud, Suisse) and in some prehistoric sites of the Northern Alps and of the Southern Jura]. Revue de Paléobiologie, 14, 1 :07-123, 9 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Vaud, Suisse, Switzerland, Jura, France.

Bintz P. & A. Loebell 1976. Les remplissages de grottes et abris sous roches dans les Alpes françaises et le Jura méridional [Filling of the caves and rock-shelters in the French alps and in the Southern Jura]. La Préhistoire française, I, 1, CNRS : 241-246.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alps, Jura, France.

Bintz P. & R. Picavet 1994. Le Mésolithique et la néolithisation en Vercors : évolutions culturelles et approche territoriale [The mesolothic and the neolithization in Vercors: cultural evolutions and territorial approach]. Preistoria Alpina, 28,1 : 255-273, 7 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. & R. Picavet 1995a. Cadre chronologique et culture de la fin du Tardiglaciaire au début de l'Holocène en Vercors [Chronological setting and culture from the end of the late glacial age to the beginning of Holocene in vercors]. Ve Congrés international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, In Livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. : 49-53, 3 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. & R. Picavet 1995b. Deux sites d'altitude des Hauts plateaux du Vercors : les grottes du Campagnol et de Charbonnière [Two elevated sites in the upper plateaus of the vercors: the Campagnol and Charnonnière Caves]. Ve Congrés international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, In Livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. :154-157, 2fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. & R. Picavet 1995c. Les sites de plein air [The sites in open]. Ve Congrés international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, In Livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. : 138-143, 4 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Bintz P. & R. Picavet 1995d. Sites de plein air du Vercors-sud et du Devoluy [Sites in the open of the Vercors and of the Devoluy]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, In Livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre &eacut;dit. : 158-163, 4 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Bintz P. & Thévenin A. (Dir.) 1999. L'Europe des derniers chasseurs. Epipaléolithique et Mésolithique [The latest hunters of Europe]. Actes du 5ème Colloque international UISPP - Commission XII, Grenoble, 18-23 septembre 1995. Documents préhistoriques, 12, Comité des Travaux historiques et scientifiques. Paris. 669 p.
En français, in French. Alpes, Alps, archéozoologie, archeozoology, chasse, hunting, environnement, Epipaléolithique, Epipaleolithic, Europe, économie, economy, industrie céramique, ceramic industry, lithic industry, industrie lithique, matière première, raw material.

Bintz P. & Tillet T. 1998. Migrations et gestions saisonnières des Alpes aux temps préhistoriques [Migration und saisonale Nutzung der Alpen in prähistorischer Zeit. Migration and seasonal managements of the Alps during prehistoric time]. In Histoire des Alpes- Storia delle Alpi - Gesichichte der Alpen.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, Alps, migrations.
Si le nomadisme est inscrit dans le statut même des sociétés de chasseurs cueilleurs de la Préhistoire, il est intéressant de comprendre comment et sous quelles motivations les groupes humains, confrontés aux contraintes de la montagne alpine, ont orient leurs déplacements en fonction de leurs besoins et des conditions bio-climatiques. placée sous l'emprise des extensions glaciaires, la montagne a constitué, au cours de la dernière période glaciaire, un obstacle absolu à toute pénétration humaine. Aussi est-il intéressant de confronter les modalités de pénétration et d'exploitations saisonnières au cours des périodes qui encadrent cette glaciation : au Paléolithique moyen (Moustérien) d'une part et à la fin du Paléolithique supérieur (Magdalénien et Azilien) et au Mésolithique d'autre part.
Der Namadismus gehört zu den Grundmerkmalen der prähistorischen Jäger- und Sammlergesellschaften. Von Interesse ist die Frage, auf welche Weise und mit welchen Motiven die menschlichten Gruppen ihre Ortsveränderungen nach Massgabe ihrer Bedürfnisse und der bioklimatischen Voraussetzungen ausrichten, wenn sie mit den Zwängen der Alpen konfrontiert wurden. In der letzen Periode der Eiszeit mit ihere grossen Gletscherausdehnung bildete das Gebirge ein ansolutes Hindernis für Menschen. Es ist also auch von interesse, die Modalitäten des Eindringens und der saisonalen Nutzung in den Phasen vor und nach dieser Gletscherperiode miteinander zu vergleichen: Im mittleren Paläolithikum illustrieren die Funde saisonale Strategien des Vorstossens in höhere Voralpengebiete; am Ende des Jungpaläolithikums (seit 14 000 BP) und im Mesolithikum (9000-6000 BP) werden die Alpen mit den zurückkehrenden günstigen Klimavoraussetzungen wieder ein sehr attraktives Territorium, auf dem man verschiedene Formen von Migration dokumentieren kann.

Bintz P. & J. Vital 1995. Les gisements préhistoriques des grottes de Choranche (Isère) [The prehistorical deposits of the Chorance Caves (Isère)]. Ve Congrès international UISPP - XIe Commission, Grenoble, In Livret-guide de l'excursion Préhistoire et Quaternaire en Vercors, Pierre édit. : 86-103, 13 fig.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Isère, France.

Birlov R.I., Bolshakov V.N. & Kizilov V.A. 1967. Opyt izoutcheniya popoulyatsionnoï izmentchivosti krasnogo sourka Pamiro-Alaya [Etude expérimentale des variations populationnelles chez la marmotte rouge du Pamir-Alaï. Experimental study of populational changes in the red marmot in Pamir-Alai]. V kn Resoursy faouny sourkov v SSSR, Materialy sovetshaniya, 27-29 marta 1967 g., M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology, Pamir.

Birula 1922. Marmota camtschatica doppelmayri.
En russe, in Russian.

Bishopp F.C. & H.L. Trembley 1945. Distribution and hosts of certain North American ticks [Distribution et hôtes de certaines tiques Nord-Américaines]. J. Parasitol., 31 : 1-54.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Acariens, Acarida.

Bito L.Z. & Roberts J.C. 1974. The effects of hibernation on the chemical composition of cerebrospinal and intraocular fluids, blood plasma and brain tissue of the woodchuck, Marmota monax [Effets de l'hibernation sur la composition chimique des fluides cérébrospinal et intraoculaire, du plasma sanguin et du tissu cérébral chez la marmotte, M. monax]. ]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Comp. Physiol., 47(1): 173-193.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, système nerveux, nervous system.