Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


Mise à jour le 03/05/2007 Updated

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Björnhag G. 1987. Comparative aspects of digestion in the hindgut of mammals. The colonic separation mechanism (CSM) (a review) [Aspects comparatifs de la digestion dans l'intestin postérieur des mammifères. Le mécanisme de séparation du colon (MSC), revue]. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 94: 33-36.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, digestion, colôn.

Blab J., Niethammer J., Nowak E., Roben P. & Roer H. 1984. Rote liste der Saugetiere (Mammalia) [Liste rouge des Mammifères. Red list of Mammals]. In Rote Liste der gefahrdeten Tiere und Planzen in der Bundesrepeublik Deutschland, Blab J., Nowak E., Trautman W. & Sukopp H. eds., 23-24, 4. Aufl., Kilda-Verlag, Greven.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, conservation.

Blache J. 1922. Les trappeurs du Vercors au Moyen-Age [The Vercors trappers in the Middle Ages]. Revue de Géographie alpine, 10 : 305-310.
En français, in French.
Trappeurs, trappers, Vercors, France.

Black C.C. 1963. A review of North American tertiary Sciuridae [Une revue des Sciuridae tertiaires d'Amérique du Nord]. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 130 : 111-248.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Marmota, reassigned Arctomys minor to Marmota minor, measurements Marmota monax, Marmota vetus, taxonomie, taxonomy, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Black C.C. 1965a. Fossil mammals from Montana Pt.2. Rodents from the early Oligocene Pipestone Springs local fauna [Mammif`res fossiles du Montana Pt.2. Rongeurs de la faune locale de l'Oligocène précoce de Piperstone Springs]. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 38(1): 1-48.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Black C.C. 1965b. New species of Heteroxerus (Rodentia, Sciuridae) in the French tertiary [Nouvelles espèces d'Heteroxerus dans le Tertiaire français]. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 76(1): 185-196.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Black C.C. 1966. Tertiary Sciuridae (Mammalia; Rodentia) From Bavaria [Sciuridae du Tertiaire de Bavière]. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. Hist. Geol., 6: 51-63.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, Allemagne.

Black C.C. 1972. Holarctic evolution and dispersal of squirrels (Rodentia: Sciuridae) [Evolution holarctique et dispersion des écureuils]. In Evolutionary biology, Dobzhansky T., Hecht M. & W. Steere eds., Plenum Press, New York, 305-322.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Sciuridae, Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, morphologie, morphology.
1- Members of the Sciuridae first appear in North America during the early Oligocene.
2- By the mid-Oligocene, sciurids are found in Europe and North America and both ground squirrels and tree squirrels had evolved by the late Oligocene.
3- Probably as a result of differing depositional environments, the European squirrel record is dominated by flying squirrel remains, while that in Nort America shows a predominance of terrestriel squirrel types.
4- One, and possibly, two lineages of terrestrial squirrels entered Europe from North America in the teriary but each became extinct.
5- Modern ground squirrels, genus Spermophilus, and marmots, genus Marmota, entered Eurasia in the latest Pliocene or early Pleistocene from North America.
6- Chipmunks, genus Tamias, entered Asia from North America in the middle Pliocene. One or two lines may have reinvaded Noth America in the early Pleistocene or chipmunks may have evolved independently in the Nearctic and Palearctic since mid-Pliocen time.
7- Tree squirrels, genus Sciurus, sensu latissimo, are known in both North America and Eurasia since the Miocene. The center of orgin for modern Sciurus is unknown.
8- North America has been the center of terrestrial squirrel radiation since the origin of the family.

Black C.C. & Dawson M.R. 1989. Papers on fossil rodents in honor of Albert Elmer Wood [Communications sur les rongeurs fossiles en honneur d'Albert Elmer Wood]. Sci. Ser. Nat. Hist. Mus., Los Angeles Co., 33: 1-192.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, rongeur, rodentia.

Black J. 1935. J. Mamm., 16: .
En anglais, in English.
Reassigned Mus monax to Arctomys monax, Marmota monax bunkeri, taxonomie, taxonomy, Kansas, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Black T.A. & Montgomery D.R. 1991. Sediment transport by burrowing mammals, Marin County, California [Transport des sédiments par les mammifères fouisseurs]. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 16: 163-172.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, géologie, geology, Californie.

Blackwood W. ED. 1826. Notice respecting Mr. Scouler's and Mr. Douglas's recent voyage to the northwest coast of America [Critique du récent voyage de MM. Scouler et Douglas sur la cöte nord-ouest d'Amérique;]. Excerpt from The Edimbourgh Journal of Science, No 10, October, 378-380.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, ethnobiologie, ethnology, fourrure, fur, Amérique du Nord, North America.
John Scouler while at Baker's Bay near the Columbia River referred to a robe made of the skins of a species of marmot. This document probably refer to the Olympic marmot (M. olympus).

Blagodarova G.V. 1945. K izoutchebiyu ekologii sourka Menzira (Marmota menzbieri Kaschk. 1925) v Zapadnom Tyan'-Chane (Talasskiï Ala-Taou, oup. Sary-Aiuml;gyr') [Sur l'étude écologique de la marmotte de Menzbier dans le Tien Shan occidental. About the ecological study of the Menzbier's marmot in western Tien Shan]. Sbornik, posvyachtchennyï40-letiyu naoutchnoiuml;, pedagogitcheskoiuml; i obchtchestvennoiuml; deyatelnosti akademika K.I. Skryabina, Tez. Dokl. Vsesoyuzn. konf. Frounze, 29-31.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Blagodarova G.V. 1947. Sravbitelniya ekologiya sourkov Kiourgizii [Ecologie comparée ds marmottes de Kirghizie. Compared ecology of marmots in Kirghizia]. Tr. Biol. in-ta Kirgiz. filiala AN SSSR, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, Kirghizie, Kirghizia.

Blagovechtchenskii D.I. 1965. Novye vidy vchtcheï, parazitirouyuchtchikh na gryzounakh [Nouvelle espèce de pou, parasite des rongeurs. New louse species, rodent parasite]. Entomologitcheskoe obozrenye, 44 (1).
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Insectes, Insects, Pediculus, parasitologie, parasitology.

Blahout M. 1959. Prejavy pudu sebazachovy u svišťa horského (Marmota marmota L.). Ochrana prirody, 14 (5) : 139-142.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Blahout M. 1960. Prispevok k bionomii svišťa hoskeho (M. marmota L.) v reservacii Podbanske Tatranskom Narodnom parku [Bionomy of the Alpine marmot in the reservation at Podbanské]. Zbornik. Tatr. Nar. Parku, 4 : 118-150.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Blahout M. 1964. Ekológia svišťa horského (Marmota marmota L.). [Zaverecna sprava vyskumnej ulohy]. Tatranská Lomnica, Vyskumná stanica Spravy TANAP-u, 55-67.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Blahout M. 1969. Antropické vplyvy na život niektorych živočíšnych druhov v Tatranskom národnom parku. Zborník Československej ochrany prírody, 8: 311-328.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Blahout M. 1971. Príspevok k bionómii svišťa vrchovského (Marmota marmota L.) [Une contribution à la bionomie de la marmotte de montagne (M. marmota L.). A contributin to the bionomy of the moutain marmot (M. marmota L.)]. Zborník prác o Tatranskom národnom parku, 13 : 243-287.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras, Tatra mountains.

Blahout M. & Sabados K. 1980. Antropické vplyvy na vzacne druhy stavovcov v TANAP-e. [Zaverecna sprava] Zvolen, VULH.
En Tchèque, in Czech.

Blainville H. Ducrotay de 1839-1864. Ostéographie ou description iconographique comparée des Mammifères récents et fossiles [Osteography or compared iconographic description of recent and fossil mammals]. 4 vol.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, os, bones.

Blaise Cendrars (Sauser Frédéric Louis) 1925. L'Or [Sutter's Gold].
En français, in French.
"C'était le 6 mai 1834. Les vauriens du pays entouraient un petit Savoyard qui tournait la manivelle de son orgue de sainte-croix, et les mioches avaient peur de la marmotte émoustillée qui venait de mordre l'un d'eux. Un chien noir pissait contre l'une des quatre bornes qui encadraient la fontaine polychrome. Les derniers rayons du jour éclairaient les façades historiées des maisons."

Blanc E. 1879. Des stations des époques paléolithiques, néolithiques et de l’âge dit du bronze, dans les Alpes-Maritimes (Bibliographie) [Stations of paleolithic, neolithic and from the so-called bronze age (Bibliography)]. 74e Congrès scientifique, Nice, 337.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Blanchard R. Versuche und Beobachtungen am Murmeltier (Arctomys marmotta) im Winterschlaf. I. Einleitung [Expérience et observation de la marmotte pendant l’hibernation. I. Introduction]. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biolog., 55 : 734-735.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Blanchard R. 1891. Mem. Zool. France, 4 : 420-489.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.

Blanchard R. 1903a. Expériences et observations sur la marmotte en hibernation. 1-Introduction, 2- Action du sérum d'anguille, 3- Action du venin de cobra [Experiments and observations on hibernating marmots. 1. Introduction, 2. Effect of eel serum, 3. Effect of Cobra venom]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie, 55, 21 : 734-741 et 1120-1126.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, protozoaires, protozoa, physiologie, physiology, parasitologie, parasitology, hibernation.

La Marmotte est plus résistante à l'action de l'ichtyotoxine que le Lapin. Mais la Marmotte en sommeil n'est guère plus résistante que la Marmotte réveillée. La résistance de la Marmotte en hibernation à l'action du venin de Cobra ne diffère pas notablement de celle du Lapin et de la Marmotte à l'état de veille.

Blanchard R. 1903b. Expériences et observations sur la marmotte en hibernation. IV- Réceptivité à l'égard des trypanosomes. VI- Observations sur les parasites en g&ecute;néral [Experiments and observations on hibernating marmots. 4. General observations on parasites]. CR Séances et Mémoires Soc. Biol., 55 : 1122-1126.
Marmota marmota, Protozoaires, physiologie, physiology, parasitologie, parasitology, hibernation.

Blanchard R. & Blatin M. 1907. Immunité de la marmotte en hibernation à l'égard des maladies parasitaires [Immunity from parasitic disease in hibernating marmot]. Archives de parasitologie, 11 : 361-378.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, immunologie, immunology, parasitologie, parasitology.

La Marmotte éveillée est sensible au Trypanosoma Lewisi, T. brucei, T. gambienses, T. evansi. Mais la Marmotte en hibernation présente une immunité vis à vis de ces trypanosomes. Cette immunité tient à l'hypothermie, les parasites sont tués au-dessous de 16°C. La marmotte à l'état de veille se laisse infecter par la trichine, mais est réfractaire en hibernation. Les Marmottes en hibernation n'ont jamais aucun Helminthe dans l'intestin, alors que l'on en trouve au cours de l'éveil, comme Ctenotaenia marmotae F . La marmotte est réfractaire à la spirochétose causée par Spirochaeta duttoni.

Blanford W.T. 1875. On the species of Marmot inhabiting the Himalaya, Tibet, and the adjoining regions [Sur la marmotte habitant en Himalaya, au tibet et les régions voisines]. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Part. II, Phys. Sc., 44: 113-127.
Marmota, Himalaya, Tibet, Asie, Asia.

Blanford W.T. 1888-1891. The fauna of British India, Mammalia [La faune des Indes britanniques, mammifères]. Taylor and Francis, London, pp.617.
Mammifères, faunistique, fauna, Indes

Blasius Johann Heinrich 1857a. Fauna der Wirbelthiere Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Länfer von Mitteleuropa [Histoire naturelle des mammifères d'Allemagne. Natural history of mammals from Germany]. Verlag F. Vieweg &Sohn, Braunschweig.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, faunistique, fauna, Allemagne, Germany, Blasius Johann Heinrich 1809-1870.

Blasius Johann Heinrich 1857b. Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere von Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Länder von Mitteleuropa.
F. Vieweg und Sohn, 549 pages.

En allemand, in German.
Arctomys marmota, Arctomys bobac.
Extrait pdf extract.

Blasov A.A. 1997. Stepoï sourkov na osobo okhranyaemykh territoriyakh iugo-zapadnogo tchernozem'ya [La marmotte des steppes dans les territoires protégés du sud-ouest du techernoziam]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.

Blattny T. 1954. Vyskyt svista v Nizkych Tatrach. Les, 10 (7-8) : 60.
Marmota marmota, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras.

Blažej A., Galatčik A., Galatčik J., Krul Z. & Mládek M. 1989. Atlas of microscopic structures of fur skins [Atlas des structures microscopiques des fourrures]. Elsevier.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, microscopie, microscopic, fourrure, fur.
Approximately 150 different species of animal furs are presently produced by the fur industry. Insufficient supplies of certain types of skin, and the increased cost of rare skins, have compelled fur manufacturers to change the colour, thickness, hair shape, and other such properties of cheaper skins, and to perfect imitations of rare skin types. It has therefore become increasingly important for people in the fur trade to be able to identify the products in microscopic detail. Such identification is also necessary for archaeologists, zoologists and criminologists. Microscopy is a commonly available method, but when trying to use this technique for identification of an unknown sample, it is necessary to compare microscopic features with those of a great number of species having similar patterns. The primary objective of this book is to fill a gap in the available reference material by presenting an exact description and proper illustrations of a wide range of skin species. Secondly, it aims to complete the fur microscopic pattern classification with newly recognised types, together with the adaptation of the nomenclature to the microstructures observed by modern electromicroscopic techniques. The book contains a wide collection of microphotographic figures and the numerical codes for the microscopic structures of fur. This first volume covers approximately one half of the range of important skin species. The remaining skin species will appear in a second volume. This book will be invaluable to animal fur breeders, veterinary specialists, fur manufacturers, zoologists, archaeologists, and criminologists.

Bleymie M. 1880. Recherches sur les terrains quaternaires de la vallée de l’Isle (Dordogne) [Researches on the quaternary fields of the Isle Valley (Dordogne)]. Bull. Soc. hist. et archéol. du Périgord, 8 : 55. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1881 : 644.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, mammifères, mammals, Dordogne, France.

Bliss L.C., G.M. Courtin, D.L. Pattie, R.R. Riewe, D.W.A. Whitfield & P. Widden 1973. Artic tundra ecosystems [Ecosystème de la toundra artique]. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 4: 359-399.
En anglais, in English.
Ecologie, ecologfy, Arctique, Arctic, toundra, tundra.

Bliznetzov I.Ya. 1966. [Quelques particularités écophysiologiques des marmottes grises et des sousliks jaunes torpides. Some eco-physiological peculiarities of the torpid gray marmots and yellow susliks]. Ref. cand. diss. Frunze, 19 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Block T.M., Lu X., Mehta A.S., Blumberg B.S., Tennant B., Ebling M., Korba B., Lansky D.M., Jacob G.S. & Dwek R.A. 1998. Treatment of chronic hepadnavirus infection in a woodchuck animal model with an inhibitor of protein folding and trafficking. Nat. Med., 4(5): 610-4.
En anglais, in English.
A novel strategy for anti-viral intervention of hepatitis B virus (HBV) through the disruption of the proper folding and transport of the hepadnavirus glycoproteins is described. Laboratory reared woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) were treated with N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin (N-nonyl-DNJ), an inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) alpha-glucosidases. The woodchucks experienced significant dose dependent decreases in enveloped WHV, resulting in undetectable amounts in some cases. The reduction in viremia correlated with the levels of hyperglucosylated glycan in the serum of treated animals. This correlation supports the mechanism of action associated with the drug and highlights the extreme sensitivity of the virus to this type of glycan inhibitor. At N-nonyl-DNJ concentrations that prevented WHV secretion, the glycosylation of most serum glycoproteins appeared unaffected, suggesting great selectivity for this class of therapeutics. Indeed, this may account for the low toxicity of the compound over the treatment period. We provide the first evidence that glucosidase inhibitors can be used in vivo to alter specific steps in the N-linked glycosylation pathway and that this inhibition has anti-viral effects.

Block T.M., Comunale M.A., Lowman M., Steel L.F., Romano P.R., Fimmel C., Tennant B.C., London W.T., Evans A.A., Blumberg B.S., Dwek R.A., Mattu T.S. & Mehta A.S. 2005. Use of targeted glycoproteomics to identify serum glycoproteins that correlate with liver cancer in woodchucks and humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.), 102(3): 779-784.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis, cancer.
Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is associated with the majority of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The diagnosis of HCC is usually made in the late stages of the disease, when treatment options are limited and prognosis is poor. We therefore have developed a method of glycoproteomic analysis in an attempt to discover serum markers that can assist in the early detection of HBV-induced liver cancer. Briefly, a comparative method for analysis of oligosaccharides released from serum glycoproteins and for recovery and identification of proteins with aberrant glycosylation, as a function of cancer diagnosis, is described. The model we have used is the woodchuck (Marmota monax), which shares similarities in the glycosylation pattern associated with liver proteins in human HCC. In this report, we show that woodchucks diagnosed with HCC have dramatically higher levels of serum-associated core alpha-1,6-linked fucose, as compared with woodchucks without a diagnosis of HCC. The coupling of this methodology with 2D gel proteomics has permitted the identification of several glycoproteins with altered glycosylation as a function of cancer. One such glycoprotein, Golgi Protein 73 (GP73), was found to be elevated and hyperfucosylated in animals with HCC. Further, the study showed GP73 to be elevated in the serum of people with a diagnosis of HCC, providing a validation of our approach. The potential of this technology for biomarker discovery and the implications of increased levels of GP73 in liver cancer are discussed.

Blondin O. & Viau C. 1992. Benzo(a)pyrene-blood protein adducts in wild woodchucks used as biological sentinels of environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contamination. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 23(3): 310-315.
Levels of benzo(a)pyrene-diolepoxide (BaPDE)-albumin and BaPDE-hemoglobin adducts in wild woodchucks (Marmota monax) have been measured to evaluate the potential usefulness of these parameters in the assessment of environmental contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Blood was obtained from nine woodchucks living near an aluminum electrolysis plant, contaminated area (Saguenay region, Quebec, Canada), and from eight living in a control area (Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec, Canada). Blood samples were collected and plasma separated from red blood cells by centrifugation on site. Isolation of albumin (Alb) and hemoglobin (Hb) was performed in our laboratory and each protein fraction was subjected to mild acid hydrolysis yielding free benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) tetrol from the adducts. The analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using fluorescence detection. For the control and contaminated areas geometric mean (interval) Alb adduct levels were 7.6 (0.8-29.3) and 69.6 (10.0-1,103) pmol tetrol/g protein (p less than 0.01) while the corresponding figures for Hb adduct levels were 0.40 (0.01-2.72) and 1.18 (0.02-12.8) pmol/g protein (p greater than 0.01). Alb but not Hb adduct levels were associated with the measured concentration of BaP in the vegetation samples collected on the site where each animal was found. This is compatible with the short half-life of Alb adducts and with the instantaneous image provided by BaP measurements in the collected vegetation samples. BaPDE-blood protein adducts measured in wild animals appear to be good biomarkers of environmental contamination by PAHs.

Blood D.A. 1993. Vancouver Island Marmot [La marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. Wildlife in British Columbia at Risk Series Brochure, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (Victoria, BC). 6 pp.
Marmota vancouverensis, conservation, Canada, British Columbia.

Blumberg B.S. 1980. The hepatitis B virus [Le virus de l'hépatite B]. Public Health Rep., 95(5): 427-435.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis.

Blumberg B.S. 1981. Viruses similar to hepatitis B virus (Icrons) [Virus similaires au virus de l'hépatite B]. Hum. Pathol., 12(12): 1107-1113.
En anglais, in English.

In 1971, on the basis of the unusual clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of hepatitis B virus, we postulated the existence of a class of viruses that we termed Icrons. An increased understanding of the molecular biology of hepatitis B virus resulted in the discovery, by Summers and his colleagues, of the woodchuck hepatitis virus. This virus is common in the North American woodchuck (Marmota monax) and is associated with primary cancer of the liver in this animal. Subsequently similar viruses were found in Beechey ground squirrels in California by Marion and her coworkers and domesticated (Pekin) ducks from the United States by Mason and his coworkers. In the latter the virus infects the liver and presumably is associated with disease of this organ. The discovery of additional viruses similar to hepatitis B virus in animals other than man and their association with cancer of the liver encourages the continuing search for other virus-cancer associations for which prevention methods might be effective.

Blumberg B.S., Allison A.C. & Garry B. 1960. The haptoglobins, hemoglobins and serum proteins of the Alaskan fur seal, ground squirrel and marmot [Les protéines haptoglobiniques, hémoglobiniques, et sériques de la fourrure du phoque d'Alaska, d'écureuil terrestre, et de marmotte]. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 55: 61-71.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, physiologie, physiology, sang, blood.

Blumberg B.S. & London W.T. 1981. Hepatitis B virus and the prevention of primary hepatocellular carcinoma [Le virus de l'hépatite B et la prévention des carcinomes hépatocellulaires primaires]. N. Engl. J. Med., 304(13): 782-784.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis.

Blumberg B.S. & London W.T. 1982. Primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis B virus [Carcinome hépatocellulaire primaire et virus de l'hépatite B]. Curr. Probl. Cancer, 6(12): 1-23.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis, carcinome, carcinoma.

Blumberg B.S., Millman I., Venkateswaran P.S. & Thyagarajan S.P. 1989. Hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma--treatment of HBV carriers with Phyllanthus amarus. Cancer Detect. Prev., 14(2): 195-201.
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA 19111.

En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, Phyllanthus amarus, hépatite.

Extracts of Phyllanthus amarus inhibit the DNA polymerase of HBV and related viruses. Woodchuck carriers of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) were treated intraperitoneally with P. amarus extract. Three of four animals which had been recently infected lost the virus. Animals infected for about 3 months or more had a decrease in virus levels. Human carriers of HBV were treated orally for 1 month. About 60% of the carriers lost HBV, which did not return during the observation period. Fractions containing active principles are now being isolated and characterized.

Blumenbach Johan Freidrich 1779. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte [Manuel d'histoire naturelle . Handbook of natural history]. 1-79.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota,taxonomie, taxonomy, Blumenbach Johan Freidrich 1752-1840.

Blumenbach Johann Friedrich 1803 (An XI). Manuel d’histoire naturelle [Manual of Natural History]. Soulange Artaud (traducteur/translator), Metz, Collignon, Paris, Levrault, Henrichs, Lenormant, num. Google.
En français, in French.
Alpina, Arctomys, murmeltier, marmotte, murmont, Mus montanus.

Blumenbach Johann Friedrich 1825. A Manual of the Elements of Natural History [Manuel des éléments d’histoire naturelle]. Richard Thomas Gore (traducteur/translator), W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 415 pages, num. Google.
En anglais, in English.
Alpina, Arctomys, murmeltier, marmotte, murmont, Mus montanus.

Blumenbach Johann Friedrich 1827. A Manual of Comparative Anatomy [Manuel d'anatomie comparée]. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, London.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota citillus, Mus citillus.

Blumenschine R. & Cavallo J. 1992. Nos ancêtres des charognards ? [Our ancestors were they necrophagous?]. Pour la Science, n°182, Décembre 1992.
En français, in French.
Homme, Man, Paléontologie, Paleontology, nécrophage, negrophagous.

Blumstein D.T. 1989. Food habits of Red-tailed Hawks in Boulder County, Colorado [Habitudes alimentaires des buses à queue rousse du comté de Boulder, Colorado]. The Journal of Raptor Research, 23:53-55.
En anglais, in English.
pdf available ou/or pdf
Buteo jamaicensis.

Blumstein D.T. 1991. Mountain marmots of the Karakoram [Les marmottes du Karakorum]. Natura--World Wide Fund for Nature--Pakistan, Newsletter, 12(3):8-11.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caudata, Karakoram, Pakistan.
[pdf disponible/available]

Blumstein D.T. 1992a. Multivariate analysis of golden marmot maximum running speed: a new method to study MRS in the field [Analyse multivariée de la vitesse maximum de déplacement de la marmotte dorée : nouvelle méthode pour étudier la VMD sur le terrain]. Ecology, 73: 1757-1767.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, méthode, method.

Blumstein D.T. 1992b. Boxing marmots: functions of play [Marmottes boxant : fonctions du jeu]. Natura--World Wide Fund for Nature--Pakistan, Newsletter, 17(4):8-10.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, jeu, play.
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Blumstein D.T. 1993a. New records of Mustela from Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan [Nouvelles observations de Mustela au Parc National du Pakistan]. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 90:500-501.
En anglais, in English.
Mustela, Pakistan.
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Blumstein D.T. 1993b. Making humans part of the solution: a reply to Willers. Conservation Biology, 7:223-224.
En anglais, in English.
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Blumstein D.T. 1993c. Infanticide: a search for an adaptive explanation [Infanticide : recherche d’une explication adaptative]. Natura--World Wide Fund for Nature--Pakistan, Newsletter, 19(3): 14-15.
En anglais, in English.
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Blumstein D.T. 1993d. Naveed's first lesson. Natura--World Wide Fund for Nature--Pakistan, Newsletter ,18(1):14-15.
En anglais, in English.
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&Blumstein; D.T. 1994a. Predation hazard assessment and management in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) [Estimation du hasard de prédation et gestion des marmottes dorées (M. c. aurea)]. Ph. D. University of California, Davis.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caudata aurea, prédation, predation, conservation.

Blumstein D.T. 1994b. The lessons of Naveed the marmot. Mithu Begum--World Wide Fund for Nature--Pakistan, Children's Comic Book.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf available] ou/or pdf

Blumstein D.T. 1994c. Marmots-a species account. For International Snow Leopard Trust training manual (ed. by R. Jackson).
En anglais, in English.

Blumstein D.T. 1995a. Golden-marmot alarm calls: I. The production of situationally specific vocalizations [Les cris d'alarme chez la marmotte dorée : I. La production de vocalisations de situations spécifiques]. Ethology, 100: 113-125.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, communication, son, sound.

Many species of animals produce alarm calls that vary according to the situation. There are at least three different ways to communicate variation in situation: 1. Produce acoustically different call types; 2. Vary the rate or number of times that a single call type is produced; and/or 3. Vary the overall intensity in a single call. Combinations of these three mechanisms are also possible. I studied the production of alarm calls in free-living golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea). Marmots emitted alarm calls when they encountered predators and startling stimuli. In the field these calls did not appear associated with predator type, but, rather, varied according to the degree of risk the caller perceived when it vocalized. Marmots produced calls with fewer notes when in higher risk situations, and calls with more notes when in lower risk situations. Thus, by varying the number of repeated notes in a single call type, marmots produced situationally specific alarm vocalization.

Blumstein D.T. 1995b. Golden-marmot alarm calls: II. Asymmetrical production and perception of situationally specific vocalizations? [Les cris d'alarme chez la marmotte dorée : II. Production asymétrique et perception de vocalisations spécifiques?]. Ethology, 101:25-32.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, communication, son, sound.

Many species produce alarm calls that vary according to situation. An implicit assumption for these species is that production and perception of situationally specific alarm calls is symmetrical: perceivers respond to variation produced by signalers. The companion paper to this one (Blumstein 1995) showed that golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) produce variable alarm calls that vary in proportion to the degree of risk the caller perceives. Calls produced in higher-risk situations have fewer notes than calls produced in lower-risk situations. In this study, to determine the salience of the number of notes per call in eliciting different responses in a conspecific perceivers, I played back three-note alarm calls, eight-note alarm calls, and the non-alarm vocalization of a local bird to adult golden marmots. Although marmots responded differently to birds calls and alarm calls, vigilance responses to the different alarm calls were similar. Several explanations may account for the apparent insensitivity to alarm-call variation: golden marmots may require additional contextual cues to properly interpret alarm calls, perceptual abilities do not parallel production abilities, or calls may serve a generalized alerting function.

Blumstein D.T. 1995c. An ecotourist's guide to Khunjerab National Park[Guide écotouristique du Parc National de Khumjerab]. Worl Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan, Lahore.
En anglais, in English.
Ecotourisme, ecotourism, Pakistan.

Blumstein D.T. 1995d. The Marmot Burrow- marmots of the world" (On-line). Accessed October 2, 2001 at
EN anglais, in English.
Marmota bobak. Blumstein D.T. 1996. How much does social group size influence Golden marmot vigilance? [Comment la taille du groupe social influence-t-elle la vigiliance de la marmotte dorée]. Behaviour, 133: 1133-1151.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, social, surveillance, groupe familial, family group.

A commonly cited benefit of group living is the ability for individuals to reduce the time devoted to scanning for predators with increasing group size - the 'group size effect'. Interestingly, most studies reporting a group size effect have focused on documenting a significant group size effect and did not discuss the relative 'importance' of group size. One way to study the relative importance of group size is to calculate the amount of variation in vigilance explained by group size. I studied effects of social group size on golden marmot (Marmota caudata aurea) vigilance in two ways. First, I estimated the overall amount of time marmots were vigilant during their morning active periods. Second, I estimated the amount of time marmots were vigilant specifically while foraging. Analyses statistically controlled for several factors that have been suggested to confound the study of group size effects. While marmots were active, only 14% of the variation in vigilance was explained by social group size. For foraging marmots, even less variation (about 6%) was explained by social group size. The amount of variation explained by social group size in golden marmots is considerably less that reported in several studies of other species where explained variation was reported or could be estimated from data. Some of the discrepancy between variation explained in this and other studies may stem from my focus on social group size which appears to explain less variation than the more commonly studied foraging aggregation size. However, species differ in the amount of time they devote to foraging and therefore vary in the magnitude of net benefit from group size effects. Future comparative work will be required to rigorously study the relationship between amount of time foraging and the magnitude of group size effects.

Blumstein D.T. (Блюмштайн Д.Т.) 1997a. Эволюция ситуативно специфической коммуникации сурков. The evolution of situationnally specific marmot communication [Evolution de la communication de situation spécifique chez la marmotte]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 22 (Rousskie, Russian), 128 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, communication, évolution, evolution.

Blumstein D.T. (Блюмштайн Д.Т.) 1997b. Cooperative breeding in marmots [La coopération lors de la reproduction chez les marmottes]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 22 (Rousskie, Russian), 128-129 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota, éthologie, ethology, coopération, ccoperation, reproduction.

Blumstein D.T. 1997c. Infanticide among golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) [L'infanticide parmi les marmottes dorées]. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 9: 169-173.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, infanticide, sélection sexuelle, sexual selection, soins parentaux, parental care.

Fifty-percent (36/72) of golden marmot (Marmota caudata aurea) pups that emerged above their first summer in Dhee Sar, Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan, died before their forst hibernation. At least 22% (8/36) of this mortality was attributed to infanticide by new adult male group members. carcasses were not cannibilized, thus infanticide probably was not a form of resource exploitation. Adult females who lost their entire litters to presumed infanticide were not more likely to breed in subsequent years; an observation inconsistent with infanticide being a form of sexual selection. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that males may kill unrelated pups to avoid providing care to unrelated young even though killed pups include potential future mates.

Blumstein D.T. 1998a. Quantifying predation risk for refuging animals: a case study with Golden marmots [Quantification du risque de prédation chez les animaux à refuges : étude du cas des marmottes dorées]. Ethology, 104: 501-516.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, prédation, predation.

Although a variety of behaviors expose animals to some risk of predation, there is no accepted way to compare their relative risk. For animals that retreat to refugia when alarmed by pedators, the proportion of time devoted to each out-of-refuge behavior multiplied by the total time required to return to a refuge can be used to compare a behavior's relative predation risk. Total time to return to a refuge is a function of both response time - the time required to respond to an increased risk of predation - and travel time - the time required to flee to a refuge once alarmed. Quantifying these components can illustrate how animals minimize exposure to predators. Golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) were a refuging prey species used to examine the utility of this measure and to understand how marmots minimized their risk of exposure to predation. Golden marmots devoted different amounts of time to looking, foraging, self-grooming, and playing. To estimate the behavior-specific time required to return to refugia, the location of different activities was noted and a behavior-specific travel time was calculated. Alarm calls were played back to marmots engaged in different behaviors to determine, in a standardized manner, if there were behavior-specific response times. Marmots appeared to minimize their predation risk by performing most behaviors close to refugia. Results suggest that foraging was the riskiest behavior, largely because marmots foraged far from refugia and spent about 30% of their time foraging. While sample sizes were small, results also suggested that play, a rare adult behavior, exposed animals to predation because of a relatively long response time.

Blumstein, D.T. 1998 b. Female preferences and effective population size. Animal Conservation, 1:173-177.
En anglais, in English.
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Taille de population efficace, effective population size, femelle, female, conservation, reproduction, modèle, model.

Blumstein Daniel T. 1999a. Alarm calling in three species of marmots [Les cris d'alarme chez trois espèces de marmottes]. Behaviour, 136 (6): 731-757.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota olympus, Marmota caligata, Marmota vancouverensis, évolution, evolution of communication, communication, Son, cris d'alarame, alarm calls, communication référentielle, referential communication.

Many species produce alarm calls that vary according to situation. Theoretically, alarm call structure could covary with predator type and could communicate potentially "referential" information, or calls could covary with the degree of risk a caller experienced when it emitted a call. Using similar methods, I studied the ways in which Olympic (Marmota olympus), hoary (M. caligata), and Vancouver Island marmots (M. vancouverensis) communicated situational variation. I observed both natural alarm calling, and I artificially elicited alarm calls with simulated terrestrial and aerial predators. I used playback experiments to study marmots' responses to different alarm call variants. All three species produced four roughly similar but distinctive loud alarm vocalizations that could be categorized by their relative shape, duration, and whether calls were quickly repeated to create multi-note vocalizations. In addition, the Vancouver Island marmot produced a fifth loud alarm call-the kee-aw. Call micro-structure varied as a function of the distance the caller was from an alarming stimulus and the type of alarming stimulus. Two lines of evidence suggest that all three species had alarm calls associated with the caller's risk (i.e. they were not referential). First, marmots often changed call types within a calling bout: there were no unique stimulus-class specific vocalizations. Second, marmot responses to alarm calls were graded: marmots did not have unique responses to different call types. These three close taxonomic relatives with superficially similar calls, communicated risk differently.

Blumstein Daniel T. 1999b. The evolution of functionnally referential alarm communication: multiple adaptations; multiple constraints [L’évolution de la communication d’alarme fonctionnellement référentielle : adaptions mulitples, contraintes multiples]. Evol. Comm., 3: 135-147.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, Marmota caligata, Marmota vancouverensis, évolution, evolution of communication, communication, Son, cris d'alarame, alarm calls, communication référentielle, referential communication.

Blumstein, D.T. 1999c. Perspective: Selfish sentinels [Perspective : sentinelles égoïstes]. Science, 284:1633-1634.
En anglais, in English.
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Blumstein D.T. 2000. Understanding antipredator behavior for conservation. [Comprendre la comportement antiprédateur en vue de la conservation]. The Open Country, 1(2):37-44.
En anglais, in English.
Comportement, behaviour, conservation.
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Blumstein D.T. 2000. The evolution of infanticide in rodents: a comparative analysis [Evolution de l'infanticide chez les rongeurs : une analyse comparative]. In: Infanticide by males and its implications, C. van Schaik and C.H. Janson, eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 178-197.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, infanticide.
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Blumstein D.T. 2001. Book review: Behaviour and conservation [Revue de livre : comportement et conservation] (ed. by L.M. Gosling and W.J. Sutherland). Journal of Wildlife Management, 65:601-603.
En anglais, in English.
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Blumstein D.T. 2002a. The evolution of functionally referential alarm communication: multiple adaptations; multiple constraints [Evolution de la communication d'alarme fonctionnellement référentielle]. The Evolution of Communication 3:135-147.
En anglais, in English.
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Évolution, evolution, communication référentielle, referential communication, context, habitat accoustique, habitat acoustics, structure sociale, social structure, cris d'alarme, alarm calls
Many species produce specific alarm vocalizations when they encounter predators.There is considerable interest in the degree to which bird, ground-dwelling sciurid rodent, and primate alarm calls denote the species or type of predator that elicited the vocalization. When there is tight asso- ciation between the type or species of predator eliciting an alarm call, and when played-back alarm call elicits antipredator responses qualitatively similar to those seen when individuals personally encounter predator, the alarm calls are said to be functionally referential. In this essay I aim to make two simple points about the evolution of functionally referential alarm communication. Firstly, functionally referential communication is likely to be present only when species produces acoustically distinct alarm vocaliza- tions. Thus, to understand its evolution we must study factors that in fluence the evolution of alarm call repertoire size. Secondly, and potentially de- coupled from the ability to produce coustically distinctive alarm vocaliza- tions, species must have the perceptual and motor abilities to respond differ- ently to acoustically-distinct alarm vocalizations. Thus, to understand the evolution of functionally referential communication we also must study factors that influence the evolution of context-independent perception. While some factors may select for functionally referential alarm communica- tion, constraints on production or perception may prevent its evolution.

Blumstein D.T. 2002b. Social complexity but not the acoustic environment is responsible for the evolution of complex alarm communication. La complexité sociale et non l'environnement acoustique est responsable de l'évolution de la communication d'alarme complexe. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 20-21.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota,communication, alarm call, cri d'alarme, evolution, évolution, acoustic environment, milieu acoustique.

Blumstein D.T. 2002. Group living. In Encyclopedia of evolution, M. Pagel, ed., 448-450, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
En anglais, in English.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, éthologie, ethology.

Blumstein D.T. 2003. Social complexity but not the acoustic environment is responsible for the evolution of complex alarm communication. La complexité sociale est responsable de l'évolution de la communication d'alarme et non l'environnement acoustique. Сложность социальной структуры, а не аккустической среды, как основной фактор влияющтй на эволюцию сложности сигнала тревоги. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 31-38.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota,communication, alarm call, cri d'alarme, evolution, évolution, acoustic environment, milieu acoustique.
Deux hypothèses, non exclusives, peuvent expliquer l'évolution de la complexité de la communication. Elle peut, d’abord, coévoluer avec la complexité sociale car elle pourrait profiter aux espèces les plus sociales. Ensuite, cette évolution peut être contrainte par le milieu acoustique, car les signaux, fortement atténués et dégradés lors de la transmission dans le milieu, ne peuvent pas être interprétés correctement. À l’aide des phylogénies récentes, j'ai testé l'importance relative des deux hypothèses dans l'évolution de la communication d'alarme chez les marmottes. Le nombre de cris d'alarme produits par une espèce varie entre espèces voisines, suggérant un potentiel d'adaptation coévolutif. Les résultats suggèrent que la complexité sociale, et non le milieu acoustique, soit responsable de l'évolution de la complexité de la communication chez les marmottes. Ils confirment d'autres découvertes récentes, et suggèrent que l'importance du milieu acoustique dans l'évolution de la communication devrait être ré-éxaminée.

Blumstein D.T. 2004. Antipredatory behavior: A brief overview [Le comportement anti-prédateur : brève revue]. In The encyclopedia of animal behavior (M. Bekoff, ed.). Greenwood Press, 45-47.
En anglais, in English.
Étologie, ethology, prédation, predation.

Blumstein D.T. 2004. Communication-vocal: alarm calls [Communication vocale : cris d'alarme]. In Handbook of animal behavior (ed. M. Bekoff), 381-382. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
En anglais, in English.
Éthologie, ethology, communication, alarme, alarm.

Blumstein D.T. 2006. The multi-predator hypothesis and the evolutionary persistence of antipredator behavior [L'hypothèse multi-prédatrice et persistence évolutive du comportement anti-prédateur]. Ethology, 112: 209-217.
En anglais, in English.
Éthologie, ethology, prédation, predation.
Isolation from predators affects prey behavior, morphology, and life history, but there is tremendous variation in the time course of these responses. Previous hypotheses to explain this variation have limited predictive ability. I develop a ‘multipredator’ hypothesis to explain the evolutionary persistence of antipredator behavior after the loss of some, but not all, of a species’ predators. The hypothesis assumes pleiotropy, whereby elements of antipredator behavior may function in non-predatory situations, and linkage, such that genes influencing the expression of antipredator behavior do not assort independently. The hypothesis is restricted to species with multiple predators (most species) and aims to predict the conditions under which antipredator behavior will persist following the loss of one or more of a species’ predators. I acknowledge that the relative costs of non-functional antipredator behavior will influence the likelihood of linkage and therefore persistence. The hypothesis makes two main predictions. First, genes responsible for antipredator behavior will not be scattered throughout the genome but rather may be found close together on the same chromosome(s). Secondly, the presence of any predators may be sufficient to maintain antipredator behavior for missing predators. Advances in behavioral genetics will allow tests of the first prediction, while studies of geographic variation in antipredator behavior provide some support for the second.

Blumstein D.T. 2007 The evolution of alarm communication in rodents: structure, function, and the puzzle of apparently altruistic calling [Évolution de la communication d'alarme chez les rongeurs : structure, fonction et énigme de l'appel apparemment altruiste]. In Rodent societies (ed. J. O. Wolff & P. W. Sherman). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
En anglais, in English.
Éthologie, ethology, communication, alarme, alarm.

Blumstein D.T. 2007. The evolution, function, and meaning of marmot alarm communication [Évolution, fonction et signification de la communicaton d'alarme des marmottes]. Advances in the Study of Behavior.
En anglais, in English.
Éthologie, ethology, communication, alarme, alarm.

Blumstein D.T., Anthony L.L., Harcourt R.G. & Ross G. 2002. Testing a key assumption of wildlife buffer zones: is flight initiation distance a species-specific trait?[Tester une hypothèse clé des zones tampon de la vie sauvage : la distance de fuite est-elle un trait spécifique ?] Biological Conservation
En anglais, in English.
Distance de fuite, flight distance, éthologie, ethology, conservation.

Blumstein D.T. & Armitage K.B. 1997a. Alarm calling in yellow-bellied marmots: I. The meaning of situationally variable alarm calls [Cri d'alarme chez les marmottes à ventre jaune : I. La signification des cris d'alarme suivant les situations]. Animal Behaviour, 53(1): 143-171.
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Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, communication, son, sound, Colorado, Utah.

Yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris, were reported to produce qualitatively different alarm calls in response to different predators. To test this claim rigorously, yellow-bellied marmot alarm communication was studied at two study sites in Colorado and at one site in Utah. Natural alarm calls were observed and alarm calls were artificially elicited with trained dogs, a model badger, a radiocontrolled glider and by walking towards marmots. Marmots "whistled", "chucked" and "trilled" in response to alarming stimuli. There was no evidence that either of the three call types, or the acoustic structure of whistles, the most common alarm call, uniquely covaried with predator type. Marmots primarily varied the rate, and potentially a few frequency characteristics, as a function of the risk the caller experienced. Playback experiments were conducted to determine the effects of call type (chucks versus whistles), whistle rate and whistle volume on marmot responsiveness. Playback results suggested that variation in whistle number/rate could communicate variation in risk. No evidence was found of intraspecific variation in the mechanism used to communicate risk: marmots at all study sites produced the same vocalizations and appeared to vary call rate as a function of risk. There was significant individual variation in call structure, but acoustic parameters that were individually variable were not used to communicate variation in risk.

Blumstein D.T. & Armitage K.B. 1997b. Does sociality drive the evolution of communicative complexity? A comparative test with ground-dwelling sciurid alarm calls [La socialité dirige-t-elle l'évolution de la compléxité de la communication? test comparatif des cris d'alarme chez les sciuridés terrestres]. Amer. Nat., 150: 179-200.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, Cynomys, Spermophilus, social, évolution, evolution, phylogénie, phylogeny, communication.

While sociality has been hypotesized to drive the evolution of communicative complexity, the relationship remains to be formally tested. We derived a continuous measure of social complexity from demographic data and use this variable to explain variation in alarm repertoire size in ground-dwelling sciurid rodents (marmots, Marmota spp.; prairie dogs, Cynomys spp.; and ground squirrels, Spermophilus spp.). About 40% of the variation in alarm call repertoire size was explained by social complexity in the raw data set. To determine the degree to which this relationship may have been influenced by historical relationships between species, we used five different phylogenetic hypotheses to calculate phylogenetically independent contrasts. Less variation was significantly explained in contrast-based analyses, but a general positive relationship remained. Social complexity explained more variation in alarm call repertoire size in marmots, while sociality explained no variation in repertoire size in prairie dogs and no variations in phylogenetically based analyses of squirrels. In most cases, substantial variation remained unexplained by social complexity. We acknowledge that factors other than social complexity, per se, may contribute to the evolution of alarm call repertoire size in sciurid rodents, and we discuss alternative evolutionary hypotheses that involve social complexity.

Blumstein D.T. & Armitage K.B. 1998a. Why do yellow-bellied marmots call? [Pourquoi les marmottes à ventre jaune crient-elles ?]. Animal behaviour, 56 : 1053-15055.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf disponible/available ou/or pdf Marmota flaviventris, cri, call.

Blumstein D.T. & K. B. Armitage 1998b. Life history consequences of social complexity: a comparative study of ground-dwelling sciurids. [Conséquences pour l'histoire de vie de la complexité sociale : étude comparative des sciuridés terrestres. Behav Ecol, 9 (1) : 8-19.
En anglais, in English.
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Cynomys, Marmota, Spermophilus, coûts et bénéfices de la socialité, cost and benefits of sociality, traits d'histoire de vie, life history, complexité sciale, social complexity.
We examined life-history consequences of increased social complexity in ground-dwelling scuirids rodents. We derived a continuous metric of social complexity from demographic data. Social complexity increased with the number of age-sex "roles" that interacted in a social group. Data were analyzed by computing phylogenetically independant contrasts and by using phylogenetic autocorrelation to estimate and then remove the maximum amount of variation in life-history variables that could be attributed to phylogenetic similarity. Analyses that incorporates estimates of phylogeny generated consistent results. As social complexity increased, a smaller proportion of adult females bred, there was a greater time to first reproduction, litter size decreased, and there was greater first-year offspring survival. Social complexity influenced neither gestation nor lactation time. Thus, social complexity has costs in terms of a reduction in the annual per-capita number of offspring produced but benefits in terms of enhanced offspring survival.

Blumstein D.T. & Armitage K.B. 1999. Cooperative breeding in marmots [Coopération au cours de la reproduction chez les marmottes]. Oikos, 84: .
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota, social, reproduction, écologie, ecology, coopération.

Whenever individuals live in stable social groups and not all individuals breed, group members may breed cooperatively. While well-documented in a variety of birds and mammals, there is some controversy over whether, and to what degree, sciurid rodents breed cooperatively. We identified cooperative breeding when: individuals delay dispersal beyond reproductive maturity, reproduction in mature individuals is suppressed, and when non-breeders provide alloparental care. In this paper we note that the 14 species of marmots (Marmota sp.), large ground)dwelling sciurid rodents found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, provide an excellent taxon in which to study the evolution of cooperative breeding. Marmot species fit none, some, or all of the attributes of cooperative breeding. marmot interestingly, delayed dispersal and alloparental care may be de-coupled interspecifically, and possibly intraspecifically, making marmots an excellent taxon for additional study. Environmental harshness increases maturation time and is associated with dispersal delayed beyond reproductive maturity. The opportunity to gain direct fitness may be associated with gaining indirect fitness by alloparental behavior. In addition to its theoretical attraction, cooperative breeding has profound implications for conservation and management of species that breed cooperatively. To maximize marmot production, managers and breeders need to pay particular attention to social group structure to prevent the expression of reproductive suppression. If cooperative breeding results from an environmental constraint, habitat modifications may increase the percent of female that breed.

Blumstein D.T. & Arnold W. 1995. Situational-specificity in alpine-marmot alarm communication [Spécificité situationnelle de la communication d'alarme chez la marmotte alpine]. Ethology, 100:1-13.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, communication, son, sound.

We studied the degree to which alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) alarm calls function as communication about specific external stimuli. Alpine marmots emit variable alarm calls when they encounter humans, dogs, and several species of aerial predators. The first part of the study involved observations and manipulations designed to document contextual variation in alarm calls. Alarm calls varied along several acoustic parameters, but only along one that we examined, the number of notes per call, was significantly correlated with the type of external stimulus. Marmots were more likely to emit single-note alarm calls as their first or only call in response to an aerial stimulus, and multiple-note alarm calls when first calling to a terrestrial stimulus. This relationship was not without exceptions; there was considerable variation in the number of notes they emitted to both aerial and terrestrial stimuli, and a single stimulus type - humans - elicited a wide range of acoustic responses. The second part of the study involved playing back three types of alarm calls to marmots and observing their responses. Marmots did not have overly different responses to the three types of played-back alarm calls. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that: 1. Alarm calls do not refer to specific external stimuli; 2. Alarm calls function to communicate the degree of risk a caller experiences; and 3. Alarm calls require additional contextual cues to be properly interpreted by conspecifics?

Blumstein D.T. & Arnold W. 1998. Ecology and social behavior of golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) [Ecologie et comportement des marmottes dorées (M. caudata aurea)] . J. Mammal., 79(3): 873-886.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology, social, Pakistan.

We studied golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea), a little-studied, hibernating Eurasian sciurid, for 6 years at Dhee Sar, Pakistan, to evaluate their social behavior in light of existing thoughts about social evolution of marmots. Golden marmots most commonly were found in apparently monogamous associations (37/89 social groups consisted of one adult male and one adult female) but lived in larger groups containing up to seven adults, where group members shared a common home range and burrow system. When multiple adults lived together, contrary to the typical sciurid pattern, they lived in male-biased social groups. When multiple adult females shared a home range, only a single female in a given group lactated and weaned young. Reproduction was infrequent; >80% of social groups failed to wean a litter in any given year. Golden marmots delayed leaving their natal home range until after they had reached adult body size (>=3 years old) and were presumably sexually mature. Groups with multiple adults were largely a consequence of delayed dispersal. Resident commonly tolerated adults immigrants. Golden marmots hibernated socially; the active season of all members of a group was identical. Overwinter mortality of juveniles (30%) was higher than that of yearlings or adults (<10%). some parents and littermate siblings suffered lower overwintering mortality than juveniles hibernating with other individuals. while general predictions about sociality in marmots were up-held, an economic model combining defense costs and resource distribution failed to explain the mechanism of social monogamy.

Blumstein D.T., Bitton A. & daVeiga J. 2006. How does the presence of predators influence the persistence of antipredator behavior? [Comment la présence des prédateurs influence-t-elle la persistence de comportement anti-prédateur ?]Journal of Theoretical Biology, 239: 460-468.
En anglais, in English.
Théorie, theory, prédation, predation.
We developed a virtual world to study the effect of predators on predator recognition. We trained a neural network to discriminate between the shapes of simulated aerial and terrestrial predators and non-predators. Then, the network’s weighting values were fixed into the genomes of a set of autonomous agents. These animats were required to eat, avoid death due to starvation, and avoid predation, by fleeing from approaching predators. We systematically varied the predator’s lethality, the mutation rate, the cost of fleeing a predator, and the presence or absence of aerial and terrestrial predators. We used ANOVA to analyse the average recognition ability (a measure of directional selection) and the standard deviation of recognition ability (a measure of relaxed selection) after 500 generations of selection. Mutation rate and the cost of flight had the greatest effect on both the average and standard deviation of recognition abilities. The loss of all predators relaxed selection on predator recognition abilities. The loss of specific predators had complex effects on recognition abilities. Persistence is largely influenced by escape costs.

Blumstein D.T. & Bouskila A. 1996. Assessment and decision making in animals: a mechanistic model underlying behavioral flexibility can prevent ambiguity [Evaluation et prise de décision chez les animaux :un modèle mécanistique soulignant la flexibilité comportementale peut prévenir l’ambiguité].Oikos, 77: 569-576.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf disponible/available ou/or pdf Méthodologie, methodology, comportement, behaviour.

Blumstein D.T., R. Bowen, L. Boggs, J. Daniel, E.F. Loomis & J.W. McNutt. N.D. A training manual for Khunjerab National Park guides [Manuel d’apprentissage des guides du Parc National de Khunjerab]. World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan, Lahore.
En anglais, in English.
Manuel, guide, conservation, parc, park.

Blumstein D.T., Cooley L., Winternitz J. & Daniel J.C. 2007. Do yellow-bellied marmots respond to predator vocalisations? [Les marmottes à ventre jaune répondent-elles aux vocalisations des prédateurs ?] Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, prédation, predation, son, sound.

Blumstein D.T. & Daniel J.C. 1997. Inter- and intraspecific variation in the acoustic habitats of three marmot species [Différence inter- et intraspécifique des habitats acoustiques de trois espèces de marmottes]. Ethology, 103: 325-338.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota marmota, habitat, son, sound.
Closely related species often have remarkably different vocalizations. Some of the variation in acoustic structure may result from species adapting their calls to maximize transmission through their acoustic environments. We document the relative magnitude of inter- and intraspecific variation in acoustic transmission properties of the habitats of three closely related marmot species to study the relative importance that the acoustic environment may have played in selecting for species-specific marmot alarm calls. We used spectrogram correlation to quantify the degree to which pure tones and alarm calls changed as they were broadcast through marmot home ranges to describe the acoustic habitats of Golden (M. caudata aurea), yellow-bellied (M. flaviventris), and alpine (M. marmota L.) marmots. Species lived in quantifiably different acoustic habitats. One analysis partitioned variation between species and between marmot social groups (nested within species). We found significant interspecific variation in the acoustic transmission fidelity of the three species' habitats and insignificant intraspecific variation between social groups. Further analysis of a larger sample of alarm call broadcast through golden marmot social group found significant intraspecific variation. Interspecific variation greater than intraspecific variation suggests that variable acoustic habitats may be responsible for at least some of the interspecific variation in alarm call structure. This is the first study to use spectrogram correlation to describe habitat acoustics. We discuss aspects of the method that may be useful for others seeking to quantify habitat acoustics.

Blumstein D.T. & J.C. Daniel. 2002a. Isolation from mammalian predators differentially affects two congeners [Isolement des prédateurs mammaliens affecte différentiellement deux congénères]. Behavioral Ecology
En anglais, in English.
Prédation, predation, Macropus.
Evolutionary isolation from predators can profoundly influence the morphology, physiology, and behavior of prey, but little is known about how species respond to the loss of only some of their predators. We studied antipredator behavior of a wallaby and a kangaroo on an island, where they have been isolated from mammalian predators for several thousand years but remain vulnerable to aerial predators, and on the mainland, where both species have been exposed continuously to mammalian and avian predators. At both locations, wallabies modified the amount of time they allocated to vigilance and foraging in response to group size, whereas kangaroos did so only at the higher-risk mainland site. Both species modified overall time budgets and space use patterns, but wallabies were closer to cover at the mainland site, while kangaroos were, on average, farther from cover. The presence of a single predator may affect the way a species responds to the loss of other predators by maintaining certain antipredator behaviors. Such an effect of the 'ghost of predators past' may be expected as long as species encounter some predators.

Blumstein D.T. & Daniel J.C. 2002b. Yellow-bellied marmots discriminate individuals based on alarm calls. Les marmottes à ventre jaune reconnaissent les individus sur la base de leurs cris d'alarme. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 22-23.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota flaviventris, cri d'alarme, alarm call, reconnaissance individuelle, individual discrimination.

Blumstein D.T. & Daniel J.C. 2004. Yellow-bellied marmots discriminate between the alarm calls of individuals and are more responsive to the calls from pups [Les marmottes à ventre jaune distinguent les cris d'alarme individuels et sont plus sensibles aux cris des jeunes]. Animal Behaviour, 68: 1257-1265.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, cri d'alarme, alarm call, reconnaissance individuelle, individual discrimination.
Unlike individually distinctive territorial calls, contact calls, or calls that aid in the recognition of young by their parents, the function or functions of individually distinctive alarm calls (vocalizations produced in response to predators) is not immediately apparent. Yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris, grounddwelling sciurid rodents, produce individually distinctive alarm calls. Using an habituation-recovery playback protocol, we show that marmots can perceive differences between the calls of different adult females. We further show that marmots are able to discriminate between at least one broad age-sex category. In contrast to what has been reported in other species, playback of calls from juveniles elicited a greater response (i.e. marmots increased vigilance and suppressed foraging) than did playback of calls from adult females. No other age-sex category led to responses significantly different from adult females. Future studies will seek to understand why individual discriminative abilities exist, but we have shown that individuals are able to identify when young, and presumably vulnerable, marmots are calling, and to respond by engaging in vigilance.

Blumstein D.T., Daniel J.C. & Arnold W. (Бдюмшейн Д.Т., Дэниель Дж.К., Арнолд В.) 1997. Выживаемость золотого (Длиннохвостого) сурка (Marmota caudata aurea) в Пакистане. Vyjivaemost' zolotogo (dlinnokhvostogo) sourka (Marmota caudata aurea) v Pakistane. Survivorship of golden marmot (Marmota caudata aurea) in Pakistan [Survie de la marmotte dorée au Pakistan]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 22-23 (Rousskie, Russian), 129 (Angliïskie, English).
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota caudata, survie, survival, Pakistan.

Blumstein D.T., Daniel J.C. & Arnold W. (Бдюмшейн Д.Т., Дэниель Дж.К., Арнолд В.) 2002. Survivorship of golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) in Pakistan. Выживаемость золотых (красных) сурков (Marmota caudata aurea) в Пекистане [Vizhivaemost' zolotykh (krasnykh) sourkov (Marmota caudata aurea) v pakistane. La survie des marmottes dorées (Marmota caudata aurea) au Pakistan]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Y. eds., ABF and International Marmot Network, Moscow, 82-87.
En anglais et en russe avec résumé français ; in English and in Russian, with a French abstract.
Marmota caudata, survie, survival, Pakistan.
La survie des marmottes dorées a été étudiée, entre 1988 et 1993, dans le Parc National de Khunfjerah au Pakistan. La mortalité au cours de la première année est élevée pour les deux sexes, puis se stabilise. La survie des marmottes dorées a été comparée à celles d’autres espèces très sociale (M. vancouverensis et M. olympus), ainsi qu’à celle d’une autre espèce moins sociale (M. flaviventris). Comme les autres marmottes à niveau de socialité élevé, les marmottes dorées ont une survie annuelle relativement élevée, ce qui fournit un appui supplémentaire à l’hypothèse selon laquelle une meilleure socialité accroît la survie.

Blumstein D.T. Daniel J.C. & Bryant A.A. 2001. Anti-predator behavior of Vancouver Island marmots: Using congeners to evaluate abilities of a critically endangered mammal [Comportement anti-prédateur des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver : utilisation de congénères pour évaluer les capacités d'un mammifère critiquement en danger]. Ethology, 107(1): 1-14.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf available ou/or pdf Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, ecology, interactions prédateur/proies, predator/prey interactions; gestion environnementale, environmental management, gestion de la faune sauvage, Wildlife and habitat management, conservation.
Behavioral comparisons between endangered species and their congeners may provide valuable data with which to test ideas about declining populations or the future direction of recovery efforts. We considered the case of the highly endangered Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis). Predation is a current source of mortality, and inadequate anti-predator behavior could have profound ramifications for the future success of re-introductions. We tested whether M. vancouverensis anti-predator behavior was unusual or 'deficient' by quantifying it and comparing it to 13 other marmot species. We found no evidence that Vancouver Island marmots were unwary. If anything, the converse was true. Vancouver Island marmots were responsive and vigilant towards real and simulated predatory threats. They dug numerous escape burrows that reduced the likelihood of predation. Our results have several implications for future recovery efforts, one of which was to establish 'baseline' flight-response targets that captive-bred Vancouver Island marmots will have to meet or exceed prior to release into predator-rich environments.

Blumstein D.T., Daniel J.C. & Evans C.S. 2006. JWatcher 1.0. An introductory user's guide [Jwatcher1.0. Guide d’introduction de l’utilisateur].
En anglais, in English.
Ethology, ethology, méthodologie, methodology.
(en ligne/on line)ou/or pdf

Blumstein Daniel T., Evans Christopher S. & Daniel Janice C. 2000.JWatcher 0.9: An introductory user's guide [Jwatcher0.99. Guide d’introduction de l’utilisateur].
En anglais, in English.
Ethology, ethology, méthodologie, methodology.
(en ligne/on line)ou/or pdf

Blumstein D.T., Evans C.S. & Daniel J.C. 2001. Jwatcher: a new tool for acquisition and analysis of observational data [Jwatcher : un nouvel outil d'acquisition et d'analyse de données d'observation]. Animal Behavior Society ABS 2001 Meeting.
En anglais, in English.
(en ligne/on line) pdf disponible/available] We have developed, and freely distribute, JWatcher: an event-recording and focal data analysis program. JWatcher is written entirely in Java and consequently runs on any modern microcomputer, regardless of operating system. Our philosophy is that users should only need to score behavior once. Flexible data post-processing allows a wide variety of analyses, all based upon the same original data file. These can consider a subset of key codes, or explore patterns of behavior using different time windows. Both event (frequency) and state (duration) descriptive statistics are available. A batch-processing mode permits efficient analysis of large numbers of observation data files. Errorchecking functions are built into the analysis algorithms. It is straightforward to export data and results to spreadsheet and statistics programs for further processing. Versions of JWatcher for Mac and PC, together with a 33 page manual, can be downloaded from the web site.

Blumstein D.T., Evans C.S. & Daniel J.C. 2002. Jwatcher: a new tool for acquisition and analysis of observational data. Jwatcher : un nouvel outil d'acquisition et d'analyse de données d'observation In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 24-25.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Observational data, données d'observation, recording tool, enregistrement, statistics, statistique, analysis, analyse.

Blumstein D.T. & J.M. Foggin. 1993. Playing with fire? Alpine Choughs play with a Tibetan red fox [Jouer avec le feu? Les craves jouent avec un renard commun du Thibet]. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 90:513-515.
En anglais, in English.
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Pyrrhocorax graculus, Vulpes vulpes montana, Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan.

Blumstein D.T. & Foggin J.M. 1997. Effects of vegetative variation on weaning success, overwinter survival, and social group density in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) [Effets de la végétation sur le sevrage, la survie hivernale et la densité du groupe social chez les marmottes dorées]. J. Zool., Lond., 243: 57-69.
En anglais, in English.
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Marmota caudata, sevrage, weaning, survie, survival, social, végétation, vegetation.

We studied the effects of food resources on weaning success, overwintering survival, and social group density in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea), an Old World sciurid rodent. End-of-season standing crop, a measure of seasonal productivity, varied between years. We adjusted some of our measurements of potential food availability by marmot preferences because faecal analysis suggested that marmots foraged selectively. Some, but not all, measured fitness parameters were associated with variation in food availability. The probability of weaning young was associated with overall food availability the previous year, and there was a significant positive relationship between the early-season food resources and the proportion of years in which a group reproduced. Weaning date, a correlate of subsequent juvenile overwinter survival, was associated with overall food availability in the same year. Non-juvenile overwinter survival was weakly associated with food availability. Finally, marmot density was not associated with the availability of food resources. We suggest that obligate social behaviour may limit the degree to which demographic factors can track environmental variation.

Blumstein D.T. & Henderson S.J. 1996. Cheek-rubbing in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) [Le marquage jugal chez les marmottes dorées]. J. Zool., Lond., 238: 113-123.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf disponible/available ou/or pdf
Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, morphologie, morphology, olfaction, marquage, marking.

We studied the function of cheek-rubbing in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) by combining observations of the external morphology of the orbital gland, observational studies of marmot cheek-rubbing, and experimental studies of marmots' responses to olfactory secretions from the orbital gland. Adult males had larger eyepatches - areas without hair above the orbital gland - than adult females. Both sexes produced sufficient glandular exudate to pool on the surface of the skin or fur above the orbital gland. Adult males cheek-rubbed more than adult females throughout the summer active season, but both males and females generally cheek-rubbed within 10 m of a main burrow. Adult males responded more vigorously to the smells of non-group members of both sexes than to group members of either sex. Adult females responded more vigorously to the smell of non-group females than to non-group males or group members of either sex. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that marmot cheek-rubbing functions to mark defended areas, possibly to minimize costs of aggressive interactions.

Blumstein D.T., Holland B.-D. & Daniel J.C. 2005. Predator discrimination in captive Vancouver Island Marmots. Sposobnosti opoznavaniya khichtchnikov ou virachtchennikh v nevole vankouverskikh sourkov. [Reconnaissance des prédateurs chez les marmottes de l’”le de Vancouver captives]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 22-23.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, prédation, predation, puma, cougar, Felis concolor, loup, wolf, Canis lupus, ch¿vre domestique, domestic goat, Capra aegagrus.
Fewer than 35 Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) remain in the wild and captive breeding program has begun. Predation has been implicated in the initial population decline and in the loss of 4 of 13 reintroduced marmots. To identify whether predator discrimination abilities are lost in captivity, we presented wild-caught and captive born marmots with taxidermic mounts of predators (a cougar Felis concolor and wolf Canis lupus) together with control stimuli (marmot, domestic goat Capra aegagrus (=hircus), the cart on which all stimuli were presented, and a • blank ™ no-stimulus control. Because overall • personality ™ may be associated with response to predators, we also conducted a mirror-image stimulus (MIS) presentation experiment where marmots were video-recorded with or without the presence of a wolf. Marmots discriminated among these stimuli, responding the most to the wolf and cougar. The MIS results suggest that marmots varied along a continuum of reactivity. The amount of reactivity was unaffected by the presence of a wolf, and was correlated with our highest level of responsiveness (vigilance at the burrow and time within burrow) to the wolf. Taken together, we conclude that marmots differentiate predators from non-predators and that this ability has not been lost under the conditions that they have been reared.
Russian pdf russe

Blumstein D.T., Holland B.-D. & Daniel J.C. 2006. Predator discrimination and "personality" in captive Vancouver Island marmots [Reconnaissance des prédateurs et "personalité" chez les marmottes de l’”le de Vancouver en élevage]. Animal Conservation, 9: 274-282.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, prédation, predation, puma, cougar, Felis concolor, loup, wolf, Canis lupus, ch¿vre domestique, domestic goat, Capra aegagrus.
A major impediment to recovering declining populations successfully is the mortality of reintroduced or translocated animals. We generally assume that captive-born animals may lose their antipredator behaviour abilities in captivity, but studies rarely compare predator recognition abilities of captive-born and wildcaptured animals to test this. To identify whether predator discrimination abilities of the critically endangered Vancouver Island marmots Marmota vancouverensis were lost in captivity, we presented wild-captured and captive-born marmots with taxidermic mounts of predators (a cougar Felis concolor and wolf Canis lupus) together with control stimuli (marmot, domestic goat Capra aegagrus, the cart on which all stimuli were presented and a ‘blank’ no-stimulus control). Regardless of specific predator discrimination abilities, for some species overall ‘personality’ may be associated with response to predators and subsequent survival. Thus, to quantify overall reactivity in the presence of a predator, we also conducted a mirror-image stimulus (MIS) presentation experiment where marmots were videorecorded with or without the presence of a wolf. Marmots discriminated among these stimuli, responding the most to the wolf and cougar. The MIS results suggest that marmots varied along a continuum of reactivity. The amount of reactivity was unaffected by the presence of a wolf, and was correlated with our highest level of responsiveness (vigilance at the burrow and time within the burrow) to the wolf. Taken together, we conclude that marmots differentiate predators from nonpredators and that this ability has not been lost under the conditions in which they have been reared.

Blumstein Daniel T., Im Soyeon, Nicodemus Amanda & Zugmeyer Claire 2004. Yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) hibernate socially [Les marmottes à ventre jaune (Marmota flaviventris) hibernent socialement]. Journal of Mammalogy, 85(1): 25-29.
En anglais, in English.
Of 14 species of marmots (genus Marmota, Family Sciuridae), only 2, the woodchuck (M. monax) and yellow-bellied marmot (M. flaviventris), have not been reported to be obligate social hibernators. There is one published report of yellow-bellied marmot juveniles hibernating together at a subalpine site, and social hibernation was reported at a single high-alpine site. Solitary hibernation is expected in woodchucks because they do not share burrows during summer, but is unexpected in yellow-bellied marmots, a harem-polygynous species where females may share burrows and have extensive home-range overlap with female kin during summer. We documented emergence patterns in 13 matrilines to determine whether adult marmots hibernate socially. We found that adult males hibernated with 1 or more adult females, and mothers hibernated with their offspring. Therefore, we conclude that yellow-bellied marmots hibernate socially. There is, however, no evidence that suggests that yellow-bellied marmots receive social thermoregulatory benefits from social hibernation. Documenting social hibernation required us to quantify patterns of emergence from hibernation. Throughout our subalpine site, emergence appears to be getting earlier; a result consistent with a previous report based on 1 colony site and which suggests the effects of global climate change are affecting hibernation patterns.
Changements climatiques, climate change, évolution de la socialité, evolution of sociality, Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, hibernation sociale, social hibernation.

Blumstein D.T. & Munos O. 2005. Individual and age/sex class variation in marmot alarm calls [Changement individuel et les classes âge/sexe dans les cris d'alarme des marmottes]. Animal Behaviour, 69:353-361.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, cri d'alarme, alarm call.
Individuals produce distinctive vocalizations that may contain considerable potential information about a signaller. Simply finding significant covariation between call structure and some individual attribute does not itself mean that there has been selection on callers to produce individually distinctive calls, nor on receivers to discriminate between them. Moreover, acoustic variation may degrade while being transmitted through the environment, making it potentially difficult for receivers to extract potential information. We focused on the individually distinctive calls of yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris, to describe attributes of individuals encoded in calls. Using discriminant function analysis, we found significant potential information about identity, age and sex encoded in calls. When calls were broadcast and rerecorded over 10 m and 40 m, identity, age and sex remained statistically discriminatable. Key variables that enabled discrimination were repeatable (they had high intraclass correlation coefficients), whereas those that did not enable discrimination were less repeatable. Finally, statistics developed to describe, in a standardized and comparative way, the information about individual signallers contained in vocalizations, revealed that marmot alarm calls contained at least 3.37 bits of information about identity. When compared to other species for which the information content of signals has been calculated, marmots may have not undergone strong selection for individually distinctive vocalizations. The fact that receivers discriminate between individuals suggests that receivers benefit by doing so.

Blumstein D.T., Ozgul A., Yovovich V., Van Vuren D.H. & Armitage K.B. 2006. Predation risk predicts presence and persistence of yellow-bellied marmot colonies [Le risque de prédation prédit la présence et le maintien des colonies de marmottes à ventre jaune]. Journal of Zoology, London 270: 132-138.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, prédation, predation.
Habitat selection may have population level consequences and ultimately may influence a population’s local persistence or extinction. We capitalized on a longterm study (1962-2004) of yellow-bellied marmots Marmota flaviventris in and around the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, Colorado, USA, and compared habitat characteristics associated with food availability and predation risk to explain variation in persistence of marmots at 27 sites, and their absence at 22 additional, randomly selected sites. We classified sites as persistent, intermittent or null based on whether there was a history of extinction; intermittent sites periodically went extinct and null sites never had marmots. Logistic regression analyses revealed that environmental variables associated with visibility and safety, rather than food, correctly classified sites as persistent or non-persistent as well as persistent or intermittent. Discriminant function analysis that included the null sites revealed that the same visibility-related characteristics predicted where marmots were found. These results highlight the importance of variation in safety among sites in predicting long-term population persistence, as well as a species’ distribution.

Blumstein D.T., Patton M.L. & Saltzman W. 2006. Faecal glucocorticoid metabolites and alarm calling in free-living yellow-bellied marmots [Métabolites glucocorticoïdes fécaux et le cri d'alarme chez les marmottes à ventre jaune sauvages]. Biology Letters, 2: 29-32.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, cri d'alarme, alarm calling, glucocorticoïdes, glucocorticoids, stress.
When individuals of a variety of species encounter a potential predator, some, but not all, emit alarm calls. To explain the proximate basis of this variation, we compared faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in live-trapped yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) between occasions when they did and did not emit alarm calls. We found that marmots had significantly higher glucocorticoid levels when they called than when they did not call, suggesting that stress or arousal may play an important role in potentiating alarm calls. Marmots are sensitive to variation in the reliability of callers. The present finding provides one possible mechanism underlying caller variation: physiological arousal influences the propensity to emit alarm calls.

Blumstein D.T. & Pelletier D. 2005. Yellow-bellied marmot hiding time is sensitive to variation in costs [Le temps d'embusquage des marmottes à ventre jaune est sensible aux changements de coûts]. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83: 363-367.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot,
Many species use refugia to avoid predators, but remaining in a refuge is costly because foraging and engaging in other beneficial activities are curtailed while in a refuge. Thus, we expect that the duration of refuge use will be optimized. We tested a key prediction of this optimization hypothesis in yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris (Audubon and Bachman, 1841), by providing supplemental food next to their burrows to manipulate the costs of remaining in a refuge. We then systematically walked towards a subject that was foraging on supplementary food or a subject that was not foraging on supplementary food until the individual disappeared into its burrow. We found a significant effect of our feeding treatment; subjects with supplementary food emerged from their burrows sooner than those without it. We also found a complex interaction between our feeding treatment and immergence distance (i.e., the distance subjects were at when they disappeared into their burrows). Individuals that tolerated close approaches emerged sooner when food was present, while those that were intolerant of approaching humans took longer to emerge and emerged sooner when food was not present. Juveniles emerged significantly sooner than adults, while there was no detectable difference between emergence times for adults and yearlings. This is the first demonstration in a mammal that hiding time is sensitive to the cost of remaining in the burrow. A number of previous studies on hiding times have focused on ectothermic species. More generally, our results suggest that endotherms are also likely to optimize the time that they remain in a refuge.
De nombreuses espèces animales échappent à leurs prédateurs en s’abritant dans un terrier. Cependant, cela ne va pas sans coût, car tant que l’animal reste réfugié, toute activité profitable, comme la recherche de nourriture, est suspendue. Par conséquent, une optimisation de la durée pendant laquelle l’animal se cache serait à prévoir. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse sur les marmottes à ventre jaune, Marmota flaviventris (Audubon et Bachman, 1841). Pour cela, nous avons manipulé les coûts reliés au fait de rester réfugié, en apportant de la nourriture supplémentaire près de l’entrée du terrier. Un expérimentateur a ensuite systématiquement marché en direction soit d’un sujet consommant les apports de nourriture, soit d’un individu occupé à d’autres activités, jusqu’à ce que l’animal disparaisse dans son terrier. Les résultats montrent un effet significatif de notre traitement alimentaire: les sujets en présence de nourriture supplémentaire ressortent plus vite de leur terrier que ceux qui n’en ont pas eue. Nous avons, de plus, trouvé une interaction complexe entre le traitement alimentaire et la distance de « perte de vue » (c’est-à-dire la distance entre l’expérimentateur et le sujet au moment où ce dernier disparaît dans son refuge). Les individus tolérant une distance faible entre l’expérimentateur et eux-mêmes ressortent plus vite en présence de surplus de nourriture. Les sujets intolérants mettent globalement plus de temps à réapparaître et ressortent plus vite quand il n’y a pas de surplus de nourriture. Les jeunes de l’année émergent significativement plus tôt que les adultes et les jeunes de 1 an qui mettent un temps semblable à émerger. Notre expérience constitue la première démonstration chez un mammifère que le temps passé à se cacher est soumis aux coûts du retrait dans un terrier. Un certain nombre d’études précédentes sur le temps passé dans un refuge concernent les espèces ectothermes. Nos résultats laissent croire plus généralement qu’il est aussi probable que les endothermes optimisent leur temps dans les refuges.

Blumstein D.T. & Robertson M. 1995. Summer diets of Tibetan red foxes in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan [Régimes alimentaires estivaux des renards rouges du Parc National de Khunjerab, Pakistan]. Z. Saug., 60: 243-245.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf disponible/available ou/or pdf
Vulpes vulpes montana, alimentation, diet, Marmota caudata aurea, Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan.

Blumstein D.T., Runyan A., Seymour M., Nicodemus A., Ozgul A., Ransler F., Im S., Stark T., Zugmeyer C. & Daniel J.C. 2004. Locomotor ability and wariness in yellow-bellied marmots [Capacité locomotrice et prudence chez les marmottes à ventre jaune]. Ethology, 110: 615-634.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, locomotion.
Animals employ a variety of behaviors to reduce or manage predation risk. Often, these are studied in isolation, but selection may act on packages of behavior that are referred to as behavioral syndromes. We focused on yellowbellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and examined three commonly studied antipredator behaviors. We fitted general linear models to explain variation in maximum running speed, time allocated to vigilance and foraging during bouts of foraging, and flight initiation distance (FID). Marmot maximum running speed was influenced by the substrate run across; marmots ran fastest across dirt or low vegetation and slowest across stones or talus. Incline and several other variables shown to affect running speed in other marmot species failed to explain significant variation in yellow-bellied marmots. From these results we expected marmots to be sensitive to substrate while foraging, but insensitive to incline. However, time allocated to foraging was affected by incline but not by substrate. In bouts of foraging observed in different habitats, and on different inclines, more time was allocated to foraging and less to vigilance on steep slopes and less on level ground. Substrate influenced FID. Marmots in tall vegetation were less tolerant of an approaching person than were those in shorter vegetation. Finally, we found significant correlations between the residuals from the maximum running speed model and the residuals from the time allocated to vigilance and foraging models. We found a tendency for marmots that ran slower than predicted to be less vigilant while foraging. We also found that relatively slow marmots engaged in more active foraging and less vigilance during foraging bouts. This finding suggests a locomotor abilitywariness while foraging syndrome. It also suggests that vulnerable individuals minimize their exposure while foraging.

Blumstein D.T., Steinmetz J., Armitage K.B. & Daniel J.C. 1997. Alarm calling in yellow-bellied marmots: II. The importance of direct fitness [Le cri d'alarme chez les marmottes à ventre jaune : II. Importance de la valeur sélective directe]. Animal Behaviour, 53(1): 173-184.
En anglais, in English.
[pdf disponible/available ou/or pdf
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, évolution, evolution, soins parentaux, communication, son, sound, Colorado, Utah.
Alarm calling in sciurid rodents is often explained y inclusive fitness benefits that callers accrue. Inclusive fitness arguments imply that indirect fitness plays an important role in the evolution and the maintenance of alarm calling. A more parsimonious hypothesis is that animals alarm call to increase their direct fitness by warning their offspring. Group-living animals are related to each other social group member by a coefficient of relatedness, r that theoretically ranges from 0-1.0. The sum of these pair-wise coefficients, "total r", reflects the magnitude of possible inclusive fitness benefits. The amount of variation in the rate of yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris alarm calling that was explained by direct parental care was compared with that variation explained by total r. After pups emerged, adult females with pups called more than other age/sex classes. Additionally, 42% of the variation in the rate of calling over the entire study was a function of whether the caller was a female who had pups emerge above ground that year. Total r explained no significant variation in the rate of alarm calling. Alarm calling in group-living yellow-bellied marmots is a form of direct parental care and inclusive fitness, broadly defined, is of little importance for the maintenance of alarm calling.

Blumstein Daniel T., Verneyre Laure & Daniel Janice C. 2004.Reliability and the adaptive utility of discrimination among alarm callers [Fiabilité et utilité adaptative de la discrimination parmi les crieurs].
En anglais, in English.
Communication d'alarme, alarm communication, reconnaissance individuelle, individual recognition, sûreté, reliability.
Unlike individually-distinctive contact calls, or calls that aid in the recognition of young by their parents, the function or functions of individually-distinctive alarm calls is less obvious. We conducted three experiments to study the importance of caller reliability in explaining individual-discriminative abilities in the alarm calls of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). In our first two experiments, we found that calls from less reliable individuals and calls from individuals calling from a greater simulated distance were more evocative than calls from reliable individuals or nearby callers. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that marmots assess the reliability of callers to help them decide how much time to allocate to independent vigilance. The third experiment demonstrated that the number of callers influenced responsiveness, probably because situations where more than a single caller calls are those when there is certain to be a predator present. Taken together, the results from all three experiments demonstrate the importance of reliability in explaining individual discrimination abilities in yellow-bellied marmots. Marmots’ assessment of reliability acts by influencing the time allocated to individual assessment and thus the time not allocated to other activities.

Boas Franz 1895. Tenth report on the north-western tribes of Canada British Association for the Advancement of Science [Dixième rapport sur les tribus du nord-ouest de l'Association Britannique pour l'Avancment des Sciences]. Committee on North-Western Tribes of the Dominion of Canada, Ipswich.
En anglais, in English.
Piège à marmotte, Marmot trap, peau de marmotte, marmot skin, viande, marmot meat, Tsimshian Indians, Tinne Indians, ethnologie, ethnology, Canada, Boas, Franz, 1858-1942.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Boas F 1896. Traditions of the Ts'ets'åa'ut [Traditions des Ts'ets'åa'ut]. Journal of American Folk-Lore, New York.
La femme marmotte, the marmot woman, les enfants du chien, the children of the dog, Adada, Indiens, indians, Folklore, Colombie Britannique, British Columbia, Boas F. 1858-1942.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Bobbé S. 1999. Entre domestique et sauvage : le cas du chien errant. Une liminalitébien dérangeante [Between domestic and wild : the case of the stray dog. An upsetting liminality]. Ruralia, 5. 2000. Courrier de l'Environnement de l'INRA, 40 : 66-74.
Canis, prédation, predation.

Bobrinsky N.A. 1933. Sourki [Marmottes. Marmots]. Moscou.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, monographie, monography.

Bobrinskii N.A. 1935. [Rongeurs. Rodents]. In A Guide to Commercial Animals in the USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, All-Union Cooperative Publishers, 114-115.
En russe, in Russian.

Bobrinsky N.A. 1937a. Obzor evraziïskikh surkov [Généralités sur les marmottes de l'Eurasie. Generality on the Eurasian marmots]. Cb. pamyati akad. M.A. Menzbira, M.L.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbira, monographie, monography, Eurasie, Eurasia.

Bobrinsky N.A. 1937b. [Revue des marmottes d'Eurasie (Marmota). Review of Eurasian marmots (Marmota)]. Akad. Nauk. USSR, Moscow-Leningrad: 51-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Eurasie, Eurasia.

Bobrinskii N.A. 1951. [Les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Revue des principaux groupes. Central Asian Mountains. A Review of Major Groups]. In The Geography of Animals (The Course of Zoogeography), Moscow, Gos. Uch. Ped. Publishers of the Russian Ministry of Education, 303 : 308-309.
En russe, in Russian.
Montagnes, mountains, Asie, Asia.

Bobrinskii N.A. 1967. [Les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Central Asian Mountains. In Fauna and Nature in the USSR, Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 299- 321.
En russe, in Russian.
Montagnes, mountains, Asie, Asia.

Bobrinskii N.A., Kuznetzov B.A. & Kuzyakin A.P. 1944. [Guide des mammifères d'URSS. A Guide to Mammals in the USSR]. Moscow, Sov. Nauka Publishers, 288 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Bobrinsky N.A., Kuznetsov B.A. & Kuzhakin A.P. 1965. Opreditel mlekopitayuchtchikh SSSR (Clef de détermination des mammifères d'URSS. Key to Mammals of USSR). Prosvescenie, Moskva: 1-382.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, clef de détermination, determination key, taxonomie, taxonomy, URSS, USSR.

Bobrinskii N.A. & Matveev B.C. 1949. [Les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Central Asian Mountains]. In Course of Zoology, Moscow, Sov. Nauka Publishers, Vol.2, 393 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Montagnes, mountains, Asie, Asia.

Bobrinskii N.A., Zenkevich L.A. & Birshtein Ya.A. 1946. [Les montagnes d'Asie centrale. Central Asian Mountains]. In The Geography of Animals, Moscow, Sov. Nauka Publishers, 418-420, 425.
En russe, in Russian.
Montagnes, mountains, Asie, Asia.

Bocherens H., Fizet M., Mariotti A., Lange-Badre B., Vandermeersch B., Borel J.P. & Bellon G. 1991. Isotopic biochemestry of fossil vertebrate collagen: application to the study of a past food web including néanderthalian [Biochimie isotopique du collégène des vertébrés fossiles : application à l'étude des réseaux d'alimentation du passé incluant les néandertaliens]. Journal of Human Evolution, 20, 481-492.
En anglais, in English.
Biochimie, Biochemestry, Collagène, Collagen, Alimentation, Food, Paléontologie, Paleontology, grotte de Marillac, Marillac Cave, France.
Mesures d'abondances isotopiques naturelles en 13C et 15N de la matiere organique fossile. Application au site de Marillac (Charente, France), daté du Würm ancien (-40000).

Bocherens H., Grupe G., Mariotti A. & Turban-Just S. 1997. Molecular and isotopic preservation of mesolithic human finds from the Ofnet Cave (Bavaria, Germany) [Préservation moléculaire et isotopique de reste humains mésolithiques de la grotte Ofnet (Bavière, Allemagne)]. Anthropologische Anzeiger, 55(2) :121-129.
En anglais, in English.
Homme, Man, Palkéontologie, Paleontology, Mésolithique, Mesolitic, Biochimie, Biochemistry, Os, bone.

Bocherens H., Tresset A., Wiedemann F., Giligny F., Lafage F., Lanchon Y. & Mariotti A. 1997. Bone diagenetic evolution in two French Neolithic sites. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France,168(5) : 555-564.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, os, bone.

Bocksberger O.-J. & M. Burri 1963. Fouilles archéologiques du Petit-Chasseur à Sion : étude lithologique d'une coupe de 1962. Bulletin de la Murithienne, (Société valaisanne des sciences naturelles), 80 : 1-15.
En français, in French
Paléontologie, palontology.

Bocquet A. & Lequatre P. 1968. Le Moustérien de la grotte des Eugles en Chartreuse. Compte rendu préliminaire de fouilles [The Mousterian of the Eugles Cave in Chartreuse. Preliminary report of the excavations]. Géologie Alpine, 44 : 89-93.
En français, in French.

Bocquet A. et al. 1973. La grotte des Freydières à St Agnan-en-Vercors (Drôme), gisement du Magdalénien final [The Freydières cave in St Agnan-en-Vercors (Drôme), final Magdalenian deposit]. Bull. de la Soc. Préhist. Française, 70 : 324-326.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Magdalénien, Magdalenian, Drôme, France.

Boer A.H. 1972. Behavioural population dynamics of woodchucks (Marmota monax rufescens Howell) [Dynamique des populations comportementale de la marmotte des bois (M. monax rufescens Howell)]. Ph.D. thesis, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, population.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.) 1996. Vnoutrividovaya divergentsiya tchernochapotchnogo sourka (Marmota camtschatica) [Intraspecies divergence in the black-capped marmot. Différences intraspécifiques chez la marmotte à tête noire]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 11-12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Schelchkova M.V. & Vasiliev V.N. 1994. Divergence of the black-capped marmots (Marmota camtschatica, Pallas, 1811). Divergence of the black-capped marmots (Marmota camtschatica, Pallas, 1811). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 38-39.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota camtschatica.

Les sous-espèces M. c. camtschatica, M. c. bungei et M. c. doppelmayeri présentent des différences morphologiques, immunogénétiques et d'émissions sonores. Cependant, elles ont le même caryotype (2n=40 ; Nfa=62). Nous avons examiné différentes colorations des chromosomes de M. c. bungei et M. c. doppelmayeri et les caractéristiques métriques et non-métriques des crânes de toutes les sous-espèces de marmottes et les caractéristiques de la coloration de leur pelage. Les bandes C de leurs chromosomes montrent une faible quantité d'hétérochromatine-C. La coloration à l'Ag-Nor révèle un polymorphisme dans le nombre et l'emplacement des Nor dans leurs chromosomes. Les données morphologiques confirment l'opinion de Kapitonov (1978) sur la présence de différences significatives entre M. c. camtschatica et M. c. doppelmayeri. En plus, nous avons trouvé des différences dans la forme des incisives et de l'orifice choanal de ces deux espèces. Par un nombre de caractères M. c. bungei occupe une position intermédiaire entre elles. Une hétérogénéité de M. c. bungei est mise en évidence : les crânes de la région des Monts Kharaulakh sont plus grands que ceux de la zone de Verkhoyansk. Le niveau de divergence entre M. c. camtschatica et M. c. bungei atteint probablement l'interspécifique et entre les marmottes M. c. bungei de Verkhoyansk et de Karaulakh il excède l'interpopulationnel.
M. c. camtschatica, M. c. bungei and M. c. doppelmayeri subspecies have differences in morphology, immunogenetics and in sound signalization. However they have identical karyotypes (2n=40, NFa=62). We investigated differential staining of chromosomes of M. c. bungei and M. c. doppelmayeri and metrical and non-metrical characteristics of skulls of all subspecies of the marmot and features of their fur colour. C-banding of the chromosomes shows low quantity of C-heterochromatin. Ag-Nor-staining revealed polymorphism in number and localization of NORs in their chromosomes. Morphological data confirmed V. Kapitonov (1978) opinion on the presence of significant differences between M. c. camtschatica and M. c. doppelmayeri. Besides, we found differences in shapes of incisive and choana foramen between these subspecies. By a number of features, M. c. bungei occupy an intermediate position between them. A heterogeneity of M. c. bungei is revealed : the skulls of Kharaulakh marmots are larger than those of Verkhoyansk ones. A divergence level between M. c. camtschatica and M. c. bungei probably reaches the interspecific, and between Verkhoyansk and Kharaulakh marmots M. c. bungei it exceeds the interpopulational.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Shchelchkova M.V. & Vasiliev V.N. 1996. Divergence chez Marmota camtschatica. Divergence in Marmota camtschatica. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 229-230.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota camtschatica, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Vasiliev V.N., Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1990. K kariologii chernoschapochnogo sourka Marmota camtschatica Pall. Evolyutsionnye i geneticheskie issledovaniya mlekopitayushchikh. Abstracts. All-Union Conf. (Vladivostok, 22-28 Sept. 1990). Vladivostok, Vol.2, pp.19-20.
En russe, in Russian.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Vasiliev V.N., Lukovtsev Y.S. & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1990. [Sur la caryologie de la marmotte é tête noire. On the caryology of black-capped marmot, Marmota camtschatica Pall]. In Evol. genetic researches of Mammals, All-Union Conf. abstr. Vladivostock, 2 : 67-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, génétique, genetic.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Vasiliev V.N., Lukovtsev Y.S. 1993. The black-capped Marmot Marmota camtschatica Pall. in Yakutia. Report on the Fourth International Meeting "Rodents et Spatium", Mikolajki, Poland, May 24-28, 1993. In: Mammalia, 57( 4) : 623.
En anglais, in English.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Vasiliev V.N., Lukovtsev Y.S. & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1993. The black-capped marmot (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in Yakuta [La marmotte à tête noire en Yakoutie.]. 4th Intern. Conf. Rodens & Spatium, May 24-28 1993, Mikolajki, Poland.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota camtschatica, Russie, Yakoutie

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Vasiliev V. & Yu. Lukovtsev 1993. Black-capped marmot (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in Yakutia. Polish Ecological Studies, 20(3/4): 519-522.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, écology, éthologie, ethology, hibernation, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie

Different aspects of ecology, distribution and systematics of Marmota camtschatica in Yakutia were investigated. Long period of hibernation and beginning of reproduction during the hibernation are the main adaptations of the black-capped marmots to severe climatic conditions. Reducing of Marmota camtschatica numbers is noted in Yakutia.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Жолнеровская Е.И. (Zholnerovskaya, Jolnerovskaïa E. I.), Воронцов н.н. (Vorontsov N.N.) & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1997. Vnoutrividovaya divergentsiya tcherno-chtchanotchnogo sourka. Intraspecific divergence of the black-capped marmot [Divergence intraspécifique chez la marmotte à tête noire. ]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 21 (Rousskie), 130 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 21 (Russian), 130 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Жолнеровская Е.И. (Zholnerovskaya, Jolnerovskaïa E. I.), Воронцов н.н. (Vorontsov N.N.) & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1999. Vnoutrividovaya divergentsiya tchernochapotchnogo sourka Marmota camtschatica (Sciuridae, Marmotinae). [Intraspecific divergence of the black-capped marmot Marmota camtschatica (Sciuridae, Marmotinae). Difference intraspécifique chez la marmotte à tête noire]. Zoologitcheskiï Journal, 78(7) : 866-877.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, morphologie, morphology, immunologie, immunology.

Morphological and immunogenetic specific features of M. camtschatica were studied. The more significant differences in metric and nonmetric characters of skull were found in Kamchatka and Barguzin subspecies due to their parameters do not overlap. Marmots of Yakutian subspecies occupy an intermediate position between the aforementioned species, but they are also nonuniform. Immunogenetic tests revealed distinct differences between all three M. camtschatica subspecies as well as between two geographical marmot forms from Yakutia. The black-capped marmots appear to belong to species in statu nascendi, whose situation is close to the phenomenon of Rassenkreise ranges of animals. The black-capped marmots are most likely to be considered as a "Marmota camtschatica" superspecies.

Боескоров Г.Г. (Boeskorov G.G.), Жолнеровская Е.И. (Zholnerovskaya, Jolnerovskaïa E. I.), Воронцов н.н. (Vorontsov N.N.), & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 1999. Intraspecific Divergence within the Black-Capped Marmot Marmota camtschatica (Sciuridae, Marmotinae). Russian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 3( 3) : 467-478.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota camtschatica, morphologie, morphology, immunologie, immunology.
The morphological and immunogenetic parameters of three Marmota camtschatica subspecies were studied. The greatest differences in measurements and nonmetric skull characteristics were revealed between M. c. camtschatica and M. c. doppelmayri; in a number of cases, the variation ranges of these parameters did not overlap. M. c. bungei was intermediate between the latter two subspecies and, at the same time, heterogeneous. Immunogenetic tests revealed distinct differences between the three subspecies of the black-capped marmot and between two geographic forms of marmots from Yakutia. The results of this study and published data are evidence for a high divergence of the M. camtschatica forms; the extent to which the Kamchatka and Barguzin subspecies differ from each other in the entire set of parameters is comparable to the differences between separate species; the Yakut subspecies occupies the intermediate position. The black-capped marmot probably is a species in statu nascendi and shows a situation resembling the phenomenon of a circle of races (Ras-senkreise). Most likely, the black-capped marmots should be considered to be a superspecies M. camtschatica.

Bogdanov M.N. 1871.Ptitsy i zveri tchernozemnoiuml; polosy Povolj'ya i doliny sredneiuml; i nijneiuml; Volgi [Oiseaux et b&ecicr;tes sauvages dans la ceinture de terre noire chernozium de la région de la Volga et de la vallée centrale de la Volga. Birds and animals in the chernnozem black earth belt of the Volga region and in the valley of the middle and lower Volga]. Works of the Kazan University naturalist society, l.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Volga, Russie Russia.

Bogdanov M.N. 1873. Etyudy rousskoiuml; okhoty. Stat'ya 1. okhotnitch'i i promyslovye zveri Evroneiuml;sko"Rossii i Kavkaza [Essai sur la chasse Russe. Chasse récréative et professionnelle des b≖tes sauvages en Russie européenne et au Caucase. Essay on the Russian hunting. Recreative and professional hunting of wild beasts in European Russia and the Caucasus]. J. okhoty i konevodstva.
En russe, in Russian.
Chasse, hunting, Russie, Russia, Caucase.

Bogdanov O.P. 1961. [La marmotte de Menzbier (M. menzbieri). Menzbier's Marmot (Marmota menzbieri). In Animals in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Sr. i Vish. Shkola Publishers, 263-264.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.

Bogdanov O.P. 1978. [Les animaux d'Ouzbekistan. Animals in Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, Oukitouvchi Publishers, 9, 227- 228.
En russe, in Russian.
Animaux, animals, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekitan.

Bogdanov O.P. 1983. [La marmotte de Menzbier (M. menzbieri). Menzbier's Marmot (Marmota menzbieri, Kasch.). In Vertebrate animals in Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Ukituvchi Publishers, 256-258.
En ouzbeck, in Uzbek.
Marmota menzbieri

Bogdanov O.P. 1990. [L'ordre des Rongeurs. The Order Rodents]. In Wild Life in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Ukituvchi Publishers, 121- 122.
Rodentia, Marmota menzbieri.

Bogdanov O.P. 1992. [La marmotte de Menzbier. Menzbier's Marmot]. In Rare Animals in Uzbekistan, Encyclopedical Reference Book, Tashkent, Encyclopedia Chief Editorial, 38-43.
En anglais, en russe et en Ouzbeck, in English, Russian and Uzbek.
Marmota menzbieri.

Boggs D.F. & Birchard G.F. 1989. Cardiorespiratory responses of the woodchuck and porcupine to CO2 and hypoxia [Réponses cardiorespiratoires de la marmotte commune d'Amérique et du porc-épic au CO2 et l'hypoxie]. J. Comp. Physiol. [B]., 159(5): 641-648.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, coeur, heart, Erithrizon dorsatum, porc-épic nord américain.

The burrow-dwelling woodchuck (Marmota monax) (mean body wt. = 4.45 +/- 1 kg) was compared to a similar-sized (5.87 +/- 1.5 kg) but arboreal rodent, the porcupine (Erithrizon dorsatum), in terms of its ventilatory and heart rate responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia, and its blood characteristics. VT, f, T1 and TE were measured by whole-body plethysmography in four awake individuals of each species. The woodchuck has a longer TE/TTOT (0.76 +/- 0.03) than the porcupine (0.61 +/- 0.03). The woodchuck had a higher threshold and significantly smaller slope to its CO2 ventilatory response compared to the porcupine, but showed no difference in its hypoxic ventilatory response. The woodchuck P50 of 27.8 was hardly different from the porcupine value of 30.7, but the Bohr factor, -0.72, was greater than the porcupine's, -0.413. The woodchuck breathing air has PaCO2 = 48 (+/- 2) torr, PaO2 = 72 (+/- 6), pHa = 7.357 (+/- 0.01); the porcupine blood gases are PaCO2 = 34.6 (+/- 2.8), PaO2 = 94.9 (+/- 5), pHa = 7.419 (+/- 0.03), suggesting a difference in PaCO2/pH set points. The woodchuck exhibited no reduction in heart rate with hypoxia, nor did it have the low normoxic heart rate observed in other burrowing mammals.

Boggs D.F., Colby C., Williams B.R. Jr, Kilgore D.L. Jr. 1992. Chemosensitivity and breathing pattern regulation of the coatimundi and woodchuck [Chémosensitivité et canevas de régulation de la respiration du coati de montgne et de la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Respir. Physiol., 89(2): 157-167.
En anglais, in English.
Nasuella olivacea, coati de montagne, Marmota monax, respiration.

An analysis of breathing pattern regulation was carried out on the coatimundi and woodchuck who represent two different volume-time patterns. It was found that the coati, with a short expiratory time as a fraction of total breath time, TE/TTOT, has a greater sensitivity to CO2 as represented by the slope and threshold of its ventilatory response. Breathing air the coati maintains post-inspiratory inspiratory activity (PIIA) of the posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) through 51% of expiration, while the woodchuck, who is less sensitive to CO2 and has a long TE/TTOT, exhibits no PIIA of the PCA. The woodchuck also has a greater incidence and duration of end-expiratory pauses (or delayed inspiratory onset). The woodchuck does not demonstrate the usual inverse relationship between VT and TE in response to 5% CO2 and does not recruit PIIA of the PCA at this level of CO2. These data confirm the importance of CO2 chemosensitivity in regulation of TE. It is further demonstrated that interspecific differences in chemosensitivity among three mammals of the same size are reflected in regulation of TE but not in inspiratory 'drive' (as indicated by mean inspiratory flow, VT/TI).

Boggs D.F. & Irvin C.G. 1992. Respiratory mechanics of the coatimundi and woodchuck [Mécanique respiratoire du coati de montagne et de la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Respir. Physiol., 89(2): 147-155.
En anglais, in English.
Nasuella olivacea, coati de montagne, Marmota monax, respiration.

The coatimundi breathes with a large tidal volume and relatively short TE/TTOT while the woodchuck has a relatively long TE/TTOT compared to other mammals. Hence, the respiratory mechanics of the coatimundi and woodchuck were studied to determine whether mechanics play any role in the differences in breathing pattern observed in these two mammals of similar body size. Although static respiratory system compliance was less and lower airway resistance was greater in the woodchuck compared to the coati there was no significant difference in deflationary time constant that could contribute to the difference in expiratory time. Both species exhibit less compliant chest walls than would be predicted for animals this size (4.5 and 5 kg) and the coati lung compliance is greater than that of the woodchuck or the prediction. The large tidal volume in the coati may be attributed in part to the large lung volume of this species (2.2 times the allometric prediction). The differences in breathing pattern are more likely related to differences in the control of breathing (i.e. regulation of expiratory airflow and inspiratory onset) than to differences in respiratory mechanics.

Boggs D.F. & Tenney S.M. 1985. Scaling respiratory pattern and respiratory drive [Graduation du canevas de respiration et de l'instinct respiratoire]. Respir. Physiol., 58(3): 245-251.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, respiration, taille corporelle, body size.

We tested three predictions regarding the relationship between body size and respiratory 'drive' and timing in mammals. Mechanical considerations had led to the prediction that TE/TTOT and probably TI/TTOT would be interspecific constants. In eleven species of mammals, ranging in size from 0.033 kg to 520 kg, TE/TTOT during awake quiet breathing was an interspecific constant with a value of 0.65 (+/- 0.004); TI/TTOT was 0.345 (+/- 0.004). Given that VT is directly proportional to BW1.0 (Stahl, 1967), if TE and TI are directly proportional to BW0.28 (Bennett and Tenney, 1982), and if VT/TI is an index of respiratory 'drive', then 'drive' should be directly proportional to BW0.72, following the same proportionality with body size as does basal metabolic rate (VO2). Data for the same eleven species gave the relationship VT/TI BW0.74. Testing further the notion that 'drive', on a weight specific basis, is proportional to BW-0.26, we studied the response, % delta VI, in eleven species to approximately 12% inspired O2. This 'output' of the system in response to a hypoxic stimulus was found to scale with BW-0.27. The question whether this reflects a higher set 'gain' of the respiratory controller of smaller animals and/or some feature of the innervation, or intrinsic properties of the respiratory muscles that varies with body size is discussed.

Bohmann L. 1939. Die grossen einheimischen Nager als Fortbewegungstypen [Les grands rongeurs indigènes suivant le type de locomotion. The big native rodents and the locomotion type]. Z. Morph. Oekol.Tiere, 35: 317-388.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, locomotion.

Boikov A.V., Gorshkov P.K., Abuzarova G.A. 2002. [Adaptations of steppe marmots to anthropogenic landscapes. Adaptation des marmottes des steppes aux paysages anthropisés]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, paysage, landscape, adaptation.

Boisse 1868. Fouilles de la grotte de Bouche-Rolland (visite du Puy-d’Issolu et de Capdenac à la recherche d’Uxellodunum) [Excavations in the Bouche-Rolland cave (Visit of Puy-d’Issolu and of Capdenac in the search of Uxellodunum)]. Société des lettres, des sciences et des arts de l’Aveyron, 6 : 45.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Aveyron, France.

Boissin Jean & Canguilhem Bernard 1998. Les rythmes du vivant [Rhythms of the life]. Nathan & CNRS, coll. Fac Sciences.
En fran¡ais, in French.
Rythme, rhythm, hibernation.

Boissy Louis de 1813. Le français à Londres [The French in London]. Paris, Menard et Raymond. Comédie, présentée, pour la première fois, le 19 juillet1727. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotter, to mumble.
Extrait/extract pdf

Boitard M. 1842. Le jardin des plantes. description et moeurs des mammifères de la ménagerie et du muséum d'histoire naturelle. Les marmottes, 313-317. [The plants garden. Description and habits of the mammals of the menagerie of the Natural History Museum]. Dubochet, Paris.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Marmota marmota, Arctomys marmotta, alpine marmot, Marmota bobac, bobak, Arctomys bobac, marmotte de Pologne, monax, Arctomys monax, Cuniculus bahamensis, marmotte du Canada, siffleur, Arctomys empetra (Mus empetra), marmotte du Québec, Arctomys fulva, marmotte fauve, Arctomys pruinosa, marmotte poudrée, Arctomys mugosaricus, marmotte mugosarique, Arctomys leptodactylus, marmotte aux doigts lisses, Arctomys gundi (Mus gundi), gundi, Arctomys maulina (Mus maulinus), maulin, Arctomys circassiae (Mus tscherkessicus), Arctomys citillus (Mus citillus, Spermophilus citillus, Zizel, souslick, marmotte de Sibérie, Arctomys Richardsonii (Spermophilus Richardsonii), marmotte tannée d'Amérique, Arctomys hoodii (Spermophilus Hoodii), spermophile de Hood, Arctomys Franklinii (Spermophilus Franklinii), marmotte grise d'Amérique, Arctomys Parryii (Spermophilus Parryii), écureuil de terre, Arctomys ludoviciana, Arctomys missouriensis, Cynomis socialis, Spermophilus ludovicanus, wistouwisch, chien des prairies ; Ethologie.

Boitard M. 1846. Marmotte [Marmot]. In Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle [Universal dictionary of natural history]. Tome septième, I-Marta. Renard, Martinet et Co., Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, Arctomys, marmot, Arctomys marmotta Gml., Arctomys alpina Blum., marmotte de Pologne, Arctomys bobac Gmel., monax, Arctomys monax Gml., Cuniculus bahamensis Catesb., marmotte du Canada, siffleur, whistler ; marmotte de Québec, Arctomys empetra Gml., Mus empetra Pall., Arctomys caligata Eschsch.
Extrait/extract pdf

Boithiot A., 1979. Les Marmottes dans les vosges [Marmots in the Vosges]. Ciconia, 3 : 4-8.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, France, Vosges.
Neuf marmottes lâchées dans les Vosges en 1973à 1150 m. Elles sont retrouvées à 1250 m. Suivi 4 ans, présence de jeunes de l'année, mais difficulté à s'installetr.

Bold A. & Dorjzunduy S. 1976. [Rapport sur les léopards des neiges dans les contreforts méridionaux de l'Altaï Gobi. Report on snow leopards in the southern spurs of the Gobi Altai]. Proceedings of the Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Ulaanbaatar11: 27-43.
En mongol, in Mongolian.
Uncia uncia, léopard des neiges, snow leopard, Altaï.

Boldegrini P. & Ficarelli A. 1978. Prima rilevazione sullo stato e la distribuzione dei Mammiferi e degli Uccelli [Premier relevé sur l'état et la distribution des mammifères et les oiseaux. First survey on the state and distribution of Mammals and birds]. In Carta delle vocazioni faunistiche del territorio, Regione Emilia-Romagna, 123-209.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, faunistique, fauna, distribution, Italie, Italy, Appenins, Emilie-Romagne.

Bole & Moulthrop 1942. Marmota monax monax, États-Unis d'Amérique : Ohio, Marmota monax rufescens, États-Unis d'Amérique : Ohio.

Bollengier R.M. Jr.1994. Woodchucks [Marmottes communes d'Amérique]. USDA-APHIS, Animal Damage Control, In Prevention and control of wildlife damage, S.E. Hygnstrom, Timm R.M. Larson.G.E. Eds.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, pest.

Bolling S.F., Tramontini N.L., Kilgore K.S., Su T.P., Oeltgen P.R. & Harlow H.H. 1997. Use of "natural" hibernation induction triggers for myocardial protection [Utilisation de déclencheurs d'induction de l'hibernation "naturelle" pour la protection du myocarde]. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 64(3): 623-627.
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, déclencheur, trigger, coeur, heart.
Hypothermic cardioplegia provides adequate myocellular protection, yet stunning and dysfunction remain significant problems. Interestingly, the subcellular changes of hibernation parallel the altered biology of induced cardiac ischemia, but are well tolerated by hibernating mammalian myocardium. Hibernation induction trigger (HIT) from winter-hibernating animal serum induces hibernation in active animals. Hibernation induction trigger is opiate in nature and is similar to the delta 2 opioids. To determine whether HIT could improve myocardial recovery following global ischemia, we gave 37 isolated rabbit hearts either standard cardioplegia or cardioplegia containing summer-active woodchuck, hibernating woodchuck, or black bear HIT serum or a delta 2 opioid, D-Ala2-Leu5-enkephalin, before 2 hours of global ischemia. Hibernation induction trigger appeared not to have an active mechanism during ischemia, as all hearts had equal recovery. In contrast, when examining for a preischemia mechanism, 23 additional rabbits received 3 days pretreatment with summer-active woodchuck or HIT hibernating woodchuck or black bear serum, or were preperfused with D-Ala2-Leu5-enkephalin or D-pen2,5-enkephalin, a-delta 1 opioid, again before 2 hours of global ischemia. Postischemic ventricular function, coronary flows, myocardial oxygen consumption, and ultrastructural preservation were all significantly improved with HIT and D-Ala2-Leu5-enkephalin pretreatment. "Natural" HIT protection is superior to standard cardioplegia alone and may have clinical application.

Bolshakov V.N. 1993. Response of small mammals communities of the Urals to technogenic disturbance [Réponse des communautés de petits mammifères de l'Oural à des dérangements d'origine technologique].
En anglais, in English.
4th Intern. Conf. Rodens & Spatium, May 24-28 1993, Mikolajki, Poland.
Mammifères, mammals, technologies, technology, Oural, Ural.

Bomare Valmont de 1768. Dictionnaire raisonné Universel d'Histoire Naturelle [Universal reasoned dictionnary of natural history]. Article Marmotte, 3 : 33-35; article Bobaque, 3 : 307 ; Lacombe, Paris.
En Français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota bobac.

Bomare Valmont de 1775. Dictionnaire raisonné d'Histoire Naturelle [Naturelle [Reasoned dictionary of natural history]. Article Marmotte, 5 : 304-308, Brunet, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota bobac.

Bon M., G. Paolucci P., Mezzavilla F., De Battisti R. & Vernier E eds. 1995.[Atlas des mammifères de la région de Vénétie (italie). Atlas of the mammals of the Veneto Region (Italy).] Lavori della Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali, 21: 1-132.
En italien, In Italian.
Mammifères, mammals, Italie, Italy.

Bon M., G. Piccoli & B. Sala 1991. I giacimenti quaternari di vertebrati fossili nell'Italia Nord-Orientale [Orientale [Les gisements quaternaires de vertébrés fossiles du nord-est de l'Italie]. Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, Padova, 43: 185-231.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy.

Bona Fabio 2001. Associazioni faunistiche a macromammiferi della caverna Generosa (Lo Co 2694). Geologia Insubrica, 6 (2).
En italien, in Italian.
Ursus spelaes, Rupicapra rupicapra, Capra ibex, Canis lupus, Marmota marmotta, pléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, pleistocene.
The excavation carried out in 1998 autumn along Caverna Generosa entrance gallery allowed to recover not only Ursus spelaeus rests, but also other mammals bones. These finds, in consideration of their stratigraphic position, are divided in three faunal associations. The older is constituted by Ursus spelaes, Rupicapra rupicapra, Capra ibex, Canis lupus, Marmota marmotta. The second by Alces alces, Capra ibex, Cervus elaphus, Marmota marmotta and Ursus spelacus. The first one, which is the youngest, consists of mammals that live today on the Generoso Mountain. The two ancient associations show climate change from cold dry and open situation lo cold and woody one. The lacking of direct dating does not permit to position with precision this event, but Ursus spelaeus presence permits to consider that this climate change was happened in the Late Pleistocene.

Bonavilla Aquilino & Marchi Marco Aurelio 1819. Dizionario etimologico di tutti i vocaboli usati nelle scienze, arti e mestieri che traggono origine dal greco. Giacomo Pirola, Milano.
En italien, in Italian.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, italien, Italian language, Arctomio, arctomys, marmotta.

Bondarenko A.A., Derevchtchikov A.G. & Elistratova N.I. et al. 1969. Nekotorye istogi izoutcheniya prirodnoï otchagobosti tchoumy v Gornom Altae [Quelques sources d'études des foyers de peste dans les montagnes de l'Altaï. Some study sources of plague foci in the Altai mountains]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchumn. in-ta, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Bibliographie, bibliography, peste, plague, Altaï.

Bondarenko A.A., Echelzhin I.I., Elistratova N.I. et al. 1975. Ob ouslovnyakh sokhaneniya vozboudtelya tchoumy v kholodnoe vremya goda v Gorno-Altaïskom otchage [Sur les conditions de survie des microbes de la peste pendant les périodes froides dans les foyers des montagnes de l'Altaï About survival conditions of plague microbes during cold periods in the foci of the Altai mountains]. In Mejdounarodnye i natsional'nye aspekty epidnadzova pri tchoume, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Bactérie, bacterium,este, Altaï

Bondarenko A.A., Innokent'eva T.I., Klimov V.T., Derevshchikov A.G., et al. 1975. O biotsenotitcheskoï i prostranstevennoiuml; strouktoure Gorno-Altaiuml;skogo 'Saiuml;lyugemskogo) otchaga tchoumy [Structure biocénotique et spatiale du foyer de peste du Gorno-Alta&iulm;. The biocoenotic and spatial structure of the Gorno-Altai focus of plague]. In Mejdounarodnye i natsional'nye aspekty epidnadzora pri tchoume, Irkoutsk [In Safonova Ed., Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague], II: 64-67.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, parasitologie, parasitology, distribution, peste, plague, parasitologie, parasitology, Altaï.

Bondarenko A.A., Klimov V.T., Ivzhenko et al. 1974. O vyyavlenii epizootiiuml; tchoumy na novykh outchaskakh Yugo-Vostotchnogo Altaya [Découverte d'une épizootie de peste dans un nouveau secteur du sud-est de l'Altaï. Discovery of a plague epizooty in a new sector of south-western Altai]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchumn. in-ta, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épizootie, epizooty, Altaï.

Bondarenko A.A., Tarasov V.E., Derevchtchikov A.G. et al. 1974. Saïlyugemskiï otchag tchoumy [Le foyer de peste de Saïlyugemskiï. The plague focus of Saïlyugemskiï]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchumn. in-ta, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

Bondareva V.I. 1968. Cysticercus from the multicamerate tumor of marmot. V Knige Gelminty cheloveka, zhivotn. i rastenii i mery bor'by s nimi, M.: 108-112.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, pathologie, pathology.

Bonenfant M. & Kramer D.L. 1996. The influence of distance to burrow on flight initiation distance in the woodchuck, Marmota monax [Effet de la distance au terrier sur la distance déclenchant la fuite chez la marmotte, M. monax]. Behavioral Ecology, 7(3): 299-303.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, éthology, prédation, predation, fuite, flight.

We used woodchucks (Marmota monax) to test predictions of a cost-benefit model of antipredator behavior that flight initiation distance would increase with distance to refuge and with predator approach velocity. We also examined the effects of distance to refuge and predator approach velocity on escape velocity and on both temporal and spatial margin of safety (expected time and distance between predator and burrow at the time of the woodchuck's arrival). The observer, assumed to be perceived as a potential predator, approached juvenile woodchucks from the direction opposite to the burrow at slow (1.24 m/s) or fast (1.79 m/s) walking pace. When the woodchuck started to flee, the observer recorded the woodchuck‘s distance from the observer and from its burrow, the time spent running, and whether the woodchuck stopped before reaching its burrow. Flight initiation distance increased consistently with distance to the burrow over the entire observed range (0-25 m) but was not significantly affected by observer approach velocity. Escape velocity was not significantly influenced by the observer velocity and was approximately constant over the range of 2-25 m, but was slower for woodchucks less than 2 m from their burrows. Both temporal and spatial margins of safety increased with distance from the burrow. The temporal margin of safety increased with distance from the burrow more rapidly for slow than for fast observer approach velocity. Woodchucks fleeing from greater than 2 m usually stopped near the burrow before entering, but those from closer distances usually entered directly. These results support the assumption that antipredator behavior is sensitive to the costs and benefits of alternative escape decisions.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bonesi L. 1993. Marmota m. marmota< (linné 1758) : biologia del comportamento e utilizzo dello spazio di una popolazione alloctona delle prealpi guilie [M. m. marmota : Biologie du comportement et utilisation de l'espace par une population allochtone des pr&ecute;alpes Juliennes. M. m. marmota: Behavioural biology and spatial use of an immigrant population of the Julian prealps]. Tesi di Laurea in Zoologia, Trieste, 210 p.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, ethologie, ethology, spatial, Italie, Italy, préalpes, pre-Alps.

Bonesi L., Lapini L. & Gregori G. 1994. Temporal analysis of activities in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) [Analyse temporelle des activités de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota)]. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 36-37.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, rythme, rhythm.

Nous présentons les résultats de notre étude sur l'activité estivale d'une population de marmottes alpines vivant dans les Préalpes Orientales. Cette étude repose sur deux années consécutives d'observation. Nous discutons également quelques résultats concernant l'organisation sociale et la démographie, reposant sur 4 années consécutives d'observation. Le nombre d'individus dans la population varie de 8 à 18 individus. L'activité estivale débute en avril et s'achève au début d'octobre. Sur une base mensuelle, les activités ont été analysées séparément sur les juvéniles, d'une part, et sur adultes et yearlings, d'autre part. Les résultats principaux sont les suivants : 1. La reproduction s'effectue une année sur deux (Lenti Boero 1991 ; Arnold 1990b). La taille de portée de l'année précédente semble influencer l'effort reproductif de la saison suivante. La taille moyenne des portées est de 3,3 individus/an. 2. L'hypothèse de Türk & Arnold (1988) sur la fonction de "lying" chez la marmotte alpine est confirmée par nos données. Dans les premiers mois de la saison d'été, avec l'élévation de la température moyenne ambiante, une durée croissante de temps passé à "s'étendre" a été observée. Pendant les mois les plus chauds, la durée passée "couché" tend à décroître. Ceci est sans doute dü au fait que, afin d'échapper à la chaleur excessive, les marmottes préfèrent rentrer dans leur terrier plutôt que de s'étendre à l'extérieur. 3. Une hypothèse relative à la défense du territoire et à la probabilité de rencontrer des individus en dispersion est formulée. Les interactions agonistiques et les comportements de marquage s'observent surtout en avril, mai et juin et sont remarquablement corrélés avec les fréquences de déplacements (Rs=0,771). De plus, la longueur des déplacements semble &evcir;tre importante pour déterminer les taux de comportements de marquage. 4. Une tendance estivale dans la distribution des activités a été trouvée. Au printemps, les animaux passent beaucoup de temps a affourager (près de 50% en mai) et a errer (14% en avril, 11% en mai). A la fin de la saison d'été, la tendance s'inverse et beaucoup de temps est passé assis et couché (78% en septembre). Une hypothèse relative à l'augmentation de la fréquence de repos et à la diminution du taux métabolique avant le sommeil hivernal est formulée. Les activités sociales, destinées &agave; accroître la cohésion du groupe, ont été observées tôt et tard dans la saison estivale. 5. Les paramètres météorologiques, comme la température, la pluie et la neige semblent influencer remarquablement les activités des marmottes. La pluie, spécialement, semble déterminer la durée passée à l'extérieur du terrier (Rs=-0,829, alpha=0,1).
Monthly activities of a population of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), living in the Julian Pre-Alps (NE Italy), have been observed and analyzed in order to investigate external and internal factors that may influence their behaviour. Behavioural data have been collected for two consecutive years. Social organization and demography are also described. A summer trend in the distribution of activities is discussed. Among the external factors, meteorological conditions seem to play a major role. Turk and Arnold's (1988) hypothesis about the function of lying in alpine marmot is supported by our data. A hypothesis relating territory defence and probability of meeting dispersing individuals is formulated.

BonesiL., L. Lapini & Gregori G. 1996. Analyse temporelle des activités chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota L.). Temporal analysis of activities in Alpine marmot (M. marmota L.). In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in Marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 149-156.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, rythme, rhythm, activité, activivity, Italie, Italy, Alpes, Alps.

Bonifay M.F. 1961. Aperçu sur la faune de la grotte de Rigabe [Outline on the fauna of the Rigabe's cave]. Gallia préhistoire, 3 : 39-46.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Bonifay M.F. 1962. Les terrains quaternaires dans le Sud-Est de la France [The quaternary terranes in the South-eastern of France]. Travaux Inst. Préhist. Univ. Bordeaux, 2, 194 pp.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Bonifay M.F. 1964. Pliocène et Pléistocène méditerranéen. Vue d'ensemble et essai de corrélation avec la chronologie glaciaire [Mediterranean Pliocene and Pleistocene. General survey and essay of correlation with the glacial chronology]. Ann. de Paléontol., Vertébrés, 50 : 197-226.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene.

Bonifay M.F. 1969. Faunes quaternaires de France [Quaternary faunas in France]. Etudes françaises sur le quaternaire, INQUA, Paris, 129-142.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bonifay M.F. & Bonifay E. 1963. Un gisement à faune épi-villafranchienne à Saint-Estève-Janson (Bouches du Rhône) [A deposit with epi-Villafranchian fauna in Saint-Estève-Janson (Bouches du Rhône)]. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 256 : 1136-1138.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Bouche-du-Rhône, France.

Bonifay M.F. & Bonifay E. 1965. Âge du gisement de mammifères fossiles de Lunel-Viel (Hérault) [The age of the fossil mammal deposit in Lunel-Viel (Hérault)]. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 260 : 3441-3444.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, paléontologie, paleontology, Hérault, France.

Bonifay E. 1975. L'Ere quaternaire : définition, limites et subdivisions sur la base de la chronologie méditerranéenne [The quaternary era: definition, boundaries and subdivisions on the mediterranean chronology basis]. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, (7), XVII, n°3 : 380-393.
En français, in French.
Quaternaire, Quaternary.

Bonifay E. et al 1976. Soleilhac (Blanzac, Haute-Loire), nouveau site préhistorique du début du Pléistocène moyen [Soleilhac (Blanzac, Haute-Loire), a new prehistoric site from the early Middle Pleistocene]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique française, 73, Etudes et Travaux : 293-304.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Haute-Loire, France.

Bonifay E. & Bonifay M.F. 1981. Le gisement préhistorique de Soleilhac (Blanzac, Haute-Loire) [The prehistoric deposit of Soleihac (Blanzac, Haute-Loire)]. In Le bassin du Puy aux temps préhistoriques, Le Puy, Musée Crozatier, 19-36.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Haute-Loire, France.

Bonifay E. & Bonifay M.F. 1983. Le Paléolithique ancien en Velay et Auvergne : civilisations préhistoriques et milieu naturel [The ancient paleolithic in Velay and Auvergne: prehistoric civilisations and natural environment]. In Les inédits de la Préhistoire auvergnate, Clermont-Ferrand, Musée Bargoin, 91-104.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Haute-Loire, France.

Bonlan G. 1901. Opisanye Oukrainy. In Lyakoronskiiuml; V.G., Gil'om Levasser de Bolan i ego istoriko-geog. tr. otnositel'no Yujnoï Rossii, Kiev.
En russe, in Russian.

Bonnefons J.-C. 18..? Voyage au Canada dans le nord de l'Amérique septentrionale [Travel in the Canada in the Northern America]. Manuscrit, fait depuis l'an 1751 à 1761, 277 p., attribué à J.-C. Bonnefons par l'abbé Verreault, Num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, amerindiens, indians, faune, fauna, absence de marmotte, no marmot, Canada.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bonnet Charles 1871. Contemplation de la nature [Nature contemplation]. In Œuvres, T.4. Neuchâtel, S. Fauche. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, description naturaliste, naturalistic description, langage des bêtes, animal langage, Bonnet, Charles (1720-1793).

Extrait/extract pdf

Bonnet-Arnaud P. 1996a. Stratégies d'occupation de l'espace chez les Rongeurs [Space occupation strategies in Rodents]. Rapport bibliographique DEA Analyse et modélisation des systèmes biologiques, Lyon 1.
Rodentia, espace, space.

Bonnet-Arnaud P. 1996b. Rôle des terriers dans l'organisation spatiale de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758). Exemple d'un groupe familial de Haute-Maurienne [Influence of burrows in the spatial organization of the Alpine marmot. Exemple of a family group in Haute-Maurienne]. Rapport technique DEA Analyse et modélisation des systèmes biologiques, Lyon 1. En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, spatial, terrier, burrow.

L'organisation spatiale d'un groupe familial de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, L. 1758) a été étudié dans les Alpes sur la commune d'Aussois (Savoie, Haute Maurienne, France) de début mai à fin juin 1996. Le but était d'analyser les causes de la distribution spatiale observée des terriers de la marmotte alpine. Deux types de facteurs ont alors été étudiés : les facteurs environnementaux et les facteurs comportementaux. La marmotte alpine creuse quatre sortes de terriers (terriers principaux, terriers secondaires, terriers tertiaires et abris) qu'elle répartit uniformément dans l'espace. La présence de roches en forte quantité augmente la probabilité d'installation de l'ensemble des terriers (probabilité de 0,6). Mais, pris séparément, l'installation d'un abris ne dépend plus des facteurs environnementaux. Quant aux terriers tertiaires, secondaires et principaux, ils sont creusés de préférence sur une pente inférieure à 15o associée à une forte quantité de roche (probabilité de 0,34). Les activités de surveillance, d'interaction entre congénères et d'affouragement sont centrées sur les terriers principaux et secondaires. Les déplacements de marmotte se font généralement entre terriers voisins et suivant des "itinéraires" formés de terriers tertiaires régulièrement espacés, allant d'un terrier principal aux terrier principal et secondaire les plus proches. La distribution uniforme des terriers, l'influence modérée des facteurs environnementaux sur la probabilité d'installation des terriers, la concentration des activités autour des terriers et les déplacements entre terriers les plus proches selon des "itinéraires", vont dans le sens d'une influence prédominante; des facteurs comportementaux tel que le risque de prédation, sur le patron de distribution spatiale des terriers.

Bonnet-Arnaud P., Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. 1996. Apport de la biométrie dans la détermination de l'âge chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) [Contribution of biometry to age determination of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota)]. In 3ème Journée d'Etude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 5-10.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, biométrie, biometry, âge, age.

Bonnet-Arnaud P., Giboulet O., Traversier J-L. & Ramousse R. 1996. Suivi d'une réintroduction de la marmotte alpine à Valdrôme [Reintroduction survey of Alpine marmot in Valdrôme]. In 3ème Journée d'étude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 11-22.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, rétroduction, re-introduction, Drôme, France.

Bonnier Gaston 1881. Éléments d'histoire naturelle. Animaux [Elements of Natural history. Animals]. Paris, P. Dupont, 199 p.
En français, in French.
Enseignement secondaire classique, classical secondary education, animaux, animals, marmotte , marmot, Gaston Bonnier, 1853-1923.
Extrait Pdf extract

Bonnier G. 1922. Histoire naturelle de la France. Technologie zoologie appliquée [Natural history of France. Zoological applied technology]. Marmotte. Les Fils d'Emile Deyrolle, Paris, 50-51.
Marmota marmota, fourrure, fur, économie, economy.

Bonnichsen R., Graham R.W., Geppert T., Oliver J., Oliver S., Schnurrenberger D., Stuckenrath R., Tratebas A. & Young D. 1986. False cougar and shield trap caves, Pryor Mountains, Montana. National Geographic Research, 2 : 276-290.
En anglais, in Enghlish.
Paléontologie, paleontology, cougar, puma, Montana, États-Unis d'Amérique, United States of America.

Bonzano A.G. 1992. Oltre duemila le marmotte presenti sulle nostre montagne [Plus de deux mille marmottes dans nos montagnes. More than two thousand marmots on our mountains]. Bergamo caccia e pesca, 8: 3-4.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, répartition géographique, geographic range, Bergame, Bergamo, Italie, Italy.

Bonzano A.G. 1992. La presenza delle marmotte sulle montagne bergamasche [Présence de la marmotte sur les montagnes bergamasques. Marmot presence on the Bergamo mountains]. Bergamo caccia e pesca, 9: 5.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, répartition géographique, geographic range, Italie, Italy.

Booth David 1836. An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, in which the Words are Explained in the Order of their natural affinity [Dictionnaire analytique de l’anglais, dans lequel les mots sont expliqués dans l’ordre de leur affinité naturelle]. Simpkin Marshall and Co., London, 457p., Num. Google.
En anglais, in Enghlish.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, Anglais, English language, Arctomys marmot, Alpine mouse, mountain mouse, monax, Maryland marmot, woodchuck, ground-hog.
Extrait pdf extract

Bopp P. 1950. Zur Bedeutung des Murmeltierpfiffes [Signification des sifflements de marmottes. Whistle significance in marmots]. Der Tierfreund, Bern, 3: 37-39.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, communication, son, sound.

Bopp P. 1952. Eine Murmeltierkolonie im Nationalpark [Une colonie de marmotte dans le Parc National. A marmot colony in the National Park]. Schw. Naturschutz, 18, 99-102.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, territoire, Suisse Switzerland.

Bopp P. 1954. Zur Topographie der Murmelterriterritorien. (Sur la topographie d'une colonie de marmotte. About the topography of a marmot colony]. Rev. Suisse Zool., 6l (12) : 374-380.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, territoire, territory.

Bopp P. 1955a. Der Schrei des Murmeltieres als akustische Territoriumsmarkierung [Cris des marmottes, marquage territorial accoutisque. Marmot whistles, acoustical territorial marking]. Saugetierkundliche mitteilungen, 3 : 28.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, communication, marquage, marking, territoire, territory.

Bopp P. 1955b. Kolonialterritorien bei Murmeltieren [Le territoire colonial des marmottes. The colonial territory of marmots]. Rev. Suisse Zool., 62 (18) : 295-299.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, territoire, territory.

Bopp P. 1955-1958. Flucht distanzen und territoriales Verhalten beim Murmeltier [Distance de fuite et comportements territoriaux des marmottes. Flight distance and territorial behaviours of marmots]. Mitt. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Schaffhausen, 26 : 224-229.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, social, territoire, territory.

Bopp P. 1956. Zur Topographie eines Kolonialterritoriums bei Murmeltieren [Sur la topographies des territoires coloniaux des marmottes. About topography of colonial territories of marmots]. Rev. Suisse Zool., 63 (fasc.2, n°12 : 255-26l.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, écologie, ecology, territoire, territory.

Bopp P. 1964. Neuere Untersuchungen über die Wohnräume und das Verhalten der Alpenmurmeltiere, Marmota m.marmota [Nouvelles études sur le terrier et le comportement des marmottes des Alpes. New studies on the burrow and the behaviour of Alpine marmots]. Säugetierkdl. Mitt., 14 (2): 118-127.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, terrier, burrow, Alpes, Alps.

An den Territorien des Murmeltieres werden "Familienterritorien" und Social-territorien unter-schieden. Erstere werden von nur einer Familie benützt und gegeandere Familien verteidigt. Leztere dienen mehreren Familien gemeinsam wie z.B.die Weidegründe. An den Erdbauen lassen sich nach der Benutzungsweise viel benutzte"Hauptlöchern"die unmittelbar zum Kessel des Baues führen, von weniger benutzten "Nebenlöchern" die indirekt auch dorthin geleiten, und von "Fluchtlöchern" als Eingängen zu vot Hauptbau weiter abgelegenen "Fluchtröhren", sowie,, Kotlöchern" als Eingängen zu kurzen Kotabgaberöhren unterscheiden. Das geruchliche und akustische Markieren des Territoriums sowie das "Sichern" und "warnen" der Terre vor Fremden werden näher erläutert.

Bordeaux H. 1960. Reflets dans la montagne [Images in the mountain].L'appel de la neige, L'abili ou un crime en montagne, Le vieux guide, Visites à la Grande Chartreuse, Les soirs de Lovitel, La flora des Alpes, La marmotte, Une fée de la montagne, La Diane de L'Engadine, Le signal, Contes de Noël, Adieu à la montagne. Plon, Paris, pp. 246.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Littérature française, French literature, Bordeaux Henry 1870-1963.

Bordes F. 1953. L'industrie de la grotte de Cottier (Haute-Loire) [Works in the Cottier Cave (Haute-Loire)]. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française (B.S.P.F.), 11-12.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Magdaléinien, Magdalenian, Haute-Loire, France.

Bordes F. 1954. Les limons quaternaires du bassin de la Seine- Stratigraphie et archéologie paléolithique [Quaternary limons in the Seine basin - Paleolitic stratigraphy and archeology]. Arch. inst. Paléontol. Hum., mem. 26 : 431-434.
En français, in French.
Marmota, p. 431, paléontologie, paleontology, géologie, geology, France.

Bordes F. 1954. Les gisements moustériens du Pech de l'Azé [The Mousterian deposits of Pech de l'Azé]. L'anthropologie, 58: 401-432.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, moustérien, Mousterian, France.

Bordes F. 1955. Les gisements moustériens du Pech de l'Azé [The Mousterian deposits of Pech de l'Azé]. L'anthropologie, 59: 1-38.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, moustérien, Mousterian, France.

Bordes F. & F. Prat 1965. Observations sur les faunes du Riss et du Würm 1 en Dordogne[Observations on the Riss and Wurm 1 faunas in Dordogne]. Anthropologie, 69 (-2) : 31-40.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Dordogne.

Borel 1660. Trésor de recherches et antiquitez gauloises et françaises. Augustin Courbe, Paris, 611 p.
En français, in French.
Pas de marmotte.

Borel 1750. Dictionnaire des termes du vieux françois ou trésor de recherches et antiquités gauloises et françoises [Dictionary of old French terms]. Briasson, Paris, 224 p.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, language français, French language, absence du terme marmotte, absence of the marmot term.
Extrait pdf extract

Borghesio L., Palestrini C. & Passerin d’Entrèves P. The dung Beetles of Gran Paradiso national park: A preliminary analysis (Insecta, Coleoptera, scarabeoidea). Ibex, Journal of Mountain Ecology, 6.
En anglais, in English
en ligne, on line Available pdf disponibleA survey of the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) of Gran Paradiso National Park was done in1996-97. The insects were collected directly in the dung of wild and reared mammals or by automated pitfall traps. Altogether 28 sites were sampled, at altitudes ranging from 700 to 2800 m. Thirty species of Scarabaeoidea were collected, of which 27 inside the borders of the protected area and another 3 just outside of them, at low altitude sites.The dung beetle community was dominated by Aphodiidae (20 species), while Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae were represented by 6 and 4 species respectively. Among the species found, we remark the presence of Aphodius pyrenaeus, a high altitude species typical of Alpine marmot’s burrows, and of Geotrupes mutator, whose distribution and population have strongly decreased in Europe.

Borghesio L. & Palestrini C. 2002. Ecology and reproductive behaviour of Aphodius pyrenaeus, a dung beetle of high altitude habitats [Ecologie et comprtement reproducteur d'Aphodius pyrenaeus, un bousier des habitats d'altitude]. Revue d’écologie La Terre et la Vie, 57 (2) : 97-111.
En anglais, in English
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Aphodius pyrenaeus, Coleoptera, Aphodiidae, coprophage, coprophagous beetle, bousier.
La biologie des bousiers de la famille des Aphodiidae reste mal connue et les informations sur les espèces vivant dans des habitats extrêmes comme la haute montagne demeurent pratiquement inexistantes. De 1994 à 1999, nous avons étudié Aphodius pyrenaeus, un bousier de l'étage subnival dans les Alpes occidentales. L'espèce a été étudiée tant sur le terrain qu'en laboratoire. Elle vit à haute altitude (2 300-2 780 m) où elle choisit des microhabitats abrités, en particulier des latrines de la marmotte des Alpes Marmota marmota. Cela lui permet de débuter sa reproduction avant les autres bousiers qui coexistent avec elle. La densité de population est maximale en juillet. À partir de début août, de grands nombre de jeunes apparaissent et, au moins une partie d'entre eux, se reproduisent l'année même de leur émergence. Cela semble inhabituel chez les Aphodiidae, en particulier chez ceux qui vivent en altitude. La sélection de ressources varie en fonction de l'âge, du sexe et de la condition reproductrice des individus. Dans les laissées de bouquetins Capra ibex nous avons trouvé plus de mâles et moins de femelles que dans celles de marmottes. De plus, les femelles trouvées dans les excréments de bouquetins portaient moins d'oeufs que celles collectées dans les fèces de marmottes. Il apparaît que les excréments de bouquetins ne sont que des sources de nourriture occasionnelles alors que ceux des marmottes sont également utilisées pour la ponte. En laboratoire, nous avons observé que les fèces de marmottes ne sont préférées à celles de bouquetins que quand elles sont fraîches. Les selles plus anciennes, déjà visitées par d'autres insectes, sont délaissées. La ponte se fait dans des terriers, profonds d'environ 2,5 cm creusés par la femelle. Ces terriers protègent probablement les oeufs des dommages physiques que pourrait engendrer la forte densité des coléoptères qui vivent dans les excréments. Les femelles préparent ces terriers en 2-3 jours, sans l'aide des mâles. Après éclosion, les larves creusent parfois leurs propres terriers pour s'abirter.
The biology of the dung beetles of the family Aphodiidae is poorly known, and information on the species living in extreme habitats, such as the high mountains, is almost non-existent. From 1994 to 1999 we studied Aphodius pyrenaeus, a dung beetle of subnival habitats in the western Alps. The species was studied both in the field and in the laboratory, A. pyrenaeus lives at high altitudes (2 300-2 780 m), where it selects sheltered microhabitats, especially latrines of Alpine marmot Marmota marmota. This allows it to start breeding before other coexisting dung beetles. Population density peaks in July, From the beginning of August large numbers of young appear, and at least some of them breed in the same year of their emergence. This seems to be uncommon in the Aphodiidae, especially those living in high-altitude habitats. Resource selection varied according to age, sex and reproductive condition of individuals. In the dung of Ibex Capra ibex we found more males and fewer females than in dung of Marmot. Moreover, females found in Ibex dung carried fewer eggs than those collected in Marmot dung. It appears that Ibex dung is mainly an occasional food source, while that of Marmot is also used for laying eggs, In laboratory tests we found that Marmot dung was preferred to Ibex dung only if freshly deposited. Old dung, where other insects had already been present, was avoided, Egg deposition occurred in underground burrows about 2.5 cm deep dug by adult females. These burrows probably protect the eggs from physical damage due to the high density of beetles living in the dung. Females prepared these burrows in 2-3 days without the help of males. After hatching larvae sometimes dug their own underground burrows as a shelter.

Borghi C.E., Giannoni S.M. & Martinez-Rica J.P. 1990. Soil removed by voles of the genus Pitymus in the Spanish Pyrenees [Rejet de sol par les campagnols du genre Pitymus des Pyrénées espagnoles]. Pirineos, 136:3-18.
Sol : Espagne : Pyrénées.
The erosiogenic acivity of Pyrenean mountain voles is studied followig the measures taken in an exprimental plot in the Western Pyrenees. An essay model for estimating the volume and weight of soil carried to the surface by voles is presented and used to quantify this amount in atural consitions. Fossorial Pyrenean rodents seem to dislodge well over 6 Tm/ha.yr of soil on the coloniezd areas above the timberline. The four stages (new, recent, old, and vegetated) of the evolution of soil heaps are discussed. Finally, an attempt is made to evaluate the rate of horizontal sediment transport due to the direct action of voles, with a mximum result of 17 cm3/cm.yr, quite comparable to pure geoclimatic rates. Se estudia la actividad de moimiento del suelo de los roedores pirenaicos del género Pitymus, a partir de los datos obtenidos en un parcela experimental situada en los Pirineos Occidentales. Se presenta un modelo sencillo para estimar la cantidad de tierra removida a partir de medidas que pueden tomarse facilmente en el campo, y se emplea dicho modelo para evaluar esta magnitud en condiciones naturales. Al parecer, los roedores subterraneos pueden sacar al exterior mas de 6 Tm de tierra por hectarea y ano en las zons epiforestales que colonizan. Tambien se discute la evolucion del suelo removido y sua condiciones para la erosion por escorrentia. Finalmente se intenta evaluar la tasa de transporte horizontal del sedimento debida a los animales, que resulta ser de hasta 17 cm3 por cm y ano, un valor claramente comparable con los debidos a agentes geoclimaticos. On a étudié l'activité fouisseuse des campagnols pyrénéens du genre Pytimus, d'après les données recueillies dans un enclos expérimental située dans les Pyrénées de l'Ouest. On présente un modèle simple permttant d'estimer la quantité de sol mue par les campagnols à partir de mesures qu'on peut prendre avec facilité sur lac, et on emploie ce modèle sur les données prises dans la nature. Il en résulte que les rongeurs souterrains peuvent extraire bien plus que 6 tonnes de terre par hectare et année dans les zones de montagne qu'ils colonisent. On discute aussi l'évolution du sol porté à l'exterieur, ses conditions pour être emporté par la pluie et le taux de transport horizontal de sédiment dû à l'activité des animaux. Le résultat, juqu'à 17 cm3 par cm et année, est bien comparable avec ce qui résulte de l'action des agents climatiques.

Borgo Antonio 1999. Selezione dell'habitat e modello di idoneità ambientale della Marmotta nel Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane. [Habitat requirements of two reintroduced populations of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in Eastern Alps. A verify of the Ideal Free Distribution Theory]. IV Convegno Nazionale dei Biologi della Selvaggina.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, habitat.

Nel presente lavoro sono state censite le tane invernali (N =33) e analizzate le preferenze ambientali della Marmotta in due popolazioni (A e B) reintrodotte nel Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane (Alpi orientali), rispettivamente nel 1977 e 1983. La popolazione A è caratterizzata da una più alta densità di nuclei rispetto alla popolazione B. Ciò è legato alla più giovane età della popolazione B, che appare ancora in una fase di espansione areale. Per lo scavo della tana invernale, la popolazione B seleziona positivamente (Indice di Jacobs) un minor numero di ambienti e classi di pendenza rispetto alla popolazione A, e in particolare quelli con selezione positiva più forte nella popolazione A: prateria primaria e secondaria con più del 30% della superficie coperta da massi. Mediante Analisi di funzione Discriminante e oneway ANOVA sono state studiate le caratteristiche dell‚intorno delle tane invernali, dividendo le due aree di studio in celle da 1 ettaro e definendo, in ognuna di esse, la presenza-assenza di tane. È stato quindi ottenuto un modello predittivo di valutazione ambientale. Le celle con tane sono risultate caratterizzate da una maggior abbondanza di ambienti prativi (primari e secondari) e di cespugliati aperti di Alnus viridis. La preferenza per le aree prative appare subordinata alla presenza di massi, specie nella prateria secondaria. Confrontando i risultati ottenuti per le due popolazioni, si osserva che la popolazione più giovane e a minore densità mostra preferenze ambientali e di pendenza più ristrette. L’insieme delle analisi sembra indicare che le preferenze ambientali della Marmotta seguono, in accordo con quanto previsto dalla teoria della Ideal Free Distribution, un‚evoluzione densità dipendente, in base alla quale l‚aumento della densità spinge la specie a sfruttare una maggior gamma di ambienti. Alla luce di questa teoria, è quindi possibile cominciare ad individuare una "graduatoria " nelle preferenze ambientali della specie, considerando ottimali per la Marmotta gli ambienti e le pendenze preferiti e selezionati dalla popolazione a minore densità.

The habitat preferences of the Marmot were analysed in two populations (A and B) reintroduced in the Dolomiti Friulane National Park (Oriental Alps, Friuli-Venezia Giulia region), in 1977 and 1983 respectively. Population A presents a higher density of family units, as population B is younger and still spreading. For the research, winter burrows were counted and mapped (N=33). Population B positively selects, for burrowing, fewer types of habitat than population A (Jacobs index), and especially those who are more strongly selected by population A: prairie and pasture-land (secondary prairie), with rocks covering more than 30% of the area. Through Stepwise Discriminant Function Analysis and Oneway ANOVA, we studied the characteristics of the winter burrows surroundings, by splitting up the two study areas into squares 1 hectare wide, and surveying the presence or absence of winter burrows in each plot; thus, an environmental suitability model was obtained. The squares with burrows (N=33) are characterised by a greater abundance of meadow-lands (both primary and secondary), and of open bushes of Alnus viridis. The preference for the meadow-lands appears, though, to be subordinate to the presence of rocks, especially in the secondary prairie (pasture-land). Comparing the results obtained separately for the two populations, the younger population ˆwith a lower density ˆ shows to have more restrictive habitat and incline preferences. The analysis on the whole show that the habitat preferences of the Marmot change, in accordance with the Ideal Free Distribution theory, in connection with the population density: an increase in the density would lead the species to exploit a broader range of habitats. According to this theory, it is possible to identify a "classification" of the habitat preferences of the species, considering as optimal the habitats and inclines chosen by population at a lower density.

Borgo A. 1999. Habitat selection and habitat suitability models for the Alpine Marmot in the Dolomiti Friulane Natural Park [Sélection de l'habitat et modèles d'habitabilité chez la marmotte alpine du Parc naturel des Dolomites Frioulanes]. In IV Convegno Nazionale dei Biologi della Selvaggina, Bologna, 47.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, sélection de l'habitat, habitat selction.

Borgo A. 2002. Habitat suitability models for the management of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota): in Eastern Italian Alps. Modèles d'habitats potentiels pour la gestion de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) dans les Alpes italiennes orientales. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 26-27.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, habitat suitability, habitat potentiel, model, modèle.

Borgo A. 2003. Habitat requirements of the Alpine marmot Marmota marmota in re-introduction areas of the Eastern Italian Alps. Formulation and validation of habitat suitability models [Exigences de la marmotte alpine Marmota marmota pour l'habitat dans les zones de réintroduction des Alpes Italiennes orientales. Formulation et validation des modèles d'habitabilité]. Acta theriologica, 48(4): 557-569.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, re-introduction, réintroduction, gestion, management, ideal free distribution.
I analyzed the habitat selection of two Alpine marmots Marmota marmota (Linnaeus, 1758) populations (A and B) re-introduced in the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park (Eastern Italian Alps) in 1977 and 1983 respectively. Population A showed a higher density of family units than the more recently introduced and still increasing population B. I mapped winter burrows and I conferred proportions of usage of habitat types with their availability by the Jacobs index. Population B positively selected fewer types of habitat than population A, and particularly selected those habitat types more strongly selected by A. Through stepwise discriminant function analysis and oneway ANOVA, I analyzed the characteristics of the winter burrow surroundings, by splitting up the two study areas into sample squares covering 1 ha each. The importance of the alpine meadows and pastures was subordinate to the presence of rocks, especially in the pastures. Comparing the results obtained separately for the two populations, the more recent and less dense population showed a more restrictive habitat and slope selection, in accordance with the ideal free distribution theory. In order to validate the habitat suitability model obtained by discriminant analysis I applied it to two other populations of Alpine marmots present in FDNP and in the Julian Prealps Natural Park.
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Borgo A. & Mattedi S. 1999. Status and dynamics of the Alpine Marmot in the Dolomiti Friulane Natural Park [Statut et dynamique de la marmotte alpine dans Parc naturel des Dolomites Frioulanes]. In IV Convegno Nazionale dei Biologi della Selvaggina. Bologna, 144.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, Dolomites, Dolomiti, Italie, Italy.

Borgo A. & Mattedi S. 2003. Reintroducing the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota): the example of the Fruilan Dolomites Natural Park (Italy, Eastern Alps). Réintroduire la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota): l'exemple du parc Naturel des Dolomites Frioulanes (Alpes orientales, Italie). Повторное введение альпийского сурка Marmota marmota пример природного парка доломит фриулан (восточные альпы, Италия). In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 223-226.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota marmota, habitat suitability, habitat potentiel, model, modèle.
Dans les Alpes italiennes orientales, la réintroduction des marmottes alpines, disparues depuis la préhistoire, a débuté en 1955 et se poursuit. Au cours des décades passées, les lâchers ont été réalisés sans tenir compte de la capacité et de l’habitabilité des milieux. Particulièrement, du fait de la fragmentation des prairies alpines, il est essentiel d’évaluer l’isolement futur des populations avant que les réintroductions soient réalisées. Le Parc Naturel des Dolomites Frioulane s’est engagé dans l’établissement d’une métapopulation viable. Nous suggerons que la procédure adoptée par le parc est optimale. Elle comprend trois étapes : A) localisation des aires potentielles de réintroduction ; B) analyse des besoins de l’espèce dans ces milieux et formulation d’un modèle d’habitabilité (MH); C) évaluation de l’habitabilité des aires potentielles de réintroduction.

Borisov I.V., Kazakbaeva R.A. 1981. [Sur les manifestations pathomorphologiques du processus d'infection après contamination des marmottes grises par différentes souches de microbe de la peste. On pathomorphology manifestations of infection process after contamination of grey marmots by different strain of plague microbe. V kn. Prophilakt. osobo opasn. infec., Alma-Ata, 31-35.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, peste, plague, pathologie, pathology.

Borisova I.V., Isatchenko T.I. & Ratchkovskaya E.I. 1957. Osnovnye botaniko-geografitcheskie zakonomernosti rastitel'nogo pokrova Severnogo Kazakhstana [Eléments botanico-géographiques sur la couverture végétale du nord du Kazakhstan. Botanico-geographic data on plant cover in the North Kazakhstan]. Izv. Vsesoyuz. geogr. on-va, 89 (4).
En russe, in Russian.
Botanique, botanic, Kazakhstan.

Borkowski J. 1994. Food composition of red fox in the Tatra National Park [Régime alimentaire du renard du Parc National des Tatras]. Acta Theriologica, 39(2) : 209-214.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, prédation, predation, Tatra, Pologne, Poland.

Food composition of the red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) was analysed on the basis of 144 scats found in the Tatra National Park (1270-2100 m a.s.l.), Poland. The most important kind of food were small and medium mammals (54% and 43%, respectively). Pine voles were the staple food in the group of determined small mammals, within determined medium mammals the most important was the marmot. Refuse left by tourists occured in every sixth scat. Most intensively used by foxes were habitats situated at the altitude of 140l-1600 m a.s.l., probably due to favourable food and shelter conditions offered by this zone.

Boronshov N.N., Lyapunova E.A. & Zagorujko N.G. 1969. Sravnitelnaya kariolgiya i stanovlenie izolirouiushikh mekhanizmov v rode Marmota. Zool. zh., 48 (3) : 317-334.
En russe, in Russian.

Borovnik E.N. 1996. Sostoyanie popoulyatsii stepnogo sourka v otdelenii "strel'tsovskya stel'" louganskogo prirodnogo zapovednika nan oukrainy [Etat de la population de la marmotte des steppes dans la région "strel'tsovskya stel" de la réserve naturelle de Lougansk en Ukraine. State of the steppe marmot population in the "strel'tsovskya stel" in the Lugansk nature reserve in Ukraine]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network. Publication, M. ABF, 12-13.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, rééerve, conservation, Ukraine.

Borovik E.N. 2002. [The dynamics of the population of steppe marmot in the department "Strel'tsovskaya step" of Lugansk natural reserve of Ukrainian NAS]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 9-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, Lugansk, Ukraine.

Bory de Saint-Vincent & Marcellin Jean-Baptiste Geneviève, directeurs 1826. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle [Classical dictionary of Natural History]. Tome dixième, Macl-mn. Paris, Rey et Gravier, Baudouin frères, 641 p, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, Sciences naturelles, Natural history, marmontain, marmontaine, marmotte des Alpes, Bobak, Arctomys bobac, Arctomys tridecemlineata, Sciurus tridecemlineatus, Marmotte du Missouri, Arctomys Missouriensis, Arctomys Ludoviciani, Marmotte de Franklin, Arctomys Franklinii, marmotte de Richardson, Arctomys Richardsonii, tawny American marmot, marmotte poudrée, Arctomys pruinosa, marmotte du Québec, Mus empetra, Arctomys empetra, Monax, Arctomys Monax, Cubiculus bahamensis, marmotte brachyure, Arctomys brachyura, Anisonya brachyura, burrowing squirrel, marmotte rousse, Arctomys rufa, Anisonyx rufa, Arctomys lutrans, barring squirrel, écureuil aboyant, marmotte de Parry, Arctomys Parryii, Arctomys latrans.
Extrait pdf extract

Borzenkov A.K. 1960. Tchoumye vspychki, nablyudavchiesya v Mongol'skoiuml; Narodnoiuml; Respoublike do 1942 goda [Epidémie de peste observées en RPM en 1942. Plague epidemy in PRM in 1942]. Tr. In-ta Mikrov, 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, maladie, disease, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Bosc 1885. Lettres sur les grottes de la Côte-Blanche de Peyrat [Letters on the Côte-Blanche caves of Peyrat]. Société des lettres, des sciences et des arts de l’Aveyron, 86.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Aveyron, France.

Boscato P. & Sala B. 1980. Dati paleontologici, paleoecologici e cronologici di tre depositi mesolitici in Valle dell'Adige (Trento) [Données paléontologiques, paléoécologique et chronologique de trois dépôts mésolithiques de la vallée de l'Adige (Trento). Paleontological, paleoecological and chronological data of three mesolithic deposits in the Adige valley]. Preistoria Alpina, 16: 45-61.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Italie.

Bosco C. 1899. I Roditori plioceni del Valdarno superiore [Les rongeurs du Pliocène du Valdorno supérieur. The Pliocene rodents in the upper Valdorno]. Palaeontographia Italica, 5.
En italien, in Italian.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Italie, Italy.

Boshko G.V., Zhdanova T.G. & L.N. Turkenko 1978. [Relations parasitaires entre les Diptera suceurs de sang (Culicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Tabanidae) et leurs hôtes. Parasitocoenological relations between blood-sucking Diptera (Culicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Tabanidae) and their hosts. First All-Union Conference of Parasitocoenologists, 1: 53-56.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Insectes, Diptès.

Bosio J-L. 1994. Aspect économique du déplacement d'un animal sauvage, le cas de la marmotte alpine en France Economic aspect of translocation of a wild animal, the Alpine marmot case in France]. Rapport DEA Economie de l'Environnement, Université de Bourgogne.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, réintroduction, re-introduction, France.

L'étude de différentes valeurs qui peuvent être attribuées à la présence de marmottes sur un territoire a permis de dégager les points suivants : - sur les territoires où la marmotte, du fait de sa protection, est gênante pour les agriculteurs, les efforts effectués par les organismes chargés de la protection de la nature, pour en réguler la population, sont relativement faibles par rapport aux efforts exigés des agriculteurs afin qu'ils tolèrent l'animal. Si globalement la commune semble avoir intérêt à tolérer une population relativement importante de marmottes sur son territoire, il semblerait que l'essentiel des coûts liés à cette présence soient supportés par les agriculteurs, qui n'en tirent de bénéfices que s'ils développent une activité liée au tourisme. Un autre approche de la valeur qui peut être accordée à la présence de marmottes sur un territoire a été faite à partir des sites où la marmotte a été réintroduite. Les valeurs qu'accordent l'ensemble des personnes concernées par la présence de marmottes sur un site (randonneurs, commerçants locaux, chasseurs, habitants de la commune...) ont été comparés aux efforts de réintroduction consentis. - Il appara&icric;t deux situations bien différentes. D'une part, des opérations effectuées par des associations de chasseurs, qui représenteraient les trois quarts des cas de réintroductions de marmottes. L'effort financier (opérations de lâchers d'animaux puis de suivi de la population) y est en général limité, en raison semble-t-il de la faible valeur cynégétique de l'animal. Il a été estimé à environ 800 francs par an et par site. Aucune aide des pouvoirs publics à l'adresse des associations de chasseurs n'a été recensée, à part une aide logistique des fédérations départementales de chasseurs, bien que la présence de marmottes soit loin de profiter aux seuls chasseurs. Il semblerait même que l'essentiel de la valeur accordée à la présence de marmottes sur un site soit plutôt le fait des randonneurs, alors que les efforts sont supportés par les seuls chasseurs. - D'autre part, des opération de réintroduction effectuées par des Associations de Protection de la Nature, en général aidées par des subventions de collectivités décentralisées (Conseil Général, Conseil Régional, Commune plus rarement) qui atteignent des budgets en moyenne dix fois supérieurs aux budgets consentis par les associations de chasseurs. De tels efforts ne semblent pas inconsidérés compte tenu du fort intérêt pour la présence de marmotte qui a été estimé à un équivalent monétaire annuel de plus de 40 fois l'effort financier annuel correspondant aux opérations de réimplantation et de protection de l'animal.

Bosquet L. 1955. Contes et légendes du Dauphiné [Stories and legends in Dauphiné]. Nathan, Paris, 255p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Bostock John & Riley H.T. eds. 1855. Pliny the Elder, The Natural History. Book VIII. The nature of the terrestrial animals. Chap. 55 (37) The mice of Pontus and of the Alps [Pline l'ancien. Histoire naturelle. Livre VIII. Les animaux terrestres. Chap. 55 (37) La souris du Pont et des Alpes]. Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London. In
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, mice of Pontus, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, mice of the Alp.
Extrait Pdf Extract Bossu Antonin 1858. Nouveau dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle et de phénomènes de la nature[New dictionary of Natural history and of nature phenomenons]. Au Bureau de l'Abeille Médicale, Paris, t. 2, 365-366.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, Arctomys, marmotte grise ou des Alpes, alpine marmot, Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota.

Botta A., Lu M., Zhen X., Kemper T. & Roggendorf M. 2000. Naturally occurring woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) deletion mutants in chronically WHV-infected woodchucks. Virology, 277(2): 226-234.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite.
Institut fur Virologie, Universitatsklinikum Essen, Hufelandstrasse 55, 45122 Essen, Germany. Deletion mutants of hepatitis B virus (HBV) are often found in chronically HBV-infected patients. It has not been possible to study the significance of such deletion mutants on liver diseases in a suitable animal model. In this study, we characterized naturally occurring deletion mutants of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) in 11 chronically WHV-infected woodchucks. Deletions within the WHV preS region (nt 2992-338) had a length of 72 or 84 bp and were located in the amino terminal part of preS1. Internal deletions within the core gene (CID) had variable lengths (103 to 312 bp) and were identified within the center of this gene (nt 2021-2587). Four of seven CIDs were in-frame deletions, whereas the remaining three CIDs were out-of-frame deletions and led to the interruption of the reading frame. Sequence analysis of cloned PCR products of CIDs showed that heterogeneous WHV deletion mutants coexisted in single woodchucks. In addition, WHV genomes with double deletions in the preS1 and the core region could be found. We were unable to detect the expression of truncated core proteins in transfection experiments. The CID mutations led to a marked increase of the expression of the luciferase gene which was fused to the start codon of WHV polymerase, probably due to the shortening of the untranslated region or the removal of AUGs preceding the polymerase start codon. The characterization of naturally occurring WHV deletion mutants will allow us to study their biological and pathogenic properties in the woodchuck model in the future.

Bottis C. 1884. Fouilles à la grotte Lombar (silex, poteries, etc.) [Excavations int Lombar cave (Flints, potteries, etc)]. Annales de la Société des Lettres, sciences et arts des Alpes-Maritimes, 9 : 51.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-maritimes, France.

Boubet B. 1996. L'hibernation de la marmotte des Alpes Marmota marmota [Hibernation in Alpine marmot, M. marmota]. Thèse Vétérinaire, Lyon.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation.
La marmotte des Alpes est un rongeur a structure sociale très développée et fournit un bon exemple d'hibernation chez les Sciuridés. Sa physiologie hivernale est considérablement modifiée par l'anorexie et l'hypothermie, qui entraînent un ralentissement du métabolisme, de la fonction endocrinienne et du système nerveux autonome. La connaissance des mécanismes de l'hibernation progresse rapidement, mais chaque découverte génère de nouvelles interrogations.

Bouchardy C. 1998. Faune d'Auvergne et du Limousin [Fauna of Auvergne and Limousin]. Catiche-Libris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, faunistique, fauna, Auvergne, France.

Bouchardy C. 1998. Mouvements de faune : disparitions et arrivées [Fauna movements: disappearances and arrivals]. La dépêche scientifique du Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne, 11 : 6-7.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Auvergne, France.

Bouchud Jean . La faune de la grotte de Gargas [The fauna of the Gargas Cave]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (B.S.P.F.), 383-390.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontologie, Moustérien, Mousterian, phase froide du Würm I,Ursus spelaeus, Ursus arctos, Aurignacien, début Würm II, cheval, horse, bovidés, bovine, Périgordien, Perigordian, absence marmotte, no marmot.
Bouchud Jean 1951. Étude paléontologique de la faune d'Isturitz [Paleontologic study of the Isturitz fauna]. Mammalia, 15(4) : 184-203.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France, Pyrénées atlantiques

Bouchud Jean 1952a. Étude des rongeurs et des oiseaux de Lachaud [Study of rodents and birds of Lachaud]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (B.S.P.F.), 49(5-6) : 262-267.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Oiseaux, birds, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bouchud Jean 1952b. Étude des rongeurs et des oiseaux de l'Abri Castanet [Study of rodents and birds of the Abri Castanet]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (B.S.P.F.), 49(5-6) : 267-271.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Oiseaux, Birds, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Dordogne.

Bouchud Jean 1953. Étude des Rongeurs et des Oiseaux de la Chaise [Study of rodents and birds of La Chaise]. In La question de la Chaise (commune de Vouthon : grotte Suard, fouilles David par F. Bordes, Y. Guillien, J. Piveteau, 8-10, Angoulême.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Oiseaux, Birds, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Charente.

Bouchud Jean 1955. La faune de Farincourt (Haute-Marne) [Fauna in Farincourt (Haute-Marne)]. Bull. Soc. Etudes et Rech. préh. et Inst. Pratiq. de Préhist., Les Eyzies, 5 : 20-22.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Haute-Marne, France.

Bouchud Jean 195?. La faune moustérienne d'Angles-sur-Anglin (Vienne) (Abri du Dr Sabourin, abri Rousseau) [The Mousterian fauna of Angles-sur-Anglin (Vienne) (Dr Sabourin shelter, Rousseau shelter). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (B.S.P.F.), 42-44.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, absence de marmotte, no marmot, abri Rousseau,Rousseau shelter, fin du Würm I, end of Wurm I, steppe froide et humid, cold and humid steppe, Würm II, more cold, abri Sabourin, Sabourin shelter, Würm II, Anglin, Anglin river, Vienne, France.

Bouchud Jean 1955c. Étude de la faune du Pech de l'Azé [Study of the fauna of Pech de l'Azé]. In Les gisements du Pech de l'Azé, F. Bordes, Anthropologie, 59(1-2) : 33-38.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Bouchud Jean 1956. La faune épimagdalénienne et romano-azilienne en dauphiné [Epimagdalenian and Romano-Azilian fauna in Dauphiné]. Bulletin du musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, 3 : 177-187.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, renne, Rangifer tarandus, bovidès, bouquetin des alpes, Capra ibex, chamois, Rupricapra tragus, lagomorphe, France.

Bouchud Jean 1960. Étude de la microfaune de la grotte de Lascaux [Study of the microfauna of the Lascaux' cave]. Bull. Soc. Préhist. des Eyzies, 10 : 1-3.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Dordogne, France.

Bouchud Jean 1966. Étude préliminaire de la faune des abris sous roche de la Baume (Haute-Loire) [Preliminary study of the fauna in the rock shelters of La Baume (Haute-Loire)]. Rev. Sc. Nat. d'Auvergne, 32 : 35-43.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, indicateur de climat, climate indicator, absence marmotte, no marmot, Baume-Vallée, 800m, Moustérien, Mousterian, Baume-Loire, Azilien, Azilian, Solignac-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France.

Bouchud Jean & Bouchudƒ P. 1953a. La petite faune de la grotte de la Chaise (Charente) [Small fauna of the cave of La Chaise]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Françaises, 50(3) : 170-177.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia p. 174, paléontologie, paleontology, Charente, France.

Bouchud Paulette & Bouchud Jean 1953. La faune des grottes des Orciers et de Cottier [Fauna of the caves of Orciers and Cottier]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Françaises, 50(7) : 444-457.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Bouchud Paulette & Bouchud Jean 1955. La faune de Blassac [The Blassac's fauna]. Bulletin de la Société Paléontologique Fran,çaise (B.S.P.F.), 52(7) : 364-370.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, oiseaux, absence de marmotte, no marmot, Magdalénien final, final Magdalenian, Azilien, Azilian, climat tempéré, mild climate, forêt, forest, Haute-Loire, France.

Bouchud Jean & Desbrosses R. 1973. La faune de la grotte des Freydières à Saint-Agnan-en Vercors (Drôme) [The fauna of the Freydières cave in Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors (Drôme)]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Françaises, 70 : 330-336.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Magdalénien, Magdalenian, gibier, game, fourrure, fur, cerveau, brain, râble, back, Drôme, France.
Le Magdalénien final de la grotte des Freydières a livré une faune banale, sans éléments arctiques, dans laquelle le Bouquetin et la Marmotte sont très répandus. Parmi les oiseaux, le Lagopède des Alpes, le Merle à plastron, le Crave et le Chocard sont les plus nombreux. Cette faune est comtemporaine de l’oscillation d’Alleröd.
The late Magadalenian level of the Freydières cave has given an unrare fauna without arctic elements, where Ibex and Alpine marmot are very numerous. Among the birds, Ptarmigan, Ring Ouzel, Chough and Alpine Chough are the most abundant. This fauna is contemporary with the Alleröd oscillation.

Bougeant Guillaume-Hyacinthe 1739. Amusement philosophique sur le langage des bestes [Philosophical pleasure about beast language]. Paris, Gissey, Num. BNF, 157-46 p.
En français, in French.
Philosophie, phylosophy, éthologie, ethology, animaux, animals, instinct, langage, language, sons, sounds, castor, beaver, loup, wolf, transport collectif, collective transport, société, society, rire, laugh, gestuelle, sign language.

Bouillé de 1873. Mammifères des Pyrénées [Mammals of the Pyrenees]. Comptes-rendus du Congrès scientifique de Pau.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, faune, fauna, absence de marmotte, no marmot, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Boulart R. 1883. Les animaux utiles du point de vue de l'industrie, des arts et de la médecine [Useful animals from the industrial, arts and medecine point of view]. J. Rothschild, Paris , pp. 384.
En français, in French.
Economie, economy, médecine, medecine.

Boule Marcellin 1889a. Sur les alluvions quaternaires à silex taillés d’Aurillac (Cantal) [On the quaternary alluvium with cut flints from Aurillac (Cantal)]. Bull. de la Soc. Philomatique, 1888-1889, 8e série, 2 : 87. In revue des travaux scientifiques, 1889, 411-412.
En français, in French.
Quaternaire, quaternary, silex, flints, Cantal, France.

Boule M. 1889b. Constitution géologique des environs du Puy (Haute-Loire) [Geologic composition of the Puy neighbourings]. Bull. de la Soc. Géologique de France, 3 e série, 42 : 270. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1889 : 678.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, géologie, geology, Haute-Loire, France.

Boule M. 1899c. Sur l’existence d’une faune d’animaux arctiques dans la Charente à l’époque quaternaire [About the presence of arctic fauna in Charente during the quaternary]. Compte Rendu hebdomadaire de l’Académie des Sciences, 120 : 1188-1190.
En français, in French.
Châteauneuf-sur-Charente, Charente, France, Arctomys marmotta, marmotte, Spermophilus rufescens, Spermophile, Arvicola amphibius, Arvicola ratticeps, campagnol du nord, Canis vulpes, Renard commun, Canis lagopus, renard arctique, Canis lupus, Loup, Hyoena crocuta spelea, Hyène des cavernes, Mustela putorius, Putois, Felis leo spelea, Lion des cavernes, Equus caballus, Cheval, Cervus tarandus, renne, Casarca rutila, Canard, Rana, Grenouille, Bufo, Crapaud.

Boule Marcellin 1892. Découverte d’un squelette d’Elephas meridionalis dans les cendres basaltiques du volcan de Senèze (Haute-Loire) [Discovery of an Elephas meridionalis skeleton in the basaltic ashes of the Senèze Volcano (Haute-Loire)]. Compte Rendu hebdomadaire de l’Académie des Sciences, 115 : 624-626.
En français, in French.
Equus stenonis, Bos elatus, Rhinoceros, Hyoena, Cervidés, proboscidien, Elephas meridionalis, Elephas antiquus, Mastodon arvensensis, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, quaternary, terrains volcaniques, Haute-Loire, France.

Boule Marcellin 1902. La caverne à ossements de Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne) [The bone cave of Montmaurin (Haute-garonne)]. L'Anthropologie, 13 : 305-319.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Haute-Garonne, France.

Boule Marcellin 1904a. Sur la chronologie de la grotte du Prince, près de Menton [ About the chronology of the Menton Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 138 (8) : 104-106.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, caverne du Prince ou du Pont romian, Prince or Pont romain cave, grotte des Enfants, Enfants cave, grotte du Cavillon, Cavillon cave, quaternaire supérieur, upper quaternary, climat froid, cold climate, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, renne, reindeer, bouquetin, ibex, marmotte, marmot, quaternaire inférieur, lower quaternary, climat chaud, warm climate, Elephas antiquus, Rhinoceros Mercki, hippopotame, Monaco.

Boule 1904b. Sur l'âge des squelettes humains des grottes de Menton [About the age of te skeletons of the Menton Caves]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 138 : 517-518.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, grotte des Enfants, Enfants cave, Homme, Man, quaternaire inférieur, lower quaternary, ours des cavernes, cave bear, hyène des cavernes, cave hyena, grand lion des cavernes, great cave lion, castor géant, giant beaver, quaternaire moyen, marmotte, marmot, quaternaire supérieur, upper quaternary, cerf élpahe, daim, deer, bouquetin, ibex.

Boule Marcellin 1905. Les lions des cavernes [The lions of the caves]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 140 : 547-549.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Felis leo Edwardsi.

Boule Marcellin 1906a. Les grottes de Grimaldi (Baouss&eacte; Roussé) [The Grimaldi's caves (Baoussé Roussé)]. Géologie et Paléontologie, Monaco, 1(4) : 286-298. p. 294.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie;, paleontology, Monaco.

Boule Marcellin 1906b. Les grands chats des cavernes [The big cats of caverns]. Annales de Paléontologie, 1. p. 294.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Carnivora, Felidae, paléontologie, paleontology.

Boule Marcellin 1908. L’homme fossile de la Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze) [The fossil Man of the Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 147 : 1349-1352.
En français, in French.
Pléistocène moyen, Middle Pleistocene, Moustérien, Mousterian, Homme, Man, néanderthal, neanderthal, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Corrèze, France.

Boule Marcellin 1909a. Sur la capacité cranienne des Hommes fossiles du type dit Néanderhal [About the skull capacity of the fossil mans of the neandertal type]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 148 : 1352-1355.
En français, in French.
Crâne, skull, néanderthal, neanderthal.

Boule Marcellin 1909b. Le squelette du tronc et des membres de l’Homme fossile de la Chapelle-aux-Saints [The trunk and members skeleton of the fossil man of the Chapelle-aux-Saints]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 148 : 1554-1556.
En français, in French.
Squelette, skeleton, néanderthal, neanderthal, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Corrèze, France.

Boule Marcellin 1911. L'homme de La Chapelle-aux-saints [La Chapelle-aux-saints' man]. Annales de Paléontologie, 4.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, Corrèze, France.

Boule Marcellin 1918. Grottes de Grimaldi [Grimaldi's caves]. Géologie et Paléontologie, Monaco, 1(4): 294-297.
En français, in French.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Boule Marcellin & Chauvet 1899. Sur l'existence d'une faune d'animaux arctiques dans la Charente à l'époque quaternaire [About the existence of an arctic animal fauna in the quatenary Charente]. Anthropologie, 10 : 315-317.
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmota, Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Charente, France.

Boule Marcellin & Vernières 1899. L'abri sous roche du Rond près St-Arcon d'Allier (Haute-Loire) [The rock shelter of le Rond near St-Arcon d'Allier]. L'anthropologie, X.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, absence de marmotte, no marmot, Protosolutréen, Haute-Loire, France.

Bourdelle M.E. 1940. Note sur quelques mammifères dont l'existence est menacée en France [Notes on some endangered mammals in France]. Mammalia, 4 (1) : 1-11.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota, gestion, management.

Bourdier F. 1963. Le bassin du Rhône au Quaternaire [The Rhône Basin during the quaternary]. Paris, CNRS, 2 vol., 364 pp. + 295 pp.
En français, in French.
Géologie, geology, Quaternaire, France.

Bourdier F. & Lumley de H. 1956. Magdalénien et Romanello-Azilien en Dauphiné. Bulletin du musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, 3 : 123-176.
En français, in French.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory.

Bourliere F. 1951. Vie et moeurs des mammifères [Life and habits of mammals]. Payot, Paris.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, éthologie, ethology.

Bourgeois S. 1976. Bessans : village d'art en Haute-Maurienne [Bessans: art village in Haute-Maurienne]. S. Bourgeois, Chambéry, 103p.
En français, in French.
Éthnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota, Savoie.

Bourguignat 1868. Sur quelques Mammifères nouveaux découverts dans une caverne près de Verne [About some new mammals discovered in a caved near Verne]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 67 : 111-113.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Bournaud Michel 2001. La Marmotte, un Rongeur à mi-temps [The marmot, a half time rodents]. Les cahiers du Mézenc, 13 : 39-42.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, introduction, massif du Mézenc, Mezenc Massif.

Bourova N.D. 2001. Taphonomical and zooarchaeological methods in the study of the Upper Paleolithic Yudinovo site (Bryansk Region, Russia) [Méthodes taphonomique et zooarchéologique d'études du paléolithique supérieur de Yudinovo (Région de Bryansk, Russie)]. Conférence/Lecture The VIII Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology (SMIA), Umeå.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobak, paléontologie, paleontology, Pélolithique, Paleolitic, chasse, hunting, Russie, Russia.
This investigation is focused on the examination of the faunal remains from the Upper Paleolithic Yudinovo site. This site is located in the first alluvial terrace on the Right Bank of the Sudost' River. This site belongs to a big group of the Desna River basin Upper Paleolithic sites such as Yeliseevichi, Mezin, Timonovka and others. The settlement dated to the Late Valdai Glacial period (14 000 BP). The osteological collection numerated more than 22 000 identifiable bone remains belong to the 11 species of large and medium mammals. Among them the remains of polar fox (Alopex lagopus) are predominated. Bones of musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), wolf (Canis lupus), marmot (Marmota bobak) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) are followed by less numerous correspondingly. The remains of microtine rodents, insectivores and mammoth have not been analyzed. Taphonomical and zooarchaeological analyses are including the classification of bone remains respect to color, weathering, breakage characteristics, surficial damage and the studies of bone surficial damage related to a human action and the animal skeletal parts representation. The results of analyses allow us to conclude that these bone assemblages originated mainly from the remains of prey brought to the site by hunters. One can say that the treatment of ungulate animals and large preys were made outside the settlement. In general men supplied the site by fells (often with distal skeleton elements of extremities) and some particular parts of the procured animals. The fragmentation of ungulate's longbones may be inferred by bone broken for marrow. The skinning of polar fox were also done within the procuring place and the fells together phalanges were brought to the site. A whole bodies of polar fox, marmot and wolf were transported not so often to the settlement for the treatment and the further utilization. Subsequently the useless whole or any parts of animal carcasses were piled (discarded) in pits (refuse pits). It can be testified by the presence of bones in anatomical order and the peculiarities of the weathering of skeleton elements connecting with the successive of the disarticulation of carcasses. The dark grey color of bones probably shows that the assemblages at first time were accumulated in the soil with high concentration of huminic acids. A good preservation of osteological material caused by both the rather fast accumulation of bone remains and the fast formation of the deluvial deposits in the region investigated.

Bourrit Marc-Théodore 1791. Itinéraire de Genève, Lausanne et Chamouni [Route of Geneva, Lausanne, and Chamouni]. Genève, J.-E. Didier, 374 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, voyage, travel, Genève, Lausanne, Suisse, Switzerland, Chamonix, Mont-Blanc, Haute-Savoie, France.

Bouskila A. & Blumstein D.T. 1992. Rules of thumb for predation hazard assessment: predictions from a dynamic model. American Naturalist, 139: 161-176.
En anglais, in English.
Prédation, predation, modèle, model.
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Bout P. 1953. La grotte de Cottier près de Retournac (Haute-Loire) [The cave of Cottier near Retournac (Haute-Loire)]. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française (B.S.P.F.), 7-8.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Magdalénien, Magdalenian, vallée de la Loire, Loire Valley, Haute-Loire, France.

Bout P. 1955. L'abri sous roche de Blassac (Haute-Loire) [The rock shelter of Blassac (Haute-Loire)]. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française (B.S.P.F.), II(5-6): 316-322.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Haute-Loire, France.

Bout P. 1960. Le Villafranchien du Velay et du Bassin hydrographique moyen et supérieur de l'Allier [The Villafranchian of Velay and of the central and upper hydrologic basin of Allier]. Imprimerie Jeanne d'Arc, Le Puy.
En français, in French.
Géologie, geology, France

Bout 1964a. Étude stratigraphique et paléogéographique du gisement de Mammifères fossiles pléistocène moyen de Solehac près du Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire), France [Stratigraphic and paleogeographic study of the fossil mammals deposit of the middle Pleistocene in Solehac near Puy-en-Velay]. Géologie en Mijnbouw, 83-93.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Haute-Loire, Marmota marmota primigenia.

Bout P. 1964b. Des restes de marmottes dans le gisement des Riveaux [Marmot remains in the des Riveaux' deposit]. Bull. Soc. Acad. du Puy et de la Haute-Loire, 42 : 1-3.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Haute-Loire.

Bout P. 1973. Les volcans du Velay [The Velay's volcanos]. Imprimerie Watel - Brioude : 201 - 250.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bout P., Dufaut J. & Laborde A. 1967. Nouvelles découvertes au gisement des Riveaux [New discovery in the des Riveaux' deposit]. Bull. Soc. Acad. du Puy et de la Haute-Loire, 44 : 5pp. p. 1.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bouteiller M. 1966. Médecine populaire d'hier et d'aujourd'hui [Yersterday and today medecine]. Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris, pp. 370.
En français, in French.
Médecine, medecine.

Boutet G. 1979. Ils étaient de leur village [They were countrified]. Denoël, Paris, 301p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Boutin M. 1864a. Silex taillés dans les cavernes de Ganges [Cut flints in the Ganges' caves]. Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, 58 : 56-57.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ursus spelaeus, grotte des demoiselles, demoiselles cave, grotte Laroque, Laroque cave, cutting flint, silex taillé, Ursus spelaeus, Hérault, France.
pdf disponible/available

Boutin M. 1864b. Anciennes races françaises. Sur la grotte de l'Aven-Laurier, commune de Laroque-Ainier, canton de Granges, Hérault [Ancient French ancestries. About the Aven-Laurier cave]. Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, 58 : 1202-1203.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, homme, man, ruminants, renard, fox, dent percée, pierced teeth, foyer, fireplace.
pdf disponible/available

Bouvier A. 1886. Les Mammifères de France [Mammals of France]. Paris.
En français, in French.

Bouvier G. 1947. Observations sur les maladies du gibier en 1946 [Observations on game diseases in 1946]. Schwiez. Arch. Tierheilk., 89 : 240.
En français, in French.
(Marmota marmota) ; Pathologie ; Chasse ; Epidémiologie ;Suisse.

Bouvier G. 1956. Ektoparasiten schweizerischer Wildsäugetiere [Les ectoparasites de la faune sauvage de Suisse. Ectoparasites of the Swiss wild fauna]. Parasitologische Schriftenreihe VEB Gustav Fisher Verlag Jena, Heft 4.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Bouvier G. 1958. Quelques réflexions sur Oestromyia satyrus, BrauerBrauer [Some remarks on O. satyrus, B.]. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nat. , 67: 53-55.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology.

Bouyssonie A., Bouyssonie J. & Bardon L. 1908. Découverte d’un squelette humain moustérien à la Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze) [Discovery of a mousterian human skeleton in the Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 147 : 1414-1415.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, renne, reindeer, Cervus tarandus, Equus caballus, blaireau, badger, renard, fox, Rhinoceros tychorhinus, Arctomys marmotta, Pléistocène moyen, Middle Pleistocene, Moustérien supérieur, Mousterian, Homme, Man, néanderthal, neanderthal, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Corrèze, France.

Bovero Alfonso 1905. Intorno ad un gruppo di singolari canali vascolari del postsfenoide negli "Sciruomorpha." [Sur un groupe avec un canal vasculaire individuel du postfénoide chez les Sciuromorpha. On a group with a postfenoid vascular canal in Sciuromorpha]. C.R. Assoc. Anatomistes, 7: 114-119, 4 text-figs.
En italien, in Italian.

Bowdish B.S. 1922. Tree-climbing woodchucks [Marmottes grimpeuses d'arbres]. J. Mammal., 3(4): 259.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology.

Bowles J.B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa [Distribution et biogéographie des mammifères de L'Iowa]. Special publications of the Museum, texas Tech University, 9: 1-184.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, biogéographie, biogeography, Iowa, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Bowman William D. & Seastedt Timothy 2001 eds. Structure and Function of an Alpine Ecosystem: Niwot Ridge, Colorado [Structure et fonction d'un écosystème alpin : Niwot Ridge, Colorado]. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK and New York, NY. 337p.
En anglais, in English.
Ecosystème, ecosystem, alpin, alpine, Colorado, EUA, USA.

Boyarkine 1984 . Marmota baibacina.

Boyd J.N., Graham E.S., Graham T.C. & Tennant BC. 1985. A comparison of the response of woodchucks and rats to variations in dietary lipotrope and lipid content [Comparaison de la réponse des marmottes communes et des rats aux variations du contenu en lipotrope et lipide de l'alimentation]. J. Nutr., 115(9): 1136-1146.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, alimentation, diet, hépatite, hepatitis.

A soy protein-based experimental diet for woodchucks (Marmota monax) is described. The diet supported growth of juvenile woodchucks for 12 wk. With this diet, the effects on both woodchucks and rats of increasing dietary corn oil from 5 to 15% and of deleting supplemental lipotropic factors (choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B-12) were studied in a 2 X 2 factorial experiment. Both increased lipid and lipotrope deletion resulted in decreased growth in rats, but only increased lipid caused growth depression in woodchucks. Lipotrope depletion resulted in elevated serum markers of hepatic injury and hepatic lipid accumulation in rats but not in woodchucks. Hematological changes induced by the low lipotrope diets included decreased packed cell volume, total hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) in rats but increased MCV in woodchucks. The woodchuck appears to be more resistant than the rat to induction of hepatic injury by lipotrope deficiency.

Boyd J.N., Sherman W.K., Graham E.S., Graham T.C. & Tennant B.C. 1986. A comparison of the response of woodchucks and rats to variations in dietary lipotrope and protein content. J. Nutr., 116(10): 2044-2054.
En anglais, in English.

Juvenile woodchucks and weanling Fisher F344 rats were fed purified diets with or without supplemental lipotropic factors (choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B-12). The diets contained 10 or 20% protein. Lower weight gain due to low protein was observed in both species, while lipotrope depletion resulted in lower gain in male rats only. Urinary excretion of formimino-glutamic acid was higher due to low lipotrope in both species, as was relative liver weight. In rats, lipotrope depletion resulted in hepatic fatty metamorphosis at both levels of dietary protein with the low protein diet resulting in more severe lesions. No liver lesions were observed in woodchucks fed low lipotropes at the higher level of dietary protein, but fatty metamorphosis was observed in those fed the lower protein diets. The lesion was more severe in the low lipotrope group. The woodchuck appears to be less sensitive than the rat to induction of fatty liver by lipotrope deficiency, although the lesion was induced by lowering dietary protein.

Boyd William P. 1887. History of the town of Conesus, Livingston Co., N.Y. : from its first settlement in 1793 to 1887 : with a brief genealogical record of the Conesus families [Histoire de la ville de Conesus, comté de Livingston N.Y. : de la première installation en 1793 à 1887, avec une brève généalogie des familles de Conesus] . Boyd's Job Print, Conesus, N.Y., 198 p., Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Histoire, history, Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, chasse, hunting p.91, terrier, burrow p. 127, New-York, États-Unis d’Amérique, United States of America.
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Boyer Abel 1849. Boyer's French Dictionary [Dictionnaire de français de Boyer]. Boston, Mussey.
En français et anglais, in French and English.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, marmot.
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Bracco J.P. 1997. Du site au territoire : l'occupation du sol dans les hautes vallées de la Loire et de l'Allier au Paléolithique supérieur (Massif central, France) [From site to territory: soil occupation in the upper valleys of the River Loire and Allier in the Upper Paleolithic (Central Massif, France)]. Gallia Préhistoire, tome 38 : 43 - 67.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, palélithique, paleolithic, Massif Central, France.

Brace K.C. 1953. Life span of the marmot erythrocyte [Durée de vie des érythrocytes des marmottes]. Blood, 8 : 648-650.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, sang, blood.

Brackenbridge H.M. 1816. Journal of a voyage up the river Missouri; performed in eighteen hundred and eleven [Journal de voyage sur les rives du Missouri r-aalis-a en mille huit cent onze]. Ed. 2. Baltimore. (Reprint in R. G. Thwaites's Early western travels, 1748-1846, vol. 6, pp. 21-166. Cleveland. 1904.).
En anglais, in English.
Exploration, Missouri, États-Unis, USA.

Brady K.M. & K.B. Armitage 1999. Scent-marking in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) [Marquage olfactif chez la marmotte à ventre jaune]. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 11: 35-47.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, comportement, communication olfactive, marquage jugal, territoire. Behavior, olfactory communication, cheek-marking, territoriality.
Cheek-marking in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) was studied by observations of cheek-marking in two colonies from 10 June to 6 August, 1996 and by experimental studies of responses to olfactory secretions from the perioral gland. The rate of cheek-marking declined significantly as the season progressed. Most cheek-marking occurred within 3 m of the main burrow system and was primarly associated with sitting or lying and short locomotory bouts aroud the main burrow area. Cheek-marking rates of individuals differedsignificantly and adults appeared to mark more than yearlings. In the experiments, marmots cheek-marked stakes with perioral secretions significantly more than stakes without secretions. However, they marked unfamiliar and familiar smells equally. Marmots investigated strange secretions longer than familiar secretions and afmiliar secretions longer than blank treatment. Functionally, cheek-marking is a multipurpose activity. It provides cues for young of the year to learn the safe areas in the home range, imparts familiarity with the burrow area, communicates burrow occupancy, and functions in territorial defense.

Bragirova O.N. & Shevlyuk N.N. 2002. [Étude écologique et morphologique de l'activité reproductrice de bobac et problème de l'analyse de son potentiel reproductif dans la région d'Orenbourg. The ecology-morphological study of a reproductive activity of bobac and a problem of an analysis its reproductive potential in Orenburgskaya oblast]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, reproduction, Orenbourg, Orenburg, Russie, Russia.

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 1990. Prostranstvennaya strouktoura semejnykh outchastkov stepnogo sourka [Structure spatiale des groupes familiaux chez la marmotte grise. Spatial structure of family areas in M. bobac]. Vestnik Kharkovskogo ouniversiteta, 346 : 87-90.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, éthologie, ethology, territoire, territory.

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 1999. Nakhodka 36-khromosomnogo serogo sourka Marmota baibacina (Rodentia, Sciuridae) [Découverte d'une marmotte grise (Marmota baibacina) à 36 chromosomes. A finding of the 36-chromosomal gray marmot Marmota baibacina (Rodentia, Sciuridae)]. Zoologichesky Journal, 78(7): 891-894.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, génétique, genetic, chromosome, caryotype, karyotype.

A finding of the 36-chromosomal gray marmot from Novosibirsk oblast (Russia) is reported. The described karyotype differs from Marmota baibacina one in a tandem fusion of two autosome pairs. A NORs banding of M. baibacina was obtained for the first time.

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 2000. Соременные методы ь систематике сурков. Sovremennye metody v sistematike sourkov [Méthodes modernes pour la systématique des marmottes. Modern methods at marmot systematics]. In Biology of Palearctic marmots, Brandler O.V. & Nikols'skii A.A. ezds., Moscow, MAKS Press, 4-24.
En russe, In Russian.
Marmota, génétique, genetics, taxonomie.
There are problems in systematics and taxonomy of the genus Marmota decision of which alaborated by classical morphological methods. For the decision of these problems the application of modern methods from area of cytology, genetics, immunogenetics, biochemistry, bioacoustics, and molecular biology is expedient. In marmots systematics karyotyping, protein gelelectrophoresis, immunogenetics, bioacoustics, and the DNA sequences methods were applied. Chromosome numbers and morphology were described for all marmot species. The marmots chromosome karyotyping was carried out by the method of routine colouring. Studies of marmots were based on a few specimens from limited number of localities. A karyological picture is discovery of 36- chromosome karyotype for subspecies M. baibacina kastschenko indicates on promising of chromosome study of marmots. The only on the marmot’s interspecies relations research was carried out by the protein gel-electrophoresis method, as an attempt to define genetic distances between some species of Palearctic Marmota was made. The constructed schema in a whole does not contradict to views of the majority of systematists, but it shows appreciable genetic affinity of the investigated Marmota species in comparison with another genus - Spermophilus. This work has preliminary character in connection with restricted material and unsufficiently complete scope of the investigated forms. The biochemical researches are perspective for study of the close forms with identical chromosome number, for example the bobak group. Alarm calls of marmots have species specific characters. They are used for specification of species areals, definition of hybrid zones and definition of the taxonomy status of disputable populations of species with indistinct morphological differences. The application of these characters in marmot systematics is an achievement of the Russian zoological school. A level of relationship of the majority of Palearctic and Nearctic species of marmots was appreciated by immunogenetics method. The immunogenetic data became one of the arguments to consider M. camtschatica as superspecies. As a whole the immunogenetics method has appeared enough productive in application to marmot systematics, in particular at study of an interspecies polymorphism and genetic distances between the close forms. It has some restrictions. Marmots are studied by methods of molecular biology from the beginning of 90th. The method of mitochondrial genes cytochrome b and ND4 sequences was applied in marmots systematics. The method is perspective with using of increasing number of researched genes and special views to nuclear genes. Palearctic marmots are better investigated than Nearctic by modern methods as by quantity of species and localities as on number of used techniques. Only complex application of modern methods of researches and morphological, physiological, ecological, ethological, biogeocenological researches can approach us to comprehension of processes, really proceeding in a nature, and to existing interspecies and intraspecies relations.
Russian pdf russe

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 2002. Chromosomal evolution and polymorphism in gray marmots (Marmots, Sciuridae, Rodentia). Polymorphisme et évolution chromosomique chez les marmottes grises (Marmota, sciuridae, Rodentia). In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 28-29.
Anglais et français ; English and French
. Marmota baibacina, chromosome.

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 2003. Chromosomal evolution and polymorphism in gray marmots (Marmots, Sciuridae, Rodentia). Polymorphisme et évolution chromosomique chez les marmottes grises (Marmota, sciuridae, Rodentia). Полиморфизм и хромосомное видообразование у серых сурков (Marmota, sciuridae, Rodentia). In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 57-62.
Anglais et français, résumé russe ; English and French, Russian abstract.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota baibacina, Marmota kastschenkoi, chromosome, évolution, evolution, spéciation, speciation, caryotype, karyotype.
Le groupe des marmottes holarctiques est un modèle pertinent pour l'étude des processus de microévolution car il est constitué de formes à différentes étapes de différenciation. Les marmottes néarctiques et paléarctiques présentent des différences caryotypiques et ont eu différents types d'évolution chromosomique. Les études du caryotype des marmottes paléarctiques ont modifié notre vision de leur faible différenciation. La découverte d'une forme de marmotte grise à 36 chromosomes nous a amené à décrire une nouvelle espèce de marmotte paléarctique. D’autres spécimens hétérozygotes à 2n=37 ont été mis en évidence dans une population de M. baibacina à 38 chromosomes. Ils présentent la mutation chromosomique qui a conduit à l'émergence de la forme à 36 chromosomes. Les caractères de ces mutants s'accordent très bien à la théorie de la spéciation chromosomique. La découverte d'une mutation variable dans le milieu nous offre la possibilité d'étudier différents états de l'évolution chromosomique.

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) 2005. Phylogenetic relationships in genus Marmota and a history of palearctic marmots’ area. Filogenetitcheskie svyaei v rode Marmota I istoriya stanovleniya areala palearktitcheskikh sourkov. Relations phylog-an-atiques dans le genre Marmota et histoire de la zone de r-apartition des marmottes pal-aarctiques]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 24-25.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Phylog-anese, phylogenesis, Marmota caudata, Marmota marmota, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota sibirica, Marmota camtschatica, Marmota himalayana, Marmota kastschenkoi, Marmota bobak.
A schema of Palearctic marmots’ phylogenesis based on molecular-genetical, karyological and literature data is offered. A time of divergence of a marmot phylum from common stem of ground squirrels is dated from Miocene according to as palaeontological so molecular-genetical data. An initial Pliocene differentiation had developed on the American territory. Marmots came into the Asia in the beginning of late Pliocene before a disappearance of Beringian Bridge when deforestation of the North-East Asia and north of Alaska was. At the time a caudata-like marmot with 2n=38 migrated in Asia. Primary expansion of marmots expanded from North and East to South and West simultaneously with a shifting of woodless zones from North to South. M. caudata differentiated in Central Asia and M. marmota formed in Europe at the beginning of Pleistocene. Other early Pleistocene marmots were low differentiated sibirica- or himalayana-like forms. Middle Pleistocene warm period (700-800 thousand years ago) led to a general outspread of forests. It caused disappearance of marmots in South-East Europe and a considerable reduction and fragmentation of marmot’s area in Asia. Probably, at that period a differentiation of himalayana and sibirica began. These forms had a big common area for a long time apparently. Maybe, M. menzbieri was isolated in Middle Asia at that period. A growth of periglacial landscapes promoted an expansion of marmots at the late Pleistocene. At that stage, marmots had advanced from South and East to North and West, from Middle Pleistocene China-Mongolian refugium where himalayana and sibirica forms differentiated. Sibirica-like form became an ancestor of a bobak-group and a sibirica-camtschatica group. M. sibirica and M. camtschatica had differentiated during the second part of Pleistocene in Trans-Baikalia. An ancestor of bobak-group had colonized territories of periglacial steppe of East Asia and Europe during second Pleistocene glaciation (nearly 100-600 thousand years ago) intensive forming geographical races. Mikoulin interglacial (75-130 thousand years ago) led to reduction and fragmentation of an area of bobak-group marmots. At that time bobak and baibacina forms began to differentiate. The last evolution occurrences are an isolation of 36-chromosomal kastschenkoi in West Siberia and emergence of intra-species forms of M. bobak. These events may be dated from 17-21 thousand years ago when the last global glacial was.
Russian pdf russe

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) & Bogdanov A.S. 2002. [Polymorphime chromosomique et spéciation chez la marmotte grise. Chromosomal polymorphism and speciation in gray marmots (Marmota, Sciuridae, Rodentia)]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 11-12.
En russe, in Russian.
marmota baibacina, polymorphisme, polymorphism,

Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) & Dimitriev A.V. Eds. 2002. Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses. [Les marmottes dans les biocénoses steppiques de l'Eurasie]. Abstracts of the 8th Meetings on Marmots: Chuvash Republic, Russia, 7-10 June 2002. Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 1-80.
Брандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.), Крамеров Д.А.(Kramerov D.A.), Банникова А.А. (Bannikova A.A.) & Лярунова Е.А. (Lyapunova, Lïapounova E.A.) 2006. [Phylogeny of marmots ; new molecular-genetic data. Phylogénie des marmottes, nouvelles données moléculaires et génétiques]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Biologie moléculaire, molecular biology, génétique, genetics, marmottes, marmots.

Врандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.), Lyapunova E.A. & Воронцов н.н. (Vorontsov N.N.)1994. . Différentiation cytogénétique et systématique des marmottes (Marmota, Sciuridae). Marmots cytogenetic differentiation and systematic (Marmota, Sciuridae). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 40-41.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota, génétique, genetic, taxonomie, taxonomy.
Le problème; de l'origine et de l'évolution du genre Marmota est toujours ouvert malgré les efforts de nombreux chercheurs. Dans l'ensemble, la structure spécifique des marmottes eurasiennes est discutée. Dans le Paléarctique, on distingue selon les auteurs de 1 (Rausch & Rausch 1965) à 8 (Ognev 1947, Gromov et al. 1965, Bibikov 1989, Hoffmann et al. 1992) espèces de marmottes. Ce problème fut évoqué apparemment par la difficulté à appliquer les critères d'espèces aux formes allopatriques et aussi cela fut évoqué par l'absence de distinction morphologique nette de certaines espèces et par la présence de traits de forme généralisés qui témoignent du caractère récent de leur formation. Le caryotype de toutes les espèces de marmottes a été analysé dans les années 60 (Lyapunova & Vorontsov 1969). A l'exception de M. camtschatica (2n=40 ; NFa=62) (Lyapunova et al. 1992), les marmottes paléarctiques montrent une homogénéitéé caryologique (2n=38 ; NFa=64-66). Cependant, nous ne pouvons exclure des réorganisations chromosomiques structurelles sans qu'il y ait eu de changement dans leur nombre. Pour l'étude de la structure fine des chromosomes, on a utilisé le banding différentiel des chromosomes. Nous avons reçu les bandings différentiels de 6 espèces de marmottes provenant de 9 localités du Paléarctique. Nous avons &argave; notre disposition : Marmota bobac 4 spécimens d'Ukraine, M. b. shaganensis 1 du Kazakhstan ; M. camtschatica camtschatica 4 spécimens du Kamtchatka ; M. c. bungei 1 de Yakoutie ; M. c. doppelmayeri 1 de Transbaiuml;kalie ; M. caudata aurea 2 spécimens de Kirghizie ; M. baibacina kastschenko 1 spécimen de Novosibirsk ; M. menzbieri menzbieri 1 spécimen de Kirghizie (Chatkal) ; M. sibirica sibirica 2 spécimens de Transbaiuml;kalie. Le banding G et N des chromosomes de toutes les espèces a été reçu pour la première fois. Les résultats sont en cours d'analyse.
The problem of the origin and evolution of genus Marmota remains debatable up to now in spite of intent attention of many researchers. On the whole the species structure of Eurasian marmots is discussed. In palearctic some authors distinguish from 1 (Rausch & rausch 1965) to 8 species (Ognev 1947, Gromov et al. 1965, Bibikov 1989, Hoffmann et al. 1992). That was evoked, apparently, by the difficult to apply the species criteria to allopatric forms and also this was evoked by not distinct morphological differences of some species and by the presence of traits of generalized forms, that witnesses about their recent formation. All marmots species were karyotyped in the sixties of this century (Lyapunova & Vorontsov 1969). A caryologitical homogeneity of Palearctic marmots was revealed (2n=38 ; NFa=64-66), except M. camtschatica (2n=40 ; NFa=62) (Lyapunova et al. 1992). However we can not exclude structural chromosomal reorganisations without change their numbers. For study of thin chromosomal structure the differential banding of chromosomes was used. Continuation before made, differential banding of 6 nominal marmots species from 9 localities of Palearctic were received by us. In the disposal we had : M bobac 4 specimens from Ukraine, M. b. schaganensis 1- from Kazakhstan; M. camtschatica camtschatica 4 specimens from Kamtchatka; M. c. bungei 1 from Yakutia; M. c. doppelmayeri 1 from Transbaykalia; M. caudata aurea 2 specimens from Kirgizia; M. baibacina kastschenko 1 specimen from Novosibirsk region; M. menzbieri menzbieri 1 specimen from Kirgizia, Chatkal range; M. sibirica sibirica 2 specimens from Transbaycalia. G- and N-banding of all species chromosomes were received for the first time. The results are on stage of processing.

Врандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.), Shalamov Yu. A. , Shakhbazov V. G. 1991. [Les propriétés électrocinétiques du noyau de cellule épithéliale de la marmotte. The electrokinetic properties of cell nuclei of marmot epithelium]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, histologie, histology, cellule, cell.

Врандлер О. С. (Brandler O.V.) & Tokarsky V.A. 1996. Raschirenie areala stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobac Mull.) louganskoï popoulyatsii [Elargissement de l'aire de la marmotte des steppes (Marmota bobac Mull.) de la population de Lugansk. Area widening in the steppe marmot (Marmota bobac Mull.) of Lugansk population]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 13.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, distribution, Lougansk, lugansk, Russie, Russia.

Brandt Johann Friedrich 1855. Beiträge zur nähern Kenntniss der Säugerthiere Russlandss [Contribution à plus ample connaissance des mammifères de Russie. Contribution to a better knowledge of mammals of Russia]. Mém. Acad. impériale sci. St Petersbourg, 6 (9) : 1-365.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Russie, Russia.

Brandt J.F. & Woldrich J.N. 1887. Diluviale europäisch-nordasiatische Säugethierfauna und ihre Beziehungen zum Menschen [Mammifères européo-nordasiatiques et leurs relations à l'homme]. Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 7 i-iv+1-162 pages.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, quaternaire, quaternary, Eurasie, Eurasia..

Brass E. 1911. Aus dem Reiche der Pelze [Du royaume de la fourrure. The kingdom of fur]. Berlin.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, fourrure, fur.

Brauner A.A. 1913. Sistematitcheskie i zoogeografitcheskie zametki o toushkanouike, serom souslike, baïbake i krote [Remarques sur la systématique et la zoogéographie de la gerboise naine, du souslik gris, de la marmotte bobac et de la taupe. Remarks on systematics and zoogeography of the dwarf jerboa, the grey suslik, the marmot and the mole]. Zal. Krymsk. ob-va ectectvoispyt. i liubitelej prirody, T.Sh. Simferopol.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Dipodidae, Allactaga elater, Citellus, Talpa, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Brauner A.A. 1923. Sel'sko-khozyaïstvennaya zoologiya [Zoologie agricole. Agricultural zoology]. Odessa, Gos. izd-vo Oukrainy.
En russe, in Russian.

Brazil Derek P., Yang Zhong-Zhou & Hemmings Brian A. 2004. Advances in protein kinase B signalling: AKTion on multiple fronts. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 29(5): 233-242.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, Mus musculus, souris grises, house mouse, Aedes aegypti, moustique, yellow fever mosquito.The role of the serine/threonine protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt) is becoming increasingly more evident to researchers investigating diverse cellular processes such as glucose uptake, cell-cycle progression, apoptosis and transcriptional regulation. New roles for PKB/Akt have been described in various organisms and biological processes. From the regulation of ovarian ecdysteroid production in the humble mosquito (Aedes aegypti), through the seasonal, tissue-specific regulation of PKB/Akt during the hibernation of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), to the control of glucose metabolism and insulin signalling in the mouse (Mus musculus), our knowledge of the function of this protein kinase has expanded greatly in recent years. Significant advances in all aspects of PKB/Akt signalling have occurred in the past 2 years, including biological insights, novel substrates and newly discovered regulatory mechanisms of PKB/Akt. Collectively, these data expand the current models of PKB/Akt signalling and highlight potential directions for PKB/Akt research in the future.

Brébeuf Jean de 1637. Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans le pays des Hurons en l'année 1636, envoyée à Kébec au R. P. Paul le Jeune...[Report of what happened in the Huron’s country in the year 1636, sent in Québec to the R.P. Paul le Jeune...]. À ; Paris, chez S. Cramoisy, Num. BNF, 223 p.
En français, in French.
Rien sur marmotte, nothing about marmot, Jean de Brébeuf (saint ; 1593-1649).
Extrait/Extract Pdf

Bregetova N.G. 1956. [Gamasoidae. Bref manuel d'identification. Gamasoidea. Brief handbook for the identification]. M.-L.: 1-247.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, clé de déterlination, identification key.

Brehm Alfred Edmund 1891. Merveille de la nature. Les Mammifères, caractères, moeurs, chasses, combats, captivité, domesticité, acclimatation, usages et produits [Wonder of the nature. Mammals, character, hunting, fighting, captivity, household, acclimatization, use and products]. Ed. française par Z. Gerbe, Baillière & Fils, Paris, tome I, pp. 766, tome II, pp. 870.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota, TII : p. 76, marmotte vulgaire, das Murmelthier, Arctomys bobac, Marmota bobac, der Bobak, Poland Marmot, TII : p. 75.
Extrait/Extract Pdf

Bressan F. 1988. [Catalogue des os fossiles de la Section de Paléontologie-Anthropologie. Catalogue of the bony finds of the Paleontologic-Anthropologic Section]. Bolletino del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale 32. Udine].
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Frioul-Vénétie, Friuli-Venezia, Italie, Italy.

Bret Eric 1991. Lâcher de marmottes sur le secteur des Coulmes : 4 et 5 juin 1991. [Marmot release in the Coulmes sector: 4 and 5 June 1991]. Parc Naturel Regional du Vercors
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, reintroduction, Vercors, France.

Breuil H. 1899. Notes sur un terrier de Marmottes quaternaires à Coeuvres (Aisne) [Remarks on a quaternary marmot burrow in Coeuvres (Aisne)]. Bull. Soc. Anthropol. Paris, 10 : 521-525.
En français, in French.
Available pdf disponible Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, quaternary, terrier, burrow, France, Aisne.

Breuil A., James L. & Jeannel R. 1908. Les dernières peintures découvertes dans la grotte du Portel (Ariège) [The latest paintings discovered in the Portel Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 146 : 1166-1168.
En français, in French.
Grotte de Portel ou de Crampagna, peintures, paintings, gravures, engravings, bison, buffalo, bouquetin, ibex, cheval, horse, renne, reindeer, Loubens, Ariège, France.

Brewster David 1830. The Edinburgh encyclopedia [Encyclopédie d’Edinbourg]. Volume XIII, William Blackwood & John Waugh, Edinburgh, John Murray, Baldwin & Cradock, J .M. Richardson, London.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota.

Bridault A. & Chaix L. 1999. Contribution de l'archéozoologie à la caractérisation des modalités d'occupation des sites alpins et jurassiens, de l'Epipaléolithique au Néolithique [Archeological contribution to feature occupation modalities of Alpine and Jurassian sites, from the Epipaleolithic to the Neolithic]. In L'Europe des derniers chasseurs : épipaléolithique et mésolithique : Actes du 5e Congrès international UISPP, A. THEVENIN, éd., commission XII, Grenoble, 18-23 septembre 1995, Ed. CTHS, Paris : 547 - 558.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, paléolithique, paleolithic, néolithique, neolithic, Alpes, Alps, Jura.

Brillhart D.B., Fox L.B. & Upton S.J. 1994. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from small and medium-sized Kansas mammals. J. Med. Entomol., 31(3): 500-504.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, parasitologie, parasitology, Kansas, EUA, USA.
Seven species of hard-bodied ticks were collected from 20 species of small and medium-sized mammals in Kansas; Amblyomma americanum L., Dermacentor variabilis (Say), Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (Packard), Ixodes cookei Packard, I. kingi Bishopp, I. sculptus Neumann, and I. texanus Banks. Dermacentor variabilis was found statewide, A. americanum only in the eastern one-third of the state, and the Ixodes spp. and H. leporispalustris were widely scattered. The most common tick found was D. variabilis, both by itself and in association with other ticks. Mammals that ticks were collected from included Canis latrans Say, Cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus (Ord), Didelphis virginianus Kerr, Geomys bursarius (Shaw), Lynx rufus (Schreber), Marmota monax bunkeri Black, Mephitis mephitis (Schreber), Microtus ochrogaster (Wagner), Mus musculus L., Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), P. maniculatus (Wagner), Procyon lotor hirtus Nelson and Goldman, Reithrodontomys megalotis (Baird), Sciurus niger rufiventer Geoffroy, Sigmodon hispidus texianus (Audubon and Bachman), Sylvilagus floridanus (J. A. Allen), Taxidea taxus taxus (Schreber), and Vulpes velox velox (Say).

Brink F. van den 1955. Die Saügetiere Europas westkich des 30 Langengrades [Les Mammifères d'Europe à l'ouest du 30ème degré de longitude. European mammals west to the 30th degree of longitude]. Hamburg-Berlin.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota.

Brink F., van den 1957. Die Saügetiere Europas [Les mammifères d'Europe. Mammals of Europe]. Hamburg-Berlin.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Europe, Europa.

Brink van den & Barruel P. 1967. Guide des mammifères de l'Europe occidentale [Mammal guide of western Europe]. Delachaux et Niestlé.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, faunistique, fauna, Europe, Europa, Marmota marmota, p. 97 et Marmota bobac, p. 97.

Brinkmann A. 1919. Die Hautdrüsen der Säugertier (Bau und Sekretverhältnisse) [Les glandes cutanés;es des mammiféres (structure et sécrétion). Skin glands in mammals (Structure and secretion)]. Ebergn. Anat. Etw., 20 : 1173-1231.
En allemand, in German.
Mammiféres, mammals, sécrétion,secretion, peau, skin.

Brisson A.D. 1756. Le règne animal divisé en 9 classes. [titre intégral en latin] Paris, Ed. Bauche. (VII + 382 pages).
En latin, in Latin.
Marmota alpina, Marmota marmota p. 165.
C’est la première fois que le hamster est nommée « marmotte de Strasbourg », Glis suscus (Marmota monax) p. 115, Glis flavicans, capute rufescente p. 116, Marmota argentoratensis (Cricetus) p. 117.

British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Resources Inventory Branch 1988. Inventory methods for Pikas and Sciurids : Pikas, Marmots, Woodchucks, Chipmunks and Squirrels [Méthodes d'inventaire pour le Pikas et les Sciuridae : Pikas, marmottes communes, tamias et les écureuils]. Standards for components of British Columbia’s biodiversity, 29 :1-70.
En anglais, in English.
En ligne/On line. ou/or 1230
Marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, Marmota monax, hoary marmot, Marmota caligata, marmotte de l’île de Vancouver, Vancouver island marmot, Marmota vancouverensis.

Britton S.W. & H. Silvette 1937. Extremely prolonged survival of marmots after nephrectomy or adrenalectomy [Survie extrêmement prolongée après une néphrectomie ou adrénalectomie]. (Abstract). Am. J. Physiol., 119: 276-277.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology.

Brochier J.-L. & Brochier J.-E. 1973. L'art mobilier de deux nouveaux gisements magdaléniens à St-Nazaire-en-Royans (Drôme). La grotte du Taï et l'abri Campalou [Furniture art of two new Magadalenian deposits in St-Nazaire-en-Royans (Drôme). The Tai Cave and the Campalou rock-shelter]. In Etudes Préhistoriques, 4 : 1-12.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, magdalénine, Magdalenian, Drôme, France.

Brochier J.-L. & Brochier J.-E. 1995. Les sites magdaléniens et aziliensde la grotte du Taï et de l'abri de Campalou à St Nazaire-en-Royans [Magdalenian and Azilian Sites of the Tai Cave and the Campalou rock-shelter in St Nazaire-en-Royans]. In Épipaléolithique et Mésolithique en Europe, Ve congrès international UISPP (commission XII), 1 : 144-147.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, magdalénine, Magdalenian, Drôme, France.

Brodar S.& Brodar M. 1983. Potocka zijalka - viskogorska postaja aurignacienskih lovcev [Potocka zijalka, eine hochalpine Aurignacienjager station. Potocka zijalka, une station aurignacienne des hautes alpes]. Dela 1 in 4. razr. SAZU, 24: 1-213, Lubljana.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Slovénie.

Brody A.K. & Armitage K.B. 1985. The effects of adult removal on dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots [Les effets du retrait d'adulte sur la dispersion des jeunes d'un an chez les marmottes à ventre jaune]. Can. J. Zool., 63 : 2560-2564.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, dispersion, dispersal, conservation.

Brody A.K. & Melcher J. 1985. Infanticide in yellow-bellied marmots [Infanticide chez les marmottes à ventre jaune]. Anim. behav.,, 33 (2) : 673-674.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, cannibalisme, cannibalism.

Deux cas d'infanticides. Un cas, la nièce de la mère des jeunes habitant un terrier voisin se saisit d'un jeune quatre jours après la sortie et le tue. Deux femelles non apparentés dans une cage séparées par une cloison ; la première mmis bas des jeunes qui réussir à passer du côté de l'autre femelle sans descendance et furent trouvés tués par morsure. Dans aucun des cas, il n'y a eut consommation des jeunes. Observations rares et bénéfices d'une telle stratégie hypothétique.

Bröjer (Brojer) C.M., Peregrine A.S., Barker I.K., Carreno R.A. & Post C. 2002. Cerebral cysticercosis in a woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Cysticercose cérébrale chez une marmotte commune d'Amérique (Marmota monax)]. J. Wildl. Dis., 38(3):621-4.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, parasitisme, parasitism, cerveau, brain.
A juvenile woodchuck (Marmota monax) with vestibular signs was found in Woodbridge, Ontario (Canada) and later euthanized. At necropsy there was marked distortion of the right side of the skull, where a large, fluctuant, subcutaneous mass extended under the zygomatic arch and caudally from the right eye towards the right ear. The mass was multiloculated and contained a large number of tapeworm cysticerci, each about 1 to 2 mm in diameter. The third and lateral ventricles of the brain were dilated and contained large numbers of similar cysticerci. Based on the exogenous budding of cysts and the morphology of the scolex in each cyst, they were identified as cysticerci of Taenia crassiceps. This is the first report of cerebral cysticercosis in a woodchuck.
Extrait pdf extract

Brom I.P. 1945. Geografitcheskoe rasrostranenie tarbigana (Marmota sibirica Radde) i ego tchislennosti v Iugi-Vostotchnom Zabaïkalie [Distribution géographique et nombre de M. sibirica dans le sud-est du Transbaïkal. Geographical range and number of M. sibirica in the south-east Cis-Baikal]. Irkutsk.
Marmota sibirica, répartition, distribution, dénombrement, census, Transbai¨kal.

Brom I.P. 1958. Kolitchestvennyï outchet nekotorykh vidov stepnikh grysounov [Rapport quantitatif sur quelques espèces de rongeurs des steppes. Quantitative report on some steppe rodent species]. Izv. Irkout. naoutchn.-issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 19.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, dénombrement, census, steppe.

Brom I.P. 1971. O granitsakh tchoumogo otchaga na p. Arzaïty v Touvinskoï ASSR [Limites du foyer de peste du village d'Azaity dans le Touva]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, 9.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Touva.

Brom I.P. & Talanin N.I. 1952. Metody utcheta surtchin i nor tarbagana [Méthode d'échantillonnage des terriers de M. sibirica. Sampling method of tarbagan burrows]. Izv. Irkuts. PUI, 10 : 132-160.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, méthodologie, methodology, terrier, burrow.

Brom I.P., Volchinskaya Z.M. & Fedorova L.V. 1948. [Rôle de la répartition des mammifères prédateurs sur la distribution des puces. Significance of predatory mammals for distribution of fleas]. Zool. J., 27, 2: 167-174.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Insectes, Insects, répartition, distribution, dénombrement, census.

Brongniart Charles 1892. Histoire naturelle populaire. L'homme et les animaux [Popular natural history. Man and animals]. Paris, Marpon & Flammarion, 1039 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Sciences naturelles, natural science, marmotte, marmot, Brongniart, Charles (1859-1899).
Extrait pdf extract

Bronn Heinrich G. 1849. Index palaeontologicus oder Uebersicht der bis jezt bekannten fossilen Organismen. B: Enumerator palaeontologicus: Systematische Zusammenstellung und geologische Entwickellungs-Gesetze der organischen Reiche. 8vo., 1-1106 pages.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Bronn H.G. & Römer F. 1856. H.g. Bronn's Lethaea Geognostica- Oder, Abbildung und Beschreibung der für die Gebirgs-formationen bezeichendsten versteinerungen. Dritter Band. 4. Caeno-Letaea : VI. Theil : Mollassen-Periode, E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Plesiarctomys Gervaisi.
Extrait pdf extract

Bronson F.H. 1961. Some aspects of social pressure in woodchucks [Quelques aspects de la pression sociale chez les marmottes]. Ph. D. thesis, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, Pennsylvania, 107p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, ethologie, ethology, social, EUA, USA, Pennsylvanie.

Bronson F.H. 1962. Daily and seasonal activity patterns of woodchucks [Canevas d'activité journalière et saisonnière des marmottes]. J. Mammal., 43 : 425-427.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, saison, season, éthologie, ethology, rythme, rhythm, EUA, USA, Pennsylvanie.

Bronson F.H. 1963. Some correlates of interaction rates in natural populations of woodchucks [Quelques corrélats sur les taux d'interactions dans les populations naturelles de marmottes]. Ecology,, 44 : 637-644.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, social.

Seven aggregates, each a complex of 5 neighboring woodchlucks, were observed for 3 to 4 weeks each between May 1959 and September l960. These aggregates were assumed to be representative of the seasons and natural populations in which they were observed. A total of 11,648 min of movenent and behavioral activity were obtained. After field observation, each aggregate was subjected to competitive dominance tests to obtain relative rank status for the members. Aggressive interaction rates for the various aggregates were found to be more dependent upon seasonal changes in aggressiveness than upon density. Three of the 4 aggregates observed during the.April to early June period when aggressiveness was high were characterized by generally lower densities, high interaction rates, and high levels of down-alert activity. The level of down-alert activity appeared to be related to relative rank in 2 of the 4 groups. Three groups observed later in the year, when aggressiveness was lower, showed low interaction rates, low levels of down-alert activity, and no correlations with rank, even though densities of 2 of the 3 groups were the highest investigated. Home range and adrenal weight data showed suggestive relationships with interaction rate.

Bronson F.H. 1964. Agonistic behaviour in woodchucks [Comportement agonistique chez les marmottes]. Anim. Behav., 12 : 470-478.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, social, EUA, USA, Pennsylvanie.

Seven complexes of five neighbouring wood-chucks each were observed in the field between May 1959 and September 1960. Following 3 to 4 weks of observation, these animals were trapped and subjected to competitive dominance tests. Six other "aggregates" were subjected to competitive tests also. The combination of pen and field observations allowed a description of agonistic behaviour in this species. Woodchuck behaviour during the post-reproductive period (May-November) could be described as essentially ingestive, and agonistic. Animals usually lived solitarily, each animal in the population establishing dominance-subordination relationships with those animals whose home ranges overlapped or met its own.There was no evidence of territorial defence. Agonistic behaviour in the field was characterized chiefly by avoidance of dominant animals by their subordinate neighbours. The average aggressive-interaction rate in the population was about one per animal per day. This changed seasonally, increasing with the May-June period and then decreasing progressively until entrance into hibernation.

Bronson F.H. 1990. Mammalian reproductive biology [Biologie reproductive des mammif¿res]. Univ. Chicago Pr., Chicago. 336 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammalia, reproduction.

Brosset A. 1969. La vie des Mammifères. Les moeurs, rapports avec le milieu et classification [Life of mammals. Habits, relation with the environment and classification]. In La Vie des animaux, P.P. Grassé ed., Larousse, Paris, 277-382.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota p.338.

Brown Barnum 1908. The Conrad fissure, a Pleistocene bone deposit in northern Arkansas; with description of two new genera and twenty new species of mammals [La fissure Conrad, un dépôt osseux du Pléistocène d'Arkansas du Nord, avec description de deux genres nouveaux et de vingt espèces nouvelles de mammifères]. Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York IX 157-208, pls. xiv-xxv, 3 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Arkansas.

Brown C.P. 1948. Woodchucks observed while fighting [Marmottes observées au cours d'un combat]. J. Mammal., 29(1): 70.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, combat, fight.

Brown R.E. 1979. Mammalian social odours: a critical review [Les odeurs sociales des mammiféres : revue critique]. In Advances in the study of behaviour, Rosenblatt J.S, Hinde R.A., Beer C. & Busnel M-C. eds, New York Acad. Press, 10: 103-162.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, olfaction, social.

Brubacher H. 1892. Uebermässiges, ungewöhnliches Wachsthum der Schneidezähne bei Nagethieren. Deutsche Monatsschr. Zahnheilk., 10: 1-5, 4 figs.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, incisives.

Bruce D.S., Ambler D.L., Henschel T.M., Oeltgen P.R., Nilekani S.P., Amstrup S.C. 1992. Suppression of guinea pig ileum induced contractility by plasma albumin of hibernators. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 43(1): 199-203.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Caviidae, intestin, intestine, hibernation.
Previous studies suggest that hibernation may be regulated by internal opioids and that the putative "hibernation induction trigger" (HIT) may itself be an opioid. This study examined the effect of plasma albumin (known to bind HIT) on induced contractility of the guinea pig ileum muscle strip. Morphine (400 nM) depressed contractility and 100 nM naloxone restored it. Ten milligrams of lyophilized plasma albumin fractions from hibernating ground squirrels, woodchucks, black bears, and polar bears produced similar inhibition, with partial reversal by naloxone. Five hundredths mg of D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) also inhibited contractility and naloxone reversed it. Conclusions are that hibernating individuals of these species contain an HIT substance that is opioid in nature and summer animals do not; an endogenous opioid similar to leu-enkephalin may be the HIT compound or give rise to it.

Brugal J.-P. 1981. Recherches préliminaires sur les faunes des Grands Causses et vallées périphériques [Preliminary researches on fauna of the Grands Causses and peripheric valleys]. Paléobiologie Continentale, 12(1): 145-158, Montpellier.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Arctomys marmotta primigenia (151), France.

Brugal J.-P., Raposo L. 1995. L'assemblage osseux du gisement paleolithique moyen de Fozdo Enxarrique (Rodao, Portugal) [Bones collection in the Fozdo Enxarrique middle Paleolitlitic site (Rodao, Portugal). In The role of early humans in the accumulation of European lower and middle paleolithic bone assemblages, S. Gaudzinski and E. Turner (comp.), Intern. Meet. E.S.F./Forschungsbereich Asltenzeit des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz Neuwied (Germany) 18-20 May 1995, vol.abst. : 26-27.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, Paleontology, Paléolithique,Paleolitic, Os, Bone, Portugal.

Bruijn de H. & Mein P. 1968. On the mammalian fauna of the Hipparion beds in the Catalayud-Teruel Basin (Prov. Zaragoza, Spain) [Sur les faunes mammaliennes des dépôts de l'Hipparion dans le bassin de catalayud-Teruel]. Part5. The Sciuridae. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Series B, 71(1): 73-90.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Espagne, Spain, Zaragoza.

Bruijn de H., Dawson M.R. & Mein P. 1970. Upper Pliocene Rodentia, Lagomorpha and Insectivora (Mammalia) from the isle of Rhodes (Greece) [Rongeurs, Lagomorphes et Insectivores du Pliocène supérieur de l'île de Rhodes (Grè)]. I, II, III. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Series B, 73(5): 535-584.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Insectivora, paléontologie, paleontology, Grèce.

Bruijn de H. & Van der Meulen A.J. 1979. A review of the neogene rodent succession in Greece [Revue de la succession des rongeurs néogènes de Grè)]. Ann. Géol. Pays Hellén., Tome hors série, 1: 207-217.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, paléontologie, pleontology, Grèce.

Bruijn de H., Van der Meulen A.J. & Katsikatsos G. 1980. The mammals from the lower Miocene of Aliveri (Greece) [Les mammifères du Miocène inférieur d'Aliveri (Grèce)]. Pat 1. The Sciuridae. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Series B, 83, 3: 241-261.
En anglais, in English.
Mammiféres, mammzld, Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, Grèce.

Bruijn de H., Hussain S.T. & Leinders J.J.M. 1981. Fossil Rodents from the Murree formation near Banda Daud Shah, Kohat, Pakistan [Rongeurs fossiles de la formation de Murree près de Banda Daud Shah, Kohat, Pakistan]. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Series B, 84, 1: 71-99.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Pakistan.

Brun P. de 1897. Une grotte préhistorique de la vallée de l'Allier (Tastevin) [A prehistorical cave in the Allier Valley (Tastevin)]. Mémoire et procès-verbaux de la Société agricole et scientifique de la Haute-Loire, X.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Magdalénien, Magdalenian, Haute-Loire, France.

Brun P. de 1936. Note sur quelques grottes magdaléniennes de la vallée de l'Allier (Haute-Loire) [Report on some Magdalenian caves in the Allier Valley (Haute-Loire)]. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française (B.S.P.F.), 521.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Magdalénien, Magdalenian, vallée de l'Allier, Allier Valley, Haute-Loire, France.

Bruni R., Argentini C., D'Ugo E., Giuseppetti R., Ciccaglione A.R. & Rapicetta M. 1995. Recurrence of WHV integration in the b3n locus in woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma. Virology, 214(1): 229-234.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Frequent occurrence of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA (WHV DNA) integration into or in proximity to myc oncogenes and in the win locus of cellular genome in woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) has been described by several authors. We report a further cellular locus as a recurrent target for WHV integration in woodchuck HCCs. A WHV DNA integration and its cellular flanking regions were cloned from a HCC developed in a chronically WHV-infected woodchuck. Sequence analysis showed integration of rearranged C, PreS1, and 5' truncated X regions of the WHV genome, located in a cellular locus previously described for WHV integration in another woodchuck HCC. The two integration sites are only about 0.5 kb apart. In addition to Alu-like repeats and a gag-like coding region, previously described, we found several features of MAR (matrix attachment region) chromosomal sequences in the normal cellular locus, leading us to predict that part of it might be a previously unrecognized MAR.

Bruni R., Argentini C., D'Ugo E., Giuseppetti R. & Rapicetta M. 1995.A PCR-based strategy for rapid mapping of hepadnavirus integrated sequences in hepatocellular carcinomas. J. Virol. Methods., 52(3): 347-60.
En anglais, in English.
A methodology based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction analysis for rapid mapping of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) integrations in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues is described. Conventional PCR with viral primer pairs is not suitable for mapping WHV-integrated regions because the presence of minimum amounts of non-integrated (PCR amplifiable) WHV genome and replicative intermediates cannot be excluded. The first relevant part of the strategy is the identification of the cellular sequences flanking the WHV integration in order to select one (or more) integration-specific primer. The cellular flanking sequence can be rapidly obtained by means of inverse-PCR amplification of the viral/cellular junction and sequencing of the product. Mapping of the integrated regions is carried out by fixed flanking primer PCR (FFP-PCR) using the cellular primer as a 'fixed' primer in PCR association with each of an available set of WHV primers. Amplification of episomal WHV sequences is thus avoided. PCR products can also undergo restriction analysis. PCR-positive viral primers and specific WHV restriction sites are assembled into a map, based on the size and restriction pattern of the PCR products. The results of WHV integration mapping in a woodchuck HCC are described.

Bruni R., Argentini C., D'Ugo E., Giuseppetti R. & Rapicetta M. 1997. Woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA integration in a common chromosomal region of the woodchuck genome in two independent hepatocellular carcinomas. Arch. Virol., 142(3): 499-509.
En anglais, in English.
In woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) the myc-oncogene family (particularly N-myc2) and the win locus of cellular genome have been reported as frequent targets for integration of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA. In this paper a further cellular locus, b3n, is reported as recurrent target for WHV integration in woodchuck HCC. Cloning and sequencing of a WHV-DNA integration and its cellular flanking regions showed that viral DNA was inserted in a chromosomal region already described for WHV integration in another single HCC. The two integration sites are only 0.5 kb apart. A link between WHV integration in b3n and HCC development may be postulated. Careful analysis of the sequence of the unoccupied locus revealed that, in addition to Alu-like repeats and a gag-like coding region, already described, several features of Matrix Attachment Region (MAR) sequences are present. Thus (part of) b3n might be a previously unrecognized MAR. Organization of the chromatin in functional domains and regulation of gene expression are some functions attributed to MAR sequences. The occurrence of WHV-DNA integration close to the same putative MAR in two different HCCs suggests that a mechanism of deregulation of MAR functions by WHV insertion might act in some liver tumors.
Bruni R., Conti I., Villano U., Giuseppetti R., Palmieri G. & Rapicetta M. 2006. Lack of WHV integration nearby N-myc2 and in the downstream b3n and win loci in a considerable fraction of liver tumors with activated N-myc2 from naturally infected wild woodchucks. Virology, 345(1): 258-269.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis, Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, génétique, genetic.
In liver tumors induced by chronic WHV infection in the WHV/woodchuck model of HBV infection, activation of genes of the myc family by WHV insertion has been well documented. Several studies have shown that N-myc2 is by far the most frequently involved, and in most cases, its transcriptional activation is due to WHV insertion nearby the gene. N-myc2 has been shown to be also activated by WHV insertion in two downstream loci, b3n and win. Although the extent of insertion in these latter loci in woodchuck tumors has not been investigated, their discovery has led to the notion that therein WHV insertion accounts for N-myc2 activation in the remaining tumors expressing the proto-oncogene in absence of any detectable alteration nearby the gene, a notion remained unproved and not further investigated yet. In the majority of cases, the above observations were derived from tumors developed in colony born laboratory bred woodchucks experimentally infected with standardized viral inocula, mostly of the same lineage. In the present work, we investigated a survey of liver tumors naturally developed in wild woodchucks with naturally acquired chronic WHV infection. Tumors had histological features of well to moderately differentiated HCCs. In most animals, multiple tumor nodules were observed; in the great majority of cases, they were shown to be independent tumors because their WHV integration patterns were not clonally related. 53 independent tumors were investigated for N-myc activation and WHV integration nearby N-myc genes and in the b3n and win loci. Comparison of our results with data from previous studies revealed that, in tumors from naturally infected wild woodchucks, the frequency of WHV integration nearby N-myc2 has a tendency to be lower and, in addition, N-myc2 activation is due to WHV integration nearby the gene significantly less frequently than in tumors from experimentally infected colony born animals (12/28, 43% vs. 15/20, 75%, P = 0.0397). These findings are likely related to the less uniform conditions as to infecting virus and host genetic background in naturally infected wild woodchucks with respect to experimentally infected colony born woodchucks and suggest that viral and/or host factors may influence the site of viral insertion finally detected in overt tumors. In addition, more than one third (11/28, 39%) tumors with activated N-myc2 transcription did not show rearrangement either nearby the gene, or in b3n or in win. These findings challenge the notion that integration in the downstream b3n and win loci is responsible for N-myc2 activation in tumors lacking insertion nearby N-myc2 and suggest that in a considerable fraction of liver tumors, at least from wild woodchucks, N-myc2 activation might be due either to WHV integration in further regions of the N-myc2 chromosomal domain or to other mechanisms related or unrelated to viral insertion.

Bruni Roberto, D'Ugo Emilio, Giuseppetti Roberto, Argentini Claudio & Rapicetta Maria 1999. Activation of the N-myc2 oncogene by woodchuck hepatitis virus integration in the linked downstream b3n locus in woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma. Virology, 257 (2): 483-490.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
In the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)/woodchuck model for hepatitis B virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma, frequent activation of N-myc oncogenes by WHV integration has been firmly established. N-myc2, the most frequently affected gene, was reported to be activated by WHV insertion either in the proximity of the gene or in a distant uncoding locus, win. We previously reported that a WHV integration cloned from a liver tumor was located in a chromosomal locus already described by others as the site of WHV integration in another hepatocellular carcinoma. On this basis, the locus, named b3n, was defined as a recurrent site of WHV integration. A scaffold or matrix attachment region (S/MAR) element was subsequently shown to be located in this locus apprx1 kb from the WHV insertion sites. S/MARs are genetic elements involved both in structural and functional organization of chromosomal DNA and in stimulation of gene expression. In the present work, we investigated the possibility that an N-myc gene might be affected by integration in b3n. Analysis of a liver tumor harboring WHV integration in this locus showed N-myc2 overexpression. By restriction analysis, the b3n locus was shown to be located downstream of N-myc2, so the known sites of viral insertion in b3n were apprx11 kb downstream of the N-myc2 promoter. Although these data support that WHV insertion in b3n activates N-myc2, the mechanisms previously described to be involved in N-myc2 activation do not appear to properly account for activation in this subset of WHV integrations. Available data suggest that activation of N-myc2 by WHV integration in b3n might be mediated by the S/MAR located near the WHV insertion.

Bruni R., D'Ugo E., Villano U., Fourel G., Buendia M.A. & Rapicetta M. 2004. The win locus involved in activation of the distal N-myc2 gene upon WHV integration in woodchuck liver tumors harbors S/MAR elements. Virology, 329(1): 1-10.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis, Proto-oncogene.
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and the woodchuck (Marmota monax) are models for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) induced by hepatitis B virus (HBV). In woodchuck liver tumors, the N-myc2 proto-oncogene is frequently activated by WHV integration either close to the gene or in the b3n and win downstream loci, located 10 and 150 kb from N-myc2, respectively. A scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR) regulative element was shown to be in b3n, possibly mediating activation of the upstream N-myc2 gene upon WHV integration. To investigate if S/MAR elements are in win too, a 17-kb DNA fragment corresponding to the major region of WHV insertion in this locus was cloned and sequenced. Overlapping subcloned fragments spanning candidate S/MARs predicted by sequence analysis were tested by standard in vitro binding assays. Results showed the presence of two S/MAR elements in win. The distribution of previously described WHV insertions relative to the S/MARs reinforces the hypothesis that S/MARs nearby distal WHV insertions might be involved in long-range activation of N-myc2.

Brunner 1939. Die Hirtenweberhöle b. Neukirchen (Sulzbach, Obpf.) [La grotte du berger tisserand de Neukirchen]. Z. deutsh. Geol. Ges., Berlin, 91(1) ; 432-449. p. 442.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota sp., Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Allemagne, Germany.

Brunner 1951 a. Die Hirtenweberhöle b. Neukirchen (Sulzbach, Obpf.) [Du petit trou du diable de Pottenstein. The small evil cave of Pottenstein]. Z. deutsh. Geol. Ges., Berlin.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota sp.

Brunner 1951 b. Eine Faunenfolge von Würm III Glazial bis das Spätpostglazial aus der Quelkammer b. Pottensyein (Obfr.) [Une succession faunique du Würm III glaciaire jusquau glaciaire tardif dans la chambre de Pottenstein. A fauna sequence from glacial Würm III to the late glacial in the chamber of Pottenstein]. Geol. Bl. Nordostbayern, Erlangen, 1(1) : 14-28.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Brunner H.B. & Coman B.J. 1974. The identification of mammalian hair [Identification des poils de mammiféres]. Melbourne, Victoria, Inkata Press.
En anglais, in English.
Mammiféres, mammals, poil, hair.

Bruns Ute 1997. Untersuchungen zu Grad und Häufigkeit von Inzucht beim Alpenmurmeltier (Marmota m. marmota) mittels DNA-fingerprinting. Diplomarbeit, Philipps-Universität Marburg.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic.

Bruns Ute 2000. Essential fatty acids in natural populations of alpine marmots [Acides gras essentiels dans les populations naturelles de marmottes]. In Life in the Cold, 11th International Hibernation Symposium 2000.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota.

Bruns U. & Arnold W. 1997a.Genetische Variabilität von Alpenmurmeltieren: die Effekte von Inzucht und postglazialen bottlenecks. 90. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Mai 1997, Mainz, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 90.1:231.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génétique, consanguinité, in-breeding.

Bruns U. & Arnold W. 1997b. Genetic variability in Marmota marmota and implications for the mating system [Variabilité génétique chez Marmota marmota et implications pour le système d'appariement]. XXV International Ethological Conference, August 1997, Wien, Ethology Supplement 32:276.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique.

Bruns U. & Arnold W. 1999. Social marmots - cooperative polyandry and interbreeding [Les marmottes sociales- polyandrie coopérative et croisement]. Zoology, 102, Suppl. II (DZG 92.1): 13.

En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, social, social, interbreeding, croisement.

Bruns U., Frey-Roos F. & Arnold W. 1999 How to cope with relatives - inbreeeding, dispersal, and polyandry in social alpine marmots [Comment s'occuper des parents : consanguinité, dispersion et polyandrie chez les marmottes alpines sauvages]. Abstract volume Population genetics group, Cambridge, UK, St. Catherine's College.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, social, social, interbreeding, croisement.

Bruns U., Frey-Roos F., Pudritz S., Tataruch F., Ruf T., & Arnold, W. 2000. Essential fatty acids: their impact on free-living alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Acides gras essentiels : leur impact sur sur les marmottes alpines sauvages]. In: Life in the Cold IV (Heldmaier, G., ed.).
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, acides gras essentiels, essential fatty acids.

Bruns U., Frey-Roos F., Ruf T. & Arnold W. 1999. Nahrungsökologie des Alpenmurmeltieres (Marmota marmota) und die Bedeutung essentieller Fettsäuren [Ecologie alimentaire des marmottes alpines et les acides gras essentiels]. In: Murmeltiere (Preleuthner, M. & Aubrecht, G., eds.), Stapfia, 63: 57-66. OÖ Landesmuseums, Linz.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, alimentation, diet, acides gras, fatty acids.

Bruns U., Frey-Roos F., Tataruch F. & Arnold W. 2002. Seasonal changes in adipose tissue triglyceride and organ phospholipid composition in free-living alpine marmots. Changements saisonniers de triglycérides dans les tissus adipeux et de la composition en phospholipides des organes des marmottes alpines en milieu naturel. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 30-31.
Anglais et français ; English and French
. Marmota baibacina, chromosome.

Bruns Ute, Haiden Anita & Suchentrunk Franz 1999a. Das Alpenmurmeltier (Marmota m. marmota) - eine genetisch verarmte Tierart? Biochemisch-genetische Analysen von Graubündner Vorkommen geben Antwort [La marmotte alpine : un appauvrissement génétique de l’espèce ?.] Stapfia, 63: 139- 148.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, social, social, interbreeding, croisement.

Bruns U., Haiden A. & Suchentrunk F. 1999b. Allozyme variability in autochthonous colonies of Swiss Alpine marmots (Marmota m. marmota): A confirmation of the 'species-wide bottleneck hypothesis'? [Variabilité des allozymes dans les colonies autochtones de marmottes alpines suisses : une confirmation de l'hypothèse du fort goulot d'étranglement spécifique?] Folia Zoologica, 48(1): 11-22.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, variation génétique, genetic variation; polymorphisme, polymorphism; goulot d'étranglement populationel, population bottleneck
Allozymic variability of 303 Alpine marmots (Marmota m. marmota) from three local populations of the Swiss canton Grisons was studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis to corroborate or refute the 'species-wide bottleneck hypothesis' of this species. This hypothesis has previously been suggested in order to explain the low genetic variability on the allozyme level found so far in all regional populations of this species (Preleuthner and Pinsker 1993). Based on 25,436 genes presently studied, polymorphism was found at eight of 48 loci screened. All polymorphic loci were diallelic. Overall rate of polymorphism (16.7%) was significantly higher than the value based on all populations screened earlier from the Eastern and from parts of the Western Alps. Population-specific rates of polymorphism (8.33 - 14.58 %), expected heterozygosities (2.3 - 3.8 %) and H(e) / P -rates were well within the ranges found in many terrestrian mammalian species without obvious bottleneck history. These results contradict the 'species-wide bottleneck hypothesis' of Alpine marmots.

Brusson J-P. 1982. Les gens, les mots, les choses. Un village haut-savoyard en 1900 : Cordon, 1860-1939 [People, words, things. An upper Savoy village in 1900: Cordon 1860-1939]. Académie salésienne, Annecy, 318p. (Documents d'Ethnologie régionale, vol. 7).
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota, Haute-Savoie, France.

Bryan Kirk & Gidley J.W. 1926. Vertebrate fossils and their enclosing deposits from the shores of Pleistocene Lake Cochise [Les vertébrés fossiles et les dépôts inclus des rives du lac Cochise du Pléistocène]. Arizona. Amer. Jour. Sci., 5 477-488, 2 figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota arizonae, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord.

Bryant M.D. 1945. Phylogeny of Nearctic Sciuridae [Phylogenèse des Sciuridae néarctiques]. Am. Midl. Nat., 33: 257-390.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, reassigned Arctomys minor to Marmota minor, reassigned Arctomys vetus to Palaearctomys vetus, morphologie, morphology.

Bryant A.A. 1990. Genetic variability and minimum viable populations in the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) [Variabilité génétique et populations à viabilité minimum chez la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. M.E. Des. Thesis, University of Calgary (Calgary, Alta.), 101 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, génétique, population, Canada, Bristish Columbia.

From 1987 through 1989 I studied four colonies of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) to assess genetic variability and population viability in this species. Six family groups at two natural colonies remained remarkably stable throughout the study. Seven family groups at two logging-slash colonies displayed greater turnover of individuals, and comparatively short-term use of burrows. Females produced average litters of 3.2 young (n=13) every second year, although one bred in consecutive years. Litters of four were more common in "slash" colonies. M. vancouverensis appears to be essentially monogamous, and in other respects exhibits a social structure similar to that of M. olympus. Reproductive and survivorship rates varied dramatically with year, family group, and colony. Marmots using established burrow systems in natural habitats did comparatively well; marmots using new burrow complexes did either very well or very poorly. Most mortality apparently occurred during winter hibernation. Sampled M. vancouverensis (n=44) were neither genetically destitute nor highly inbred. Electrophoresis revealed levels of genetic variability comparable to M. flaviventris and M. monax (n=22 scorable loci, estimated % polymorphic loci P=0.18, average expected heterozygosity H=0.073). Small but significant genetic differences were found between two colonies less than 20 kilometres apart, illustrating the importance of founder effects and infrequent dispersal. Effective population size Ne of the known population is close to 50 (estimates of 34.6 to 64.4). M. vancouverensis is well-adapted to a "meta-population" lifestyle, in which a patchwork of colonies experience periodic extinctions and reco-lonizations. Small colonies of M. vancouverensis are vulnerable to extinction through random demographic and environmental events. Most known colonies are small. The entire population inhabits a geographically confined area, is insufficient to maintain long-term evolutionary potential (Ne=500), and is very close to the size necessary to prevent short-term loss of genetic variability through inbreeding and drift (Ne=50). The full effects of human-caused landscape alteration on marmots are not yet understood: I hypothesize that logging-slash may provide attractive summer habitat but poor conditions for successful hibernation, and may therefore act as a "sink" for dispersing marmots from higher-elevation natural colonies. I conclude that the known population of M. vancouverensis is not "viable" using existing criteria. Long-term survival of M. vancouverensis requires that additional meta-populations be found or established, and that adequate gene flow between individual colonies be maintained. A three-pronged recovery plan is proposed. Objective #1 is to maintain current numbers and distribution, and to answer basic questions of population biology. Objective #2 is to establish a second meta-population of approximately 200 animals. At this time the species should be downlisted to "threatened" status. Objective #3 is to establish a third meta-population (of approximately 200 animals), at which time the species should be downlisted to "vulnerable" status. Additional research (on hibernacula, dispersal, and survivorship) and inventory efforts are needed. Discovery of new meta-populations could dramatically reduce the need for recovery efforts, but is unlikely.

Bryant A.A. 1992. Demography of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis): year-end report for 1991 [La démographie de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver : rapport annuel final 1991]. Unpub. rep. prepared for the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team, Andrew A. Bryant Services, Nanaimo, B.C., 28 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, ecology, dénombrement, census.

Bryant A.A. 1993a. A compilation of location records for the Vancouver Island marmot [Inventaire des sites répertoriés de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. Unpublished report submitted to the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team and Ministry of Environment, Nanaimo, BC, 11pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, distribution.

Bryant A.A. 1993b. A review of inventory data for Vancouver Island Marmots [Une revue des inventaires des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver]. Unpub. rep. prepared for the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team, Andrew A. Bryant Services, Nanaimo, B.C., 26 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, distribution.

Bryant A.A. 1993c. A stochastic population simulation model, and estimates of effective population size Ne, for Vancouver Island Marmots [Modèle stochastique de simulation des populations et estimations de la taille effective de la population Ne pour la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. Unpub. rep. prepared for the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team, Andrew A. Bryant Services, Nanaimo, B.C., 22 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, méthodologie, methodology, population.

Bryant A.A. 1994a. Notes on the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) [Notes sur la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Project Review Paper N° 3, 25P.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, peuplement, écologie, ecology, population, conservation, Canada, British Columbia.

Bryant A.A. 1994b. Démographie des marmottes de Vancouver dans leur habitat naturel et en clairières. Demography of Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural and clearcut habitats. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 42-43.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, peuplement, écologie, ecology, population, conservation, Canada, British Columbia.

Les marmottes de Vancouver (M. vancouverensis) sont endémiques de l'île de Vancouver (Canada). Leur habitat naturel est constitué de pentes raides des montagnes qui restent sans arbres au niveau de couloirs d'avalanches, habituellement à une altitude de 1000 à 1400 mètres. Depuis le début des annnées 80, les marmottes de Vancouver ont colonisé de nouveaux habitats créés par la coupe à blanc de for&eciorc;ts au-dessus de 700 m d'altitude. Cependant, certains habitats naturels précédemment occupés sont maintenant vacants et des preuves montrent que la distribution géographique de l'espèce s'est réduite au cours des temps historiques. La population actuellement connue est à la fois petite (3-400 individus) et fortement concentrée (>75% de la population connue occupe une surface de 20 km2). De 1987 à 1994, j'ai suivi n=93 individus marqués à l'oreille dans deux colonies subalpines et 3 colonies de clairière pour évaluer la tendance démographique de l'espéce. Bien que la taille des échantillons soit faible pour toute classe d'âge et de sexe, cet échantillon représente plus de 10% de la population connue ces dernières années, et plus de 50% de la population de ces colonies particulières. Comparé à d'autres espèces de marmottes, M. vancouverensis est lente à atteindre sa maturité sexuelle et montre des taux de reproduction faibles. Des portées de 1 à 5 ont été observées (moyenne=3,12, d.s.=0,91, n=26). La plupart des femelles ne se reproduisent pas avant l'âge de 4 ans (moyenne=4,38, ds=1,06, n=8), et dans la plupart des cas il y avait un intervalle sans reproduction d'au moins un an entre les portées (moyenne=1,85, ds=0,69, n=7). Relativement peu de femelles survivent assez longtemps pour produire plus d'une portée (n=3). Bien que la prédation par les aigles dorés (Aquilea chrysaetos) soit probablement importante, la mortalité la plus forte intervient pendant l'hibernation. Des différences significatives existent entre marmottes vivant en habitat naturel ou en clairières. Les marmottes de clairères ont une taille typiquement supérieure, peut-être à cause d'une émergence plus précoce d'hibernation. Les taux de survie annuels en clairières (pour toutes les classes d'âge et de sexe, <50%) sont significativement plus faibles que ceux des marmottes des habitats naturels (>70%), cette tendance peut-être reliée au couvert nival réduit en hiver dans les colonies de clairières. Les femelles nées dans des colonies de clairiéres ont 9,3% de chance d'atteindre l'âge de la reproduction (4 ans) alors que les femelles nées en habitat naturel ont 38,9% de chances. En général, les habtitats de clairières récents ne permettent pas à M. vancouverensis d'établir des colonies stables. Marmota vancouvernsis est apparemment bien adaptée à un mode de vie en métapopulation, pour lequel un patchwork de petites colonies connaît des alternances d'extinction occasionnelles et de recolonisation. J'émet l'hypothèse que les coupes à blanc peuvent avoir des effets de métapopulation important car l'habitat de clairières agit comme un puits pour les dispersants potentiels. Enfin, les coupes forestières peuvent ralentir ou empêcher la recolonisation naturelle de certains habitats historiques.
I monitored n=93 ear-tagged Vancouver Island marmots at 5 natural subalpine and "clearcut" colonies to assess demographic trends. Compared to other Marmota, M. vancouverensis is slow to achieve sexual maturity and exhibits low reproductive rates. Litter sizes of 1 to 5 were observed (mean = 3.16, s.d. = 0.60, n=26), and most females did not breed until age 4. Most mortality apparently occurs during winter hibernation. Significant differences exist between "natural" and "clearcut" marmots. Marmots in clearcuts are typically larger in size, perhaps due to earlier emergence from hibernation. Annual survival rates in clearcuts (50%) are significantly lower than those in natural habitats (>70%). Females born in clearcut colonies have a 9.3% chance of reaching reproductive age (age 4), while females born in natural colonies have a 38.9% chance. Clearcut habitats do not permit M. vancouverensis to establish stable colonies. I hypothesize that clearcut logging may have important metapopulation effects because clearcut habitats act as a "sink" for potential dispersers. Clearcutting could slow or prevent the natural recolonization of some historic habitats.

Bryant A.A. 1995a. Vancouver Island marmot research project. 1995 population inventory and recent trends [Projet de recherche sur la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver: inventaire de la population et tendance actuelles]. Unpublished report submitted to the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team and Ministry of Environment, Nanaimo, BC, 5 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, conservation, population.

Bryant A.A. 1995b. Unsuccessful searches for Vancouver Island marmots, 1972-1994 [Recherches infructueuses des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver, 1972-1994]. Unpublished report submitted to the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team and Ministry of Environment, Nanaimo, BC, 5 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, dénombrement, census.

Bryant A.A. 1996. Démographie de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver dans les habitats naturels et les clairières. Demography of Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural and clearcut environments. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre, R. Ramousse & Le Guelte L. eds, International Marmot Network, 157-168.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, ecology, habitat, reproduction, Canada, Bristish Columbia.
Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis: Swarth) normally inhabit sub-alpine meadows at 1000-1400 metres elevation. In recent years marmots colonized habitats created by clearcut logging of forests above 700 metres in elevation, but disappeared from some natural habitats. The current population is small (100-200 individuals) and highly concentrated. M. vancouverensis exhibits low reproductive rates, with small litters ( mean= 3.36, SD = 0.83, n = 36), late sexual maturity ( age at first reproduction mean= 4.00, SD = 0.82, n = 13) and a lengthy non-reproductive interval between litters ( mean = 1.83 years, SD = 0.76, n = 6). Predation and unsuccessful hibernation are the most important causes of mortality. Marmots inhabiting recently logged habitats produce fewer young and show significantly lower survival rates. Clearcut habitats may act as population "sinks" by consuming more marmots than they produce. Forestry may ultimately slow or prevent recolonization of some historic habitats.
Marmota vancouverensis, Swarth, occupaient surtout les prairies subalpines (1000 et 1400 m¿tres d'altitude) de l'”le de Vancouver. Ces derni¿res ann-aes, elles ont colonis-a les clairi¿res de d-aforestation (<700 m¿tres d'altitude), et ont disparu de certains habitats naturels. la population actuelle est õ la fois faible (100-200 individus) et tr¿s concentr-ae. ses taux de reproduction sont peu -alev-as : port-aes de petite taille ( moyenne= 3,36 ; SD = 0,83 ; n = 36), maturit-a sexuelle tardive (1¿re reproduction moyenne = 4,00 ans, ET = 0,82, n = 13) et longs intervalles entre port-aes sans reproduction ( moyenne = 1,83 ans, ET = 0,76, n = 6). Pr-adation et -achec d'hibernation sont les principales causes de mortalit-a. Les marmottes de clairi¿res ont moins de marmottons et pr-asentent des taux de survie plus faibles que les marmottes des habitats naturels. Les clairi¿res, "puits" õ population, consomment plus de marmottes qu'elles n'en produisent. La sylviculture peut, ainsi, ralentir ou pr-avenir la reconqu’te de certains habitats historiques.

Bryant A.A. 1996. Reproduction and persistence of Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural and logged habitats [Reproduction et persistence des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver dans les habitats naturels et déforestés]. Canad. J. Zool., 74 (4): 678-687.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, ecology, reproduction, Canada, British Columbia.

I tagged and monitored Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) to investigate demographic trends among colonies inhabiting natural subalpine meadows and recently logged habitats M. vancouverensis exhibits low reproductive rates, with litter sizes of 2 to 5 (mean= 3.36, SD = 0.83, n=36). Females are capable of breeding at age 3, but most animals did not breed until age 4 (mean= 4.00, SD = 0.82, n=13), and displayed a non-reproductive interval of at least 1 year between litters (mean= 1.83, SD = 0.76, n=6). Persistence of marmots was higher at natural sites than logged areas (65% versus 48%). Maximum female age was 9 in natural habitats and 5 in clearcuts. No adult female inhabiting a clearcut (n=14) produced more than a single litter, while 5 of 14 females in natural habitats produced 11 litters. Net reproductive value of clearcut colonies was less than half that of natural colonies (Ro = 0.25 versus 0.72). Recently logged habitats may act as a demographic “sink” by consuming more dispersers than they produce, and therefore impede the recolonization of distant natural habitats.
J'ai marqué et suivi des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver (M. vancouverensis) pour étudier les tendances démographiques des colonies des prairies sub-alpines naturelles et de celles des forêts récemment coupées. Cette marmotte a un taux de reproduction faible et produit des portées de 2 à 5 petits (moyenne= 3.36, SD = 0.83, n=36). Les femelles peuvent se reproduire à l'âge de 3 ans, mais la plupart ne le font qu'à l'âge de 4 ans (moyenne= 4.00, SD = 0.82, n=13) et il y a un intervalle d'au moins 1 an entre les portées (moyenne= 1.83, SD = 0.76, n=6). La fidélité des marmottes à un endroit est plus élevée aux sites naturels que dans les forêts coupées (65% versus 48%). L'âge maximal des femelles a été évalué à 9 ans dans les habitats naturels et à 5 ans dans les forêts coupées à blanc. Aucune femelle des forêts coupées à blanc (n=14) n'a produit plus d'une portée, alors que 5 des 14 femelles des milieux naturels ont produit 11 portées. Le coefficient net de reproduction des colonies des forêts coupées à blanc équivalait à moins de la moitié de celui estimé dans les colonies des milieux naturels (0.25 versus 0.72). Les forèts récemment exploitées servent peut-être de "bassins" démographiques en absorbant plus d'individus non sédentaires qu'ils n'en produisent et ces milieux empêchent donc la recolonisation des milieux naturels éloignés.

Bryant A.A. 1997. Status report on species at risk in Canada. Vancouver Island Marmot Marmota vancouverensis [Rapport d'état sur les espèces à risque au Canada. Marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. COSEWIC, CSEMDC, 21pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, protection, conservation, British columbia, Canada.
Description: The Vancouver Island (Marmota vancouverensis), like other members of the genus, is fossorial, herbivorous and hibernates during winter. M. vancouverensis differs from other species in karyotype, skull characteristics, pelage and behaviour. It is similar to other alpine-dwelling marmots in its slow maturation, long life span, and complex social organization. M. vancouverensis persists despite a small and fragmented natural habitat base. It exhibits a « metapopulation » structure. The entire population consists of a small colonies that occasionally form and become extinct. Distribution: M. vancouverensis is endemic to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The current population is concentrated within 5 adjacent watersheds on south-central Vancouver Island. Even within this area the population is extremely localized; >65% of marmots live on 4 mountains in the central 40 km2 portion of their current range. Paleaontological and archaeological records indicate that M. vancouverensis enjoyed a broader distribution in the recent geological past. Historic records suggest that marmots disappeared from some areas quite recently (10-30 years ago). Protection: M. vancouverensis is listed as endangered under the B.C. Wildlife Act (1980). It is also listed as endangered by the Committee on the status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Most colonies occur on privately owned lands. Two marmot habitats are legally protected (combined area of <400 ha). Population size and trends: The current population contains 150-200 individuals. This represents a 50-60% decline in numbers during the past 10 years. Concomitant with this has been local extinction of several colonies during this period, including some which typically contained >10 adults. Habitat: Vancouver Island marmots require three essential habitat features: 1) grasses and forbs to eat, 2) colluvial soil structure for construction of overnight and overwintering burrows, and 3) microclimatic conditions that permit summer foraging, thermoregulation, and successful hibernation. Most marmots are found between 1000 and 1400 metres in elevation, and on south to west-facing slopes. Habitat scarcity is the fundamental reason for the rartity of M. vancouverensis.Biology: M. vancouverensis is among the most social of marmots. They live in colonies which contains fewer than 5 adults on average. Females are capable of breeding at age 3, but most animals, do not breed until age 4. Young marmots disperse at age 2 or later, dispersal is fundamental to maintaining metapopulation structure. Limiting factors: The essential short-trend problem is low adult and juvenile survival. Predators and unsuccessful hibernation are the principal causes of mortality. Both factors are exacerbated by the restricted range. reproduction rates are apparently stable. There is no evidence of inbreeding depression or disease. Long -term problems probably include reduced long-distance dispersal (altered landscape connectivity caused by logging, invasion of sub-alpine meadows). The question of why marmots no longer inhabits some areas is of fundamental importance. If climatic change is principally responsible, efforts to re-establish colonies will fail and there may be little that managers can do to enhance marmot populations. Alternatively, if human-caused alteration of landscape connectivity is the problem, then reintroductions should allow recovery of the species within a reasonable time period. Special significance of the species: M. vancouverensis is one of only five endemic mammals in Canada. It is the only endemic mammal species which appears on the COSEWIC endangered list. Recommendations/Management options: Recovery Plan objectives have not been met. The current « eggs in one basket » distribution is highly dangerous. Planned recovery activities (research, captive-breeding, and reintroduction) should be pursued vigorously, with the objective of increasing numbers and distribution as speedily as possible. Evaluation: Recommended status is Endangered.
Distribution : M. vancouverensis est endémique dans l'île de Vancouver en Colombie Britannique. La population actuelle est concentrée dans cinq bassins versants au centre -sud de l'île de Vancouver. Même dans cette région, la population, est très localisée puisque plus de 65% des marmottes vivent sur quatre montagnes dans 40 km2 au centre de leur aire actuelle de distribution. Des données paléontologiques et archéologiques indiquent que M. vancouverensis était plus répandue dans le passé géologique récent. Selon les données historiques, la marmotte a disparu de certaines régions fort récemment (il y a de 10 à 30 ans). Protection : Selon la loi (1980) sur la faune de la C-B., M. vancouverensis figure sur la liste des espèces en danger de disparition. elle est aussi sur la liste des espèces en péril du Comité sur le statut des espèces menacées de disparition du Canada, de la Endangered Species Act des E-U. et de l'Union mondiale pour la conservation de la nature. La plupart des colonies vivent sur des terrains privés. Deux sites inhabités par cette marmotte jouissent d'une protection légale (pour une superficie combinée de moins de 400 ha). Taille et tendance de la population : La population actuelle est de 150 à 200 individus, ce qui représente une baisse de 50 à 60% au cours des 10 dernières années. Plusieurs colonies sont disparues au cours de la même période, y compris certaines qui avaient plus de 10 adultes. Habitat : L'habitat de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver doit avoir trois caractéristiques : 1) des graminées et des plantes herbacées dicotylédones à manger ; 2) un sol colluvial permettant la construction de terriers pour s'abriter la nuit et de ceux nécessaires pour hiverner, 3) un microclimat permettant l'alimentation en été, la thermorégulation et une hibernation réussie. On observe la plupart des marmottes à une élévation de 1 000 à 1 400 mètres sur les pentes sud ou ouest des montagnes. La rareté de l'habitat est la raison fondamentale de la rareté de la M. vancouverensis. Biologie : M. vancouverensis est une des marmottes les plus sociales. les colonies ont en moyenne moins de cinq adultes. Les femelles peuvent se reproduire à trois ans, mais la plupart ne se reproduisent pas avant l'âge de quatre ans. Les jeunes marmottes se dispersent à deux ans ou un peu plus tard ; la dispersion est essentielle au maintien de la structure de métapopulation. Facteurs contraignants : Le principal problème à court terme est la faible survie des adultes et des juvéniles. Les prédateurs et les conditions d'hibernation sont les principales causes de mortalité. Les deux facteurs sont aggravés par l'aire limitée. Les taux de reproduction semblent stables. il ne semble pas y avoir de problèmes de santé causés par la consanguinité. Les problèmes à long terme comprennent probablement la réduction de la dispersion sur de longues distances (l'isolation des terrains eux à cause de l'exploitation forestière ainsi que la réduction de la survie dans les terrains exploités) et le changement climatique et de la végétation (l'invasion des prés subalpins par les arbres). Il est d'importance fondamentale de comprendre pourquoi les marmottes ne vivent plus dans certaines régions. Si le changement climatique est la principale cause, les efforts de rétablissement des colonies ne vont pas réussir et les interventions des gestionnaires visant à accroître le nombre de marmottes peuvent donc être limitées. Par ailleurs, si les bris entre les terrains provoqués par l'exploitation forestière sont la cause du problème, les réintroductions devraient permettre le rétablissement de l'espèce dans un délai raisonnable. Importance particulière de l'espèce : M. vancouverensis est l'un des cinq mammifères endémiques du Canada. Elle est la seule espèce de mammifère endémique inscrite sur la liste des espèces en péril du CSEMDC. Recommandations/options de gestion : Les objectifs du plan de rétablissement n'ont pas été atteints. La concentration actuelle de l'espèce sur le même territoire est très inquiétante. Il faut poursuivre vigoureusement les activités de rétablissement prévues (recherches, reproduction en captivité et réintroductions) dans le but d'accroître aussi rapidement que possible le nombre et la distribution des marmottes. Evaluation : Recommandée au statut EN DANGER DE DISPARITION.

Bryant A.A. 1998. Metapopulation ecology of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) [Écologie de la métapopulation des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver] . PhD, university of Victoria.
En anglais, in English.

Vancouver Island marmots (M. vancouverensis) rank among the world's most critically endangered mammals. There were probably fewer than 100 marmots in 1998, with 90% distributed south of Alberni Inlet, and the remainder on or near Mount Washington. This represents a 60-70% decline in numbers during the past 10 years, and a considerably reduced geographic range during the past several decades.
I used data from marked animals, radio-telemetry and population counts to test whether population dynamics were consistent with predictions made under five hypotheses: habitat tracking, sink-connectivity, weather, predators and disease. Estimates of demographic rates from intensive mark-recapture work and population counts were generally consistent, although estimation of adult survival from counts was problematic because of the difficulty of distinguishing surviving marmots from immigrants. There was no apparent influence of mark-recapture on survival or reproduction, and intensively studied colonies showed similar dynamics to colonies that were visited infrequently.
There was little evidence for habitat tracking in natural habitats. Few colonies showed chronically low reproduction or survival, which would be the predicted result of a gradually deteriorating environment. Declines were more often abrupt and catastrophic. Marmots did not colonize clearcuts in proportion to their temporal or spatial availability, and ultimately colonized only a minuscule fraction of the potential habitat. However, marmots already inhabiting clearcuts represent a special case of habitat tracking; survival rates were significantly lower at clearcuts of more advanced seral age (i.e., >11 years after harvest).
Evidence for source-sink and landscape connectivity processes was relatively strong. Marmots inhabiting clearcuts had chronically lower survival rates (by 5-10%). Per female reproductive contribution in clearcuts was half that of females inhabiting natural environments. However not all clearcuts acted as sinks, or acted as sinks in all years. Colonizations of clearcuts were spatially concentrated and none occurred at distances greater that 5 km from an existing natural colony. Apparent adult survival was significantly associated with isolation but juvenile survival was not, which is consistent with the prediction that isolated colonies should receive fewer immigrants. However the spatial pattern of extinctions was unexpected. Isolated and closely-clustered colonies had similar probabilities of extinction.
Weather significantly influenced marmot survival and reproduction but explained only small amounts of variation. Survival was significantly associated with rainfall, temperature and snowpack depth. Reproduction was negatively associated with snowpack and temperature. Slope aspect was significantly associated with survival, perhaps suggesting the importance of snowmelt patterns. Natural and clearcut colonies responded differently to weather.
Indices of wolf and cougar abundance were inconsistent and probably do not reflect true population sizes. Deer abundance was weakly associated with marmot survival in natural habitats, which could suggest switching of predator hunting effort. Marmot survival was spatially correlated, which is consistent with the idea that a few individual predators may focus hunting efforts at adjacent colonies. Field observations and radio-telemetry corroborated the importance of predators. In natural habitats, disappearances were uniformly distributed throughout summer, as predicted. In clearcuts, disappearances were more heavily skewed towards late summer, suggesting that winter mortality was more important.
Spatial correlation of survival is also consistent with the disease hypothesis. Survival was lower in colonies with high relative density of adults, which is a predicted result given the prediction of increased risk of disease transmission. The incidence of high mortality events increased during the 1990s, and the degree of spatial correlation also increased despite a more fragmented population structure. These trends are consistent with a hypothesis of a new disease organism or increased risk of infection.
Forestry appears to be the primary cause of recent population dynamics in the Nanaimo Lakes region. Logging reduced overall marmot survival, inhibited their ability to re-colonize sites, and concentrated the population, making colonies more susceptible to predators and disease. The prognosis for continued survival remains hopeful provided that current plans for captive-breeding and reintroduction are pursued aggressively.

Bryant A.A. 2000. Forestry and historical population dynamics of the endangered Vancouver Island marmot [Foresterie et dynamique de population historique de la marmotte en danger de l'île de Vancouver]. American Society of Mammalogists meeting, Durham, New Hampshire, June 2000. In the Vancouver Island Marmot pages (
En anglais, in English.

Bryant A.A. 2000. Relative importance of episodic versus chronic mortality in the decline of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) [Importance relative de la mortalité épisodique ou chronique dans le déclin de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. In Proceedings of a conference on the biology and management of species and habitats at risk, Darling L.M. (ed.), 189-195, Volume I. Proceedings, Biology and Conservation of Habitats and Species at Risk Conference (Kamloops, BC, Feb. 15-19 1999). British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, and University College of the Caribou. 472 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis.
I used population count data collected from 1979-1998 to evaluate the relative importance of “chronic” versus “episodic” mortality patterns in Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). I hypothesized that some factors (e.g., gradual vegetation change, forestry effects, or predation) should produce chronic patterns of mortality, and others (disease and weather) should produce episodic patterns. A few colonies had consistently low survival. These results are consistent with a hypothesis of poor quality “sink” habitats that are maintained by immigration from nearby “sources.” However, most colonies had distinct episodes of high mortality, and these appear to be the primary cause of recent population declines. Spatial and temporal patterns of survival are consistent with a hypothesis of disease outbreak or increased hunting effort by predators within a small geographic area. The impact of both factors was probably exacerbated by forestry activities. Results underscore the precarious status of this endangered mammal and illustrate the value of carefully designed annual population surveys.

Bryant A.A. 2001. Notes on the Vancouver Island marmot: a road-map to the primary scientific literature.
En anglais, in English.
In the Vancouver Island Marmot pages ( Bryant A. 2002. The Vancouver Island marmot pages, Annual report [Les pages de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver, compte-rendu annuel].
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, British columbia, Canada.
En ligne, on line

Bryant Andrew A. 2004. Hyperpredation, behavior and landscape change: Understanding the proximate and ultimate causes of decline in Vancouver Island marmots [Hyperprédation, comportement and modificaton du paysage : Comprendre les causes proximales et ultimes du déclin des marmottes de l’île de Vancouver]. Species At Risk 2004 Pathways to Recovery Conference.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, prédation, predation, Canada.

Bryant A.A. 2000. Reproduction and persistence of Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural and logged habitats [Reproduction et persistance des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver dans les habitats naturels déforestés]. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, reproduction,, Canada.

Bryant A.A. 2005. Marmots, landscape change and predation : the conservation biology of North America’s rarest mammal. Sourki, izmenenie landchafta i khichtchnitchestvo : sokhranenie redkikh mlekopitaiuchtchikh severno‘ Ameriki. [Marmottes, changements de paysage et pr-adation : biologie de la conservation des plus rares mammif¿res am-aricains]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 26-27.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, pr-adation, predation, conservation, loup, wolf, Canus lupus, puma, cougar, Puma concolor, cerf mulet, black-tailer deer, Odocoileus hemionus.
The Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) is probably North America’s most endangered mammal. The wild population of this island endemic has declined from over300 individuals during the 1980s to fewer than 35 individuals at present. The species also provides an unusual case study in conservation. Apart from climate-vegetation change over lengthy time scales, there has been no direct • loss ™ or • destruction ™ of habitat. However, the small habitat patches in which marmots live are embedded in a landscape matrix that has exceptionally high economic value (commercially valuable forests), and the landscape has been extensively modified by clearcut logging. Populations of predators such as wolves (Canus lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor), together with prey species such as Black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus), have also changed dramatically. The result has been unsustainably-high levels of predation and near-extinction of marmots in the wild. Fortunately a captive-breeding program, established literally at the last minute in 1997, has apparently been successful at preventing extinction. However, restoring wild marmot populations also represents a conservation challenge on several levels. The first challenge is to raise sufficient marmots in captivity to furnish the raw material for reintroduction. Evidence to date suggests that this challenge will be met. The second challenge is to remove the proximate cause of decline by reducing current losses from predation. The third and largest, challenge must be to determine how the already-modified landscape can be managed in such a fashion as to allow marmot population processes (births, deaths and between-patch dispersal) to return to more sustainable levels. Here I report on the encouraging progress so far made in captive-breeding and reintroducing marmots, and discuss the options for short and long-term landscape management.
Russian pdf russe

Bryant Andrew A. 2005. Reproductive rates of wild and captive Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) [Taux reproductifs des marmottes de l’île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis) sauvages et captives]. Can. J. Zool., 83: 664-673. I evaluated reproductive rates of the critically endangered Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis Swarth, 1911) using data from captive and wild populations over the 1980-2004 period. Results were similar to those reported for other alpine-dwelling marmots, including the closely related Marmota caligata (Eschscholtz, 1829) and Marmota olympus (Merriam, 1898). Most females in captivity first bred at age 3 or 4 (Tbreed = 4.3 years, SD = 1.15, n = 9), an age not significantly different from that observed in the wild (Tbreed = 3.6 years, SD = 1.2, n = 16). Numbers of pups weaned per litter were similar in captivity (Npups = 3.0, SD = 1.4, n = 25) and in the wild (Npups = 3.4, SD = 1.1, n = 58). Females were capable of weaning pups in consecutive years (46.4%, n = 13) but often skipped 1 year (39.3%, n = 11) or 2 years (14.3%, n = 4) between litters. Two-year-old females weaned pups infrequently (Pbreed = 0.09, n = 43) and older females were far more likely to breed (Pbreed = 0.40, n = 200); in neither case were significant captive-wild differences found. The oldest breeding female was 10 years old, but sample sizes for marmots older than 8 years were small and maximum breeding age may be underestimated. Between-litter intervals in captivity (Tbetween = 1.4 years, SD = 0.7, n = 11) were significantly shorter than in the wild (Tbetween = 1.9 years, SD = 0.7, n = 17). Sex ratios of weaned pups did not differ from 1:1 in the wild (female/male = 1.04) but were significantly skewed towards males in captivity (female/male = 0.56). I conclude that reproductive performance in Vancouver Island marmots is limited both by body condition and social constraints.
Des données récoltées dans des populations en captivité et en nature de la marmotte de l’île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis Swarth, 1911), une espèce fortement menacée, durant la période 1980-2004, ont permis d’estimer les taux de reproduction. Les résultats se rapprochent de ceux obtenus chez d’autres marmottes alpines, en particulier chez les espèces apparentées, Marmota caligata (Eschscholtz, 1829) et Marmota olympus (Merriam, 1898). Les femelles en captivité se reproduisent pour la première fois à 3 ou 4 ans (Treproduction = 4,3 ans, ET = 1,15, n = 9), ce qui ne diffère pas significativement des femelles en nature (Treproduction = 3,6 ans, ET = 1,2, n = 16). Les nombres de petits sevrés par portée sont semblables en captivité (Npetits = 3,0, ET = 1,4, n = 25) et en nature (Npetits = 3,4, ET = 1,1, n = 58). Les femelles réussissent à sevrer des petits durant deux années consécutives (46,4 %, n = 13), mais elles sautent souvent une année (39,3 %, n = 11) ou deux (14,3 %, n = 4) entre les portées. Les femelles de 2 ans réussissent rarement à sevrer leurs petits (Preproduction = 0,09, n = 43) et les femelles plus âgées sont plus susceptibles de se reproduire (Preproduction = 0,40, n = 200), sans différence significative entre la captivité et la nature. La femelle reproductive la plus âgée avait 10 ans, mais la taille des échantillons d’animaux plus vieux que 8 ans est petite et l’âge maximal de reproduction a pu être sous-estimé. Les intervalles entre les portées sont significativement plus courts en captivité (Tintervalle = 1,4 année, ET = 0,7, n = 11) qu’en nature (Tintervalle = 1,9 année, ET = 0,7, n = 17). Les rapports femelles:mâles ne diffèrent pas de 1:1 en nature (femelle/mâle = 1,04), mais ils favorisent significativement les mâles en captivité (femelle/mâle = 0,56). En conclusion, la performance reproductive de la marmotte de l’île de Vancouver est restreinte tant par sa condition corporelle que par ses contraintes sociales.

Bryant Andrew & Eastman Don 2000. Forestry and historical population dynamics of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) [Foresterie et dynamique de population historique de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver]. Abstracts, Society for Ecological Restoration, Liverpool, England.
En anglais, in English.
We used data from systematic population surveys, ear-tagged or radiotagged animals, GIS-based landscape measurements, and missing values analysis to clarify changes in the abundance and distribution of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). Data are insufficient to assess population dynamics or the timing of marmot disappearance from parts of northern Vancouver Island. On southern Vancouver Island, clearcut logging of old-growth forests was associated with profound changes in marmot abundance and patterns of habitat occupancy. Marmots began to colonize recently logged (0-15 year old) clearcuts during the early 1980s. By the 1990s half of the world’s population of this species was living in clearcuts. However this expansion was temporary and limited in geographic scope. Overall marmot numbers declined from a peak of 300-350 animals during the mid-1980s to fewer than 70 animals in 1999. The principal effect of forestry was to concentrate the population, apparently making marmots more susceptible to mortality from unsuccessful hibernation, predators and disease. The prognosis for continued survival of this critically endangered species remains hopeful provided that current plans for captive-breeding and reintroduction are pursued aggressively.

Bryant A.A. & Janz D.W. 1996. Distribution and abundance of Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) [Distribution et abondance des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver]. Canad. J. Zool., 74: 667-677.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, écologie, ecology, distribution, densité, density, gestion, management, faune sauvage, Wildlife, Canada, British Columbia.
We analysed historic records and annual counts to assess the population status of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouvrensis). Since 1972, marmots have been found at 47 sites on 15 mountains. All but 2 colonies were located within 5 adjacent watersheds on south-central Vancouver Island. Counts underestimated actual marmot abundance. For most site-year combinations, observers probably counted 66-78 % of adults and 75-89 % of juveniles. Reproductive colonies typically contained fexer than 5 adults (mean = 3.86, SE = 0.61, n = 34). most animals were found at elevations above 1000 m (81%), on south- to west -facing slopes (74 %). After 1981, marmots colonized 11 habitats created by logging of forests above 700 m. numbers of adults were average (134 - 147 %) during the early 1980s and have been near or below average since 1990 (58 - 99 %). the current (1995) population contains 100-200 animals, including 50 - 100 animals in logged habitats. Marmota vancouverensis is rare primarly because of the small size and patchy distribution of nautral subalpine meadows on Vancouver Island. The species is apparently adapted to a metapopulation life-style, in which a network of small colonies exhibit population fluctuations, local extinctions, and recolonizations over time.
Nous nous sommes basés sur des données historiques et sur les résultats d'inventaires annuels pour estimer la population de Marmottes de l'île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouvrensis). Depuis 1972, les marmottes ont été repérées à 47 endroits sur 15 montagnes. Toutes les colonies, sauf deux, ont été observées à l'intérieur des limites de cinq bassins hydrographiques adjacents dans le centre sud de l'île de Vancouver. Les comptages avaient tendance à sous-estimer l'abondance réelle des marmottes. Dans la plupart des combinaisons endroit- année, les observateurs ont probablement compté 66 - 78 % des adultes et 75 - 89 % des juvéniles. Les colonies reproductrices contenaient généralement moins de 5 adultes (moyenne = 3,86, erreur standard = 0,61, n = 34). La plupart des marmottes ont été observées à des altitudes supérieures à 1000 m (81 %), sur des versants sud, sud-ouest (74%). Après 1981, les marmottes ont colonisé 11 milieux créés par l'exploitation des forêts au-dessus de 700 m. Le nombre d'adultes était supérieur à la moyenne (134 - 147 %) au début des années 80 et se maintient près de de la moyenne ou sous la moyenne (58 - 99 %) depuis 1990. La population actuelle (1995) compte de 100 - 200 animaux, dont 50 - 100 dans les forêts exploitées. Marmota vancouverensis est un animal rare surtout à cause de la petite taille et de la forte dispersion des prairies sub-alpines naturelles dans l'île. L'espèce semble avoir adopté un mode de vie de métapopulation au sein de laquelle un réseau de petites colonies subissent des fluctuations démographiques et disparaissent de certains endroits pour les recoloniser par la suite.

Bryant A.A. & Janz D.W. 2002. Clarifying mortality factors in wild Vancouver Island marmots [Clarifier les facteurs de mortalité dans la nature des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver]. Science Advisory Group meeting,UBC, Jan. 2002. In The Vancouver Island Marmot pages (
En anglais, in English.

Bryant A.A & Janz D.W. 2002. Hibernation patterns in wild and captive Vancouver Island marmots [Canevas d'hibernation chez les marmottes de l'île de Vancouver sauvages et en captivité]. Science Advisory Group meeting, UBC, Jan. 2002. In The Vancouver Island Marmot pages.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, hibernation, faune sauvage, wildlife, captivité, captivity, Canada, British Columbia.

Bryant A.A., Janz D.W., deLaronde M.C. & Doyle D.D. (Брайант А.А., Янц Д.В., де Ларонде М.С., Дойл Д.Д. ) 2002. Recent Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) population changes. Современные изменения популяции ванкуверского сурка (Marmota vancouverensis). [Sovremennye izmeneniya popoulyatsii Vankouverskogo sourka (Marmota vancouverensis). Changements récents dans la population des marmottes de l'le de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis)]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev VY., Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots, Cheboksary, Russia, 88-100.
En anglais et en russe avec résumé français ; in English and in Russian, with a French abstract.
pdf We used location records and annual marmot count, landscape and predator-prey data to assess recent changes in Vancouver Island marmot populations. There were probably fewer than150 marmots in 1997, with 90% distributed south of Alberni Inlet and the remainder on or near Mount Washington. This represents a 60% decline in numbers during the past decade and a similar reduction in geographic range in the last several decades. Forestry was associated with profound structural changes in the largest remaining metapopulation. Half of the world's M. vancouverensis were living in clearcuts in 1997, compared to ~25% in the mid 1980s and none prior to high elevation logging that began in the late 1960s. Adult population trends and per capita birth rates were not correlated among natural and clearcut habitats. Probable adult numbers in natural habitats were correlated with deer abundance and extent of old-growth forests (P<0.001) and negatively associated with cougar abundance (p<0.05). adult numbers in clearcuts were not correlated with potential clearcut habitat availability or deer abundance. some curious results were obtained. probable adult numbers in natural habitats were positively associated with wolf abundance (p<0.05) while numbers in clearcuts were positively associated with cougar abundance (p<0.05). results suggest that several environmental factors influence M. vancouverensis and that natural and clearcut colonies respond differently.
Les changements récents des populations de marmotte de l’île de Vancouver ont été évalués à partir des enregistrements de localisation et des comptages annuels de marmottes, des données sur les paysages et de prédateur-proie. Il y avait probablement moins de 150 marmottes en 1997, dont 90% d’entre elles se trouvaient au sud d’Alberni Inlet et les restantes sur ou près du mont Washington. Leur nombre a décliné de 60% au cours de la dernière décade et leur aire de répartition géographique a diminué de façon similaire au cours des dernières décades. La foresterie est associée aux modifications structurales profondes de la plus grande métapopulation restante. Les zones de coupe à blanc étaient occupées par la moitié de la population de marmottes. La moitié des M. vancouverensis occupait des zones de coupe à blanc en 1997, alors qu’elles n’étaient qu’approximativement 25% au milieu des années 1980 et qu’aucune d’entre-elles ne s’y trouvait avant la forte augmentation de la déforestation qui a commencé fin des années 60. Les tendances démographiques de la population adulte et des taux de naissance par individus ne sont pas en corrélation parmi les habitats naturels et les habitats de clairière. Le nombre probable d’adultes des habitats naturels est en corrélation positive avec l’abondance des cerfs et l’extension des forets anciennes (P < 0,001) et en corrélation négative avec l’abondance des cougars (p < 0,05). les nombres d’adultes dans les coupes à blanc ne sont pas en corrélation avec la disponibilité de ces habitats potentiels ni avec l’abondance des cerfs. quelques résultats curieux ont été obtenus. les nombres probables d’adultes des habitats naturels sont en corrélation (p < 0,05) avec l’abondance des loups (p < 0,05) alors que les nombres d’adultes des coupes à blancs sont en corrélation positive avec l’abondance des cougars (p < 0,05).les résultats suggèrent que de nombreux facteurs environnementaux influencent M. vancouverensis et que les colonies naturelles et des coupes à blanc régissent différemment.
Mot clés : Marmotte de l’île de Vancouver, Marmota vancouverensis, population, abondance.

Bryant A.A. & McAdie Malcom 2002.Hibernation ecology of wild and captive Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). [Ecologie de l'hibernation des marmottes, sauvages et en captivité, de l'île de Vancouver]. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 32-33.
Anglais et français ; English and French
. Marmota vancouverensis, hibernation, wildlife, vie sauvage, captivity, captivité.

Bryant A.A. & McAdie M. 2003. Hibernation ecology of wild and captive Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). Écologie de l'hibernation des marmottes, sauvages et en captivité, de l'île de Vancouver. Экология зимрей спячки диких сурков острова ванкувер (Marmota vancouverensis) в усдовиях неволи. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 149-156.
Anglais et français, résumé russe ; English and French, Russian abstract.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota vancouverensis, hibernation, social thermoregultion, thermorégulation sociale, wildlife, vie sauvage, captive breeding, elevage en captivité.
Nous avons évalué les canevas d'hibernation de populations sauvages et captives de la marmotte, très menacée, de l'île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis). Réglage et durée de l’hibernation sont significativement affectés par la captivité. Les marmottes sauvages entrent en hibernation 6 semaines plus tôt et en sortent 5 semaines plus tard que les marmottes captives. Celles-ci hibernent à des températures (6-9°) et des humidités relatives (28-83 %) variables. Des conditions plus chaudes et plus sèches diminuent souvent la durée d'hibernation. Dans la nature, les marmottes solitaires hibernent avec succès dans une variété d'habitats et les antenais n'hibernent pas toujours avec leurs parents. Les Pertes de Masse Journalières des animaux torpides suggèrent que les marmottes de Vancouver sont des hibernants efficaces (moyenne PMJ = 0,95 ; IC 95 % = 0,89 à 1,01 ; n = 102). L’existence de thermorégulation sociale n’est pas évidente. Le comportement d'hibernation de la marmotte de Vancouver peut refléter une histoire évolutive favorisant la survie de petits groupes. Les comparaisons interspécifiques de l’efficacité de l’hibernation peuvent être biaisées par le moment de la mesure.

Bryant Andrew A. & Page Rick E. 2005. Timing and causes of mortality in the endangered Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) [Rythme et causes de la mortalité chez la marmotte en danger de l’île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis). Canadian journal of zoology. (Can. j. zool..), 83(5) : 674 - 682.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, marmotte de l'île de Vancouver, Aquila chrysaetos, aigle royal, Canis lupus, loup, wolf, Puma concolor, couguar, prédation, pedation.
We used radiotelemetry to evaluate seasonal survival rates and mortality factors for a critically endangered island endemic, the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis Swarth, 1911). Recovery of radio transmitters and marmot remains suggested that predation was the major cause of mortality, accounting for at least 24 of 29 (83%) known-fate deaths recorded since radiotelemetry efforts began in 1992. Wolves (Canis lupus L., 1758) and cougars (Puma concolor (L., 1771)) apparently accounted for 17 deaths (59%). Three marmots (10%) were killed by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos (L., 1758)), four (14%) were killed by unknown predators that probably included all of the above species, two (7%) died from unknown causes, and three (10%) died during hibernation in a single burrow. Mortality rates varied seasonally. The daily probability of death during hibernation was very low (Pdeath = 0.016). The probability of death was also low from spring emergence through 31 July (Pdeath = 0.051), but was eight times higher in August (Pdeath = 0.395) and four times higher in September (Pdeath = 0.175). We concluded that predation was the proximate cause of recent declines in wild Vancouver Island marmot populations, that losses were highly concentrated in late summer, and that previous studies exaggerated the importance of winter mortality. We suggest that high predation rates were associated with forestry and altered predator abundance and hunting patterns.
La radio-télémétrie nous a servi à évaluer le taux saisonnier de survie et les facteurs de mortalité chez la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis Swarth, 1911), une espèce endémique insulaire fortement menacée. La récupération des émetteurs et des carcasses de marmottes laisse croire que la prédation est la cause principale de mortalité, représentant au moins 24 (83 %) des 29 cas étudiés depuis le début de l'utilisation de la radio- télémétrie en 1992. Les loups (Canis lupus L., 1758) et les couguars (Puma concolor (L., 1771)) sont apparemment responsables de 17 (59 %) des morts. Trois (10 %) des marmottes ont été tuées par des aigles royaux (Aquila chrysaetos (L., 1758)) et quatre (14 %) par des prédateurs inconnus qui incluent peut-être toutes les espèces mentionnées précédemment; deux (7 %) sont mortes de causes inconnues et trois (10 %) sont mortes dans un même terrier durant l'hibernation. Les taux de mortalité varient en fonction de la saison. La probabilité quotidienne de mortalité durant l'hibernation est très faible (P = 0,016). La probabilité de mortalité est aussi faible de l'émergence printanière jusqu'au 31 juillet (P = 0,051), mais elle est huit fois plus élevée en août (P = 0,395) et quatre fois plus élevée en septembre (P = 0,175). En conclusion, la prédation est la cause immédiate des déclins récents des populations sauvages de marmottes de l'île de Vancouver, les pertes sont fortement concentrées en fin d'été et les études antérieures ont exagéré l'importance de la mortalité hivernale. Nous croyons que les forts taux de prédation s'expliquent par les pratiques forestières, ainsi que par les changements dans l'abondance des prédateurs et les patterns de chasse.

Bryant A.A., Schwantje H.M. & de With N.I. ( Брайант А.А., Шванти Х.М., де Вит Н.И. ) 2002. Disease and unsuccessfull reintroduction of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). Заболевания и неудачная реинтродукция ванкуверских сурков (Marmota vancouverensis). [Zabolevaniya i neoudatcnaya reintrodouktsiya vankouverskikh sourkov (Marmota vancouverensis). Maladie et échec d'une réintroduction de marmotte de l'île de Vancouver (Marmota vanouverensis)]. In Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity, Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev VY., Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots, Cheboksary, Russia, 101-112.
En anglais et en russe avec résumé français ; in English and in Russian, with a French abstract.
Extrait/Extract pdf
In 1996 we conducted an experimental reintroduction of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). Six animals were captured from 3 colonies in recently logged habitats and released in a natural sub-alpine meadow. Two males dispersed from the site shortly after release. One male was foud dead 5 km from the release site after being killed by a predator; the other was not seen again. the remaining 4 animals bonded to the release site, excavated burrows, foraged, showed typical weight gains and entered hibernation normally. these animals died during the winter of 1996-97. death may have been caused by a bacterial infection. our experience underscores the fragility of reintroduction based on small numbers of animals, and illustrates the potential of disease threats to small reintroduced populations.
Key-words: disease, reintroduction, Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis).
En 1996, nous avons réalisé une réintroduction expérimentale de la marmotte de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis). Six animaux, captures dans 3 colonies installées dans des habitats récemment déboisés, ont été relâchés dans une prairie naturelle subalpine. Deux mâles ont quitté le site peu après le lâcher. Un mâle, tué par un prédateur, fut retrouvé à 5 Km du site de lâcher; le second n’a pas été revu.Les 4 animaux restants se sont installés sur le site de lâcher où ils ont creusé des terriers, se sont alimentés et ont présenté une croissance pondérale typique, et sont entrés en hibernation. Ces animaux sont morts pendant l’hiver 1996-1997. Leur mort est due à une infection bactérienne (Yersinia frederiksenii). Notre expérience souligne la fragilité des réintroductions réalisées avec un petit nombre d’animaux et illustre les risques de maladies dans les populations réintroduites de petite taille.
Mots clés : Maladie, réintroduction, marmotte de l’île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis).

Bryant Monroe David 1945. Phylogeny of Nearctic Sciuridae [Philogénie de des Sciuridae néarctiques]. Amer. Mid. Nat., 33 2 257-390, 48 figs., 8 pls.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota minor, Marmota nevadensis, Marmota vetus, Amérique du Nord.

Bryant M.L., Bridges E.G., Placidi L., Faraj A., Loi A.G., Pierra C., Dukhan D., Gosselin G., Imbach J.L., Hernandez B., Juodawlkis A., Tennant B., Korba B., Cote P., Marion P., Cretton-Scott E., Schinazi R.F. & Sommadossi J.P. 2001. Antiviral L-nucleosides specific for hepatitis B virus infection. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 45(1): 229-35.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite.
A unique series of simple "unnatural" nucleosides has been discovered to inhibit hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication. Through structure-activity analysis it was found that the 3'-OH group of the beta-L-2'-deoxyribose of the beta-L-2'-deoxynucleoside confers specific antihepadnavirus activity. The unsubstituted nucleosides beta-L-2'-deoxycytidine, beta-L-thymidine, and beta-L-2'-deoxyadenosine had the most potent, selective, and specific antiviral activity against HBV replication. Human DNA polymerases (alpha, beta, and gamma) and mitochondrial function were not affected. In the woodchuck model of chronic HBV infection, viral load was reduced by as much as 10(8) genome equivalents/ml of serum and there was no drug-related toxicity. In addition, the decline in woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen paralleled the decrease in viral load. These investigational drugs, used alone or in combination, are expected to offer new therapeutic options for patients with chronic HBV infection.

Bryant N. & Schlafer D. 1995. Uterine adenocarcinoma in an adult woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Adenocarcinome utérin chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique adulte (Marmota monax)]. American College of Veterinary Pathologists, 46th Annual Meeting. Vet. Pathol. V32. Nov. 10-18, 1995, Atlanta, Georgia.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, utérus, uteri, cancer.

Bryzgalin G.A. 1919. [Conservation d'importants objets naturels en Ukraine. Conservation of important nature objects in Ukraine]. 7.
En ukrainien, in Ukrainian.

Büchner E.A. 1888. Naouchnye resoul'taty pouteshestivi N. M. Przhelval'skovo po Tsentral'noi Azii. [Reacute;sultats scientifiques de l'expeacute;dition de Przhelval'ski en Asie centrale. Scientific results of the expedition of Przhelval'ski in Central Asia. Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N.M. Przewalski nach Zrentral-Asien unternommenen Reisen]. Mlekopitayuschiya, Vol. 1, Imp. Akad. Naouk., St Petersburg, 232pp., 25pl. [Säugertiere, usw. 1, Kais. Akad. d. Wiss. Petersburg.
En russe, in Russian.
Expédition, Asie, Asia.

Buck C.L. & Barnes B.M. 1999. Annual cycle of body composition and hibernation in free-living arctic ground squirrels [Cycle annuel de la composition corporelle et de l'hibernation chez les écureuils arctiques sauvages]. Journal of Mammalogy, 80(2): 430-442.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, rythme, rhythm, hibernation.

Budsuren Tch. 1985. Ovorkhangaiuml; aiuml;mgiiuml;n Khaiuml;rkhan ououlan dakh' tarbagany too tolgoiuml; [Influence de la chasse sur le nombre et la densité des marmottes des montagnes du Kaiuml;rkhan de l'aimag Ouvourkhangai. Hunt influence on number and density of marmots on Khairkhan mountains of Uvurkhangai aimag. The Works of Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Academy of Siences of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar]. Nyagtchtchild agnououryn noloo, ESBKh-iïn EChtch. bougeel, 17 : 137-140.
En mongol avec résumé russe, in Mongolian, with Russian summary.
Marmota sibirica, chasse, hunting, dénombrement, census, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Budsuren Tch. 1986. Mongol tarbagany (Marmota sibirica, Radde 1862) ekologiiuml;n soudalgaanaas [Résultats de l'étude de l'écologie de la marmotte de Mongolie. From the results o ecology of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862]. The Works of Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Academy of Siences of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar]. ESBKh-iïn EChtch. bougeel, 21 : 20-23.
En mongol avec résumé russe, on Mongolian, with Russian summary.
Marmota sibirica, écologie, ecology, Mongolie.

Budsuren Tch. 1990. [Résultats sur la structure interne de la population de marmotte de Mongolie. From the results on internal structure of Mongolian marmot's population.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 59-60, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, population, Mongolie.

Buendia M.A. 1992. Mammalian hepatitis B viruses and primary liver cancer [Virus de l'hépatite B des mammifères et cancer primaire du foie]. Semin. Cancer Biol., 3(5): 309-320. Review.
En anglais, in English.
Virus de l'hépatite, hepatitis virus, Marmota monax, écureuil, squirrel.

Hepatitis B virus is a major etiologic agent in the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma, but the precise role of the virus in the tumorigenic process is still unclear. Recent studies of naturally occurring animal models, such as woodchucks and squirrels infected with hepatitis B-like viruses (hepadnaviruses) have revealed different oncogenic strategies and outlined the predominant role of myc genes in rodent hepatomas. Higher oncogenicity of woodchuck hepatitis virus has been correlated with a direct contribution of the virus as an insertional mutagen of myc genes: c-myc, N-myc and predominantly the woodchuck N-myc retroposon. In contrast, rare viral integration events but frequent amplifications of c-myc characterize ground squirrel hepatitis virus-induced tumors, indicating that hepadnaviruses may contribute in malignant transformation through different, direct or indirect ways.

Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc de, Montbard 1707-Paris 1788

Buffon G. de 1749. Histoire naturelle. XVI et XVII.
En français, in French.
Monax, marmotte du canada, p.175, marmotte de Kamtschtka, p. 176, marmotte du Cap de Bonne Espérance, p.177.Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc de 1760. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière : avec la description du Cabinet du Roi [Natural history, general and special: with the description of the King Cabinet]. Tome huitième. Paris, Impr. royale, 402 p., 54 p. de pl., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte p. 219, description de la marmotte, 228-244, description de la partie du cabinet qui a rapport à l'histoire naturelle du surmulot & de la marmotte, 245-248.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon G. de 1761. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du cabinet du roi. Paris, Imprimerie Royale.
En français, in French.
Quant aux autres naturalistes, dont j'ai pu consulter les oeuvres jusqu'à Buffon exclusivement, ce ne sont que des copistes d'Aldrovande et par conséquent de Gessner. De Buffon fait des observations thermométriques sur les Loirs et constate, en hiver, que leur chaleur interne est à peu près égale à celle de l'air ambiant vers # 10 degrés. Ce n'est pas, d'après lui, un véritable sommeil, mais une torpeur s'emparant chez ces petits Rongeurs des membres et des sens : elle tient à ce qu'ils ne font pas assez de chaleur. La torpeur arrive des que cette petite quantité de chaleur cesse d'âtre aidée par le milieu ambiant. Il fait des constatations de même ordre sur des Chauves-Souris, des Hérissons, mais il n'a pas l'occasion d'observer des Marmottes. Les Loirs, dit-il, meurent quand on les réchauffe brusquement prés du feu, et il ne faut les dégourdir que par degrés. Dès que la température s'éléve un peu au dessus de # 10, # 11degrés, ils se raniment. En lieu chaud, ils ne s'engourdissent pas, vont, viennent, mangent, dorment de temps en temps, comme les autres animaux. En hiver, dans leurs trous, ils se serrent les uns contre les autres, se roulent en boule pour ne pas perdre la petite quantité de chaleur qu'ils produisent. La sensibilité persiste dans l'état de torpeur, mais elle est amoindrie : le coeur et le poumon fonctionnent avec moins de force, la circulation ne se fait probablement que dans les gros vaisseux ; la respiration est faible et lente. Les sécrétions sont très peu abondantes, la transpiration est à peu près nulle. Ils dépensent cependant, car ils meurent dans leurs trous, pendant les hivers trop longs, mais peut-âtre de froid. Leur graisse est une nourriture interne qui suffit pour entretenir et suppléer à ce qu'ils perdent par la tanspiration (respiration). Il arrive souvent qu'ils se raniment pendant l'hiver et quand la température dépasse # 12 à 14 degrés, ils restent mâme éveillés plusieurs jours de suite et mangent de la nourriture accumulée dans leurs trous. De Buffon distingue trois espèces de Loirs : le Loir, le Lérot, le Muscardin, qui dorment pendant l'hiver, comme les Marmottes. Appendice, Dubois, 1896a.

Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc de 1776. Histoire naturelle générale et particulière : supplément. Tome troisième, Servant de suite à l'histoire des animaux quadrupèdes. Paris, Impr. royale. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte monax, siffleux, marmotte de Canada, p. 175; Marmotte de Kamtschatka, p. 176; Marmotte du Cap de Bonne Espérance, marmotte bâtarde d'Afrique, Cavia capensis, p. 177-180, Planche XXVIII, La monax, Planche XXIX, La marmotte du cap.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc 1776. Illustrations de Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, servant de suite à l'histoire des animaux quadrupèdes. Supplément, tome troisième. De Sève, dessinateur ; C. Guttenberg, Mansarol, C. Baron, graveur ; auteur du texte. Paris, Imprimerie royale, num. Bnf.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, monax, marmotte du cap, Cavia capensis.Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc de 1819. Compendio di notizie di storia naturale tratte dalla grand'opera del signor di Buffon ad uso della gioventu... [Résumé des notices d’histoire naturelle traitant de la grande œuvre de monsieur de Buffon à l’usage de la jeunesse. Compendium of natural history notices on the main work of mister de Buffon to youth use]. Graziosi.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, marmotta.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon G.-L. Transactions philosophiques, n° 397.
En français, in French.
A propos de l'hibernation du loir.

Buffon de 1868. De la dégénération des animaux. In Œuvres, Ed. J.Pizetta, T.4, Paris, Parent Desbarres.
En français, in French.
Et pour mettre de l' ordre dans cette réduction, nous séparerons d' abord les animaux des deux continents, et nous observerons qu' on peut réduire à quinze genres et à neuf espèces isolées, non-seulement tous les animaux qui sont communs aux deux continents, mais encore tous ceux qui sont propres et particuliers à l' ancien. Ces genres sont : 1 yy celui des solipèdes proprement dits, qui contient le cheval, le zèbre, l' âne avec les mulets féconds et inféconds ; 2 yy celui des grands pieds fourchus à cornes creuses, savoir le boeuf et le buffle avec toutes leurs variétés ; 3 yy la grande famille des pieds fourchus à cornes creuses, tels que les brebis, les chèvres, les gazelles, les chevrotains et toutes les autres espèces qui participent p140 de leur nature ; 4 yy celle des pieds fourchus à cornes pleines ou bois solides, qui tombent et qui se renouvellent tous les ans : cette famille contient l' élan, le renne, le cerf, le daim, l' axis et le chevreuil ; 5 yy celle des pieds fourchus ambigus, qui est composée du sanglier et de toutes les variétés du cochon, telles que celui de Siam à ventre pendant, celui de Guinée à longues oreilles pointues et couchées sur le dos, celui des Canaries à grosses et longues défenses, etc.. ; 6 yy le genre très-étendu des fissipèdes carnassiers à griffes, c' est-à-dire à ongles crochus et rétractibles, dans lequel on doit comprendre les panthères, les léopards, les guépards, les onces, les servals et les chats, avec toutes leurs variétés ; 7 yy celui des fissipèdes carnassiers à ongles non rétractibles, qui contient le loup, le renard, le chacal, l' isatis et le chien, avec toutes leurs variétés ; 8 yy celui des fissipèdes carnassiers à ongles non rétractibles, avec une poche sous la queue : ce genre est composé de l' hyène, de la civette, du zibet, de la genette, du blaireau, etc.. ; 9 yy celui des fissipèdes carnassiers, à corps très-allongé, avec cinq doigts à chaque pied, et le pouce ou premier ongle séparé des autres doigts : ce genre est composé des fouines, martes, putois, furets, mangoustes, belettes, vansires, etc.. ; 10 yy la nombreuse famille des fissipèdes qui ont deux grandes dents incisives à chaque mâchoire et point de piquants sur le corps : elle est composée des lièvres, des lapins, et de toutes les espèces d' écureuils, de loirs, de marmottes et de rats ; 11 yy celui des fissipèdes dont le corps est couvert de piquants, tels que les porcs-épics et les hérissons ; 12 yy celui des fissipèdes couverts d' écailles, les pangolins et les phatagins ; 13 yy le genre des fissipèdes amphibies, qui contient la loutre, le castor, le desman, les morses et les phoques ; 14 yy le genre des quadrumanes, qui contient les singes, les babouins, les guenons, les makis, les loris, etc.. ; 15 yy enfin celui des fissipèdes ailés, qui contient les roussettes et les chauves-souris, avec toutes leurs variétés. Les neuf espèces isolées sont l' éléphant, le rhinocéros, l' hippopotame, la girafe, le chameau, le lion, et le tigre, l' ours et la taupe, qui toutes sont aussi sujettes à un plus ou moins grand nombre de variétés. De ces quinze genres et de ces neuf espèces isolées, deux espèces et sept genres sont communs aux deux continents ; les deux espèces sont : l' ours et la taupe ; et les sept genres sont : 1 yy celui des grands pieds fourchus à cornes creuses ; car le boeuf se retrouve en Amérique sous la forme du bison ; 2 yy celui des pieds fourchus à bois solide ; car l' élan se trouve au Canada, sous le nom d' original, le renne sous celui de caribou, et l' on trouve aussi dans presque toutes les provinces de l' Amérique septentrionale des cerfs, des daims et des chevreuils ; 3 yy celui des fissipèdes carnassiers à ongles non rétractibles ; car le loup et le renard se trouvent dans le nouveau monde comme dans l' ancien ; 4 yy celui des fissipèdes à corps très-alongé ; la fouine, la marte, le putois se trouvent en Amérique comme en Europe ; 5 yy on y trouve aussi une partie du genre des fissipèdes qui ont deux grandes dents incisives à chaque mâchoire, les écureuils, les marmottes, les rats, etc.. ; 6 yy celui des fissipèdes amphibies ; les morses, les phoques, les castors et les loutres existent dans le nord du nouveau continent, comme dans celui de l' ancien ; 7 yy le genre des fissipèdes ailés y existe aussi en partie, car on y trouve des chauves-souris et des vampires, qui sont des espèces de roussettes. p. 141.

Buffon G.-L. de 1877. Les quadrupèdes. Animaux domestiques et animaux sauvages en France. pPécédé du discours sur la nature des animaux. Contant-Laguerre, Bar-le-Duc, 298p.
En français, in French.
Extrait/extract pdf

Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc & Daubenton Louis-Jean-Marie 1765. Histoire naturelle générale et particulière : avec la description du Cabinet du Roy. Tome treizième. Paris, Impr. royale, 441 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Le bobak et les autres marmottes, 136-138. Description du Bobak, 139-140.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Buffon & Lacepede 1868. Histoire naturelle extraite de Buffon et de Lacépède [Natural history extracted from Buffon and Lacépède]. Alfred Mame & Fils, Tours, pp. 399.
En français, in French.

Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc &Sonnini; Charles Sigisbert 1800. Histoire naturelle, genérale et particulière. Tome trente-quatrième, Deboffe, Londres, num. Google.
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmotta, Arctomys monax, Arctomys bobac.
Extrait/extract pdf

Bugge J. 1974. The cephalic arterial system in insectivores, primates, rodents and lagomorphs, with special reference to the systematic classification [Le syt¿me art-ariel c-aphalique chez les insectivores, les primates, les rongeurs et les lagomorphes, avec une r-af-arence sp-aciale õ la classification syst-amatique]. Acta anat., 87(suppl. 62): 1-160.
En anglais, in English.
Syst¿me sanguin, blood system.

Buhot D. 1974. Images du Parc National de la Vanoise [Images of the National Park of La Vanoise]. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. de la Savoie, 51 : 5-7.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Vanoise, France. Elle serait en pleine expansion.

Bunge A. & Toll V. 1886. Berichte über die von der kaiserl. Akademie der W. ausgerüstete Expedition nach den neusibirischen Insen und dem Janalande. Beitr. zur Kenntnis des russichen Reichs.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota camtchatica, Arctomys camtschatica Brandt, Arctomys cliffoni Thomas, expédition, Sibérie, Siberia.

Bunnell F.L. & Harestad A.S. 1990. Activity budgets and body weight in mammals: How sloppy can mammals be? [Bilan d'activité et masse corporelle chez les mammifères]. Current Mammalogy, 2: 245-305. En anglais, in English. Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris.

Burdelov A.S. 1963. [Question sur les relations épizootologiques entre les foyers de peste du désert et des montagnes d'Asie centrale. A question about epizootological relations Desert and Mountain Middle-Asian plague foci]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i prophilactike chumy, Alma-Ata, 52-54.
En russe, in Russian. Peste, plague, désert, desert, montagne, mountain.

Burdelov L.A. & M.B. Ergeschbaev 1992. [Transmission de puces entre les rongeurs prédominants de l'Alaï occidental. Interchange of fleas between predominant rodent species in Western Alai]. In Organisation of plague surveillance, Alma-Ata, 3: 372-374.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, ectoparasite, Rodentia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota caudata, Alaï.

Burdelov A.S. & Kislitsyn V.S. 1978. [Installations communes de marmottes à longue queue et de gerbilles dans la dépression de Ferghan. Joint Settlements of Long-Tailed Marmots and Gerbils in the Ferghana Depression]. In Rodents as Vectors of Natural Nidus Diseases, Information Materials of Zoological Laboratory, Alma-Ata, 17-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Gerbille, gerbil, coopération, cooperation.

Burdelova N.V. 1996. [Puces de certains petits mammifères de Djoungarie Alatau. Flea fauna of some small mammals in Dzhungarskyi Alatau]. In Burdelov L.A. (ed) Proceeding of the conference Ecological aspects of epidemiology and epizootology of plague and other dangerous diseases, Middle Asian Science Anti-Plague Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 119-120.
En russe, in Russian.
Puce, flea, rongeur, rodents, Chine, China.

Bureau 1898. Sur les Mammifères et les Oiseaux en voie de disparition de la faune française [Mammals and birds in danger of extinction of the French fauna]. Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, 62.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, conservation, disparition, extinction.

Burchak-Abramovitch M.I. 1936. The fossil marmot (M. bobac Müller) from the town of Zhitomir [La marmotte fossile (M. bobak) de la ville de Zhitomir]. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, Cl. Sci. Nat. Tech. 1936 Quartärperiod, 67-73, 1 fig.
En Ukrainien et résumé anglais, in Ukrainian with English.
Marmota bobak, paélontologie, paleontology, Ukraine.

Burgdorfer W., Cooney J.C. & L.A. Thomas 1974. Zoonotic potenzial (Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularaemia) in the Tennessee Valley region. II. Prevalence of Ricketsia rickettsi and Francisella tularensis in mammals and ticks from Land Between the Lacks. Amer. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 23(1): 109-117.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, bactérie;, bacterium, parasitologie, parasitology, Amérique du Nord.

Burgdorfer W., Barbour A.G., Hayes S.F., Peter O. & A Aeschlimann 1983. Erythema chronicum migrans, a tickborne spirochetosis. Acta Trop., 40: 79-83.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Protozoaires, Acariens, Acaridsa, parasitologie, parasitology, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Burgess Thornton Waldo (Courtis Westland, illustration) 1948. Les aventures de Siffleux, marmotte [The adventures of Johnny Chuck]. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 109 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, Marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature, Burgess Thornton Waldo 1874-1965.

Burgisser H. 1974. Deuxième cas de tularémie en Suisse [Second Tularemia case in Switzerland]. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk., 116 : 257-258.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Burgisser H. 1975. Bilan des maladies de la faune sauvage [Summary of wild animal diseases (1973-1974)]. Schweiz Arch. Tierheilkd., 117(7): 397-400.
En français, in French.

Burgman M.A., Akcakaya H.R. & Loew S.S. 1988. The use of extinction models for species conservation [Utilisation des modèles d'extinction pour la conservation des esp&eagrave;ces]. Biol. Conserv., 43: 9-25.
En anglais, in English.
Modélisation, model, méthodologie, methodology, conservation.

Burgman M.A. & Cornelis R.N. 1989. Analyse des risques d'extinction des populations naturelles [Extinction risk analysis of natural populations]. Oecol. Gener., vol. 10, n° 3, p. 233-243.
Modélisation, model, méthodologie, methodology, conservation.

Une revue des méthodes d'analyse des risques d'extinction et de viabilité des populations est présentée. Le rôle des imprévisibilités environnementales, démographiques et génétiques, ainsi que le rôle des catastrophes sont successivement considérés, et les différentes approches développées pour intégrer ces facteurs de risque dans les modéles prédictifs de dynamique des populations sont commentées.
A review of extinction risk analysis and viability analysis methods is presented. The importance of environmental, demographic and genetic uncertainties, as well as the role of catastrophes are successively considered, and different approaches aiming at the integration of these risk factors in predictive population dynamic models are discussed.

Burlington R.F., Vogel J.A., Burton T.M., Salkovitz I.A. 1971. Cardiac output and regional blood flow in hypoxic woodchucks [Débit cardiaque et flux sanguin régional chez les marmottes hypoxiques]. Am. J. Physiol., 220 : 1565-1568.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, coeur, heart, sang, blood.

Burlington R.F. & Whitten B.K. 1971. Red-cell 2,3-diphosphoglucerate in hibernating ground squirrels. Comp. Bioch. Physiol., 38A: 469-471.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, hibernation, sang, blood.

Burnee M. & Batbold J. 2002. Current status of marmot hunting in Mongolia. Statut actuel de la chasse à la marmotte en Mongolie. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 34-35.
Anglais et français ; English and French.
Marmota baibacina, gray marmot, marmotte grise, Marmota sibirica, Mongolian marmot, marmotte de Mongolie, hunting, chasse.

Burnier J. & Hainard R. 1954. Nos oiseaux, 22 : 178-186.
En français, in French.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota marmota, prédation, predation, Suisse, Switzerland.

Burns J.A. 1991. Mid-Wisconsin vertebrates and their environment from January Cave, Alberta, Canada [Vertébrés du Wisconsin moyen et leur milieu à partir de la grotte January, Alberta, Canada]. Quaternary Research, 35(1): 130-143.
En anglais, in English.
Taphonomie, taphonomy, changement d'habitat, habitat changes, extinction d'espèces, extinct species, pléistocène, pleistocene, holocène, holocene, Marmota caligata.
Canis latrans, Vulpes vulpes, Vulpes velox, Vulpes sp., Martes americana, Mustela ermina, Mustela frenata, Mustela rixosa, Mustela nivalis, Mustela nigripes, Mustela sp., Lynx sp., Ochotona princeps, Lepus americanus, Eutamias sp., Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Marmota caligata, Spermophilus columbianus, Callospermophilus lateralis, Spermophilus lateralis, Cynomys churcherii, Cynomys sp.

Burris and McKnight 1973. Introduction of the hoary marmot to Prince of Wales Island [Introduction de la marmotte givrée sur l'île Prince of Wales].
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, Hoary marmot, marmotte givrée, introduction, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Burroughs John 1870. The Fox [Le renard]. In Putnam's monthly magazine of American literature, science and art, 16(34) : 1-570, pp. 371-376, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 375.
Extrait Pdf extract

Burroughs John 1876. Autumn Tides [Marées automnales]. In Scribners monthly, an illustrated magazine for the people, New York, 12(6) : 1-922, pp. 873-877, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 876.
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Burroughs John 1877. April [Avril]. In Scribners monthly, an illustrated magazine for the people, 13(6) : 1-890, pp. 799-803, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 802.
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Burroughs John 1892. Glimpses of Wild Life [Aperçus de vie sauvage]. In The Century; a popular quarterly, New York, 44(4) : 1-986, pp. 560-565, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 560, 562, 563.
Extrait Pdf extract

Burroughs John 1900. Squirrels and Other Fur-bearers [ Écureuils et autres animaux à fourrure]. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 150 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Extrait Pdf extract

Burroughs John 2001. Squirrels and Other Fur-bearers [ Écureuils et autres animaux à fourrure]. Fredonia books, Amsterdam, 188 pages.
En anglais, in English.

Burov V.N. 1968. Plotnost' popoulyatsiï kak faktor dinamik tchilesnnosti. Zool. J., 47 : 1455-1462.
En russe, in Russian.

Burt William Henry 1969. Mammals of the Great Lakes Region [Mammifères de la région des Grands lacs]. Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Mich:246 p.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, États-unis d'Amérique, USA, Tennessee.

Burt William Henry 1976. A Field Guide to the Mammals [Guide de terrain des mammifères]. The Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, États-unis d'Amérique, USA.

Burt William Henry & R.P. Grossenheider 1952. A field guide to the Mammals [Guide pratique des mammifères]. Houghton Mifflin Co;, Boston, Mass., xxi-200p.
Marmota monax, Marmota caligata, Hoary Marmot, marmotte givrée, mammifères, mammals, pédagie.
Portées comprises entre 2 et 6 jeunes.

Burt William Henry & Grossenheider R.P. 1964. A field guide to the mammals [Guide pratique des mammifères]. 2nd ed. Peterson Field Guide Series No. 5. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 284 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, Tennessee, États-unis d'Amérique, USA.

Burt William Henry & Gossenheider R.P. 1976. A field guide to the mammals [Guide pratique des mammifères]. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass:289p.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, Marmota olympus, États-unis d'Amérique, USA, Tennessee.

Burton Cole, Krebs Charles J. & Taylor Eric B. 2002. Population genetic structure of the cyclic snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) in southwestern Yukon, Canada [Structure génétique de la population du lièvre variable d'Amérique du Nord]. Molecular Ecology, 11 : 1689-1701.
En anglais, in English.
Dispersion, dispersal, flux de gènes, gene flow, différentiation génétique, genetic differentiation, dérive génétique, genetic drift, isolemet par distance, isolation by distance, barrières paysagères, landscape barriers, lièvre d’Amérique du Nord, snowshoe hare, comparaison avec marmotte alpine, compartison with alpine marmot.
Spatial population structure has important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Little is known about the population structure of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), despite their ecological importance in North American boreal forests. We used seven variable microsatellite DNA loci to determine the spatial genetic structure of snowshoe hares near Kluane Lake, Yukon during a cyclic population peak. We sampled 317 hares at 12 sites separated by distances ranging from 3 to 140 km, and used 46 additional samples from Alaska and Montana. The level of genetic variation was high (13.4 alleles/locus, 0.67 expected heterozygosity) and the distribution of alleles and genotypes was not homogeneous across the sites. The degree of differentiation was low among Yukon sites (F ST = 0.015) and between Yukon and Alaska (F ST = 0.012), but the Montana site was highly differentiated (F ST = 0.20). A weak pattern of isolation by distance was found over the Yukon study area, with an indication that local genetic drift may be important in shaping the regional genetic structure. Landscape barriers expected to influence gene flow did not consistently affect genetic structure, although there was evidence for a partial barrier effect of Kluane Lake. The high level of inferred gene flow confirms that snowshoe hare dispersal is widespread, successful and equal between the sexes. A stepping-stone model of gene flow, potentially influenced by the synchronous density cycle, appears to best explain the observed genetic structure. Our results suggest that despite their dramatic fluctuations in density, snowshoe hares in the northern boreal forest have a large evolutionary effective population size and are not strongly subdivided by either physical or social barriers to gene flow.
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Burtt E.H., Maiorana K.A., Hailman J.P. 1975. Mother woodchuck transports her seven young to new nest [Une mère marmotte transporte ses sept jeunes dans un nouveau nid]. Mammalia, 39 : 714-716.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, social, Minnesota, EUA, USA.
Existence d'une portée de sept petits (existence de huit mammelles). Transport des jeunes par la mère : les jeunes sont pris par la peau du flanc et les jeunes s'enroulent autour de la tâyte et du cou de la mère.

Busoedova N.M., Antip'eva O.A., Lipaev V.M., Surkov V.S., Koslovskaya O.L. & D. Galbadrakh 1975. [Résultats d'une anlyse sérologique des foyers naturels de peste et de tularémie en Mongolie et dans le Touva voisin. Results of a serological exploration of natural foci of plague and tularaemia in Mongolian territories bordering Tuva]. In Safonova Ed., Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague, II: 112-115.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, parasitologie, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Mongolie.

Busoedova N.M., Lipaev V.M., Kozlovskaya O.L. & Chupa N. 1975. Sovmechtchennaya epizootiya tchoumy i erizipeloida na severo-zapade Xangaïskogo nagor'ya [Epizootie combinée de peste et d'érysipèle dans le nord-ouest des montagnes du Kangaï. Combined plague and erysipelas epizooty in north-eastern mountains of Kangai]. In Mejdounar. i nats. aspekty epidnadzora pri tchoume, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Epizootie, peste, plague.

Butet A. L'analyse microscopique des feces : une technique non perturbantes d'étude des régimes alimentaires des mammifères phytophages [Microscopic analysis of faeces: a non-disturbing of the diets of phytphagous mammals].
En français, in French.
Mammiféres, herbivores.

Butel Y. & Toubeau l. 1996. Charlotte marmotte. Deux coqs d'or.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, child literature.

Butel-Dumont Georges-Marie & Forbonnais François Véron Duverger de 1755. Histoire et commerce des colonies angloises dans l'Amérique septentrionale, où l'on trouve l'état actuel de leur population, & des détails curieux sur la constitution de leur gouvernement, principalement sur celui de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, de la Pensilvanie, de la Caroline, & de la Géorgie [History and trade of the English colonies in the North América where the actual state of their population, and of curious details on their government, mainly upon those of New England, of Pensylvania, of Carolina and of Georgia]. Londres & Paris, Le Breton, 336 p.
En français, in French.
Economie, economy, colonisation, colonization, Amérique du Nord, North America, fourrure, fur, marmotte absente, no marmot, Butel-Dumont Georges-Marie (1725-1788), Forbonnais François Véron Duverger de (1722-1800).
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Butler P.M. & Joysey K.A., eds. 1978. Development, function and evolution of teeth [D-aveloppement, fonction et -avolution des dents]. Academic Pr., New York. 523 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Dent, tooth.

Bykov N.T. 1946. Vyzhivaemosti tchumnoï palotchki v sukhikh shkurakh tarbagan [Survie des bacilles pesteux dans les peaux séchées de M. sibirica. Survivorship of plague bacillus in dried skins of M. sibirica]. Izv. Irkutskogo PUI, 6, Irkutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Bykov N.T. 1950. Vyzhivaemosti tchumnoï palotchki v vysushennykh na solntse tarbaganikh shkyrakh [Survie du bacille de la peste dans les peaux de M. sibirica exposées au soleil. Survivorship of plague bacillus in sun-dried skins of M. sibirica]. Izv. Irkutskogo PUI, 8, Irkutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Bykova E.A. & Esipov A.V. 2005. Current distribution of long-tailed marmot in Uzbekistan. Sovremennoe rasprostranenie krasnogo sourka v Ouzbekistane. [R-apartition actuelle de la marmotte õ longue queue en Ouzbekistan]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 28-29.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota caudata, marmotte longue queue, long-tailed marmot, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Pamir-Alay, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.
In Uzbekistan, long-tailed marmot (Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1892) inhabits two isolated areas - the Western Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alay. The eastern and north-eastern border of its habitat runs across the Western Tien Shan mountains and includes the Pskem, Ugam and Maidantal ridges (the Maidantal, Bodaksay, Choralma rivers, and the Oigaing river basin), as well as the southern slopes of the Chatkal ridge facing the Fergana valley (Saldyrmasay, Chanachsay, Nanai). Also, long-tailed marmot was found near village Soh on the northern slopes of the Alai ridge in the Fergana valley. The Pamiro-Alay part of long-tailed marmot\'s habitat includes the western spurs of the Gissar ridge along the Kizildarya, Tanhazdarya, Aksu, Tamshush, Sangardak, and Handiza rivers. Though, in the past it was recorded in Baisuntau, this data now needs to be confirmed. The habitat of long-tailed marmot has expanded during the last decade. Its lower border moved down for more than 10 km. In 2002, resettling marmots were observed in the close vicinity of hydro-post Maidantal, tract Karanghi- Tugai (1414 rn a.s.l.). In spring 2003, we saw marmots living at the left bank of the Pskem river at a record-breaking low altitude of 1,377 rn a.s.l. In 1985-1990, a lower border ran near mouth of the Beshtor river, the tributary of the Oigaing river, at 1800 m a.s.l. Moreover, a permanent residence of marmots was observed at the left bank of the Charalma river, near the place where it flows into the Oigaing river. In Pamiro-Alai, a habitat oflong-tailed marmot is shrinking. A lower border of the species\' habitat was at midstream of the Kizildarya river, at 2000 rn a.s.l. During the last decade this species has disappeared in the upper-rivers Djindidarya, Igrisu, and Kalasay. In 1992, we investigated the long-tailed marmot colonies at the left bank of the Kalasay river, at 3500 rn a.s.l. (Vashetko et al., 1996). This territory was intensively used for livestock grazing. We could observe the movement of sheep herds, found lost traps near marmot\'s holes, and numerous hidden dwellings of poachers. At present, long-tailed marmot has been completely exterminated in the area, as well as in the upper-river Igrisu towards the border of the Gissar nature reserve and a watershed ridge between the Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya provinces. Uninhabited and partially destroyed burrows oflong-tailed marmot were still remaining here.
Russian pdf russe

Bykova E.A. & Vashetko E.V. 1996. Rasprostranie krasnogo sourka v ouzbekistane [Répartition de Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1892) en Ouzbekistan. Distribution of Marmota caudata in Uzbekistan]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, distribution, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.
In Uzbekistan, there are two marmot species recorded: bigger in size, Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1892 and a smaller one, M. menzbieri Kaschkarov, 1925. The latter species is an ancient inhabitant of the mountains in W Central Asia. Its range in the past (Bibiov, 1989) was wider and the spread of M. baibacina and M. menzbieri through its range have possibly taken place. The data on M. caudata are only fragmentary (Kolesnikov, 1953; Kolosov et al., 1965; Yanushevitch et al. 1972; Voloeninov et al. 1989; Tretyakov, 1992; Mashkin, Baturin, 1993; Esipov, 1996). Base on literature, collected material of the Institute of Zoology (1962, 1981-85) and our own data, we made an attempt to assess the state of knowledge and range of M. caudata in Uzbekistan, where M. caudata inhabits the edges of its range on two restricted areas, the ridge of W Tien Shan (Ugam and Pskem) and Pamir-Alai (Gissar and Baisubtau). The west limit of M. caudata range passes from Zeavshan ridge southwards along W, SW and S offshoots of Gissar Ridge (near the villages Dibadam, Handiza, Dzhapaya, Tashkurgan, Knamchaka, Kasatarasha; the valley Gyssararykh, Aksudarya, Botyrboi; villages Hozrat-Sultan, Mukbilot, Honchalik, Turtkuilyk; the River Kalasai, Severtzov's glacier; the river Tupalang andstow Khuvatan). M. caudata inhabits upper reaches of the Rivers Sangardak, Tamshush, Kyzykdaria and its tributaries, as well as alpine steppes of the Ridge Baisuntau (upper course of the River Kyzylnaur, mountain pass Bell-Auty, Mount Ketman-Chopty, Stow Atkumakly, Katta-Maidon, Kichik-Maidon, Sharshak and Sandhzar). In the east and north-east, the range of M. caudata covers SW slopes of Chatkal Ride (Saldyrmasai, Chanachsai, Nanai), W offshoots of Pskem Ridge (the Rivers Ihnachsai and Anaukgen) and E offshoots of Ugam Ridge (the Rivers Maidantal, Bodaksai, Choalma, a valley of the River Oigaing). Reported is a finding of M. caudata in the mountains in the vicinity of the village Sokh, N slopes of Ridge Alai in Fergana Valley. Summing up all the findings of M. caudata, it should be noted that only extremely scanty information is available, which necessitates further studies in its distribution and population in Uzbekistan.

Bykova E.A., Esipov A.V., Rudenko A.A. & Grazhdankina E.I. 2002. [Agent toxique et métaux lourds contenus par l'ostéinede la marmotte de Menzbier. The toxic agent and heavy metals content in osteine of Menzbir marmot]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 13.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, aent toxique, toxic agent.

Byrcyn W.G. Voir (See) Grasienica-Byrcyn
