Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


Mis à jour le 07/05/2007 Updated

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D'Accordi U. 1990. La reintroduzione del camoscio (Rupricapra rupricapra L.) e della marmotta (Marmota marmota L.) sul monte Baldo [Réintroduction du chamois et de la marmotte sur le mont Baldo. Chamois and marmots reintroduction on the Mount Baldo]. Atti Mem. Acc. Agricoltura, Scienze e Lettere di Verona, Ser. Vi, Vol. XLI, 35-46.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, Italie, Italy.

D'Ugo E., Bruni R., Argentini C., Giuseppetti R. & Rapicetta M. 1998. Identification of scaffold/matrix attachment region in recurrent site of woodchuck hepatitis virus integration. DNA Cell Biol., 17(6): 519-527.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, Hepatitis.

Scaffold or matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) are noncoding genomic DNA sequences displaying in vitro selective binding affinity for nuclear scaffold. They have been reported to be involved in the physical attachment of genomic DNA to the nuclear scaffold, and thus in the organization of the chromatin in functional loops or domains, and in the regulation of gene expression. In this work, we report the identification of an S/MAR in a woodchuck chromosomal locus, named b3n, previously described as a recurrent site of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA integration in woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The 4.3-kb sequence of this locus contains several Alu-like repeats and a gag-like coding region with frameshift mutations. Computer analysis revealed the presence of a region with unusually high AT content, typical of most S/MARs, and of specific motifs (A boxes, T boxes, topoisomerase II sites, and unwinding elements) overlapping or in proximity to the region with high AT content, predicting that b3n might contain an S/MAR. Fragments of the b3n locus were isolated by conventional and inverse PCR techniques. In in vitro binding experiments with both heterologous and autologous scaffold preparations, a 592-bp fragment spanning the region rich in S/MAR features showed marked scaffold affinity, which was specific when autologous scaffolds were used. The presence of an S/MAR at the b3n locus and its nature as a recurrent WHV integration site in HCC suggest the involvement of S/MAR elements in some of the mechanisms leading to liver oncogenesis.

Da Silva A. & Allainé D. 2002. Effects of phenotypic and genotypic quality on juvenile alpine marmot survival: preliminary results. Effets de la qualité phénotypique et génotypique sur la survie de jeunes marmottes alpines : résultats préliminaires. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 48-49.
Anglais et français, English and French.
Marmota marmota, heterozigosity, hétérozygotie, juvenile survival, survie juvénile, body mass, masse corporelle.

Da Silva A. & Allainé D. 2003. Effects of phenotypic and genotypic quality on juvenile alpine marmot survival: preliminary results. Effets de la qualité phénotypique et génotypique sur la survie de jeunes marmottes alpines : résultats préliminaires. Воздействие генетического качества на выживаемость молодых альпийских сурков: предварительные результаты. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 157-164.
Anglais et français, résumé russe ; English and French, Russian abstract.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota marmota, individual heterozigosity, hétérozygotie individuelle, fitness, valeur sélective, juvenile survival, survie juvénile, body mass, masse corporelle, microsatellites.
La relation positive entre l’hétérozygotie individuelle et la valeur sélective, trouvée chez de nombreuses espèces, reste un sujet de débat. Deux mécanismes principaux ont été proposés pour expliquer cette relation : (1) la dépression de consanguinité due à l’homozygotie à certains loci délétères ; et (2) l’hétérosis associée à une augmentation de l’hétérozygotie . Dans cette analyse préliminaire, nous avons trouvé la relation positive attendue entre survie juvénile, une composante majeure de la valeur sélective, et l’hétérozygotie individuelle, mesurée pour des loci microsatellites, chez la marmotte alpine. La relation est significative seulement chez les mâles, suggérant une réponse différentielle de la valeur sélective à l’hétérozygotie. Nous avons trouvé un effet additif des conditions climatiques (précipitations estivales) sur la survie juvénile.

Da Silva A., Luikart G., Allainé D., Gautier P., Taberlet P. & Pompanon F. 2003. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in European alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Isolement et caractérisation des microsatellites chez les marmottes alpines européennes]. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3 : 189-190.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, copulation hors couple, extra-pair copulation, microsatellite cloning, monogamie, monogamy, détermination de la paternité, paternity assignment, sciuridés, sciurid mammals.
For future investigations of the mating system of a highly social mammal (Marmota marmota), we identified 16 new microsatellites using an enrichment protocol. Five loci were revealed to be polymorphic. The polymorphism was rather low (two to six alleles among 24 individuals). However, these markers, added to the other six published microsatellites for M. marmota and Spermophilus citellus, will help to assess dispersal patterns and test for genetic monogamy in alpine marmots from the European Alps.

Da Silva A., Luikart G., Yoccoz N.G., Cohas A. & Allainé D. 2006. Genetic diversity-fitness correlation revealed by microsatellite analyses in European alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Conservation Genetics, 7(3): 371-382.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, hétérozygotie, heterozygosity, consanguinité, inbreeding, survie juvénile, juvenile survival, microsatellites.
The relationship between individual genetic diversity and fitness-related traits are poorly understood in the wild. The availability of highly polymorphic molecular markers, such as microsatellites, has made research on this subject more feasible. We used three microsatellite-based measures of genetic diversity, individual heterozygosity H, mean d 2 and mean d 2 outbreeding to test for a relationship between individual genetic diversity and important fitness trait, juvenile survival, in a population of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), after controlling for the effects of ecological, social and physiological parameters that potentially influence juvenile survival in marmots. Analyses were conducted on 158 juveniles, and revealed a positive association between juvenile survival and genetic diversity measured by mean H. No association was found with mean d 2 and with mean d 2 outbreeding. This suggests a fitness disadvantage to less heterozygous juveniles. The genetic diversity-fitness correlation (GDFC) was somewhat stronger during years with poor environmental conditions (i.e. wet summers). The stressful environmental conditions of this high mountain population might enhance inbreeding depression and make this association between genetic diversity and fitness detectable. Moreover the mating system, allowing extra pair copulation by occasional immigrants, as well as close inbreeding, favours a wide range of individual genetic diversity (mean H ranges from 0.125 to 1), which also may have facilitated the detection of the GDFC. The results further suggest that the observed GDFC is likely to be explained by the “local effect” hypothesis rather than by the “general effect” hypothesis.

Dagva D.E. 1959. [Marmottes tarbagan de la République Populaire de Mongolie et leur importance économique. Tarbagan of the Mongolian People's Republic and its economic significance]. Avtoref. dissert. Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, économie, economy, Mongolie.

Dahlberg A. A., ed. 1971. Dental morphology and evolution [Morphologie dentaire et ™volution]. Univ. Chicago Pr., Chicago. 350 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Dent, tooth, morphologie, morphology, ™volution, evolution.

Dahmen U., Dirsch O., Li J., Fiedle M., Lu M., Rispeter K., Picucci M., Broelsch C.E. & Roggendorf M. 2004. Adoptive transfer of immunity: a new strategy to interfere with severe hepatitis virus reinfection after woodchuck liver transplantation [Transfert adoptif d’immunité : une nouvelle stratégie pour interférer avec une sévère réinfection du virus de l’hépatite après une transplantation du foie chez la marmotte commune d’Amérique]. Transplantation, 77(7): 965-972.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
The effective transfer of humoral immunity to hepatitis B virus was first demonstrated after clinical and experimental bone marrow transplantation. This strategy is now evaluated in the woodchuck transplantation model, in which protection from reinfection can be tested. Animals negative for woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) (n = 3) were vaccinated using plasmids expressing woodchuck hepatitis virus surface (WHs), woodchuck hepatitis virus core (WHc), and woodchuck interferon-gamma in combination with a protein vaccine (WHs antigen [Ag]) three times before liver donation. Control animals (n= 4) received the liver from non-immunized donors. Chronic WHV carriers served as recipients. The viral load in serum and liver tissue was monitored pretransplant and posttransplant for up to 11 weeks by dot blot, Northern blot, Southern blot, and immunohistochemistry for WHc and WhsAg. Donor vaccination was effective, as indicated by the development of anti-WHc and anti-WHs antibodies. Transplanting the livers of these donors resulted in a reduction of viral load in two of three animals. No viral DNA was detected in repeated serum samples by dot-blot hybridization technique. However, polymerase chain reaction for viral DNA extracted from serum was always positive. WHV replication intermediates and WHV RNA were absent in repeated liver biopsies. Only few hepatocytes stained weakly positive for WHc protein and frequency, and the intensity of WHsAg positive hepatocytes was low. The third animal developed severe reinfection within 3 weeks, similar to the woodchucks in the control group. Liver transplantation from immunized donors to chronic carriers seems to be a promising strategy to reduce and delay severe reinfection, which may be applicable in clinical liver transplantation.

Dahmen U., Li J., Dirsch O., Fiedler M., Lu M., Roggendorf M. & Broelsch CE. 2002. A new model of hepatitis B virus reinfection: liver transplantation in the woodchuck [Un nouveau modèle de réinfestation par le virus de l'hépatite B : transplantation du foie chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Transplantation, 74(3): 373-80.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatits.
Reinfection of liver grafts with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a pertinent problem in clinical liver transplantation, requiring the development of new treatment strategies. However, no animal model is currently available to study the course and mechanism of hepatitis B reinfection. This was the reason to establish the technique of liver transplantation in the woodchuck, which is a widely used animal model for HBV infection. For the reinfection study, woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)-negative animals were selected as donors, whereas chronic carriers served as recipients (n=3). Immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine in a daily dose of 5 mg/kg. Blood and liver samples were obtained before and 8 hr, 3 weeks, and 10 weeks after transplantation. Virological markers included serological testing for WHV DNA, WHV surface antigen (WHsAg), core antigen (WHcAg), and their antibodies (anti-WHs and anti-WHc). WHV DNA replication intermediates and viral RNA were detected by Southern blot hybridization and Northern blot, respectively. Viral proteins in the liver were visualized by immunohistochemistry for WHsAg and WHcAg. Early after transplantation membranous but no intracytoplasmic staining for WHsAg was detected in the liver graft, which was negative for WHcAg as well as WHV-DNA and RNA. Nearly all hepatocytes in the liver grafts of animals killed at 3 weeks and 10 weeks posttransplant showed strong membranous (WHsAg) and intracytoplasmic (WHsAg and WHcAg) staining, which was higher in frequency and intensity than in carriers before transplantation. The apparently reduced level of WHV replication intermediates and viral RNA in the reinfected liver grafts compared with the carrier animals was caused by the severe morphological changes leading to a replacement of hepatocytes by extended portal infiltrates. The woodchuck proved to be a suitable model to study WHV reinfection after liver transplantation, because the operative procedure was well tolerated. The first sign of viral presence in the graft was WhsAg detected exclusively in the sinusoids. Reinfection was proven by heavy intracytoplasmic staining for WHsAg and WHcAg in the majority of hepatocytes and detection of viral DNA and RNA in the graft.

Dahmen U., Li J., Dirsch O., Fiedler M., Roggendorf M. & Broelsch C.E. 2002. Establishment of liver transplantation in woodchuck [Mise en place de transplantation de foie chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Transplant Proc., 34(6): 2314-5.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatitis, foie, liver.

Dai E., Tong Z., Wang X., Li M., Cui B., Dai R., Zhou D., Pei D., Song Y., Zhang J., Li B., Yang J., Chen Z., Guo Z., Wang J., Zhai J. & Yang R. 2005. Identification of different regions among strains of Yersinia pestis by suppression subtractive hybridization. Res. Microbiol., 6(7): 785-789.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota baibacina, Spermophilus undulates, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Yersinia pestis, peste, plague, Chine, China.
Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague, has been classified into four biovars: Antiqua, Mediaevalis, Orientalis and Microtus. Although the entire genome sequences of three Y. pestis strains, CO92, KIM and 91001, of biovar Orientalis, Mediaevalis and Microtus, respectively, have been decoded, the genome sequence of the biovar Antiqua strain is unknown. In an initial effort to find Antiqua-specific sequences, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed and four different regions (DFRs) were identified. Among the four DFRs, only DFR4 was specific to the tester (strain 49006, biovar Antiqua). PCR demonstrated that DFR4 was present only in 57 of 60 Antiqua strains from the Marmota baibacina-Spermophilus undulates plague focus in the Tianshan Mountains (focus B) and in three strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis (serotypes I and II), showing that not all Antiqua strains had DFR4. Five DFR profiles were identified based on the presence or absence of these four DFRs in 636 strains of Y. pestis from 10 plague foci in China.

Dal Piaz G.B. 1900. Sulla fauna fossile della grotta di S. Donà di Lamon [Sur la faune fossile de la grotte de S. Donà di Lamon. On fauna remains of the S. Donà di Lamon cave]. Atti Soc. It. Sc. Nat. Milano, 39: 1-14.
En italien, in Italian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota, Belluno, Italie, Italy.

Dal Piaz G.B. 1929. [Fossil and living mammals of the Tre Venezie. Systematic part., 6. Rodentia. Mammifères vivants et fossiles du Tre Vénétie. Partie sytématique, 6. Rongeurs]. Stazione Trentina di Scienze Naturali, 7(2): 103-158.
En italien, In Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Frioul-Vénétie, Friuli-Venezia, Italie, Italy.

Dall C.H. 1867. Pioneering [Défrichage]. The Atlantic monthly, 19(114) : 403-416.
En anglais, in English.
Gaufre, gopher, marmotte, marmot p. 406.
Extrait pdf extract

Dalla Torre K.W.V. 1887. Die Säugethierfauna von Tirol und Vorarlbelg [La faune des mammifères du Tyrol et du Vorarlberg]. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereines in Innsbruck, 17: 103-146.
En allemand, in German
Mammifères, mammals, Autriche, Austria, Tyrol, Vorarlberg.

Dalquest W.W. 1948. Mammals of Washington [Mammifères de Washington]. Univ. Kans. Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 2: 1-444.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota olympus, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Washington, Marmota caligata cascadensis, Canada, British Columbia.

Dalquest W.W. & Horner N.V. 1984. Mammals of northcentral Texas [Mammifères du Texas central nord]. Wichita Falls: Midwestern State Univ. Press.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris.

Dalquest & Mooser 1980. Reassigned Marmota mexicana to Paenemarmota mexicana, measurements of Paenemarmota mexicana.

Dalrymple B.W. 1978. North American Game Animals [Gibiers d'Amérique du Nord]. Times Mirror Magazines, New York, New York: 516.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, Chasse, game, Amérique du Nord, Tennessee.

Damuth John 1997-2003. The Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates Online [Bibliographie des vertébrés fossiles en ligne]. The Indexed Published Literature of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1509 - 1993.
En anglais, in English.
Vertébrés, Vertebrates, paléontologie, paleontology.

Dandri M., Burda M.R., Gocht A., Torok E., Pollok J.M., Rogler C.E., Will H. & Petersen J. 2001. Woodchuck hepatocytes remain permissive for hepadnavirus infection and mouse liver repopulation after cryopreservation. Hepatology, 34(4 Pt 1): 824-833.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatitis, foie, liver.
Isolated hepatocytes represent a relevant model of the liver and are highly required both for research and therapeutic applications. However, sources of primary liver cells from human beings and from some animal species are limited. Therefore, cryopreservation of hepatocytes could greatly facilitate advances in various research areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether cryopreserved primary woodchuck hepatocytes could be used for woodchuck hepatitis B virus (WHV) infection studies, and whether they could maintain their regenerative potential in vivo after thawing. Critical steps for good quality of cryopreserved hepatocytes included the use of University of Wisconsin (UW) solution as a main component of the freezing medium, stepwise reduction of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to avoid osmotic shock, and maintenance of low concentrations of DMSO in the culture medium. After cryopreservation, cell viability was still high (70% to 80%), and 50% to 60% of thawed cells attached to the plates. The appearance of covalently closed circular (ccc)DNA and of WHV-replicative forms a few days after in vitro infection demonstrated that thawed woodchuck hepatocytes were still susceptible to viral infection, thus proving maintenance of a very high hepatocyte-specific differentiation status. Furthermore, transplantation of woodchuck hepatocytes into the liver of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA)/recombination activation gene-2 (RAG-2) mice, a model of liver regeneration, demonstrated that cryopreserved cells retained the ability to divide and to extensively repopulate a xenogenic liver. Notably, in vivo susceptibility to infection with WHV and proliferative capacity of frozen/thawed woodchuck hepatocytes in recipient mice were identical to those observed by transplanting fresh hepatocytes.

Dandri M., Burda M.R., Will H. & Petersen J. 2000. Increased hepatocyte turnover and inhibition of woodchuck hepatitis B virus replication by adefovir in vitro do not lead to reduction of the closed circular DNA. Hepatology, 32(1): 139-46.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatitis, foie, liver.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the nucleotide analogue adefovir on woodchuck hepatitis B virus (WHV) replication and, in particular, to determine whether the pool of covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) could be reduced by adefovir treatment in primary cultures of woodchuck hepatocytes isolated from a chronic carrier. Strong reduction of WHV-DNA synthesis (90%) and secretion (up to 98%) was observed with all 3 doses of adefovir used (1, 10, and 100 micromol/L), whereas in the absence of the drug, high amounts of viral particles were continuously secreted in the culture medium until the end of the study (27 days). Secretion of envelope proteins and viral RNA levels remained constant both in the adefovir-treated and -untreated cultures for the entire course of the study. Intracellular core protein levels declined by approximately 50% in all the cultures, independent of adefovir treatment. There was no indication of cccDNA loss in the adefovir-treated hepatocyte cultures even when cell turnover was induced for 14 days by the addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the culture medium. Our data show that adefovir has a very strong inhibitory effect on WHV-DNA synthesis in chronically infected primary hepatocyte cultures and indicate that cccDNA is a very stable molecule that appears to be efficiently transmitted to the dividing hepatocytes.

Dandri M. & Petersen J. 2005. Hepatitis B virus cccDNA clearance: killing for curing? Hepatology, 42(6): 1453-1455.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Chronic hepadnavirus infections cause liver damage with ongoing death and regeneration of hepatocytes. In the present study, we set out to quantify the extent of liver turnover by measuring the clonal proliferation of hepatocytes by using integrated viral DNA as a genetic marker for individual hepatocyte lineages. Liver tissue from woodchucks with chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection was assayed for randomly integrated viral DNA by using inverse PCR. Serial endpoint dilution of viral-cell junction fragments into 96-well plates, followed by nested PCR and DNA sequencing, was used to determine the copy number of specific viral cell junctions as a measure of the clonal distribution of infected cell subpopulations. The results indicated that the livers contained a minimum of 100,000 clones of >1,000 cells containing integrated DNA, representing at least 0.2% of the hepatocyte population of the liver. Because cells with integrated WHV DNA comprised only 1-2% of total liver cells, it is likely that the total number of clones far exceeds this estimate, with as much as one half of the liver derived from high copy clones of >1,000 cells. It may be inferred that these clones have a strong selective growth or survival advantage. The results provide evidence for a large amount of hepatocyte proliferation and selection having occurred during the period of chronic WHV infection (approximately 1.5 years) in these animals.

Dandri M., Petersen J., Stockert R.J., Harris T.M. & Rogler C.E. 1998. Metabolic labeling of woodchuck hepatitis B virus X protein in naturally infected hepatocytes reveals a bimodal half-life and association with the nuclear framework. J. Virol., 72(11): 9359-9364.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
In order to identify potential sites of hepadnavirus X protein action, we have investigated the subcellular distribution and the stability of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) X protein (WHx) in primary hepatocytes isolated from woodchucks with persistent WHV infection. In vivo cell labeling and cell fractionation studies showed that the majority of WHx is a soluble cytoplasmic protein while a minor part of newly synthesized WHx is associated with a nuclear framework fraction (20%) and with cytoskeletal components (5 to 10%). Pulse-chase experiments revealed that cytoplasmic WHx has a short half-life and decays with bimodal kinetics (approximately 20 min and 3 h). The rates of association and turnover of nucleus-associated WHx suggest that compartmentalization may be responsible for the bimodal turnover observed in the cytoplasm.

Dandri M., Schirmacher P. & Rogler C.E. 1996.Woodchuck hepatitis virus X protein is present in chronically infected woodchuck liver and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas which are permissive for viral replication. J. Virol., 70(8): 5246-554.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatis.

The woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) X gene (WHx) is required for infectivity of WHV in woodchucks, and the gene encodes a broadly acting transcription factor. Several lines of evidence from cell culture and transgenic mice suggest that X proteins can promote hepatocarcinogenesis. To determine whether WHx-encoded proteins are present during persistent infection and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in woodchucks, we surveyed livers and HCCs from a panel of WHV carrier woodchucks for the presence of WHx by utilizing an immunoprecipitation-Western blot (immunoblot) procedure. We detected a single 15.5-kDa WHx gene product in 100% of the persistently infected livers but not in livers from animals which had recovered from acute infection or in those of uninfected woodchucks. Analysis of HCCs revealed that all of the tumors which contained WHV replication intermediates were also positive for WHx. In contrast, WHx was undetectable in HCCs which did not contain replicative intermediates. Subcellular localization studies detected WHx in the cytoplasm but not in the nuclei of primary woodchuck hepatocytes. Comparative immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that there were 4 X 10(4) to 8 X 10(4) molecules of WHx per primary woodchuck hepatocyte. Four lines of WHx transgenic mice did not develop HCC spontaneously. However, when one line was treated with diethylnitrosamine, the occurrence of precancerous lesions was enhanced compared with that in diethylnitrosamine-treated nontransgenic controls. The apparent absence of WHx in some woodchuck HCCs indicates that WHx may not be required to maintain the tumor phenotype, whereas its presence in all persistently infected livers leaves open the possibility that it plays a role in hepatocarcinogenesis.

Danford C.G. & Alston E.R. 1877. On the mammals of Asia minor [Sur les mammifères d'Asie mineure]. J. Zool. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 270-281.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Asie, Asia.

Danford C.G. & Alston E.R. 1880. On the mammals of Asia minor [Sur les mammifères d'Asie mineure]. J. Zool. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 50-64.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Asie, Asia.

Danheimer S. 1993. Soziale und endokrine Mechanisem der Unterdrückung der Reproduktion beim Alpenmurmeltier (Marmota marmota marmota) [Mécanismes sociaux et endocrine de l'inhibition de la reproduction chez la marmotte alpine. Social and endocrinal mechanisms of reproduction suppression in the alpine marmot]. Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich (Germany), 1-56.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, reproduction, inhibition reproductive, reproduction suppression, progestérone, estrogènes, corticostéroïdes.

Daniel J.C. & Blumstein D.T. (Даниель Дж.К., Блюмштайн Д.Т.) 1997. Проверка гипотезы акустической адаптачии сурков. A test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis in marmots [Proverka gipothezy akoustitcheskoï adaptatsii sourkov. Un test de l'hypothèse de l'adaptation acoustique chez les marmottes]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 32 (Rousskie, Russian), 132 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, son, sound.

Daniel J.C. & Blumstein D.T. 1998a. A test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis in four species of marmots [Un test de l'hypothèse de l'adaptation acoustique chez quatre espèce de marmottes]. Animal Behaviour, 6: 1517-1528.
En anglais, in English.
[en ligne/on line Available pdf disponible
Marmota, son, sound.

Acoustic signals must be transmitted from a signaller to a receiver during which time they become modified. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis suggests that selection should shape the structure of long-distance signals to maximize transmission through different habitats. A specific prediction of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis is that long-distance signals of animals in their native habitat are expected to change less during transmission than non-native signals within that habitat. This prediction was tested using the alarm calls of four species of marmots that live in acoustically different habitats and produce species-specific, long-distance alarm vocalizations: yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris; Olympic marmot, M. olympus; hoary marmot, M. caligata; and woodchuck, M. monax. By doing so, we evaluated the relative importance the acoustic environment plays on selecting for divergent marmot alarm calls. Representative alarm calls of the four species were broadcast and rerecorded in each species' habitat at four distances from a source. Rerecorded, and therefore degraded alarm calls, were compared to undegraded calls using spectrogram correlation. If each species' alarm call was transmitted with less overall degradation in its own environment, a significant interaction between species' habitat and species' call type would be expected. Transmission fidelity at each of four distances was treated as a multivariate response and differences among habitat and call type were tested in a two-way MANOVA. Although significant overall differences in the transmission properties of the habitats were found, and significant overall differences in the transmission properties of the call types were found, there was no significant interaction between habitat and call type. Thus, the evidence did not support the acoustic adaptation hypothesis for these marmot species. Factors other than maximizing long-distance transmission through the environment may be important in the evolution of species-specific marmot alarm calls.

Daniel J.C. & Blumstein D.T. 2003. Using JWatcher to study marmot behavior. Utiliser JWatcher pour étudier le comportement des marmottes. Использование JWatcher при изучении поведения сурков. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 41-44.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota, observational study, time budget, budget temps, focal sampling, échantillonnage focal.
JWatcher est un logiciel d'enregistrement factuel, distribué gratuitement et écrit en JavaTM. Il fonctionne pratiquement avec tout type d'ordinateur. Nous donnons un aperçu des caractéristiques du programme et deux exemples de son utilisation lors de recherches sur les marmottes, pour en illustrer les caractéristiques clés. Mots clés : quantifier le comportement des marmottes.
JWatcher is a freely distributed event recorder software program written in JavaTM that runs on virtually any computer. We provide an overview of the program’s features, and two examples of how this program has been used in marmot research to illustrate some of the program’s key features. Keywords: quantifying marmot behavior.

Daniiarov S.B., Schastlivyi O.Ia. & Bebinov E.M. 1978. [Changes in the functional state of the respiratory center in long-tailed marmots after pericarotid glomectomy]. Zdravookhr Kirg., (3): 18-23.
En russe, in Russian.
No abstract available.

Danilenko A.F., Pyn'ko R.G., Smirnov V.P., Prokop'ev V.N. & Strizhkina G.M. 1969. [Epizootie de peste, 36 ans après, dans le sud-est du Transbaïkal. Plague epizootic after a 36-year break in the South-East Transbaikalian]. Probl. osobo opasn. infectzyi, Saratov, 5: 124-128.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épizootie, epizooty, Transbaïkal.

Danilenko A.K. & Rumiantsev V.Iu. 1985. K metodike issledovaniya plotnosti naseleniya surka v Severnom Kazakhstane [Sur la méthode d'appréciation de la densité de populations de marmottes au Nord du Kazahstan. On the estimate density method of marmot populations in northern Kazahstan]. Red. zh. Vestn. MGU. Geogr., M., pp. 11. Dep. v VINITIN 26.11.85 n°8138-B.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Kazakhstan

Danilov D.N. 1963. [Élevage pour la chasse en URSS. Hunt Farming in the USSR]. In Productivity of Hunt Lands, Moscow, Goslesbumizdat Publishers, 133-136.
En russe, in Russian.
Élevage, breeding, chasse, hunting, URSS, USSR.

Dapson R.W. 1980. Guidelines for statistical usage in age-estimation technics [Guide d'utilisation des statistiques dans les techniques d'évaluation de l'âge]. J. Wildl. Manage., 44(3): 541-548.
En anglais, in English.
Méthodologie, methodology.

Most papers concerned with age-estimation technics contain procedural or statistical errors or omissions that hinder efforts to evaluate their accuracy and hence their worth. Eight common problems are cited: (1) reconciliation of variability in counts of annuli within an individual, (2) lack of known-age material, (3) inadequate statistical treatment; and, for regression analysis, (4) heteroscedasticity, (5) non-linearity, (6) confusion over the identity of the dependent variable, (7) assessing accuracy of the technic, and, (8) confidence limits. Recommendations are given to avoid these problems and to improve the quality of future age-estimation literature.

Darabi A., Gross S., Watabe M., Malafa M. & Watabe K. 1995. Differential gene expression in experimental hepatocellular carcinoma induced by woodchuck hepatitis B virus. Cancer Lett., 95(1-2): 153-159.
En anglais, in English.
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, Springfield 62702, USA.

Hepatitis B virus infection is closely linked to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the pathological mechanism of hepatocarcinogenesis by this virus is not well understood. In order to gain further insight into the molecular mechanism of HCC, we constructed and screened a subtracted c-DNA library which was specific to HCC cells of a woodchuck infected with woodchuck hepatitis B virus. Among eight clones that were isolated based on their differential expressions, we determined nucleotide sequences of two genes whose expressions were most significantly stimulated in HCC. Our results indicate that these two genes appear to be woodchuck counterpart genes of hemopexin (HPX) and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP), suggesting that the expression of HPX and AGP genes are strongly augmented in tumor cells partly due to transcriptional regulation.

Dark J. & Ruby N.F. 1993. Metabolic fuel utilization during hibernation [Utilisation du combustible métabolique durant l'hibernation]. In Life in the cold, Ecological, Physiological and molecular mechanisms, Carey C., Florant G.L., Wunder B.A. & Horwitz B. eds., Westview Press, Inc., Boulder, 167-174.
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, réchauffement, heating, adipocytes, lipides, lipids, oxydation.

Dark J., Stern J.S. & Zucker I. 1989. Adipose tissue dynamics during cyclic weight loss and weight gain of ground squirrels [Dynamique des tissus adipeuxdurant la perte et le gain de masse cyclique chez les écureuils terrestres]. Am. J. Physiol., 256: R1286-R1292.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, hibernation, adipocyte, lipides,lipids, masse corporelle, body weight.

Darlington P.Jr. 1957. Zoogeography: the geographical distribution of animals [Zoog&eaccute;ographie : la distribution géographique des animaux]. John Wiley and sons, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, faunistique, fauna, biogéographie, biogeography.

Darskaya N.F. 1954. [Les puces, Citellus dauricus Brandt. Rapport 2. Les puces des entrées de terriers. The fleas of C. dauricus Brandt. Report 2. Fleas of burrow entrances]. Izv. Irkutsk. protivoch. in-ta Sibiri i Dal. Vost., Irkutsk, 12: 245-250.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, insects, puces, fleas, terriers, burrows.

Daubenton Ludovic 1833. Buffon de la jeunesse ou nouvel abrégé d'histoire naturelle avec des anecdotes. Gustave Ducasse, 127 p.
En français, in French.
Extrait pdf extract.
Marmotte p. 70-71.

Daubenton Louis-Jean-Marie 1760. Histoire naturelle générale [General natural history]. VIII ().
En français, in French.
Marmota, Marmotte p. 228 et suivantes, Anatomie, Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie (1716-1800).
Daubenton a décrit avec soin le Hamster et ses moeurs, mais principalement d'après Sulzer. Il donne une excellente description de l'état dans lequel il se trouve pendant la torpeur hivernale. Cet état se rapproche beaucoup de celui de la Marmotte, sauf que le Hamster se réveille de temps en temps pour manger des provisions qu'il a amassée dans son terrier. Quand le Hamster est engourdi,on n'observe pas de respiration, ni aucune sorte de <>. Le coeur bat néanmoins quinze fois par minute, le sang demeure fluide, les intestins, immobiles, ne sont pas irritables, le choc électrique ne réveille pas l'animal, tout est froid en lui. M. Sulzer a noté, dit-il, par quels degrés le Hamster passe pour sortir de son engourdissement. Daubenton rapporte que dans une chambre sans feu, où il gelait assez pour que l'eau fût congelée, un Hamster ne s'engourdit à aucun moment dans l'hiver de 1763. Ce fait l'amena à penser que, pour s'endormir, le Hamster a besoin de manquer d'air. Un de ces animaux s'endormait quand on l'enterrait enfermé dans sa cage, mais il se réveillait dès qu'on le déterrait pour l'exposer à l'air libre, et cela aussi bien la nuit que le jour, ce qui prouve, dit Daubenton, que la lumière n'est pour rien dans la production de la torpeur. Il décrit avec beaucoup de soin, d'après Allemand, les moeurs du Hamster et son attitude pendant le sommeil. Les recherches de Daubenton sur les Marmottes sont purement anatomiques et ne renferment rien d'important au point de vue physiologique.

Daubrée & Lartet L. 1864. Brèche osseuse avec silex taillés dans une caverne de Syrie [Bone breccia with cut flints in a Syrian cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 58 : 522-523.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Daudet Alphonse 1930. Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon. Paris, Librairie de France. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : INALF, 1961.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, coiffure, head-dress, savoyard.
Extrait/extract pdf

Daugas J.P. & Raynal J.P. 1983. Paléomilieux et comportements humains de la fin des temps glaciaires à l'Atlantique dans le Sud du Massif Central [Paleo-environment and human behaviours at the end of the Ice period at the Atlantic in the South of the Massif Central]. In Premières communautés paysannes en Méditerranée occidentale,Actes du colloque U.I.S.P.P.
En français, in French.
Période glaciaire, ice period, milieu, environment, homme, human, Massif Central, France.

Daugas J.P. & Raynal J.P. 1984. Le peuplement du Massif Central français du Würm récent à l'Holocène [Populating of the Massif Central from Wurm to Holocene]. Archéologia.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, Würm, Wurm, holocène, Holocene, Massif Central, France.

Dauphin Y., Denys C. & Kowalski K. 1997. Analysis of acumulations of rodent remains : role of the chemical composition of skeletal elements [Analyse des accumulations des restes de rongeurs : rôle de la composition chimqiue des éléments squelettiques]. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh., 203(3) : 295-315.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, os, bone, composition chimique, chemical composition.

Dauzat Albert, Deslandes Gaston & Rostaing Charles 1978. Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de rivières et des montagnes en France [Etymologic dictionary of rivers and mountains in France]. Paris, Klincksieck.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, rivières, rivers, hydronymes, hydronyms, montagnes, mountains, oronymes, oronyms, étymologie, etymology, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, dormillouse, marmot, français, French, Dauzat Albert, 1877-1955.

Dauzat Albert, Dubois Jean, Mitterand Henri 1964. Nouveau dictionnaire étymologique et historique. [New etymological and historical dictionnary]. Larousse, Paris.
En fran∞ais, in French.
Marmota marmota, fran∞ais, French langage, dictionnaire, dictionnary.
Marmotte v. 1200, Mort d’Aymeri, zool., sans doute de même orig. ; 1827, Mme Celnart, coiffure de femme, à cause des deux coins semblables aux oreilles des marmottes.

David F. & Enloe J.G. 1993. L'exploitation des animaux sauvages de la fin du Paléolithique moyen au magdalénien [Utilization of wildlife from the middle Paleolithic to Magdalenian]. Exploitation des Animaux sauvages à travers le temps [Utilization of wildlife through the ages], XIIIe Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d’Antibes, ed. APDCA, 29-47.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

David L. 1965. Les fouilles 1964-1965 aux abîmes de la Fage, à Noailles (Corrèze) [The 1964-65 excavations in the depths of la Fage, in Noailles (Corrèze)]. Bull. archéo. Corrèze, 87 : 23-40.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France, Corrèze.

David L. 1966. Les fouilles 1966 aux abîmes de la Fage, à Noailles (Corrèze) [The 1966 excavations in the depths of la Fage, in Noailles (Corrèze)]. Bull. archéo. Corrèze, 88 : 21-22.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France, Corrèze.

David L. 1967. Les fouilles 1967 aux abîmes de la Fage, à Noailles (Corrèze) [The 1967 excavations in the depths of la Fage, in Noailles (Corrèze)]. Bull. archéo. Corrèze, 89 : 22-31.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France, Corrèze.

David P. 1956. Les gisements de La Chaise de Vouthon (Charente) [The deposits of La Chaise in Vouthon (Charente)]. Congrès Préhist. de Fr., Poitiers-Angoulême, 148-154.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, France, Charente.

David P. & Prat F. 1965. Considérations sur les faunes de La Chaise. Abri Suard et Bourgeois Delaunay [Reflexions on the faunas of La Chaise. The Suard and Bourgeois Delaunay shelters]. A.F.E.Q., 3-4 : 222-231.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, France.

Davidov G.S., Neranov G.P., Usachev G.P. & Yakovlev E.P. 1978. [La marmotte rouge. The red marmot]. In Marmots. Their distribution and Ecology, Zimina R.P. ed., Nauka, Moscow: 117-125.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.

Davis 1939.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris avara, Marmota flaviventris nosophora, Marmota caligata nivaria, États-Unis d'Amérique, Idaho.

Davis D.E. 1958. The annual rhythm of fat deposition in Woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Le rythma annuel de dépôt des marmottes communes d'Amérique]. Physiology Zoology, 40: 391-402.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, rythme, rhythm, graisse, fat, lipides, lipids.

Davis D.E. 1962. The potential harvest of woodchucks [Ressource potentielle en marmottes commune d'Amérique]. J. Wildl. Manage., 26 (2) : 144-149.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, chasse, hunting, États-Unis d'Amérique, Pennsylvania.

Several years of research provide data for an analysis of the potential harvest of woodchucks. Data for birth and mortality rates, age composition, and numbers were obtained from 1957-1960 at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Information about 135 birth rates and age composition was obtained from two areas. In one, many woodchuck were removed in an unsuccessful attempt to reduce the population; in the other, only a small number were taken. From these data, a set of four hypothetical cases is postulated at different birth and mortality rates. The harvest can be compared under four circumstances: (A) harvest of adults without compensatory effects on natural mortality, (B) compensation but no harvest of young, (C) compensation and harvest of young, or (D) compensation for both adults and young. Under realistic conditions, the maximum harvest was obtained from a population of l00 woodchucks with a birth rate of 1.6, a probability of survival of adults of 0.57, and of the 135 young of 0.27, if harvest replaced all of natural mortality.

Davis D.E. 1964. Evaluation of characters for determining age of woodchucks [Evaluation des caractères de détermination de l'âge chez les marmottes américaines]. J. Wildl. Manage., 28 (1) : 9-15.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, méthodologie, methodology, capture, trapping, Âge, age.

Woodchucks (Marmota monax) captured near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, were examined for characters that could be used to determine age. Many individuals were tagged in their first summer and recaptured in later years, thereby providing 74 known-age woodchucks. Others were classified as young-of-the -year, yearlings, or adults by using a combination of external and internal characters, such as teeth, pelage, and condition of reproductive organs. These characters permit distinction between yearlings and adults until about April 15, or later in some cases. The Weight of the lens varies linearly with age after the first year and is useful to determine the chronological age of adults.

Davis D.E. 1966a. The moult of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [La mue des marmottes (M. monax)]. Mammalia, 30 : 640-644.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, fourrure, fur.

Davis D.E. 1966b. An annual rhythm of food consumption by woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Un rythme annuel de consommation alimentaire chez les marmottes (M. monax)]. Am. Zool., 6: 357.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, alimentation.

Davis D.E. 1967a. The annual rhythm of fat deposition in woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Le rythme annuel d'accumulation des graisses chez les marmottes (M. monax)]. Physiological Zoology, 40(4): 391-402.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, rythme, rhythm, lipide, lipid.

The recognition of an annual rhythm of food consumption that is independent of the measured environmental conditions presents the problem of its relation to the annual rhythm of metabolism (Bailey,1965). Obviously, the two may be causally related or independent. Unfortunately, the relation cannot be unraveled until some means is discovered to dissociate the two. The relation to seasonal gonadal cycle also needs clarification.
Woodchucks, both males and females, come into sexual maturity during hibernation and rapidly regress (or bear young) in February and March. The initial stages occur in October or carlier. An extensive program of experiments is under way to test the hypothesis that decline in appetite (and hence fat deposition) depends upon the maturation of the reproductive system. So far, no support has been obtained.
The possibility exists that the rhythm depends upon a negative feedback from the deposition of fat to the appetite. However, the experiment (Table3) on deprivation and restriction does not support the idea, nor do miscellaneous observations of woodchucks in hibernation for long periods or recovered from illness. Further experiments are under way.

Davis D.E. 1967b. The role of environmental factors in hibernation of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Rôle des facteurs du milieu dans l'hibernation des marmottes (M. monax)]. Ecology, 40, 4 : 683-689.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available
Marmota monax, hibernation, lipide, rythme, rhythm.

Le taux de gaine de masse corporelle chez M. monax change saisonnièrement mâme en conditions alimentaires constantes.
Laboratory experiments, based on knowledge of the natural environment, have been conducted to determine the role of various factors in the entrance into and emergence from hibernation. Woodchucks, captured in the wild were kept in rooms at several temperatures or in coolers at 6° C. They were fed or deprived according to the experimental program. Experiments showed that woodchucks deprived of food and kept at 6°C became torpid but woodchucks fed at 6°C did not. Some woodchucks deprived of food at 20°C became lethargic in winter. Minor disturbances in the laboratory do not arouse woodchucks. Woodchucks that eat when aroused do not become torpid again unless again deprived. Thin woodchucks become torpid as readily as fat ones. The latency - of torpidity varies with season, being short (a week) in December and March and long (a month) in summer. The woodchuck has bouts of torpor that are short (4 to 5 days) at first but become longer (10 to 12 days). The arousal bouts last 2 to 3 days. Hibernation in nature lasts 3 to 4 months although presumably the woodchuck is torpid for only 2 months. In the laboratory woodchucks may remain in hibernation (alternating huts of torpor and arousal) up to 8 months. The stimulus for final arousal was not determined. Emergence from the burrow at Chambersburb, Pennsylvania occurred between January 29 and 8 February in 8 years. The date had no relation to local weather. Woodchucks exposed to very low temperatures ( -20°C) aroused promptly.

Davis D.E. 1970. Failure of schedule of torpor to alter annual rhythm of appetite of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Absence de torpeur pour modifier le rythme annuel d'appétit des marmottes (M. monax)]. Mammalia, 34 (3) : 542-544.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hibernation, alimentation, diet, rythme, rhythm.

Davis D.E. 1971. Annual rhythms in woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Cycles annuels chez les marmottes (M. monax)]. Ekologija, 3: 82-87.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, rythme, rhythm.

Davis D.E. 1976. Hibernation and circannual rhythms of food consumption in marmots and ground squirrels [Hibernation et rythmes circannuels de consommation chez les marmottes et les écureuils terrestres]. Quart. Rev. Biol., 51(4) : 477-514.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Marmota, hibernation, rythme, rhythm, synthèse, synthesis.

La torpeur, la reproduction, la consommation de nourriture et le métabolisme permettent de mieux comprendre l'évolution et la valeur adaptative de l'hibernation.
In order to understand the evolution and adaptative value of hibernation, ecological aspects and experiments studies of closely related hibernators, the Marmotini, are examined. The central hypothesis is that annual changes in the environment inteegrate three or perhaps, four physiological processes: torpor, reproduction, consumption of food and metabolims. Reproduction occurs promptly after emergence from hibernation. For most species, the breeding season is very short. Altough the experimental data are rather meager, no variation in external factors has consistently altered the season reprodcution. Consumption of food and change in weignt increases until July or September and then decreases. The large members of the Marmotini store their energy as fat, but small species store their energy as seeds and nuts. Experiments to test the hypothesis that some aspect of the supply, such as fat content, might vary seasonally have produced negative results. Complex experiments on the length of the photoperiod on woodchucks and several species of ground squirrels failed to alter the annual cycle of consumption of food.Animals kepts in constant conditions showed a cycle of about 11 months, but woodchucks sent to Australi changed their cycle in two years to match the seasons of the southern hemisphere. Experiments with temperature and torpor and castration did not alter the annual ryhthm. Metabolism has an annaul cycle of increase and decrease, even in animals that are not permitted to become torpid. Factors taht might influence torpor have been extensively tested in laboratory experiments. Individuals kept at low temperature without food will enter torpor in any month of the year. In Summer it is necesseray to deprive an animal of food for 3 to 4 weeks to initiate torpor, but in winter 3 to 4 hours may suffice. Various lengths of photoperiod or changes of photoperiod troughout the year have failed to cause animals to enter torpor or to arouse. A reduction of the consumption of food or absence of food was necessary for torpor. Deprivation of water seems to induce torpor. An annual cycle of consumption of food (and water) dominates the control of the occurence of hibernation. In nature when the decline in consumption coincides with low temperatures, the animals begin hibernation. The consumption of food follows an annual rhythm which apparently becomes synchronized qith the environment at about the age of two years. Endogenicity of th rhythm is demonstrated by several sets of evidence: (1) the rhythm runs freely at about 11 months duration; (2) the period is independant of the temperature; (3) entrainment has been demonstrated. As yet, no data demonstrating a phase response curve has become available. The adaptative value of the annual rhythm is apparent. Torpor is a splendid mechanism for conserving energy in the season of scrcity by lowering the metabolic functions. The existence of a biological alarm clock is necessary to arouse the individual. After arousal the individuals consume little food, but at the season of abundance, they consume large quanties. Interpretation of the results described in this review recognizes that some physiological processes are controlled by annual clocks and other by circadian clocks. For example, the anaylisis of the relation of rhythm controls the cycle. But a woodchuck requires two years when individuals are transplanted to a different hemisphere to change their ccyle of consumption. Thus, it is possible that the circannual rhythm controls some physiological functions, while a circadian clock controls other functions.

Davis D.E. 1977. Role of ambient temperature in emergence of woodchucks (Marmota monax) from hibernation [Rôle de la température ambiante sur l'émergence après hibernation des marmottes (M. monax)]. Amer. Midl. Naturalist, 97 (1): 224-229.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hibernation, thermorégulation, EUA, USA, Pennsylvanie.

La sortie d'hibernation étudiée en Pennsylvannie entre le 29/1 et le 13/2 pendant 13 ans est conditionnée par l'apparition d'un temps relativement chaud. Mais un cycle annuel endogène intervient dans le déclenchement de l'éveil.
The dates of emergence from its burrow of the first woodchuck (Marmota monax) of the year over a 13-year period ranged from 29 January to 13 February in S-central Pennsylvania. Emergence of subsequent woodchucks was correlated with periods of warm weather.It seems likely that terminal arousal from hibernation is controlled by a circannual clok and that actual emergence depends on the daily temperature.

Davis D.E. 1981. Mechanism for decline in a woodchuck population [Mécanisme du déclin d'une population de marmottes américaines]. J. Wild. Manage., 45 (3) : 658-668.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, gestion, management, disparition, decline, EUA, USA, Pennsylvanie.

Etude menée dans un dépôt de l'armée dans le centre sud de la Pennsylvannie : diminution de 80% de la population de 1955 à 1970. Rôle des ressources alimentaires.
The number of woodchucks on an army ordnance depot in south central Pennsylvania decreased by 80% from 1955 to 1970. The depot contained 4,000 ha of former agricultural land taht provided excellent sites for burrows. The birth rate was initially low (1,3), but increased and remained high (1.7) after 1958 due primarily to an increase in the percent of yearlings pregnant. The death rate of adults changed little, but the loss of young during summer 1964-1967 and during hibernation 1962-67 was high. Movements increased after 1962. Changes in habitat after 1960 resulted from cessation of leasing land for crops of corn, wheat and barley. A dought occured from 1961 to 1969, and decreased the quantity of natural vegetation. Thus, a great decline in food supply occured after 1962. The mechanism for the decrease of woodchucks was failure of young to gain the weight neccessary to survive the hibernation period and subsequent emergence. During 1957-60, 50% of young males and females reached a weight considered adequate for survaval, compared to only 1-10% during 1962-66; during 1967, 50% of males and 80% of females achieved adequate weight.

Davis D.E. 1982. Woodchucks [Marmottes américaines]. In Handbook of census methods for terrestrial vertebrates, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 147-147.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Davis D.E. & Christian J.J. 1960. Reproduction cycle and litter size of the woodchuck [Cycle reproductif et taille de portée de la marmotte américaine]. Ecology, 41 (4) : 647-656.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, reproduction.

Davis D.E., Christian J.J. & Bronson F. 1964. Effect of exploitation on birth, mortality and movement rates in a woodchuck population [Effet de l'exploitation sur la natalité, la mortalité et les taux de déplacement dans une population de marmotte américaine]. J. Wildl. Manage., 28 : 1-7.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, reproduction, dispersion, dispersal.

To assist in understanding the compensatory features of population changes, a detailed examination of the changes in numbers and age composition of a population of woodchucks (Marmota monax) was conducted from l957 to l960 inclusive at the Letterkenny Ordnance Depot near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. The land is divided into areas of about 600 acres each. Changes in birthrate, mortality rate, and movement in an area from which large numbers of woodchucks were regularly removed were compared with the same kinds of changes in a reference area from which few woodchuks were removed. The voodchucks were captured in box traps that produced an unbiased sample on an age and sex basis but were more efficient in the spring (May). The population was estimated by an efficiency-of-capture procedure. The populations in the two areas remained numerically indistinguishable even though l,040 woodchucks were removed from Area C and only 299 from Area D. The percentage of adults in Area C declined from 70 to 30 but in Area D remained at 70. Survival of young in C increased substantiaIly. The birthrate increased in Area C from l.29 to l.63 and then declined to 0.93; in Area D it increased and remained high. Emigration from Area D was much greater than from Area C. Thus, in response to the removal of woodchucks, all three rates changed in directions that compensated for the losses.

Davis D.E. & Finnie E.P. 1975. Entrainment of circannual rhythm in weight of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Entraînement du rythme circannuel de la masse des marmottes]. J. Mammal., 56 (1) : 19-20.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, ryhtme, rhythm, Pennsylvanie, EUA, USA.

For the first time the entrainment of an endogeous annual rhythm has been demonstrated. Woodchucks (Marmota monax) sent to Australia from Pennsylvania shifted the annual phase of maximum and of minimum weight by six months.

Davis D.E., L.H. Karstad, & D.O. Trainer 1970. Infectious deseases of wild mammals [Maladies infectieuses des mammifères sauvages]. Iowa state Univ. Presse, Ames, 421p.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, pathologie, pathology, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Davis D. & Ludwig J. 1981. Mechanism for decline in woodcuck population [Mécanisme pour un déclin d'une population de marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Manage., 45: 658-668.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, gestion, management.

Davis D.E. & Mc Carty R.D. 1965. Major fatty acids in blood serum an adipose tissue of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Principaux acides gras du sérum sanguin et tissu adipeux des marmottes américaines]. Biosciences American Institut of Biological Sciences, 15 (11) : 749-750.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, lipide, lipid, sang, blood.

Davis D.E., Snyder R.L., Christian J.J. & Bronson F. 1964. Effects of exploitation on birth, mortality, and movements rates in a woodchuck population [Effet de l'exploitation sur les taux de natalité, de mortalité et de déplacement dans une population de marmottes des bois]. J. Wildl. Manage., 28 : 1-9.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, reproduction, dispersion.

Davis E.B. 2001. A phylogenetic examination of the nearest-living-relative method for reconstructing paleoclimate at mammalian fossil localities [Examen phylogénétique de la méthode du plus proche parent vivant pour la reconstruction paléoclimatique des localités de mammifères fossiles]. PaleoBios, 21(2 supp.): 44-45.
En anglais, in English.
Paléoclimatologie, Paleoclimate, Méthodologie, Method.

Overlapping climatic tolerances of extant taxa are commonly used in paleoclimate reconstruction. This method is limited by the stratigraphic ranges of living taxa. Paleoclimate hypotheses have been extended deeper in time through assuming that the nearest living relatives of extinct taxa provide appropriate climatic analogs. These methodologies implicitly assume that the climatic tolerances of taxa do not change through time, and the nearest-living-relative method assumes that there is a phylogenetic control on the climatic tolerances of evolving lineages. The assumptions of the nearest-living-relative methodology can be tested for mammal lineages through a phylogenetic analysis that examines the association of various important climatic parameters with various taxa. Accordingly, this study applied a phylogenetic approach to understand the relationship between climatic features (such as maximum and minimum January and July temperatures, annual precipitation, and seasonality) and evolution of extant species within Marmota and Microtus. Species within these genera have been considered important paleoclimate indicators due to their abundances, distinctive dental characters, and present restriction to certain microhabitats. The association between phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data and climatic parameters, both derived from published records, was tested using Felsenstein's independent contrast method. The technique involved mapping the climatic tolerances of various species onto the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships and thereby determining if groups of species were delineated by identifiable climatic boundaries. Preliminary results indicate a correlation between phylogeny and climate tolerances for Microtus species endemic to North America. If additional analysis substantiates these results, the nearest-living-relative method could prove to be an important tool in reconstructing the paleoclimates of some fossil mammal localities.

Davis E.B. 2001. The nearest-living-relative method of paleoclimate reconstruction: Testing the assumptions with species of the rodent Marmota [La méthode du plus proche parent vivant de reconstruction paléoclimatique : examen des hypothèses avec les espèces de rongeurs Marmota]. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21(3 supp.): 43A-44A.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléoclimatologie, paleoclimate, méthodologie, method.

The nearest-living-relative method is often used in extracting paleoclimate information from fossil assemblages. One of its primary assumptions is that there is a phylogenetic control on the climatic tolerances of evolving lineages. This assumption is critical but rarely is tested. If it holds true, then correlations should exist between cladograms that reflect evolutionary history and multivariate data that reflect relationships between climate spaces of taxa under consideration. This study applies a phylogenetic approach to explore the relationship between climatic features (such as maximum and mminimum January and July temperatures, annual precipitation, and seasonality) and evolution of extant species within Marmota (the marmots and woodchucks). Species within this genus are potentially important paleoclimatic indicators because of their relatively restricted geographic distribution and habitat requirements and their abundance in certain fossil deposits. The association between a phylogenetic hypothesis based on molecular data and multivariate climatic parameters, both derived from published records, was tested using several methodologies, including Felsenstein's independent contrast method. The technique involved mapping the climatic tolerances of various species onto the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships and thereby determining if groups of species were delineated by identifiable climatic boundaries. In addition, the relative distances between taxon-defined multivariate climate space were compared to the evolutionary distances between taxa to determine if the amount of climatic difference between given taxa corresponded to their taxonomic distance. Preliminary results do not support a correlation between phylogeny and climatic tolerances for the analyzed Marmota species. Further work is needed in order to fine-tune these methods and better explore the relationship between climate and mammalian evolution.

Davis E.B. 2005. Comparison of climate space and phylogeny of Marmota (Mammalia: Rodentia) indicates a connection between evolutionary history and climate preference. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society (Proc. Biol. Sci.), 272(1562): 519-526.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobak, Marmota camtschatica, Marmota caudata, Marmota himalayana, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota sibirica, Marmota caligata, Marmota camtschatica, Marmota marmota, Marmota broweri, Marmota caligata, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota monax, Marmota olympus, Marmota vancouverensis, climat, climate, évolution, evolution, spéciation mammalienne, mammalian speciation, reconstitution paléoclimatique, palaeoclimate reconstruction,système d’information géographique, geographic information system..

Palaeobiologists have investigated the evolutionary responses to extinct organisms to climate change, and have also used extinct organisms to reconstruct palaeoclimates. There is evidence of a disconnection between climate change and evolution that suggest that organism may not be accurate paleoclimate indicators. Here, marmots (Marmota sp.) are used as a case study to examine whether similarity of climate preferences is correlated with evolutionary relatedness of species. This study tests for a relationship between phylogenetic distance and 'climate distance' of species with a clade. There should be a significant congruence between maximus likelihood distance and standardized Euclidian distance between climates if daughter species tend to say in environments similar to parent species. Marmots make a good test case because there are many extant species, their phylogenetics are well established and individual survival is linked to climatic factors. A Mantel test indicates a significant correlation between climate and phylogenetic distance matrices, but this relationship explains only a small fraction of the variance (regression R(2) = 0.114). These results that (i) closely related species of marmots tend to stay in similar environments; (ii) marmots may be more susceptible than may mammals to global climate change; and (iii) because of the considerable noise in this system, the correlation cannot be used for detailed palaeoclimate reconstruction.

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Davis James R. The Woodchuck, Number 2. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Game and Fish Division, Pittman-Robertson Section, Montgomery, Alabama. Pp. 2-3.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, Alabama, EUA, USA.

Davis L. 1984. Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene adaptations at Indian Creek, west-central Montana Rockies [Adaptations du Pléistocène final à l'Holocène moyen à Indian Creek, Rocheuses du centre-ouest du Montana]. Current Research in the Pleistocene, 1 : 9-10.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, EUA, USA, Montana.

Davis Leslie B. & Greiser Sally T. 1992. Indian Creek Paleoindians: Early Occupation of the Elkhorn Mountains' Southeast Flank, West-Central Montana [Les paléoindiens d'Indian Creek : occupation précoce du flanc sud-ouest des monts Elkhorn, centre-ouest du Montana]. In Ice Age Hunters of the Rockies, Stanford D.J. & Day J.S., 225-284. University Press of Colorado, Niwot.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Montana, EUA, USA.
The best known of the eastern Colorado Folsom sites is Lindenmeier (Site 5LR13), located 22 mi (35 km) northeast of Fort Collins. At the Lindenmeier site, Folsom period people demonstrated a reliance on a wide range of faunal species, in addition to Bison antiquus. Those species included pronghorn, rabbit, fox, wolf, coyote, and turtle (Wilmsen and Roberts 1978). Complementary studies of the Indian Creek site in southwest Montana expanded the Folsom faunal diet to include bighorn sheep, marmot, cottontail, prairie dog, medium-sized artiodactyls, and various rodents (Davis and Greiser 1992).

Davis R.O. 1986. Digital signal processing and the referents of animal acoustical communication [Traitement des signaux digitaux et référents de la communication accoustique de l'animal]. Ph.D. University of California, Davis, Ecology Graduate Group.
En anglais, in English.
Communication, son, sound.

Davis R.O. 1991. Semantical communication in anti-predator alarm calls [Communication sémantique des cris d'alarme anti-prédateurs]. In Natural history of eastern California and high-altitude research, C. A. Hall, Jr., V. Doyle-Jones and B. Widawski, eds., University of California, White Mountain Research Station, Los Angeles, 275-312.
En anglais, in English.
Communication, son, sound.

Davis R.M. 1999. Use of orally administered chitin inhibitor (Lufenuron) to control flea vectors of plague on ground squirrels in California [Utilisation d'un inibiteur de chitine administré oralement pour contrôler les puces vecteurs de la peste chez les écureuils terrestres en Californie]. Journal of Medical Entomology, 36(5): 562-567.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, puces, fleas, peste, plague, Californie, États-Unis d'Amérique, United states of America.

Davis W.B. 1939. The recent mammals of Idaho [Les mammifères actuels d'Idaho]. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, faunistique, fauna, Idaho, États-Unis d'Amérique, United States of America.

Davronov O. 1973. Coccidia of rodents from Uzbekistan [Coccidia des rongeurs d'Ouzbékistan]. Parasitologiya, 7: 79-82.
En russe, in Russian.
Protozoa, Coccidia, parasitisme, parasitism, Rodentia, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.

Davydov G.I. 1977. Two Voyages to Russian America, 1802-1807 [Deux voyages en Amérique russe, 1802-1807]. Translated by C. Bearne. Edited by R. Pierce. The Limestone Press, Kingston, Ontario.
Ethnologie, ethnology, amerindien, indian, Aloutiique, Alutiiq, faune, fauna, flore, flora, Alaska, É,tats-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Davydov G.S. 1960. [La marmotte de Menzbier (Marmota menzbieri Kaschk.) de la chaîne de Kourama. Mensbier's Marmot (M. menzbieri Kaschk.) from the Kurama Ridge]. Reports of Tadjik SSR, 3(5) : 55- 59.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri.

Davydov G.S. 1961. Sourok Menzbira (Marmota menzberi Kaschkatov, 1925) iz Kouraminskogo khrebta [La marmotte de Menzbier dans la chaîne du Kouraminski. The Menzbier’s marmot in Kuraminski range]. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzberi.

Davydov G.S. 1964. [Marmotte à longue queue ou rouge, Marmota caudata Geoffr. et la marmotte de Menzbier, Marmota menzbieri Kaschk. Long-Tailed or Red Marmot- M. caudata Geoffr. and Menzbier's Marmot - M. menzbieri Kaschkarov]. In Rodents of N Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 15- 22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Marmota menzbieri, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1967a. O pitanii krasnogo surka v Tadzhikistane [Sur l'alimentation de la marmotte rouge du Tadjikistan. On feeding of the red marmot in Tajikistan]. V kn. Resoursy fauny sourkov v SSSR, Maternaly soveshaniya 27-29 marta 1967 g. M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, alimentation, diet, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1967b. O statsialinom razmeshenii krasnogo surka v Tadzhikistane [Sur la distribution de la marmotte rouge au Tadjikistan. On distribution of the red marmot in Tajikistan]. B kn. Resoursy fauny sourkov v SSSR, Materialy soveshaniya 27-29 marta 1967 g. M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, répartition, distribution, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1968. Pitanie i oupitannosty krasnogo sourka Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1842 v Tadzhikistane [Alimentation et satiété chez la marmotte rouge du Tadjikistan. Feeding and satiety in the red marmot in Tajikistan]. Izv. AN Tadzh. SSR, Otd. biol. nauk., 2 : 31.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, alimentation, diet, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1973. [Particularités de la reproduction de Marmota caudata dans les ceintures forestières et sub-alpines du Tadjikistan Reproduction peculiarities of the red marmot in the sub-alpine forest belts in Tajikistan]. Zool. Zh., 52 : 589-595.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, reproduction, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1974a. Izmentchivosti zkstereinykh i intervernykh pokazateleï krasnogo surka iz tadzhikistana [Variabilité des caractéristiques externes et internes de la marmotte rouge du Tadjikistan. Variability of outer and inner characteristics of the red marmot in Tajikistan]. Teriologiya novosibirsk, Nauka, 2 : 5-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, morphologie, morphology, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1974b. Faouna Tadjikskoï SSR [Faune de la République socialiste du Tadjikistan. Fauna of the Socialist Republik of Tajikistan]. Douchanbe ; Donichtch, 20, 1, Mlekopitayuchtchie, pp. 257.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota caudata, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1974c. [Mammifères (lagomorphes, sousliks, marmottes). Mammals (lagomorphs, sousliks, marmots)]. The Fauna of Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, Donish Publishers, 20, Part 1. 257 p.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals.

Davydov G.S. 1974d. [Caractéristiques de la répartition géographique et altitudinale de Marmota caudata Geoff. 1842, dans le Tadjikstan. Characteristics of the geographic and altitudinal distribution of M. caudata in the Tajikistan]. Teriologija, 2 : 162-171.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, biogéographie, biogeography, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1974e. [Variabilité des caractéristiques externes et internes de Marmota caudata G. 1842, de Tadjikistan. Variability of external and internal features of marmota caudata G. 1842 in Tajikistan]. Teriologija, 2 : 5-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, morphologie, morphology, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1975a. [Quelques mammifères rares ou en voie de disparition du Tadjikistan. Some rare and vanishing mammal species in Tajikistan]. In The Protection of wild life in Uzbekistan and measures to increase the numbers of rare and vanishing animals species, Abstracts to the Republican Conf. Tashkent, Fan Publishers, Uzbekistan, 20.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammiféres, mammals, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1975b. [Effets des facteurs anthropiques sur les rongeurs du Tadjikistan. The Effect of anthropic factors on rodents in Tadjikistan]. In The Protection of wild life in Uzbekistan and measures to increase the numbers of rare and vanishing animals species, Abstracts to the Republican Confer. Tashkent: Fan Publishers, Uzbekistan, 17-18.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1975c. [Données sur occupant des terriers de rongeurs et de lagomorphes au Tadjikistan. Data on inhabitants of rodents and lagomorphs burrows in Tajikistan]. Mater. IX sympoziuma Ecologiya virusov", Dushambe, Izd. "Donisch", 75-85.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Lagomorphes, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1977. Sostoyanie popoulyatsii sourka Menzbira v Tadjikistane. Redkie vidy mlekopitayuchtchikh i ukh okhrana [État de la population de marmottes de Menzbier du Tadjikistan. Espèces rares de mammifères et leur protection. Status of the population of Menzbier's marmot in Tajikistan. Rare mammal species and their conservation]. Tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovechtchaniya, M, 74-75.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, population, conservation.

Davydov G.S. 1982. [Impact de l'homme sur la répartition et le nombre des marmottes au Tadjikistan. The Impact of man on the area and numbers of marmots in Tadjikistan]. In The Ecology of Mountain Mammals, Sverdlovsk, 25-27.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Tadjikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1983. [Sur l'impact des hommes à propos de la répartition et du nombre de marmottes au Tadjikistan. On the impact of humans on the distribution and numbers of marmots in Tajikistan]. In The protection, management and ecology of marmots, Moscow, 29-31.
En russe, in Russian.

Davydov G.S. 1989. [Répartition des marmottes au Tadjikistan et perspectives de gestion et de protection. Distribution and prospects of management and protection of marmots in Tajikistan]. Abstracts to the 4th Congress of All-Union Theriological Society, Moscow, 3 : 192- 193.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, gestion, management, conservation.

Davydov G.S. 1990. Kharakteristiki 2-kh populyatsii krasnykh surkov Tadzhikistana [Les caractéristiques des populations secondaires de marmottes rouges du Tadjikistan. Characteristics of the secondary populations of red marmots in Tajikistan]. v sezd teriolog. ob-va AN SSSR (29 yanv.-2 fevr. 1990 g. Moskva), 140-141.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, population, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Davydov G.S. 1991. [Quelques caractères des populations de la marmotte à longue-queue. Some characters of the long-tailed marmot populations]. In Population structure of the marmot, Bibikov D.I., A.A. Nikolski, V.Yu. Rumiantsev & T.A. Seredneva eds., Proc. USSR Theriol. Soc., 188-216.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, morphologie, morphology, population.

Davydov G.S. , I.M. Neranov, G.P. Usachev & E.P. Yakovlev 1978. Krasnyï sourkov. Tadjikistan [Marmottes Rouges. Tadjikistan. The long-tailed marmot of Tajikistan]. In Marmots: Their distribution and Ecology, R.P. Zimina ed., Nauka, Moscow].
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, peuplement, écologie.

Davydova M.S. 1966. [Les complexes faunistiques de Gamasidae dans les paysages de Sibérie occidental. The faunistic complexes of Gamasidae in landscape zones of Western Siberia]. Mater. 1 akarologich. soveshch., M.-L., "Nauka": 77-78.
En russe, in Russian.
Sibérie, Siberia.

Daxner-Höck G. 1975. Sciuridae aus dem Jungtertiär Von Österreich [Sciuridae du début du tertiaire en Autriche. Sciuridae in early Tertiary in Austria]. Paläontol. Z., 49(1-2): 56-74.
En allemand, in German.
Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, Tertiaire, Tertiary, Autriche, Austria.

Dearden P. 1986. Status of the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) [Etat de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver (M. vancouverensis)]. Environ. conserv., 13 (2) : 168.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, Canada, Colombie.

Dearden P. & Hall C. 1983. Non-consumptive recreation pressures and the case of the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) [Pressions récréatives non-destructrices et le cas de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver (M. vancouverensis]. Environ. conserv., 10 (1) : 63-66.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, gestion, management, Canada, Colombie.

Debeauvais Pierre 2004. Noms de familles de Haute-Tarentaise : études linguistiques en Haute-Tarentaise : l'onomastique, l'anthropologie [Surnames of Haute-Tarentaise : linguistic studies in Haute-Tarentaise, onomastic, anthropology]. Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Aimé, bull. 23.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, anthroponyme, anthroponym, Haute-Tarentaise, Savoie, Savoy, France.MARMOTTAN 1561, Ste Foy, Séez, Villaroger, surnom, qui a les mœurs de la marmotte ou qui grogne ou marmotte ou petit comme une marmotte. Hameau disparu de Ste Foy.

Debelmas J. 1982. Alpes de Savoie. Guides géologiques régionaux [The Alps of Savoy]. Masson, Paris.
En français, in French.
Alpes, géologie, geology, France, Savoie.

Deborne C. 1918. Contribution à l'étude de la Marmotte (Arctomys marmota) et de son produit, l'huile de marmotte [Contribution to the study of the marmot (A. marmota) and its product, the marmot oil]. Thèse Docteur de l'Université de Montpellier, Ecole Supérieure de Pharmacie, n° 109.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, médecine.

Debray H. 1873. Etude géologique et archéologique de quelques tourbières du littoral flamand et du département de la Somme [Geologic and archeologic study of some peat bogs of the Flemish littoral and of the Somme department] Mém. Soc. Sci. Agr. Arts de Lille, 478-482.
En français, in French.
Géologie, geology, Somme, France.

Debray E. 1992. Quand les marmottes se réveillent [When marmots awake]. Sciences et Avenir, juillet, 66-69.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology.

De Clercq E. 1999. Perspectives for the treatment of hepatitis B virus infections [Perspectives de traitement des infections de l'hépatite B]. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents, 12(2): 81-95.
En anglais, in English.
Revue, review, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.

Primarily resulting as a spin-off of the search for effective anti-HSV or anti-HIV agents, several compounds have been identified as effective and promising candidate anti-HBV drugs, i.e. famciclovir (penciclovir), BMS-200475, lamivudine (3TC), (-)FTC, L(-)Fd4C, L-FMAU, DAPD (DXG), bis(POM)-PMEA and bis(POC)-PMPA. They all inhibit HBV replication in Hep G2 2.2.15 at concentrations that are well below the cytotoxicity threshold. All these nucleoside analogues require three phosphorylation steps to be active, in their triphosphate form, as inhibitors of the HBV DNA polymerase, except for PMEA (adefovir) and PMPA (tenofovir), which need only two phosphorylation steps, to PMEApp and PMPApp, respectively, to interact as chain terminators with the HBV DNA polymerase reaction. Several of these compounds (for example, famciclovir, lamivudine and adefovir) have proven to be efficacious in the duck and/or woodchuck hepatitis models, and, accordingly, famciclovir, lamivudine and adefovir have also proven to be effective (i.e. in reducing HBV DNA levels) in patients with chronic HBV infection. Yet, famciclovir and lamivudine may lead to the emergence of resistance mutations (i.e. L528M and M552V/I) in the HBV DNA polymerase upon long-term treatment. These penciclovir- and lamivudine-resistant HBV mutants still retain susceptibility to adefovir, which, in turn, has so far not been found to engender resistance mutations in HBV. As has become obvious from the experience with the treatment of HIV infections, future HBV chemotherapy may reside in combination drug therapy so as to achieve the highest possible virus reduction, thereby minimizing the likelihood of drug resistance development.

De Flora S., Bennicelli C., D'Agostini F., Izzotti A. & Camoirano A. 1994. Cytosolic activation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Inhibition by dicoumarol and enhancement in viral hepatitis B. Environ. Health Perspect., 102 Suppl 6: 69-74.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The aromatic amines 2-aminofluorene (2AF), 2-acetylaminofluorene, and 2-aminoanthracene, and the heterocyclic amines 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, and 3-amino-1-methyl-SH-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2) were activated by rat liver cytosolic fractions to form mutagenic metabolites in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA98NR, and TA98/1,8-DNP6. In the case of the Trp-P-2, the cytosolic activation was even more potent than the microsomal activation, which is classically ascribed to N-hydroxylation and subsequent esterification. The cytosolic activation was a) NADPH-dependent, b) induced by pretreatment of rats with 3-methylcholanthrene and especially Aroclor 1254 but not by phenobarbital, and c) inhibited by dicoumarol. The hypothesis is that, following a preliminary oxidative step in the cytosol (pure cytosolic activation) or in microsomes via prostaglandin H synthase (mixed microsomal-cytosolic activation), an oxidized intermediate of amino compounds may serve as substrate for DT diaphorase activity and bielectronically reduced to the corresponding N-hydroxyamino derivative. Purified DT diaphorase, in the presence of either NADPH or NADH as electron donor, produced mutagenic derivatives from IQ and Trp-P-2. An NADPH-dependent activation of Trp-P-2 also occurred in the liver cytosol of woodchucks (Marmota monax), but was not inhibited by dicoumarol. As previously demonstrated with liver S-12 fractions in both humans and woodchucks, the cytosolic activation of Trp-P-2 was enhanced in animals affected by hepatitis B virus infection. This enhanced metabolism, which persisted even after appearance of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in virus carriers, is likely to be ascribed to mechanisms other than DT diaphorase induction, such as glutathione depletion.

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De Flora S., Camoirano A., Romano M., Astengo M., Cesarone C.F. & Millman I. 1987. Metabolism of mutagens and carcinogens in woodchuck liver and its relationship with hepatitis virus infection. Cancer Res., 47(15): 4052-4058.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

Thirty-six wild-caught woodchucks (Marmota monax) were characterized according to sex, weight, trapping locality, liver pathology, and serum or hepatic markers of woodchuck hepatitis virus. Liver subcellular fractions were assayed for microsomal cytochromes P-450, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, glutathione, cytosolic enzymes involved in its metabolism (glutathione S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase), in the hexose monophosphate shunt (glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase), NADH- and NADPH-dependent diaphorases, and DT diaphorase. Moreover, liver postmitochondrial fractions were assayed for their ability to activate procarcinogens [i.e., a tryptophan pyrolysate product, aflatoxin B1, 2-aminofluorene, and trans-7,8-dihydrobenzo(a)pyrene] to mutagenic metabolites in the Ames reversion test and to decrease the activity of direct-acting mutagens [i.e., 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide, 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-[3-(2-chloroethyl)aminopropylamino]acridine X 2HCl, and sodium dichromate]. A considerable interindividual variability in metabolism was observed among the examined woodchucks. Some of the investigated parameters were more elevated in virus carriers, especially in those suffering from chronic active hepatitis, but only a few of the recorded differences (i.e., oxidized glutathione reductase and NADPH-dependent diaphorase) were statistically significant. The comparison of the monitored activities in woodchucks and in other rodent species (rat and mouse) led to the conclusion that the liver metabolism of mutagens and carcinogens in woodchucks is more oriented in the sense of activation, while detoxification mechanisms are more efficient in rats and mice.

De Flora S., Izzotti A., D'Agostini F., Balansky R. & Camoirano A. 1994. Metabolic activation of a cigarette smoke condensate by woodchuck liver, as related to sex, pregnancy, hepatitis virus infection and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Mutat. Res., 324(4): 153-158.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The liver S12 fractions from 23 woodchucks were assayed for the ability to activate a cigarette smoke condensate to metabolites inducing frameshift mutations in strain TA98 of S. typhimurium. At equivalent protein concentration, all samples activated this complex mixture to a similar extent, without any significant difference related to sex, hepatitis virus (WHV) infection, or primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Thus, unlike aflatoxin B1, aromatic amines and heterocyclic amines, whose metabolic activation has been shown to be stimulated by WHV infection in the same liver samples used in the present study, genotoxic components present in the particulate of mainstream cigarette smoke do not appear to be more readily biotransformed in vitro by preparations of infected hepatocytes. A significant increase of metabolism was however recorded in a small number of WHV-infected pregnant animals, which deserves attention in the light of the adverse effects of both hepadnavirus infection and cigarette smoking in pregnancy.

Dechambre A., Directeur de publication 1874. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales. Deuxième série. Tome cinquième, Mar-Méd. Paris, G. Masson & P. Asselin, 732 p. Publication Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, marmot. Arctomys marmotta, Arctomys bobac, Gervais P.
Extrait/extract pdf

Dechen H. v. 1884. Geologische und paläontologische Übersicht der Rheinprovinz und der Provinz Westfalen, sowie einiger angrenzender Gegenden [Vue d'ensemble géologique et paléontologique de la province du Rhin et de Westfalen, et de quelques régions voisines. Geologic and paleontological overall picture of Rhein and Westfalen provinces and ajacent regions]. A. Henry, Bonn, 933.
En allemand, in German.
Géologie, geology, paléontologie, paleontology, Arctomys Noae (758), Allemagne.

Dechen H. v. 1866. Orographisch-Geognostische Uebersicht des Regierungsbezirkes Aachen. Benrath & Vogelgesang, Aachen, 292 p.
En allemand, in German.
Arctomys Noae (225), paléontologie, paleontology, Allemagne, Germany.

Dedyuhin S.V. & Kapitonov K.A. 2005. Materials about Coleoptera species and holes and toilets of bobak marmot (Marmota bobak) acclimatized in the Udmurt Republic (Russia). Materialy k faoun jestokokrylykh (Colepotera) nor i oubrnykh stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobak) akklimatizirovannogo v oudmourtskp‘ respoublike (Russiya). [Données sur les ColéoptØres et les terriers et les latrines de la marmotte bobac (Marmota bobac) réintroduite en République Oudmourte]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 40-41.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, Col™optØre, Coleoptera, terrier, burrow, latrine.

The species composition was studied and Coleoptera population analyzed. The samples were obtained from the holes and toilets of marmots in the area of their acclimatization on the grassy slopes of a gully system in the Kama River valley, far south-east of the Udmurt Republic (near the border of the forest and forest steppe zones). The multi-species complexes of Coleoptera were found to have formed here within a period of 15 years (100 beetle species belonging to 16 families were found in total), a majority being formed by wide coprophillas ( 42 species). Some 20 beetles are referred to typical nidikonas or specific coprophagus in the faeces of large rodents. A majority of them mainly inhabits the asylums of various animal species, though they also can be found in other habitats (botrophillas), e.g. Margarinotus silantjevi Schir. (Histeridae), Onthophagus semicornis (Pz.), Aphodius putridus (Geoffr.), A. biguttatus Germ., Rhyssemus germanus (L. ) (Scarabaeidae ), Philonthus spermophili Gglb., Heterothrops stinglundbergi Isrl., Quedius puncticollis Thom. (Staphylinidae), Trox scaber (L.) (Trogidae). There was registered a number of inhabitants of a specific type of the faeces and holes of steppe rodents (botrobiontes): Anotylus bernhaueri (Gglb.), Coprophilus schuberti (Motsch.), Oxypoda togata Er., Aleochara cuniculorum Krtz. (Staphylinidae), Onthophagus vitulus (F.), Aphodius zangi Schm. (Scarabaeidae) (a species composition of the latter is poor, compared with the relict colonies of the steppe zone). The holes of other animaIs inhabiting the area since long ago (hamster, badger, fox, mole, vole-mouse) and probably russet ground squirrel (Spermophilus major) that appeared in the flood-lands of the Kama river several decades ago, serve as the reserves of the nidicol forms of Coleoptera detected in marmot colonies. The presence of a number of forest-steppe and steppe beetles in marmot's hole (in addition to the indicated botrobiontes, it also includes Hypocacculus rufipes Pk. (Histeridae), Oniticellus fulvus (Gz.) (Scarabaeidae), Lachnaeus crinitus Boh. (Curculionidae)) is due to the transformation of the area under study into steppe landscapes (mostly, due to anthropogenic activity). Taking into account a high migratory capacity of most of steppe beetles and a relative recentness of these marmot colonies, we believe the species composition of the hole complexes of Coleoptera win increase in future, mainly by nidikonas and coprophagus inhabiting the forest-steppe and steppe zone. In this respect a long-term monitoring of Coleoptera population in the holes and toilets of bobak marmot population is needed.

Russian pdf russe

Defner V. 1949. Das Alpenmurmeltier [La marmotte des Alpes. The Alpine marmot]. Öst. Weidwerk, 21 : 161-164.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota.

De Goer de Hervé A. 1984. L'âge des éruptions de la chaîne des Puys: vingt-cinq ans de mesures radiochronométriques [Age of the eruptions of the Puy range: twenty five years of radiochronometric measures]. Revue de Sciences Naturelles d'Auvergne, 50 : 167-177.
En français, in French.
Histoire, history, volcanisme, volcanism, datation, faune arctique, arctic fauna, marmotte, marmot, Auvergne, France.
Extrait pdf extract

Dehant André, Michèle Bertrand, Loutre Christine, & L’Oiseau Danielle, Blanchart Stéphanie 1999. Charlotte, la marmotte [Charlotte, the marmot]. Namur, Erasme.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Dejean A., Vitvitski L., Brechot C., Trepo C., Tiollais P. & Charnay P. 1982.Presence and state of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA in liver and serum of woodchucks: further analogies with human hepatitis B virus. Virology, 121(1): 195-199.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.
No abstract available.

DeKay J.E. 1828. On a singular mal-formation observed in the teeth of the Arctomys monax [Sur une malformation singulière des dents d'Arctomys monax]. Amer. J. Sci., 15(2): 359.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, dents, teeth, pathologie, pathology.

Delafosse G. 1831. Précis élémentaire d’histoire naturelle, à l’usage des collèges et des maisons d’éducation [Elementary handbook of natural history, for secondary schools and educational houses use]. Hachette, Paris, 571-573.
En français, in French.
Histoire, hisrory, éducation, education, rongeurs, rodents, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpîne marmot, France.
extrait pdf extract

Delaporte Joseph 1787. Le voyageur françois, ou La connoissance de l'Ancien et du Nouveau monde [The French traveller, or the knowledge of the Old and New World]. Moutard, Paris, T V, Num. Google.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, marmotte, marmot, rhubarbe, rhubarb, Chine, China.
Extrait pdf extract

Delaunay G. Suivi du régime alimentaire hivernal du chamois Rupricapra rupricapra (L) dans le Parc National des Ecrins [Follow-up of the hibernal diet of the chamois Rupricapra rupricapra (L) in the Ecrins National Park].
En français, in French.
Rupricapra rupricapra, alimentation, diet, végétation, vegetation.
Graminés : Festuca type. Dicotylédones: Helianthemum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Hieracium type.

Del Campana D. 1909. Verebrati fosili di Monte Tignoso (Livorno) [Vertébrés fossiles du mont Tignoso (Livorno). Fossil vertebrates in Mount Tignoso (Livorno)]. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., XXVIII.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy.
La marmotte et le lièvre variable sont associés à Elephas antiquus, Rhinoceros merki, Hippopotamus major, Cervus dam, Hystrix. Dubois et Stehlin suspectent un mélange.

Del Campana D. 1910. Mammiferi quaternari della grotta di Reale presso Porto Longone (Isola d'Elba) [Mammifères du quaternaire de la grotte de Real près de Porto Longone (Isola d'Elba). Quaternary mammals of the Real cave near Porto Longone (Isola d'Elba)]. Rivista di speleolgia e idrologia, Vi.
En italien, in Italian.
Mammifères, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy.

Del Campana D. 1914. Sopra alcuni resti di Mammiferi quaternari della grotta del Pastore (Grotta della Livrea) in Provincia di Genova [Sur quelques restes de mammifères quaternaires de la grotte du Berger (Grotta della Livrea) dans la province de Gênes. On some remains of quaternary mammals in the Sheperd cave (Grotta della Livrea) in the Province of Genova]. Archivio per l'Antropologica e la Etnologia, 46.
En italien, in Italian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology,Genova, Italie, Italy.

Deleuze Joseph-Philippe-François 1832. Histoire et description du Muséum royal d'histoire naturelle : avec trois plans et quatorze vues des jardins, des galeries et de la ménagerie [History and description of the Royal Museum of Natural History: with three plans and fourteen views of the gardens, galeries and of the menagerie]. Paris, M. A. Royer, Num. BNF, 720 p.
En français, in French.
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris ), National Museum of Natural History (Paris), architecture, histoire, history.

Delin N.A., Hoyt R.K. & Schenk W.G. 1967. Cardiac performance in hypothermic woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Performance cardiaque chez les marmottes hypothermiques (M. monax)]. J. cardiovasc. Surg., 8 : 427-441.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, coeur, heart, thermorégulation.

Dellenbaugh Frederick S. 1902. The Romance of the Colorado River : The Story of its Discovery in 1840, with an Account of the Later Explorations, and with Special Reference to the Voyages of Powell through the Line of the Great Canyons [Romance du Colorado : histoire de sa découverte en 1840, avec un récit des dernières explorations, et avec référence spéciale aux voyages de Powell le long des grands Canyons]. Etext produced by Dianne Bean, Prescott Valley, Arizona.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune d'AmÈrique, fourrure, fur.
Extrait pdf extract

Dellman H.D., Breazile J.E. & South F.E. 1973. A Stereotaxic Guide to the Brain of the Marmot [Guide stéréotaxique du cerveau de la marmotte]. Private printing available from the authors at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, histologie, histology, cerveau, brain.

Del Moral R. 1983a. Competition as a control mechanism in subalpine meadows [La compétition comme mécanisme de contrôle dans les prairies subalpines]. Amer. J. Bot., 70: 232-245.
En anglais, in English.
Écologie, ecology, végétation, vegetation.

Del Moral R. 1983b. Vegetation ordination of subalpine meadows using adaptative strategies [Arrangement de la végétation des prairies subalpines usant de stratégies adaptatives]. Can. J. bot., 61: 3117-3127.
Écologie, ecology, végétation, vegetation.

Del Moral R. 1984. The impact of the Olympic marmot on subalpine vegetation structure [Impact de la marmotte olympique sur la structure de la végétation subalpine]. Am. j. bot., 71 (9) : 1228-1236.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, écologie, alimentation, végétation, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.

Examen par des techniques descriptives des conséquences de la présence d'une population de marmottes sur les sols (nature, états) et sur la végétation (composistion, diversité). Dans les champs secs, les marmottes affouragent sur de grandes distances et leur impact est moins concentré autour des tertres. Dans les prairies humides, l'impact est intense autour des monticules. Quand l'impact des marmottes augmente les graminés déclinent quelque peu, les espèces palatables déclinent fortement et les espèces non palatables augmentent fortement. Une activité modérée des marmottes réduit la dominance des espèces commune et augmente la diversité. Ces observations mettent l'accent sur le fait que les paysages naturels, qui semblent en harmonieux équilibre avec l'environnement physique, sont fortement modelés par les activités des animaux.
The impact of Olympic marmots on subalpine meadow vegetation was examined by descriptive methods. Differential grazing and various earth moving activities of marmots produce marked vegetational contrasts between mound vegetation and the surrounding meadows, between heavily impacted and lightly impacted vegetation immediately surrounding mounds, and between vegetation in the central portion of a colony and that on its periphery. The patterns differed in degree between a dry meadow, with lower production and a wet meadow with higher production. In dry meadows, marmots forage over greater distances and their impacts are less concentrated near mounds. ln wet meadows, impacts are intense near mounds. Differences were documented in structural features such as species richness, equitability, and percent vegetation cover and in shifts of species composition. As marmot impact increased graminoid species declined somewhat, palatable species declined markedly, and both ruderal and unpalatable species increased greatly. Moderate marmot activity reduced the dominance of common species and thereby enhanced community diversity. These observations emphasize that much of the natural landscape, seemingly in harmonious equilibrium with its physical environment, is strongly molded by the activities of native animals.

Del Moral R. 1985. Competitive effects on the structure of subalpine meadows [Effets de concurrence sur la structure des prairies subalpines]. Canadian Journal of Botany, 63(1): 1444-1452.
En anglais, in English.
Végétation vegetation, subalpine meadow, prairie subalpine.

Deleuze Joseph-Philippe-François, Directeur de publication 1823. Histoire et description du Muséum royal d'histoire naturelle : avec trois plans et quatorze vues des jardins, des galeries et de la ménagerie [History and description of the Royal Museum of Natural history : with three plans and fourteenth views of the gardens, the galeries and the menagerie]. Paris, M. A. Royer, 720 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris), ménagerie, menagerie, marmotte du Canada, Arctomys empetra, histoire, history.
Extrait Pdf extract

Delheid E. 1900. Une marmotte prequaternaire ? [A prequaternary marmot?] Ann. Soc. Malac. Belgique, xxxv : 58-60.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, marmotte, marmot, Belgique, Belgium.

Delort R. 1984. Les animaux ont une histoire [Animals have an history]. Seuil, Paris.
En français, in French.
Zoohistoire, zoohistory, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, alimentation, diet, Alpes, Alps.
Plus tard, le moine Ekkehard de Saint-Gall (vers 980-1060), en donnant la composition du menu de son monastère, nous éclaire sur le gibier qui peuplait alors les abords du lac de Constance et les Alpes suisses, où abondaient encore castors, bouquetins, marmottes, ours et bisons.

Delort R. 1987. L'uomo e gli animali dall'età della pietra a oggi [L'homme et les animaux de l'âge de la pierre à nos jours. Man and animas from the stone age to today]. Laterza, Roma-Bari.
En italien , in Italian.
Ethnobiologie, ethnology, Paléontologie, paleontology.

Delpech R. 1975. Observations préliminaires sur les conséquences écologiques de l'abandon de l'exploitation pastorale [Preliminary observations on the ecologic consequences of the stoppage of pastoral activities]. Trav. sci. Parc Nation. Vanoise, 6 : 69-88.
En français, in French.
Pastoralisme, pastoralism.

Delpech Françoise 1993. Les faunes du Paléolithique supérieur dans le Sud-Ouest de la France [Upper paleolithic faunas in the South-West of France]. CNRS, Cahiers du quaternaire 6, Paris, 453 p.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Delpech Françoise 2000. L'environnement animal des européens au paléolithique supérieur [Animal environment of the upper paleolothic Europeans]. Actes des congrés nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 125° Lille, 271-289.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ongulés, ungulates, quaternaire, quaternary, Europe.

Delpech F. & Villa P. 1993. Activités de chasse et de boucherie dans la grotte des églises [Hunting and butchery activities in the églises cave]. XIIIe Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes, IVe Colloque International de la Société l'Homme et l'animal : 79-102.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, chasse, hunting, boucherie, butchery.

Delporte H. 1966. Le paléolithique dans le Massif Central : I. Le Magdalénien des vallées supérieures de la Loire et de l'Allier [Paleolithic in the Massif Central: the magdalenian in the upper valleys of the river Loire and Allier]. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique française, LXIII : 185-207.
En français, in French.
Paléolithique, paleolithic, Massif Central, France.

Delpuech A. 1981. La fin des temps glaciaires en Haute-Auvergne [The end of the ice age in Upper-Auvergne]. Revue de la Haute- Auvergne : 215-230.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Auvergne, France.

Delpuech A. 1987. Deux millions d'années en Auvergne - archéologie et autoroute A 71 [Two millions of years in Auvergne - archeology and the A71 highway]. Marsat : 24-25.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Auvergne, France.

Delpuech A. & Fernandez P. 1983. Préhistoire du massif cantalien. Données récentes et essai sur la dynamique du peuplement [Prehistory of the Cantal Massif. New data and essay on the settlement dynamics]. Bulletin de la société d'anthropologie du Sud-Ouest, XVIII, 1 : 14.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Cantal, France.

Delvau Alfred & Fustier Gustave 1883. Dictionnaire de la langue verte [Dictionary of the slang]. Paris, C. Marpon, E. Flammarion, XXXII-562 p., Num. BNF.

En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, Français, French language, argot, slang, marmotte, marmottier p. 282.

Demars Pierre-Yves 2002. Changements climatiques et occupation de l'espace. Les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs d'Europe face à la déglaciation [Climatic changes and settlement patterns. The last prehistoric hunter-gatherers of Europe confronted with the deglaciation]. Quaternaire, Colloque Q3 Événements rapides, instabilités, changements culturels au Quaternaire, 13(3-4) : 289-296.
En français, in French.
Climatologie, climatology, chasseur-ceuilleur, hunter-gatherer, glacier.
À la fin du Pléistocène et au début de l’Holocène, on assiste à de rapides changements climatiques. Les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs d’Europe adaptent leurs comportements à ces changements de l’environnement. Ainsi, les hommes réoccupent les hautes latitudes, notamment les plaines septentrionales, mais aussi le Massif central, les Pyrénées, les Alpes et le Jura. Toutefois, ce phénomène n’est pas régulier. Après le maximum glaciaire, vers 18000 BP, nous observons pendant le Badegoulien une colonisation des hautes altitudes, principalement dans le Massif central, associée à une multiplication des sites de plein air. Vers 15000 BP, pendant l’évènement Heinrich 1, on remarque un abandon des sites d’altitude. Après 14000 BP, les Pyrénées, le Massif central, les Alpes et le Jura reçoivent une nouvelle colonisation qui va se poursuivre à l’Holocène.
During the end of the Pleistocene and the early Holocene, there were rapid climatic changes. The last prehistoric hunter-gatherers of Europe adapted their behaviours to these environmental changes. As a result, high latitudes settings of the northern plains were re-occupied, but humans were also present in the Massif central, the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Jura regions. However, this phenomenon is not a steady process. After the glacial maximum, around 18,000 BP, we observe during the Badegoulian a colonization of high altitudes, especially in the Massif central, associated with the multiplication of “open air” sites. Around 15,000 BP, during Heinrich 1 event, abandonment of sites located at high altitude is observed. After 14,000 BP, the Pyrenees, Massif central, Alps, and Jura regions are re-colonized, an occupation that continued during the Holocene.

Demberel J. 1970. Tarbagan takhlyn baïgaliïn golomt ba agnouour. MOuIS, Erdem chtchinjilgeeniï bouteel, 32, Oulaanbator.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Mongolie.

Demberel J. 1974. Nekotorye osobennosti tchoumykh otchagob Mongolii [Quelques particularités des foyers de peste en Mongolie. Some peculiarities of the plague foci in Mongolia]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Mongolie.

Demberel J. (Демберел Ж.) 1997. Взаимоотношения между сурками природными очагами чумы в Монголии. Relationship between marmots and plague natural foci of Mongolia. [Vzaimootnochtcheniya mejdou sourkami i prirodnymi otchagami tchoumy v Mongolii. Relation entre les marmottes et les foyers naturels de peste en Mongolie]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 32-33 (Rousskie, Russian), 132-133 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, peste, plague, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Demberel J. & J. Batbold 1991. [Distribution and resources of Mongolian marmot in Mongolia. Répartition et ressources de la marmotte de Mongolie en Mongolie]. In Epidemiological survey of the plague natural foci in the Central Asian Region, Ulaanbaatar, Batbold J., Z. Adayasuren, G. Tsevegmed & G. Erdenetsetseg Eds., 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, répartition, distribution, densité, density.

It has been observed that a year before spreading of the intensive plague epizootic among marmots (Marmota sibirica) there was almost no reproduction in population. At that moment the mean age (4.5 years) in the population has reached its maximum. Old marmots (8 years old and more) died more than other age groups by epizootic. After one year from the epizootic, the percentage of adults (3-5 years old) increased. It has been also observed that male marmots 2 times more perislied than females. On the second year after the epizootic a reproduction process in the population activized and on the 3rd year the percentage of young generation predominated on all other age groups. On the territories of intensive hunting marmots reproduction has been already activized on the second year after the hunt.

Demberel J. & Batbold J. (Демберел Ж., Батболд) 1997. Распространение и численность сурков в Монголии. Dispersal and numbers of marmots in Mongolia. [Raspostranenie i tchislennost' sourkov v Mongolii. Répartition et nombre des marmottes en Mongolie]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 34 (Rousskie, Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, dénombrement, census, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Demberel J. & Batsukh 1990. [Résultats de l'étude sur la dispersion et l'abondance de la marmotte en Mongolie. Results of the study on marmot dispersal and abundance in Mongolia]. Scientific reports of the Natural Infection Research Institutions, Ulaanbaatar, 6: 14-24].
En mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica.

Demberel J., Kraminski V.A., Nekinelov N.V. et al. 1974. Raïonirovanie tchoumikh otchagov Tsentral'noï Azii [Distribution géographique des foyers de peste en Asie centrale. Geographic distribution of plague foci in Middle Asia]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste; plague, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Dementev D.P., Tsagraev P.T. & Yakuchevich A.I. 1956. Promyslovye zveri i ptitsy [Chasse professionnelle des quadrupèdes et des oiseaux en Kirghizie. Trade hunting of quadrupeds and birds in Kirghizia]. Frounze: Kirgizgosizdat.
En russe, in Russian. Faunistique, fauna, chasse, hunting, Kirghizie.

Dement'ev G.P., Rustamov A.K. & Uspenskii S.M. 1967. [Les quadrupèdes des montagnes. The Four-legged Inhabitants of the Mountains]. In The Cold and Heat, Moscow: Mysl' Publishers, 107-113.
En russe, in Russian.

Demidova E.K. 1958. [Rôle des prédateurs terrestres et à plumes dans la répartition de la peste. Role of the ground and feathery predatories for plague distribution]. Tezis dokl. Irk. protivoch. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost., Ulan-Ude, 3: 41-42.
En russe, in Russian.
Prédation, predation, peste, plague.

Demidova E.K. & Emel'yanova N.D. 1971. [Cas de microbe de la peste isolé de larve de puces Oropsylla silantiewi dans la nature. Case of the plague microbe isolated from flea larva of Oropsylla silantiewi in nature]. Dokl. Irkut. protivoch. in-ta, Irkutsk, 9: 231-232.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas.

Demin E.P. 1959. Epizootiya tchoumy ou ploskotcherepnykh polevok [Epizootie de la peste chez le campagnol à tête plate. Plague epizooty in the flat-headed vole]. Izv. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 21.
Épizootie, epizooty, peste, plague, Alticola strelzovi.

Demole E. 1948. Chasse et gibier de montagne [Hunting and mountain game]. Durel, Paris, pp. 187.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, chasse, hunting.

Demyachev M.P. 1964. Vidovoï sostav i rasprostranenie mlekopitayuchtchikh v Oural'skoï oblasti [Espèces et distribution des mammifères dans la région de l'Oural. Mammals species and their distribution in the Ural]. V Kn Materialy Yubileïnoiuml; konfrentsii Oural'skoï protivotchoumnoï stantsii 194-1964 g, Oural'sk.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, distribution, Oural, Ural.

Dénarié M. 1902. Sur quelques animaux de la Savoie disparus ou en voie de disparition [On some extinct or endangered animals in Savoy]. Bull. Soc. Hist. Savoie, 17-80.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, disparition, France, Savoie.

Dendaletche 1973. Le guide du naturaliste dans les Pyrénées Occidentales [The naturalis guide in western Pyrenees]. Neuchâtel, Delachaux et Niestlé.
En français, in French.
Pédagogie, Pyrénées Occidentales.

Denisman L.G. 1977. [Biogéocénoses steppiques à l’Holocène. Steppe biogeocenoses in Holocene]. Nauka, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, terrier, burrow, steppe.

Denig E.T. 1930. Indian tribes of the upper Missouri [Tribus indiennes du Missouri supérieur]. 46th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., 1928-1929, J.N.B. Hewitt ed., pp 375-628.
En anglais, in English.
Précolonisation, presettlement, plantes, plants, animaux, animals, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Denkschriftenkommission der Schweizerischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften, eds. 1995. S‰ugetiere der Schweiz [MammifØres de Suisse, Mammals of Switzerland]. Birkh‰user Verl., Basel. 501 pp.
En allemand, in German.
MammifØres, Mammalia, Mammals, Suisse, Swizerland.

Dennis W.J. & Armitage K.B. 1978. Behavioral ecology of alpine yellow-bellied marmots [Eco-éthologie des marmottes alpines à ventre jaune]. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 5 : 133-157.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, écologie, ecology, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, diet, rythme, rhythm.
Des cycles circannuels de consommation alimentaire, de masse corporelle et de taux métaboliques existent en consitions constantes.

Deny P. 1994. Le virus de l'hépatite D : étude de l'ARN viral lors de l'infection humaine et expérimentale, analyse des variations génétiques [Hepatitis D virus. Viral RNA studies during human and experimental infection, genetic variability analysis]. Thèse doctorat Sciences biologiques fondamentales et appliquées, Sciences médicales, Paris 7.
En français, in French.
Microbiologie, microbiology, hépatite B, hepatitis B virus, agent delta, Delta agent, homme, human, Marmota, modèle animal, animal model, variabilité génétique, genetic variability.

Le virus de l'hépatite D (VHD) est satellite du virus de l'hépatite B. Il provoque des hépatite aigues ou chroniques souvent graves. Les intrications VHB, VHD et hôte induisent les lésions du foie. Le travail effectué a pour but d'approcher le rôle du VHD dans la gravité de la maladie. Ce travail s'appuie sur la détection et l'analyse de l'ARN du VHD de 3 façons différentes : 1. L'étude du génome d'un virus issu d'infection expérimentales (Marmotte atteinte d'une maladie hépatique sévère), 2. l'étude de la réplication du génome viral par amplification de gènes et l'intérêt de cette approche pour le diagnostic et le suivi thérapeutique, 3. L'analyse des variations génétiques du VHD au cours du traitement par interféron chez l'homme au cours des transmissions expérimentales. L e génome du VHD est très stable. Cependant, certaines mutations ponctuelles (codon 86, codon 196) sont susceptibles d'induire des modifications des protéines virales qui modifieraient le pouvoir pathogène. Chez certains patients, la persitence de la réplication des deux virus (VHB et VHD) s'associe à des lésions hépatiques plus importantes. Dans le travail mené, cette éventualité survient chez des patients infectés par le VIH, chez lesquels les réplications des VHB et VHD sont conjointes et liées à l'immunodépression. Par ailleurs, la richesse de la réplication du VHD et la diversité des quasi-espès engendrées reflètent le pouvoir pathogène du virus se répliquant sous de hautes doses d'interféron chez l'homme. Pour ces virus, des mutations d'une région immunogène ou fonctionnelle de la protéine HD apparaissent. De plus, l'existence de génomes qui ont subi une délétion est susceptible d'aggraver l'atteinte du foie. L'ensemble des résultats laisse entrevoir plusieurs mécanismes participant aux lésions hépatiques liées à ce petiti virus défectif, ne codant classiquement que pour deux protéines.

Denyes A. & R.H. Horwood 1960. A comparison of free adrenal cortical steroids in the blood of a hibernating and non-hibernating animal [Comparaison des stéroïdes corticaux surrénaliens libres, dans le sang d’animal hibernant et non-hibernant]. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol., 38: 1479-1487.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, sang, blood.

Denys C., Dauphin Y., Fernandez-Jalvo Y. 1997. Apports biostratigraphiques et paléoécologiques de l'étude taphonomique des assemblages de micromammifères. Bilan et perspectives [Biostratigraphic and paleoecological contributions of the taphonomic study of micromammals collections: assessment and perspectives]. Geobios, mem. Spec. 20 : 197-206.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, taphonomy, Taphonomie.

Depéret Charles 1876. Nouvelles études sur les ruminants fossiles d’Auvergne [New studies on fossil ruminants in Auvergne].
En français, in French.

Depéret Charles 1894. Sur un gisement sidérolithique de Mammifères de l’éocène, à Lissieu, près de Lyon [About a siderolithic deposit of Holocene mammals in Lissieu, near Lyon]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 118 : 822-823.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Lyon, France.


Depéret C. 1897a. Sur la découverte de nouveaux gisements de Mammifères fossiles dans l'île de Corse [On the discovery of new deposits of fossil mammals in the island of Corse]. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 124 : 1472-1474.
En français, in French.
Lagomys corsicanus, Myoxus glis, Mus sylvaticus, Canis vulpes, Ovis musimon, Lepus, Perdrix, lacerta, Testudo, Cervus cazioti, Ursus speloeus, Mustela vulgaris, paléontologie, paleontology, Corse, France. Depéret C. 1897b. Etude de quelques gisements nouveaux de vertébrés pléistocènes de l'île de Corse [Study of some new deposits of Pleistocenic verterbrates in the island of Corsica]. Annales de la Socièté Linnénne de Lyon,44 : 111.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Deplano S. 1994. Étude de la faune de la couche IX de l'abri du Flageolet II (Dordogne) : approche taphonomique et paléthnographique. Fauna study of the IX layer in the Flageolet II rocksheleter : taphonomic and palethnographic approach]. Mém. Maîtrise Univ. Paris 1.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, taphonomie, taphonomy, ethnographie, ethnography.

Déquier Daniel 1988. De bouche à oreille... Contes et récits de la tradition orale en Maurienne. [By word of mouth... Tales and narratives of the oral tradition in Maurienne]. Curandera, Challes-les-Eaux, 294 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, tradition, ethnographie, ethnography, Maurienne, Savoie, Savoy, France.
Extrait pdf extract

Dequier D. 1991. La Tarentaise d'antan [Tarentaise of yesteryear]. Fontaine de Siloé, Marches, 170 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Dequier daniel 1988. De bouche à oreille : contes et récits de la tradition orale en Maurienne [By word of mouth: tales and narratives from oral tradition in Maurienne]. Apremont, Curandera.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Alpes, Alps, France.

Extrait pdf extract

Deriaz Patrick & Pascal Huguenin 1944. Essais de ventilation d'une cavité : Gouffre des Marmottes, Provence [Ventilation testing of a cavity]. Cavernes, 1 : 40-41.
Topographie, topography.

Deriaz Patrick & Pascal Huguenin 1950. Essais de ventilation d'une cavité : Gouffre des Marmottes, Provence. [Ventilation testing of a cavity. Ventilationsversuch in einer Höhle]. Stalactite, 2 : 110-112.
Topographie, topography.

Dernbach H. 1997. Winterschlaf bei Alpenmurmeltieren (Marmota marmota) im National-park Berchtesgaden: Sauerstoffverbrauch, Kohlendioxidproduktion und Körpertemperatur im Winterbau [Hibernation chez la marmotte des alpes (Marmota marmota) dans le parc National de Berchtesgaden : consommation d'oxygène, production d'anhydide carbonique et température corporelle dans le terrier hivernal]. Diplomarbeit, Philipps-Universität Marburg.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, terrier, burrow.

Derevshikov A.G. 1963. Nekotorye nabliudeniya nad sourkami Kosh-Agatchskogo ajmaka [Quelques observations sur les marmottes du Kosh-Agatchsk. Some observations on marmots in Kosh-Agatchska]. Izv. Altajskogo otd. GO SSSR, 2, Barnaul.
En russe, in Russian.

Derevshikov A.G. 1966. Istreblenie altaïskogo sourka s pomooshiou okhotpromysla [Extermination de la marmotte de l'Altaï sous l'effet de la chasse professionnelle. Destruction of the Altai marmot by trade hunting]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 26, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.

Derevshikov A.G. 1967a. Promysel sourkov v Gornom Altae. Ratsionalizatsiya okhotnitch'ego promysla [Chasse professionnelle de la marmotte des montagnes de l'Altaï. Rationalisation. Trade hunting of the marmot of Altai mountains. Rationalization].
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, Altaï.

Derevshikov A.G. 1967b. Sourok v gorakh Altaya [Les marmottes des montagnes de l'Altaï. Marmots of the Altai mountains]. In Resursy fauny sourkov v SSR, In-t geogr. AN SSSR, M. Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Altaï.

Derevshikov A.G. & Eshelkin I.I. 1989. [État actuel des ressources en marmottes grises dans les montagnes de l'Altaï. Present state of grey marmot reserves in Altai Mountains]. Mater. Vsesoyuzn. soveshc. po probleme kadastra i oucheta jivotn. mira, Tez. dokl. Ufa, 2: 189-191.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, répartition, distribution, gestion, management, Altaï.

Derlyatko K.I. 1967. [Sur la question de l'épidémie de peste d'Anzob. On question about Anzob's plague epidemy]. Mater. V nauch. konf. protivoch. uchrezhd. Sred. Azii i Kazakhst., Alma-Ata, 22-23.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Derlyatko K.I., Degtyariova V.I., Usachev G.P. & Morozkina E.A. 1981. [Caractéristiques de l'épizootie 1979-1990 dans le foyer de peste du Gissar. Characteristics of epizootic 1979-1990 in Gissar plague focus]. Mater. XI nauch. konf. protivochum. uchrezhd. Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana po prophylakt. chumy, Alma-Ata, 42-44.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épizootie, epizooty.

Derlyatko K.I., Neranov I.M. & Usachyov G.P. 1967. [Répartition géographique et nombre des marmottes à longue queue. The geographical distribution and numbers of the long-tailed marmot in Tadjikistan]. In The resources of marmot fauna in the USSR, Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 25- 26.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, répartition, distribution, Tadjikistan.

Derrel-Clarck J. & E.D. Olfert 1986. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Rodents (Rodentia) [Zoo and médecine des animaux sauvages, les rongeurs]. Murray & Fowler ed., Sauders Comp., Philadelphia: 728-747.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Rodentia, pathologie, pathology.

Desbrosse R. 1980. Le paléolithique du Jura méridional [The paleolithic in the southern Jura]. Bull. de l'Assoc. Franç. d'Études du Quaternaire, 3 : 135-142.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, La colombière, Ain, France.

Desbrosse R. & Bintz P. 1979. La fin des temps glaciaires dans les Alpes du Nord et le Jura méridional. Données actuelles sur la chronologie, l'environnement et les industries [End of the Ice ages in the Northern Alps and in the Southern Jura. Present data on the chronology, environment and industries]. In La fin des Temps glaciaires en Europe, Paris, Ed. CNRS : 239-255.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Desbrosse R., Margerand I. & Patou-Mathis M. 1991. Quelques sites préhistoriques à marmottes du Tardiglaciaire dans les Alpes du Nord et le Jura méridional [Some prehistoric sites of tardiglacial marmots in the norterne Alps and in the southern Jura]. Actes du 116e Congrès national des Sociétés savantes, Chambéry, Ed. CTHS : 367-392.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Desclaux E. Essai de reconstitution des paléoenvironnement par la méthode des cénogrammes. In Le gisement paleolithique moyen de la grotte des Cèdres, Documents d'Archéologie Française n°49.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Desclaux E. 1992. Les petits vertébrés de la Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, Pyrénées-Orientales). Paléontologie, paléoécologie, taphonomie [The small vertebrates of the Arago Caune. Paléontology, paleoecology, taphonomy]. Doctorat du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 444p. (inédit).
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, Pyrénées-Orientales, France.
En français, in French.

Les Marmottes (Marmota sp.) recueillies dans le remplissage de la Caune de l'Arago figurent parmi les plus anciennes du Quaternaire d'Europe occidentale. Les éléments anatomiques, peu abondants et très fragmentés ne permettent pas d'établir une diagnose spécifique précise. Il semblerait cependant que la Marmotte de la Caune de l'Arago présente des affinités morphologiques avec les formes actuelles et fossiles de Marmota sibirica. Les analyses multivariées (analyse hiérarchique du moment d'ordre 2 et analyses factorielles des correspondances) appliquées aux cortèges de rongeurs de la séquence suggèrent que la Marmotte de la Caune de l'Arago était une espèce inféodée aux steppes continentales.

Desclaux E. 1996. Contributions des micromammifères à la connaissance des paléoenvironnements des chasseurs de la grotte du Lazaret à Nice [Micromammals contributions to the knowledge of the paleoenvironment of hunters in the Lazaret Cave in Nice]. Archéam, 1996/1997 4, 7-11.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Desclaux E. 1997. Les éléments anatomiques de Marmotte recueillis en 1997 dans le remplissage du site paléolithique de Moiltyn (Mongolie) [Anatomical elements of the marmot found in 1997 in the filling of paleolithic site of Moiltyn (Mongolia)]. Inédit.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Mongolie, Mongolia, Marmota menzbier, Marmota sibirica, Marmota bobac.

Quelques éléments anatomiques de Marmottes (2 fragments crâniens, deux hémi-mandibules et un radius) ont été recueillis en 1997 dans l’unité 4 (B90, z=-193 sol) du site paléolithique de Moiltyn en Mongolie.
Si une seule espèce (Marmota sibirica la marmotte de Mongolie ou tarbagan) est actuellement présente en Mongolie, 6 autres espèces vivent en Eurasie. En l’absence d’une documentation détaillée concernant les aires de répartition des marmottes eurasiatiques durant la dernière période glaciaire, on ne peut pas exclure la possibilité que certaines espèces ont été présentes en Mongolie dans le passé. La morphologie éléments des osseux de la bulle auditive et les dimensions du nasal permettent généralement de différencier aisément les marmottes. La partie postérieure du crâne n’a pas été recueillie dans le remplissage de Moiltyn. Les autres caractères morphologiques et métriques mis en évidence par Ognev (1947), Allen (1940) et Erbaieva (1970) ont été retenus afin de tenter d’établir une diagnose spécifique. Les dimensions des rangées dentaires sont comparables à celles de la plupart des marmottes eurasiatiques. On notera cependant que les spécimens de Moiltyn diffèrent de Marmota menzbieri qui présente des dimensions nettement inférieures et de Marmota himalayana qui est par contre légérement plus grande. La morphologie de la branche montante présente une morphologie particulière : la dépression entre le condyle et le processus coronoïde est profond et étroit. Une telle configuration se retrouve uniquement chez Marmota sibirica et Marmota bobac. L’empreinte laissée par le nasal dans sa partie postérieure n’indique pas un développement comparable à celui qu’on observe actuellement chez Marmota bobac. Les données morphologiques et métriques permettent d’attribuer ces éléments crâniens à Marmota cf. sibirica. Cette espèce est présente en Eurasie depuis le début du Pléistocène inférieur (Erbaieva, 1970). Les ossements récoltés à Moiltyn sont par conséquent susceptibles d’appartenir à un individu fossile.
Bibliographie :
Allen G.M. (1940) - The Mammals of China and Mongolia. Natural History of Central Asia. Vol. XI, part 2.
Erbaieva M.A. (1970) - Istoria antropologienovoi faoni zaitseobraznik i grizounov selengiskovo sredhigoria . Izdatielstvo “ Naouka ”. Moskva ;131 p. (en russe).
Ognev S.I. (1947) - Mammals of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries. Vol. V. The Rodents.
Longueur P3-M3
N Min.-Max. Moyenne
Moiltyn 1 23.01
M. bobac (1) 20.0-24.6
M. caudata (1) 20.6-24.0
M. caudata (2) 20.0-21.0
M. sibirica (1) 21.0-23.5
M. sibirica (3) 10 21.1-23.7 21.8
M. sibirica (4) 1 23.8
M. sibirica (5) 5 20.5-22.8 21.56
M. baibacina (1) 21.0-24.2
M. camtschatica (1) 18.8-22.5
M. himalayana (5) 5 22.2-25.5 24.04
M. menzbieri (1) 19.0-21.0 20

(1) : actuel, d'après Ognev (1947) (2) : actuel, d'après Thomas ( 1896) (3) : actuel, d'après Erbaieva (1970) (4) : fossile, d'après Erbaieva (1970) (5) : actuel, d'après Allen (1940)
Longueur P4-M3
N Min.-Max. Moyenne
Moiltyn 2 20.9-21.4
M. sibirica (1) 10 19.7-22.7 20.8
M. sibirica (2) 1 23.5
M. sibirica (3) 5 20.2-21.6 20.8
M. himalayana (3) 5 21.5-21.7 22.4

(1) : actuel, d'après Erbaieva (1970) (2) : fossile, d'après Erbaieva (1970) : actuel, d'après Allen (1940).

Desnoyers J. Sur les cavernes et les brèches à ossements des environs de Paris [About the bone caves and breccias in the neighbourhood of Paris]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 522-528.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Paris, France.

Desor E. 1873. La caverne à ossements de Peyremenade [The bone cave of Peyrelenade]. Annales de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, T 8 : 81.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Desor E. & Niepce père 1880. Un mot sur la découverte d’un squelette humain fossile dans le diluvium de Nice (avec lettre de M. de Quatrefages) [A word about the discovery of a fossil human skeleton in the diluvia of Nice (with aletter of Mr. Quatrefages]. Bulletin de la société niçoise des sciences naturelles et historiques, Nice, 58.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Desor E. & Niepce Dr. 1882 Un mot sur la découverte d’un squelette humain fossile dans le diluvium de Nice [A word about the discovery of a fossil human skeleton in the diluvia of Nice]. Annales de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, T 8 : 69.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Despine 1867. Sur les fossiles découverts dans la grotte des Fées, près d’aix-les-bains [On the fossils discovered in the Fées Cave near AIx-les-Bains]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 64 : 307-309.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, quaternaire, quaternary, Savoie, France.

Desrut G. & Deret E. 1944. Les grottes et abris préhistoriques de Thônes (Puy-de-Dôme) [Prehistoric caves and shelters in Thônes (Puy-de-Dôme)]. Bulletin de la société préhistorique française, XLI (1-3) : 34-38.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Puy-de-dôme ; France.

Desse Jean 1975. Vestiges témoignant d'une activité de pelleterie sur le chantier néolithique récent d'Auvernier-Brise-Lames [Remains giving evidence of fur making on the new neolithic site of Auvernier-Brise-Lames]. Bulletin de la société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles, 98 : 203-208.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, skin dressing, peausserie, Suisse, Switzerland.

Desse J., Chaix L. &Desse-Berset; N. 1986. Ostéo : Base de données ostéométriques pour l'archéozoologie [Ostéo : osteometric data base for archeozoology]. CNRS, Paris, 162 p.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, ostéologie, ostéology, marmotte, marmot.

De Villalta, J. F. 1972. Presencia de la Marmota y otros elementos de la fauna esteparia en el Pleistoceno catalán [Présence de la marmotte et d'autres éléments de la faune steppique du Pléistocène catalan]. Acta Geol. Hisp., 7 (6): 170-173.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, pléistocène, pleistocene, Espagne, Spain.

Devillard S., Allainé D., Gaillard J.M. & Pontier D. 2004. Does social complexity lead to sex-biased dispersal in polygynous mammals ? A test on ground-dwelling sciurids [La complexité sociale conduit-elle à un biais sexuel de la dispersion chez les mammifères polygynes ? Test sur les sciurides fouisseurs]. Behavioral Ecology, 15: 83-87.
En anglais, in English.

DeVos A. & Gillespie D.I. 1960. A study of woodchucks on an Ontario farm [Etude des marmottes américaines dans une ferme de l’Ontario]. Canad. Field-Nat., 74: 130-145.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, agriculture, Ontario, Canada.

Devevey Godefroy 2001. Etude des populations de marmottes réintroduites sur les massifs matheysins [Study of the marmot populations re-introduced on the Matheysin Massifs]. Rapport DRAC-Nature, 1-21.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, reintroduction, Isère, France.

DeWeerd B. 2003. Marmota caudata (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed March 28, 2006 at
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caudata, espèce menacée, threatened species.

Dewey Martin 1918. The function of tooth form [La fonction de la forme des dents]. Internat. Jour. Orthodon., 4: 141-169, 38 figs.
Marmota, dentition.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1983a. Problemy sokhraneniya kamenistostepnogo poseleniya baïbaka [Problèmes de protection des populations de M. bobac des steppes et des zones rocheuses. Conservation problems of M. bobac populations in steppes and rocky outcrops]. Okhr. zhib. prip. Tez. Vses. konf. mlodykh utchenykh, noyabri, 161-163.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1983b. . [La marmotte bobac en Tchouvachie. Bobac in Chuvashia]. Newspaper "Sovetskaya Chuvashia", october 20.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1985a. Roli zapovednikov i zakaznikov v okhrane sourkov [Rôle des réserves naturelles dans la protection des marmottes. Influence of nature reserves in marmots conservation]. Sots.-ekon. i ekol. aspekty sovremen. deya-ti zapoved, M., 109-117.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réserves, reserves, conservation.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1985b. [Projets de réintroduction et renforcement de Marmota bobac dans le territoire de Volga-Kama. Prospects of restoration of the number and area of Marmota bobac in Volga-Kama Territory]. In Regional Ecology Problems, Heads of reports of the conference, Part l, Kazan, 109-111.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1986a. Obrazovanie kolonii sourkov na maeste prejnikh tchelovetcheskikh poselenii [Formation de colonies de marmottes à la place d'anciennes populations humaines. Marmot colonies formation at site of former human settlements]. Ekologiya, 3 : 86-87.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1986b. Okhrana i vosstnanovlenie tchisinnosti baïbaka v RSFR. [Protection et renforcement de la marmotte bobac en FRSR. Protection and recovery of numbers of the bobac in RSFR]. IV Sezd vseeoiuz. teriol. ob-va tz. (tez. dok. rabotchikh sovesh.) M., 27-31 yanv., 1986 g. [IVth Congr. of All-Union Theriology Society, Moscow, Abst.], 3: 193-194.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1986c. [À nouveau à propos de la marmotte bobac. And again about bobac]. Newspaper "Sovetskaya Chuvashia", November 21.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1987a. Stepnoï surok (Marmota bobac Müll.) v abtropogennykh landshafitakh [M. bobac dans les paysages anthropisés. M. bobac in anthropogenic (human affected) landscape]. Biologitcheskne osnovy okhrany y vosporoizvodstvo okhotnitchikh resursov, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, pression anthropique, anthropogenic pressure.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1987b. Sovremennoe sostoyanie popoulyatsii stepnogo sourka v RSFSR [État actuel des populations M. bobac en Russie. Modern state of populations of M. bobac in Russia]. Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh, Materialy k Krasnoï knige, M., 65-67.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, biogéographie, biogeography, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1987c. Neobytchnye poseleniya sourka-bajbaka [Populations étonnantes de M. bobac. Astonishing populations of M. bobac]. Vliyanie an-tropogen. transf. landsh. na naselenie nazamn. pozv.-kh zhiv-kh. Tez. Vses. sobesh, U.1, 257-258.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1987d. Stepnoï sourok (Marmota bobak Mull.) v antropogennykh landshaftakh [M. bobac dans les paysages anthropisés. M. bobac in anthropic landscapes]. Biol. osnovy okhrany i vospr-vo okhot. resoursov, M., 42-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac; pression anthropique, anthropogenic pressure.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1988. Sourki na okhranyaemykh territoriyakh Sibiri [Les marmottes dans les zones protégées de Sibérie. Marmots of protected territories of Siberia. In Rare ground verterbrates of Siberia, Novosibirsk, Naouka, 62-65]. Redkie nazemnye pozvonotchnye Sibiri, Mater. Sovesh., pos. Shoushenskoe, 17-21 marta 1986 g., Novosibirsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation, Sibérie, Siberia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1991. Steppe marmot (Marmota bobac) reintroductions in Russia [Réintroductions de la marmotte des steppes (M. bobac)]. Abstracts 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) and on Genus Marmota, 8.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1993a. O normaxh izitiya stepnixh sourkov [Sur les normes de reprise de la marmotte des steppes. On the recaptured rules of the steppe marmots]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) 1993b. Resoultati iskousstvennogo rasselniya stepnogo sourka v Rossii [Résultats sur les installations artificielles de marmottes steppiques en Russie. Results of artifical settlement of steppe marmot in Russia]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) & Evreinov A.G. 1988. Sovremennoe oostoyanie i perspektivy ispolizovaniya resoursov sourka v RSFSP [Etat actuel et perspectives des ressources en marmottes en Russie. Modern state and perspectives of marmots ressources in Russia]. Voprosy intensifikatsii okhotnitchego khozyajstva, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, économie, economy, gestion, management, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) & Tikhonov A.A. 1987. [Recommandations méthodiques sur la réintroduction de Marmota bobac en FRSR. Methodics recommendations on settling steppe Marmota bobac in RSFSR]. M., 14 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.) & Tikhonov A. 1988. Rasselenie bajbaka v RSFSP [Distribution de M. bobac en Russie. M. bobac distribution in Russia]. Okhota i okhotnitchie khozyajstvo, 7 : 9-107.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, distribution, Russie, Russia.

Дежкин АВ. (Dezhkin, Dejkin A.V.), Tikhonov A.A. & Bibikov D.I. 1983.[Résultats et perspectives de réintroduction de Marmota bobac dans la partie européenne d’URSS. Results and prospects of Marmota bobac settling in European part of the USSR. In Protection, rational use and ecology of Marmota bobacs, Materials of the All-Union Conference, M., 37-41.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Diao J., Churchill N.D. & Michalak T.I. 1998. Complement-mediated cytotoxicity and inhibition of ligand binding to hepatocytes by woodchuck hepatitis virus-induced autoantibodies to asialoglycoprotein receptor. Hepatology, 27(6): 1623-31.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatitye, hepatitis.

Hepadnavirus invasion in woodchucks has been identified as a potent inducer of autoantibodies against asialoglycoprotein receptor (anti-ASGPR), a molecule essentially unique to hepatocytes that mediate clearance of desialylated serum proteins. We evaluated the possible pathogenetic importance of anti-ASGPR triggered by woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), using anti-ASGPR-reactive serum immunoglobulins (Igs) from five animals with different stages of WHV hepatitis or self-limited WHV infection and isolated woodchuck hepatocytes or HepG2 cells as targets. The results revealed that WHV-induced anti-ASGPR can specifically inhibit asialoglycoprotein recognition by both homologous and heterologous liver cells, as tested in an asialofetuin (ASFN)-binding radioassay. However, the extent of the interference significantly varied (from 85% inhibition to none) for anti-ASGPR with similar titer from different animals, indicating a high degree of heterogeneity in the ASGPR epitope specificity and in the potential biological effects of these autoantibodies. The WHV-triggered anti-ASGPR also induced complement-mediated hepatocytolysis in a microculture tetrazolium (MTT) assay, which ranged from 8.9% +/- 0.3% to 33.6% +/- 3.6% (mean +/- SD) for different animals and target cell numbers. This cytopathic effect was strictly ASGPR-specific, complement-dependent, and was not related to the anti-ASGPR ability to inhibit ligand-hepatocyte binding. Our findings indicate that among pathways by which anti-ASGPR autoimmunity could cause liver damage, hepadnavirus-induced anti-ASGPR might impair hepatocytes by both disrupting clearance of desialylated proteins and activation of the complement-mediated cytolysis. These cytopathic effects might contribute to the pathogenesis, aggravate severity, and prolong recovery from liver injury in viral hepatitis.

Diao J. & Michalak T.I.1996. Composition, antigenic properties and hepatocyte surface expression of the woodchuck asialoglycoprotein receptor. J. Recept. Signal Transduct. Res., 16(5-6): 243-271.
En anglais, in English.

We have purified woodchuck hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) by ligand affinity chromatography and have identified it as a heterooligomeric complex comprised of two subunits with molecular masses of 40 and 47 kD, designated as woodchuck hepatic lectin 1 and 2 (WHL1 and WHL2), respectively. With the help of antisera generated against the soluble, bioactive woodchuck and rabbit ASGPRs and anti-subunit monospecific antibodies, distinct antigenic specificity of each of the ASGPR polypeptide subunits and interspecies immunologic cross-reactivity of the receptor polypeptides displaying comparable molecular masses were documented. In contrast to the purified woodchuck receptor, WHL2 antigenic reactivity was not identifiable in woodchuck hepatocyte plasma membranes unless the intact membranes were exposed to an asialylated ligand or a soluble membrane fraction was incubated with anti-receptor antibody. These findings imply that both WHL1 and WHL2 are expressed on the hepatocyte surface and contribute to ligand binding, since antibody specific to either subunit blocks ligand attachment. Our results also indicate that ligand binding modifies antigenic properties of the membrane expressed ASGPR.

Diao J. & Michalak T.I. 1997. Virus-induced anti-asialoglycoprotein receptor autoimmunity in experimental hepadnaviral hepatitis. Hepatology, 25(3): 689-696.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

The relationship between hepatitis virus invasion and emergence of liver-specific autoantibodies against asialoglycoprotein receptor (anti-ASGPR) and the occurrence patterns, prognostic value, and specificity of these autoantibodies toward polypeptides of host ASGPR were investigated in experimental viral hepatitis in the woodchuck system. Sequential sera (n = 231) obtained before and after inoculation with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) from animals which resolved acute infection (n = 7) or developed chronic hepatitis (n = 6) were tested for anti-ASGPR using radio and enzyme-immunodetection assays. In addition, the outcome of WHV hepatitis was analyzed in 30 other woodchucks whose preinoculation sera were tested for anti-ASGPR. The receptor subunit specificity of virus-induced anti-ASGPR was determined by Western blotting and compared with that of anti-ASGPR raised in woodchucks challenged with a heterologous (rabbit) receptor. The results revealed that WHV infection triggered anti-ASGPR in all except one of the initially autoantibody nonreactive animals (eight of nine; 89.9%). Once induced, anti-ASGPR were detectable throughout the entire follow-up independent of histological severity of liver damage or the outcome of hepatitis. In healthy WHV-naive woodchucks, anti-ASGPR occurred at low titers in approximately one third of the animals. Importantly, woodchucks reactive for anti-ASGPR before WHV inoculation developed chronic hepatitis with a significantly greater frequency (55.5%) than those autoantibody negative (15.6%; P < .05). in contrast to anti-asgpr elicited by immunization with a heterologous receptor, which initially recognized only the asgpr 40-kd polypeptide, anti-asgpr emerging after virus invasion reacted with both the asgpr 40- and 47-kd subunits from the moment of their appearance. this study provides the first direct evidence that hepatitis virus in the natural host triggers autoantibodies against a unique hepatocyte antigen and shows that anti-asgpr autoimmunity existing before virus infection is associated with a high rate of progression to chronic disease in experimental hepadnaviral hepatitis.

Diao J., Slaney D.M. & Michalak T.I. 2003. Modulation of the outcome and severity of hepdnaviral hepatitis in woodchucks by antibodies to hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor. Hepatology, 38: 629-638.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus.

Diaz Anita 2006. Effects of Alpine Marmot re-introduction in the Pyrenees [Effets de la réintroduction de la marmotte alpine dans les Pyrénées]. En ligne/On line, accès/accessed 04/05/2007.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, introduction, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Dice Lee R. 1923. Life Zones and Mammalian Distribution [Zones de vie et distribution mammalienne]. In Early classics in Biogeography, distribution, and diversity studies : to 1950, accès / accessed Jan. 06-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax monax.
Extrait pdf

Dice L.R. 1932. Mammals collected by F.M. Gaige in 1919 at Lake Cusham and vicinity, Olympic Peninsula, Washington [Mammifères récoltés par F.M. Gaige en 1919 au lac Cusham et dans son voisnage, Péninsule Olympic, Washingron]. Murrelet, 13: 47-49.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Washinton, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Dictionnaire de l'Académie 1694. Public. num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmot, marmotte, marmouset.
Extrait pdf

Nouveau dictionnaire de l’Académie française 1718. Tome second, M-Z, Coignard Jean-Baptiste, Paris, num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Extrait pdf

Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise 1740. Troisième édition. 2 vol. ([X]-904, 898 p.), Tome premi er A-K, Coignard Jean-Baptiste, Paris, num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, rat.
Extrait pdf

Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise 1762. 2 Vol. (VII-864, 967 p.). Tome second L-Z, Bernard Brunet, Paris, num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, rat.
Extrait pdf extract.

Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise 1798 (An VII). Cinquième édition, Tome premier A-K, Tome second L-Z, J.J. Smits et Cie, Paris, num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, rat.
Extrait pdf extract.

Dictionnaire de l'Académie 1835. Public. num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dormir, Marmotte, marmotter.
Extrait pdf.

Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise 1878. Septième édition, Tome premier A-H, Tome second I-Z, Firmin-Didot et Cie, Paris, num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, rat.
Extraits pdf.

Dictionary of geographical names of the USSR, 1983. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 296p.
En anglais, in English.

Diderot Denis & Alembert J. d’ 1751. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Tome premier, [A-Azyme]. Par une société de gens de lettres ; mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot,...& quant à la partie mathématique, par M. D'Alembert, Num. BNF, Paris, chez Briasson, David l'aîné, Le Breton, Durand.
En français, in French.
Absence d'Arctomys.

Diderot D. & Alembert J. d' 1765. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Tome treizième, POM-REGG, par une société de gens de lettres ; mis en ordre et publié par M. ***. Neufchastel, chez Samuel Faulche, 914 p. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Rat des Alpes (M. Rey), rat d’europe p. 819, marmotte p. 820, fumaison, smoke-curing.
Extrait pdf.

Diderot D. & Alembert J. d'. 1765. Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une société de gens de lettres [Analytical dictionnary of sciences, arts and trades, by a society of men of letters]. Neuchâtel, chez Samuel Faulche & Cie, vol. 10, 131-132.
En français, in French.
Mus alpinus, Marmota, description, apprivoisement, taming, savoyard, ramoneur, chimney-sweep, terrier, burrow, hibernation, répartition géographique geographic range, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology.
Extrait pdf.

Didier R. & P. Rode 1935. Les mammifères de France [The mammals of France]. Archives d'Hist. nat., 10 (1) : 1-398.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Marmota marmota.

Diedrich C.G. & Žák (Zak) K. 2006. Prey deposits and den sites of the Upper Pleistocene hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) in horizontal and vertical caves of the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic) [Gisements de proies et tanières de la hyène tachetée du Pléistocène supérieur Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) dans les cavernes horizontales et verticales du karst bohémien (République Tchèque)]. Bulletin of Geosciences, 81(4), 237-276 (25 figures).
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, taphonomie, taphonomy, Marmota marmota, Marmota bobac, Crocucta crocuta, hyène tachetée, spotted hyena, Bohème, Bohemia, République Tchèque, Czech Republic.
Middle and Upper Pleistocene bone accumulations in caves of the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, are newly classified as several types of hyena dens or hyena bone deposits, and cave bear dens. This new taphonomical and paleoecological interpretation of localities that have been known for decades is based on revision of available bone collections, additional field observations at existing localities, and on comparisons with recent spotted hyenas. The thousands of bones from this region, including about seven hundred Pleistocene hyena remains, are strongly fragmented by having been cracked and chewed, consistent with typical hyena activities. The localities can be subdivided chronologically as Middle and Upper Pleistocene, or taphonomically as horizontal and vertical caves and karst depressions. Horizontal and vertical caves show contrasting types of bone accumulations. Several vertical cavities were filled in the Middle Pleistocene and contain the remains of Pachycrocuta brevirostris and its prey. This is the case of the areas of Srbsko-Chlum and Koněprusy-Zlatŷ Kuň Hill. In the Upper Pleistocene, at least eight caves in the Bohemian Karst were used by hyenas of Crocuta crocuta spelaea as dens and prey storage, some of which were also used by cave bears for hibernating. Upper Pleistocene cave bears were scavenged postmortally by Ice Age spotted hyenas at four cave sites, where they left cracked and chewed Ursus spelaeus bones. Hyenas also stored the remains of their prey in the caves. These remains also include rests of other hyenas, which indicates cannibalism. Fecal pellets were used for marking the den sites. The Nad Kačákem Cave near Hostim is shown to have been a frequented hyena den based on the presence of many “nibbling sticks” and the remains of juvenile hyena bones. Many hyena skeletons of C. c. spelaea, including juveniles and adults, their coprolites, and the partly cracked bones of their stored prey, were found in vertical caves such as Srbsko-Chlum-Komín. The most spectacular finds are a nearly complete skeleton of the female steppe lion Panthera leo spelaea and an embryo of the Przewalski horse Equus ferus przewalskii. A nearly complete hyena skeleton in the Koněprusy Caves-Proŝek Dome is another remarkable find. The most bone-rich localities at Koněprusy-Zlatŷ Kuň Hill and Srbsko-Chlum Hill are located on, or close to, exposed hill tops, where hyenas had an overview of the surrounding landscape. Statistical analysis of the remains shows that the main animals preyed upon by Upper Pleistocene hyenas were Equus ferus przewalskii and Coelodonta antiquitatis. Additionally, the hyenas fed on Bison priscus, Rangifer tarandus, Cervus elaphus, Megaloceros giganteus, Equus hydruntinus, the Bohemian alpine fauna including Rupricapra rupricapra and Capra ibex, and even the carnivores Ursus spelaeus, Panthera leo spelaea, Canis lupus and possibly Gulo gulo. The very few remains of the mammoth Mammuthus primigenius seem to indicate its scarcity in the hilly Bohemian Karst. Sediments in the horizontal caves show that, after being used by cave bears or hyenas, they were inhabited by foxes or marmots, and more recently by humans, especially during the Magdalenian period and later in the Holocene.
Extrait pdf.

Diesing Carolo Mauritio 1850. Systema helminthum. Vindobonae, Wilhelmum Braumüller.
En latin, in Latin.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Taenia peetinata Goeze, Arctomys Marmota, intestin, intestine.
Extrait pdf.

Diez C.M.A. García Gil E., Jordá Pardo J. F., Ortega A. I., Sánchez A. y Sánchez B. 1989. La cueva de Valdegoba (Burgos). Primera campaña de excavaciones [La grotte de Valdegoba (Burgos). Première campagne de fouilles]. Zephyrus, 61-62: 55-74.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Espagne, Spain.

Diez Friedrich 1853. Etymologisches Vörterbuch der Romanischen sprachen. Adolphus Marcus, Bonn.
En roman, in Romance.
Marmotto it., sp., pg., marmota fr., murmelthier, montanella, murmont, muremunto murmenti, murmet, mus montanus.

Dieulafoy Joseph & Gersin 1808. La vallée de Barcelonnette ou le rendez-vous de deux ermites [The Barcelonnette Valley or the two ermits rendez-vous]. Chez Fages, librairie du Théatre du vaudeville, Paris.
En français, in French.
Vaudeville, marmotte, marmot, p.11-41.

Di Ganzio E. & Petronico C. 2001. Osservazioni sulla fauna a vertebrati pleistoceni della Grotta Cola (Abruzzo, Aquila) [Observations sur la faune de vertébrés du pléistocène de la grotte Cola. Observations of the Pleistocene vertebrates of the Cola Cave]. Boll. Soc. Paleont. It., 40(1) : 105-114.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Abruzzes, Abruzzo, Italie, Italy.

Di Girolamo M., Mendlinger S. & Fertig J.W. 1971. A simple method to determine fat cell size and number in four mammalian species [Méthode simple pour déterminer la taille et le nombre de cellules adipeuses chez quatre espèces de mammifères]. Am. J. Physiol., 221(3): 850-858.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, adipocytes, méthodologie, methodology.

Dimitriev A.D. & Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1996. Sourkovaya koloniya kak faktor biologitcheskogo raznoobraziya [La colonie de marmotte comme facteur de biodiversité. Marmot colony as a factor of biodiversity]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 22-24.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1993a. Dopolnitelnie svedeniya o reliktovoy sourkovoy kolonii v batirevskom rayone tchouvachskoy respoubliki [Complémentes sur les colonies relictes dans les régions de Batyrevskaia de la république Tchouvache. Additional information about relict marmot colony in Batyrevo district in Chuvash republic.]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 9.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, conservtion, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1993b. Kratkoe opisanie sourkovixh poselenii tchouvachskoy respoubliki [Brève description des installations de marmottes en République Tchouvache. Short description of Marmota bobac colonies in Chuvash Republic.]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 9-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, République Tchouvache, Chuvash republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1993c. O Perspektivnixh raionaxh dlya reaklimatizatsii sourka-baïbaka v Tchouvachkoï respoublike [Prospection des régions favorables à la réacclimatation de la marmote bobak dans la république Tchouvache. Biological prospecting of the favourable regions to reintroduce the bobac marmot in the Chuvashia Republic]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 10-11.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, population, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1993d. Predvaritelnie rezpultati reakklimatizatsii sourka-baïbaka v Tchouvachkoï respoublike [Premiers résultats de la réintroduction de la marmotte bobak en République Tchouvache. Preliminary results of the reintroduction of the bobac marmot in Chuvash Republic]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 101-12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, population, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1996a. Analiz izvestnykh sloutchaev gibeli sourkov v poslednie gody v tchouvachskoï respoublike [Analyse des cas connus de disparition de marmottes au cours des dernières années en République Tchouvache. Analysis of the known cases of marmot loss in the last years in Chuvash Republic]. In Sourki severnoïevrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M. ABF, 19-20.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1996b. Geoekologiya sourkov [The geoecology of marmots. Géoécologie des marmottes]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M., ABF, 24-25; 93-94.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, géographie, geography.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1997a. O neobkhodimosti koordinatsii akklimatizatsionnykh i reakklimatizatsionnykh rabot po krasnoknijnym vidam sourkov [Sur la nécessité de coordination des travaux d'acclimatation et de réaclimatation des espèces de marmottes menacées (livre rouge)]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Rumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 13-14.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1997b. Nekotorie ochibki pri reakklimatizatsii sourkov v Povolje [Quelques erreurs lors de la réintroduction des marmottes dans le Povljie (Région de la Volga)]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Rumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 14-15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1997c. [Quelques défauts de la réacclimatation des marmottes dans le Povoljie. Some shortcomings while reacclimatization of the marmots in Povolzhye]. In Revival of the steppe marmot, Abstracts of the International seminar about marmots in the countries of FSU, Gaydari, Ukraine, 26-30 May, Moscow, ABF : 14-15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1999a. O kodirovanii sourkovykh koloniï po proiskhojdeniiu [Sur le codage des colonies de marmottes en fonction de leur origine. About coding of the marmot's colonies according to the origin]. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 23-24.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, codage.

During the last decades in Russia and in the countries of FSU appeared plenty of new marmot's settlements, which was possible owing to man's activity. There are some colonies, which appeared in the places of former marmot's inhabitant and quite new. During reacclimatization and acclimatization works were made mistakes and shortcomings (Bibikov et al. 1997, Dimitriev 1997). In some time these mistakes will be forgotten. However, they can bring into the marmots' genofond many changes and corrections. The united coding of the marmots' colonies is suggested according to the origin in order to take into consideration scientific researches in future. All marmots' colonies most of all are constant formations and in favourable conditions they can exist several centuries in the same place, which clearly testified Batyrevsky marmots'colony, known beginning from 1642.
Three categories of marmots' division are suggested: aborigines (A), reacclimatized (Ao) and acclimatized (O). At first a country is mentioned - Russia, Ukraine,.... Then the place of dislocation must be pointed. It is an individual of the federation and the district. The individual of the federation can be entered according to road - patrolling classification. For example, Jadrinsky district of the Chuvash Republic will be Russia-21-Jadrin.
During (re)acclimatization of the marmots it is necessary while coding to point out the place from which they are brought and the year of their output. For example, Ao-Aznakaevo-1989; O-Staraya Kulatka-1985. Then it is important to enumerate colonies (1, 2, 3...). In such case it is necessary to know about the colonies a small detail - it is the main (main) or the daughter's (daughter). All in all the code of the marmot's colony will contain 8 main codes: 1. country; 2. Federation individual 3. Administrative district of the federation individual (for defining the nearest populated area can be pointed out); 4. Colonies number; 5. Origin category; 6. Brought place; 7. Output year; 8. Main or daughter's colony.
Certainly all these data can be represented as a type of table and it is possible as a formula, but the first variant is more convenient as in case of absence of any information it is seen at once.
All this information must be kept in three places: Commission on Marmots Investigations Theriology Society of Russian Academy of Sciences, republican (regional) committee of nature guarding, administration of the hunting farm.
Working out such brief passport information about the origin of the colonies will help in future in conducting and systematisation of the scientific researches. Publication of such united scientific classification is also necessary while aimed practical and guarding activities. As there are documents and people, who conduct (re)acclimatised works, it is necessary to conduct coding. It will be in use in future researches as the part of the cadastre of the marmot's colonies.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 1999b. O kodirovanii sourkovykh koloniï po proiskhojdeniiu [About coding of the marmot's colonies according to the origin]. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 24-25.
En russe, in Russian.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 2002a. Re-acclimatization, guarding and re-establishment of the steppe marmots' (Marmota bobak Muller, 1776) number in Povolzhye. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 71.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 2002b. About classification and calculation of the comfortable conditions of the marmots' population, colonies, families and separate individuals. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 72.
En anglais, in English.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) 2005. A study classification place about mamots in the system of scientific description. Klassifikatsionnoe mesto outcheniya o sourkakh v sisteme naoutchnykh distsiplin. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 42-43.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, description.

According to our classification (Dimitriev, 1999, 2003 a,b,v,g, 2004, 2005) a study of marmots is related to a kingdom of natural scientific disciplines, to a type study about animals, to a class of a study about vertebral animals, to an order of mammals' study, which consists of sisterly marmots and their companies from different sides:
Ethnosocial marmotology Marmotogelyology Marmotooleology
Marmitopaleontology Marmotogemology Marmotoonthology
Marmoto(re)acclimationology Marmotogenetics Marmotoparasitology
Marmotoacoustics Marmotogeniaology Marmotopharmocology
Marmotoaffair Marmotogeography Marmotophenology
Marmotoagrology Marmotogeology Marmotophitophagia
Marmotoarchaeology Marmotogeomorphology Marmotophoniya
Marmotobibliography Marmotogistology Marmotophormatology
Marmotobiology Marmotogogy Marmotophylogeniya
Marmotobionica Marmotography Marmotophysics
Marmotobiosphereology Marmotohistory Marmotopolitics
Marmotobotany Marmotohunting Marmotopsychology
Marmotochemistry Marmotohydrology Marmotoradioology
Marmotochronology Marmotoimprovement of the soil Marmotoregionology
Marmotoconservatology Marmotoresourceology
Marmotocosmetology Marmotoinformatology Marmotoselenology
Marmotocriology Marmotoknowledge Marmotosocialogy
Marmotoculturalogy Marmotolandscapeology Marmotosoilogy
Marmotodemography Marmotolithophagia Marmotosophia
Marmotodeontology Marmotology Marmotosphereology
Marmotodidactics Marmotological culture Marmotostatistics
Marmotodietology Marmotological industry Marmotosystematology
Marmotodiversity Marmotolytology Marmototechnology
Marmotodynamics Marmotomechanics Marmototherapy
Marmotoecology Marmotomedcine Marmototomy
Marmotoeconomics Marmotometereology Marmototopography
Marmotoecotonology Marmotometrology Marmototopology
Marmotoedification Marmotomickology Marmototoponimy
Marmotoenegetics Marmotomicrobiology Marmotototica
Marmotoenthomology Marmotomorphology Marmototsitology
Marmotoethnology Marmotomyphology Marmotoveterinoroly
Marmotoetology Marmotonimica Marmotovideology
Marmotoevolution Marmotonomy Marmotovirusology
Marmotozoogeography Marmotozoology
Separate scientific directions study marmototourism, marmotoart, marmotodiapause, marmotomentality, marmotomarketing, marmotomanagement, engineering marmotology, dwelling, marmots' plaguebearerness and so on.

Russian pdf russe.

Димитриев А.В., Абрахина Т.Б., Бармин М.А., Бармин М.А., Иванов Л.Н., Леонтьева М.Н., Марфин В.Г., Плечова З.Н., Плечова Г.Н. & Скворчое В.Г. (Dimitriev A.V., Abrakhina I.B., Barmin N.A., Ivanov L.N., Leontieva M.N., Marphin V.G., Plechova Z.N. , Plechov G.N. & Skvortsov V.G.) 2002. Marmots (Marmota bobac Müller, 1776) on especially protected natural territories of the middle volga region. Сурок (Marmota bobac Müller, 1776) на особо охраняемых природных территориях среднего поволжья [Sourok (Marmota bobac Müller, 1776) na osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriyakh srednego povolzh'ya. Les marmottes (Marmota bobak Müller, 1776) des espaces naturels protégés de la région de la moyenne Volga. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Yu. eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on marmots, Moscow ABF P.H., 123-134.
En anglais et en russe, avec résumé français ; in English and Russian, with a French abstract.
Marmota bobac, réserves, reserves, Volga, Russie, Russia.
We used published reports and our analysis of the author’ articles to find out where marmots live and to determine the presence of suitable consitions for further settling in the special guarded natural territories in Srednee Povolzhye (Middle Volga region). We determine that four thousand marmots inhabit the special guarded natural territories in Srednee Povolzhye. Marmots do not live in the high categories of special guarded natural territories, the reserves and national parks of Srednee Povolzhye. Separate attempts are undertaken for reintroductions, increasing the aera of the existing reserves and national parks, and organizing a new reserve in the republic of Tatarstan in order to fill satisfactory habitat with marmots. The number of marmots is greater in the specially guarded natural territories of the Republic of Tatarstan (eight areas). In the Chuvash-Mordovian Republics, Nizhegorodskaya and Ulyanovsk districts, two specially guarded territories with marmots exist in the Republic Mary El, one.
Key-words: Marmota bobac Müller, 1776, especially protected natural territories, Middle Volga region, state protected.
Le mode de vie et les conditions favorables à l’installation des marmottes ont été analysés à partir d’une revue bibliographique et de nos propres recherches dans les espaces naturels protégés de la région de Srednee Povolzhye (région de la moyenne Volga). Le nombre de marmottes occupant ces espaces a été évalué à 400 individus. Cependant, les marmottes sont absentes des zones de projection maximale comme les réserves et parcs nationaux. Pour remédier à cette carence, différentes tentatives de réintroduction ont été réalisées. Parallèlement, la surface des réserves et des parcs nationaux existants a été accrue et une nouvelle réserve a été créée en République du Tatarstan. Deux zones protégées existent dans les République de Mordovie et de Nijgorodskaya, ainsi que dans la région d’Oulyanosk, et une seule dans la République de Mari El.
Mots clés : Marmota bobac Müller, 1776, aires naturelles protégées, région de la moyenne Volga, territoires protégés d’état, patrimoine naturel.
Russian pdf russe.

Димитриев А.В., Бармин М.А., Плечова З.Н.,& Плечов Г.Н. (Dimitriev A.V., Barmin N.A., Plechova Z.N. & Plechov G.N.) 1997. Рольколонии сурков в узловых сгущения биомассы в степи. The role of the marmots' colonies in the knots thickenings of the biomass in the steppes [Rol' kolonii sourkov v ouzlovykh sgouchtcheniyakh biomassy v stepi. Le rôle des colonies de marmottes dans les noeuds d'épaississement de la biomasse dans les steppes]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 34-35 (Rousskie, Russian), 134-135 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, biomasse.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Butbold J., Бадмаев Б.Б. (Badmaev B.B.), Oliger A.I. & Pavlova S.O. 2003. Preliminary analysis of one of the Mongolian legends about Tarbagan. Analyse préliminaire d'une des légendes sur la marmotte de Mongolie. In Adaptative strategies and diversity in marmots / Stratègies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M., Eds., International Nertwork on Marmots, 227-230.
Mongolie, Mongolia, Ethnologie, ethnology, marmot, marmotte.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Buyakshin A.N., Marphin V.G. & Kuvshinov V.A. 1996. Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya o Rasprostranenii sourka-baïbaka v srednem povolj'e [Données supplémentaires sur la répartition de bobac dans la région centrale de la Volga. Additional data on the bobac marmot distribution in the middle Volga region]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, M., ABF, 21-22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, distribution, Volga.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.) & Efeïkin D.P. 1997. Rol' organizouiuchtchikh tsentrov pri rasselenii sourkov [Rôle organisationnel des rivières pendant la réintroductionb des marmottes]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Rumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 16.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Gorshkova P.K., Borodin O.B., Knyazev M.N. & Knyazev L.V. 2005. About protection necessity of bobak marmots in Povolzhje. O neobkhodimosti okhrany stepnykh sourkov v Povolj'e. [Sur la protection nécessaire des marmottes bobac de Povolje]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 44-45.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, protection, Russie, Russia.
Beginning from 1983 till 19.12.1997 bobak marmots were included into the Red book of the Russian Federation (Russia) that provided guarding and re-establishment oftheir number. After the exception them from this book has changed dependence and they have become the objects ofhunting. Hunting without corresponding weapon and acquired habits of hunting didn't help to grow the number of bobak marmots. After the exception of bobak marmots from the Red book their livestock in Chuvashia bitterly went to decrease. According to exemplary expert value in Chuvashia at present the number of marmots are not more than 600 (but before the exception from the Red book of Russia the number of marmots was more than 2500). In the Ulyanovsk region is going on a predatory destruction of marmots, greatly developed a poaching and because of the decreasing of the marmots live-stock essentially fell the number of nesting eagles. In Tatarstan the number of marmots decreased as well. They are destroyed in the registered regions. Marmots' biodiversity strictly falls. Marmots with white and black-brown types of color of hair are abolished in the Utynskiy region of the Tatarstan Republic. At the same time in the Mary El Republic where hunting wasn't open the number of marmots' livestock is stable relatively. It is possible to state that the main factor of marmots' number reducing in some regions of Povolzhya is an amateur sanction of hunting and poaching. In the conditions of such rates of a number decreasing and biodiversity of bobak marmots we shall have to include them into the Red book of Russia. During 5 years a bobak marmot after the exception from the Red book of Russia in some regions is becoming rare and in some places as an escaping animal. Regional Red books in which a bobak marmot was included or recommended for an inclusion doesn't save a situation. Because of that we consider that it is necessary an organization of a large scale urgent measures for preservation of marmots in Povolje.

Russian pdf russe.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Leontieva M.N., Abrakhina I.B, Barmin M.A., Isaev A.YU., Kuvshinov V.A., Marphin V.G., Plechova Z.N. & R.I. Shiyan 1994. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy reakklimatizatsii baïbaka (Marmota bobac Müll.) v povolj'e. Modern state and prospects of reacclimatization of the bobac (Marmota bobac Müll.) in the Volga region [Etat actuel et perspectives de réintroduction de la marmotte bobac dans la région de la Volga]. In Actual problems of marmots investigation, Rumiantsev ed., ABF, Moscow, 45-62.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation, réintroduction, re-introduction, Volga.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Plechova Z.N. & Efeikin D.P. 1991. [À propos des biogéocénoses relictes de steppes. About relicts steppe biogeocenoz]. In Actual ecologic problems of Chuvash Republic, Heads of reports at the science-practical conference, Cheboksary, 38-39.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation, République Tchouvache, Chuvash republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В., Плечова Г.Н. & Плечова З.Н. (Dimitriev A.V., Plechov G.N. & Plechova Z.N.) 1994. Marmota bobac dans la République Tchouvache. Marmota bobac in the Chuvash Republic. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 50-51.
En français, et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota bobac, gestion, management, réintroduction, re-introduction, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.

Sept grandes colonies de Marmota bobac existaient en 1930-32 dans les districts de Batyrevski et de Yalchisky dans la République Chouvache. Une réserve de Marmota bobac fut créée sur un territoire de 1.000 ha. Trois colonies seulement subsistaient en 1935-36 (Ljvova 1936) et une seule l'année suivante (Ljvova 1952, Oliger et al. 1966, Voronov 1979, 1985, 1990). La seule colonie de Marmota bobac en Chouvachie, dans les années de dépression, était celle du district de Batyrevsky. Elle a été décrite par A.N. Ljvova (1936). Les bobacs vivaient là-bas depuis longtemps (Eversmann 1850) et les zoologistes prétaient attention à cette colonie relicte. Cette colonie de marmottes et un fragment de biogéonocéénose relicte de steppe ont été décrits en détail par Ljvova (1936). Sur la base de la colonie de la République Chouvache, le Conseil des Ministres créa le 19 octobre 1961 la colonie de Marmota bobac de Batyrevo sur un territoire de 25 ha. Le travail de réacclimatation a été fait dans la République Chouvache de 1982 à 1990. Des Marmota bobac ont été transférées du district de Starokulatsy (Région d'Oulianovsk) et du district de Khvalinsky (Région de Saratov). Il y eut 13 lâchers correspondant à 92 individus (Dimitriev 1993b). En conséquence, de nouvelles colonies sont apparues dans 8 districts administratifs de la République. En 1991, des ordres d'inscription de Marmota bobac furent faits par le Comité d'Etat pour la Nature (actuel Ministère de l'Ecologie et des Ressources Naturelles). Les présidents des comités de protection de la nature et les membres des sociétés de chasse et de pêche furent intégrés dans cette activité (Dimitriev 1993a). Les peuplements de Kanash, Tsivilsk et Yadrin dans la République Chouvache sont des succès. L'indice de reproduction et le nombre de familles avec une portée sont les plus élevées dans ces sites. Marmota bobac s'installe au-delà de ces colonies. Par exemple, une colonie s'est installée à Bailarge en 1993, venant probablement de Tatarsky Suguty ou de Buinsk dans le Tatarstan. Cette installation constitue une jonction entre les différentes introductions. Le programme de développement du système de territoires naturels spécialement protégés, établi par une résolution du Conseil des Ministres de la République Chouvache en 1993 a contribué au peuplement en M. bobac de Vurnary, Tsivilsk, Tatarsky Sugut, Toburdanovo et Yadrin et d'en élargir les frontières à Batyrevo. L'organisation de ces réserves est commencée.
Seven large colonies of Marmota bobac were in 1930-1932 in Batyrevski and Yalchiksky districts of the Chuvash Republic. A reserve of Marmota bobac was organized on a one thousand hectares territory. Three colonies remained in 1935-1936 (Ljvova, 1936) and only one in the following year (Ljvova, 1952, Oliger et al., 1966; Voronov, 1979, 1985, 1990). This colony, in the Batyrevsky district, and fragment of relict steppe biogeocenosis were described by Ljvova (1936). Marmota bobac lived there long (Eversmann, 1850) and zoologists paid attention to that relict colony. On the base of the colony the Chuvash republic Council of Ministers organized on October, 19th 1961 Batyrevo Marmota bobac colony with the territory of 25 hectares. Re-acclimatization work was made in Chuvash Republic in 1982-1990. Marmota bobac were brought from Starokulatsky district of Ulianovsky region and Khvalinsky district of Saratov region. There were 13 releases with the number of 920 specimens (Dimitriev, 1993 b). As a result there appeared new colonies in 8 administrative districts of the republic. In 1991 under State Committee of Nature (now Ministry of Ecology and Nature resources) orders registration of Marmota bobac was made. The chairmen of committees of nature protection and members of hunters' and fishermen's societies were drawn into the work (Dimitriev, 1993 a). The Kanash, Tsivilsk, Yadrin settlements in the Chuvash Republic are successful. The indicator of reproduction and the number of families with a brood is the biggest there. Marmota bobac settle further from these colonies. For example, a colony settles in 1993 in the neighbourhood of the village Bailarge coming from the village Tatarsky Suguty or from the settlements situated in the environs of the town of Buinsk from the Republic Tatarstan. Perhaps, the artificially formed settlements unite in this place. The programme of developing the system of specially protected nature territories established by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic in 1993 provides for Marmota bobac in Vurnary, Tsivilsk, Tatarsky Sugut, Toburdanovo and Yadrin and widening of borders in Batyrevo. Work for their organization has begun.

Димитриев А.В. & Плечова З.Н. (Dimitriev A.V & Plechova Z.N.) 1997. Osnovnye rezoul'taty reakklimatizatsii sourka-baïbaka v Tchouvachskoï respoublike [Résultats de la réaclimation de la marmotte bobac en République Tchouvache]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 17-18.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation, République Tchouvache, Chuvash republic, Russie, Russia.

Димитриев А.В., Плечова З.Н. & Плечов Г.Н. (DimitrievA.V., Plechova Z.N. & Plechov G.N.) 1996. Marmota bobac dans la République chouvache. Marmota bobac in the Chuvash Republic. In Biodiversité/Biodiversity, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 65-68.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, Russie, Russia, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic.
En République Chouvache, M. bobac est présente depuis longtemps. Il y avait en 1932 sept colonies, trois subsistaient en 1936 et une l'année suivante dans une biogéocénose steppique relique. La colonie de Batyrevo a été organisée en 1961. Treize lâchers ont été réalisés en République Chouvache (1982-1990). Les 920 marmottes venaient des régions d'Ulianovsky et de Saratov et de nouvelles colonies se sont formées. En 1991, les marmottes ont été dénombrées. Les installations de Kanash, Tsivilsk et Yadrin sont des succès. Le programme de territoires protégés (1993) permet l'installation des marmottes dans de bonnes conditions dans de nombreux sites. La surveillance de celles-ci a commencé.
There was 7 large colonies of Marmota bobac in 1930-1932 (Chuvash Republic), 3 remained in 1936 and one the following year on a fragment of relict steppe biogeocenosis. M. bobac lived there long ago. On this basis Batyrevo colony was organised in 1961. Thirteen releases (920 animals) took place in Chuvash Republic (1982-1990), with M. bobac from Ulianovsk and Saratov regions, and new colonies appeared. In 1991 a census of M. bobac was made. The Kanash, Tsivilsk, Yadrin settlements are successful M. bobac settled further from these colonies. The programme of protected nature territories (1993) provides good settlement conditions for M. bobac in many sites. Work for their organization has begun.

Димитриев А.В., Плечова З.Н. & Плечов Г.Н. (DimitrievA.V., Plechova Z.N. & Plechov G.N.). K voprosou o biologitcheskom raznoobrazii sourkovykh koloniï. About biological variety of the marmots' colonies [Sur la variété biologique des colonies de marmottes]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 36-37 (Rousskie), 135-136 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 36-37 (Russian), 135-136 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology.

Димитриев А.В., Плечова З.Н. & Плечов Г.Н. (Dimitriev A.V., Plechova Z.N. & Plechov G.N.) 2002. Zooinformative role of rodents in ecosystems. Зооэдификаторная роль грызунов в экосистемах. [Zooedifikatornaya pol' grysuov v ekosistemakh. Rôle des rongeurs dans l'organisation des écosystèmes]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Yu. eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on marmots, Moscow ABF P.H., 135-139.
En anglais et en russe, avec résumé français ; in English and Russian, with a French abstract.
According to literary returns and own research of the articles’ authors a new trend is suggested in the study of the rodents - their informative role, the role of separate rodent’s groups and their groups in forming biogeocenoses nudei and biodiversity in different landscapes, the rodent’s classification according to these features. Marmotabiogeocenoses and castorobiogeocenoses to consider being as local centres of the biodiversity. In the paper is suggested the division of the rodents into three degrees of edification according to which to the first degree of zooinformant can be taken nearly all the mouse-like rodents, to the second degree - marmots, to the third - beavers.
Key-words: zooinformative role, rodents, biogeocenoses nudei, biovariety, beavers, marmots, lemmings.
D’après la littérature et nos propres travaux, une nouvelle direction d’étude des rongeurs est suggérée : importance de leur rôle, des différents groupes et de l’ensemble des rongeurs, dans la constitution de noyaux de biocénoses et de biodiversité dans différents paysages et de la classification des rongeurs en fonction de ces caractéristiques. Les biogéocénoses de marmottes et de castors sont considérées comme des centres locaux de biodiversité. Nous suggérons la division des rongeurs en trois degrés selon leur importance dans l’organisation zoologique : le premier degré comprend pratiquement tous les rongeurs du type souris, le second degré, les marmottes et le troisième, les castors.
Mots clés: organisation, rongeurs, noyau de biogéocénoses, biodiversité, castors, marmottes, lemmings, biogéocénoses de marmottes et de castors.

Димитриев А.В., Плечова З.Н., Плечова Г.Н. & Леонтьева М.Н. (Dimitriev A.V., Plechova Z.N., Plechov G.N. & Leontieva M.N.) 1994. Marmota bobac' colony as a social-ecological phenomenon [Colonie de Marmota bobac comme phénomène socio-écologique]. In Actual problems of marmots investigations, Coll. of scient. articles, Moscow, 63-70.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, éthologie, ethology, social.

Димитриев А.В. (Dimitriev A.V.), Rakhmatullin M.M., Plechova Z.N., Plechov G.N. & Knyazev L.V. 2005. About dynamics of the marmots' numbers in the Batyrevskiy colony in Chuvashia. O dinamike tchislennosti sourkov na reliktovoï Batyrevskoï kolonii v Tchouvachia. [Sur la dynamique du nombre des marmottes de la colonie Batyrevsk de Tchouvachie]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 46-47.
En russe et en anglais.
Marmota bobac, population, Tchouvachie, Chuvashia.

The Batyrevskaya colony of marmots located in territory of Chuvashia which remained in the depression years of the marmots' population presents a great interest for science. It was declared as an order in 1961, in 2000 was joined to the Prisurskiy nature reserve. There are true data about the marmots' number since the thirtieth of the last centw.y before 2005; 1931- seven fallilies, twenty-four dwelling holes (Teplov, Tikhvinskiy, 1936), 1961 - five marmots, one dwelling hole, in spring 1961 - ten between fifteen (Oliger, archives data), 1963- six marmots, eleven dwelling holes (Kulick et al, 1965), 1969- forty marmots (by data of the regional hunting specialist), 1970, 1971 - about fort y marmots (Khrustselevskiy, Sergeev, 1983), 1977 - forty-eight, 1978 - thirty-eight, 1979 - sixteen marmots (Dezhkin et al, 1983; Khrustselevskiy, 1988), 1979 - thirty marmots (by data of the regional hunting specialist), 1980 -twenty-tw() (by data of the region hunter; Dezhkin et al, 1983),1980 - sixte en (Lastukhin A.A., pers. comm.), 1981 - thirteen marmots (Khrustselevskiy, Sergeev, 1983; Khrustselevskiy, 1988),1981 - eight (data of the regional hunting specialist), 1982- output of the twenty marmots, brought froll the Ulyanovsk region; twenty-two marmots (Gurjev A.V., pers. comm.), thirty-three (data of the regional hunting specialist), eleven (Dezhkin, 1983,1985),1983 - twenty-three, 1984- twenty-eight, 1985- twenty, 1986- twenty, 1987- forty, 1988 - forty-two, 1989 - fifty-one (data of the regional hunting specialist), 1991 - sixty-three (nineteen fallilies), 1992 - forty (seven of the salle age) (data of the regional committee of the nature guarding), 1993- about fort y (eleven fallilies, thirty-one dwelling holes), 1994 - (eleven fallilies, eighty-two dwelling holes), 1995 - fifty-four marmots, 1996- forty-eight, 1977- thirty- five, 1998- twenty-eight, 1999- twenty-two, 2000- twenty- eight (Dillitriev, 2001), 2001 - thirty-three (in spring), thirty-four (in autumn, allong them twenty-three young), 2002 - thirty-three (in spring), forty-seven (among thell twenty-six young), 2003 - thirty (in spring), fift}'-seven (in autumn, allong thell twenty-six young), 2004 - forty-five in spring (in autumn fifty-seven, allong thell ten young), 2005- forty-one (in spring). Received data testify that the marmots' colony functions rather stable in spite of its dislocation in the densely populated region. To keep this colony prolloted the creation in this place in 1961 of the republic order, later in 2000 of the Batyrevskiy site of Prisyrskiy nature reserve, also historically turned out ecological and cultural relations between the marmots and the local population. This socio-ecological aspect, to our mind, presents a great scientific cognition and a practical interest.

Russian pdf russe.

Dimitrijevic V. 1996. Upper Pleistocene mammals from cave deposits in Serbia [Mammifères du Pléistocène supérieur des gisements dans les grotts de Serbie]. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 39(1): 117-120.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Serbie, Serbia.

Dinesman L.G. 1961. Opyt izoutchennya drevnikh poseleniï jivotnykh dlya vyyasneniya paleogeografii lesov. Soobchtcheniya [Etude expérimentale des populations animales fossiles pour l'étude paléogéographique des forêts. Experimental study of fossil populations of animals to understand paleo-geography of forests]. Lab. lesovedeniya AN SSSR, 3: 89-99.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, forêt, forest.

Dinesman L.G. 1971. Poseleniya stepnogo sourka na Rousskoï ravnine [Les populations de Marmottes steppiques dans la plaine russe. Settlements of steppe marmot at Russian Plain.]. Biull. MOIP, Otd. biol., 76 (6) : 59-73).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, biogéographie, biogeography, population, Russie, Russia.

Dinesman L.G. 1977. Biogeotsenozy stepeï v golotsene [Biogéocénoses steppiques à l’Holocène. Steppe biogeocenoses in Holocene]. M. Nauka, pp. 159.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, paléontologie, paleontology.

Dinesman L.G. 1983. [Pour l’histoire de la marmotte bobac des plaines russes à l’Holocène : conservation, utilisations rationnelle et écologique des marmottes. To the history of the bobac at Russian Plain in Holocene: Conservation, rational use and ecology of marmots]. Proc. of the All-Union Conf., Moscow, 1983, p. 32-35.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, écologie, ecology, Russie.

Dinesman L.G., Kiseleva N.K. & Khjasev A.V. 1989. [Histoire des écosystèmes steppiques. The history of steppe ecosystems]. Mongolian People's Republic, Nauka, Moscow, 214 p.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, Steppe, Eurasie, Eurasia.

Ding X.L. 1983. [Marquage de Marmota himalayana au 32P pour l’étude de la dispersion des puces. Labelling Marmota himalayana with 32P for studing flea dispersal. Acta Entom. Sinica, 26(2): 179-184.
En chinois, in Chinese.
Marmota himalyana, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, parasitologie, parasitology.

Dingle K., Moraleda G., Bichko V. & Taylor J. 1998. Electrophoretic analysis of the ribonucleoproteins of hepatitis delta virus [Analyse électrophorétique des ribonucléoprotéines du virus delta de l'hépatite]. J. Virol. Methods, 75(2): 199-204.
En anglais, in English.
Mamota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck.

Replication of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is dependent on delta antigen (deltaAg), an HDV-encoded protein, which binds to HDV RNA and is capable of multimerization. To characterize HDV-specific ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNP) we used electrophoresis into non-denaturing agarose gels followed by northern analysis, to detect HDV RNA, and immunoblot, to detect deltaAg. We studied RNP from three sources: (i) vRNP, disrupted virions obtained from infected woodchuck serum; (ii) sRNP, disrupted particles secreted from transfected cultured cells; and (iii) cRNP, isolated from cells in which HDV genome replication was occurring. sRNP were approximately 28% smaller than vRNP. Treatment of vRNP with aurin tricarboxylic acid disrupted both deltaAg-deltaAg and deltaAg-RNA interactions while vanadyl ribonucleosides released the RNA without causing detectable disruption of the multimeric deltaAg complex. cRNP were smaller and more heterogeneous than vRNP and sRNP, and probably contained host components. The application of these electrophoretic procedures, and especially the use of prior treatments with vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes have provided valuable information on the RNP of HDV, and we expect they should find applicability in RNP studies of other RNA viruses.

Dingwall Laima 1986. La marmotte [Woodchucks]. Montréal, Grolier, 47 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Direction des institutions, de l'agriculature et des forêts / Direcktion der Institutionen und der land- und Forstwirtschaft 2004. Communiqué de presse [Press release]. Direction des institutions de l'Agriculture et des Forêts.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, chasse, hunting, réglementation, regulation, Fribourg, Freiburg, Suisse, Switzerland.
Extrait/extract pdf

Discover life in America. Woodchuck. Marmota monax (Linneaus). Great Smoky Mountains National Park All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory, accès/ accessed January 05, 2007,
En anglais, in English.

Dixon J.S. 1938. Birds and mammals of Mount McKinley National Park [Oiseaux and mammiféres du parc national de Mount McKinley]. Nat. Parks Serv., Washington, Fauna Ser., 3: 169-173.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Oiseaux, birds, réserve, reserve, Alaska.

Djailoev A.D. 1985a. [Mammifères de l'intérieur du Tien Chan en relation avec leur importance épizootique et économique. Mammalia of Inland Tien Shan in connection with it's epizootological and economic significance]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy, Stavropol': 176-178.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, épizootie, epizooty, économie, economy, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Djailoev A.D. 1985b. [Répartition et nombre de marmottes de l'intérieur du Tien Chan. Distribution and numbers of marmots in Inland Tien Shan]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy, Stavropol': 178-180.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, répartition, distribution.

Djindjian François, Genreau François, Gommery Dominique & Pautrat Yves 2005. Préhistoire du Nord-Est Bourguignon [Prehistory of burgundian North-East]. Biopréhistoire, 2 : 1-23.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Bourgogne, Burgundy.

Djindjian François 2005. La grotte Boccard à Créancey (Côte-d’Or) [The Boccard cave in Créancey (Côte-d’Or)]. In Préhistoire du Nord-Est Bourguignon [Prehistory of burgundian North-East], Djindjian François, Genreau François, Gommery Dominique & Pautrat YvesBiopréhistoire, 2 : 15-17.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Bourgogne, Burgundy, Côte-d’Or, France.

Djumaev T. 1989. [Protection de la nature dans les montagnes et les réserves naturelles. Nature Protection in the Mountains and Nature Reserves]. In The mountains of Uzbekistan. Nature, farming, recreation, Tashkent: Mekhnat Publishers, 90 : 112-117.
En russe, in Russian.
Conservation, montagnes, mountains.

Дмитриев А.К. (Dmitriev A.I.) 1997. О находке голоценовых остатков степного сурка в полупустьынной зоне северного прикаспия. The foundation of golotzen remnants of Marmota bobac in the semi-desert zone of the northern coast of Caspian Sea. [O nakhodke golotsenovykh ostatkov stepnogo sourka v poloupoustynnoï zone severnogo prikaspiya. Découverte de fossiles de Marmota bobac de l'Holocène dans le semi-désert de la côte Nord de la mer Caspienne]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 37-38 (Rousskie, Russian), 136-137 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, paléontologie, paleontology, holocène, Caspienne, Russie, Russia.

Дмитриев А.К. (Dmitriev A.I.) 2002. [Fossil of steppe marmot (Marmota bobak paleoplanicola Gromov, 1965) in Nizhegorodskaya oblast. Fossile de la marmotte des steppes (Marmota bobak paleoplanicola Gromov, 1965) du district de Nijegorod]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 18.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) Dmitriev P.P. 1982. Opredelenie otnositelnogo vozrastanor mongolskogo sourka po vneshnim priznakam [Détermination de l'âge de la marmotte mongole grâce à ses caractéristiques visuelles. Visual characteristics of age determination of the Mongolian marmot]. Mlekopitayuchtchie Sh sezd Vses. teriolog. ob-va, M. Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, âge, age.

Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) Dmitriev P.P. 1997a. O vozmojnykh izmeneniyakh v sovremennykh stepnykh geosistemakh, svyazannykh s reakklimatizatsieï sourkov [Sur les changements possibles dans les géosystèmes des steppes modernes suite à la réintroduction des marmottes]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 18-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, ecologie, ecology.

Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) 1997b. Сурки и камни. Marmots and rocks [Sourki i kamni. Les marmottes et les rochers]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 38-39 (Rousskie, Russian), 137-138 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, rochers, rocks.

Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) Dmitriev P.P. & Khudyakov O.I. 2002 [The zoological weathering on the burrows of sibirian marmots Marmota sibirica Pallas]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, terrier, burrow.

Dmitrievskaya M.E. 1961. [Sur la migration des puces de marmottes dans le sarydzas alpin et son importance. About the migration of marmot fleas in Alpine Sarydzas and its significance]. Tr. Sredneaz. protivoch. in-ta, 7: 357-359.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, migration.

Dmitrievskaya M.E., D.G. Krylov & P.P. Tarasov 1961. [Expérience d'exposition et quelques particularités des épidémies de peste dans le Sarydzas syrts. Experience of exposure and some pecularities of plague epizootics in Sarydzas syrts]. Trans. C. Asian Res. Antiplague Inst., Alma-Ata, Frunze, 7:61-71.
En russe, in Russia.
Peste, plague, ectoparasite.

Dmitrievskaya M.E. & Tarasova N.E. 1959. [Mise en évidence du microbe de la peste chez un renard du Tien Chan central. Case isolation of plague microbe from a fox in Central Tien Shan]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Carnivora, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Dmitryuk G.Ya. 1959. Rezoultaty ispytaniya razlitchnykh dozirovok tsianplava v borbe s sourkami [Résultats des tests à différents dosage de cyanogène dans la lutte contre les marmottes. Testing results of various cyanogen dosages against marmots]. Trudy Sredneaziat. PUI, 5, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, éradication, eradication.

Dobrinskii N.A. & Kuznetzov A. & Kuziakin A.P. 1944. Opreditel' mlekopitaiushcikh SSSR. Sovetskaia Nauka, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Dobroruka L.J., Berger Z. 1987. Guide des Mammifères d'Europe [Handbook of the mammals of Europe]. Hatier, Fribourg, pp. 189.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Marmota, Europe.

Dobronravov V.G. 1957. Tekhnika otlova tarbaganov kapkanami [Technique de capture au piège palette de M. sibirica. Jaw Trapping method of M. sibirica]. Tez. dokl. konf. Irkutskogo PUI, 2, Ulan-Ude.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, méthodologie, methodology, capture.

Dobrosmyslov A.I. 1895. Skotovodstvo v Tourgaïskoï oblasti [L'élevage dans la région de Tourgaï. Breeding in the Tourgai region].
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, élevage, breeding.

Dobson F.S. 1984. Environmental influences on sciurid mating systems [Effets du milieu sur les systèmes d’appariement des Scuiridae]. In Biology of ground-dwelling squirrels, J.O. Murie and G.R. Michener eds., Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 229-249.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, reproduction.

Doetsch G.S., towe A.L. 1981. The pyramidal system of the woodchuck [Le système pyramidal de la marmotte américaine]. Brain Behav. Evol., 19 (1-2) : 37-55.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, cerveau, brain.

The pyramidal system of the woodchuck was examined anatomically and electrophysiologically. The pyramidal tract was found to originate entirely within the anterior half of the cerebral hemispheres and to follow a course typical of most rodents, decussating almost entirely and descending the length of the spinal cord in the ventral part of the dorsal funiculi. It decreased in size uniformly with distance along the spinal cord; most of its fibers terminated in the medial half of the dorsal horn, though they scattered widely and even appeared to terminate on motoneurons. Each tract contained 140,000 +/- 20,000 fibers, with 60-80% of the fibers being about 1 micrometer and 90% being less than 3 micrometer in diameter. Stimulation of the medullary pyramid evoked a minute antidromic potential (alpha wave) which was generally obscured by a large surface-positive response that reversed polarity deep in the cortex and that appeared to be synaptic in origin (r wave). It is proposed that the r wave results from intracortical pyramidal cell collateral activity. Though largest in the apparent region of origin of the pyramidal tract, the r wave also showed local maxima in the forepaw and hindpaw foci of somatosensory cortex. The somatosensory cortex was organized in a manner similar to other rodents, but an "association" area lacking topographical organization was found near the anterior pole of the hemispheres. In an allometric sense, the woodchuck was found to be a "normal" rodent and a "normal" mammal.

Dokhman G.I. 1968. Lesostep' Evropeïskoï tchasti SSSR [Forêt-steppe des prairies européennes de l'URSS. Steppe-forests in the meadows of the European part of USSR]. M., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Forêt, forest, URSS, USSR, botanique.

Dolbeer R.A., G.E. Bernhardt, T.W. Seamans & P.P. Woronecki 1991. Efficacity of two gas cartridge formulations in killing woodchucks in burrows [Efficacité de deux formules de gaz en cartouche pour éliminer les marmottes américaines dans leurs terriers]. Wildlife Soc. Bull., 19: 200-204.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éradication.

Dolinger Peter & Geser Silvia 2006. Animals, WAZA’s virtual zoo. Class Mammalia. Alpine marmot [Les animaux, le zoo virtuel de WAZA . Classe des mammifères. La marmotte alpine]. World Association of zoos and Aquariums, en ligne/on line accès/accessed Jan 19-2007, à/at;=Rodents%20and%20Hares&main;=virtualzoo
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota.

Domanienwski J. 1930. Sprawozdanie z prac nad ochronaprzyrody w Tatrach za czas od 1.10.1927 do 1.10.1930. [Bilan des études sur la protection de la nature dans les Tatras entre le 1.04.1927 et le 1.10.1930. A report from studies concerning nature protection in the Tatra Mountains from 1.04.1927 to 1.10.1930]. Ochr. Przyr., 10: 215-225.
En polonais, in Polish.
Marmota marmota, population, Tatra, Pologne.

Domaradskii I.V., Zhovtyi I.F., Kraminskii V.A., Nekipelov N.V. 1961. [Quelques résultats d'observation du foyer de peste du Transbaïkal. Some conclusions of observation of Transbaikal plague focus]. Dokl. Irkutsk. protivochum. in-ta, 2: 5-9.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Transbaïkal.

Donazar J.A. 1993. Los buitres ibéricos [Les vautours ibériques. The Iberian vultures]. In Biologia y conservation, J.M. Reyero, 256 p.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Gypaetus barbatus, Marmota marmota, prédation, predation.
Le gypaète barbu peut occasionnellement inclure la marmotte dans son régime alimentaire.

Donaldson Bridget M. 2005. Final report. The use of highway underpasses by large mammals in Virginia and factors influencing their effectiveness [Utilisation des passages souterrains des autoroutes par les grands mammifères en Virginie et les facteurs de leur efficacité]. Virginia Transportation Research Council.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, groundhog, wildlife crossings,passage souterrain autoroutier, highway underpasses, grands mammifères, large mammals, Odocoileus virginiatus, cerf de Virginie, white-tailed deer, Ursus americanus, ours noir américain, black bear, collision animal-voiture, animalvehicle collisions.
The rapid increase in animal-vehicle collisions on U.S. roadways is a growing concern in terms of human safety, property damage and injury costs, and viability of wildlife populations. Wildlife crossing structures are gaining national recognition by transportation agencies as effective measures to reduce animal-vehicle collisions and connect wildlife habitats across transportation corridors. In Virginia, white-tailed deer and black bear pose the highest risk. This 1-year study was conducted to monitor various underpass structures in Virginia to determine the structural and location attributes that make a crossing successful in terms of use by large mammals. The underpasses, most of which were not specifically designed as wildlife crossings, consist of box culverts and bridges of varying sizes. Remote cameras installed at seven underpass sites in Virginia have recorded more than 2,700 wildlife photographs and documented 1,107 white-tailed deer crossings in the most heavily used structures. Underpasses with a minimum height of 12 ft were successful at facilitating deer passage. Such structures were also heavily used by a variety of wildlife species, including coyote, red fox, raccoon, groundhog, and opossum. Structures with drainages that mimic natural waterways can encourage use by a diversity of terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and aquatic species. This report provides guidance in choosing cost-effective underpass design and location features that are necessary to consider to increase motorist safety and habitat connectivity. The findings also demonstrate that if only a minimal number of deer-vehicle collisions is prevented by an effective underpass, the savings in property damage alone can outweigh the construction costs of the structure.

Donnezan A. 1895. Grottes d'Estagel, 8 janvier 1894-21 janvier 1895 [Estagel Caves, 8 January 1894-21 January 1895]. Bull. Soc. agric. scient. et littér. des Pyr.-Or., 36 : 82-108.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Donoho, H.S., Riffel H.D. & Tulley R.J. 1978. Colorado small game, furbearer and varmint harvest 1977 [Prélevements de petit gibier, à fourrure et vermine du Colorado]. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver.
En anglais, in English.

Gibier, game, Colorado, EUA, USA.

Donskoi N.A. 1957. [Expérience de suppression du foyer de peste du Transbaïkal. Experiment on suppresion of Transbaikalian plague focus]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidem. osobo opasn. infek., Saratov, 107-109.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Transbaïkal.

Dontcheff L. & Kayser CH. 1935. La dépense d'énergie chez la marmotte en état d'hibernation [Energetic consumption of the hibernant marmot]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie, 119 : 565-568.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, hibernation.

Dontcheff L. & Kayser C. 1936. Échanges respiratoires de la marmotte à l'état de veille en fonction de la température [Respiratory exchanges of waking marmot according temperature]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie : 328-330.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, respiration.

Doran Alban H.G. 1878. Morphology of mammalian ossicula auditûs [Morphologie d'ossicula auditus des mammifères]. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 2: 371-497, pls. lviii-lxiv.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, morphologie, morphology.

Dore A. Clé de détermination, au stade végétatif, et description des caractères spécifiques des graminées [Determination key, at the vegetative stage, and description of the specific features of graminacideae]. Cemagref, Institut National d'études Rurales Montagnardes, 24 pp.
En français, in French.
Botanique, Graminées, Graminacideae, clé de détermination, determination key.

Dorogostajsky V.I. 1917. Tarbagan [La marmotte tarbagan. The Tarbagan marmot]. Okhotn. vesti, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

Dorney R.S. 1962. A survey of some Wisconsin Sciuridae with descriptions of three new species [Revue de quelques Sciuridae du Wisconsin avec les descriptions de trois nouvelles espèces]. Journal of Protozoology, 9: 258-261.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Wisconsin, Eimeria lateralis Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, Eimeria tamiasciuri Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, États-Unis d’Amérique, USA.

Dorney R.S. 1963. Coccidiosis-Incidence, epizootiology, in two Wisconsin Sciuridae [Coccidiose - fr™quence, épizootiologie chez deux Sciuridae du Wisconsin]. North American Wildlife Natural Resources Conference, 28: 207-215.
En anglais, in English.
Coccidiose, coccidiosis, Sciuridae, Wisconsin, Eimeria lateralis Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, Eimeria tamiasciuri Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, États-Unis d’Amérique, USA.

Dorney R.S. 1965. Eimeria tuscarorensis n. sp. (Protozooa: Eimeridae) and redescriptions of other coccidia of the woodchuck, Marmota monax [E. tuscarorensis n.sp. (Protozoa, Eimeridae) et redescriptions des autres coccidies de la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Protozool., 12 (3): 423-426.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, Coccidés, Coccidia, Protozoaires, Protozoa, Eimeria giganteos Wilber, Duszynski, Upton, Seville & Corliss, 1998, Eimeria lateralis Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, Eimeria morainensis Torbett, Marquardt & Carey, 1982, Eimeria os Crouch & Becker, 1931, Eimeria tamiasciuri Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957.

Doucet G.J., Sarrazin J-P. R. & Didier J.R. 1974. Use of highway overpass embankments by the woodchuck, Marmota monax [Utilisation des talus des ponts d’autoroute par la marmotte américaine, M. monax]. Canad. Field. Naturalist., 88 : 187-190.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, écologie, ecology.

Douglass Earl 1901. Fossil Mammalia of the White River beds of Montana [Fossiles de mammifères du lit de la White River]. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 2 : 237-279, 1 map, pl. lx.
En anglais, in English.

Paléontologie, paleontology.

Douglas G.H. & L.C. Bliss 1977. Alpine and high subalpine plant communities of the North Cascade range, Washington and Columbia [Communautés des plantes alpines et subalpines de la chaîne de North Cascade, Washington et Columbia]. Ecol. Monogr., 113-150.
En anglais, in English.
Plantes, plants, EUA, USA, Washington, Columbia.

Dourakis S., Karayiannis P., Goldin R., Taylor M., Monjardino J. & Thomas H.C. 1991. An in situ hybridization, molecular biological and immunohistochemical study of hepatitis delta virus in woodchucks. Hepatology, 14(3): 534-539.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus.
Academic Department of Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

The presence of hepatitis delta virus genomic RNA and hepatitis delta antigen was investigated in woodchuck liver and extrahepatic tissues by in situ hybridization using synthetic radiolabeled probes, Northern-blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining for hepatitis delta antigen. Hepatitis D virus RNA and hepatitis delta antigen were detected in the nuclei of infected hepatocytes but in none of the other tissues examined. Northern-blot analysis of total cell RNA confirmed these findings and revealed a series of hepatitis D virus transcripts, including full-length genomic RNA and dimers and trimers of hepatitis D virus RNA that may represent replicative intermediates. Use of single-stranded probes showed genome-size monomers and dimers to be both of genomic and antigenomic polarity, although dimers were found to be predominantly antigenomic. These findings document the strict hepatotropism of hepatitis D virus and support the rolling-circle model of genome replication for this unique, defective RNA virus

Dousset L. 1993. Etude sur un aspect de la représentation anthropomorphique de la marmotte alpine, la station verticale [Study of an aspect of the anthropomorphic representation of the Alpine marmot, the vertical position]. Actes 2e journée d'étude sur la Marmotte alpine, Lyon.
En français, in French.
Ethnozoologie, ethnozoology, Marmota marmota, France.

Dousset L. 1994. Une transformation structurale : Évolution du rapport homme-marmotte (Marmota marmota) dans les Alpes françaises. A structural transformation: the evolution of the relationship between people and marmot (Marmota marmota) in the French Alps. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 52-53.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, France.

Diverses transformations dans le rapport entre l'homme et la marmotte ont eu lieu ces dernières décennies dans les Alpes françaises. Alors que l'animal faisait, il y a encore une vingtaine d'années, parti du régime alimentaire des habitants locaux et était exploité pour sa graisse, il a aujourd'hui perdu une grande partie de sa valeur économique traditionnelle et est passé dans un autre type de rapport entre l'homme et les animaux. L'anthropologie structurale, notamment le modèle proposé par E. Leach qui mesure la distance sociale entre l'homme et l'animal en se basant sur les oppositions et analogies sémantiques, permet de dessiner cette évolution. Ainsi, d'après ce modèle, la marmotte est passée du type de relation "amitié/hostilité" au type de relation "métaphore", ce qui, consciemment ou inconsciemment, la charge de tabous alimentaires (baisse de la consommation) et sexuels (allusions sexuelles formulées à travers l'animal. En d'autres termes, alors que la marmotte était intégrée dans les pratiques sociales, elle en est aujourd'hui, dans certains cas, le moteur. Ce passage a, dans les Alpes françaises, essentiellement été produit par le développement du toursime, nouvelle source économique, et l'utilisation consécutive de la marmotte comme identificateur du milieu alpin. L'anthropomorphisation est un des indices de cette nouvelle exploitation économique de l'animal. La présence parall`le de "l'ancienne", notamment chez les agriculteurs et les chasseurs, et de la "nouvelle" conception des visiteurs et habitants exploitant le tourisme, est à l'origine de conflits dans lesquels la marmotte joue le rôle de médiateur, mais aussi de bouc émissaire. Alors que chasseurs et agriculteurs se plaignent des soi-disant dégâts que causent les marmottes dans les prés de fauche et les chalets d'alpage, les autres catégories infirment ces dégâts et, au contraire, valorisent l'animal en le déclarant indissociable de leur environnement. Ces types de relations contradictoires entre homme et marmotte au sein d'une même communauté sont, en fait, plutôt l'indice d'un conflit autour du développement économique et de la conception du futur qu'un conflit autour de la marmotte.
Various transformations in the relationship between man and the marmot have taken place during the last decades in the french Alps. While the animal was, some twenty years ago, part of the local food diet and exploited for its grease, it has, nowadays, mostly lost its traditional value and passed, with the touristic development, into another type of relationship between man and the animal. Structural anthropology enables to show this evolution. So, the marmot has passed from a relationship of ³friendship/hostility² into a relationship of the ³metaphor-type², what charges the animal with food and sexual taboos expressed through sexual allusions incorporated in anthropomorphic representation and literature. While the first type of relationship is found among farmers and hunters, the second one concerns tourists and local habitants living on tourism. While the first ones are complaining about damages caused by the marmot, the second ones do not confirm these damages and enhance the general value of the animal. Fieldwork shows that the conflict between this two types of relationship is more a conflict about the future economic development than about the marmot itself.

Dousset L.A. 1996. Une transformation structurale : évolution du rapport homme-marmotte (Marmota marmota) dans les Alpes françaises. A structural transformation: the evolution of the relationship between people and marmot (Marmota marmota) in the French Alps. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes / Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 29-36.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, France, Alpes.

Diverses transformations dans le rapport entre homme / marmotte ont eu lieu ces dernières décennies dans les Alpes françaises. Alors que l'animal faisait partie, il y a une vingtaine d'années, du régime alimentaire des habitants locaux et était exploité pour sa graisse, il a aujourd'hui perdu une grande partie de sa valeur économique traditionnelle et est passé dans un autre type de rapport. L'anthropologie structurale permet de dessiner cette évolution. Ainsi, la marmotte est passée d'une relation "amitié/hostilité" au type de relation "métaphore", ce qui la charge de tabous alimentaires et sexuels. Alors que la marmotte était intégrée dans les pratiques sociales, elle en est aujourd'hui, dans certains cas, le moteur. Ce passage a été produit par le développement du tourisme et l'utilisation consécutive de la marmotte comme identificateur du milieu alpin. Alors que chasseurs et agriculteurs se plaignent des dégâts que causent les marmottes, les autres catégories infirment ces dégâts et, au contraire, valorisent l'animal en le déclarant indissociable de leur environnement. Ces types de relations contradictoires entre l'homme et marmotte au sein d'une même communauté sont plutôt l'indice d'un conflit sur le futur économique qu'autour de la marmotte.
Various transformations in the relationship between man and the marmot have taken place during the last decades in the French Alps. While the animal was, some twenty years ago, part of the local food diet and exploited for its grease, it has, nowadays, mostly lost its traditional value and related to the touristic development, passed into another type of relationship between man and animal. Structural anthropology enables to show this evolution. So, the marmot has shifted from a relationship of “friendship/hostility” into a relationship of the “metaphor-type”, which charges the animal with food and sexual taboos expressed through sexual allusions incorporated in anthropomorphic representation and literature. While the first type of relationship is found among farmers and hunters, the second one concerns tourists and local inhabitants living on tourism. While the first ones are complaining about damages caused by the marmot, the second ones do not confirm these damages and enhance the general value of the animal. Fieldwork shows that the conflict between this two types of relationship is more a conflict about the future economic development than about the marmot itself.

Doutt J.K., Heppenstall C.A. & Guilday J.E. 1977. Mammals of Pennsylvania [Mammifères de Pennsylvanie]. Penn. Game Comm., Harrisburg, Penn:282.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune ou américaine, Etats-unis d'Amérique, USA, Pennsylvania, Tennessee.

Dovganitch Ya. E. 1993. O vosstanovlenii areala al'piiskogo sourka v ukrainskixh karpataxh [A propos de l'augmentation de l'aire de la marmotte alpine dans les Carpates Ukrainiennes. On the range increase of the Alpine marmot in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota marmota, distribution, Carpates, Carpatians, Ukraine.

Durant le Pléistocène, M. marmota occupait d'importants territoires en Europe centrale et descendait jusqu'aux plaines. Plus tard, son aire s'est trouvée brutalement réduite. Il y a quelques dizaines de milliers d'années, se sont formées deux populations distinctes de cette espèce : M. m. marmota et M. m. latirostris de Kratochvil (Carpathes). La population relicte de la variété des Carpathes s'est maintenue jusqu'à nos jours dans les Hauts Tatras (Slovaquie). Dans la Réserve de la Biosphère des Carpathes, après le transfert vers celle-ci (l'incorporation) de secteurs de plaines montagneuses, on s'est rendu compte qu'il était possible d'y réintroduire cette espèce qui en avait disparu depuis ces dernières 100 années (depuis le siècle dernier). Le Parc National des Tatras a donné son accord pour l'octroi à la partie ukrainienne du matériel pour la réintroduction. Un accord a été signé entre le Parc National des Tatras et la Réserve de la Biosphère des Carpathes sur l'exécution commune de cette mesure. Grâce aux efforts des spécialistes slovaques et ukrainiens, le territoire de la Réserve des Carpathes a été exploré, les sites d'une possible réintroduction ont été relevés et le plan d';exécution du travaila été établi, réparti sur 4 années. La première partie, composée de 3 individus (tous mâles) a été amenée dans la Réserve des Carpathes en aôut 1991. La seconde partie (des femelles) n'a pas pu âtre fournie cette année là pour des raisons techniques. Les mâles introduits se sont maintenus près de 2 semaines sur le lieu de lâcher, puis ont émigré quelque part, sortant du contrôle des observateurs. Malgré un début malheureux, il a été proposé de poursuivre les travaux de réintroduction de M. marmota dans les Carpathes ukrainiennes. Pour le déroulement de la réintroduction, la Réserve impose quelques principes fondamentaux : 1. les individus que l'on réintroduit doivent âtre génétiquement proches des individus de la population autochtone disparue (on doit utiliser la mâme variété) ; 2. sur le site de réintroduction, doivent se trouver toutes les conditions indispensables à l'existence de l'espèce considérée (ces lieux ont été trouvés) ; 3. sur ce site, doivent âtre écartés les facteurs ayant causé en leur temps la disparition de l'espèce considérée (cela est garanti par un régime de réserve) ; 4. le nombre et l'assortiment des individus transférés doivent âtre suffisants pour la formation d'une structure de population, indispensable au maintien des animaux réintroduits (la partie slovaque est prâte à assurer l'exécution de cette condition).

Downhower J.F. 1968. Factors affecting the dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)) [Facteurs affectant la dispersion des jeunes d’un an chez les marmottes à ventre jaune (Marmota flaviventris)]. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, 161p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, dispersion, dispersal.

Downhower J.F. & Armitage K.B. 1971. The yellow-bellied marmot and the evolution of polygamy [La marmotte à ventre jaune et l'évolution de la polygamie]. Amer. Nat., 105 : 355-370.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, reproduction, évolution, evolution.

We have elaborated a model describing the development of polygynous mating systems. The bases of the model are measures of fertility and survival of adult females and their offspring, respectively, as functions of increasing harem size. Our data indicate that an adult female makes her greatest contribution to the next generation (is most fit) when she is monogamous. A second curve describing the fitness of the harem master with increasing harem size indicates that he is maximally fit when he maintains a harem of two or three females. Consideration of the optimal mating system for each sex leads to predictions concerning the types of behavior that would allow each sex to realize its optimal mating system. Females should react agressessively toward other females and solicit the attentions of the male. The aggressive behavior of the female should be linked with her reproductive state. Pregnant females will be more agressive than nonpregnant females. The male, on the other hand, should actively recruit females and act to pacify interactions between females. These expectations are realized in marmots and a number of avian species. The reproductive success of females in the Gothie area is affected by the availability of food during gestation. When the growing season is early, more young are produced. In those years however the mean harem size is smaller, apparently due to increased aggression among adult females. The different reproductive strategies of males and females, and the influence of food availability on those strategies, lead to the prediction that bigamous matings should be the commonest mating type. This prediction is verified by our field data. It should be noted that bigamy is disadvantageous, relatively, to both males and females. A general formulation of optimal harem size based on the fitness of a male and the females in his harem is given. Large harems are expected to be variable and aggression among females should be reduced. Observations on pinnipeds support these predictions. Small harems would appear to be more stable. Consequently, behavior that would lead to pair formation and main tenance are expected. Pair bonding in monogamous species of birds is ia keeping with this prediction. When the optimal harem size is small, transient perturbations have effects opposite to those expected on a long term basis. The effect of food abundance on marmots at Gothie is a decrease in mean harem size.

Downhower J.F. & Armitage K.B. 1981. Dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Dispersion des jeunes d’un-an chez la marmotte à ventre jaune]. Anim. Behav., 29 (4) : 1064-1069.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, dispersion, dispersal, Colorado, EUA, USA.

Etude sur le terrain de l'organisation sociale de M. flaviventris, au voisinage de Gothie, Colorado, en 1962. On note des différences sexuelles de la dispersion qu'un modèle pemet de lier à une tactique maternelle de reproduction et à une réponse des jeunes de l'année dans le sens d'une maximisation de leur propre fitness. Field studiesn of the social organization of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)in the vicinity of Gothic,Colorado, were initiated in1962. Data collected during the subsequent 14 years are sufficient to analyse the behaviours that correlate with the time yearling male and yearling female marmots leave their natal home sites. Dispersal of yearling male yellow-bellied marmots was delayed when there were many yearling males in a harem, when yearling males were underweight, and when the rates of amicable interaction between yearling males and adults were high. Dispersal of yearling females was delayed when adults behaved amicably toward them and when the rates of adult aggression were low. Dispersal of yearling females was independent of the number of females in a harem. These observations are in accord with a model of dispersal that relates sexual differences in dispersal to maternal reproductive tactics, and to responses of yearling that would maximize their own fitness.

Downhower J.F. & Pauley J.D. 1970. Automated recordings of body temperature from free-ranging yellow-bellied marmots [Enregistrement automatique de la température corporelle chez les marmottes à ventre jaune, libres de leur mouvement]. J. Wild. Manage., 34 : 639-641.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, méthodologie, methodology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Doyon C., Trudeau V.L., Hibbert B.M., Howes L.A. & Moon T.W. 2003. mRNA analysis in flattened fauna: obtaining genesequence information from road-kill and game-hunting samples. Canadian journal of zoology, 81 (4) : 692-698.
En anglais et résumé français, in English and French abstract.
Fauna, Faune, Mortality, Mortlité, Highway, route, Game, Gibier, Hunting, Chasse, Animalpopulation, population animale, Population genetics, Génétique des populations, Rodentia, Artiodactyla, Fissipedia,Canada.

Notre étude a pour but de démontrer qu'il est possible d'acquérir des informations géniques à partir d'ARNm provenant d'échantillons d'animaux écrasés sur la route ou tués par des chasseurs. Des tissus adipeux ont été utilisés pour obtenir des fragments d'ADNc de l'hormone leptine et des tissus du cerveau pour obtenir l'enzyme acide glutamique decarboxylase (GAD). Des tissus d'animaux écrases ont servi à cloner la leptine à partir d'ARN de raton laveur (Procyon lotor) et de marmotte (Marmota monax). Nous avons réussi à extraire de l'ARN et cloner GAD67 à partir d'échantillons de musaraignes cendrées (Sorex cinereus) dont l'heure de décès était inconnue. Des chasseurs nous ont fourni des tissus a partir desquels nous avons cloné la leptine et des isoformes de GAD du castor (Castor canadensis), de l'écureuil roux (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), de l'ours noir (Ursus americanus) et de l'orignal (Alces alces americana). Des analyses de phylogénétique moléculaire ont confirmé que les séquences obtenues ne résultaient pas d'une contamination. Une analyse temporelle a démontré que même 24 h après leur mort, il restait suffisamment d'ARNm chez des rats pour amplifier la leptine à partir de leurs tissus adipeux. Ces résultats laissent croire que des échantillons prélevés sur des animaux écrasés sur les routes ou tués par des chasseurs peuvent être des sources valables d'information génique.

Dragesco Eric 1976. Das Alpen-Murmeltier : bekannt und doch voller Geheimnisse. Alpen, 12 : 51-53.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Dragesco Eric 1976. La marmotte des Alpes. Alpes, 12 : 51-53.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Dreux P. 1962. Recherches écologiques et biogéographiques sur les Orthoptères des Alpes françaises [Ecologic and biogeographic research on the Orthopterans in the French Alps]. Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool., 12(3): 323-766.
En français, in French.
Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, biogéographie, biogeography, Alpes, Alps, France.

Dreux P. 1970. Catalogue des Orthoptéroïdes du Parc National de la Vanoise [Catalog of the Orthopterans in the Vanoise National Park]. Trav. Scient. Parc Nat. Vanoise, 1 : 75-118.
En français, in French.
Insectes, entomologie, entomology, Savoie.

Dreux P. & Geguen A. 1982. Catalogue des Orthoptéroïdes du Parc National des Ecrins. II: Acridiens [Catalog of the Orthopterans in the Ecrins national Park. II. Acrididae]. Trav. Scient. Parc. Nat. des Ecrins, 2: 125-145.
En français, in French.
Insectes, insects, entomologie, entomology, Hautes-Alpes, France.

Drickamer L.C. 1981. Pheromones, social influences and population regulation in rodents [Phéromones, influences sociales et régulation des populations de rongeurs]. In Environmental factors in mammalian reproduction, D. Gilmore and B. Cooks eds., MacMillian Publ. London, 100-111.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, communication, olfaction, population.

Driscoll K., Hall K. & Boelhouwers J. 1999. Animals as erosion agents in the alpine zone: some observations from the Canadian Rocky Mountains [Les animaux comme agents d'érosion de la zone alpine : quelques observations sur les montagnes Rocheuses du Canada]. Program and Abstracts. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Okanagan University College, Kelowna, British Columbia.
En anglais, in English.

Animals can exert a very strong impact on erosion and sediment transport in the alpine zone. Although this zone is recognized for its abundance of animals, little has been done regarding the role of those animals in landscape evolution and sediment development. Animals not only exert a direct influence through their burrowing and digging for food, but indirectly by opening the ground to climatic and geomorphic influences. As the alpine zone is subject to freezing, frost action and snow melt, so exposed sediments and/or the availability of drainage through burrows can have a marked effect on sediment transport and slopes. Our study focused on the effects of grizzlies, marmots, ground squirrels, moles and voles. Fourteen 5X5 m quadrats were examined in an alpine zone of the Rocky Mountains 150 km east of Prince George, BC. Four grizzly excavations also were examined. We found that grizzlies had the greatest average erosional impact moving of 0.00178 m3 of material, covering an area of 213 cm2 to a depth of 9.25 cm. Rodent diggings accounted for 0.3395 m3 of sediment moved, though variation between quadrats was high. Materials displaced from the rodent burrows tended to be reincorporated into the soil matrix downslope of the entrances. Conservatively, we estimate that sediment removal by rodents in this area is 200 m3/km2/yr. These preliminary findings are presented in an attempt to exemplify the various and interrelated effects of animals, climate and geomorphic process for the alpine zone.

Driver J.C. 1985. Zooarcheology of six prehistoric sites in the Sierra Blanca region, New Mexico [Zooarchéologie de six sites préhistoriques de la région de Sierra Blanca, New Mexico]. Museum of anthropology, university of Michigan, Technical reports, 17.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, New Mexico, EUA, USA.

Drobot B.A., Sotnikova A.N. & A.Z. Feoktistov 1975. [Résultats de l’étude sérologique des ectoparasites dans les foyers naturels de peste du Touva et de Sailyugem. The results of a serological investigation of ectoparasites in natural plague foci of Tuva and Sailyugem. In Safonova ed., Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague, II: 115-116.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, parasitologie, parasitology, Russie, Russia.

Drouais François-Herbert 1758. Le comte et le chevalier de Choiseul en savoyards [Le Comte and Chevalier de Choiseul as Savoyards]. Huile sur toile, The Frick Collection, New York.
Marmotte, marmot, iconographie, iconography, peintre, painter, oil on canvas, XVIIe, Drouais 1727-1775.

Druce George C. 1923. An account of the Murmhkolewn or Ant-Lion [Compte-rendu sur les Murmhkolewn ou les fourmi-lions]. The Antiquaries Journal (Society of Antiquaries of London), 3(4) : 347-364.
En anglais, in English.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, marmottes, gold ant.
Extrait/extract pdf

Drucker D., Bocherens H., Mariotti A., Lévêque F., Vandermeersch B. & Guadelli J. L. Conservation des signatures isotopiques du collagène d'os et de dents du Pléistocène Supérieur (Saint-Césaire, France) : implications pour les reconstitutions des régimes alimentaires des Néandertaliens. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, dent, tooth, os, bone, France.

Drucker P. 1950. Culture element distributions. XXVI Northwest coast [Distributions des éléments culturels. XXVI. Côte nord-ouest]. Anthropological Records, 9(3): 1-294.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, fourrure, fur.
Speaking of the Northwest Coast he noted "The marmot (presumably hoary marmot) ...furnished a light but finely furred pelt, prized troughout the area for clothing. In days before European blankets, these hides were one of the chief articles used in potlactches. Marmot were plentiful in many localities in the higher mountains. The grounds were usually privately owned, and huts or cabins were built on them. The hunters with their families went up in the fall when fur had set but before time for the marmot to hibernate. The season was a short but rich one, for the animals were easy to catch, and the hunting parties came out with quantities of valuable furs." The primary technique for catching the hoary marmot was deadfall traps set directly in front of the burrows. The deadfalls were a smaller version of those used for bear, with a log weight supported by a lever arm held by a trigger. The Tinglit had a special carved trigger for the traps. On the northern caost of British Columbia, wealth was directly measured in hoary marmot skins among the Tlingit and the Gitksan of the upper Sleena River. He noted "Skins of the whistling marmot were regarded as very valuable, particularly maong Tlingit, Hiad, Tsimshian, and the northern Kwakiult divisions.It seems that anciently a robe made by seewing sea-otter robe". To the Kispiox Gitksan, September was the "marmot hunting moon" when marmots were hunted on the uper Skeena River. The Opetchesaht of the Port Albetini area hunted marmots with deadfalls.

Drucker P. 1955. Indians of the northwest coast [Indiens de la côte nord-ouest]. MacGraw-Hill for the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, 208 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, fourrure, fur.

Druzinsky R.E. 1995. Incisal biting in the mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa) and woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Morsure par les incisives chez le castor de montagne et la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Morphol., 226(1): 79-101.
En anglais, in English.
Aplodontia rufa, Marmota monax, incisives, incisors.

Analysis of synchronously recorded cine-radiographs and electromyograms in two rodents (Aplodontia rufa and Marmota monax) demonstrates that jaw movements and muscle activities during incisal functions are distinctly different from those found during mastication. Movements during incisal biting are primarily along the midline, accompanied by symmetrical activity of the jaw adductor muscles. Most biting cycles do not end in contact between upper and lower incisors. When contact does occur, the lower incisors are dragged along the lingual surfaces of the upper incisors. Cropping, or tip-to-tip occlusion of upper and lower incisors, was not observed. Sharpening of the lower incisors, a behavior which may be unique to the Rodentia, was recorded in both A. rufa and M. monax. During sharpening, the lingual surface of the lower incisor is dragged across the tip of the upper incisor producing a lingual wear facet. Like incisal biting, sharpening movements are primarily confined to the midline, although there may be lateral movements in some sharpening cycles. Sharpening cycles are among the most rapid cyclic movements recorded in mammals, as the mean frequencies of sharpening are 11 cycles/s in A. rufa and 8 cycles/s in M. monax.

Dryander Jona 1796. Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks. Tomus II, Zoologi, Bulmer et soc., Londoni.
Marmota marmota.
Extrait/extract pdf

D'Ugo E., Paroli M., Palmieri G., Giuseppetti R., Argentini C., Tritarelli E., Bruni R., Barnaba V., Houghton M. & Rapicetta M. 2004. Immunization of woodchucks with adjuvanted sHDAg (p24): immune response and outcome following challenge. Vaccine, 22(3-4): 457-466.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, immunologie, immunology.
The immunogenicity and the protection induced by an hepatitis delta virus (HDV) vaccine consisting of the small nucleoprotein (HDAg) (p24) and adjuvanted with MF59 or Freund's adjuvant (FA) were evaluated in woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and challenged with hepatitis delta virus. Humoral and T-cell-mediated responses to HDAg were measured. Anti-HD antibodies appeared earlier in the FA/p24 animals. After challenge, all MF59/p24 vaccinated animals showed a response to HDAg-derived peptides, compared to two of the five FA/p24 animals and one of the control animals. Serum HDV-RNA peak values and persistence were considerably reduced in immunized animals, in comparison to controls. Furthermore, HDV-RNA was absent in autopsy liver tissues of 50% of the MF59/p24 animals, whereas high levels were present in all of the FA/p24 animals and controls. Histological liver analysis performed before and after challenge revealed the presence of acute hepatitis-like lesions only in the controls. Overall, the results suggest that the MF59/p24 vaccine better controls the infection in terms of viral replication and survival.

Du Laurens Henri-Joseph 1899. Imirce ou La fille de la nature. Flammarion, Paris. Numérisation BnF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, coiffure, headdress, Savoie, Savoy.
Extrait/extract pdf

Dubalen 1880. Découverte d’une grotte préhistorique dans le département des Landes [Discovery of a prehistoric cave in the Landes department]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 91 : 893-894.
En français, in French.
Moustierien, niveau supérieur, upper level, cheval, horse, renne, reindeer, bœuf, ox, cerf, loup, wolf, chèvre, goat, renard, fox, blaireau, badger, rongeurs, rodents, dent humaine, human tooth, niveau inférieur, lower level, hyène, hyena, cheval, horse, bœuf, ox, mammouth, mammuth, rhinocéros, rhinoceros, grand chat, big cat, petit ours, small bear.

Dubeux Louis & Valmont V. 1848. Tartarie, Béloutchistan, Boutan et Népal [Taratary, Baluchistan, Butan, and Nepal]. Paris, Firmin-Didot frères, Num. BNF, 388p.
En français, in French.
Voyage, travel, ethnologie, ethnology, faune, fauna, Asie centrale, Central Asia, Dubeux Louis (1798-1863).
Extrait/extract pdf

Dubinin V.B. 1945. Osobennosti linki kozhnykh pokrovov ou zabaïkalskogo sourka - tarbagana [Particularités de la mue chez la marmotte tarbagan du Transbaïkal. Details about molt in the Tarbagan marmot of the cis-baikal]. Priroda, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, mue, molt.

Dubinin V.B. 1948. Troudy Voenno-Meditsinkoi Akademii, 64 : 87-101.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, parasitologie, parasitology, hibernation, nématodes, nematodes.
L'infestation d'un individu par 75 à 400 Ascaris tarbagan retarde la croissance et limite l'accumulation des réserves lipidiques, ce qui peut entraîner la mort de l'individu au cours de l'hibernation.

Dubinin V.B. 1949. Ptitshy daurskoï stepi iikh rol v rasprostranenii blokh [Les oiseaux des steppes du Daourski et leur rôle dans la dissémination des puces. Birds of the Daurski steppes and their influence on the flee spreading]. Izv. Irkout. Nautchno-issled. protivotchoumi. in-ta sibiri dalnego Vostoka, 7 : 237-253.
En russe, in Russian.
Oiseaux, birds, Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, distribution.

Dubinin V.B. & Dubinina M.I. 1951. Parazitofauna mlekopitaiushikh daurskoï stepi [Parasitofaune des mammifères des steppes de Daourski. Mammals parasitofauna in the Daurski steppes]. In Fauna i ekologiya grysounov, Mat-ly po gryzounam, 4, M. Izv. Moip, 98-156.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Rodentia, parasitologie, parasitology.

Dubinin V.B. & Leshkovitch L.I. 1945. Jirovye rezervy tarbaganov i ikh zarazhennosty askaridami pered vpadeniem v spyatchkou [Les réserves de graisse de M. sibirica et leur infestation par l'Ascaris avant l'hibernation. Fatty reserves of the Tarbagan marmot and their infestation by the Ascaris before hibernation]. Zool. zh., 24 (6) : 373-379.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

Dubois A. & Stehlin H.G. 1932. La grotte de Colencher, station moustérienne [The Colencher cave, Mousterian station]. 1ère partie, Mém. Soc. paléontol. Suisse, TLIII, p. 84, 88, 105, pl. 7, fig. 13-14.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, palontology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Dubois C., Rabeil T., Garcia-Gonzalez & Le berre M. 2005. Study of an alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) population in the valley of Aisa (Aragon, Spain) focused on its habitat and its social impact. Izoutchenie mestoobitaniï i sotsial'nykh vzaimodeïstviï v popoulyatsii alpiïskogo sourka (Marmota marmota) v doline Aïsy (Aragon, Ispaniya). [Étude d'une population de marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) de la vallée d'Aisa (Aragon, Espagne)]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 48-49.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota marmota, Aragon, Espagne, Spain.

Within the framework of the integrated wildlife management, we wanted to know what could be the ecological affinities of the alpine marmot and its social impact after 50 years of colonisation in the Pyrenees (Couturier, 1955). ln the Aisa Valley, marmots occupy the sub-alpine and the alpine level widely maintained open thanks to the pasture activities. We postulated that the interactions man-animal will occur and thus, to prevent exactions, the analysis of the perception of the marmot by the local people is primordial. Accordingly, we needed to emphasize the different factors of settlement in this valley by using tools of geography as remote sensing and GIS ( Geographic Information System) to be able to predict the areas of conflict with human activities as it occurs in the Alps.The localization of the main burrow has been analysed in relation with the ecological factors usually cited in the literature (Rabeil et al., 2002; Frigerio et al., 1996). ln addition of the GIS treatments, statistic tests (Chi2 test with Bonferroni correction) have been used to highlight the explainable factors of distribution and to establish a typology of the habitat selected. Finally, interviews were carried out among different categories of inhabitants of the valley to evaluate the social impact of the rodent. In conclusion, by having taken into account different kind of data (ecological and social) we were able to establish the basis of a sustainable management of space (Blanco & Cortès, 2002).

Russian pdf russe.

Dubois G. 1925. Rongeurs caractéristiques des différents étages du Quaternaire de l'Europe occidentale [Typical rodents of the various quaternary layers of the Western Europe]. Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord Lille, 50(2) : 115-118.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Europe, Europa.

Dubois G. 1944. Sur le Souslik des gisements quaternaires d'Auvergne [On the suslik of the quaternary deposits in Auvergne]. Rev. Sc. Nat. Auvergne, N.S., 10 : 4-37. p. 30.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Dubois J.B. 1778. Observations sur le Bobac de Pologne et histoire de ce quadrupède (Arctomys bobac) [Observations on the Bobac of Poland and history of this quadrupeds]. Hist. et mém. Acad. Berlin, 57-66.
En français, in French.
Marmota bobac, Histoire, history, Arctomys bobac, Pologne, Poland.

Dubois Raphaël 1888a. Sur le mécanisme respiratoire chez la marmotte pendant le sommeil hibernal et pendant le sommeil anesthésique [On the respiratory mechanism in the marmot during hibernation and the anaesthetic sleep]. C.R. Soc. biol., 40.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, respiration, hibernation, Dubois, Raphaël (1849-193.?)..

Dubois R. 1888b. Contribution à l'étude physiologique de l'hivernation [Contribution to the physiologic study of hibernation]. C.R. Soc. biol., 1, sér. 9 : 205.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1888c. Le sommeil hibernal est-il le résultat d'une auto-intoxication physiologique? [Is hibernation the result of a physiologic auto-intoxication?]. C.R. Soc. biol., I, sér. 9 : 260.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1888d. Sur le mécanisme respiratoire chez la marmotte pendant le sommeil hivernal et pendant le sommeil anesthésique [On the respiratory mechanism in the marmot during the winter sleep and the the anesthesic sleep]. Comptes rendus de la société de Biologie, 22 décembre. In revue des travaux scientifiques, 1889 : 642.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, respiration, sommeil, sleep, marmotte, Marmota marmota.

Dubois R. 1889a. De la ventilation pulmonaire chez les hibernants [On the pulmonary ventilation in hibernants]. C.R. Soc. biol., I, sér. 9 : 280.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, respiration.

Dubois R. 1889b. Sur le mécanisme du réveil chez les animaux hibernants [On the waking mechanism in hibernating animals]. C. R. Soc. biol., 109 (22) : 820.
En français, in French.

Dubois R. 1889c. Sur le mécanisme du réveil chez les animaux hibernants. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1890 : 156.
En français, in French.

Marmotte, Marmota marmota, marmot, réflexe recto-vésical, rectovesical reflex.

Dubois R. 1893a. De l'influence du système nerveux central sur le mécanisme de la calorification chez les Mammifères hibernants [About the influence of the Central Nervous System on the calorification mechanism in hibernating mammals]. Soc. biol., 11 février.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, système nerveux, nervous system.

Dubois R. 1893b. Sur la physiologie comparée de la thermogenèse [About the compared physiology of thermogenesis]. Soc. biol., 18 février.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation.

Dubois R. 1893c. Sur l'influence comparée de la section de la moelle et de sa destruction sur la calorification chez le lapin ; et sur le réchauffement automatique de la Marmotte dans ses rapports avec le tonus musculaire [On the compared influence of the medulla cutting and of its destruction on the calorification in the rabbit; and on the automatic warming up of the marmot in relation with the muscular tonus]. Soc. biol., 25 février.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1893d. Sur le mécanisme de la thermogenèse chez les hivernants [On the thermogenesis mechanism in hibernants]. Cong. Avancement des sciences, Besançon.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1893e. Influence du foie sur le réchauffement automatique de la Marmotte [Liver influence on the automatic reheating of the marmot]. Soc. biol., 4 mars.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, foie, liver.

Dubois R. 1894a. Sur le mécanisme de la thermogenèse, et principalement sur le rôle de la veine porte [On the thermogenesis mechanism, and mainly on the portal vein influence]. Soc. biol., 20 janvier.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1894b. De l'influence de l'eau contenue dans l'organisme de l'hivernant sur les phénomènes de la thermogenèse [Influence of the organism water of the hibernating animal on the thermogenesis phenomena]. Soc. biol., 27 janvier.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregultion, eau, water.

Dubois R. 1894c. Sur l'influence du système nerveux central sur le mécanisme de la calorifiaction chez les Mammifères hibernants [On the effect of the Central Nervous system upon the calorification mechanism in Hibernating mammals]. Soc. biol., 11 février.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, système nerveux, nervopus system.

Dubois R. 1894d. Sur la physiologie comparée de la thermogénèse [About the compared physiology of thermogenesis]. Soc. biol., 18 février.
En français, in French.
Thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1894e. Sur le frisson musculaire chez l'hivernant qui se réchauffe automatiquement [About the muscular shiver in the hibernating animal which warm up automatically]. Soc. biol., 10 février.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1894f. Sur l'influence du système nerveux abdominal et des muscles thoraciques sur le réchauffement de la Marmotte [On the influence of the abdominal nervous system and thoracic muscles on the reheating of the marmot]. Soc. biol., 24 février.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, système nerveux, nervous system.

Dubois R. 1894g. Sur l'influence des centres nerveux sur la thermogénèse [On the influence of the nervous centres on thermogenesis]. Soc. biol., 8 décembre.
En français, in French.
Thermorégulation, thermoregulation, système nerveux, nervous system.

Dubois R. 1894h. Variations du glycogène du foie, du sucre du sang et du foie dans l'état de veille et dans l'état de torpeur chez la marmotte et de l'influence des nerfs pneumogastriques et sympathiques sur le sucre du foie et du sang pendant le passage de la torpeur à l'état de veille [Change of liver glycogene, of blood sugar and of liver in waking and in torpor in marmot and influence of the pneumogastric and sympathic nerves on the sugar of the liver and of the blood from torpor through waking]. Soc. biol., 10 mars.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, foie, liver, sang, blood, veille, wakeness, torpeur, torpor.

Dubois R. 1894i. Variations du glycogène du foie et du sucre du sang et du foie, dans l'état de veille et dans l'état de torpeur chez la marmotte et de l'influence des nerfs pneumogastriques et sympathiques sur le sucre du sang et du foie, pendant le passage de la torpeur à l'état de veille [Changes of the liver glycogen and of the blood and liver sugar, in the waking and torpor states of the marmot and influence of the pneumogastric and sympathetic nerves on the blood and liver sugar, during the transition from torpor to waking]. C. R. des séances et mémoires de la Soci. Biol., 1 : 219-220.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, sucre, suger, foie, liver, sang, blood.

Dubois R. 1894j Variations des gaz du sang chez la marmotte pendant l'hibernation, en état de veille et en état de torpeur [Changes of the blood gas in the marmot during hibernation, in wakening state and torpor state]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie, 1 : 821-822.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, sang, blood.

Dubois R. 1894h. Autonarcose carbonicacétonémique ou sommeil hibernal de la marmotte [Carboniacetonemia autonarcosis or hibernation of the marmot]. Société de Biologie, séance du 22 décembre 1894: 149-151.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1895a. Autonarcose carbonico-acétonémique ou sommeil hibernal de la marmotte [Carboniacetonemia autonarcosis or hibernation of the marmot]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Soc. biol., 3 mars, 120 : 458-460.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.
On a fait beaucoup d'hypothèses plus ou moins ingénieuses sur le mécanisme du sommeil physiologique, mais les faits expérimentaux font généralement défaut et les seules indications scientifiques, que nous possédons, ont été fournies par les cas de sommeil pathologique suivi de mort. Les recherches que je poursuis depuis plusieurs années sur le mécanisme du sommeil hivernal chez les mammifères permettent d'admettre que celui-ci ne diffère du sommeil ordinaire que par sa durée plus prolongée avec état d'hypnose et d'hypothermie beaucoup plus accentué. J'ai recherché en vain par les procédés ordinaires la présence de toxines, de toxalbumines et de principes analogues somnifères dans l'organisme et dans les excrétions des marmottes en hivernation, mais l'analyse des gaz du sang (1) m'a donné des résultats très importants au point de vue de l'explication du sommeil et de l'hypothermie des mammifères hivernants.

Dubois R. 1895b. Influence du cerveau moyen sur le glycogène, chez l'hivernant [Influence of the middle brain on the glycogen, in the hibernating animal]. Cong. Association fr. pour avancement des sciences, Bordeaux.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, système nerveux, nervous system, sucre, sugar.

Dubois R. 1895c. À propos d'une objection de M. Léo de Errera, de Bruxelles, à ma théorie du sommeil par autonarcose carbonique [About an objection of Mr. Léo de Errera, Brussels, to my theory of the sleep by carbonic autonarcosis]. Soc. biol., 14 décembre.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1895d. Sur le mécanisme de l'autonarcose carbonique [On the carbonic autonarcosis mechanism]. Soc. biol., 21 décembre.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1896a. Physiologie comparée de la marmotte. Etude sur le mécanisme de la thermogénèse et du sommeil chez les mammifères [Compared physiology of the marmot. Study on the thermogenesis and sleep mechanism in mammals]. Annales de l'Université de Lyon, 25 : 1-268.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, hibernation.
Publication électronique, electronic publication

Dubois R. 1896b. Physiologie comparée de la marmotte [Compared physiology of the marmot]. Masson, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation

Dubois R. 1898a. Sur le sens de la direction pendant le sommeil [About the direction sense during the sleep]. Ann. Soc. Linnéenne de Lyon, 45: 81-82.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation

Dubois R. 1898b. Sur l'augmentation de poids des animaux soumis au jeûne absolu [About weight increase in animal subjected to absolute fast]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 45 : 101-103.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, masse, weight, lipides, lipids, glucides, glucids, jeûne, fasting.

Dubois R. 1899a. Boll. Acad. Ferrara, 72 (2).

Dubois R. 1899b. Nouvelles recherches sur le rythme respiratoire de la marmotte en état de torpeur hivernale [New research on the respiratory rhythm of the marmot during hibernation]. Comptes-rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie, 1 (24) : 624-625.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, respiration, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1899c. Nouvelles expériences sur le ryhtme respiratoire de la marmotte en état de torpeur hivernale [New researches on the respiratory rhythm of the marmot during hibernation]. Ann. Soc. Linnéenne de Lyon, 46 : 99-101.
(Marmota marmota, physiologie, hibernation, respiration.

Dubois R. 1899d. Recherches sur le fonctionnement musculaire comparé chez la marmotte chaude et chez la marmotte froide [Research on the compared muscular functionning in the warm and cold marmot]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 46 : 102-106.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, muscle.
Extrait pdf extract

Dubois R. 1899e. Sur l'augmentation de poids des animaux soumis au jeûne absolu [About weight increase in animal subjected to absolute fast]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 46 : 101-103.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Physiologie, Hibernation, Masse, Lipides, Glucides, Jeûne.

Dubois R. 1899f. Recherches sur le fonctionnement musculaire comparé chez la marmotte chaude et chez la marmotte froide [Research on the compared muscular functionning in the warm and cold marmot]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 46 : 102-106.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Physiologie, Hibernation, Muscle.

Dubois R. 1899g. Recherche de calorimétrie animale et examen critique des travaux de M. U. Dutto sur l'hivernation de la Marmote [Research on animal calorimetry and critical examination of the work of Mr. Dutto on marmot hibernation]. Bull. Soc. Linnéenne de Lyon, 26 : 106.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, thermorégulation.

Dubois R. 1900. Influence de la température ambiante chez les animaux à température variable pendant le sommeil hivernal [Influence of ambiant temperature on animals with changing temperature during the winter sleep]. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 47 : 149.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Dubois R. 1901a. Nouvelles recherches sur l'autonarcose carbonique, ou sommeil naturel : critique de l'Acapnie. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 48 : 165.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology.

Dubois R. 1901b. Résistance de la marmotte en hivernation à l'infection tuberculeuse : causes probables de cette résistance et applications de ces remarques au traitement rationnel de la tuberculose [Resistance of hibernating marmot to tuberculous infection: probable causes of this resistance and application of these remarks to the rational treatment of tuberculosis]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 48 : 197-200.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, épidémiologie, epidemiology, tuberculose, tuberculosis. Extrait PDF extract

Dubois R. 1901c. Recherches sur les matières solubles dans l'éther, contenues dans le sang de la marmotte en état de veille et en état de sommeil [Researches on soluble substances in ether found in the blood of awake and sleeping marmots]. Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 48 : 201.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, sang, blood.

Dubois R. 1901d. Influence du jeûne absolu sur la marmotte en estivation [Influence of the absolute fasting on the marmot in summer dormancy]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 48 : 202-203.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Dubois R. 1901e. Remarquable antagonisme de la morphine et de l'atropine chez la marmotte ; résitance de cet hivernant au narcotisme par le mélange atropomorphinique [Remarkable antagonism of morphine and atopine in the marmot; resistance of this hibernating animal to narcotism with the atropomorphinic compound]. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 48 : 204-205.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, hibernation. PDF

Dubois R. 1926. La marmotte, six mois sans travail, six mois sans manger, six mois sans boire. La théorie générale du sommeil [The marmot, six months without working, six months without eating, six months without drinking. The general theory of sleeping]. Benjamin, 1-6.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology.

Dubos C. 1993. Les demandes et les coûts liés à la marmotte [Demands and costs in relation to the marmot]. Mémoire DESS Ressources naturelles et environnement, Nancy, 30p.
(Marmota marmota) : Conservation.

In this study, we focused on the Alpine Marmot's cost and request obtained by a socio-economic analysis. However, we have seen that the marmot contributed to the mountain's attraction. These procedures are studied from the point of view of supply and demand. We carefully distinguigh the case of recreative using demand (tourism, hunting) of marmot and possible cost supported by farmers in their coexistence with the rodent. The estimate method considered in these paper are based on a comparaison between supply and demand in order to estimate social and economic value of marmot.

Dubos C. & Thiébaut L. 1993. Rapport intermédiaire : Les demandes et les coûts liés à la marmotte [Progress report. Demands and costs in relation to the marmot]. Dijon, INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales, ENSSAA, 9 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, conservation.

Dubovoï A.A., Khamaganov S.A., Saran M. et al. 1977. Itogi mnogoletnego epizootolo-gitcheskogo obsledovaniya na tchoumy prigranitchnykh territoriï Zabaïkal'ya (SSSR), Vostotchnogo, Khenteïskogo i Khoubsougoul'skogo aïmakov (MNR) [Résultats de la recherche à long terme sur la peste dans les zones frontières et à l'est de la Transbaïkalie (URSS), ainsi que des secteurs de Kentei et de Khoubsougoul'ski. Results of the long-term research on plague in the boundary zones and in the east of the Cis-baikal (USSR), and in the Kentei and Khubsugul'ski regions]. V kn. Epidemiologiya i profilaktika osobo opasnykh infektsiï v MNR i SSSR, Oulan-Bator.
En russe, in Russian.
Epidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Transbaïkalie.

Dubreuil D. 1989. La marmotte des pyrénées [The marmot of the Pyrenees]. Chasseurs, 61: 5-7.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, conservation, Pyrénées, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Dubrovsky Iu.A. 1962. Razmery boutanov stepnykh sourkov kak pokazateli vozrasta ikh poselenii. Issledovanie geogragii prirodnykh resousov zhivonogo i rastitelnogo mira [Taille du terrier comme indicateur de l'âge de l'installation. Butan size of steppe marmot as indicator of age settlements]. In Study of geography of natural resources of animals and plants worlds, M. Iz-vo AN SSSR, 80-94
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, terrier, burrow, méthodologie, methodology.

Dubrovsky Yu.A. 1978. Pestchanki i prirodnaya otchagovost' youjnogo leïchmanioza [Gerbille et leur foyer sud de leichmaniose. Gerbils and their south leishmaniosis foci]. M., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Protozoaires, parasitologie, parasitology.

Dubyansky M.A., Arakelyants V.S. & Bogatyrev S.K. 1991. [Sur le régime de température des terriers de marmottes dans différents sites épizootiques de la peste. On the temperature regime of marmot burrows at sites With different epizootic activity of plague]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 27-29.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, épidémiologie, epidemiology, terrier, burrow, peste, plague.

Du Camp Maxime 1855. Mémoires d'un suicidé [Memories of a suicide]. Paris, Librairie nouvelle. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, coiffure, head-dress, marmotter, to mumble.
Extrait/extract pdf

Duch Célestin & Bejean Henri 1998. Le patois de Tignes (Savoie) [Provincial dialect of Tignes (Savoie)]. Ed. littéraires et linguistiques de l’Université de Grenoble : ELLUG Tignes, Association les Amis du vieux Tignes, la Santa Terra, Aubenas.
En français, in French;
Marmota marmota, Franco-Provençal, français, French, glossaire, glossary.

Duchetchkin V.I. 1937. Olen'i pastbichtcha v Kharaoulakhskikh gorakh (Yakoutiya) [Les pâturages de rennes dans les montagnes du Kharaoulakh. Reindeer pastures in the Kharaulakh Mountains]. Tr. Arkt. in-ta, 63.
En russe, in Russian.
Rangifer, Rangifer tarandus, Yakoutie, Yakutia.

Ducray-Duminil François-Guillaume (an III) 1794-1795. Les soirées de la chaumière, ou Les leçons du vieux père. VII. Soirée. Le désintéressement. Le petit joueur de vielle termine son récit. Histoire de la marmotte en vie. Paris, chez Leprieur. Num. BNF, 228 p, Collection Les archives de la Révolution française = The French Revolution research collection.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, histoire, history, marmotte en vie, marmot in life, Savoyard.
Extrait/extract pdf

Ducray-Duminil 1793. La marmotte en vie. Paroles et musique [Lyrics and music]. BHVP, n° 135032.
En français, in French.
Chanson, song.

Ducrost & Lortet 1872. Études sur la station préhistorique de Solutré [Study on the prehistoric station of Solutré]. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Lyon, 1 : 7-35.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Dudchenko I.S. 1909. [Sur la question de la peste des marmottes. On question about "tarbagan's plague"]. Vestn. obcht. gig. sudeb. i praktich. medic., 1698-1699.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague.

Dudchenko I.S. 1915a. Zhilisha zabaïkalskikh tarbaganov kak khranilisha endemitcheskoï tchoumy lioudeï [Le domaine vital de la marmote Tarbagan du Transbaïkal comme réservoir endémique de la peste. Home range of the Tarbagan marmot as plague endemic reservoir]. Vest. obshestva gigieny, 9, sentyabri, Otd. ottisk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste.

Dudchenko I.S. 1915b. Tchoumnaya vspyshka v poselke pri st. Kharanob Zabaïkalskoï zh. d. [Epidémie de peste dans un village proche de la station de Kharanov sur la ligne de chemin de fer du Transbaïkal. Plague explosion in a village near the railway station of Kharanov on the Cis-Baikal railway]. Sibirskii vratch, 3-4.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Dudchenko I.S. 1915c. Mogout li tarbagani shkourki peredavati tchoumou [Les peaux de la marmotte tarbagan peuvent-elles transmettre la peste? Do the Tarabagan marmot skins transmit plague?]. Vestn. obshestvennoj gigieny.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Dudchenko I.S. 1916. Vshi i blokhi ou tarbaganov i drougikh gryzounov v Zabaïkalskom otchage endemitchskoï tchoumy lioudeï [Poux et puces des marmottes tarbagane et autres rongeurs dans les foyers endémiques de peste au Transbaïkal. Lice and flees of the Tarbagan marmots and other rodents in the plague endmic foci in Cis-Baikal]. Med. obozrenie, 85 (5-6).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Insectes, Insects, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Dudchenko-Kolbasenko I.S. 1909. Ob issledovanii tchoumykh zabolevaniï v Zabaïkal'skoï oblasti v 1908 g; v svyazi s tarbagan'eï tchoumo&iulm; [Recherche de la contamination par la peste suite à la peste de M. sibirica dans le Tranbaïkal en 1908. Research on plague infection following plague infection of the Tarbagan marmot in the Cis-Baikal in 1908]. Vestn. Obchtch. gig., soud. i Prakt. med.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, peste, plague.

Dudderar G. 1977. Controlling vertebrate damage. Woodchucks [Maîtrise des dommages dues aux vertébrés. Les marmottes américaines]. Michigan Sate Univ. Ext. Bull. E-866, 1pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota monax, économie, economy, conservation.

Dudkin O.V. 1993a. Kannibalizm sredi stepixh sourkov [Cannibalisme chez les marmottes des steppes. Cannibalism among steppe marmots]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, cannibalisme, cannibalism, Ukraine.

In the nature, when the predators do not affect substantially the marmot populations (Shubin, 1964 ; Seredneva, 1985), it is reasonable to permit the existance of some mechanisms of autoreduction of these rodent quality. According to the purpose of the majority of reseachers, these mechanisms are of the social nature and keeping adapting quantity of the population is prodide for due to grouping formed within the populations, and it have complicated hierarchical and territorial relationships (Armitage, 1987 ; Arnold, 1990, a, b,), which take shape against a background of energetic limitations. Juvenile marmots are the most vulnerable energetically. Earlier K. B. Armitage (1976), V. I. Kapitonov (1978) and some other pointed out principal infant deathes. Under group hibernation their vulnerability is partially balanced due to older sibs (Arnold,1988, 1990b ; Vasilyev, 1990). During the investigations there was no case of hibernation death of marmots, despite of their autum weight was lower in experimental conditions than the weight of the same age marmots in the natural conditions. And the range of negative temperature loads was wider and hibernation mostly was one at a time. To the opposite, during the marmot hibernation we registered 3 cases of complete and 1 case of partial cannibalism, besides in case of partial and 1 case of complete cannibalism marmots were in isolated cells. In the nature we observed the only case which might have led to cannibalism. Exhausted adult female with the skin damaged by subcutaneous parasites after being placed into the same cell with other juvenile individuals was proned to predatory actions. K. B. Armitage (1979) described earlier the cases of cannibalism among yellow-bellied marmots. In connection with the mentioned above the cases of cannibalism can be examined as some explanation of hibernation (and quasi-hibernation in fact) death of under juveniles. Probably, the phenomenon of cannibalism in the nature is spread more widely than it was ascertained by the researchers. I consider that cannibalism among steppe marmots is social mechanism of emergency correction of population quantity in response to sharp irregular decrease in food resource.

Dudkin O.V. 1993b. Sravnitelni analiz gazoobmena stepnixh sourkov s razlitchnoï okraskoï chersti v moment vixhoda iz spyatchki [Comparaison des échanges gazeux chez la marmotte des steppes en fonction de la couleur de la fourrure à l'émergence de l’hibernation. Comparison of gas exchange of steppe marmots (Marmota bobac) with different skin colour on leaving hibernation]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 45-46.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, coloration, Ukraine.

Several the red, black, uncomplect albino, blue and intermediate forms colour morphs of steppe marmots occur in Ukraine. The examination of the distribution peculiarities of the steppe marmot colour morphs in the Ukraine resulted the differences in the frequency of occurrence for aberrants, falling outside the limits of stochastic insights. Found distinctions in the basal metabolism level, determined with the indirect method, between the melanists and normothermal marmots with the skin colour admitted to suppose on the distinctions in the rate of reserve materials use up also during the hibernation. But the analysis of the latters does not confirm these supposions. The availability of the self-regulation mechanism for the rate of fat use up is indubitable. This mechanism results the correspondence between the quantity of the reserve material and its using up. There were made the measurements of the gas exchange levels of marmots with various skin colour on leaving hibernation. The difference between melanist and red ones was also brought to light. It shows that black marmots can fall into hibernation with the lower body temperature and at this expense they use up less fat. In the moment of leaving hibernation, the melanists grow warm faster. And as the thermographic tests showed their hiperthermal zone is expressed more distinctly and in large-scale. The reducing thermogenesis is expressed to a lesser extend. The marmot ability to change the rate of enegy-carriers burning in accordance with the energetic restrictions points to the existance of the endogenous control over the energy.

Dudkin O.V. 1993c. Polimorfizm okraski ou stepnogo sourka na Ukraine [Polymorphisme de la coloration chez la marmotte des steppes. Polymorphism of marmots coloration in Ukraine]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 46-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, coloration, Ukraine.

Property of the steppe marmot populations is the relative colour homogeneity of the skin coloration (Kalenichenko,1960 ; Averin,1928 ; Severzev, 1936 ; Semichatova, Titkova, 1976). Then the cases of aberrant coloration of the steppe marmot in the Ukraine are more interesting (Tokarskiy, Bibikov, this collection, p. 37). It was known ealier some examples of albinism and melanism with some other representatives of Marmota genus (Hamilton,1934 ; Armitage, 1961 ; Kapitonov, 1978 ; Isakov, 1987). A. A. Migulin (1938) distinguished bright and dark variant of marmots in the territory of Starobelsk, region of Donetsk. The analysis of literature shows that animals of abnormal coloration are quite rare in the wild nature. Their percentage or the general number of population can be compared with the frequency of rare gene spontaneous mutations. The present investigation has resulted difference from the theoretically determined frequency division of abnormally coloured marmots in region of kharkov and at the same time, lack of such an information in region of Lugansk and some districts of Kharkov region. According to the pattern proposed by S. M. Gershenson (1946), the stages of mutation features fell off from the normal ; and can be classified from taxonomic viewpoint as intermediate one between adapting dimorphism and ecotype. It can be following characteristic of the space distribution : melanist are found polytopically, but are not spread over the considerable part of areal. The territory where melanists are available can be conditionally divided into two categories :
1- number of black marmots is more than 1% general quantity of the colony :
2- number of black marmots up to 1%. We refered to the first category 3 anomalies : Khatnyaya, Kolodeznaya and Velikoburlukskaya. The districts of the second category form mosaic diagram. The analisis of melanist encounter frequency resulted the availability of unequal in content of aberrant colonies on one hand, and general trend to the increase of melanism quantity and, on the other hand, the appearence of the other colour morphs. During the investigation in the territory mentioned above we also encountered animals with the intermediate between red and black coloration, acromelanists and brishtly coloured marmots (down to partial albino). Investigations carried out together with K. B. Armitage showed the existence of four marmotts with skin colour which can be considered as blue. Concerning the reasons of higher frequency of melanists and the appearence of other abberants in the territories mentioned above we suppose their complex ecoanthropical nature and we also consider that the melanistic syndrome of marmots is the integral non-specific adapting reaction determined with the factors of ecological risk, including anthropogenic to the first place.

Dudkin O.V. 1996. Ouroven' bazal'nogo metabolizma stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobac Muller, 1776). Level of the steppe marmot basal metabolism [Niveau du métabolisme basal chez la marmotte des steppes]. In Sourki severnoïïevrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, Russian : 25-26; English: 94-95.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, métabolisme, metabolism.

Dudkin O.V. 1998. [Variations de coloration de la marmotte des steppes (Marmota bobac) en Ukraine. Steppe marmot (Marmota bobac) color variation in Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 32 (5-6): 123-126.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, coloration.

The homogeneity phenotypic destabilization in the steppe marmot population, which started about two decades ago, is discussed. It has occurred after the increasing of numbers.

Dudkin O.V. & Kryzhanovskiy V.I. 1994. Polymorphisme intraspécifique dans le genre Marmota. Intraspecific polymorphim in genus Marmota. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 54-55.
En français et anglais, in French, in English.
Marmota, Sciuridae, Poil, hair.

Au sens général, le polymorphisme est l'existence de 2 formes ou plus nettement distinctes. Il peut être stabilisé ou passagé ou environnemental, géographique ou intra-populationnel (Gershenson 1946, Ford 1964, 1965, Herteinsson 1989). Cependant, le polymorphisme apparaît toujours adaptatif. De toutes les variations de couleur de pelage connues chez les mammifères, le mélanisme semble être le plus commun des polymorphismes visibles dans la nature. Traditionnellement dans l'explication du mélanisme, l'accent a é té mis sur les effets cryptiques (Cott 1940, Blair 1954). Cependant, le type sauvage de coloration du pelage a déjà un tel effet et le mélanisme provoque souvent un contraste avec le fond. Néanmoins, à la fois les formes de couleur sauvage et noir se rencontrent (Kapitonov 1978, Hoffmann, Koeppl & Nader 1979, Young & Sims 1979, Arnold & Psenner 1988 etc...). Il y a de fortes variations dans la fréquence de distribution des deux formes, la proportion d'individus mélaniques variant de moins de 1% à 25% de l'ensemble des individus de la population (Armitage 1961, Dudkin 1933). Les marmottes sont des écureuils terrestres diurnes à distribution circumboréale (Bibikov 1989), c'est pourquoi il serait logique de prétendre, lorsque l'on considère l'ensemble du domaine géographique du genre Marmota, qu'il y a de grandes variations géographiques intraspécifiques de la coloration du pelage. Selon les données de la littérature, cette hypothèse n'a pas été confirmée (Hoffmann et al. 1979, etc..). Par opposition aux marmottes, les écureuils (Sciurus) montrent différents cas de polymorphisme (Voipio & Hissa 1970, Innes & Lavigne 1979, Kryzhanovskyi données non publiées). Vraisemblablement, le fait que les marmottes vivent en terriers, où les conditions thermiques sont stabilisées et où elles passent les 9/10 de leur vie a une importance particulière. De plus, les marmottes peuvent éviter l'influence négative des températures externes grâce à des particularités comportementales (Turk & Arnold 1988). Comme les marmottes, d'autres rongeurs souterrains comme Citellus et Eutamias ne présentent pas de grandes variétés de formes (Kirikov 1934, Gromov et al. 1965, Tiunov 1979). En général, l'humidité, les hautes latitudes, les altitudes élevées, les dérives génétiques, l'influence anthropique ont tendance à être reliées positivement à la présence des supériorités thermogénétiques dans certains environnements, sinon la sélection aurait favorisé des couleurs cryptiques (type sauvage). Dans chaque cas de polymorphisme, il est nécessaire de conna&icir;tre exactement : la localité où le polymorphisme est apparu, la description des caractères de géographie physique de cette localité, si les différentes formes ont des différences morphophysiologiques et comment le mélanisme est déterminé génétiquement.
In general sense polymorphism is the existence of two or more sharply distinguished forms. It may be balanced and transient, genetic and environmental, geographical and intrapopulational (Gershenson 1946, Ford 1964, 1965, Herteinsson 1989). However, polymorphism appears to be always adaptative. Of all pelage color variants known among mammals, melanism seems to be most common of visible polymorphism in the wild. Tradionnally the focus in explaining melanism has been on cryptic effects (Cott 1940, Blair 1954). However, wild type of marmot pelage color already have such effect and melanistic come in contrast to the background. Nevertherless, both the wild and the black colour morphs of marmot occur (Kapitonov 1978, Hoffmann, Koeppl & Nader 1979, Young & Sims 1979, Arnold & Psenner 1988 etc...). There is considerable variation in the distribution frequency of the two morphs, the portion of melanistic individuals vary from less 1% to 25% of all individuals in populations (Armitage 1961, Dudkin 1933). Marmots are diurnal ground-dwelling squirrels that have circumboreal distribution (Bibikov 1989), therefore it would be logically to assume, when the entire geographic range of Marmota is considered, that there are great geographic intraspecific variations in pelage color. According to the literature data this supposition was not corroborated (Hoffmann et al. 1979, etc..). In contrast to marmots, squirrels (Sciurus) show different cases of polymorphism (Voipio & Hissa 1970, Innes & Lavigne 1979, Kryzhanovskyi données non publiées). Undoubtely, of particular importance to this matter is that marmots are burrow animals and that they spend up to 9/10 of whole life-time at its refuges, which are characterized by thermostabalized conditions. Moreover, marmots could avoid negative influence of environmental temperature due to behavioural peculiarities (Turk & Arnold 1988). Other subterranean rodents such as Citellus and Eutamias do not display great variety of forms as well as marmots (Kirikov 1934, Gromov et al. 1965, Tiunov 1979). In general, moistness, high latitudes, high elevations, genetic drift, anthropogenic influences tend to be related ositively to incidence and percent of melanistic marmots. When frequencies of black marmots are high, melanistic morph appear to have thermoenergetic superiority in certain environments, otherwise selection would have favoured cryptic color (wild type). In each case of polymorphism it is necessary to know exactly the locality where polymorphic occur, physicogeographical description of this locality, wheteeher or not different morphs have morpho-physiological distinctions, and how melanism is determined genetically.

Dufaud Joannès 1998. Dictionnaire Français - Nord - Occitan. Nord du Vivarais et du Velay [Dictionnary French-old Proven¡al. North of Vivarais and Velay]. Jean-Pierre Huguet, Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette.
En français et en occitan, in French and in old proven¡al.
Marmota marmota, dictionnaire français-Occitan, dictionnary French-old Proven¡al. Extrait pdf extract

Duffy John J., Hand Samuel B. & Orth Ralph H., 2003. The Vermont Encyclopedia [L’encyclopédie du Vermont]. University of Vermont Press, Burlington, Vermont, 330 p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, p.328, Vermont, EUA, USA.

Duffy L.K., Ehrhardt M.M., Genaux C.T. & Florant G.L. 1987. The primary structure of the hemoglobin alpha-chain of the arctic ground squirrel [Structure primaire de la chaîne alpha de l'hémoglobine du spermophile arctique]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B., 87(1): 189-193.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Citellus parryii, hémoglobine, hemoglobin.
The amino acid sequence of the alpha-chain from the arctic ground squirrel (Citellus parryii) is reported. The tryptic peptides prepared from the hemoglobin were isolated by reverse phase HPLC and sequenced. Data from the tryptic peptides were supported by that from cyanogen bromide peptides and acid cleavage peptides which were partially sequenced. Comparison with other rodent alpha-chains shows 15 differences with mouse, 20 with rat, 25 with muskrat, 16 with mole rat, 33 with the guinea-pig and 23 with the hamster. Comparison of arctic ground squirrel hemoglobin alpha-chain with the amino-terminal 25 residues of the marmot shows one amino acid difference at position 13.

Dufresne Colette & Sampar (illustration) 2003. La marmotte [The marmot]. Québec, Éditions M. Quintin, 23 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Dugarsen S. & Dagdanbazar B. 1990. [Étude du tissu brun. A study on marmot "hun makh" (brown tissue).] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 36-40, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota, tissu adipeux brun, fatty brown tissue.

Dugarsen S., Dagdanbazar B. & Amgalanbaatar D. 1990. [The features of microcirculator's river-bed (ruslo) of marmots.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 41-45, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.

Dujardin Félix 1845. Histoire naturelle des helminthes ou vers intestinaux [Natural history of helminths or intestinal worms]. Librairie encyclopédique de Roret.
En français, in French.
Artomys marmotta, Taenia pectinata Goeze, ténia du lièvre, parasitisme, parasitism.
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Dujardin-Beaumetz & Mosny E. 1912. Évolution de la peste chez la marmotte pendant l'hibernation [Plague evolution in the marmot during hibernation]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie de Sciences, 155: 329-331.
En français, in French. Marmota, Peste, plague, hibernation.

Duker G.D., Olsson S.V., Hecht N.H., Senturia J.B. & Johansson B.W. 1983. Ventricular fibrillation in hibernators and non-hibernators [Fibrillation ventriculaire chez les hibernants et les non-hibernants]. Cryobiology, 20 (4) : 407-420.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, coeur, heart, hibernation.

Previous studies have shown that there are differences between hibernators and nonhibernators in the susceptibility to ventricular fibrillation. In an attempt to clarify these differences ventricular fibrillation was induced in isolated hearts of the hibernator, the woodchuck, Marmota monax by cooling, warming, puncture, and by norepinephrine administration. It was shown that the hearts of the winter animals were completely resistant toward the ventricular fibrillation inducing agents, which was not the case for the hearts from summer, active animals. Further, the hearts of another hibernator, the hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, and guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, were studied electrophysiologically in anesthetized animals with open chests and with bipolar electrodes attached to the epicardium. During pacing it was shown that the hedgehog had a higher stimulus threshold and a lower maximal following frequency than the guinea pig. The summer hedgehogs showed resistance toward both ventricular premature beats and ventricular fibrillation. Sixty percent of the summer hedgehogs and 100 percent of the winter hedgehogs and guinea pigs developed ventricular fibrillation. The threshold for ventricular fibrillation was highest for summer hedgehogs. The effective refractory period of papillary muscle of summer hedgehogs was shorter than that of guinea pigs. The force frequency relationship of the isolated papillary muscle showed a greater degree of independence in the hedgehog than in the guinea pig. Consequently, the results show that the heart of the hibernator is more arrhythmia resistant than the heart of the nonhibernator, although there are seasonal differences.

Dumay Raymond 1997. Le rat et l’abeille. Court traité de gastronomie préhistorique. [The rat and the bee. Short lesson of prehistoric gastronomy]. Phébus, Paris.
En français, in French.
Extrait pdf extract
Ethnologie, ethnology, marmotte, marmot.

Dumeril M. 1837. Leçons d'anatomie comparée de Georges Cuvier [Lessons of compared anatomy from Georges Cuvier]. Crocherd et Cie, Paris, 212-215, 262-263, 296-297, 338-339, 406-409, 478-479.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, anatomie, anatomy.

Dumersan Théophile Marion & Ségur Noël 1866. Chansons nationales et populaires de France [National and popular songs of France]. Paris, Garnier, vol. 1 : 1-387, Num. BNF.
Ethnologie, ethnology, chanson, song, Marmota marmota, la marmotte en vie [The marmot in life] p.107-109, Le petit savoyard [The small savoyard] 108-109, Dumersan Théophile Marion (1780-1849).
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Dunbar R. 1983. Life history tactics and alternative strategies of reproduction. [Stratégies reproductives et tactiques d'histoire de vie]. In Mate choice, Bateson P. ed., Cambridge Univ. press, NY, 423-433.
En anglais, in English.
Tactique, tactic, stratégie, strategy, reproduction.

Dunant F. 1977. Le régime alimentaire du chamois des Alpes (Rupricapra rupricapra L.) : contribution personnelle et synthèse des données sur les plantes [The alpine chamois diet (Rupricapra rupricapra L.): personal contribution and data synthesis on the plants]. Revue Suisse de zoologie, 84(4) : 883-903.
En français, in French.
Rupricapra, alimentation, diet.

Dunford C. 1977. Kin selection of ground squirrel alarm calls [Sélection de parenté des cris d’alarme chez les écureuils terrestres]. Amer. Nat., 111: 782-785.
En anglais, in English. Parenté, kinship, communication, évolution, evolution, Sciuridae.

Dunn L.C. 1921. Unit character variation in rodents. J. Mammal., 2: 125-140.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Marmota monax, pelage, fur, albinisme, albinism.

Dunglison Robley 1841. Human physiology [Physiologie humaine]. Vol. II, Calorification. Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, Arctomys marmota.
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Dunglison Robley 1856. Human physiology [Physiologie humaine]. Calorification. Vol.1, Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, Arctomys marmota.
Extrait pdf extract

Dunn S.E. & Cullen J.M. 1996. Woodchuck p-glycoprotein found in virus-induced hepatocellular carcinomas binds anticancer drugs. Cancer Lett., 110(1-2): 177-80.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Virally-induced hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) are intrinsically resistant to cancer chemotherapy partly due to increased expression of p-glycoprotein (pgp). In this study, we determined that pgp expressed in woodchuck HCC had binding properties were similar to the drug resistant human pgp. Pgp drug binding properties were characterized by photoaffinity labeling with the calcium channel blocker [3H]azidopine (AZD). AZD bound pgp in HCC but not in non-tumor liver samples, and binding was confirmed by competition with Adriamycin (IC50 = 10 microM) and actinomycin D (IC50 = 1 microM). In summary, WHV-induced HCC overexpress a pgp which binds anticancer drugs suggesting a common pathway for drug resistance.

Dunn S.E., Hughes C.S., LeBlanc G.A. & Cullen JM. 1996. Overexpression of a p-glycoprotein in hepatocellular carcinomas from woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks (Marmota monax). Hepatology, 23(4): 662-668.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

The leading cause of human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) is hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Woodchucks infected with a closely related hepadnavirus, woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), serve as a model for HBV because woodchucks chronically infected with WHV also develop hepatocellular carcinomas. Increased expression of p-glycoprotein (pgp) in human HCCs is a common obstacle in successful cancer chemotherapy. Pgps are encoded by a family of multidrug-resistance (MDR) genes. Livers from uninfected and WHV-infected woodchucks were examined to determine if pgp was expressed in HCCs and if there was a difference in expression between HCCs and nonneoplastic liver. A 170-kd protein was identified by Western blot in HCCs, whereas, constitutive pgp was not detected in normal liver taken from the same animals in 3 of 3 cases. Immunolocalization of the pgp with a panel of monoclonal antibodies revealed intensification of staining in 7 of 20 foci and 12 of 22 HCCs from six animals. Using primers for the human MDR1 gene, a single product was detected by reverse-transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from HCCs. We have shown an increase in pgp in HCCs compared with normal liver from WHV-infected woodchucks. This is the first example of the induction of a pgp in a naturally hepadnavirus infected rodent system. It suggests the woodchuck can be a useful model for the study of the acquisition of resistance to chemotherapeutic agents in virally induced HCCs.

Du Pinet Antoine de Noroy 1516. Histoire du monde de C. Pline. Tout mis en français par Antoine du Pinet [World history of C. Pline. All translate in French by Antoine du Pinet]. A Paris, chez Nicola Buon.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotanne, Du Pinet de Noroy, Antoine, 15..?-1584.
Extrait pdf extract

Dupal Tamara A. Late Pleistocene small mammal faunas of South Western Siberia [Faunes de petits mammifères du Pléistocène final de la Sibérie occidental méridional]. 2nd International Mammoth Conference.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Sibérie, Sibéria.
More than 40 localities of small mammals are known of the Upper Paleoirthic complex in the south of Westem Siberia. There are finds Insectivora, Lagomorpha and Rodentia from deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin, the Pri-ob Plateau and caves of North-Western Altai. The list of species small mammal is given in the Table. Dicrostonyx torquatus and Lemmus sibiricus are found in the Kuznetsk Basin. The distribution is limited in the north under periglacial regions. The micromammal fauna of Kuznetsk basin includes 18 species. This fauna dates to the interval (C14 dated) of 29.000-39.000 y and indicates atundra-forest-steppe environment. The late Pleistocene fauna (R-W) of the Pri-ob steppe plateau includes 10 species. The absolute age (C14 dated) of beds is 32.000 - 31.000 y. Paleoecological analysis of this fauna shows that among rodents are dominant Lagurus lagurus, Eolagarus luteus, Spermophilus sp. They are characteristic of the steppe. The Late Pleistocene small mammal faunas from caves in North-Western Altai include 34 species. In 200-400 m altitude (cave Okladnikova, C14 age 28.000 to 45.000 y) are dominant Cricetus cricetus, Arvicola terrestris, Myospalax myospalax, M. gregalis. In 600-700 m altitude (Denisova cave, C14 age >39.000 y) are dominant M. gregalis, Lagurus lagurus, Myospalax myospalax. In > 1000 m altitude (Kaminnaya cave, the absolute C 14 age 10.000-1 1.000 y) are dominant M. gregalis, Lagurus lagurus, Alticola streizowi, Wticolo macrotis. In the modern small mammal fauna of the North-Western Altai Lagurus lagurus and Blobius taipinus are absent. The large mammal fauna ofSW Siberia includes Mommuthus primigenius, Coelodonta antiquitatis and other animals.
species North-
Westem Altai
Terraces of
rivers Altai
Asioscalops altaica Nic. + - - -
Soricidae ^en. + - - -
Crocidura sp. + - - -
Lepus sp. + - + +
Ochotona sp. + - + +
Pteromys volans L. + - - -
Sciurus °vul^ans L. + - - -
Tamias sibiricus Laxm. + - - -
Spermophilus sp. + + + +
Marmota baibacina Kastsch. + - - -
Marmota sp. + - - -
Castor fiber L. + - - -
Allactaginae gen. + + + +
Apodemus sp. + - - -
Cricetulus sp. + - - -
Allocricetulus sp. + - - -
Cricetus cricetw L. + - - +
Ellobius sp. + + - +
Myospalax myospalax Laxm. + + + +
Clethrionomys rutilus Pall. + - - +
C. rufocanus Sundev. + - + +
Clethrionomys sp. + - + +
Alticola strelzatvi Kastsch. + - - -
A.macrotis Radde + - - -
Alticola sp. + - - -
Lagurus lagums Pall. + + + +
Eolagurus luteus Eversm. + + + +
Dicrostonyx torquatus Pall. - - - +
Lemmus sibiricus K.erT. - - - +
Myopus schisticolor Lill. + - - -
Lemmus-Myopus - - - +
Arvicola terrestris L. + + + -
Microtus gregalis Pall. + + + +
M. oeconomus Pall. + + + +
M. agrestis L. + - - -
M. arvalis Pall. + - - -
Microtus sp. + + + +

Dupont E. 1865. Terrains quaternaires de la Belgique. Observations sur les terrains quaternaires des environs de Dinant, province de Namur [Quaternary fields in Belgium. Observations on the quaternary fields in the vicinity of Dinant, Namur Province]. Comptes rendus hebdomadiares des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 60 : 863-864.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Belgique, Belgium.
Cavernes de Furfooz, Ursus speloeus, Renne, castor, bouquetin, chamois, glouton, elan, ours brun.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Dupont M.E. 1872. L'homme pendant les âges de la pierre dans les environs de Dinant-sur-Meuse [Man during the stone age in the neighbourhood of Dinant-sur-Meuse].
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Belgique.

Duquet M. & H. Maurin 1993. La faune de France. Inventaire des Vertébrés et principaux Invertébrés. [The fauna of France. Inventory of the vertebrates and of the main invertebrates]. Eclectis, Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, pp. 464.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota p.37.

Duranty Louis-Edmond 1942. Le malheur d'Henriette Gérard. Roman, Gallimard, Paris. 1961. INALF, Paris. [Document électronique]. BnF.
En français, in French.
Litérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, marmotter, to mumble.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Durden Lance A. & Richardson Dennis J. 2003. Ectoparasites of the Striped Skunk, Mephitis mephitis, in Connecticut, U.S.A. [Ectoparasites de la moufette rayée, Mephitis mephitis, du Connecticut, E.U.A.]. Comparative Parasitology, 70(1): 42-45.
En anglais, in English.
Seven species of ectoparasite were collected from 32 striped skunks, Mephitis mephitis, in south-central Connecticut, U.S.A., from July through September 2001. The most frequently collected ectoparasite was the chewing louse Neotrichodectes mephitidis, which was the only host-specific ectoparasite collected. Immature stages (larvae and nymphs) of 2 species of ticks, Ixodes cookei and the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, also were commonly collected. The remaining 4 species of ectoparasite consisted of 2 species of flea, Oropsylla arctomys and the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and a macronyssid mite, Ornithonyssus wernecki, that normally parasitizes the Virginia opossum. Overall, the ectoparasite fauna of the striped skunk appears to be relatively depauperate. However, D. variabilis, I. cookei, I. scapularis, and C. felis are known to be vectors of zoonotic pathogens.
Mephitis mephitis, moufette rayée, striped skunk, ectoparasites, puce, flea, acarien, mite, tique, tick, Ctenocephalides felis, Dermacentor variabilis, Ixodes cookei, Ixodes scapularis, Neotrichodectes mephitidis, Ornithonyssus wernecki, Oropsylla arctomys, Connecticut, E.U.A., U.S.A.

Durio P. et al. 1994. Stratégies d'utilisation de l'espace chez les marmottes alpines : résultats préliminaires. Space use strategies of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota): preliminary results. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 56-57.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, gestion, management, Italie.
Les stratégies d'utilisation de l'espace par les membres d'une colonie de marmottes alpines (M. marmota) ont été étudiées pendant 3 ans dans le parc naturel d'Orsiera-Rocciavre (Piémont, Italie). Les animaux étaient capturés vivants et marqués avec des colliers élastiques de couleur. Les colliers étaient encore visibles sur 11 animaux aux cours de la seconde année et sur un animal deux ans après l'année de marquage (N=26, total de marmottes marquées). La persistance particulièrement longue de ce nouveau système de marquage nous a permis d'identifier facilement les animaux à distance et de recueillir des informations également sur la dynamique de population, la survie hivernale et la dispersion. Les résultats préliminaires sur les différences relatives à l'utilisation de l'espace par les individus et par 2 groupes familiers sont présentés. L'utilisation de l'espace n'est pas influencé par le nombre des membres du groupe familier
The space use strategies of the members of colony of Alpine marmots (M. marmota) were studied for three years in Orsiera-Rocciavrè Natural Park (Piedmont, Italy). Animals were life-trapped and marked with coloured elastic collars. The collars were still visible on 11 animals in the following year and on one animal two years after the marking year (N=26. Tot. of marked marmots). The particularly long persistence on animals of this new marking system permitted us to easily identify animals on distance and collect information also on population dynamics, winter survival and dispersion. Preliminary results on differences in space use among individuals and two familiar groups are presented. Space use is not influenced by the number of members of the familiar group.

Durio P. 1994. Observation du comportement anti-prédateur de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota). Observation on the anti-predatory behaviour of alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 58-59.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, Aquila chrysaethos, Circaetus gallicus, Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter nisus, Circus sp., Falco tinnunculus, prédation.

Les auteurs décrivent le comportement anti-prédateur des marmottes au passage de 6 différentes espèces d'oiseaux de proie (Aquilea chrysaetos, Circaetus gallicus, Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter nisus, Circus sp., Falco tinnunculus) au cours de 3 années d'observation d'une colonie de marmottes dans le Parc Naturel Orsiera-Rocciavre.
During three years of observation on a Marmot colony in Orsiera-Rocciavrè Natural Park, the authors described the anti-predatory behaviour of marmots at the passage of six different species of birds of prey (Aquila chrysaethos, Circaetus gallicus, Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter nisus, Circus sp., Falco tinnunculus).

Durio P. 1994. Cas particulier de prédation sur les marmottes alpines par l'aigle doré (A. c.). Peculiar case of predation on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) by golden Eagle. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 60-61.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, Aquilea chrysaetos, prédation, predation, Italie, Italy.

In the month of September 1991 in the Orsiera-Rocciavrè Natural Park, a case of predation of Alpine marmot by a subadult Golden Eagle was documented on video-tape. Crucial aspects of the sequence are presented by photographs.

Durio P. et al. 1994. Expérimentation sur les techniques de capture et de marquage de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota). Experiences on capture and marking techniques on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 62-63.
En français et en anglais. In French and in English. Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, capture, trapping, Italie, Italy.

Au cours d'une recherche sur l'utilisation de l'espace par les marmottes alpines dans le parc naturel d'Orsiera-Rocciavrè (Piémont-Italie), les membres d'une colonie ont été capturés pour marquage. Deux modèles différents de collets ont été utilisés pour la capture : collets ordinaires et collets à ressorts. Les collets à ressorts sont équipés d'un cable de déclenchement et d'un élastique qui favorise la fermeture de la boucle autour de l'animal. Nous avons comparé l'efficacité des 2 systèmes et démontré que les collets à ressorts sont beaucoup plus efficaces que les collets ordinaires. Pour idenfication à longue distance, les animaux furent marqués avec différents systèmes de marquage : colliers élastiques de couleur, marques auriculaires, pastels. L'efficacité des systèmes de marquage, évalué en fonction de leur persistance et de leur visibilité sont comparés. Les colliers élastiques de couleur prédominent nettement sur toutes les autres méthodes.
During a research on space use of Alpine marmots in the Orsiera- Rocciavrè Natural Park (Piedmont, Italy) members of a colony were captured for marking. Two different types of snares were used for capturing marmots: common snares and spring snares. The spring snares are fitted with a trip wire and an elastic line favouring the closure of the cable around the animal. We compared the efficiency of the two systems demonstrating that spring snares are much more efficient than common snares. For long-range identification animals were marked with different marking systems: coloured elastic collars, ear tags and pastels. The efficiency of the marking systems evaluated in terms of their persistence and their visibility were compared. The coloured elastic collars clearly stand above the other methods.

Durio P., Bassano B. & Perrone A. 1987. La tane della Marmotta (Marmota marmota L.)[Les terriers de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota). The burrows of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota)]. Incontro di studio sulla M. alpina, Coll. scient. PN gran Paradiso, Torino, 25-29.
En italien, In Italian.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, terrier, burrow.

GIi Autori espongono una metodologia di censimento della popolazione di marmotte presenti nel Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso. Viene dato particolare rilievo alla valutazione della distribuzione della specie sul territorio e della durata del periodo di attività. AI proposito si indagano le-possibili correlazioni tra altitudine ed esposizione delle tane e durata del sonno letargico. Viene proposto infine un metodo per la valutazione numerica di una popolazione di marmotte basato sulla stima delle presenze per tana invernale.

Durrant S. D. 1952. Mammals of Utah: taxonomy and distribution [Mammifères de l'utah : taxonomie et répartition]. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History 6: 1-549.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris engelhardti, Marmota flaviventris luteola, Marmota flaviventris nosophora, Utah, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Durrant 1955.
Marmota flaviventris nosophora, Utah, États-Unis d'Amérique, United States of America.
En anglais, in English.

Durrant & Dean 1961.
En anglais, in English.
Recorded marmots at much lower elevation at 5,980 feet near Sambrito Creek in northeastern San Juan County, well within the pinyon-juniper woodland.

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Sciuridae, Marmota marmota, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota caudata, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota monax, Marmota sibirica.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria beecheyi. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota flaviventris.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria callospermophili. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota monax, Marmota sibirica.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria giganteos. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota monax.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria lateralis. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota monax.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria menzbieri. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota menzbieri.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria monacis. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota marmota, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota monax, Marmota sibirica.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria morainencis. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota flaviventris.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria os. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota caudata, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota monax, Marmota sibirica.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria spermophili. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota flaviventris.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria surki. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W. 2001. Eimeria vilasi. In Alphabetical list of the Eimeriidae of the world [Liste alphabétique des Eimeriidae du monde]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 22-2007, à/at
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Protozoaire, Protozoa, Coccidie, Coccidia, Marmota monax.
Extrait/extract Pdf

Duszynski Donald W., Upton Steve J. & Couch Lee, Compiled by, 1998. Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Rodentia: Sciuridae (squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, prairie dogs). [Compilation. Coccidia (Eimeriidae) des rongeurs: Sciuridae (écureuils, tamias, marmottes, chiens de prairie)]. En ligne, on line, le 14/10/05, Mise û jour, Updated: 18 April 2001.
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota caudata, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota marmota, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota monax, Marmota sibirica, Eimeria beecheyi Henry, 1932, Eimeria callospermophili Henry, 1932, Eimeria morainensis Torbett, Marquardt, & Carey, 1982, Eimeria lateralis Levine, Ivens, & Kruidenier, 1957, Eimeria menzbieri Svanbaev, 1963, Eimeria monacis Fish, 1930, Eimeria os Crouch & Becker, 1931, Eimeria surki Nukerbaeva & Abenov, 1979, Eimeria vilasi Dorney, 1962.
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Dutto U. 1897. Quelques recherches calorimétriques chez une marmotte [Some calorimetric researches in a marmot]. Arch. ital. biol., 26 : 210.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology.

Dutto U. 1898. Recherches de calorimétrie animale [Research on animal calorimetry]. Arch. ital. biol.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology.

Dworkin S. & Finney W.A. 1927. Artificial hibernation in the woodchucks (Arctomys monax) [Hibernation artificielle chez les marmottes américaines (A. monax)]. Am. J. Physiol., 80 : 75-81.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

When a woodchuck is given an amount of insulin sufficient to produce profond hypoglycemia, it loses its power of temperature control. If it then be placed in an environment even moderately cool, it passes into a state of artificial hibernation.The characteristics presented by an animal in this condition are: 1) the woodchuck becomes poikilothermic; 2) it is unable to shiver or execute spontaneous movements ; 3) consciousness is lost, and the animal is insensible to painful stimulation; 4) the convulsions associated with insulin hypoglycemia do not occur; 5) the metabolic rate is greatly decreased. The state of torpor thus induced can be prolonged by the administration of insulin at intervals. The injection of glucose terminates this condition. Shivering begins almost immediately, the temperature rises at a rapid, though variable, rate, and the animal returns to normal.

Dyer O. 1982. Behaviour of the captive Vancouver Island marmots at the Okanagan Game Farm [Comportement des marmottes de l'île de Vancouver à la ferme du gibier d'Okanagam]. Unpublished Report, B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch, Penticton. 57pp.

Dziurdzik Djiurdjik) B. 1973. Key to the identification of hairs of mammals from Poland [Clé pour l’identification des poils de mammifères de Pologne]. Acta zool., Cracov., 18 : 73-91.
En polonais, in Polish.
Mammifères, poils, hairs.