Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


Mise à jour 27/03/2007 Updated

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Fabiani R. 1903. La fauna fossile della grotta di Bernardino nei Colli Berici [La faune fossile de la grotte de Bernardino près de Colli Berici]. Atti R. Ist. Ven. Sc. Lett. Art., 17 : 657-671.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, mandibule, mandible, paléontologie, paleontology, Vénétie, Venetia, Italie, Italy.

Fabricius J. 1794. Einige Bemerkungen den Winterschlaf in Lichtenberg [Quelques remarques sur l'hibernation au Lichtenberg. Some remarks on hibernation in Lichtenberg]. Voigt's magaz., 9 (4) : 79-81.
En allemand, in German.

Fabricius J. 1799. Observations on the winter sleep of animals and plants [Observations sur l'hibernation des animaux et des plantes]. Phil. mag., 3 : 156-157.
En anglais, in English.

Facello C., Macchi E., Panzera M., Piazza R. & Tesio E. 1997. Nekotorye fonetitcheskie parametry zvoukogo predouprejdayuchtchego ob opasnosti signala ou Marmota marmota L.: razlitchiya mejdou pervym i vtoritchnymi svistami na silouety. Some phonetic parameters of the alarm calls in Marmota marmota L.: differences between the first and the secondary whistles relared to the silhouettes [Quelques paramètres phonétiques des cris d'alarme chez Marmota marmota L. : différences entre le premier et le second sifflet en liaison avec les silhouettes]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 100 (Rousskie), 141-142 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 100 (Russian), 141-142 (English).
Marmota marmota, son, sound, cri d'alarme, alarm call.

Facello C., Macchi E., Panzera M., Piazza R. & Tesio E. 1997. Vremennye i spektal'nye osobennosti zvoukovgo predouprejdayuchtchego ob opasnosti signala Marmota marmota L.: ouroven' otveta na iskousstvennyï vozdouchtchyï stimoul. Temporal and spectral features of alarm calls in Marmota marmota L.: answer degree to artificial aerial stimuli [Caractéristiques temporelles et spectrales des cris d'alarme chez Marmota marmota : degré de réponses à des stimuli aériens artificiels]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 99 (Rousskie), 142-143 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 99 (Russian), 142-143 (English).
Marmota marmota, son, sound, cri d'alarme, alarm call.

Fadeev E.V. & Pavlov M.P. 1959. [Surplus de fourrures inutilisées. Unused Fir-skin Stocks]. Hunting and Hunting Farms, 3.
Fourrure, fur.
En russe, in Russian.

Fadeeva N.V. 1963. Selenginskoe srednegorye. Oulan-Oude, Bouryat. kn. izd-vo.
En russe, in Russian.

Faivre Paul & Théâtre Françoise (illustration) 2004. Marmottes et marmottons [Marmots and young marmots]. Pontarlier, P. Faivre, 10 p.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Falcoz L. 1912a. Contribution à la faune des terriers de Mammifères [Contribution to the study of the fauna in mammal burrows]. C.R. Acad. Sci., 154 : 1380-1383.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, blaireau, badger, taupe, mole, terriers, burrows, arthropodes, arthropods, Isère, France.

Falcoz L. 1912b. Deux Coléoptères nouveaux pour la faune française : Philonthus spermophili Gglb. et Henoticus Gyll [Two new beetles for French fauna: Philonthus spermophili Gglb. et Henoticus Gyll]. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 93.
En français, in French.
Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, terrier, burrow, France.

Falcoz L. 1912-1913. La recherche des Arthropodes dans les terriers [Research on Arthropods in the burrows]. Feuille des jeunes Naturalistes, 5 (42) : 178 et 5 (43) : 1.
En français, in French.
Arthropodes, arthropods, terriers, burrow, entomologie, entomology.

Falcoz L. 1913a. Sur l'éthologie de quelques espèces du genre Quedius Steph. [Upon ethology of some species of the Quedius Steph. genus]. Cong. Soc. Savantes, Grenoble, 187.
En français, in French.
Ethologie, ethology, Insectes, insects, entomologie, entomology.

Falcoz L. 1913b. Description d'un Lycoria (Sciara) nouveau de France : L. vaneyi, du terrier de la marmotte [Description of a new Lycoria (Sciara) in France: L. vaneyi, from the marmot burrow]. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 344-346.
En français, in French.
Insectes, insects, entomologie, entomology, terrier, burrow.

Falcoz L. 1914. Contribution à l'étude de la faune des microcavernes. Faune des terriers et des nids [Contribution to the study of the fauna in microcaves. Burrow and nest fauna]. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 61 : 59-245.
En français, in French.
Insectes, insects, entomologie, entomology, Diptera, 2600 m, Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota, terrier, burrow.
Pdf disponible/available

Faliu L., Lignereux Y. & Barrat J. 1980. Identification des poils des mammifères pyrénéens [Identification of Pyrenean mammal hairs]. Donana, Acta Vert., 1(2): 125-212.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, poils, hair, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Fal'k I.P. 1824. Zapiski poutechestviya [Notes de voyage. Travel notes]. SPB, 1 (Poln. sobr. outchenykh poutestviï po Rossii, t.6).
En russe, in Russian.
Expédition, expedition.

Fall M.W. 1971. Seasonal variations in the food consumption of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Variations saisonnières de la consommation des marmottes (M. monax)]. J. Mammal., 52 : 370-375.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, saison, season, alimentation, foraging.

La consommation alimentaire de 155 M. monax a été mesuré immédiatement après capture pour déterminer si il existe un rythme saisonnier dans l'alimentation d'une population anturelle. La prise alimentaire des adultes est la plus basse en mars. Elle atteint un maximum en mai, puis décline tout au long de l'été. Quelques individus accroissent temprorairement leur prise alimentaire à la fin de l'automne. Des données comparatives d'un groupe de marmottes en labratoire montrent l'existence d'un rythme similaire dans des conditions de température et d'éclairement constantes. La variabilité du maxima de consommation alimentaire associée à différentes classes d'âge, considéré à la lumière des informations connues de la vie, suggèrent que le ryhtme à une période légérement inférieure à un an..
Food consumption of 155 woodchucks (Marmota monax) was measured immediately after capture to determine whether a seasonal rhythm obtained in feeding of a natural population. Food intake of adults was lowest in March. It reached a maximum in May, then declined through the summer; some individuals increased food intake temporarily in late autumn. Comparative data from a laboratory colony showed that a similar rhythm occured under conditions of constant temperature and photoperiod. Variability in food consumption maxima life history information suggested that the rhythm had a period somewhat less than I year.

Farand E. 1995a. Impact de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, L.) sur la richesse et la composition floristique de prairies de fauche de l'étage montagnarrd supérieur [Impact of the alpine marmot on richness and flora composition of mowed meadows of the supeior montane level]. Rapport technique, DEA Analyse et Modélisation des systèmes biologiques, Lyon, 32 pp.
En français, in french.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, végétation, vegetation.

Farand E. 1995b. Rôle des herbivores mammaliens sur la diversité floristique des milieux ouverts : Mécanismes et patrons [Role of herbivorous mammals on the flora diversityof open environments : mechanism and patterns]. Diplôme d'Étude Approfondie "Analyse et Modélisation des Systèmes Biologiques", Rapport bibliographique,UCB lyon1, 37p.
En français, in French.
Herbivores, herbivorous.

Farand E. L. & Allainé D. 1998. Grosse souris ou petite baleine ? Variation des survies chez la marmotte alpine.[Big mouse or small whale ? Survival rate changes in Alpine marmot.]
5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 35-42.

En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, capture-recapture, taux de survie, survival rates, gel automnal, autumn freezing.
Nous avons analysé les taux de survies annuels dans une population de marmottes alpines (Réserve de La Sassière, Savoie) en utilisant les modèles de capture-recapture. Les facteurs testés étaient le sexe, l'âge et l'année. Les taux de survie ne variaient pas en fonction du sexe, comme attendu puisque l'espèce est monogame et le dimorphisme sexuel très limité. Ils variaient en fonction de deux classes d'âge (0 à 1an ; plus de 1 an), et de l'année. Les variations annuelles étaient importantes chez les animaux de plus de 1 an (taux de survie de 0,51 ` 0,92), et elles étaient structurées par 2 variables météorologiques (sur 5 testées) : le nombre de jour de gel en automne, et l'enneigement printanier. Pour la classe d'âge 0 à 1 an, les variations annuelles étaient moins importantes, et non significative du point de vue statistique. Les résultats sont en partie attendus (absence d'effet du sexe, survie juvénile différente de la survie adulte, rôle de l'enneigement printanier), en partie inattendus (importance des conditions à l'entrée en hibernation, variations de survies plus importantes chez les adultes que chez les juvéniles).
We studied annual survival rates of a population of Alpine Marmots (Reserve of La Sassière, Savoie, France) using capture-recapture models. The factors tested were sex, age, and year. Survival rates did not vary with sex, as expected in a monogamous and sexually non-dimorphic species. Survival rates varied according to two age-classes (from 0 to 1 year old ; more than 1 year old), and to year. Annual variations were important among animals of 1 year old or more (survival rates from 0.51 to 0.92), and these variations were significantly explained by 2 meteorological variables (among 5 tested): the number of freezing days during autumn, and spring snowcover. In the 0 to 1 year old age-class, annual variations were of lesser extent and non statistically significant. The results are partly expected (lack of sex effect, juveniles survival differing from adults one, effect of spring snowcover), and partly unexpected (effect of initial conditions of hibernation, more variations in adults survival rates than in juveniles one).

Farand E., Allainé D. & J. Coulon (Фаранд Е., Аллен Д., Кулон Ж.) 1997. Vyjivaemost' evropeïskogo sourka (Marmota marmota L.): izoutchenie popoulyatsii iz lya sassire (Vanos, frantsiya) metodom otlovov-vypouskov. Survival of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.): a capture-recapture study of the population from La Sassière (Vanoise, France) [Survie de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota L.) : une étude par capture-recapture de la population de La Sassière (Vanoise, France)]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 98-99 (Rousskie), 143-144 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 98-99 (Russian), 143-144 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota marmota, capture, survie.

Farand E., Allainé D. & J. Coulon (Фаранд Е., Аллен Д., Кулон Ж.) 2002a. Survival of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.): a capture-recapture study. емость альпийского сурка изучение методом повторных отловов. [Vyjivaemost' alpiiskogo (Marmota marmota L.): izoutcheniemetodom povtornykh otlovov. Survie chez la marmotte alpine : étude par cature-recapture]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.YU. eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on marmots, Moscow, ABF P.H., 151-160.
En anglais et russe avec résumé en français ; In English and Russian with a French abstract.
Marmota marmota, survie, survival.
We used Capture-Recapture models to study survival rates variations of the monogamous Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) in the valley of La Sassière (French Alps, 2350 m elevation). Using a seven years dataset (1990 to 1996), we tested biological hypotheses in order to know which factors are involved in population survival rates variations. We used specific factors (sex and age) and environmental ones (annual variations). In agreement with evolutionary model predictions, we found no sex effect on survival rates variations. On the contrary, the lack of age effect was surprising as age-structured mortality is the rule among mammals. We suggest that either a too small size or the effect of social thermoregulation could explain this result. Annual survival rates variations are important and positively correlated with winter snowdepth (Likelihood Ratio Test, p=0.003). Environment is very sharp in the valley of La Sassière: we suggest that burrow thermal insulation during hibernation may be a major factor of annual survival.
Key-words: survival, sex, age, environmental variations, Marmota marmota.
Nous avons utilisé des modèles de Capture-Recapture pour étudier les variations des taux de survie de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota L.), une espèce monogame, dans le vallon de La Sassière (Alpes françaises, 2350 m d’altitude). Grâce à un jeu de données couvrant 7 années (de 1990 à 1996), nous avons testé différentes hypothèses biologiques. Notre but était de déterminer quels facteurs interviennent dans les variations des taux de survie dans cette population. Nous avons utilisé des facteurs spécifiques (âge et sexe) et environnementaux (variations annuelles). Conformément aux prédictions des modèles évolutifs, nous ne trouvons pas de rôle du sexe dans les variations de survie. A l’inverse, l’absence d’effet de l’âge était inattendue, car la structuration de la mortalité par l’âge est la règle chez les mammifères. Nous supposons soit que notre échantillon est trop petit, soit que la thermorégulation sociale pourrait expliquer ce résultat. Les variations annuelles des taux de survie sont important et corrélés positivement avec l’enneigement hivernal (Likelihood Ratio Test, p = 0,003). L’environnement est très rude à la Sassière : nous suggérons que l’isolation thermique des terriers pendant l’hibernation pourrait être un facteur majeur de la survie annuelle.
Mots clés: survie, sexe, âge, variations environnementales, Marmota marmota.
Pdf disponible/available

Farand E., Allainé D. & J. Coulon 2002b. Variation in survival rates for the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota): effects of sex, age, year, and climatic factors [Variation des taux de survie de la marmotte alpine : effet du sexe, de l’âge de l’année et des facteurs climatiques]. Can. J. Zool., 80: 342-349.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available

Farkas M. 1987. The incidence and life history of Ixodes cookei Packard (Acari: Ixodidae), the groundhog (Marmota monax) tick in Wellington Country, with special reference to Powassan virus [Fréquence et histoire de vie d'Ixodes cookei Packard (Acari: Ixodidae), le tique de la marmotte (M. monax) de Wellington Country, avec une référence spéciale au virus de Powassan]. Proc. of Entomological Society of Ontario, 118: 171.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, Acarien, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Fatio V. 1869. Faune des vertébrés de Suisse. Histoire naturelle des mammifères [Vertebrate fauna of Switzerland. Natural history of mammals]. H. Georg, Genève et Bâle, J.B. Baillière et fils, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota p. 169, faunistique, fauna, Suisse, Switzerland.

Fatou Hélène (Angeli May illustration) 1986. Vigie la marmotte [Lookout the marmot]. Paris, Flammarion, 31p.
En français, in French.
Marmottes, marmots, littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Fatzer R., Horning B. & Franhauser R. 1976. Taenia crassiceps (Cysticercus longicaulis) in the central nervous system of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Taenia crassiceps (Cysticercus longicaulis) dans le système nerveux central de la marmotte alpine (M. marmota)]. Verhandlungsbericht des 18° internationalen Symposium über die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Innsbruck 1976 : 111-113. Akademie Verlag Berlin.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, cerveau, brain.

Faudel 1866. Sur la découverte d’ossements humains fossiles dans le lehm alpin de la vallée du Rhin à Eguisheim, près de Colmar [About the discovery of fossil human bones in the alpine lehm in the Rhine Valley at Eguisheim, near Colmar]. Comptes rendus hedomadaires des séances de l’académie des Sciences, 63, 689-691.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Homme, Man, cerf, Elephas primigenius, Bos priscus, Cheval, Bison. Lehm, Alsace.
pdf disponible/available

Fauna SSSR. 1965. Mlekopitayuchtchie [Mammiféres. Mammals]. t. 3 (2), M., L., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals.

FAUNMAP working group 1994. FAUNMAP: a database documenting late Quaternary distributions of mammal species in the United States [Faunmap : une base de données sur la répartition des mammifères des Etats-Unis d’Amérique au Quaternaire final]. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, 25, 690 p.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, database, base de données, quaternaire, quaternary, EUA, USA.

FAUNMAP working group 1996. Spatial response of mammals to late quaternary environmental fluctuations [Réponses spatiales des mammifères aux fluctuations environnementales du quaternaire final]. Science, 272 : 1601-1606.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, quaternaire, quaternary.

Faust R.G. & Parpart A.K. 1961. Permeability studies on the red blood cell of the ground-hog, Marmota monax [Études de perméabilité des hématies de la marmotte commune d’Amérique, Marmota monax]. Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 57(1): 1-3.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, hématie, red blood cell.

Fauvel & Bleicher 1888. Notice sur une station préhistorique avec faune quaternaire à Voegtlinshofen (Haute-Alsace) [Note on a prehistoric station with a quaternary fauna at Voegtlinshofen (Haute-Alsace)]. Bull. de la Soc. d’hist. nat. de Colmar. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1889 : 974.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, grotte, cave, mammifères, Haute-Alsace, France.

Favraud A. 1907. Découverte d’une mâchoire humaine dans une brèche quaternaire à industrie paléolithique. Discovery of a human jawin a quaternary breccia with paleolithic industry]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 144 : 935-936.
En français, in French.
Brèche, breccia, Moustérien, Mousterian, cheval, horse, renne, reindeer, bœuf, ox, Petit-Puymoyen, Angoulème, Charente, France.

Fayard A. 1973. Etude préliminaire sur le Parc Naturel Régional du Bugey. Les Mammifères [A preliminary study in the Regional Nature Park of Bugey. Mammals]. Bull. Ecol., 4(2) : 78-82.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, réserve, reserve, Bugey.

Fayard A., Rolandez J-L. & Roncin P. 1979. Les mammifères du département de l'Ain [Mammals of the Ain department]. Le Bièvre, 1(1) : 1-26.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Un lâcher de plusieurs individus a été effectué par des chasseurs en 1974 sur la chaîne du Crât de la neige. Tous semblaient avoir disparu mais un individu (provenant de ce lâcher) a été aperçu en juillet 1976.
65 species are distributed throughout the department of Ain. No originality appears in that fauna characterized by the dominance of the medio-European species. Among the seven natural regions of the department, Dombes shows its originality with species whose presence is connected with the aquatic environment (Arvicola sapidus, Ondatra zibethica, Micromys minutus, Rattus norvegicus). Bresse, which is mostly agricultural is connected without transition with the wooded country of Saône-et-Loire, whereas the small mountain range of Revermont is influenced by the neighbouring Southern Jura which adds few new species to our qualitative analysis (Rupicapra rupicapra, Apodemus flavicollis, Neomys anomalus, even Lynx lynx) ; these are characteristic of the mountain zone. The greater richness of the mountain compared with the plain is mostly linked up with the presence of Cheiroptera found in the karstic environment. Although a few species disappeared during the last century under the influence of Man (Ursus arctos, Lynx lynx, Canis lupus), others appeared (Ondatra zibethica, Myocastor coypus) or increased their numbers or distribution (Martes martes, Martes foina, Sus scrofa, Capreolus capreolus) .

Feathers D. 1936. Ramsay Expedition-Laurier Pass and Mount Redfern [Expédition Ramsay - Passe Laurier et Mont Redfern]. Field notes, catalogue, map of camps. Mammalogy Department of Mammalogy, American Museum of Natural History.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Colombie Britannique, British Columbia.

Fédération Rhône-Alpes de protection de la nature 1974. Réintroduction de la marmotte en Vercors [Marmot reintroduction in the Vercors]. FRAPNA Isère.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, rintroduction, Vercors, France.

Fédération Rhône-Alpes de protection de la nature 1976. Réintroduction de la marmotte en Vercors [Marmot reintroduction in the Vercors]. Isère, Grenoble : FRAPNA, 66 diapositives couleur ; 24 x 36 mm+ Notice de 6 p., bande-son magnétique.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, rintroduction, Vercors, France.

Fedina O.A. 1948. [Les puces de la région d'Alma Ata. The fleas of Alma-Ata oblast]. ]. Izv. Acad. Nauk Kaz SSR, 43, ser. parasitol., Alma-Ata, 5: 76-91.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, Alma-Ata.

Fedorin YU.V., Tyukika O.V. & Pachkov YU.N. 1973. Zemelnyï fond tsentral'nykh oblasteï Evropeïskoï tchasti SSSR i ego ispol'zovanie v sel'skom khozyaïstve [Réserves terrestres des régions centrales de la partie européenne de l'URSS et leur utilisation agricole. Terrestrial reserves of the middle regions of the European part of the USSR and their agricultural use]. V kn. Voprosy preobrazovaniya prirody Roussko&iouml;ravniny, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Réserves, reserves, conservation, URSS, USSR.

Fedorenko O.N. & Levykin S.V. 2006. [Réserves territoriales pour le rétablissement écologique de marmottes des steppes de la région d’Orenbourg. Terrotorial reserve for ecological restoration of settlements of steppe marmots in the Orenburg area]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, réintroduction, re-introduction, Orenbourg, Orenburg, Russie, Russia.

Fedorov V.N. 1950. K voprosy o souchtchestvovanii v prochlom v Evrope prirodnogo otchaga tchoumy [Sur la question de la présence ancienne de foyers naturels de peste en Europe. About the question of the ancient presence of natural foci of plague in Europe]. Tr. yubil. naoutch. konf. Rostovskogo protivotchoumn. in-ta, Rostov n/Donou.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, histoire, history, Europe, Europa.

Fedorov V.M. 1966. Vliyanie raspashek zemeli na tchislennosti tarbagana v Iugo-Vostotchnom Zabaikalie [Impact du labourage sur le nombre de marmottes tarbaganes du sud-est du Transbaïkal. Ploughing impact on the number of the Tabargan marmots from south-western Cis-baikal]. In Osobo opasnye infektsii v Sibiri i na Dalinem Vostoke, Dokl. Orkutskogo PUI, 7, Kyzyl. (en russe, in Russian)
(Marmota sibirica) ; Agriculture ; Transbaïkal

Fedorova O.I. 1999. Vzaimosvyaz' priznakov, obouslivaiuchtchikh okraskou i katchestvo opoucheniya sourkov. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 101-102. (en russe, in Russian)
Marmota, gestion, management.

Fedoseeva G.A. 2005. Captive breeding of bobak marmots (Marmota bobak) in the cages. Osnoby razvedeniya srepnykh sourkov (Marmota bobak) v ousloviyakh kletotchnogo soderjaniya. [ Élevage en captivité des marmottes bobak (Marmota bobac)]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 52-53.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, Èlevage, breeding.
The unique and only Russia\'s marmot nursery was established within JSC captive breeding farm "Pushkinskiy". There have been studied bobak marmots' (Marmota bobak) biological features and capacity for adaptation to artificial habitat, and various scenarios of animal keeping have been tested. Keeping one mature male together with one mature female proved to be the best way. It is also possible to keep one female with two males in one enclosure. Keeping one male with two females is to be excluded, since females were observed to fight one another until one them died. It was also interesting to observe marmots escape from enclosure. Most often the runaway would settle by enclosure where its mate lived, having dug a burrow just in front of the enclosure or close to it. It mainly concerns the animals that have been together for more than three years. Such behavioral patterns were not observed in young animals however, though they dug holes near enclosures. This is attributed to their being genetically predisposed to living in colonies. However, a case that a male runaway did not dig a burrow but lived for two weeks in another enclosure, which was subject to repair, penetrating into it through a hole of the cellular tloor, was reported in summer, 2003. Note that according to the same year observations a pair (a male and female) that escaped together also settled together in enclosure subject to repair, getting in it through the trapdoor. These cases evidence the adaptation of marmots to living in enclosures. Marmot-breeding in enclosures allowed revealing numerous ways of reproductive potential realization. Most often we observed monogamy (a male couples with one female during a reproduction season). Polyandrical contacts, where one female couples with several males during a reproduction season, are also possible. The cases of polygamy, where a male couples with several females during a reproduction season, were also observed in marmots. Marmots' reproduction period extends over approximately two months. 171 litters occurred during the years of observations (1995-2004). The earliest lit ter was reported on March 13, and the latest - on May 1. A peak reproduction was during a period 29th of March through 7th of April. 59.4 percent of females gave birth to their cubs during this period. A main problem of animals' adaptation to fundamentally new keeping and breeding conditions was an increased reproductive capacity. 11 of 25 females ( 44 % ) of the main herd gave birth to cubs in 2004. The rate of prolificacy was 4.64 cubs, and female's output was 5.75 cubs. The trapdoors of marmot houses were sequentially opened as they finished hibernation. The houses were opened on February 1. Marmots on the sunny side of enclosure awoke earlier. 16 pairs (64 percent) of marmots on the sunny side and 3 (12 %) on the shady one awoke before February 15. Eight of the females (32 %) living on the sunnyside of enclosure and 3 (12 percent) (P > 0.99) living on the shady side gave birth to cubs. The earlier opening oftrapdoors resulted in a shorter littering period (April3 through April17).

Fedoseeva G.A. 2006. [Sélection des marmottes pour l’élevage. Selection of marmots for breeding use. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, sélection, selection, élevage, breeding.

Fedoseeva G.A. & Fedorova O.I. 2006. [À propos d’une amélioration de l’élevage des marmottes. About an bonitation of marmots of cage breeding]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, élevage, breeding.

Fedorova O.I. & Koldaeva E.M. 1996. Vozrastnye izmeneniya okraski i katchestva opoushzniya sourkov-odnoletok kletotchnogo razvedeniya. Age variability of colouration and pelt qualities of marmots one year-old [Variabilité avec l'âge de la coloration et de la qualité des peaux des marmottes d'un-an]. In Sourki severnoïevrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, Russian, 83-84; English, 97-98.
Marmota, âge, age, peau, skin.

Fedorova O.I. & Koldaeva E.M. 1997. Topografitcheskaya izmentchivosty volosyanogo pokpova sourkov-vtorogodok kletotchnogo razvedeniya. The hairs cover topographic variablility in second year marmot from cages breeding [La variabilité topographique des poils des marmottes de deux ans en élevage]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 101 (Rousskie), 144 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 101 (Russian), 144 (English).
Marmota, fourrure, fur, élevage, breeding.

Fedorova L.V., Tereshchenko P.F. 1950. [La chloropicrine comme moyen d'extermination des arthropodes des nids de marmottes. Chloropicrin briquettes as means for extermination of arthropoda in marmot's nests]. Izv. Irkout. protivochum. in-ta Sibiri i Dal. Vostoca, Irkutsk, 8: 151-161.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Arthropodes, Arthropods, extermination.

Fedoseeva G.A. 1996. Okraska mekha stepnykh sourkov v ousloviyakh kletotchnogo soderjaniya. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 85.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.

Fedoseeva G.A. 2002. [Corrélations entre des caractères quantitatifs des marmottes des steppes sur quelques générations. Finding of correlation between quantitative characters in steppe marmots (Marmota bobak) during some generations]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 65.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, biométrie, biometry.

Fedoseeva G.A. & Kazakova T.I. 1999. Ispol'zovanie jira sourka v meditsine. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 102-103.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, medecine.

Fedoseeva G.A, Kazakova T.I. & Babunidze O.E. 1999. Kombikorma dliya sourkov kletotchnogo razvedeniya. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 103-104.
En russe, in Russian.

Fedoseeva G.A. & Rymalov I.V. 1997. Plemennaya rabta s sourkami pri kletotchnom razvedenii. Selection of marmots in fur breeding [La sélection de la fourrure chez les marmottes d'élevage]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 102 (Rousskie), 145 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 102 (Russian), 145 (English).
Marmota, fourrure, fur, élevage, breeding.

Fedoseeva G.A., Tinaeva E.A. & Balakirev N.A. 2002. Connection between the allele frequency of polymorphous loci and their complexes and polygenetic heritable signs in prairie marmots. Rapport entre la fréquence allélique et leurs complexes de locus polymorphes et de leurs signes d'héritabilités chez la marmotte des steppes. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 54-55.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota bobac, breeding, élevage, allele frequency, fréquence allélique, albumin, albumine, transferin, transférine, erythrocytes.

Fedosenko A.K. & Busalaeva N.N. 1970. [Les puces des mammifères du Dzhungar Alatau. The fleas of mammalia from Dzhungar Alatau]. Izv. Acad. Nauk Kaz. SSR, ser. biol., Alma-Ata, 3: 49-55.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas.

Feitelson M.A. 1986. Products of the "X" gene in hepatitis B and related viruses. Hepatology, 6(2): 191-198.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis, chromosome, génétique, genetic.

The X region in hepatitis B virus DNA potentially encodes a polypeptide 154 amino acids in length. Two synthetic peptides spanning residues 100 to 115 (peptide 99) and 115 to 131 (peptide 100) in a hydrophilic domain within the carboxy terminal third of the proposed gene product were made and used to raise peptide antisera in rabbits. Such antisera specifically bound to X reactive determinants in liver-derived core antigen particles from humans (HBcAg), ducks (DHBcAg), ground squirrels (GSHcAg) and woodchucks (WHcAg) at each step of core antigen purification. This reactivity was blocked by addition of excess synthetic peptide, and neither sera were reactive with other purified antigens such as HBsAg. Individual polypeptides associated with these core particles were also reactive by Western blotting. These findings suggest that X reactive determinants are present in the core particles of hepatitis B virus and related viruses, and that one or more core-associated polypeptides may have both X and core antigenic determinants. The possible significance of these observations upon the genetic organization and expression of the X gene is discussed.

Feitelson M.A., Lega L., Duan L.X. & Clayton M. 1993. Characteristics of woodchuck hepatitis X-antigen in the livers and sera from infected animals. J. Hepatol., 17 Suppl 3: S24-34.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, génétique, genetic.

This study tests the hypothesis that woodchuck hepatitis virus encoded X-antigen expression correlates with viral replication, with hepatitis, or with both. Paired liver and serum samples from each of 55 infected woodchucks were used. Seven of 8 carriers with high levels of viral DNA in serum also had X-antigen in serum. In contrast, the frequency of X-antigen in serum was low among infected woodchucks that did not have viral surface antigen in the serum. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between X-antigen in serum and markers of viral replication. Woodchuck hepatitis X-antigen (WHxAg) expression in liver but not serum of carriers closely correlated with the presence of hepatitis. The finding of X-antigen in the liver of infected animals with hepatitis that cleared the virus surface antigen from serum also suggests that X-antigen is associated with ongoing hepatitis. Hence, the persistence of WHxAg in serum may signal continuing viral replication and, in liver, may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic infection.

Feitelson M.A., Marion P.L. & Robinson W.S. 1981. Antigenic and structural relationships of the surface antigens of hepatitis B virus, ground squirrel hepatitis virus, and woodchuck hepatitis virus. J. Virol., 39(2): 447-454.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, virus.

The surface antigens of human hepatitis B (HBsAg), ground squirrel hepatitis (GSHsAg), and woodchuck hepatitis (WHsAg) viruses were compared serologically, and their major polypeptides were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and tryptic peptide mapping. Results showed that both GSHsAg and WHsAg are antigenically cross-reactive, that their major pairs of polypeptides have identical mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, and that the major polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg migrate faster in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than do the corresponding bands of HBsAg. The peptide maps of the major (P-22) surface antigen polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg showed that they shared over half of their spots. Peptide mapping of HBsAg subtypes indicated a close relationship between the major polypeptides (P-24) of adw and adr and a more distal relationship to ayw. Only about 25% of the spots shared by the combined HBsAg subtypes were also found in the peptide maps of GSHsAg and WHsAg, indicating at least some structural homology among the major polypeptides of the human and animal virus surface antigen particles. This is also reflected in the serological cross-reactivity among HBsAg, GSHsAg, and WHsAg. Further, the detection of ground squirrel and woodchuck antigens by Ausria II radioimmunoassay, combined with peptide mapping data indicating the common origin of these viruses, suggests that the common a determinant is shared by each and is restricted to approximately 25% of the sequences in their major polypeptides.

Feitelson M.A., Marion P.L. & Robinson W.S. 1983. The nature of polypeptides larger in size than the major surface antigen components of hepatitis b and like viruses in ground squirrels, woodchucks, and ducks. Virology, 130(1): 76-90.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The relationships of various polypeptides associated with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), ground squirrel hepatitis surface antigen (GSHsAg), woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen (WHsAg), and duck hepatitis B surface antigen (DHBsAg) were studied by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and tryptic peptide mapping. Analysis of independent antigen isolates by SDS-PAGE resulted in bands consistently observed at 24,000, 28,000, 32,000, 43,000, and 50,000 Da with HBsAg; at 22,000, 25,000, 35,000, 37,000, 39,000, and 42,000 Da with GSHsAg and WHsAg; and at 18,500, 30,000, and 38,500, Da with DHBsAg. Comparison of the major polypeptide pair from the mammalian viruses by tryptic peptide mapping suggests more than a single point of glycosylation or other post-translational modification(s) in some paired comparisons and/or heterogeneity in glycosylation in others. Comparison of the major component of each mammalian virus (HBsAg p24, GSHsAg p22, or WHsAg p22), or the major polypeptide of DHBsAg (p18.5), with their respective larger polypeptides by peptide mapping indicated that one or more of the larger components in each virus shares extensive homology with the appropriate major component. Further, these larger components possess additional spots, interpreted as additional primary sequences, which were not found in the map of the appropriate major component. Collectively, the results suggest that a number of surface antigen-associated polypeptides may be partially encoded for by the pre-S gene region known to exist in hepatitis B virus (HBV) and woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), and likely to exist in ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV) and duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) DNA.

Feitelson M.A., Millman I., Duncan G.D. & Blumberg B.S. 1988. Presence of antibodies to the polymerase gene product(s) of hepatitis B and woodchuck hepatitis virus in natural and experimental infections. J. Med. Virol., 24(2): 121-136.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Antibodies against synthetic peptides derived from the polymerase gene of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) were present in 80% of renal dialysis patients infected with HBV and in woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Polymerase antibody (anti-pol) appeared as the earliest marker of both HBV and WHV infections in approximately half of the individuals tested, suggesting that these antibodies were generated following early viral replication in the liver during the incubation period and prior to the appearance of virus in the blood. Many HBV- or WHV-infected individuals negative for surface antigen throughout infection also had anti-pol, but anti-pol appeared only after anti-surface, anti-core and/or anti-e. The presence of anti-pol did not correlate with other serologic markers of HBV or WHV infection, nor did it correlate with histologically confirmed hepatitis in woodchucks. However, there was a significant correlation between the presence of anti-pol and elevated liver enzyme levels in the sera of renal dialysis patients. In several cases, anti-pol was the sole marker of infection, suggesting that underlying infection and low levels of virus replication were present. Most individuals with anti-pol had antibodies to one of the three synthetic peptides, suggesting it may be immunodominant in natural infections. In human populations, groups with a high frequency of HBV infection have a high frequency of polymerase antibodies, and groups with a low frequency of HBV infection have a low frequency of polymerase antibodies. A standard assay for the detection of polymerase antibodies is described, and possible clinical applications are discussed.

Feitelson M.A., Ranganathan P.N., Clayton M.M. & Zhang S.M. 1997. Partial characterization of the woodchuck tumor suppressor, p53, and its interaction with woodchuck hepatitis virus X antigen in hepatocarcinogenesis. Oncogene, 15(3): 327-336.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Full length cDNAs for p53 were made by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of total RNA from two normal woodchuck livers. Two randomly chosen clones from each liver were sequenced and shown to be identical. This sequence revealed 80% or more identity with p53 sequences from human, monkey, and mouse. The cDNA was translated into a 55 kD protein in vitro that was immunoprecipitated by antibodies to p53. Cotranslation of woodchuck p53 with woodchuck hepatitis virus X antigen, followed by immunoprecipitation suggested X/p53 complex formation. Similar complexes were also immunoprecipitated from extracts of infected liver, but not from uninfected liver. The finding of X/p53 complexes in vivo and in vitro in the woodchuck hepadnavirus system, combined with analogous data with hepatitis B, suggests a common mechanism by which these viruses contribute to hepatocellular transformation.

Fejfar Oldrich 1961. Review of Quaternary vertebrata in Czechoslovakia [Revue des vertébrés du Quaternaire en Tchéquoslovaquie]. Prace Institut Geol. Warzawa, 34 : 109-118, p. 113.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Fejfar O. & Storch Gerhard 1990. Eine pliozäne (ober-ruscinische) Kleinsäugerfauna aus Gundersheim, Rheinhessen. -- 1. Nagetiere: Mammalia, Rodentia. [Faune de micromammifères du Pliocène (Ruscinian supérieur) de gundersheim, Rheinhessen] A Pliocene (upper Ruscinian) micro-mammal fauna from Gundersheim, Rheinhessen. -- 1. Rodents: Mammalia, Rodentia.]. Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 71 p. 139-184.
En German with English summ.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene.

Feldhammer, Drickamer, Vessey, Merritt. 1999. Mammalogy: adaptation, diversity, and ecology [Mammalogie: adapatation, diversité, et écologie]. Boston: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobak.

Fellows J.O. 1881. Weight of woodchucks [Poids des marmottes communes d’AmÈrique]. Forest and Stream, 17: 29.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, masse corporelle, body mass.

Fenyuk B.K. 1944. Ekologitcheskie faktoty otchgovosti i epizootologii tchoumy. 1. Endemya tchoumy kak ekologitcheskaya problema [Facteurs écologiques des foyers épizootiques de peste. 1. La peste endémique comme problème écologique. Ecological factors in epizootical foci of plague. 1. Endemic plague as ecologic problem]. Vestn. mikrobiol., epidemiol. i parazitol. : Sb. naoutch. troudov, povyachtchennykh 25-letiyu in-ta "Iikrov", Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Écologie, ecology, peste, plague.

Fenyuk B.K. 1958. Voprosy geografii prirodnykh otchagov tchoumy [Questions géographiques sur les foyers naturels de peste. Geographic questions upon the natural foci of plague]. Zool. J., 37(7).
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, peste, plague.

Fenyuk B.K. 1959. Zametki o prirodnykh otchagakh tchoumy i protivotchmno&iml; rabote v Kitaïskoï Narodnoï Respoublike (po poutevym vpetchatleniyam) [Remarques sur les foyers naturels de peste et lutte contre la peste en République populaire de Chine (Impressions de voyage). Remarks upon the natural foci of plague and fight against plague int the Popular Republic of China (Travel impressions)]. J. mikrobiol., epidemiol. i immounol., 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Chine, China.

Fenyuk BK. 1960. Experience in the eradication of enzootic plague in the north-west part of the Caspian region of the USSR [Expérience d'éradication de l'enzootie de peste dans le nord-ouest de la région Caspienne de l'URSS]. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 23: 263-273.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, peste, plague, Union Soviétique, Soviet Union.

Feranec R.S. 1999. Evolution of the grazing niche in Pleistocene mammals from Florida: evidence from stable carbon and oxygen isotopes [Evolution de la niche de pâturage chez les mammifères du Pléistocène de Floride : preuves de la stabilité d'isotopes de carbone et d'oxygène]. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of Papers, Supplement,19(3):44A.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, Paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocen, Mammifères, Mammals, Brouteur, Grazer, Isotope, Carbone, Carbon, Floride, Florida.

Feranec Robert S. 2004. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of marmot cheek teeth from the Pit Locality, Porcupine Cave, Colorado [Analyse isotopique du carbone et de l'oxygène des dents de marmottes de Pit Locality, Porcupine Cave, Colorado]. In Biodiversity Response to Environmental Change in the Early and Middle Pleistocene: The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado, Barnosky, A. D. (ed.), University of California Press, Berkeley, 327-331.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, dent, tooth, analyse isotopique, isotope analysis.

Feranec R.S. & MacFadden B.J. 2000. Evolution of the grazing niche in Pleistocene mammals from Florida: evidence from stable isotopes. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 162: 155-169.
En anglais, in English.
Available pdf disponible
Paléontologie, Paleontology, Mammifères, Mammals, Carbone, Carbon, Floride, Florida.

Féret-Fleury Christine & Alloing Louis (illustration) 2004. La marmotte a disparu [The marmot disappeared]. Paris, Flammarion, 93 p.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Fergus Chuck. Woodchuck [Marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Wildlife notes 6, Pennsylvania Game Commission. En ligne/On line
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, Marmota monax, Pennsylvania, EUA, USA.
Extrait/extract pdf

Fergus Charles 2000. Wildlife of Pennsylvania and the Northeast [Sauvagine du Pennsylvanie et du Nord-est]. Stackpole books, 352 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, EUA, USA.
Extrait/extract pdf

Fernandez-Donoso R., Fraccaro M., Lindsten J., Porta F., Scappaticci S. & Tieppolo L. 1969. The chromosomes of the Alpine marmot Marmota marmota L. (Rodentia : Sciuridae) [Les chromosomes de la marmotte alpine M. marmota L. (Rodentia : Sciuridae)]. Hereditas, 63 : 170-179.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic.

Ferrant & Friant 1936. La faune pléistocène d'Oetrange [Pleistocen fauna in Oetrange]. Bull. mens. nat. Lux., N.S., 30 : 14-89 et 31, 54 pp. p. 28.
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Luxembourg

Ferraiuolo Valentina,Krieger Chiara & Santi Giuseppe, 2002. Upper Pleistocene Marmota marmota Linnaeus, 1758 remains from Como Province(Lombardy-Northern Italy). Osteological study and morphometric observations [Fossiles de Marmota marmota du Pléistocène supérieur de la province Côme (Lombardie, Italie du nord)]. Società ticinese di Scienze naturali, 90(1-2), 29-38.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, osteological and morphometric study, ostéologie, morphométrie, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Lombardie, Lombardy, Italie, Italy. Vengono studiati morfologicamente e osteometricamente circa 300 reperti di Marmota marmota L., 1758 provenienti da due località della provincia di Como (Bulgarograsso e Olgiate Comasco). Nel confronto fra parametri dentali, craniali e mandibolari con resti di marmotte pleistoceniche provenienti dalla Grotta dei Parmorari (Borgio Verezzi - Savona) ed attuali (Piemonte), è stato dimostrato che i reperti della collezione comasca possono essere inclusi nella variabilità delle marmotte recenti e che più in particolare, hanno una taglia inferiore rispetto alle piemontesi. È confermata la taglia superiore delle marmotte pleistoceniche, mentre le differenze morfologiche riscontrate fra le marmotte comasche e quelle piemontesi potrebbero dipendere o da diversità sessuale o, più verosimilmente, da leggere variazioni dell’ambiente di vita.
About three hundred remains of Marmota marmota L., 1758 from two localities of the Como Province (Bulgarograsso and Olgiate Comasco) (Lombardy) are morphologically and osteometrically studied. From the comparison of dental, craniometric and mandibular parameters between the Pleistocene and recent marmots from Parmorari Cave (Borgio Verezzi, Savona, Liguria Region) and from the Piedmont, it has been demonstrated that the Como collection specimens can be included in the recent marmots variability and, more in particular, that they have a smaller size compared to the ones of Piedmont. The larger size of the Pleistocene marmots is confirmed, whereas the observed morphologic differences between the Como and the Piedmont marmots could be due to the sexual diversity or, more probably, to slight habitat variations.

Ferrario G., G. Scherini, G. Tosi & S. Toso 1985. Distribution, population and diet of the Golden Eagle in the central Alps [Répartition, population et alimentation de l'aigle royal dans les Alpes centrales]. Atti III Conv. ital., Orn.: 263-264.
En anglais, in English.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota marmota, prédation, predation, Alpes centrales, central Alps.

Ferraris P. 1990. Dislocazione tane invernali di marmotte nel parco N. Alta Valsesia, nel comune di Alagna Valsesia. Dati raccolti nell'autunno 1988 [Déplacement du terrier d'hiver de marmotte du Parc N. Alta Valsesia, commune d'Alagna Valsesia. Données de l'automne 1988]. Collana Scientifica Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso, 177 : 35-39.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, terrier, burrow, Italie, Italy.

Ferraris Maria, Sala Benedetto & Scola Valeria 1990. The late Pleistocene fauna with Pliomys lenki from the Ghiacciaia Cave loess (northern Italy) [Faune du Pléistocène avec Pliomys lenki de la grotte de Ghiacciaia (Italie du Nord). Quat. Int., 5: 71-79, Oxford, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Italie, Italy.

Ferri M., L. Sala, C. Sola, Spampanato A., P. Tongiorgi & L. Tosi 1987. La marmotta, Marmota marmota Linneo: indagini preliminari per uno studio della popolazione dell'Appennino settentrionale [La marmotte, M. marmota L. : recherches préliminaires pour une étude de la population de l'Appenin septentrional. The marmot, M. marmota L.: preliminary research for a study of the western Appenines population]. Relazione siullo stato dellambiente nella provincia di Modena, 2 : 81-85.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, population, Italie, Italy, Appenins.

Ferri M., L. Sala, C. Sola, Spampanato A., P. Tongiorgi & L. Tosi 1992. La marmotta, Marmota marmota Linneo: indagini preliminari per uno studio della popolazione dell'Appennino settentrionale [La marmotte, M. marmota L. : recherches préliminaires pour une étude de la population de l'Appenin septentrional. The marmot, M. marmota L.: preliminary research for a study of the western Appenines population]. In: Relazione sullo stato dell'ambiente nel-la provincia di Modena, Aggiornamento, Vol. 2. Provincia di Modena, pp. 81-85.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, population, Italie, Italy, Appenins.

Ferri M., L. Sala, C. Sola, Spampanato A., P. Tongiorgi & L. Tosi 1992. La marmotta sull'Appennino settentrionale [La marmotte de l'Appenin septentrional]. Habitat, 7: 4-8.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, population, Italie, Italy, Appenins.

Ferri M., G. Pigozzi, Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tarantino J., P. Tongiorgi P., L. Tosi 1988a. Primi risultati di una ricerca sulla popolazione di Marmotta del crinale appennico Tosco-Emilinao [Premiers résultats d'une recherche sur la population de marmottes de la ligne de crêtes des Apennins de Toscane-Emilie. First results of a study of the marmot population of the Apennines ridge of Tosco-Emilinao. Atti del I Convegno Nazionale dei Biologi della Selvaggina, 14 : 339-349.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, population, Italie, Italy, Appenins.

Ferris G.F. 1919. Contribution toward a monograph of the sucking lice [Apport pour une monographie des poux], pt.1. Stanford univ., California.
En anglais, in English.
Insectes, Insects, parasitologie, parasitology.

Ferroglio E. & Durio P. 1992. Utilizzo delle tane in una colonia di marmotte in val di Viu' . Burrows use in marmot colony in val di Viu' (W. Alps). Burrows use in marmot colony in Val di Viu marmot . [Utilisation des terriers dans une colonie du Val di Viu]. Proc. 1st Intern. Symposium on Alpine Marmot and on Genus Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E eds., Torino, 247-248.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, terrier, burrow, population, Italie, Italy, Alpes.

Ferron J. 1981. Comparative ontogeny of behaviour in four species of squirrels (Sciuridae)[Ontogénese comparée du comportement de quatre espèces d'écureuils]. Z. Tierpsychol., 55, 193 - 216.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, ontogenèse, ontogenesis.

The development of behaviour in four species of Sciurid rodents, having terrestrial, arboreal and gliding way of life, is quantified and compared. The studied species are: Spermophilus columbianus, Spermophilus lateralis, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and Glaucomys sabrinus. For each behaviour pattern, the earliest and latest age of emergence is given along with a mean calculated for a series of young of each species. The development of locomotion, feeding, comfort alertness, exploration, nest building and social behaviour and the principal events of physical development are analysed. The discussion shows that the specific differences in ontogenetic rate are controlled by a series of factors including predation pressure, hibernation and the specific complexity of locomotion.

Ferron J. 1984.. Behavioral Ontogeny Analysis of Sciurid, Rodents, with Emphasis on the Social of Ground Squirrels [Analyse ontogéntique du comportement des Sciuridae, Rongeurs, particulièrement du comportement social des écureuils terrestres]. In Behavioral Ontogeny of Sciurid Rodents, 24 - 42.
En anglais, in English
Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, ontogénese, ontogenesis, social.

The purposes of this chapter are to suggest a standardized method for data collection with regard to behavioral ontogeny, to promote interspecilic comparisons as essential tools for understanding the adaptive "fine tuning'" of developmental patterns, and to synthesize current knowledge of the ontogeny of social behavior in ground squirrels. Behavioral development can be divided into two parts: emergence of behavior patterns during early ontogeny, and integration to adult life during later ontogeny. Observations during early ontogeny are compiled in the following manner: for each behavior pattern, the earliest and latest ages of appearance of the behavior are given with a mean calculated for a series of young of each species. An analysis of the ontogeny of social behavior of two ground squirrels, Spermophilus columbianus and Spemophilus lateralis, is performed in this manner. The results are then compared with those obtained for two arboreal squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and Glaucomys sabrinus. From this comparison and other data available on ground squirrels, it appears that gross interspecific differences in ontogenetic rates are controlled by factors such as predation pressure, hibernation, and complexity of locomotion. Interspecific differences in the development of agonistic, cohesive, and neutral behavior patterns in grounds squirrels are probably linked to social organization within each species. Data collection during later ontogeny should be concerned with the following parameters; social interactions with the different categories of kin and nonkin, dispersal, variation in home range, behavioral time budget, and activity cycles of juveniles.Some results concerning ground squirrels are presented,and their relation to adult social organization is discussed. Recommendations on the orientation of further studies on behavioral ontogeny in ground squirrels complete this review.

Ferron J. 1991a. Quels sont les déterminants de l'organisation socio-spatiale chez les Sciuridés [What are the causes of socio-spacial structure in Sciuridae?]. Actes Colloque Le rongeur et l'Espace, Lyon, 1989, Le Berre M. et L. Le Guelte ed., Chabaud.
En français, in French.
Sciuridae, social, territoire, territory.

À partir de revues comparatives et de travaux sur l'organisation sociale et l'utilisation de l'espace chez différents groupes de Sciuridés, nous analysons les déterminants biologiques et environnementaux de leur organisation socio-spatiale. Nous proposons ensuite une hypothèse globale relative à ces déterminans pour l'ensemble des Sciuridés. Bien que la majorité des études traitent ce problème sous l'angle des comparaisons interspécifiques, nous analysons également cette question du point de vue de la variation intraspécifique face à ces mâmes paramètres biologiques et environnementaux. Les Sciuridés arboricoles ont pour la plupart tendance à âtre solitaires. Certaines espèces sont mâme territoriales pour défendre leur source de nourriture quoique la majorité des espèces ne manifeste qu'une intolérance sociale entre individus. Une plus grande association entre individus est observée lorsque les risques de prédation sont élevés. La protection de la nourriture et l'évitement des prédateurs constituent les deux principaux déterminants de l'organisation socio-spatiale des Sciuridés arboricoles. Chez les Sciuridés terrestres, la vie en milieu ouvert où la nourriture herbacée est relativement concentrée et la pression de prédation souvent forte favorisent le regroupement des individus. Cependant ces conditions ne sont pas suffisantes en soi pour expliquer les différents niveaux de socialité atteints par ces Sciuridés. Il en va de méme pour ce qui est de la coïncidence des cycles annuels d'activité des jeunes et des adultes et de La densité de population. Le report de la maturité sexuelle dû à une saison d'activité courte ou à une mauvaise nutrition, qui ont pour effet de retarder La croissance des jeunes, serait le principal déterminant du niveau de socialité atteint. Cette synthèse fait ressortir que la nourriture exploitée serait à la base de la différence fondamentale d'organi-sation sociospatiale entre les Sciuridés arboricoles et terrestres. Chez les autres rongeurs, le régime alimentaire pourrait egalement âtre a la base de différences interspécifique d'organisation socio-spatiale, c'est du moins ce qu'indiquent des travaux sur les Microtinés.
The biological and environmental factors controlling the socio-spatial organization of sciurid rodents are analyzed from original data and review papers on different species and tribes of squirrels. A general hypothesis on the determinants of socio-spatial organizations including all groups of Scuirid rodents is then presented. Finally, the applicability of this hypothesis to other taxonomic groups of rodents is discussed. North-American ground squirrels are herbivorous and live in open habitats, two conditions facilitating grouping of animals. Many species hibernate. They exhibit a wide variety of social structures that have been classified under five grades: asocial, single-family female kin clusters, female kin clusters with male territoriality, polygynous harems wih male dominant and egalitarian polygynous harems. A major trend characterizes this range of ground-dwelling Sciurid socio-spatial organization: the retention of daughters within the other’s range and subsequent sharing of this range when the daughters are themselves reproductively mature. There is a correlation between the type of social structure of ground dwelling species and the proportion of their pre-adult life during young active above ground simultaneously with adults. The young of least social species spend a significant proportion of their first summer of life out of contact with adults.The young of the most social species exhibit extensive coincidence of their active period with that of adults; this provides the opportunity to develop cohesive social bonds. But even though temporal overlapping of active seasons is a prerequisite to the development of social tolerance, it does not necessarily leads to the formation of advance social structure in all species. It should thus be considered more as a facilitating condition than as a motor force of the evolution of sociality. Population density influences mating strategies of North-American ground squirrels. As local density increases so does the number of male competitors, making the defense of mates or the resources needed to attract mates more difficult. Female male breeding ratios have been studied in Marmota and are correlated positively with vegetation biomass and negatively with interhibernacula distance. Population density may affect socio-spatial strategies of ground-dwelling sciurids beyond the breeding season as revealed by a comparative study of different population of Marmota monax. Overall population density should be considered as a facilitating condition of more advanced grades of sociality, but it is not per se a direct cause of their evolution. The age of first reproduction explains a good part of the variations in levels of sociality and should be considered as the main determinant of the evolution of sociality in ground squirrels, once the preceding facilitating conditions are met. Advanced social structures may have evolved through retention of daughters within the maternal home range as a means of continuing reproductive investment beyond weaning. The comparison between tree and ground squirrels reveals that their basic difference in food habits has led them to adopt different socio-spatial strategies. Food habits have also influenced chipmunks and flying squirrels to evolve strategies respectively similar to relatively territorial and more social tree squirrels. In other ordents, food habits may be the underlying factor of interspecific differences in socio-spatial strategies, this is at least what a comparative study of microtines species reveals.

Ferron J. 1991b. Inter- vs intra- specific variations in home range size of sciurid rodents: influence of ecological constraints [Variations inter et intraspécifique de la taille du domaine vital chez les rongeurs sciuridés : effet des contraintes écologiques]. In Report of the third International meeting "Rodens & Spatium", Mammalia, 55 (3) : 475.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Tamiasciurus, habitat.

Studies of the influence of biological and environmental factors on social-spatial strategies of sciurid rodents are based on an interspecific approach. However, data on different populations of the same squirrel species show that, intraspecific variations in socio-spatial strategy can be substantial and can yield important information on ecological correlates of social organization. To illustrate the relative contribution of intra- and inter-specific comparisons, we address the question of how ecological constraints affect the use of space of sciurid rodents. Data collected on different populations of woodchucks (Marmota monax) and red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) are used for intraspecific comparisons. It appears that population density and food availability can induce differences in home range size from one population to the other. Others factors, such as habitat used, type of hoarding utilized, and reproduction strategy, can also cause variations of home range size between populations. At the interspecific level, within the squirrel family, home range size is influenced by body weight. When granivorous and herbivorous species are considered separately, it turns out that the former tend to have larger home range size, relative to their body weight, than the latter. Thus, conclusions reached with these two levels of comparison yield different but complementary information on ecological constraints of home range size in sciurid rodents. Recommendations are proposed for future research.

Ferron J. 1996. How do woodchucks (Marmota monax) cope with harsh winter conditions? [Comment les marmottes (M. monax) font-elles face aux rudes conditions hivernales]. Journal of Mammalogy, 77(2): 412-416.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, écologie, ecology, hiver, winter.

Woodchucks (Marmota monax) are a solitary species that, unlike other species of marmots, hibernate singly. The object of this study was to analyze how this species copes with harsh winter conditions in the field, in the northern par of its range. Woodchucks in the population studied have a pattern of hibernation similar to that of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), they face comparable burrow temperatures, and their range of body temperatures is similar. However, woodchucks lose more weight than alpine marmots, both on a daily basis and throughout the period of hibernation. Woodchucks are less specialized than montane species of marmots, but their hibernacula provide better insulation than those employed by species residing in mountainous habitats.

Ferron J. & L. Lefebvre 1982. Comparative organization of grooming sequences in adult and young sciurid rodents [Organisation comparée des séquences de toilettage chez les adultes et les jeunes rongeurs sciuridés]. 110 -127.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, toilettage, grooming.

The present study is an attempt to link principles of organization of grooming sequences to environmental, ontogenetic and phylogenetic factors through a comparative study of five species of North American squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus, Spermophilus columbianus, Spermophilus lateralis, Spermophilus richardsonii and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) that occupy a variety of ecological niches and have different degrees of taxonomic relatedness and morphological similarity. 'Three measures of grooming organizaion are analysed: bout length distributions, transition structure and anatomical distribution. Grooming bout length distributions in both adult and young sciurids fit with the geometric model. Mean bout length varies between species and is possibly influenced by social and ecological factors such as disturbance by conspecifics and predator surveillance. Transition structure follows a cephalocaudal progression that appears to be Characteristic of rodent grooming and could be phylogenetically wery old. The degree of organizaion of the sequences, as measured by transition structure, seems to be related ro average bout lengh. Postural facilitation can also be invoked to explain some of the transitions. No general rule emerges from the comparative analysis of transition structure. Ecology, phyloyeny and morphology inluence anatomical distribution of grooming activity. The three Spermophilus spp. are similar in pattern. Tail size in T. hudsonicus and the possibIe use of echolocation in G. sabrinus favour more frequent care of the tail and head regions respectivly in these species.

Ferron J. & Ouellet J.P. 1989. Temporal and intersexual variations in the use of space with regard to social organization in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Variations temporelles et inter-sexuelles de l'utilisation de l'espace au regard de l'organisation sociale chez la marmotte (M. monax)]. J.Can. Zool., 67.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, social, sexe, sex.

L'utilisation de l'espace par des Marmottes communes (Marmota monax) adultes a été étudiée en milieu agricole par suivi télémétrique. Les résultats sont analysés en fonction de deux périodes de 50 jours chacune, précédant et suivant la dispersion natale : à l'intérieur de chacune de ces périodes, une analyse plus fine est faite pour des intervalles de 10 jours. L'utilisation de l'espace sur une base quatidienne est aussi considérée. L'analyse tient compte du nombre de terriers utilisés, de la distance moyenne de déplacement entre deux terriers successivement occupés par le mâme animal et de la taille du domùaine vital. Durant la période précédaant la dispersion antale, les mmâles adultes sont plus mobiles et possèdent des domaines vitaux plus grands que les femelles avec les jeunes. Duant la période de dispersion antale, les adultes des deux sexes présentent des modèles similaires d'utilisation de l'espace, les femelles devenant moins sédentaires et les mâles restreignant leurs déplacements. Le déclenchement de la dispersion antale a une influence marquée sur le mode d'utilisaation de l'espace des femelles avec les jeunes. A l'approche de l'hibernation, l(amplitude des déplacements entre les terriers diminue. Nos résultats suggèrent également que la marmotte est térritoriale. La comparaison entre nos observations et celles recueillies sur d'autres populations de la Marmotte commune met en évidence certaines différences d'organisation sociale qui pourraient âtre reliées aux densités de populations.
The use of space by adult woodchucks (Marmota monax) in a field habitat has been studied by radiotracking. Results are analysed according to two periods, each lasting 50 days, preceding and following the onset of natal dipersal; within each period a finer analysis is performed on a 10-day basis. Variations in the use of space within a daily period are also analyse. The number of burrows used, the average distance between burrows successively occupied by the same animal, and home-range size are considered. During the period preceding natal dispersal, adults males are more mobile and have a lager home-range than do females accompanied by young. During the period of natal dispersal, the pattern of space use is similar for adults of both sexes, females becoming less sedentary and males reducing their movements. The onset of natal dispersal is a major event affecting the pattern of space use by females accompanied by young. As hibernation approaches, there is a decrease in the amplitude of movements between burrows. Results also suggest that woodchucks are territorial. Comparison with other woochuck populations reveals differences in social organization that may be related to population densities.

Ferron J. & J.P. Ouellet 1991. Physical and behavioral postnatal development of woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Développement postnatal physique et comportemental des marmottes (M. monax)]. Can. J. Zool., 69 : 1040-1047.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, morphologie, morphology, ontogenèse, ontogenesis.

The physical and behavioral postnatal development of woodchucks (Marmota monax) was analyszed from birth to 42 days of age, the age at which weaning begins. Postnatal growth was evaluated by means of daily measurements of body weight, body length, tail length, and length of hind foot. Data on length of ear pinnae, vibrissae, and fur, and on the timing of appearance of some events of physiscal development are also presented. We considered postnatal development of locomotion, alertness, exploratory behavior, feeding, and comfort and social behavior. Our rsults indicate no sexual dimorphism in body size in youn woodchucks, despite its occurence in adults. Intraspecific comparisons reveal that woodchucks from differet popualtions show marked variation in growth rate. The high level of intraspecific variation in developmental rates of sciurid rodents provides a warning to those performing interspecific comparisons. The data also suggest that the ratio of growth rate o adult body weight is not related to environmental severity. Behavioral development in M. monax is similar to that of ground squirrels but faster than that of tree squirrels and flying squirrels. There is also no direct relationship between size and timing of behavioral development in sciurid rodents. The behavioral repertoire of young woodchucks is simpler than that of young Spermophilus latrealis, another asocial species. It is possible that specific differnces in rates of development of social interactions led to such differentiation in the repertoire of social behavior.
Le développement physique et comportemental de la marmotte commune (Marmota monax) de la naissance à l'âge du sevrage, soit 42 jours, est analysé. La croissance postnale est évaluée à partir de mesures quotidiennes de la masse corporelle, de la longueur du corporelle, de la longueur de la queue et de la longueur du pied arrière. Des données sur la longueur du pavillon de l'oreille, des vibrisses et de la fourrure ainsi que sur la chronologie d'apparition de certains événements du développement physique sont également présentées. Pour l'ontogenèse comportementale, les différences comportements de locomotion, d'attention, d'exploration, d'alimentation, de confort et de nature sociale sont considérés. Nos résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de dimorphisme sexuel en rapport avec les mensurations physiques chez les jeunes marmottes, même si un tel phénomène est observé chez les adultes. Une comparaison intraspécifique révèle que les animaux en provenance de différentes populations présentent des différences marquées dans le taux de croissance. L'importance des variations intraspécifiques chez les sciuridés invite à procéder avec prudence dans les comparaisons interspécifiques. Nous suggérons également que les rapports entre le taux de croissance et le poids corporel des adultes, calculées pour les différentes populations de marmottes, ne sont pas reliés à la rigeur de l'environnement. Le développement comportemental de M. monax est comparable à celui des spermophiles mais plus rapide que celui des écureuils arboricoles et volants. Aucun rapport direct entre la taille de l'espèce et la chronologie de l'ontogenèse comportementale n'a pu être mis en évidence chez les Sciuridés. Le répertoire comportemental des jeunes Marmottes communes est plus simple que celui des jeunes Spermophilus lateralis, un autre Sciuridé asocial. Il se pourrait que des différences spécifiques dans les taux d'interactions sociales soient à l'origine de ces différences.

Fetisov A.S. 1935. O rasprostanenii tarbagana v Kyakhtinskom i Selenginskom aïmakakh Bouryat-Mongolii [Sur la répartition de la marmotte tarbagane à Kyakhtinski et à Selenginski aïmakakh Bouryat-Mongolii. On the distribution of the Tarbagan marmot in Kyakhtinski and Selenginski aimakakh Bouryat-Mongolia]. Izv. Irkoutskogo naoutch.-issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, distribution, Bouriatie, Buratia, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Fetisov A.S. 1936a. O rasprostranenii tarbagana v Kekhtinskom i Celennskom ajmakakh Bouryat-Mongolii [Sur la répartition de la marmotte tarbagane à Kekhtinski et &eagrave; Selennskom aïmakakh Bouryat-Mongolie. On the distribution of the Tarabana marmot in Kekhtinskom i Selennskom aimakakh Bouryat-Mongolia]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 3, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, distribution, Bouriatie, Buratia, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Fetisov A.S. 1936b. Ekologitcheskie nabliudennya nad gryzunami Bargoïskikh stepeï v svyazi s voprpsom epidemiologii tchumy v Zabaïkalie [Observations écologiques sur les rongeurs des steppes de Bagorjski en relation avec la question de l'épidémiologie de peste en Transbaïkalie. Ecological observations on steppe rodents in Bagorjski in relation with the epidemiologic question of plague in Cis-baikal]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 4, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, écologie, ecology, peste, plague, Transba&iml;kalie.

Fetisov A.S. 1937. Vredbye i poleznye mlekopitayuchtchie v sel'skom khozyaïstve Zapadnogo Zabaïkal'ya [Mammifères nuisibles et utiles en agriculture dans l'ouest de la Transbaïkalie. Pest and useful mammals in farming in the Cis-Baikal]. Izv. Irkout. gos. mouzeya, 2(7).
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, agriculture, Transbaïkalie, Transbaikalia.

Fetisov A.S. & Khrustselevsky V.P. 1948. Mlekopitaiutsie Iougo-Vostotchnogo Zabaïkaliya [Mammifères du sud-est du Transbaïkal. Mammals from south-western Cis-Baikal]. Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.< br> Mammifères, mammals, Transbaïkal.

Feuerstein D. 1944. Peterli, Geschichte eines Murmeltieres [Peterli, histoire de marmottes]. Fretz & Wasmuth Verlag A.G., Zürich.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Feuillée-Billot A. 1930. Enquête sur les rongeurs de France [Survey on rodents of France]. La Nature, 2844 : 417-418.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Marmota marmota.

Feydeau Georges 1988a. Théâtre complet. I. Paris, Bordas. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature françaises, French literature, marmotter,to mumble.
Extrait/extract pdf

Feydeau G. 1988b. Théâtre complet. III. Paris, Bordas. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature françaises, French literature, marmotte, marmot.
Extrait/extract pdf

Feydeau G. 1988c. Théâtre complet. III.Paris, Bordas, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Litérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, coiffe, headdress.
Extrait/extract pdf

Fezhfar (Fejfar) O. 1961. Review of Quaternary vertebrata in Czechoslovakia [Revue des vertébrés du Quaternaire en Tchécoslovaquie]. Prace Institut Geol. Warzawa, 34 : 109-118, p. 113.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Tchécoslovaquie.

Fezhfar O. 1964. The lower Villafranchian vertebrates from Hajnacka near Filakovo in southern Slovakia [Les vertébrés du Villafranchien inférieur de Hajnacka près Filakovo en Slovaquie du sud]. Rozpravy, Ustredniho ù geol. Prague, 30 : 1-115.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Quaternaire, Quaternary.

Ficheur E. & Brives A. 1900. Sur la découverte d'une caverne à ossements, à la carrière des Bains-Romains, à l'ouest d'Alger [On the discovery of a bone cave, in the Bains-romains quarry, West of Algiers]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 130 : 1485-1487.
En français, in French.
Patella furruginea, Conus mediterraneus, Cerithium vulgatum, Monodonta tuberculata, Pectunculus, Canis familiaris, Bubaalus antiquus, Bos opisthonomus, Cervus pachygenys, Chonochoetus prognu, Boselaphus probubalis, Dorcas crassicornis, Dorcas nodicornis, Dorquas triquetricornis, Hippotamus icosiensis (amphibus), Rhinoceros bicornis, Rhinoceros subineermis, Equus asinus africanus, Moustérien, Algérie.

Fiedler M., Lu M., Siegel F., Whipple J. & Roggendorf M. 2001. Immunization of woodchucks (Marmota monax) with hepatitis delta virus DNA vaccine. Vaccine, 19(32): 4618-26.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
We investigated the DNA immunization approach in order to induce a protective immune response against hepatitis delta virus (HDV) superinfection of chronically woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infected woodchucks. The animals were immunized with an expression vector encoding HDAg by gene gun. T cell and humoral immune responses induced by this protocol were determined and compared with those induced by HDAg immunization using a CpG oligonucleotide as an adjuvant. After immunization the woodchucks were challenged with 10(6) genome equivalents of HDV. The protein immunization with HDAg induced good humoral and T helper cell responses in the woodchucks, but did not protect them from HDV superinfection. The DNA immunized woodchucks were also not protected from HDV superinfection, however, the course of infection was modified: HDV viremia occurred later, the typical fluctuation of the HDV RNA titer with several peaks was absent, and antibodies to HDV were not detectable.

Fiedler M., Rodicker F., Salucci V., Lu M., Aurisicchio L., Dahmen U., Jun L., Dirsch O., Putzer B.M., Palombo F. & Roggendorf M. 2004. Helper-dependent adenoviral vector-mediated delivery of woodchuck-specific genes for alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) and IFN-gamma: IFN-alpha but not IFN-gamma reduces woodchuck hepatitis virus replication in chronic infection in vivo. J. Virol., 78(18): 10111-10121.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, interferon.
Alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) and IFN-gamma are able to suppress hepadnavirus replication. The intrahepatic expression of high levels of IFN may enhance the antiviral activity. We investigated the effects of woodchuck-specific IFN-alpha (wIFN-alpha) and IFN-gamma(wIFN-gamma) on woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) replication in vivo by helper-dependent adenoviral (HD-Ad) vector-mediated gene transfer. The expression of biologically active IFNs was demonstrated in vitro after transduction of woodchuck cells with HD-Ad vectors encoding wIFN-alpha (HD-AdwIFN-alpha) or wIFN-gamma (HD-AdwIFN-gamma). The transduction efficacy of the HD-Ad vector in woodchuck liver in vivo was tested with a vector expressing green fluorescence protein (GFP). Immunohistochemical staining of liver samples on day 5 after injection showed expression of GFP in a high percentage of liver cells surrounding the central vein. The transduction of livers of WHV carriers in vivo with HD-AdwIFN-alpha or HD-AdwIFN-gamma induced levels of biologically active IFN, which could be measured in the sera of these animals. Expression of wIFN-alpha in the liver reduced intrahepatic WHV replication and WHV DNA in sera of about 1 log step in two of two woodchucks. Transduction with HD-AdwIFN-gamma, however, reduced WHV replicative intermediates only slightly in two of three animals, which was not accompanied with significant changes in the WHV DNA in sera. We demonstrated for the first time the successful HD-Ad vector-mediated transfer of genes for IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma in vivo and timely limited reduction of WHV replication by wIFN-alpha, but not by wIFN-gamma. Copyright 2004 American Society for Microbiology.

Fiedler M. & Roggendorf M. 2001.Vaccination against hepatitis delta virus infection: studies in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) model. Intervirology, 44(2-3):154-61.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) superinfection of hepatitis B virus carriers causes severe liver disease and results in a high rate of chronicity. So far, neither sufficient therapy nor vaccines to prevent HBV carriers from superinfection are available. A good model to test vaccine candidates is the woodchuck chronically infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV); the woodchuck can be superinfected with HDV and shows a course of infection similar to that of patients. Different strategies have been investigated to establish a protective vaccine against HDV superinfection. Both proteins of HDV (HDAg p24 and p27), which differ only in the C-terminal amino acid sequence, have been used as vaccine candidates. Synthetic peptides derived from B cell epitopes of HDAg and HDAg p24 expressed in Escherichia coli, yeast, or baculovirus have been used to immunize woodchucks. The protein immunization induced a specific antibody response, however, no protection from HDV superinfection was achieved. Vaccinations with vaccinia virus expressing HDAg p24 or p27 and DNA immunization with vectors expressing p24 were also not able to induce a protective immune response, but seemed to modulate the course of HDV superinfection. Thus, new strategies to develop a vaccine to prevent HDV superinfection are needed.

Field L. & Laquer B. 1975. Report on the DhSe 2 faunal analysis (Port Albertini site) done at the University of Toronto [Rapport sur l'analyse de la faune de DhSe 2 (site de Port Albertini) réalisée à l'université de Toronto]. Unpublished manuscript, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 50 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Canada : British Colombia.
This is typical coastal site (a shell midden) with a diversity of faunal material including mollusks, fish, bird, and mammals. Vancouver Island marmot was incidental with only 24 bone specimens.

Figgins 1915. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington.

Figuier L. 1892. Mammalia: their various forms and habits [Mammifères : leur différentes formes et leurs comportments]. Adapted by E.P. Wright, London, Cassel & Co. Ltd.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, éthologie, ethology.

Fikkan, P., J. Fikkan, J. Collier, and R. Kresek, 1973. Some observations of a Fisher at close range [Quelques observations de proximité d'un pêcheur]. The Murrelet, 54(2): 22
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, hoary marmot, marmotte givrée.

Filatov A. Rasselenie stepnogo sourka [Répartition de la marmotte bobac. Distribution of the bobac marmot]. Okhota i Okhot.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution.

Filhol E., Jeanbernay E. & Timbal-Lagrave E. 1874. Exploration scientifique du massif d'Arbas (Haute-Garonne) [Scientific exploration of the Arbas Massif (Haute-Garonne)]. Bull. Soc. Sc. phys. et natur. Toulouse, 2 : 367-478.
En français, in French.
Expédition, grotte de ourgue, grotte de Goueil de Her, grotte Tuto de las Spigos de Couanca, Ursus arctos, grotte de Bourusse, Ursus speleus, Ursus priscus, Ursus arctos, grotte de Pène-Blanque, 800 m., ours des cavernes, foyers, fireplace, homme, man, Haute-Garonne, France.

Filhol H. 1881. Sur les différentes espèces d'ours dont les débris sont ensevelis dans la caverne de Lherm (Ariège). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'académie des sciences, 92 (15) : 929. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1882, 2 : 801.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, caverne, cave, Rhinoceros, Cervus, Hyoena speloea, Ursus speloeus, Ursus Gaudryi, Ariège, France.

Filhol H. 1882b. Étude sur les mammifères fossiles de Ronzon (Haute-Loire). In Revue des travaux scientifiques, publ. sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, 1882, 12 fasc., 2 : 941.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Haute-Loire, France.

Filhol H. 1889. Note sur une mâchoire humaine trouvée dans la caverne de Malarnaud près de Montseron (Ariège). Bull. de la Soc. philomatique, 1888-1889, 8e série, 1(2) :69. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1890, 412-413.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, homme, man, faune1 : renne, cerf, bison, bouquetin, chamois, Faune2 : Ursus spelaeus, Hyaena spelaea, Canis lupus, Canis vulpes, Ariège, France.

Filipascu 1969. Disparition de Roumanie, siècle dernier [Marmot extinction in Rumania, last century].
Marmota marmota, Roumanie, Rumania.

Filippova N.A. & Panova I.V. 2000. [Différenciation intraspécifique de la tique de terrier Ixodes crenulatus (Ixodidae). The intraspecific differentiation of the burrow tick Ixodes crenulatus (Ixodidae)]. Parazitologiia, 34(4): 265-279.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac bobac, Marmota baibacina centralis, Marmota sibirica sibirica, Ixodes crenulatus, parasitologie, parasitology, terrier, burrow.
In four extensive disjunct areas of the distribution range of Ixodes crenulatus Koch, 1844 complexes of samples in 8 locations, and separate samples in two locations have been studied (fig.). Morphological characters (sizes of organs of idiosome, gnathostoma, legs, as well as some proportions of organs), which show statistically significant differences between complexes of samples on all corresponding stages of ontogenesis were revealed (tabl. 1, 2). Statistically significant differences were determined by Student's criterion (table. 3, 4). We use the term "transit" characters to denote these characters if they have to addition a similar tendency at all stages of ontogenesis. Complexes of samples showing statistically significant differences of transit characters are considered by us as morphotypes. Apparently these differences of morphotypes were formed evolutionally. In European disjunct area morphotypes divided into two groups on the basis of the degree of differences: western (A, B), and eastern (C, D, E). Degree of differences of morphotypes within each group is low, whereas one between of these two groups is high and corresponds to differences of morphotypes A, B from all Asian morphotypes (F, G, H, I, J), and of morphotypes C, D, E from Asian ones in mountain disjunct areas I. crenulatus (G, H, I, J). At the same time Eastern-European complex of morphotypes (C, D, E) is morphologically similar to the morphotype from north Kazakhstan disjunct area (F). All Asian morphotypes have high degree of differences one from the other. Species of the genus Marmota are initial hosts of I. crenulatus, they retain the main role as hosts in Eastern-European and Asian morphotypes: C, D, E, F--M. bobac bobac (Muller, 1776), G--M. baibacina centralis (Thomas, 1909), I, J--M. sibirica sibirica (Radde, 1862). The most aberrant in all characters morphotypes are the ones inhabiting European areas (A, B), where marmots are exterminated. These morphotypes parasitize on hibernating carnivores.

Filonov K.P. 1959a. Ob interesnoï storone pitaniya tchernoshapotchnogo surka Barguzinskogo zapovednika [Sur l'intérêt de l'alimentation de la marmotte à tête noire dans la réserve de Bargousinski. Upon feeding benefit of the black-capped marmot in the Bargusinsk reserve]. Izv. irkutskogo PUI, 21 : 279-281, Irkutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, alimentation, foraging, réserve.

Filonov K.P. 1959b. Okhrana Kamtcatskogo surka v Severo-Vostotchnom Pribaïkalie [Protection de la marmotte du camtchatka au nord-est du Baïkal. Preservation of the Kamtschatka marmot in the north-eastern Baikal]. V sb. Okhrana priropa Sibiri, Mat-ly I-oj Sib; . konf. So AP SSSR 1958 g., Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, conservation, Baïkal.

Filonov K.P. 1960. Tchernochapotchnyï sourok. V stat'e Materialy po mlekopitayuchtchim Bargouzinskogo zapovednika [La marmotte à tête noire. The black-capped marmot. In Matériaux sur les mammifères de la réserve de Bargouzinski. Mammal material in the Barguzinsk reserve]. Tr. Bargouzin. gos. zapovenila, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, réserve.

Filonov K.P. 1961. Materialy po ekologii tchernoshapotchnogo sourka Bargyzinskogo zapovednika [Données sur l'écologie de la marmotte à tête noire dans la réserve de Bargouzinski. Ecological data on the black-capped marmot in the Barguzinsk reserve. Tr. Bargouzinskogo zapovednika, 3 : 169-180.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology, forât, forest.

Filonov K.P. 1967. Razmeshenie tcherno-shapotchnogo sourka na zapadnom sklone Bargouzinskogo khrebta [Répartition de la marmotte à tête noire sur les pentes ouest de la cha&icicr;ne de Bargouzinski. Distribution of the black-capped on the west slopes of the Barguzinsk range]. In Resoursy faouny sourkov v SSSR, in-t geogr. AP SSSR M. Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica.

Findley J.S. 1956. Mammals of Clay County, South Dakota [Mammifères du Clay County, South Dakota]. University of South Dakota Publications in Biology, 1: 1-45.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, biogéographie, biogeography, South Dakota, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Findley J.S. 1987. The natural history of new mexican mammals [Histoire naturelle des nouveaux mammifères mexicain]. New Mexico natural history series, fauna guide, 137-150.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris.
Tayassu tajacus, Odocoileus hemionus, Odocoileus virginianus, Cervus canadensis, Cervus elaphus, Cervus canadensis merriami, Cervus merriami, extinct species: Antilocapra americana, Ovis canadensis, Bison bison, Capra ibex, Ammotragus lervia, Capra hircus, Oryx gazella, introduction: Equus caballus (feral), Equus asinus (feral), New Mexico 35-48: Choeronycteris mexicana, Leptonycteris sanborni, Tadarida brasiliensis, Tadarida macrotis, Nyctinomops macrotis, Tadarda femorosacca, Nyctinomops femorosacca, Eumops perotis, Lasiurus borealis, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Eptesicus fuscus, Pipistrellus hesperus, Myotis volans, Myotis leibii, Myotis velifer, Myotis californicus, Myotis lucifugus, Myotis yumanensis, Myotis auriculus, Myotis thysanodes, Myotis evotis, Euderma maculatum, Plecotus townsendii, Idionycteris phyllotis, Antrozous pallidus, Canis latrans, Canis lupus, Extripation: Vulpes vulpes, Vulpes macrotis, Vulpes velox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, Euarctos americanus (ursus americanus), Ursus arctos (?), Procyon lotor, Bassariscus astutus, Nasua nasua, Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata, Mustela nigripes, Mustela vison, Martes americana, Taxidea taxus, Spilogale putorius, Mephitis mephitis, Conepatus mesoleucus, Lutra canadensis, Panthera onca, Felis onca, Felis concolor, Lynx rufus, Ochotona princeps, Lepus americanus, Lepus townsendii, Lepus californicus, Lepus callotis, Sylvilagus nuttalli, Sylvilagus floridanus, sylvilagus auduboni; sciurus aberti; tamiasciurus hudsonicus; sciurus arizonensis; sciurus niger; eutamias dorsalis; Eutamias minimus, Eutamias quadrivittatus, Eutamias canipes, Eutamias cinereicollis, Marmota flaviventris, Ammospermophilus leucurus, Cynomys gunnisoni, Ammospermophilus harrisi, Cynomys ludovicianus, Ammospermophilus interpres, Otospermophilus variegatus, Spermophilus variegatus, Callospermophilus lateralis, Spermophilus lateralis, Castor canadensis, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, Myocastor coypu, Spermophilus spilosoma, Spermophilus mexicanus, Erethizon dorsatum.

Findley J.S., Harris A.H., Wilson D.E. & Jones C. 1975. Mammals of New Mexico. [Mammifères du Nouveau Mexique]. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico. xxii + 360 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris.

Finkelstein YA.M. 1899. Tchouma v Aznobe [La peste à Aznobe. Plague in Aznobe]. Vonno-med. J., fevrl', tch. 187.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

Finkelstein M. & Darling B. 1973. Marmot survey, 1973 [Enquête marmotte, 1973]. Unpubl. rep. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Nanaimo, 51 pp.
En anglais, in English)
Marmota vancouverensis, conservation, Bristish Columbia, Canada.

Firminhac Abbé 1833. Album savoyard. Les nouvelles savoyardes. Recueil de lithographies, de chansons et d'histoires savoyardes, dédié aux enfants associés de la Petite Oeuvre des Savoyards. [Savoyard album. The Savoyard news]. Joseph et Bernard Faye, Bordeaux, 144p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Firstov N.I. 1952. Skortosti zaseleniya tarbaganami otrabotannykh ploshadeï [Vitesse de colonisation des marmottes tarbaganes sur les terres cultivées. Colonization rapidity of the tarabagan marmot in agricultural lands]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 10, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, agriculture, colonisation.

Firstov N.I. 1957. [Les rongeurs de l'Alaï méridional. Rodents of South Altai]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidemiol. osobo opasn. infec, Saratov: 420-422.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Alaï.

Firsoff V.A.1943. The Tatra Mountains. Lindsay Drummond, England.
En anglais, in English.
Electronic publication,
About bears, marmots and suchlike. p. 104-109.
The once rich fauna of the Tatra is largely on the ebb. The wolf is extinct and so are the lynx, the wild cat and the wolverine, though I have heard that some lynxes have survived in the wild woodland of the western part. But there are still about a dozen couples of brown bears (Ursus Arctos) roaming among the crags and forests of the Tatra, and if one is fond of berries, though I am not sure whether bears like bearberries, one has a chance of meeting a competitor who may not appreciate one's presence. On the whole, however, bears are quiet, shy creatures and, if not angered, behave politely. But a she-bear with cubs doesn't like to be disturbed in her maternal cares; I have met one myself and never before or since have I climbed so fast on rocks so nearly perpendicular to have a better view of the other side of the mountain.
Of non-carnivorous forest-dwellers, the stag would be the most impressive, had not a couple of European bisons been imported into the Tatra by Prince Hohehlohe. Chamois are quite plentiful and of the smaller inoffensive creatures a marmot (Marmota marmota) can be often seen basking in sunshine among the scree. He would be quite difficult to notice owing to his grey-browish fur, which resembles the colour of stones and dry grass. But his shrill whistle by which he warns his comrades of the approaching danger as he scuttles into a burrow can be heard for half a mile around among the stillness of the mountains.

Fish and Wildlife Service 1978. Rehabilitation of western wildlife habitat: a review [Réhabilittion de l'ouest sauvage : revue]. FWS/OBS-78/86. 237pp.
En anglais, in English.

Fish D. & R.C. Dowier 1989. Host associations of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing medium-sized mammals in a Lyme disease endemic area of souther New York [Associations d'hôtes des tiques (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitant les mammifères de taille moyenne dans une zone endémique de la maladie de Lyme du sud de New York]. J. Med. Entomol., 26(3): 200-209.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Acariens, parasitologie, parasitology, Améréique du Nord, USA.

Fish F.F. 1930. Coccidia of rodents: Eimeria monacis n. sp., from the woodchuck [Les Coccidia des rongeurs : Eimeria monacis n. sp.chez la marmotte des bois]. J. parasit., 17:
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, Protozoaires.

Fishbein D.B., Belotto A.J., Pacer R.E., Smith J.S., Winker W.G., Jenkins S.R. & K.M. Porter 1986. Rabies in Rodents and Lagomorphs in the United States, 1971-1984: increased cases in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) in mid-Atlantic states [La rage chez les rongeurs et les lagomorphes aux Etats-Unis, 1971-1984 : augmentation du nombre de cas chez la marmotte dans les états atlantiques centraux]. J. Wildlife Diseases, 47(3): 573-576.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, rage, rabes, épidémiologie, epidémiology, EUA, USA ; Amérique du Nord.
A review of surveillance data on animal rabies from the Centers for Disease Control revealed 104 cases of rabies in rodents and lagomorphs for 1971 through 1984 in the United States; 80% of these were reported between 1980 and 1984. Woodchucks (Marmota monax) accouted for 64% of the cases. Most of the cases of rabies in woodchucks were associated with an epizootic of rabies in raccoons (Procyon lotor) in the mid-Atlantic states. In rabies endemic areas, humans exposed to woodchucks should receive rabies postexposure prophylaxis if the animal is not available for testing. The decision to administer postexposure prophylaxis to humans exposed to other rodents and lagomorphs should take into consideration the epidemiology of rabies in the exposing species.

Fischer Gotthelf von Waldheim 1800. Ueber die verschiedene Form des Intermaxillarknochens in verschiedenen Thieren. Schäferschen Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 151p.
En allemand, in German.
Mus marmotta, Arctomys marmotta, Marmotta alpina.

Fischer Gotthelf de Waldheim 1834. Nouveau mémoire de l'Académie de Moscou, t. 3, p. 381.
Arctomys speloeus, Marmota bobac, aléontologie, paleontology, Russie, Russia.

Fischer 1833. Nouv. Mém. de la Soc. des natural. de Mosc., 3.
Arctomys spelaeus.

Fischer John Baptist 1829. Synopsis Mammalium. 8vo., i-xlii+1-752 pages.

Fisher K.C., Dawe A.R., Lyman C.P., Schönbaum E. & South F.E. JR. Eds. 1967. Mammalian hibernation [L'hibernation chez les mammifères]. Toronto, Olivier & Boyd, vol. III.
En anglais, in English.
Mammif`res, mammals, hibernation.

Fisher P. 1889. Détermination des régions du globe dont la faune est insuffisamment connue [Determination of the world regions where fauna is insufficiently known]. CR Congrès Intern. Zool., Paris 1889, R. Blanchard ed., 17-25.
En français, in French.
Faunistique, fauna.

Fisher W.H. 1893. Investigations of the burrows of the American marmot [Enquête sur les terriers de la marmotte américaine]. J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., 16 : 105-123.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Amérique du Nord, North America, statistique, statistic.

Fisher Robin & Bumsted J.M. Eds. 1982. An account of a voyage to the northwest coast of America in 1785 & 1789 by Alexander Walker [Récit d'un voyage sur la côte nord-ouest de l'Amérique en 1785 et 1789 par Alexander Walker]. Douglas & McIntyre, Toronto, ON, 319 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Expédition, Amérique du Nord, North America.
In Kyuquot territory at Nootka Sound in 1786, Alexander Walker observed marmots skins, but these may not necessarily be the products of Vancouver Island. Furs of mainland animals such as fox and rabbits were also observed.

Fisiko-Geografitcheskpe Raïnirovanie SSSR: Kharakteristika Regional'Nykn Edinits 1968. [Découpage physico-géographique de l'URSS : caractéristiques des unités régionales. Physico-geographical cutting out of USSR: characteristics of the regional units]. Pod red. H.A. Gvozdetskogo. M., Izd-vo MGOu.
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, URSS, USSR.

Fiske John 1882. Europe before the Arrival of Man [Europe avant l’arrivée de l’homme]. In The Atlantic monthly, 49(294) : 1-886, pp. 433-444.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, marmotte, marmot p. 444, Tamise, Thames River, Grande Bretagne, Great Britain, Europe, Europa.

Fitzgerald J.P., Armstrong D.M., Halfpenny J.C., Freeman J., Bauerle B., Tourtillot C.. 1982. Small mammals, furbearers and small game mammals of Northwestern Colorado [Petits mammifères à fourrure et gibier du Colorado du Nord-ouest]. A review and synopsis of information, Northwest Colorado, Consortium, univ. Colorado, Boulder, 290 p.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Colorado, EUA, USA.

Fitzgerald R., Knoblock T. B., Ruf E., Steensgaard B. & Tarditi D. 2000. Marmot: an optimizing compiler for Java [Marmotte : un compilateur optimisé pour Java]. Software - Practice and Experience, 30(3): 199-232.
En anglais, in English.
Compilateurs, program compilers, langage de programmation Java, Java programming language, optimization, optimisation, analyse de système, systems analysis, C (langage de programmation), C (programming language), programme de traduction, program translators, codes (symbols, computer software selection and evaluation, Marmot system, Native code compiler, Runtime system.
The Marmot system is a research platform for studying the implementation of high level programming languages. It currently comprises an optimizing native-code compiler, runtime system, and libraries for a large subset of Java. Marmot integrates well-known representation, optimization, code generation, and runtime techniques with a few Java-specific features to achieve competitive performance. This paper contains a description of the Marmot system design, along with highlights of our experience applying and adapting traditional implementation techniques to Java. A detailed performance evaluation assesses both Marmot's overall performance relative to other Java and C++ implementations, and the relative costs of various Java language features in Marmot-compiled code. Our experience with Marmot has demonstrated that well-known compilation techniques can produce very good performance for static Java applications - comparable or superior to other Java systems, and approaching that of C++ in some cases.

Fitzgerald J.P., Meaney C.A. & Armstrong D.M. 1994. Mammals of Colorado [Mammifères du Colorado]. University of Colorado Press, Niwot, CO, xii+ 467 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Mammalia, mammals, biogéographie, biogeography, Nebraska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fiume L., Busi-C., Di-Stefano-G., Mattioli A., Torrani-Cerenzia M., Bonino F., Capra G., De Bernardi W., Ponzetto A., Lavezzo B. et al. 1995. Liver targeting of adenine arabinoside monophosphate (ara-AMP) by coupling to lactosaminated human serum albumin. Ital. J. Gastroenterol., 27(4): 189-92.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Adenine arabinoside monophosphate (ara-AMP) is a potent antiviral agent against hepadnaviruses but its use in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is hampered by severe neurotoxic side effects, which are dose dependent. In order to reduce these adverse reactions and to adopt the lysosomotropic approach to antiviral chemotherapy, ara-AMP was coupled to lactosaminated human serum albumin (L-HSA), a neoglycoprotein which specifically penetrates hepatocytes. In mice with Ectromelia virus hepatitis, ara-AMP coupled with L-HSA was selectively delivered to liver cells in which it was released in a pharmacologically active form. Moreover in woodchucks with WHV hepatitis and in patients with chronic HBV infection, coupled ara-AMP inhibited hepadnavirus replication at a dose (1.5 mg/kg/day) 3-6 times lower than the free drug. A clinical study using a 28-day period of treatment with conjugated ara-AMP at 1.5 mg/kg/day has now been started. In the first 6 patients the treatment has been completed. The conjugate inhibited virus growth without producing any side effects. L-HSA-ara-AMP conjugate must be given by intravenous infusion. New hepatotropic conjugates of ara-AMP have been recently prepared which could be administered by bolus intravenous injection or by intramuscular route. These complexes might assure a better compliance in patients with hepatitis B virus infection for a long lasting liver targeted antiviral treatment.

Fiume L., Di Stefano G., Busi C., Mattioli A., Rapicetta M., Giuseppetti R., Ciccaglione A.R. & Argentini C. 1995. Inhibition of woodchuck hepatitis virus replication by adenine arabinoside monophosphate coupled to lactosaminated poly-L-lysine and administered by intramuscular route. Hepatology, 22(4 Pt 1): 1072-1077.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

We prepared a hepatotropic conjugate, suitable for intramuscular (IM) injection, of lactosaminated poly-L-lysine with adenine arabinoside monophosphate (ara-AMP), a drug active against hepatitis B virus (HBV). We studied its organ distribution in mice and its antiviral activity in woodchucks that are carriers of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). In mice, after IM administration of a conjugate tritiated in the drug moiety (5.2 micrograms/g equal to 2 micrograms/g of ara-AMP) radioactivity in liver was three times greater than in kidney, spleen, and intestine. On the contrary, after IM injection of unconjugated, tritiated, ara-AMP (5 micrograms/g) the amounts of radioactivity in liver, spleen, and kidney were similar. Unconjugated ara-AMP and the conjugate were administered IM to woodchucks for 13 days. Unconjugated ara-AMP decreased viremia at the daily dose of 5 mg/kg but was ineffective at 2.5 mg/kg. The conjugate at the daily doses of 4.2 and 7 mg/kg (equal to 1.5 and 2.5 mg/kg of ara-AMP, respectively) markedly lowered the viremia, which decreased to undetectable levels in the animals treated with the higher dose. Assuming that in HBV-infected patients the same doses will be active, then the amount of conjugate (soluble at 200 mg/mL) required by a 70-kg patient will be contained in a volume of 1.5 to 2.5 mL, compatible with the IM route. Compared with a similar ara-AMP complex with lactosaminated human albumin, currently being studied in clinical trials for the treatment of chronic type B hepatitis, which must be infused intravenously, the present conjugate might provide more patient compliance because of IM administration.

Fiume L., Di Stefano G., Busi C., Mattioli A., Battista Gervasi G., Bertini M., Bartoli C., Catalani R., Caccia G., Farina C., Fissi A., Pieroni O., Giuseppetti R., D'Ugo E., Bruni R. & Rapicetta M. 1997. Hepatotropic conjugate of adenine arabinoside monophosphate with lactosaminated poly-L-lysine. Synthesis of the carrier and pharmacological properties of the conjugate. J. Hepatol., 26(2): 253-259.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The hepatotropic conjugate of adenine arabinoside monophosphate with lactosaminated poly-L-lysine (L-Poly(Lys)) must have a high solubility in order to be injected in a small volume compatible with the intramuscular route. In this paper the molecular weights of Poly(Lys) which allowed the synthesis of conjugates with the properties of high solubility and limited loss by the kidney were determined and a procedure for obtaining Poly(Lys) preparations with the required range of polymerization has been described. Conjugates were prepared using Poly(Lys) of different molecular weights obtained by the procedure described here or purchased from a commercial source. Their solubility and renal loss in mice was determined. Poly(Lys) with molecular weights ranging from 45,000 and 65,000 Da guarantees high solubility and low renal elimination of the conjugates. Conjugate preparations with these properties, intramuscularly administered to woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks for 37 days at a daily dose of 5.8 mg/kg exerted a strong antiviral activity. These preparations were devoid of acute toxicity in rat and caused no toxic effects when injected intramuscularly daily for 28 days at a dose ten times higher than that active in woodchucks. The results support the possibility of a clinical use of L-Poly(Lys) to obtain liver targeting of adenine arabinoside monophosphate for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection.

Fladerer F.A. 1989. Die pleistozäne Fauna der Tropfsteinhöle im Kugelstein [La faune du Pléistocène de la grotte de Kugelstein. The Pleistocene fauna of the Kugelstein cave]. In Höhlenfundplatz im Raum Peggau-Deutschfeistritz, Steiermark, Österreich, G. Fuchs, ed.; British Archaeologica Reports International Series, 510: 159-169.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Autriche, Austria.

Flajolet M. 1998. Mécanismes d'activation en Cis- et en trans- du proto-oncogène N-MYC2 lors de l'hépathocarcinogenèse viro-induite. Thèse doctorale, Paris 7.
En français, in French.
Gastroentérologie, gastroenteroloogy, foie, liver, pancréas, pancreas, carcinogenèse, carcinogenesis, Marmota monax, modèle animal, animal modele.
Le carcinome hépatocellulaire est très souvent associé au portage chronique du virus de l’hépatite B. Il existe deux modèles animaux apparentés, l’un infectant la marmotte (WHV) et l’autre l’écureuil (GSHV). Chez la marmotte la sur-expression des oncogènes Myc et du gène N-Myc2 en particulier est très fréquente dans les tumeurs. Le but de mon travail était d’étudier les mécanismes d’activation du promoteur —Myc2, activation en trans. Nous avons montré que les 2 sites de fixation aux facteurs de transcription et contenus dans le promoteur N-Myc2, sont fonctionnels et responsables de l’activité basale du promoteur. . Il est également capable d’activer le promoteur N-Myc2, mais de façon plus modeste. Enfin, la protéine virale X, qui possède des propriétés transactivatrices mais dont la fonction n’est pas encore clairement établie est également capable de trans-activer le promoteur N-Myc2, activatiàn en cis à l’aide de mutants de délétion. Nous avons montré que la seule région du virus WhV en position homologue des deux enhancers du virus HBV (E1 et E2) est diouée d’une activité cis-activatrice et que l’élément E2 minimal est essentiel. Ceci a été confirmé par l’atude d’une intégration virale clonée.A partir d’une tumeur de marmotte (2260T1) dans laquelle nous retrouvons 5 copies de E2. Cette séquence possède une activité cis-activatrice très forte (X 100).Nous montrons que l’élément E1 n’a pas de rôle intrinsèque. Mais il potentialise celui de E2 par différentes approches. Nous avons montré que les sites de fixation pour des facteurs de transcription foie-enrichis présents dans E2 (1 site HNF1 et 2 site HFN4) étaient fonctionnels et responsables de la quasi totalité de l’activité de E2. Cis et trans-activation coopèrent .Nous avons montré que les effets cis et trans étaient cumulatifs, conduisant à des taux d’activation très élevés et permettant d’obtenir dans le meilleur des cas un facteur d’activation de 450 études comparatives (WHV, GSHV).Nous avons mis en évidence l’absence d’un des 2 sites NF1 dans l’élément E2 du virus GSHV, par rapport au virus WHV. Une activité cis-activatrice plus faible pour GSHV que pour WHV, ainsi que des différences dans l’affinité de laison des facteurs HNF1 et HNF4. Ces différences restent subtiles et il est difficile à ce jour d’évaluer leur rôle dans le pouvoir oncogénétique de ces virus.

Flajolet M., Gegonne A., Ghysdael J., Tiollais P., Buendia M.A. & Fourel G. 1997. Cellular and viral trans-acting factors modulate N-myc2 promoter activity in woodchuck liver tumors. Oncogene, 15(9): 1103-1110.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Activation of the N-myc2 oncogene by integration of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA is a central event in woodchuck liver oncogenesis. In this study, we have evaluated the influence of several cellular and viral trans-acting factors and mediators of inflammation on N-myc2 promoter activity in hepatoma cell lines. Ets oncoproteins, including Ets1, Ets2 and PEA3 efficiently activated a chimeric N-myc2 promoter/luciferase reporter gene. By electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we show that Etsl and Ets2 proteins can efficiently bind two consensus Ets sites located within a 59 bp sequence upstream of the N-myc2 transcription start site. Site-directed mutagenesis of these Ets-binding motifs abolished transactivation of the N-myc2 promoter by Ets proteins. Addition of interleukin-6 (IL-6) induced a weak but reproducible activation of the N-myc2 promoter, while IL-1 was ineffective. We further show that the N-myc2 promoter can be transactivated by the hepadna-virus X protein, and that distal promoter sequences are required for both IL-6 and X responsiveness. Similar effects of these factors were observed in the context of the N-myc2 promoter activated by WHV cis-regulatory elements. In view of the high-level expression of the N-myc2 oncogene in most woodchuck liver tumors, the Ets oncoproteins, inflammation-associated cytokine IL-6 and the viral X transactivator might play important roles in hepadnavirus-associated tumorigenesis.

Flajolet M., Tiollais P., Buendia MA. & Fourel G. 1998. Woodchuck hepatitis virus enhancer I and enhancer II are both involved in N-myc2 activation in woodchuck liver tumors. J. Virol., 72(7): 6175-80.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Direct activation of the N-myc2 oncogene by insertion of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA is a major oncogenic step in woodchuck hepatocarcinogenesis. We previously reported that WHV enhancer II (We2), which controls expression of the core/pregenome RNA, can also activate the N-myc2 promoter in hepatoma cell lines. To better define the integrated WHV regulatory sequences responsible for N-myc2 promoter activation in woodchuck liver tumors, we analyzed the structure and enhancer activity of a single viral integrant found at the win locus in tumor 2260T1 and mapping approximately 175 kb 3' of N-myc2. This viral insert was made of 11 concatemerized WHV fragments, 5 of which overlapped with We2 sequences and 1 with WHV sequence homologous to that of hepatitis B virus enhancer I (We1). In transient transfection assays in hepatoma-derived cells, the We2 activator was found to be fully effective only when inserted in close proximity to the N-myc2 promoter whereas the We1 element by itself was apparently devoid of activity. In contrast, the 2260T1 viral insert exhibited a potent enhancer capacity that depended both on multimerized We2 and on We1 sequences. In a survey of different woodchuck hepatomas, both elements were commonly found within integrated viral sequences involved in long-range N-myc2 activation.

Flammarion Camille. Contemplations scientifiques [Scientific contemplations]. Paris, E. Flammarion, 375 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Sciences naturelles, natural sciences, vulgarisation, popularization, paléontologie, paleontology, marmotte, marmot, Flammarion Camille (1842-1925).
Extrait pdf extract

Flath, D. L. 1984. Vertebrate species of special interest or concern. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes [Vertébrés d'intértêt spécial. Mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles, amphibiens, poissons]. Spec. Publ. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Helena. 76 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, hoary marmot, marmotte givrée, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Montana.

Flaubert Gustave 1990. Madame Bovary : moeurs de province. Paris : Bordas, éd. par Claudine Gothot-Mersch,. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature, française, French literature, marmotter, to mumble, prier, to pray.
« Puis, quand elle eut sa médaille, elle la considéra. Alors un sourire de béatitude se répandit sur sa figure, et on l'entendit qui marmottait en s'en allant:
- Je la donnerai au curé de chez nous, pour qu'il me dise des messes.
Charles, sans pleurer, se tenait en face d'elle, au pied du lit, tandis que le prêtre, appuyé sur un genou, marmottait des paroles basses. »

Fleetwood R.J. 1934 - 35. Journal of Raymond J. Fleetwood, wildlife technician, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, for the period May 27, 1934 - June 27, 1935. 499 pp. (Typewritten).
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique.

Fleetwood R.J., Komarek E.V. & Komarek R. 1938. Mammals of the Great Smoky Mountains [Mammifères des montagnes Great Smoky]. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, 5 (6): 137 - 162.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J., Linzey D.W. 1995a. Mammals of Great Smoky Mountains National Park [Mammifères du parc national Great Smoky]. Blacksburg, Virginia: The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, Inc.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J. & Linzey D.W. 1995b. Mammals of Great Smoky Mountains National Park-1995 Update. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 111(1): 1-81.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J. & Linzey D.W. 1998. The Mammals of Virginia. Blacksburg, Virginia: The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, Inc.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J. & Mundt J.O. 1963. Occurrence of enterococci in animals in a wild environment. Applied Microbiology, 11: 136 - 140.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J. & Stupka A. 1935 -63. Nature Journal, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 28 vols. (years) each with index. (Typewritten copy in files of Great Smoky Mountains National Park library).
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleetwood R.J. & Svendsen, G.E. 1999. Woodchuck. In The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals, D.E. Wilson, and S. Ruff (eds.), Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 398-399.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Parc, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Fleming John D.D. 1822. The pilosophy of zoology or A general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals [Philosophie de la zoologie ou Une vue générale de la structure, des fonctions et de la classification des animaux]. Vol. II, Archibald Constable & Co, Edinburgh, Hurst, Robinson & Co , London.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys marmota, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, trempérature corporelle, body temperature.
Extrait pdf extract

Fleming W.J. & Caslick J. 1978. Rabies and cerebrospinal nematodosis in woodchucks (Marmota monax) from New York [Rage et nématodoses cérébrospinales chez la marmotte (M. monax) de New York]. Cornell Vet., 68 : 391-395.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Nematodes.
Abnormal behavior, suggestive of rabies, is not an unusual finding in woodchucks (Marmota monax). Necropsy records, rabies antibody tests, and necropsy examinations performed by the authors indicate that migration of ascarid larvae usually is responsible for the abnormal behavior, and that rabies is an infrequent finding. Baermannization of brain tissue is suggested for a differential diagnosis.

Fleming W.J., J.R. Georgi & J.W. Caslick 1979. Parasites of the woodchuck (Marmota monax) in Central New York State [Les parasites des marmottes (M. monax) du centre de l'état de New York]. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash., 46 : 115-127.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, épidémiologie, epidemiology, parasatilogie, parasitology, EUA, USA, New York.

Fleming W.J., Gutenmann W.H. & Lisk D.J. 1979. Selenium in tissues of woodchucks inhabiting fly ash landfills. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 21(1-2): 1-3. No abstract available.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, toxicologie, toxicology.

Fleming W.J., Haschek W.M., Gutenmann W.H., Caslick J.W. & Lisk DJ. 1977. Selenium and white muscle disease in woodchucks. J. Wildl. Dis., 13(3): 265-268.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, toxicologie, toxicology.

Gross and histologic examination of wood chcks (Marmota monax) trapped on farms in Central New York revealed white muscle disease(WMD). The concentration of selenium in the animal tissues, vegetation and soils in the vicinity of trapping did not consistently correlate with the presence of WMD.

Fleming W.G., Nusbaum S.R., Caslick J.W. 1979. Serologic evidence of Leptospirosis in Woodchucks (Marmota monax) in central New York State [Preuve sérologique de Leptospirose chez les marmottes (M. monax) du centre de l'état de New York]. J. Wildl. Dis., 15 : 245-251.
En anglais, in English.

Marmota monax, épidémiologie, epidemiology, parasatilogie, parasitology, EUA, USA, New York.
Serum samples from 153 woodchucks (Marmota monax) from Tompkins County, New York, obtained in 1976 and 1977, were examined by plate agglutination tests for antibodies against five Leptospira antigens. Fourteen sera showed significant titers against either L. hardjo, L. icterohemorrhagiae and/or L. pomona. Reactions against L. hardjo were the most frequent. Woodchucks collected from two dairy farms with histories of bovine leptospirosis did not have a greater prevalence of antibodies than woodchucks collected from other locations. Each of two woodchucks experimentally-inoculated with L. hardjo developed titers to L. hardjo. Maximum titers occurred approximately 30 days post-inoculation. L. hardjo was not observed in urine specimens of these animals.

Fleury Edouard 1852a. Observations sur les grottes de Pardondru et Vailly. Bulletin de la Société académique de Laon, 7.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Fleury Edouard 1852b. Visite à Baye, canton de Champaubert (Marne) (Stations souterraines préhistoriques). Bulletin de la Société académique de Laon, 22.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Fliche P. 1876. Faune et flore des tourbières de la Champagne [Fauna and flora of the peat bogs of Champagne]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 82 : 979-982.
En français, in French.
Archéozoologie, archeozoology, quaternaire, quaternary, Aube, Yonne, France.

Flint V.E., Chugunova Yu. D., Smirin V.M. 1965. [Le genre Marmota. The Genus Marmota]. In Mammals in the USSR, Moscow: Mysl' Publishers, 267- 269.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, USSR, URSS.

Florant G.L. 1991. Is brain insulin a satiety signal in hibernators? [L'insuline cérébrale est-elle un signal de satiété chez les hibernants?] Appetite, 17(3): 240.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, cerveau, brain, masse corporelle, body mass, hibernation.

Florant G.L. 1998. Lipid metabolism in hibernators: The importance of essential fatty acids [Le métabolisme chez les hibernateurs : importance des acides gras essentiels]. American Zoologist, 38: 331-340.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/availablee
Marmottes, marmots, lipides, lipids, acide gras essentiel, essential fatty acids.
Two polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, are important for their inherent energy during lipid oxidation, In addition, they influence the length of hibernation bouts and the metabolic rates of mammals that hibernate, Hibernators that lack linoleic acid in their diet or that are fed a diet high in saturated fatty acids have significantly shorter bouts of hibernation and have a higher mass specific metabolic rate, The decrease in the length of a bout of hibernation is significant because the animal arouses from hibernation more frequently, using more of its energy stores, This could result in a decreased chance of survival, How the essential fatty acids exert their actions in hibernators is just beginning to be elucidated. Essential fatty acids are the sole precursors for the eicosanoids that influence thermoregulation, Thus, studies of eicosanoid function during hibernation are warranted, The recent discovery and characterization of the protein leptin, which can regulate energy balance and may be regulated by polyunsaturated fatty acids, may prove to be important to hibernation and the regulation of body mass, Future investigations of the regulation of body mass during hibernation should consider the fatty acid composition of the diet and the effect of the essential fatty acids on gene transcription.

Florant Gregory L. 2000. Circadian rhythms of body temperature in laboratory and field marmots [Ryhtmes circadiens de la température corporelle chez les marmottes de laboratoire et sauvages]. In Life in the Cold, 11th International Hibernation Symposium 2000.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, rythme circadien, circadian rhythm, température corporelle, bidy temperature.

Florant G. 2002. Marmot physiology: lessons to be learned about body temperature and weight gain. Physiologie de la marmotte : leçons à retenir sur la température corporelle et le gain de poids. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 56-57.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota, hibernation, body temperature, température corporelle, body weight, masse corporelle.

Florant G. 2003. Marmot physiology: lessons to be learned about body temperature and weight gain. Physiologie de la marmotte : leçons à retenir sur la température corporelle et le gain de poids. Физиология сурка: усения регулирования температуры и массы тела. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 103-108.
Anglais, français et résumé russe ; English, French and russian abstract
PDF disponible/available
Marmota, hibernation, body temperature, température corporelle, body weight, masse corporelle.
Ce symposium a réuni de nouvelles informations concernant de nombreuses espèces de marmottes non étudiées auparavant. Les domaines des communications vont de l’étude des populations à la biologie moléculaire. Ainsi, les marmottes offrent une excellente opportunité d’étude des différentes facettes de la physiologie, en particulier du métabolisme énergétique, de la thermorégulation et de la régulation de la masse corporelle. Les capacités thermorégulatrices des marmottes sont uniques car ce sont les plus grands hibernants capables de thermoréguler leurs tissus à de très basses températures. Ces animaux ne sont donc pas poïkilothermes à basse température, mais ils sont plutôt capables de répondre et de réguler la température de leurs tissus à de très basses températures. Ce sont toujours des endothermes avec une large capacité de thermorégulation. Bien que cela n’ait pas été étudié, il est possible que les marmottes vivant dans les régions arctiques soient capables d’hystérésis thermique comme chez le spermophile arctique qui habite les mêmes régions. Il serait excitant de déterminer si les marmottes peuvent abaisser leur température corporelle au-dessous du point de congélation. De plus, la démonstration que les marmottes ou d’autres hibernants, présentent un rythme circadien de la température corporelle à de basses températures, constituerait un véritable défi et de nouvelles leçons pourraient bien être découvertes dans ce domaine. En ce qui concerne la régulation de la masse corporelle, les marmottes ont fourni de nombreuses enseignements comme le fait que le rythme de la masse corporelle soit circannuel. Les types de graisses que les marmottes ou les autres hibernants stockent sont importants : les acides gras polyinsaturés sont préférés, particulièrement les acides gras essentiels, alors que les acides gras saturés semblent altérer le patron normal de l’hibernation. Les marmottes, engraissant tout au long de l’été et de l’automne, et développent toutes les marques de l’obésité, résistance à l’insuline périphérique et l’hyper insulinémie, mais ne développent pas de diabètes francs puisqu’elles arrêtent de manger et passent d’un état lipogénique à un état lipolytique. Elles ont un quotient respiratoire de 0,7 lorsqu’elles sont en torpeur suggérant qu’elles assurent leurs besoins énergétiques internes en brûlant de la graisse. Ces observations font de la marmotte un excellent modèle de l’obésité. De plus, le tissu adipeux blanc est un site de production et de sécrétion de plusieurs protéines nouvelles qui semblent impliqué dans l’équilibre énergétique. Ainsi, l’étude de la biologie de la marmotte pourrait nous permettre de découvrir non seulement comment la masse corporelle est régulée, mais aussi d’autres mécanismes physiologiques importants.

Florant G.L. & Bauman W.A. 1985. Seasonal variations in carbohydrate metabolism in mammalian hibernators: insulin and body weight changes [Variations saisonnières du métabolisme glucidique chez les mammifères hibernants : variation de l'insuline et de la masse corporelle]. In Advances in obesity research, ed. T.B. Van Itallie and J. Hirsh, 4 : 57-64, London, Libbey.
En anglais, in English.
Physiologie, physiology, rythme, rhythm, hydrate de carbone, carbohydrate.

Florant G.L., Castex C., Hoo-Paris R. & Sutter B. Ch. 1985a. Changes in adipose cell response to insulin and norepinephrine in lean and obese marmots [Variations de la rréponse des adipocytes à l'insuline et à la norrépinréphrine chez les marmottes maigres et obèses].
10th International Comparative endocrinology Symposium.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, obésitré.

Florant G.L., Foster J. Ram P.K. & Edens N. 1993. Seasonal lipolysis in hibernators [Lipolyse saisonnière chez les hibernants]. In Life in the cold. Ecological, physiological and molecular mechanisms, Carey C., Florant G.L., Wunder B.A, Horwitz B. eds., Westview Press, 225-232.
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, lipolyse, lipolysis, saison, season.

Florant G., Green R., Abel T., Hartzell S., Tamarkin L., Brainard G. 1989. Melatonin profile in marmots: the influence of catecholamines, hibernation, and light [Profil de la mélatonine chez les marmottes : influence des catécholamines, de l'hibernation et de la lumière]. J. Pineal Res., 7(2): 105-113.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, rythme, rhythm, mélatonine, melatonin, catécholamines, catecholamines.

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of circulating catecholamines and light on the daily melatonin rhythm in the marmot. Endogenous levels of circulating catecholamines and plasma melatonin were measured during arousal from hibernation in light and studies were performed on the circadian melatonin rhythm in two (LD 4:20 and LD 8:16). In addition, studies were done on the capacity of broad-band white light at normal room intensities (32 muW/cm2 or 108 Ix) and of low-intensity monochromatic green light (500 nm; 1.4muW/cm2 or 3.1 Ix) to suppress high nocturnal melatonin levels. We conclude that high levels of plasma catecholamines that occur during arousal from hibernation do not influence the production and secretion of pineal melatonin. During the nocturnal portion of its light/dark cycle, the marmot plasma melatonin rhythm is suppressed by both white light and low-intensity green light.

Florant G.L. & Greenwood M.R.C. 1986. Seasonal variations in pancreatic function in marmots : the role of pancreatic hormones and lipoprotein lipase in fat deposition [Variations saisonnières de la fonction pancréatique chez les marmottes : rôle des hormones pancréatiques et de la lipase lipoprotéinique lors de l'accumulation des graisses]. In Living in the Cold : Physiological and Biochemical Adaptations, H.C. Heller et al. eds, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 273-280.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, endocrinologie, endocrinology.

Florant G.L. & Heller H.C. 1977a. CNS regulation of body temperature in euthermic and hibernating marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Régulation de la température corporelle par le système nerveux central chez les marmottes actives et hibernantes (M. flaviventris)]. Am. J. Physiol., regulat., integrat. comp. physiol., 1 (3) : 203-208.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, cerveau, brain.

Mise en évidence pendant l'hibernation de l'activité du régulateur hypothalamique de la température corporelle et de ses changements progressifs de thermosensibilité.
Hypothalamic thermosensitivity of marmots was characterized during euthermia and hibernation. Hypothalamic temperature (Thy) was manipulated with chronically implanted, water-perfused thermodes while the animal's rate of oxygen consumption was continuously measured. The threshold Thy, for eliciting an increase in metabolic heat production (MHP) and the proportionality constant (alphaMHp) relating rate of MHP to Thy were determined. In four euthermic marmots alphaMHP averaged -1.1 During the entrance into hibernation, as body temperature (Tb) declined from 36 to 8°C, the threshold Thy for the MHP response progressively declined and was demonstrable at all times. The Thy of marmots in deep hibernation at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 5°C plateaued near 7.5°C, but theshold Thy for MHP showed a continuous slow decline of 0.2-0.4°C a day, until one day prior to arousal. Proportional regulation of Tb was demonstrable at all times during deep hibernation. The average proportionality constant for the MHP response to hypothalamic cooling during deep hibernation in three marmots was -0.08 W . kg-l . °C-l. These results demonstrate that the hypothalamic regulator of Tb is active throughout hibernation and that there are progressive changes in its thermosensitivity.

Florant G.L. & Heller H.C. 1978. Temperature regulation during wakefulness, sleep and hibernation marmots [Thermorégulation pendant l'éveil, le sommeil et l'hibernation]. Am. J. Physiol., 235: 82-88.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiokogy, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Florant G.L., Hester L., Ameenuddin S. & Rintoul D.A. 1993. The effect of low essential fatty acid diet on hibernation in marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Effet d'un régime alimentaire pauvre en acides essentiels sur l'hibernation chez les marmottes (M. flaviventris)]. Am. J. Physiol., 264R: 747-753.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, alimentation, foraging, hibernation.

We investigated the effect of an essential fatty acid (EFA)-deficient diet on hibernation patterns in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). Fatty acid (FA) analysis of white adipose tissue (WAT) from animals maintained for 2 mo on the EFA-deficient diet suggested that little or no EFAs were present in the gonadal or omental fat depots. Hibernation bout lengths of the EFA-deficient animals were significantly shorter (P < 0.01) than those of control animals. stated another way, these animals aroused twice as frequently compared with control animals and used more energy to survive the winter. analysis of wat composition and blood samples revealed that animals were highly lipolytic during winter. furthermore, the release of fas was not random: linoleate (cis-9, cis-12 octadecadienoic acid, 18:2, a diene efa) was significantly (p < 0.05) underrepresented in venous outflow from the gonadal fat pad based on percentage of this species in the wat. the concentration of saturated fas was higher than that predicted from the wat-fa composition. we conclude that linoleate is preferentially retained within wat and that concentrations of this efa may influence hibernation behavior. thus efas may have a thermoregulatory role in hibernation in addition to their role as essential precursors for physiologically important lipids after hibernation is over.

Florant G.L. Hill V. & Ogilvie M.D. 2000.Circadian rhythms of body temperature in laboratory and in field marmots [Rythmes circadiens de la température corporelle chez les marmottes de laboratoire et sauvages]. In In Life in the Cold, Heldmaier G. & Klingenspor M. eds. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, p.223.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, rythme circadien, circadian rhythm, température corporelle, body temperature.

Florant L.G., Hoo-Paris R., Castex C. & Bauman W.A. 1986. Pancreatic A and B cell stimulation in euthermic and hibernating marmots (Marmota flaviventris): effect of glucose and arginine administration [Stimulation des cellules pancréatiques A et B chez les marmottes actives et hibernantes (Marmota flaviventris) : effet de l'administration de glucose et d'arginine]. J. Comp. Physiol. B, 156: 309-314.
En anglais, in english.
Marmota flaviventris, pancréas, pancreas, glucose, arginine.
In euthermic and hibernating marmots (Marmota flaviventris), the pancreatic A and B cells respond in the appropriate secretory manner to glucose or arginine injection. Although reduced, this response, is clearly present in hibernating marmots. When glucose is administered to euthermic or hibernating marmots, plasma insulin concentrations rise and glucagon levels fall. While similar results are obtained in hibernation, the time period of the response is much longer due to the slowing of temperature dependent metabolic processes. Injection of L-arginine stimulates an increase in plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon as expected. Measurements of plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon under basal conditions, suggest that there are no significant differences between any phase of hibernation (eg. entrance, deep hibernation, arousal) and euthermia. These results provide indirect evidence that the pancreatic A and B cells of hibernating marmots continue to function in order to help regulate plasma glucose concentration.

Florant G.L., Lawrence A.K., Williams K., Bauman W.A. 1985. Seasonal changes in pancreatic B-cell function in euthermic yellow-bellied marmots. Am. J. Physiol., 249(2 Pt 2): R159-165.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, masse corporelle, body mass, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, hibernation.

Fasting plasma insulin (PI) and glucose (PG) concentrations were measured throughout the body weight cycle of marmots. Animals gained weight during summer, and in late fall body weight peaked, after which they ceased feeding. Each month euthermic animals were injected intra-arterially with either dextrose (500 mg/kg) or porcine insulin (0.1 U/kg), and blood samples were collected over the subsequent 2 h. During weight gain fasting PI concentration and pancreatic B-cell response to injected dextrose increased markedly. Maximal insulin release to a dextrose challenge was measured during peak body weight or when body weight initially began to decline. The PG concentration after exogenous insulin administration was slight (less than 10%) in the fall but increased approximately 25% in the spring after marmots lost weight. Basal PG levels were not significantly different throughout the year. Basal fasting PI concentrations were significantly higher during the fall (P less than 0.01). It is suggested that in the fall, when marmots are obese, hyperinsulinemia and peripheral insulin resistance appear. Furthermore, in two animals with an increase in body weight of approximately 30% or less over the summer, peripheral resistance was demonstrable, albeit not as marked as in animals that appropriately doubled their body weights when given food ad libitum. Thus we hypothesize that factors other than adiposity, i.e., food intake, central nervous system input to the pancreatic B-cell, and/or changes in B-cell sensitivity to PG, may contribute to the observed peripheral insulin resistance and may be involved in body weight regulation.

Florant G.L., L.C. Nuttle, D.E. Mullinex & D.A. Rintoul 1990. Plasma and white adipose tissue lipid composition in marmots [Composition lipidique du plasma et du tissus adipeux blanc chez les marmottes]. Amer. Physiol. Soc., 1123-1131.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, sang, blood, lipide, lipid.

White adipose tissue biopsies and plasma samples were obtained from hibernating yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) maintained in the laboratory. In addition, biopsies and plasma samples were obtained from normothermic animals in the field and laboratory. Measurement of plasma free fatty acid (FA) levels indicated that winter labotory animals exhibited increased lipolysis. Additionally, analysis of white adipose tissue triacylglycerol revealed that the FA composition of the storage fat in animals maintened on the standard is rematkably simple and uniform between different adipose depots in the same animal. Three FFAs (palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids) made up >95% of the total. Triene (alpha-linolenate) was found in newly capture animals, but the percentage of this FA decreased rapidly when the animals were maintend on the standard laboratory diet. Throughout the hibernation season (October to April), white adipose tissue-saturated FA percentage decresed monoene percentage remained constant, and diene percentage increased. Analysis of plasma FA composition suggested that these animals tended to metabolize saturated FAs from stored lipid during hibernation and that dienes were mobillzed brierly after the last arousal from hibernation in spring. From these observations, we hypothesize that marmots preferentially metabolize saturated fats during the hibernation period and that essential FAs of the o6 series tend to be metabolized more slowly than other FAs. These characteristics suggest that marmots are a valuable a model in which to study lipid metabolism.

Florant G.L., Porst H., Peiffer A., Hudachek S.F., Pittman C.A., Summers S., Rajala M.W. & Scherer P.E. 2004. Fat-cell mass, serum leptin and adiponectin changes during weight gain and loss in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). J. Comp. Physiol. [B], 174(8): 633-639.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, lipides, lipids, saison, season.
Leptin and adiponectin are proteins produced and secreted from white adipose tissue and are important regulators of energy balance and insulin sensitivity. Seasonal changes in leptin and adiponectin have not been investigated in mammalian hibernators in relationship to changes in fat cell and fat mass. We sought to determine the relationship between serum leptin and adiponectin levels with seasonal changes in lipid mass. We collected serum and tissue samples from marmots (Marmota flaviventris) in different seasons while measuring changes in fat mass, including fat-cell size. We found that leptin is positively associated with increasing fat mass and fat-cell size, while adiponectin is negatively associated with increasing lipid mass. These findings are consistent with the putative roles of these adipokines: leptin increases with fat mass and is involved in enhancing lipid oxidation while adiponectin appears to be higher in summer when hepatic insulin sensitivity should be maintained since the animals are eating. Our data suggest that during autumn/winter animals have switched from a lipogenic condition to a lipolytic state, which may include leptin resistance.

Florant G.L., Richardson R.D., Mahan S., Singer L., Woods S.C. 1991. Seasonal changes in CSF insulin levels in marmots: insulin may not be a satiety signal for fasting inwinter [Changements saisonniers des niveaux d'insuline FCS chez les marmottes : l'insuline ne peutêtre un signal de satiété de jeune en hiver]. Am. J. Physiol., 260(4 Pt 2): R712-6.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, masse corporelle, body mass, insuline.
Plasma insulin (PI) reportedly crosses the blood-brain barrier in mammals and acts with the central nervous system (CNS) to reduce food intake. Animals that hibernate (hibernators) eat little or no food from early winter (November) to spring (April). This lack of food intake may be due to elevated PI concentrations acting within the CNS. In this study, we determined whether hibernators have altered insulin levels within the CNS at different times during the circannual cycle of metabolism and feeding. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) immunoreactive insulin concentrations were measured in marmots (Marmota flaviventris) during the feeding phase of the body weight cycle and during the fasting period (hibernation). Basal plasma and CSF samples were collected in September, November, January, and April. In addition, plasma and CSF insulin levels were monitored during a 2-h intravenous infusion of glucose (20% wt/vol) that stimulated pancreatic B-cell production of insulin. During the spring feeding period, we found that as PI levels rise, so do CSF insulin concentrations. However, in fall and winter when marmots are fasting, very little insulin entered the CSF even when PI levels were significantly elevated. Furthermore, the longer the fast, the lower was the CSF insulin under both basal and infusion conditions. These results lead us to conclude that elevated CSF insulin is not a likely cause of suppressed food intake in fasting marmots.

Florant G.L., Rivera ML., Lawrence A.K., Tamarkin L. 1984. Plasma melatonin concentration in hibernating marmots; absence of a plasma melatonin rhythm [Concentration de la mélatonine plasmatique chez les marmottes hibernantes ; absence d'un rythme de mélatonine plasmatique]. Am. J. Physiol., regulat., integrat. comp. physiol., 16 (6) : R1062-R1066.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, endocrinologie, endocrinology, hibernation, rythme, rhythm.

Plasma melatonin concentrations were measured thoughout bouts of hibernation in marmots maintained in a short photoperiod (light-dark 8:16) and ambient temperature of 5 or 15°C. Melatonin concentration was also measured in two animals maintained in constant darkness. As an animal entered hibernation, plasma melatonin concentration dropped to basal levels when body temperature reached 25°C, and they remained low until arousal. During deep hibernation plasma melatonin value did not vary significantly (P<0.05) with respect to time of day or different ambient temperatures. With nocturnal arousal plasma melatonin levels were similar to euthermic night values. Lack of a plasma melatonin rhythm during hibernation suggests that the pineal gland is not temperature compensated during hibernation, and due to the low tissue temperature of the pineal the circadian pacemaker driving melatonin secretion is incapable of stimulating a rhythm.

Florant G.L., Singer L., Scheurink A., Park C.R., Richardson R.D. & Woods S.C. 1991. Intraventricular insulin reduces food intake and body weight of marmots during the summer feeding period [L’insuline ventriculaire réduit la prise alimentaire et la masse corporelle des marmottes au cours de la période d’alimentation estivale]. Physiology and Behavior, 49(2): 335-338.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, masse corporelle, body mass, insuline.

The study presented below describes experiments that investigate the ability of insulin to inhibit food intake in awake, active marmots during the summer season. Our results suggest that increasing intraventricular insulin concentration during the summer active feeding period will cause a decrease in food intake and body weight of marmots. When infused with insulin into their lateral ventricles (Alzet #2002 minipumps), animals had significantly lower food intake as compared to their food intake during the control period. In addition, these animals lost body weight during the period of the insulin infusion. We suggest that during the summer when marmots are not hibernating and are actively feeding, brain insulin levels may play a role in regulating food intake.

Florant G.L., Tamarkin L. 1984. Plasma melatonin rhythms in euthermic marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Rythmes de la mélatonine plasmatique chez les marmottes non-hibernantes (M. flaviventris)]. Biol. Reprod., 30 (2) : 332-337.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, endocrinologie, endocrinology, hibernation, rythme, rhythm, plasma, melatonin.

Plasma melatonin concentrations were measured in marmots (Marmota flaviventris) maintained under three short-day (4L:20D; 8L:10D; 10L:14D) and one long-day (14L:10D) photoperiod(s). Each animal had a daily rhythm of plasma melatonin with elevated plasma melatonin levels occurring during the dark period of the lighting cycle. There were no significant differences between any peak values during the night. The mean duration of elevated night melatonin concentrations was significantly different between long-day (16L:8D) and 8L:16D or 4L:20D animals (P less than 0.01). Daytime plasma melatonin levels were not significantly different among the photoperiods. These results characterize plasma melatonin rhythms in a sciurid rodent and demonstrate that this rhythm is modified by photoperiod. Therefore, the plasma melatonin profile could convey information about day length to the animal or, alternatively, the rhythm may be acting as a time- keeping mechanism for other physiological functions.

Florant G.L, K. Tokuyama & D.A. Rintoul 1989. Carbohydrate and lipid utilization in hibernators [Utilisation des glucides et des lipides chez les hibernants]. In Living in the cold, A. Malan & B. Canguilhem eds., 141-145.
En anglais, in English.

Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, lipides, lipids, glucides.
The life cycle of hibernators can be divided into two phases, a weight gain phase (late spring to early autumn) and a weight loss phase (late autumn to early spring). During the weight gain phase, the high food intake stimulates gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis, thus promoting glycogen and lipid storage, respectively. Glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissue, as measured by hyperglycemic clamp, is significantly increased. ln the autumn, when the marmots are very fat and basal plasma insulin levels are very high, glucose uptake is much reduced. This, together with earlier data, suggests that meta- bolism switches in autumn from a lipogenic to a lipolytic state. ln winter, during the weight loss phase, insulin sensitivity returns and peripheral glucose uptake increases. White adipose tissue triglycerides comprise mainly palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18:1) and linoleic acid (18:2). The percentage of saturated fatty acids in these triglycerides decreases over the winter months, while that of dienoic acids increases suggesting that they are preferentially retained. These data suggest that hormones such as insulin are important regulators of sesonal changes in glucose and lipid metabolism.
Le cycle annuel des hibernants peut âtre divisé en deux phases, une phase d'accroissement de la masse corporelle (de la fin du printemps au début de l'automne) et une phase de rédustion (de la fin de l'automne au début du printemps). Pendant la phase d'accroissemnt, la prise alimentaire élévée stimule la lipogénése et la gluconeogénése, ce qui induit le stockage de lipides et de glycogène respectivement. La capture de glucose par le muscle et le tissus adipeux, mesurée par le clamp hyperglycémique, augmente significativement. En automne, lorsque les marmottes sont très grasses et que la concentration plasmatique basale d'insuline est très élevée, la capture de glucose est très réduite (insulinorésistance). Ces données jointes aux résultats antérieurs, suggérent que le métabolisme passe en automne d'un état de lipogénése à un état de lipolyse. En hiver, pendant la phase de réduction de masse, la sensibilité à l'insuline réapparait et la capture périphérique de glucose augmente. Les triglycérides du tissus adipeux blanc comprennent principalement les acides palmitique (16:0), oleique (18:1) et linoleique (18:2). Le pourcentage d'acide gras saturés decroit pendant les mois d'hivern tandis que celui des acides diénoiques augmente, ce qui suggere qu'ils sont préférentiellemnt conservés. Ces données suggèrent que des hormones telles que l'insuline sont d'importants régulateurs des modifications saisonnières des métabolismes des sucres et des lipides.

Florant G.L., Turner B.M., Heller H.C. 1978. Temperature regulation during wakefulness sleep and hibernation in marmots [Régulation de la température au cours du sommeil chez les marmottes vigiles et hibernantes]. Am. J. Physiol., regulat., integrat. comp. physiol., 4 (1) : 82-88.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, rythme, rhythm.

La température hypothalamique de seuil et la constante de proportionnalité pour la réponse de chaleur métabolique est examinée chez des animaux, en éveil, pendant le sommeil à ondes lentes, le sommeil paradoxal et l'entrée en hibernation.
The threshold hypothalamic temperature and the proportionality constant for the metabolic heat production response were investigated in three euthermic marmots during wakefulness (W), slow-wave sleep (SWS), and paradoxical sleep (PS), and in four marmots during entrances into hibernation. Hypothalamic temperature (Thy) was manipulated with chronically implanted, water-perfused thermodes straddling the hypothalamus. Rate of metabolic heat production (MHP) measured as oxygen consumption, ambient temperature (Ta), and (Thy) were continuously recorded during experiments. Arousal states were defined from recordings of the cortical electro-encephalogram (EEG) and the dorsal neck muscle electromyogram (EMG). The proportionality constant which describes the MHP response to a decrease in Thy. (aMHP) was -l.IO°C-1 for wakeful euthermic marmots at a Ta of 15°C. During SWS, aMHP of euthermic marmots declined to -0.55 W . kg-1 - °C-1. These same animals showed no metabolic response to Thy's as low as 34.5°C during PS. Manipulations of Thy in animals entering hibernation revealed a continuously declining threshold Thy and aMHPm. When aMHP was expressed as a function of threshold it had a temperature coefficient of 2.l. This relationship extrapolated to the aMHP, value of SWS at a euthermic threshold Thy (37°C). These results suggest that the central nervous regulator of body temperature is continuously operative over the entire range of body temperatures (Tb's) experienced by the hibernator. The fact that values of aMHP obtained during hibernation extrapolate to euthermic SWS values rather than euthermic wakeful values lends credence to the hypothesis that hibernation is an extension of thermoregulatory adjustmens which normally occur during SWS.

Florant G.L. & Weitzman E.D. 1980. Diurnal and episodic pattern of plasma cortisol during fall and spring in young and old woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Canevas diurnes et épisodiques du cortisol plasmatique à l'automne et au printemps chez les marmottes jeunes et âgées (M. monax)]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 6671 (?) : 575-581. (en anglais, in English)
(Marmota monax) ; Physiologie ; Endocrinologie ; Hibernation ; Rythme.

Florant G.L., Weitzman E.D., Jayant A., Côté D.J. 1982. PLasma catecholamine levels during cold adaptation and hibernation in woodchucks (Marmota monax) [Niveaux de catécholamines plasmatiques pendant l'adaptation au froid et l'hibernation chez les marmottes (M. monax)]. J. therm. biol., 7 : 143-146. (en anglais, in English)
(Marmota monax) ; Physiologie ; Endocrinologie ; Hibernation ; Rythme.

1.Plasma catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine) were measured in non-hibernating (summer) and hibernating woodchucks (Marmota monax). Summer animals were warm (24°C) or cold (9°C) adapted for 3 weeks before blood samples were collected.
2. In summer, norephinephrine (NE) concentration after cold acclimation was double the level found at warm ambient temperature. Epinephrine (E) and dopamine (DA) concentrations were not significantly different between warm and cold acclimation
3. During entrance into and in deep hibernation, all catecholamine values were significantly lower than cold-adapted levels. With arousal from hibernation, all catecholamines rose markedly above the summer values. The variation in plasma catecholamine levels reflect dramatic changes in the adrenosympathetic axis during all stages of hibernation.

Florian Jean-Pierre Claris de 1792. Fables de M. de Florian. Le renard qui prêche. Paris, P. Didot l'aîné. Num. BNF , 204 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, marmot, renard, fox, fable.
Extrait/extract pdf

Florio John 1611. Queen Anna's New World of Words or dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues. London, printed by Melch. Bradwood, for Edw. Blount and William Payres.
Italian/English Dictionary, Dictionnaire italien/Anglais, Marmotana.

Flourens Pierre 1850. Histoire des travaux et des idées de Buffon. 2e éd. rev. et augm. Paris, L. Hachette, VI-363 p.
En français, in French.
Intelligence, homme, man, bêtes, beasts, Flourens Pierre (1794-1867).

Flower William Henry 1876. Hunterian lectures on the relations of extinct to existing Mammalia. Nature, 12 : 307-308; 327-328; 3.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals.

Flower W.H. & Lydekker R. 1841. An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct [Une introduction à l'étude des mammifères actuels et disparus]. Adam & Charles Black, London pp. 763, figs. 357. Family Sciuride : 450-455.
Arctomyinae, Arctomys bobac, Arctomys monax, Arctomys marmotta, Arctomys caudatus, crâne, skull, habits, comportements.
Version pdf

Floyd C.H., Vuren D. Van & May B. 2002. Marmots on Great Basin mountaintops: Using microsatellites to test for dispersal between ranges. Les marmottes du Great basin : Utilisation des microsatellites pour tester la dispersion entre les aires de distribution. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 58-59.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota flaviventris, dispersal, dispersion, microsatelittes, genetic drift, dérive génétique, Holocen, Holocène.

Floyd C.H., Vuren D. Van & May B. 2003. Marmots on Great Basin mountaintops: Using microsatellites to test for dispersal between ranges. Les marmottes du Great basin : Utilisation des microsatellites pour tester la dispersion entre les aires de distribution. Сурки гор большого бассейна: использование микроспутников для опед еления дисперсии между ареалами распределия. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 73-74.
Anglais, français et résumé russe ; English, French and russian abstract
PDF disponible/available
Marmota flaviventris, dispersal, dispersion, microsatelittes, genetic drift, dérive génétique, Holocen, Holocène.
Pendant trois décennies, les mammifères boréaux des montagnes du Great Basin d'Amérique du Nord ont été décrits comme constituant des populations isolées entourées d'une "mer infranchissable" de flore désertique. Cette théorie s'appuie sur des études écologiques et paléontologiques montrant un patron d'extinction largement répandu tout au long de l'Holocène, mais pas de recolonisation. Cependant, un travail récent utilisant des listes d'espèces actualisées a montré que les patrons de répartition des mammifères boréaux sont en fait roboratifs avec une dispersion dans la Great Basin. La dispersion étant rarement observée, sa documentation nécessite souvent l'utilisation de méthodes indirectes. Une telle méthode prometteuse est fournie par les marqueurs génétiques hautement variables, comme les microsatellites de l'ADN. La distribution géographique de la variation des microsatellites peut servir à mesurer le flux génétique (résultat de la dispersion). Nous avons utilisé les microsatellites pour tester si un flux génétique est présent parmi les populations de montagne du Great Basin. La marmotte à ventre jaune, Marmota flaviventris, a constitué notre modèle biologique. Cette espèce boréale occupe les prairies alpines de l'aire du Great Basin. Si les marmottes se sont dispersées, on devrait mettre en évidence une corrélation positive entre la distance génétique et la distance géographique. C'est-à-dire que les populations de marmottes de montagne devraient être plus étroitement apparentées avec les populations voisines qu'avec celles qui sont plus éloignées. Nos résultats ne montrent aucune relation entre les distances génétique et géographique, bien que ces populations de montagne soient fortement différenciées au niveau génétique. Les populations de marmottes du Great Basin ont subi une importante dérive génétique tout au long de l'Holocène, dérive peu affectée par l'immigration.

Floyd Chris H., Van Vuren Dirk H. & May Bernie 2005. Marmots on great basin mountaintops : Using genetics to test a biogeographic paradigm [Les marmottes des sommet du Great Basin : Usage de la génétique pour tester le paradigme biogéographique]. Ecology : (Durham) (Ecology : (Durh.)), 86(8) : 2145 - 2153.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, dispersal, dispersion, microsatelittes, genetic drift, dérive génétique.
Boreal mammals in the Great Basin have long been viewed as island-bound Pleistocene relicts because they occupy island-like patches of montane habitat separated by desert lowlands that presumably are impermeable to dispersal. Recent work, however, raised the possibility that dispersal among mountain ranges is an important process in the biogeography of boreal mammals in the Great Basin. We test this proposition using genetic variation in a representative species, the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris). A total of 332 marmots was sampled from 10 ranges and genotyped at six microsatellite loci. If the intervening desert lowlands are impermeable barriers to dispersal, then there should be no relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance among mountaintop populations, and genetic diversity should be diminished because gene flow would not be available to replace alleles lost over thousands of generations of isolation. Our results did not support these predictions. There was a strong correlation between genetic and geographic distance, demonstrating an isolation-by-distance pattern, and genetic diversity was high. Our results suggest that marmot populations in the Great Basin may be linked by dispersal, providing a mechanism to replenish genetic variation lost by drift. However, global climate change over the next several decades could make the desert lowlands more difficult to traverse, eventually transforming the boreal faunas of Great Basin mountaintops into the isolated relicts they were originally portrayed to be.

Flynn L. & Jacobs L. 1985. Problems in phylogeny relationship to other rodents and origin of major groups [Problèmes des rapports phylogénétiques aux autres rongeurs et origine des principaux groupes]. In Evol. relationship among rodents, London, 589-616.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, évolution, evolution.

Foggin J.M. 1993. Vegetational characteristics of an alpine meadow and golden marmot social group size [Caractéristiques de la végétation d'une prairie alpine et taille du groupe social de la marmotte dorée]. Honors. McGill University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caudata, social, botanique, botany.

Fokanov V.A. 1952. Obzob mlekopitaiushikh Priouraliskogo rajona Zapadno-Kazakhstanskoj oblasti [Généralités sur les mammifères de la région de l'Oural, dans le secteur ouest du Kazakhstan. Generalities upon mammals in the Ural, western sector of Kazakhstan]. Tr. Zool. in-ta AP SSSR, II.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Oural, Ural, Kazakhstan.

Fokanov V.A. 1966. Novyï podvid sourka-baïbaka i zametchaniya po geografitcheskoï izmentchivosti [Une nouvelle sous espèce de Marmota bobac et quelques notes sur sa variabilité géographique. A new sub-species of M. bobac and notes on its geographical variability]. Zool. zh., 45 (12) : 1862-1866.
En Russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, taxonomie, taxonomy, biogéographie, biogeography.

Folitarek S.S. 1945. Nekotorye dannye po ekologii Tien-Shanskogo sourka Marmota baibacina v svyazi s ego e demiologitcheskii znatcheniem [Quelques données sur l'écologie de la marmotte du Tien Chan M. baibacina et leur signification sur les dèmes. Some data on the ecology of the Tien Shan marmot M. baibacina and their meaning about dems]. Refer. rab. utchrezhd. otd. biol. nauk AP SSSR za 1941-1943 gg.
En Russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Folk G.E., Folk M.A., Kreutzer F. 1970. Initial stages of hibernation: is cold acclimatization necessary? [Les étapes intiales de l'hibernation : l'acclimation au froid est-elle nécessaire?]. Acta. Theriol., 15 : 373-380.
En Anglais, in English.
Hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Fontan Alfred 1858. Sur des dents humaines et des ustensiles humains trouvés dans les cavernes à ossements de Massat (Ariège) [About human teeth and tools found in the bone caves of Massat (Ariège)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, 46 : 900-903.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paléontologie, Homme, Man, outils, tools, rongeurs, rodents, Ariège, France. pdf disponible/available

Fontana Laure 1996. État de la recherche et des problématiques en archéozoologie pour le paléolithique supérieur d'Auvergne [Research state and problems in archeozoology in the Upper paleolithic of Auvergne]. Cahiers archéologiques de Bourgogne, 6 : 152-60.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, archéozoologie, archeozoology, Auvergne, France.

Fontana L. 1998a. Mobilité et subsistance au Magdalénien dans le Languedoc occidental et le Roussillon [Mobility and livelihood during the Magdalenian in the western Languedoc and the Roussillon]. Thèse de IIIè cycle, Université de Paris I, 287 p.
En français, in French.
Archéozoologie, archeozoology, France.

Fontana L. 1998b. Subsistance et territoire au Magdalénien supérieur dans les Pyrénées : l'apport des données archézoologiques de la grotte de Belvis (Aude) [Livelihood and territory during the upper Magdalenian in the Pyrenees : contribution of archeozoological data of the Belvis cave (Aude)]. Préhistoire du Sud-Ouest, 5(2) : 131-146.
En français, in French.
Archéozoologie, archeozoology, France, Aude.

Fontana L. 1999a. Mobilité et subsistance au Magdalénien dans le Bassin de l'Aude [Mobility and livelihood during the Magdalenian in the Aude Basin]. Bull. S.P.F., 96(2) : 175-190.
En français, in French.
Archéozoologie, archeozoology, France.

Fontana L. 1999b. La faune de l'horizon Châtelperronien de Belvis (Aude, France) [The fauna of the Chatelperronian level from Belvis (Aude, France)]. Bulletin Préhistoire du sud-Ouest, 6 : 133-139.
En français, in French.Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Aude, France.
Les restes archéologiques de la couche 7 de la grotte de Belvis témoignent d'une occupation châtelperronienne située environ entre 34000 et 36000 BP. L'étude de rares restes fauniques montre que les hommes de Belvis ont pratiqué une chasse diversifiée reflétant l'exploitation e biotopes variés de moyenne montagne.
Los vestigios de la capa 7 de la Cueva de Belvis (Aude) demostran una ocupacion "chatelpenou" situada cerca de los 34-36000 BP. El estudio de los hallazgos de fauna atestiga que los hombres de Belvis han practicado una Caza diversificada en unos nichos ecologicos de montana baja.

Fontana L. 2000. La faune du pont-de-Longues (les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme) : analyse archézoologique des restes fauniques d'un site magdalénien de plein air [The Pont-de-Longues fauna (The Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme): archeozoological analysis of the faunal remainsof an open air Magdalenian site]. Bulletin Préhistoire du Sud-Ouest, 7 : 109-125.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, site de plein air, open air site, Gallo-romain, Magdalénien, Renne, reindeer, Rangifer tarndus, cheval, Equus caballus, bison, aurochs, Bos primigenius, cerf, Cervus elaphus, renard, Vulpes vulpes, loup, Canis lupus, Puy-de-Dôme, France.
L'étude archéozoologique des restes fauniques du Pont-de-Longues issus de deux coiuches magdaléniennes a mis en évidence : - la chasse préférentielle au renne et au cheval, - des chasses au renne durant l'été et l'automne, le traitement différentiel des divers éléments des caacasses et la fonction spécialisée du secteur fouillé, liée à une partie du traitement boucher. Cette analyse a suggéré que le site n'aurait pas été un site d'abattage mais plutôt un site d'habitat. Ces données sont replacées dans leur contexte chronologique et régional afin de mieux apprécier l'apport de cette étude dans la compréhension des stratégies de subsistance au magdalénien supérieur dans ce secteur de la vallée de l'Allier.
El estudio arqueozoologico de los restos faunisticos de Pont-de-Longues extrazidos de dos capas magdalenienses, ha puesto en evidencia : - una breferncia por la caza del reno y del caballo, - las cacerias de reno durante el verano y el otono, - el tratamiento diferncial de los diversos elementos de las osamentas y la especializada funcion del sector excavad unido a une partedel tratamiento carnicero. Este analisis ha sugerido, que este yacimento no habria sido un lugar de matanza, mas bien un lugar de habitacion. Estos datos son repuestos en sus contextos cronologico y regional, con objeto de una mejor apreciacion de la aportacion de este estudio a la comprension de las estrategias de subsistencia en el Magdaleniense superior, en este sector del valle del Allier.

Foote J.S. 1916. A contribution to the comparative histology of the femur [Contribution à l'histologie comparative du fémur]. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., XXXV i-ix+1-242 pages, pls. A-C; i-xxxv.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, morphologie, morphology, histologie, histology.

Formozov A.N. 1928. Mammalia in the steppe biocenose [Les mammifères de la biocénose steppique]. Ecology, 9: 449-460.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, écologie; ecology, steppe.
A rich fauna of herbivorous mammals is characteristic of all the steppes. These animals are a natural element of the steppe landscape and of the steppe biocenose. 2. The enormous majority of the steppe rodents dwell in more or less extensive and complicated burrows. One group of rodents spend all their life underground and procure their food by constant burrowing of passages (Siphaneus, Spalax, Ellobius and some others). The holes and the passages of the rodents penetrate to a depth of 4-5 meters. In piercing the soil and sub-soil with their galleries, throwing out upon the surface an immense quantity of earth from the deep lying layers, the rodents accomplish an enormous work. 3. This work is of great importance in the composition of the land surface, and especially in the formation of the soil and in the life of the vegetation. 4. The soil thrown out upon the surface by the rodents is, as a rule, less alkaline, richer in mineral salts and poorer in humus. 5. The vegetation upon the mounds thrown up by the numerous animals in the midst of the steppe, has usually a more desert, xerophytic character; at first it contains many "weeds". 6. The earth thrown out upon the surface undergoes changes analogous to those which the soil of the surrounding steppe has passed through earlier. Simulatneoulsy with the process of soil formation, a change of vegetation takes place on the hillocks. Finally, the vegetation becomes like that of the places not dug up. 7. In he steppe occupied by rodents, both the superficial soil layers and the vegetation are not homogenous but varied. 8. Through the digging activity of the rodents, portions of the steppe continually revert to their original stage of development. The rodents postpone the natural succession of plant associations, and thereby assist in maintining for long periods the kind of vegetation to which they have become adapted. 9. The part which the hoofed animals play in the life of the steppe vegetation consists in stamping out the tussocks with their hoofs, destroying the dried up vegetation, and keeping down the too vigorous graminae. Their participation is likewise necessary in order to maintian the equilibrium inside the associations of the steppes. 10. In most conditions of nature, both groups of herbivorous mammals form the most active element of the biocenose. The evolution of the steppe plants associations, and of different spcies, has proceeded under the continuopus influence of these animals.

extrait pdf extract.

Formozov A.N. 1929a. Skotosboï, ego znatchenie dlya stepnoï faouny i bor'ba s vreditelyami [Destruction d'animaux, sa signification pour la faune steppique et la lutte contre les nuisibles. Animal destruction, its meaning on steppe fauna and pest struggle]. Priroda, 11.
En russe, in Russian.
Eradication, steppe.

Formozov A.N. 1929b. Mlekopitaiushie Severnoj Mongolii po sboram zkspeditsii 1925 g [Les mammifères de Mongolie du nord, d'après la récolte de l'expédition de 1926. Mammals of Northern Mongolia, based on collection of 1926 year-expedition]. Leningrad, Izd-vo AP SSSR, pp. 144.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, faunistique, fauna, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Formozov A.N. 1935. Kolebaniya tchislennosti promyslovykh Jivotnykh [Variations du nombre d'animaux chassés professionnellement. Number changes in hunted animals ]. M., L., KOIZ.
En russe, in Russian.
Chasse, hunting.

Formozov A.N. 1956. [Les formes biologiques des animaux des régions arides et semi-arides de l'Asie Moyenne et Centrale. Essais de Géographie. Biologic forms of the animals of dry and semi-arid regions of Middle and Central Asia. Geographic essay]. Recueil des articles pour le XVIIIe Congrés International de Géographie, Acad. Sci. URSS.
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, Asie, Asia.

Formozov A.N. 1962. Izmenenie prirodykh ousloviï stepnogo yuga Evropeïskoï tchasti SSSR za poslednie sto let i nekotorye tchesti sovremennoï faouny stepne&iml; [Variations des facteurs naturels des steppes du sud de la partie européenne de l'URSS au cours du dernier siècle et quelques éléments de la faune actuelle. Changes of natural factors in the southern steppes of the European part of USSR during the last century and some data on the present fauna]. V kn. Issledovaniya geografii prirodnykh resoursov jivotnogo i rastitel'nogo mira, M., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Faunistique, fauna, histoire, history, steppe, USSR, URSS.

Formozov A.N. 1966. Adaptative modifications of behavior in mammals of the Eurasian steppes [Modifications adaptatives du comportement chez les mammifères]. J. Mammal., 47 : 208-233.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, éthologie, steppes, Eurasie Eurasia.
The vast steppe zone of Eurasia is inhabited by about 90 species of mammals, and one-thrid of them are steppe endemics. Herbivores obtain food from the many species of nutrient-rich grasses and herbs in the diverse steppe vegetational associations. Many small rodents and lagomorphs have elaborate behavioural patterns associated with storage of dry plant parts for winter. Burrowing adaptation are also important in providing cover from predators and suitable microclimates in the steppes, which are much more exposed to direct climatic influences than forest biotopes. Related to burrowing are daily and seasonal patterns of activity, and the abundance of hibernating species in the steppe fauna. Steppe mammals are grouped by life forms, based on trophic relationships, ecological stratum occupied, social behavior, seasonal activity patterns,etc. The behavioral adaptations of four such life forms os steppe mammals are discussed in detail.

Formosov A.N. & Kiris J.B. l937. Activity of rodents in pasture lands and meadows [Activité de rongeurs dans les pâture et les prairies]. Scientific Notes of the Moscovian State University. Pt. 13: Zoology. (Ouchenye zapiski Moskovskogo Gosoudarstvennogo Ouniversiteta). Moscow. roy.8. 320 p., 4 pls., 149 figs., tabs.
With summaries in English, German or French.

Formozov N.A. & Khodasnova K.S. 1961. Les rongeurs vivant en colonie dans la steppe eurasienne et leur influence sur les sols et la végétation [Rodents living in colony in the Eurasian steppe and their influence on soils and vegetation]. Terre et Vie, 108 : 116-129.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Eurasie, Eursia, steppe.

Formozov N.A. & Nikolskiy A.A. 1986. Zvoukovye signaly serogo sourka i tarbagana v zone simpatrii [Cris d'alarmes de la marmotte grise et de la marmotte tarbagan dans la zone sympatrie. Alarm calls of grey marmot and tarbagan in the zone of sympatry]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, 16 (3): 41-44.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Marmota baibacina, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Alarm calls of Marmota baibacina and M. sibirica exhibit the species-specific characteristics that have been previouly established in other parts of their ranges. Bioacoustical analysis confirms the overlap of these species habitats in the Ulagchin-gol valley (the left tributary of the Bulgan-gol river, S-W Mongolia). The discovery of a specimen with an intermediate call structure supports the notion of the occurence of limited hybridization of these species in the region.

Formozov N.A. & Vorontsov A.G. 1939. Deyatelnost' gryzounov na past bishchakh i senokosnykh ougod'akh Zapadnogo Kazakhstana i yeye khozyaystvennoe znachenie [Acitivté des rongeurs dans les pâtures et les prairies du Kazakhstan occidental et son importance pour l'agriculture. Activity of rodents in pastures and hayfields of western Kazakhstan and its agricultural significance]. Ouchenye zapiski MGU, 20, Moskva.
En russe, in Russian)
Rodentia, agriculture, Kazakhstan.

Formozov N.A., Yendukin A.Yu. and Bibikov D.I. 1991. Marmots (Marmota Sibirica), Mongolian hunters and the plague [Les marmottes (M. Sibirica), les chasseurs de Mongolie et la peste]. Abstracts 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota ) and on Genus Marmota, 8.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota Sibirica, gestion, management, chasse, hunting, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Mongolians are strictly dependant on marmots. Since these animals are the main reservoir of infection in many natural foci of the plague in Mongolia. The hunters have developp a strategy minimizing the risk of infection and maintening the marmot populmation.

Formozov N.A., Yendukin A. Yu. & Bibikov D.I. 1994. Coadaptation of marmots and Mongolian hunters [Coadaptation marmottes et chasseurs mongols]. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 70-71.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota sibirica, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, alarme, alarm, chasse, hunting, Mongolie, Mongolia.

When hunting marmots, Mongolians wear an unusual costume - white pants, jacket and hat with hare-like ears and a 15-20 cm tassel (daluur) made from a white horse or yak tail - designed to elicit their alarm call. The tradition of shooting mainly calling marmots may be seen as a means of avoiding marmots with the plague. The alarm call response decreases sharply in infected marmot populations (Bibikov, 1967). Meanwhile, Mongolian marmots have adapted somewhat to this hunting method. Although their alarm call response to the daluur remains strong, many flee when they see a man as far as 2-4 km. away (Seredneva, pers. comm.). To understand how this change has influenced the age structure of samples selected by hunters, we studied 1,346 Mongolian marmots from 6 samples (3 daluur, 3 not) using Klevezal-Kleinenberg's (1967) method. The 3 daluur samples differed sharply from the 3 other. Marmots over 4 years old in Khentei and over 5 in Khangai had learned to avoid hunters with daluurs. Thus, the traditional method of hunting marmots harms the population less than other methods and its broader use will promote sustainable use of this vital resource for Mongolia.

Formozov N.A., A. YU. Yendukin & D.I. Bibikov 1996. Co-adaptations des marmottes (Marmota sibirica) et des chasseurs de Mongolie. Coadaptations of marmots (Marmota sibirica) and Mongolian hunters. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 37-42.
En français et en anglais, in French and English.
Marmota sibirica, chasse, hunting, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Lors de la chasse à la marmotte, les chasseurs mongols portent un costume inhabituel : pantalon, veste et chapeau blancs avec des oreilles de lapins, un plumet (daluur), dont l'objet est d'initier le cri d'alarme. La tradition de tirer surtout les marmottes émettant des cris permet d' éviter celles infect ées par la peste, car les marmottes infect ées émettent moins de cris d'alarme (Bibikov 1967). Les marmottes de Mongolie se sont adapt ées quelque peu à cette m éthode de chasse. Bien que leur r éponse d'alarme au daluur reste forte, beaucoup fuient lorsqu'elles voient un homme à 2 à 4 km (Seredneva, com. pers.). Nous avons étudié 1346 marmottes dans 6 échantillons (3 chass és avec daluur et 3 sans) pour comprendre comment cette modification du comportement a influenc é la structure d'âge. Les 3 premiers diffèrent nettement des 3 autres. Les marmottes de plus de 4 ans ( échantillons du Khentei) et celles de plus de 5 ans (échantillon de Khangai) ont appris à éviter les chasseurs à daluur. Ainsi la m éthode traditionnelle de chasse à la marmotte nuit moins à la population de marmottes que les autres méthodes et un usage plus large permettrait une utilisation durable de cette ressource vitale pour la Mongolie.
When hunting marmots, Mongolians wear an unusual costume - white pants, jacket and hat with hare-like ears and a 15-20 cm tassel (daluur) made from a white horse or yak tail - designed to elicit their alarm call. The tradition of shooting mainly calling marmots may be seen as a means of avoiding marmots with the plague. The alarm call response decreases sharply in infected marmot populations (Bibikov 1967). Meanwhile, Mongolian marmots have adapted somewhat to this hunting method. Although their alarm call response to the daluur remains strong, many flee when they see a man as far as 2-4 km. away (Seredneva, pers. comm.). To understand how this change has influenced the age structure of samples selected by hunters, we studied 1,346 Mongolian marmots from 6 samples (3 daluur, 3 not) using Klevezal-Kleinenberg's (1967) method. The 3 daluur samples differed sharply from the 3 others. Marmots over 4 years old in Khentei and over 5 in Khangai had learned to avoid hunters with daluurs. Thus, the traditional method of hunting marmots harms the population less than other methods and its broader use will promote sustainable use of this vital resource for Mongolia.

Fornier Marcellin, Juvénis Raymond & Albert Antoine 1890-1892. Histoire générale des Alpes maritimes [General history of the Alps]. Guillaume Paul, Éditeur scientifique, Tome 1er, Paris, H. Champion, 874 p. Num. BNF [Document électronique].
En français, in French.
extrait pdf extract.Histoire, history, chamoy, chamois, lièvre, hare, ours, bear, gliron, murette, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

Forsberg F., Goldberg B.B., Liu J.B., Merton D.A. & Rawool N.M. 1996. On the feasibility of real-time, in vivo harmonic imaging with proteinaceous microspheres. J. Ultrasound Med., 15(12): 853-60; quiz 861-2.
Marmota monax, modèle biologique, biologic model.
Harmonic imaging is a new contrast-specific imaging modality, which utilizes the nonlinear properties of microbubble-based sonographic contrast agents by transmitting at the fundamental frequency but receiving at the second harmonic frequency. The feasibility of improving the detection of slow, small-volume blood flow using real-time harmonic imaging has been investigated in vivo. Proteinaceous microspheres (FS069) were administrated to four dogs, two woodchucks (with multiple hepatomas), and one rabbit. Three different scanners were used to obtain real-time images of kidneys and liver (including vessels) in harmonic and conventional gray scale and color flow modes. The duration of contrast enhancement lasted significantly longer in harmonic than in conventional modes (on average 87 s; P = 0.008). Harmonic images were less susceptible to artifacts, such as acoustic shadowing, and a clear increase in the (flow) signal-to-noise ratio was observed. These preliminary in vivo results demonstrate the feasibility of performing real-time, contrast-enhanced harmonic imaging, but further studies are required to establish clinical efficacy.

Forsberg F., Goldberg B.B., Liu J.B., Merton D.A., Rawool N.M. & Shi W.T. 1999. Tissue-specific US contrast agent for evaluation of hepatic and splenic parenchyma. Radiology, 210(1): 125-32.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, modèle biologique, biologic model.
To evaluate the recently developed ultrasonographic (US) contrast agent SHU 563A, which is specifically taken up by the reticuloendothelial system (RES). Color Doppler imaging (CDI) was performed in a gel phantom, with SHU 563A microbubbles in stationary suspension. CDI was performed in vivo in five woodchucks with natural hepatomas and in 12 rabbits before and after intravenous bolus injections of SHU 563A (0.16-0.48 mL/kg). After a 15-135-minute delay, the liver and spleen were scanned again, and the image findings were compared with pathologic analysis results. Phantom CDI demonstrated a random mosaic color pattern in spite of the lack of flow. This phenomenon, which is associated with bubble rupture, is termed induced acoustic emission. In vivo, delayed imaging demonstrated acoustic emission signals in normal parenchyma, whereas no mosaic color was seen in regions lacking reticuloendothelial cells (e.g., tumors). Four of 12 VX-2 tumors detected with pathologic analysis were detected with US alone; the remaining eight tumors were detected by using US with contrast agent (100%, P = .0078). Nine of 20 hepatomas were detected at baseline US, whereas 17 were detected after administration of SHU 563A (P = .0215). Acoustic emission enabled detection of hepatic tumors as small as 3 mm in diameter. CDI with SHU 563A demonstrates a random mosaic color pattern, even without flow. The characteristic appearance of acoustic emission signals provides a distinctive method of visualizing normal hepatic tissues and substantially improves the detectability of hepatic tumors.

Forsberg F., Liu J.B., Chiou H.J., Rawool N.M., Parker L. & Goldberg B.B. 2000. Comparison of fundamental and wideband harmonic contrast imaging of liver tumors. Ultrasonics, 38(1-8): 110-3.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, modèle biologique, biologic model.
Wideband harmonic imaging (with phase inversion for improved tissue suppression) was compared to fundamental imaging in vivo. Four woodchucks with naturally occurring liver tumors were injected with Imagent (Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp., San Diego, CA). Randomized combinations of dose (0.05, 0.2 and 0.4 ml/kg) and acoustic output power (AO; 5, 25 and 63% or MI < or = 0.9) were imaged in gray scale using a Sonoline Elegra scanner (Siemens Medical Systems, Issaquah, WA). Tumor vascularity, conspicuity and contrast enhancement were rated by three independent observers. Imagent produced marked tumor enhancement and improved depiction of neovascularity at all dosages and AO settings in both modes. Tumor vascularity and enhancement correlated with mode, dose and AO (P < 0.002). Fundamental imaging produced more enhancement (P < 0.05), but tumor vascularity and conspicuity were best appreciated in harmonic mode (P < 0.05). Under the conditions studied here, the best approach was wideband harmonic imaging with 0.2 ml/kg of Imagent at an AO of 25%.

Forsberg F., Liu J.B., Merton D.A., Rawool N.M. & Goldberg B.B. 1995. Parenchymal enhancement and tumor visualization using a new sonographic contrast agent. J. Ultrasound Med., 14(12): 949-57. (en anglais, in English)
(Marmota monax), Modèle biologique.
The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of a sonographic contrast agent to increase parenchymal echogenicity and improve tumor visibility. The agent is an emulsion that changes at body temperature from nonechogenic submicrometer liquid droplets to echogenic 1 to 5 microns microbubbles, capable of transversing the pulmonary and capillary circulations. Peripheral venous injections (dosages of 0.05 to 0.8 ml/kg) were administered to five woodchucks (three with multiple hepatomas), 12 rabbits (with renal VX-2 tumors), and four dogs. Ultrasonograms were acquired from kidney, liver, tumors (including tumor vessels) and normal vessels. Uptake and washout curves were generated via videodensitometry. Finally, Doppler shifts from a cuff transducer around the celiac trunk were analyzed to provide an in vivo dose-response curve. Vascular enhancement, including hepatoma and VX-2 tumor vessels, was seen for 2 to 3 min. Maximum enhancement was 18.7 dB for a 0.6 ml/kg dose. Enhancement of normal liver and kidney parenchyma was observed in all three species for up to 20 min. Small hepatomas became more echogenic centrally, but larger tumors showed no increase in central echogenicity. In conclusion, improved tumor visibility and parenchymal enhancement was demonstrated in animals.

Forsberg F., Roy R., Merton D.A., Rawool N.M., Liu J.B., Huang M., Kessler D., Goldberg B.B. 1998. Conventional and hypobaric activation of an ultrasound contrast agent.Ultrasound Med. Biol., 24(8): 1143-1150.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Ultrasound, Ultrason.

Hypobaric activation is a new injection technique for use with the contrast agent EchoGen and, in this study, the agent's ability to produce parenchymal enhancement in vivo, with and without prior hypobaric activation, was investigated. Injections, ranging in dose from 0.05 to 0.5 mL/kg, were administrated through a peripheral vein to eight woodchucks with multiple hepatomas. At the 0.10 mL/kg dose level, seven of eight injections following hypobaric activation (88%) resulted in definite parenchymal enhancement. Conversely, dosages of 0.10 mL/kg without prior hypobaric activation produced no grey-scale changes. Only at the 0.4 and 0.5 mL/kg dosage level did the conventional administration technique obtain similar results (4 of 5 injections increased the echogenicity for a 0.4 mL/kg dose). These differences were statistically significant (p = 0.031). In vitro experiments were conducted to establish the physical mechanisms behind hypobaric activation. Relative measurements of contrast microbubble sizes were performed with a phase Doppler particle analyzer after hypobaric and after conventional (bolus) activation. Hypobaric activation produced approximately 20 times more microbubbles per unit volume than the conventional method. In conclusion, this investigation has demonstrated the benefits of prior hypobaric activation when performing in vivo contrast studies with EchoGen and determined the physical mechanisms behind this new injection technique. Hypobaric activation of EchoGen increases contrast enhancement and reduces dose size.

Forsten Ann & Sharapov Sharif 2000. Fossil equids (Mammalia, Equidae) from the Neogene and Pleistocene of Tadzhikistan [Equidés fossiles (Mammamia, Equidae) du Néogène et Pléistocène du Tadjikistan]. Geodiversitas, 22 (2) : 293-314.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota himalayana, Paléolithique, Paleolithic, Neogene, Néogène, Pléistocène, équidés, Pleistocene, equids,Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Fossil equids from Tadzhikistan are little known outside the former USSR. We here describe the equid samples from a number of fossil localities in this part of central Asia. Because the samples are small, the taxonomic status of the finds in most cases remains uncertain or preliminary.
Les équidés fossiles de la République du Tadzhikistan sont peu connus en dehors de l’ex-URSS. Nous décrivons des restes d’équidés de quelques localités fossilifères de cette région de l’Asie centrale. Dans la majorité des cas, ceux-ci sont peu nombreux et leur statut taxonomique est le plus souvent indéterminé.

Forster. Act. Angl., vol. LXII.
Marmota empetra p. 378, Mus Marmota, Marmota bobac p. 343.

Forster Johann Reinhold 1771. A catalogue of the animals of North-America. containing an enumeration of the known Quaupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fush, insects, Crustaceous and Testaceous Animals; many of which are new and never described before. [Catalogue des animaux d'Amérique du Nord]. London, 800p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota quebecana (empetra), Johann Reinhold Forster 1729-1798, naturaliste, ornithologie, 2ème voyage de James Cook.

Forster J. R. 1767. Specimen historiae naturalis Volgensis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 57: 312-357.
En latin, in Latin.
Mus marmotta Forster, 1767, page 343, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Forsyth Major, C.J. 1983. On some Miocene squirrels with remarks on the dentition and classification of the Sciuridae [Sur quelques écureuils du Mioc&erave;ne et remarques sur la dentition et la classification des Sciuridae]. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 179-215.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Forter D. 1973. Die Murmeltiervorkommen im Berner Oberland 1971-72 [Sur l’habitat des marmottes du canton de Berne. Marmot habitat in Bern district]. Liz. Univ. Bern.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Suisse, Switzerland.

Forter D. 1974. Volkszählung der Murmeltiere im Berner Oberland [Recensement de la population des marmottes dans le canton de Berne. Marmot census in Bern district]. Schweizerjäger, 59(8) : 361-366.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Suisse, Switzerland.

Forter D. 1975. Zur Ökologie und Verbreitungsgeschichte des Alpenmurmeltieres im Berner Oberland [Sur l'écologie et la distribution altitidinale des marmottes du canton de berne. On ecology and altitudinal distribution of the marmots in the Bern canton]. Dissertation, Univ. Bern. Ecologie ; Suisse; Berne.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, Suisse, Switzerland, Berne.

Fotteler E.R. 1992. Krasnyï sourkov, Marmota caudata Geoff., Kizil sourgour [Marmotte à longue queue. Long-tailed marmot]. In Kadastroviï spravotchnik okhotnitch'e-promyslovykh jivotnykh ouzbekistana.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, marmotte à longue queue, long-tailed Marmot, krasnyi sourok, kizil sougour, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.
extrait PDF

Fourcade P. 1994a. Approche ethnolinguistique : Quelques manifestations linguistiques lièées à la présence de la marmotte des Alpes dans l'environnement en France. 2ème Journée d'Etude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds.: 21-30.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, France.
Status and image of Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) in certain areas and social groups can be grasped when taking into account as well different words meaning both this species and its presence in environment, as diverse purposes for which these words are used.

Fourcade P. 1994b. Aspects traditionnels et variations culturelles à propos des partiques actuelles concerant la marmotte alpine. Traditional aspects and cultural changes about current practices concerning Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in France. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 72-73.
En fraçais et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, France.

As an emblematic animal in the Alps, Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) was particularly susceptible to be affected by social and cultural changes that have taken place in mountain societies for the last twenty or thirty years. The status and image of Alpin Marmot have moved in French mountain areas and social groups. Old-time cultural practices, especially concerning marmot-hunting, disappeared or are less and less common. In the same time, using, or rather exploiting, the image or the name of marmot has grown up. Our ethnological enquiries have brought out that considerable social and cultural changes have occured in the ways Alpine Marmot is exploited and managed. However, it can be said modern representations, artefacts, advertising and walking tours linked to marmots are not ever mere innovations. Some of them, like toys, were attested in the XIXth century, whenever their forms or their social significance or use were different. Certain ancient practices that have endured until nowadays, like catching and taming of the young marmots, have often lost their original meaning. In a lot of current cultural practices, even if they seem quite new, the marmot embodies the regional or local identity, as it used to be in the past, and people refer to this animal to reassert their sens of regional identity and tradition.

Fourcade P. 1995. Figuration et statut de la marmotte dans les usages sociaux du milieu alpin [Marmot representation and status in loacl uses in alpine environment]. J. d'Agric. Trad. et de Bota. Appl., nouvelle série, 37: 75-88.
Anthropologie sociale, social anthropoloy, ethnozzoology, ethnozoologie, Alpes françaises, French Alps, marmotte, marmot, représentation figurative, figuration, anthropomorphisme, anthropomorphism, changement culturel, cultural change, tourisme, tourism, protection de l'environnement, conservation of environment, publicité, advertising, habitudes alimentaires, food habits.
Actuellement très exploitée dans les Alpes françaises, la figuration de la marmotte est un révélateur des usages sociaux du milieu alpin. les tendances à la représentation naturaliste et à l'anthropomorphisme coexistent. Cette dernière forme se développe de plus en plus, non seulement dans le domaine commercial et touristique, mais aussi dans celui de la protection de la nature, manifestant la valoristation du repprochement de l'Homme et de l'environnement.
The image of the marmot, which is currently very popular in the French Alps, reveals many of the social uses of the alpine environment. Both naturalistic and anthropomorphic reprensentations co-exist. This second form is becoming increaslingly common, not only in commerce and the tourist industry, but also in environmental conservation, which helps bring together Man and Nature.

Fourcade P. 1996. Traditions et changements culturels dans les pratiques contemporaines concernant la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) en France. Traditional aspects and cultural changes about current practices concerning Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) in France. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 43-48.
En français et en anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, France.
Animal emblématique des Alpes, la Marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) était éminemment susceptible d'être touchée par les changements sociaux et culturels intervenus dans les régions et les populations des montagnes françaises. Son statut et son image ont évolué au cours des 20 dernières années. Certaines pratiques et traits culturels anciens, comme dans le domaine de la chasse, ont disparu ou tendent à disparaître. L'utilisation, voire l'exploitation, de son image ou de son nom est devenue courante. Des changements sociaux et culturels notables se sont produits dans les manières d'exploiter et de gérer la marmotte. Cependant, ses représentations, artefacts, publicités et promenades modernes ne sont pas toujours de simples innovations. Des jouets, par exemple, existaient au 19e siècle, même si leurs formes ou leur signification et usage sociaux étaient différents. Des pratiques anciennes (capture et apprivoisement de jeunes marmottes) se sont maintenues jusqu'à nos jours, mais ont souvent perdu leur sens premier. Dans de nombreuses pratiques culturelles actuelles, même lorsqu'elles semblent nouvelles, la marmotte incarne l'identité régionale ou locale, comme par le passé, et la population s'y réfère pour réaffirmer son attachement à la région et à la tradition.
Emblematic animal in the Alps, Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) was particularly susceptible to be affected by social and cultural changes that have taken place in mountain societies for the last decades. Its status and image have moved in French mountain areas and social groups. Old-time cultural practices, as marmot-hunting, disappeared or are less and less common. In the same time, using, or rather exploiting, its image or its name has grown up. Our ethnological enquiries have brought out that considerable social and cultural changes have occurred in the ways Alpine Marmot is exploited and managed. However, it can be said modern representations, artefacts, advertising and walking tours linked to marmots are not ever mere innovations. Some of them, like toys were attested in the 19th century, whenever their forms or their social significance or use were different. Certain ancient practices that have endured until nowadays, like catching and taming of the young marmots, have often lost their original meaning. In a lot of current cultural practices, even if they seem quite new, the marmot embodies the regional or local identity, as it used to be in the past, and people refer to this animal to reassert their sense of regional identity and tradition.

Fourcade P. 1994. La marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) dans les repères spatio-temporels des Alpes françaises: temps cyclique, mythologie et paradoxes temporels, des savoirs naturalistes aux conceptions surnaturelles. Journée Ethologie-Sciences sociales, Université Paris V-René Descartes.
En français, in French.
L'examen de données relatives à la marmotte dans les Alpes françaises montre que cet hibernant emblématique de la montagne est principalement lié dans les représentations sociales, anthropomorphiques et anthropocentriques, à un temps cyclique en rapport avec les saisons et l'organisation temporelle des activités des marmottes et des populations humaines dans le milieu. Cependant, de par sa faculté à hiberner, la marmotte est parfois aussi associée à un temps dont le cours s'éloigne du temps humain, continu et régulier, pour devenir untemps suspendu, figé, en relation avec l'imaginaire du monde minéral de l'espace montagnard, ou, au contraire, un tempzs qui s'accélère dans des situations particulières.

Fourel G., Couturier J., Wei Y., Apiou F., Tiollais P. & Buendia M.A. 1994. Evidence for long-range oncogene activation by hepadnavirus insertion. EMBO J., 13(11): 2526-34.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Insertional mutagenesis of host genes, a common oncogenic strategy of slow transforming retroviruses, has recently been described for a DNA virus of the hepadnavirus group: the woodchuck hepatitis virus. This virus causes insertional activation of myc genes, mainly the intronless N-myc2 oncogene, in > 50% of woodchuck liver tumours. In most remaining tumours, N-myc2 is overexpressed without any apparent genetic alteration. To elucidate the role of the virus in such cases, we have cloned and analysed single integration sites in four woodchuck tumours carrying wild-type myc alleles. All sites were clustered within < 20 kb in a single locus, in which scarce unique sequences showed no detectable transcriptional activity. by fluorescent in situ hybridization, n-myc2 and the new locus (win) were localized to the same region of the long arm of the woodchuck x chromosome, and a 150-180 kb intervening distance was deduced from pulse-field gel analysis. the detection of viral integrations in win in additional tumours that produced abundant n-myc2 transcripts further substantiates the link between these two loci in woodchuck tumorigenesis. we propose that efficient activation of the n-myc2 promoter by the hepadnavirus enhancer acting over a long distance might operate in liver cell transformation.

Fourel I., Hantz O., Cova L., Allaudeen H.S. & Trepo C. 1987. Main properties of duck hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase: comparison with the human and woodchuck hepatitis B virus DNA polymerases. Antiviral Res., 8(4): 189-199. (en anglais, in English)
Unité de recherche sur les Hépatites et le role des virus hépatotropes dans l'oncogenèse INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The main properties of the duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) DNA polymerase have been studied and compared with those of the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) and of the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA polymerases. All 3 enzymes are active under high salt conditions in the presence of high magnesium concentration. DHBV DNA polymerase was found less sensitive to ethanol and to operate at higher optimal pH than the HBV and WHV DNA polymerases. Like the other two viral endogenous DNA polymerases, the DHBV enzyme was strongly inhibited by phosphonoformic acid but not by aphidicolin, sulfhydryl group blockers or phosphonoacetic acid. Inhibition of DHBV DNA polymerase by the triphosphate derivatives of several nucleoside analogs appeared similar to that reported for HBV or WHV endogenous polymerase. FIACTP was the most, and ACVTP the least effective inhibitor; BVdUTP was of intermediary potency; araCTP and araTTP had a greater inhibitory effect on DHBV DNA polymerase than HBV or WHV DNA polymerase. The similarities in the properties of DHBV and HBV DNA polymerase justify the use of the duck hepatitis B polymerase model for screening and evaluation of potentially active drugs against HBV infection.

Fournel Victor 1887. Les cris de Paris, Paris. Firmin-Didot.
Marmota marmota, ethnozoologie, ethnozoology, musicologie, musicology, savoyard, vielle, hurdy-gurdy, Fournel Victor (1829-1894).

Fournier 1922. p. 383. In Chaline 1972.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Fournier & Dechelette J. 1911. Compte-rendu des nouvelles fouilles de la grotte abri de la Bonne Femme à Brégnier-Cordon [Report on the new excavations in the cave-shelter of La Bonne Femme in Brégnier-Cordon]. Bull. Soc. le Bugey, 2 : 280-286. p. 280.
En français, in French)
Arctomys marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Fox J.G., Cohen B.J. & Lowe F.M. 1984. Laboratory animal medecine [Médecine des animaux de laboratoire]. Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
En anglais, in English.

Fox J.G., Shen Z., Xu S., Feng Y., Dangler C.A., Dewhirst F.E., Paster B.J. & Cullen J.M. 2002. Helicobacter marmotae sp. nov. isolated from livers of woodchucks and intestines of cats. J. Clin. Microbiol., 40(7):2513-9.
En anglais, in English.
; Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, bactérie, bacterium, hépatite, hepatitis.
Woodchucks (Marmota monax) have a high incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated with chronic infection with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and serve as a model of hepatitis B virus-associated HCC in humans. Helicobacter hepaticus, an enterohepatic helicobacter in mice, is known to cause hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in susceptible mouse strains. In long-term chemical bioassays conducted with B6C3F(1) mice, H. hepaticus has been regarded as a confounding factor because of its tumor-promoting activity. In order to determine if woodchucks harbor a Helicobacter sp. that might play a role in potentiating hepatic inflammation or neoplasia, a study was undertaken to determine whether woodchucks' livers were infected with a Helicobacter sp. Frozen liver samples from 20 (17 WHV-infected and 3 noninfected) woodchucks, 10 with WHV-associated hepatic tumors and 10 without tumors, were cultured by microaerobic techniques and analyzed by using genus- and species-specific helicobacter PCR primers. A 1,200-bp Helicobacter sp.-specific sequence was amplified from 14 liver samples. Southern hybridization confirmed the specific identity of the PCR products. Nine of the 10 livers with tumors had positive Helicobacter sp. identified by PCR, whereas 5 of the 10 livers without tumors were positive. By use of 16S rRNA species-specific primers for H. marmotae, two additional liver samples from the nontumor group had positive PCR amplicons confirmed by Southern hybridization. A urease-, catalase-, and oxidase-positive bacterium was isolated from one liver sample from a liver tumor-positive woodchuck. By 16S rRNA analysis and biochemical and phenotypic characteristics, the organism was classified as a novel Helicobacter sp. Subsequently, four additional bacterial strains isolated from feces of cats and characterized by biochemical, phenotypic, and 16S rRNA analysis were determined to be identical to the woodchuck isolate. We propose the name Helicobacter marmotae sp. nov. for these organisms. Further studies are required to ascertain if this novel Helicobacter sp. plays a tumor promotion role in hepadnavirus-associated tumors in woodchucks or causes enterohepatic disease in cats.

Fox L.B. & J.S. Fox 1982. Population characteristics and food habits of bocats in West Virginia [Caractéistiques des populations et comportements alimentaires des lynx de West Virginia]. Proc. Ann. Conf. of the Southeastern Ass. of Fish and Wildl. Agencies, 36: 671-677.
En anglais, in English.
Prédation, predation, Marmota monax, Lynx rufus, Virginie, EUA, USA.

Fraipont J. 1887. Nouvelle exploration des cavernes d’Engis [New research in the ENgis Caves]. Bull. scient. du nord de la France et de la Belgique, 2e série, 10e année, 3 et 4 : 153. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1888, 8(11) : 717.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, silex, flints, moustérien, mousterian, rhinocéros, rhinoceros, cheval, horse, cochon, pig, cerf ordinaire, red dear, cerf d’Irlande, renne, reindeer, chevreuil, mouton, sheep, boeuf, ox, mammouth, mammuth, lièvre, hare, lapin, rabbit, blaireau, fouine, stone marten, putois, polecat, chien, dog, renard, fox, hyène, hyena, chat, cat, hérisson, hedgehog, taupe, grand et petit coq de bruyère, capercaillie, gélinotte, paon, peacock. .

France Anatole 1931. Les dieux ont soif. Paris, Calmann-Lévy. Publication Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, savoyard, vielle, hurdy gurdy, France Anatole (1844-1924).
Extrait/Extract pdf

France pittoresque 1999. Les marmottes [Marmots] (D'après un article paru en 1835). En ligne / on line.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, chanson, song, histoire, history, Savoie, Savoy, France.

Franceschina-Zimmerli R. & Ingold P. 1996. Comportement des marmottes alpines, Marmota m. marmota, sous différentes pressions de randonneurs. The behaviour of Alpine marmot (Marmota m. marmota) under different hiking pressures. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes / Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 73-74.
En français et en anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, dérangement, disturbance, Suisse, Switzerland.
Dans la région du Grindwald/First (Alpes suisses), quelques aspects comportementaux des marmottes ont été étudiés en relation avec la pression des randonneurs. En raison de l'arrêt du télésiège sur le site d'étude, il a été possible de comparer deux situations (forte et faible pression de randonneurs). Elles ont des impacts distincts sur le comportement des marmottes, qui se traduisent par un nombre différents d'animaux se tenant hors des terriers et s'alimentant. Les distances séparant les marmottes du sentier, tôt le matin avant l'apparition des promeneurs, sont plus faibles que plus tard, dans la matinée, lorsque la pression est plus forte.
In the region of Grindelwald/First (Swiss Alps) some behavioural aspects of alpine marmots were studied under different hiking pressures. Due to the stop of the chair-lift in the study site, the two situations of high and low hiking pressure could be compared. Different hiking pressures have a distinct impact on the behaviour of alpine marmots, a different amount of animals staying out of their burrows and also foraging. The distances of the marmots from the hiking path in the early morning, before the first hikers appear, were compared with those later in the morning, when the hiking path is highly frequented. Early in the morning the animals stay closer to the hiking path than later in the morning, under a high hiking pressure.

Francesson & Savvinov 1928. Steppe reservation Ascania Nova.
Terrier, burrow, sol, soil, sodium.

Frankhäuser R. 1965. Toxoplasmose bei Murmeltieren (Marmota marmota)) [Toxoplasmose chez la marmotte (M. marmota). Toxoplasmosis in marmot (M. marmota)]. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk., 107 : 607-611.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Frank-Kamenetsky A.G. 1936. Jir sibirskogo sourka-tarbagana [La graisse de Marmota sibirica en Sibérie; . Fat in the tarabagan marmot in Siberia]. Izv. Biologo-geograf. in-ta pri Vostotchnosibirskom un-te, 7 (1-2).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, lipides, lipids.

Franklin John Sir & Richardson John Sir 1828. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827 [Récit de la second expédition sur les rives de la mer polaire, au cours des années 1825, 1826 et 1827]. London , J. Murray.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys Parryi, Expédition scientifique, Scientific expedition, Territoires du Nord-Est, Northwest Territories, Régions arctiques, Arctic regions, Sir John Franklin 1786-1847, Sir John Richardson 1787-1865.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Frase B.A. 1983. Spatial and behavioral foraging patterns and diet selectivity in the social yellow-bellied marmot [Canevas alimentaires spatial et comportemental et sélectivité du régime alimentaire chez la marmotte sociale à ventre jaune]. Ph. D. dissertation, University of Kansas.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, alimentation, foraging.

Frase B.A., Armitage K.B. 1984. Foraging patterns of yellow-bellied marmots : role of kinship and individual variability [Canevas alimentaires des marmottes à ventre jaune : rôle de la parenté et de la variabilité individuelle]. Behav. ecol., Sociobiol., 16 (1) : 1-10.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, parenté, kinship, EUA, USA, Colorado.

Two colonies of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) at an elevation of 2900 m in Colorado were studied to elucidate the role of various behavioral and ecological factors as determinants of spatial foraging patterns. The locations of known individuals were periodically recorded. These locality data were plotted as three-dimensional block diagrams, the peak heights representing the frequency of observation. Predation risk and vegetation distribution influenced the location of foraging areas; kinship was an important factor in the determination of the amount of foraging area shared between individual marmots. Spatial overlap tended to be greater among close kin, but this was modified by individual marmots. Spatial overlap tended to be greater among close kin, but this was modified by individual behavioral characteristics, reproductive state, the existence of separate burrow systems within a colony, and the age of the animal. Mothers and juveniles, and littermates as young and resident yearlings, had nearly identical foraging areas.

Frase B.A., Armitage K.B. 1989. Yellow-bellied marmots are generalist herbivores [Les marmottes à ventre jaune sont des herbivores généralistes]. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 1 : 353-366.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris,alimentation, foraging, herbivore, régime alimentaire, diet, énergie, energy, eau, water.

Yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) eat a wide variety of grasses, forbs, and seeds, but do not feed on all items in proportion to their abundance in the environment. In this study, relationsphips between the marmot diet and estimated protein, water, caloric value, relative biomass, and toxicity of the available plant species were investigated. The epidermis of all forb species did not survive digestive processes equally well; therefore, a quantitative analysis of the animals diet based on fecal sampling was precluded. However, observations of where marmots feed and limited data from fecal analysis indicate that marmots chose their food plants on the basis of relative abundance, phenology,r ejection or low ingestion of plant species with defensive compounds, nutritional quality, and energy requirements. Water content is unlikely to affect diet choice except during prolonged drought.

Frase B.A., Hoffman R.S. 1980. Marmota flaviventris. Mammalian Species, 135 : 1-8.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris.

Frase B.A. & Van Vuren D. 1989. Techniques for Immobilizing and Bleeding Marmots and Woodrats [Techniques d'immobilisation et de prise de sang des marmottes et des woodrats]. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 25 (3), 444-445.
En anglais, in English.
Bushy-tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea, yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris, ketamine hydrochloride, chemical restraint, blood sampling, field study.

Blood samples were obtained in the field by femoral vein puncture in bushy-tailed woodrats (Neotoma cinerea) and yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) that had been injected intramuscularly with ketamine hydrochloride. Dosages ranged from 50 mg/kg for marmots to 30 to 110 mg/kg for woodrats. Sedated animals were handled easily, and a volume of blood sufficient for hematological assays or electrophoresis could be collected.

Fraser D. 1979. Aquatic feeding by a woodchuck [Alimentaion aquatique d'une marmotte améicaine]. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 93: 309-310.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, alimentation, foraging.
Feeding on sodium-rich aquatic plants, an atypical food.

Frazer J.F.D. & Hugget A. 1974. Species variations in the foetal growth rates of Eutherian mammals [Variations spécifiques des taux de croissance foetale chez les mammifères euthériens]. Journal of Zoology, 174(3): 481-509.
En anglais, in English.
Lutra canadensis, Sylvilagus aquaticus, Fetus Procyon lotor, Embryos: Balaenoptera acutorostrata, Balaenoptera borealis, Balaenoptera physalus, Balaenoptera musculus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Eschrichtius robustus, Physeter catodon, Kogia breviceps, Delphinapterus leucas, Globicephala melaena, Tursiops truncatus, Phocoena phocoena, Mesoplodon sp., Platanista ganetica, Lepus americanus, Lepus californicus, Lepus timidus, Ochotona princeps, Apolodontia rufa, Sciurus aberti, Sciurus carolinensis, Glaucomys volans, Tamaisciurus hudsonicus, Eutamias quadrivittatus, Marmota monax, Castor canadensis, Myocastor copyu, Ondatra zibethicus, Odocoileus hemionus, Odocoileus virginianus, Cervus canadensis, Alces alces, Rangifer tarandus, Antilocapra americana, Canis lupus, Alopex lagopus, Nasua nasua, Ursus arctos, Euarctos americanus, Ursus arctos horribilis, Ursus maritimus, Vulpes vulpes, Felis concolor, Lynx rufus, Mustela erminea, Mustela rixosa, Mustela nivalis, Enhydra lutris, Martes americana, Mephitis mephitis, Spilogale sp., Miniopterus schreibersi, Miniopterus australis, Eidolon helvum, Rousettus leschenaulti, Megaderma lyra, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Hipposideros fulvus, Desmodus rotundus, Myotis lucifugus, Myotis nigricans, Myotis myotis, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Nyctalus noctula, Tylonycteris robustus, Tylonycteris pachypus, Plecotus rafinesque, Cynopterus sphinx, Tadarida brasiliensis, Antrozous pallidus, Enhydra lutris, Otaria bryoni, Zalophus californianus, Eumetopias jubatus, Callorhinus ursinus, Arctocephalus pusillus, Arctocephalus tropicalis gazella, Odobenus rosmarus, Phoca vitulina, Pusa hispida, Pagophilus groenlandicua, Histriophoca fasciata, Halichoerus grypus, Erignathus barbatus, Leptonychotes weddelli, Hydrurga leptonyx, Ommatophoca rossi, Monachus schauinslandi, Monachus monachus, Cystophora cristata, Mirounga leonina.

Frech Fritz. 1906. Über die Gründe des Aussterbens der vorzeitlichen Tierwelt. Arch. Rassenbiol., III 469-498.
En allemand, in German.

Frech F. & Geinitz Eugen 1903. Die Flora und Fauna des Quartärs [Flore et faune du quaternaire]. En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Frédol Olivier dir.1874. Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle de Ch. d’Orbigny [Universal dictionnary of natural history of Ch. d’Orbigny]. Paris, t. 2, 2ème édition, 94.
En français, in French.
Arctomys Gmel.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Freeland W.J. & D.H. Janzen 1974. Strategies in herbivory by mammals: The role of plants secondary compounds [Stratégies chez les mammifères herbivores : le rôle des composés secondaires des plantes]. Amer. Nat., 108: 269-289.
En anglais, in English.
Alimentation, foraging, herbivore, herbivorous, composition végétale, vegetal compounds.

Freeman R.S. 1956. Life history studies on Taenia mustelae, Gmelin 1790, and the taxonomy of certain taenioid cestodes from mustelidae [Etudes de l'histoire de vie sur Taenia mustelae, Gmelin 1790, et la taxonomie de certains cestodes taenoides des mustelidae]. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 34(4): 219-242.
En anglais, in English.
Parasitisme, parasitism, Marmota monax, Ontario, Minnesota.
Spermophilus franklinii, Citellus franklinii, Tamias striatus, Eutamias minimus, Marmota monax, Ontario, Minnesota, Martes americana, Martes foina, Mustela nivalis, Mustela erminea, Ontario.

French A.R. 1985. Allometries of the duration of torpid and euthermic intervals during mammalian hibernation: a test of the theory of metabolic control of the timing of changes in body temperature [Allométries de la durée des intervalles de torpidité et de non-torpidité au cours de l'hibernation des mammifères : un test de la théorie du contrôle métabolique du réglage des variations de la température corporelle]. J. Comp. Physiol. , 156B: 13-19.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, hibernation.
The durations of the intervals of torpor and euthermia during mammalian hibernation were found to be dependent on body mass. These relationships support the concept that the timing of body temperature changes is controlled by some metabolic process. Data were obtained from species spanning nearly three orders of magnitude in size, that were able to hibernate for over six months without food at 5 degrees C. The timing of body temperature changes was determined from the records of copper-constantan thermocouples placed directly underneath each animal. Because all species underwent seasonal changes in their patterns of hibernation, animals were compared in mid-winter when the duration of euthermic intervals was short and relatively constant and when the duration of torpid intervals was at its longest. Large hibernators remained euthermic longer than small hibernators (Fig. 2). This was true among and within species. The duration of euthermic intervals increased with mass at the same rate (mass 0.38) that mass-specific rates of euthermic metabolism decrease, suggesting that hibernators remain at high body temperatures until a fixed amount of metabolism has been completed. These data are consistent with the theory that each interval of euthermia is necessary to restore some metabolic imbalance that developed during the previous bout of torpor. In addition, small species remained torpid for longer intervals than large species (Fig. 3). The absolute differences between different-sized species were large, but, on a proportional basis, they were comparatively slight.

French A.R. 1988. The patterns of mammalian hibernation [Les canevas de l'hibernation des mammifères]. Am. Scientist, 76: 569-575.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, hibernation

French A.R. 1990. Age-class differences in the pattern of hibernation in yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris [Différences de classe d'âge du canevas d'hibernation chez les marmottes à ventre jaune, M. flaviventris]. Oecologia 82 : 93-96.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, âge, age, Énergétique, energetics.

Les marmottes âgées passent plus de temps avec une température corporelle élevée à la suite des périodes de réveil de torpeur que les jeunes au cours de leur première saison d'hibernation. En plus, les individus les plus âgés terminent spontanément leur saison d'hibernation au printemps alors que les plus jeunes continuent d'hiberner soit jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient affamés soit jusqu'à qu'ils soient nourris. Ces deux canevas d'hibernation reflètent les différences liées à l'âge et à la taille des animaux dans leurs contraintes énergétiques et la probabilité qu'ils puissent se reproduire au printemps.
Age-related differences in the patterns of body temperature regulation during hibernation were found in yellow-bellied marmots. The timing of all entrances into and arousals from torpor was determined from continous records of thermocouples mounted in each animal's nest box. Older marmots spent more time at high body temperature following periodic arousals from torpor than did juveniles undergoing their first season of hibernation. In addition, older marmots spontaneously terminated their hibernation seasons in the spring whereas most juveniles continued to hibernate until either they were emaciated from starvation or they were fed. These two patterns of hibernation reflect age and size-related differences in the degree to which the animals are constrained energetically and the probability that they can successfully reproduce in spring. The patterns also are consistent with age-related differences in the timing of dormancy in nature.

Fretwell S.D. 1972. Populations in a seasonal environment [Les populations dans un milieu saisonnier]. Princeton university press, Princeton: 1-220.
En anglais, in English.
Théorie de la distribution libre idéale, Ideal free distribution theory, colonisation, colonization, habitat.

Fretwell S.D. & Lucas H.L. 1970. On territorial behavior aénd other fators influencing habitat distribution in birds [Sur le comportement territorial et autres facteurs influençant la répartition des oiseaux. Développment théorique]. Theoretical development. Acta Biotheoretica, 19: 16-36.
En anglais, in English.
Théorie de la distribution libre idéale, Ideal free distribution theory, colonisation, colonization, habitat.

Freudlsperger H. 1938. Vom Murmeltier in Salzburg [A la marmotte de Salzburg. To the Salzburg marmot]. Der Deutsche Jäger, 60 : 158-161.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Autriche, Austria, Salzburg.

Frey Jennifer 1996. Mammalian Type Localities in New Mexico [Localités types des mammifères au Nouveau Mexique]. Occasional Papers: The Museum of Southwestern Biology, 7:1-21.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, répartition, distribution, Nouveau Mexique, New Mexico, EUA, USA.
Twining is a mining area on the north slope of Wheeler Peak on the southeast side of Taos Ski Valley, 15 km NE Valdez, Taos County.
Marmota flaviventris, mammifères, mammals, Nouveau Mexique, New Mexico, EUA, USA.

Frey J.K. & YatesTerry L. .1996. Mammalian Diversity in New Mexico [Diversité des mammifères au Nouveau Mexique]. New Mexico Journal of Science, 36:4-37.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, mammifères, mammals, Nouveau Mexique, New Mexico, EUA, USA.

Frey-Roos F. & Arnold W. 1997. Patterns and risk of dispersal in alpine marmots, Marmota marmota [Patrons et risques de dispersion chez les marmottes alpines]. XXV International Ethological Conference, August 1997, Wien, Ethology Supplement 32:257.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, dispersion.

Frey-Roos F. 1998. Geschlechtsspezifisches Abwanderungsmuster beim Alpenmulrmeltier (Marmota marmota). Thesis, Philipps-University Marburg.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, dispersion.

Frey-Roos F. 2002. Long- and short distance dispersal in subordinate alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Dispersion à courte et longue distance chez les marmottes alpines subordonnées (Marmota marmota). In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 60-61.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota marmota, dispersal, dispersion, subordinate, subordonné.

Frey-Roos F. 2003. Long- and short distance dispersal in subordinate alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Dispersion à courte et longue distance chez les marmottes alpines subordonnées (Marmota marmota). Близкая и дальняя диыперсия подчиненных алььпийских сурков (Marmota marmota). In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 45-46.
Anglais, français et résumé russe ; English, French and russian abstract
PDF disponible/available
Marmota marmota, dispersal, dispersion, subordinate, subordonné.
Pour se reproduire, les juvéniles de la plupart des espèces animales se dispersent à partir de leur lieu de naissance. Généralement, on croit que la dispersion entraîne des coûts élevés ou même plus qu'elle est très risquée. De ce fait, la dispersion natale a des conséquences profondes sur la valeur sélective d'un individu. Les espèces ont typiquement un canevas caractéristique de dispersion, souvent biaisé par le sexe en termes de probabilité ou de distance. Chez les marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota), les jeunes animaux ont un rang subordonné aux dominants, les animaux territoriaux. Dans chaque groupe, le mâle et la femelle territoriaux défendent le domaine vital du groupe contre les intrus adultes de même sexe. Chez les femelles, la reproduction est l'apanage des animaux territoriaux. Au contraire, les mâles subordonnés ne sont pas totalement exclus de la reproduction. Les marmottes peuvent devenir territoriales (i) en évinçant le propriétaire d'un territoire, ou (II) en envahissant une position territoriale vacante, soit dans son propre groupe, soit après dispersion dans d'autres territoires. Les canevas de dispersion des marmottes subordonnées matures ont été étudiés dans le Parc National de Berchtesgaden, en Allemagne, de 1982 à 1996, à l'aide d'observations comportementales, de piégeage et de la télémétrie. Seuls les dispersants longue-distance (>500 m, n=22, mortalité : 31,8 %), contrairement aux dispersants courtedistance (<500 m, n=20, 5,0 %), ont un risque de mortalité plus élevé au cours de l'été que celui des animaux restant au sein de leur groupe comme subordonnés. dans cette population à la sex-ratio biaisée (sex-ratio des mâles au sevrage 1,5:1, n=464, p<0,005), les femelles deviennent territoriales plus près de leur domaine natal que les mâles. pour les deux sexes, la distance de réinstallation n'affecte pas (i) la mortalité hivernale après la dispersion, (ii) la durée dans une position territoriale, ou (iii) le succès reproducteur. ce canevas de dispersion biaisée par le sexe peut être le résultat d'une compétition plus forte entre les mâles pour les territoires et le risque de mortalité élevé lors de la dispersion à longue distance.

Frey-Roos F. & Arnold W. 1999a. Dispersal patterns alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Patrons de dispersion chez la marmotte alpine]. Zoology, 102, supplement II (DGZ 92.1), 14.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, dispersion, dispersal.
Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) live in social groups consisting of a territorial pair and up to 18 lower ranking animals of various ages, mostly the pair's offspring. In each group the dominant mal and female defendthe froup' home range against same-sex adult intruders. Among females, reproduction is restricted to territorial animals. In contrast, subordinate males are not enterily excluded from reproduction. Marmots may become terrotorial (i) by evicting a territory owner, or (ii) by taking over a vcant territorial position, either at home or after dispersal in other territories. Dispersal patterns of mature subordinate alpine marmots were studied in the Berchtesgaen National Park, Germany, from 1982 to 1996 with behavioural observations, life-trapping and telemtry. Only long-distance dispersers (>500 m, n=22, mortality: 31.8%), but not short-distance dispersers (<500m, n=20, 5.0%) had much higher mortality risk during summer than those staying in their group as subordinates (n=75, 2.7%, p=0.002). in this investigated male biased population (sex-ratio at weaning 1.5:1, n=464, p<0.005), females became territorial closer to their home territory than males. in both sexes the distance of ressettlement did not affect (i) winter mortality after dispersal, (ii) the time period in territorial position, or (iii) reproductive success. this sex-biased dispersal pattern may be a consequence of the stronger competition among males for territorial positions and the high mortality risk in long-distance dispersal.

Frey-Roos F. & Arnold W. Sex-biased dispersal in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Biais sexuel de la dispersion chez les marmottes alpines]. Ylönen, H., Henttonen, H., Laajalahti, P., and Niemimaa, J. Abstract volume, 109-109. Cambridge, UK, St. Catherine's College.
En anglais, in English.
Sexe, dispersion, dispersal.

Freye H-A. 1971. Autres Marmottes, autres Ecureuils terrestres et arboricoles [Other marmots, other ground-dwelling and tree-dwelling squirrels]. In Le monde animal en 13 volumes, Encyclopédie de la vie des bâtes, Grzimek B. & M. Fontaine eds., Stauffacher, Zurich : 241-276.
En français, in French.
Marmota bobac, Marmota monax.

Freye H-A. & Grzimek B. 1971. La Marmotte des Alpes [The marmot of the Alps]. In Le monde animal en 13 volumes, Encyclopédie de la vie des bâtes, Grzimek B. & M. Fontaine eds., Stauffacher, Zurich : 230-240.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, réintroductions, re-introduction.

Freye H-A. & Thenius E. 1971. Les Rongeurs. Introduction et phylogéni e [Rodents. Introduction and phylogeny]. In Le monde animal en 13 volumes, Encyclopédie de la vie des bâtes, Grzimek B. & M. Fontaine eds., Stauffacher, Zurich : 221-220.
En français, in English.

Friant Madeleine 1948. p. 37. La marmotte pléistocène du Poitou (Saint Hubert, Deux Sèvres, France) [The Pleistocene marmot in Poitou]. Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. Belg., 79: 87-102, 2 pls.
En français, in French.
Arctomys primigenia, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

. Friant M. 1966. La faune du Würmien supérieur d'OEtrange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg). [The upper Würmian fauna from OEtrange (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg).] Anthropologie (Brno), 9-20.
Marmota marmota, Luxembourg.

Frickett S.B. JR. 1977. Food habit data for bobcat in Florida [Données sur le comportement alimentaire du lynx en Floride]. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Comm. W-41-R-11-15.
En anglais, in English.
Lynx, alimentation, foraging, Florida.

Friedman M.H.F. & Armour J.C. 1936. Gastric secretion in the ground hog (Marmota monax) during hibernation [Sécrétion gastrique chez le groundhog (M. monax) au cours de l'hibernation]. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 8 : 201-211.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Frigerio D. 1993. Analisi dei parametri ecologici della popolazione di marmotta (Marmota marmota) in alta Valle Brembana (Alpi Orobie) [Analyse des paramètres écologiques de la population de marmottes (Marmota marmota) de la haute vallée de Brembana (Alpes Orobiennes). Analysis of ecological parameters of the marmot population (Marmota marmota) of the upper Brembana Valley (Orobic Alps)]. Tesi di laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università Statale di Milano, 1992-93.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, écologie, ecology,Italie, Italy.

Frigerio D., Panseri M. & Ferrario E. 1994. La marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) dans les Alpes orobiennes : analyse des paramètres écologiques. Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the Orobic Alps: analysis of ecological parameters. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 74-75.
En français et anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, Italie, Italy.
This work is part of a research project finalized to collecting information about the ecology of alpine marmot; its purpose is to determine which are the environment preferences of this animal, relating to the environment availabilities. The researches have taken place in Brembana Valley (Bergamo district), in the same area studied in a previous research. The work is composed of two stages. In the first one it has been ascertained the parameters necessary to the description of marmnot population ecology (altitude, exposure, slope, sun-exposure); it has been measured the environment availabilities. In the second stage data been collected on the territory by compiling data cards. The elaboration of the collected data allowed to obtain the following information about marmot¹s environment preferences. A preliminary analysis of the colony distribution relating to their density and a further statistical inquiry, have permitted to establish that there are not significative preference about exposure. No preferences too towards the different altitude and sunny places, but great difference is made by the slope. The analysis of the data cards compiled on the field shows how these animals do not like the forestal zones, but their preferences are given to stony places. They colonize better the environment which are sheltered by rocky walls, while the wood is generally left below the colony.

Frigerio D., Panseri M. & Ferrario E. 1996 La marmotte alpine dans les Alpes orobiennes : analyse des paramètres écologiques. Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the orobic Alps: analysis of ecological parameters. In Biodiversité / Biodiversity, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 169-174.
En français et anglais, in French and English.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, Italie, Italy, Bergamo.

Ce travail fait partie d'un projet de recherche destiné à déterminer les milieux préférés par la marmotte en fonction des disponibilités de l'environnement. Les recherches ont été effectuées dans la Vallée de Brembana (province de Bergamo). D'abord, les paramètres nécessaires à la description de l'écologie de la population de la marmotte (altitude, exposition, pente, ensoleillement) ont été identifiés et les disponibilités du milieu mesurées. L'examen de la distribution des colonies, en fonction de leur densité a permis d'établir l'absence de préférences significatives quant à l'exposition, l'altitude et l'ensoleillement. Par contre, le choix de la pente est significatif. Les données de terrain montrent que les marmottes n'aiment pas la forêt, et choisissent les terrains pierreux. Elles préfèrent les milieux protégés par des parois rocheuses et laissent la forêt en aval de la colonie.
This work is part of a research project finalised to determine the environment preferences of the marmot, relating to the environment availability. It took place in Brembana Valley (Bergamo district). In a first step the parameters necessary to the description of marmot population ecology (altitude, exposure, slope, sun-exposure) have been ascertained and the environment availability have been measured. In the second stage data have been collected in the field and compiled. Analysis of the colony distribution relating to their density showed that there is no significative preference about exposure, altitude and sunny places, but great difference is made by the slope. Analysis of the data cards compiled in the field showed how these animals do not like forest zones, but prefer stony places. They better colonised environments which are sheltered by rocky walls.

Frink R., Krupp P.P. &Young; R.A. 1977. Seasonal variation in the morphology of thyroid parafollicular (C) cells in the woodchuck, Marmota monax: a light and electron microscopic study [Variation saisonnières de la morphologie des cellules parafollicuaires de la thyroïde chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique, Marmota monax : etude en microscopie photonique et électronique]. Anat. Rec., 189(3): 397-411.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, morphologie, morphology, thyroïde, thyroid, microscopie, microscopy.

The morphology of parafollicular (C) cells in the thyroid gland of the woodchuck, Marmota monax, was studied during the four seasons of the year. The spring C cells are characterized by a large Golgi zone, rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and relatively few dense granules. In the summer these cells appear to be larger and many are packed with dense granules. Fall cells exhibit morphological characteristics suggestive of intense synthetic activity, having rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum in whorls or parallel arrangement, a large Golgi apparatus and few, to many granules, some of which are larger than those seen in the spring and summer C cells. In the winter, most of the C cells are packed with granules. The Golgi zone, when observed, is small and the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum is sparse. Many cell profiles exhibit apparent granule dissolution. These cyclic morphological findings are discussed along with previous studies of other hibernators and are correlated with the seasonal activities of the woodchuck.

Frink R., Krupp P.P. &Young; R.A. 1978a. The parathyroid gland of the woodchuck (Marmota monax): a study of seasonal variations in the chief cells [La glande parathyroïde de la marmotte commune d'Amérique : étude des variations saisonnières dans les cellules principales]. Tissue Cell, 10(2): 259-267.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parathyroïde, parathyroid.

The ultrastructure of the parathyroid chief cell in the woodchuck, Marmota monax, was studied during the four seasons of the year. Spring chief cells have stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum, prominent multiple Golgi zones and many clumped mitochondria. Summer cells resemble those seen in the spring but the mitochondria are associated with stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum. Multiple areas of stacked granular endoplasmic reticulum characterize the fall chief cells. Their Golgi zones are large and are associated with many dense core secretory granules. Lipoid vacuoles are frequently noted. Winter chief cells have secretory granules and phagolysosomes (dense bodies). Some of these cells contain stacked arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum associated with mitochondria, others have only short segments. The above morphological findings are discussed in relation to those in other hibernators, the parafollicular (C) cell, and to the cyclic seasonal activities of the woodchuck.

Frink R., Krupp P.P., Young R.A. 1978b. Seasonal ultrastructural variations in pinealocytes of the woodchuck Marmota monax [Variations saisonnières de l'ultrastructure des pinéalocytes de la marmotte M. monax]. J. Morphology, 158 (1) : 91-108.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, histologie, histology, rythme, rhythm.

The ultrastructure of the pinealocyte in the woodchuck, Marmota monax, was studied during the four seasons of the year. Fall cells have a fairly uniform cytoplasmic density, organelles consistent with synthetic and/or secretory activity and rather extensive pericapillary and intercellular spaces. Many winter pinealocytes are nearly devoid of ribosomes and granular endoplasmic reticulum but contain lipid droplets associated with mitochondria. Pericapillary and intercellular spaces are minimal. Spring glands have the greatest variation in cytoplasmic density with intercellular and pericapillary spaces similar to that seen in fall glands. Cells containing electron dense cytoplasm have Golgi zone associated, secretory granules, free ribosomes, short sections of granular endoplasmic reticulum and dense bodies. Cells with a more electron lucent cytoplasm are similar to the most frequently observed summer pinealocytes which have numerous Golgi zones but few associated secretory granules. Microtubules are prominent in the cytoplasm of these cells, the plasma membranes are smooth and intercellular and pericapillary spaces are minimal. A yearly rhythm or cyclic activity of the pinealocyte is suggested.

Frink R., Young R.A. & Krupp P.P. 1980. Seasonal changes in the ultrastructure of the thyrotroph in the wookchuck (Marmota monax) adenohypophysis [Variations saisonnières de l'ultrastructure de l'adénohypophyse tyrotrophe chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. J. Anat., 130(3): 499-505.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, adénohypohyse, adenohypophysis, saison, season.

Throtrophs of the woodchuck anterior pituitary are described through the four seasons of the year. Evidence of an increase in number and activity in the spring is presented. Activity of the thyrotroph is seen to continue through the summer and decline in the autumn to quiescence during the hibernatory period of winter. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to thyoid follicular cell morphology, serum T3 and T4 levels and the physiological activities of the animal. High levels of thyroid hormones in the serum may be consistent with the appearance of great activity seen in the thyrotroph and follicular cell when taken in context with breeding season, ambient temperature and lack of food.

Extrait/Extract pdf

Frisch K. von 1975. Architecture animale [Animal architecture]. Albin Michel, Paris.
En français, in French.
Construction, building.

Frison G.C., Schwab D., Hannus L.A., Winham P., Walter D. & Mainfort R. 1996. Archaeology of the northwestern Plains [Archéologie des plaines du nord-ouest]. In Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Resources of the Northern Plains, G. Frison & R. Mainfort, Eds., pp. 8-40. Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series No. 47.
En anglais, in English.
Achéologie, archeology, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Frison G.C., Toom D. & Mainfort R. 1996. Northern Plains adaptation types [Types d'adaptation des plaines du nord]. In Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Resources of the Northern Plains, G. Frison & R. Mainfort, Eds., pp. 150-160. Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series No. 47.
En anglais, in English.
Achéologie, archeology, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Frison-Roche R. 1987. La Vanoise, Parc national [The Vanoise, National Park]. Arthaud, Paris, 241 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Fritsch R. 1977. Sauvegarde du Rhône. Un paysage à sauvegarder : la vallée du Rhône jurassien de Bellegarde à Lagnier [Protection of the Rhône River. To protect a landscape: the Jura Rhône valley from Bellegarde to Lagnier]. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. de Savoie-Chambéry, 85 : 8-23.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, grottes, caves.

Fritts S.H. & Mech L.D. 1981. Dynamics, movements, and feeding ecology of a newly protected wolf population in northwestern Minnesota [Dynamique, déplacements et écologie alimentaire d'une population de loups nouvellement protégée dans le nord-ouest du Minnesota]. Wildlife Monograph N°8, Washington DC, The widlife Society.
En anglais, in English.
Lupus, écologie, ecology, éthologie, ethology, conservation, alimentation, foraging, Minnesota, EUA, USA.

Frölicher T. 1975. Die Gebietsnutzung einer Murmeltiergruppe unter dem Aspekt der Feindvermeidung [Utilisation territoriale d'un groupe de marmotte, l'évitement des adversaires]. Dissertation,Univ. Bern.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, territoire, territory, social.

Frommel D., Crevat D., Vitvitsky L., Pichoud C., Hantz O., Chevalier M., Grimaud J.A., Lindberg J. & Trepo C.G. 1984. Immunopathologic aspects of woodchuck hepatitis. [Aspects immunologiques de l'hépatite de la marmotte américaine]. Am. J. Pathol., 115(1): 125-134.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

The natural history of infection with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) has been studied in a colony of 38 Marmota monax. Besides serologic assessment for WHV markers, light-microscopic findings of 61 liver biopsies were correlated with the results of immunofluorescence analysis for nucleocapsid (WHcAg) and surface (WHsAg) antigens. Twenty-four chronic WHsAg carriers all featured signs of continuous viral replication. Two major immunomorphologic patterns were observed in their livers: 1) portal hepatitis in which WHcAg accumulated in the cytoplasm and WHsAg was associated with the hepatocyte membrane and 2) periportal hepatitis in which WHcAg shifted toward nuclear localization and WHsAg became mostly intracytoplasmic. Progression from portal to periportal hepatitis, observed in 7 woodchucks, appeared to be induced by a partial recovery of specific immune reactivity to WHV, insufficient, however, to interrupt WHV replication. Deposits of WHsAg and immunoglobulins were present in the kidney and spleen of animals with severe hepatitis.

Frost John 1851. History of the State of California : from the Period of the Conquest by Spain, to Her Occupation. [Histoire de l’état de Californie : de la période de la conquête. Par l’Espagne jusqu’à son occupation]. Frost's pictorial history of California. Derby and Miller, Auburn, 1016 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys monax, woodchuck, Arctomys beecheyi, small marmot, Arctomys ludovicianus, Prairie marmot.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Fry K.S. 1981. Vancouver Island marmots: field investigations [Les marmottes de l'île de Vancouver : recherches de terrain]. Unpubl. rep. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, 27 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, conservation.

Fry K.S., Morgan J.A. & Smith G.W. 1986. Vancouver Island marmot inventory, 1986 [Inventaire de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver, 1986]. Unpubl. rep. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Nanaimo, 68 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, conservation.

Frywell F.M. 1928. Melanism among the marmots of Teton Range, Wyoming [Mélanisme parmi les marmottes de la chaîne de Teton, Wyoming]. J. Mammal., 94(4): 336-337.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, mélanisme, melanism, Wyoming, EUA, USA.

Fu X.X., Su C.Y., Lee Y., Hintz R., Biempica L., Snyder R. & Rogler C.E.1988. Insulinlike growth factor II expression and oval cell proliferation associated with hepatocarcinogenesis in woodchuck hepatitis virus carriers. J. Virol., 62(9): 3422-3430.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, insuline, insulin.

Insulinlike growth factor II (IGF-II) is a highly mitogenic fetal growth factor suspected of regulating the growth of a wide spectrum of tissues via an autocrine or paracrine mode of action or both. High steady-state levels of IGF-II RNA were detected in 45% of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) arising from woodchuck livers with persistent woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection. Analysis of WHV RNA in the same HCCs revealed that HCCs with high levels of IGF-II RNA contained low or undetectable levels of WHV RNA and HCCs with low levels of IGF-II RNA contained high levels of WHV RNA. Integrated WHV DNA was present in HCCs from both groups, but viral DNA replicating forms were present, predominantly in HCCs with low levels of IGF-II. Several IGF-II RNAs, the most prominent of which were poly(A) species of approximately 3.75 and 1.1 to 1.3 kilobases, were detected only in precancerous nodules and HCCs. Levels of IGF-II were elevated two- to three-fold in the serum of woodchucks with chronic active hepatitis preceding the occurrence of HCC. Proliferation of a population of oval cells, which arise from portal tract regions in the liver, preceded the development of HCC and was a prominent feature of livers from which tumors with high levels of IGF-II occurred. The HCCs tended to have distinct histological features according to their growth factor status. Tumors with low levels of IGF-II were generally highly differentiated acinar-trabecular HCCs, whereas tumors with high levels of IGF-II were more anaplastic, with regions of fibrosis and fatty accumulation. A model to relate the pathology of WHV infection to oval cell proliferation and IGF-II expression in the development of these heterogeneous HCCs is presented.

Fuchs Klaus, Heberger Claudia, Weimer Thomas & Roggendorf Michael 1989. Characterization of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA and RNA in the hepatocellular carcinomas of woodchucks [Caractérisation de l’ARN et ADN du virus de l’hépatite de la marmotte commune d’Amérique dans les cancers hépatocellulaires de ces marmottes]. Hepatology, 10(2): 215-220.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis, virus, cancer.
Integration and transcription of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA were studied by Southern and Northern blot analysis in 26 hepatocellular carcinomas and in adjacent nontumor tissue of woodchucks (Marmota monax). All liver tissue chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus contained various amounts of episomal and replicative forms of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA: episomal and replicative forms of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA without integration were found in six tumors, episomal and integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA was observed in 18 tumors and exclusively integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA was found in two tumors. In most tumors and in all of the liver tissues chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus, two major woodchuck hepatitis virus RNA species (3.7 and 2.1 kilobases) were detected. In tumors of two other animals (HW76 and HW89) with integrated wood-chuck hepatitis virus DNA, only single major transcripts of 3.5 and 2.5 kilobases, respectively, were detected. Hybridization with subcloned woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA probes showed that both aberrant transcripts lacked the C gene and a part of the pre-S1 gene; characterization of corresponding integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA sequences revealed that the C gene was deleted in one tumor, although not in the other. In agreement with the nucleic acid data, we found expression of core protein by Western blotting only in chronically infected liver tissue of these animals, but not in the corresponding tumors. Deletion of the C gene in mRNA may be due to deletion of this gene in the integrated sequences or due to transcriptional regulation.

Fukuchi T., Sawaguchi S., Shirakashi M., Kurosawa A. & Iwata K. 1987. [The three dimensional structure of the optic nerve lamina cribrosa in a normal human eye and the eyes of several experimental animals]. Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi, 91(12): 1272-1280. Japanese. No abstract available.
En japonais, in Japonese.

Funk D. 1980. The groundhog. Susquehanna Magazine, 3 : 26-31.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Amérique du Nord.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

Furlong Eustace Leopold 1904. An account of the preliminary excavations in a recently explored Quaternary cave in Shasta County, California [Rapport sur les fouilles préliminaires des grottes du quaternaire récemment explorées dans le comté de Shasta, Californie. Science (n.s.), 20 : 53-55.
Marmota, minor, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Californie. Furetière Antoine 1690. Dictionnaire universel : contenant généralement tous les mots françois, tant vieux que modernes, & les termes de toutes les sciences et des arts, recueilli & compilé par feu Messire Antoine Furetière. [Universal dictionary: containing generally all the French words, as well old as moderns, and words of all sciences and arts]. La Haye, Rotterdam, Arnout et Reinier Leers, Num. BNF, 2600 p.
En français, in French.
Langue française, French language, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmote, marmot, marmotta, mus montanus.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Furetière Antoine 1696. Le dictionnaire des Halles ou Extrait du "Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise. Bruxelles, F. Foppens, Num. BNF, [8]-228 p.
En français, in French.
Extrait pdf Extract

Furlong E.L. 1906. The exploration of Samwel Cave [Exploration de la grotte de Samwel]. Amer. Jour. Sci., 4 : 235-247, 3 text-figs.
Marmota, minor, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord Furlong E.L. & Sinclair W.J. 1904. Preliminary description of Euceratherium collinum [Description préliminaire d'Euceratherium collinum.] Univ. of Calif., Publ. Amer. Arch. Ethn., 2 : 18, foot-note.
Marmota, minor, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord

Fustier Paul 2001. Les Petits Savoyards ou La réconciliation. In Des conditions d'apparition de la vielle à roue à l'horizon de la période baroque. DEA en musicologie, Université Lumière-Lyon 2.
En français, in French. Musicologie, musicology, marmotte, marmotte, vielle, hurdy-gurdy.

Fyodorova N.I. 1968. [Epidémiologie et mesures préventives contre la Ku-ricketsiose. Epidimiology and preventive measures against Ku-rikketsiosus]. M. Medecine Publishers, 251p.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, Ricketsiose, Rocky mountains, EUA, USA.
