Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


Mise à jour 05/10/07 Updated

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Gabe M. 1967. Le tégument et ses annexes [The tegument and its annexes]. In Traité de Zoologie, Anatomie systématique, P.P. Grassé ed., Masson & Cie., Paris, 1-233.
En français, in French.
Peau, skin, glandes, glands.

Gabel J. Russel 1954. The morphology and taxonomy of the intestinal protozoa of the american woodchuck, Marmota monax Linnaeus [La morphologie et la taxonomie du protozoaire intestinal de la marmotte commune d’Amérique]. Journal of Morphology, 94(3): 473-549.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, morphologie, morphology, anatomie, anatomy, protozoaire, protozoa, parasitisme, parasitism.

Gabori-Csank V. 1968. La station du Paléolithique moyen d'Erd-Hongrie [The median paleolithic station of Erd-Hongary]. Akademiai Kiabo, Maison d'édition de l'Académie des Sciences de Hongrie, Budapest, 277 p.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Hongrie.

Gabuniya L.K., Vekua A.K., Bugianishvili T.V. 1988. The Environment of the Ancient Fossil Man in the Caucasus (USSR). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi Ssr Seriya Biologicheskaya, 14(5): 344-349.
En russe, In Russian, résumé Georgien et anglais, Georgian and English summ.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Géorgie, Georgia.
On the territory of Dmanisi, medieval ancient town (East Georgia, 100 km south from Tbilisi) a rich locality of fossil vertebrates has been discovered. According to preliminary data there were the following animals there: Archidiskodon meridionalis, Equus aff. altidens, Equus ex gr. stenonis, Dicerorhinus etruscus etruscus, Ursus etruscus, Canis cf. etruscus, Panthera sp., Dama cf. nestii, Cervidae gen., Eobison sp., Marmotinae gen., Cricetulus sp. and others. This complex correponds must likely to the late Apsheronian or the lowest part of Bakuian (the Early Galerian of the continental Cainozoic scale) and makes up for a substantial deficiency in our knowledge about the Late Cainozoic history of terrestrial mammals of Causcasus. The presence of Ashelian Industry in the bonebearing layers makes this complex of Mammals the most interesting.

Gacogne A. 1850-1852. Excursion entomologique dans les Alpes des environs du Mont-Blanc [Entomologic excursion in the Alps in the neighbouring of the Mont Blanc]. Ann. Soc. Lin. Lyon, 215- 226.
En français, in French.
Excursion, entomologie, entomology, France.
Carabiques de haute altitude : Carabus alpinus, Ludius rugosus, Nebria castanea, N. brunnea, Cymindis punctata, Argutor depressus, A.unctulatus et Carabus monticola.

Gadeau de Kerville H. 1882. Liste générale des mammifères sujets à l'albinisme, par Elvezio Cantoni, traduction de l'italien et additions [General list of mammals subject to albinism, by Elvezio Cantoni, Italien translation and additions]. Bull. Soc. des amis des Sc. natur. de Rouen.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, albinisme, albinism.

Gadeau de Kerville H. 1888. Faune de Normandie. Mammifères [Fauna of Normandy. Mammals]. Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen, 1887, 1-117 ; Baillière et fils, Paris.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota, fossile, fossil, France, Normandie.

Gadeau de Kerville H. 1897. Faune de Normandie. Reptiles, Batraciens et Poissons, Supplément aux Mammifères et aux oiseaux, et Liste méthodique des Vertébrés sauvages observés en Normandie [Fauna of Normandy. Reptiles, Batrachians, and fishes. Addition to Mammals and Birds, and methodical list of wild vertebrates noticed in Normandy]. Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen, 1896 ; Baillière et fils, Paris.
Faunistique, fauna, France, Normandie.

Gadeau de Kerville H. 1922. Liste des mammifères observés en Normandie à l'état fossile, sauvage et domestique [List of noticed mammals in Normandy, fossilized, wilds and domestics]. Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. nat. Rouen, 1916-1921, 233-252 ; Lecerf fils, Rouen.
Marmota marmota.

Gaffrey G. 1953. Die Schädel der mitteleuropäischen Säugetiere [Les crânes des mammifères d'Europe centrale. Skulls of Central Europe mammals]. Abh. U Ber aus dem Staatl. Mus. F. Tierk., Forschinst. Dresden, 21: 123p., Leipzig.
Mammifères, mammals, crâne, skull, Europe.

Gafurov A.K., Davydov G.S. & Mukhamadiev S.A. 1971. [Sur l'étude des Helminthes des rongeurs et des lagomorphes au Tadjikistan. On study of helminths od a rodents and lagomorphs in Tajikistan]. ]. Izv. Acad. Nauk Tadzhik. SSR. Otd. biol., 4 (15): 59-66.
En russe, in Russian.
Helminthes, Rodentia, Lagomorphes, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Gagina T.N. & Skalon N.V. 1996. Raprostranenie i tchislonnesti srogo sourka (Marmota baibacina Katstschenkoi Stroganov & Yudin, 1956) v kemeroskoï oblasti [Répartition et nombre de marmottes grises dans la région de Kemerosk. Distribution and number of grey marmots in the Kemerosk region]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 14-15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, distribution, Russie, Russia.

Gagnière Sylvain 1929. Grottes sépulcrales, à Saze (Gard) [Sepulchral caves in Saze (Gard)]. Société Préhistorique Français, 284-294.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, grotte de Saze, Saze cave, grotte François, François cave, absence marmotte, no marmot.
Extrait pdf extract

Gagnon Cécile 1972. Le vogage d'un cerf-volant [The travel of a kite]. Montréal, Éditions Héritage. La bergère et l'orange, La journée d'un chapeau de paille, La marmotte endormie, Trèfle et tourne-sol, Le voilier et la lune, Le voyage d'un cerf-volant.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Gagnon Cécile 1972. La marmotte endormie [The sleeping marmot]. Texte et images de Cécile Gagnon. Montréal, Éditions Héritage.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Gai Pei & Wang Guodao 1983. Excavation report on the Mesolithic Period site of Layihai, [Guinan County, Qinghai Province] on the upper reaches of the Huang [= Yellow] River [Rapport de fouille sur le site mésolithique de Lahyhai [comté de Guinan , Province de Qinghai] aux sources de la rivière Huang(=Jaune)]. 2 b.
Marmota bobac, Marmota himalayana.

Gaide Firmin 1994. Le patois de Montvalezan-La Rosière, Hte Tarentaise (Savoie) [Provincial dialect of Montvalezan-La Rosière, Hte Tarentaise (Savoie)]. G. Gaide, La Plagne.
En français et Franco-provençal, in French and in Franco-Provençal.
Marmota marmota, dictionnaire, dictionnary, Franco-Provençal, français, French, glossaire, glossary.
Marmôta = marmotte.

Gaillard Emile 1941. La marmotte. Revue de Savoie, 269-274.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, faune, fauna.
Archives départementales Savoie

Gaines M.S. 1980. Dispersal in small mammals [La dispersion chez les petits mammifères]. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 11: 63-96.
Marmota monax, Marmota olympus, Marmota flaviventris, dispersion, dispersal.

Gaïskii N.A. 1944. Infektsiya i immountet ou jivotnykh zalegaioushikh v spyaukou [Infection et immunité chez les hibernants. Infection and immunity in hibernating animals]. Izv. Irkoutsk protivotchoumi in-ta Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka, 5.
Epidémiologie, epidemiology, hibernation.

Gaïskii N.A. 1946. [Sur la question de la conservation du microbe de la peste dans le milieu entre les épizooties. On question of the plague microbe conservation in nature during of nonepizootic period]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivochoum. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost. Irkoutsk, 6: 139-140.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épizootie, epizooty.

Galanina T.M. & Mashkin V.I. 1977. Osnovnye formy i elementy povedeniya sourkov Menzbira [Fondements et éléments du comportement de la marmotte de Menzbier. Foundations and components of the behaviour of the Menzbier's Marmot]. Oupravlenie povedeniem jivotny, Dokl. outchast-kob p Bes. konf. po povedeniiu jivotnykh, M. : Nauka, 71-72.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbira, comportement, behaviour.

Galantsev V.P., Gulyaeva E.P., Kuz'min D.A. & Shereshkov V.I. 1995. [Description du rythme cardiaque et de l’ECG de quelques insectivores et rongeurs. The description of the cardiac rhythm and ECG of some insectivores and rodents]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterbourgskogo Universiteta Seriya 3 Biologiya, 0(4): 78-85, 123.
En russe, in Russian.
Neomys fodiens, Desmana moschata, Muscardinus anellanarius, Apodemus flavicollis, Arvicola terrestris, Rattus norvegicus, Citellus suslicus, Castor fiber, Hamster, Marmota, Coypu, electrocardiographie, electrocardiography, arythmie, arhythmy.

Cardiovascular responses the semi-aquatic and terrestrial species of insectivores and rodents were investigated in respect of the comparative cardiology. Different electrocardiographical techniques for the registration of ECG and the heart rate, among them the radiotelemetric ones, were used. Such techniques made possible some experiments on animals in free-behavior conditions. The heat rate and the breath rate were founded to be in inversely proportional dependence to the animals body mass. The elements of ECG in the leads from the extremities of the semi-aquatic species of insectivores and rodents are not high stable. The heart rate of insectivores is relatively stable, they have weak cardiac arrhythmies. The correct sinusoidal rhythm is characteristic for the semi-aquatic rodents. They are essentially free from the respiratory arrhythmia.

Galbadrakh D., Dovchin M. & Gongor N. 1977. [La chasse, un moyen pour réduire le nombre de marmottes dans un foyer de peste. Hunting as measure for reduce of marmots number in nature plague foci]. Epidem. i prophil. osobo opasn. infec. v Mongolii i USSR, Ulan-Bator.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, chasse, hunting.

Galbavy E.J., Panuska J.A., T.F. Albert, M.M. Orlando 1972. Blood gases of woodchucks at reduced temperatures [Gaz sanguins de la marmotte à températures réduites]. J. mammal., 53 (4) : 919-921.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, sang, blood.

Galdanova G.R. 1987. [Croyances pré-lamaistique chez les Bouriates. The before lamaistic beleifs in Buryats]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 115 pp.
En russe, in russian.
Marmota sibirica, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology.

Galibert F., Chen T.N. & Mandart E. 1981. Localization and nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen: comparison with the gene coding for the human hepatitis B virus surface antigen [Localisation et séquence nucléotidique du gène codant pour l'antigène de surface du virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte commune d'Amérique : comparaison avec le codant l'antigène de surface du virus humain de l'hépatite B]. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 78(9): 5315-5319.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Nucleotide sequence analysis was performed with the Maxam--Gilbert method on a cloned woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA (Eco WHV DNA). The structural gene coding for the envelope protein of the virus was localized on the viral genome in the partially single-stranded region between map positions 91.2 and 71. This gene is composed of 669 nucleotides and can code for a polypeptide of 25,645 daltons. The DNA sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence were compared with those of the corresponding gene and surface antigen of the related hepatitis B virus, allowing some insight into the localization of the antigenic site.

Galibert F., Chen T.N. & Mandart E. 1982. Nucleotide sequence of a cloned woodchuck hepatitis virus genome: comparison with the hepatitis B virus sequence [Séquence nucléotidique d'un génome cloné du virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte commune d'Amérique : comparaison avec la séquence du virus de l'hépatite B]. J. Virol., 41(1): 51-65.

The complete nucleotide sequence of a woodchuck hepatitis virus genome cloned in Escherichia coli was determined by the method of Maxam and Gilbert. This sequence was found to be 3,308 nucleotides long. Potential ATG initiator triplets and nonsense codons were identified and used to locate regions with a substantial coding capacity. A striking similarity was observed between the organization of human hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus. Nucleotide sequences of these open regions in the woodchuck virus were compared with corresponding regions present in hepatitis B virus. This allowed the location of four viral genes on the L strand and indicated the absence of protein coded by the S strand. Evolution rates of the various parts of the genome as well as of the four different proteins coded by hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus were compared. These results indicated that: (i) the core protein has evolved slightly less rapidly than the other proteins; and (ii) when a region of DNA codes for two different proteins, there is less freedom for the DNA to evolve and, moreover, one of the proteins can evolve more rapidly than the other. A hairpin structure, very well conserved in the two genomes, was located in the only region devoid of coding function, suggesting the location of the origin of replication of the viral DNA.

Galletti G., Azzaroni A., Cavallari A. & Mavrulis A. 1966. [Thermogénese au cours d’hypothermie induite artificiellement chez les marmottes actives pendant les mois d’hiver. Thermogenesis during artificially induced hypothermia in the active marmot in the winter months]. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 42(17): 1150-1153.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Galkina L.I. 1962a. Vid i vioutrividovye kategorii ou sourkov [L'espèce et les catégories intraspécifiques chez les marmottes. Species and intraspecific categories in marmots]. V kn. Problemy vnoutrividovykh otnoshenii organizmov, Materialy k soveshaniiou 10-14 sentyabrya 1962 goda, Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomsk. oun-ta.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Galkina Liana Ivanovna 1962b. Nekotorye dannye po sistematike i biologii tomskogo ili lesostepnogo sourka [Quelques données sur la systématique et la biologie de la marmotte de Tomsk ou des forêts-steppes. Some data on systematic and biology of the Tomsk or forest-steppe marmot]. Problemy zool. issled. v Sibiri, Mat-ly P sosesh. zoologov Sibiri, Gorno-Altaïsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, taxonomie, taxonomy, Russie, Russia.

Galkina L.I. 1962c. K taksonomii sourkov (genus Marmota) v Iouzhnoï Sibiri. Vopr. ekol., zoogeogr. i sistematiki jivotnykh [Sur la taxonomie des marmottes de la Sibérie du sud. Upon taxonomy of the southern Siberian marmots]. Tr. Biol. in-ta SO AP SSSR, In-t geogr. AP SSSR, M. Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy, Sibérie, Siberia.

Galkina L.I. 1967a. Razmechtchenie i tchislennost' gornoaziatskogo sourka [Distribution et nombre de la marmotte des montagnes asiatiques. Distribution and number of the marmots in Asian mountains]. V kn. Resoursy faouny sourkov v SSSR, Materialy sovechtchaniya 27-29 marta, M., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, Asie, Asia.

Galkina L.I. 1967b. Rasprostranenie, zapasy i perspektivy promysla lesostepnogo sourka (Marmota baibacina Kastschenkoi Strog. et Judin) [Distribution, réserves et perspectives de chasse de la marmotte des forêts-steppes. Distribution, reserves and hunting prospects of the steppe-forest marmot]. Resoursy fauny sourkov v SSSR, In-t geogr. AP SSSR, M, Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, distribution, réserve, reserve.

Galkina L.I. 1968. Obzor sourkov Iouzhnoï Sibiri [Généralités sur la marmotte du sud de la Sibérie. Generalities on the marmot in southern Siberia]. Avtoref. kand. dis. Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Sibrie, Siberia.

Galkina L.I. 1969. Razmeshenie i tchislennosti gornoaziatskogo sourka. V kn. Biologitcheskoe rajonirovanie Novosibirskoï oblasti (v svyazi s problvmoï prirodno-otchagovykh infektsii), Novosibirsk, Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, distribution, Asie, Asia.

Galkina L.I. 1970. [Évaluation de quelques particularités systématiques des marmottes et variabilité géographique de la marmotte asiatique de montagne (Marmota baibacina Kastschenko, 1899). Evaluation of some systematic particularities of marmots and geographical variability of Montane-Asiatic marmot (Marmota baibacina Kastschenko, 1899). ] In Fauna of Siberia, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 267-279. (en russe, in Russian)

Galkina L.I., Judin B.S. & Redina O.E. 1986. Razmeshenie, tchislennosti i ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie zapasov sourka (Marmota baibacina) [Peuplement, nombre et utilisation rationnelle des ressources en marmottes (M. baibacina). Distribution, number and rational use of marmot resources (M. baibacina)]. Okhotnytchie-promyslovye resoursy Sibiri, Novosibirsk, 56-63.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, distribution, gestion, management, Russie, Russia.

Galkina L.I. & Taranenko D.E. 2002. Morphological and range peculairities of forest-steppe marmot. Caractéristiques morphologiques et aire de distribution de la marmotte de la forêt-steppe. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 62-63.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota baibacina, mophology, morphologie, range, aire de distribution.

Galkina L.I., Taranenko D.E. & Brandler O.V. 2005.To a question about species status of forest-steppe marmot Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov et Judin, 1956 (Rodentia, Sciuridae). K voprosy o vidovom statouse lesostepnogo sourka Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov et Judin, 1956 (Rodentia, Sciuridae). [Question sur l’état spécifique de la marmotte de for’t-steppe Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov et Judin, 1956 (Rodentia, Sciuridae)]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 54-55.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota kastschenkoi, espèce, species.
The most of Palearctic marmot species are weakly differentiated on morphological and karyotypic level. For a long time alI Eurasian marmots, except Marmota camtschatica, were considered to have 2n=38. It created a set of problems in development of systematics of this group during the last century. "Bobak" group is the most discussed. Species independence of bobak marmot (M. bobak), grey or Altai marmot (M. baibacina) and Mongolian marmot (M. sibirica) forming this group was clearly proved by L.I . Galkina ( 1962a; 1962b ). Investigating questions of subspecies division of M. baibacina she has noted that its forest-steppe subspecies M. b. kastschenkoi is rather independent and its taxonomic status requires specification. Recent karyilogical investigations have revealed significant differentiatjon of forest-steppe marmot according to karyotypical characterjstics (Brandler, 1999; Brandler, 2003 ). These data became the basis for giving a species status to it (Brandler, 2003). Species independence of forest-steppe marmot is confirmed also by the new data of our investigations of its morphology, analysis of some ecological features and areal histories (Galkina, Taranenko, 2002; Taranenko, 2003a, b). The description of species Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov et Judin, I956 is given below. The differential diagnosis. The largest of aIl modern Palearctic marmots with body length up to 660 mm and weight about 3-6.3 kg in spring and 4.6-8.9 kg in autumn (according to conversational data - up to 12 kg). Tail is rather lollg, about 30% ofbody length. The form is dark-colored, with weIl noticeable white wedge-shaped spot on chill. In contradistinction to grey marmot abdomen coloration is soft, yellow- or gray-red. The thickness of hair and a length of guard-hair (45-55 mm) exceed similar parameters of other specimens of • bobak ™ group. A skull is larger and more massive, with more developed combs and relatively narrow cheek-bones, kondilo-basallength is 94.5-107.5 mm (M= 101-12±0.45). Processus frontalis ossis praemaxillaris is rather thin. Their total width at the basis is less than 1/2 of osis nasale width in their average part. Intermediate prominence of lower P4 js well developed. Os penis is cone-shaped with a core moderately f1at on its dorsal side. The core has two widely placed blades with sharp ripples on the external side on its fore end. In karyotype 2n=36 (NF=68) one pair of metacentric is significantly larger than other elements of a set.Geographical distribution. Areal stretches from North to South from vicinities of Tomsk up to foothills of North-East Altai. East and South-East border of areal are woods of Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoriya. Distribution is limited by the river Ob in the West.
Russian pdf russe

Galkina L.I. & Taranenko D.I. 2002. Morphological and area characteristics of forest-steppe marmot (Marmota baibacina kastschenkoi Stroganov et Yudin, 1956) [Caractéristiques morphologiques et de distribution de la marmotte de la forêt-steppe (Marmota baibacina kastschenkoi Stroganov et Yudin, 1956)]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisoursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, mophology, morphologie, range, aire de distribution.

Galkina L.I. & Tyut'kova L.A. 1986. Pozdnepleystotsenovyy stepnoy sourok Marmota bobac Müller iz sostava "lemmingovoy fauny'' sredney Desny. [La marmotte des steppes du Pléistocène supérieur, Marmota bobac Müller, de la "faune de lemming" du cours médian de la rivière Desna. The Late Pleistocene steppe marmot, Marmota bobac Müller, from the "lemming fauna'' of the middle reaches of the Desna]. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 156 : 143-156.
En russe avec résué anglais, in Russian with English summ.
Marmota bobac, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Desna, Russie, Russia.

Galli-Valerio B. 1924. Parasitologische Untersuchungen und Beiträge zur parasitologischen Technik [Étude parasitologique et apport sur les techniques parasitologiques. Parasitological study and contribution to parasitological techniques]. Zbl. Backt. I. Abt. Orig., 91 : 120-125.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Protozoaires, Protozoa, Coocidés.

Galli-Valerio B. 1931. Notes de parasitologie [Parasitological notes]. Zbl. Backt. I. Orig., 129 : 98-106.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Protozoaires, Coocidés.

Galli-Valerio B. 1933. Notes parasitologiques et de technique parasitologique [Parasitological notes and parasitologic technic]. Zbl. Bakt., 129: 422-433.
Parasitologie, parasitology.

Gallison J.D. 1994. Slab Camp: An early to middle Holocene Olcott Complex in the Eastern Olympic mountains [Le camp slab : un complex Olcott du début au moyen holocène dans les monts Olympiques occidentaux]. Ph. D thesis, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 248 p.
En anglais, in English.
Archéologie, archeology, Holocène, Holocene, EUA, USA.

Gallo M.G., Bassano B. & Cabeli P. 1990. Dermatophytes fungi in alpine marmot's (Marmota Marmota) burrows soil from Western Alps [Dermatophytes du sol des terriers de marmotte (M. marmota) des Alpes occidentales]. Atti della Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie, vol XLIV (Stresa, 27, 28, 29 Settembre 1990) : 1271-1273.
Marmota marmota, terrier, burrow, mycologie, mycology.
A survey was performed to define the distribution of dermatophytes fungi associated with animal habitat in mountain environment; the preliminary results obtained by examining soil samples taken from 96 marmot burrows from Western Alps are shown.
Samples were examined by Vanbreuseghems' method (hors hair fragments used as keratinic baits on a wet soil, for dermatophytes growth). The following dermatophytes fungi were identified by the Rebell and Taplins' keys: Microsporum gypseum, M. canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Gallo M.G., Bassano B. & Milan F. 1991. Dermatophytes fungi in alpine marmots' burrows soil from western alps [Dermatophytes du sol des terriers de marmotte (M. marmota) des Alpes occidentales]. Abst. 1st Inter. symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. marmota,
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, peau, skin, terrier, burrow, mycologie, mycology.

Gallo M.G., Bassano B. & Milan F. 1992. Funghi dermatofiti presenti in terreno di tane di marmotta (Marmota marmota) dell'Arco Alpino Occidentale. Dermatophytes in alpine marmots' (Marmota marmota) burrows soil from western Alps [Dermatophytes du sol des terriers de marmotte (M. marmota) des Alpes occidentales]. Proc.1st Inter. symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. eds., 199-202.
En italien et anglais, in Italian and English.
Marmota marmota, peau, skin, terrier, burrow, mycologie, mycology.

A survey was performed to define the distribution of dermatophytes fungi in a mountain environment (Italian Western AIps). The results obtained by examining soil samples taken from marmots' habitat are shown. 110 samples taken from the soil before the entrance of inhabitated burrows and 40 taken far from the colonized areas and used as control were collected. The samples were examined by Vanbreuse-ghems'method (horse hairs used as keratinic baits on wet soil, for dermatophytes growth) modified by grinding horse-hairs for a more homogeneous distribution of keratin. The following dermatophytes fungi were identified by Rebell and Taplins'keys : Microsporum canis, M. gypseum, M.cookei, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton spp. All species identified were recovered in soil samples collected from marmots' burrows. No dermatophytes were found by examining the control samples

Gallo M.G., Lanfranchi P., Poglayen G., Calderola S., Menzano A., Ferroglio E. & Peano A. 2005. Seasonal 4-year investigation into the role of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) as a carrier of zoophilic dermatophytes [Recherche saisonnière de quatre ans du rôle de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) comme transporteur des dermatophytes zoophilique]. Medical mycology (Med Mycol.), 43(4): 373-379.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Vulpes vulpes, red fox, renard commun, champignon, fungi, Microsporum canis, Microsporum cookei, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum marmota, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton ajelloi, T. terrestre.
Two hundred and six samples of alpine marmot (Mamota marmota) hair (148 from adults and 58 from young subjects), 102 soil samples from the entrances to the burrows of the above individuals and 20 control specimens (obtained from adjoining areas away from the burrow systems where the rodents are not usually present) were examined from May 1994 to September 1997. Seventy-five isolates belonging to six species of dermatophytes were found in 69 of the 206 hair samples examined (33.5%). Two species were zoophilic, Microsporum canis (7.8%) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (11.2.%), and four geophilic, Microsporum cookei (2%), M. gypseum (5.8%), Trichophyton ajelloi (3.9%) and T. terrestre (5.8%). The prevalence of each species in the hair samples did not change significantly according to year, season (chi-squared test [limit significance: P <0.05] gives no significant values [p>0.05] both in year and in season comparison) or age/sex (adult versus juvenile: P=0.1; male versus female: P=0.8) of the marmot. Twenty-three of the 102 soil samples (22.5%) were positive for dermatophytes found in the hair of marmots from the same burrow systems. Five of the 20 control soil samples (25%) were positive for dermatophytes. One isolate of M. gypseum, three of T. terrestre and one of T. mentagrophytes were obtained. Compared with other free-ranging rodent hosts studied in Europe, this mycoflora is characterized by the presence and relatively high prevalence of M. canis, frequently reported in symptomatic and asymptomatic cats, dogs and fur animals. M. canis has not been isolated in other rodents in the wild. However, it has recently been reported in asymptomatic foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from northern Italy. The close link between V vulpes and M. marmota, with the former representing the most important mammal predator of the latter in the Alps (only a fraction of the predator's attacks result in the death of the rodent) may have favoured the adaptation of M. canis to this rodent host. The stable character of the M. canis/M. marmota relationship (no seasonally or annually related difference in the prevalence of this dermatophyte has been found) suggests the inclusion of the alpine marmot in the reservoir of this zoophilic pathogenic agent. In this situation, hibernation in labyrinthine burrow systems, where temperature and moisture ranges are quite uniform the whole year round, may favour the viability of M. canis arthroconidia, whose survival in mountain habitat might otherwise be compromised. This seems to be confirmed by the fact that the fungus has never been found in the control samples collected at a distance of 300 m from the outer edge of the sampled burrow systems.

Galuzo I.G., Chukaev V.V. & Aafanas'eva O.V. I DR. 1951. Vysokogornyï prirodnyï otchag tchoumy v Kazakhstane [Foyer naturel de la peste dans les hautes montagnes du Kazakhstan. Natural focus of plague in the upper mountains of Kazakhstan]. V kn. Prirodnaya otchagovosty transmissivnykh bolezneï v Kazakhstane, Alma-Ata, 1.
Peste, plague, Kazahkstan.

Galy Osmin 1882. Exploration d’un abri sous roche dit Grazo dé l’Aspiou (Vallée d’Ustou) (Objets préhistoriques) [Exploration of rock-shelter so-called Grazo dé l’Aspiou (Ustou Valley, prehistoric objects). Bulletin de la Société ariègoise des sciences, lettres et arts, 90.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ariège, France.

Gan N.V. 1980. [Etat actuel de la population d'Oropsylla silantiewi (Wagner, 1898) dans le foyer de peste du Transbaïkal. On present state of population Oropsylla silantiewi (Wagner, 1898) in Transbaikalian plague focus]. Mater. nauch. konf. "Problema izoucheniya mekhanizma enzootii tchoumy, Saratov, 105-107.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, puces, flea, Tranbaïkal.

Ganbold S., Batmunkh O., Batsukh D., Dolgor T., Dorjpalam D. & Gan-Erdene P. 1990. [The result of study on preparation basic-petpton for bacterium nutrient medium from marmot meat.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 105-109, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.

Ganem D. 1982. Persistent infection of humans with hepatitis B virus: mechanisms and consequences [Infection persistence des hommes par le virus de l'hépatite B : mécanismes et conséquences]. Rev. Infect. Dis., 4(5): 1026-1047. Review.
Hépatite, hepatitis.

Although most infections of humans with hepatitis B virus are self-limited, up to 10% of individuals experiencing primary infection remain persistently infected. These individuals are usually asymptomatic but may suffer episodic or progressive liver injury that can result in cirrhosis and liver failure. In addition, chronic infection with hepatitis B virus is, in certain settings, associated with the late development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. This review summarizes the biological characteristics of persistent viral infection, with particular emphasis on host and viral factors that affect the outcome of primary infection.

Ganzenmüller Konrad 1877. Tibet nach den resultaten geographischer forschungen früherer und neuester zeit. Levy & Lüller, Stuttgart.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota bobac, marmotte du tibet.

Ganzorig S. & Danzan G. 1990. [ Les helminthes des marmottes. Helmints of marmots.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 54-58, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota, helminthes, helmints.

Garambois (Commandant Ernest) 1954. Les braconniers de la haute-montagne [Poachers in the upper-mountain]. Ophrys, Gap, pp. 133.
En français, in French.
Chasse, hunting.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R. 1982. Epidermis foliares de algunas especies de Festuca, Poa y Beilardiochloa en sel Pireneo Occidental [Epidermes foliaires de quelques espèces de Festuca, Poa et Beilardiochloa dans les Pyrénées occidentales. Foliar epiderms of some species of Festuca, Poa and Beilardiochloa in the western Pyrenees]. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid, 39 : 389-404.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Alimentation, foraging, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, Espagne, Spain.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R. 1984. L'emploi des épidermes végétaux dans la détermination du régime alimentaire de l'Isard dans les Pyrénées occidentales [Use of vegetal epidermis to determine the Izard in the western Pyrenees]. In Ecologie des milieux montagnards et de Haute Altitude, Documents d'Ecologie Pyrénéenne, 3-4 : 307-313.
En français, in French.
Rupricapra, alimentation, foraging, Pyrénées Occidentales, Western Pyrenees.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R. 1992. On the micrographic technique to study herbivorous diets [La technique micrographique pour étudier le régime alimentaire des herbivores]. Workshop "Plant-animal interactions", Jaca.
En anglais, in English.
Herbivores, alimentation, foraging, fèces.

García-González R., Aihartza J.A., Garin I., Goiti U., Trujillo D., Zabala J., Gosalbez J., Luque J.J., Monreal E., Aymerich P., Götzens G., Couto S., Herrero J., Hernández Y. & Prada C. 2003. Inventario y criterios de gestión de los mamíferos del Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido [Inventaire et critères de gestion des mammifères du Parc National d’Ordesa et du Monte Perdido. Inventory and management criteriumof mammals of the National Parkof Ordesa and Monte Perdido]. Informe Final, 4 vol. Convenio OAPN - CSIC. Huesca-Jaca.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management, Parc national, National Park.

García-González R., Aldezabal A., Garin I. & Marinas A. 2006. Valor nutritivo de las principales comunidades de pastos de los Puertos de Góriz (Pirineo Central) [Valeur nutritive des principales communautés des prairies des cols de Góriz (Pyrénées centrales). Food-value of the main communities of the meadows of the Góriz pass (Central Pyrenees)]. Pastos (en prensa).
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Affourragement, foraging, prairies, meadows, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R., J. Canut, D. Garcia, J. Herrero, R. Hidalgo, G. Jordan, V. Navazo, J. Ruiz-Olmo & J. Marco 1985. Primeras notas sobre la distribucion de la marmota (M. marmota L., 1758) en la peninsula Ibérica [Premières notes sur la répartition de la marmotte (M. marmota L., 1758) dans la péninsule Ibérique. First notes on the distributionof the marmot (M. marmota L., 1758) in the Iberian peninsula]. Pirineos, 125 : 113-115.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, Espagne, Spain, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R., Herrero J. & Hidalgo R. 1985. Las Marmotas, procedentes de Francia, colonizan cada vez mayores areas del Pirineo espanol. Quercus, 21: 11-14.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, Espagne, Spain.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R., Herrero J. & Hidalgo R. 1985. La marmota, nueva especie para la fauna ibérica [La marmotte, espèce nouvelle pour la faune ibérique. The marmot, new species for the Iberian fauna]. Quercus, 21: 11-14.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, Espagne, Spain.

García-González (Garcia-Gonzalez) R., Herrero J., García-Serrano A. 2006. Marmota alpina - Marmota marmota. En Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles, Carrascal L.M., Salvador A. (Eds.), Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota.

García-navarro (Garcia-Navarro) R., Blanco-Urgoiti B., Berraondo P., Sanchez de la Rosa R., Vales A., Hervas-Stubbs S., Lasarte J.J., Borras F., Ruiz J. & Prieto J. 2001. Protection against woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection by gene gun coimmunization with WHV core and interleukin-12. J. Virol., 75(19):9068-76.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are closely similar with respect to genomic organization, host antiviral responses, and pathobiology of the infection. T-cell immunity against viral nucleocapsid (HBcAg or WHcAg) has been shown to play a critical role in viral clearance and protection against infection. Here we show that vaccination of healthy woodchucks by gene gun bombardment with a plasmid coding for WHcAg (pCw) stimulates proliferation of WHcAg-specific T cells but that these cells do not produce significant levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) upon antigen stimulation. In addition, animals vaccinated with pCw alone were not protected against WHV inoculation. In order to induce a Th1 cytokine response, another group of woodchucks was immunized with pCw together with another plasmid coding for woodchuck interleukin-12 (IL-12). These animals exhibited WHcAg-specific T-cell proliferation with high IFN-gamma production and were protected against challenge with WHV, showing no viremia or low-level transient viremia after WHV inoculation. In conclusion, gene gun immunization with WHV core generates a non-Th1 type of response which does not protect against experimental infection. However, steering the immune response to a Th1 cytokine profile by IL-12 coadministration achieves protective immunity. These data demonstrate a crucial role of Th1 responses in the control of hepadnavirus replication and suggest new approaches to inducing protection against HBV infection.

Garon O. & Pierardi J. 1972. Étude morphologique comparée de l'estomac de 2 rongeurs Ondatra zibethicus et Marmota monax (Mammalia : Rodentia) [Compared morphological study of the stomach of 2 rodents Ondatra zibethicus and Marmota monax (Mammalia : Rodentia)]. Can. J. Zool., 50 : 239-245.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, morphologie, morphology, estomac, stomach.

Garrigou F. 1865. Étude comparative des alluvions quaternaires anciennes et des cavernes à ossements des Pyrénées et de l'ouest de l'Europe au point de vue géologique, paléontologique et anthropologique [Comparative study of the quaternary alluvial deposits and bone caves in the Pyrenees and in western Europe, from a geologic, paleontologic and anthropogenic point of view]. Bull. Soc. géologique de France, 22 : 396-402.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, Europe, Europa.

Garrigou F. 1867. &Acitc;ge du Renne dans la grotte de la Vache, vallée de Niaux près de Tarascon (Ariège) [Age of the European reindeer in the La Vache Cave, Niaux Valley near Tarascon (Ariège)]. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle Toulouse, 1 : 58-67.
En français, in French.
Rangifer, paléontologie, paleontology, absence marmotte, no marmot, silex, flint, rivière Vic-de-Sos, Vic-de-Sos River, Ariège, France.

Garrigou F. & Chasteigner de 1870. Comtemporanéité de l’homme avec le grand ours des cavernes et le renne dans la caverne de Gargas (Hautes-Pyrénées) [Contemporaneity of Man with the big cave bear and the reindeer in the Gargas cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 71 : 288-289.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, silex, flints, cerf, renne, reindeer, cheval, horse, bœuf, ox, Urus speloeus, Ursus arctos, Ursus priscus, Felis speloea, Hyena speloea, Bos urus, Hautes-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, France.

Garrigou F. & Filhol H. 1863. L'âge de la pierre polie dans les cavernes de la vallée de Tarascon (Ariège) [The neolithic age in the Tarascon Valley (Ariège)]. C.R. hebdomadaires des séances de l'Acad. Sci. (Paris), 57 : 839-842.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ariège, France.

Garrigou F. & Filhol H. 1864a. Contemporanéité de l'homme et de l'Ursus spelaeus établie par l'étude des os cassés des cavernes [Contemporaneity of Man and Ursus spelaeus from the study of broken bones of caves]. C.R. hebdomadaires des séances de l'Acad. Sci. (Paris), 58(20) : 895-899.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, renne, reindeer, Homme, Man, ours des cavernes, cave bear, outils, tools.

Garrigou F. & Filhol H. 1864b. Sur le cavernes de l'âge de la pierre suisse dans la vallée de Tarascon (Ariège) [On the Swiss stone age in the Tarascon Valley (Ariège)]. C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 59 : 593-595.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ariège, France.

Garrigou F. & Martin L. 1864a. L'âge du Renne dans les Basses-Pyrénées" (caverne d'Espalungue) [Reindeer age in the Basses-Pyrénées (Espalungue cave)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, 58 : 757-761.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, silex, flint, outil, tools.

Garrigou F. & Martin L. 1864b. Âge de l'aurochs et âge du renne dans la grotte de Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) [The age of Aurochs and the age of Reindeer in the Lourdes Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, 58 : 816-820.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, Hautes-Pyrénées, France.

Garrigou F., Martin L. & Trutat E. 1863. Notes sur deux fragments de mâchoires humaines trouvées dans la caverne Bruniquel (Tarn-et-Garonne) [Notes on two fragments of human jaws found in the Bruniquel Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, 57 : 1009-1013.
En français, in French.
Archéologie, archeology.

Garrott R.A., Jenni D.A. 1978. Arboreal behavior of yellow-bellied marmots [Comportement arboricole des marmottes à ventre jaune]. J. Mammal., USA, 59, n° 2, 433-434.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, forêt., forest, EUA, USA, Montana.
Observations dans le Montana de M. flaviventris vivant parmi les peupliers (Populus trichocarpa), la plupart creux. Elles se déplaçent presqu'uniquement de branches en branches, creusant épisodiquement le sol, et se réfugiant dans les trous des arbres lors d'inondations importantes.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1975. Lis w Tatrach [Le renard dans les Tatra. Fox in the Tatra Mountains]. Lowiec pol., 10: 22-24.
En Polonais, in Polish.
Marmota marmota, Vulpes vulpes, prédation, predation, nécrophage, necrophagous, avalanche, Tatra.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1980. O potrzebie ochrony swistaka [Sur la protection des marmottes. On preservation of marmots]. Las Polski, 1: 14-15.
En Polonais, in Polish.
Marmota, conservation.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1986. Niszezenieswistaka tatrzanskiego Marmota marmota latirostris a jego ochrona [Protection et destruction illégale de la population de marmottes des Tatras. Preservation and illegal destruction of the marmot population inhabiting the Tatra Mountains]. Chronmy Przyr., 42(3): 17-26.
En Polonais, in Polish.
Marmota, conservation, Tatras.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1987. Kozica zywy Tatr. Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza.
En Polonais, in Polish.
Marmota marmota, Pologne, Tatras.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1994. [Écologie de la marmotte (Marmota marmota Kratochvil 1961) de la partie polonaise des Monts tatra. On the ecology of the marmot (Marmota marmota Kratochvil 1961) in the polish part of the Tatra mts]. Rocznik Podhalanski, Wydawnictwa Muzeum Tatranskiego, Zakopane: 19(4): 99-122.
En polonais avec résumé en anglais, in Polish with English summary.
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatra, Pologne, Poland.

Gasienica-Byrcyn W. 1997. The marmot (Marmota marmota latirostris Kratochvil, 1961) population in the Polish Tatra Mountains [La populationde marmottes (M. marmota latirostris K.) dans les montanges des Tatras. The Journal of Wildlife Research, 2(1): 69-81.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Tatra, Pologne, Poland.

Forty colonies of the marmot Marmota marmota latirostris (Kratochvil 1961) were found in the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains in 1979-1983 by intensive field-penetration methods. The colonies were located between 1,600 and 2,100 m a.s.l. on a slope no steeper than 400. The annual activity period lasted about 220 days. The date of emergence from hibernation and he cessation of summer activity of marmots varied both among colonies nd particular years within a range of four weeks. The daily rhythm of activity, studied throughout the summer season, often began even before sunrise and always ended before sunset, lasting a maximum of more than 14 hours. The home range of individual colonies varied from 2.1-7.2 hectares. There were sigth, acoustic and locomotor contactsbetween the colonies. The number of marmots in the Polish part of the Tatra Mts was around 120 animals, without taking into account the increment in a given year, which amounted to about 45 % of the total population. Maintenance of the population numbers sustaining year afer year at a similar level permits the assumption that the mortality was equal to the population increment.

Gastaldi Bartolomeo 1871. Intorno ad alcuni resti fossili di Arctomys e di Ursus spelaeus [Sur quelques restes fossiles d'Arctomys et d'Ursus spelaeus. About some fossil remains of Arctomys and of Ursus spelaeus]. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 7: 249-253.
En italien, in Italian.
Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology.

Gatti R., Bucci G. & Orlandini G. 1988. The ultrastructure of the thyroid parafollicular cells of the marmot (Marmota marmota). Immunocytochemical localization of calcitonin and somatostatin [Ultrasructure des cellules parafolliculaires de la marmotte (Marmota marmota). Localisation immunocytochimique de la calcitonine et de la somatostatine]. Acta Biomed. Ateneo Parmense, 59(5-6): 205-222.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, histologie, histology, thyroïde, thyroid.
We studied the topographical and ultrastructural characteristics of the parafollicular cells in the Marmota marmota and their seasonal changes. The parafollicular cells, together with the follicular cells, form the follicular epithelium occupying a peculiar basal position. Furthermore these cells are characterized by a clear cytoplasmic matrix and well developed cytoplasmic organelles. The latter synthesize and condense the secretory product which ultrastructurally is organized in secretory granule-vesicles with a scarcely electron-dense cottony content. Histochemically the secretion consists in a proteic complex (rich in alpha-amino acids and sulphonate proteins) with a minor glucidic component. The above metabolic activity closely relates with the seasonal metabolic changes and namely with calcium metabolism. The immunocytochemical reactions revealed the presence of calcitonin and, to a lesser extent, somatostatin. The morphological findings were compared with those observed in other hibernating mammalians and related to the calcium homeostasis.

Gaudry Albert 1872. Animaux fossiles du Léberon (Vaucluse) [Fossil animals of Léberon (Vaucluse)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 74 : 1034-1037.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Hyoena eximia, Iclitherium, hipparionum, Iclitherium orbignyi, Machoerodus cultridens, Dinotherium giganteum, Rhinoceros Schleiermacheri, Acerotherium, sus major, Helladotherium duvernoyi, Cervus matheronis, Vaucluse, France, Pikermi, Grèce.

Gaudry A. 1873. Fossiles quaternaires recueillis par M. Oelert, à Louverné (Mayenne) [Quaternary fossils found by Mr. Oelert, in Louverné (Mayenne)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 76 : 657- 659.
En français, in French.
Homme de Cro-magnon, Cro-Magnon Man, grotte de Louverné, Louverné Cave, Hyoena crocuta speloea, Canis vulpes, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Equus caballus, Tarandus rangifer, Bison, cavité, cavity, Hyoena crocuta speloea, Felis leo speloea, Mustela foina, Meles taxus, Canis vulpes, Arctomys marmotta, Lepus timidus (variabilis ?), Sciurus vulgaris, Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, sus scropha, Equus caballus, Tarandus rangifer, Megaceros hibernicus, Bison priscus, Bos primigenius, Mayenne, France.

Gaudry A. 1876. Les animaux quaternaires de la montagne de Santenay [The Quaternary animals of the Santenay mountain]. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 4(3).
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Côte-d'Or, France.
Il considère qu'Arctomys primigenius n'est qu'une variante d'Arctomys marmota.

Gaudry A. 1876. Sur les gisements de fossiles quaternaires dans la Mayenne [About Quaternary fossil deposits in the Mayenne]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 82 : 1211-1212.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Rhinoceros Merckii, Felis leo, Hyoena crocata speloea, Canis vulpes, Equus caballus, sus scropha, Bos, Bos primigenius, Cervus elaphus, Arctomys marmotta primigenia, Sainte-Suzanne, Mayenne, couloir de Louverné (quaternaire moyen, diluvium), Ursus ferox, Meles taxus, Mustela foina, Canis vulpes, Canis lupus, Hyoena crocuta speloea, Felis leo et Felis leo speloea, Felis pardus, Arctomys marmotta, lepus timidus, Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Sus scrofa, Equus caballus, Cervus elaphus, Cervus elaphus canadensis, Cervus taraudus. France.

Gaudry Albert 1876. Matériaux pour l’histoire des temps quaternaires [Data for the history of Quaternary times]. 1er fascicule, p. 27.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, quaternaire, Quaternary.
Sainte-Suzanne (Mayenne) humérus de marmotte.

Gaudry A. 1881. Sur un gisement de rennes auprès de Paris [About the reindeer deposit near Paris]. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1882, 2 : 942.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, renne, reindeer.

Gaudry A. 1885. Sur un squelette d’Hyoena speloea trouvé par M.F. Regnault dans les oubliettes de Gargas (Hautes-Pyrénées) [About a skeleton of Hyoena speloea found by M.F. Regnault in the oubliettes of Gargas]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 100 : 325-328, 958.
En français, in French.
Quaternaire, quaternary, paléontologie, paleontology, hyène brune, brown hyena, Hyena brunnea, hyène des cavernes, hyène rayée, striped hyena, Hyena hyena, hyène tachetée, spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, Hautes-Pyrénées, France.

Gaudry A. 1887a. La grotte de Montgaudier [The Montgaudier cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 103 : 970-973. Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1888 : 306.
En français, in French.
pdf et pdf.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Hyène, Hyena speloea, Elephas primigenius, Felis speloeus, Bison priscus, Cervus canadensis, cheval, horse, renne, reindeer, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Pecten maximus, Ursus speloeus, Canis Canadensis, quaternaire inférieur, lower quaternary, Montgaudier, Charente, France.

Gaudry A. 1887b. Le petit Ursus spelaeus de Gargas [The small Ursus spelaeus of Gargas]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 104 : 740-744.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, Quaternary, Ursus spelaeus, Hautes-Pyrénées, France. Gaudry A. 1887c. Les ancêtres de nos animaux dans les temps géologiques [The ancestors of our animals in the geologic time]. Bibliothèque scientifique contemporaine. In Comptes rendus hebdomadaires de l'Académie des sciences, 105 : 1112-1113.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals.

Gaudry A. 1891. Sur les fossiles trouvés à Gourbesville par M. de Lapparent [On the fossils found at Gourbesville by Mr. Lapparent]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 112 : 565.
En français, in French.
Halitherium fossile, Dinotherium Cuvieri, Mastodon angustidens, Carcharodon, Paloeotherium magnum, Manche. Pas de marmotte.

Gaudry A. 1894a. Sur les fossiles recueillis à Monsaunès par M. Harlé [On the fossils found at Monsaunès by Mr. Harlé]. Comptes rendus hebdomaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 118(17) : 907-908.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, Rhinoceros merckii, Elephas antiquus, Hyena hyena, Ursus priscus, Haute-Garonne, France.

. Gaudry A. 1894b. Sur les hyènes de la grotte de Gargas découvertes par M. Félix Regnault [About the hyena of the Gargas Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Gaupp E. 1912. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Säuger, vom Standpunkte der Schädelmorphologie aus erörtert. Verh. internat. Zool.-Kongr. VIII, Graz, 191: 215-240, 11 text-figs.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, morphologie, morphology.

Gaupp E. 1913. Die Reichertsche Theorie (Hammer-, Amboss- und Kieferfrage) [. Arch. Anat. Entwickl., 1912 i-xiii+1-416 pages, 149 text-figs.

Gausmann Ulrike, Jahn Niels, Platzer Cornelia, Szafranski Karol & Platzer Matthias 2002. Comparative DNA sequence analysis for the detection of regulatory elements. Meeting ECCB.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, génétique, genetics.
The most common method for the prediction of putative regulatory regions in promoter sequences is based on the comparison of the nucleotide sequence with known binding matrices for transcription factor binding sites (MatInspector). However, these predictions still appear to be insufficient in sensitivity and specificity. Several improvements are on the way namely data basis expansion for matrix computation (TransFac), building of higher order binding site models (e.g. TransCompel) and the consideration of comparative approaches (e.g. rVISTA). Within the newly founded Sonderforschungsbereich "Multifunctional Signaling Proteins" we deal with groups of proteins which are physically interacting and may be potentially co-regulated ( . Comparative analysis of the 5‘ upstream gene regions should reveal regulatory elements common for all members of one group. However, the interactions are not exactly known for all of these groups and post-transcriptional mechanisms may mask expression effects. To enhance the data basis for comparative analysis we include paralogous and orthologous gene sequences of interest. The in silico analysis requires test- and training sets and the automated data transfer from data storage to data analysis programs. Hence, we started to build a relational database which will also provide the experimental researchers within the SFB with data they need for their experiments, i.e. sequences with corresponding annotations derived from public references and from own analyses. Comparative analysis of non-coding regions is based on the fact that functional elements are more strictly conserved and canC be identified by alignment procedures. Sensitive pairwise alignment algorithms are the first steps but will not give clear results in many cases. Therefore, methods based on multiple comparisons will enhance the significance of the identified regions. For some purposes specialized programs can be used, e.g. 'DNA block aligner' (DBA) for the detection of conserved blocks in human and rodent orthologous non-coding sequences (1). As an example for the applicability of this approach we present the analysis of the Interleukin-10 (IL-10) promoter. IL-10 is a cytokine with immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties and its synthesis can be induced or enhanced by various stimuli, particularly via a cAMP-dependent signaling pathway. Two functionally active CRE motifs, CRE1 and CRE4, were identified in the promoter region (2). It was suspected that other, non-CRE sites play also a role in this pathway. Comparative analysis of three orthologous promoter sequences (H. sapiens, M. musculus, M. monax) revealed that two binding sites for the CCAAT enhancer binding protein, C/EBP3 and 5, and the previously identified CRE4 site, are located in conserved regions (DBA). Using EMSA and reporter gene assays the prominent functional role of these sites was experimentally confirmed. In contrast, the weakly conserved sites CRE1 and C/EBP1 were shown to be less important.

Gaussot Philippe 1947. Hoppy la marmotte. Chamonix, Mythra, réédition de 1993, 55p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, youth literature.

Gaussot Philippe (Pellos, illustration) 1973. Hoppy, la marmotte. Chamonix, Éditions Mythra, 55 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Gauthier D. 1997. Être marmotte à Bessans. Revue des amis du parc de la Vanoise, 10-11.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Savoie,marmota. France.

Gauthier 1955. Compte rendu des recherches dans la VII Circonscription des Antiquités préhistoriques [Research report of the VII prehistoric antiquities district]. Gallia, 13 : 109-116.p. 109.
Marmota marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Gauthier E.A. 2002. Évolution des activités agropastorales du Haut Jura (France) au cours des trois derniers millénaires [Late Holocene human impact on the vegetation of Haut Jura (France)]. Quaternaire, 13(2) : 137-147.
En français, in French.
Agriculture, farming, Holocène, Holocene, anthropisation, anthropization, Jura, France.
Le peuplement du deuxième plateau du massif jurassien (au-dessus de 700 mètres d’altitude) reste incertain jusqu’au XIe siècle, faute de données archéologiques ou de sources textuelles suffisantes. Afin de répondre aux incertitudes, tant géographiques que chronologiques, deux analyses palynologiques, s’attachant plus particulièrement à l’étude des indices polliniques d’anthropisation, ont permis de reconstituer les fluctuations des développements agropastoraux depuis l’Age du Fer, dans la partie centrale du massif. Contrairement à ce que semblent indiquer les cartes archéologiques et les textes anciens, cette zone fût irrégulièrement - mais indubitablement - peuplée au cours de la Protohistoire. L’impact anthropique augmente légèrement durant la période gallo-romaine. Après une déprise à la transition entre le Bas-Empire et le Haut Moyen Age, les activités agropastorales réapparaissent de manière stable et les défrichements s’amplifient nettement à partir du XIe siècle. Une dernière déprise agricole est visible au XIVe siècle, conséquence de la conjugaison des troubles divers qui frappent la région à cette époque. La reprise amorcée au XVe siècle entraîne une surexploitation du milieu.
The settlement of the second plateau, in the Jura range (above 700 meters altitude), remains dubious until XIe century, for lack of archaeological or textual data sufficient. In order to answer uncertainties, as well geographical as chronological, palynological analysis, performed in two peat bogs, allowed to reconstitute the fluctuations of human influence on vegetation since the Iron Age. Anthropogenic indicators show that this zone was populated during Protohistory. Human impact increases slightly during Gallo-Roman period. Regression of human influence is recorded at the transition between the Lower Empire and the Early Middle Age. Human activities reappear in a stable way and forest clearings emphasize from XIe century. A last agricultural crisis is perceived in XIVe century, consequence of the various disorders, which strike the area at this time. The recovery started in XVe century involves an overexploitation of environment.

Gauthier H., Movius H. & Judson S. 1956. The rock shelter of la Combière, archeological and geological investigation of an upper Perigordian site near Poncin (Ain) [L'abri sous-roche de la Combière, enquête archéologique et géologique d'un site du Périgordien supérieur près de Poncin (Ain)]. Peabody Mus. harvard Univ., 19 : 176 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France, Ain.

Gavarret Jules 1855. Physique médicale. De la chaleur produite par les êtres vivants [Medical physics. About the heat produced by living beings]. Paris, Masson.
En français, in French.
Physique, physics, physiologie, physiology, calorimétrie, calorimetry, marmotte, p. 483-496.

Gayer J. 1885. Das Murmeltier des Karpatengebirges [La marmotte de la chaîne des Carpates. The marmot in the Carpathian Mountains]. Jahrbuch des Ung. Karapaten-vereins, 12.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Carpathes.

Gayot E. 1871. Les petits quadrupèdes de la maison et des champs. Les rongeurs [Small quadrupeds of house and fields. Rodents]. Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie, Paris, 444p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Gayot E. 1889. La Marmotte [The marmot]. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 64 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Gazin Charles Lewis 1942. The late Cenozoic vertebrate faunas from the San Pedro Valley, Ariz. [Faunes du Cénozoïque supérieur de la vallée de San Paedro, Ariz.] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 92 : 475-518, 47 figs., 2 pls.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota arizonae, paléontologie, paleontology, Cénozoïque.

Gazizov V.Z. & Khalpaev I.I. 1996a. Nekotorie morpho-biokhimitcheskie i immounologitcheskie pokazateli krovi menzbira pri kletotchnom soderjanii [Quelques mesures morpho-biochimique et immunologique du sang des marmottes de Menzbier en captivité. Some morpho-biochemical and immunoligical measures on blood of Menzbier's marmots in captivity]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 16-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, immunologie, immunology, sang, blood, élevage, breeding.

Gazizov V.Z. & Khalpaev I.I. 1996b. Tekhnologiya kletotchnogo soderjaniya sourkov menzbira [Technologie de l'élevage en captivité des marmottes de Menzbier. Breeding technology of Menzbier's marmots]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 17-18.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbier, élevage, breeding.

Geay J.M., Lambrech M. & Jamin J. 1996. Contribution à une charte pour la réintroduction de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) en France. Contribution to a charter to Alpine marmot reintroduction in France. In 3ème Journée d'Etude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 37-40.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Réintroduction, re-introduction, chasse, hunting, Charte.

A partir de son expérience professionnelle, en particulier de la gestion des populations sauvages de marmottes, le service de garderie de la Savoie propose un projet de charte pour la réintroduction de la marmotte alpine.
From their professionnal experience, particularly concerning management of populations of wild marmots, the gamekeeper department of Savoie formulates its proposals in view of the accomplishment of an Alpine marmot reintroduction charter.

Gedalge André 1891. Le petit savoyard [The small Savoyard]. Pantomine, 4 actes, Paris.
En français, in French.
Musicologie, savoyard.

Gegenbaur C. 1864. Ueber die episternalen Skelettheile und ihr Vorkommen bei den Säugethieren und beim Menschen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturwiss., 1: 175-195, pl. iv.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, squelette, skeleton, anatomie, anatomy.

Geiser F. 2004. Metabolic rate and body temperature reduction during hibernation and daily torpor [Taux métabolique et réduction de la température corporelle au cours de l’hibernation et de la torpeur journalière]. Annual Review of Physiology, 66: 239-274.
En anglais, in English.
Métabolisme, metaboslim, hibernation, torpeur, torpor, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota marmota, Marmota monax, Masse corporelle, body mass, température corporelle de torpeur, torpid body temperature; taux métabolique de masse-spécifique de torpeur, torpid mass-specific metabolic rate.

Geiser F., Hiebert S. & Kenagy G.J. 1990. Torpor bout duration during the hibernation season of two sciurid rodents : interrelations with temperature and andmetabolism [Durée des périodes de torpeur pendant la saison hivernale de deux rongeurs sciuridés : corrélations entre la température et le métabolisme]. Physiol. Zool., 63: 489-503.
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, physiologie, physiology.

Geiser F. & Ruf T. 1995. Hibernation versus daily torpor in mammals and birds: Physiological variables and classification of torpor [Hibernation et torpeur journalière chez les mammifères et les oiseaux : variables physiologiques et classification de la torpeur]. Physiol. Zool., 68(6): 935-966.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Hibernation and daily torpor are usually considered to be two distinct patterns of heterothermia. In the present comparison we evaluated (1) whether physiologicl variables of torpor from 104 avian and mammalian species warrant the distinction between hibernation and daily topor as two different states of torpor and (2), if so, whether this distinction is best based on maximum torpor bout duration, minimum body temperature (Tb), minimum metabolic rate during torpor, or the reduction of metabolic rate expressed as percentage of basal mtabolism (BMR). Initially, animals were grouped into species diplaying either daily torpor or prolonged torpor (hibernation) according to observations from original sources. Both cluster and discriminant analyses supported this division, and further analyses were therefore based on these two groups. Frequency distributions for all varaibles tested differed significantly (P <0.001) between daily torpor and hibernation. the average maximum torpor bout duration was 355.3 h in hibernators and 11.2 h in daily heterotherms. mean minimum tb's were lower in hibernators than in daily heterotherms (5.8 o C vs 17.4o C) as were minimum metabolic rates measured as rate of oxygen consumption (VO2; 0.037 vs 0.535 mL O2 g-1h-1, and the metabolic rate reduction expressed as percentage of BMR (5.1% vs 29.5%). Furthermore, mean body weights were significantly higher in hibernators (2384 g) than in daily heterotherms (253 g; P < 0.001). thus, the comparisons of several physiological variables appear to justify a distinction between the two torpor patterns. however, of all variables tested, only the frequency distributions of maximum torpor bout duration (1.5-22 h for daily torpor; 96-1.080 h for hibernation) showed a clear gap between daily heterotherms and hibernators. The minimum vo2 also distinguished clearly between daily heterotherms and hibernators. All other variables, including minimum Tb during torpor, did not show a complete separation between the two patterns of heterothermia. We therefore suggest that classification of torpor patterns should be based on the duration of torpor bouts or the minimum VO2 during torpor.

Gemechu-Hatewu M., Platt K.L., Oesch F., Hacker H.J., Bannasch P. & Steinberg P. 1997. Metabolic activation of aflatoxin B1 to aflatoxin B1-8,9-epoxide in woodchucks undergoing chronic active hepatitis. Int. J. Cancer., 73(4): 587-91.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Chronic hepatitis B virus infection as well as consumption of food contaminated with the mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 are considered to be 2 major risk factors for the development of primary liver cancer in humans. Furthermore, epidemiological surveys indicate that hepatitis B virus and aflatoxin B1 might act synergistically to induce primary liver cancer. In the present study, we have tested the hypothesis that the metabolic activation of aflatoxin B1 to aflatoxin B1-8,9-epoxide, the ultimate mutagenic and carcinogenic mycotoxin metabolite, is enhanced in an experimental model of chronic hepatitis using woodchucks, chronically infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus. Woodchuck liver microsomes were incubated with radiolabeled aflatoxin B1, the resulting aflatoxin B1-8,9-epoxide was trapped as a glutathione conjugate and its formation rate was determined by a reversed-phase HPLC analysis. In woodchuck hepatitis virus-positive woodchucks, activation of aflatoxin B1 to aflatoxin B1-8,9-epoxide was reduced when compared to woodchuck hepatitis virus-free animals, and the extent of the reduction was dependent on the severity of the hepatitis. Hence, at least in woodchucks, a chronic hepadnaviral infection does not lead to an enhanced activation of aflatoxin B1.

Gemelli A. 1906. Sul'ipofisi della marmotta durante il letargo e nella stagione estiva [Sur l'hypophyse de la marmotte durant la léthargie et la saison estivale. About the marmot hypophysis during lethargy and summer season]. Arch. Sci. Med., 30 : 341-349.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, cerveau, brain.

Generozov V.YA. 1926. Pouchnoï promysel [Chasse professionnelle pour la fourrure. Professional hunting for fur]. M. L., Gosizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Chasse, hunting, fourrure, fur.

Genevoix M. 1984. Bestiaire. Tendre, enchanté et sans oubli [Bestiary. Loving, delightful and without forgetfulness]. Plon, Paris, pp. 417 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology.

Genlis Caroline-Stéphanie-Félicité Du Crest. Mémoires inédits de madame la comtesse de Genlis sur le dix-huitième siècle et la révolution [Original memoirs of Madam the countess of genlis about the eighteenth century and the revolution]. Ladvocat.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, vêtement, clothing, Genlis Caroline-Stéphanie-Félicité Du Crest (1746-1830 ; comtesse de).
Extrait pdf extract Genov A.P. 1975. Morfologitcheskaya i fiziko-khimitcheskaya kharakteristika potchv sourtchin Khomoutovskoï stepi [Caractères morphologiques et physico-chimiques des sols des remblais de terriers des steppes de Khomoutovski. Morphological and physico-chemical characters of the soil of burrow banks in the Khomutovski steppes].
Potchvenno-biogeotsenologitcheskie isledovaniya v Priazovy, 1, M. : Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, terrier, burrow, sol, soil.

Genov A.P. & Sirenko V.A. 1997. Resoultaty reakklimatizatsii stepnogo sourka v otdelenii oukrainskogo stepnogo prirodnogo zapovednika "Khomoutovskaya step'" [Résultats de la réaclimatation de la marmotte des steppes dans la section de la réserve ukraineinne de steppe naturelle "Khomoutovskaya step"]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 12-13.
En russe, in Russian.

Genovesi E.V., Lamb L., Medina I., Taylor D., Seifer M., Innaimo S., Colonno R.J., Standring D.N. & Clark J.M. 1998. Efficacy of the carbocyclic 2'-deoxyguanosine nucleoside BMS-200475 in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 42(12):3209-3217.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
Daily oral treatment with the cyclopentyl 2'-deoxyguanosine nucleoside BMS-200475 at doses ranging from 0.02 to 0.5 mg/kg of body weight for 1 to 3 months effectively reduced the level of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) viremia in chronically infected woodchucks as measured by reductions in serum WHV DNA levels and endogenous hepadnaviral polymerase activity. Within 4 weeks of daily therapy with 0.5 or 0.1 mg of BMS-200475 per kg, endogenous viral polymerase levels in serum were reduced about 1,000-fold compared to pretreatment levels. Serum WHV DNA levels determined by a dot blot hybridization technique were comparably decreased in these treated animals. In the 3-month study, the sera of animals that had undetectable levels of WHV DNA by the dot blot technique were further analyzed by a highly sensitive semiquantitative PCR assay. The results indicate that BMS-200475 therapy reduced mean WHV titers by 10(7)- to 10(8)-fold, down to levels as low as 10(2) to 10(3) virions/ml of serum. Southern blot hybridization analysis of liver biopsy samples taken from animals during and after BMS-200475 treatment showed remarkable reductions in the levels of WHV DNA replicative intermediates and in the levels of covalently closed circular viral DNA. WHV viremia in BMS-200475-treated WHV carriers eventually returned to pretreatment levels after therapy was stopped. These results indicate that BMS-200475 should be evaluated in clinical trials for the therapy of chronic human hepatitis B virus infections.

Genovesi E.V., Lamb L., Medina I., Taylor D., Seifer M., Innaimo S., Colonno R.J. & Clark J.M. 2000. Antiviral efficacy of lobucavir (BMS-180194), a cyclobutyl-guanosine nucleoside analogue, in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) model of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Antiviral Res., 48(3): 197-203.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
Lobucavir (BMS-180194), a cyclobutyl-guanosine nucleoside analogue, effectively reduced WHV-viremia in chronically infected carrier woodchucks (Marmota monax) by daily per os treatment. WHV-viremia in the animals was measured by the serum content of hybridizable WHV-genomic DNA. Lobucavir, given at daily doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight, reduced WHV-viremia by a 10- to 200-fold range during therapy. Lobucavir, given at 5 mg/kg, suppressed WHV-viremia by a 10- to 30-fold range, whereas a 0.5 mg/kg dose had no significant effect. WHV-viremia was also measured by hepadnaviral endogenous polymerase activity (EPA) in sera of animals treated for 6 weeks at 5 and 0.5 mg/kg. Changes in EPA in sera of lobucavir treated animals were comparable to changes in WHV DNA levels. Viremia in treated carriers recrudesced to pretreatment levels by 2 weeks of therapy cessation. These results indicated that the minimally effective antiviral daily per os dose of lobucavir in WHV-carrier woodchucks was approximately 5 mg/kg.

Genoways H.H., Schlitter D.A. 1982. Survey of the recent mammal collections of the world [Revue des collections récentes de mammifères du monde]. III Intern. Ther. Congress, Helsinki, 80.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Rodentia, Collection.

Gensac P. & B. Rothe 1974. Carte de la végétation de la réserve de la Grande Sassière [Vegetation map of the Grande Sassière Reserve]. Trav. sci. Parc nation. Vanoise, V : 77-104.
En français, in French.
Végétation, vegetation, botanique, botany, réserve, reserve, France, Savoie.

Après un rapide rappel des conditions de milieu: dominance des caleschistes, climat de haute montagne, pâturage important, un inventaire des groupements végétaux est dressé. Dans la réserve, les pelouses alpines sont particulièrement développées et on peut y distinguer différents groupements : sur les rives torrentielles et dans les marécages, la flore présente un très grand intérêt.

Geodakian V.A. & Geodakian S.V. 1985. [Existe-t-il une rétroaction négative dans la détemination du sexe. Does negative feedback exist in the determination of sex]? Zh. Obshch. Biol., 46(2): 201-216.
En russe, in Russian.
Review. No abstract available.

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire Isodore & Cuvier Frédéric 1819. Histoire naturelle des mammifères, avec des figures originales enluminées, dessinées d’après des animaux vivants [Natural history of mammals, with original drawings, coloured, drawn from living animals]. À Paris, C. de Lasteyrie, tome 2, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte, pl. [48], Werner dessinateur, drawer, Lasteyrie C. de lithographe, lithograph.

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire Isodore & Cuvier Frédéric 1820. Histoire naturelle des mammifères, avec des figures originales enluminées, dessinées d’après des animaux vivants [Natural history of mammals, with original drawings, coloured, drawn from living animals]. À Paris, C. de Lasteyrie, tome 3, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, Monax gris, Pl. 72, Werner dessinateur, drawer, Lasteyrie C. de lithographe, lithograph.

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire Isidore & Cuvier Frédéric 1824. Histoire naturelle des mammifères, avec des figures originales, coloriées, dessinées d’après des animaux vivants [Natural history of mammals, with original drawings, coloured, drawn from living animals]. À Paris, chez A. Belin, tome sixième, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Citellus tridecemlineatus, Spermophile rayé, Thirteen-lined ground squirrel, pl. 66, Citellus citellus, souslik d'Europe, European ground squirrel, pl. 65, Werner dessinateur, drawer.

Georg L.K. 1956. The role of animals as vectors of human fungus diseases [Le rôle des animaux comme vecteurs des mycoses humaines]. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 18: 639-647.
En anglais, in English.
Mycologie, fungology, maladie, disease.

Gérard Charles 1871. Essai d'une faune historique des mammifères sauvages de l'Alsace [Essay about of an historical fauna of wild mammals of Alsace]. Eugène Barth, 422p.
En français, in French.

Gerasimov A.I. & Matseev YA.I. 1978. Matematitcheskaya statistika. Minsk, Vychtcheïchtchaya chtchkola, 200p.
En russe, in Russian.

Gerasimov I.P. & Markov K.K. 1938. Paleogeografiya lednikovogo perioda na territorii SSSR [Paléogéographie de la période glaciaire en URSS. Paleogeography of the Ice period in USSR]. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geogr. i geofiz., 2/3.
En russe, in Russian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, URSS.

Gerasimov I.P. & K.K. Markov 1939. Lednokovyi period ne territorii SSSR. [Périodes de glaciation sur le territoire de l'URSS. Paleogeography of the glacial period on the territory of the USSR]. Tr. Inst. geograpfii AN SSR, 33.
En russe, in Russian.
Biogéographie, biogeography, géologie, geology, glaciation, Ice Age, Russie, Russia.

Gerasimov I.P. & R.P. Zimina 1967. Recent natural landscapes and ancient glaciation of the Pami r[Paysages naturels actuels et glaciations anciennes au Pamir]. In Arctic and alpine environments, H.E. Wright Jr. & W.H. Osburn eds., Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomongton and London, 267-269, pp. 308.
En anglais, in English.
Biogéographie, biogeography, Russie, Russia, Pamir.

Gerber E. 1933. Uberdiluviale Murmeltiere aus dem Gebiet des eiszeitlichen Aare und Rhonegletschers [Sur la marmotte diluviale des régions de l'ère glaciaire des glaciers de l'Aare et du Rhône]. Eclogae. geol. Helv., 26, 221pp.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Gerber J.D. & E.C. Birney 1968. Immunological comparisons of four subgenera of ground squirrels [Comparaison immunologique de quatre sous-genres d'écureuils terrestres]. Syst. Zool., 17:413-416.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotinae, immunologie, immunology, taxonomie, taxonomy.

Gerchkovich N.L. 1959. [Matériaux sur les puces d'un rongeur du Kamtchatka. Materials on fleas fauna of a rodents from Kamchatka]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivochoum. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost. Chita, 21: 327-330.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Insectes, insects, puces, fleas, Kamtchatka.

Gerer J. 1885. Das Murmeltier des Karpatengebirges. Jarb. Ung. Karpatengebirges, 12 pp.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Carpathes.

Gerhard Frederick 1857. Illinois as it is- Its History, Geography, Statistics, Constitution, Laws, Government, Finances [L’illinois tel qu’il est. Son histoire, sa géographie, ses statistiques, sa constitution, ses lois, son gouvernement, ses finances]. Keen and Lee, Chicago, Charles Desilver, Philadelphia.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys monax Gm., marmotte commune d’Amérique, American marmot, Illinois, EUA, USA.

Gerhard K. 1909. Käfer in Nester. [Coléoptères des terriers. Burrow beetles]. Ent. Blätter, 5 : 128-129 ET 144-147.
En allemand, in German.
Entomologie, entomology, microcavernicole, micro cave-dwelling, terrier, burrow.

Gerhart W.A. & R.A. Olson. 1982. Handbook for evaluating the importance of Wyoming's riparian habitat to terrestrial wildlife [Guide d\'évaluation de l\'importance des habitats humides du Wyoming pour la faune sauvage terrestre]. Wyoming Game and Fish Dept.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, yellow-bellied marmot, marmotte à ventre jaune, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Wyoming.

Gerin J.L. 2001. Animal models of hepatitis delta virus infection and disease [Modèles animaux d'infection et de maladie du virus de l'hépatite]. ILAR J., 42(2):103-106.
En anglais, in English.
Virus, hépatite, hepatitis, modèle, model.
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective RNA virus with similarities to unusual subviral pathogens of higher plants. It requires hepatitis B virus (HBV) for its replication/transmission, and HBV-infected humans are the only established host. HDV causes both severe acute hepatitis and rapidly progressive chronic disease in some individuals. The HDV life cycle involves remarkable features, such as ribozyme- mediated autocatalytic processes, Pol II-directed RNA synthesis from a single-stranded circular RNA template, and RNA editing. Much of our understanding of the nature of this pathogen derives from experimental studies in the chimpanzee model of HBV infection. The hepadnavirus-infected eastern woodchuck also is capable of supporting HDV replication and offers opportunities for the development of control strategies that might be applicable to human type D hepatitis.

Gerin J.L., Cote P.J., Korba B.E. & Tennant B.C. 1989. Hepadnavirus-induced liver cancer in woodchucks [Cancer du foie induit par hepadnovirus chez les marmottes cimmunes d'Amérique]. Cancer Detect. Prev., 14(2): 227-229.
En anglais, in English.
Revue, Review, Marmota monax, cancer.
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), a member of the Hepadnaviridae, is closely related to hepatitis B virus (HBV) in its virus structure, genetic organization, and mechanism of replication. As with HBV in man, persistent WHV infection is common in natural woodchuck populations and is associated with chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In 1980, a program was initiated to develop the woodchuck as an experimental model of hepadnavirus infection and disease. The experimental studies have established that WHV causes HCC in woodchucks. Chronic WHV carriage as an outcome of experimental infection is a function of animal age at time of exposure, virus dose, and, possibly, virus strain. Almost all (97%) chronic carriers developed histologically confirmed HCC within 3 years; no HCC developed in uninfected animals held concurrently in the same laboratory setting. The model has application to studies of the underlying mechanisms of hepadnavirus-induced hepatocarcinogenesis and to the development of prophylactic and therapeutic strategies of disease control.

Gerin J.L., Korba B.E., Cote P.J. & Tennant B.C. 1992. A preliminary report of a controlled study of thymosin alpha-1 in the woodchuck model of hepadnavirus infection [Rapport préliminaire d'une étud contrôllée de la thymosine alpha-1 chez le modèle d'infection par hepadnovirus de la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 312: 121-123.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Gerin J.L., Tennant B.C., Ponzetto A., Purcell R.H. & Tyeryar F.J. 1983. The woodchuck animal model of hepatitis B-like virus infection and disease. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 143: 23-28.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, modèle, model.

As a model of virus-induced disease, the WHV/woodchuck system is at an early stage of development; yet, much progress has been made and there now exists considerable evidence that WHV causes serious liver disease with major parallels to HBV infection of man. The relatively short interval (4-5 yrs) from infection to end-stage disease in this model provides unique opportunities for definition of the natural history of HBV disease and the evaluation of various intervention strategies (e.g., vaccine prophylaxis and anti-viral therapy). Such studies are currently in progress in a number of laboratories.

Gerlich W.H., Heermann K.H., Ponzetto A., Crivelli O. & Bonino F. 1987. Proteins of hepatitis delta virus [Protéines du virus delta de l'hépatite]. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 234: 97-103.
En anglais, in English.
Protéines, proteins, hépatite, hepatitis.

Gern V. 1891. Zoogeografitcheskie zametki: Semipalatinskie oblastnye vedomosti [Notes géographiques : nouvelles de la région de Semipalatinski. Geographic notes : news of the Semipalatinski].
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, Russie, Russia.

Gerstell R. 1939. The value of groundhog holes as winter retreats for rabbits [Valeur des trous de marmotte comme retraite d'hiver pour les lapins]. Pennsylvania Game News, 10(6): 6-9.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, conservation, chasse, hunting.

Gervais Paul 1852. Zoologie et paléontologie française [French zoology and paleontology].
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmota, Marmota arvernensis, Marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, France, Auvergne.
Deux sèvres ; Puy de dôme ; p. 20, pl. 26 et pl. 46 fig. 11 et 12, pl. 48, fig. 8.

Gervais P. 1854. Histoire naturelle des mammifères [Natural history of mammals].
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Arctomys Marmotta, marmotte des Alpes, Arctomys arvenrensis.

Gervais P. 1859. Zoologie et paléontologie française : recherches sur les animaux vertébrés [French zoology and paleontology: research on vertebrate animals]. Paris p. 23, pl. 25, fig. 1-2.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Gervais P. 1860. Présence du grand daim et du renne parmi les fossiles du midi de la France [Deer and reindeer among the fossils from southern France]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 51 : 634-635.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, pléistocène, Pleistocene.

Gervais Paul 1864a. Remarques sur l’ancienneté de l’homme tirées de l’observation des cavernes à ossements du bas Languedoc (2) [Remarks about Man seniority from the observation of bone caves of low Langedoc]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 58 : 230-236.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Gervais Paul 1864b. Remarques sur la caverne de Bize (Aude) et aux espèces animales dont les débris y sont associés à ceux de l’homme. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 59 (23) : 945-947.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Aude, France.

Gervais Paul 1866. Zoologie comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et l'histoire naturelle des animaux [Zoology with anatomy, physiology, classification and natural history of animals]. Paris, L. Hachette, 448 p. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : L. Hachette, 1866.
En français, in French.
Zoologie, zoology, chaleur animale, animal heat, marmotte, marmot, p.159.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Gervais P. 1867-69. Zoologie et paléontologie générales. Nouvelles recherches sur les animaux vertébrés vivants et fossiles [General zoology and paleontology. New research on living and fossil verterbrate animals]. Paris, 263 p.
En français, in French
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Gervais P. 1873. Sur les résultats des fouilles exécutées par M. ed. Piette dans la grotte de Gourdan près de Montréjeau (Haute-Garonne) [Results of the digging realised by Mr. Ed. Piette in the Gourdan Cave near Montréjeau (Haute-Garonne)]. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 1 : 334-335.
En français, in French
Paléontologie, paleontology, Haute-Garonne, France.

Gervais P. 1873. Marmotte (Arctomys).
In Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales. Deuxième série. Tome cinquième, Mar-Méd, Dechambre A., Directeur de publication 1874, Paris, G. Masson & P. Asselin, 732 p. Publication Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, marmot. Arctomys marmotta, Arctomys bobac, Gervais P.
Extrait/extract pdf

Gervais P. 1875. Produit des fouilles poursuivies à Durfort (Gard), par M. P. Cazalis de Fondouce, pour le Muséum d’Histoire naturelle [Products of the excavations in Durfort (Gard), for the Natural History Museum]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 81 : 430-432.
En français, in French.
Eléphant, Elephas meridionalis, Rhinocéros, Hippopotame, cerf, bœuf, Canis.

Gervais Paul & Beneden Pierre Joseph 1859. Zoologie médicale- Exposé méthodique du règne animal basé sur l'anatomie, l'embryogénie et la paléontologie [Medical zoology. Methodical report of the animal kingdom based on anatomy, embryogeny and paleontology], comprenant la description des espèces employées en médecine de celles qui sont venimeuses et de celles qui sont parasites de l’homme et des animaux. Paris, J. B. Baillière et fils; Londres, E. Baillière, New-York, H. Baillière.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, graisse, fat, axungia muris alpini.
Extrait pdf extract

Gesner Abraham 1847. New Brunswick, with Notes for Emigrants- with notes for emigrants [Nouveau Brunswig, avec des notes pour les émigrants]. Simmonds & Ward, London.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, New Brunswick, Nouveau Brunswig, EUA, USA.
Extrait pdf extract

Gesner Conrad 1551. Historia Animalium, Lib. I De Quadrup. viviparis. Zurich p. 841. (802), et Francfort, 1603, I (368 et 743).
En latin, in Latin.
Marmota marmota, morphologie, morphology, éthologie, ethology, terrier, burrow, hibernation, Gesner Conrad (1516-1565).
"So diese thier miteinander spilen oder gropen / so fuehren sie ein geschrey wie die Katzen: wo sie aber zornig / oder sonst enderung des wetters anzeigen wollen / so haben sie ein scharpff / laut geschrey / gleich der stimm einer kleinen laut / hoch oder starcker geblasenen pfeiffen / welche stimm dem gehoer des mensen nicht wenig widrig ist ..."
Pour trouver sur les Marmottes des renseignements importants, il faut remonter jusqu'à la Renaissance, aux oeuvres de l'admirable Conrad Gessner, à la fois naturaliste si érudit et observateur si exact qu'on ne sait trop à qui on pourrait le comparer. Il décrit bien leurs caractères morphologiques, leurs moeurs, les pièges avec lesquels on les prend, l'usage que l'on fait de leur graisse et d'autres produits que l'on en retire pour la médecine ; il s'attache à faire connaître la nature de leurs terriers et les phénomènes principaux de la torpeur hivernale. C'est le premier expérimentateur que nous rencontrons : il constate que, malgré l'état de torpeur, la Marmotte a besoin de respirer pour vivre. Il parle également du Hérisson. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Gessner C. 1560. Icones animalium quadrupedum viviparorum et oviparorum... Paris.
En latin, in Latin.
Mus Alpinus, Marmote, p. 108, Gesner Conrad (1516-1565). Extrait pdf extract

Gesner Conrad 1606. Thierbuch. Das ist, aukfuhriche Beschreibung und lebendige ja auch eigentliche Contrafactur und Abmahlung aller Vierfüffigen Thieren, so aus der Erden und in Wassern wohnen. Heidelberg, Joan Lancellor.
En allemand, in German.
Mus alpinus, murmelthiere, murmentle, mistbellerle, Marmota marmota.
Extrait pdf extract from

Gevrey J., Beugnet F. & Jamard C. 1996. Deux cas d'heminthiase hépatique chez Marmota monax infectée par le virus hétique (WHV). [Two cases of hepatic helminthiasis in Marmota monax with hepatitis virus(WHV) infection]. Parasite, 3(2):175-8.
En français, in French.
Autopsy of two Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV) infected Woodchucks, Marmota monax, revealed the presence of two parasites in an hepatic localization, Taenia mustelae (Larvae) and Calodium hepaticum. The authors present the identification of the two parasites, based on the observation of cysticerci of Taenia mustelae, or on the observation of the eggs of C. hepaticum. They discuss the probable interaction between hepatic parasites and WHV infection.

Geyer J. 1885a. Das Murmeltier des Karpatengebirges [La marmotte de la chaîne des Carpates. The marmot of the Carpathian Mountains]. Jarb. Ung. Karpatengebirges, 12 pp.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota mamota, Carpathes.

Geyer J.G. 1885b. Beiträge zur Physiologie des Alpen-Murmeltieres (Arctomys marmota L.) [Contribution à la physiologie des marmottes alpines (A. marmota L.). Contribution to the physiology of alpine marmots (A. marmota L.)]. Jb. ungarn. Karpathenver, 12 : 100-126.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Ghigi A. 1911.Ricerche faunistiche e sistematiche sui Mammiferi d’Italia che formano oggetto di caccia [Recherches faunistique et systématique sur les mammifères d’Italie qui constituent le gibier. Fauna and systematical researches on the Italian Mammalia, game objects], Natura, 2: 289-337.
En italien, in Italian.
Chasse, hunting, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Italie, Italy.

Giacobini G. 1992. Analisi tafonomica di resti di marmotta presenti in depositi preistorici. Aspetti metodologici e problemi interpretativi. Marmots and prehistoric research. A taphonomic perspective [Marmottes et recherches préhistoriques. Une perspective taphonomique]. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot and gen. Marmota, Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi, Macchi, eds., Torino, 1-5. (en italien et anglais, in Italian and English)
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, terrier, burrow.

Gianini C.A. 1911. Forest and Stream, June 10: 899.
En anglais, in English.

Gianini C.A. 1925. Tree climbing and insect eating woodchucks [Marmottes américaines grimpeuses d'arbres et mangeuses d'insectes]. J. Mammal., 6 : 281-282.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, forêt, forest, entomologie, entomology, prédation, predation, alimentation, foraging, June bug.

In the May number of the Journal, Mr. C. Lee Shilliday once more brings up the ever recuring question of the tree climbing habit of the Woodchuck. For years the sporting magazines have printed arguments on this subject; it ranks with another often debated one as to whether the mountain lion, puma or cougar screams. On and off for forty years I have studied and hunted the little "Red Monk" and the past few years I have averaged fifty kills, so I figure I am qualified to testify in this matter. Yes, the woodchuck can climb a tree, but to drive him any distance up a tree he must be caught away from his burrow and hard pushed by man or dog. Even at that I have never seen one more than ten to fifteen feet from the ground. I occasionalIy find one sunning itself anywhere from four to eight feet from the ground on a leaning tree or fence post. While on the subject of the woodchuck I would state that only recently have I discovered this animal to be an insect eater. This spring (1925) we have had an unusually large visitation of the large brown beetle known as the June bug, and I had noticed about the entrance of various burrows excrement containing undigested parts of these beetles. At first I was suspicious that this represented the droppings of skunks but later I punctured a woodchuck with a 30-30 bullet and scattered about, with blood and other matter, a quantity of parts of these same insects. The woodchuck is classed as a strict vegetarian and if the June bug was a smaIl insect it would be possible for the animal to take it in with clover and its other food but this beetle is a large bulky one and furthermore I found too much in the droppings for this occurrence. My observations may be exceptional but certainly were not caused by a lack of food for the spring rains fostered a bountiful food supply.

Gibault C. 1994. Plasticité du comportement et régime alimentaire de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) sous différentes pressions anthropiques [Behavioural plasticity and diet of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) under various anthropic pressures]. DEA Sciences du comportement et neurosciences cognitives, UPS-Toulouse III, 1-43.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, alimentation, foraging, anthropisation, anthropization, éthologie, ethology.

Gibault C., Ramousse R. & Le berre M. 1994. Effets de la pression anthropique sur le comportement alimentaire de la marmotte alpine. Hiking impact on feeding behavior in Alpine marmot. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 76-77.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, alimentation, foragig, pression anthropique, anthropic pressure.

Foraging in Alpine Marmot, an hibernating rodent, is a vital activity as marmots are active only during six months per year in order to insure the energy intake for active period and fat accumulation for winter period. In summer, perturbation due to an increasing hiking pressure could possibly affect marmot behaviour. Effect of different hiking pressures on foraging behaviour of marmots were investigated in two family groups during three different months. In each group of marmots, diet has been described and quantified using the micrographic technique for feacal analysis. Activity ryhthm has been assessed by scan sampling. Vigilance (look-ups while feeding) and tolerance to human presence (flight distance and time spent in the burrow after being disturbed) has been quantified by focal animal sampling. Marmots under the higher human pressure, on the contrary of the others, showed: 1. in August, - a less selective diet especially for Fabaceae; - a decrease of feeding activity coinciding with daily tourist rush hours and during other periods an increase of this activity near the burrows. - a higher frequency of look-ups while feeding. 2. in September, - an original behaviour pattern : feeding on plants growing under stones. Tolerance to human presence by these marmots was always higher. Anthropic pressure seems to induce a qualitative and quantitative fall of diet through an increase of vigilance and a decrease of diet selectivity due to the difficulty to exploit their whole home range. These negative effects on marmot survival could be balanced by the increased tolerance to human presence.

Gibault C., R. Ramousse & M. Le Berre 1996. Effets de la pression anthropique sur le comportement alimentaire de la marmotte alpine. Hiking impact on feeding behavior in Alpine Marmot. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 233-234.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, fuite, fligth, anthropisation, anthropization.

L'affouragement chez la marmotte alpine, vital pour assurer l'accumulation des réserves lipidiques en vue de l'hibernation, pourrait être affecté par une forte présence de randonneurs. Le régime alimentaire (analyse des f&egrve;ces), le rythme d’activité, la vigilance et la tolérance à l'homme ont été quantifiés pendant trois mois dans différentes conditions de présence humaine. Une forte présence semble induire une augmentation de la vigilance des marmottes et une diminution de leur sélectivité alimentaire, conséquences de leur difficulté à exploiter l'ensemble de leur domaine vital. Ces effets négatifs sur la survie des marmottes pourraient être équilibrés par une augmentation de leur tolérance à la présence humaine.
Foraging in Alpine marmot, vital in order to insure fat accumulation for winter period, could possibly be affected by an increasing hiking pressure. Foraging under different human pressure was observed during three months. Marmot diet (micrographic technique for faecal analysis), activity rhythm, vigilance and tolerance to human presence were quantified. A high anthropic pressure seems to induce a qualitative and quantitative fall of diet through an increase of vigilance and a decrease of diet selectivity due to the difficulty of exploiting their whole home range. These negative effects on marmot survival could be balanced by an increased tolerance to human presence.

Gibbons Diane K. 2003. Mammals tracks and sign of the Northeast. A field guide [Empreintes et traces des mammifères du Nord-est. Guide de terrain]. UPNE, 137 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Woodchuck, p.28, marmotte commune d'Amérique, empreintes, tracks, Amérique du Nord-Est, North East America.
Mammal Tracks and Sign of the Northeast is a field guide for identifying the tracks of mammal species native to the region which extends from New England, New York, and Pennsylvania to eastern Canada. Simple to use and light and easy to carry in the field, the book contains the most important information that a tracker will need--including life-size illustrations of tracks and scat, gait patterns, trail width, species habitat, food sources, scat and urine information, breeding seasons, range maps, and special tracking tips for all thirty-seven species. A unique dichotomous key devised by the author allows trackers to identify even the most confusing track through a process of elimination. The charming, highly detailed, and to-scale pencil illustrations are indispensable aids to accurate identification. Mammal Tracks and Sign of the Northeast is an artistic and accurately rendered guide suitable for professional trackers, naturalists and wildlife professionals, outdoor educators, hunters, and amateurs alike.

Giboulet O. 1995. Socialité et phylogénie moléculaire chez les Marmotini [Sociality and molecular phylogeny of Marmotini]. DEA "Adaptation et survie en environnement naturel extrême", UCBLyon I & Aix-Marseille II, 1-27.
En français, in French.
Marmotini, socialité, sociability, phylogénie, phylogeny.
La socialité est un phénomène qui a toujours suscité de nombreuses interrogations chez les éthologistes. Ceux-ci ont longtemps cherché à expliquer son apparition et son maintien dans les différents groupes animaux, par des facteurs écologiques ou bien génétiques. Une théorie synthétique suggère aujourd'hui qu'il faut chercher les causes de son apparition à la fois parmi les facteurs environnementaux, génétiques et aussi phylogénétiques. Nous avons donc tenté d'aborder le problème de la socialité au sein de la tribu des Marmotini en considérant la phylogénie de ce groupe. Pour cela des expériences d' hybridation ADN/ADN ont été menées sur l'ADN de 12 espèces d'écureuils terrestres, afin d'établir une phylogénie approximative de la tribu, et des recherches bibliographiques ont permis de classer celles-ci en 5 catégories sociales.Les résultats des expériences d' hybridation ont permis de confirmer que les marmottes et les spermophiles sont des groupes frères récents, comme le suggéraient quelques travaux immunologiques et biochimiques, et non des groupes issus de deux lignées différentes. En superposant les formes sociales de chacune des espèces à cet arbre, le caractère social est apparu monophylétique. La prise en considération de cette information dans l'analyse de la socialité chez les Marmotini a permis de conclure qu'elle s'est mise en place progressivement, au fur et à mesure que les espèces ont colonisé des milieux ouverts, et ont acquis une taille corporelle élevée. Cette évolution a abouti au développement de structures sociales complexes chez les marmottes. L'existence d'une plasticité intraspécifique des comportements sociaux chez certaines espèces de marmottes, montre cependant que le choix final du système social le mieux adapté reste complexe. L'analyse de cette plasticité comportementale intraspécifique devrait permettre de mieux comprendre ces déterminismes secondaires.

Giboulet O. 1996. Réintroductions de l'espèce Marmota marmota dans le département de la Drôme : Bilan de l'occupation spatiale en 1996 [Marmota marmota re-introduction in the Drôme department: results of the spatial range in 1996]. Rapport Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs de la Drôme, 22 p.
Marmota marmota, Réintroduction, Drôme, France.

Giboulet O. 1997. Colonisation de l'espace par la marmotte alpine : premières observations sur le site d'Aussois. In 4ème Journée d’Étude sur la Marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds., 63-66.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte alpine, colonisation spatiale, spatial colonization, Aussois, Savoie, France.
Une approche individuelle du phénomène de colonisation chez la marmotte alpine, a été lancé depuis 1996, sur le nouveau site d'étude d'Aussois, en Maurienne. Les premières captures et observations sur ce site, ont déjà révélé quelques points intéressants : le secteur étudié se divise en trois zones altitudinales (pelouses alpines, cembraie, anciennes prairies de fauches). Sur la première zone se rencontrent des colonies de marmottes classiques, alors que dans d'autres zones se rencontrent des groupes isolées non coloniaux et des individus satellites. L'étude du fonctionnement intra et inter zones devrait permettre de mieux comprendre la dynamique du processus de colonisation.
An individual approach of the colonization process in alpine marmot, started in 1996 on the new study site of Aussois (Savoie, France). The first observations and captures had already shown some interest. The study site can be divided in three altitudianl areas (alpine meadows, cembra pine area, hay meadow). Classical marmots' colonies are encountered through the first area, whereas through the other areas are located non colonial groups and satellites. Studying the intra and inter area functionning would allow to better understand colnization dynamic process.

Giboulet O. 1998. Dynamique de la colonisation spatiale dans une population non protégée de marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) [Spatial colonization dynamics in a protected population of alpine marmot (Marmota marmota)]. In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 35-42.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, colonisation, colonization.

Giboulet O. 1998.Gestion et conservation de la marmotte des steppes en République Tchouvache (Russie). [Management and conservation of the steppe marmots in Chuvash Republic]. In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 65-70.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, gestion, management.

Giboulet O. 2000. Processus de colonisation et de sélection de l'habitat chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, L. 1758) [Habitat selection and colonisation processes in the Alpine marmot]. Diplôme de Doctorat, Université Lyon1, 1-135.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte alpine, colonisation spatiale, spatial colonization, Aussois, Savoie, France.
La sélection d'habitats présentant des caractéristiques permettant aux individus d'avoir une valeur sélective optimale est une hypothèse communément avancée pour expliquer l'adaptation des espèces aux variations spatio-temporelles de leur environnement. L'évaluation de la qualité de différents habitats par les individus peut, suivant les espèces, passer par des mécanismes de reconnaissance directe ou indirecte. Parmi les indices indirects, les conspécifiques déjà établis peuvent être des indicateurs de la qualité des habitats qu'ils occupent. Ainsi, les conspécifiques peuvent jouer un rôle important dans les processus de colonisation et de dispersion, plutôt considérés habituellement comme de simples processus diffusionels et aléatoires. Cette prise en considération de l'effet possible des conspécifiques relève de la tendance actuelle à prendre en compte les comportements des individus dans le domaine de la biologie de la conservation des espèces menacées par la fragmentation de leur habitat.Nous avons étudié les processus de sélection et de colonisation de l'habitat chez une espèce de marmotte dont le statut n'est actuellement pas menacé : la marmotte alpine. Pour cela une étude de la dynamique de la colonisation sur des sites de réintroductions, ainsi qu'une étude de la dynamique de l'occupation de l'espace dans une population naturelle, ont été conduites. Nos résultats montrent que lors d'une introduction sur un site nouveau, les marmottes recherchent prioritairement des zones d'abris naturels, des éléments rocheux en général, pour s'installer. Par la suite, la présence de marmottes déjà établies sur le site de lâcher semble favoriser l'installation des nouveaux colons à leur proximité. L'exposition des emplacements peut alors également constituer un critère de sélection. Une fois fixées dans une zone d'abri, les marmottes procèdent à l'aménagement de leur territoire, par la construction d'un réseau de terriers qui peut prendre plusieurs années. Par ailleurs, dans la population naturelle de marmottes suivie, les marmottes sont apparues émigrer de leurs groupes entre 2 et 3 ans. Dans la plupart des cas, ces marmottes ont accédé à une place de résident libérée dans un groupe voisin. Quelques émigrants ont tenté de coloniser de nouveaux emplacements, et très peu se sont engagés dans des tentatives de destitution de résidents.La colonisation d'un site peut être résumée en trois étapes : 1) structuration du milieu, 2) attraction de conspécifiques, 3) saturation du milieu. Tout cela supporte l'hypothèse selon laquelle les marmottes alpines n'ont que rarement l'occasion de choisir les habitats qui leur sont les plus favorables. Il semble qu'elles agissent plutôt en fonction des contraintes importantes que sont le risque de prédation et les aspects énergétiques chez ces animaux fouisseurs et hibernants. La prise en compte de ces informations a finalement permis de proposer des recommandations en matière de gestion et de conservation des espèces de marmottes.
To explain animal adaptation to fluctuating environments, a current hypothesis states that individuals select among habitats those that maximise their fitness. To assess habitat quality, in some species, individuals can rely on indirect clues; for example, presence of settled conspecifics on a patch can indicate its quality. Thus, these conspecifics con play a major role in colonisation and dispersal processes, which were until recently still considered as simple diffusional and stochastic processes. Considering conspecific impact goes along with the current growing interest for behavioural studies, especially in conservation biology, where animal behaviour is often needed to understand how species living in fragmented habitats became endangered.We studied habitat selection and colonisation processes in a non-endangered marmot species : the alpine marmot. We conducted a study on the colonisation dynamics in three different reintroduction sites, in parallel with the study of space occupation dynamics in a natural population. Our results showed that when introduced in a new habitat, marmots first reach and settle in natural shelters, that is, in those sites provided with rocky elements. Then, we found that settlement of new immigrant was enhanced where formerly introduced marmots had already settled. Eventually, habitat exposition can also influence habitat selection at this time. Once they found their first shelter, marmots started to fit their environment, digging burrows and a web of galleries; such an activity may last several years. Furthermore, in the natural population studied, emigration usually took place among 2- to 3- year-old subordinate marmots. In most cases, marmots reached dominance status in their neighbouring group, after the departure or death of its former resident. A few emigrants tried to settle in new territories; those who attempted to actively replace a resident were scarce. Three main steps can be summarised in the colonisation process: 1) fitting the environment, 2) recruiting conspecifics, and 3) saturating the habitat. Our results strengthen the hypothesis that alpine marmots seldom have the opportunity to choose most profitable habitats. lnstead, their behaviour is mainly ruled by predation risk and energetic constraints, both critical factors for these burrowing and hibernating animals. Considering these results, we finally proposed recommendations for general management and conservation of marmot species.

Giboulet O., Chevret P., Catzeflis F. & Ramousse R. 1995. Évolution de la socialité chez les Marmotini [Sociality evolution of the Marmotini]. Colloque CNRS Contraintes et Instabilité de l'Environnement : stratégies adaptatives des organismes récents et fossiles, Lyon I, Soc. Géol. France Edit., p.30.
En français, in French.
Marmotini, socialité, sociality, phylogénie, phylogeny.

On a longtemps cherché à expliquer l'apparition et le maintien du trait d'histoire de vie qu'est la socialité dans les différents groupes animaux, par des facteurs écologiques ou génétiques. Une théorie synthétique suggère aujourd'hui qu'il faut rechercher les causes de son apparition à la fois parmi les facteurs environnementaux, génétiques, éthophysologiques et aussi phylogénétiques.
Nous avons donc tenté d'aborder le problème de l'évolution de la socialité au sein de la tribu des Marmotini, en considérant la phylogénie de ce groupe. Pour cela des expériences d'hybridation ADN/ADN ont été menées sur l'ADN de dix espèces d'écureuils terrestres, afin d'établir une phylogénie approximative de la tribu. D'autre part, les différentes espèces étudiées ont été classées en cinq catégories d'organisation sociale, sur la base des descriptions données dans la littérature.L'hypothèse d'une divergence entre marmottes et spermophiles, beaucoup plus récente que ce qui était classiquement considéré en paléontologie, est confirmée par nos résultats, remettant en cause l'idée de l'existence de deux lignées distinctes et vieilles de -25 Ma, pour les marmottes les spermophiles. Les genres Marmota et Spermophilus sont très proches et leur différentiation date d'environ -10 Ma. En superposant les formes sociales de chacune des espèces à l'arbre phylogénétique obtenu, il apparaît que le caractère social semble monophylétique et graduel dans cette tribu. En effet l'organisation sociale des dix espèces de Marmotini étudiées, va en complexifiant au fur et à mesure que la tribu se différencie. Ainsi on passe progressivement de simple regroupements conspécifiques, à des groupes familiaux à organisation sociale complexe. Ceci semble lié à une augmentation de la taille corporelle, associée à un allongement de la période de croissance des jeunes. La prise en considération de cette information dans l'analyse de la socialité chez les Marmotini, nous a permis de conclure qu'elle s'est mise en place progressivement, lors des différentes étapes de colonisation de milieux ouverts et de plus en plus froids par ces écureuils terrestres. Cette évolution aurait abouti au développement chez les marmottes de structures sociales complexes, qui semblent modulables en fonction des conditions environnementales (du moins chez certaines espèces), ce qui révélerait la grande adaptabilité de ces systèmes.

Giboulet O., Chevret P., Ramousse R. & Catzeflis F. 1997. DNA-DNA hybridization evidence of the recent origin of marmots and ground squirrels (Rodentia: Sciuridae) [Hybridation ADN-ADN, preuve de l'origine récente des marmottes et des écureuils terrestres]. J. of Mamml. Evol., 4(4) : 271-284.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Marmotini, phylogénie, phylogeny, évolution, evolution, social.
A molecular analysis, based on DNA/DNA hybridization experiments, examined seven species of the sciurid tribe Marmotini, in order to evaluate their evolutionary relationships. The branching pattern obtained from a neighbor-joining analysis and least-squares methods indicates that spermophiles and marmots are closely related. This result is in agreement with previous studies based on biochemical data which have suggested a Miospermophilus origin of Marmota (like Spermophilus), instead of the Ptrotospermophila origin usually proposed by paleontology. Using a molecular time scale calibrated by the fossil record of Sciurus (used here as an outgroup), we estimate the marmot/ground squirrel divergence at 6 My, at the same time as the major lineages of ground squirrels diverged from each other. Consequently, the species of Marmota appear as one of the numerous specialized forms derived from the explosive radiation of the Spermophila lineage in the late Miocene.

Giboulet O. & Louis S. 1999. Gestion et conservation de la marmotte des steppes en République Tchouvache (Russie). Management and conservation of the steppe marmot in Chuvash Republic. In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse & Le Berre eds., 1999 : 69-74.
En français, in French.
Marmota bobac, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, gestion, management, Tchouvachie, Chuvashia, Russie, Russia.

Giboulet O., Louis S., Yu. Semenov & Ramousse R. (Жибуле О.,Луи С.,Семенов Ю., Рамюсс Р.) 1997. Процесс колонизации после (ре)интродукции у европейского сурка .(Marmota marmota). Colonization process after (re)introduction in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Process kolonizatsii posle (re)introdouktsii ou evropeïskogo sourka (Marmota marmota). Processus de colonisation après (re)introduction chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota)]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 43-44 (Rousskie, Russian), 145 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota marmota, colonisation, colonization, réintroduction, re-introduction, Mont Vallier, Ariège, Vallier Mount, massif du Vercors, Vercors Massif, Valdrôme, Drôme.

Giboulet O., Louis S., Semenov Yu. & Ramousse R. 2002. Colonization process after (re)introduction in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Protsess colonizatsii posle (re)introdoucktsii ou alpiiskogo sourka (Marmota marmota) [Le processus de colonisation après (ré)introduction chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota)]. In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Y. eds., ABF, Moscow, 161-170.
En anglais et en russe, résumé français ; in English and Russian, abstract in French.
Marmota marmota, colonisation, colonization, réintroduction, re-introduction, Mont Vallier, Ariège, Vallier Mount, massif du Vercors, Vercors Massif, Valdrôme, Drôme.
Surveys of 3 (re)introduction sites had been done in order to study the spatial colonization processes in the alpine marmot. To detect factors involved in the choice of settlement sites, marmot presence in squares of 100 m2 was recorded regularly on grid maps of each site. Furthermore, a survey of several family groups spatial installation was done, and allowed to appreciate speed and steps of the colonization process. Results obtained suggest that rocky elements were the main factor involved in marmots settlement choice. They were used as starting point by the family group, who only spread later a network of burrows in the surrounding meadows. The prominent part of rocky elements in the colonization process might be due to the fact that they represent natural shelters for marmots.
Key-words: colonization, re-introduction, Marmota marmota.
Des suivis de trois sites de re-introduction ont été réalisés afin d’étudier les processus de colonisation spatiale chez la marmotte alpine. Pour déceler les facteurs conduisant les marmottes à choisir les sites d’installation, nous avons reporté régulièrement la présence des marmottes dans des carrés de 100 m2 sur des cartes de chaque site. Par ailleurs, nous avons suivi l’installation spatiale de plusieurs groupes familiaux, afin d’apprécier la vitesse et les étapes du processus de colonisation. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent le rôle prépondérant des éléments rocheux pour la fixation des marmottes sur un site. Ils servent souvent de point de départ pour le groupe familial, qui n’établit qu’ensuite un réseau de terriers dans les pelouses adjacentes. Le rôle clef des éléments rocheux dans le processus de colonisation pourrait être dû au fait qu’ils représentent des abris naturels pour les marmottes.
Mots clés : colonisation, re-introduction, Marmota marmota.
Extrait Pdf extract

Giboulet O., Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. (Жибуле О.,Рамюсс Р. & Лебер М.) 1997 Еволюция особенностей жизненного цикла и молекулярная филогения: на примере социальности наземгых беличьих. Evolution of the life history traits and molecular phylogeny: sociality in ground dwelling squirrels as an example [Evolyïoutsiya osobennosteï jizznennogo tsikla i molekoulyarnaya filogeniya: na primere sotsial'nosti nazemnykh belitch'ikh. Évolution des traits d'histoire de vie et phylogénie moléculaire : exemple de la socialité des chez les écureuils terrestres]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 44 (Rousskie, Russian), 146 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmotini, phylogénie, phylogeny, méthodologie, methodology, socialité, évolution, evolution.

Giboulet O., Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. (Жибуле О.,Рамюсс Р. & Лебер М.) 2002.Evolution of the life history traits and molecular phylogeny: sociality in ground dwelling squirrels as an example Эволюция образа жизни и молекулярная филогенетика: на примере ыоциальности неземных беличьих. [Évolution des traits d’histoire de vie et phylogénie moléculaire : exemple de la socialité des écureuils terrestres]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Y. eds., ABF, Marmot Network, Moscow, 171-177.
En anglais et en russe, résumé français ; in English and Russian, French abstract.
Marmotini, phylogénie, phylogeny, méthodologie, methodology, socialité, social, evolution, &éacute;volution.
The influence of history on life history traits of species is known and long accepted, but it really became an important and growing matter of concern in comparative biology during the last two decades, especially with the recent advances in molecular phylogenetic methods. We undertook to re-example the evolution of ground-dewelling squirrels using this phylogenetic approach. In the resulting phylogeny obtained by DNA/DNA hybridization, GDS socially appeared as a monophyletic factor, which seems to have taken place while the group was evolving. Taking into account this new consideration, we propose a new synthetic evoluitionary scenario, establishing that the evolution of sociality of GDS was principally the result of their long adaptation to open grassland environments.
Key-words: evolution, molecular phylogeny, sociality, ground-dwelling squirrels.
L’influence de l’histoire évolutive des espèces sur leurs traits d’histoire de vie est reconnue depuis longtemps, mais elle n’a vraiment été prise en compte de façon importante en biologie comparative que depuis les deux dernières décennies, en relation notamment avec les progrès effectués en phylogénie moléculaire. C’est dans cet esprit que nous avons entrepris de re-examiner l’évolution de la socialité chez les GDS, en utilisant une approche phylogénétique.L’analyse de la phylogénie obtenue par hybridation ADN/ADN, a révélé que la socialité des GDS apparaissait comme un caractère monophylétique, qui se serait mis en place au fur et à mesure que le groupe évoluait. En prenant compte de cette considération, nous avons pu proposer un nouveau scénario évolutif synthétique, stipulant que l’évolution de la socialité chez les GDS est essentiellement le résultat de leur longue adaptation aux milieux ouverts.
Mots clés : évolution, phylogénie moléculaire, socialité, marmotini.
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Giboulet O., Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre 1996. Évolution de la socialité chez les Marmotini : apport de la phylogénie moléculaire [Evolution of ground-dwelling squirrels sociality: contribution of molecular phylogeny]. In 3ème Journée d'Étude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 41-44.
En français, in French.
Sciuridae, phylogénie, phylogeny, évolution, evolution, social.

L'évolution de la socialité chez les Marmotini a été abordée à travers une approche phylogénétique. A partir d'une phylogénie moléculaire de dix espèces de Sciuridae obtenue par hybridation ADN/ADN, la socialité s'est révélée comme un caractère monophylétique et graduel dans cette tribu. La prise en considération de cette information dans l'analyse de la socialité chez les Marmotini a permis de conclure qu'elle s'est mise en place progressivement, au fur et à mesure que les espèces ont colonisé des milieux ouverts, et ont acquis une taille corporelle élevée. Cette évolution a abouti au développement de structures sociales complexes chez les marmottes.
The evolution of ground-dwelling squirrel sociality has been tackle by a phylogenetic approach. The molecular phylogeny of 10 Sciuridae species obtained by DNA/DNA hybridization, revealed sociality as a monophyletic and gradual feature in this tribe. Taking into account this information enabled us to conclude that sociality gradually set up, as and when species settled in grasslands and gained body mass. This evolution resulted in the development of complex social structures in marmots.

Giboulet O., Ramousse R., Louis S., Semenov Y. & Humblot L. 1998. Des marmottes et des hommes à Aussois. [Marmot and Man in Aussois (France).] In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, développement durable, sustainable development, Aussois, France.

Giebel Christoph Gottfried A. 1847. Fauna der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Thiere. Premier volume , faune sauvage, première partie, mammifères. Brodhaus, Leipzig, 467p.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Arctomys bobac, Arctomys primigenia, Arctomys spelaeus, Arctomys alpina, murmelthier, fourrure, fur, Arctomys citillus.
Extrait Pdf extract

Giebel Christoph G. 1855. Odontographie. Vergleichende Darstellung des Zahnsystemes der lebenden und fossilen Wirbelthiere [Ondographie : description comparative des systèmes dentaires des vertébrés actuels et fossiles].
En allemand, in German.

Giebel C.G. 1859a. Zur Osteologie der Murmelthiere [Ostéologie des marmottes]. Zeitschrift gesammt. Naturwiss., 12: 299-309.

Giebel C.G. 1859b. Zur Osteologie der Murmelthiere [Ostéologie des marmottes]. Zeitschrift gesammt. Naturwiss., 13: 299-309.
En allemand, in German.

Giebel C.G. 1878. Die am Oberarm der Säugethiere vorkommenden Perforationen. Zeitschr. gesammt. Naturw., 3: 853-855.
En allemand, in German.

Giebel C.G. 1883. Mammalia. Bronn's Klass. und Ordn., 6: 1-576, pls. i-xcii.
En allemand, in German.

Gidley J.W. 1913. Preliminary report on a recently discovered Pleistocene cave deposit near Cumberland, Maryland [Rapport préliminaire sur la découverte récente d'un dépôt d'une grotte du Pléistocène près de Cumberland, Maryland]. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46: 93-102, 8 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Maryland.

Gidley J.W. 1920. A Pleistocene cave deposit in western Maryland [Dépôt d'une grotte du Pléistocène du maryland occidental]. Rep. Smithson. Instn. for 1918, 281-287, pls. i-vi.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Maryland.

Gidley J.W. 1922. Preliminary report on fossil vertebrates of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, with descriptions of new species of Rodentia and Lagomorpha [Rapport préliminairesur les vertébrés fossiles de la vallée de San Pedro, Arizona avec descriptions d’espèces nouvelles de Rongeurs et de Lagomorphes]. U.S. Geol. Surv. Profess. Paper, 81,
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vetus, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, North America, Arizona. Gidley J.W. & Gazin C.L. 1938. The Pleistocene vertebrate fauna from Cumberland cave, Maryland [Faune de vertébrés du Pléistocène de la grotte de Cumberland, Maryland]. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus., 171 1-93, 50 figs., 10 pls.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vetus, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, North America, Maryland. Gil E. 1997. Presencia de Marmota marmota en los rellenos kársticos de Atapuerca (Burgos, España) [Présence de Marmota marmota dans les depôts karstiques d’Atapuerco]. Geogaceta, 22: 71-72.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Espagne, Spain.

Gilard Madeleine & Thiollier Anne illustrateur 1976. La maison des marmottes [Marmot house]. Paris, La Farandole, 79 p.
En français, in French.
Les marmottes, parties en excursion, doivent s'abriter à cause de la mauvaise température. Dans la cabane du berger, chaque enfant y va de son histoire. Le départ prometteur est vite freiné par la présentation, dans une version médiocre, de contes connus, qui occupent plus de la moitié du volume.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Gilbert B.M. 1980. Mammalian osteology [Ostéologie des mammifères]. B. miles Gilbert, Laramie, WY, 428 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, os, bones.

Gilbert J.M. 1983. Contribution à l'étude des hépatites animales : l'hépa-DNA-virose de la marmotte américaine, modèle d'étude des hépatites B et NonB humaines [Contribution to the study of animal hepatitis: hepa-DNA virosis of woodchuck, study model of B and non-B human hepatitis]. Thèse Doct. Vét., Lyon.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, épidémiologie, epidemiology, virus, médecine, medecine.

Gilbert Perry Webster 1940. Studies on the morphology of burrowing scuirids with special reference to the forelimb of Marmota and Cynomys [Etudes de la morphologie des scuiridés fouisseurs avec une référence spéciale du membre antérieur de Marmota et Cynomys]. Thesis.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax rufescens, morphologie, morphology, membre antérieur, forelimb.

The present investigation restricts itself chiefly to a study of the forelimb morphology of the woodchuck (Marmota monax rufescens) and the prairie dog (Cynomys l. ludovicianus). The gross anatomy of the pectoral appendage of these two mammals is described and figured in detail. The pectoral morphology of the woodchuck and prairie dog is contrasted with that of less fossorial sciurids and particular attention is given to those muscles and bones of the forelimb which have special adaptive significance. A detailed discussion of the burrowing habits of Marmota and Cynomys follows the morphological section of the thesis and precedes the summary. Fourteen preserved specimens and forty skeletons representing four genera, six species, and nine subspecies of sciurids were examined. Specimens prepared for dissection purposes were either embalmed with a standard embalming fluid or were preserved in 8 per cent formalin. All the bones and muscles described in this study are illustrated in the twenty-four plates appended to the thesis. Both Marmota and Cynomys are well adapted externally for burrowing. Their short legs, stout forepaws, and broad manus armed with long claws make their forearm an effective excavating tool. The claws of Cynomys are relatively longer, more slender, and less worn than those of Marmota. Both genera have a stocky, fusiform body and short external ears. The tail of Marmota and Cynomys is short, the latter having one of the shortest tails in proportion to body size of any of the sciurids. The hind foot is modified to throw dirt backward and the toes and sides of the pes are fringed with hairs making for a broad plantar surface. Osteological adaptations in the pectoral appendage of Marmota and Cynomys include a broad scapula with a prominent spine and well developed acromion and metacromion processes affording a considerable surface for the attachment of the powerful shoulder muscles. The clavicle is well developed in both animals, compensating for the great freedom of movement permitted at the shoulder joint. In burrowing mammals, bones of the fore-arm are generally short in contrast to the appendicular bones of cursorial and arboreal species. This reduction in length is usually more obvious in the distal bones of the arm or leg. Cynomys and Marmota are no exception to this rule although the distal bones of the prairie dog are proportionally longer than those of the woodchuck. This shortening of the bones of the forearm make them appear relatively heavy in proportion to their length. The well developed processes and ridges of these bones afford an excellent surface for the origin and insertion of hypertrophied muscles. Of the sciurids studied, the olecranon of Marmota and Cynomys is considerably longer in proportion to the total length of the ulna. This permits considerable strength to be exercised at the sacrifice of speed during the digging operations. It is of interest to note in this connection that the length of the olecranon in proportion to the ulnar length is significantly less in Cynomys than in Marmota. Possibly this is a reflection of the soil texture encountered by these two mammals in burrowing. A prominent pair of sesamoid bones appear on the palmar surface of each metacarpo-phalangeal joint. Between, and protected to a considerable extent by these sesamoids, pass the strong flexor tendons to the digits. A prominent falciform furnishes additional bony protection to the all important flexor tendons of the manus. It is very difficult to compare the muscular effectiveness of different species of mammals by means of a gross dissection study alone. Even if the size of individual muscles could be compared accurately by volumetric means it would be misleading, as A. B. Howell has indicated, to estimate the strength of a particular muscle solely in terms of its cubic capacity. Not only does the size of a muscle determine its effectiveness but also such factors as muscular attachment, tonus, and muscle coordination are equally important. Since this is true Only the more obvious myological specializations exhibited by the pectoral appendage of burrowing sciurids will be here summarized. Both Marmota and Cynomys have stout neck muscles, the dorsal more superficial ones (acromiotiapezius, occipitoscapularis, and rhomboideus) being intimately connected with the scapula. The occipitoscapularis is well developed and in the two genera mentioned above, the insertion of the muscle is broad including part or most of the scapular spine. In cursorial and arboreal squirrels, such as Tamiasciurus and Sciurus, this muscle is considerably smaller and its insertion is restricted to the vertebral border of the scapula. The action of the occipitoscapularis is to draw the scapula forward and rotate the glenoid end backward. Contraction of this muscle would therefore counteract in part the force applied to the scapula by a strong backward thrust of the forearm. The rhomboideus likewise appears to be stout and single (or separable with difficulty into major and minor parts) in burrowing sciurids. Most hypertrophied of all muscles associated with the pectoral appendage of Marmota and Cynomys are the triceps brachii and epitrochlearis for upon them depends the powerful extensor action of the antebrachium. This enlarged condition of the triceps and epitrochlearis is common to many burrowing rodents and is especially pronounced in pocket gophers. A well developed clavobrachialis is present in Marmota and Cynomys but is absent in the other sciurids examined. In the antebrachial region the palmaris longus, which is almost vestigial in ground squirrels, is well developed and, because of its flexor action on the manus, probably plays a significant role in the economy of burrowing. The other flexor muscles of the antebrachium are well developed and supplied with stout tendons to the digits.

Gilpin C.A. 1946. Hunters stalk woodchuck [Chasse à l'approche de la marmotte américaine]. Kentucky Wikdl., 1(3): 27-28.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, chasse, hunting.

Gilyarov M.S. 1951. Roli stepnykh gryzunov v proiskhozhdenii polevoï potchvennoi fauny i srgo-polevoï rastitelinosti [Rôle des rongeurs de steppe dans l'origine de la faune souterraine et de la végétation sauvage des champs. Role of the steppe rodents in the origin of the ground-dwelling fauna and wild plants in the fields]. Dokl. AN SSSR, 79 (4).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology.

Gizmo Andrej Spuler. The Tatras [Les Tatras]. En ligne/on line
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota latirostris.

Ginatulin A.A., Ginatulina L.K., Kalina A.G. & Korablev V.P. 1988. [Détection des répétitions de tandems du génome du genre Citellus grâce aux restrictases. Detection of tandem repeats in the genome of Citellus genus using restrictases]. Mol. Biol . (Mosk), 22: 1005-14.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, génétique, genetic.
DNA from ground squirrels of the Citellus genus (Rodentia, Sciuridae) were analysed by centrifugation in the presence of CsCl followed by digestion by restriction endonucleases. Digestion of DNA of two species C. undulatus and C. fulvus by 10 of the 16 restriction endonucleases used led to formation of electrophoretically discrete fragments that are multiple to 330 b.p. in length which points out the tandem organization of repetitive sequences similar to the satellite DNA of many mammal species. However, upon centrifugation we failed to reveal a satellite band in these species; hence the tandem repeats refer to the class of cryptic satellites in the ground squirrels and do not differ in base composition from the remaining part of DNA. The main fraction of the genome was revealed in the form of discrete fragments by cleavage with HindIII and AluI. Both of these restriction endonucleases were used for comparative analysis of DNA of 12 Citellus species. It has been shown that DNA of all species can be digested by HindIII and yields a series of fragments that are multiple to 330-30 b.p. in length and the total content of which varies from species to species within 4-22%. The fraction of the tandem repeats does not correlate with the systematic position of species nor with the amount of heterochromatin in the chromosomes. AluI cuts the DNA of 11 species yielding 110 and 220 b.p. fragments compared to only 60 and 280 b.p. in the DNA of C. dauricus. Under HindIII digestion we can also reveal the tandem repeats in marmot, which is phylogenetically close to the Citellus of the Marmota genus, but they have another periodicity--180 b.p. We propose that the age of ground squirrels repeats is 2-3 million years and they are significantly younger than the marmot repeats.

Ginatulin A.A., Ginatulina L.K., Vorontsov N.N. 1983. Genome analysis of ground squirrels of the genus Citellus (Rodentia, Sciuridae) II DNA sequence organization [Analyse du génome des écureuils terrestres du genre Citellus : organisation de la séquence d’ADN]. Genetica, 62 ; 117-128.
En anglais, in English.
Génétique, genetic.

Ginestet J.P., Bintz Pierre, Chaix Louis, Evin Jean & Olive Claude 1984. L'abri sous roche de la vieille Église à la Balme-de-Thuy (Hte Savoie), premiers résultats [The vieille Église rock shelterin the Balme-de-Thuy (Hte Savoie), first results]. Bull. de la Soc. Préhist. franç., 81 : 320-342.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, abri-sous-roche, rock shelter, 620 m., Marmota marmota, pré-Azilien, before Azilian, Haute-Savoie, France.
Les découvertes effectuées depuis 12 années dans l’abri-sous-roche de la Vieille Eglise à la Balme de Thuy (Haute-Savoie) nous ont permis de localiser une occupation humaine quasi-continue de l’épipaléolithique à l’actuel. Cette première publication va permettre d’effectuer des comparaisons avec d’autres stations du même type situées dans les Alpes du Nord, le Jura et le Valais Suisse et ainsi de mieux comprendre le processus de peuplement de nos vallées alpines, souvent peu accessibles, telles celles du Pays de Thônes. What we have been discovering for twelve years in the rock shelter of the old church at La Balme de Thuy has enabled us to localize a human occupation that hardly stopped from the epipaleolithic age up to now. This first publication will help to make comparison with other stations of same type located in the north of the Alps, in the Jura area and in Swiss Valais and therefore to understand the process of settlement of our alpine valleys, which, like the Thônes valley, are difficult of access.
Extrait Pdf extract

Ginzburg M.B. 1935. Mirovoï pouchnoï eksport [Exportation mondiale des fourrures. World export of furs]. V kn. Ekonomika i organizatsiya mejdounarodnoï pouchnoï torgovli, 1. Mirovoï pouchnoï rynok, M.-L., Vbechtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Fourrure, fur, économie, economy.

Gipson P.S. 1974. Food habits of the coyotes in Arkansas [Comportements alimentaires des coyottes en Arkansas]. J. Wildl. Manage., 38: 848-853.
En anglais, in English.
Prédation, Canidae, Canis latrans, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, États-Unis, Arkansas.

Girardin Émile de 1860. Oeuvres complètes de madame Émile de Girardin, née Delphine Gay [Full works of Madam Emile de Girardin, née Delphine Gay]. Paris, Plon.
En français, in French.
Coiffure, headdress, marmotte.
Extrait Pdf extract

Girod Paul & Gautier Paul 1991. Découverte d'un squelette humain contemporain des éruptions volcaniques quaternaires du volcan de Gravenoire (Puy-de-Dôme) [Discovery of a human skeleton contemporary of quatertnary volcanic eruptions from Gravenoire volcan (Puy-de-Dôme)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 112 : 1155-1157.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Homme, Man, volcanisme, volcanism.

Girones R., Cote P.J., Hornbuckle W.E., Tennant B.C., Gerin J.L., Purcell R.H. & Miller R.H. 1989. Complete nucleotide sequence of a molecular clone of woodchuck hepatitis virus that is infectious in the natural host. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 86(6): 1846-1849.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA was cloned from viral particles obtained from the serum of a woodchuck with a naturally acquired infection. The complete nucleotide sequence of the virus genome was determined and found to be 3323 base pairs long. Transfection experiments demonstrated that the recombinant WHV DNA was infectious in each of 18 woodchucks tested and established a chronic carrier state in 1 of 13 neonates and 3 of 5 adult animals. WHV DNA from serum particles from the chronically infected neonate was cloned and the nucleotide sequence of three independent recombinants was compared directly with that of the input recombinant DNA. The consensus sequence of the three progeny genomes was identical to that of the parental DNA sequence. Therefore, transfection of woodchuck livers with recombinant WHV DNA induces active virus replication and gene expression and yields progeny genomes that are faithful copies of the input virus genome.

Girtanner Christoph 1786. Histoire naturelle de la marmotte [Natural history of the marmot]. Journal d. Phys., 28 : 218-222.
En français, in French.

Girtanner Christoph 1786. (Lichtenberg) Voigt’s Magaz., 4(2) : 17-27.

Girtanner Christoph 1789. Naturgeschichte des Murmelthiers [Histoire naturelle des marmottes. Natural history of marmots]. Höpfner's Magaz. fed. naturk. Helvet., IV : 374-381.

Girtanner Christoph. Natuurlyke historie van de Marmot. Algem. Geneeskund. Jaarboek., 4 Deel, 261-267.
En hollandais, in Dutch.
Marmota marmota.

Girtanner A. 1903. Aus dem Leben des Alpenmurmeltieres (Arctomys marmota L) [De la vie sauvage de la marmotte des Alpes (A. marmota L). On the wild life of the alpine marmot (A. marmota L)]. Zool. Garten, année XLIV(4).
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Gladkina T.S. 1963a. Sourki v Tselinnom krae [Marmottes de la région de Tselino. Marmots from Tselino region]. Zatsita rastenii ot vrediteleï i bolezneï, 10.
En russe, in Russian.

Gladkina T.S. 1963b. [Les marmottes des terres vierges. Marmots in Virgin Lands]. Zashchita rastenii ot vreditelei i boleznei, N 10.
En russe, in Russian.

Gladkov N.A. 1958. Nekotorye voprosy zoogeografii koultournogo landchafta (na primere faouny ptits) [Quelques questions zoogéographiques sur les paysages cultivés (en exemple, la faune des oiseaux). Some zoogeographic questions on farm landscapes (with the exemple of the bird fauna)]. Ouchtch. zap. Mosk. un-ta. Ornitol. Byp. 197.
En russe, in Russian.
Oiseaux, faunistique, fauna, paysage, lanscape.

Glass B. 1958. A Key to the Skulls of North American Mammals [Clé des crânes des mammifères Nord américains]. Oklahoma State University.
En anglais, in English.
Anatomie, anatomy, crâne, skull, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Glazovskaya M.A. 1952. Eolovye melkozemistye nakopleniya na lednikakh khrebta Terskeï-Alataou [Accumulation éolienne de sapin et de sol fin sur la glace de la chaîne du Terskeï-Alataou. Wind accumulating of pine-needles and fine soil on the glacier of the Terskeï-Alatau range]. Troudy In-ta geogr. AN SSSR, 49. Raboty Tyan'-Chan. fiz.-geogr. stantsii, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Géologie, geology.

Glazovskaya M.A. 1953. K istorii razvitiya sovremennykh prirodnykh landchaftov vnoutrennego Tyan'-Chanya [A propos de l'histoire du développement des paysages naturels et actuels dans le Tien Shan. About the development history of natural and present landscapes in Tien Shan]. V kn. Geografitcheskie issledovannya v Tsentral'nom Tyan'-Chane, M., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Histoire, history, paysages, landscapes, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Glinka K.D. 1926. [Sols de Russie et des pays voisins. Soils of Russia and adjoining countries]. Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, terrier, burrow, sol, soil.

Glover F.A. 1943. A furious woodchuck [Une marmotte enragée]. J. Mammal., 24(3): 402.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Glowacinski Z., Bieniek M., Dyduch A., Gertychowa R., Jakubiec Z., Kosior A;,& Zemanek M. 1980. Situation of all vertebrates and selective invertebrates in Poland - List of species, their occurence, endangerment and status of protection. Studia Naturae (Panstw. Wyd. Nauk., Warsawa, Krakow), 21: 1-163.
En polonais avec résumé anglais, in polish, with English summary.
Mammifères, conservation, Pologne, Poland.

Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. 1959. Orn. Beob., 56 : 110-125.
En allemand, in German.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota marmota, prédation, predation, Europe, Europa, Suisse, Switzerland.

Glutz von Blotzheim N., K.M. Bauer & E. Bezzel 1971. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Falconiformes [Guide des oiseaux d’Europe centrale. Handbook of birds of Central Europe]. Vol. IV : 22-23, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt a. M.
En allemand, in German.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota marmota, prédation, predation, Europe, Europa, Suisse, Switzerland.

Gmelin J.G. 1751. Reise durch Sibirien [Voyage en Sibérie. Travel through Siberia].
En allemand, in German.
Expédition, travel, Sibérie, Siberia, Gmelin Johann Georg 1727-1748.

Gmelin S.G. 1771. Poutechestvie po Rossii dlya issledovaniya trekh tsart' estestva [Voyage d'étude de la nature en Russie. Nature study travel in Russia]. SPb, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Expédition, travel, Russie, Russia, Samuel Gottlieb Gmelin 1743 - 1774.

Gmelin S.G. 1788. Syst. nat., ed. 13. Marmota caligata caligata.

Gmelin F.G. 1839. Über den Winterschaf [Sur l'hibernation. On hibernation]. Inaugural-Dissertation unter dem Präsid. von F.G. Gmelin, Tübingen.
En allemand, in German.

Le travail que l'on attribue en général à Gmelin est en réalité une dissertation inaugurale soutenue sous sa présidence, pour obtenir le grade de docteur en médecine. Le nom de l'auteur n'est pas mâme mentionné : c'est une compilation des travaux de Mangili, de Prunelle, de Spallanzani, de Saissy, etc. On y trouve l'opinion formulée par Jacobson (Meckel's Archiv., Bd .III) que ce qui est décrit par Prunelle sous le nom de Thymus n'est pas un vrai thymus, mais un organe différent de celui-ci. Le thymus persiste, chez ces animaux, tout le temps de la vie, se montre avec le sommeil et disparaît avec lui, pour reparaître encore. Il ne contient presque pas de liquide ; on doit le distinguer des glandes hivernales. La conclusion de l'auteur est que les sommeil des hivernants ressemble au sommeil ordinaire dans lequel la respiration, le cours du sang et la chaleur sont diminués. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Gobillot Louis 1929. La station de la Guignoterie [The Guignoterie station]. Société préhistorique française, 156-158.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, abri sous roche, rock shelter, renne, reindeer, rongeur indéterminée, indetermined rodent, Vienne, France.

Gockel J., Harr B., Schlötterer C., Arnold W., Gerlach G. & Tautz D. 1997. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Apodemus flavicollis (rodentia, muridae) and Clethrionomys glareolus (rodentia, cricetidae) [Isolement et caractérisation d'un loci de microsatellite d'Apodemus flavicollis (rodentia, muridae) et Clethrionomys glareolus (rodentia, cricetidae)]. Mol. Ecol., 6: 597-599.
En anglais, in English.
Apodemus flavicollis, Clethrionomys glareolus, microsatellite.

Godefroy Frédéric 1902. Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du IX au XVe siècle [Dictionary of the old French language of all its dialects from IX to XVth century]. Tome dixième, complément inaccoutumé - zoophyte, Emile Bouillon, Paris.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, Français, French, absence marmotte, marmot absent.

Godin A.J. 1977. Wild mamals of New England [Mammifères sauvages de Nouvelle Angleterre]. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 304 p.
En anglais, in English.
Parasitsime, parasitism, puces, fleas, acariens, mites, tiques, ticks, marmotte, marmot.
Fleas, mites, ticks, and nematodes parasitize marmots. The average lifespan is 3 to 6 years in woodchucks.

Godman John Davidson 1836. American Natural History [Histoire naturelle américaine]. Hogan & Thompson, 3e ed., Philadelphia,Vol. 1: 328-329, num. Google.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte, marmot, murmelthier, marmotto, mormoldjuret, Arctomys Monax, Maryland marmot, Bahama coney, Marmota Americana, Marmotte of America, Glis fuscus, Marmota Bahamensis, Marmota Americana, Monax, Marmotte du Canada, Arctomys empetre, Quebec marmot, Marmotte du Canada, Siffleur.

Goethe Johann Wolfgang 1773. Marmotte. In Jahrmarktsfest auf Plundersweilern.
En allemand, in German.
Marmotte, marmot, Goethe 1749-1832.

Goldberg B.B., Merton D.A., Forsberg F., Liu J.B. & Rawool N. 1996. Color amplitude imaging: preliminary results using vascular sonographic contrast agents. J. Ultrasound Med., 15(2): 127-34.
En anglais, in English.
Conventional (mean Doppler frequency shift) color Doppler imaging and a new method of displaying blood flow in color that uses the amplitude of the Doppler signal were utilized to evaluate three vascular sonographic contrast agents. To compare the two color flow detection modalities, a total of 20 pairs of contrast agent injections were performed while imaging a variety of abdominal organs and tumors in experimental animal models. The 20 paired injections were scored independently to indicate whether color amplitude imaging better demonstrated the effects of contrast enhancement (n = 14), both techniques were equivalent in demonstrating the effects of contrast enhancement (n = 4), or color Doppler imaging better demonstrated the effects of contrast enhancement (n = 2). These results indicate that compared to color Doppler imaging, color amplitude imaging improved visualization of both normal and abnormal blood flow in 70% of these cases (P < 0.0001). Specifically, with contrast enhancement of the Doppler signals, organ vascularity and regional differences in parenchymal blood flow were better demonstrated with color amplitude imaging than with color Doppler imaging. In addition, since color amplitude imaging is nondirectional and less angle dependent than color Doppler imaging, it was possible to visualize vessel continuity more completely and to demonstrate vessel branching more clearly with this modality. However, owing to the lack of directivity and poor temporal resolution, information obtained with color amplitude imaging appears to be complementary to that of color Doppler imaging. In conclusion, color amplitude imaging is a reliable method of determining the effectiveness of vascular sonographic contrast agents and should be considered one of the primary flow imaging modalities used for the assessment of these agents.

Golding D.L. & Swanson R.H. 1986. Snow distribution patterns in clearings and adjacent forest [Patrons de distribution de neige dans les clairières et les forêts adjacentes]. Water Resources Research, 22(13) : 1931-40.
En anglais, in English.
Neige, snow, Alberta, Canada.
Snow accumulation patterns were determined for clearings and adjacent forest at Marmot Creek experimental watershed and James River, Alberta. The differences increased with clearing size and time since the beginning of the accumulation period and are caused by snow ablation (melt and evaporation), a function of direct solar radiation reaching the snowpack. In such situations the snow that has accumulated on the ground cannot be considered a measure of the snow that has actually fallen there. For water balances and hydrologic modeling, snow measurements in partially cleared watersheds must be adjusted for temporal and spatial factors specific to the watershed.

Goldman B.S. & Bigelow W.G. 1964. The transfer of increased tolerance to low body temperature by the heterologous transplantation of brown fat and the infusion of plasma from hibernating groundhogss [Transfert d’une tolérance accrue aux basses températures corporelles par transplantation hétérologue de tissu adipeux brun et la transfusion de plama des marmottes hibernantes]. Annales Academiae scientiarum fennicae, Ser. A IV, Biologica., 71 : 175-184.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotta monax, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, hibernation, lipides, lipids.

Goldoni Carlo 1831. Raccolta completa delle commedie di Carlo Goldoni [Receuil complet des comédies de Carlo Goldoni. Compilation complete of the comedies of Carlo Goldoni]. Vol. 27, Firenze.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmotta, théatre, theater, sournois, sly.Extrait pdf extract

Golov D.A. & Ioff I.G. 1928a. [Rôle des puces de rongeurs du sud-ouest de l'URSS dans l'épidémiologie de peste. On question of a role of rodent fleas of South-East USSR in epidemiology of plague]. Tr. 1 Vsesoyuzn. protivochoum. sovesch., Saratov, 102-145.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Insectes, insects, puces, fleas, URSS, USSR.

Golov D.A. & Ioff I.G. 1928b. [Effet de différentes conditions sur le maintien du microbe de la peste chez les puces et à différents stades de l'ontogenèse. Effect of different conditions on the preservation of plague microbe in organism of fleas and different onthogenesis stages]. Tr. I Vsesoyuzn. protivoch. sovesch., Saratov, 158-175.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, puces, fleas, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Golovacheva V.Ya. 1958. [Étude des possibilités de maintien et de transmisssion d'une infection erysipèloïde par les puces. Study of a possibility of conservation and transmission of erysipeloid infection by fleas]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivochoum. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost., Oulan-Oude, 17: 153-160.
En russe, in Russian.
Bactéries, bacteria, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas.

Golovacheva V.Ya. & Zhovtyi (Jovtyi) I.F. 1959a. [Infection naturelle des ectoparasites de la Sibérie orientale et de l'extrême-Est par des bactéries. The natural infection of ectoparasites from East Siberia and the Far East by some bacteria]. Mater. 10 soveshcs. po parasitol. problemam i prirodnoochag. boleznyam, M.-L., 2: 51-53.
En russe, in Russian.
Bactéries, bacteria, épidémiologie, épidémiology, parasitologie, parasitology.

Golovacheva V.YA. & Zhovtyï I.F. 1959b. O vydelenii vozbouditeleï nekotorykh bakterial'nykh infektsiï iz ektoparazitov mlekopitayuchtchikh v yugo-Vostchnom Zabaïkal'e i na Dal'nem Vostoke [Sur la découverte de quelques bactéries infectieuses des ectoparasites de mammifères dans le sud-est du Tien Chan et en extrême-orient. Discovery of some infectious bacteria of the mammal ectoparasites in the south-eastern Tien Shan and in the Far East]. Izv. Irkout. naoutch.-issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 21.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, bactérie, bacteria, parasitologie, parasitology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Golovko E.N. & Asanaliev I.I. 1991. [Infestation des marmottes par les agents de quelques infections dans le foyer naturel de la peste. The infestation of marmots by the causative agents of some infections in the aera of natural plague foci. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, ?
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Golovko E.N., Peisakhis A.A. & Derlyatko K.I., 1973. K voprosy o prirodnoï otchagovosti tchoumy v zapadnoï tchasti Goussarskogo khrebta [Questions sur les foyers naturels de peste à l'ouest de la chaîne du Goussar. Questions about natural plague foci of the west of Gussar Range]. V kn. Problemy osobo opasnikh infektsiï, Saratov, 2(30).
En russe, in Russian.
Peste; plague, Russie, Russia.

Golovko E.N., Peisakhis A.A., Derlyatko K.I., Usachyov G.P., Kafarskaya D.F., Chervyakova V.P., Yakovlev E.P.,Morozkina E.A., Yusupov A.K., Scherbin Yu.V., Neranov I.M. 1971. [Épizootie de peste des rongeurs de la chaîne du Gissar au Tadjikistan. Epizootics of Plague of Rodents on the Gissar Ridge in Tadjikistan]. Materials of VII Scientific Conf. of Anti-Plague Agencies of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 199-202.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Marmota, peste, plague, Gissar, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Golovko E.N., Peisakhis L.A., Derlyatko K.I., Yusupov A.K. & Sagimbekov U.A. 1971. [Caractéristiques des souches du microbe de la peste l'été 1970 dans le foyer du Gissar. Caracteristics of plague microbes strains isolated of summer 1970 in Gissar focus]. Mater. VII nauch. konf. protivochum. ouchrezhd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhst., Alma-Ata, 6-7.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Gissar, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Golovko E.N., Peisakhis A.A., Morozkhina E.A. & Neranov I.M. 1969. K probleme prirodnoï otchagovosti tchoumt na Gissare [Sur le problème des foyers de peste au Gissar. About the problem of natural plague foci in Gissar]. V kn. Materialy VI naoutchnoï konferntsii protivotchoumnikh outchrejdeniï Sredbeï Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 1.
En russe, in Russian. Peste, plague, Gissar, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Golovko E.N., Stetzenko Z.D., Derlyatko K.I. 1974. [Bilan d'observations sérologiques des marmottes rouges après infection expérimentale de peste. Results of serological observation red marmots after experimental infection by plague]. Mater. VIII nauch. konf. protivochoum. ouchrezhd. Srednei Azii i Kazakh, Alma-Ata, 104-105.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, peste, plague, serum.

Golumbinskii E.P., Zhevtyi I.F. & Lemesheva L.B. 1987. [La peste en Sibérie. About plague in Siberia]. Irkoutsk, 242 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Sibérie, Siberia.

Gommery Dominique 2005. Le Nord-Est Bourguignon, une région de préhistoire [The Burgundian North-East, a region of prehistory]. In Préhistoire du Nord-Est Bourguignon [Prehistory of burgundian North-East], Djindjian François, Genreau François, Gommery Dominique & Pautrat YvesBiopréhistoire, 2 : 1-9.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Bourgogne, Burgundy.
Le Nord-Est Bourguignon (Côte d’Or et Yonne) est une zone géographique où il existe des paysages variés et dont l’Armançon constitue l’axe vital. Il n’existe pas réellement une synthèse du patrimoine préhistorique de cette zone mais nous vous en exposons une partie. Il existe un grand nombre de découvertes, souvent isolées, datant du quaternaire (la dernière ère géologique datée entre 1.8 millions d’années et aujourd’hui) qui ont été répertoriées depuis le début du XIXème siècle. Les plus anciens restes d’homme appartiennent à l’Homme de Néandertal (entre 75 000 et 35 000 ans). Ce dernier a fabriqué les outils moustériens. C’est le cas des restes de néandertalien découvert à Genay ou à Créancey en Côte d’Or.

Gommery Dominique 2005. Les grottes de Bâlot (Côte-d’Or) [the Bâlot caves (Côte-d’Or)].In Préhistoire du Nord-Est Bourguignon [Prehistory of burgundian North-East], Djindjian François, Genreau François, Gommery Dominique & Pautrat YvesBiopréhistoire, 2 : 12-13.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Bourgogne, Burgundy.

Gommery Dominique & Pautrat Y. 2005. Genay, le plus vieux bourguignon (Vallée de l’Armançon, Côte-d’Or) [Genay, the oldest Burgundian (Armançon Valley, Côte-d'Or)]. In Préhistoire du Nord-Est Bourguignon [Prehistory of burgundian North-East], Djindjian François, Genreau François, Gommery Dominique & Pautrat YvesBiopréhistoire, 2 : 9-11.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Bourgogne, Burgundy.

Gonzalez E.R. 1979. From deep cold to deep sleep [Du froid intense au sommeil profond]. JAMA, 241(24): 2586.
En anglais, in English.

Gonzalez J., Gil-Santano J. & Puig-Maideu D. 1989. Notes sobre la preséncia de la marmota al Ripollés [Notes sur la présence de la marmotte à Ripollès. Notes on the marmot presence in Ripollès]. Taleia, 2: 15-17.
En espagnol, in Spanish.
Marmota marmota, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, Espagne, Spain.

Goncharova A.A. & Buyakova T.G. 1960. [Biologie de la tique Haemogamasus mandschuricus Vitzth. du Transbaïkal. Biology of tick Haemogamasus mandschuricus Vitzth. in Transbaikalian region]. Parazitol. sborn. Zool. in-ta Acad. Nauk USSR, M.-L., 19: 155-163.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida, tique, tick, Transbaïkal.

Goncharova A.A. & Buyakova T.G. 1962. [Écologie des tiques Haemogamasidae de la région du Transbaïkal. Ecology ticks Haemogamasidae in Transbaikalian region]. Mater. 4 ecologich. konf., Kiev, 8: 27-29 (In Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida, écologie, écology, Transbaïkal.

Goodrich C.A. 1973. Acid-base balance in euthermic and hibernating marmots [Equilibre acide-base chez les marmottes euthermiques et hibernantes]. Am. J. Physiol., 224 : 1185-1189.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Goodrich C.A. & Lyman C.P. 1971. Blood acid-base balance in hibernating marmots [Equilibre sanguin acide-base chez les marmottes hibernantes]. Federation Proc., 30 : 483.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.

Goodrich Samuel G 1840. Peter Parley's Illustrations of the Animal Kingdom- beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects [Illustrations de Peter Parley du monde animal. Bêtes, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles et insectes]. B.B. Mussey, Boston.
En anglais, in English.
Bobac, marmotte commune, common marmot, Maryland marmot, woodchuck, marmotte des prairies, prairie marmot, wish-ton-wish, marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, siffleur, whistler, marmotte de Franklin, Franklin’s marmot, marmotte de Richardson, Richardson’s marmot, marmotte de Hood, Hood’s marmot, marmotte de Beechey, Beechey’s marmot, marmotte de Say, Say’s marmot, marmotte de Parry, Parry’s marmot, marmotte de Douglas, Douglas’s marmot.
Extrait pdf extract
Goodwin G.G. 1924.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax canadensis, Canada, Québec.

Goodwin G.G. 1935a. The mammals of Connecticut [Les mammifères du Connecticut]. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 53: 97-100.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax preblorum, États-Unis, Connecticut.

Goodwin G.G. 1935b. Snyder expedition-Tuchodi Lake. Correspondence, copy of an article in Natural History magazine with photographs. Reference to a map (map file 1312 but map not found) [Expédition Snyder - Tuchodi Lake. Correspondance, copie d’un article du Natural Hitory magazine avec photographies]. Mammalogy Department of Mammalogy, American Museum of Natural History.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Colombie Britannique, British Columbia, Canada.

Goodwin H.T. 1989. Marmota flaviventris from the central Mojave desert of California: biogeographic implications [Marmota flaviventris du centre du désert Mojave en Californie : implications biogé-ographiques]. Southwest. Nat., 34: 284-287.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, Biogéographie : &E;´tats-Unis, California

Goodwin H.T. 1999. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19(3): 47A.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota flaviventris.

Goodwin H. Thomas & Reynolds Robert E. 1989. Late Quaternary Sciuridae from Kokoweef Cave, San Bernardino County, California [Sciuridae de la fin du quaternaire de la grotte de Kokoweef, comté de San Bernardino, Californie]. Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci., 88 : 21-32.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Californie.

Goossens B., Allainé D., Coulon J., Graziani L., Bel M-C. & Taberlet P. 1996. Transfert d'une femelle gravide et adoption des jeunes dans un groupe familial de marmottes alpines. Données génétiques et comportementales [Immigration of a pregnant female and adoption of its offsprings in a family group of Alpine marmot. Genetic and behavioural data]. In 3ème Journée d'Etude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 45-50.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paternité, paternity, système de reproduction, reproduction, poil, hair, PCR, Microsatellites.
Un cas d'acceptation d'une femelle gravide et d'adoption de ses jeunes par le mâle dominant d'un groupe familial de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota) a été confirmé par l'étude conjointe de l'analyse du polymorphisme de 6 séquences microsatellites et d'observations comportementales. Ces premiers résultats semblent indiquer que le système de reproduction de la marmotte alpine est plus complexe qu'on ne le croyait, que la polygynie n'est pas exclue et que des femelles adultes peuvent joindre des groupes voisins. Ce transfert aurait été interprété comme une paternité extra-couple si des données de terrain très complètes n'avaient été disponibles.
The acceptance of a pregnant female and the adoption of its offspring by the dominant male of a family group of Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) was revealed both by microsatellite polymorphism analysis and behavioural studies. These preliminary results show that the mating system of the Alpine marmot is more intricate than believed. Polygyny cannot be excluded and adult females can aggregate neighbouring groups. Such aggregation would have been misinterpreted as an extra-pair paternity if very precise field data had not been available.

Goossens B., Coulon J., Allainé D., Graziani L., Bel M-C. & Taberlet P. 1996. Immigration d'une femelle gravide dans un groupe familial de marmottes alpines : données comportementales et génétiques [Immigration of a pregnant female in an alpine marmot family group: behavioural and genetic data]. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 319 : 241-246.
(Marmota marmota) : Social : Paternité : Poil : Génétique

Un cas d'acceptation d'une femelle gravide par le mâle dominant d'un groupe familial de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota) (population de la Grande Sassière, Parc National de la Vanoise, Alpes françaises) a été confirmé par l'étude conjointe de l'analyse du polymorphisme de 6 séquences microsatellites et d'observations comportementales. Ces premiers résultats semblent indiquer que le système de reproduction de la marmotte alpine est plus complexe qu'on ne le croyait, que la polygamie n'est pas exclue et que des femelles adultes peuvent rejoindre des groupes voisins. Cette acceptation aurait été interprétée comme une paternité extra-couple si des données de terrain très complètes n'avaient été disponibles.
The acceptance of a pregnant female by the dominant male of a family froup of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) (population of La Grande Sassière, Parc National de la Vanoise, French Alps) was reavealed by the combined results from microsatellite polymorphism analusis and behavioural studies. These first results seem to indicate that the mating system of the alpine marmot is more complex than previously thought, that polygyny cannot be excluded, and that adults females can join neighbouring groups. This acceptance would have been interpreted as an extra-pair fertilization if complete data had not been available.

Goossens B., Chikhi L., Taberlet P., Waits L.P. & Allainé D. 2001. Microsatellite analysis of genetic variation among and within Alpine marmot populations in the French Alps [Analyse microsatellitaire des variations gén;étique inter et intra-populations de marmottes alpines]. Molecular Ecology, 10(1): 41-52.
Available pdf disponible
(Marmota marmota); F-statistics; évitement de la consanguinité, Inbreeding avoidance; Isolement gégraphique, Isolation by distance; Microsatellites; Structure génétique des populations, Population genetic structure.
The genetic structure of the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota, was studied by an analysis of five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Eight locations were sampled in the French Alps, one from Les Ecrins valley (n = 160), another from La Sassière valley (n = 289) and the six others from the Maurienne valley (n = 139). Information on social group structure was available for both Les Ecrins and La Sassière but not for the other samples. The high levels of genetic diversity observed are at odds with the results obtained using microsatellites, minisatellites and allozymes on Alpine marmots from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Strong deficits in heterozygotes were found in Les Ecrins and La Sassière. They are caused by a Wahlund effect due to the family structure (i.e. differentiation between the family groups). The family groups exhibit excess of heterozygotes rather than deficits. This may be caused by outbreeding and this is compatible with recent results from the genetics of related social species when information on the social structure is taken into account. The observed outbreeding could be the result of females mating with transient males or males coming from neighbouring colonies. Both indicate that the species may not be as monogamous as is usually believed. The results are also compatible with a male-biased dispersal but do not allow us to exclude some female migration. We also found a significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance indicating that isolation by distance could be an issue in marmots. This study is the first that analysed populations of marmots taking into account the social structure within populations and assessing inbreeding at different levels (region, valley population, and family groups). Our study clearly demonstrated that the sampling strategy and behavioural information can have dramatic effects on both the results and interpretation of the genetic data.

Goossens B., Graziani L., Allainé D., Waits LP., Coulon J., Taberlet P. & Bouvet J. (Госсен Б., Грациаги Л., Аллан Д., Вайтс Л., Кцлон Ж., Таберле П., Бобе Ж.) 1997. Отцовское исключение и брачная система у альптйского сурка: микросателлитный (докус) и поледенческий анализ. Paternity exclusion and mating system in alpine marmot: microsatellite and behavioural analysis [Ottsovskoe isklyutchenie i bratchnaya sistema ou al'piïskogo sourka: microsatellitnyï (lokus) i Povedentcheskiï analiz. Exclusion paternelle et système d'appariement chez la marmotte alpine : analyse par microsatellite et comportementale]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 28 (Rousskie, Russian), 146 (Angliïskie, English).
En anglais et en russe, in Russian and in English.
Marmota marmota, appariement, matching, éthologie, ethology, biologie moléculaire, molecular biology.

Goossens B., Graziani L., Waits L.P., Farand E., Magnolon S., Coulon J., Bel M-C., Taberlet P. & Allainé D. 1998. Extra-pair paternity in the monogamous Alpine marmot revealed by nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 43: 281-288.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, paternité, paternity, monogamie, monogamy, ADN, DNA.

The genetic parentage and pedigrees of 35 litters from 12 family groups of monogamous Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the French Alps were analyzed using six hypervariable sequences repeat nuclear loci (microsatellites). All of the members of these family groups were sampled during a 5-year period. Hairs taken directly from animals served as a source of DNA for amplification of the loci. Our results indicate that the genetic mating system of the Alpine marmot is quite different from a strictly monogamous breeding system. Extra-pair paternity occured in 11 of the 35 litters (31,4%). Of the 134 juveniles typed, 26 (19,4%) could be attributed to extra-pair copulation (EPC). We examine hypotheses which could explain the evolution of EPC and discuss the different patterns of extra-pair mating.

Goossens B., Waits L.P. & Taberlet P. 1998. Plucked hair samples as a source of DNA: Reliability of dinucleotide microsatellite genotyping. Molecular Ecology, 7 (9): 1237-1241.
Available pdf disponible
En anglais, in English.
Englais, Biologie moléculaire, (Marmota marmota), poil, microsatellites.

To test whether plucked hairs are a reliable source of DNA for genotyping microsatellite loci, we carried out experiments using one, three, or 10 hairs per extract for 50 alpine marmots. For each extract, seven independent genotypings were performed for the same locus (multiple-tubes approach). Two types of genotyping errors were recorded: a false homozygote defined as the detection of only one allele of a true heterozygote, and a false allele defined as a PCR-generated allele that was not one of the alleles of. the true genotype. Using DNA extracted from one, three, or 10 hairs, the overall error rate was 14.00%, 4.86%, and 0.29%, respectively. Based on our results, we conclude that 10 hairs should be used to obtain consistently reliable genotypings using the single-tube approach, and that a single plucked hair could represent a reliable source of DNA if the multiple-tubes approach is used. For future studies of dinucleotide repeat diversity using DNA extracted from one to three shed or plucked hairs, we strongly recommend initiating an appropriate pilot study to quantify the error rate and to determine the reliability of the single-tube approach.

Gorbienko P.S. & Gorbienko O.YA. 1962. Epizootiya tchoumy na mongol'skikh pichtchoukhakh [Epidémie de peste chez les Ochotona de Mongolie. Plague infestation of Ochotona in Mongolia]. Izv. Irkout. protivoychoumn. in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 24.
Epidémiologie : Peste : Mongolie

Горбунов А.П.Gorbunov A.P. 1967. Vetchnaya merzlota Tyan'Chanya [Eternel permagel du Tien Shan. Endless permafrost in Tien Shan]. Frounze: Ilim.
Sol, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Gorchakova T.F., Gan N.V., et al. 1974. [Résultats d'une étude épidémiologique de la zone frontière de la Reacute;publique Populaire de Mongolie avec la Transbaïkalie. Results of an epizootological study of the strip of the Mongolian people's republic along the border with Transbaikalia]. In Safonova (Ed.), Proc. Scient. Conf. Anti-plague Instit., 10: 76-78.
(Marmota sibirica) ; Peste ; Parasitologie ; Mongolie.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.) 1999. Mnogoletnie izmeneniya tchislennosti stepnogo sourka v reliktovoï kolonii respoubliki Tatarstan. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 19-21.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Tatarstan.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.) & Lavlov E.A. 1999. Tchislennost' stepnogo sourka v respoublike Tatarstan. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 21-22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Tatarstan.

Gordon C.L. & Czaplewski N.J. 2000. A fossil marmot from the Late Miocene of western Oklahoma [Une marmotte fossile du Pliocène tardif de l'Oklahoma occidental]. Oklahoma Geology Notes, 60(2):28-32.
En anglais, in English.
Miocène, Miocene, Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Oklahoma, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Gordon K. 1936. Territorial behavior and social dominance among Sciuridae [Comportement territorial et dominance sociale parmi les Sciuridae]. J. Mammal., 17(2): 171-172.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, territoire, teritory, social.

Gorjanovic-Kramberger Dragutin 1911. Arctomys marmotta, Schreib. aus Krapina. Vijesti geol. Povjer. Croatia-Slavonia, 1:52-54.
Marmota marmota.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.) 1996. K ekologii sourka v tatarstane [Sur l'écologie de la marmotte du Tatarstan. On ecology of the Tatarstan's marmot]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 18-19.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écology, ecology, Tatarstan.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.) 2002. [L'habitat des marmottes dans les paysages de steppes est une source de la biodiversité des steppes. A habitation of marmots in steppe landscapes is a source of steppe biodiversity]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 16.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, paysage, landscape.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.), Кадаш А.Ф. (Kadash, Kadach A.F.) & Бирюков В.А. (Biryukov, Birïoukov V.A.) 1997. Перспектиыф изучения и использования сурка-байбака в респуьлике татарстан.The outlock for research and usage of Marmota bobac Mull. in the Republic of Tatarstan [Perspektivy izoutchz-eniya i ispol'zovaniya sourka-baïbaka v respoublike Tatarstan. Perspectives de recherche et d'usage de Marmota bobac]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity] , III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, , III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 27 (Rousskie, Russian), 147 (Angliïskie, English).
En anglais et en russe, in English and Russian.
Marmota bobac, conservation, République du Tatarstan, Russie, Russia.

Горшков Р.К. (Gorchkov, Gorshkov P.K.), Khasanova G.F. & Kurikova O.M. 2002. Enlargement of space of bobac habitat in the right river-bank's regions of the Republic of Tatarstan [Accroissement de l'habitat du bobac dans les régions de berge droite de la république du Tatarstan]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, Tatarstan.

Gortani M. 1909. Avanzi di mammiferi rinvenuti in alcune grotte friulane [Restes de mammifères découverts dans une grotte frioulane]. Mondo sotteraneo, 5 : 1-19.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, mandibule, mandible, paléontologie, paleontology, Frioul, Friul, Italie, Italy.

Gortazar C., Castillo J.A., Lucientes J., Blanco J.C., Arriolabengoa A & Calvete C. 1994. Factors affecting Dirofilaria immitis prevalence in red foxes in NE Spain [Facteurs affectant la prévalence de Dirofilaria immitis chez le renard commun au NE de l'Espagne]. J. Wildl. Diseases, 30(4): 545-547.
En anglais, in English.
Vulpes, parasitologie, parasitology, Espagne, Spain.

Gortazar C., Herrero J., Garcia-Serrano A. & Lucientes J. 1994. Données préliminaires sur les parasites de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) dans les Pyrénées du sud-ouest. Preliminary data on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) parasites in South-Western Pyrenees. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 78-79.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Espagne, Spain.

The translocation of wild animals has an impact on the sanitary state of wild and domestic animals that share their habitat with the translocated animals. The sanitary study of Alpine marmot in the Pyrenees is particulary important because it is an introduced species, that has recently colonized this mountain range and could have introduced several parasitarian, virical, bacterial and fungical diseases which could also be new species for this area. Alpine marmots could also be affected by pyrenean diseases coming from other pyrenean vertebrates that share the same environment. The preliminary coprological anlisis of 62 drops and 12 necropsies indicates the presence of: Coccidia (Eimeria sp. similiar to type 2, described by Bassano et al. 1992), Trematoda (non identified Digenea); Cestoda (Ctenotaenia marmotae); Nematoda (Ascaris sp., Capillaria hepatica, Trichuris sp. and Tricoestrongilidae). The number of taxa is low compared to the results of Alpine studies even if a loss of some parasites can occur in traslocated populations. Other non specific species found in the Alps are missing. Parasites which are new for Alpine marmots appear: Capillaria hepatica and an unidentified Trematoda.

Gortazar C., Herrero J., Garcia-Serrano A., Lucientes J. & Luco D.F. 1996. Données préliminaires sur les parasites digestifs de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) dans les Pyrénées du Sud-ouest. Preliminary data on the parasitic fauna of the digestive system of Marmota marmota in the Western Pyrenees. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes/Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 105-108.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Espagne, Spain, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

La marmotte alpine, récemment introduite dans les Pyrénées, pourrait avoir importé plusieurs parasites et micro-organismes nouveaux pour cette zone ou pourrait aussi être affectée par des maladies transmises par d'autres vertébrés pyrénéens. L'analyse préliminaire (62 fèces et 12 autopsies) indique la présence de : Coccidia (Eimeria sp. du type 2), Trematoda (Digenea non identifié); Cestoda (Ctenotaenia marmotae); Nematoda (Ascaris sp., Capillaria hepatica, Trichuris sp. et Tricoestrongilidae). Le nombre de taxons est inférieur à celui des Alpes. D'autres espèces non spécifiques des Alpes sont absentes. Des parasites nouveaux chez la marmotte apparaissent : Capillaria hepatica et un Trematoda non identifié.
The Alpine marmot recently introduced in the Pyrenees could have introduced several parasitic, viral, bacterial and fungal diseases new for this area. Alpine marmots could also be affected by diseases coming from other Pyrenean vertebrates. The preliminary analysis of 62 drops and 12 necropsies indicates the presence of: Coccidia (Eimeria sp. similar to type 2), Trematoda (non identified Digenea); Cestoda (Ctenotaenia marmotae); Nematoda (Ascaris sp., Capillaria hepatica, Trichuris sp. and Tricoestrongilidae). The number of taxa is low compared to the results of Alpine studies. Other non specific species found in the Alps are missing. Parasites, new for Alpine marmots, appear: Capillaria hepatica and an unidentified Trematoda.

Gosling L.M. 1982. A reassessment of the function of scent-marking in territories [Réévaluation de la fonction du marquage odorant des territoires]. Z. Tierpsychol., 60: 89-118.
En anglais, in English.
Territoire, territory, marquage, marking.

The energetic costs and the risk of injury in agonistic encounters can be reduced by prior assessment of opponents; it will generally pay low quality animals to avoid combat with one of high quality. Following this principle it is suggested that territory owners scent mark their territories to provide intruders wuth a means of assessment. When the odour of a competitor, or of a mark it is seen to have made, matches that of scent marks encountered in the vicinity, then the competitor is probably the territory owner. Since owners are generally high quality animals, and assuming they have more to gain by retaining a territory than intruder has in taking it over, it will pay the owner to escalate and the intruder to give up early. The advantage to owners in marking may thus be that by allowing themselves to be identified they reduce the costs of territory defence. Published information on the behaviuor of territory owners and intruders is consistent with predictions from this hypothesis. The hypothesis offers an explanation for a number of poorly understood behaviours including self-anointing and scent marking during agonoistic encounters.

Gotlib Marcel 1972. Rubrique-à-brac. Tome 3, Paris.
Bande dessinée, cartoon, marmot, marmotte.
En français, in French.
Voir, look at

Gotthardt T.A. & Jansen A. 2006. Alaska marmot [Marmotte de l’Alaska]. State Conservation Status, Element Ecology & Life .
En anglais, in English.
Marmota broweri, Alaska, EUA, USA.

Gottlieb Hedwig 1914. Die Antiklinie der Wirbelsäule der Säugetiere. Morphol. Jahrb., 49: 179-220, pls. viii-xiii, 2 text-figs.
En allemand, in German.

Gouillat C., Manganas D., Zoulim F., Vitrey D., Saguier G., Guillaud M., Ain J.F., Duque-Campos R., Jamard C., Praves M. & Trepo C. 1997. Woodchuck hepatitis virus-induced carcinoma as a relevant natural model for therapy of human hepatoma. J. Hepatol., 26(6): 1324-1330.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Eastern American woodchuck (Marmota monax), naturally infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus, a virus similar to human hepatitis B virus, develops liver cancer with a high prevalence. AIMS: The aim of this work was to assess Marmota monax as a model of human hepatocellular carcinoma, especially to assess new potential adjuvant therapies after surgical resection. Forty-four woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected animals were regularly screened by ultrasound examination from the age of 18 months and for a 30-month period. One or more liver tumors were diagnosed in 31 animals (70%). Five of them with multifocal tumor or poor general status were considered unsuitable for surgery. The other 26 were operated on. At laparotomy no tumor was found in three. The 18 liver tumors studied were hepatocellular carcinomas, grossly and microscopically similar to human hepatocellular carcinoma. Peritumoral parenchyma studied in 13 specimens was always non-cirrhotic but adequate staining demonstrated patterns of fibrosis in four cases. Clear evidence of chronic active hepatitis, periportal hepatitis and steatosis were demonstrated in five, seven and one of the 13 specimens, respectively. Tumors were treated by tumorectomy in eight animals, by alcoholization in seven and by laser photocoagulation in one. A simple tumor biopsy was performed in the other seven. Ten animals died postoperatively. All the survivors in the tumorectomy group died from tumor recurrence within 10-18 months after surgery. It is concluded that woodchuck hepatitis virus-induced liver carcinoma is a natural model of human hepatocellular carcinoma with similar pathology and natural history, including early ultrasonic detection and tumor recurrence after resection. Tumor excision is feasible in this animal model, which now provides the basis for assessment of new potential adjuvant therapies for human hepatocellular carcinoma in an attempt to reduce the high recurrence rate after surgical resection in humans.

Goulin Jean 1777. Abrégé de l'histoire naturelle : à l'usage des élèves de l'Ecole royale militaire. Paris, Nyon. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Histoire naturelle, natural history, marmotte alpine, Alpine marmot, p 223.
Extrait/extract pdf

Goumain-Cornille 1865. La Savoie, le Mont-Cenis et l'Italie septentrionale : voyage anecdotique, historique et scientifique avec une note sur l'histoire naturelle de ces contrées par le Dr Boisduval [The Savoy, the Mont-Cenis and the northern Italy: anecdotal, historical and scientific travel with a note on the natural history of these regions by the Dr. Boisduval]. Paris, A. Durand, 329 p.
En français, in French.
extrait pdf extract. Arctomys marmotta, marmotte, marmot, p.310.

Gourreau J.-M. 1990. Quand la marmotte s'éveille [When marmot awakes]. Alpes Magazine, 4 : 53-57.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota.

Gourreau J.-M. 1992a. Éco-ethologie des marmottes. Chaleur à la carte [Marmot behavioural ecology. A la carte heat]. La semaine vétérinaire, 640 : 34.
En français, in French.
(Marmota marmota).

Gourreau J.M. 1992b. Les marmottes font du baby-sitting [Marmots baby-sit]. Alpes Magasine, 12.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, pédagogie.

Gourreau J.-M. 1994. Bien au chaud sous la neige [Nice and warm under the snow]. Alpes Magazine, 57-61.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Alpes, Alps.
Gourreau J.-M. 2000. Mutation chez les marmottes [Mutation in mùarmots]. Alpes Magazine, 62: 48-51.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, poil, hair.

Gourreau J.-M. & Moutou F. La marmotte des Alpes. Association pour les publications et les études des réserves naturelles de Haute-Savoie.
En français, inFrench.
Marmota marmota.

Gowans E.J., Baroudy B.M., Negro F., Ponzetto A., Purcell R.H. & Gerin J.L. 1988. Evidence for replication of hepatitis delta virus RNA in hepatocyte nuclei after in vivo infection. Virology, 167(1): 274-248.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, noyau, nuclei.
Examination of a naturally infected human liver and experimentally infected chimpanzee and woodchuck livers by in situ hybridization showed that hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA was restricted to hepatocytes. Genomic RNA was 20-30 times more abundant than antigenomic RNA and was predominantly single-stranded while antigenomic RNA was predominantly double-stranded. In acute delta hepatitis, viral RNA was a more reliable marker of virus infection in single cells than hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) while in chronic hepatitis both markers were usually present in the same cell. In all cases, viral antigen and RNA were localized predominantly to the nuclei of infected cells. Thus, replication of HDV RNA is closely associated with HDAg expression at the cellular and intracellular level and it is likely that this new class of defective animal RNA viruses replicates in the nucleus of the infected cells.

Government of Yukon 2001. Hoary marmot [Marmotte givrée]. Fish & Wildlife Information.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, Marmota caligata, Yukon, Canada.

Grad Ch. 1873. Sur l’existence de l’homme pendant l’époque glaciaire, en Alsace [On the Man existence during the Ice age, in Alsace] . Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 76 : 659-662.
En français, in French.
Loehm, Eguisheim, Lahr, homme, man, mammouth ; mammuth, bison, buffalo, cerf, cheval.

Grad C. 1876. Note sur la découverte d’une station humaine de l’époque de la pierre polie, près de Belfort [Note on the discovery of a human site of the polished stone age, near Belfort]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 82 : 916-907.
En français, in French.
Grotte de Cravanches, Cravanches Cave, homme, Man, âge de la pierre polie, polished stone age.

Grady Frederick 1988. A preliminary account of the Pleistocene mammals from Patton Cave, Monroe County, West Virginia [Note préliminaire sur les mammifères du Pléistocène de la grotte de patton, comté de Monroe, West Virginia]. NSS Bull., 50 : 9-16.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.

Grafenauer E.V. 1952. Vom Murmele. [De la marmotte. About the marmot].
Der Anblick, 7 : 209-211.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Graham R.W. 1988. Comment: the role of climate change in the design of biological reserves; the paleobiological perspective for conservation biology [Commentaire : le rôle du changement de climat dans la création des réserves biologiques ; perpspective paléobiologique de la biologie de la conservation]. Conservation biology, 2(4): 391-394.
En anglais, in English.
Climat, climate, paléobiologie, paleobiology.

Grahn DA, Miller JD, Houng VS & Heller HC. 1994. Persistence of circadian rhythmicity in hibernating ground squirrels [Maintien d’une rytmicité circadienne chez les écureuils trerrestres hibernants].
Am. J. Physiol., 266(4 Pt 2):R1251-8.
En anglais, in English.
Spermophilus lateralis, spermophile à mante dorée, rythme circadien, circadian rhythm, hibernation, température corporelle Tc, body temperature Tc.
The body temperatures (Tb) of golden-mantled ground squirrels maintained under constant dim light (< 20 1x red light) at an ambient temperature of 10 degrees c were monitored via telemetry throughout the hibernation season. during euthermia, when tb ranged from 34 to 39 degrees c, these animals exhibited robust circadian tb rhythms. during bouts of hibernation, when tb rhythms persisted, although the amplitudes of the rhythms were considerably dampened compared with euthermia. the periods of the intrabout tb rhythms were within the ranges observed during euthermia and were stable within an individual bout but varied between hibernation bouts. arousals from hibernation occurred at a fixed phase angle of the tb cycle. once the period of an intrabout tb rhythm was determined, it was possible to predict the timing of arousal from the hibernation bout to within 1 h of any 24-h period. this study confirms previous speculation about the persistence of circadian rhythms in golden-mantled ground squirrels during deep hibernation and demonstrates that the circadian system is involved in the timing of periodic arousals from hibernation.

Graig L.F. 1994. Polyunsaturate content and diet selection by ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) [Teneur en polyinsaturés et sélection alimentaire chez les écureuils terrestres (S. lateralis)].
Ecology, 75(2):458-463.
En anglais, in English.
Spermophilus lateralis, Sciuridae, alimentation, foraging.
Golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) are small herbivores that hibernate during winter. Previous experiments have demonstrated that a high polyunsaturate diet enhances hibernation by ground squirrels. Polyunsaturated fatty acids cannot be synthesized by mammals, but they are commonly produced by plants. It was therefore predicted that ground squirrels, during the 2 mo prior to hibernation, select diet items of a relatively high polyunsaturate content. This hypothesis was tested in a series of laboratory diet selection experiments involving S. lateralis and semisynthetic diets of different polyunsaturate contents. The stomach contents of free-ranging S. lateralis were also analyzed for polyunsaturate content. As predicted, the squirrels preferred semisynthetic diets of relatively higher polyunsaturate contents. Stomach content analyses suggest that the dietary lipids of free-ranging ground squirrels have high polyunsaturate contents. These results indicate that polyunsaturate content may influence the foraging behavior of ground squirrels.

Гламма В.Н. (Gramma V.M.) 1997. Stepnoï sourkov (Marmota bobac) i ego sredoobraziouchtchaya deyatel'nost' v stepnykh biogeotsenozakh [La marmotte des steppes et son impact sur la formation des biogéocénoses steppiques]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 7-8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, steppe.

Gramont F. de 1878-1882. Chansons et rondes de l'enfance [Songs and rounds of the childhood].
J. Hetzel, Paris, 10 vol. in-4 adaptées : La Marmotte en vie, Compère Guilleri, Il était une bergère, La Mère Michel, Nous n'irons plus au bois, Sur le pont d'Avignon, Le Roi Dagobert, Giroflé-Girofla, Monsieur de La Palisse, Cadet-Roussel.
En français, in French.
Ethnozoologie, chants, songs.

Gramotina L.I. 1977. [Spheroplast bacteriocin from strains of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis and its identification by the antibacterial activity spectrum and the morphology of the inhibition zones].
Antibiotiki, 22(8): 704-708.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, pseudotuberculose, pseudotubercolosis.
Capacity for production of bactericin was found in the spheroplasts of the strains of the rodent pseudotuberculosis microbe. The author named it as pseudotuberculocin. The bacteriocin production was not detected in the initial strains of the pseudotuberculosis microbe. Pseudotuberculocin differed in the antibacterial spectrum and morphology of the growth inhibition zones formed on the plates with the indicator strains from the pesticins produced by the strains of the plaque microbe of the marmot and sandword varieties respectively and the cultures of the plaque microbe from the Transcaucasian Upland, as well as from pesticins of the spheroplasts of these strains. Production of a pesticin differing from pesticins of the rod-like forms of these strains by an ability to inhibit the growth of the homologous indicators was shown in the spheroplasts of the plaque microbe of the marmot and sandword varieties. Sensitivity of the plaque microbe strains of the marmot and sandword varieties to the pesticins of the plaque microbe strains and pseudotuberculocin was noted. With an account of the difference in the activity of the tested pesticins and pseudotuberculocin against the strains of the Frederic collection it is recommended to use this property for identifications of pesticins and pseudotuberculocin.

Gramotina L.I. & Rozanova G.N. 1977. [Spheroplasts of plague microbe strains from the Transcaucasian uplands and their capacity for pesticin synthesis].
Antibiotiki, 22(7): 634-639.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, marmotte, marmot.
Spherical formations of the plague microbe strains from the Transcaucasian Upland, I plague microbe strain of the sandwort variety and I strain of the marmot variety were obtained under the effect of lithium chloride. They had the remains of the cell wall, were viable, sensitive to osmotic shock, preserved sensitivity to the specific bacteriophage and pesticins. All this was evident of isolation of the spheroplasts of the plague microbe. The spheroplasts showed a capacity for pesticin production. The pesticin synthesis by the spheroplasts of the plague causative agent from the Transcaucasian Upland increased with an increase in the content of lithium chloride in the medium. The largest inhibiiton zones were observed, when 0.7-0.8 per cent of lithium chloride were present in the medium.In the spheroplasts of the plague causative agent from the Mountain Altai (the marmot variety) the pesticin synthesis was inhibited with an increase in the content of lithium chloride in the medium. The activity spectrum of the pesticins of the spheroplasts of the plague causative agent from the Transcaucasian Upland and the spheroplasts of the strains of the marmot and sandwort varieties was broader than that of the rod-like forms of these strains. The indicator properties were found in the strains of the plague microbe of the marmot and sandwort varieties with respect to the pesticins of the spheroplasts of the sel-like producing organisms and organisms from the Transcaucasian Upland.

Grassé Pierre-P. 1977. Précis de zoologie : Vertébrés. 2 Reproduction, biologie, évolution et systématique. Agnathes, poissons, amphibiens et reptiles. [Précis of zoology : Vertebrates. 3. Reproduction, biology, evolution and systematics. Agnaths, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles]. 2ème édition, Masson, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, gestation.
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Grassé Pierre-P. 1977. Précis de zoologie : Vertébrés. 3. Reproduction, biologie, évolution et systématique. Oiseaux et mammifères [Précis of zoology : Vertebrates. 3. Reproduction, biology, evolution and systematics. Birds and mammals]. 2ème édition, Masson, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, société, society, figure.
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Grassé P.P. & P. Dekeyser 1955. Ordre des Rongeurs [The Rodent order]. In Traité de Zoologie, P.P. Grassé Ed., 17 (2) : 1321-1525, 1564-1571, Masson, Paris.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Marmota.

Gratiolet P. & Leuret François 1839-1857. Anatomie comparée du système nerveux considéré dans ses rapports avec l'intelligence. Tome premier. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : J.-B. Baillière et fils, 1839-1857. Chapitre sixième. Système nerveux cérébro-spinal de mammifères.
En français, in French.
Littérature françaises, Fench literature, Neuroanatomie, neuroanatomy, marmotte, marmot.
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Gratz N. 1999. Rodent reservoirs & flea vectors of natural plague [Réservoirs de rongeurs et puces vecteurs de peste naturelle].
In Plague Manual. Epidemiology, Distribution, Surveillance and Control, WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.2 : 63-95.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota baibacina, Marmota caudata, Marmota himalayana, Marmota sibirica, Chine, China, Fédération de Russie, Russian Federation.

Version pdf

Gray Ed 2003.Track Pack- Animal Tracks in Full Life Size [Jeu de pistes. Empreintes animales en grandeur nature]. llustré par Decourcy L. Taylor, Stackpole Books, 34 pages.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, piste, track.
Designed to be brought out in the field, this handy pocket guide features actual-size tracks for 38 common North American animals, from bobcats to bobwhites and opossums to grizzly bears, as well as trail information. Each entry contains North American range maps and scaled drawings of each animal to aid with identification. An indispensable, quick reference for trackers, hunters, and everyone who is curious about the outdoors.

Gray E.W. 1970. Non-regulated thermal behavior of a marmot from 5°-35°C [Comportement de non-régulation thermique chez une marmotte de 5°- à 35°-C].
Thesis. Departement of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, hibernation.

Gray John Edward & Gray George Robert 1847. List of the Osteological Specimens in the Collection of the British Museum [Liste des spécimens ostéologiques dans les collections du British Museum]. Printed by order of the Trustees, 147p., Num. Google.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys Empetra, Quebec marmot, Weenusk, Arctomys pruinosus, the wistler, Arctomys Bobac, Shipi ou Chupi, Arctomys Thibetanus, Tibet marmot, crâne, skull, squelette, skeleton.
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Grayson D.K. 1982. Toward a history of Great Basin mammals during the past 15,000 years [Vers une histoire du Great Basin durant les 15.000 derniers ans]. In Man and environment in the Great Basin, Madsen D.B. & O'Connell J.F., eds., Soc. Am. Archaeol. Pap., 2: 82-101.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, EUA, USA.

Grayson D.K. 1983. The paleontology of Gatecliff Shelter: small mammals [Paléontologie de Gatecliff Shelter : les petits mammifères]. In The archaeology of Monitor Valley: 2, Thomas D.H. Gatecliff Shelter. Anthrop. Pap. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 59(1): 99-126.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, EUA, USA.

Grayson D.K. 1984. Quantitative zooarchaeology [Zoo-archéologie quantitative]. Academic Press, New York, NY, 202 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Zooarchéologie, zooarcheology.

Grayson D.K. 1987. The biogeographic history of small mammals in the Great basin: observations on the last 20,000 years [Histoire biogéographique des petits mammifères du Great basin : observations sur les 20.000 dernières années].
J. mammal., 68: 359-375.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, EUA, USA, Nevada.
The extirpation of a yellow-bellied marmot in western Nevada that occured within the past 1500 years was not related to climatic events nor human activities.
Evidence from archaeological and paleontological sites meets key predictions drawn from J. H. Brown's argument that boreal mammals colonized the Great Basin during the Pleistocene, only to become isolated on, and differentially extinct across, Great Basin mountains during the Holocene. Sylvilagus idahoensis decreased in abundance here at about 7,000 years ago, apparently at about the same time that Ochotona princeps became extinct in the lowlands of the northern half of the Great Basin. These shifts seem correlated with a decrease in effective precipitation inferred from paleobotanical data. Hares (Lepus sp.) appear to have been more abundant during the earlier Holocene than during later times in many more northerly parts of the Great Basin, while several sites suggest survival of the extinct noble marten (Martes nobilis) until a few thousand years ago. The fact that boreal mammals are isolated on Great Basin mountains has important implications for the management of high altitude habitats in this region.
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Grayson D.K. 1988. Danger Cave, Last Supper Cave and Hanging Rock Shelter: the faunas [Danger Cave, Last Supper Cave et Hanging Rock Shelter : les faunes].
Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History, 66(1): 1-130.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, Utah, Nevada, EUA, USA.
Bones of yellow-bellied marmot occur in various archaeological sites associated with caves and rockshelter site in the Great Basin and southwestern United States, but local extinctions and range changes for this marmot have been attributed to climatic changes rather than prehistoric overkill.
This monograph presents the results ofthe analysis of faunas from three caves and rockshelters in the northern half of the Great Basin: Danger Cave (Tooele County, western Utah), Last Supper Cave (Humboldt County, northwestern Nevada),and Hanging Rock Shelter (Washoe County, northwestern Nevada). The Danger Cave fauna was excavated by Jesse D. Jennings between 1949 and 1953. A total of 3628 Danger Cave bones and teeth were identified to at least the genus level, of which 3513 are mammalian, 114 are avian, and 1 is reptilian. Stratigraphic analysis of this fauna shows that the major change in the nature of the vertebrate fauna in the western basin of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville occurred at ca. 10,000 B.P. At this time, a series of relatively mesic-adapted taxa seems to have become locally extinct: pygmy rabbits (Sylvilagus idahoensis), yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), and Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). This faunal shift indicates a decrease in locally available mesic habitats, and correlates well with the suggested retreat of Lake Bonneville from the Gilbert level at about 10,000 B.P. It does not support suggestions that Lake Bonneville did not exceed historic levels between ca. 14,500 and 3500 B.P. In documenting the local presence of yellow-bellied marmots and bushy-tailed wood rats along the lower elevations of the Silver Island Mountains, the Danger Cave fauna adds significant support to J. H. Brown's account of the history of boreal mammals in the Great Basin. The decline in the abundance of pygmy rabbits at ca. 10,000 B.P. here may be correlated with the terminal Pleistocene extirpation of these animals from the Southwest, and suggests that these leporids underwent two periods of prehistoric decline in the Great Basin: one at the end of the Pleistocene (documented only from Danger Cave), and one at about 7000 B.P. (documented from a number of sites in the northern Great Basin). Last Supper Cave was excavated by T. N. Layton between 1968 and 1973, and by J. 0. Davis in 1974. The faunal collection retrieved by these excavations provided a total of 9095 vertebrate specimens that could be identified to at least the genus level. Of these, 8975 are mammalian, 63 are reptilian, 56 are avian, and 1 is amphibian. Although the Last Supper Cave sediments were deposited over at least 11,000 years, most of the faunal materials from the site came from wood rat middens that lined the walls of the cave. Radiocarbon dates spanning the last 2000 years were obtained for midden in the rear of the site. There is little correlation between depth and age of the dated material in that midden, hence the entire faunal assemblage from that setting is treated here as a single analytic unit. In addition to the vertebrate specimens, a total of 1412 valves of Margaritifera falcata were identified from the Last Supper Cave fauna. Initial reports on Last Supper Cave noted that units deposited between about 9000 and 7000 B.P. contained concentrations of these shells. However, all shells available to us came either from the rear wood rat midden or lacked provenience. Last Supper Cave also provided a small number of wapiti (Cervus elaphus) specimens. These animals are unknown historically from northwestern Nevada and adjacent Oregon; the Last Supper Cave specimens join those from Fort Rock Cave, the Connley Caves, and Hanging Rock Shelter in suggesting that wapiti were once widespread, although apparently nowhere very abundant, in the northern Great Basin. With the exception of the tentatively identified Blue Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus), all other taxa represented in the Last Supper Cave collection are either present in the area today, or would have been so in early historic times. A total of 2194 mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) specimens were retrieved from Last Supper Cave, many of which bear marks inflicted by people, rodents, and carnivores. A "reverse utility curve" emerges from arraying Last Supper Cave Ovis relative skeletal abundances against MGUI values, a curve virtually identical to that derived by D. H. Thomas and D. Mayer for the Gatecliff Shelter Horizon 2 Ovis. Analysis of the relationship between relative skeletal abundance, the MGUI index, and bone density suggests that the Last Supper Cave and Gatecliff Horizon 2 reverse utility curves do not reflect human economic decisions, but instead reflect differential bone destruction, probably due to carnivores. A simple method employing rank order correlation coefficients is presented to help clarify the meaning of such curves, but extreme caution in the use and interpretation of these curves is clearly indicated, even if one is willing to accept the facilitating assumptions on which they are based. A series of marmot mandibles also shows marks from cuts apparently placed to sever the masseter muscle. Identically cut marmot mandibles are known from Alta Toquima Village, central Nevada, and from Hanging Rock Shelter. Last Supper Cave derives its name from cow bones found on the surface ofthe site. These bones were thought to represent animals rustled and butchered by Indians early in this century. Detailed taphonomic analysis of these bones, however, fails to support this hypothesis. The surficial bovid fauna from nearby Denton's Cave also fails to provide any support for the suggestion that those animals had been butchered. The Hanging Rock Shelter fauna, excavated by T. N. Layton in 1967 and 1968, includes 6478 bones and teeth that were identified to at least the genus level. Of these, 6422 are mammalian, 29 are avian, 26 are reptilian, and 1 is amphibian. Interest in this material was sparked by the possible presence ofa late Pleistocene/early Holocene faunal assemblage in the deepest deposits of the site, but the fauna of those deposits proved indistinguishable from that of overlying strata. Hanging Rock Shelter did, however, provide a number of taxa that no longer occupy this portion of northwestern Nevada. Pikas (Ochotona princeps) were precent here after 8000 B.P., a fact supporting Brown's biogeographic model and chronologically consonant with similar finds elsewhere in the northern Great Basin. Wapiti were present here, as they were in the Last Supper Cave area. The desert spiny lizard (Sceloporus magister), now found only far to the south, was present in deposits laid down after 8000 B.P. Less securely identified extralimitals in the Hanging Rock Shelter fauna include chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata), Blue Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus), and Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus). Unfortunately, little is known of the stratigraphy and chronology of the Hanging Rock Shelter deposits, precluding more detailed biogeographic and paleoenvironmental analysis of the fauna.
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Grayson Donald K. 2006. The Late Quaternary biogeographic histories of some Great Basin mammals (western USA) [Histoires biogéographiques du quaternaire final de quelques mammifères du Great basin (EUA occidental)]• Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(21-22): 2964-2991.
Marmota flaviventris, yellow-bellied marmots, marmotte à ventre jaune, Brachylagus idahoensis, Pygmy rabbits, lapin d'Idaho, Neotoma cinerea, bushy-tailed woodrats, rat à queue touffue, Thomomys talpoides, northern pocket gophers, gaufre gris, Ochotona princeps, pikas, pika d'Amérique, réchauffement global, global warming, Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Holocène, Holocene.
The Great Basin of arid western North America provides one of the most detailed late Pleistocene and Holocene mammal records available for any part of the world, though the record is by far strongest for small mammals. Of the 35 genera of now-extinct North American Pleistocene mammals, 19 are known to have occurred in the Great Basin, a list that is likely to be complete or nearly so. Of these 19, seven can be shown to have survived beyond 12,000 radiocarbon years ago, a proportion similar to that for North America as a whole. Horses, camels, mammoth, and helmeted musk-oxen appear to have been the most abundant of these genera. Pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis), yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), and bushy-tailed woodrats (Neotoma cinerea) declined in abundance at the end of the Pleistocene, at about the same time as populations south of their current arid western distributional boundary were extirpated. Subsequent declines occurred during the hot/dry middle Holocene. Pygmy rabbits also declined as modern pinyon-juniper woodlands developed across the Great Basin. The Snake Range of eastern Nevada has seen the late Pleistocene or Holocene extinction of both northern pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides) and pikas (Ochotona princeps). Coupled with the rarity of yellow-bellied marmots here, these histories make the Snake Range a biogeographic oddity. These and other Great Basin mammal histories provide significant insights into the possible responses of Great Basin small mammals to global warming.
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Grayson D.K. & Livingston S.D. 1993. Missing mammals on Great Basin Moutains: Holocene extinctions and inadequate knowledge [Mammifères disparus des monts du Great Basin : extinctions de l’Holocène et connaissance insuffisante]. Conservation Biology, 7(3):527-532.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Great basin, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Graziani L. 1992. La Marmotte alpine :
un exemple de déséquilibre de la sex-ratio dans les portées chez un mammifère monogame ? [The Alpine marmot: an exemple of sex-ratio imbalance in litters of a monogamous mammal]. 2ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 69-74.
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, groupes familiaux, éco-éthologie, sex-ratio, monogamie. Alpine marmot, family group, eco-ethology, sex-ratio, monogamy.

Graziani L. 1994a. Analyse des tactiques comportementales durant la première année chez la marmotte alpine : Cas du budget temps et de l'occupation de l'espace. [Analysis of the behavourial tactics of Alpine marmot during the first year: time budget and space occupation]. Diplôme d'Etude Approfondie "Analyse et Modélisation des Systèmes Biologiques", Rapport bibliographique, UCB lyon1, 37p.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, Behaviour, Comportement, Time budget, Budget temps, Space occupation, Occupation spatiale, Marmottons, Young of the year.

Graziani L. & Allainé D. 1994. Analyse des tactiques comportementales chez les jeunes marmottes alpines. Behavioural tactics analysis in young Alpine marmots. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 80-81.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, jeunes, young, France..

Behavioural ontogenesis is one of the determining factors of individual feature. So, it represents an essential source of phenotypic variability in natural populations. Therefore, it is an important part of the individual fitness. Since Bateman (1948) and Trivers (1972) it is largely accepted that males and females differ in their reproductive strategies. We investigated for early differences in behavioural tactics of young marmots, during the first year of life, which could affect the both sex reproductive strategies. Our study mainly dealt with time-budget and space occupation. Five litters were observed in the valley of la Grande Sassière (French Alps), during four periods: I - from 0-15 days; II - from 15-30 d; III - from 30-60 d after emergence (young) and IV - the next spring after the first hibernation (yearling). Fifteen minuts of focal animal sampling and scan animal sampling (Altman-1974) were used to collect data, respectively on time-budget and space occupation. More than 250 h of observation allowed us to get 297 focals and 1769 scans. We performed on the first data set (time-budget) a correspondance analysis under period and sex constraints, whereas two-way ANOVA and c2 tests were performed on the second (space occupation). Time-budget analysis revealed the same pattern of seasonal modifications for both sexs. Moreover, the great importance of interactions (allo-grooming and allo-sniffing) characterized females as early as the first period whereas males were characterized by play only the spring after the first hibernation. Space occupation analysis supports such a great period effect and gives us some indications for an inter-sex rapprochement. Finally we examined play functions and their social implications for Alpine Marmots.

Graziani L. 1996. Croissance pondérale après le sevrage chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota). Mass growth after weaning in Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). In 3ème Journée d'Etude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 51-56.
(Marmota marmota) : Croissance : Jeunes.

On considère généralement que les processus de croissances expriment l'adaptation des organismes à leur environnement. Les Sciuridés hibernants se seraient ainsi adaptés à leurs environnements extrêmes, entre autres, par un développement corporel plus rapide, allant de paire avec le phénom&erave;ne d'hibernation lui-même. Ceci leur permettrait de stocker suffisamment de réserve sur une courte période, afin de survivre à l'hibernation. Chez de telles espèces, on s'attend à ce que la masse à l'entrée en hibernation soit un facteur critique pour la survie des jeunes. Nous avons étudié ici l'influence de l'année, de l'exposition du territoire, du sexe des jeunes et de la taille de portée à l'émergence sur la croissance pondérale des jeunes marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota) entre le sevrage et la première hibernation. Il apparaît que la croissance après sevrage, mesurée par les masses relevées entre l'émergence et la première hibernation, est très peu variable suivant les facteurs testés. A l'inverse, la croissance avant sevrage, mesurée par la masse des marmottons à l'émergence, apparaît variable suivant les facteurs testés. Seul le facteur sexe n'est pas significatif ce qui implique l'absence de dimorphisme sexuel en terme de masse à l'émergence. La durée de la période de croissance des jeunes est elle aussi variable suivant l'exposition du territoire : plus courte d'environ 10% lorsque l'on passe d'une exposition sud vers une exposition nord. La condition maternelle varie elle aussi en fonction de cette exposition avec des femelles en moyenne plus lourdes pour les territoires exposés au sud. Il s'avère que les jeunes marmottons produits dans les différentes conditions environnementales ne sont pas équivalents en qualité à l'entrée de leur première hibernation et que le nombre de jeunes dans les portées est maintenu aussi fort que possible tandis que leur masse à l'entrée en hibernation reste principalement dépendant de la condition maternelle durant la saison de reproduction. Une hypothèse est enfin avancée afin d'expliquer pourquoi la masse des jeunes marmottes alpines avant l'entrée en hibernation ne semble peut-être pas être aussi cruciale que ne le suggérait la littérature concernant d'autres Sciuridés hibernants.
Growth pattern is usually considered as organism adaptation to their environment. Hibernant Sciurids would thus be adapted to their extrem environment by a high growth development combined with the process of hibernation. This would allow animals to store enough fat reserve on a short period of time and would facilitate survival during hibernation. In these species, body mass at the immergence into hibernation is expected to be a critical factor for young survival. Here, we have studied the effects of year, exposure to sun of the home range, sex and litter size on the growth of young Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) between emergence from natal burrow (weaning) and immergence into hibernation. It appeared that growth after weaning did not vary according to the factors considered. Conversely, growth before weaning, measured by the mass of young at emergence, varied according to all factors but sex. This reflected the absence of body mass sexual dimorphism at weaning. The length of the growing period varied according to the exposure to sun of the home range (10% shorter in north facing slopes). Maternal condition also varied according to sun exposure, mothers living in south facing slopes being heavier. We suggest that young marmots are not of the same ‘quality’ in the different environmental conditions. Litter size was the same in the different conditions and young mass at immergence into hibernation mainly depended on maternal condition during the reproductive season. Finally, we discuss why mass of young marmots before hibernation seems not to be as crucial for young survival as mentioned in the litterature on other Sciurids.

Graziani L. 1994b. Déterminisme des sex-ratio primaire et secondaire chez les vertébrés supérieurs : Rôle du milieu physique et social des individus [Primary and secondary sex-ratio in upper vertebrates: function of physical and social environment of individuals]. Diplôme d'Etude Approfondie "Analyse et Modélisation des Systèmes Biologiques", Rapport bibliographique, UCB lyon1, 38 p.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, Sex-ratio.

Graziani L. 1999. L’allocation aux sexes chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758) [Sex allocation in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758)]. Thèse doctorale, Université Lyon1, 1-217.
[pdf disponible/available]
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota, Allocation aux sexes, Sex allocation, Allocation des ressources, Resource allocations, Sex-ratio, Coût de production, Cost of offspring, Investissement parental, Parental investment.

Le principe de l'allocation des ressources stipule que chaque organisme dispose d'une quantité finie de ressources qui peuvent être allouées à la reproduction ou à la maintenance. Augmenter la part allouée à l'un a pour corollaire la diminution des ressources disponibles pour l'autre. Par conséquent toute augmentation de la part allouée à la reproduction a pour conséquence une diminution de la probabilité de survie des parents et donc de leur succès reproducteur potentiel. La manière dont s'effectue la répartition des ressources entre les différentes fonctions reproductives (mâles et femelles) est nommée l'allocation aux sexes. Après avoir décrit notre modèle biologique (la Marmotte Alpine - Marmota marmota), nous abordons successivement les deux composantes de l'allocation aux sexes : le nombre de jeunes de chaque sexe produit (sex-ratio) et leur coût de production. Nous conclurons en essayant de discerner un schéma général de fonctionnement de l'allocation aux sexes chez la marmotte alpine. Il existe un biais en faveur des mâles de la sex-ratio des portées de la population étudiée. La détermination du sexe semble se faire au hasard mais avec une probabilité d'avoir un mâle au sevrage de 56,1 %. Nos résultats sont compatibles avec un ajustement de la sex-ratio via une résorption d'embryons. Le fait que la marmotte alpine puisse être considérée comme une espèce chez laquelle les subordonnés mâles coopèrent avec leurs parents pour l'élevage des jeunes conjugué à une dispersion natale des mâles plus précoce nous laisse penser que probablement deux mécanismes différents pourraient être à l'oeuvre pour expliquer les biais de la sex-ratio observée au niveau de la population. D'une part une compétition pour des ressources locales (Clark 1978) et d'autre part un remboursement de l'investissement parental reçu par le sexe coopérant (Emlen 1986) via une participation active à la thermorégulation sociale durant l'hibernation.
Resource allocation theory claims that each individual has a finished quantity of resources, which can be dispatched between reproduction and maintenance. Increasing the part allocated to one induces then a reduction of the part available for the other. Consequently, any increase of resources allocated to reproduction induces a reduction in the probability of parent's survival and thus of their potential reproductive success. The pattern of resource allocations between males and females reproductive functions is called sex allocation. After a brief description of the biology of the Alpine Marmot ( Marmota marmota), we investigated successively the two components of the sex allocation: the number of offspring of each sex and their cost to produce. We concluded by suggesting a possible general pattern of sex allocation in alpine marmot. Sex ratio of the studied population was male biased in nearly each age classes. Sexes in litters seem to be randomly distributed but with a probability of having a male at weaning of 56.1%. Our results were compatible with an adjustment of the sex ratio via a resorption of a higher number of female embryos. The fact that the alpine marmot is regarded as a cooperative breeder combined to the earlier dispersal of male subordinates lets us to suspect than probably two different mechanisms could be involved in the observed sex-ratio bias. Both local resource competition (Clark - 1978) and a repayment of parental investment received by the cooperating sex (Emlen - 1986) through an active participation in social thermoregulation during hibernation could explain the skewed sex ratio observed in alpine marmot litters at the population level.

Graziani L. 2000. L'allocation aux sexes chez la Marmotte Alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758) [Sex allocation in alpine marmot (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758)]. 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : .
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, Marmota marmota, Allocation aux sexes, Allocation des ressources, Sex-ratio, Coût de production, Investissement parental, Sciuridés, Alpine marmot, Sex allocation, Resource allocations, Sex ratio, Cost of offspring, Parental investment, Sciurids.

Graziani L. & Allainé D. 1994. Analyse des tactiques comportementales chez les jeunes marmottes alpines. Behavioural tactics analysis in young Alpine marmots. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 80-81.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, jeunes, young, France.
Behavioural ontogenesis is one of the determining factors of individual feature. So, it represents an essential source of phenotypic variability in natural populations. Therefore, it is an important part of the individual fitness. Since Bateman (1948) and Trivers (1972) it is largely accepted that males and females differ in their reproductive strategies. We investigated for early differences in behavioural tactics of young marmots, during the first year of life, which could affect the both sex reproductive strategies. Our study mainly dealt with time-budget and space occupation. Five litters were observed in the valley of la Grande Sassière (French Alps), during four periods: I - from 0-15 days, II - from 15-30 d, III - from 30-60 d after emergence (young) and IV - the next spring after the first hibernation (yearling). Fifteen minuts of focal animal sampling and scan animal sampling (Altman-1974) were used to collect data, respectively on time-budget and space occupation. More than 250 h of observation allowed us to get 297 focals and 1769 scans. We performed on the first data set (time-budget) a correspondance analysis under period and sex constraints, whereas two-way ANOVA and c2 tests were performed on the second (space occupation). Time-budget analysis revealed the same pattern of seasonal modifications for both sexs. Moreover, the great importance of interactions (allo-grooming and allo-sniffing) characterized females as early as the first period whereas males were characterized by play only the spring after the first hibernation. Space occupation analysis supports such a great period effect and gives us some indications for an inter-sex rapprochement. Finally we examined play functions and their social implications for Alpine Marmots.

Graziani L. & Allainé D. 1995. Croissance pondérale après le sevrage chez la marmotte alpine [Mass growth after weaning in Alpine marmot]. 3ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine en France, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds., 51-56.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte alpine, Marmota marmota, marmottons, croissance pondérale, sex-ratio, sevrage, France. Alpine marmot, weaning, offspring.

Graziani L. & Allainé D. 1996. La marmotte de la naissance au sevrage : Première approche de l'ontogenèse physique et comportementale [Alpine marmot from birth to weaning: first approach of physical and behavioural ontogenesis]. 4ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 67-72.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ontogenèse comportementale, maturation physique, socialisation, marmotton, behavioural ontogenesis, body maturation, social behaviour, new-born marmots.

Graziani L. & D. Allainé 1996. Analyse des tactiques comportementales chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) au cours de leur première année. Behavioural tactics analysis in young Alpine Marmots (Marmota marmota) during their first year of life. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 235-236.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, jeunes, young, jeu, play.
Le suivi durant un an de marmottons marqués dans la réserve naturelle de La Grande Sassière, nous a permis de caractériser le budget temps et l'occupation de l'espace par les marmottons des deux sexes. Les femelles sont caractérisées dès l'émergence par les interactions (allotoilettage et flairage du partenaire) tandis que les mâles sont caractérisés par le jeu à partir du printemps suivant la première hibernation. Monitoring of marked young marmots in La Grande Sassière Natural Reserve during a year, allowed us to characterize the time budget and space occupation of both sexes of young marmots. Females are characterized by interaction (allo-grooming, allo-sniffing) as early as emergence. Males are characterized only on the spring after the first hibernation by many play activities.

Graziani L. & Allainé D. (Грачтани Л., Аллан Д.) 1997. Ранний онтогенез европейского сурка: предварительные результаты о росте и развитие поведения от рождения до отьема от матери. Early ontogeny of Alpine marmot: preliminary results on growth and behavioural development between birth and weaning [Ranniï ontogenez evropeïskogo sourka: predvaritel'nye rezoultaty o roste i razvitie povedeniya ot rojdeniya do ot'ema ot materi. Ontogenèse de la marmotte alpine : résultats préliminaires sur le développement de la croissance et comportemental entre la naissance et le sevrage]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 28-29 (Rousskie, Russian), 148 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota marmota, croissance, growth, comportement, behaviour.

Graziani L., Allainé D. & Coulon J. (Грачтани Л., Аллан Д. & Кулон Ж. ) 2002. Early development of the alpine marmot. Ранне развитие европейского сурка. [Ranne razvitie evropeïskogo sourka. Développement post-natal de la marmotte alpine]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.YU. eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on marmots, Moscow, ABF P.H., 178-189.
En anglais et russe avec résumé en français ; In English and Russian with a French abstract.
Marmota marmota, ontogenèse, ontogenesis.
Physical and behavioral ontogeny was investigated using Ferron’s standardized method (1981) on thirteen young alpine marmots born in captivity. Mass was recorded daily and the age of appearance of 30 distinct behaviors and four skeletal measurements were also recorded. Body condition of juveniles was estimated using the residuals of a multiple regression of the logarithm of the mass on four skeletal measurements. We also investigated sexual dimorphism at birth. There were three stages in the development of young alpine marmots organized around the first emergence above ground. Before emergence they grew regularly at a slow rate, around weaning young stopped growing during a short period. This plateau was a transition phase from milk to solid food. Then, when juveniles no longer nursed, their growth rate became much higher than before emergence. There is a small but significant sexual dimorphism in body mass at birth. Young males were heavier than young females and males tended a higher head breadth than females. Moreover, growth patterns differed significantly; logistic growth pattern for males and Gompertz pattern for females. The co-analysis of the condition of juvenile alpine marmots between birth and emergence and their development showed that condition strongly modulates the behavioral and physical ontogeny of alpine marmots. More investigations are needed to confirm these differences between males and females and to understand their implications.
Key-words: Alpine marmot, postnatal growth, behavioural ontogeny, body condition.
Le développement physique et comportemental de 13 jeunes marmottes nées en captivité a été étudié selon le protocole standard proposé par Ferron (1981). Les animaux sont pesés quotidiennement. Le jour de première apparition de 30 comportements différents et quatre mesures du squelette ont été enregistrés. La condition corporelle des nouveaux-nés est estimée à partir des résidus d’une régression multiple du logarithme de la masse sur les quatre mesures du squelette. L’existence d’un dimorphisme sexuel néonatal a été recherché. Le développement des jeunes marmottes comprend trois stades organisés autour de la première émergence à l’extérieur. Avant l’émergence, la croissance est régulière et lente, elle stoppe brièvement aux environs du sevrage. Ce plateau correspond à la transition alimentation lactée/solide. Après le sevrage, la croissance est beaucoup plus forte. Un dimorphisme sexuel de masse corporelle, faible mais significatif, existe à la naissance : les mâles nouveau-nés sont plus lourds que les femelles et leur tête est plus large. De plus, les courbes de croissance sont significativement différentes, de type logistique pour les mâles, Gompertz pour les femelles. L’analyse conjointe de la condition corporelle entre naissance et émergence et du développement montre que la condition influence fortement l’ontogenèse physique et comportementale de la marmotte alpine. Des recherches complémentaires sont nécessaires afin de confirmer ces differences entre mâles et femelles et de comprendre leurs implications.
Mots clés : Marmotte alpine, croissance physique post-natale, ontogenèse comportementale, condition corporelle.
pdf disponible/available

Grebenchtchikov O.S. 1973. Sovremennaya dinamika rastitel'nosti v ovrajno-balotchn'ikh sistemakh yugo-vostoka Rousskoï ravniny [Dynamique actuelle de la végétation dans les ravins du sud-est des plaines de Russie. Present plant dynamics in ravines of the south-western plains in Russia]. V kn. Voprosy preobrazovaniya prirody Rousskoï ravniny, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, Russie, Russia.

Grebenyuk R.V. 1955. [Matériaux sur la biologie de Dermacentor pavlovskyi Olen. 1927, en Kirghizie. Materials on biology of Dermacentor pavlovskyi Olen. 1927, in Kirgizia]. Tr. In-ta zool. i parasitol. AN Kirg. SSR., Frunze, 4: 95-105.
En russe, in Russian.
Kirghizie, Kirghizia.

Grebenyuk R.V. 1966. [Les tiques Ixodes. The Ixodes ticks]. Izd. AN Kirg. SSR., Frunze: 1-328.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida.

Grebenyuk R.V. & Berendyaeva E.L. 1955. [Sur la répartition et le nombre des Ixodes, tiques des marmottes, en Kirghizie. On question about distribution and numbers of Ixodes ticks of marmots in Kirgizia]. Tr. In-ta zool. i parasitol. AN Kirg. SSR, Frunze, 4: 107-115.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, répartition, distribution, Kirghizie.

Green C.J., Brosnan J.T., Fuller B.J., Lowry M., Stubbs M. & Ross B.D. 1984. Effect of hibernation on liver and kidney metabolism in 13-lined ground squirrels. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B., 79(2):167-71.
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, écureuils terrestres, ground squirrels, foie, liver, rein, kidney.

Metabolic rates and adenine nucleotide content of liver and kidney from hibernating ground squirrels were measured and compared to rats to study the biochemical adaptation to hibernation. High rates of renal and hepatic gluconeogenesis were observed in squirrels, particularly from propionate and glycerol compared to rat. During hibernation and starvation soluble phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity was increased in both liver and kidney. Although metabolic rates are decreased during hibernation the results suggest that the enzymic complement is maintained at high activity even during torpor.

Grégoire Jules 1882. Fouilles opérées pour le compte du musée de l’Ariège. Grotte de Campagnolle-du-Cair de Lirbat, près de Massat (objets préhistoriques) [Excavations made for the museum of Ariège. Campagnolle-du-Cair of Lirbat, near Massat (prehistoric objects)]. Bulletin de la Société ariègoise des sciences, lettres et arts, 20.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ariège, France.

Grégoire Jules 1882. Les grottes de Durban (Gouarné et Malarnaud, abris préhistoriques) [Caves of Durban (Gouarné and Malarnaud, prehistoric shelters)]. Bulletin de la Société ariègoise des sciences, lettres et arts, 170.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ariège, France.

Gregory W.K. 1910. The orders of mammals [Les odres de mammifères]. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 27: 1-524, 32 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals..

Gregory W.K. 1920. Studies in comparative myology and osteology: No. IV: A review of the evolution of the lacrymal bone of vertebrates with special reference to that of mammals [Etudes comparatives de myologie et d'ostéologie. No IV. Revue de l'évolution de l'os lacrymal des vertébrés, et spécialement des mammifères]. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 42: 95-203, pl. xvi, 196 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, morphologie, morphology.

Griffin A.S., Blumstein D.T. & Evans C.S. 2000. Training captive-bred or translocated animals to avoid predators. [Dresser les animaux élevés en captivité ou déplacés à éviter les prédateurs. Entrenamiento de animales para evitar depredadores]. Conservation Biology, 14:1317-1326.
En anglais, in Enlish.
En ligne, on line ou/or pdf disponible/available

Griffin S. Cox, Taper M.L., Griffin P.C., Witczuk J. & Mills L.S. 2005. Olympic marmot (Marmota olympus) populations are declining. Sokrachtchenie popoulyatsii olympiïskogo sourka (Marmota olympus). [Les populations de marmottes olympiques (Marmota olympus) sont en déclin].
Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 34-35.
Marmota olympus, Canis latrans, population, prédation, predation, Washington, EUA, USA.
Olympic marmots (Marmota olympus) live only on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, USA. Most live inside Olympic National Park. Olympic marmots have disappearedfrom regions where they were formerly present, and have declined in abundance at many remaining sites. From 2002 to 2004, we systematically surveyed 15% of all subalpine meadows where marmots might occur. We also conducted targeted surveys of areas where other researchers, hikers, and park rangers had previously reported marmots. During both systematic and targeted surveys, we found extensive areas of previously occupied and apparently suitable habitat, unoccupied or supporting extremely low densities of marmots. Additionally, we conducted intensive studies of 30 marmot colonies that were previously studied by Barash and others. Beginning in the 1950's, presence / absence, and in some cases abundance, had been recorded periodically at these colonies. Of these, 19 have no marmots today -several went extinct since 2002. Abundance is lower at most of the remaining than Barash reported. Preliminary data from 175 marked and 60 radio-tagged marmots suggest coyotes (Canis latrans) may be responsible for the declines. Annual survival of non-juveniles radio-tagged marmots was only 0.78 (95% CI's = 0.67, 0.90), with adult female survival even lower at 0.69 (0.52, 0.89). All deaths occurred during the active season, suggesting that they were due to predation. Of eight marmots for which cause of death was established, six were due to coyote predation. We directly observed four cases of predation, three unsuccessful attempts of coyotes stalking marmots, and numerous occasions when a coyote was seen "traplining" burrows. Declines and extinctions are clustered and often near roads, which might provide access to coyotes. Although coyotes were not historically present, they now occur throughout the Olympic Peninsula. We are also considering several other hypotheses that might explain the declines.
Russian pdf russe

Griffin S. Cox, Valois T., Griffin P.C., Taper M.L. & Mills L.S. 2005. The effects of tourist pressure on the behavior and demography of olympic marmots. Vliyanie touristitcheskoï nagrouzki na povedenie i demografiiu olimpiïskogo sourka. [Effets de la pression touristique sur le comportement et la démographie des marmottes olympiques].
Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 36-37.
Marmota olympus, tourisme, tourism, démographie, demography, Washington, EUA, USA.
We are investigating the effects of recreation pressure on demographic rates (survival and reproduction) in Olympic marmots (Marmota olympus), which has disappeared from several areas where human activity levels are high. ln particular, we are assessing the degree to which anti-predator and foraging behavior, and demographic rates, differ between heavily visited and unvisited sites. Marmots at heavily visited sites display behavioral signs of habituation; they allow hikers to approach significantly closer before retreating to their burrows and remain in their burrows for less time after disappearance of hikers. During two-minute focal observation periods, heavily visited marmots looked up more often while foraging, although the length of each look was the same as that seen in unvisited marmots. A small sample of visited marmots did not appear to compensate for this difference by foraging longer. Marmots at both types of sites had comparable reproductive rates in 2002-2004, and were in similar body condition, as measured by seasonally adjusted body mass; this suggests that energy intake is not limited by human disturbance. Survival rate estimates for radio-tagged marmots appeared only slightly higher at the low-visitation sites and the large uncertainty associated with these estimates indicate that these observed differences may be due to sampling variation and sample size. These preliminary results are consistent with the hypothesis that marmots adjust their behavior to accommodate the current levels of tourism without suffering a demographic penalty; however, the possibility that high visitation may decrease marmot survival rates should be studied further and we will collect additional data in 2005.
Russian pdf russe

Griffin S. Cox, Taper M.L., Griffin P.C., Witczuk J. & Mills L.S. 2005. Connectivity in a heterogenous landscape: the genetics and population dynamics of the olympic marmot - Project overview. Vzaimosvyazi v geterogennom landchafte: genetika i popoulyatsionnaya dinamika olimpiïskogo sourka - Obzor proekta. [Connectivit&ecute; dans un paysage hétérogène : génétique et dynamique des populations des marmottes olympiques - Vue d'ensemble du projet].
Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 38-39.
Marmota olympus, paysage, landscape, démographie, demography, Washington, EUA, USA.
The Olympic marmot (Marmota olympus) project, currently in its fourth year, is a large-scale study of the demographics, genetics, and distribution of one of the world's rarest marmots. The few thousand Olympic marmots are found almost exclusively within Olympic National Park (ONP). Project objectives are: 1) to develop and apply a new approach for quantifying the role that landscape plays in controlling movement among discrete local populations; 2) to determine the extent and causes of recent declines in Olympic marmots and 3) to develop a long-term, cost-effective monitoring, program for this popular species. An additional benefit is the establishment of a monitored population of a marmot in the Caligata clade. To accomplish objective 1, we are combining demographic, genetic and modeling approaches to identify landscape features that influence connectivity. Specifically, we are using a GIS-based habitat model to locate populations, collecting DNA to provide estimates of gene flow between numerous pairs of local populations, estimating demographic rates froma subset of these populations, and modeling multiple hypotheses representing movement through the landscape in a spatially-explicit, individually-based simulation model of marmot population dynamics. Outputs from different reaIizations of this simulation model, with different underlying dispersaI models, will be compared to observed genetic patterns to identify the most parsimonious model for movement across the landscape. To accomplish objective 2, we are supplementing data collected for objective I with resurveys of historic colonies and behavioraI observations. We are using these data to evaluate the severity of the declines and to test hypotheses explaining the declines. These include changes in predation pressure, climate change, human disturbance, disease, and inbreeding. Finally, we are collaborating with ONP to develop a monitoring and management program based on current and future distribution, demographics, and landscape use. A requirement is that monitoring can be carried out primarily by volunteers.
Russian pdf russe

Griffin S.C., Witczuk J., Taper M.L. & Mills L.S. 2006. The Olympic Marmot: Sentinel of the High Country [La marmotte olympique : sentinelle des hauteurs]. Science in the Parks: Northwest National Parks Science Days, Padilla Bay, WA.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus.

Griffin S.C., Witczuk J., Taper M.L. & Mills L.S. 2006. Non-native predators implicated in declines of Olympic marmots (Marmota olympus) [Prédateurs étrangers impliqués dans le déclin des marmottes olympiques (Marmota olympus)]. American Society of Mammalogists Meetings, Amherst, MA.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota olympus, prédation, predation.

Griffiths G.C.D. 1984. Cyclorrhapha II (Scizophora : Calyptratae). Anthomyiidae [part.]. In Flies of the Nearctic Region 8, Griffiths G.C.D. ed., 2(4) : 409-600., Ei schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Insecta, Diptera, terrier, burrow.

Grigorkina E.B. 1994. Variabilité des réactions aux radiations ionisantes dans le genre Marmota. Variability of reactions to ionizing radiation in Marmota genus. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 82-83.
En français et en anglais.
Marmota, Marmota monax, indicateur biologique, radiorésistance, radioresistance.

It is shown that the radioresistance of 7 species of Marmotinae after acute total irradiation is less than the average one for all 44 investigated species of rodents and for majority other taxa (hamsters, voles and gerbils). This subfamily is more heterogeneous for this characteristic, as compared to mice, hamsters, voles and gerbils. It should be noted that extreme by radioresistance species (Citellus unaulatus, Marmota monax) differ from other species in some of ecological peculiarities.

Grigorkina E.B. & YU.L. Vigorov 1996. Radio-résistance des rongeurs de la sous-famille des Marmotinae. Radioresistance among rodents of the subfamily Marmotinae. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes /Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 237-238.
En français et en anglais.
(Sciuridae) : (Marmota monax) : Radiorésistance.

La radio-résistance de 7 espèces de Marmotinae après intense irradiation totale est inférieure à la moyenne des 44 espèces de rongeurs étudiées et de la majorité des autres taxons (hamsters, campagnols, gerbilles). Les espèces fortement radiorésistantes (Citellus undulatus, Marmota monax) diffèrent des autres espèces par certaines de leurs particularités écologiques.
Radioresistance of 7 species of Marmotinae after acute total irradiation is less than the average of all 44 investigated species of rodents and for majority of other taxa (hamsters, voles and gerbils). This subfamily is more heterogeneous for this characteristic, as compared to mice, hamsters, voles and gerbils. It should be noted that extreme radioresistant species (Citellus undulatus, Marmota monax) differ from other species in some of ecological peculiarities.

Grimm Jacob & Grimm Wilhelm 1854. Deutsches Worterbuch [Dictionnaire des allemands. Dictionary of German languages]. A-Biermolke. S. Hirzel, Leipzig, 1820p.
En anglais, in English.
Bergmaus, bergratze, bergachs, arctomys marmota, souris de montagne, murmelthier.
Extrait Pdf extract

Grimm V., Dorndorf N., Frey-Roos F., Wissel C., Wyszomirski T. & Arnold W. 2003. Modelling the role of social behavior in the persistence of the alpine marmot Marmota marmota. Oikos, 102: 124-136.
Marmota marmota, social behavior, comportement social, persistence, persistance, models, Modèle, Environmental factor, Facteur du milieu, fluctuations, population extinction, extinction de population, Bavarian Alps, Alpes bavaroises, Germany, Allemagne.
Pdf disponible/available
A general rule of thumb for biological conservation obtained from simple models of hypothetical species is that for populations with strong environmental noise moderate increases in habitat size or quality do not substantially reduce extinction risk. However, whether this rule also holds for real species with complex behavior, such as social species with breeding units and reproductive suppression, is uncertain. Here we present a population viability analysis of the alpine marmot Marmota marmota, which displays marked social behavior, i.e. it lives in social groups of up to twenty individuals. Our analysis is based on a long-term field study carried out in the Bavarian Alps since 1982. During the first fifteen years of this study, 687 marmots were individually marked and the movements and fate of 98 dispersing marmots were recorded with radio-telemetry. Thus, in contrast to most other viability analyses of spatially structured populations, good data about dispersal exist. A model was constructed which is individual-based, spatially explicit at the scale of clusters of neighbouring territories, and spatially implicit at larger scales. The decisive aspect of marmot life history, winter mortality, is described by logistic regression where mortality is increased by age and the severity of winter, and decreased by the number of subdominant individuals present in a group. Model predictions of group size distribution are in good agreement with the results of the field study. The model shows that the effect of sociality on winter mortality is very effective in buffering environmental harshness and fluctuations. This underpins theoretical results stating that the appropriate measure of the strength of environmental noise is the ratio between the variance of population growth rate and the intrinsic rate of increase. The lessons from our study for biological conservation are that simple, unstructured models may not be sufficient to assess the viability of species with complex behavioral traits, and that even moderate increases in habitat capacity may substantially reduce extinction risk even if environmental fluctuations seem high.

Grimod I., Bassano B. & V. Tarello 1991. La Marmotta (Marmota marmota) in valle d'Aosta. Ecologia e distribuzione (1988-1989)) [La marmotte (M. marmota) dans la vallée d'Aoste. Ecologie et répatition (1988-1989). The Alpine marmot M. m. in the Aosta Valley region. Ecology and distribution (1988-1989)]. Regione autonoma della valle d'Aosta, Aosta.
En italien, In Italian.
Marmota marmota, Italie, Italy, Aoste, Aosta.

Grinnel 1921.
Univ. California Publ. Zool., 21 (6)
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris fortirostris, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Californie.

Marmota flaviventris fortirostris, p. 242, McAfee Meade, White Mountain, Mono Co., California.

Grinnel J. 1923. The burrowing rodents of California as agents in soil formation [Les rongeurs fouisseurs de Californie, agent de la formation du sol]. Journal of Mammalogy, 4:137.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, sol, soil, Californie.
The results of the activity of burrowing rodents, belonging to a small group of the mammalian fauna, are considerable, and deserve serious attention. He concludes: "On wild land the burrowing rodent is one of the necesseary factors in the system of natural wellbeing".

Grinnel J. 1925. The burrowing rodents of California as agents in soil formation [Les rongeurs fouisseurs de Californie, agent de la formation du sol. Smithsonian Report for 1923, publication 2771.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, sol, soil, Californie.

Grinnel 1931.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris fortirostris, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Californie.

Grinshtejn R. & Pashenko Iu. 1959. Novye kolonii baïbaka v kharvkovejoï oblasti [Nouvelles colonies de marmotte bobac dans la région de Kharkov. New colonies of bobac marmot in kharkov region]. V pomoshi skhotnikam i rybolovam. kharikov : khark. kh. izd-vo, 82.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, colonisation, colonization, Russie, Russia, Kharkov.

Gritchuk V.P. 1969. Rastitel'nyï pokrov periglyatsial'noï oblasti [Couverture végétale de la zone périglaciale. Vegetal cover in periglacial area]. V kn. Lioss-periglyatsial- paleolit na terriorii Sredneï Vostotchboï Evropy, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation.

Grivet F. 1999. Étude de la participation potentielle de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758) au cycle de l'échinococcose alvéolaire dans le département de la Savoie (73). Thèse Vétérinaire, Lyon.
En français, in French.
Echinococcus multilocularis, renard, fox, Marmotte alpine, Marmota marmota, Alpine marmot, zoonose, &éacute;pidémiologie, epidemiology, parasitisme, parasitism, Savoie, France.
Cette étude a été entreprise suite a la découverte en 1996 d'une marmotte atteinte d'echinococcose alvéolaire à Notre-Dame du Pré (Savoie). Une premiere partie, bibliographique, propose un aperçu des connaissances actuelles sur la maladie (notamment des différentes méthodes de dépistage chez les carnivores et de la répartition du parasite dans le département), ainsi que des rappels sur le rongeur. Nous détaillons ensuite deux enquêtes épidémiologiques menées sur cette même commune : l'examen de 25 intestins de renards avec mise en évidence de 5 individus porteurs de stades adultes, puis la recherche de métacestodes par l'autopsie de 12 marmottes, sans resultat positif. La persistance du parasite en moyenne tarentaise et la place de la marmotte alpine dans le cycle de l'echinococcose sont enfin discutés.

Grivet F. 1999. Étude de la participation potentielle de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota, Linné 1758) au cycle de l'échinococcose alvéolaire dans le département de la Savoie. Potential participation of the Alpine marmot (M. marmota) to the echinococcosis cycle in Savoy. In 5ème Journée d'Étude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds. : 21-26.
En français, in French.
Echinococcus multilocularis, renard, fox, Marmotte alpine, Marmota marmota, parasitisme, parasitism, Savoie, France.

Grizzel Roy A.Jr. 1951. Life history, ecology and management of the southern woodchuck [Histoire de vie, écologie et gestion de la marmotte des bois du sud]. Unpubl. Ph. D dissert., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, p242.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, écologie, ecology, économie, gestion, management, EUA, USA, Michigan.

Grizzel Roy A.Jr. 1955. A study of the southern woodchucks Marmota monax [Une étude des marmottes des bois (M. monax) du Sud]. American Midland Naturalist (Am. Midl. Nat.), 53 (2) : 257-293.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, EUA, USA, Michigan.
Intensive studies of the woodchuck were carried out on the two farm areas of the Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, Maryland, from 1947 to 1949. Extensive studies were made in several localities throughout Maryland. A technique found highly successful in obtaining live animals involved the use of dug-in traps, placed so that woodchucks in the burrow system had no choice but to enter the trap. In handling animals secured in live-traps, a cotton mesh fish bag was found to be more practical than wire cones or burlap sacks. The species Marmota monax is presently divided into nine subspecies, distributed over most of the United States and southern Canada. The southern woodchuck is distributed through the middle eastern United States, with the largest populations occurring in the Middle Atlantic States. An extension of the range into the eastern shore section of Maryland has occurred within the past 40 years. The greatest longevity record was ten years. Animals four years of age have been handled at the Rose Lake Wildlife Experiment Station in Michigan and at the Refuge. The natural life span is from five to six years. Hibernation is progressive, the older and fatter animals going in first, followed by the yearlings and juveniles. The same order of precedence holds true as the animals emerge, the larger ones appearing first. A hibernating captive animal was studied under simulated outdoor natural conditions in 1948-49. Weight loss of a number of animals during hibernation was 30.45 percent and continued for several weeks after emergence. Length of gestation periods were obtained. Two captive females were mated with a single male, resulting in gestation periods of 32 days (plus or minus one day) and 33 days (plus or minus one day). An artificially inseminated female produced a litter in 31 or 32 days. An average litter of 4.6 young were recorded from 29 females examined. Weights proved to be an accurate and practical field method of aging woodchucks. Over 500 weights were obtained during the investigation.The sex ratio among 215 animals was 1.03 males to 1 female. The average fall population on the Check Farm was 12 animals per 100 acres, that of the Conservation Farm about 18 per 100 acres. Indications are that the southern woodchuck is increasing throughout most of its range. Food habits studies in the spring and summer showed that red clover, white clover, grass, chickweed, and alfalfa were the foods eaten most often and in the largest amounts. Activities of man and predators were the most important mortality factors. Flooding, disease, and parasites were found to be of negligible importance. Den construction varied according to land use and site. The winter dens located in wooded areas usually had only one entrance, rarely more than two. Summer field dens were characterized by a main entrance, with a mound of fresh soil and a smaller plunge hole, sometimes well concealed in the surrounding vegetation. Excavations conducted during the investigation further substantiated the theory that woodchucks hibernate in plugged off chambers. A total of 22 dens were excavated and only one animal recovered. Woodchucks were widely selective in the choice of soil types but showed a preference for the sandy loams. Well drained and protected situations were the primary factors in selection of winter den sites. In the winter, the use of woodchuck burrows by rabbits was light wheal winds were moderate and temperatures above 30$^\circ$ F. Moderate use of holes was noted when the temperature varied between 20 and 30$^\circ$ F. Heavy use was observed when strong winds were blowing and temperatures were below 20$^\circ$ F. Other animals known to frequent dens, were skunks, opossums, foxes, raccoons, weasels, wood mice, gray squirrels, jumping mice, chipmunks, meadow voles, shrews, house mice, pine voles, and several species of snakes. Home ranges were directly dependent upon the location of dens in relation to the habitat. Animals inhabiting dens in ravines, woodlots, and odd areas were often known to travel several hundred yards to feeding areas. Woodchucks in clover and alfalfa fields sometimes restricted their home ranges to an area within 20 yams of the den. Seasonal movements were noted in the spring shortly after emergence from hibernation, in the summer as the young dispersed from the home den, and again in the fall when the animals moved from the summer dens to hibernating areas. Woodchucks exhibited territoriality within the home den.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Gromov I.M. 1952. Belitchi [Ecureuils. Squirrels]. B kh., Gryzouny faouny SSSR, M.-L., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Sciuridae, Russie, Russia.

Gromov I.M. 1957. Nekotorye itogi i perspektivy izoutcheniya iskopaemykh tchetertitchnykh gryzounov SSSR [Quelques résultats et perspectives des recherches sur les rongeurs fossiles du quaternaire de l'URSS. Some results and prospects of the research on the quaternary rodents in USSR]. Tr. Zool. in-ta AN SSSR, 22.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, pal´ontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M. 1961. Fundstätten altquartär Nagetiere auf der Krim [Découvertes de rongeurs du quaternaire en Crimée. Discovery of Quaternary rodents in Crimea]. Tr. Komm. quart. Ud. SSS Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 17 : 1-188, Moscou.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Crimée, Crimea.

Gromov I.M. 1963. Gryzouny [Rongeurs. Rodents]. In Mlekapitaioushchiya faouny SSSR, AN SSSR, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Russie, Russia.

Gromov I.M. 1963. Mlekopitayouchtchie Faouny SSR [Faune des mammifères de l'URSS. Fauna of the mammals of USSR]. Izd. Akad. Naouk. SSSR, 1 : 1-638.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M. 1966. Gryzuny antropegena Evropeyskoi chasti SSSR vitogi iznecheniya iskopayemykh ostakov [Rongeurs antropégéniques de la partie européenne de l'URSS. Résultats des recherches sur les restes fossiles. Anthropic rodents of the European part of USSR. Results of the research on fossils]. Doklad na soiskaniye uch. stepni Doktora biol. nauk. Leningrad.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Russie, Russia.

Gromov I.M. 1967. Antropogenovaya istoriya sovremennoï faouny gryzounov SSSR [Histoire anthropique de la faune actuelle des rongeurs d’URSS. Anthropic history of the present fauna of rodents in USSR]. Zool. jour., 46(10).
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, histoire, history, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M. 1981. [Le genre Marmota Blumenbach, 1779 - Marmottes. The Genus Marmota Blumenbach, 1779 -Marmots]. In A catalogue of mammals in the USSR, Pliocene-Present, Leningrad, Nauka Publishers, 91-95.
En russe, in Russian.

Gromov I.M. & Baranova G.I. ed. 1981. Katalog mlekopitayuchtchikh SSSR (pliocen - sovremennost) [Catalogue des mammifères d'URSS. Catalogue of the mammals of the USSR]. Leningrad, Naouka, 1-456.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M., Bibikov D.I., Kalabukhov N.I. & Meïer M.N. 1965. Nazemnye belitchi (Marmotinae). [Les écureuils terrestres (Marmotinés). Ground squirrels (Marmotinae)]. In Faouna SSSR, Mlekopitayuchtchie, T.Sh, 2, M.-L. : Naouka, 466pp. [In Faune d'URSS, Mammifères, vol.III, n°2, Faune de l'U.R.S.S.- Nouvelle série, n°92].
En russe, in Russian.
Sciuridae, paléontologie, paleontology, URSS, USSR.

Ils considèrent que l'espèce Arctomys primigenia décrite par Kaup en 1839 est une sous-espèce de Marmota marmota.

Gromov I.M. & Erbaeva M.A. 1995. [Les mammifères de Russie et des territores adjacents. The mammals of Russia and adjacent territories]. In Lagomorps and Rodents, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg. 520 p.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, p.133-152.

Gromov I.M., Gureev A.A. & Nocikov G.A. , Sokolov I.I., Strelkov P.P., Chapskii K.K. 1963. Mlekopitayuchtchie faouny SSSR [Faune des mammifères d'URSS. Mammal fauna in USSR]. M. L, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Part 1 : 299-302.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M. & Gromova N.M. et al. 1963. Mlekopitayouchtchie faouny SSSR [Mammifères d’URSS. Mammals of the USSR].. M., AN SSSR, 639pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M., Kuzyakin A.P., Panteleev P.A. 1980. O rousskikh nazvaniyakh gryzounov faouni SSSR. Gryzouni. Mat-li ou vsesoyuv. sovetchtch., M., Naouka, 10-13.
En russe, in Russian.
Scuiridae, URSS, USSR.

Gromov I.M. & Polyakov I.Ya. 1977. Faouna SSSR, Mlekopitayuschie. tome 3(8). Polevki. Naouka, Moscow-Leningrad, 467 .
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Russie, Russia.

Gromov V.I. 1948a [Contribution à l'histoire de la faune des Mammifères du Caucase Contribution to the fauna history of mammals in the Caucasus]. Moscou- Leningrad, 517-537.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Caucase, Caucasus.

Gromov V.I. 1948b. Paleontologicheskoye : arkheologicheskoye obosnovaniye stratigrafii kontinetal'nykh otlozheniy chetvertichnogo perioda na territorii SSSR mlekopitaiuschiye. paleolit [Justifications paléontologiques et stratigreaphiques des dépôts quaternaires sur le territoire de l'URSS. Mammifères, palolithes. Paleontological and stratigraphic proofs of the Quaternary deposits in USSR. Mammals, paleolithic]. Tr. Inst. geolg. nauk. n° 64, geolog. ser. n° 17.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, paléontologie, paleontology, Russie, Russia.

Gromov V.I. 1970. The Tiraspol faunal complex [Le complexe faunal de Tiraspol]. Paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, 8 (2-3) : 187-196.
En russe, in Russian.
Biogéographie, biogeography, paléontologie, paleontology.

Gromov I.M., Erbajeva M.A. 1995. The Mammals of the Russia and adjacent territories. Lagomorphs and Rodents [Mammifères de Russie et des territoires adjacents]. St. Peterburg, 521 p.
Mammifères, mammals, Russie, Russia.

Groombridge B. (ed.) 1994. 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota menzbieri, Marmota vancouverensis.

Grosset G.A, Dinesman L.G. & Tsalkin V.I. 1965. O drevnem rasprostranenii stepnogo surka [La répartition ancienne de la marmotte des steppes. Early distribution of the steppe marmot]. Biull. MOIP. otd. biol., 70 (2) : 34-46.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, biogéographie, biogeography.

Grosval'd M.G. & Kotkyakov V.M. 1989. Great near-glacial system of outlet in North Eurasia and its significance for interregional correlations. In Quaternary period. Palaeogeography and lithology. Kishineu, Shtiintsa, 5-13.
En russe, in Russian.

Groupe Faune et Flore du Royans 1985. Réintroduction de la marmotte dans le Royans [Marmot re-introduction in the Royans].
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, France.

Grousset F. 2001. Les changements abrupts du climat depuis 60.000 ans [Abrupt climatic changes over the last 60,000 years]. Quaternaire, 12(4) : 203-211.
En français, in French.
Climatologie, climatology, quaternary, quaternary.

Grove J.M. 1988. The little Ice Age [La petite période glaciaire]. Methuen & Company Limited, London, UK, 498 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Climat, climate.

Грубник В.В. (Grubnik V.V.) & Avdeev A.S. 1997. Reakklimatizatsiya stepnogo sourka v Khar'kovskoï oblasti [Réacclimatation de la marmotte des steppes dans la région de Kharkov]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 9-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmotta bobac, réintroduction re-introduction, Kharkov, Russie, Russia.

Грубник В.В. (Grubnik, Groubnik V.V.) & Горбунов В.Ю. (Gorbunov, Gorbounov V.Yu.) 1997. О сооружении искусственной норы для полувольного содержания степного сурка(Marmota bobac). On the construction of the artificial burrow for Marmota bobac keeping under the conditions of semi-confinment [O sooroujenii iskousstvennoï nory dlya polouvol'nogo soderjaniya stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobac). Sur la construction de terrier artificiel de Marmota bobac élevés en conditions de semi-confinement]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 29 (Rousskie, Russian), 148-149 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and English.
Marmota bobac, terrier, burrow, élevage, breeding.

Грубник В.В. (Grubnik, Groubnik V.V.), Tokarsky V.A. & Горбунов В.Ю. (Gorbunov, Gorbounov V.Yu.) 1997. Rezoultaty reakklimatizatsii stepnogo sourka v Poltavskoï oblasti [Résultats de la réaclimatation de la marmotte des steppes dans la région de Poltava]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 10-11.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.

Gruhier 2003. Coup de chaleur sur le vivant [Warming up of Life]. Nouvel Observateur, 09 janvier 2003.
En français, in French.
Réchauffement climatique, climate warming up, date de réveil après hibernation, marmotte du Colorado.

Grum-Grzhimailo G.E. 1886. [Essai sur les états voisins du Pamir. An assay on near-Pamir States]. Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society, St-Peterburg, 22 : 82-109.
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, Pamir.

Grunin K.Ya. 1957. [Biologie, Biology]. In Fauna in the USSR. Dipterans, Moscow-Leningrad, Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, 19(4) : 31-32; 126 -133.
En russe, in Russian.

Grunin K.Ya. 1958. [Biologie d’Oestramyia Marmotae Ged. (Diptera, Hypodermatidae), un taon subcutané de la marmotte à longue queue. On the Biology of Oestramyia Marmotae Ged. (Diptera, Hypodermatidae) - a subcutaneous gadfly of long-tailed marmot]. Entomological Review, Moscow, 37(4) : 883-888.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Diptera.

Grzimek Bernhard 1988. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals. London, Edinburgh University Press.
En anglais, in English.
Mammiføres, Mammalia, Mammals, Marmota olympus.

Grzimek Bernhard ed. 1989. Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia, second edition. Mammals I-IV (=vols. 10-13) [EncyclopTMdie de la vie animale de Grzimek, deuxiøme TMdition. Mammiføres I-IV.]. McGraw Hill, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Mammiføres, Mammalia, Mammals.

Grzimek Bernhard (ed.) 1993. Grizmek's Encyclopedia of Mammals [Encyclopédie ds mammifères de Grizmek]. vol 3. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1990. 49-50.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals.

Grzimek B. & M. Fontaine 1971. Le monde animal en 13 volumes. Encyclopédie de la vie des bêtes. [Animal kingdom in 13 tomes. Encyclopedia of the animal life]. Stauffacher, Zurich.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmotamarmota..

Gu Y.M. & X.Z. Yang 1984. A new genus and species of Laelaptidae from Qinghai province (Acarina: Gamasina) [Un nouveau genre et espèce de Laelaptidae de la province de Qinghai (Acarina: Gamasina)]. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 9(4): 371-374.
En chinois, in Chinese.
Marmota, Acariens, Acarida, parasitologie, parasitology, Chine, China.

Gubareva N.P., Akiev A.K., Zemel'man B.M. & Abdurakhamanov G.A. 1976. [Effect of certain factors on block formation in Ceratophillus tesquorum and Neopsylla setosa setosa]. Parazitologiia, 10(4): 315-319. Russian.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, puces, fleas.

Studies were conducted of the effect of temperature and humidity, variant of plague microbe, frequency and duration of feeding and specificity of the host on the blockformation in the souslik fleas C. tesquorum and N. setosa infected with plague. 28 tests on the effect of temperature and humidity on the blockformation were undertaken, for which 14411 fleas of the above species were used. A temperature of 16 to 22 degrees proved to be optimal; at this temperature the number of blocked fleas (C. tesquorum) varied from 21.2 to 42.7% and that of N. setosa--from 41.9 to 54.2%. Marmot variant of plague microbe caused the formation of the "block" in 53.3 to 55.1% of fleas of N. setosa in 3-4 days and in 28.0 to 42.7% of C. tesquorum in 10-14 days after the infection. In C. tesquorum the process of blockformation is affected by the frequency of feeding, in N. setosa--by the duration of each feeding.

Gubari V.V. & Dukeliskaya N.M. 1935. Ekologiya sourka kak osnova organizatsii intensivnogo sourotchiego khozyajstva [Ecologie de la marmotte : base d'organisation de l'élevage intensif de marmotte. Ecology of the marmot: organisation basis of intensive marmot rearing]. B Kn Ekologiya sourka i sourotchii promysel, M.L., Vneshtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, élevage, breeding.

Gudima S., Chang J., Moraleda G., Azvolinsky A. & Taylor J. 2002. Parameters of human hepatitis delta virus genome replication: the quantity, quality, and intracellular distribution of viral proteins and RNA. J. Virol., 76(8):3709-19.
En anglais, in English.
Virus, hépatite, hepatitis.

Gudima S, Dingle K, Wu TT, Moraleda G, Taylor J. 1999. Characterization of the 5' ends for polyadenylated RNAs synthesized during the replication of hepatitis delta virus. J. Virol., 73(8): 6533-6539.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, Hepatitis.
The genome of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a 1,679-nucleotide (nt) single-stranded circular RNA that is predicted to fold into an unbranched rodlike structure. During replication, two complementary RNAs are also detected: an exact complement, referred to as the antigenome, and an 800-nt polyadenylated RNA that could act as the mRNA for the delta antigen. We used a 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends procedure, followed by cloning and sequencing, to determine the 5' ends of the polyadenylated RNAs produced during HDV genome replication following initiation under different experimental conditions. The analyzed RNAs were from the liver of an infected woodchuck and from a liver cell line at 6 days after transfection with either an HDV cDNA or ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes assembled in vitro with HDV genomic RNA and purified recombinant small delta protein. In all three situations the 5' ends mapped specifically to nt 1630. In relationship to what is called the top end of the unbranched rodlike structure predicted for the genomic RNA template, this site is located 10 nt from the top, and in the middle of a 3-nt external bulge. Following transfection with RNP, such specific 5' ends could be detected as early as 24 h. We next constructed a series of mutants of this predicted bulge region and of an adjacent 6-bp stem and the top 5-nt loop. Some of these mutations decreased the ability of the genome to undergo antigenomic RNA synthesis and accumulation and/or altered the location of the detected 5' ends. The observed end located at nt 1630, and most of the novel 5' ends, were consistent with transcription initiation events that preferentially used a purine. The present studies do not prove that the detected 5' ends correspond to initiation sites and do not establish the hypothesis that there is a promoter element in the vicinity, but they do show that the location of the observed 5' ends could be controlled by nucleotide sequences at and around nt 1630.

Gudima S., Wu S.Y., Chiang C.M., Moraleda G. & Taylor J. 2000. Origin of hepatitis delta virus mRNA. J. Virol., 74(16): 7204-10.
En anglais, in English.
Virus delta de l'hépatite, hepatitis delta virus.
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is unique relative to all known animal viruses, especially in terms of its ability to redirect host RNA polymerase(s) to transcribe its 1,679-nucleotide (nt) circular RNA genome. During replication there accumulates not only more molecules of the genome but also its exact complement, the antigenome. In addition, there are relatively smaller amounts of an 800-nt RNA of antigenomic polarity that is polyadenylated and considered to act as mRNA for translation of the single and essential HDV protein, the delta antigen. Characterization of this mRNA could provide insights into the in vivo mechanism of HDV RNA-directed RNA transcription and processing. Previously, we showed that the 5' end of this RNA was located in the majority of species, at nt 1630. The present studies show that (i) at least some of this RNA, as extracted from the liver of an HDV-infected woodchuck, behaved as if it contained a 5'-cap structure; (ii) in the infected liver there were additional polyadenylated antigenomic HDV RNA species with 5' ends located at least 202 nt and even 335 nt beyond the nt 1630 site, (iii) the 5' end at nt 1630 was not detected in transfected cells, following DNA-directed HDV RNA transcription, in the absence of genome replication, and (iv) nevertheless, using in vitro transcription with purified human RNA polymerase II holoenzyme and genomic RNA template, we did not detect initiation of template-dependent RNA synthesis; we observed only low levels of 3'-end addition to the template. These new findings support the interpretation that the 5' end detected at nt 1630 during HDV replication represents a specific site for the initiation of an RNA-directed RNA synthesis, which is then modified by capping.

Guégan P. 1882. A l’époque moustérienne dans le Drouais (Eure-et-Loire). Correspondance, séance du 2 février 1882, 80-83 [Mousterian epoch in the Drouais (Eure-et-Loire). Correspondence, 1882 February 2 meeting].
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, moustérien, Mousterian, marmotte, marmot, Eure-et-Loir, France.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Guenaux G. 1919. Animaux nuisibles et animaux utiles à l'agriculture [Pest and useful animals in farming]. Encyclopédie agricole, Baillère et Fils, Paris, 312 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota.

Guérin C. & Patou-Matis M. 1996. Les grands mammifères plio-pléistocènes d'Europe [The large mammals of Plio-Pleistocene of Europe]. Masson, Paris, 291p.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Pliocène, Pliocene, Europe, Europa.

Guérin F.E. 1857. Dictionnaire pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle et des phénomènes de la nature [Picturesque dictonnary of natural history and of phenomenons of the nature]. Paris, 51-53.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota.

Guérin M. 1987. La revalorisation des alpages savoyards, une nouvelle approche de l'agriculture dans l'environnement ? [Revaluation of the Savoye mountain pastures, a new farming way in environment?]. Séminaire Aménagement Rural, 10 p.
En français, in French.

Guérin Paul directeur 18??. Dictionnaire des dictionnaires. Lettres, sciences, arts, encyclopédie universelle. Tome I, A-BISOT. Paris : Impr. réunies, XXXV-1200 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, Arctomys, Arctomyde, marmotte, marmot, Guérin Paul (1830-1908).

Guérin Paul directeur 18??. Dictionnaire des dictionnaires. Lettres, sciences, arts, encyclopédie universelle. Tome II, BISPORE-CHILIEN. Paris, Impr. réunies, 1195 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, bobak, bobac, Guérin, Paul (1830-1908).

Guérin Paul directeur 18??. Dictionnaire des dictionnaires. Lettres, sciences, arts, encyclopédie universelle. Tome III, CHILINE-ETRE. Paris : Impr. réunies, 1200 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, absence de dormillouse, no dormillouse, Guérin, Paul (1830-1908).

Guérin Paul directeur 18??. Dictionnaire des dictionnaires. Lettres, sciences, arts, encyclopédie universelle. Tome V, MALIOBURIQUE-REIMS. Paris : Impr. réunies, 1196 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, absence de murmeltier, Guérin, Paul (1830-1908).

G.U.E.R.P.P.A. 1984. Précisions sur les contextes géologiques des principaux gisements de mammifères de la région de Perrier (Puy-de-Dôme) [Precise details on the geologic contexts of the main mammalian deposits in the Perrier region (Puy-de-Dôme)]. 10 è Réunion annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, Société Géologique de France éd., Paris, p. 274.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Puy-de-Dôme, France.

Guicherd J. 1930. Les alpages de la Savoie. L'agriculture du département de la Savoie [Mountain pastures in Savoye. Agriculture in the Savoye department].. Bernigard & Privat, 76-79.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy.

Guichonnet P. ed. 1980. Histoire et civilisation des Alpes [History and civilisation in the Alps]. Toulouse, Lausanne, Privat, Payot, 413p.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, Alpes, Alps.

Guidotti L.G. 1998. Mouse genetics at work: a new model of chronic hepadnavirus infection. Hepatology, 28(1): 268-9.
En anglais, in English.
Virus, hépatite, hepatits.

Guilday J.E. & Hamilton H.W. 1978. Ecological significance of displaced boreal mammals in West Virginia caves [Signification écologique des mammifères boréaux déplacés dans les grottes la Virginie occidentale]. Journal of Mammalogy, 59(1): 176-181.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, fossiles, fossil forms, Marmota monax.
Cervus canadensis, Cervus elaphus, Odocoileus virginianus, Procyon lotor, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, Mustela vison, Mustela sp., Martes americana, Mephitis mephitis, Sylvilagus, lpues, Marmota monax, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, Eutamias minimus, Tamias striatus, Sciurus carolinensis, Glaucomys volans, Glaucomys sabrinus, Ondatra zibethicus, Erethizon dorsatum, Castor canadensis.

Guilday J.E., Parmalee P.W. & Hamilton H.W. 1978. The Clark's cave bone deposit and the late pleistocene paleoecology of the Central Appalchian mountains of Virgina [Le dépôt osseux de la grotte de Clark et paléoécologie de la fin du Pléistocène des montagnes des appalaches centrales de Virginie]. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburg Bulletin n° 2, 88p.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, fossiles, fossil forms, préhistoire, pre-history, distribution, espèces disparues, extinct species, Marmota monax.
Podilymbus podiceps, Botaurus lentiginosus, Rallus limicola, Porzana carolina, Gallinula chloropus, Pluvialis dominica, Philohela minor, Capella gallinago, Tringa solitaria (?), Actitis macularia, Limosa sp., Canachites canadensis, Bonasa umbellus, Lagopus mutus, Pediocetes phasianellus, Colinus virginianus, Meleagris gallopavo, Ectopistes migratorius, extinct species: Canis dirus, Euarctos americanus, Ursus americanus, Procyon lotor, Martes americana, Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata ?, Mustela rixosa, Mustela nivalis, Mustela vison, Mephitis mephitis ?, Anas discors ?, Anas carolinensis ?, Anas crecca, Anas platyrhynchos or Anas rubripes, Lophodytes cucullatus, Mergus spp., Myotis lucifugus or Myotis sodalis, Myotis keenii, Myotis leibii, Myotis grisescens, Pipistrellus subflavus, Eptesicus fuscus, Plecotus townsendii ?, Lasiurus borealis, Cervus canadensis, Cervus elaphus, Odocoileus virginianus, Rangifer tarandus ?, Accipiter striatus ?, Buteo platypterus, Falco sparverius, Otus asio, Bubo virginianus, Asio otus or Asio flammeus, Aegolius acadicus, Lepus americanus, Sylvilagus transitionalis ?, Tamias striatus, Eutamias minimus, Marmota monax, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, Glaucomys or Tamias sp., Glaucomys volans, Glaucomys sabrinus, Sciurus carolinensis ?, Ondatra zibethicus, Erethizon dorsatum.

Guillaud J. 1884. Sur un gisement de mammifères quaternaires à Eymet [About a quaternary mammal deposit in Eymet]. Journal d’hist. Nat. de Bordeaux, 3e année, 4 : 57. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1885, 48.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Elephas primigenius, Bos primigenius, Equus caballus, silx, flints, moustérien, mousterian, Dordogne, France.

Guillaume C. & Chaline J. 1979. La grotte sépulcrale néolithique des Rochers de la Frasse à Novéant sur Moselle (Moselle). Etude de la microfaune [The neolithic sepulchral cave of Rochers de la Frasse in Novéant sur Moselle (Moselle). Study of the microfauna]. Revue Archéol. de l'Est et du Centre-Est, n-113-114: 263.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Moselle, France.

Guillaume C., Chaline J. & Poulain T. 1976. Le remplissage würmien de la grotte de Jeannuë à Rebeuville (Vosges) [The Wurmian filling of the Jeannuë cave in Rebeuville (Vosges)]. Revue Archéol. de l'Est, 1-2: 29-41.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Würm, Wurm, Vosges, France.

Guinard M.L. 1900.
C.R. Soc. biol., 52 : 727.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, phyiologie, physiology, narcotique, narcotic.

Guiraud A. 1847. Le ramoneur, la marmotte et le marronnier (contes et légendes de Savoie) [The chimney sweep, the marmot, and the chesnut tree (Savoy tales and legends)]. La Savoie : la renaissance. L’écho des vallées : 11.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, littérature, literature, XIX e siècle.
Archives départementales Savoie

Guiraud A. 1847b. Le petit savoyard avec une lettre du Marquis Costa de beauregard [The young Savoyard with a letter of the Costa de Beauregard marquis]. Elégies savoyardes, 16 p. Illustrations de Jean de Waru.
En français, in French.
Ramoneur, Chimney sweep, Marmota marmota.

Gujar S.A. & Michalak T.I. 2006. Characterization of bioactive recombinant woodchuck interleukin-2 amplified by RLM-RACE and produced in eukaryotic expression system. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol.), 112(3-4): 183-198.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis.
Woodchucks (Marmota monax) infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) represent a highly valuable laboratory model of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, in which molecular, immunological and pathological events occurring in infected humans are adequately reflected. To advance studies on T cell immune responses and propagation of hepadnavirus in T lymphocytes in this animal model, we determined the complete sequence of woodchuck interleukin-2 (wIL-2) cDNA by utilizing RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-RACE) reaction. The wIL-2 sequence revealed a single open reading frame encoding for the predicted precursor protein comprised of a signal peptide and a 134 amino acid-long mature protein. The mature wIL-2 protein produced in the Escherichia coli expression system, designated as ec-rwIL-2, was found to be immunogenic but not biologically active. In contrast, precursor wIL-2 protein cloned into baculovirus transfer vector and expressed in Sf9 cells, designated as bac-rwIL-2, demonstrated functional competence. Further, bac-rwIL-2 was able to stimulate proliferation and to induce multiple daughter cell generations in woodchuck T cells, as well as facilitated the survival of standard IL-2-dependent mouse CTLL-2 cells in culture. Western blot analysis of bac-rwIL-2 using antibodies generated against ec-rwIL-2 revealed a single protein band of 15.5kDa. The availability of biologically active recombinant wIL-2 should facilitate ex vivo studies on functional competence of woodchuck T lymphocytes derived from different stages of hepadnaviral hepatitis and assist in recognizing their contribution to the pathogenesis of liver injury in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B.

Gujar S.A. & Michalak T.I. 2005. Flow cytometric quantification of T cell proliferation and division kinetics in woodchuck model of hepatitis B. Immunological Investigations (Immunol. Invest.), 34(2): 215-236.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis, modèle animal, animal model, cellule T, T cell. Woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) represent the closest natural animal model to study the immunopathogenesis of liver injury caused by essentially noncytopathic, highly human specific hepatitis B virus (HBV). The importance of antiviral T cell response in induction of hepatitis and in control of HBV replication has been demonstrated. However, the understanding of how these responses contribute to the development of different immunomorphological forms of liver disease and their outcomes remain elusive. In this study, we established and standardized a flow cytometry assay using peripheral blood mononuclear cells labeled with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) to assess WHV-specific and mitogen-driven T lymphocyte proliferative responses in woodchucks. The assay is of significantly greater sensitivity than the adenine incorporation assay currently used when applied to measure either WHV-specific T cell responses in acute (P < 0.001) and chronic (p < 0.03) viral hepatitis or those induced by mitogens in both healthy and whv-infected animals. it also provides a new type of information, not previously available, characterizing the strength of woodchuck t cell proliferative reactivity by measuring cell division rates. the study shows that woodchuck pbmc labeled with cfse exhibit light scatter and fluorescence profiles compatible to those of human pbmc, allowing quantitation and deconvolution of the flow cytometric data by applying the existing analytical softwares. the availability of this novel assay should facilitate a more precise and comprehensive evaluation of hepadnavirus-specific and generalized t cell responses in experimental whv hepatitis.

Gujar S.A. & Michalak T.I. 2006. Characterization of bioactive recombinant woodchuck interleukin-2 amplified by RLM-RACE and produced in eukaryotic expression system. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology (Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol.), 112(3-4): 183-98.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis, Escherichia coli.
Woodchucks (Marmota monax) infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) represent a highly valuable laboratory model of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, in which molecular, immunological and pathological events occurring in infected humans are adequately reflected. To advance studies on T cell immune responses and propagation of hepadnavirus in T lymphocytes in this animal model, we determined the complete sequence of woodchuck interleukin-2 (wIL-2) cDNA by utilizing RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-RACE) reaction. The wIL-2 sequence revealed a single open reading frame encoding for the predicted precursor protein comprised of a signal peptide and a 134 amino acid-long mature protein. The mature wIL-2 protein produced in the Escherichia coli expression system, designated as ec-rwIL-2, was found to be immunogenic but not biologically active. In contrast, precursor wIL-2 protein cloned into baculovirus transfer vector and expressed in Sf9 cells, designated as bac-rwIL-2, demonstrated functional competence. Further, bac-rwIL-2 was able to stimulate proliferation and to induce multiple daughter cell generations in woodchuck T cells, as well as facilitated the survival of standard IL-2-dependent mouse CTLL-2 cells in culture. Western blot analysis of bac-rwIL-2 using antibodies generated against ec-rwIL-2 revealed a single protein band of 15.5kDa. The availability of biologically active recombinant wIL-2 should facilitate ex vivo studies on functional competence of woodchuck T lymphocytes derived from different stages of hepadnaviral hepatitis and assist in recognizing their contribution to the pathogenesis of liver injury in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B.

Güldenstädt Johann Anton 1787. Reisen durch Russland und in Caucasichen Gebirge [Voyages au travers de la Russie et dans les monts du Caucase]. Spb.1791, Teil 1, 2.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Russie, Russia, Caucase, Caucasus.

Gumilev L.N. 1966. Istoki ritma kotchekoï koultoury [Origines des ryhtmes de la culture nomade. Source of rhythm of the nomad culture]. Narody Azii i Afriki, 4 : 85-94.
En russe, in Russian.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, rythme, rhythm.

Gund N., Maamuu D. & Zh. Gongor 1975. An epizootological survey of natural foci of plague in the Mongolian and Gobi Altai [Enquête épidémiologique des foyers naturels de peste en Mongolie et dans le Gobi Alataï. An epizootological survey of natural foci of plague in the Mongolian and Gobi Altai]. In Safonova (Ed.), Int. and national aspects of the epidemiological surveillance of plague, II: 23-24.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology, parasitologie, parasitology, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Guo J.T., Zhou H., Liu C., Aldrich C., Saputelli J., Whitaker T., Barrasa M.I., Mason W.S. & Seeger C. 2000. Apoptosis and regeneration of hepatocytes during recovery from transient hepadnavirus infections. J. Virol., 74(3): 1495-1505.
En anglais, in English.
Hépatite, hepatitis, régénaration, regeneration.
It is well known that hepatitis B virus infections can be transient or chronic, but the basis for this dichotomy is not known. To gain insight into the mechanism responsible for the clearance of hepadnavirus infections, we have performed a molecular and histologic analysis of liver tissues obtained from transiently infected woodchucks during the critical phase of the recovery period. We found as expected that clearance from transient infections occurred subsequent to the appearance of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells and the production of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha in the infected liver. These events were accompanied by a significant increase in apoptosis and regeneration of hepatocytes. Surprisingly, however, accumulation of virus-free hepatocytes was delayed for several weeks following this initial influx of lymphocytes. In addition, we observed that chronically infected animals can exhibit levels of T-cell accumulation, cytokine expression, and apoptosis that are comparable with those observed during the initial phase of transient infections. Our results are most consistent with a model for recovery predicting replacement of infected hepatocytes with regenerated cells, which by unknown mechanisms remain protected from reinfection in animals that can be cured.

Guricheva I.L. 1961. Rastitelinosti poroev stepnoï pestroushki i sourka na territrii soukhostepnogo statsiinara. Materialy Kazakhstanskoï konferentsii po probleme Biologitcheskie kompleksy rajonov novgo osvoeniya, ikh ratsionalinogo ispolizovaniya i obogasheniya, M. - L. : Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, territoire, territory.

Гуричева Н.П. (Guricheva, Gouritcheva N.P.) & Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) 1997. Растительность бутанов тарбаган (Marmota sibirica Pall.) в восточном хангае (Монголия). Plant cover of marmots (Marmota sibirica Pall.) burrows on eastern Khangai (Mongolia) [Rastitel'nosty boutanov tarbagana (Marmota sibirica Pall.) v vostotchnom Khangae (Mongoliya). Couverture végétale des terriers des marmottes (Marmota sibirica Pall.) au Khangaï orientale (Mongolie). In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 30-31 (Rousskie, Russian), 149 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, terrier, burrow, végétation, vegetation, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Гуричева Н.П. (Guricheva, Gouritcheva N.P.) & Дмитриев П.П. (Dmitriev P.P.) 1997. Флора бутанов тарбаган (Marmota sibirica Pall.) burrows on eastern Khangai (Mongolia) [Flora boutanov tarbagana (Marmota sibirica Pall.) в восточгом хагпае (Монголия). The flora of marmots (Marmota sibirica Pall.) burrows on eastern Khangai (Mongolia) [Flora boutanov tarbagana (Marmota sibirica Pall.) v vostotchnom Khangae (Mongoliya). La flore des terriers de marmottes (Marmota sibirica Pall.) au Khangai orientale (Mongolie). In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 31 (Rousskie, Russian), 150 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, terrier, burrow, végétation, vegetation, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Gustafson E.P. 1978. The vertebrate faunas of the Pliocene Ringold Formation, South-central Washington[Les faunes de vertébrés de la formation Ringold du Pliocène, Washington sud-centre]. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Oregon, Eugene, 23: 1-62.
En anglais, in English.
Faunistique, fauna, paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Washington.

Guthrie Paula M. Burrow-site Selection By Yellow-bellied Marmots (Marmota flaviventris) at Lassen Volcanic National Park [Sélection des sites de terriers par les marmottes à vntre jaune (Marmota flaviventris) au Parc national de Lassen Volcanic]. Thesis.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, terrier, burrow.

Guthrie R.D. 1968. Paleoecology of the large-mammal community in interior Alaska during the Late Pleistocene [Paléo-écologie de la grande communauté des mammifères de l'intérieur de l'Alaska au cours du Pléistocène inférieur]. Amer. Midl. Nat., 79: 346-363.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Alaska, paléontologie, paleontology, Pleistocène, Pleistocene.

Guthrie R.D. & Mattews J.V. Jr. 1972. The Cape Deceit fauna - early Pleistocene mammalian assemblage from the Alaskan arctic [La faune du cap Deceit - collection de mammifères du début du Pléistocène fde l'Alaska arctique]. Quat. Res., 1 (for 1971): 474-510.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Alaska.

Guy C.S., Wang J. & Michalak T.I. 2006. Hepatocytes as cytotoxic effector cells can induce cell death by CD95 ligand-mediated pathway. Hepatology, 43(6): 1231-1240.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, foie, liver.
The liver plays an increasingly recognized role in the host's immune responses. The direct contribution of hepatocytes as effector cells to local immunity, pathogen containment, and liver disease is not determined. This in vitro study examined whether hepatocytes can eliminate other cells via a CD95 ligand (CD95L or FasL)/CD95 (Fas)-mediated mechanism and whether this cytotoxic activity can be modulated by cytokines such as interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). We have found that normal woodchuck and human hepatocytes, both cultured and primary freshly isolated, as well as human HepG2 cells, intrinsically transcribe not only CD95 but also CD95L when examined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays. The functional competence of CD95L, which was detectable in hepatocytes and HepG2 cells by Western blotting, was confirmed in bioassays by induction of apoptosis of CD95-bearing P815 and LS102.9 cell targets and validated by inhibition of the cell killing with CD95 antagonistic antibody or with a general caspase inhibitor. Furthermore, exposure of cultured hepatocytes to IFN-gamma or their stable transfection with IFN-gamma cDNA or TNF-alpha cDNA increased hepatocyte CD95L/CD95-mediated cell killing. In conclusion, hepatocytes express both CD95L and CD95 and they can induce death of other cells by a CD95L-dependent mechanism. IFN-gamma and, to a lesser extent, TNF-alpha can enhance hepatocyte CD95L-mediated cytotoxicity. This suggests that the local cytokine environment may modulate the hepatocyte contribution to liver immunity.

Guzhevnikov (Goujevnikov) I.A. 1963. [État actuel de l'extermination des rongeurs du foyer de peste du Transbaïkal. The present state of rodents extermination in Transbaicalian plague focus]. Dokl. Irkutsk. protivochum. in-ta., Tchita. 6: 73-75.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, extermination, Transbaïkal.

Gvozdev E.V. & Kapitonov V.I. 1966. Geliminty sourkov (Marmota sp. sp.) v Kazakhstane [Les helminthes des marmottes du Kazakhstan. Marmot helminths from Kazakhstan]. Materialy k naoutchnoï konferentsii Vsesoiouzh. ob-va gelimintologov, dekabri 1966 g. u. 3, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, prasitology, Kazakstan.

Gvozdev E.V. & L.D. Sharpilo 1978. Citellina kapitonovi n.sp. (Nematoda: Syphaciidae): a new nematode of marmots [Citellina kapitonovi n.sp. (Nematoda: Syphaciidae) : un nouveau nématode des marmottes]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, 6: 6-10.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Nématodes, Nematoda, parasitologie, parasitoloy, Russie, Russia.

Gyula G. 1875. A fogsában tartott mormoták megfigyelésérOEl, [Beiträge zur Physiologie des Alpen-Murmelthieres (Arctomys Marmota L.)]. MKE Évkönyve.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology.

Gzalbadrakh D., Dovtchin M. & Gondov N. 1977. okhotpromysel kak merotsriyatie, obespetchi-vayuchtchee snijenie tchislennosti sourka v prirodnykh otchagakh tchoumy [Chasse industrielle comme plan d'action pour diminuer le nombre de marmottes dans les foyers naturels de la peste. Professional hunting as a managing plan to decrease the marmot number in natural plague foci]. V kn. Epidemiologiya i profilaktika osobo opasnykh infektsiï v MNR i SSSR. Oulan-Bator.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.