Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9
Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov
Mise à jour 05/10/2007 Updated
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Кабаков О.Н. (Kabakov O.N.) 1997. Scarabeidae, связанные с норами сурков в забайкалье Афганистане. Scarabeidae, connected with bobac' holes in Transbaikal region and Afghanistan [Scarabeidae, svyazann'ye s norami surkov v Zabaïkal'e i Afganistane. Scarabeidae, en relation avec les terriers de la marmotte bobac du Transbaïkal et d'Afghanistan]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 50 (Rousskie, Russian), 154 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Insectes, Insects, Marmota bobac, terrier, burrow, Transbaïkal, Afghanistan.
Kachkarov D.N. 1925. Materialy k poznaniyu gryzounov Tourkestana [Guide des rongeurs du Turkestan. Guide of the rodents in Turkestan]. Tr. Tourkestanskogo naoutch. obchtchestva pri SAGOu, 2: 138pp (47).
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Marmota menzbieri, Arctomys menzbieri, Turkestan, Talassk. Alatau Mtns., Chigyr-Tash, on upper Ugama River.
Kachkarov D.N. 1931. Jivotnye Tourkestana. [Les animaux domestiques du Turkestan. Domestic animals in Turkestan]. izd. Tachkent, Ouzgiz.
En russe, in Russian.
Domestication , Turkestan.
Kachkarov D.N. 1932. Jivotnye Tourkestana [Les animaux domestiques du Turkestan. Domestic animals in Turkestan]. Tachkent, Gosizdat OuzSSR, 451pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Domestication, Turkestan.
Kachkarov D. & Korobin A. 1926. Ekskoursiya v Talasskiï Alataou, snaryajennaya Glavnym Sredne-Aziatskim mouzeem letom 1923 g., i faouna mlekopitayuchtchokh Zapadnogo Tyan'-Chanya [Expédition dans le Talasskiï Alataou, au cours de l'été 1923, équipée par le Muséum principal d'Asie centrale et les mammifères de l'ouest du Tien Shan. Talasskiï Alataou expedition, in the 1923 summer, equipped by the Princiapl Museum of Central Asia, and mammals in western Tien Shan] . Izv. Sredneaziat. komta po delam mouzeev i okhrany pamyatnikov stariny, iskousstva, prirody, 1, Tachkent.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, expédition, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kafka J. 1889. Die diluvialen Murmeltiere in Böhem [La marmotte diluviale en Bohême. Diluvian marmot in Bohem]. Sitzungsb. d. k. böhm. Ges. d. Wissensch., Math.-naturwiss. Kl., 1 : 195-207.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota, Tchéquie, Bohême.
Kafka J. 1893. Rezente und fossile Nagetiere Böhems [Rongeurs actuels et fossiles de Bohême. Present and fossil rodents in Bohem]. Vyslo v. Arch. pro prir. pruzkum Cech., 8 (5) : 50-62.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia ; Marmota bobac, Paléontologie, paleontology, Tchéquie, Bohême, Bohem.
Kafarskaya D.A. & Lysenko K.A. 1963a. [Les puces de marmottes à longue que du Tadjikistan. Fleas of long-tailed marmots in Tadjikistan]. Materials of the Conf. of Research Anti-Plague Institute of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 3 : 73-75.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Kafarskaya D.G. & Lysenko L.S. 1963b. [Sur l'écologie des puces de la marmotte rouge au Tadjikistan. To ecology of a fleas of red marmot in Tadjikistan]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagov. i prophylakt. chumy, Alma-Ata: 99.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Kafarskaya D.G., Lysenko L.S. 1963c. [Données sur les puces des animaux sauvages du Tadjikistan. Materials on fauna of fleas of wild animals in Tadjikistan]. Izv. AN Tadj. SSR., Otdel. biol. nauk. Dushambe, 2(13): 56-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Kafarskaya D.G., Lysenko L.S. & Morozkina E.A. 1965. [Sur l'écologie et la répartition des puces des marmottes rouges du Pamir oriental. To ecology and geographical distribution of red marmot fleas in East Pamir]. Mater. 4 nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i prophilakt. choumy, Alma-Ata: 118-119.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Kagei N. 1987. Parasites of animals imported to Japan. III. Parasitic infections of woodchuck (Marmota monax) imported from the United States [Parasites des animaux importés au Japon. III. Infections parasitaire de la marmotte des bois (M. monax) importés au Japon]. Japan. J. Tropical Med., 15(3): 197-202.
En anglais, in English.< br> Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, Japon.
Kaiser M. & Gebuer A. 1997. Säugetierkundliche Beobachtungen in Zentralchina (Qinghai-Tibet-Plateau. Milu, Berlin, 998-121.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota himalayana, Lepus oiostolus, Chine, China, Tibet.
Kaïzer G.A. 1939. Ekologiya dlinnokh-vostovogo surka (M. caudata Jacq.) [Écologie de la marmotte à longue queue. Ecology of the long-tailed marmot]. VMEiP (Bulletin of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Parasitology), 18 (1-4) : 168-402.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology.
Kaïzer G.A. 1940. Ekologiya dlinnokhvostogo sourka (M. caudata Jacq.) [Écologie de la marmotte à longue queue. Ecology of the long-tailed marmot]. VMEiP, 18 (1-2).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology.
Kajino K., Jilbert A.R., Saputelli J., Aldrich C.E., Cullen J. & Mason W.S. 1994. Woodchuck hepatitis virus infections: very rapid recovery after a prolonged viremia and infection of virtually every hepatocyte. J. Virol., 68(9): 5792-5803.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Earlier studies have suggested that transient hepadnavirus infections in mammals are associated with virus replication in a large fraction of hepatocytes. Although the viremia that occurred during transient infections in some individuals would presumably lead to virus replication in all hepatocytes, these studies did not reveal if this was the case. The question of the extent of hepatocyte infection was therefore reinvestigated because of the implications of the results for the mechanisms of virus clearance. Woodchucks were inoculated with woodchuck hepatitis virus, and the course of hepatic infection was determined. These studies indicated that essentially 100% of the hepatocytes became infected in the majority of woodchucks. In 7 of 10 woodchucks, the viral infection was then rapidly cleared from the liver, generally in less than 4 weeks. In another three woodchucks, though productive infection was just as rapidly cleared, viral covalently closed circular DNA remained for weeks to months after other indicators of virus infection had disappeared from the liver. Bromodeoxyuridine labeling and anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen staining to detect hepatocytes passing through S phase indicated an increase in hepatocyte proliferation during the recovery phase of infection. The rate of cell division appeared to be sufficient to replace no more than 2 to 3% of the hepatocytes per day, at the times at which the biopsies were performed. Histopathologic evaluation of the biopsy samples did not provide evidence for a massive amount of liver regeneration. Models to explain virus clearance, with or without massive immune system-mediated destruction of infected hepatocytes, are reviewed.
Kalabukhov N.I. Periodic Changes in Rodent Organism [Changements périodiques dans les organismes de rongeurs].
252 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Kalabukhov N.I. 1960. Comparative ecology of hibernating mammals [Écologie comparative des mammifères hibernants]. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 124 (3) : 45-74.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, écologie, ecology, hibernation.
Kalabukhov N.I. 1985. Spyatchka mlekopitaiushikh [Hibernation chez les mammifères. Hibernation in mammals]. M. : Nauka, pp. 260.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, hibernation.
Kalenichenko M.J. 1839. Series animalium a defuncto professore Joann Kryniski, in itenere annis 1836-1838, ad Caucasum et Tauridem succepto....Determinat. recensuit et disposuit Dr. Joann Kaleniczenko. Bull. Soc. Natur., Moscou, 2.
En latin, in Latin.
Ethnobiologie, ethnology, Caucase, Caucasia
Kalenichenko V.I. 1860. Istheznovenie baïbakov i ikh mogily v No-vorossiiskikh stepyakh [Disparition de bobac des steppes de Mongolie et de Novosibirsk. The disappearance of the marmots and their tombs in Mongolia and Novorossyisk steppes]. Vesth. estestv. Nauk., 26-27.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, conservation, Russie, Russia, Novosibirsk, Mongolie, Mongolia, terrier, burrow.
Novorossyisk (lower course of the river Dnieper. "Wherever you look, everywhere you see small elevations or hillocks which make all the surface of the earth appear undulated".
Kalesnik S.V. 1935. Ledniki verkhov'ev bol'chogo Naryna [Les glaciers des sources de la grande Naryna. Glaciers in the source of great Naryna]. Tr. lednikovykh ekspeditsiï, 2 Tien Shan, Verkhov'ya Bol'chogo Naryna, L.
En russe, in Russian.
Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kaletskaya M.L. 1948. K sistematike sourkov SSSR [Pour une systématique des marmottes de l'URSS. Toward a marmot systematics of USSR]. Diplomnaya rabota (roukopisi), MGU.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy, Russie, Russia.
Kalina G.P. 1930. ["Alyamet" (total trouble) and marmot's plague in South Kirgizia]. Vestn., mikrobiol., epidemiol. i parazitol., 4: 549-554. En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, Khirghizie, Kirgizia.
Kalina G.P. 1931. [Biologie des marmottes de la Kirghizie méridionale et leur importance épidémiologique. Biology of marmots of South Kirgizia and its epidemiologic significance]. Vestn. micrkbiol., epidemiol. i parasitologii, Saratov, 10, 1: 69-82.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, Kirghizie, Kirgizia.
Kalina G.P. 1935. Tchouma v Sredneï Azii [Peste et Asie centrale. Plague and central Asia]. Biol. Sev. Kraev. san.-bakteriol. in-ta, 2(4, 5, 6).
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Asie, Asia.
Kallfelz F.A., Hornbuckle W.E., Harvey H.J., Wallace R.J., Potkewitz L.G., Roth L. & Tennant B.C. 1986. Scintigraphic diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Diagnostique scintigraphique du carcinome hépatocellulaire primaire chez la marmotte commune d'Amérique]. Am. J. Vet. Res., 47(3): 573-576.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Hepatic imaging with 99mTc-sulfur colloid was used to diagnose primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) in woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Based on imaging results, 6 of 12 WHV-infected woodchucks had space-occupying hepatic lesions, and all 6 had PHC. Of the remaining woodchucks, 2 did not have PHC, 2 had discrete tumors (less than 1 cm diameter), 1 had miliary small tumors, and 1 had tumors located near the great vessels. Hepatic imaging was a valuable technique for diagnosis of PHC in WHV-infected woodchucks.
Kalthoff Daniela C. 1997. Osteologische Untersuchungen an Murmeltier-Populationen aus den pleistozänen Lößablagerungen des Rheinlandes. Abstract, Terra nostra, 97 (6): 69; Köln.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, os, bone, pléistocène, pleistocene.
Kalthoff D.C. 1998. Die Kleinsäuger (Mammalia) der Fundstelle Kettig (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) im Rahmen der allerödzeitlichen Säugetierfauna Mittel- und Süddeutschlands [The small mammals from the Kettig site (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) within the framework of the Alleröd-age mammalian fauna of central and southern Germany]. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 72 (3/4): 407-424, 9 Abb., 3 Tab.; Stuttgart.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Allemagne, Germany.
A fauna composed mostly of small mammals was recently recovered from the Late Pleistocene archaeological excavation site at Kettig in the Neuwied Basin. Nine genera with 13 species could be identified, including Soricidae, Talpidae, Vespertilionidae, Mustelidae, Arvicolinae, Murinae, and Cricetinae. The ecological preferences of the species range from dry cool to humid cool to warm conditions. Most abundant are species indicative of a warm climate. In the Neuwied Basin the Kettig site yielded the most completely documented small mammal fauna for the Alleröd age. Based on the fossil content of Kettig, an overview of the mammalian fauna of central and southern Germany immediately predating the deposition of the Laacher See tephra is given.
Kurzfassung: Von der spätpleistozänen archäologischen Fundstelle Kettig im Neuwieder Becken wird eine überwiegend aus Kleinsäugern zusammengesetzte Fauna beschrieben. Es konnten insgesamt neun Gattungen mit 13 Arten der Soricidae, Talpidae, Vespertilionidae, Mustelidae, Arvicolinae, Murinae und Cricetinae nachgewiesen werden. Ökologisch setzt sich die Fauna aus Formen zusammen, die entweder trocken-kühl, feucht-kühl oder warm-gemäßigt angepaßt sind, wobei die letzteren in der Zahl überwiegen. Die Kettiger Fauna repräsentiert die bisher vollständigste Kleinsäugervergesellschaftung des ausgehenden Alleröds im Neuwieder Becken. Ausgehend vom Artenspektrum aus Kettig wird ein Überblick der Zusammensetzung der mittel- und süddeutschen Säugetierfauna unmittelbar vor der Ablagerung der Laacher See-Tephra gegeben.
Kalthoff D.C. 1999a. Jungpleistozäne Murmeltiere (Rodentia, Sciuridae) vom Mittelrhein (Deutschland) und ihre verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zu den beiden rezenten europäischen Arten [Marmottes du pléistocène final de la région centrale du Rhin et leurs relations phylogénétiques avec deux espèces de marmottes européennes récentes] Late Pleistocene marmots (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from the Middle Rhine region (Germany) and their phylogenetic relationships to the two Recent European marmot species]. Stapfia, 63: 119-128; Linz.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota primigenia, Marmota bobak, Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Rhin, Rhine, Allemagne, Germany.
This is a study of rich new finds of the genus Marmota from Late Pleistocene loess deposits of the Neuwied and Mainz basins. For the first time these finds represent an adequate basis to evaluate the taxonomic status of Late Pleistocene marmots outside the Alps. In the Middle Rhine Region two species could be distinguished: firstly the relatively big and well documented M. primigenia which is closely related to the Alpine Marmot, and secondly scarce finds of the Steppe Marmot M. bobak. The latter is an immigrant from the east which migrated as far west as the Mainz basin. These results show that a taxonomic separation of the two recent European species was already established in the Late Pleistocene. Consequently, this separation was not a result of an amelioration of the climate linked to a geographic partition at the end of the Pleistocene.
Preliminary studies of fossil material from the Alps suppose that the todays Alpine Marmot descended from these Late Pleistocene alpine populations and not from M. primigenia from the Middle Rhine Region. With the reforestation at the end of the last glaciation period M. primigenia became extinct in its habitats north of the Alps.
Kurzfassung: Reiche Neufunde von jungpleistozänen Murmeltierknochen aus dem Neuwieder und Mainzer Becken ermöglichen erstmals eine eingehende osteologische Analyse zur Klärung der artlichen Zugehörigkeit dieser großen Erdhörnchen außerhalb des Alpenraumes. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet zwei unterscheidbare Murmeltierspezies vorkommen: M. primigenia als großes, gut
belegtes Murmeltier, das eng mit dem rezenten Alpenmurmeltier verwandt ist, sowie wenige Nachweise einer zweiten Art, M. bobak, die von Osten eingewandert ist und bis ins Mainzer Becken vordringen konnte. Daraus folgert, daß zumindestens im Jungpleistozän zwei Murmeltierspezies nebeneinander auftreten und eine Trennung der beiden rezenten europäischen Arten zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon bestanden hat. Sie ist
somit nicht eine Folge der Klimaverbesserung und der damit verbundenen geographischen Separation zum Ende der letzten Kaltzeit. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Untersuchung von Fossilmaterial aus dem Alpenraum lassen vermuten, daß die modernen Alpenmurmeltiere auf diese eiszeitlichen alpinen Populationen zurückzuführen sind und nicht auf die mittelrheinischen M. primigenia. Im Zuge der Wiederbewaldung zum Ende des Pleistozäns sind letztere im Mittelgebirgsraum ohne Nachkommen ausgestorben.
Kalthoff D.C. 1999b. Ist Marmota primigenia (KAUP) eine eigenständige Art ? Osteologische Variabilität pleistozäner Marmota-Populationen (Rodentia: Sciuridae) im Neuwieder Becken (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) und benachbarter Gebiete [Is Marmota primigenia (KAUP) a separate species? Osteological variability of Pleistocene Marmota populations (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in the Neuwied basin (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) and adjacent areas]. Kaupia, 9: 127-186, Darmstadt.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota primigenia, Marmota marmota, Marmota bobak.
This is a study of new finds and older collection material of the genus Marmota from middle and late Pleistocene loess deposits of the Neuwied and Mainz basins. Using qualitative osteological traits and statistical analysis two species could be distinguished: firstly the well documentated Marmota primigenia which is related to the recent Alpine Marmot M. marmota. Additionally a small amount of material (M. aff. bobak) is present which morphologically most resembles the living Steppe Marmot M. bobak. Systematic relationships between the Pleistocene and recent species are discussed. A lectotype of Marmota primigenia (KAUP 1839) is established, morphologically and metrically redescribed and its position within the species is evaluated.
Aus dem späten Mittel- und Jungpleistozän des Neuwieder und Mainzer Beckens werden Neufunde sowie Sammlungsmaterial der Gattung Marmota untersucht. Durch osteologische und statistische Analyse, zum Teil auf Populationsebene, lassen sich zwei Spezies unterscheiden: zum einen die gut belegte Art Marmota primigenia, die zum Verwandtschaftskreis des rezenten Alpenmurmeltieres M. marmota gehört, zum anderen die mit nur sehr wenig Material vertretene Form M. aff. bobak, die morphologisch dem moderenen Steppenmurmeltier Marmota bobak sehr nahe steht. Die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der pleistozänen zu den rezenten Arten werden diskutiert. Ein Lectotypus von M. primigenia (KAUP 1839) wird festgelegt, morphologisch und metrisch neu beschrieben und seine innerartliche Position bewertet.
Kalthoff D.C. 1999b. Osteologische Untersuchungen an Murmeltier-Populationen aus den pleistozänen Lößablagerungen des Rheinlandes. Quartär, 49/50: 146.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, os, bone, pléistocène, pleistocene.
Kalthoff D.C. 2000 Die Schmelzmikrostruktur in den Incisiven der hamsterartigen Nagetiere und anderer Myomorpha (Rodentia, Mammalia) [The incisor enamel microstructure of hamsters and other myomorph rodents (Rodentia, Mammalia)]. Palaeontographica A, 259(1-6): 1-193.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, émail, enamel, incisive, incisor, microstructure.
This paper provides an extensive SEM survey of incisor enamel microstructure of myomorph rodents. Among the approximately 200 species from 130 fossil and recent genera, Eurasian hamster like rodents and related groups are represented best because they are important for biostratigraphic zonation in the continental Tertiary of Europe.
The first true hamsters from the middle Eocene of China already show the uniserial Hunter-Schreger-bands typical for myomorph rodents. From middle Oligocene times on, hamsters are also present in European faunas. They are distinguished by characteristic enamel structures which differ considerably from those of stratigraphically younger groups. At the end of the Miocene and in the Pliocene, it can be observed that the extremely successful and widespread myomorph groups (Arvicolinae, Murinae, Gerbillinae, Sigmodontinae) show derived but rather uniform enamel microstructures.
From a systematic and phylogenetic point of view, the great variety of apomorphic schmelzmusters offers for the first time the chance to characterize the suborder Myomorpha as well as many subfamilies with their enamel structures, enamel surface ornamentation, and/or incisor cross-section. These features led to new ideas concerning the development and evolution of some enamel structures such as change of orientation in the HSB, meaning of the starting zone and the inner radial enamel and the development of the central syncline.
In dieser umfassenden, rasterelektronenoptischen Studie wird die Mikrostruktur des Incisivenzahnschmelzes von rund 200 Arten aus 130 fossilen und rezenten Gattungen der Myomorpha (sensu MCKENNA & BELL 1997) vergleichend untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den eurasischen hamsterartigen Nagetieren und den mit ihnen verwandten Gruppen, die für die biostratigraphische Gliederung des kontinentalen Tertiärs in Europa von großer Bedeutung sind.
Bereits die ersten echten Hamster aus dem Mitteleozän Chinas zeigen die für myomorphe Nagetiere typischen uniserialen Hunter-Schreger-Bänder. Die ab dem Mitteloligozän auch in Europa verbreiteten Taxa zeichnen sich durch charakteristische Schmelzstrukturen aus, die sich deutlich von denjenigen bei stratigraphisch jüngeren Gruppen unterscheiden. Ab dem oberen Miozän bzw. dem Pliozän wird jedoch deutlich, daß die erfolgreichen und rezent weit verbreiteten Großgruppen innerhalb der Myomorpha (Arvicolinae, Murinae, Gerbillinae, Sigmodontinae) zwar apomorphe, aber weitgehend einheitliche Mikrostrukturen zeigen.
Mit Hilfe der großen Formenfülle an fortschrittlichen Schmelzstrukturen ist es nun erstmals auf einer breiten Materialgrundlage möglich, verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen und taxonomische Fragestellungen innerhalb fossiler und rezenter Myomorpha auch anhand ihrer Schneidezähne zu beurteilen. Dabei werden die vielgestaltige Skulpturierung der Schmelzoberfläche und die Querschnittsform der Incisiven miteinbezogen. Mittels der hier nachgewiesenen, sehr diversen Mikrostrukturen können neue Vorstellungen beispielsweise zur Orientierung der HSB, zur Bedeutung der Startzone und des inneren Radialschmelzes oder zur Entwicklung einer Umbiegung aufgezeigt werden.
Kalthoff D.C. Säugetiere. Evolution der Säugetiere [Mammifères. Évolution].. Lexikon der Geowissenschaften; Spektrum Verlag.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, évolution, evolution.
Kalthoff D.C. 2002a Late Pleistocene marmots from the Middle Rhine Region (Germany) and their phylogenetic relationships to the extant European species. Marmottes de la fin du Pléistocène de la région centrale du rhin (Allemagne) et leurs relations phylogénétiques avec les marmottes européennes actuelles. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 70-71.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, Marmota bobak, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, Marmota primigenia, Pleistocen, Pléistocène, phylogeny, phylogénie.
Kalthoff D.C. 2002b. Murmeltiere aus der Eiszeit [Marmottes de la période glaciaire. Marmots of the Ice Age]. Rodentia, 8 (7): 58-59.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, période glaciaire, Ice Age.
Kalthoff D.C. Late Pleistocene marmots (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from the Middle Rhine region (Germany) and their phylogenetic relationships to the two Recent European marmot species.
This is a study of rich new finds of the genus Marmota from Late Pleistocene loess deposits of the Neuwied and Mainz basins. For the first time these finds represent an adequate basis to evaluate the taxonomic status of Late Pleistocene marmots outside the Alps. In the Middle Rhine Region two species could be distinguished: firstly the relatively big and well documented M. primigenia which is closely related to the Alpine Marmot, and secondly scarce finds of the Steppe Marmot M. bobak. The latter is an immigrant from the east which migrated as far west as the Mainz basin. These results show that a taxonomic separation of the two recent European species was already established in the Late Pleistocene. Consequently, this separation was not a result of an amelioration of the climate linked to a geographic partition at the end of the Pleistocene. Preliminary studies of fossil material from the Alps suppose that the todays Alpine Marmot descended from these Late Pleistocene alpine populations and not from M. primigenia from the Middle Rhine Region. With the reforestation at the end of the last glaciation period M. primigenia became extinct in its habitats north of the Alps.
Kalthoff D.C. 2003. Pleistocene marmots from the Middle Rhine Region (Germany) and their phylogenetic relationships to the extant European species. Marmottes de la fin du Pléistocène de la région centrale du rhin (Allemagne) et leurs relations phylogénétiques avec les marmottes européennes actuelles. Сурки в копце плеистоцена в центральном регионе рейна (германия) и их фтлогенетические отношения с совремнными европейскими сурками. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 75-76.
En français et en anglais, in Fr"ench and in English.
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Marmota marmota, alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, Marmota bobak, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, Marmota primigenia, Pleistocen, Pléistocène, phylogeny, phylogénie.
Les marmottes étaient plutôt communes dans la faune de la fin du Pléistocène. Ces grands sciuridés étaient largement répandus dans les montagnes basses de l'Europe ce qui contraste avec la distribution des deux espèces récentes vivant uniquement dans les hautes montagnes. Depuis longtemps, il y a débat pour savoir si les marmottes fossiles du Pléistocène pourraient être attribuées à la marmotte alpine Marmota marmota actuelle ou de la marmotte des steppes M. bobac, ou la marmotte disparue du Pléistocène M. primigenia. De nouvelles trouvailles importantes du genre Marmota dans des dépôts de loess de la fin du Pléistocène du bassin de Neuweid et de Mainz constituent, pour la première fois, une base adéquate pour évaluer le statut taxonomique des marmottes de la fin du Pléistocène du nord des Alpes. Dans la région centrale du Rhin, deux
espèces peuvent être distinguées : la première la relativement grande et bien documentée M. primigenia qui est étroitement apparentée à M. marmota, et la seconde rarement trouvée de M. bobac. La dernière est une immigrante de l'Est et a migré à l'Ouest aussi loin que le bassin de Mainz. Ces résultats montrent que la séparation taxonomique des deux espèces européennes actuelles était déjà établie à la fin du Pléistocène. La comparaison ostéologique des marmottes de la région centrale du Rhin avec des marmottes des Alpes indique que les marmottes alpines actuelles descendent de ces populations alpines de la fin du Pléistocène et non de la M. primigenia rhénane. Avec la reforestation de la fin de la dernière glaciation M. primigenia a disparu dans ces habitats du nord des Alpes.
Калягин Ю.С. (Kalyakin V.N.) 1971. [Toxoplasmosis in mammals. La toxoplamose chez les mammifères]. In Annual report, Medical Encyclopedia, 3 : 865-904.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, medecine, épidémiologie, epidemiology, toxoplasmose, toxoplasmosis, Kazakhstan.
Калягин Ю.С. (Kalyagin Yu.S.) 1991. [Dispersion, répartition biotopique et conservation de la marmotte de l'Altaï de la région de Kemerovo. Dispersal , biotopic distribution and conservation of the Altai marmot in the Kemerovo Region. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 42-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, population, conservation, Altaï, Russie, Russia
Калягин Ю.С. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S.) 1996. Reaktivnost' pokrovnykh tkaneï serogo sourka pri parazitirovanii nimf iksodovogo klechtcha Ixodes crenulatus [Réactivité des tissus de protection de la marmotte grise au parasitisme des nymphes des tiques Ixodes crenulatus. Reactivity of protective tissues of the grey marmot against nymphal parasitism of the tick Ixodes crenulatus]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 44-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Acariens, parasitologie, parasitology.
Калягин Ю.С. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S.) 2002a. To distribution of gray marmot in Kemerovskaya oblast. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 31.
En russe, in Russian).
Marmota baibacina, répartition, distribution, Russie, Russia.
Калягин Ю.С. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S.) 2002b. Tissue reactions of gray marmots on parasitizing of female of Ixodes crenulatus. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 31-32.
En russe, in Russian).
Marmota baibacina, parasitisme, parasitism.
Калягин Ю.С. & Поляков А.Д. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S. & Polyakov, Polïakov A.D.) 1996. Ob izmeneniyakh v biologii serogo sourka v svyazi s antropogennoï transformatsieï v goustonaselennykh raïonakh kouzbassa [Sur le changement de biologie de la marmotte grise en liaison avec la transformation anthropique des régions à fortes populations du Kouzbass. On biologic changes of the grey marmot in relation to anthropogenic changes in dense populations in the Kouzbass]. In Sourki severnoïevrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 45-46.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, anthropisation.
Калягин Ю.С. & Поляков А.Д. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S. & Polyakov, Polïakov A.D.) 1997a. Весенняя растительность поселений серого сурка, подерженных сильному антропогенному воздействию в Кемеровской области. Spring vegetation of grey marmot' settlements under strong anthropogenic impact in Kemerovo region [Vesennyaya rastitel'nosty poseleniï serogo sourka, podverjennykh sil'nomou antropogennomou vozdeïstviyu v kemerovskoï oblasti. Végétation des terriers de marmotte grise sous une forte influence anthropique dans la région de Kemerovo]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 52-53 (Rousskie, Russian).
Marmota baibacina, végétation, vegetation, terrier, burrow, pression anthropique, anthropic pressure, Russie, Russia.
Калягин Ю.С. & Поляков А.Д. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S. & Polyakov, Polïakov A.D.) 1997b. Реактивность покровных тканей серого сурка при паразитировании личинок и нимф иксодового клеща ,Ixodes crenulatus. Reactivity of grey marmots derma with parasitism of ticks larvae and nymphs [Reaktivnosty pokrovnykh tkaneï sreogo sourka pri parazitorovanii litchinok i nimg iksodovogo klechtcha, Ixodes crenulatus. Réactivité des peaux de marmotte grise au parasitisme des larves et nymphes d'acariens]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 52-53 (Rousskie, Russian), 155 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe et anglais, in Russian and English.
Marmota baibacina, peaux, skin, parasitisme, parasitism, Ixodes crenulatus Koch, 1844, Acariens, ticks.
Калягин Ю.С. & Поляков А.Д. (Kalyagin, Kalïagin Yu.S. & Polyakov, Polïakov A.D.) 2002. The grey marmot of the Kemerovo Region: its biology and protection. Серый сурок кемеровской области: некоторые вопросы его бтологии и охраны. [Seyi sourok kemerovskoï oblasti: nekotor'e voprosy ego biologii i okhrany. La marmotte grise de la région de Kemerovo : Biologie et protection]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.YU. eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on marmots, Moscow, ABF P.H., 203-212.
En anglais et russe avec résumé en français ; In English and Russian with a French abstract.
Marmota baibacina, conservation, Russie, Russia.
In the Kemerovo region the marmot colonies became to reduce acquiring the mosaic character with the formation of considerable gaps between the settlements. The problem of the grey marmot preservation is especially raised in a densely populated district of the Kuznetsk basin (88% of the population live in town). There is the proper habitats shortage in the Kemerovo region, the grey marmot enlarged its biotopes and became to inhabit in thinned out natural and artificial forests bordering on unprotected area i.e. in bad ecological zones (ecotones). The marmot protection must take place and be proceeded in the following directions: 1. The strong struggle against any kind of poaching; 2. The restriction of economic activities in the marmot sites depending on the real conditions; 3. The settling in the new places and the recovery of the man-destroyed populations.
Key-words : Marmota baibacina, Kemerovo region, Krapivino district, Drude’s abundance, ecotones, habitats, poaching, hunting.
Les colonies de marmottes de la région de Kemerovo sont en déclin, ce qui entraîne leur morcellement (structure en mosaïque) et l’apparition de trouées importantes entre les colonies. Le problème de la conservation de la marmotte grise est particulièrement difficile dans les districts du bassin de Kouzntesk où la population humaine est particulièrement dense et urbanisée (88% de la population est urbaine). Le déclin de l’habitat des marmottes grises est net dans la région de Kemerovo. Les marmottes grises ont élargi leur biotope, occupant des espaces naturels réduits et les bordures des forêts artificielles dans les zones non protégées, c’est-à-dire, dans des zones écologiques défavorables (écotones). La protection des marmottes devrait se mettre en place et suivre les recommandations suivantes : 1. Lutte efficace contre toute forme de braconnage ; 2. Réduction des activités économiques dans les sites à marmottes en tenant compte des conditions réelles ; 3. Réintroduction de marmottes dans de nouveaux sites et reconstitution des populations détruites par l’homme.
Mots clés : Marmota baibacina, région de Kémérovo, district de Krapivino, écotones, habitats, braconnage, chasse.
Kalyagin Yu.S., Zubbo K.S. & Shvetsova M.Yu. 2006. [Relations parasite-hôte chez Ixodes crenalutus et la marmotte de la steppe-forêt. To a problem parasite-host relationships in Ixodes crenalutus and forest-steppe marmot]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Ixodes crenalutus, Marmota bobak, parasitisme, parasitism, Russie, Russia.
Kaneko S. & Miller R.H. 1988. X-region-specific transcript in mammalian hepatitis B virus-infected liver. J. Virol., 62(11): 3979-3984.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, cancer, virus.
In vitro gene expression systems for hepatitis B virus have demonstrated that the virus genome is capable of producing an X-region-specific transcript of approximately 0.7 kilobases (kb). However, this transcript has not been detected in virus-infected cells. We now report the presence of a heterogeneous X-region-specific transcript of approximately 0.65 kb that is found primarily in the nucleus of liver cells infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus. Interestingly, the majority of the transcripts are not polyadenylated. The transcript, which represents less than 1% of total virus-specific RNA, is found in animals with both acute and chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infections. While it is probable that the 0.65-kb transcript is involved in the expression of the X gene protein, it may also direct the translation of a protein encoded by a newly identified open reading frame, ORF5, that is present in all hepadnavirus genomes analyzed.
Kaneko S., Oshima T., Kodama K., Aoyama S., Yoshikawa H., Unoura M., Fukuoka K., Matsushita F., Morimoto H., Kobayashi K., et al. 1986. Stable integration of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA in transplanted tumors and established tissue culture cells derived from a woodchuck primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res., 46(7): 3608-3613.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, cancer, virus.
The fate of integrated woodchuck hepatitis viral (WHV) DNA was systematically investigated in DNA samples from primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) of woodchucks, solid tumors transplanted in athymic mice derived from a primary HCC of woodchuck, and an established cell line of tissue culture originating from the transplanted tumor. In four of five woodchuck primary HCCs, WHV DNA integration was demonstrated in addition to various amounts of extrachromosomal replicative intermediate WHV DNA. The integration pattern of the primary HCCs does not indicate a common integration site on the host chromosome. The integration pattern in the established cells is identical to that in the transplanted tumor and similar but slightly different from that of the primary HCC. No extrachromosomal or replicative intermediates of WHV DNA were detected in the transplanted tumors or in the established cells of tissue culture. There are three integration sites on the chromosomes of the established cells. Results of Southern hybridization and restriction maps of cloned fragments suggest that all of these integrated WHV DNA sequences are not a complete genome but a part of the genome. A small portion corresponding to the cohesive region of the genome was not detected in all of these integrated WHV DNA. A positive role of WHV DNA integration on the generation of HCC is strongly suggested by the high incidence of WHV DNA integration in woodchuck primary HCCs and the stable maintenance of a certain mode of WHV DNA integration in the hepatoma-derived cell populations during passages of transplantation or serial growth of tissue culture.
Kang B.C., Lee Y.S. & Lee S.K. 2004. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in a woodchuck (Marmota monax). J. Vet. Med. Sci., 66(12): 1617-1619.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, cancer.
A spontaneous pleural mesothelioma was observed in a 4-year-old female woodchuck (Marmota monax). At necropsy, multifocal, tan to white, firm discrete nodules, 2 to 40 mm in diameter, were scattered over the ventral parts of the lungs and their corresponding parts of the diaphragm and the thoracic wall. Histopathologically, the tumor cells were large, cuboidal-shaped and variable size, and were weakly positive with PAS and Alcian blue. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were positive for both vimentin and cytokeratin, indicating mesothelial origin. This report represents, as far as we know, the first reported case of a spontaneous mesothelioma in woodchucks.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1957. O vzaimootnosheniyakh nekotorykh khishnykh ptish i sourkov v toundrakh Vostotchnoï Yakoutii [Relations entre quelques prédateurs et les marmottes des toundras de Yakoutie. Relationship between predators and marmots in the tunda of Yakutia]. Zool. zh., 36 (8).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, prédation, predation, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie, Yakutia.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1959. Tchernozhapotchnyï surok [Marmottes à tâte noire. Black-capped marmots]. Okhota i okhotnitchy Kh-vo, 5. (en russe, in Russian)
(Marmota camtschatica)
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1960a. Rasprostranehnie tcherno-shapotchnogo sourka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) [Répartition de la marmotte è tête noire. Distribution of the black-capped marmot]. Byull. MOIP, otd. biol., 65 (5) : 5-15.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, biogéographie, biogeography.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1960b. Ecologiya tchernochapotchnogo sourka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) [Écologie de la marmotte à tête noire. Ecology of the black-capped marmot]. Byull. Moskov. Obshchestva Isputatelei Prirody, Otdel. Biol., 65 (4) : 114-115.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1960c. Otcherk biologii tcherno-shapotchnogo sourka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) [Étude sur la biologie de la marmotte à tête noire. Biological sketch of the black-capped marmot]. Zool. zh., 39 (3): 448-457.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology, éthologie.
In 1995 and 1956 the study of the marmot Marmota camtschatica Pall. was carried out in the northern part of the Verkhoyansk mountain range. A total of 96 animals were dissected, 45 hibernation sites inspected, of which 8 were duf out. The marmot is a typical qweller of the moutainous tundra, its population desity is 1 animal per 1.9-6 km2. Winter burrows are made in a soft ground, in summer the marmot dwells in stone deposits and rock fissures. The depth of hibernation chambers makes 1 m in average, their dimensions are 80x60x60 cm. In winter the chamber is filled up with dry grass (weight of 9-12 kg), in the midst of which the animals lie. Hibernation takes 8-8,5 months. The marmots feed mainly on plants but reaily eat up animal food (invertebrates, mice like rodents). They cast litter 1-2 weeks after their emergence from the burrows. A litter consists of 3-11, usually of 5 youngs. The weight of a newly born animal makes 33g, its body lenght 10.7 cm. The moult takes 3 months.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1960d. Parazity tchernoshapot-chnogo sourka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) [Parasites de la marmotte à tête noire. Parasites of the black-capped marmot]. Zool. zh., 39 (9) : 448-457.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, parasitologie, parasitology, Insectes, Insects, Acariens, Acarida, Némathelminthes, Nemathelminths.
Specimens of Marmota camtschatica Pall. were studied in 1955-1957 in the northern portion of the Verkhoyansk ridge. The following parasites were found: fleas Oropsylla silantiewi Wagn., Ceratophyllus lunatus J. et R., C. advenarius Wagn., louses Enderleinellus sp. and ticks Haemogamasus ambulans Thorell. Fleas Ceratphyllus lunatus J. et R., C. advenarius Wagn. and the tick Haemogamasus ambulans Thorell are casual parasites of the marmot. One endoparasite species, Citellinus triradiata Hall. (Oxyuridae), was found localized in the blind gut.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1961a. Tchislennosti tcherno-shapotchnogo sourka v Kharaulakh gorakh (Yakoutiya) [Effectif des marmottes à tâte noire dans les monts Kharaulakh (Yakoutie). Number of black-capped marmots in the Kharaulakh mountains]. Sovesh. po voprosam organizatsii i metodam outcheta resourcov fauny nazemnykh pozvonotchnykh, Tez. dokl. M..
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie, Yakutia.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1961b. O znatchenii jivotnykh kormov i vody v jizni tchernochapotchnogo sourka Karaoulakhskikh gor [Importance de l'alimentation animale et de l'eau dans la vie de la marmotte à tête noire des montagnes de Kharaulakh. The significance of animal food and water in the life of Marmota camtschatica in the Kharaulakh mountains. Troudy Sredneaz. Nauch.-Issledovatel. Protivochoum. Inst., 7 : 267-272.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology, alimentation, foraging, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie, Yakutia.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1961c. Ekologitcheskie nablyudeniya nad lichtchoukhoï (Ochotona hyperborea Pall.) v nizob'yakh Leny [Observations écologiques d'Ochotona hyperborea à l'embouchure de la Léna. Ecological observations of O. hyperborea in the mouth of Lena]. Zool. j., 40(6).
En russe, in Russian.
Ochotona, écologie, ecology.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1962. Baïbak-tsennyi promyslovyi zverek [Bobac, gibier intéressant. Bobac, interesting game]. Okhota i okhotnitche khozyastvo, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, économie, economy, chasse.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1963a. Istoriya areala tcherno-shanotchnogo surka [Histoire de la répartition de la marmotte à tête noire. History of the distribution of the black-capped marmot]. Tez. Z-go Vsesoiuzh. sovesh. po zoogeogr. syshi, Tashkent.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, histoire, history.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1963b. Faktory, ogranitchivaiushie rasprostraneneie tchernoshapotchnogo syrka na krajnem severo-bostoke Azii [Facteurs limitants de la propagation de la marmotte à tête noire en extrâme nord-est de l'Asie. Restrictive factors of spreading of the black-capped marmot in far north-eastern Asia]. Tez. Z-go Vsesoiuznogo sobesh. po zoogeogr. soushi, Tashkent.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, économie, gestion, management, Asie, Asia.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1963c. Ekologiya tchernoshapotchnogo surka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) i perspektivy ego khozyaïstvennogo ispolizo-vaniya [Ecologie de la marmotte à tâte noire et perspectives de son utilisation économique. Ecology of the black-capped marmot and prospects of its economical use]. Kand. diss. AN Kirgizskoï SSR, Alma-Ata, 23 pp.
En russe, in Russian)
Marmota camtschatica, écologie, ecology, économie, economy, gestion, management.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1964. Lin'ka sourkov [Mue de la marmotte. Molting of the marmot]. Tr. In-ta zool. (AP Kazakhskoï SSR), 23, Alma-Ata, 169-190.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, physiologie, physiology, mue, molt.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1966a. [Caractéristiques de la répartition des marmottes de Menzbier et à longue queue au Nord-ouest du Tien Chan. The Character of distribution of Menzbier's marmots and long-tailed marmots in the N W Tian Shan]. Abstracts to Inter - Institution Zoogeographical Conf. Odessa, 120-122.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, Marmota caudata, répartition, distribution, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1966b. Rasprostranenie sourkov v Tsentralinom Kazakhstane i perspektivy ikh promysla [Répartition de la marmotte dans le Kazakstan central et pespectives de leur exploitation. Distribution of the marmots in central kazakhstan and prospects of their exploitation]. In Groupe d'étude de l'institut de zoologie de l'Académie des sciences du Kazakhstan). Tr. in-ta zool. AP Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata, 26 : 94-134.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, économie, economy, gestion, management.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1967a. Baïbak v g. Ermentau (Kazakhskoe nagorie) [Marmota bobac sur le plateau d'Ermentau. Marmota bobac in the Erementau Plateau]. V kn. Resursy fauny surkov v SSSR, Materialy soveshaniya 27-29 marta 1967 g. M. Nauka. (en russe, in Russian)
Marmota bobac, Kazakhstan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1967b. Pitanie i oupitannosti sergo sourka v Kazakhskom nagorie [Alimentation et engraissement de la marmotte grise des plateaux du Kazakstan. Feeding and fattening of the grey marmot in Kazakhstan plateau]. V kn. Resoursy fauny sourkov v SSSR, Materialy soveshaniya 27-29 marta 1967 g., M. Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmotta baibacina, alimentation, foraging, Kazakstan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1968. Jivotnyï i mineralinyï korm sourkov [Alimentation animale et minérale de la Marmotte. Animal and mineral feeding of the marmot]. Izv. AN Kaz. SSR, Ser. biol., 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, alimentation, foraging.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1969a. Seryi sourok [Marmottes grises. Grey marmots]. In Mlekopitaiushie Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata : Nauka, Kaz.SSR, 1 (1) : 267-336.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1969b. Seryi ili altaïskogo-tyanishanskii sourkov (Marmota baibacina Kastschenko). Sourok Menzbira (Marmota menzbieri Kastschenko). Dlinnokhvostyi ili krasnyi sourkov (Marmota caudata Jaquemont) [Marmottes grises ou de l'Altai-Tien Chan (M. baibacina). Marmottes de Menzbier (M. menzbieri). Marmottes à longue queue ou rouges (M. caudata). Grey or Altai-Tien Shan marmots. Menzbier' Marmots. Long-tailed or red marmots]. In Mlekopitaiushie Kazakhstana, I, Giuyzouny. Alma-Ata : Nauka, 267-422.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Marmota menzbieri, Marmota menzbieri.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1969c. Etologitcheskie nabliudeniya za bajbakom [Observations éthologiques de bobac. Behavioural observations of bobac]. Sb. Nauk-tch. tekhn. inform. Okhota-pushnina-ditchi, 26, 23-29.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, éthologie, ethology.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1969d. Ocherk biologii tcherno-chapochnovo sourka (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) [Étude biologique sur la marmotte à tête noire (M. camtschatica). Biologic essay on the black-capped marmot]. Zool. J., 39: 448-457.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1970. Vysokaya tchislennost' serogo sourka v gorakh Kochtchbaï (Kazakhskoe nagor'e), ee outchet i obouslovlivayuchtchie faktory. V Kn. Materiali naoutchno-proizvodstevennogo sovechtchaniya po okhotnitch'emou khozyaïstvou i zverovodstvou v Kazakhstane (avroust 1969), Alma-Ata, 25-27.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1972a. Golosa sourkov [Cris des marmottes. Marmot calls]. Pervoe Vsesoyuzn. sovechtchanie po ekologitcheskim i evolyutsionnym aspektam povedeniya jivotnykh, Tez. Dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovetchchaniya, M., 207-209.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, communication, auditif, audition.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1972b. Semeïnye outchastki i vesennee povedenie sourkov [Domaines vitaux et comportements printanniers des marmottes. Home range and spring behaviours in marmots]. Pervoe Vsesoyuzn. sovechtchanie po ekologitcheskim i evolyutsionnym aspektam povedeniya jivotnykh, Tez. Dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovetchchaniya, M., 205-207.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, éthologie, ethology, domaines vitaux, home range.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1973. Sostoyanie okhrany sourka Menzbira v Kazakhstane [État de la protection de M. m. au Kazakstan. Preservation status of M. menzbieri in Kazakhstan]. V kn. Redkie vidy mlekopitaiushikh fauny SSSR i ikh okhrana, Sb. materialov, M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, gestion, management, Kazakstan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1975a. Vnoutrisemeïnye otnocheniya ou sourkov [Relations intrafamiliales chez les marmottes. Intrafamily relations in marmots]. Voprosy zoopsikhologii, etologii i sravnitel'noïï psikhologii, Tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovechtcheniya, M., 67-70.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, social.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1975b. Proyavlenie antagonizma ou aziatskikh sourkov [Manifestations d'antagonismes chez la marmotte d'Asie. Antagonism manifestations in the Marmot of Asia]. Voprosy zoopsikhologii, etologii i sravnitel'noï psikhologii, Tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovechtcheniya, M., 58-60.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, social.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1976. Adaptivnye tchety lokomotsii sourkov [Particularités adaptatives de la locomotion chez les marmottes. Adapative peculiarities of marmots locomotion]. V kn. Tchteniya pamyati akad. E.I. Pavlovskogo, Alma-Ata : Nauka, 3-24.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, locomotion.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1977a. Opyt promysla baïbaka kapkanami v Tsentral'nom Kazakhstane [Chasse de bobac avec les pièges à palette dans le Kazakhstan central. Bobac hunting with jaw-traps in the central Kazakhstan]. VNIIOZ. Sb. Naoutch.-tekhn. informatsii: (Okhota, pouchnina, ditch'), 59.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, chasse, hunting, méthodologie, methodology.
Kapitonov T.A. 1977b. [Particularités adaptatives du squelette des marmotes du Kazakhstan central et du Tarbagataï. Skeletal adapations of marmots in central Kazakhstan and Tarbagatai]. Izvest. Akad. Nauk kazakh S.S.R., ser. Biol., 5 : 24-30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, morphologie, morphology, Kazakstan.
Kapitonov T.A. 1977c. [Influence de la nature des rochers sur la répartition et l'écologie des mammifères dans les hautes terres Kazakh. The influence of rock nature on mammal distribution and ecology in the Kazakh upland hills]. Ecology, investigation methods and organization of mammal protection in mountainous regions, Sverdlosk.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, écologie, ecology, distribution, Kazakhstan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1978a. [Le creusement du terrier, en hiver, par Marmota camtschatica dans le Verkhoyan nord-occidental .Burrow digging, in winter, by M. camtschatica in north-western Verkhoyan] Byull. moskov Obshchest. Ispytateleï. Prirody, Ord. biol., 83 : 43-51.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, terrier, burrow.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1978b. Tchernoshapotchnyi sourkov [La marmotte à tête noire. The Kamchatka marmot]. In Sourki Rasprostranenie i ekologiya, M., Naouka; Tchteniya pamyati akad. E.N. Pavlovskogo [In The marmots. Distribution and ecology, R.P.Zimina ed.,], Alma-Ata : Nauka, 126-157, 178-209.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1978c. Sourok Menzbira [La marmotte de Menzbier. The Menzbier marmot]. In Sourki, raspostraneie i ekologiya[Marmots: distribution and ecology], M., Nauka, 126-157
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1982a. The future of harvesting and protecting the Himalayan marmot in Karagandin region [Perspectives de récolte et de protection de la marmotte himalayenne de la région de Karagandin]. In The animal world and the problems of its conservation, E. V. Gvodev (ed.), Naouka Alma Ata, 211 pp.
Marmota, conservation.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1982b. [Perspectives sur la chasse et la conservation de marmotte bobac dans la région de Karaganda. The perspectives of hunting and preservation of the bobac in Karaganda oblast]. Zhivotny mir Kazakhstana i problemy jego okhrany, Alma-Ata, 90-91.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, chasse, hunting, conservation.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1983. Ousoverchtchenstvovanie metodiki marchtchroutnogo outchta tchislennosti baïbaka. V kn Gryzouni, Materialy VI Vses. sovechtch. L., Naouka, 580-582.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1987. Tchislennosti surka-baïbaka na posevakh v Karagandinskoï oblasti [Effectif de réintroduction de M. b. dans la région de Karaganda].Vliyanie antropogen. transf. landshafata na naselenie nazemnykh pozv-kh zhiv-kh. Tez. Vses.sovesh. 1 : 262-264.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, gestion, management, réintroduction, re-introduction, dénombrement, census, Kazakhstan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1990. Evolutsiya ecologo-morpfologitescheskikh adaptatsii Marmotini [Evolution des adaptations écolo-morphologiques chez les Marmotini. Evolutions of ecolo-morphologic adaptations in Marmotini]. Vses. Teriol. obl., 185-187.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, évolution, evolution.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1991. [Evolution et traits adaptatifs de la coloration des marmottes. Evolution and adaptive features of marmots coloration]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 45-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Traduction française (Semenov Y. & Le Berre M.)
Marmota, coloration, colour, poil, hair.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 1993. [Amélioration des méthodes de surveillance des marmottes de montagne par photographies aériennes. Improving the methods of air photography montane marmot survey. In The study of the present-day state, structure and comparative cytogenetics of dominant and accessory species mammal populations in Central Kazakhstan, Scientific report, Karaganda.
En russe, in Russian.
Méthodologie, methodology, Marmota, photographie, photography.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) 2005. Successful acclimatization of bobak marmot (Marmota bobak) in the forest zone (Udmurt Republic, Russia). Opyt ouspecho‘ akklimatizatsii stepnogo sourka (Marmota bobak) v lesno‘ zone (Oudmourtskaya respoublika, Rossiya). [Acclimatation réussie de la marmotte bobak (Marmota bobak) dans le zone for’t (République Oudmourte, Russie)]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 58-59.
En russe et en anglais.
Marmota bobak, réintroduction, re-introduction, République Oudmourte, Udmurt Republic, Russie, Russia.
Steppe marmot or bobak marmot (Marmota bobak) is a typical inhabitant of steppe landscapes in Eurasia. As a consequence of artificiaI resettlement a viable population of this species has also formed in the forest zone. One of the most northern populations of baibak inhabits the Udmurt Republic (UR), where over 450 marmots were introduced from the Ulianovsk province in 1986-1989. During the last years the 'Udmurt' population showed stability in terms of quantity that made up 250-300 animals. Long-term studies of a basic marmot colony near village Cheganda (Karakulinsk district, 55...56' N., 53...29' E.) allow the segregation of a number of factors preceding successful acclimatization of this species in the forest zone, which is not specific for the species.
• Biological features of the species: an ecological flexibility, a family-colony way of life, hibernation, eating green herbs, ability to inhabit transected landscapes and gully areas. These features can be considered as bobak's pre-adaptation to the new habitat outside its natural one.
• Existence of gully areas suitable for marmots in the southern districts of the UR. Use of multiple gullies as pastures and hay making areas contributes to their deforestation and vegetation's acquiring the features specific for northern meadow steppes. The moderate and intense grazing of livestock prevents herbs from growing high and thus improves habitat conditions for marmots. However, overgrazing leads to the degradation of upper soil and therefore destruction of herbs. A long vegetative period of many herbs. Unlike steppe landscapes, where, as a rule, herbs get entirely adust in July, in the forest zone the mesophile meadow vegetation has a longer vegetative period that provides marmots with good succulent fodder before the autumn frost.
• Effective protection measures. At the first stages of the acclimatization work marmots were protected from poachers and stray dogs by district rangers, and then by local people who worked with the Department of Hunting of Udmurt Republic.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Gvozdev E.V. 1991. [Parasites de la marmotte à longue-queue des montagnes du Gissar-Darvaz (Tadjikistan). Parasites of the long-tailed marmot in the Gissar- Darvaz mountains (Tajikistan)]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 48-49.
En russe, in Russian.
Traduction française (Semenov Y. & Le Berre M.)
Marmota caudata, parasitologie, parasitology, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Ismatov D. 1970. Vliyanie raspachki zemel' na dlinnokhvostogo sourka Sagyrdachtskoï doliny (Tadjikistan) [Effet des terres cultivées sur la marmotte à longue-queue dans la vallée de Sagyrdasht. Impact of arable lands on the long-tailed marmot in Sagyrdasht valley (Tadzhikistan)]. Vth Zoogeo. Conf. Influence of anthropogenic factors on zoogeograph. complexes forming, Part II. Kazan.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, activité, activity, sol, soil, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.), Kapitonov K.A. & Rubtsov Yu.A. 2002. [Quelques résultats de l'étude de la structuration de l'espace dans les populations de Marmota bobac en Oudmourtie. Some results of study of space structure of Marmota bobak population in Udmurtiya. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 33.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, domaine vital, home range.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Kapitonova O.A. 1999. Vliyanie roiuchtcheï dyatel'nost baïbaka na dinamikou rastitel'nosti kserotermnykh sklonov iuga oudmourtii. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 42-43.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, domaine vital, home range.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Lobatchev Iu.S. 1964. Ekologitcheskie nabliudeniya nad surkom Menzbira (Marmota menzbieri Kasts.) v gorakh Karzhantau (Zapadnyi Tyani-Shani) [Observations écologiques sur les M. m. dans les Monts Karzhantau (Tien Chan occidental). Ecologic observations on M. m. in the Karzhantau Mountains (western Tien Shan)]. Zool. j., 43 (8) : 1211-1220.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, écologie, ecology, Russie, Russia, Tien Chan, Tien Shan
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.), Lobachev Yu.S. 1977. [Répartition actuelle et nombre de Marmota menzbieri au Kazakhstan. The modern distribution and state of numbers of Marmota menzbieri in Kazakhstan]. V knige Redkie i ischezayushchie zveri i ptitzy Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, Izd. "Nauka"Kaz. SSR: 84-87.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, répartition, distribution, Kazakhstan.
Kapitonov T.A. & Nezgorov A.L. 1977. [Nombre et productivité de Marmota bobac dans les pâturages et les terriroires des réserves d'Ukraine. Number and productivity of M. bobac in the pastures and reserves of Ukraine]. Zool. J., 56 : 1216-1225.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, dénombrement, census, gestion, management, économie, economy, Ukraine
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Sleptsov N.I. 1966. Rasprostranenie i ekologiya tchernochapotchnogo sourka v gorakh khrebta Oroulan (Yakoutiya) [Distribution et écologie de la marmotte à tête noire des monts Oroulan (Yakoutie). Distribution and ecology of the black-capped marmot in the Oroulan Mountains (Yakutia)]. V kn. Tchetvertaya mejvouzovskaya zoogeografitcheskaya konferentsiya, Tezisy dokladov, Odessa.
En russe, in Russian)
Marmota camtschatica, répartition, distribution, écologie, ecology, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie, Yakutia.
Каритонов В.И. (Kapitonov V.I.) & Украинцева С.П. (Ukrainzeva, Oukraintseva S.P.) 1997. История акклиматизации и современное состояние поселений байбака в Удмуртии. The history of a acclimatization and modern condition of Marmota bobac populations in Udmurtia [Istoriya akklimatizatsii i sovremenoesostoyanie poseleniï baïbaka v Oudmourtii. Histoire de l'acclimatisation et état actuel des populations de Marmota bobac en Oudmourtie]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 54 (Rousskie, Russian), 156 (Angliïskie, English).
En usse et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.
Kaplan Matthew H. 2000a. Paleoclimatology as Determined by Three Mammal Species from the Badger Room Locality in Porcupine Cave, Colorado [Paléoclimatologie déterminée à partir de trois espèces de mammifères de Badger Room dans la grotte Porcupine, Colorado]. Berkeley Scientific, Volume 8, September.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, climat, climate, États-Unis d'amérique, USA, Colorado.
Kaplan Matthew H. 2000b. Evolutionary Response to Climate, As Seen In Marmota flaviventris of Porcupine Cave [Réponse évolutive au climat, telle que mise en évidence chez Marmota flaviventris de la grotte Porcupine]. Honors Thesis, University of California, Berkeley.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, climat, climate, Colorado, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.
Kaplan M.H. & Barnovsky A.D. Assessing the Effect of Climate Change on Evolution of Small Mammals: Marmota flaventris from the Pit Locality, Porcupine Cave, Colorado [Évaluer l'effet du changement de climat sur l'évolution des petits mammifères : du lieu-dit Pit, grotte Porcupine, Colorado].
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, changements climatiques, climate change, Colorado.
Kaplin A.A. 1960. Pouchnina SSSR [La fourrure en URSS. Fur in USSR]. M., Vnechtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Fourrure, fur.
Kaplin A.A. 1965. Pouchnoï rynok kapitalistitcheskikh stran [Le marché de la fourrure dans les pays capitalistes. Fur market in capitalist countries]. M., Vnechtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Fourrure, fur.
Kaplin B.E. & Pchelkina A.A. 1958. [Les animaux à sang chauds porteurs de la fièvre de l'acarien tacheté en Asie du Nord. Warm-blood animals carriers of mite spotted fever in north Asia. Sci. papers USSR Acad. of Sc., 120 (N1): 223-224.
En russe, in Russian.
Epidémiologie, epidemiology, Acarien, Acaridae.
Kaplin V.M. 1962. Spisok rasteniï Bargouzinskogo zapovednika [Liste des plantes de la réserve de Bargouzin. Check-list of plants in the Bargouzin reserve]. Tr. Bargouzni. gos. zapovednika, 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, Réserve, Russie, Russia.
Karaev S.A. 1929a. Kak dolzhna proizvoditisya okhota na tarbagarov [Guide la chasse à la tarbagan. Hunting guide on tarbagan]. Puti Dalinevostotchogo krestiyanina, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camstchatica, chasse, hunting.
Karaev S.A. 1929b. Tarbaganie okhotnitchie khozyaistvo v Zabaïkalie [Économie de la chasse de tarbagan en Transbaïkalie. Hunting economy of tarbagan in cis-baikal]. Okhotnik, 3.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, chasse, hunting.
Karamycheva Z.V. & Banzragtch D.O. 1977. O nekotorykh botaniko-geografitcheskikh zakono-mernostyakh Khangar v svyazi s ego raïonirovaniem [Quelques évidences botanico-géographiques du Khanga suite à la régionalisation. Some botanico-geographic facts in Khanga following regionalization]. V kn. Rastitel'nyï i jivotnyï mir Mongolii, L., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Botanique, botanic, géographie, geographia, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Karasev V.V. 1954. K metodike opredeleniya obitaemosti sourtchikh [Une méthode pour déterminer si un terrier est occupé. A method to determine burrow occupation]. Izv. Irkutskogo PUI, Irkutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodology, terrier, burrow.
Karaseva E.V. 1971. Ekologitcheskie osobennosti mlekopitayouchtchikh-nositeleï leptospiry greppotyphosa i ikh rol' v prirodnykh otchagakh leptospiroza [Particularités écologiques des mammifères porteurs de leptospirose et leur rôle dans le foyer naturel de leptospirose. Ecologic peculiarities of the mammals leptospirosis carriers and their role in the natural foci of leptospirosis]. Faouna i ekologiya gryzounov, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, épidémiologie, epidemiology.
Karayiannis P., Goldin R., Luther S., Carman W.F., Monjardino J. & Thomas H.C. 1992. Effect of cyclosporin-A in woodchucks with chronic hepatitis delta virus infection. J. Med. Virol., 36(4): 316-321.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Four woodchucks chronically infected with hepatitis delta virus (HDV) were treated with cyclosporin-A (CyA) for 11 weeks. All animals had detectable HDAg in the liver and two of them were also positive for HDAg and HDV-RNA in serum. Reappearance of HDV in serum was noted in one of the two non-viraemic animals and increased viraemia in the two viraemic. HDV-RNA levels became elevated within a week of starting treatment and an inverse relationship between HDV-RNA and WHV-DNA became apparent during the treatment period. With discontinuation of treatment, HDV-RNA levels either returned to pretreatment levels or became negative. The remaining animal showed no return of viraemia during CyA treatment; HDV-RNA remained negative and WHV-DNA levels did not change. Liver biopsies revealed a slight increase in lobular activity during CyA treatment in the animals showing increased viraemia. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the host immune response exerts a negative control on the level of HDV viraemia and that HDV influences HBV replication independently of the host immune response. In an animal that may have been clearing HDV, immunosuppression did not result in recurrence of viraemia.
Karayiannis P., Saldanha J., Jackson A.M., Luther S., Goldin R., Monjardino J. & Thomas H.C. 1993. Partial control of hepatitis delta virus superinfection by immunisation of woodchucks (Marmota monax) with hepatitis delta antigen expressed by a recombinant vaccinia or baculovirus. J. Med. Virol., 41(3): 210-214.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
We have successfully limited the level of hepatitis delta viraemia occurring after superinfection of hepadna-virus infected woodchucks by prior immunisation with the short form of the hepatitis delta virus antigen expressed by a recombinant baculovirus or vaccinia virus. This phenomenon occurred in the absence of detectable circulating antibody to hepatitis delta virus antigen and in the absence of evidence of priming of the humoral immune response and may reflect the induction of a cytotoxic T-cell response. The latter would control viraemia by rapid lysis of delta antigen expressing hepatocytes. It is suggested that the T-cell epitopes involved may be located on the carboxyl end of the delta protein (amino acids 77-195).
Karayiannis P., Saldanha J., Monjardino J., Jackson A., Luther S. & Thomas H.C. 1993. Immunisation of woodchucks with hepatitis delta antigen expressed by recombinant vaccinia and baculoviruses, controls HDV superinfection. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 382: 193-199.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
We report the investigation of the role of humoral and cell mediated immune responses on hepatitis delta virus (HDV) superinfection of woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). The animals were immunised with baculovirus or vaccinia virus recombinant hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) but none showed detectable anti-HD titres prior to challenge with HDV. Following infection, both immunised and control animals developed HD-antigenaemia first detected after 2-3 weeks and lasting for up to 8 weeks. In spite of the presence of HDAg, in immunised animals HDV-RNA could only be detected by nested PCR in contrast with the controls, which were positive by dot blot hybridisation. No serum HDAg or HDV-RNA was detected after the acute episode over the six month follow-up period but intrahepatic HDAg was reported in post-mortem biopsies carried out at six months. Our results demonstrate that immunisation of woodchucks with HDAg expressed by vaccinia or baculovirus does not elicit a humoral immune response. The finding of a marked antigenaemia in the absence of serum HDV-RNA indicates a significant reduction in the number of circulating infectious virions possibly due to a cytotoxic T-cell response.
Karč P. & Radúch J. 2002. Svište v Národnom parku Nízke. Tatry, 2: 11.
En tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota latirostris, Tatras, Tatra mountains.
Kardash A.I., Vahrusheva Z.P. & Osipov V.N. 2002. Some data on modern distribution of tarbagan in Transbaikal natural focality of plague [Quelques données de la répartition des mammifères du Transbaïkal dans le foyer naturel de peste]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 34.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, répartition, distribution, peste, plague.
Karels Tim 2002. Marmot Mayhem. The Marmot and its Shadow in a Climate of Uncertainty [Mutilation de la marmotte. La marmotte et son ombre dans un climat d'incertitude]. YSI Public Lecture Series.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, climat, climate.
Marmots are one of the most widespread alpine mammals in the world living in most of the mountain areas in the northern hemisphere. They are often portrayed as a symbol of mountain wilderness, but are marmots a symbol of ecosystem integrity in mountain regions? Five of the six marmot species in North America inhabit mountain areas. The conservation status of these marmots is uncertain except for one which is certainly on the verge of extinction. Climate change is the greatest threat to our mountain ecosystems. Will marmots be the first animal to respond to change? Near Kluane Lake, we have been conducting a detailed study of hoary marmots since 1999 in order to determine what environmental factors control their population size. This information serves two purposes. First, to make predictions about the future state of marmot populations under climate change scenarios, and second, to make informed decisions for reintroduction strategies of the endangered Vancouver Island marmot.
Karels T.J. 2004. Squirrels and Relatives II: Ground Squirrels [Écureuils et apparentés. II : Écureuils terrestres]. In Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals, 2nd Edition, Volume 16, Gale, Detroit.
En anglais, in English.
Écureuils, Scuiridae.
Karels T.J., Brashares J. & Bryant A. 2003. Borrowing from burrowers: conservation lessons from alpine dwelling marmots [Emprunt aux fouisseurs : leçons de conservation données par les marmottes alpines]. In Mountain Science Highlights. The State of Ecological and Earth Sciences in Mountain Areas, Proceedings of the Conferences on Ecological and Earth Sciences in Mountain Areas, September 6-10, 2002, Banff, Alberta. Disponible en ligne/Available online at
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota caligata, marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, conservation, Banff National Park, Alberta, Haley Lake Ecological Reserve, British Columbia, Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada.
Karels T.J. & Hik D.S. 2002 Demographic responses of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) to environmental variation. Réponses démographiques des marmottes (Marmota caligata) aux variations du milieu. Демографические реакции сурков (Marmota caligata) на изменения среды. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 72-73.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota caligata, hoary marmot, marmotte givrée, environmental changes, changement de milieu, demography, démographie.
Les marmottes givrées (Marmota caligata) sont les marmottes alpines les plus répandues en Amérique du Nord. Seules quelques études ont été menées sur cette espèce et pratiquement aucune durant les 20 dernières années. Le statut des populations de marmottes givrées d'Amérique du Nord est inconnu et la façon dont les populations répondent aux changements et à la variabilité climatiques reste discutée. En 1999, nous avons initié une étude démographique et comportementale intensive des marmottes givrées du sud-ouest du Yukon, Canada. Sur trois ans, nous avons suivi 160 marmottes sur une aire de 3 km2. La variation de la taille du groupe social (moyenne et écart-type = 13 ± 4 individus ; étendue = 2-29) est en corrélation avec la biomasse des dicotylédones (r2= 0,57, P < 0,01) indiquant que la taille du groupe social est limitée par l'abondance de nourriture. les différences de reproduction reflètent les variations interannuelles du climat. en 2000, la fonte des neiges fut inhabituellement tardive (12 jours plus tard qu'en 2001). le taux de reproduction des marmottes adultes fut supérieur en 2001 (taux de naissances = 83 %, taux de sevrage = 79 %), alors que la fonte des neiges était précoce, à celui de 2000 (taux de naissances = 65 %, taux de sevrage = 67 %), alors que la fonte des neiges fut tardive. La survie hivernale des juvéniles de 1999 à 2000 fut de 74 %, alors que de 2000 à 2001, elle ne fut que de 38 %. Le taux de survie des femelles adultes fut constant (80 %) au cours des deux hivers. Par conséquent, il apparaît que les populations de marmottes givrées sont limitées par la nourriture, et que la reproduction et la survie juvénile est sensible aux variations interannuelles des conditions printanières.
Karels T.J. & Hik D.S. 2003. Demographic responses of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) to environmental variation. Réponses démographiques des marmottes (Marmota caligata) aux variations du milieu. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 167-168.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota caligata, hoary marmot, marmotte givrée, environmental changes, changement de milieu, demography, démographie.
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Karels T. J., Bryant A. A. & Hik D. S. 2004. Comparison of discriminant function and classification tree analyses for age classification of marmots. Oikos, 105: 575-587.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotte, marmot, âge, age, méthodlogie, mathodology.
We evaluated the predictive power of two classification techniques, one parametric - discriminant function analysis (DFA) and the other non-parametric - classification and regression tree analysis (CART), in order to provide a non-subjective quantitative method of determining age class in Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) and hoary marmots (Marmota caligata). For both techniques we used morphological measurements of known-age male and female marmots from two independent population studies to build and test predictive models of age class. Both techniques had high predictive power (69-86%) for both sexes and both species. Overall, the two methods performed identically with 81% correct classification. DFA was marginally better at discriminating among older more challenging age classes compared to CART. However, in our test samples, cases with missing values in any of the discriminant variables were deleted and hence unclassified by DFA, whereas CART used values from closely correlated variables to substitute for the missing values. Therefore, overall, CART performed better (CART 81% vs. DFA 76%) because of its ability to classify incomplete cases. Correct classification rates were approximately 10% higher for hoary marmots than for Vancouver Island marmots, a result that could be attributed to different sets of morphological measurements. Zygomatic arch breadth measured in hoary marmots was the most important predictor of age class in both sexes using both classification techniques. We recommend that CART analysis be performed on datasets with incomplete records and used as a variable screening tool prior to DFA on more complete datasets.
Karels Tim J., Koppel Lori & Hik David S. 2004. Fecal Pellet Counts as a Technique for Monitoring an Alpine-Dwelling Social Rodent, the Hoary Marmot (Marmota caligata) [Comptages des crottes comme technique pour suivre un rongeur social alpin, la marmotte givrée (Marmota caligata)]. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 36(4): 490-494.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, méthodologie, methodology. We evaluated fecal pellet counts as an index of hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) social group size in order to develop a simple, inexpensive method for monitoring population change of a widely distributed, but poorly studied alpine mammal. Fecal pellet counts were conducted in three separate seasons along several 2 m x 100 m transects located parallel to and 10, 20, and 30 m from the edge of alpine boulderfields (talus) occupied by marmots. Marmot activity and location relative to talus was also determined to assess the proportion of time spent foraging as a function of distance from refuge. Marmots spent 74% of their activities in meadows at a mean distance of 11.6 m from talus, and activity in meadows declined with increasing distance from talus, as did fecal pellet counts. Fecal counts at 10 m from the edge of talus were strongly and linearly related (r2 = 0.89) to marmot abundance. The functional equation of marmot abundance predicted marmot abundance in five independent social groups within 17% of the observed group size. Fecal pellet counts appear to provide a precise index of marmot group size suitable for long-term monitoring of population change.
Méthodologie, methodology, Marmota caligata, marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, fèces, fecal pellets, activité, activity.
Kardash A. I., Dembrel zh., Dubovoi A.A. & Igumnov I.I. 1991. [Dispersion, effectif de la bobac de Mongolie et sa signification épizootique dans le meso-foyer de peste de la Mongolie orientale. Dispersal, numbers of the Mongolian bobak and its epizootic significance in natural plague mesofoci in Eastern Mongolia]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 50-54.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Karpoff S.P. & Antonoff N.I. 1936. The spread of Tularemia through water, as a new factor in its epidemiology [Propagation de la Tularémie par l’eau, un nouveau facteur de son épidémiologie]. Journal of bacteriolgy, 32(3) : 243-258.
Tularémie, Tularemia, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota bobac.
Rodents are the chief sources of infection of tularemia and the reservoir of its virus in the external world. The role of the waterrat, which, in the U. S. S. R., is the principal source of tularemic infection for man is well known. In the United States the same part is played by the wild rabbit. In the U. S. S. R. the role of the hare, rabbit, and mouse,-in Norway, that of the wild rat has been proved. Other rodents may serve as reservoirs of virus, for instance: Apidemus silvaticus, Ondatra zibethica, Didelphis virginiana, Marmota flaviventer, Marmota bobac, Microtus ilaeus, Gerbilus tamaricinus, Citelus beecheyi Rich., Citellus pygmeus Pall, Microtus californicus-aestuarinus, etc.
Karpukhin I. 1964. Tchernoshapotchnyi surok na severo-vostoke Yakutii [La marmotte à tête noire du nord-est de la Yakoutie. The black-capped marmot in north-eastern Yakutia]. Selisko-khozyajstvenn-oe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dalinego Vostoka [Agri. Indust. of Siberia and far East], 5: 85-86.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, Yakoutie, Yakutia, Russie, Russia.
Karulin V.E. 1961. O vliyanii podema tseliny na sourkov v Severnom Kazakhstane [Impacts de la culture des steppes sur les marmottes du nord du Kazakhstan. Impact of steppe farming on marmots of the northern Kazakhstan]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivotchoum. in-ta, Vyp. 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, agriculture, Kazakhstan.
Karulin B.E. & Pchelkina A.A. 1958. [Animaux à sang chaud porteurs de la fièvre des acariens tachetés. Warm-blooding animals-carriers of mite spotted fever in Asia North]. Sci. papers USSR Acad. Sci., 120 (1) : 223-224.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, médecine, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Rickettsiose, Nord Kazakhstan.
Karyagin F.A., Dimitriev A.V., Plechov G.N. & Plechova Z.N. 1996. K voprosou ob istorii organizatsii pervogo sourkovogo zakaznika v tchouvachskoï respoublike [On the question of the history of the first marmot reserve in Chuvash Republic. Sur l'histoire de la première réserve de marmottes en République Tchouvache]. In Sourki severnoïï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 46-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Histoire, history, réserve, reserve, République; Tchouvache, Chuvash republic.
Khasanov B.F. 1999. Macrofossil analysis of food reserves in arctic squirrels' burrows of Pleistocene age from Kolyma region [Analyse des macrofossiles des réserves alimentaires dans les terriers des spermophiles arctiques du Pléistocène de la région de Kolyma]. Zoologichesky Journal, 78(2): 240-244.
En russe, in Russian
Sciuridae, terrier, burrow, paléontologie, Pléistocène.
Kasatkin B.M. & Chekalin V.B. 1958. [Déplacements des marmottes après la mort d'un des membres de la famille. Move of marmots after death of one member of the family]. Transactions of Middle Asian Antiplague Res. Inst., Almaty, 1: 199-205.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, déplacement, move.
Kastner P.R., Zatzman M.L., South F.E. & Johnson J.A. 1977. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system of the normothermic marmot [Système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone chez la marmotte normothermique].Am. J. physiol., 233 : R37-R43.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, endocrinologie, endoctinology, rythme, rhythm.
Adrenal steroid secretion rates and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system were studied in the normothermic marmot. Adrenal secretion by the anesthezied, laparotomized marmot was (mean±SEM): aldosterone 1.2 ± 0.3 ng/min, deoxycorticosterone 16.7 ± 11.5 ng/min, corticosterone 15.2 ± 7.8 ng/min, and cortisol 554 ± 108 ng/min. Four forcings were investigated that affect feedback control at different sites: adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and angiotensin II (AII) infusion, sodium (Na) depletion, and Na loading. Plasma aldosterone, cortisol, Na, and potassium (K) concentrations as well as plasma renin activity (PRA) hematocrit (Hct), and in some studies, blood pressure were measured. ACTH infusion increased the plasma concentrations of aldosterone and cortisol. All infusion increased aldosterone concentration, blood pressure, and Hct. Na depletion increased aldosterone, Hct, and PRA; plasma Na and K were decreased. Aldosterone concentration, Hct, and PRA decreased after salt loading. Normothermic, salt-depleted marmots demonstrated a pronounced fall in blood pressure following infusion of the ALL analog, 1- sarcosine-alanine ALL. The average plasma values for aldosterone, PRA, and cortisol found in 44 control animals were: aldosterone 3.8 ± 0.3 ng/100 ml, PRA 1.9 ± 0.2 ng, and cortisol 54 ± 4 ng/ml. It was concluded that normothermic marmots have a RAA system comparable to other mammalian species.
Kastner P.R., Zatzman M.L., South F.E. & Johnson J.A. 1978. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system of the hibernating marmot [Le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone de la marmotte hibernante]. Am. J. physiol., 234 : R178-R182.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, hibernation, endocrinologie, endocrinology, rythme, rhythm.
The concentrations of several plasma constituents were measured at different times thoughout a bout of hibernation. Between the lst day of hibernation and the 9th day, plasma aldosterone increased from a level one-half of that found in normotnermic animals to within the normothermic level; plasma renin activity (PRA) demonstrated the same pattern as aldosterone, but initial (PRA) wag within the normothermic range and increased about twofold. Plasma cortisol decreased from the lst to the 6th or 7th day of hibernation. PIasma sodium and potassium increased gradually throughout the course of hibernation, while hematocrit and blood urea nitrogen were unchanged. PIasma glucose increased until midcycle and then decreased toward the level found at day 1. AIthough marmots that had hibernated for 2 days demonstrated an increase in blood pressure following synthetic angiotensin II (AII) infusion, the AII analog (l-sar-8-ala-angiotensin II) had no effect on the blood pressure of marmots at this point in a bout of hibernation. lt was concluded that the rising level of aldosterone found during a bout of hibernation was a consequence of enhanced stimulation of a depressed adrenal cortex by increased PRA and increased plasma potassium concentration. Enhanced renin secretion, in turn, was assumed to be initiated by reduced renal afferent arteriolar pressure and a, diminished, load of sodium to the distal tubule (macula densa) secondary to, decreased blood pressure. Plasma aldosterone is therefore sufficiently high to prevent large renal losses of Na during arousal from hibernation.
Kastschenko I.F. 1899. Res. Altaisk. Exp.: 63.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Altaisk, Krai, Gorno-Altaisk, near Cherga or Multa River.
Kastschenko 1900. Rezoul'taty Alataïskoï zoologitcheskoï ekspeditsii 1898 g. [Résultats de l'expédition zoologique de 1898. Results of the zoologic expedition of 1898]. Izv. Tomsk. in-ta, 16(6).
En russe, in Russian.
Altaï ; expédition, expedition.
Kastschenko I.F. 1901. Zametka ob Arctomys bungein sp. i o drougikh sibirskikh sourkakh [Note sur A. bungein sp. et les autres marmottes de Sibérie. Note on A. bungein sp. and other marmots in Siberia]. Ezhegod. zool. muzeya AN, 6, SPB.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, M. c. bungei, Sibérie, Siberia.
Katalog Mlekopitayuchtchikh SSSR (Pliotsen - Sovremennost'), 1981. Catalogue des mammifères d'URSS] L., Naouka, 456 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, URSS, USSR.
Katbamna B., Thodi C., Senturia J.B. & Metz D.A. 1992. Auditory-evoked brainstem responses in the hibernating woodchuck Marmota monax. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Comp. Physiol., 102(3): 513-517.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, audition.
1. This study measured the changes in the auditory-evoked brainstem responses in the woodchuck (Marmota monax) during hibernation and arousal. 2. The auditory brainstem esponse of the euthermic woodchuck consisted of four waves occurring in a 10 msec time window after stimulation. 3. In the hibernating woodchuck, waves I and II could be traced down to the lowest body temperatures. 4. As temperatures increased all the components of the ABR emerged. The latencies of all the waves showed systematic decrease with temperature increments, the effect being cumulative across the time window. 5. These findings reflect activity in the VIIIth cranial nerve and the cochlear nuclei during hibernation and restoration of the functional integrity of the brainstem auditory pathway during arousal.
Katchoura S. 1999. Catalogue des espèces de la Réserve Naturelle, première partie : les espèces animales [Checklist of the species in the Natural reserve. First part: animal species]. Travaux 9, Réserve Naturelle du Mas Larrieu, Commune d'Argelès-sur-Mer.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réserve naturelle, natural reserve, Pyrénées-Orientales, France.
Katzner T.E., Bragin E.A., Knick S.T. & Smith A.T. 1988. Nest spacing and diet selection in a unique multi-species community of Eagles in Central Asia [Espacement des nids et sélection alimentaire dans une communauté multi-spécifique des aigles d’Asie centrale]. Raptor Research foundation, Abstracts meeting Ogden, Utah.
Marmota bobac, Aquila heliaca, aigle impérial, imperial eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, aigle royal, golden eagle, Aquila nipalensis, aigle des steppes, steppe eagle, Haliaeetus albicila, pygargue à queue blanche, white-tailed sea eagle, prédation, predation.
We studied nest spacing and dietary selection in a unique community of Imperial (Aquila heliaca), Golden (A. chrysaetos) and Steppe (A. nipalensis) Eagles and White-tailed Sea Eagles (Haliaeetus albicila) at the Naurzum Zapovednik (Nature Reserve) in north-central Kazakhstan. Nearest neighbor distance to any active nest of the three tree-nesting species was 2730 ± SD of 1236 m (N = 37). Nearest conspecific neighbor distance was 3462 ± 1185 m (N =29) for Imperial Eagles and 5396 ± 4862 m (N = 6) for White-tailed Sea Eagles. The three forested areas of the Zapovednik have different landscape configurations and nest site characteristics. Consequently, nest spacing patterns were different in each area. Dietary (niche) overlap among eagle species was significantly less than would be expected based on random allocation of available prey (P < 0.001). however, of the most commonly eaten food items (large ground squirrels [Spermophilus fulvus and S. major], marmots [Marmota bobac], large corvids [Corvus corone and C. frugilegus], and small mammals [Cricetidae and Muridae]), only the small mammals were taken in different amounts by the four eagle species (P < 0.05). however, less commonly eaten foods, including waterfowl (Anas spp., Podiceps spp., and Fulica atra) and owls (Asio spp.) were represented differently in eagle diets (P < 0.05). analysis of diet suggests that a high degree of niche partitioning may permit the exceptionally high density of breeding eagles to coexist in such unusually close proximity. however, when analysis of diet is integrated with spatial patterns, it appears that nest location (and therefore local prey availability) may be as important a determinant of diet as is interspecific variation. we are directing future work in this system at elucidating and refining understanding of these trends through continued observation of nest spacing, population turnover rates, dietary analysis, and defining prey availability throughout the region.
Katzner Todd E., Bragin Evgeny A., Knick Steven T. & Smith Andre T. 2003. Coexistence in a multispecies assemblage of eagles in central Asia [Coexistence dans un complexe multispécifique d’aigles en Asie centrale]. The Condor (Condor), 105(3) : 538-551.
En anglais, in English.
Aquila nipalensis, Aquila heliaca, Aquila chrysaetos, Haliaeetus albicilla, Facteur milieu, Environmental factor, Relation interspécifique, Interspecific relation, Kazakhstan, Choix habitat, Habitat selection, Asie Centrale Asia, Central Asia.
We evaluated factors that permit species coexistence in an exceptional assemblage of similar raptor species at the Naurzum Zapovednik (a national nature reserve) in north-central Kazakhstan. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), Golden Eagle (A. chrysaetos), and Steppe Eagle (A. nipalensis) all breed at the Zapovednik. Steppe Eagle use of nesting resources was distinct from that of tree-nesting species. We evaluated differences in nest tree and nest habitat characteristics, nest dimensions and positions, and nest spacing among the three forest-dwelling eagle species to distinguish between the effects of inter- and intraspecific resource limitations on species coexistence. Although the different species bred in similar habitat and sometimes reused other species' nests, the dimensions, positions and locations of their nests often differed. These differences did not appear to result from interspecific competition. Nest spacing trends were also species specific; Imperial Eagles generally nested farther from other eagle nests than did Golden Eagles and White-tailed Sea-Eagles. Intraspecific variation in habitat, physical characteristics, and spacing patterns of Imperial Eagle nests was extensive throughout the nature reserve. Although interspecific partitioning of nesting habitat may allow coexistence of ground-nesting Steppe Eagles, interspecific competition did not appear to be a primary determinant of the use of nest habitat, space, or nests by tree-nesting species. Rather, interspecific effects appeared secondary to intraspecific effects in determining coexistence of tree-nesting eagles at this site.
Katzner Todd E., Bragin Evgeny A., Knick Steven T. & Smith Andrew T. 2006. Spatial structure in diet of imperial eagles Aquila heliaca in Kazakhstan [Structure spatiale du régime alimentaire des aigles impériaux Aquila heliaca au Kazakhstan]. J. Avian Biol., 37: 594 600.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, Aquila heliaca, aigle impérial, imperial eagle, régime alimentaire, diet, prédation, predation.
We evaluated the relationship between spatial variability in prey and food habits of eastern imperial eagles Aquila heliaca at a 90,000 ha national nature reserve in northcentral Kazakhstan. Eagle diet varied greatly within the population and the spatial structure of eagle diet within the population varied according to the scale of measurement. Patterns in dietary response were inconsistent with expectations if either ontogenetic imprinting or competition determined diet choice, but they met expectations if functional response determined diet. Eagles nesting near a high-density prey resource used that resource almost exclusively. In contrast, in locations with no single high-density prey species, eagles’ diet was more diverse. Our results demonstrate that spatial structuring of diet of vertebrate predators can provide important insight into the mechanisms that drive dietary decisions.
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Katzner Todd E., Bragin Evgeny A., Milner-Gulland E.J. 2006. Modelling populations of long-lived birds of prey for conservation: A study of imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Kazakhstan [Modélisation des populations d’oiseaux de proies à longue durée de vie pour la conservation : étude des aigles impériaux (Aquila heliaca) au Kazakhstan]. Biological Conservation, 132 : 322-335.
En anglais, in English.
Aquila heliaca, aigle impérial, imperial eagle, Marmota bobac, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, prédation, predation, Kazakhstan.
Extrait Pdf extract
Kaufmann E.H.H.P. & Garloff H. 1966. Pro- und Antioxydantien auf dem Fettgebiet XIX: Fette und Fettstoffwechsel der Winterschläfer, 2. Mitteilung: Über die Zusammensetzung der Fette des Alpenmurmeltieres (Marmota marmota L.) [Pro- and Antioxidants in the Field of Fats XIX: Fats and Fat-Metabolism of Hibernating Animals II. The Composition of the Fats from Alpsmarmot (Marmota marmota L.)]. Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 68(5) : 360-365.
En allemand, in German. Glis glis, common dormouse, loir commun, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, acide gras, fatty acid, vitamine, vitamin.
Unter den gleichen Gesichtspunkten wie bei den Siebenschläfern (Glis glis L.) wurden die Lipoide des Alpenmurmeltieres (Marmota marmota) analysiert. Auch bei diesen treten gelbe Lipochrome und braune Verfärbungen bestimmter Gewebsteile auf. Der Vitamin E-Gehalt entspricht dem anderer tierischer Fette, erscheint aber im Hinblick auf den stark ungesättigten Charakter der Gesamtlipoide gering. Verallgemeinerungen in bezug auf die Deutung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Schlaf und Lipoid-Beschaffenheit sind vorerst nicht möglich.
With the same viewpoint as for the seven sleepers (Glis glis L.), the lipids of the alpsmarmot (Marmota marmota) were analysed. In case of these also the yellow lipochrome and brown coloration of certain tissue parts occur. The vitamin E content is in accord with other animal fats but appears to be small compared to the strongly unsaturated character of the total lipids. Generalization with regard to the interpretation on the relation between sleep and lipid composition is at present not possible.
Kaup 1839. Description d'ossements fossiles de Mammifères inconnus jusqu'à présent, qui se trouvent au Museum Grand-Ducal de Darmstadt [Description of fossil bones of unknown mammals till now, which are found in the Grand-Ducal Museum of Darmstadt]. Darmstadt, 5è livr., pl. 25, fig. 1 et 2, 110-112.
En français, in French.
Marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Hesse, Allemagne.
Il crée pour les espèces fossiles du Pleistocène européen une nouvelle espèce : Arctomys primigenia.
Kaverin A.V. & Griko A.V. 1996. Sourki v Mordovii: problemy okhrany i ispol'zovaniya [Les marmottes en Mordovie : problèmes de protection et d'utilisation. Marmots in Mordovy: protection and utilization problems]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 43.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation, Mordovie.
Kay A., Mandart E., Trepo C. & Galibert F. 1985. The HBV HBX gene expressed in E. coli is recognised by sera from hepatitis patients. EMBO J., 4(5): 1287-1292.
En anglais, in English.
Escherichia coli, hépatite, hepatitis.
We have cloned the X gene (HBx) and the HBc antigen (HBc Ag) gene of human hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Escherichia coli as fusion products with beta-galactosidase. Both HBV genes are expressed in E. coli strain CSR 603. Expression is detected by u.v. irradiation of the bacteria, metabolic labelling and electrophoresis of the labelled extracts on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The HBc Ag protein produced in bacteria can be recognised by anti-HBc sera and peptides derived from the protein are also recognised by anti-HBe sera. The HBx protein is recognised by some, but not all, sera which are anti-HBe positive. HBx Ag is also recognised by a woodchuck antibody similar to anti-HBe (anti-WHe). These results constitute the first proof that the open reading frame X is a true viral gene and is expressed during HBV (and WHV) infection and that an HBx/anti-HBx system, which may have important biological implications, can exist in parallel with the classic HBe/anti-HBe system.
Kays Roland W. & Wilson Don E. 2002. Mammals of North America [Mammifères d'Amérique du Nord]. Princeton University Press.
Mammifères, Mammals, Amérique du Nord, North America.
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Kayser C. 1953. L'hibernation des mammifères [Hibernation of mammals]. Année biologique III, 29 : 109-150.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, hibernation.
Kayser C. 1954. Les échanges respiratoires et la fréquence cadiaque des hibernants au cours du réveil de leur sommeil hivernal [Respiratory exchanges and cardiac frequency in hibernants during winter awakening]. Arch. Sci. Physiol., 8 : 155-193.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, hibernation, respiration, coeur, heart.
Kayser C. 1955. Hibernation et hibernation artificielle [Hibernation and artificial hibernation]. Rev. Path. gén. comp., 668 : 704-728.
Kayser C. 1957. Le sommeil hivernal, problème de thermorégulation [Winter sleep, thermoregulatory problem]. Rev. Can. Biol., 16 (3) : 303-389.
En français, in French.
Hibernation, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.
Kayser C. 1961. The physiology of natural hibernation [Physiologie de l'hibernation naturelle]. New York, Pegammon, 181-187.
En anglais, in English.
Physiologie, physiology, hibernation.
Kayser C. 1965. Hibernation. In Physiological mammalogy, W. Mayer & R. Van Gelder Eds.
En anglais, in English.
Kayser C. 1975. Le cycle annuel du métabolisme de base des hibernants [Annual cycle of basal metabolism of hibernants]. Rev. Suisse Zool., 82 (1) : 65-76.
En français, in French.
Hibernants, hibernants.
Kayser Ch., Hildwein G. & Harmelin M.L. 1967. Les échanges respiratoires de la Marmotte (Marmota marmota) en hibernation [Respiratory exchanges of the hibernanting marmot (M. marmota)]. C. R. Soc. Biol. : 918-927.
En français, in Fench.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation, respiration.
1- Les échanges respiratoires de la Marmotte en hibernation baisse progressivement et se stabilisent à 20-25ml kg-1h-1. 2- Il n'a pas été possible d'observer d'alternance circadienne de la consommation d'oxygène en hibernation . 3- Lors du réveil spontané terminant l'hibernation, on a enregistré une hétérothermie rythmée de la Marmotte dans des conditions de température constante et à l'obscurité complète. La période des consommations alternes a été variable (allant de 14 à 24 heures).
Kazacos K.R., Appel G.O. & Thacker L. 1981. Cerebrospinal nematodiasis in a woodchuck suspected of having Rabies [Nématodiase cérébrospinal chez une marmotte commune d'Amérique suspectée d'avoir la rage]. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., JAVMA, 179 (11) : 1102-1104.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, Nématodes, Nematoda, rage, rabies.
A young woodchuck (Marmota monax) with a history of CNS dysfunction and abnormal behavior was submitted frozen to the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue University, as a rabies suspect. The woodchuck was negative for rabies by the fluorescent antibody test. Histologically, multifocal areas of necrosis, malacia, and inflammation were seen in sections of cerebrum, midbrain, and cerebellum, accompanied by marked perivascular cuffing with eosinophils and lymphocytes. Sections of lung contained parasitic granulomas, one of which contained a large ascarid larva identified as Baylisascaris sp. The CNS lesions were typical of parasite migration, and resembled those commonly associated with infection with Baylisascaris larvae of raccoon or skunk origin. Cerebrospinal nematodiasis was diagnosed as the cause of the nervous disorder.
Kazakov B.A., Sidelnikov V.V. 1989. [Sur la réacclimatation de la bobac européenne dans la r&eaute;gion de Rostov. About the european bobak reacclimatization in Rostov Region. In The animals rare and need of protection, Materials for the Data Book, Moscow, 24-30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, éintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.
Keddie D. & Nagorsen D.W. 1993. Mariner Mountain cave bone project: preliminary report [Le projet de la caverne à ossement de Mariner Mountain : rapport préliminaire]. Unpublished report, Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, BC 8 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, paléontologie, paleontology, British Columbia, Canada.
Keeley L. 1978. La fonction des outils en silex au paléolithique [The function of flint tools in paleolithic]. Pour la Science, n°3, p.12.
En français, in French.
Silex, flint, outils, tools.
Keeley T., Graham L., Campbell A., Howell C. & MacDonald S. 2002 Reproductive behaviour and endocrinology of the Vancouver Island marmot for use in captive breeding programs. Comportement reproducteur et endocrinologie de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver dans le cadre des programmes d'élevage en captivité. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 74-75.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, reproductive behaviour, comportement reproducteur, endocrinology, endocrinologie, captive breeding, élevage en captivité.
Keeley T., Graham L., Campbell A., Howell C. & MacDonald S. 2003. Reproductive behaviour and endocrinology of the Vancouver Island marmot for use in captive breeding programs. Comportement reproducteur et endocrinologie de la marmotte de l'île de Vancouver dans le cadre des programmes d'élevage en captivité. Роведение размножения и эндокринология сурка острова ванкувер (Marmota vancouverensis). In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 117-122.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, reproductive behaviour, comportement reproducteur, endocrinology, endocrinologie, captive breeding, élevage en captivité.
La marmotte de l'île de Vancouver (Marmota vancouverensis) est l'une des espèces les plus menacées d'Amérique du Nord. Des programmes d'élevage en captivité ont été mis en place au Canada dans l'espoir de reconstruire la population sauvage grâce à des programmes futurs de réintroductions. Une meilleure compréhension des comportements reproducteurs et de l'élevage est essentielle pour améliorer les programmes actuels d'élevage en captivité. Des échantillons fécaux journaliers ont été obtenus à partir de marmottes adultes de trois ans et plus. Des tests immunologiques d'enzymes ont été validés pour quantifier les métabolites hormonaux dans les échantillons fécaux de cette espèce. Des caméras, connectées à des magnétoscopes à enregistrement continu, ont fourni les données comportementales à analyser. Les résultats préliminaires suggèrent que les métabolites fécaux de la progestérone peuvent être utilisés pour contrôler l'ovulation et la conception avec une phase lutéale de 7-14 jours et de gestation de 30 jours. Les profils hormonaux sont fortement en corrélation avec les changements du comportement reproducteur. Le comportement reproducteur indique que 95 % de toutes les copulations se produisent à l'intérieur du nid et sont précédées par des luttes dans 50 % des cas. Les données d'observation combinées avec l'analyse hormonale suggèrent que les marmottes de l'île de Vancouver soient induites à ovuler. L'âge de l'animal, le milieu et la qualité de la copulation peuvent aussi être des facteurs affectant l'ovulation. Le suivi du comportement reproducteur est un moyen utile pour connaître l'oestrus, la conception et la gestation, ce qui peut être aussi fourni par l'analyse hormonale d'échantillons fécaux journaliers des individus.
PDF disponible/available
Kelleher P.C., Walters C.J., Myhre B.D., Tennant B.C., Gerin J.L. & Cote P.J. 1992. Altered glycosylation of alpha-fetoprotein in hepadnavirus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma of the woodchuck. Cancer Lett., 63(2): 93-99.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatovirus.
Altered glycosylation of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) has been proposed as a marker of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in humans. The lectin-binding properties of woodchuck AFP were investigated to determine if woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)-induced HCCs are also accompanied by changes in AFP glycosylation. Ninety-eight to 100% of the AFP from normal, WHV-free woodchucks with physiologic AFP elevations and from WHV-carrier woodchucks with HCC bound to concanavalin A, indicating that virtually all of the AFP was glycosylated. Three percent or less of the serum AFP of normal woodchucks bound to Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA). In contrast, the AFP from woodchucks with HCC had an increased LCA-binding fraction (range, 8-77%). The increased LCA-binding AFP in WHV-induced HCC is analogous to that which frequently accompanies hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced HCC in humans. This study corroborates the relationship of altered glycoconjugate synthesis to virus-induced malignant transformation, confirms the importance of AFP glycoforms as markers of HCC, and demonstrates that the WHV-infected woodchuck should be useful in investigating changes in AFP glycosylation during hepadnavirus hepatocarcinogenesis and HCC growth.
Keller A.L. & Florant G.L. 1996. Plasma fatty acid composition during arousal from hibernation in marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Composition en acides gras plasmatiques lors d'un réveil au cours de l'hibernation chez les marmottes (Marmota flaviventris)]. In Adaptation to the cold, Tenth International Hibernation Symposium, Geiser F., Hulbert A.J. & Nicol S.C., eds., University of New England Press, Armidale, 203-209.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, éveil, awakening, acides gras, fatty acids.
Keller H.E. 1960.Études linguisitiques sur les parlers Voldôtains. Contribution à la connaissance des dialectes franco-provençaux modernes. 1958 [1960 : 5744] S. noch Erasmus 14 (1961) : 530-534. (A. Martinet).
En français, in French.
Langage, language.
Keller K.R., Smith J.P. & Hoffman S.W. 1998. Long-term Productivity of Golden Eagles in Utah [Productivité à long terme des aigles royaux en Utah]. Raptor Research foundation, Abstracts meeting Ogden, Utah.
En anglais, in English.
Aquila chrysaetos, Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmots, Utah, EUA, USA.
Each year 1977-98, the senior author monitored 31-240 ( = 150 ± SD of 63.1) Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nesting territories in north-central Utah. In 1998, the study area encompassed 14,504 km2. In any given year, 12-60% ( = 40 ± 14.5%) of the surveyed territories were “active” (nests with eggs) and 7-53% ( = 31 ± 13.1%) were “successful” (≥1 fledgling). Productivity averaged 1.1 ± 0.23 fledglings/active territory and 1.4 ± 0.13 fledglings/successful territory. Of the territories surveyed each year, typically 70% occured in shrub-steppe and desert-scrub habitats characteristic of Great Basin lowlands (“desert” territories) and 30% occured in montane-forest habitats (“mountain” territories). Black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) constituted 65-85% of the prey organisms recovered from desert nests each year (>12,000 prey remains collected to date across all territories), and nesting activity, success and productivity all correlated strongly with the percentage of jackrabbit prey remains (e.g., Pearson r = 0.73 for % jackrabbits vs % successful territories). In contrast, jackrabbits rarely constituted more than 20% of the prey organisms found near mountain nests; ground squirrels (Spermophilus spp.), yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), and Blue Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) were routinely encountered at equal or greater frequencies. Availability of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) carcasses during winter seems to be a key determinant of long-term productivity for mountain eagles. Both mountain and desert subpopulations are showing signs of stress. The proportion of successful desert territories may be declining gradually (linear regression: r2 = 0.09, P = 0.093) and productivity has declined significantly (fledglings/active territory—r2 = 0.22, P = 0.017; fledglings/successful territory—r2 = 0.11, P = 0.072). These trends probably reflect loss and degradation of native sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) communities, which is critical habitat for jackrabbits. For mountain eagles, proportions of active and successful territories and fledglings/successful territory show no distinct long-term trends; however, fledglings/active territory has declined significantly (r2 = 0.22, P = 0.017). This trend may reflect declining availability of winter deer carcasses because of unusual weather patterns.
Kellog G.A. 1872. Singing Maryland Marmot [La marmotte chantante du Maryland]. Am. Nat., 6: 365-366.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, communication, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Maryland.
Kellogg Louise. 1910. Rodent fauna of the late Tertiary beds at Virginia Valley and Thousand Creek, Nevada [Rongeurs des couches de la fin du Tertiaire de la vallée de Virginie et de Thousand Creek, Nevada]. Bulletin of the Department of Geology, University of California, 5: 421-437.
En anglais, in English.
Rongeurs, Marmota nevadensis, M. vetus, Tertiaire, Nevada, paléontologie, paleontology.
Kellogg L. 1912. Pleistocene rodents of California [Rongeurs du Pléistocène de Californie]. Bull. Dept. Geol., Univ. Calif., 7: 151-168, 16 text-figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, flaviventer, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Californie].
Kellog 1939.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax monax, Tennessee, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.
Kelly John W. & Wells Roger 1890. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies [Lexiques Anglais-Eskimo et Eskimo-Anglais]. Washington, Government Printing Office.
En Eskimo et en anglais, in Eskimo and in English.
Marmotte, marmot, seek'sreek, ethnographie, ethnography, dictionnaire, dictionary, Eskimo, Inuktitut, Inuit.
Extrait Pdf extract, Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM
Kelly Thomas S. 1997. Additional late Cenozoic (latest Hemphillian to earliest Irvingtonian) mammals from Douglas County, Nevada [Mammifères supplémentaires du Cénozoïque final (Hemphilian ancien à l'Irvingtonian récent) du comté de Douglas, Nevada]. PaleoBios, 18(1): 1-31, April 2,
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, Paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, Marmota caligata, Nevada, États-Unis.
An unnamed formation, exposed along the eastern side of the Carson Valley and on the western flanks of the Pine Nut Mountains, previously yielded two fossil vertebrate faunas; the early Blancan (middle Pliocene) Buckeye Creek Local Fauna and the late Blancan (late Pliocene) Fish Spring Flat Local Fauna. A new fauna, the latest Hemphillian (earliest Pliocene) Washoe Local Fauna, is now recognized from the lowermost part of the unnamed formation of the Carson Valley-Pine Nut Mountains area. The Washoe Local Fauna includes the following taxa: Lepoides lepoides; Hypolagus gidleyi; Proboscidea, family indet.; Teleoceras sp. indet.; ?Felidae, gen. indet.; Dinohippus or Pliohippus, sp. indet.; Hemiauchenia sp. indet.; and ?Cervidae, gen. indet. Platygonus cf. P. pearcei is added to the Buckeye Creek Local Fauna. Two new faunas, the late Blancan Wellington Hills Local Fauna and the earliest Irvingtonian (latest Pliocene) Topaz Lake Local Fauna, are provisionally recognized from an unnamed formation that is exposed along the eastern side of Antelope Valley and on the western flanks of the Wellington Hills, Douglas County, Nevada. The Wellington Hills Local Fauna includes the following taxa: Leporidae, gen. indet.; ?Nerterogeomys sp. indet.; ?Thomomys sp. indet.; Spermophilus wellingtonensis n. sp.; Marmota or Cynomys, sp. indet.; Megalonychidae, gen. indet.; Proboscidea, family indet.; Felidae, gen. indet.; Equus idahoensis; Equus sp. indet.; and Camelidae, gen. indet. (small sp.). The Topaz Lake Local Fauna includes the following taxa: Leporidae, gen. indet.; Ondatra ?idahoensis; Felidae, gen. indet.; Proboscidea, family indet.; Equus idahoensis; Equus cf. E. giganteus; Equus (?Dolichohippus) sp. indet.; Hemiauchenia sp. indet.; Camelidae, gen. indet. (large sp.); and Euceratherium collinum.
Kelly T.S. 2000. A new Hemphillian (Late Miocene) mammalian fauna from Hoye Canyon, west central Nevada [Une nouvelle faune Hemphilienne (Miocène final)du canyon Hoye, cente-ouest du Névada.] Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 481: 1-21. Paléontologie, Paleontology, Pliocène, miocène, Miocene, Marmota caligata, Nevada, États-Unis.
Kelsall John P. 1971. La marmotte commune [Woodchuck]. Ottawa, Service canadien de la faune, 6 p.
En français, in French.
Ethologie, ethology, Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck.
Kennicott Robert 1858. The quadrupeds of Illinois beneficial and injurious to the farmer [Les quadrupèdes de l'Illinois bénéfiques et nuisibles. aux fermiers]. Reprinted from Report of the Commissioner of patents for the years 1856-1858 : Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1856-1858.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, groundhog.
Extrait Pdf extract
Kern E.R. 1996. Role of animal models in selecting antiviral combinations for clinical studies [Rôle des modèles animaux dans la sélection de combinaisons antivirales pour des études cliniques]. Antiviral Res., 29(1): 57-59.
En anglais, in English.
Modèle animal, animal model, virus.
Although experimental viral infections in animals have been used extensively in the development of antiviral drugs used as monotherapy, they have not been utilized widely for evaluation of combination chemotherapy. One of the major reasons for the lack of use of animal models is that for the diseases that are the main target for combination therapy, AIDS and hepatitis B and C infections, there is a lack of suitable models for these diseases. In contrast, most combination studies in animal models have been directed against herpes simplex virus infections but there are relatively few patients available who would benefit from combination therapy over single agent therapy. In between those two extremes are the cytomegalovirus infections. While there are animal models available that have been predictive of efficacy in humans and there are sufficient patients available, the use of antiviral combinations in animal models and in humans have begun only recently. At the present time there is not enough information available to establish the predictability for any of the animal models for efficacy of combinations of antiviral agents.
Kessler 1850. p.40. Marmota bobac.
En russe, in Russian.
Kessler K.F. 1851. Jivotnye mlekopitayuchtchie: Ptitsy. Kiev (Estestvennaya istoriya gouberniï Kievskogo outchebn. okrouga. Zoologiya, tchast' sistematitch., 1,2, 3.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Oiseaux, birds.
Kew MC. 1993. Do mutant woodchuck hepatitis viruses play a role in hepatocellular carcinogenesis? [Les mutants du virus de l’hépatite jouent-ils un rôle dans la carcinogenèse hépatocellulaire]. Res. Virol., 144(4): 293-296.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Although hepadnaviruses are implicated in the aetiology of hepatocellular carcinoma, the pathogenic mechanisms involved remain uncertain. Clonally propagated integrations of hepadnaviral DNA into cellular DNA can be demonstrated in most virally induced hepatocellular carcinomas. Integration occurs at random sites in cellular DNA, but the highly preferred sites in viral DNA are adjacent to the directly repeated sequence, DR1, less often DR2, or in the cohesive overlap region. Integrants invariably contain simple deletions or complex rearrangements that have been thought to occur after integration. We report here the detection, in the serum of woodchucks with hepatocellular carcinoma, of mutant woodchuck hepatitis viruses that are strikingly similar to the rearranged genomes found previously as integrated sequences in cellular DNA. Of the four mutants studied, two had large inverted duplications, one a 219 nucleotide direct duplication, and one a 219 nucleotide deletion. Virus-virus DNA junctions occurred either adjacent to DR1 or DR2 or in the cohesive overlap region at topoisomerase I cleavage sites. Thus, it is possible that rearrangement of the hepadnavirus genome precedes integration of viral DNA into cellular DNA and that mutant genomes that are preferentially integrated into cellular DNA have an aetiological role in hepatocarcinogenesis.
Kew M.C., Chestnut T., Baldwin B.H., Hornbuckle W.E., Tennant B.C., Purcell R.H. & Miller R.H. 1993. Heterogeneity of the woodchuck hepatitis virus genome in a chronically infected woodchuck [Hétérogénité du génome du virus de l’hépatite de la marmotte chez une marmotte infestée]. Virus Res., 27(3): 229-237.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatis, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland.
The nucleotide sequence of an isolate of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) from the serum of a woodchuck trapped in New York state (WHVNY) was compared with the sequences of previously published isolates. The nucleotide sequence of WHVNY was closest to that of an isolate originating from New Jersey: the two genomes shared a 15 nucleotide in-frame deletion in the region where the presurface and polymerase genes overlap (nucleotides 3260-3274) and differed by 54 point mutations (1.6% of genome). Amino acid differences ranged from 0.4% in the surface gene to 5.7% in the X gene. Three isolates from woodchucks that originated in Pennsylvania and Maryland did not contain the deletion and differed from WHVNY by 102 to 106 point mutations (3.0% to 3.2% of nucleotides). Amino acid changes ranged from 0.5% in the core gene to 5.7% in the X-gene. Thus, WHVNY differed little from previous isolates. Next, the genomes from 102 independent clones of WHVNY were compared to ascertain the extent of sequence variation among WHV genomes in a chronically infected animal. A total of 98 clones had genomes of unit length while 2 clones had genomes shorter than unit length and 2 clones had genomes longer than unit length. The clones not of unit length possessed deletions or inverted duplications of sequence. The rate of mutation in the viral genes was 2.65 mutations per 10,000 nucleotides in the precore domain, 1.27 per 10,000 in the X-gene, 0.98 per 10,000 in the presurface gene, and 3.77 per 10,000 at the 5' end of the core gene.
Kew M.C., Miller R.H., Chen H.S., Tennant B.C. & Purcell R.H. 1993. Mutant woodchuck hepatitis virus genomes from virions resemble rearranged hepadnaviral integrants in hepatocellular carcinoma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A., 90(21): 10211-10215.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, mutant.
Although hepadnaviruses are implicated in the etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma, the pathogenic mechanisms involved remain uncertain. Clonally propagated integrations of hepadnaviral DNA into cellular DNA can be demonstrated in most virally induced hepatocellular carcinomas. Integration occurs at random sites in cellular DNA, but the highly preferred sites in viral DNA are adjacent to the directly repeated sequence DR1, less often DR2, or in the cohesive overlap region. Integrants invariably contain simple deletions or complex rearrangements that have been thought to occur after integration. We report here the detection of mutant woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) genomes cloned from virions in serum that are strikingly similar to the rearranged hepadnaviral genomes found previously as integrated sequences in cellular DNA. Of 102 cloned genomes studied, 2 had large inverted duplications, 1 a 219-nucleotide direct duplication, and 1 a 219-nucleotide deletion. Virus-virus DNA junctions occurred either adjacent to DR1 or DR2 or in the cohesive overlap region at preferred topoisomerase I cleavage sites. Since these sites are located in the single-stranded regions of the genome, cleavage by topoisomerase I would produce linear molecules that would be expected to be highly recombinogenic since this enzyme, possessing nicking and ligating activities, would remain covalently attached. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation coupled with polymerase chain reaction studies confirmed that the mutant WHV DNA forms resided in virions and did not represent free viral DNA released from infected cells or were unlikely to be an artifact of the cloning process. Thus, the finding in virions of mutant WHV DNA similar to WHV DNA integrated into cellular DNA suggests that the processes of mutation and integration are linked in some instances. Furthermore, the mutant genomes that are preferentially integrated into cellular DNA may have an etiologic role in hepatocarcinogenesis.
Key to the Skulls of North Dakota Mammals. Order Rodentia [Clé des crânes des mammifères du North Dakota. Ordre des Rongeurs] .
En ligne/On line.
Marmota monax, crâne, skull, clé de détermination, determination key, North Dakota, EUA, USA.
Keys to verterbrates of Poland. Mammals [Clé des vertébrés de Pologne] 1981. Warzawa : PWN, pp. 367, 1981.
Mammifères, mammals, clé de détermination, determination key, Pologne, Poland.
Khabaeva G.M. Vliyanie antropogennogo fakta na nekotorye storony biologii tarbagana [Influence anthropique sur quelques questions de biologie de la tarbagan. Impact on some questions of the biology of tarbagan]. Redkie vidy mlekopitayuchtchikh SSSR i ikh okhrana, Materialy 3 Vses. Sovechtch. M.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, anthropisation.
Khamaganov S.A. 1991. [Sur la destruction de la marmotte bobac de Mongolie et la restauration de sa population du sud-est du trans-baïkal. On the destruction of Mongolian bobak and recovery of its population in the southeastern Trans-Baikal]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 163-165.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, gestion, management, Baïkal.
Kharchenko V.I. & Minoranskiï V.A. 1967. Novye i redkie mlekopitayuchtchie faouny Rostovskoï oblastii Vostotchnogo Priazov'ya [Mammifères nouveaux et rares de la faune de la région de l'est de Rostov près de la mer d'Azov. New and rare mammals of the fauna of the eastern region of Rostov near the Azov Sea]. Zool. J., 46(5).
(Mammifères) : Russie : Rostov.
Khmara-Borchtcheskiï E.P. 1912. Tchoumnye epidemii na Dal'nem Votoke i protivotchoumnye meropriyatiya oupravleniya KVJD [Epidémie de peste dans l'extrême est et plans d'action de lutte contre la peste menés par l'administration des chemins de fer de l'Est et de la Chine. Plague epidemy in the far east and campaign plans against plague set by the administration of the East and Chin railways]. Kharbin.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Russie, Russia.
Khodasnova K.S. 1970. Effets des vertébrés phytophages sur la productivité biologique et le cycle de matière dans les paysages de forêt-steppe. Effect of vertebrate phytophages on biological productivity and the cycling of matter in forest-steppe landscapes. In Environment-forming activity of animals, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Écologie, ecology, forêt-steppe, forest-steppe.
Kholodnaya N.YU., Boïko T.P. & Uznikin V.V. 1997. Neïromediatorye mekhanizmy i ikh rol' v otsenke founktsional'nogo sostoyaniya pokal'nykh soobchtchestv sourkov. Neurotransmitter mechanisms and their role in estimation of the functional state of the marmot local communities [Mécanismes et rôle des neurotransmetteur dans l'estimation de l'état fonctionnel des communutés locales de marmottes]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 103-104 (Rousskie), 156-157 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 103-104 (Russian), 156-157 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and English.
; Marmota bobac, Marmota camchatica, Physiologie, physiology, neuromédiateur, neuromediator.
Kholodnaya N.YU. & Uznikin V.V. 1997A. Izmenenie rojdaemosti v deme stepnogo sourka kak reaktsiya na iz'yatie razlitchnoï intensivnosti. A change in the birth-rate in the dem of Marmota bobac as a response to removal of different intensivity [Un changement dans la taux de naissance d'un dème de M. bobac en réponse à des reprises de différentes intensités]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 104-105 (Rousskie), 157-159 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 104-105 (Russian), 157-159 (English).
(Marmota bobac), Capture.
Kholodnaya N.Yu. & Uznikin V.V. 1997b. O poseleniyakh tchernochtchapotchnogo sourka v severnom pribaïkal'e v baqqelïne reki Molokon. On the settling of Marmota camtschatica in the north Subbaikal in the basin of the Molokon River [Sur l'installation de M. camtshatica dans le nord du sub-Baïkal dans le bassin de la rivière Mokolon]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 106 (Rousskie), 159-160 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 106 (Russian), 159-160 (English).
(Marmota camtshatica), Répartition, Baïkal.
Khruchtchnov F.YA. 1935. Pouchno-mekhovoe delo v Kazakhstane [Marché de la fourrure au Kazakhstan. Fur market in Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, Moskva, Kazkraïogiz.
Kazakhstan. Fourrure.
Khrustselevsky V.P. 1963. [Sur la question des facteurs biocénotique des foyers de peste du type marmottes et gerbilles. On question about biocenotic factors of plague enzootic in Plague foci of marmot and gerbil typs]. Dokl. Irkoutsk. protivoch. in-ta, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, gerbille, gerbil, peste, plague.
Khrustselevsky V.P. & Guzhevnikov I.A. 1954. Materialy po istrebleniiu sourka v Iugo-Vostotchnom Zabaïkalie mekhanitcheskim kombinirovannym metodom [Matériaux sur l'élimination de la marmotte dans le sud-est du Transbaïkal par la méthode mécanique combinée. Material on the extermination of marmot in the south-eastern Cis-baikal with the combined method]. Izv. Irkoutskogo UTchI, 13 : 41-54, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, extermination, Tranbaïkal.
Khrustov A.V. 1986. Reakklimatizatsiya evropeïskogo baïbaka v Saratovskoï oblasti [Réacclimatation de la marmotte bobac europénne dans la région de Saratov. Reacclimatization of the european bobac marmot in the Saratov region]. 1 Vses. sobesh. po probl. zookulitury M, 1986; Tez. dokl. U. 1, M., 204-205.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction.
Kichatov E.A. 1971. [Sur les déplacements des marmottes grises. About moving of grey marmots]. Mater. VII nauch. konf. protivochum. uchrezhd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 299.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction.
Marmota baibacina, déplacements, moving.
Kiefer M., Krumpal M., Cendsuren N., Lobachev V.S., Chotolchu (Tchotoltchou) N. 1984. [Liste, répartition et bibliographie des Siphonatères de Mongolie. Checklist, distribution and bibliography of Mongolian Siphonaptera]. Erforsch. biol. Ress. MVR, Halle (Gaale): 91-123.
(Insectes) ; Puces ; Mongolie.
Kilgore D.L. 1972. Energy dynamics of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) : a hibernator [Dynamique énergétique de la marmotte à ventre jaune (Marmota flaviventris) : un hibernant]. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of Kansas.
En angalais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, énergie, energy.
Kilgore D.L.Jr & Armitage K.B. 1978. Energetics of yellow-bellied marmot populations [Energétique des populations de marmotte à ventre jaune]. Ecology, 59 (1) : 78-88.
En angalais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation.
Chez cette marmotte, l'efficience respiratoire (E maintenance/ E assimilée) est de 77% alors que chez les homéothermes typiques elle est de 98%; l'efficience de croissance tissulaire (E production/E assimilée) est de 23% excédant largement les 1,5 à 2,5% reportés pour les mammifères herbivores; le rapport Production/ Maintenance est d'environ 30%, alors qu'il est typiquement de 1,1 à 3% chez les homéothermes.
The energy dynamics of 2 colonies of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) were studied in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado in 1969 and 1970. The Intake-Rejecta and Maintenance-Production models, which included an analysis of seasonal variations in energy flow parameters yielded similar estimates of population energy flow. Colony energy flow ranged from 64.0 to 94.6 kJ m-2 yr-1. Differences between colonies in annual energy flow can be explained by variations in biomass. Peak energy flow occurred at diffferent times in the 2 colonies and the timing was related to reproductive conditions. The marmot populations consumed 94.6 to 119.2 kJm-2 yr-1, which represented 0.8 to 3.1% of the aboveground primary production. The efficiency with which the marmot populations exploited the available net primary production was 2 to 6.4%. Seventy-one to 75% of the energy ingested by the populations was assimilated: only 77% of the assimilated energy went into maintenance of the population biomass. Tissue growth efficiency averaged 16.8%, 5 x greater than typical homeotherms.The production/maintenance ratio averaged 29.6%. The marked differences in the respiration efficiences, tissues growth efficiencies, and production: maintenance ratios between the heterothermic marmot and typical homeotherms suggest that heterothermy represents a distinct strategy in secondary production.
King Clarence 1878. Systematic geology [géologie systématique]. U.S. Geol. Explor. 40th parallel, Clarence King, geologist.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vetus, géologie, geology.
King Richard 1836. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833, 1834 and 1835, under the command of Capt. Back, R.N. [Narration d'un voyage aux rivages de l'ocean arctique en 1833, 1834 et 1835, sous la direction du Cpt. Back R.N.]. London, R. Bentley.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys Ludovicianus, Arctomys Okanaganus, Arctomys empetra, Marmota caligata okanagana, prédation par ours, bear predation, striped marmot, Parry's marmot, Expédition, Indiens, Indians, Canada, Nord-Ouest du Canada, Northwest territories, British Columbia, régions arctiques, arctic regions, King Richard 1811?-1876.
Marmota caligata okanagana, Arctomys okanaganus King, 1836. Southeastern British Columbia, Okanagan region, borders of rocky Mountains between Columbia and Fraser Rivers [Gold Range] (2: 236).
Extrait pdf extract, Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM
King J.A. 1955. Social behavior, social organisation, and population dynamics in a black-tailed prairie dog town in the Black Hills of South Dakota [Comportement social, organisation sociale et dynamique des populations d'une ville de chiens de prairie à queue noire dans les collines des Blach Hills du South Dakota]. Contr. Lab. Vent. Bio. Univ. Michigan, 67.
En anglais, in English. Sciuridae, éthologie, ethology, social, Dakota, EUA, USA.
King S.W. 1858. The Italian valleys of the Pennine Alps : a tour through all the romantic and less-frequented « vals » of northern piedmont, from the Tarentaise to the Gries [Les vallées italiennes des Alpes pennines]. John Murray, London.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys marmotta, chasse, hunting, marmotte apprivoisée, tame marmot, peau de marmotte, marmot-skin, Val d’Ayas, Gressoney, Petit Saint Bernard, Val Macugnaga, Italie, Italia.
Extrait Pdf extract
King W.J. & Allainé D. 1998. Copulatory behaviour of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Comportement copulatoire des marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota)]. Mammalia, 62(3) : 439-441.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, comportement, behaviour, copulation.
King W.J. & Allainé D. 2002. Social, maternal, and environmental influences on reproductive success in female alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Infuences sociales, maternelles et environnementales sur le succès reproducteur chez les femelles des marmottes alpines]. Can. J. Zool., 80: 2137-2143.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available
Marmota marmota, Female, femelle, Fecundity, fécondité, Breeding success, Succès reproducteur, Physiological condition, Condition physiologique,Social interaction, Interaction sociale, Social dominance,Dominance sociale, Infanticide, Reproduction.
Nous avons examiné les facteurs sociaux, maternels et environnementaux affectant le succès reproducteur des femelles de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota) lors d'une étude de 8 ans dans les Alpes francaises. La production de juveniles était presque exclusivement assurée par les femelles dominantes. La production de juvéniles augmentait avec la condition corporelle et l'expérience des mères. La condition corporelle des femelles était positivement corrélée à la masse et négativement corrélée au remplacement du mâle dominant au printemps, tandis que l'expérience augmentait avec l'âge. Nous n'avons pas vraiment trouvé de preuves d'un blocage de la gestation à la suite des remplacements du mâle dominant car ceux-ci ont eu lieu la plupart du temps apres la mi-mai, lorsque les juvéniles étaient nés et soumis àl'infanticide. La production de jeunes de 1 an dépendait du nombre de juvéniles produits, du remplacement du mâle dominant pendant l'été et de l'exposition du site par rapport au soleil. Nous n'avons pas trouvé d'influence significative de la taille ni de la composition du groupe sur la production de jeunes de 1 an. Les conditions climatiques ont peu varié et n'ont pas affecté la reproduction. Les facteurs sociaux tels que la dominance de la femelle et le remplacement du mâle dominant qui pourrait être associé à l'infanticide affectent fortement le succès reproducteur des femelles de marmottes alpines.
We examined the social, maternal, and environmental factors affecting the reproductive success of female Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) during 8 years in the French Alps. Successful production of juveniles was almost entirely limited to dominant females. Production of juveniles increased with maternal body condition and experience. Female body condition was positively correlated with body mass and negatively correlated with dominant-male takeovers in spring, while experience increased with age. We found little evidence for a pregnancy block with takeover of dominant males because male replacement occurred mostly after mid-May, when juveniles were susceptible to infanticide. Production of yearlings depended on the number of juveniles produced, dominant-male takeovers in summer, and exposure of the site. We found no significant influence of group size or composition on production of yearlings. Climatic conditions varied little and had no measurable effect on reproduction. Social factors such as female dominance and dominant-male takeovers that could lead to infanticide have a strong effect on female reproductive success in Alpine marmots.
Kinsella J.M. & D.L. Pattie 1967. Ectoparasites of small mammals of the alpine Beartooth Plateau, Wyoming [Ectoparasites des petits mammifères du plateau alpin de Beartooth, Wyoming]. Can. J. Zool., 45 : 233-234.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, EUA, USA, Wyoming.
Kiprijanow 1855. Bull. d. nat. D. Mosc., 196.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.
Kirikov S.V. 1952. Ptitsy i mleko-pitayuchtchie v ousloviyakh landchaftov yuzhnoï okonetchnosti Ourala [Oiseaux et mammifères dans les conditions d'habitat de l'extrême sud de l'Oural. Birds and mammals in habitat conditions of extreme southern Urals]. M., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Oiseaux, birds, Oural, Ural.
Kirikov S.V. 1959. Izmenenie zhivotnogo mira v prirodnykh zonakh SSSR [Changements de la faune des régions naturelles de l'URSS. I. Zone des steppes et steppes boisées. Changes of fauna in the natural regions of USSR: I. Steppic and forest-steppic zones ]. Stepn. zona i lesostepi, M. : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 53-56.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, biogéographie, biogeography, Russie, Russia.
Kirikov S.V. 1960. [Changements de la faune des régions naturelles de l'URSS. II. Zone des for&aeirc;ts et toundra boisée. Fauna changes in the natural regions of USSR. II. Forest and tundra zones]. Moscou. Editions de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS (In Russian). Voir Pfeffer, 1961.
En russe, in Russian.
Faune, fauna, URSS, USSR.
Kirikov S.V. 1966. Promyslovyie zhivotnyie, prorodnaya sreda i chelovek [Gibier, environnement naturel et humain. Game, natural and human environments]. Nauka, Moscow.
En russe, in Russian.
Faune, fauna, URSS, USSR.
Kirikov S.V. 1980. Istoritcheskie ivmeneniya i razneshenii baïbaka (XVII-XIX va i pervaya treti XX) [Changements historiques des installations de bobac (XVII-XIX siècles et le premier tiers du XX siècle). Historical changes in the settlements of Marmota bobac (XVII-XIX centuries and the first third of the XX century)]. Sourki. biotchenotitcheskoe i praktitcheskoe znatchie, [In The marmots. Biocenotical and practical significance, R.P. Zimina ed.] M. : Nauka, 20-31.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, histoire, histoiry, répartition, distribution.
Кириллова В.И. (Kirillova V.I.) 1997. К цикадофауне батыревского суркового заказгика и других остепненных территорий Чувашии. To the Cicada fauna of the Batyrevo Reserve and other stepped territories of Chuvashia [K tsikadofaoune batyrevskogo sourkogo zakazinka i drougikh ostepnennykh territoriï Tchouvachtchii. Sur la faune de Cicadides de la Réserve de Batrevo et autres aires de de Tchouvachie]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 55 (Rousskie, Russian), 160 (Angliïskie, English).
En russe, in Russian.
Entomologie, entomology, steppe, réserve, République de Tchouvachie, Chuvashia Republic, Russie, Russia.
Кириллова В.И. (Kirillova V.I.) 2002. Diversity of Cicadina (Homoptera) of some marmot's colonies in Chuvash Republic. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisoursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 36.
En russe, in Russian.
Entomologie, entomology, steppe, réserve, République de Tchouvachie, Chuvashia Republic, Russie, Russia.
Kirilyuk V.E. 1996a. Sovremennye zapasy i rasprostranenie tarbagna (Marmota sibirica) v yugo-vostotchnom zabaïkal'e [Ressources actuelles et répartition de la marmotte tarbagan dans le sud-est du Transbaïkal. Present resources and distribution of the tarbagan marmot in the south-eastern Cis-Baikal]. In Sourki severnoeï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 47-49.
Marmota sibirica, gestion, management, Transbaïkal.
Kirilyuk V.E. 1996b. Tchislennost' i raspredelenie tarbagan (Marmota sibirica) v nizov'yakh P. ouldzy (Severo-vostotchnaya Mongoliya] [Nombre et répartition de la marmotte tarbagan en aval de la rivière Ouldzy (N-E Mongolie). Number and distribution of the tarbagan marmot downstream of the Ouldzy River]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 49-51.
Marmota sibirica, distribution, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kirkland Gordon L. jr. 1998. Rodents of eastern North America [Rongeurs de l’Est de l’Amérique du Nord]. In Rodents of conservation concern in North America [Rongeurs concernés par la conservation en Amérique du Nord], Hafner D.J., Yensen E. & Kirkland G. eds., 18-22.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, conservation, Amérique du Nord, North America.
Available pdf disponible
Kir'yanov G.I. 1967. Tchislennost' serykh sourkov v Kosh-Agatche [Effectif des marmottes grises du Kosh-Agache. Marmot number of grey marmot in Kosh-Agache]. V kn. Resoursy faouny sourkov v SSSR, M., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, dénombrement, census
Kishinsky (Kichinsky) A.A. 1967. Novye dannye o rasprostranenii tchernoshapotchnogo surka v Severo-Vostotchnoï Sibiri [Nouvelles données sur la distribution de la marmotte à tête noire dans le nord-est de la Sibérie]. Resursy fauny surkov v SSSR, In-t geogr. AN SSSR M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, Sibérie, Siberia.
Kishinsky A.A. 1972. Formirovanie gornoi teriofauny Severovostochkh Sibiri [Formation de la faune de mammifères des terrains accidentés du nord-est de la Sibérie. Formation of hilly theriofauna of northeastern Siberia]. In Osnovnye problemy teriologii, Tr. MOIP, 48: 177-198.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota camtschatica, Sibérie, Siberia.
Kissling E. 1897. Neue Funde von diluvialen Arctomysresten aus der Umgegend von Bern [Nouvelle découverte de restes diluviaux d'Arctomys des environs de Berne. New discovery of diluvial remains of Arctomys in the neighbouring of Bern]. Mitteilungen der Natur. Ges. von Bern.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switzerland, Berne.
Kissling E. 1898. Neue Funde von diluvialen Arctomysresten aus der Umgebung von Bern [Nouvelles découvertes de restes d'Arctomys diluviaux des environs de Berne. New discoveries of diluvial Arctomys remains]. Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges Bern, Bern, 1897: 3-7.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternary, quaternaire, Suisse, Switzerland.
Kissling E. 1902. Weitere Funde von Arctomys-resten aus dem Bernischen Diluvium [Autres découvertes de reste d'Arctomys du Diluvium bernois. Other discoveries of Arctomys remains from the Bern Diluvium]. Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. Bern, 1901: 103-105.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternary, quaternaire, Suisse, Switzerland.
Kiwett V.K., J.O. Murie & A.L. Steiner 1976. A comparative study of scent-gland location and related behavior in some northwestern Nearctic ground squirrel species (Sciuridae): An evolutionary approach [Une étude comparative de la position des glandes odorantes et du comportement associé chez certains écureuils terrestres néarctiques du nord-ouest (Sciuridae) : une approche évolutionniste]. Can. J. Zool., 54: 1294-1306.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, olfaction, marquage, marking
Kizilov V.A. 1959a. Izmenenie jivotnogo mira v prirodnykh zonakh SSSR [Changements du monde animal dans les zones naturelles de l'URSS. Animal kingdom changes in the natural zones in USSR]. Stepnaya zona i lesostepi, M. : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 53-65.
En russe, in Russian.
Faune, fauna, changement, change, URSS, USSR.
Kizilov V.A. 1959b. Tchislennosti i osobennosti raspredeleniya dlinnokhvostykh sourkov v Alae [Dénombrement et particularités de la répartition de la marmotte à longue queue de l'Alae. Counting and distribution peculiarities of the long-tailed marmot in Alae]. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 5, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. 1960. K voprosou o razmnozhenii krasnykh sourkov. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. 1961a. K voprosou o razmnojenii krasnykh sourkov. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. 1961b. [Efficacité de différentes méthodes de capture des marmottes. Effectiveness of different methods of trap setting for catch of marmots]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata - Frounze, 7: 383-385.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, captures, méthodologie, methodology.
Kizilov V.A. 1961c. Semenova Oupitannosti krasnykh sourkov. Tr. Sredneaz. Nautchno-issled. protivotchumi, in-ta, 8 : 261-265.
En russe, in Russian.
(Marmota caudata).
Kizilov V.A. 1963. O sostave semeï krasnykh surkov [L'effectif des familles de marmottes rouges. Number in red marmot family]. Materialy nautchnoj konf. po prirodnoï otchagovosti i profilaktike tchumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
(Marmota caudata) ; Dénombrement.
Kizilov V.A. 1967a. O promysle krasnogo sourka v Kirgizii [Sur la chasse de la marmotte rouge en Kirghizie. On red marmot hunting in Kirghizia]. V kn. Resoursy fauny sourkov SSSR, Mat. sovesh. 27-29 marta 1967 g. M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, chasse, hunting, Kirghizie, Kirghizia.
Kizilov V.A. 1967b. Razmeshenie i tchislennosti krasnykh sourkov v severnykh predgoriyakh Alaïskogo khrebtakhrebta [Répartition et dénombrement des marmottes rouges des crêtes du nord de l'Alaï. Distribution and counting of red marmots in the north of the Alai ridge]. V kn. Resoursy fauny sourkov SSSR, Mat. sovesh. 27-29 marta 1967 g. M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. 1967c. [Helminthiase des marmottes rouges dans un foyer naturel de peste. Helminthiasis of red marmots in natural plague focus]. V kn. Resursy fauny surkov SSSR, M., "Nauka": 43-44 (In Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
(Marmota caudata) ; Helminthes ; Peste.
Kizilov V.A. & Berendeev S.A. 1978. Krasnykh sourok kirgiziya [La marmotte à longue-queue en Kirghizie. The long-tailed marmot in Kirghizie. In Sourki. Rasprostranenie i ekologiya [Marmots: Their distribution and Ecology], R.P. Zimina ed., Nauka, Moscow], M. : Nauka, 79-117.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. & Berendeev S.A. 1983. Semi krasnykh sourkov [Familles de la marmotte à longue queue. Families of long-tailed marmot]. In Okhrana, ratsionalnoe ispolizovanie i ekologiya sourok [Conservation, rational utilization and ecology of marmots]., M. : Nauka, 52-54.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.
Kizilov V.A. & Lavrent'ev A.F. 1964. [Quelques éléments de l'épizootie de peste de 1961 sur la population de marmotte rouge. Some feature of plague epizootic 1961 in red marmots population]. Prirodn. ochagovost' i voprosy parasitol., Frunze, 4: 82-83 (In Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
(Marmota caudata) ; Peste.
Kizilov V.A. & Semenova I.I. 1961. Oupitannosti krasnykh sourkov [Etat nutritionnel de la M. caudata. Nutrional status of the red marmot]. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 7, 261-265.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, alimentation, foraging.
Kizilov V.A. & Semenova N.L. 1963. Mejvidovye i vnoutrivdovye kontakty gryzounov Pamiro-Alaya [Relations inter et intraspécifiques des rongeurs du Pamir-Alaï. Inter and intraspecific relations of rodents in Pamir-Alai]. Mat-ly nautch. konf. po prirody. otchagovosti i profilaktike tchoumy, Alma-Ata, 101-102.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Pamir.
Kizilov V.A. & Semenova N.L. 1964. Aktivnosti, podvizhnosti i kontakt s nezhilymi norami ou krasnykh sourkov [Activité, déplacement et relations de la marmotte rouge aux terriers abandonnés. Activity, move and relations of the red marmot to deserted burrows]. Zool. zh., 43 (12).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, terrier, burrow, activité, activity.
Kizilov V.A. & Semenova N.L. 1967a. O zimneï spyatchke sourka [Sur l'hibernation des marmottes. On the hibernation in marmots]. In Recherche sur la faune des Mammifères d'Urss, Nauka, Moscou] Resoursy fauny sourkov SSSR, Mat. sovesh. 27-29 marta 1967 g., M., Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, hibernation.
Kizilov V.A. & Semenova N.L. 1967b. K ekologii krasnogo surka i ego blokh v ziminii period [Ecologie de la marmotte rouge et de ses puces pendant l'hiver. Ecology of the red marmot and its fleas during winter]. Problemy ekologii, M. Nauka, 220-224.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Insectes, Insects, puces, flea.
Kizilov V.A., Semenova N.I. & Korotkova V.S. 1964. Ob ekologii kracnogo sourka i ego blokh v zimniï period. Ekologiya mlekopitayuchtchikh i ptits, Tez. dokl. Vsesoyuzn. sovechtchaniya, M., 136-138.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Insectes, Insects, puces, flea.
Klansek E. & Arnold W. 1998. Bejagungsplan beim Feldhasen. Österreichs Weidwerk, 98(3), 41-42. 1998.
En allemand, in German.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.) & Berendyaeva E.L. 1955. [Données sur les puces des rongeurs du Pamir oriental. Materials on fleas fauna of rodents in East Pamir]. Izv. otdel. estestv. nauk AN Tadj. SSR, Stalinabad, 10: 185-192.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Pak G.Yu. & Pole S.B. 1974. [On question about distribution of leucine-dependent of plague microbe strains in Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alai plague foci]. Mater. VIII nauch. konf. protivochum. uchrezd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 178-179.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Поле С.Б. (Pole S.B.) & Дубянский В.М. (Dubïanskiï V.M.) 1996a. Fenetitcheskiï polimorpfizm serogo sourka (Soobchtchenie 1) [Polymorphisme phénétique de la marmotte grise (1er rapport). Phenetical polymorphism in the grey marmot (1st report)]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 51-52.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Поле С.Б. (Pole S.B.) & Дубянский В.М. (Dubïanskiï V.M.) 1996b. Fenetitcheskiï polimorpfizm serogo sourka (Soobchtchenie 2) [Polymorphisme phénétique de la marmotte grise (2ème rapport). Phenetical polymorphism in the grey marmot (2nd report)]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 52-53.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Pole S.B. & Дубянский В.М. (Dubïanskiï V.M.) 1997a. Сравнительное изучение межпопуляционных отличий краниологических признаков серого сурка из Аксайской и Кокпакскщй популяций.. Comparative analysis of grey marmot' interpopulation differences of craniological signs in Aksai and Kokpak populations [Sravnitel'noe izoutchenie mejpopoulyatsionnykh otli tchiï kraniologitcheskikh priznakov sergo sourka iz Aksaïskoï i Kokpakskoï popoulyatsiï. Analyse comparative des différences craniologiques interpopulationnelles de marmottes grises des populations d'Aksaï et de Kokpak]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 55-56 (Rousskie, Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota biabacina, population, crâne, skull, Aksaï, Kokpak, Kazakhstan.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Поле С.Б. (Pole S.B.) & Дубянский В.М. (Dubïanskiï V.M.) 1997B. Фенетический полиморфизм серого сурка из Аксайспой популяции. Phenetical polymorphism of gray marmot in Aksai population [Fenetitcheskiï polimorfizm srego sourka iz Aksaïskoï popoulyatsii. Polymorphisme phénétique de la marmotte grise dans la population de l'Aksaï]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 56 (Rousskie, Russian).
Marmota baibacina, polymorphisme, polymorphism, Aksaï, Kazakhstan.
Классовский Н.Л. (Klassovskiï N.L.), Shvarts E.A. & Berendyaeva E.L. 1958. K voprosou o tetchenii epizootii tchoumy v popoulyatsii krasnykh sourkov [Questions sur l'épizootie de peste dans les populations de marmottes rouges. Questions on plague epizooty in red marmot populations]. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 4, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Klatt B. 1913. Über den Einfluss der Gesamtgrosse auf das Schädelbild [Sur l'influence du volume global sur la crâne]. Archiv f. Entwicklungsmechanik, 36: 387-471.
En allemand, in German.
Crâne, skull.
Klebanova K.A. 1964. Mikrosko-pitcheskoe stroenie kompaktnogo vechtchesta dlinnykh kosteï konetchnosteï ou nekotorykh predstaviteleï semeïstva belitch'ikh [Organisation microscopique de la substance compacte des os longs des pattes chez quelques espèces d'écureuils. Microscopic struture of the compact substance of long bones of the legs in some species of squirrels]. Tr. Zool. in-ta AN SSSR, 33.
Sciuridae, os, bone, histologie.
Klein. Quadr. p. 56.
Klein Jacob Theodor (Klein Iacobi Theodori) 1748. Brevis historia naturalis, sive de vita, generemoribusque Muris alpini (Arctomys). Philos. Transact., 45(486): 180-186.
En latin, in Latin.
Marmota marmota.
Klein Jacob Theodor (Klein Iacobi Theodori) 1750. Historiae avium prodromus cum praefatione de ordine animalium in genere : Accessit historia muris alpini et vetus vocabularium animalium, msc. Lubecae, apud I. Schmidt, 238 p., Num. BNF.
En latin, in Latin.
Arctomys, oiseaux, birds, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Sabaudia (Savoie) : Marmotae, Germania : Murmel Thiere, Ukrainia, Podolia, Scepusiensibus, Russiae : bokari, Carpaticos : swiszcz, Gallia : rat des Alpes.
Klein R., Ruttkowski B., Knapp E., Salmons B., Gunzburg W.H. & Hohenadl C. 2006. WPRE-mediated enhancement of gene expression is promoter and cell line specific. Gene, 372:153-61.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, virus.
The success of gene therapy approaches relies on sufficiently high levels of expression of the therapeutic gene. However, if tissue specific or tumour specific gene expression is desired, a lower level of transgene expression usually has to be accepted due to the weakness of the majority of available tissue or tumour specific promoters. This obstacle can in part be overcome by the insertion of viral cis-acting elements that enhance gene expression in various expression vector contexts regardless of the respective promoter. We designed a series of murine leukaemia virus (MLV)-based retroviral promoter conversion (ProCon) vectors that contain the woodchuck hepatitis post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE) and evaluated its use by measuring enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) levels and viral titres. In viral vector packaging cells, when the EGFP encoding gene was transcribed from the MLV promoter, incorporation of the WPRE resulted in a marked improvement of the vectors in terms of EGFP expression and virus titres. However, in infected cells after promoter conversion had taken place, the effect of the WPRE became promoter and cell line dependent. When the EGFP gene was transcribed from the heterologous mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV) promoter the same beneficial role of the WPRE on transgene expression was observed in all eight cell lines tested. In contrast, when EGFP gene expression was driven by the murine whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter, the positive effect of the WPRE could only be observed in two cell lines whereas expression was actually reduced in the six other cell lines tested. This decrease of EGFP expression was not only demonstrated at the protein level but also manifested on the RNA level.
Klein D.R. 1965. Postglacial distribution patterns of mammals in the southern coastal regions of Alaska. Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America, 18: 7-19.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, paléontologie, paleontology, Alaska.
Reported the presence of the subspecies M. c. caligota (Eschscholtz) on Hawkins Island (Alaska).
Klemina I.E. 1999. K gemipterofaoune sourtchin baïbaka i drougikh ostepnennykh biotopov orenbourgskoï oblasti. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 43-44.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, terrier, burrow, insectes, insects.
Klets Z.I., Khrustselesckii V.P., Kolesnik R.S., Kulikova E.S., Olikova N. V., & Smirnova L.A. 1957. O vospriimtchivosti tarbaganov i dlinnokhvostykh souslikov k eksperimentaliboï tchoume [Faiblesse de la résistance des marmottes tarbagan et des sousliks à longue queue soumis à la peste expérimentale. Weakness of the resistance to experimental plague of tarbagan marmots and susliks]. Tez. dokl. konf. Irkoutskogo PUI, I Irkoutsk, 1955, Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 14, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Klets Z.I., Kolesnik R.S., KhrutselevskyV.P., Smirnova L.A., Kudinova Z.S. & Olikova N.V. 1959. K voprosu ob eksperimentalinoj tchume u tarbaganov i dlinnokhvostykh syslikov [Question de la peste expérimentale chez la marmotte tarbagan et les sousliks. Question about experimental plague on tarbagan marmots and long-tailed susliks]. Mezhinstitutskaya nautch. konf. po prirodnoï otchagovosti i epidemiologii osobo opasnykh infektsii, Saratov, 1957. Tez. dokl. konf. Irkutskogo PUI, 2, Ulan-Ude, 1957, Izv. Irkutskogo PUI, 20, Ulan-Ule.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Klevezal' G.A. & Kleinenberg S.E. 1967. [Détermination de l'âge des mammifères par les zones des dents et des os. Age determination of mammals by layerd structures of teeth and bones. Moscow, Nauka, 144 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, âge, age, Dent, teeth.
Klimat Kirgizskoï SSR 1965. Frounze: Ilim.
En russe, in Russian.
Climat, climate, Kirghizie, Kirghizia.
Klinkicht M. 1993. Untersuchungen zum Paarungssystem des Alpenmurmeltiers, Marmota m. marmota mittels DNA fingerprinting [Recherches sur les systèmes d'appariement des marmottes alpines, M. m. marmota grâce aux empreintes génétiques]. PhD thesis, University of Munich.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, appariement, mating.
Klukina A., Rubtsov A. & Nikol'skii A.A. 2002 The digital collection of Eurasian marmot's calls. La collection numérisée de cris des marmottes eurasiennes. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 76-77.
En anglais, in English.
Mammals, Eurasia, Eurasie, marmots, marmots, marmottes, call, cri.
Knight R.L. & Erickson A.W. 1978. Marmots as a food source of golden eagles along the Columbia river [Les marmotes comme source de nourriture des aigles royaux le long de la rivi&egrve;re Columbia]. Murrelet, 59(1): 28-30.
Marmota, prédation, predation.
Knowles Craig J. & Pamela R. Knowles 1995. Presettlement wildlife and habitat of Montana: An overview [Nature et habitat d'avant la colonisation du Montana]. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page.
En anglais, in English.
Histoire naturelle, natural history, bibliographie, bibliography, Etats-Unis d'amérique, USA.
(Version 16JUL97).
Knyazev M.N., Lavrova O.V. & Dimiytriev A.V. 2005. About introduction of bobak marmot in the Mariy El Republic. Obintrodouktsii sourka-ba‘baka v respoublike Mari‘ El. [Sur l’introduction de la marmotte bobak en République Mayi El]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 60-61.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobak, réintroduction, re-introduction, République Maryi El, Maryi El Republic, Russie, Russia.
On August 18, 1993, 50 marmots caught in the Chatyr- Tau tract (Aznakaevsk district, Tatarstan) were introduced into man-made holes in the forest-steppe part of the Gornomariyskiy ditrict, the Mari y El Republic. At the very beginning the marmots occupied nine holes and then wintered in seven holes. Next year the marmots first appeared on the surface at the beginning of April. Number of marmots to pass the winter was the same. During the first spring no young animals were born. Established to protect the bobak marmot colony, the 3.4 thousand ha State Sanctuary "Emeshevskiy" has contributed to the reduction of anthropogenic pressure. The sanctuary's regulations limited grazing activity in the close vicinity of the colony. After a 10-year period, grazing was allowed again but seemed to have no visible negative effect on animals. Marmots allow cows and shepherds approaching up to 15-30 rn though being frightened by dogs. A growth of bobak marmot population within the colony started after young generations of marmots were born in 1995. The further growth and changes in population composition are given in Table.
Bobak marmot population dynamics in the Mari y El Republic
| Population | Number of introduced marmots |
Year | total | mature One-year-old | Under one year | Total | Mature females | Mature males | Females
under one year | Males under one year |
1993 | - | - | - | - | 50 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 15 |
1994 | 27 | 7 | 20 | | | | | | |
1995 | 26 | 26 | - | - | 30 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 |
1996 | 53 | 27 | 14 | 12 | | | | | |
1997 | 91 | 43 | 12 | 36 | | | | | |
1998 | 105 | 37 | 36 | 32 | | | | | |
1999 | 130 | 70 | 30 | 30 | * 7 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
2000 | 137 | 76 | 26 | 35 | | | | | |
2001 | 161 | 84 | 35 | 42 | * 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
2002 | 177 | 99 | 40 | 38 | | | | | |
2003 | 193 | 116 | 30 | 47 | | | | | |
2004 | 203 | 107 | 45 | 51 | | | | | |
Ko R.C. 1970. Studies on the transmission of Ackertia Marmotae Webster, 1967 (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae) of groundhogs (Marmota monax) [Etudes de la transmission d' Ackertia Marmotae Webster, 1967 (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae de la marmotte (Marmota monax)]. The journal of Parasitology, vol.56, N 4, section 2: 189-190.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, Némathelminthes, Nemathelminths, parasitologie, parasitology.
Ko R.C. 1972a. Biology of Ixodes cookei Packard (Ixodidae) of groundhogs (Marmota monax Erxleben) [Biologie d'Ixodes cookei Packard (Ixodidae) des marmottes]. Can. J. Zool., 50 : 433-436.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, EUA, USA.
Ko R.C. 1972b. The transmission of Ackertia marmotae Webster, 1967 (Nematoda : Onchocercidae) of groundhogs (Marmota monax) by Ixodes cookei [Transmission d'Ackertia marmotae Webster, 1967 (Nematoda : Onchocercidae) des marmottes (M. monax) par Ixodes cookei]. Can. J. Zool., 50 : 437-450.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, parasitologie, parasitology, EUA, USA.
Ko R.C. 1972c. Diss. Abstract Int., 32B(8): 4940.
En anglais, in English.
Cit. Sobrero & Manilla, 1988.
Ko R.C. 1973. The larva of Ixodes cookei (Acarina: Ixodidae) [La larve d'Ixodes cookei ]. Canadian Entomologist, 105: 245-248.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Acariens, parasitologie, parasitology, EUA, USA, Amérique du Nord, North Amrica.
Kobayashi K., Fukuoka K., Matsushita F., Morimoto H., Hinoue Y., Honjo H., Tanaka N., Sugimoto T., Kato Y., Hattori N., et al. 1983.Transplantation of woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice. Hepatology, 3(5): 663-666.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
En anglais, in English.
Woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma has been successfully transplanted into nude (athymic) mice. The morphology of heterotransplanted tumor is similar to that of naturally occurring hepatocellular carcinoma before transplantation. The growth rate of transplanted tumor was very slow compared with those of other transplanted tumors. During the first month, only two tumors appeared. However, definitive tumor growth was noted in 6 of 20 nude mice about 3 months later. Seventeen of 20 nude mice exhibited sustained tumor growth after 6 months. The woodchuck hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice provides an in vivo model for the study of oncogenesis of human hepatocellular carcinoma related to hepatitis B virus.
Kobell. Wildanger, 260.
En allemand, in Deutsch.
Marmota marmota, Monts de Bavière.
Kochenkov V.G. & Slyunkin Yu.S. 1980. [Survie des puces et rétablissement de leur nombre dans les terriers de marmottes après leur extermination. The duration of fleas surviving and restoration of its numbers in marmot's burrows after extermination of rodents]. V kn. Problema izucheniya mekhanizma enzootii choumy, Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, puces, flea, extermination.
Koby F. ed. 1938.Une nouvelle station préhistorique (Paléolithique. Néolithique. Âge du Bronze) : les cavernes de Saint-Brais (Jura bernois) [A new prehistoric station (Paleolithic, Neolithic, bronze Age): the caves of Saint-Brais (Bernese Jura)]. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 49, p.154.
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmota, Marmota marmota primigenia, paléontologie, paleontology, Suisse, Switerland, Berne.
Koby F.E. 1960. Sur l'extension maxima vers le Sud-Ouest de quelques représentants de la faune froide Würmienne [On the maxima spreading to the south-east of some representatives of the cold wurm fauna]. In Mammalia pleistocoenica, Musil R. Ed., Anthropos.
En français, in French.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Würm.
Kodama K., Ogasawara N., Yoshikawa H. & Murakami S. 1986. Nucleotide sequence of a cloned woodchuck hepatitis virus genome: evolutional relationship between hepadnaviruses. J. Virol., 56(3): 978-986.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a cloned DNA of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), the most oncogenic virus among hepadnaviruses. The genome, designated WHV2, is 3,320 base pairs long and contains four major open reading frames (ORFs) coded on the same strand of nucleotide sequence as in the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequences deduced from it among the genomes of various hepadnaviruses demonstrates that each protein shows an intrinsic property in conserving its amino acid sequence. A parameter, the ratio of the number of triplets with one-letter change but no amino acid substitution to the total number of triplets in which one-letter change occurred, was introduced to measure the intrinsic properties quantitatively. For each ORF, the parameter gave characteristic values in all combinations. Therefore, the relative evolutional distance between these hepadnaviruses can be measured by the amino acid substitution rate of any ORF. These comparisons suggest that (i) the difference between two WHV clones, WHV1 and WHV2, corresponds to that among clones of a HBV subtype, HBVadr, and (ii) WHV and ground squirrel hepatitis virus can be categorized in a way similar to the subgroups of HBV.
Koenig L. 1957. Beobachtungen über Reviermarkierung sovie Droh-, Kampf- und Abwehrverhalten des Murmeltieres (Marmota marmota L.) [Observation sur le marquage lors de menace, de combat, d'attaque des marmottes. Observation on marking during during threat, fight and attack of marmots]. Z. Tierpsychol., 14 (4) : 510-521.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, territoire, territory, marquage, marking.
Observations were made on 16 marmots kept in captivity, 15 wildcaught animals, one handreared and also on wild animals in the field. The handreared showed intensely aggressive behaviour towards human strangers. When hibernation is prevented, marmots may be in heat and show aggressive behaviour of variable intensity from late autumn until spring. The cheek glands serve for the deposition of scent marks all over the territory. The male smears the secretion emanating from several spots of the cheek on prominent stones and branches, most frequently during mating period, but also at all other seasons. The movements of grooming the head which are found in all other rodents are lacking in the marmot, possibly in connection with the existence of cheek glands. The frequent olfactory controlling of each others muzzle and the rubbing of the muzzle against the substratum might point to the presence of lip glands. The repellently smelling secretion of the anal gland does not serve for scent-marking, but for defense. Short up-and-down movements of the tail indicate excitation, as in other Sciurids. The movements has been developed, by ritualisation, into the optically effective "tail-whipping" (Schwanzpetschen). When in an aggressive mood, the marmot utters a chuckling threatening noise (Drohguggern) and whips its tail in irregular figures of 8 or in horizontal direction. During mating season, oo show a particular intimidation display directed at other oo. The threatening rattling of the teeth is effected by superposition of three different movements of the lower mandible and occurs in fighring excitation as well as in otherwise quiescent moods; in the latter case, it might be interpreted simply as a sharpening of teeth. In attack, marmots will circle around each other, rise on the hindlegs, grasp the adversary and bite. As an adaptation to its burrowing habits the marmot has the ability of wedging itself so firmly into corners of its burrow as to make it impossible to pull it out. In defense, marmots bite, scratch and snarl, kick their legs and extrude their repellently smelling anal glands. In fights which are not too serious, they utter a sort of complaining noise (Unmutsgreinen) which serves to elicit the adversary's biting inhibition. Whistling occurs in various moods as in fear, pain, playful fighting, also as a reaction to other sounds etc. It is an utterance correlated to a rather unspecific excitation and its meaning can vary accordingly.
Koenig L. 1957b. Über Revierbehauptung und Abwehrverhalten des Murmeltieres [Sur le maintien du territoire et le comportement de défense des marmottes]. Der Anblick, Graz, 12 : 98-100.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.
Koenig O. 1959. Die Biologische Station Wilhelminenberg. Mitt. aus der Biol. Station Wilhelminenberg, Wien.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.
Koenig L. 1973. Marmota marmota (Suiridae) Paarungsverhalten [Comportement d'appariement chez M. marmota (Suiridae)]. Encyclopedia cinematographica E 459/1962, G Wolf (Hrsg.), Inst. f. den wiss. film, Göttingen 1973.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, reproduction.
Koenigswald Wighart von 1985. Die Kleinsäuger der Allactaga-Faun von der Villa Seckendorff in Stuggart-Bad Cannstatt aus dem frühen letzen Glazial [Les petits mammifères de la faune d'Allactaga de la villa Seckendorff de Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt du début de la dernière période de glaciation. The small mammals of the Allactaga fauna from the Villa Seckendorff at Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt from the early last glaciation]. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. B, 110: 40 p.
En allemand avec résumé anglais, in German with English summ.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology.
Koenigswald W. v. 1990. Ein ungewöhnliches Schmelzmuster in den Schneidezähnen von Marmota (Rodentia, Mammalia) [Un émail inhabituel des incisives de Marmota (Rodentia, Mammalia). An unusual enamel from incisive of Marmota (Rodentia, Mammalia)]. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 180(1): 53-73, Stuttgart.
En allemand avec résumé anglais, in German with English summ.
Marmota, Paenemarmota, Marmota marmota, sibirica, dent, tooth.
Koenigswald W.v. 1999. Why is faunal exchange between glacial and interglacial periods more pronounced in Central Europe than in most other parts of the world? The Atlantic influence on the Eemian mammalian. [Pourquoi les échanges de faune entre les périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires sont-ils plus prononcés en Europe centrale que partout ailleurs dans le monde?]. INQUA VX Intern. Congress Abstracts: 192; Durban.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Europe centrale, Central Europa.
Koenigswald W.v. 2000. Säugetiere des quartären Eiszeitalters in Mitteleuropa [Mammifères des périodes glaciaires quaternaires en Europe centrale]. Museo, 16: 52-75; Heilbronn, (Städtische Museen).
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology.
Koenigswald W.v. 2002. Migration and extinction in the Quaternary faunas of Central and Western Europe [Migration et extinction des faunes quaternaires de l'europe centrale et occidentale]. Annales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques, 39: 327-335.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary.
Koenigswald W.v. 2003. Mode and causes of the Pleistocene turnovers in the mammalian fauna of Central Europe [Mode et causes des rotations du Pléistocène des faunes mammaliennes d'Europe centrale]. Deinsia, 10: 305-312; Rotterdam [H. de BRUIJN Festschrift]
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene.
Koenigswald W.v. & Heinrich W.D. 1999. Mittelpleistozäne Säugetierfaunen aus Mitteleuropa - der Versuch einer biostratigraphischen Zuordnung. Kaupia, 9: 53-112; Darmstadt.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology.
Koenigswald W.v., Rensberger J.M. & Pfretzchner H.U. 1987. Changes in the tooth enamel of early Paleocene mammals allowing increased diet diversity. Nature, 328: 150-152.
En anglais, in English.
Mammalia, mammif¿res, mammals, alimentation, diet, dent, tooth.
Koford C.B. 1958. Prairie dogs, whitefaces and blue grama. Wild. Monogr., 3: 1-78.
En anglais, in English.
Kogan M.I. 1931. Sovechtchskaya Aziya kak pouchnopromyslovyï raïon [Asie soviétique : région de la chasse pour la fourrure. Sovietic Asia: fur hunting region]. M., Sov. Aziya.
En russe, in Russian.
Asie, fourrure, fur, chasse, hunting.
Kogan M.I. 1933. Pouchno-mekhovoe khozyaïstvo kapitalistitcheskikh stran v epokhou mirovogo krizisa [Marché de la fourrure dans les pays capitalistes à l'époque de la crise mondiale. Fur market in capitalist countries during world crisis]. M., L., Vnechtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Fourrure, fur, chasse, hunting, économie, economy.
Kogan M.I. & Chenkman I. 1923. Eksportnye vozmojnosti Rossii [Capacités d'exportation de la Rusiie. Export capacities of Russia]. M.
En russe, in Russian.
Russie, russia, économie, economy
Kolb Pierre 1741. Description du cap de Bonne-Espérance. Volume 3 : où l'on trouve tout ce qui concerne l'histoire naturelle du pays et l'établissement des Hollandois, tirée des mémoires de M. Pierre Kolbe, traduit de l'allemand par Jean Bertrand. Amsterdam, J. Catuffe. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Voyage, travel literature, marmotte du Cap, Cape marmot, Cap de Bonne-Espérance, Afrique du Sud, South Africa, Kolb Peter (17..-17.. ; auteur de récits de voyage).
Extrait/Extract pdf
Kolesnik S.V. 1962. K patomorfologii eksperimentaliboj toulyaremii ou tarbaganov [Patho-morphologie de la tularémie expérimentale chez la marmotte tarbagan. Patho-morphology of the experimental tularemia in the tarabagan marmot]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 24, Irkoutsk.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, Tularémie.
Колесников И.И. (Kolesnikov I.I.) 1953a. K voprosou akklimatizatsii sourka v zapovednike Gouralash [À propos de l'acclimatation de la marmotte dans la réserve de Gouralash. About acclimatization of marmot in the Gouralash reserve]. Tr. In-ta zool. i parazitil. AN Uzb.SSR, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.
Колесников И.И. (Kolesnikov I.I.) 1953b. Gryzouni. Mlekopitaiuchtchie [Rongeurs. Mammifères. Rodents. Mammals]. Fauna OuzSSR, Tachkent, Izd-Vo AN Ouzssr, T. 3, Vyp. 5.
Rongeurs, rodents, Ouzbelistan, Uzbekistan.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 1996. Opyt izoutcheniya posledstviï vozdeïstviya promysla na popoulyatsiyu sourkov metodom modelinrovaniya. The experience of studying the effects of marmot trapping on marmot population by the method of modelling [Étude expérimentale des effets des captures sur une population de marmottes par la méthode des modèles]. In Sourki severnoïïevrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 53-54; English, 98-99.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian abd English.
Marmota, méthode, method, piégeage, trapping.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 1997a. O vliyanii v'chasa na rasprostranenie stepnykh sourkov [Influence des pâturages sur la distribution des marmottes]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Rumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 21-22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, alimentation, foraging, répartition, distribution.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 1997b. Распределение байбаков европейского (Marmota bobac bobac Mull., 1776) и казахстанского (M. b. schaganensis Bachanov, 1930) подвидов в балочных и степых поселениях. Distribution of European (Marmota bobac bobac Mull., 1776) and Kazakhstan (M. b. schaganensis Bachanov, 1930) subspecies of bobac in gully and steppe stettlements [Raspredelenie baïbakov evropeïskogo (Marmota bobac bobac Mull., 1776) i Kazakhstanskogo (M. b. schaganensis Bachanov, 1930) podvidov v balotchnykh i stepnykh poseleniya. Répartition des sous-espèce européenne et du Kazakhstan de bobac (M. b. bobac & M. b. schaganensis) des installations des ravines et de steppes]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 57-58 (Rousskie, Russian), 161-162 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, Europe, Kazakhstan.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 1999. Ob elektronnom modelirovanii popoulyatsiï sourkov. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 46-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 2002 Some peculiarities of steppe marmot survival rate. Quelques particularités du taux de survie de la marmotte des steppes. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 78-79.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota bobak, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, survival rate, taux de survie, population.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 2003. Some peculiarities of steppe marmot survival rate. Electronic modelling of population number dynamics of steppe marmot. Quelques particularités du taux de survie de la marmotte des steppes. Modélisation de la dynamique des populations de la marmotte des steppes. Некоторые особенности уровня выживаемости степного сурка. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 169-176.
PDF disponible/available
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota bobak, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, survival rate, taux de survie, population, model, modèle.
Le niveau de survie et de reproduction forment un indice complexe d'estimation des conditions de vie des populations animales sauvages. Cet indice est nécessaire pour réaliser la modélisation de la dynamique des effectifs de ces populations. Nos observations sur plusieurs années de marmottes des steppes (Marmota bobak Müll. 1786) nous permettent de définir un taux moyen de survie pour plusieurs populations et de les comparer. Les populations ont été étudiées dans différentes parties de l'aire de répartition de l'espèce, avec d’importantes différences de conditions du milieu. La survie des marmottes de ces populations est groupée par sexe et âge, associés aux moments significatifs de la vie animale. Ces groupements peuvent être utilisés pour modéliser les populations. Le modèle peut prédire les variations de populations soumises à différentes pressions de capture.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 2005. On minimum vital population. K voprosy o minimal’noï jiznesposobnoï popoulyatsii. [Sur le minimum vital d’une population]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 58-59.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, réintroduction, re-introduction.
Attempts to (re}acclimatize bobac have been made during the whole century. But it is not always a success to create an actively developing colony. We have analyzed the development of more than 40 artificial, isolated colonies. Comparing their dynamics it is possible to recognize two types of development. In one case colonies grow slowly and are on the verge of existence, and in the other case they grow sufficiently quickly. All other conditions being equal one of the reasons for such difference is the diversity of a starting genetic material. Colonies that were created by releasing a small number of introduced animals (under 50 individuals} develop slowly, as a rule. The releases of large groups of animals usually resulted in quick-growing colonies. Some animals disperse after releasing. The remainder form reproductive groups of a future colony. In both cases the dynamics of the colony growth is of an exponential character. The dynamics trends generalized as to the types of growth differ in a starting value and a growth rate. It can be assumed that to create quick-growing colonies no less than 5 family pairs are necessary. That can be achieved both by increasing the number of introduced animals, and by the measures that will favour a lower elimination of potential reproducing animals. It is obvious that a minimum starting value for a quick-growing population is 5-6 families. The growth of small colonies does not increase even after exceeding the level of 5 families. Genofond homozygosity of those colonies interferes, apparently, with their rapid growth.
Russian pdf russe
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) 2006. [Sur le problème des relations entre bobak et les troupeaux. On the problem of correlation between bobak and cattle]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobak, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, faune sauvage, wildlife fauna, faune domestique, domestic fauna, Russie, Russia.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) & Mashkin V. I. 1991. [Effet des prélévements sur la structure des populations de marmotte bobac. On the effect of harvest on the population structure of bobaks]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 55-57.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population, conservation, chasse, hunting
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.) & Mashkin V.I. 1999. K voprosou o resoursakh baïbaka na severe evropeïskoï tchasti areala. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 48-49.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population.
Колесников В.В. (Kolesnikov V.V.), Mashkin V.I. & Zatrubin B.Ye. 1996. Razlitchiya promerov tela baïbakov iz vostotchnykh i zapadnykh tchasteï areala. The differences in bobac body measurements in the east and west parts of the area [Différences des mesures corporelles de la marmotte bobac dans les parties est et ouest de son aire]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 54-56; English, 99-100.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, biométrie, biometry.
Kolfschoten T.v. & Roth G. 1993. Die mittelpleistozänen Mollusken und kleinsäuger von Schlackenkegeln der Osteifel [Les Mollusques et les petits Mammifères du Pléistocène moyen d'Osteifel. Molluscs and small mammals of the middle Pleistocene of Osteifel]. Jb. Röm.-Germ. Zentralmus, Mainz, 40: 27-74.
En allemand, in German.
Mollusc, mollusque, mammifères, mammals, Pléistocène, Pleistocene.
Kolosov A.M. 1939a. Zveri yugo-vostotchnogo Altaya i smejnoï oblasti Mongolii [Animaux sauvages du sud-est de l'Altaï et de la région voisine de Mongolie. Wild animals in south-eastern Altai and neighbouring regions of Mongolia]. Outchen. zap. Mosk. oun-ta, 20.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Altaï, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kolosov A.M. 1939b. Faouna mlekopitayuchtchikh Altaya i smejnykh oblasteï Mongolii v svyazi s nekotorymi problemami zoogeografii [Faune des mammifères de l'Altaï et des régions voisines de Mongolie et quelques problèmes de zoogéographie. Mammal fauna in Altai and neighbouring regions of Mongolia with some zoogeographic questions]. Zool. J., 18(2).
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, biogéographie, biogeography, Altaï, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kolosov A.M., Lavrov N.P. & Naumov N.N.P. 1965. [Le genre Marmota. The Genus of marmots, Marmota]. V kn. Biologia promyslovykh zverei SSSR, Izd. "Vyssh-shkola". M.: 235-247.
En russe, in Russian.
Kono Y., Moriyasu F., Nada T., Suginoshita Y., Matsumura T., Kobayashi K., Nakamura-T. & Chiba T. 1997. Gray scale second harmonic imaging of the liver: a preliminary animal study. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 23(5): 719-26.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, imagerie, imaging, foie, liver.
Gray scale second harmonic imaging (2.5 MHz/5.0 MHz) was evaluated in preliminary animal studies with a new ultrasound contrast agent (FS069). FS069 was administered intravenously in 10 rabbits (6 with normal liver, and 4 with implanted VX-2 tumors) and two woodchucks with hepatocellular carcinomas. The vasculature (including tumor vessels) and liver parenchyma were clearly enhanced at a low dosage (optimal dose was from 0.1 to 0.2 mL/kg) in all cases. Enhancement was reproducible and generally dose-dependent. Tumors were enhanced well during the early phase and tumor enhancement disappeared earlier than that of surrounding normal liver. Arterial phase and portal phase were easily distinguished and patterns of enhancement were diagnostic of the tumors. Gray scale second harmonic imaging is useful in the detection of hepatic tumors and in diagnosis of their hemodynamics.
Konyukhov N.A. 1950. [Conditions physiques de l'habitat du tique Ixodes crenulatus. The physical conditions of a ticks Ixodes crenulatus dwelling-place]. Izv. AN Kaz. SSR, 75, ser. parazitol., Alma-Ata, 8: 94-105 (In Russian).
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida.
Kopp R. 1993. Étude de l'impact de la forme fouisseuse du campagnol terrestre, Arvicola terrestris scherman (Shaw), sur la végétation d'une prairie. Thèse de doctorat, Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Lausanne, 1-120.
En français, in Frnch. Rodentia, végétation, vegetation, alimentation, foraging, terriers, burrow.
Les préférences alimentaires de la forme fouisseuse du campagnol terrestre ont été étudiées au moyen d'essais en enclos extérieurs et de tests de type cafétéria en cage. Dans les deux cas, le campagnol terrestre s'est montré sélectif dans sa façon de s'alimenter. Il préfère les trèfles, Trifolium pratense et T. repens, la dent-de-lion, Taraxacum officinale, et la luzerne, Medicago sativa, tandis qu'il dédaigne les graminées et les ombeliffères proposées.Les analyses chimiques effectuées sur les plantes proposées en cage ont révélé que les choix des campagnols terrestres sont davantage influencés par la présence de facteurs négatifs tels que les métabolites secondaires que par le contenu en éléments nutritifs.Des essais en enclos mettant en jeu différents mélanges de graminés-légumineuses ont été réalisés. Non seulement les campagnols ont préféré les mélanges riches en légumineuses mais ils ont provoqué une nette diminution de la proportion de celles-ci dans tous les mélanges. Par ailleurs, la végétation dune prairie de fauche du Jura vaudois a été suivie de 1985 à 1991, ce qui correspond à un cycle d'abondance des campagnols terrestres. Des relevés de végétation ont été effectués chaque année dans 23 placettes selon la méthode de l'analyse linéaire. L'évaluation des populations de campagnols repose quant à elle sur le recensement, trois fois par an, des signes d'activité dans ces mêmes placettes. L'évolution de la végétation au cours de ce cycle d'abondance des campagnols terrestres se caractérise par un net recul du trèfle blanc, Trifolium repens, et de la dent-de-lion, Taraxacum officinale, lors de la période de forte densité. Seules quelques rares graminées de haute valeur fourragère ont subi une évolution analogue. Par contre, on a pu assister à la même période, à une forte progression de graminées pionnères, telle que le pâturin commun, Poa trivialis, qui ont colonisé les taupinières et les surfaces dépourvues de végétation suite au passage des campagnols. En période de forte densité de campagnols terrestres, le rendement a diminué de 30% dans des parcelles fortement dévastées durant l'hiver. L'activité hivernale de ces rongeurs a un effet prépondérant sur la végétation. Par contre, ceux-ci n'ont qu'un faible impact sur le rendement en période de pleine croissance végétale. Deux ans après la pullulation, la prairie étudiée a retrouvé une composition botanique proche de la situation initiale. Enfin, la quasi disparition des légumineuses lors de la pullulation est discutée en relation avec le phénomène des cycles d'abondance des campagnols. Ce rôle est à rechercher avant tout dans la qualité de la nourriture disponible.
Koprowski J.L. 1987. Nocturnal activity of the woodchuck, Marmota monax, in an urban park in Ohio [Activité nocturne d'une marmotte commune, Marmota monax, dans un parc urbain en Ohio]. Canadian Field-Nat., 101:606-607.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.
Kopylova O.A. 1957. [Estimation comparative de l'efficacité de certaines méthodes de récolte des puces dans les trous de rongeurs. The comparative estimation of the effectiveness some methods of fleas collect from rodent's holes]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivochoum. in-ta SSib. i Dal. Vost. Irkoutsk, 16: 217-223.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, puces, fleas, méthode, method.
Korablev V.P. 1983. [Localisation des régions organisatrices du noyau dans le caryotype des écureuils terrestres paléarctiques. Localization of nuclear organizer regions in karyotype of palaearctic ground squirrels]. VI All-Union Symp. on gnavers, Abstract papers, Leningrad, 117-118.
Sciuridae, génétique, genetic.
Korba B.E., Cote P.J. & Gerin J.L. 1988. Mitogen-induced replication of woodchuck hepatitis virus in cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes. Science, 241(4870): 1213-1216.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) isolated from woodchucks chronically infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) carry low levels of nonreplicating WHV DNA. When PBLs from chronic carrier woodchucks were activated in culture with the generalized mitogen lipopolysaccharide (LPS), WHV DNA replication was initiated in cells obtained from one of three animals examined. Intracellular WHV core particles, containing WHV DNA replication intermediates, RNA/DNA hybrid molecules, and an active endogenous DNA polymerase, appeared 3 days after the start of LPS stimulation. After 5 to 7 days of LPS stimulation, WHV DNA-containing particles, which displayed the properties of intact, mature virions, were released into the culture medium. These studies provide evidence for reactivation of a latent WHV infection of circulating lymphoid cells and indicate that the presence of nonreplicating hepadnaviral DNA in lymphoid cells represents a potentially active infection following cellular activation.
Korba B.E., Cote P., Hornbuckle W., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 2000. Treatment of chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infection in the Eastern woodchuck (Marmota monax) with nucleoside analogues is predictive of therapy for chronic hepatitis B virus infection in humans. Hepatology, 31(5): 1165-75.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
The woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and its natural host, the Eastern woodchuck (Marmota monax), have been established as a model of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced disease. Several published studies have used this experimental animal model system to demonstrate potential antiviral therapies for chronic HBV infections. However, there has been little comparative information available on compounds used in clinical anti-HBV studies in WHV-infected woodchucks, thereby making interpretations of the potential relative effectiveness of new antiviral agents in humans more difficult. In this report, using a series of placebo-controlled studies, we compared the relative effectiveness of several nucleoside analogues that have been used in clinical trials for the treatment of chronic HBV infection against WHV replication in chronically infected woodchucks. Adenine-5'-arabinoside monophosphate (Ara-AMP [vidarabine]), ribavirin, (-)beta-L-2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (3TC [lamivudine]), and famciclovir (oral prodrug of penciclovir) induced depressions in viremia and intrahepatic WHV-DNA replication that were consistent with their relative effectiveness in anti-HBV human clinical trials. As observed in HBV-infected patients, 3' azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT [zidovudine]) had no effect on WHV replication in these studies. These experimental results more firmly establish chronic WHV infection in woodchucks as an accurate and predictive model for antiviral therapies against chronic HBV infection in humans and provide a baseline for comparative antiviral effects of other experimental antiviral agents in the WHV/woodchuck model system.
Korba B.E., Cote P., Hornbuckle W., Schinazi R., Gerin J.L. & Tennant B.C. 2000. Enhanced antiviral benefit of combination therapy with lamivudine and famciclovir against WHV replication in chronic WHV carrier woodchucks. Antiviral Res., 45(1): 19-32.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Cell culture studies in our laboratory and others have previously demonstrated synergistic antiviral activity for combinations of 3TC (lamivudine) and penciclovir against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) replication and the Duck Hepatitis B Virus (DHBV). Based on these results, a study was designed to determine if an enhanced antiviral effect with combinations of 3TC and famciclovir (FCV, oral prodrug of penciclovir) could be demonstrated in vivo using the Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV)/woodchuck experimental model of chronic HBV infection. Both antiviral agents have been shown to be effective against WHV replication in WHV chronic carriers in previous studies by our laboratories. The antiviral effects of four different combinations of lamivudine and FCV were found to be greater than those observed for the corresponding monotherapies. All four combination treatments produced antiviral effects that were at least equal to that expected for additive activity based on estimations generated by Bliss Independence calculations. Two of the combination treatments produced antiviral effects that were significantly greater than that expected for additive effects, indicative of synergistic antiviral interactions. These studies demonstrate that combination therapy of chronic WHV infection has enhanced antiviral benefit over corresponding monotherapies and indicate that combination treatment of chronic HBV infection can be superior to therapies using a single antiviral agent.
Korba B.E., Cote P., Hornbuckle W., Schinazi R, Gangemi J.D., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 2000. Enhanced antiviral benefit of combination therapy with lamivudine and alpha interferon against WHV replication in chronic carrier woodchucks. Antivir. Ther., 5(2):95-104.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite, hepatitis, culture cellulaire, cell culture.
Cell culture studies in our laboratory previously demonstrated synergistic antiviral activity for the combinations of lamivudine and a novel recombinant hybrid human alpha B/D interferon (rHu alpha B/D IFN) against hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication. Based on these results, a study was designed to determine if an enhanced antiviral effect with this drug combination could be demonstrated in vivo using the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)/woodchuck experimental model of chronic HBV infection. Both antiviral agents have been shown to be effective against WHV replication in WHV chronic carriers during previous studies by our laboratories. Two combination treatment regimens were compared to matched monotherapies in a placebo-controlled trial. The first used simultaneous administration of rHu alpha B/D IFN and lamivudine for 24 weeks. The other combination treatment regimen used a staggered dosing schedule of 12 weeks of administration of lamivudine alone, followed by 12 weeks of simultaneous dosing with both drugs, followed by 12 weeks of therapy with rHu alpha B/D IFN alone. Both treatment regimens with combinations of lamivudine and rHu alpha B/D IFN were more effective at reducing WHV replication in chronically infected wood-chucks than the corresponding monotherapies. Both combination treatments produced antiviral effects that were at least equal to that expected for additive activity based on estimations generated by Bliss Independence calculations. The staggered treatment regimen reduced viraemia and intrahepatic WHV replication significantly more than that expected for additive interactions, indicating synergistic antiviral effects. These studies demonstrate that combination therapy of chronic WHV infection has enhanced antiviral benefit over corresponding monotherapies and indicate that combination treatment of chronic HBV infection can be superior to therapies using a single antiviral agent.
Korba B.E., Cote P.J., Menne S., Toshkov I., Baldwin B.H., Wells F.V., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 2004. Clevudine therapy with vaccine inhibits progression of chronic hepatitis and delays onset of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. Antivir. Ther., 9(6): 937-952.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, vaccination.
We examined a rational approach to therapy of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection that utilized the reduction of viral load combined with appropriately timed immune modulation/stimulation. In a placebo-controlled study, chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) carrier woodchucks received clevudine (L-FMAU), previously shown to have especially potent and sustained antiviral activity in woodchucks, for 32 weeks followed by WHV surface antigen (WHsAg) alum-adjuvanted vaccine at 32, 36, 40 and 48 weeks. Clevudine induced significant reductions in viraemia, surface antigenaemia, hepatic WHV nucleic acids, and hepatic core and surface antigens. Viral replication markers remained markedly suppressed in 75% of the clevudine-treated woodchucks following drug withdrawal, but remained at high levels in the vaccine monotherapy and placebo groups. Combination drug and vaccine therapy had benefits based on sustained reduction of viraemia, antigenaemia, and hepatic WHV DNA and RNA; inhibition of progression of chronic hepatitis; reduced frequency of chronic liver injury; and delayed onset of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Combination therapy contributed to prevention of HCC in up to 38% of treated carriers, although the growth rate of established HCC was not affected. This study demonstrates enhanced benefits of combination chemo-immunotherapy against viral load and disease progression in chronic hepadnaviral infection, and provides a platform for further development of such treatment regimens.
Korba B.E., Cote P.J., Wells F.V., Baldwin B., Popper H., Purcell R.H., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 1989. Natural history of woodchuck hepatitis virus infections during the course of experimental viral infection: molecular virologic features of the liver and lymphoid tissues. J. Virol., 63(3): 1360-1370.
Georgetown University Medical Center, Division of Molecular Virology and Immunology, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
In this study, the kinetic patterns of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection were monitored in the liver and the five primary components of the lymphoid system (peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and thymus). Groups of woodchucks experimentally infected with a standardized inoculum of WHV were sacrificed at different times over a 65-week period beginning in the preacute phase of viral infection and continuing to the period of serologic recovery or the establishment of chronic infections and subsequent hepatocellular carcinoma. Infection by WHV was not limited to the liver but involved the major components of the lymphoid system during all stages of virus infection. A complex series of kinetic patterns was observed for the appearance of WHV DNA in the different lymphoid compartments and the liver during the entire course of viral infection. A progressive evolution of different WHV genomic forms related to the replicative state of WHV was also observed. Lymphoid cells of the bone marrow were the first cells in which WHV DNA was detected, followed in order by the liver, the spleen, peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymph nodes, and finally the thymus. Several differences were observed in the cellular WHV DNA patterns between woodchucks that developed chronic WHV infections and those that serologically recovered from acute WHV infections. The observations compiled in this study indicate that the host lymphoid system is intimately involved in the natural history of hepadnavirus infections from the earliest stages of virus entry.
Korba B.E., Gowans E.J., Wells F.V., Tennant B.C., Clarke R. & Gerin J.L. 1988. Systemic distribution of woodchuck hepatitis virus in the tissues of experimentally infected woodchucks. Virology, 165(1): 172-181.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, virus.
To better assess the extent of the tissue tropism of mammalian hepadnaviruses, 10 tissues from each of six woodchucks were examined for the presence and state of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) nucleic acids 15 months after experimental WHV infection. The tissues examined were peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymph node, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, pancreas, kidney, ovary, testis, and liver. Tissue samples from three chronically infected animals and three animals with serologic patterns of recovery (serum: WHsAg-, anti-WHs+, anti-WHs+, WHV DNA-) from acute WHV infection were analyzed in parallel by in situ hybridization and Southern and Northern blot techniques. WHV nucleic acids were detected in several individual tissues from each animal examined, although not all tissues in every animal contained WHV. Substantial differences were observed among the various tissues and animals with respect to the frequency, level, and intratissue distribution of WHV nucleic acids, as well as the presence of different viral genomic forms. Active WHV DNA replication was present only in the liver and spleen of the chronically infected animals. No evidence of ongoing WHV DNA replication was found in any of the tissues from the recovered animals. WHV DNA was homogeneously distributed among all hepatocytes in the livers of the chronic carriers. By contrast, WHV DNA in all the extrahepatic tissues, and in the livers of the recovered animals, was detected only in scattered foci of cells.
Korba B.E., Schinazi R.F., Cote P., Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 2000. Effect of oral administration of emtricitabine on woodchuck hepatitis virus replication in chronically infected woodchucks. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 44(6): 1757-60.
Emtricitabine [(-)FTC] [(-)-beta-2', 3'-dideoxy-5-fluoro-3'-thiacytidine] has been shown to be an effective inhibitor of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in cell culture, with a potency and selectivity that are essentially identical to those of lamivudine. The antiviral activity of oral administration of (-)FTC against WHV replication in chronically infected woodchucks, an established and predictive model for antiviral therapy against HBV, was examined in a placebo-controlled study. (-)FTC significantly reduced viremia and intrahepatic WHV replication in a dose-dependent manner that was comparable to the antiviral activity of lamivudine observed in previous studies conducted by our laboratories. No effect on the levels of hepatic WHV RNA or the levels of woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen or anti-woodchuck hepatitis surface and core antibodies in the serum of the treated animals was observed. No evidence of drug-related toxicity was observed in any of the animals treated.
Korba B.E., Wells F.V., Baldwin B., Cote P.J., Tennant B.C., Popper H. & Gerin J.L. 1989. Hepatocellular carcinoma in woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks: presence of viral DNA in tumor tissue from chronic carriers and animals serologically recovered from acute infections. Hepatology, 9(3): 461-470.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, virus.
During long-term studies of the natural history of woodchuck hepatitis virus infection, five cases of histologically confirmed, primary hepatocellular carcinoma were observed in a total of 92 woodchucks which had recovered, by analysis of viral serologic markers (WHsAg-, anti-WHc+, anti-WHs+), from experimental acute woodchuck hepatitis virus infections 20 to 30 months prior to the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. No hepatocellular carcinoma was observed in 167 uninfected controls at least 3 years of age and held in the same laboratory environment. Southern blot hybridization analysis of liver tissue taken from four of these recovered woodchucks revealed the presence of low levels (0.1 to 0.3 copies per cell) of integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA in hepatocellular carcinoma (four of four animals) and nonneoplastic tissue (three of four animals). Similarly, hepatocellular carcinoma tissue obtained from two wild-caught, naturally infected and serologically recovered woodchucks also contained low levels of integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA. Liver tissues from another 27 of these 92 recovered woodchucks (without hepatocellular carcinoma) were examined for woodchuck hepatitis virus nucleic acids 13 to 31 months following experimental woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. Nonreplicating woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA was present in the liver of eight (30%) and in the peripheral blood lymphocytes from eight (30%) of these 27 animals. These results were in marked contrast to the analysis of woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA in the liver tissue of chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus carriers (20 experimentally infected and nine naturally infected). In these animals, high levels of replicating woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA (up to 2,000 copies per cell) were observed in all hepatocellular carcinoma and nonneoplastic liver tissue. Integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA was found in eight of 60 individual hepatocellular carcinomas detected in 29 chronic carriers, 15 to 40 months postinfection. Integrated woodchuck hepatitis virus DNA was present in the nonneoplastic tissue from four of these 29 chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus carriers.
Korba B.E., Wells F., Tennant B.C., Cote P.J. & Gerin J.L. 1987. Lymphoid cells in the spleens of woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks are a site of activeviral replication. J. Virol., 61(5): 1318-1324.
Marmota monax, chimpazees, chimpanzés, hépatite, hepatitis, virus, modèle animal, animal model.
Lymphoid cells were purified from the spleens of 15 woodchucks and examined for the presence of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Lymphoid cells from the spleens of eight of eight chronically infected animals contained high levels of WHV RNA and DNA. A 100-fold lower level of WHV DNA was found in the spleen from one of five animals that had recovered from acute WHV infections 2 years before this analysis. No WHV nucleic acids were observed in either of two uninfected animals. WHV DNA patterns in the lymphoid cells from the spleens of the chronically infected animals, which included the presence of single-stranded DNA and RNA-DNA hybrid molecules, were identical to those observed in WHV-infected liver. WHV DNA in these cells was present in intact, 27-nm core particles which also contained the endogenous DNA polymerase activity. These results indicate that the spleen is a site of active WHV DNA replication and is most likely a major source of WHV-infected cells in the circulating lymphoid cell population.
Korba B.E., Wells F., Tennant B.C., Yoakum G.H., Purcell R.H. & Gerin J.L. 1986. Hepadnavirus infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo: woodchuck and chimpanzee models of viral hepatitis. J. Virol., 58(1): 1-8.
The peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of five hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected chimpanzees and 17 woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)-infected woodchucks were examined for the presence of viral DNA and RNA. HBV DNA was detected in the PBL of three of three chronically infected chimpanzees but in neither of two animals with acute HBV infection. WHV DNA was found in the PBL of 11 of 13 chronically infected woodchucks and in the PBL and bone marrow of 1 of 4 woodchucks with antibody to WHV surface antigen. Viral DNA in the PBL and bone marrow was episomal, primarily existing as multimers with some monomeric forms. Integrated HBV DNA was detected in the PBL of one chronically infected chimpanzee, but only for a brief period. Viral RNA was also detected in the PBL, although less frequently than was DNA. HBV RNA in chimpanzee PBL existed as 3.8- and 7.5-kilobase species, while 2.3- and 3.8-kilobase WHV RNA was found in woodchuck PBL. Subfractionation of PBL isolated from the chronically infected chimpanzees demonstrated that HBV DNA and RNA were located in B and T cells. No HBV DNA was detected in the macrophages. These results, along with the recent reports of HBV nucleic acids in the PBL of human patients, suggest that infection of PBL may be a general phenomenon associated with the pathology of hepadnaviruses.
Korba B.A., Xie H., Wright K.N., Hornbuckle W.E., Gerin J.L., Tennant B.C. & Hostetler K.Y. 1996. Liver-targeted antiviral nucleosides: enhanced antiviral activity of phosphatidyl-dideoxyguanosine versus dideoxyguanosine in woodchuck hepatitis virus infection in vivo. Hepatology, 23(5): 958-963.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
It would be desirable to develop antiviral agents that can be targeted to liver to enhance their antiviral effects and reduce nonhepatic toxicity. 2',3'-Dideoxyguanosine (ddG) has been found to be a potent and selective antihepatitis B agent both in vitro and in vivo. To evaluate ddG and its liver-targeted analog, we synthesized a series of phosphatidyl-ddGs and incubated them with 2.2.15 cells, which chronically produce hepatitis B virus. 1,2-Dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dideoxyguanosine (DPP-ddG) inhibited the production of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in the culture medium by 90% at 4.5 mumol/L versus 9.1 mumol/L for ddG, while the liposome vehicle itself had no effect. To compare the efficacy of free ddG with its lipid prodrug in vivo, we treated woodchucks that were experimentally infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) for 4 weeks by intraperitoneal injection of 2.6 mumol/kg/d of free ddG or liposomes containing 2.6 mumol/kg/d of DPP-ddG. Liposomal DPP-ddG reduced serum WHV DNA by 23- to 46-fold at the end of the fourth week, while free ddG reduced serum WHV DNA by 2.2- to 10.4-fold. Treatment with small unilamellar liposomes containing DPP-ddG is substantially more effective than free ddG in reducing WHV-DNA levels in serum in WHV-infected woodchucks. The data suggest that the use of lipid prodrugs to target the liver may be useful in enhancing antiviral therapy of hepatitis.
Korbelik M. 1980. [Cytotoxicity of nitroaromatic compounds]. Arh. Hig. Rada Toksikol., 31(3): 227-246.
En Serbo-Croate, in Serbo-Croatian (Roman).
Korelov M.N. 1956. Faouna pozvonotchnykh Bostandykskogo raïona [Vertébrés de la région de Bostandyski. Vertebrates in Bostandyski region]. V kn Priroda i khozyaïstvennye ousloviya gornoïtchasti Bostandyka, Alma-Ata, Isd-vo AN KazSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Faunistique, fauna.
Korenchevskiï V.G. 1905. K voprosyou o tchoume na Dal'nem Vostoke [Question de la peste en Russie extrême orientale. Plague question in far-eastern Russia]. Rousskiï vratch, 48.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Russie, Russia.
Kormos T. 1914a. Zur fauna der Knochenhöle im Kaltem-Szamo-Tal [Sur la faune de la grotte à ossement de Kaltem-Szamo-Tal. On fauna of the bone cave in Kaltem-Szamo-Tal]. Barlangkutatas, II.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Hongrie, Hungary.
Kormos T. 1914b. Die phylogenetische und zoogeographishe Bedeutung präglacialer Faunen [Importance phylogénétique et zoogéographique des faunes préglaciaire. Phylogenetic and zoogeographic importance of preglacial faunas]. Verhandlungen der K.K. Zoologisch-botanischen Ges. in Wien.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
Grotte près de Gyalu (Comitat Kolozsvar).
Korneev G.A., Pole S.V., Kunitsa R.M., Pavlichina L.A. & Trikin V.S. 1971. Opyt onredeleniya grypp krovi bolishikh pesouanek i serykh sourok [Détermination des groupes sanguins par hétééoagglutination de la grande gerbille et de la marmotte grise. Determination of blood groups of great gerbil and grey marmot by heteragglutination. Proc. VII Sci. Conf. Antiplague institutions, Almaty]. Metodom geteroaggliutinatsii, Mater. up Nautchn. konfer. protivotchymi utchrezhd. er. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 302-304.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, immunologie, immunology, sang, blood.
Kornhuber G.A. 1857. Synopsis der Säugerthiere mit besonderer Beziehung auf deren Vorkommen in Ungarn [Synopsis des mammifères, particulièrement ceux de Hongrie. Mammals synopsis, particularly those from Hungria]. Bratislava, pp. 42.
Mammifères, mammals, Hongrie, Hungary.
Korotkova V.S. 1959. [La faune des Gamasidae et Trombiculidae dans la région d'Osh. To fauna of Gamasidae and Trombiculidae in Osh oblast]. Tr. Sred. Az. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 6: 225-230.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida, parasitologie, parasitology.
Korovin S.E. 1958. Rastitel'nyï pokrov Gorno-lechnogo zapovednika [Couverture végétale de la réserve de Gorno-lesnoï. Vegetal cover in the Gorno-lesnoy reserve]. Tr. Gorno-lesnogo gos. zapovednika, 1, Tachkent
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation vegetation, réserve, reserve.
Korovin E.P. 1962. Rastitel'nost' Sredneï Azii i Yujnogo Kazakhstana [Végétation de l'Asie centrale et du Sud du Kazakhstan. Vegetation in central Asia and southern Kazakhstan]. Izd-vo AN OuzSSR, Tachkent, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, Kazakhstan.
Korsakov A.M. 1938. Predvaritel'nye dannye po faoune mlekopitayuchtchikh (Mammalia) trekh lesostepnykh outchastkov Naourzoumskogo gos. zapovednika [Premières données sur la faune des mammifères de trois zones de forêt-steppe de la réserve d'état de Naouroumsk. First data on the mammals fauna in three forest-steppe zones in the Naurumsk state reserve]. Tr. Naourzoum. gos. zapovednika, 1, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Russie, Russia, réserve, reserve.
Korth W.W. 1994. The tertiary record of rodents in North-America [Archives tertiaires des rongeurs d'Amérique du Nord]. Plenum Press, New York, London, 319 p.
En anglais, in English.
Rongeurs, rodents, Tertiaire, Tertiary, paléontologie, paleontology
Korth W.W. 1999. Journal of Paleontology, 73(5): 945-951.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Miocène, Miocene, Marmota minor, Thousand Creek, Névada, Nevada, États-Unis d'Amérique.
Körtner G. & G. Heldmaier 1993. Annual body cycle, energy balance and hibernation in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Cycle corporel annuel, bilan énergétique et hibernation chez la marmotte alpine]. Abstr. Sixth Intern. Theriological Cong., ed. M.L. Augee, 161-162
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, masse corporelle, body mass, énergie, energy.
During 6 month of hibernation alpine marmots live exclusively on their stored body fat. During the short vegetation period in summer marmots have to replenish their depleted body fat storages. As little is known about the influence of the naturally restricted food availability upon the annual body weight cycle and the onset of hibernation, we studied seasonal energetics of captive marmots under different environmental conditions and food regimes. Groups of 2-5 marmots were kept in outdoor enclosures in the Zoology Department, University of Marburg. During the hibernation season (October-April) the marmots were kept in climatic chambers maintained at an air temperature (Ta) of either 5°C (n=13) or 20°C (n=3). Animals kept at Ta=20°C were provided with food and water ab lib.; those at Ta=5°C were not fed. The body weights were monitored regularly. Food uptake, faeces production, VO2 and CO2 production of 5 animals were measured simultaneously 5 times throughout the year at Ta =20°C. During winter body temperature and torpor bout length were recorded by implanted temperature transmitters. Captive marmots showed a pronounced annual body weight cycle with a maximum of about 5 kg in September (prehibernation) followed by a 30% weight reduction during hibernation. The start and the rate of the weight loss was independent from the food regime. Hibernation started between October and November but did not always coincide with the onsed of body weight loss. Hibernation started between October and November but did not always coincide with the onset of body weight loss. Hibernation bouts reached a maximum of 15 days in the 5°C-group but did not exceed 3 days in the 20°C-group. Those animals provided with food at Ta =20° C throughout winter terminated hibernation in February and recommenced gaining weight. The breeding season in these individuals occurred about 1.5 month earlier than in the wild. Energy expenditure and intake displayed an annual cycle with maximum values recorder in June/July. A 50% decrease in energy turnover was observed in normothermic animals in autumn and winter. Despite this large fluctuation in seasonal energy turnover, marmots maintained a relatively constant positive energy balance of about 285 kj/day from May to August. In September this extra energy intake was reduced and in October energy intake and expenditure became balanced. Even during the normothermic periods of hibernation in winter the animals exhibited a negative energy balance despite feeding. The massive body weight gain of about 9g/day during the activity season was achieved by a high extra energy intake. However, weight loss and hibernation during winter were not duced by reduced food availability. An endogenous rhythm appeared to be more likely , because neither feeding nor artificially high ambient temperatures (20°C) prevented hibernation and body weight loss. The annual cycle length and the pattern of hibernation were, however, modulated by the environment conditions experienced during the hibernation season.
Körtner G. & G. Heldmaier G. 1995. Body weight cycles and energy balance in the Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) [Cyles de la masse corporelle et bilan énergétique chez la marmotte alpine]. Physiological Zoology, 68(1):149-163.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, masse, mass, hibernation.
Hibernation in most mammals is accompanied by a pronounced seasonal body weight cycle. Fat is accumulated during summer and consumed during the following hibernation season. We investigated the annual time course of energy intake and energy expenditure and their interrelation with seasonal body weight fluctuations and hibernation in captive alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). All animals exhibited an annual body weight cycle with maximum weights in October and minimum weights after termination of hibernation, regardless of food availability during the hibernation season. Both energy uptake and expenditure reached highest values between June and August, when highest rates of body weight gain were observed. Between May and August energy intake exceeded the expenditure by an average of 383 ± 28.3kJ /d. From September onward, when weight gain in marmots was reduced, the energy balance became less positive. During the normal hibernation season a negative energy balance was observed, even when food was available. Body weight gain in alpine marmots was achieved by a more than 100% enhanced food intake during the summer months. However, this surplus of energy intake could be only partly used for fat accumulation since energetic costs for digestion and catabolism were also considerably increased. The observed annual cycle of energy expenditure reflects to a large extent the metabolic constraints of fat catabolism. The drop in energy expenditure prior to hibernation is therefore at least partly caused by a decreased food intake and body weitht gain and seems to be less likely an energy saving mechanism to facilitate further fat accumulation.
Korzhakov B.F. & Kostoglod V.E. 1968. [L'avenir de Marmota baibacina au Daghestan. Future of M. baibacina in Dagestan Byull.moskow. Obshchest. Dpytateleï Prirody, otd.biol., 73 :123-126.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Daghestan.
Korzinkina K.M. 1935. Biologiya i ekologiya sourka i sourkotchiï promysel v Kosh-Agatchskom aïmake (Oïrotiya) [Biologie et écologie de la marmotte et sa chasse au Kosh-Agatchskom. Marmot biology and ecology and its hunting in Kosh-Agatchskom]. V sb. Ekologiya surka, M., Vneshtorgizdat., 30-62.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, chasse, hunting.
Koshamkulova B.S. 1969. Antropogennye iskopaemye teriofauny Kazakhstana [Fossiles anthropogènes de la thériofaune du Kazakhstan. Anthropogenic fossils of mammals in Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, Nauka.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Marmota, Kazakhstan.
Koshechkina G.V. 1950. [Position des tiques Ixodes crenulatus dans la biocenose. Position of ticks Ixodes crenulatus in biocenosis]. Izv. AN Kaz. SSR, 75, ser. parazitol., Alma-Ata, 8: 80-93.
En russe, in Russian.
Acariens, Acarida.
Koshkarev E.P. 1991. [Structure spatiale et densité de la population de marmottes de l'Altaï dans les paysages du Nord et du centre du Tien Shan. The spatial structure and density of the population of Altai marmot in the landscapes of Northern and Inner Tien Shan. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 57-60.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, population, habitat, paysages, landscape, Altaï, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Russie, Russia.
Koshkarev Eugene 1996. Has the Snow Leopard Disappeared from Eastern Sayan and Western Hovsogol? [Le léopard des neiges a t-il disparu du Saïan orientale et du Hovsogol occidentale]. En ligne/On line, accès/accessed Jan 20-2007 à/at
En anglais, in English.
Uncia uncia, léopard des neiges, snow leopard, irbis, Marmota bobac mongolica, Marmota sibirica, aire de répartition, geographic range, Saïan, Sayan, URSS, USSR, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Mountain junction of Munku-Sardyk. From the northern side some 125 km2 was surveyed in June 1991, April 1993, and May and August 1995), while from the southern or Mongolian side approximately 165 km2 was checked in July 1995.
Mountain Junction of Munku-Sardyk Peak
Southern slopes on the Mongolian side:
A search of the eastern end and upper reaches of the Bayan-Gol River was not possible. But in my opinion, this region could provide more fruitful results: according to contacts with local shepherds, Bayan-Gol is the last remaining mountain core area for the tarbagan (Marmota bobac mongolica) in northern Hovsogol, and it is therefore not impossible that this region offers potential snow leopard habitat, with the predator coming to hunt from the Buryat side.
Koshkin S.M. 1966. Data on the flea fauna in the Sovetskaya Gavan [Données sur les puces du Gavan soviétique]. Proc. Irkutsk State Sci. Anti-Plague Inst. Siberia Far East, 26: 242-248.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas.
Косинцев П.А. (Kosintsev P.A.) 1993. Sourok v pozdnem pleistotsene Ourala. [Les marmottes du Pleistocène dans l'Oural. Pleistocene marmots in the Urals]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 18-19.
En russe, in Russia.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Pleistocène, Pleistocene, Oural, Ural.
Косинцев П.А. (Kosintsev P.A.) 2003. Findings of the Giant Deer Megaloceros giganteus in the Holocene of the Ural Mountains [Découverte du cerf géant Megaloceros giganteus dans l’Holocène des montagnes de l’Oural]. Doklady Biological Sciences, 390(1-6) : 237-238.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota bobac, Oural, Ural, Russie, Russia.
Косинцев П.А. (Kosintsev P.A.) & Borodin Aleksandr Vasil'yevi 1990. Teriofauna vostochnogo sklona Severnogo Urala v pozdnem pleystotsene i golotsene. [Les mammifères sur les pentes est de l'Oural au cours de la fin du Pléistocène et de l'Holocène]The theriofauna of the eastern slope of the northern Urals during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.] . Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 212 : 120-134. [in Russian with English summ.]
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Holocène, Holocene.
Косинцев П.А. (Kosintsev P.A.) & Руди В.Н. (Rudi, Roudi V.N.) 1990. Golotsenovyï i sovremennyï sourok Marmota bobac oujnogo Ourala [Marmota bobac de l'Holocène et actuelle de l'Oural méridional. Holocene and present Marmota bobac in southern Ural]. Mlekopitaïouchtchie v ekosistemakh., IERiJ OurO RAN., Sverdlosk, 31-32.
Marmota bobac, Oural, Ural.
Köstlin Otto 1844. Der Bau des knöchernen Kopfes in den vier Klassen der Wirbelthiere. iv. Stuttgart, 8vo., i-x+1-506 pages, pls. i-iv.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, terrier, burrow.
Kostron K. 1948. Stav svistov vo Vysokych Tatrach a ich vyznam pre novodobé podnikanie v nasom lesnictve. Polana, 4 (10) : 200-202.
Marmota marmota, Tatra.
Kostron K. 1965. Zur Geschichte der Verbreitung des Bergmurmeltieres Marmota marmota L. im Gebiet des Tatra-Nationalparks [Sur l'histoire de l'expansion des marmottes de montagne de la région des parcs nationaux des Tatra. History of the spreading of mountain marmots from Tatra National Park]. Sbornik Praci T.A.N.A.P. , 8 : 159-171.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras.
The author made an inventory of marmots in the high Tatra Mountains in 1948. This was the first inventarisation of this species after the world War II. Its purpose was to ascertain yhe population s of this valuable species. In 1955 the mountain populations in the eastern parts of the High Tatra were revised and considerable changes in the distribution of the colonies and individual dens were fouund. Naturally, in the recent time the marmots get more attention, so that their populations increase. In the first place this is enhanced by the exclusion of grazing in the Alpine meadows of the High Tatra national Park region. On comparing the published data with the present-day state of things, there arise considerable differences but all the same this paper can be rather useful and can contribute to a better knowledge of marmots and intensify their actual protection.
Kotsakis T., Abbazzi L., Angelone C., Argenti P., Barisone G., Fanfani F., Marcolini F. & Massini F. 2003. Plio-pleistocene biogeography of Italian mainland micromammals [Biogéographie du Plio-pléistocène des micromammifères italien continentaux]. In Distribution and migration of tertiary mammals in Eurasia. A volume in honour of Hans de Bruijn, Reumer J.W.F. & Wessels W., eds., DEINSEA, 10 : 313-342.
En anglais, in Engmlish.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Toringien final, late Toringian, Ghiacciaia shelter, Mezzena shelter, Grottadi Veja, Grotta del Broion, Vénétie, Veneto, Grotta di Sant’Agostino, latium, Italie, Italy.
The analysis of the distribution of sùamm mammals in the Italian mainland during the Plio-Pleistocene and their immigration in the Peninsula indicates the presence of many species of oriental origin, a few iberoccitanic elements and some endemic species. The Italian peninsula belongs to a western Mediterranean bioprovince. The Nort-eastern region of Italy is a transitional biogeographical zone between this province and the central European and Balcanic areas.
Extrait pdf extract
Koturga L.N. 1969. [Pathomorphologie comparative des processus infectieux et vaccinaux de la peste. Comparative pathomorphology of infectious and vaccinal processes in plague]. Synopsis of thesis, M.D., M., 32pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épidémiologie, epidemiology.
Kovaleva G.G., Novikova T.A., Stogov L.I. ,Novikov G.S., Roslavtzev G.G., Bezverkhnii A.V. 1996. [Sur la découverte d'une épizootie de peste dans le foyer de Kokpak après l'extermination des insectes. About the find of plague epizootic in Kokpak mezofocus after desinsection]. Mater. nauch. konf. Ekologich. aspekty epizoot. i epidemiol. chumy i osobo opasn. infec., Alma-Ata: 84-85.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste ; (Insectes).
Kovbyk L.V. 1999. Morfofouktsional'naya kharakteristika epiteliev rotovoï polosti sourka baïbaka. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 44-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, morphologie, morphology.
Kowalski Kazimierz 1956. Insectivores, Bats and Rodents from the early Pleistocene bone breccia of Podlesice near Kroczyce (Poland) [Insectivores, chauve-souris et rongeurs des ossements des brèches du Pléistocène précoce de Podlesice près de Kroczyce (Pologne)]. Acta Paleontol. Pol. Warsawa, 1 : 331-396.
En polonais, résumé russe, in Polish, Russian summ.
Rodentia, Chiroptera, Insectivora, paléontologie, paleontology, Pologne, Poland.
Kowalski K. 1959. Katalog ssaköw plejstocenu Polski [Catalogue of the pleitocene Mammals of Poland. PAN-Inst. zool., Krakow.
En polonais, in Polish.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pologne, Poland.
Kowalski K. 1961. Plejstocenskie gryzonie Jaskini Nieztoperzowej w Polsce. Folia quatern., 5: 1-22.
En polonais, in Polish.
Paléontologie, paleontology, rongeurs, rodents, Pologne, Poland.
Kowalski K. 1963. The Pliocene and Pleistocene Gliridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from Poland [Gliridae du Pliocène et du Pléistocène de Pologne]. Acta Zool. Craco., 8(14): 533-567.
En polonais, in Polish.
(Rodentia) ; Paléontologie ; Pliocène ; Pléstocène
Kowalski K. 1964. Kluez do oznacczania kregowcow Polski [Clé d'identification des vertébrés Polonais. Key to identification of the Polish vertebrates]. PWN Warszawa.
En polonais, in Polish.
Clé de détermination, Vertébrés.
Kowalski K. 1966. The stratigraphic importance of Rodents in the studies on the Eurpean Quaternary [Importance stratigraphique des rongeurs dans les études du Quaternaire européen]. Folia quaternaria, 22, 16p.
Mammifères, mammals, Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Europe.
Kozhamkulova B.S. 1960. Novye nakhodki iskopaemykh mlekopitayuchtchikh antropogena v Kazakhstane v stratigrafitcheskom osvechtchenii [Nouvelles découvertes de Mammifères anthropogènes fossiles au Kazakhstan et éclairage stratigraphique. New discovery of fossils of anthropogenic mammals in Kazakhstan and stratigaphic lightening]. Outch. zap. Sredneaz. in-ta geol. i miner. syr'ya, 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Kazakhstan.
Kozhamkulova B.S. 1964. Obzor antropogenovoï iskopaemoïternofaouny Kazakhstana [Vue générale des fossiles anthropogènes de la thérifaune du Kazakhstan. General view of anthropegenic fossils of the theriofauna in Kazakhstan]. Avtoref. kand. dis. Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Kazakhstan.
Kozhamkulova B.S. 1969. Antropoge-novaya iskopaemaya teriofaouna Kazakhstana [Thériofaune fossiles anthropogène du Kazakhstan. Theriofauna of anthropogenic fossils in Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Kazakhstan.
Kozlovskaya O.L. 1958. Flea (Aphaniptera) fauna of rodents from of the river Ussury valley in the Khabarovsk region [Puces (Aphaniptera) des rongeurs de l'Oussourie dans la région de Khabarovsk]. Proc. Irkutsk State Sci. Anti-Plague Inst. Siberia Far East, 17: 109-116.
En russe, in Russian.
Parasitologie, parasitology, puces, fleas, rongeurs, rodents.
Kozlovskaya O.L., Lipaev V.M., Kon'kova K.V. & Chernykh P.A. 1975. [Situation parsitologique en Mongolie du nord-est. On parasitologic situation in North-West Mongolia]. Mezhdunarod. i natzion. aspekty epidnadzora pri chume, Irkutsk, 2: 57-59.
En russe, in Russian.
Parasitologie, parasitology, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kracheninikov I.M. 1939. Osnovnye pouti razvitiya rastitel'nosti Yujogo Ourala v svyazi s paleogeografieï Severnoï Evrazii v pleïstotsene i golotsene [Perspectives du développement de la végétation du sud-ouest de l'Oural en liaison avec la paléogéographique de l'Eurasie Nord au Pléistocène et l'Holocène. Prospects of vegetation development in the Urals, linked with paleogeography of northern Eurasia during Paleocene and Holocene]. Sob. botanika, 6-7.
Végétation, vegetation, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Russie, Russia, Oural, Ural.
Krakhmal K.A. 2005a. Marmots of the Alai Ridge in the early quaternary. Sourki alaïskogo khr. Epokhi rannego antropogena. [Les marmottes de la chaîne de l’Alaï au début du quaternaire]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 64-65.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota alaica, Marmota caudata, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, Quaternary.
Remains of a zoolite (a fragment of upper jaw with an incisor and M., collection of the Institute of Zoology, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan) that is attributed to Marmota alaica sp. nov. we earlier described were discovered during a complex studies in the ancient site Selungur on the northern slopes of the Alai ridge in the Fergana valley. Chronological identification of horizons containing fossil bone remains was carried out based on the complex studies and supported by the results of callogenic and potassium-argon analysis. The fossil bone remains are aged about 1,500,000 years old. Conducted comparative analysis showed the fossil species to be very similar to long-tailed marmot in terms of size (Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1847). The width lis 4.5 mm, thickness - 5.5 mm. The found incisor is 0.2 mm wider l ( 4.5) than that of long-tailed marmot and has the same thickness. The fossil incisor is P 4.5 mm wide and 5 mm thick. The size is the same as size P of young long-tailed marmot (collection of the Institute of Zoology, AS RUz). The data allows attributing the described species to the ancestors of M. caudata. Obtained data also enable to outline spatial borders and time limits of geographical distribution of the described species and to show certain evolutionary alterations that were happening as a result of geological transformations throughout the Quaternary.
Russian pdf russe
Krakhmal K.A. 2005b. Some results of marmot’s habitat study in the early Quaternary. Nekotorye rezoultaty izoutcheniya sredy obitaniyasourka v epoxou rannego antropogena. [Quelques résultats d’étude de l’habitat des marmottes du début du Quaternaire]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 64-65.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, habitat, paléontologie, paleontology, Pinus silvestris, Picea schrenkiana, Juniperus, Juglans regia, Ulmus, Quercus robur, Betula Corylus, A/nus Vitis, Humulus Acer, Tilia Carpinus btulus.
Paleo-ecological studies of the Quaternary sediments incorporating the remains of Marmotinae that were discovered in the Quaternary sediments in the cave site Selengur (the northern slopes of the Alai ridge) give some ideas about natural conditions existing in their earlier habitats. In the process of paleo-ecological studies a special attention was paid to an extent of correlation between the biological population and environment. A main task of the stratigraphic study was to identify natural groups of geological sediments corresponding to the consecutive stages of their formation and allowing paleo-ecologic reconstruction and geo-chronological identification of the existence of certain populations. Like historical and geological data the elementary stratigraphic units reflect specific events - the episodes being evidence of establishing a favourable situation for the development of natural pro cesses in this area at certain time. Thus, at final stages of the Alpine orogeny neo-tectonical risings had played an important role, forming contrast moistening of the mountains. The study also included a spore-pollen analysis that allowed identifying a composition and character of fossil florogenesis and adding to the information about natural alterations consistent with the stages of orogenesis. The floristic analysis helped detect dominating plant species such as Pinus silvestris, Picea schrenkiana, Juniperus, Juglans regia, Ulmus, Quercus robur; Betula Corylus, A/nus Vitis, Humulus Acer, Tilia Carpinus btulus. Therefore, the spore-pollen analysis showed that from the accumulation of sediments containing the remains of fossil marmots the environment had certainly changed and became more arid and so changed the vegetation.
Russian pdf russe
Kral David 1997. A review of Chinese Aphodius species. Part 4: Subgenera Pseudacrosus and Qingaphodius sbg. n. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 61 (2): 129-149.
En anglais, in English.
Entomologie, entomology, Coléopteres, Coleoptera, Marmota himalayana, Chine, China.
Chinese species of Aphodius Illiger, 1798 subgenus Pseudacrossus Reitter, 1892 are reviewed. Two new species from the Qinghai province, A. (P.) kalabi sp. n. and A. (P.) quinghaiensis sp. n., both closely related to A. (P.) przewalskyi Reitter, 1887, are described. A. (P.) subsericeus Ballion, 1878 comb. n. is transferred from the subgenus Amidorus Mulsant et Rey, 1869. Lectotypes and/or paralectotypes for A. (P.) grombczewskyi D. Koshantschikov, 1891, A (P.) nasutus Reitter, 1887, A. (P.) przewalskyi Reitter, 1887, Aphodius consors Reitter, 1892, A. kelleri W. Koshantschikov, 1911, A. mehelyi Csiki in Zichy, 1901, and A. roschlapili Csiki in Zichy, 1901 are designated (last four taxa as synonyms to A. (P.) nasutus). A. (P.) grombczewskyi is recorded from China (Xinjiang) for the first time. A new subgenus from the Qinghai province, Aphodius (Qingaphodius sbg. n.) for A. (Q.) nikodymi sp. n. and A. (Q.) ochotonarum sp. n. is proposed. Both new species are tied with small mammals, the former with Marmota himalayana (Hodgson, 1841), the latter with Ochotona sp. Chinese Pseudacrossus and Qingaphodius sbg. n. species are keyed, their epipharyngi and male genitalia are figured.
Kramarenko Nikolay Nikolayevich, Konstantin Konstanti Flerov, Yelizaveta Ivanovna Belyayeva, Natal'ya Mikhaylovna Yanovskaya, Aleksey Aleksandrovi Gureyev, Irina Mikhaylovna Novodvorskaya, Valentina Stepanovna Kornilova, Nina Semenovna Shevyreva, Yevgeniy Nikolayevic Kurochkin, Vladimir Vasil'yevic Zherikhin, Vyacheslav Mikhaylov Chkhikvadze, Gerbert Genrikhovich Martinson, Nadezhda Vasil'yevna Tolstikova, Andrey Leonidovich Chepalyga & Lidiya Iosifovna Fot'yanova 1974. Zoogeografiya paleogena Azii. [Zoogéographie du paléogène d'Asie. The zoogeography of the Paleogene of Asia]. Tr. Paleontol. Inst., 146: 303 pp. + 4 plates.
En russe, in Russian.
Revue, review, hibernation.
Kramarova L.I., Kolaeva S.G., Pastukhov Iu.F., Rozhanets V.V. & Iukhananov R.Iu. 1984. [Role of neuropeptides in inducing a state of hibernation]. Zh. Obshch. Biol., 45(3): 400-409. Review. Russian. No abstract available.
Kramer Donald L. & Bonenfant Marjolaine 1997. Direction of predator approach and the decision to flee to a refuge [Direction de l’approche du prédateur et décision de fuir dans un refuge]. Anim. Behav., 54, 289-295.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, distance de fuite, fligth distance, modèle, model.
Pdf disponible/available.
How close should an animal allow a potential predator to approach before fleeing to a refuge? Fleeing too soon wastes time and energy that could be spent on other important activities, but fleeing too late is potentially lethal. A model to predict flight initiation distance was developed, based on the assumption that animals would flee at a distance that allows them to reach the refuge ahead of the predator by some margin of safety. This model predicts that (1) flight initiation distance should increase with distance from the refuge (which has been supported by studies on several species) and (2) the rate
of increase of flight initiation distance with distance from a refuge should be higher when the refuge is between the predator and prey (prey runs towards the predator) than when the prey is between the predator and the refuge (prey runs away from the predator). Prediction 2 was tested by approaching juvenile woodchucks, Marmota monax, along an imaginary line between the animal and its burrow entrance and measuring the distance between the observer and the animal at the moment it started its flight. As predicted, the rate of increase in flight initiation distance was higher when the burrow was between the observer and the woodchuck than when the woodchuck was between the observer and the burrow. The slopes were appropriate for predators with pursuit speeds about twice the escape speed of to refuge, close to the value of 2 m flight distance/m distance to refuge predicted by the model. The intercept indicated that woodchucks allowed a margin of safety of about 7.6 m. The model permits quantitative evaluation of the principal elements of flexible escape decisions of animals and provides a measure of how predation risk increases the cost of space use in relation to distance from a refuge.
Kraminskii V.A. 1963. [Histoire et géographie de la peste en Chine. The history and geography of plague in China]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivochoum. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost. Irkoutsk, 25: 254-272.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, histoire, history, Chine, China.
Kraminskii V.A., Neletova L.E. & A.E. Banina 1975. [La peste dans le sud-est et du sud de l'Asie. Plague in south-east and south Asia]. In Safonova ed., Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague, II: 82-84.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, Asie, Asia.
Krantz G.W. & J.O.Jr. Whitaker 1988. Mites of the genus Macrocheles (Acari: Macrochelidae) associated with small mammals in North America [Acariens du genre Macrocheles (Acari: Macrochelidae) associés aux petits mammifères d'Amérique du Nord]. Acarologia, 29(3): 225-259.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, Acarida, parasitologie, parasitology, Amérique du Nord, North America.
Krapp F. 1969. Persistierende Milch-prämolaren und andere Sonderbildungen bei Marmota marmota (Linné, 1758) [Persistence de prémolaire de lait et autres formation spéciales chez la marmotte alpine]. Säugetierkdl. Mitt., 17 : 115-118.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, morphologie, morphology, dents, teeth.
4 skulls of the Alpine Marmot preserved in several collections are described because they have only 2 premolars instead of 3. It is attempted to give an explanation of these anomalies. Moreover skulls of the Alpine Marmot, Red Squirrel, and other Sciuridae not seldom show an intercalate nasalia.
Krapp F. 1976. Marmota marmota (Linneaus, 1758) - Alpen murmeltier [Marmotte alpine. Alpine marmot]. In Handbüch für Säugetiere Europas, Niethammer G. & F. Krapp, i : 153-167.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, réintroduction, re-introduction, Autriche, Austria Europe.
Krapp F. 1978. Marmota marmota (Linneaus, 1758). Alpenmurmeltier [Marmotte alpine. Alpine marmot]. In Handbuch der Saügertiere Europas, J. Niethammer & F. Krapp eds, Wiesbaden, Akad. Verlagsges. Bd., 1 : 152-181.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, Marmota marmota, Europe.
Krasikova M.A., Peisakhis L.A. 1959. [Pathogenèse de la peste des marmottes rouges. Rapport 4. Capacité de phagocytose des neutrophiles des marmottes pendant leur période active. On pathogenesis of plague of the red marmots. Report 4. Phagocytosis ability of marmot's neutrophils in active period of animals]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 5: 25-29.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, peste, plague, pathologie, pathology.
Krasil'nikov V.A. & Dimitriev A.V. 1999. O mourav'yakh sourkovykh koloniï tchouvachskoï respoubliki. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 50-51.
Marmota bobac, Tchouvachie, chuvashia.
Krasnaya Kniga SSSR 1978. M., Lesn. prom-st', 1978, 460 pp. [Livre rouge d'URSS. Red book of USSR].
En russe, in Russian.
Protection, URSS, USSR.
Krasnaya Kniga Kazakhstana 1978. [Livre rouge du Kazakhstan. Red book of Kazakstan]. Alma-Ata, Kaïnar, 206 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Protection, Kazahstan.
Krasnaya Kniga Ouzbekskoï SSR 1983. [Livre rouge de la RSS d'Ouzbekistan. Red book of Uzbekistan SSR]. Tachkent, Faoun. OuzSS, 105-115.
En russe, in Russian.
Protection, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.
Krasnov Boris R., Shenbrot Georgy I., Mouillot David , Khokhlova Irina S. & Poulin Robert 2005. What are the factors determining the probability of discovering a flea species (Siphonaptera)? [Quels sont les facteurs déterminant la probabilité de découverte d'une espèce de puce (Siphonaptera)? Parasitology Research (Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde). En anglais, in English.
Ctenophthalmus breviatus, Marmota bobac.
Flea species infesting hosts with a large range of body size have a higher likelihood of being discovered because this diversity of body sizes increases the number of ways in which a mammal may be sampled: poisoning, trapping or hunting efficiency are certainly related to particular size ranges. For example, Ctenophthalmus breviatus that exploit hosts of four rodent and one insectivore families ranging in body size from 8000 g (Marmota bobac) to 8 g (Sorex araneus) was described in 1926, whereas Ctenophthalmus shovi parasitizing hosts of two rodent and one insectivore families ranging in body size from 40 g (Apodemus mystacinus) to 8 g (Sorex satunini) was discovered in 1948.
Krasovskiï 1868. Oblasty sibirskikh kirgizov [Peuples d'Asie sibérienne. People of siberian Asia]. Tch. 1-3. SPB (Materialy dlya geografii i statistiki Rossii sobr. ofitserami Gen. chtaba).
En russe, in Russian.
Géographie, geography, Kirghizie, Kirghizia.
Kratochvil J. 1960. Poznamky ke znalostem o svisti hordke ve Vysokych Tatrach [Remarques sur la connaissance de la marmotte européenne, M. marmota, dans les hautes Tatras. Remarks on the knowledge of the European Marmot, Marmota marmota L. in high Tatra]. Zoologicke Listy, 9 (3) : 273-286.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, Tatra.
The European marmot, Marmota marmota (L.), is, at the present time, an autochtonous animal in the Swiss Alps and in High Tatra only; in all other areas, it has been set out artificially, If there are any exceptions from this rule they are scarce and, very likely, they are only hybrids between autochthonous an set-out marmots. This incites the zoologists to pay attention to the investigation of the marmot first of all in areas of its autochthonous occurrence; for one can truly say with Münch (1958) that very little is known of the bionomics of the European marmot. This is especially true of its populations living in High Tatra. In High Tatra, the marmot lives in colonies and, scarcely, as single individuals. Each society has a matriarchal organization and inhabits its own territory (fig. l) with a system of functionally different burrows, paths, and sunning boulders or sunning places in boulderless areas (fig. 3). AIso, the places where the marmots graze belong to the territory and the entire space inhabited by marmots represent their living ground defended and marked by the members of the marmot society as found in their alpine populations (Bopp 1952, 1954; Koenig 1957; Müller-Using 1954, 1956; Münch 1958, etc.). In High Tatra, the marmot colonies are distributed mosaic-like in single valleys and their number, thanks to their careful protection by the Management of the Tatra National Park, increases and fills in the losses done to them during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia during which period the number of marmots in High Tatra decreased to less than a half of their previous number (Kostron 1948, Feriancova 1955). The colonies are situated in grassy slopes above the continuous zone of dwarf pine, most frequently in elevations of l,700-2,000 meters; occasionally, they are found in the elevations up to 2,200-2,350 meters (Z. Kratochvil) and in places where the dwarf pine zone is interrupted, they descend to altitudes of l,400-l,500 meters (Somora 1954, Rosicky & Kratochvil 1955). In High Tatra, I investigated many marmot territories: in two cases, a complex investigation of their burrows and nests was carried out to study the parasites of marmots. On those occasions, l measured and mapped all burrows of one marmot territory. These investigations wre carried out on northern slopes of High Tatra, in the area of Mt. Siroka, Mt. Svistovky, and Mt. Kosiar. The territory mentioned (fig. l) was inhabited by one male, one female, and two 2-years-old youngs; the female was rearing a litter of five youngs. The burrow system of this colony consisted of a winter burrow (fig. l C) which, at the time of investigation (on 24 June,1956), was still inhabited by both 2-years-old youngs, of two summer burrows and four emergency burrows. The total length of tunnels of the winter burrow was 29 m., of the summer burrows, 12 and 9 m., respectively, and of the emergency burrows (fig. 1a. b, c), 120, 130, and 150 cm., resp.; each of these was situated at the base of a sunning boulder; the fourth emergency burrow (fig. lc,) was substantially a part of a winter burrow separated from the latter by a part of disused (crashed-in) tunnel. At the time of our investigations, the male inhabited one of the summer burrows (fig. 1 B, 2 B) and the female, another summer burrow (fig. l A, 2 A). AII burrows were dug close to the soil surface (fig. 2) in a depth of 30-50 cms, usually, rarely they descended down to a depth of 9O cms. In the burrow inhabited by the male, there was a nest of dry grass weighing l kg.. in the burrow inhabited by the female with her litter, a nest weighing 3 kg. and in a winter burrow, a nest of an estimated weight of 10-15 kg., the bottom layers of this nest were wet already and mixed with earth. The dimensions of the nest Chamber in the winter burrow were 100 by 8O by 50 cms., in the burrow of the female. 35 by 35 cms.,in the burrow of the male, 35 by 30 cms. The entrances to the burrow were 15-l8 by 16-20 cms. in diameter. The burrows of a second territory (fig.3) in the same area (western slope of Mt. Siroka) were measured by Dr J. Pelikan. Here,too,there were winter, summer, and emergency burrows. The investigation being carried out on 7-9 October1955, the marmots were found to live in the winter burrow already (fig.3, and fig.4, burrow no.1) which was only partially dug up for examination. The total length of the examined tunnels of their burrow was 25 m. with about10 more meters not examined because lying more than 2 m. deep under soil surface. The end of the main burrow (fig. 5) that we had stopped for the night, was opened and the burrow left at night by the marmots inhabiting it. Two of the summer burrows were examined: one (fig. 3. and fig. 4, burrow no. 2), including its blind corridors, was 13 m. long and did not descend lower than 90 cms. below soil surface; a nest of dry grass and chambers with faeces were found within. In the other summer burrow (fig 3, and fig. 4, burrow no. 3), there was no nest chamber but, on the contrary, 4 chambers with faeces; the burrow was formed only by a main tunnel, 14 m, long, without blind corridors, and not descending lower than l m. below soil surface; there were two entrances to the burrow. Only one of the emergency burrow was examined; it was 4 m. long including both its branches and descended down to 80 cms. below soil surface (fig. 3, and fig. 4, burrow no. .4). In this territory, there was a total of 14 entrances to the burrows being about 11 in number. For informative purposes, we opened up a part of another winter burrow fig. 3, and fig. 4, burrow no. 5); the total lenght of its tunnels investigated was ll m. AII 14 entrances were connected by paths. There were no sunning boulders in the grounds of this colony. The analysis of burrows of these two territories, each of which was inhabited by one marmot family, and a superficial topographic examination of further territories of marmot colonies in High Tatra shows that marmots of High Tatra construct, if living in societies, these types of burrows in their living grounds. Short and simple or very little branched, chamberless, emergency burrows; these are usually situated at the edges of the territory and, if sunning boulders are present (fig. la, b, c, rig. 34, Tab. IX) but under which, in danger, the marmots cannot hide. The emergency burrows are dug at the base of these boulders. The length of the emergency burrows examined was 120-400 cms. and they did not descend lower than 80-90 cms. Summer burrows are simple or little branched, with one or two exits; usually, they are provided with a nest chamber containing a nest and with chambers for defecation. In these burrows, the marmots spend the summer and the females rear their youngs. The length of summer burrows is variable; in the cases examined, it was 9-14 m. including the branches; the burrows did not descend lower than about l m. below soil surface. Winter burrows in which the whole marmot family hibernates may consist of a rather complicated system of tunnels; in the two cases examined, they measured 29, or about 35 m. in length, respectively. Besides a common nest chamber there are also chambers for defecation in the burrow. The depth of winter burrows depends on the declination and elevation of terrain. In territories in higher elevations, the winter burrows are situated deeper both because of a greater slope and an often thinner snow cover in winter. In territories at lower elevations and in less slopy terrain where there is more snow in winter, the winter burrows are situated closer to soil surface. The fact that single marmot societies are bound to their territories where they have, constructed a system of functionally different burrows and which they mark and defend, leads to doubts on spring migrations of the entire marmot societies to higher elevations and, again, autumn migrations for hibernation back to lower elevations. In High Tatra, no such special migrations of marmots were observed for the time being. The above-mentioned discovery of youngs in a burrow on 24 June, 1956, enabled us to state some data on the biononics of the marmots in 1956: It appeared that the marmots of the High Tatra colony studied awoke from their winter sleep in the mid of ApriI; at that time, their territory was stiII covered with snow. Copulations occurred at the end of ApriI and the female littered between 2-5 June; on 24 June l956, the youngs were about 19 or, at most, 22 days old. Body weight and body dimensions of a male young were determined: On 24 June, its body weight was 95 gms., body length, 125 mm., length of tail, 30 mm., length of hind foot, 29 mm.i 15 days later (i. e., at the age of about 36-37 days), its body weight was 170 gms., body length, 165 mm, length of tail, 38 mm., length of hind foot, 34 mm. The lower incisors began to emerge at the age of 27-28 days. At the age of 3l-32 days, eye1ids began to separate in their oral corner; at the age of 36-37 days, the eyelids were separated to the middle of their length, the caudal part being still closed. Further observations of the postnatal development were impossible (Tab. VIII.) The development of fur agrees to the observations of Psenner (1957) whose report on the postnatal development of the European marmot is supplemented by the above numerical data.
Kratochvil J. 1961. Svist horsky tatransky, nova subspecies Marmota marmota latirostris sspnova. Zoologicke Listy. Folia Zoologica, 10 : 289-304.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, taxonomie, taxonomy, Tatra.
Il distingue deux sous-espèces de M. marmota : la forme typique M. m. marmota et la forme des Monts Tatras (Tchécoslovaquie) M. m. latirostris. Marmota marmota latirostris Kratochvil, 1961; Krivansky Zleb, Tatra Mts, Czechoslovakia.
Kratochvil J. 1964a. K aklimatizaci a reaklimatizaci sviste horského u nas [Sur l'acclimatation et la réacclimatation des marmottes européennes. About acclimatization and re-aclimatization of European marmots]. Ziva, 12 (6) : 223-224.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, Tatras.
Kratochvil J. 1964b. Das männliche Genitalesystem der europaïschen Bergsmurmeltieres Marmota m. latisrostris Krat. 1961 [Le système génital mâle de la marmotte des montagnes européennes. The genital system of the male of the mountainous marmot of Europe]. Zeitschrift fur saugetierkunde, 29 (5) : 290-304.
En allemand, In German.
pdf Marmota marmota, génital, genital, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras.
Kratochvil J. 1964c. Svist - vzacny cicavec z Vysokych Tatier. Zbornik prac o TANAP-e, 7 : 127-134.
En Tchèque, in Czech.
Marmota marmota, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras.
Kratochvil J. & Hrabe V. 1967. Zur Kenntnis der Analdrusen des Tatra Gebirgsmurmeltieres Marmota marmota latirostris Kratochvil 1951 (Rodentia Sciuridae) [Sur la connaissance des glandes anales de la marmotte de montagne. About the knowledge on anal glands of the mountainous marmot]. Zoologicke Listy. Folia Zoologica, 16 (1) : 31-40.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, sécrétion, secretion, Slovaquie, Slovakia, Tatras.
Kretzoi Miklós 1954. Marmota. Maradvanyok, Debrecenbol [Restes de marmottes de Debrecen. Marmot remains from Debrecen]. Foldtany Kozlony, 84(1-2): 75-77.
En hongrois et en anglais, in Hungarian and English].
Kretzoi M. 1956. Die altpleistozänen Wirbeltierfaunen des Villanyer Gebirges [Faune sauvage du Pléistocène ancien des monts de Villanyer. Wild fauna of early Pleistocene from Villanyer Mounts]. Geol. Hungarica, ser. paleont., n° 27, pp. 264.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Hongrie, Hungary.
Kretzoi M. 1961. Stratigraphie und chronologie [Stratigraphie et chronologie. Stratigraphy and chronology]. Prace Instytutu Geol. Warsawa, 34 : 313-329.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
Kretzoi M. 1961b. Stratigraphie und Chronologie. Stand der ungarischen Quartärforschung [Stratigraphie et chronologie. Position de la recherche quaternaire en Hongrie. Stratigraphy and chronology. Hungarian position of quaternar research]. In Czwartorzed Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej, Warasawa.
En allemand, in German.
Géologie, geology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Hongrie, Hungary..
Kretzoi M. 1969. Sketch of the late cenozoic (Pliocene and Quaternary) Terrestrial stratigraphy of Hungary [Esquisse de la stratigraphie terrestre du cenozoïque postérieur de Hongrie (Pliocène et Quaternaire)]. Föld. Közl., 3 : 179-204.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Hongrie, Hungary.
Kretzoi M. & Vertes L. 1965. The role of vertebrate faunae and paleolithic industries of Hungary in Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology [Rôle des faunes de vertébrés et industries paléolithiques de Hongrie dans la stratigraphie et la chronologie du Quaternaire]. Acta geol. Hung., 9 : 125-144.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Quaternary, Hongrie, Hungary.
Kretzshmar 1923. Les animaux à fourrures [Fur animals]. E. Bernard, Châlon-sur-Marne.
En français, in French.
Marmota, fourrure, fur.
Kreuzfelder E., Menne S., Ferencik S., Roggendorf M. & Grosse-Wilde H. 1996. Assessment of peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation by [2-3H]adenine uptake in the woodchuck model. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol., 78(3): 223-227.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, sang, blood.
The levels of incorporated exogenous [3H]thymidine of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of the woodchuck were low after stimulation with mitogens concanavalin A (ConA), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) when compared with other cell systems. The use of EDTA as an anticoagulant for blood sampling and AIM-V medium for culturing of PBMC improved the [3H]thymidine uptake of PBMC. A pronounced uptake is observed after use of [3H]adenine instead of [3H]thymidine for PBMC proliferation measurement. One likely explanation for the difference in [3H]adenine versus [3H]thymidine uptake is that the alternative pathway for thymidine monophosphate synthesis is important: the conversion of uridine to uridine monophosphate and, thereafter, to thymidine monophosphate. The optimal conditions for mitogen-induced proliferation of PBMC of the woodchuck were 2 micrograms/ml ConA and PHA at day 4 and 0.14 micrograms of PWM/ml at day 5. No consistent differences of [3H]adenine uptake were observed between PBMC from four woodchuck hepatitis virus-infected woodchucks and five uninfected animals.
Krilov D.G. 1964. Zoologitcheskaya kharakteristkica sarydzhazskogo ou tchastka sredneaziatskogo otchaga tchoumy. Avtoref. kand. diss.M. : Mgu, pp. 22.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.
Krichatov E.A. 1971. O peremesheniyakh serykh surkov [Sur les déplacements des marmottes grises. On move in grey marmots]. Materialy 7 Nautchnoï konferentsii protivotchoumnykh nautchykh outchrezhdenii Sredneï Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 299-300.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina.
Krivitsky I.A. 1997. K voprosou vozrojdeniya areala sourka-baïbaka v Oukraine [De la renaissance de l'aire de distribution de la marmotte bobac en Ukraine]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 21-22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, Ukraine.
Krivitsky I.A. & Tokarsky V.A. 1983. Razmeshenie i tchislennosti baïbaka v Kharikovskoï oblasti [Déplacements et effectif de la marmotte bobac dans la région de Kharikovsk. Move and number of bobac marmot in the Kharikovsk region]. Okhrana i ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie i ekologiya surkov, M. : AN SSSR, 54-57.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Russie, Russia.
Krivosheev V.G. 1988. [Problèmes de mammalogie dans le nord-est de l'Asie. Problems of teriography of North-eastern Asia. In Common and regional teriography, Moscow: 33 - 74.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, Asie, Asia..
Krosniunas E.H. 1990. Trail use promotes speed in yellow-bellied marmot locomotion [L'utilisation des pistes améliore la vitesse de locomotion de la marmotte à ventre jaune]. Amer. Zool., 30: 91A.
(Marmota flaviventris) : Locomotion
Kruckenhauser L. 1995. Untersuchung der geneteischen Variation des Alpenmurmeltieres (M.m. marmota) mittels DNA-Fingerprinting [Recherche sur la variation génétique des marmottes alpines (M. m. marmota) au moyen des empreintes ADN]. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génééique, genetic, Autriche, Austria, Suisse, Switzerland.
Kruckenhauser Luise 2000. Molekulare Analyse der intra- und interspezifischen Variation in der Gattung Marmota [Molecular analysis of the intra- and interspecific variation in the genus Marmota]. Dissertation, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet, Universitaet Wien, 163 p.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Marmota vancouverensis, Populationsgenetik, génétique des populations, population genetics, genetischer Flaschenhals, genetic bottleneck, Goulot d'étranglement génétique, Mikrosatelliten, microsatellites, bedrohte Art, génétique de la conservation, conservation genetics, Gattung Marmota, genre Marmota, genus Marmota, molekulare Phylogenie, Phulogénie moléculaire, molecular Phylogeny, Cytochrom-b, cytochrome-b, Alpenmurmeltier, Alpine marmots, Mikrosatelliten-Loci, microsatellite-loci.
Allozymuntersuchungen haben gezeigt, daß die genetische Variation in Alpenmurmeltieren (M. marmota) aus Österreich und Deutschland stark reduziert ist. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung 11 hoch polymorphe Mikrosatelliten-Loci verwendet, um zu untersuchen ob diese genetische Verarmung auf den östlichen Teil des Verbreitungsgebietes beschränkt ist, oder auch die Kernregion in den Schweizer und französischen Zentralalpen betrifft. Um den Einfluß von 'Founder Effekten' und genetischer Drift abzuschätzen, wurden 6 eingebürgerte Populationen aus Österreich und den Spanischen Pyrenäen in die Untersuchung mit einbezogen. Die Daten zeigen eine eindeutige Differenzierung der autochthonen Populationen aus den Westalpen von denen aus den Ostalpen. Die eingebürgerten Populationen haben ein unterschiedliches Ausmaß an genetischer Variation abhängig von der Ursprungspopulation und der nachfolgenden Populationsgeschichte. M. vancouverensis ist eine Nordamerikanische Art, in der in den letzten 10 Jahren die Populationsgröße auf nur 70 Individuen geschrumpft ist. Um diese stark bedrohte Art vor dem Aussterben zu retten, wurde ein Programm zur Erhaltung der Art gestartet. Um Inzucht und Verlust an genetischer Variabilität zu vermeiden, sind dafür genetische Marker notwendig. Deswegen wurden 10 Mikrosatelliten-Loci, die für M. marmota etabliert wurden auch in M. vancouverensis getestet, allerdings waren nur zwei davon variabel. Aus diesem Ergebnis kann man ableiten, daß der Genpool von M. vancouverensis, zumindest im Vergleich zu M. marmota verarmt ist. Die Phylogenie von 11 Arten der Gattung Marmota wurde auf der Basis der gesamten Sequenz des mitochondrialen Cytochrome b -Gens (cyt-b; 1.1 kb) und einer Teilsequenz des NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 -Gens (ND4; 1.2 kb) erstellt. In dem aus den mitochondrialen Sequenzen abgeleitenen Dendrogramm werden zwei getrennte Cluster sichtbar: Eines umfaßt die nordwestamerikanischen Arten, das andere enthält die eurasischen Arten zusammen mit der nordamerikanischen Art M. monax. Die Zugehörigkeit von M. monax zur Gruppe der Eurasischen Arten steht gut in Einklang mit der Evolution der Chromosomenzahlen. Die Ergebnisse erweisen sich als besonders interessant in Bezug auf die Evolution der Sozialsysteme innerhalb der Gattung, welche von solitären Arten (M. monax) bis zu hochsozialen, in Familiengruppen lebenden Arten variieren (z.B. M. marmota). Aufgrund der molekularen Phylogenie erscheint ein diphyletischer Ursprung des hochsozialen Verhaltens in der Gattung Marmota wahrscheinlich. In drei Arten (M. caligata, M. olympus, and M. bobac) wurden vollständige nukleäre Pseudogene des mitochondrialen cyt-b identifiziert. Die mitochondrialen cyt-b Gene und die drei Pseudogene bilden im 'maximum parsimony'-Dendrogramm getrennte Cluster. Dies weist darauf hin, daß der Ursprung der Pseudogene auf ein einzelnes Transferereignis vor der Radiation der Gattung Marmota zurückzuführen ist. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigen die Pseudogene im Vergleich mit den funktionsfähigen mitochondrialen Kopien eine viel niedrigere Substitutionsrate.
As revealed by allozyme studies, genetic variation is strongly reduced in Alpine marmots (M. marmota) from Austria and Germany. 11 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to investigate whether this genetic depauperation is restricted to the eastern part of the distribution area or if it also affects the core region in the Central Alps of Switzerland and France. To estimate the impact of founder effects and genetic drift, 6 reintroduced populations from Austria and the Spanish Pyrenees were included in the study. The data indicate a clear differentiation between the autochthonous populations from the Western Alps and those from the Eastern Alps. The reintroduced populations show a heterogenous pattern of variation depending on the source population and the successive population history. M. vancouverensis is a North American species that has experienced a dramatic decline of the population size down to 70 individuals over the past 10 years. To save this highly endangered species from extinction, a recovery program has been started. For this purpose it would be helpful to have appropriate genetic markers to avoid inbreeding and loss of variability. Thus the 10 microsatellite loci isolated from the genome of M. marmota were also tested in M. vancouverensis. However, only two of these loci showed variation. This finding indicates that the gene pool of M. vancouverensis is depauperated, at least compared to that of M. marmota. The genus Marmota comprises 6 North American and 8 Eurasian species. In the present work the phylogeny of 11 species was established using the entire sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) gene as a phylogenetic marker. The material for DNA extraction consisted of liver tissue, skins or hair-roots. In the species phylogeny deduced from the mitochondrial sequences two distinct clusters become apparent: One cluster consists of the NW American species, the other contains the Eurasian species together with the North American species M. monax. The status of M. monax as a member of the Eurasian clade is in accordance with the evolution of chromosome numbers. In addition, the position of M. monax was confirmed by the analysis of a partial sequence of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene (1.2 kb) in 7 species. The results are of special interest with respect to the evolution of social systems in the genus Marmota that vary from solitary species (M. monax) to highly social species living in family groups (e.g., M. marmota). The molecular phylogeny suggests that high sociality in the genus Marmota has evolved twice independently, once in Eurasia and a second time in North America. In PCR amplifications from the dried skin material aberrant sequences were preferentially obtained, which were later identified as full-sized nuclear pseudogenes of the mitochondrial cyt-b gene. In all pseudogenes the reading frames were interrupted by internal stop codons. In a dendrogram constructed from the available cyt-b sequences, the 10 mitochondrial cyt-b genes and the 3 pseudogenes form separate clusters. Compared to their mitochondrial equivalents the pseudogenes show only little divergence (e.g., 1.2 % vs. 10.3 % between M. bobak and M. caligata) indicating a much lower substitution rate in the nuclear genome. It can be assumed that the pseudogenes originated from a single transfer of the cyt-b sequence from the mitochondrial genome to the nucleus. This event must have occurred prior to the radiation of the genus Marmota, maybe even before the split between the genera Marmota and Spermophilus.
Kruckenhauser L. , Bryant A.A. & Pinsker W. Comparative study of microsatellite variation in the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) and in the endangered species M. vancouverensis [Étude comparative de la variation des microsatellites chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) et chez M. vancouverensis, espèce en danger].
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Marmota vancouverensis, génétique, genetic, microsatellite.
Kruckenhauser L., Haring E., Arnold W. & Pinsker W. 1999. Die Phylogenie der Gattung Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae): Ein Stammbaum auf der Basis von DNA-Sequenzdaten [Phylogénie du genre Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae) : arbre généalogique à partir des séquences ADN]. In: Murmeltiere (Preleuthner, M. & Aubrecht, G., eds.), Stapfia, 63: 169-176. OÖ Landesmuseums, Linz.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, phylogenèse, phylogenesis.
Kruckenhauser L., Haring E. & Pinsker W. 1998a. Intra- and interspecific variation and the evolution of sociability in the genus Marmota [Variation intra et interspécifique et évolution de la sociabilité du genre Marmota]. 6th International annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L., Haring E. & Pinsker W. 1998b. Microsatellite variation and mtDNA based phylogeny of the genus Marmota. 4th International Symposium on Ecological Genetics in Mammals, Wien, Austria.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L., Haring E. & Pinsker W. 1998c. Nuclear pseudogenes of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in the genus Marmota. 4th International Symposium on Ecological Genetics in Mammals, Wien, Austria.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L., Haring E. & Pinsker W. 1999. Microsatellite variation in two species of the genus Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae) [Variation des microsatellites chez deux espèces du genre Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae)]. Folia Zoologica, 48 (1): 29-36.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Marmota vancouverensis, variation génétique, genetic variation, microsatellite, satellite, Autriche, Austria, Espagne, Spain, Suisse, Switzerland.
Three new microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota). Using these markers together with the previously published L-I microsatellite locus eight populations from Austria, Switzerland and Spain were analysed. In the autochthonous populations the expected heterozygosity values (H(c)) are rather similar (from 23.1 to 30.2), whereas the introduced populations show a much broader range (from 3.4 to 60.1). Only two of the introduced populations from Austria appear to be genetically deprived. Some of the introduced populations are even highly variable, e.g., the populations from the Pyrenees and from Turracher Hohe. The allele frequencies and the occurrence of particular alleles allow for the estimation of the origins of the introduced populations. The three primer pairs designed for M. marmota proved to be also applicable for cross species amplification of the microsatellites in the North American species Marmota vancouverensis. For the study of this highly endangered species, hair samples were used for DNA-extraction and microsatellite analysis. The results obtained for the three loci reveal a severe reduction of genetic variability.
Kruckenhauser L., Miller W.J., Preleuthner M., Pinsker W. 1994. Recently acquired genetic variation in wild populations of marmota detected by DNA fingerprinting [Variation génétique récente dans des populations sauvages de marmottes détectée par les empreintes génétiques]. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 86-87.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, Autriche, Austria, Suisse, Switzerland.
Allozyme studies suggest a severe genetic bottleneck, as indicated by the reduced number of variable genes and the loss of rare alleles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the variation found at VNTR-loci for assaying the differentiation at the population level. Samples were taken from 6 locations in Switzerland (2) and Austria (4): autochthonous populations from Bern (B), Graubünden (G), and Verwall (V), re-introduced populations from Zillertal (Z), Kreuzeck (K), Eisenerz (E). Genomic DNA from liver samples was digested with Hinf l. Southern blots were hybridized with the DNA-probe (ATCC)4. Nine variable bands (4-22 kb) were found with 19 different pattern types among 50 individuals. Three pattern types are rather widespread, the other patterns occurred either once (10) or twice (6). All 6 populations were polymorphic. Autochthonous populations G and V and the westernmost re-introduced population Z were genetically similar. Population B is differentiated from the rest of the autochthonous populations. The 2 re-introduced populations K and E are genetically distinct. The common types represent an ancient polymorphism whereas the rare types may have been generated by mutations at the specific locations.
Kruckenhauser L., Miller W.J., Preleuthner M. & Pinsker W. 1997. Differentiation of Alpine marmot populations traced by DNA fingerprinting [Différentiation de populations de marmottes alpines par les empreintes génétiques]. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 35(3): 143-149.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, Marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, empreintes ADN, DNA fingerprints, Génétique des populations, population genetic, Autriche, Austria, Suisse, Switzerland.
As revealed by allozyme studies, the genetic variation of the Alpine marmot (Marmota m. marmota) has been reduced by a species-wide bottleneck at the end of the last glaciation. Therefore the more variable microsatellite loci were used as a genetic marker system to investigate variability and differentiation of four autochthonous and four allochthonous populations founded by the release of small numbers of individuals during the last 150 years. The microsatellite loci detected by the DNA-probe (ATCC), were found to be polymorphic in all populations, but the amount of variation was lower than in comparable mammalian species. In spite of founder effects the variation in the allochthonous populations was not significantly reduced compared to the autochthonous populations. The autochthonous populations from Austria and from the eastern part of Switzerland were genetically similar, only the population from western Switzerland was clearly differentiated from the others. In the allochthonous populations similarities in the microsatellite patterns reveal genetic affinities to putative autochthonous source populations of the founder individuals.
Kruckenhauser L. & Pinsker W. 1996. Genetic variation in the Alpine marmot [Variation génétique chez la marmotte alpine]. EU-workshop, Molecular tools for biodiversity, Bristol, UK.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L. & Pinsker W. 1997. Single- and multilocus microsatellite variation in the Alpine marmot (Marmota m. marmota). 6th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Arnheim, The Netherlands.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L. & Pinsker W. 2004.Microsatellite variation in autochthonous and introduced populations of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) along a European west-east transect [Variation de microsatellite dans les populations indigènes et introduites de marmotte alpine le long d’un transect européen est-ouest]. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Research, 42: 19-26.
En anglais, in English.
Microsatellites, hétérozygotie, heterozygosity, populations autochtones, autochthonous populations, réintroductions, reintroductions, différentiation génétique, genetic differentiation, Marmota marmota
Available pdf disponible
Microsatellite variation was studied in 11 populations of the Alpine marmot along a west-east transect through the present distribution range.The samples represent five autochthonous and six introduced populations. Eleven loci were analysed in nine populations and six loci in the two populations from France. In the populations from the Western Alps, there is no indication for reduced variability as has been assumed in previous studies. However, a decrease of variation in the autochthonous populations was observed from the west to the east. The introduced populations showed a heterogeneous pattern reflecting the geographic origin of the released individuals. The population from the Spanish Pyrenees harbours a high level of variation and is genetically closest to the French populations. In Austria, three of the introduced populations have low variation and are closely related to the autochthonous populations from the western part of Austria. In contrast, two introduced populations from the central part of Austria are highly variable and resemble the populations from France. At least for one of these populations an early introduction of founder individuals from the Western Alps has been documented.
Kruckenhauser Luise, Pinsker Wilhelm , Bryant Andrew 1999. Die Murmeltiere auf Vancouver Island (Marmota vancouverensis Rodentia, Sciuridae): Bedrohung einer seltenen Art durch Habitatverlust und genetische Verarmung [La marmotte de l’île de Vancouver : menace d’une curieuse façon d’appauvrir l’habitat et d’un appauvrissement génétique]. Stapfia, 159- 168.
En alemand, in German.
Marmota vancouverensis, génétique, genetic, habitat.
Kruckenhauser L., Pinsker W., Haring E. & Arnold W. 1999.Marmot phylogeny revisited: molecular evidence for a diphyletic origin of sociality [Phylogénie des marmottes revisée : preuve moléculaire d’une origine diphylétique de la socialité]. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Research, 37: 49-56.
Pdf disponible/available
We established the phylogeny of 11 species of the genus Marmota based on the entire sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) gene (1.1 kb) and a partial sequence of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene 1.2 kb). In three species (Marmota caligata, Marmota olympus and Marmota bobac) full sized nuclear pseudogenes of the mitochondrial cyt-b were identified. The mitochondrial cyt-b genes and the three pseudogenes form separate clusters in the maximum parsimony dendogram. This finding suggests that the pseudogenes originated from a single transfer to the nucleus that may have occured prior to the radiation of the genus Marmota. Notably, compared with their functional mitochondrial equivalents the pseudogenes show a much lower substitution rate. In the dendogramm deduced from the mitochondrial sequences two distinct clusters become apparent: one cluster consists of the North-west American species, the other contains the Eurasian species together with the North American species Marmota monax. The position of M. Monax as a member of the Eurasian clade is in accordance with the evolution of chromosomes numbers. The results are of special interest with respect to the evolution of social systems in the genus that vary from solitary species (M. monax) to highly social species living in family groups (e.g; Marmota marmota). The molecular phylogeny suggests a diphyletic origin of high sociality in the genus Marmota.
Kruckenhauser L., Preleuthner M. & Pinsker W. 1996. Differentiation of Alpine marmot populations traced by microsatellite analysis [Différentiation de populations de marmottes alpines par les empreintes génétiques]. 5th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Budapest, Hungary.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser Luise, Preleuthner Monika, Herrero Ldo. Juan & Pinsker Wilhelm 1999. Genetische Differenzierung der Populationen des Alpenmurmeltieres Marmota m. marmota Untersuchungen mittels DNA-Fingerprinting und Mikrosatellitenanalyse. Stapfia, 149- 158.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Kruckenhauser L., W.J. Miller, M. Preleuthner. & W. Pinsker 1996. Variation génétique récente des populations sauvages de M. Marmota détectée par empreintes génétiques. Recently acquired genetic variation in wild populations of M. marmota detected by DNA fingerprinting. In Biodiversité /Biodiversity, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 239-240.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota marmota, génétique, genetic, population.
Six populations de marmottes de Suisse et d'Autriche ont été analysées grâce aux empreintes génétiques utilisant la sonde ADN (ATCC)4. Toutes ces populations sont polymorphes. La distribution des canevas types parmi les échantillons de différents sites indiquent une homogénéité des populations autochtones sauf pour l'échantillon le plus occidental de Suisse centrale. Les populations allochtones de l'est de l'Autriche sont distinctes sous l'effet de fondation au cours des réintroductions.
Six populations from Switzerland and Austria were analysed through multilocus fingerprinting using the DNA-probe (ATTC)4. All six populations turned out to be polymorphic. The distribution of pattern types among the samples from different locations indicates genetic homogeneity of the autochthonous populations except the westernmost sample from central Switzerland. The allochthonous populations from the eastern part of Austria are distinct due to founder effects in the course of reintroduction.
Kruckenhauser L., W.J. Miller, M. Preleuthner & W. Pinsker 1997. Differenciation of Alpine marmot populations traced by DNA fingerprinting [Différenciation des populations de marmottes alpines d'après les empreintes génétiques]. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Research, 35: 143-149.
En anglais, in English.
Microsatellites, hétérozygotie, heterozygosity, populations autochtones, autochthonous populations, réintroductions, reintroductions, différentiation génétique, genetic differentiation, Marmota marmota.
As revealed by allozyme studies, the genetic variation of the Alpine marmot Marmota m. marmota) has been reduced by a species-wide bottleneck at the end of the last glaciation. Therefore the more variable microsatellite loci were used as a genetic marker system to investigate variability and differentiation of four autochthonous and four allochthonous populations founded by the release of small numbers of individuals during the last 150 years. The microsatellite loci detected by DNA-probe (ATCC)4 were found to be polymorphic in all populations, but the amount of variation was lower than in comparable mammalian species. In spite of founder effects the variation in the allochthonous populations was not significantly reduced compared to the autochthonous populations. The autochthonous population from Austria and from the eastern part of Switzerland were genetically similar, only the population from western Switzerland was clearly differentiated from others. In the allochthonous populations similarities in the microsatellite patterns reveal genetic affinities to putative autochthonous source population of the founder individuals.
DNA-Fingerprint-Untersuchung der Populationsdifferenzierung des Alpenmurmeltiers.
Allozymutersuchugen hatten gezeigt, dass die genetische Variation des Alpenmurmeltieres (Marmota m. marmota)am Ende der letzen Eszeit durch einen (die gesamte Art betreffenden) Flaschenhals redusiert wurde. Daher wurden die variableren Mikrosatellitenloci als genetische Marker zur Analyse von Variabilität und Differenzierung von vier autochthonen und vier allochthnonen Populationen eingesetzt. Die allochthonen Populationen wurden während der vergangenen 150 Jahre durch Aussetzung jeweils weniger Individuen begründet. Die mit der DNA-Sonde (ATCC)4 detektierten Mikrosatellitenloci erwiesen sich in allen Populationen als polymorph. Das Ausmass der Variation war jedoch niedriger als in vergleichbaren Sägetierarten. Trotz Founder-Effekten war die Variation in den allochthonen Populationen nicht significant niedriger als in den autochthonen Populationen. Die autochthonen Populationen aus Österreich und dem östlichen Teil der Schweiz zeigten hoche Ähnlichkeit, nur die Populationen aus der westlichen Schweiz war vom Rest klar differenziert. Zwischen allochthonen und autochthonen Populationen gefundene Ähnlichkeiten weisen auf die Ursprünge der Gründerindividuen hin.
Krumbach Thilo 1904. Die unteren Schneidezähne der Nagetiere, nach Gestalt und Funktion betrachtet [Les incisives inférieures chez les rongeurs, forme et fonction. Lower incisives in Rodents, form and function]. Zool. Anz., 27: 273-290, 20 text-figs.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, Marmota, dent, tooth, incisive.
Krumbiegel J. 1930. Mammalia-Säugetiere [Mammifères-. Mammals]. Biologie der Tiere Deutschlands, 31(52): 1-224.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals.
Krünitz Johann Georg, Floerken Friedrich Jakob, Flörke Heinrich Gustav, Korth Johann Wilhelm David, Hoffmann Carl Otto & Kossarski Ludwig 1854. Oekonomische Encyklopädie- Oder, allgemeines System der Staats-, Stadt-, Haus-, und Landwirthsch. Berlin.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota bobac, Mus arctomys, Marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Mus marmotta, Mus monax.
Extrait pdf extract
Krupp P.P., Young R.A. & Frink R. 1977. The thyroid gland of the woodchuck, Marmota monax: a morphological study of seasonal variations in the follicular cells cells [La glande thyroïde de la marmotte commune, Marmota monax : étude morphologique des variations saisonnières des cellules folliculaires]. Anat. Rec., 187(4): 495-514.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, thyroïde, thyroid, saison, season, morphologie, morphology.
The morphology of the thyroid gland of the woodchuck, Marmota monax, was studied during the four seasons of the year. In the spring the thyroid is extremely heterogenous in appearance. Some follicular cells appear quite active. They contain a well defined Golgi apparatus, abundant large colloid droplets and pseudopodia but few, if any, apical vesicles. Other less active cells have poorly defined rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and lack a well developed Golgi apparatus. They do not contain apical vesicles or colloid droplets. Summer thyroids have uniformly small follicles which are lined by high cuboidal cells containing numerous mitochondria, apical vesicles, abundant rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, and lipid droplets but few colloid droplets. There is extensive lateral and basal infolding of the cytoplasmic membranes in these cells. In the fall and winter the follicles are larger than in the summer and contain more colloid. Numerous heterogeneous dense bodies appear in the cytoplasm of the follicular cells in the fall and increase in number in the winter when there is an obvious sparsity of such glycoprotein synthetic organelles as Golgi apparatus and rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. These morphologic changes are compared with previous studies of thyroid structure and function in other animals and are correlated with the seasonal physiologic activities of the woodchuck.
Krupennikov I.A & Stepanitskaya S.M. 1943. O vliyanii sourka (M. bobac Müll.) na ptchvou v svyazi s nekotorymi voprosami ego ekologii [Influence de M. bobac sur le sol et quelques problèmes de son écologie. Impact of M. bobac on the soil and some problem of its ecology]. Zool. j., 22 (6) : 369-373.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, sol, soil.
Kryger Z., Galli Resta L., Jacobs G.H. & Reese B.E. 1998. The topography of rod and cone photoreceptors in the retina of the ground squirrel [Cartographie des cônes et des bâtonnets de la rétine de l'écureuil terrestre]. Visual neuroscience, 15(4): 685-691.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, photoréception, photoreception, rétine, retina.
Krylov D.G. 1961. K obosnovannyu granits enzootitchnoïzony Sarydjazskogo avronomonogo otchaga tchoumy [Sur les justifications des limites de la zone d'enzootie du foyer autonome de peste de Sarydjazski. About proofs of limits of the enzootic zone of the autonomous plague focus in Sarydjazski]. Tezisy dokladov 1-go Vsesoyuz. sovechtchannya po mlekopitayuchtchim, 3.
Epidémiologie : Peste : Asie
Krylov D.G. 1962. [Influence des conditions météorologiques sur quelques indices eco-physiologiques de la population de marmotte grise du Sarydjaz Syrts (Tien Shan central). Influence of weather conditions on some ecologo-physiological indices of grey marmot population in Sarydjaz Syrts (Central Tien Shan)]. Mater. 4 ecologich. konf. Vysschei schkoly, MGU.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, météorologie, weather conditions.
Krylov D.G. 1963. [Sur la suppression du foyer de peste de Sarydjaz (Effet de l'extermination prtielle et totale des marmottes). On question of suppresion Sarydjaz plague focus (effect of total and partial marmots extermination)]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i prophilak. choumy, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague.
Krylov D.G. 1964. Zoologitcheskaya kharakteristika Sarydzhazskogo utchastka Sredneaziatskogo gornogo otchaga tchumy [Caractéristiques zoologiques du secteur de Saroudzhazsk, foyer de peste de l'Asie centrale. Zoologic characteristics of the Sarudzhazsk region, plague focus of Central Asia]. Avtoref. kand. diss. M. : MGU.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.
Krystufek B. 1991. Sesalci Slovenije [Mammifères de Slovanie. Mammals of Slovenia]. Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana, 294 pp.
En Slovaque, in Slovak.
Mammifères, Mammalia, mammals, Slovanie, Slovenia.
Kryzhanosky V.I. 1983. O tselesoobraznosti reakklimatizatsii alpiiskogo surka v Ukrainskikh Karpatakh [Raisons de la réintroduction de la marmotte alpine dans les Carpates ukrainiennes. Reasons of the alpine marmot re-introduction in the Carpatians in Ukraine]. Okhrana, ratsionalnoe ispolzovanie i ekologiya surkov, M., 57-58.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, Ukraine.
Kshatriya M. & Cosner C. 2002. A continuum formulation of the ideal free distribution and its implications for population dynamics. Theoretical population Biology, 61: 277-284.
En anglais, in English.
Habitat, ideal free distribution, distribution idéale libre, modèle, model..
Kucher O.M. & Red'ko I.M. 1976. [Pathogenesis of allogenic tissue incompatibility in marmots against a background of hyporeactive states]. Fiziol. J., 22(5): 699-702.
En ukrainien, in Ukrainian.
Kucher O.M. & Red'ko I.M. 1978. [Changes in thymus tissue following allotransplantation against a background of hyporeactivity]. Fiziol. J., 24(1): 123-125.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, thymus.
Kutcheruk V.V. 1963. Vozdejstvie travoyadnykh mlekopitaiushikh na prodouktivnosti travostoya stepi i ikh znatchenie v obrazovanii organitcheskoï tchasti stepnykh potchv. Tr. MOIP, 10 : 157-193.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.
Kucheruk V.V. 1945. Znatchenie razlitchnykh mlekopitaiushikh i tchoumnykh epizootiyakh i v vozniknovenii liudskikh zabolevanii v Mongolsko-Zabaïkalskom endemitchnom otchage [Importance des différents mammifères dans l'épizootie de la peste et dans la présence de maladies de l'homme dans le foyer endémique du Transbaïkal-Mongolie. Importance of the different mammals in the plague epizooty and in the presence of human deseases in the endemic focus in Cis-Baikal-Mongolia]. Zool. J., 24 (5).
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, Transbaïkal, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kucheruk V.V. 1946. Gryzouny-obitateli jilchtch tcheloveka v Vostotchnoï Mongolii [Les rongeurs commensaux de l'homme en Mongolie de l'Est. Human commensal of rodents in east Mongolia]. Zool. j., 25 (2).
Rodentia, Mongolie, Mongolia.
En russe, in Russian.
Kucheruk V.V. 1955. Znatchenie Bol'chogo Khingana kak faounistitcheskoï granitsy [Importance de la Grande Khingana comme limite faunistique. Importance of the Grand Khingana as faunistic limit]. Byul. Mosk. ob-va ispyt. prirody. Otd. biol., 60(5).
En russe, in Russian.
Faunistique, fauna.
Kucheruk V.V. 1959. Opyt klassifikatsii prirodnykh otchagov tchoumy vnetropitcheskoï Evrazii. Soobchtchenie 1. Printsipy tipologii i klassifikatsii prirodnykh otchagv infektsii [Expérience de classification des foyers naturels de peste en Eurasie intertropicale. Experiment of classifaction of plague natural foci in intertropical Eurasia]. Med. parazitol. i parazitor. bolezii, 6.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Asie, Asia.
Kucheruk V.V. 1960a. Opyt klassifikatsii irirodnykh otchagov tchoumy vnetropitcheskoï Evrazii. Soobchtchenie II. [Expérience de classification des foyers naturels de peste en Eurasie intertropicale. Experiment of classification of plague natural foci in intertropical Eurasia]. Med. parazitol. i parazitarn. bolezni, 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Asie, Asia.
Kucheruk V.V. 1960b. Nory kak sredstvo zashity ot neblagopriyatnogo vozdejstviya abiotitcheskikh faktorov sredy [Terriers : moyen de défense contre l'influence négative des facteurs abiotiques. Burrows: mean of defense against negative influence of abiotic factors]. Fauna i ekologuya grizounov, 6, M. MGU, 56-95.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, terrier, burrow.
Kucheruk V.V. 1963. Vozdejstvie travoyadnykh mlekopitaiushikh na produktivnosti travostoya stepi i ikh znatchenie v obrazovanii organitcheskoï tchasti stepnykh potchv [Importance des mammifères herbivores sur la productivité de la végétation de la steppe et sa signification sur la création de la partie organique du sol. Impact of grass-feeding mammals on the steppe vegetation productivity and their significance for creation of organic part os steppe soils]. Tr. MOIP, 10 : 157-193.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Mammifères, mammals, alimentation, foraging, végétation, vegetation, sol, soil, steppe..
Kucheruk V.V. 1965. Voprosy paleogeneazisa tchoumy v svyazi s istorieï faouny gryzounov [À propos de la peste paléogène en liaison avec l'histoire des rongeurs. About paleogene plague and the history of rodents]. Faouna i ekologiya gryzounov, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, peste, plague, histoire, history.
Kucheruk V.V. 1972. Strouktoura, tipologiya i raïonirovanie prirodnykh otchagov bolezneï tcheloveka [Structure, typologie et régionalisation des foyers de maladies humaines. Structure, typology and regionalization of human desease foci]. V kn. Itogi razvitiya outcheniya o prirodnoï otchagovosti bolezneï tcheloveka i dal'neïchtchie zadatchi, M., Meditsina.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, médecine, medecine.
Kucheruk V.V. 1983. Nry mlekopitaiushikh - ikh stroenie, ispolzovanie i tipologiya [Les terriers des mammifères : leur construction, utilisation et typologie. Mammal burrows: their building, use and typology]. Fauna i ekologiya gryzounov, 15 : 5-54.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, terrier, burrow, écologie, ecology.
Kucheruk V.V. & D.I. Bibikov 1980. Sourki kak khranitelli tchoumy [Marmotte : porteur de la peste. Marmot: plague carrier]. In Sourki. Biotsenotitcheskoe i praktitchekoe znatchenie, [Marmots. Biocenotic and practical importance], Zimina & Isakov eds., 111-164.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Kucheruk V.V., Dobrokhotov B.P., Mechtcheryakova I.S. & Luchtchekina A.A. 1977. Vyyavlenie na territorii MNR prirodnykh otchagov toulyaremii i tchoumy pri pomochtchi issledovaniya pogadok khichtchnykh ptits [Influence des foyers naturels de la tularémie et de la peste en République de Mongolie à l'aide des boulettes de régurgitation des oiseaux prédateurs. Impact of natural foci of tularemia and plague in Mongolia Republic thanks to regurgitation pellets of bird of prey]. V kn. Epidemiologiya i profilaktika osobo opasnykh infektsiïv MNR i SSSR, Oulan-Bator.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Oiseaux, Birds, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kucheruk V.V., Ryutin V.A. & Dunayeva T.N. 1951. Opyt izutcheniya pasterelleznoï epizootii tarbaganov v Vostotchoï Mongolii [Etude expérimentale sur la pasteurelose épizootique de la bobac de Mongolie en Mongolie orientale. Study experience on Pasteurellosis epizootic of the Mongolian bobak in Mongolia East. In Fauna and ecology of rodents, issue 4, Moscow Society of Naturalists, 82-97]. Fauna i ekologiya gryzunov, Materialy po gryzunam, 4, M. : MOIP, 82-97.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, médecine, medecine, épidémiologie, epidemiology, pasteurellose, pasteurollosis, salmonellose, salmonellosis, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Kudej R.K. & Vatner S.F. 2003. Nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation maintains blood flow in true hibernating myocardium. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.), 35(8): 931-935.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, sang, blood, cardiologie, cardiology.
Patients with chronic coronary artery disease may exhibit chronically depressed regional myocardial function, which can be reversed by revascularization. This was called hibernating myocardium, since it was thought that myocardial blood flow was also chronically reduced and since animals during true hibernation are thought to have downregulated function and blood flow. The missing link in this syllogism, whose discovery became our goal, was to measure myocardial blood flow during true hibernation. Five woodchucks (Marmota monax) were anesthetized and chronically instrumented. Hemodynamics were recorded prior to placement in a hibernaculum and again after the animals displayed a stable period of hibernation. Body temperature had fallen from 35.7 +/- 0.5 to 13.4 +/- 0.6 degrees C. Heart rate, mean aortic pressure, and left ventricular dP/dt had decreased, P < 0.05, by 67 +/- 12% from 86 +/- 4 bpm, 36 +/- 11% from 76 +/- 4 mmhg, and 61 +/- 11% from 1924 +/- 222 mmhg/s, respectively. although renal blood flow, as assessed by radioactive microspheres, had decreased by 95 +/- 2% and overall cardiac output fell by approximately 84%, surprisingly, transmural myocardial blood flow did not fall during hibernation (0.70 +/- 0.16 ml/min/g) relative to when awake (0.84 +/- 0.09 ml/min/g). interestingly, during hibernation, nitric oxide (no) synthase inhibition resulted in a significant decrease, p < 0.05, in myocardial blood flow (-41 +/- 5%) and increase in coronary vascular resistance (cvr, +90 +/- 17% from 77 +/- 13 mmhg min g/ml). thus, true mammalian hibernation results in downregulation of blood flow to the visceral organs, e.g. to the kidneys, but a surprising maintenance of myocardial blood flow, which appears to be due to an no mechanism.
Kudyavchva K.F. 1956. Predvaritel'nye resoul'taty obsledovaniya leptami sourotchikh nor na syrtakh Issykkoul'skoï oblasti [Premiers résultats d'observation des terriers de marmottes des moyennes montagnes de la région d'Issykkoul'ski. First results of the observation of marmot burrows in the low mountains of Issykkul'ski region]. Tr. Sredneaz. Protivotchoumn. in-ta, 2.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, terriers, burrow.
Kuhl 1820. Beiträge zur Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie [Contribution sur la zoologie et l'anatomie comparée. Contribution on zoology and compared anatomy].
En allemand, in German.
Marmota monax, Arctomys melanopus, Canada, anatomie, anatomy.
Kul'kova I.A. 1961. Rasprostranenie i tchislennosti krasnogo sourka v Tyan-Chanskoï oblasti [Répartition et effectif de la marmotte rouge du Tien Chan. Distribution and number of the red marmot in Tien Shan]. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 7.
Marmota caudata, dénombrement, census, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kul'kova N.A. & Berendyaev S.A. 1961. [Sur le déplacement des marmottes. About moving of marmots]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz. SSR (In Russian).
Kul'kova N.A. & Berendyaeva E.L. 1961. [Sur la date de reproduction des marmottes grises. About of a reproduction date of grey marmots]. Tr. Sredneaziat. protivochum. in-ta, Alma-Ata - Frunze, 7: 375-377.
En russe, in Russian.
Kul'kova I.A., Mikhajliuta A.A. & Popov V.S. 1969. O nazemnoï aktivnosti i podvizhnosti serogo sourka v vysokogorie Tyan-Shanya [Sur l'activité externe et la mobilité de la marmotte grise dans les hautes montagnes du Tien Chan. About external activity and mobility of the grey marmot in the upper mountains in Tien Shan]. Materiali 6 nautchnoï konf. protivotchumnykh outchezhdenii Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 2, 19-21.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, activité, activity, Tien Chan, Tien-Shan.
Kul'kova I.A. & Popov V.S. 1967. Materiali po razmno eniyu serikh sourkov v nevole [Matériaux sur la reproduction des marmottes grises en conditions expérimentales. Material on grey marmots reproduction in experimental conditions]. Mater. V Naoutsch. konf. protivotschoum outchrejdenï Sr. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 116-117.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, reproduction, élevage, breeding.
Kul'kova I.A. & Popov V.S. 1969. O nazemnoï aktivnosti i podvizhnosti serogo surka v vysokogorie Tyan-Shanya [Sur l'activité externe et les déplacements de la marmotte grise. About external activity and move of grey marmot in the upper mountins in Tien Shan]. Mat-ly IU nautchn. konf. protivotchumnykh utchrezhdenii Sredneï azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 2, 19-21.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, activité, activity, élevage, breeding.
Kul'kova I.A. & Popov V.K. 1976. [Données sur la reproduction de la marmotte grise dans différentes conditions. Data on gray marmot reproduction in different conditions]. Mater. 5 nauchn. conf. protivochoumn. ouchregd. Sredneii asii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata: 116-117.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, reproduction.
Kul'kova N.A., Savinkova L.D., Popov V.K., Varivodina T.A. 1974. [Protéines sériques du sang de marmottes grises infectées expérimentalement par la peste. On proteins of blood serum of grey marmots infected by plague microbe in experiment]. Mater. VIII nauch. konf. protivochum. ouchrezhd. Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 114-116.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, peste, plague, sang, blood.
Kul'kova N.A., Savinkova L.D., Varivodina T.A., Popov V.K., Kuznetzova V.D. 1974. [Sucre sanguin des marmottes grises en conditions normales et de peste expérimentale. Content of sugar in grey marmot's blood by a normal conditions and experimental plague]. Mater. VIII nauch. konf. protivochum. ouchrezzhd. Sredn. Azii i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata, 112-114.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, peste, plague, sang, blood.
Kul'tiasov M.V. 1927. Vertikal'nye rastitel'nye zony v Zapadnom Tyan'-Chane [Zonage vertical de la végétation dans l'ouest du Tien Chan. Vertical zonation of vegetation in west Tien Shan]. Byul. Sredneaz. gos. oun-ta, 14, 15.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kul'tiasov I.M. 1955. Osobennosti ekologii vysokogornykh rasteniï Zapadnogo Tyan'Chanya [Particularités écologiques des plantes des hautes montagnes de l'ouest du Tien Shan. Ecologic peculiarities of the plants in the upper mountains in the west Tien Shan]. M., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, écologie, ecology, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kulik I.L., Plechova Z.N., Hrameyeva A.V., Kostyrev V.A., Bebeshko S.V. & Kuzmina I.K. 1965. [Préalables zoologiques de l'existence des centres de nature de Tulirmiy en République Tchouvache. Zoology prerequisites of existence of nature centres of tuljrmiy in Chuvash republic. Zoology magazine, 44: 17-25.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, re-introduction, République Tchouvache, Chuvash Republic, Russie, Russia.
Kulonen K. & Millman I. 1988. Vertical transmission of woodchuck hepatitis virus [Transmission verticale du virus de l’hépatite de la marmotte commune d’Amérique]. J. Med. Virol., 26(3): 233-242.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
One newborn and 24 fetal woodchuck litters from a woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) endemic population were examined for serological or hepatic evidence of WHV. In 18 of 24 fetal litters, there was detectable WHV DNA in the livers, either at explant culture or tissue extract. Most of those WHV DNA-positive liver extracts, which were examined by Southern blot, showed integration of WHV. However, WHV DNA replicative forms without integration were demonstrated in livers of two litters from late gestation. Woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen was detected in the sera of two other fetal litters from the late gestation period. WHV DNA was demonstrated in sera of three litters at different stages of ontogeny.
Kumerlove H. 1975. Die säugertiere (Mammalia) der Türkei [Les Mammifères de Turquie. Mammals in Turkey]. Veröff. Zool. Staatssamm. Müchen, (18) : 69-158.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, mammals, Turquie, Turkey.
Kunitsky (Kounitskii) V.N. & Kunitskaya (Kounitskaïa) N.T. 1962. Fleas of the southwestern Azerbaijan [Puces du sud-ouest de l'Azerbaïdjan]. Proc. Azerbajanian Anti-Plague Station, 3: 156-169.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Azebaïdjan, Azerbaijan.
Kunitzkaya (Kounitskaïa) N.T. 1965. [Les puces de la chaîne de Chingiztau. To fauna of fleas of Chingiztau ridge]. Mater. 4 nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagov. i prophilact. choumy, Alma-Ata: 133-134.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas.
Kunst K.G., Nagel D. & Radeberer G. 1989. Erste Grabungsergebnisse vom Nixloch bei Losensteir-Ternberg [Premières résultat des fouilles de Nixloch près de Losensteir-Ternberg. First results of excavation in Nixloch near Losensteir-Ternberg]. Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines, 134(1): 199-212.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
Kunstler J. 1887. Contribution à l'étude de l'appareil masticateur chez les rongeurs : notice myologique sur l'Arctomys marmotta [Contribution to the study of the masticatotry organ of Rodents: myological notice on Arctomys marmotta]. Ann. des Sc. nat., Zool. et Paléont., 57e année, 7e série, 4(1, 2, 3, 4): art. n° 3.
En français, in French.
Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, os de la mâchoire, muscles de le mâchoire, jaw bones, jaw muscles.
Revue des travaux scientifiques / publ. sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques ; Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, Publication Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : Impr. nationale, 1881-1898, ISSN 1255-9113
Kuo M.Y., Goldberg J., Coates L., Mason W., Gerin J. & Taylor J. 1988. Molecular cloning of hepatitis delta virus RNA from an infected woodchuck liver: sequence, structure, and applications. J. Virol., 62(6): 1855-1861.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
cDNA prepared from the single-stranded circular RNA genome of hepatitis delta virus was cloned in lambda gt11 by using RNA from the liver of an infected woodchuck. From the sequence of overlapping clones, we assembled the full sequence of 1,679 nucleotides. The sequence indicated an exceptional ability for intramolecular base pairing, yielding a rod structure with at least 70% of the bases paired and a predicted free energy of -805 kcal (-3,368 kJ)/mol. Three of the lambda clones contained sequences that were not only expressed as fusion proteins with beta-galactosidase but were recognized by human hepatitis delta virus-specific antibody. These clones were sequenced so as to establish the reading frame of the delta antigen on the antigenomic strand. The fusion protein produced by one clone was purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and then was used to raise rabbit antibodies specific for the delta antigen.
Kuraev I.I., Vorotnikov I.A. & Ivanov V.A. 1984. [Cas de peste dans le foyer de peste des montagnes d'Asie moyenne. Cases of plague on the territory Middle Asian mountain plague focus.] Natural foci of a plage and another zoonosis. Saratov, pp. 57-65.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Asie, Asia.
Kuramoto R.T. & L.C. Bliss 1970. Ecology of subalpine meadows in the Olympic Mountains, Washington [Ecologie des prairies subalpine dans les montagnes Olympic, Washington]. Ecol. Monogr., 40: 317-347.
En anglais, in English.
Botanique, botanic, écologie, ecology, EUA, USA, Washinton.
Kurta A. 1995. Mammals of the Great Lakes Region [Mammifères de la région des grands lacs]. Revised Edition. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pg. 115-117.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, faune, fauna, Marmota monax.
Kurtén B. 1953. On the variation and population dynamics of fossil and recent mammal populations [Sur la variation et la dynamique des populations de mammifères fossiles et récents]. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 76: 1-122.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology.
Kurtén B. 1963. Notes on some Pleistocene mammal migrations from the Palearctic to Nearctic [Notes sur certaines migrations de mammifères du Pléistocène du Paléarctique au Néarctique]. Eiszeitalter Gegenwart, 14: 96-103.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene.
Kurtén B. 1968. Pleistocene Mammals of Europe [Les mammifères du Pléistocène en Europe]. In The world naturalist, Carrington ed., Weinfeld & Nicolson, London, 192-196.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Europe, Europa.
Kurtén B. & Anderson E. 1980. Pleistocene mammals of North America [Les mammifères du Pléistocène en Amérique du Nord]. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 442 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Amérique du Nord, North America.
Kurtz E.B. 1960. Biochemistry of adaptation in plants to environment [Biochimie de l'adaptation des plantes au milieu]. Amer. Nat., 94 : 237-243.
En anglais, in English.
Biochimie, biochemistry, végétation, vegetation.
Kuryatnikova V.N. 1958. K voprosou o toulyaremii v Borziskom raïone Tchitinskoï oblasti [Sur la question de la tularémie dans le secteur de Borziski région de Tchitinski. About the tularemia question in the Borziski sector in Tchitinski region]. Tezisy dokladov konferentsoï Irkout. naoutch.-issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 3, Oulan-Oude.
En russe, in Russian.
Médecine : Bactérie.
Kuryatnikova V.N. 1962. Vydelenie listerioznykh koul'tour iz gryzounov v Zabaïkal'skom tchoumnom otchage [Découverte de listériose chez les rongeurs dans les foyers de la peste du Transbaïkal. Discovery of literiosis in rodents in the plague focus in Cis-Baikal]. Izv. Irkout. naoutch.-issled. protivo-tchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 24.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.
Kurukov S.V. 1980. Istoritcheskie izmaneniya v razmechenii baïbaka (XVII-XIX bb. i pervaya trey XXn) [Changements historiques de la répartition de la marmotte bobac (XVII-XIX siècle et premier tiers du XXème siècle). Historic changes of the distribution of the bobac marmot (XVII-XIX century and first third of XX century)]. In Sourki. Biotsenotitcheskoe i pratik-titcheskoe znatchenie, Zimina & Isakov eds., M. Naouka, 24-30.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, rpartition, distribution, histoire, history.
Kuz'mina I.Ye. 1975. Nekotoryye dannyye o mlekopitayushchikh Srednego Urala v pozdnem pleystotsene. [Quelques données sur les mammifères de l'Oural central durant la fin du Pléistocène. Some data on the mammals of the Middle Urals during the Late Pleistocene.]. Byull. Kom. Izuch. Chetvertichn. Perioda, Akad. Nauk SSSR. 43 p. 63-71.
En russe, in Russian.
Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Oural, Russie, Russia.
Kuz'mina I.Ye. 1982. Vidovoy sostav i otnositel'naya chislennost' mlekopitayushchikh Srednego Urala v pozdnem pleystotsene. [Composition spécifique et nombres relatifs des mammifères de l'oural central à la fin du Pléistocène. Species composition and relative numbers of mammals in the Middle Urals during the Late Pleistocene.] 111 : 44-48, 92.
En russe, in Russian.
Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Oural, Russie, Russia.
Kuznetsov A. I. , Kochenkov V. G. & Rostokin Yu. N. 1991. The population and dispersal of long-tailed marmots in the Talasse Range [Population et dipersion des marmottes à longue queue de la chaîne du Talass]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 60-62.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, population, dispersion, dispersal.
Kuznetzov A.I., Usenbaev A.I., Varivodina T.A., Melchakov A.G., Kendyrbaev D.U., Kudryavtzeva R.F. & Kostousova V.A. 1985. [Nouveaux territoires du foyer de peste du Tien Shan. New territories of plague foci in Tien Shan]. V kn. Aktyal. voprosy epidnadz. v prirod. ochagakh chumy, Stavropol': 180-181.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.
Kuznetsov V.A. 1912. Tarbagan, ego zhizni i priroda [La marmotte tarbagan, sa vie et nature. The tarbagan marmot, its life and nature]. Zabaïkalskii khozyain, 2-3.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.
Kuznetsov V.A. 1944. Grizouni. Opredelitel' mlekopitayuchtchikh SSSR, pod redaktsieï N.A. Bobrinskogo, M.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, URSS, USSR.
Kuznetsov V.A. 1948a. Zveri Kirgizii[Bêtes sauvages de Kirghizie]. M.
En russe, in Russian.
Animaux sauvages, wildlife, Kirghizie, Kirghizia.
Kuznetsov V.A 1948b. Mlekopitaiushie Kazakhstana [Les mammifères du Kazakhstan. Mammals of Kazakhstan]. M., MOIP.
En russe, in Russian. Mammifères, mammals, Kazakhstan.
Kuznetsov V.A. 1963. Materialy po faoune mlekopitayuchtchikh Tsentral'noï Azii [Matériaux sur la faune des mammifères en Asie centrale. Materials on mammalian fauna of Central Asia]. Works MOEP, 10 : 116-156.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, faunistique, fauna, Asie, Asia.
Kuznetsov V.A. 1965. M. baibacina aphanasievi.
En russe, in Russian.
Kuznetsov V. I., Kryulov I.L. & Sarjinskiï V.A. 1969. Materialy k epizootologitcheskoï kharakteristike Mongoloun-Taïgi [Matériaux sur les caractéristiques épizootologiques de Mongoloun-Taigi. Material on the epizootologic characteristics of Mongolun-Taigi]. Dokl. Irkout. protivotchoumn. in-ta, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Épizootie, epizooty.
Kuznetsov A. I., Kochenkov V. G., Rostokin Yu. N. 1991. [Population et dispersion de la marmotte à longue queue dans la chaîne du Talasse. The population and dispersal of long-tailed marmots in the Talasse Range]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Suzdal, Moscow, 60-62.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, population, dispersion, dispersal.
Kuzyakin A.P. 1963. K sytematike gryznnov fauny SSSR [Sur la systématique de la faune des rongeurs d'URSS. On the systematics of rodents in USSR]. Tr. Mosk. ob-va ispytatelei prirody, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, systématique, systematic.
Kwiecinski Gary G. 1998. Marmota monax. Mammalian Species, 0 (591): 1-8.
Kycheruk V.V. 1957. [Bibliographie des publications soviétiques sur les rongeurs (période 1949-1953). Bibliography of Soviet publications on a rodents (period 1949-1953)]. Fauna i ecolog. gryzounov, Izd. MGU, 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Bibliographie, bibliography, Rodentia.
Kydyrbaev Kh.K., Kapitonov V.I., Spivakova L.V., Shubin V.I. 1988. [Situation actuelle des ressources en marmottes et de leur chasse au Kazakhstan. Rongeurs. Present situation on resource and hunting of marmots in Kazakhstan. Rodents]. Thezisy VII Vsesojuzn. sovesch. Sverdlovsk, 3: 28-29.
En russe, in Russian.
Kyle C.J., Karels T.J., Clark B., Strobeck C., Hik D.S. & Davis C.S. 2004. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) [Isolement et caractérisation de microsatellites marqueurs chez les marmottes givrées (Marmota caligata)]. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4: 749-751.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, marmotte givrée, hoary marmot, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Spermophile du Columbia, Spermophilus columbianus, Columbian ground squirrels, Spermophilus citellus, European ground squirrels, souslik d'Europe, génétique, genetics, microsatellites, système de reproduction, mating system, parentage, Scuiridae.
Pdf disponible/available
Microsatellite loci were developed from hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) to aid in the investigation of the social structure and mating system of this species. Seven of the microsatellite loci developed were found to be moderately polymorphic with between two and seven alleles per locus. In addition to the microsatellites developed in hoary marmots we also tested markers developed for other scuirids, namely European alpine marmots (M. marmota), Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) and European ground squirrels (S. citellus). Of these markers, 13 were polymorphic when amplified in hoary marmots with between two and nine alleles per locus.
Kyle C.J., Karels T.J., Davis C.S., Mebs S., Clark B., Stribeck C. & Hiks D.S. 2007. Social structure and facultative mating systems of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) [Structure sociale et systèmes d’appariement facultatifs chez la marmotte givrée (Marmota caligata)]. Molecular ecology (Mol Ecol.), 16(6): 1245-55.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, théorie du choix du partenaire, mate-choice theory, reproduction, génétique, genetics, monogamie, monogamy, Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada.
Mate-choice theory predicts different optimal mating systems depending on resource availability and habitat stability. Regions with limited resources are thought to promote monogamy. We tested predictions of monogamy in a social rodent, the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata), at the northern climatic extreme of its distribution. Mating systems, social structure and genetic relationships were investigated within and among neighbouring colonies of marmots within a 4 km(2) valley near Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada, using 21 microsatellite loci. While both monogamous and polygynous populations of hoary marmots have been observed in the southern reaches of this species' range; northern populations of this species are thought to be predominantly monogamous. Contrary to previous studies, we did not find northern hoary marmot social groups to be predominantly monogamous; rather, the mating system seemed to be facultative, varying between monogamy and polygyny within, as well as among, social groups. These findings reveal that the mating systems within colonies of this species are more flexible than previously thought, potentially reflecting local variation in resource availability.