Bibliographia Marmotarum. Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov
Convertisseur de code Unicode : Richard Ishida & François Yergeau; Version: 2004-02-09 23:17


Mise à jour 16/02/2008 Updated

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If you know bibliographic references and abstracts unlisted here,
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La Baume W. 1947. Diluviale Schädel vom Ur (Bos primigenius Bojanus) aus Toscana [Crâne diluvial auroch (Bos primigenius Bojanus) de Toscane. Diluvial skull auroch (Bos primigenius Bojanus) from Toscana]. Ecl. Geol. Helvetiae, 40(2) : 299-308.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Bovidae, paléontologie, paleontology, Italie, Italy, Toscane, Toscana.

La Borde Jean Benjamin de 1784. Tableaux de la Suisse ou voyage pittoresque faits dans les XIII cantons du Corps Helvétique. Tome troisième, Lamy, Paris. La Curne de Sainte-Palaye Jean-Baptiste de 1875. Dictionnaire historique de l'ancien langage françois ou Glossaire de la langue françoise depuis son origine jusqu'au siècle de Louis XIV [Historical dictionnary of the ancient French language or French language glossary from its origin to the XIVth Louis century]. Tome septième, [Glotonin-Mytouflé]. Num. BNF, Niort, L. Favre, Paris, H. Champion, 460 p.
Dictionnaire, dictionary, français, French language, Marmote, marmotte, Marmota.
Extrait/extract pdf

La Fontaine Jean de 1679. Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de La Fontaine, 4e partie. Paris, D. Thierry et C. Bardin, 226 p., fig. gravées par François Chauveau, Num. Bnf. Les deux rats, le renard et l’œuf, 91-95.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, littérature françaises, Fench literature, fable, tale, La Fontaine Jean de (1621-1695), Chauveau François (1613-1676) Graveur.
Extrait/extract pdf La Fontaine Jean de 1972.
Les deux rats, le renard, et l'oeuf [The two rats, the fox and the egg]. Livre IX, Bordas, Paris, 1972.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, littérature françaises, Fench literature, fable, tale, La Fontaine Jean de (1621-1695).

La Fontaine J. de 1990. Fables choisies. Fable VIII. L'Aigle et l'Escarbot. Paris, Bordas. Num. BNF . Collection Classiques Garnier.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, littérature françaises, Fench literature, fable, tale, marmotte, marmot.
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La Hontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce 1703a. Nouveaux voyages de M. le baron de Lahontan dans l'Amérique septentrionale.... [New travels of Mr. the baron de Lahontan in northern America....].Tome I , La Haye, les frères L'Honoré, 279 p. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, siffleur, whistler p.39, amerindiens, indians, Canada, La Hontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1666-1715?).
En français, in French.
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La Hontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce 1703b. Mémoires de l'Amérique septentrionale ou La suite de voyage de M. le baron de Lahontan... [Memoirs on the Northern America or continuation of the travel of Mr. the baron de Lahontan]. Tome second, La Haye, les frères L'Honoré, 220 p. Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, siffleur, whistler p.82, amerindiens, indians, Canada, La Hontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce (1666-1715?).
En français, in French.
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La Sorsa V., Argentini C., Bruni R., Villano U., Giuseppetti R. & Rapicetta M. 2002. In vivo transmission and dynamics of deleted genomes after experimental infection of woodchuck hepatitis B virus in adult animals. Virus Genes, 25(2): 147-57.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
The presence of Deleted Genomes has been shown in a number of viral models including Hepadnaviridae. The analysis of woodchuck hepatitis B virus (WHV) population after experimental infection of woodchuck 197 (W197) with WHV7-PI inoculum revealed the presence of two Deleted Genomes: DG600 lacking a 1330 bp region (Core/Polymerase/PreS1) and DG900 showing a deletion of 869 nts (Pol/PreS/S). These mutants were also present in WHV7-PI. The successive WHV experimental infections in adult animals were performed using W197-w7 inoculum containing DG600 and DG900. Infections were divided into three groups presenting different patterns of viral replication, different presence of markers, occurrence of variants and persistence of infection. The first group displayed 2-3 weeks viremic phase and WHV-DNA titres of 10-30 ng/ml; the second a longer viremic phase (8-9 weeks) and higher WHV-DNA titres (up to 78 ng/ml). In contrast, the third group exhibited lifetime presence of WHV-DNA and WHVeAg in serum and viral replication in liver. The Deleted Genomes were transmitted in the newly infected animals with the same genomic organization. DG600 was persistently found only in chronically infected woodchuck, whereas a different pattern of presence was described for DG900. The characterization of these classes of deleted mutants in woodchuck-WHV model raises new questions on the link between DGs and persistent infections.

Laan Dick 1972. Petitou chez les marmottes. Traduit du néerlandais par (translation from Dutch by)Louise Van Kammen ; illustration de/by Jean Reschofsky. Paris, Générale Publicité, 184 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Labiche Eugène 1991. Théâtre. 1. Paris, Bordas, Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : Bibliopolis, 1998-1999. Reprod. de l'éd. de Paris : Bordas, 1991.
En français, in French.
Littérature françaises, French literature, marmotte, marmot, sommeil, sleep, croquer le marmot.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Labiche Eugène 1991. Théâtre.3. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : Bibliopolis, 1998-1999. Reprod. de l'éd. de Paris : Bordas, 1991.
En français, in French.
Littérature françaises, French literature, sommeil, sleep, croquer le marmot.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Labesse E.D. & H. Pierret 1892. Fleurs des Alpes [Flowers of the Alps]. Ducrocq, Paris, 256p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota, végétation, vegetation, Alpes, Alps.

Laboulinière P. Ed.1807. Annuaire statistique du département des Hautes-Pyrénées : contenant l'introduction du grand mémoire statistique pour l'an 9... [Statistical yearbook of the Hautes-Pyrénées department : with the introductionto the large statistical report of the year 9]. Tarbes , Impr. F. Lavigne, 447 p. Num. BNF France.
En français, in French.
Animaux sauvages, wildlife, Hautes-Pyrénées, France.

Labunets N.F. 1967. Zoogeographic characteristics of the western Khanday [Caractértistiques zoogéographique du Khanday oriental]. Proc. Irkutsk State Sci. Anti-Plague Inst. Siberia Far East, 27: 231240-231341.
En russe, in Russian.

Lacépède C. An VII. Tableau des divisions, sous-divisions, ordres et genres des mammifères [Table of divisions, under-divisions, order and genus of mammals]. Plassin, Paris, Num. Google.
En français, in French.
Arctomys alpina, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.
Extrait/Extract pdf

Lacépède 1829. Oeuvres complètes de Buffon [Complete works of Buffon]. XII.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, hibernation, éthologie, ethology, terrier, burrow.
Lacépède pense que le refroidissement du sang est la seule cause de l'hivernation. Si l'on fouille, dit-il, les terriers par un temps chaud, les Marmottes se sauvent en creusant plus vite qu'on ne peut piocher pour les poursuivre. Il donne des renseignements assez complets et intéressants sur les moeurs des Marmottes et particulièrement sur leurs terriers. Lacépède a déterminé le poids des divers organes par rapport à celui du corps. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Lacki Michael J., Hummer Joseph W. & Weibster Harold J. 1991. Effect of Reclamation Technique on Mammal Communities Inhabiting Wetlands on Mined Lands in East-Central Ohio [Effet de technique de réabilitation sur les communautés de mammifères habitant les marécages des terres minées dans le centre-est de l’Ohio].

Ohio J. Sci.
, 91 (4): 154-158.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, réabilitation du sol, soil reclamation, Ohio, EUA, USA.
Mammal communities were studied from May through August, 1988 to 1990, at four wetland sites in Coshocton and Muskingum counties, OH. Sites represented varying degrees of disturbance from mining activity and subsequent reclamation techniques, including a wetland constructed to treat mine water drainage. Each site was composed of a series of three cattail (Typba latifolid) cells for a balanced experimental design. Mammals were inventoried with snap trap removal grids and midday surveys for signs of activity. Mammal diversity and richness was highest at the constructed wetland and lowest at the site established with traditional reclamation procedures. Predictable patterns of land use disturbance for species presence/absence were observed with some alpha diversity (habitat specific) species being absent (i.e., tree squirrels) and gamma diversity (wide-ranging) species such as mustelids occurring rarely. Beta diversity species (habitat generalists) like woodchucks (Marmota monax) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were common at all sites. The white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) was the small mammal captured most frequently, being the most abundant small mammal at the constructed wetland and the undisturbed site, with meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) most prevalent at the remaining sites. These results suggest that a wetland constructed for the treatment of mine water drainage can provide secondary benefits as habitat for a variety of mammal species.
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Lacoste D. 1815. Observations sur la statistique du département des Basses-Pyrénées qui parut en l'année 1802 et projets d'amélioration [Observations about the statistic of the Basse-Pyrénées department in 1802 and improvment projects]. Pau, Tonnet, 141 p.
En français, in French.
Rien sur marmottes, nothing about marmots, Pyrénées-Atlantique, France.
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Lacour S. 1990. L'activité agricole dans la commune de Bonneval-sur-Arc. Aspects actuels et prespectives d'avenir [Agricultural activity in Bonneval-sur-Arc commune. Present aspects and future prospects]. Chambéry, Chambre d'Agriculture de Savoie, 6p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management, agriculture, France, Savoie.

Ladd T.I., Ventullo R.M., Wallis P.M. & Costerton J.W. 1982. Heterotrophic activity and biodegradation of labile and refractory compounds by groundwater and stream microbial populations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 44(2): 321-329.
En anglais, in English.

The bacteriology and heterotrophic activity of a stream and of nearby groundwater in Marmot Basin, Alberta, Canada, were studied. Acridine orange direct counts indicated that bacterial populations in the groundwater were greater than in the stream. Bacteria that were isolated from the groundwater were similar to species associated with soils. Utilization of labile dissolved organic material as measured by the heterotrophic potential technique with glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and glycolic acid as substrates was generally greater in the groundwater. In addition, specific activity indices for the populations suggested greater metabolic activity per bacterium in the groundwater. 14C-labeled lignocellulose, preferentially labeled in the lignin fraction by feeding Picea engelmannii [14C]phenylalanine, was mineralized by microorganisms in both the groundwater and the stream, but no more than 4% of the added radioactivity was lost as 14CO2 within 960 h. Up to 20% of [3'-14C]cinnamic acid was mineralized by microorganisms in both environments within 500 h. Both microbial populations appear to influence the levels of labile and recalcitrant dissolved organic material in mountain streams.

Ladoucette J.-C.-F. 1833. Mœurs et usages des Hautes-Alpes [Customs and ways in Hautes-Alpes]. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, 20 : 131-143.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, chasse, hunting, Hautes-Alpes, France.

Ladrière 1888. Découverte d’un silex taillé et d’une défense de mammouth, à Vitry-en-Artois [Discovery of a flint and of a mammuth tusk]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, 106 : 513-514.
En français, in French.
Silex, flints, mammouth, mammuth, Pas-de-Calais, France.

Lafitau Joseph-François 1724. Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps. A Paris, chez Saugrain l'aîné, & Charles Estienne Hochereau, tome premier, 610 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, amerindiens, American indians, Iroquois, siffleur, whistler, marmotte, marmot p.390-393, agouti p.257-258, Lafitau Joseph-François, 1681-1746.

Lafitau Joseph-François 1724. Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps. A Paris, chez Saugrain l'aîné, & Charles Estienne Hochereau, tome second, 490 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, amerindiens, American indians, Lafitau Joseph-François, 1681-1746.

Lafront C. 1992. Étude éco-éthologique d'une population de marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota L.) dans le Parc National des Ecrins [Behavioural ecology study of a alpine marmot population (M. marmota) in the National Park of Ecrins]. Rapport maîtrise CGEN, Paris VII.
(Marmota marmota) : Ethologie : Habitat : France : Hautes-Alpes

Lagrange Fernand 1889. Physiologie des exercices du corps. Paris, F. Alcan. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : F. Alcan, 1889, VIII-372 p.
En français, in French.
Physiologie, physiology, essouflement, breathlessness, marmotte, marmot, sommeil, sleep, Lagrange Fernand (1845-1909). Extrait/Extract pdf

Laguna de F. 1972. Under mount Saint Elias: the history and culture of the Yakutat Tlingit [Sous le mont Saint Elias : l'histoire et la culture du Yakoutat Tlingit]. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology 7, 3 volumes.
(Marmota) : Ethnobiologie : Etats-Unis : Alaska.
The yakutat Tlingit of southern Alaska refer to September as the "digging moon" when marmots "put up food for the winter".

Laing Jun-xun & Zhang Jun 1985. [On the rodent fauna and regionalization of the northeast regions in loess plateau. Sur les rongeurs et la régionalisation des régions du nord-est sur les plateaux de loess.] Acta Theriologica Sinica, 5(4): 299-309.
En chinois, in Chinese.
Rongeurs, rodents, Chine, China.
Laing H.M. & Anderson R.M. 1929. Notes on mammals of upper Chitina River region, Alaska [Notes sur les mammifères de la région des sources de la Chitina, Alaska]. In Birds and mammals of the Mount Logan Expedition, 1925, Laing H.M., Taverner P.A. & Anderson R.M., Annual Report, National Museum of Canada Bulletin N° 56.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Alaska.

Lalande P. 1884. La grotte de Nonards, canton de Beaulieu [The Nonards cave, Beaulieu district]. Bulletin de la société des Lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze, 547.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Corrèze, France.

Lamarck Jean-Baptiste de Monet de 1809. Philosophie zoologique, ou Exposition des considérations relatives à l'histoire naturelle des animaux... [Zoological philosophy, or Account of reflexions about the natural history of animals] Paris, Dentu, Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Hibernation.
Extrait/extract pdf

Lamarque F. 1996. Origine et l'histoire de l'assemblage osseux de la couche F de Payre II. Mem.DEA, 413 p.

Lamarque F. 1996. Origine et l'histoire de l'assemblage osseux de la couche F de Payre (Ardeche,France). Workshop 4, XIIIe cong.Union Intern. Sci. Prehist. Protohist. (UISPP), Forli (Italie). 8-14 sept.1996.

Lamartine Alphonse de 1857. Les Confidences. Paris, M. Levy frères. Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : INALF, 1961-. Reprod de l'éd. de Paris : Michel-Lévy frères, 1857.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, chien, dog, chasse, hunting.
Extrait/extract pdf

Lamartine Alphonse de 1861. Souvenirs, impressions, pensées et paysages pendant un voyage en Orient, 1832-1833, ou Note d'un voyageur. Oeuvres complètes, Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : INALF, 1961-. Reprod. de l'éd. de Paris : [s.n.], 1861.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, savoyard, colporteur, hawker.
Extrait/extract pdf

Lambert H. 1939. White woodchucks [Marmottes des bois albinos]. Nature, 32(3): 134.
En anghlais, in English.
Marmota monax, Marmotte commune d'Amérique, albinisme, albinism.

Lambert & Balthazard 1910. Le poil de l'homme et des animaux [Hair of Man and animals]. G. Steinheil, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, poil, hair, fourrure, fur.

Lamberet D. 1989. Les lâchers de marmottes dans le Cantal, Mai 1989 [Marmot releases in Cantal, May 1989]. La chasse dans le Cantal, 25-26.
En français, in French.
(Marmota marmota) ; Réintroduction ; France ; Cantal.

Lance E. W. 2002. Montague Island marmot: a conservation assessment [La marmotte de l’île de Montague : une évaluation de la conservation]. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-541. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 12 p.
En anglais, in English.
Hoary marmots, Marmota caligata sheldoni , island endemics, Montague Island, Montague Island marmot, taxonomy.
The hoary marmot from Montague Island, southcentral Alaska, was classified as a distinct subspecies based on smaller size and skull characteristics relative to other island and mainland populations. The taxonomic validity of the Montague Island marmot (Marmota caligata sheldoni) is questionable as conclusions were based on the analysis of no more than eight specimens. With the exception of one relatively recent sight record, Montague Island marmots have not been reported or collected since the early 1900s. A conservation concern exists, particularly owing to the unknown population status and questionable taxonomy of this island endemic subspecies that may be negatively affected by land management practices.
En ligne/on line pdf disponible/available

Lancia R.A., Miller S.D., Adams D.A. & Hazel D.W. 1982. Validating habitat quality assessment: an exemple. [Validation des exigences en qualité de l'habitat]. Transactionzs North American Wildlife and natural Resources Conferences, 47: 96-110.
En anglais, in English.
Modèle, model, habitat.

Landeryou J. 1999. Marmota marmota (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed March 28, 2006 at
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, espèce menacée, threatened species.

Landesque 1878. Étude sur les principales cavernes à ossements de la Dordogne [Study on the main caves of Dordogne]. 69e congrés scientfique, Périgueux, 292.
En français, in French.
Archéologie, archeology, Dordogne, France.

Landrin 1775. La Marmotte contre-dance française. L'air est de Mr. Lahante Mtre. de Danse mis au jour par Mr. Landrin Mtre. de danse et compositeur des Traits Contre-danse. Paris Chez Landrin, 4 p. Landrin, dancing master, fl. 1768-1775.
En français, in French.
Ethnologie, ethnology, danse, maître de danse, dancing master, Landrin, fl. 1768-1775.

Landry S. O. 1970. The Rodentia as omnivores [Les rongeurs comme omnivores]. Quart. Rev. Biol., 45: 351-372.
En anglais, in English.

Lanfranchi P. 1987. Alcune considerazioni di ordine parasitologico sulla marmotta [Quelques considérations d'ordre parasitologique sur la marmotte. Some parasitologic considerations on the marmot]. "Incontro di studio su la marmotta alpina": Parco nazionale di Gran-Paradisio, Gran nomenon : valle di Cogne. 24-25 settembre 1987 : 5-12.
Marmota marmota, Marmota monax, parasitologie, parsitology.
Dopo aver richiamato alcuni concetti base sul ruolo che i parassiti svolgono all'interno di un organismo e/o di una popolazione animale, vengono prospettate alcune problematiche ad essi correlate. Attraverso un'analisi di alcuni lavori effettuati su Marmota marmota e M. monax emerge in particolare l'esigenza di una più approfondita conoscenza dei parassiti che colpiscono il roditore ed una migliore definizione del rapporto parassitaospite, soprattutto se da indicazioni di base si voglia affrontare correttamente anche un discorso di tipo gestionale. Tale esigenza puo essere ancora più sentita nell'ambito di un parco nazionale, dove la definizione della situazione sanitaria delle diverse specie animali presenti assume un significato particolare al fine di assicurare loro un duraturo benessere.

Lang J.D. 1996. Factors affecting the seasonal abundance of ground squirrel and wood rat fleas (Siphonoptera) in San Diego County, California. Journal of medical entomology, 33(5): 790-804.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, entomologie, entomology, puces, fleas, Siphonoptera, Californie, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Lang H. 1925. How squirrels and other rodents carry their young. J. Mamm., 6: 18-24.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, comportement, behaviour.

Lang R.W. & Harris Arthur H. 1984. The faunal remains from Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico [Fossiles animaux d'Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, Nouveau Mexique]. School of American Research Press, Arroyo Hondo Archaeological Series, 5: 316 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, absence marmotte, no marmot, comté de Santa Fe, Santa Fe county, Nouveau Mexique, New Mexico, EUA, USA.

Lange A.L. 1956. Woodchuck remains in northern Arizona caves [Restes de marmotte des bois dans les cavernes du nord de l'Arizona]. J. mammal., 37: 289-291.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, paléontologie, paleontology, États-Unis d'Amérique, Arizona
Bones of yellow-bellied marmot occur in various archaeological sites associated with caves and rocksheleter site in the Great Basin and southwestern United States, but local extinctions and range changes for this marmot have been attributed to climatic changes rather than prehistoric overkill.

Langelier Jean Chrysostome 1873. Étude sur les Territoires du Nord-Ouest du Canada. Montréal.
En français, in French.
Ressources naturelles, Natural resources, Nord-ouest canadien, Northwest Canadian, Histoire, History, Climat, Climate, Langelier J. C. 1845-1910.
Langelier Jean Chrysostome 1886. Esquisse générale du Nord-Ouest du Canada, ou, Étendue, bois et forêts, richesses minérales et climatologie des quatres districts provisoires d'Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Athabaska. Trois-Rivières, Québec.
En français, in French.
Rivière Siffleur, Resources naturelles, Natural resources, prairie, climat, climate, Canada, Langelier J.C. 1845-1910.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Langenheim J.H. 1956. Plant succession on a subalpine earth-flow in Colorado. Ecology, 37: 301-317.
En anglais, in English.
Ecologie, ecology, EUA, USA, Colorado.

Langenhan O. 1907. Uber die beim Ziesel und Hamster vorkommenden Käfer [Sur les Coléoptères se trouvant dans les terriers de Spermophile et de Hamster. On the beetles living in the Spermophil and the Hamster burrows]. Ent. Wochenblatt, 60.
(Mammifères) : Entomologie : (Insectes) : Coléoptères : Terrier

Langham L., Garber B.M., Roe D.A. & Kazarinoff M.N. 1982. A radiometric assay of pyridoxamine (pyridoxine) 5'-phosphate oxidase. Anal. Biochem., 125(2): 329-334. No abstract available.
En anglais, in English.

Langon T., Fillon S., Pichoud C., Hantz O., Trepo C. & Kay A. 1998. Analysis of a hepatitis delta virus isolate from the Central African Republic. Res. Virol., 149(3): 171-85.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, hépatite, hepatitis.
Based on the analysis of HDV genomes from different areas of the world, three genotypes of HDV have been identified. Genotype I is the most prevalent and widespread. Genotype II is represented by two isolates from Japan and Taiwan. Genotype III has been found only in the Amazonian basin where it is associated with a history of severe disease, fulminant hepatitis with microvesicular steatosis (spongiocytosis). We report here the cloning and the analysis of the complete viral genome from woodchuck serum-derived HDV RNA after transmission from Central African Republic (RCA) patients with fulminant spongiocytic delta hepatitis. Two overlapping cDNA fragments, covering the entire HDV genome, were generated by RT-PCR and cloned. Three clones obtained from each fragment were fully sequenced. A complete consensus RCA HDV genome was reconstituted. The individual and the consensus nucleotide sequences were compared with those of 16 other fully sequenced isolates belonging to the three genotypes. Phylogenetic trees generated by the neighbour joining method firmly place our isolate in genotype I, and show that this RCA isolate differs significantly from the east African isolates previously analysed. Transfection experiments showed that the isolate is replication-competent, but less so than the control "wild-type" strain. Two novel mutations encountered in this work, one in the antigenomic ribozyme sequence and one affecting delta antigen, were studied.

Lapini L. 1989a. Primi dati sulla distribuzione della marmotta alpina (Marmota m. marmota L.) nella Regione Friuli-Venezia Guilia [Résultats préliminaires sur la distribution de la marmotte alpine (Marmota m. marmota L.) dans la région du Frouil-Vénétie]. Rapporto inedito all'Osservatorio Faunistico del Friuli-Venezia Guilia, sez. di Udine.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, peuplement, distribution, prédation, predation, Frioul-Vénétie, Italie, Italia.

Lapini L. 1989b. La marmotta (Marmota m. marmota L., 1758) e il visone americano (Mustela vison domestica Halt. in Dod., 1955) nella provincia di Pordenone [La marmotte (Marmota m. marmota) et du vison d’amérique (Mustela vison domestica) de la province de Pordenone].Rapporto inedito all'Osservatorio Faunistico del Friuli-Venezia Guilia, sez. di Pordenone.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, peuplement, distribution, prédation, predation, Frioul-Vénétie, Italie, Italia.

Lapini L. 1990a. Approfondimento delle indagini sullo status di Marmota m. marmota (L., 1758) nella provincia di Udine (Friuli-Venezia Guilia) [Approfondissement de la recherche sur le statut de la Marmota m. marmota de la province d’Udine]. Rapporto inedito all'Osservatorio Faunistico del Friuli-Venezia Guilia, sez. di Udine.
En italien in Italian.
Marmota marmota, peuplement, Mustelidae, réintroduction, re-introduction, Frioul-Vénétie, Italie, Italia.

Lapini L. 1990b. Approfondimento delle ricerce sullo status del Visone americano (Mustela vison domestica Haltenorth in Doderlein, 1955) nella regioneFriuli-Venezia Guilia e progetto per la reintroduzione della Marmotta alpina (Marmota m. marmota L., 1758) nelle Prealpi Carniche Pordenonesi. Rapporto inedito all'Osservatorio Faunistico del Friuli-Venezia Guilia, sez. di Pordenone.
Marmota marmota, peuplement, Mustelidae, réintroduction, re-introduction, Frioul-Vénétie, Italie, Italia.

Lapini L. 1993. La Marmotta alpina Marmota m. marmota (Linné, 1758) nella Regione Friuli-Venezia Guilia. Fauna, 5 : .
Marmota marmota, peuplement, réintroduction, re-introduction, Frioul-Vénétie, Italie, Italia.

The Author makes a synthesis of the distribution of the alpine marmot (Marmota m. marmota (L., 1758)) in the extreme north eastern Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia region). The present occurrence of the ground-dwelling Sciuridae in this area is entirely due to various reintroduction projects of italian, austrian and jugoslavian organizations and at it may be surely considered very appreciable particularly in the north west of the Camic Alp mountain chain. The species had been also widely spread in Julian Alps and in Julian and Carnic Prealps, but in these areas there are only scattered and fragmented populations which few possibilities of interpopulational conact. This is due to the particular orography and climate of these mountain chain, which are quite low and cut by a lot of deep valleys. In these environmental situations it is very important to continue the reintroduction - or restocking - activities for ecological reasons as well as for conservational purposes, but these operations must follow precise objectives. These must be summarized as follow: I - It may be selected only rocky herbaceous areas before the local upper trees line with a minimal extension of 300 hectares. II -In this area the better period of the year for these operations is the half of may.
III - The release of 20 specimens in a locality is the minimum objective for a single reintroduction.

Lapionov S.I. 1786. Opisanie Kourskogo namestitchesva iz drevnikh i novykh raznykh v nem izvestiï, vkrattse [Description de la région de Koursk à partir des sources actuelles et anciennes. Desription of the Kursk region from present and ancient sources]. Sobrannoe Sergeem Larionovym, M.
En russe, Russian.
Histoire, history, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Russie, Russia.

Laporte Albert 1878. Aux Pyrénées le sac au dos [Pyrenees, put on sacks]. Paris, T. Lefèvre, 380 p., Num. BNF [Document électronique].
En français, in French.
Descriptions et voyages, descriptions and travels, ours, bear, p.139-144, p.291-292, p.320, Isard, chamois, p.211, p.275-276, absence de marmottes, no marmots, p.212, lynx, p.230, faune et flore, fauna and flora, p.261, aigle, eagle, gypaete, bearded vulture, p.264-265, loup, wolf, p.328, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Laporterie J. de 1892. La grotte du Pape à Brassempony [The Pape Cave in Brassempony]. Assoc. franç. Avanc. Sc., 21e session, Pau, 1 : 257-261.
En français, in French.<
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Laptev I.P. & Iudin B.S. 1952. Sourok Tomskoï oblasti i ego okhrana [La marmotte de la région de Tomsk et sa sauvegarde. The Tomskoi marmot and its protection]. Tr. TGU, 118.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, conservation.

Larger Anne-Christine (illustration) & Seigue Colette 1988. Le castor au grand coeur [Great hearted beaver]. Paris, Fleurus, 29 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature, castor, beaver, marmotte, marmot.

Larionova M.F., Solodnaya A.D., Pletnikova G.P., Savtchenko A.A., Tarasov N.S., Tsvedko L.P., Maksimova E.D. & I.M. Dubovik 1961. Tchyma na gryzunakh v 1960 g. v Borzinskom raïone Tchitinskoï oblasti [Peste chez les rongeurs de Borzinski de la région de Tchitinski. Plague in rodents of Borzinski in Chitinski region]. Doklady Irkoutskogo PUI, 2, Tchita.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, peste, plague, Russie, Russia.

Larochelle R. 1978. Étude descriptive éthologique du cycle d'activité de la locomotion et de l'exploration chez la marmotte commune (Marmota monax canadensis) ) [Ethologic descriptive study of locomotion and exploration activity cycles in the common marmot]. Mémoire de maîtrise, Univ. de Montréal, Montréal.
En français, in French.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, éthologie, ethology, activité, activity, locomotion, exploration, Québec, Canada.

Larousse Pierre 1866. Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. Tome premier, A. Administration du grand dictionnaire universel, Paris.
En français, in French.
Encyclopédie, encyclopdy, dictionnaire, dictionary, Arctomyde, Arctomydé, Arctomys, Larousse Pierre (1817-1875).

Larousse Pierre 1867. Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. Tome 2, B. Administration du grand dictionnaire universel, Paris.
En français, in French.
Encyclopédie, encyclopdy, dictionnaire, dictionary, bobak, bobaque, Larousse Pierre (1817-1875).

Larousse Pierre 1873. Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. Tome 10, L-MEMN. Administration du grand dictionnaire universel, Paris.
En français, in French.
Encyclopédie, encyclopdy, dictionnaire, dictionary, marmotte, Larousse Pierre (1817-1875).

Larousse Pierre 1874. Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. Tome 11, MEMO-O. Administration du grand dictionnaire universel, Paris.
En français, in French.
Encyclopédie, encyclopdy, dictionnaire, dictionary, monax, Larousse Pierre (1817-1875).

Larousse (Firm). 1963. Grand Larousse encyclopédique en dix volumes [The large encyclopedical Larousse in ten volumes]. Librairie Larousse, Paris.
En français, in French.
Encyclopédie, dictionnaire, Encyclopedia, dictionary, marmotte, marmot.

Larrison Earl J. 1967. Mammals of Idaho [Mammifères de l'Idaho]. The University of Idaho Press, Boise.
En anglais, in English.
Faune, fauna, Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota caligata, Idaho, EUA, USA.

Larrison Earl J. & D.R. Johnson 1981. Mammals of Idaho [Mammifères de l'Idaho]. The University of Idaho Press, Boise, 166p..
En anglais, in English.
Faune, fauna, Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota caligata, Idaho, EUA, USA.
Myotis lucifugus, Myotis yumanensis, Myotis thysanodes, Myotis evotus, Myotis velifer, Myotis volans, Myotis californicus, Myotis subulatus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, Pipistrellus hesperus, Eptesicus fuscus, Euderma maculatum, Plecotus townsendii, Antrozous pallidus, Ochotona princeps, Sylvilagus idahoensis, Brachylagus idahoensis, Sylvilagus nuttallii, Lepus americanus, Lepus townsendii, Lepus californicus, Eutamias minimus, Eutamias amoenus, Eutamias ruficaudus, Eutamias dorsalis, Eutamias umbrinus, Marmota monax, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota caligata, Ammospermophilus leucurus, Spermophilus townsendii, Spermophilus armatus, Spermophilus brunneus, Spermophilus richardsoni, Spermophilus elegans, Spermophilus beldingi, Spermophilus columbianus, Glaucomys sabrinus, Otospermophilus variegatus, Spermophilus variegatus, Callospermophilus lateralis, Spermophilus lateralis, Sciurus carolinensis, introduction: Sciurus niger, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Castor canadensis, Ondatra zibethicus, Erethizon dorsatum, fauna guide: Canis latrans, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Vulpes macrotis, Euarctos americanus, Ursus americanus, Ursus arctos idahoensis, Procyon lotor, Martes americana, Martes pennanti, Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata, Mustela vison, Gulo gulo, Taxidea taxus, Spilogale putorius, Mephitis mephitis, Lutra canadensis, Felis concolor, Lynx canadensis, Lynx lynx, Lynx rufus.

Larson J.S. & Taber R.D. 1980. Criteria of sex and age [Critères de détermination du sexe et de l'âge]. In Wildlife management techniques manual, S.D. Schemnitz ed., 143-202, The Wildlife Society, Washington, DC, 686 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Méthodologie, methodology, âge, age, sexe, sex.

Larson M.L., Kornfeld M. & Rapson D. 1995. High Altitude Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in the Middle Rocky Mountains, 1988-1994 Investigations [Adaptations des chasseurs-cueilleurs d’altitude au Rocky Mountains moyennes, recherches de 1988-1994]. Technical Report 4, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming.
En anglais, in English.
Chasseurs-cueilleurs, hunter-gatherer, montagne, mountain.

Larson O.R. & Scharf W.C. 1975. New helminth records from Minnesota mammals [Nouvelles découvertes d'helminthes chez les mammifères du Minnesota]. Proc. of the Helminthological Soc. Washington, 42(2): 174-175.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Minnesota, EUA, USA.

Lartet Edouard 1858. Sur les migrations anciennes des mammifères de l’époque actuelle [About the ancient migrations of the present mammals]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 56 : 409-414.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology.

Lartet Ed.1864. Sur une portion de crâne fossile d’Ovibos musqué (O. moschatus, Blainville), trouvée par M. le Dr Eug. Robert dans le diluvium de Précy (Oise) [On a part of the fossil cranial of the musk ox (O. moschatus, Blainville), found by Mr. Eug. Robert in the diluvium from Précy (Oise)]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 58 : 1195-1201.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary.

Lartet L. & Chaplain-Duparc 1874. Sur une sépulture des anciens Troglodytes des Pyrénées, superposée à un foyer contenant des débris humains associés à des dents sculptées de Lion et d'Ours [On an ancient troglodyte sepulture in the Pyrenees on a fireplace with human remains and carved teeth of lion and bear]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 78 : 1234-1236.
En français, inFrench.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Bœuf, ox, cheval, horse, cerf, stag, renne, reindeer, silex, flints, homme, Man.

Lartoux D. 2000. Étude cartographique des Mammifères sur le massif du Madres-Coronat (Pyrénées-Orientales) et expérimentation d'une méthodologie de suivi des espèces [Cartographic study of the mammals in the Madres-Coronat Massif (Pyrénées-Orientales) and experimentation of a survey methodology of the species]. Univ. de Pau / A.G.R.N. de Nohèdes, 21 p. + annexes.
Méthodologie, methodology, suivi, survey, Marmota marmota, Madres-Coronat, Pyrénées-Orientales.

Lascault Gilbert & Voss Jan (illustrateur) 1983. Marmottes à l'imparfait. Ryoan-ji, Marseille, 125 p.
Marmota marmota, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Lastic 1864. Sur l'antiquité des ossements humains trouvés dans la caverne de Bruniquel [About the age of the human bones found in the Bruniquel Cave]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 58 : 590.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Tarn-et-Garonne, France.

Lataste F. 1886. Documents pour l'éthologie des Mammifères : 1ère série. Notes au jour le jour sur différentes espèces de l'ordre des Rongeurs observés en captivité [Notes for the ethology of mammals. 1rst serie. Day tot day notes on different species of the Rodent genera observed in captivity]. Actes de la Société linéenne de Bordeaux, 11(10) : 292.
Ethologie, ethology, captivité, Arctomys marmotta, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, comportement, behaviour, Sciurus vulgaris, Spermophilus citillus, Arctomys marmotta, Myoxus glis, Eliomys quercinus, Eliomys dryas, Muscardinus avellanarius, Pachyuromys Duprasi, Gerbillus hirtiped, Dipodillus campestris, Dipodillus `Simoni.
(Français, French) Revue des travaux scientifiques / publ. sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques ; Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, Publication Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : Impr. nationale, 1881-1898, ISSN 1255-9113

Latrobe Charles Joseph 1835. The Rambler in North America- 1832-1833 [Le promeneur en Amérique du Nord 1832-1833]. Vol. 1, R.B. Seeley and W. Burnside.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys ludoviciana.
Available pdf disponible

Lattmann P. 1966. Beiträge zum verhalten des Alpenmurmeltiers [Contribution sur le comportment des marmottes alpines. Contribution on alpine marmot behaviour]. Diplomarbeit. Univ. Zürich.
En allemand, in German.
Rongeurs, rodents, Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology.

Lattmann P. 1973. Beiträge zur Oekologie und zum Verhalten des Alpenmurmeltieres (Marmota m. marmota L.) [Contribution sur l'écologie et le comportement des marmottes des Alpes. Résultats des recherches scientifiques entreprises au Parc National suisse. Contribution on ecology and behaviour of the alpine marmots. Results in the Swiss National Park]. Liestal : Lüdin : 271-347
En allemand, in Gerrman.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, éthologie, ethology, Suisse, Switzerland.

Lauby A. & Pages-Allary J. 1903. L'abri sous roche de la Tourille, commune de Celles, près Murat (Cantal) [La Tourille's rock shelter, Celles' commune, near Murat (Cantal)]. Congrès de l'A.F.A.S., 32e session, Angers : 232 - 233.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Cantal, France.

Lauriol B., Deschamps E., Carrier L., Grimm W., Morlan R. & Talon B. 2003. Cave infill and associated biotic remains as indicators of Holocene environment in Gatineau Park (Quebec, Canada) [Remplissage de grotte et restes biotiques associés comme indicateurs du milieu Holocène dans le parc de gatineau (Québec, Canada)]. Can. J. Earth Sci., 40: 789-803.
En anglais, in English.
Available pdf disponible Marmota monax, paléontologie.
A rich sedimentary deposit reaches a depth of more than 4 m in a cave located on the Eardley Escarpment in the Gatineau Park. Analysis shows that the infilling started during the last Ice Age. Following the deglaciation and the Champlain Sea retreat, terrestrial sedimentation began. Radiocarbon dating of wood charcoal indicates that around 9200 ± 110 years BP trees and shrubs were starting to grow on the Eardley Escarpment. A fauna, with boreal affinity, including the Ungava collared lemming (Dicrostonyx hudsonius), was living in vegetation dominated by jack pine. After 8170 ±60 years BP, the boreal forest was replaced by a mixed forest dominated by white pine, oak, and red maple. The faunal assemblage was enriched at that time by woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum) and Strobilops aenea, a terrestrial mollusk. These two species are presently living in the Carolinian Life Zone south of the Great Lakes. By around 5742 ± 120 years BP these two species had left the site, and the modern fauna was established with mammals, such as the black bear and the white-tailed deer. Holocene infilling of the cave was gravity driven and unassisted, except for an episode just before 8170 ± 60 years BP when a sand layer was deposited by water coming from the surface.
Une riche séquence sédimentaire de 4 m d’épaisseur est présente dans une caverne située sur l’Escarpement d’Eardley, dans le Parc de la Gatineau. Son étude montre que la sédimentation terrestre continentale a commencé après la déglaciation et le retrait de la mer de Champlain. D’après l’analyse des charbons de bois, les arbres et les arbustes poussaient sur l’Escarpement d’Eardley vers 9200 ± 110 années BP. Une faune, avec des affinités boréales, incluant le lemming d’Ungava (Dicrostonyx hudsonius), vivait dans cette végétation dominée par le pin. Après 8170 ± 60 années BP la forêt boréale a été remplacée par une forêt mixte dominée par le pin blanc, le chêne et l’érable à sucre. L’assemblage faunistique a été enrichi en même temps par un mammifère, le campagnol sylvestre (Microtus pinetorum) et un mollusque terrestre: Strobilops aenea. Ces deux espèces vivent actuellement dans la Zone Carolinienne localisée au sud des Grands Lacs. Vers 5742 ± 120 années BP, elles ont disparu du site et la faune moderne s’est établie, avec notamment des espèces comme l’ours noir et le chevreuil de Virginie. La sédimentation a été de type gravitaire, pendant tout l’Holocène sauf un peu avant 8170 ± 60 années BP, où un ruissellement venant de la surface a mis en place une couche de sable.

Lauroy N. 1993. Tant que siffleront les marmottes [As long as marmots will whistle]. Sciences et Nature, n° 13, 76-85.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology.

Lavauden L. 1928. Les Mammifères des Alpes françaises [Mammals in the Fench Alps]. In Le peuplement des Hautes Montagnes, Lechevallier, Paris, 26-34, Mem. Soc. Biogéo.,
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, montagne, moutain, France, Alpes.

Laveaux Jean-Charles 1828. Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française.Tome premier, [A-Kwai], Paris, Deterville, 1120 p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Absence arctomys, bobague, Laveaux Jean-Charles (1749-1827).
a href="BibpdfL/9263.pdf">pdf disponible/available

Laville A. 1908. La marmotte d'Eragny [The Eragny marmot]. Bull. et Mém. Soc. Anthropologie Paris, 549-655.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Marmota bobac, Paléontologie, Seine-et-Oise, France.
En français, in French.
pdf disponible/available
Déterminée faussement comme bobac (Dubois et Stehlin).

Laville A. 1910. Comparaison du crâne de la marmotte d'Eragny avec un crâne d'une marmotte du Thibet [Comparison of the crane of the Eragny marmot with the crane of a thibet marmot]. Bull. et Mém. Soc. Anthropologie Paris, 517-518.
En français, in French.
pdf disponible/available.
Bobac de Racksinski, Arctomys robustus, marmotte du Thibet, Marmota marmota, crâne, skull, prémolaire, premolar.

Lavocat R. 1951. Révision de la faune des Mammifères oligocènes d'Auvergne et du velay [Review of the oligocene mammals of Auvergne and Velay]. Science et Avenir, Paris, pp. 153.
En français, in French.

Lavocat R. 1961. Le gisement de Vertébrés du Miocène de Beni Mellal (Maroc) [The Miocene vertebrate deposit in Beni Mellal (Maroc)]. Mem. Serv. Géol. Maroc, 155: 1-144.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, palentology, Maroc.

Lavrenko E.M. 1952. Mikro-kompleksnost' i mozaitchbost' rastitel'nogo pokrova stepneï kak rezoul'tat jiznedeyatel'nosti jivotnykh i rasteniï [Le microcomplexe et la mosaïque de la couverture végétale des steppes : résultat des interactions animaux-plantes]. Geobotanika, 8.
En russe, in Russian.
Végétation, vegetation, steppe.

Lavrenko E.M. 1967. Stepi i sel'skokhozyaïstvennye zemli na meste stepneï [Les steppes et leurs terres agricoles. Steppes and their farm lands]. V kn. Rastitel'nyï pokrov SSSR, Poyasnitel'nyï teksy-t k "Geobotanitchekoï karte SSSR", M. L., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Agriculture, steppe.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1959. [Puces du Kangaï occidental. The fleas of West Khangai]. Mater. X soveshch. po parazitol. problemam i prirodnooch. boleznyam, M.-L.: 80-81.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1961a. [Peste expérimentalement induite chez la marmotte à longue queue. Sensibilité des marmottes à la peste avant l'hibernation et durée de survie de l'agent pathogène dans ces dernières. Rapport 2. Experimentally-induced plague in the long-tailed marmots. Information 2. Susceptibility of marmots to plague before winter hibernation and the duration of the pathogenic agent maintenance in them]. Transactions of Central Asian Anti-Plague Institute, Alma-Ata, 145-154.

En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Marmota caudata, hibernation, pathologie, pathology.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1961b. [Peste expérimentalement induite chez la marmotte à longue queue. Pathogenèse de la peste chez la marmotte après l'hibernation. Experimentally-induced plague in the long-tailed marmots. Information 3. On the pathogenesis of plague in long-tailed marmots after winter hibernation]. Transactions of Central Asian Anti-Plague Institute, Alma-Ata, 7 : 155-162.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Marmota caudata, hibernation, pathologie, pathology.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1961c. [Peste expérimentalement induite chez la marmotte à longue queue. Rapport 4. Caractéristiques comparatives des processus d'infection chez les marmottes rouges et grises. Experimental plague in red marmots. Report 4. Comparative characteristics of the infections process in red and grey marmots]. Mater. nauch. konf. k 40-letiyu Kaz SSR, Alma-Ata, 113-115.
En russe, in Russian.
(Marmota caudata, Marmota baibacina, peste, plague.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1962. Tchouma ou krsanykh sourkov [La peste et la marmotte rouge. Plague and red marmot]. Avtoref. kand. dis. Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, peste, plague.

Lavrent'ev A.F. 1963. [Variations de la sensibilité des marmottes rouges et grises à des infections répées de peste. On changes of sensitivity of red and grey marmots to repeated infection by plague ]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i prophilakt. choumy, Alma-Ata, 132-134.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Marmota baibacina, peste, plague.

Lavrent'ev A.F., Kizilov V.A. & Olejnikova E.K. 1961. Materialy po izoutcheniiu epizootii tchoumy sredi krasnykh sourkov [Matériaux pour l'étude de l'épizootie de la peste chez les marmottes rouges. Material to study plague epizooty in red marmots]. Tr. Sredneaz. PUI, 7, Alma-Ata, frunze.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Lavrent'ev A.F., Khrushchelevskii V.P. & Shvarts E.A. 1959. [Peste expérimentalement induite chez la marmotte à longue queue. Rapport 1. Experimentally-induced plague in the long-tailed marmots. Information 1]. Materials of Scientific Conf. of Anti-Plague Agencies of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 53-55.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, Marmota caudata, hibernation, pathologie, pathology.

Lavrent'ev A.F. & Polulyakh P.A. 1959. Sloutchai obnaroujeniya spontanno zarajennoukh tchoumoï nespetsifitcheskikh nositeleï [Les cas de porteurs non spécifiques de la peste spontanée. Cases of non-specific carriers of spontaneous plague]. Tr. Sredneaz. naoutch.-issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta, 5, Alma-Ata.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague.

Lavrent'ev A.F. & Schwartz E.A. 1961. [La peste expérimentale chez marmottes rouges. Rapport 3. Sur la pathogénicité de la peste chez les marmottes rouges après immergence. Experimental plague in red marmots. Report 3. On plague pathogenesis in red marmots after immergence]. In Marmots, Ecology, Ectoparasites, natural focality of plague, Alma-Ata, Frunze, 7: 145-154.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, peste, plague.

Lavrovsky A.A. & Shatas Ya.F. 1956. Gorboaziatskii sourok v Dagestane [La marmotte des montagnes asiatiques du Daguestan. Marmot in the asiatic mountains in Daghestan]. Zool. zh., 35 (8).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Daghestan.

Lawless J., Baldwin B.H., Hornbuckle W.E. & Tennant B.C. 1982. Maintenance and experimental use of the laboratory woodchuck (Marmota monax) [Conditioons d'élevage et usage expérimental de la marmotte de laboratoire (Marmota monax)]. Lab. Anim. Sci., 32: 482.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota monax, physiologie, élevage, breeding.

Laydu Claude 1976. Nounours et les marmottes. Paris, Hachette, 24 p.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Laymon S.A. & Barett R.H. 1986. Developing and testing habitat capability models: pitfalls and recommendations. In Wildlife 2000, modeling habitat-relationships of terrestrial vertebrates, Verner J., Morrison M.L. & Ralph C.J. eds., university of Wisconsin press, Madison, Wisconsin: 93-96.
En anglais, in English.
Habitat, modèles.

Lazareva L.A., Bondarenko A.A., Lazarev B.V. 1975. [Capacité des espèces dominantes de puces du foyer de peste des montagnes de l'Altaï à infecter l'homme. Capacity of dominants species of fleas in Mountain-Altai plague focus for fecting on people]. V sborn.: Mejdounar. i natz. aspekty epidnadzora pri choume, Irkoutsk, 2: 96-98.
En russe, in Russian.
Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, peste, plague, Altaï.

Lazareva L.A. & S.M. Koshkin 1975. [Composition spécifique des puces des petits mammifères et des oiseaux dans les foyers de peste du Gorno-Altaï et Mongolie occidentale. The species composition of fleas of small mammals and birds in plague foci of Gorno-Altai and Western Mongolia]. In Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague, Safonova (Ed.), II: 69-71.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Mongolie.

L'heritier de l'Ain 1842 Les tribulations de la marmotte [Tribulations of the marmot]. In Périgrination mémorable du doyen des crapauds. Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux. Études de moeurs contemporains, Stahl P.-J. directeur, Grandville J.J. illustrateur, 396p., 67-107, Num. Google.
En français, in French.
Littérature française, French literature, marmotte, Marmot.

Le Berre M. 1993a. Some recent results of the French programme of research on marmot [Quelques résultats récents du programme de recherche français sur la marmotte]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 47.
En français, in French.
Since 1989 a coordinated programme of research is performed on Alpine Marmot populations in order to define scientific basis for their management.
1. Sociospatial behaviour = living in family groups. We have shawn that marmots were ensocial animals - groups are composed of one male and only one reproductive female - the youngs of two or three former litter live together with the parents - reproduction seems to occur every two years - home range slightly overlap (10-15%) and range from 2 to 5 ha. Behaviour distribution show change according to time and space.
2. Settlment site selection. Main burrow systems are not dug at random - prefered ecological factors are medium slope, mixed vegetation and rock areas, southern exposure and a low anthropogenic pressure. A generalized linear model was defined for settelment.
3. Scent marking. Scent marking allow marmots to distinguish self-marked object from allo-marked object-frequency of scent marking is much higher near main burrow system than at the border of the home range - scent marking frequency decreases during sumner season - adults marked more than youngs.
4. Monitoring reintroduction. Marmot is the most often (re) introduced manmal in France - an assessment of reintroductions is in progress. Two (re) introductions sites are studied : one reintroduced last year, the other since 40s years. A new section of this programme is beginning including physiological, neurosensory, endocrinological, parasitological, socioeconomical and ethnobiological aspects - ten laboratories are working under my coordination with the support of the CNRS (equivalent in France of Academy of Sciences in Russia).

Le Berre M. 1993b. Dynamique de l'occupation de l'espace par la marmotte des alpes [Dynamics of space occupation in alpine marmot]. Rapport final contrat EGPN 90-294, p.30.
En français, in French.

Le Berre M. 1994a. Bases de la gestion des marmottes [Management basis of marmots]. In 2ème Journée d'Etude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse et Le Berre eds., 31-38.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management.

Le Berre M. 1994b. Results and trends in the French resarch programme on Marmots [Résultats et tendances du programme de recherche français sur les marmottes]. In Actual problems of marmot investigation, Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., Moscow, ABF Publ. House: 71-85.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota.

Le Berre 1998. INTAS-93-0161. Ecological basis for the management of marmot biodiversity in Eurasia [Bases écologiques de la gestion de la biodiversité des marmottes en Eurasie]. Rapport final.
En anglais, in English.
Available pdf disponible

Le Berre M., D. Allainé , A. Lagunov , G. Olenev & V. Zakharov 1993. Effects of agricultural pratices on space occupation by Bobak marmots in Southern Urals [Effets des pratiques agricoles sur l'occupation de l'espace par les marmottes bobac dans le sud de l'Oural]. Abstr. Sixth Intern. Theriological Cong., ed. M.L. Augee, 176.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, spatial, gestion, management.

Le Berre M., Allainé D., Lagunov A.V., Olenev G.V. & Zhakharov V.D. 1995. Anthropogenic pressure and sapce occupation by bobak marmots in southern Urals [Pression anthropique et occupation de l'espace par la marmotte bobac dans le sud de l'Oural]. Polish Ecological Studies, 20(3-4): 483-488.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, spatial, Oural, Ural.

Le Berre M., D. Allainé & R. Ramousse 1993. Effects of anthropegenetic pressure on space occupation by alpine marmots [Effets de la pression anthropique chez les marmottes alpines]. Abstr. Sixth Intern. Theriological Cong., ed. M.L. Augee, 175.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, anthropisation, spatial.

In Alpine environments, marmots are an important cause of landscape animation and are very attractive for summer tourists. A study of different ecological factors such as altitude, sun exposure, slope, plant cover has been performed on three marmot populations in the Alps. The study allowed the description of the impact of marmots on landscape and showed a preference for particular kinds of mountain landscape. Impact on landscape : marmots mark the landscape in two main ways. The first impact is their action on plant association when foraging. Plant removal has an effect on the maintenance of the open Alpine meadows. The selective grazing activity of marmots can compensate the decrease of pasture use by sheep and cattle which is occurring now in most parts of European mountains and which will extend in the coming years. The second impact is ground directed and related to digging activities of marmots. Alpine marmots use to dig numerous burrows (up to 400 per ha) even if they use regularly only a main burrow system. Old installed marmots use the same main burrow system during many years leading to mounds of more than one meter high and two or three meters in diameter. Such building appears on aerial photographs. The long term use of a place is also indicated by the presence of paths, of scratched areas and in some places of latrines. In sensitive geological areas, marmots can have an important action as erosive agents. On steep slopes they can induce landslides. Burrows are long lasting indices of marmot presence in a landscape and they can be used to analyse areas occupied by these animals thirty or forty years before. Selection of settlement site : The analysis of 88 plots of a quarter of Ha each allowed to define a generalised linear model showing a non randomised selection of landscape type. Slopes are preferred to flat areas. Mixed vegetation and rock areas are preferred to only rock or only plant areas. Southern or Eastern exposure are preferred to Northern or Western exposures. The selection of site settlement by marmots has consequences to particularise the mountain landscape as these places will be more frequented by hikers during summer, inducing other erosive effects and damage to landscape and plant communities.

Le Berre M., D. Allainé & R. Ramousse 1993. Effects of ecological factors on the settlement of alpine marmots in different alpine landscapes [Effets de différents facteurs écologiques sur l’installation des marmottes alpines dans différents paysages alpins]. Abstr. Sixth Intern. Theriological Cong., ed. M.L. Augee, 176-177.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, habitat, paysages, landscape.
Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota, Sciuridae) live only in mountain environments where they occupy open areas covered by Alpine meadows. The selection of such an ecosystem leads to an active competition with anthropogenic use of the land. Marmots are confronted with either game pressure, or agricultural pressure (hay cutting or dog shepherd) or to hiker presence in summer. In winter, skiing and other snow activities also have consequences on the availability of the space that marmots can occupy. A study of site selection for marmot settlement showed that marmots avoided places where agricultural activities (hay cutting) are important (in relation with non friend behaviour of farmers such as burrow blocking with stones, use of dogs or irrigation of the fields). The recent use of fertilisers, on the contrary, attracts marmots especially in spring when they have a specific hunger for salt. It seemed that agricultural pressure induces seasonal displacements during the hot season between “winter burrows” and “summer burrows” when in other places marmots have a single system of burrows. The presence of hikers acted on marmots in a different manner. The presence of hikers or marmot watchers did not seem to be a real constraint although food intake could be disturbed limiting fat accumulation for winter hibernation. An incidence appeared on the daily rhythm of marmots which was deeply diphasic with a large “break” at noon in touristic places and only a small depletion in non touristic places. The frequency of outside latrines seems to be a good indicator of the disturbance of a marmot population in a given environment. Game influence has not been taken into account because marmots do not seem to interest hunters any longer in France.

Le Berre M., Allainé D., Rodrigue I., Olenev G.V., Lagunov A.V. & Zhakharov V.D. 1994. Nekotorie Voprosy ekologii stepnogo sourka na yushnom ural. Some questions of the ecology of steppe marmot in the southern Urals (Analysis of the action of environmental factors) [Quelques questions d'écologie de la marmotte des steppes du sud de l'Oural (Analyse de l'effet des facteurs de milieu]. Russ. J. Ecol., 25(1): 36-41.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, spatial, Oural, Ural.

On the example of study of the marmot population (Marmota bobak) in Chelyabinsk Oblast in the summer of l992, new information vas obtained on the effect of anthropogenic and ecological factors. and also their joint action on marmot settlement. lt is necessary to stuty population dynamics in order to exactly determine the level (number) of marmots to be taken by sex and age. Such study is the only scientifcally substantiated way to guarantee long-term use of biological resources. A greater number of marmots was noted outside the boundaries of the reserve than inside it,. 33 and 10 individuals per l km2, respectively. The maximum number of marmots is found in the steppe; fewer, in perennial grasses; and the least, in fields of annual crops.

Le Berre M., Allainé D., Rodrigue I., Olenev G., Lagunov A. & Zakharov V. 1994. Nekotorie Voprosy ekologii stepnogo sourka na yushnom ural ) [Quelques problèmes de l'écologie de la marmotte de steppe au sud de l'Oural. Some problems of ecology of the Bobac marmots in the South Urals]. Ecologiya, 1: 42-49.
Marmota bobac, spatial, Oural, Ural.

Le Berre M., Métral J. & Ramousse R. 2007. Distribution des Marmottes du Mézenc [Marmot distribution of the Mézenc Mount]. En ligne/On line accès/accessed Jan 07-2007 à/at
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, introduction, Massid du Mézenc, Mezenc Massif, France.

Le Berre M., Perrin C., Allainé d., Le Guelte. 1992. Time-space related behaviour in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [Comportement spatio-temporel chez les marmottes alpines]. Bull. Mns. Histoire de Marseille, 52 : 90.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology.
The behavioural ecology of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota, Linnaeus, 1758) has been studied in the French AIps since springtime l990. The aim of this study is to understand the socio-spatial structure of this species and to compare it to that of North-American species from an evolutionnary and ecoIogical point of view (Armitage, 1988; Barash, 1974). Four neighbouring social units were studied during two years from June to the end of September (onset of hibernation) in the Nature Reserve of La Grande Sassière (Vanoise National Park, Savoie, France). Observations were performed by scan sampling or ad libitum to establish the ethogram. The social unit was the family, group, composed of an adult male, an adult female, and their offspring of the two previous years (Arnold 1979). The group shared a common home range, the size of which varied from 0.9 to 2.8 ha with an overlapping rate of 9 to 12.5%. The home range included a central Main Burrow System (MBS : hibernaculum, sleep and birth place) and peripheral areas with auxilliary burrows or shelters. Temporal and spatial distribution of activities were established by taking into account behavioural patterns of both individuals and social encounters. Results showed the general pattern for both spatial and temporal activitie to be under the influence of day and seasonal variation. All activities were performed on the MBS, but some of them were specific to this area. Peripheral areas were mainly used for foraging. Activity increased in August and decreased in September and was gradually concentrated in the vicinity of the MBS. Differences between groups were considerable and related at least to social factors (group structure) and spatial factors (home-range structure and size). The social structure of Marmota marmota seems to be closer to the structure of M. caligata and M. olympus, as predicted by Barash, than to the structure of M. flaviventris or M. monax.

Le Berre M. & R. Ramousse 1991. Dégâts provoqués par les Marmottes dans les limites du Parc National de la Vanoise (Savoie) [Damages induced by marmots in the boundaries of the Vanoise National Park]. Rapport PNV, 1-6.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, gestion, management, France, Vanoise.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. 1992a. Le piégeage des marmottes alpines : aspects techniques et éthiques [Trapping in alpine marmots : technical and ethical aspects]. BIPAS, 8 : 93-99.
Marmota marmota, méthodologie, methodology, capture, trapping.

A preliminary experiment was performed in Les Ecrins National Park during the spring of 1992 in order to determine trauma-free methods of trapping Alpine marmots. Three kinds of traps were tested (jaw traps, l-door ad 2-door boxes). Jaw traps were the most effective traps but also caused much trauma (high rate of wounds, haematoma, death). Consequently jaw traps should not be used for marmot management.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. 1992b. État de la recherche sur la marmotte en France, en 1992. Actes Journée d'étude de la marmotte Alpine, 5-10. (en français, in French)
(Marmota marmota) : France

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. 1994a. Can marmots be considered as ecological and biological indicators [Les marmottes peuvent être considérées comme des indicateurs écologiques et biologiques]. Pol. Ecol. .Stud., 20(3-4): 489-495.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, écologie, ecology.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. eds. 1994b. Report on the second international conference on marmots. Aussois (France) 2-6 Octobre 1994. Ibex J.M.E, 2: 23-48.
En anglais, in English.
Available pdf disponible (Marmota)

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. (Ле Бэр М., Рамюсс Р.) 1997a. Развитие программы ИНТАС 93-0161 по сохранеию биоразнообразия сурков Евоазии. Eurasian marmot biodiversity conservation: evaluation of INTAS 93-0161 programme [Razvitie programmy INTAS 93-0161 po sokhraneniyu bioraznoobraziya sourkov evrazii. Conservation de la biodiversité des marmottes Eurasiennes : évaluation du programme INTAS 93-0161]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 58 (Rousskie, Russian), 162-163 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota, biodiversité, biodiversity, Eurasie.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. (Ле Бэр М., Рамюсс Р.) 1997b. Центр по изучению во Франции, с 1990 по 1997 гг. Focus on marmot research in France, from 1990 to 1997. [Tsentr po izoutcheniyu sourkov vo Frantsii, c 1990 po 1997 gg. Mise au point sur la recherche concernant les marmottes en France de 1990 à 1997]. In Сурки голартики как фактор биоразнообразия, Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Rumiantsev V.Yu., Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds., III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 59 (Rousskie, Russian), 163 (Angliïskie, English).
Marmota marmota, France.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. 1997c.La marmotte alpine : ressource patrimoniale [Alpine marmot, natural resource and patrimonial wealth]. In 4ème Journée sur la Marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds., Lyon, 5-12.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, patrimoine, heritage.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. (Ле Бер м., Рамюс Р.) 2002a. Scientific results of the INTAS research program "Ecological basis for the management of marmot biodiversity in Eurasia". Nautchnye rezoul'taty issledova tel'skoi programmy INTAS "Ekologitcheskie osnovy oupravleniya bioraznoobrziem sourkov v evrazii". Résultats scientifiques du programme INTAS "Bases écologiques pour la gestion de la biodiversité des marmottes en Eurasie". In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Y. eds., ABF and International, Marmot Network, Moscow, 225-237.
En anglais et en russe, résumé en français ; in English and Russian, French abstract.
Marmota, biodiversité, biodiversity, Eurasie, Eurasia.
Des chercheurs russes, kazakhs, ukrainiens, italiens, espagnols et français se sont associés pour réaliser le programme INTAS 93-161.Les principaux objectifs étaient : 1. d’inventorier les marmottes dans les différents pays ; 2- analyser la dynamique de la ressource sur le terrain ; 3- de préserver, in situ et ex situ, la diversité génétique de six espèces de marmottes eurasiatiques (Marmota bobac, M. baibacina, M. caudata, M. marmota, M. camtschatica, M. menzbieri). Des programmes de capture-marquage-recapture ont été mis en place et ainsi que des bases de données écologiques, comportementales et d’échantillons de tissus de marmottes, données réunies au cours de six expéditions. Les cartes de distribution des espèces ont été réactualisées en Russie, au Kazakhstan, en Espagne et en France. Les populations de M. bobac sont en augmentation ainsi que l’aire de distribution de M. marmota. Celles de M. camtschatica et M. menzbieri sont en forte réduction et nécessitent des mesures de protection. Des suivis de réintroductions ont été réalisés en Russie (M. bobac, région de la Volga ; M. camtschatica, Kamtchatka), en Ukraine (M. bobac), au Kazakhstan (M. baibacina) et dans les états de l’Union Européenne (M. marmota) et le processus de colonisation de cette dernière espèce a été étudié. L’organisation spatiale et sociale des différentes espèces ont été précisées. Le rôle de la relation marmotte-puce dans le maintien de foyers de peste au Kazakhstan a été analysé. Les conditions de l’élevage des marmottes ont été étudiées dans des fermes expérimentales. La variabilité des différentes espèces de marmottes a été comparée au niveau morphologique, génétique et comportemental. En particulier, l’existence de deux sous-espèces de M. bobac et de trois sous-espèces de M. camtschatica a été confirmée. Cet effort de recherche a produit 120 publications scientifiques et rapports dont les résultats ont été présentés dans trois Conférences internationales et deux séminaires nationaux.
Available pdf disponible

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. (Ле Бер м., Рамюс Р.) 2002b. Marmot research progress in France, 1990-1997. Izoutchenie sourkov vo Frantsii v 1990-1997. État de la recherche sur la marmotte en France, 1990-1997. In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Y. eds., ABF and International, Marmot Network, Moscow, 213-224.
En anglais et en russe, résumé en français ; in English and Russian, French abstract.
Marmota marmota, France.
Since 1990, four research programs on the alpine marmot were conducted in France and results were exemplified by a study of the publications. Early results were submitted to previous conferences. Since then, the studies dealt with age, determination of live-trapped alpine marmots, the mass growth pattern of young marmots, a microsatellite polymorphism and behavioural analysis of the mating system of marmots and a molecular phylogeny of Sciuridae species and with marmot management aspects such as parasitism influence on marmots, development of a census method, post-release monitoring and economical evaluation of the re-introductions, effects of anthropogenic pressure on the plasticity of marmot behaviour, and development of national charter of re-introduction of the alpine marmot. A holistic view of this mammal emerged from this co-operation that permitted consideration of the alpine marmot as one part of our national patrimony.
Key-words: M. marmota, biometry, management, mating system, colonization, phylogeny, human disturbance.
Depuis 1990, quatre programmes de recherche sur la marmotte alpine ont été financés. Les premiers résultats ont été présentés lors de précédentes conférences.Depuis, des études portant sur la détermination de l’âge, les patrons de croissance des jeunes, le système d’appariement des marmottes et la phylogénie moléculaire des Sciuridés, ont été réalisées ainsi que sur certains aspects de gestion de la ressource : méthode de comptage, suivi post-réintroductions, effet du parasitisme et du dérangement humain sur le comportement des marmottes, débouchant sur la préparation d’une charte nationale de réintroduction. Une vue holistique de la marmotte ressort de ces différentes approches et permet de considérer la marmotte alpine comme un élément de notre patrimoine national.
Mots clés : M. marmota, biométrie, système d’appariement, phylogénie, dérangement humain.
Available pdf disponible

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. 2003. Organizing biodiversity conservation of the genus Marmota. Organisation de la conservation de la biodiversité du genre Marmota. Организация охраны биоразнообразия вида Marmota. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 235-244.
Anglais, français et résumé russe; English, French and Russian abstract.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota, marmots, marmottes, observatory, observatoire, conservation.
Nous suggérons que soit créé un Observatoire international pour la conservation du genre Marmota. Il assurerait les taches suivantes : recueil d’information (effectif des populations, évolution des milieux naturels, prélèvements, épizooties, etc.) à travers un réseau de volontaires agréés ; mise à disposition de l’information sur le site Internet du RMI ; définition du statut de conservation de chaque espèce ; situation des espèces et populations par pays ; publication chaque année d’un bilan de la conservation des marmottes au niveau mondial. L’évaluation des niveaux de menace pourrait se faire en utilisant les catégories proposées par UICN et ce résultat pourrait être communiquée à la Commission de Spécialiste des Rongeurs de l’UICN chaque année. La mise en place de cet observatoire ne demande pas de moyens particuliers. L’information recueillie par les volontaires au niveau de chaque pays hébergeant des marmottes serait collecter, synthétiser et publier par une cellule. Une partie du site Internet pourrait être consacré à cet observatoire. Des messages urgents ou de préoccupations particulières pourraient être publiés.

Le Berre M. & Ramousse R. (Ле Бер м., Рамюс Р.) 2005. Bibliographia marmotarum, an update. Obnovlenie bibliografii po dourkam. [Bibliographia marmotarum, une mise à jour]. Abstracts of fifth International Conference on genus Marmota, 68-69.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota, base de donnÈe, database, bibliographie, bibliography.
The aim of this paper is to bring new information on the current state of development of the most comprehensive online bibliography for the Genus Marmota. Ten years after it was launched, the bibliographic resource has evolved. The current state is the result of collaboration of different researchers (French, Russian, American, Uzbek and so on). The data are now approaching ten thousands references.The increase is mainly due to the opening to different fields few explored before Montreux. That is pathology and researches related to Viral hepatitis, and paleontology and archaeology with the discover of marmot remains in a lot of prehistoric deposits. Cultural aspects of Marmots are also considered such as carving, literature or history. In order to facilitate the consultation of Bibliographia Marmotarum, a MySQL database and a PHP search engine have been elaborated. The interface is currently working in French, English and Russian. The use languages could be extended to any other languages using UTF encoding. For many recent papers, abstracts and full texts are available online. A collaboration is expected in the frame of the International Marmot Network to receive all the new references published and when possible the full-text electronic files.

Le Berre M. (Ле Бэрр М.), Métral J. & Ramousse R. (Рамюсс Р.) (Ле Бер м., Рамюс Р.) 2006. Заселение альпийских сурков в Центральный Массив (Франция). [Suivi de l’introduction de la marmotte alpine dans le massif central (France). Follow-up of an alpine marmot introduction in the Central massif (France)]. In Сурки в антропогенных ландшафтах Евразии-IX Международное (СНГ) совещание по суркам, In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots, 34-35.
En russe, en anglais, en français, in Russian, In English, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, réintroduction, re-introduction, suivi, monitoring, France, France.
Available pdf disponible

Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Humblot L. 1996. Des marmottes en réseau : la communication multimédia dans les alpages. A web for marmots: multimedia communication in the Alps. In 3ème Journée d'Etude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & M. Le Berre eds., Réseau International sur la Marmotte, Lyon, 89-92.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réseau, network, multimédia.
Un réseau international sur les marmottes a été lancé suite à la deuxième Conférence Internationale sur les marmottes, à Aussois en octobre 1994. Ce réseau s'est doté d'un serveur WWW, actuellement en français et anglais mais qui s'enrichira prochainement d'autres langues. Le mode d'accès, le contenu actuel et le mode participation à ce serveur sont décrits.
A Marmot International Network was created in the frame of the second International Conference on marmots, in Aussois October 1994. A WWW server is now available, in French and English but soon in other languages. Its address, its matter and the way to participate are described.

Le Berre M., R. Ramousse & R. Papet 1992. Méthodes de capture des marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota L.) [Trapping methods of alpine marmot]. Ibex J.M.E., 1: 6-10.
En français, in French.
Available pdf disponible Marmota marmota, capture.

Sono stati comparati 4 diversi sistemi di cattura di Marmotta dal punto di vista tecnico, economico ed etico. Da queste indagini emergono, come particolarmente interessanti, le gabbie a uno o due ingressi (stress ridotto e traumatismi rari). Le tagliole, al contrario, se pur modificate e malgrado la loro grande efficacia, devono essere fortemente sconsigliate sia dal punto di vista etico (traumatismi assai rilevanti), sia da quello scientifico (cattura-ricattura occasionale). l lacci alla tana si sono rivelati molto interessanti sia sul piano etico che su queIlo economico; il loro impiego è, tuttavia, assai delicato.

Le Boeuf B. J. & Ortiz C.L. 1977. Vocalizations of the hoary marmot, Marmota caligata [Les vocalisations de la marmotte argentée]. J. Mammal., (4): 681-685.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, marmotte, givrée, hoary marmot, communication, son.

Le dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise, dédié au Roy [1ère éd.] 1694. Tome Second, M-Z, Num. BNF, Paris, chez Jean-Baptiste Coignard, 671-[46] p.
En français, in French.

Le Guerhier F., Pichoud C., Jamard C., Guerret S., Chevallier M., Peyrol S., Hantz O., King I., Trepo C., Cheng Y.C. & Zoulim F. 2001. Antiviral activity of beta-L-2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-5-fluorocytidine in woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 45(4): 1065-77.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, virus.
The L-nucleoside analog beta-L-2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-5-fluorocytidine (beta-L-Fd4C) was first shown to exhibit potent activity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in tissue culture and then to significantly inhibit viral spread during acute infection in the duck HBV model (F. Le Guerhier et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 44:111-122, 2000). We have therefore examined its antiviral activity in a mammalian model of chronic HBV infection, the woodchuck chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Side-by-side comparison of beta-L-Fd4C and lamivudine administered intraperitoneally during short-term and long-term protocols demonstrated a more profound inhibition of viremia in beta-L-Fd4C-treated groups. Moreover, beta-L-Fd4C induced a marked inhibition of intrahepatic viral DNA synthesis compared with that induced by lamivudine. Nevertheless, covalently closed circular (CCC) DNA persistence explained the lack of clearance of infected hepatocytes expressing viral antigens and the relapse of WHV replication after drug withdrawal. Liver histology showed a decrease in the inflammatory activity of chronic hepatitis in woodchucks receiving beta-L-Fd4C. An electron microscopy study showed the absence of ultrastructural changes of hepatic mitochondria, biliary canaliculi, and bile ducts. However, a loss of weight was observed in all animals, whatever the treatment, as was a transient skin pigmentation in all woodchucks during beta-L-Fd4C treatment. There was no evidence that lamivudine or beta-L-Fd4C could prevent the development of hepatocellular carcinoma with the protocols used. These results indicate that beta-L-Fd4C exhibits a more potent antiviral effect than lamivudine in the WHV model but was not able to eradicate CCC DNA and infected cells from the liver at the dosage and with the protocol used.

Le Roux M. Guide de la Haute-Savoie [Guide of Upper-Savoy]. Masson et cie, sous la direction de M. Boule.
En français, in French.

Le Touzé de Longuemar 1860. Note sur les cavernes et brèches à ossements de la Vienne [Note about the caves and bone breccias in the Vienne department]. 40e Congrès scientifique, Limoges, 440.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Vienne, France.

Lebreton F. 1973. Savoie vivante. La faune alpestre des Savoies [Living Savoy. Alpine fauna in Savoys]. Ingersheim, Saep Colmar, 219 p.
En français, in French.

Lebreton P. 1982. Tanins et alcaloïdes : deux tactiques phytochimiques de dissuasion des herbivores [Tannins and alkaloids: two dissuasion tactics of the herbivorous]. Rev. Ecol. (Terrre et Vie), 36 (4) : 539-572.
En français, in French.
Herbivores : Botanique.

Leclercq Jules 1888. Promenades dans les Pyrénées [Walks in the Pyrenes]. Tours, A. Mame et fils : 240 p., Num. BNF [Document électronique].
En français, in French.
Extrait pdf extract. Descriptions et voyages, descriptions and travels, ours, bear, p.34, 92, lynx, p.101, aigle, eagle, bouquetin, ibex, p.136-137, Isard, chamois, p.149-150, loup, wolf, p.171, Pyrénées, France.

Lechkovich L.I 1944. K dezinfektsii tarbaganykh shkouro v MNR [Sur la désinfection des peaux de marmotte tarbagan en République Populaire de Mongolie. On skin disinfection of tarbagan marmot in the Popular Republic of Mongolia]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 5, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Mongolie.

Lechkovich L.I 1946. Pasterllez tarbaganov. Kand. diss. Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Lechkovich L.I 1950. Osobennosti termo-regulyatsii tarbagana [Particularités de la thermo-régulation de la marmotte tarbagan. Thermo-regulation peculiarities in tarbagan marmot]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 8, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, thermorégulation, thermoregulation.

Lechkovich L.I 1950. Nablyudeniya za spyaskoï tarbagana [Observations sur l'hibernation de la marmotte tarbagan. Observations on the tarbagan marmot hibernation]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PUI, 8, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

Lechkovich L.I & Dudinin S.B. 1944. Fiziologitcheskie i epizootologitcheskie osnovy ekologiya tarbagana [Bases physiologiques et épizootologiques de l'écologie de la marmotte tarbagan. Physiologic and epizootologic basis of the tarbagan marmot ecology]. Soobsh. 2 Tetchenie osennii period. Soobsh. 4 Nekotorye immounoreaktivnye svojstva krovi tarbaganov v osennii period, MEI, 12.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague.

Lecoq H. 1852. Annales scientifiques, littéraires et industrielles de l’Auvergne [Scientific, literary and industrial annals of Auvergne]. Tome vingt-cinquième, Thibaud-Landriot frères, Clermont-Ferrand, num. Google.
En français, in French.
Arctomys primigenia, vallée du Rhin, Rhine Valley, Arctomys gastaldi, appenins, Apenines, Arctomys fischeri, Altaï, Arctomys lecoq, Arctomys antiqua.
Extrait Pdf extract

Le Dantec Aristide 1924. Précis de pathologie exotique. Maladies des pays chauds et des pays froids [Summary of exotic pathology. Hot and cold countries deseases]. Doin, Paris.
En français, in French.
Pathologie, pathology.

Lederer E. 1950. Odeurs et parfums des animaux [Animal Odors and perfumes]. Fortschr. Chem. Org. Natur-stoffe, 6 : 87-153.
En français, in French.
Odeur, odor.

Lee D.S. & Funderburg J. 1982. Marmots [Marmottes]. In Wild mammals of North America : Biology, management and economics, Eds. T. Chapman, G. Feldhamer, Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, Maryland, pp.1184, 176-191.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota broweri, Marmota caligata, Marmota flaviventris, Marmota monax, Marmota olympus, Marmota vancouverensis, Amérique du Nord.
Periods of mating, gestation, parturition, appearance of young from the burrow, and litter size differ as a result of latitude and altitude. During summer, marmots accumulate fat reserves, and weight loss during hibernation can be as much as 37 percent of total body weight. Marmots are monestrous, having one estrous cycle per year.

Lee H., Kawaguchi T., Nomura K. & Kitagawa T. 1987. Establishment and characterization of a diethylnitrosamine-initiated woodchuck hepatocyte cell line. Hepatology, 7(5):937-40.
En anglais, in English.

Woodchucks free from woodchuck hepatitis virus were treated with diethylnitrosamine in vivo for 2 months, and then hepatocytes obtained by enzymatic perfusion were cultured with the hepatopromoter phenobarbital. This in vivo-in vitro procedure gave rise to proliferating epithelial cell foci, from one of which the presently described hepatocyte cell line (WLC-3) was established and characterized. WLC-3 cells possess morphological and biochemical features of differentiated hepatocytes, including glucose-6-phosphatase activity and albumin production. Histopathological analysis of the tumor which developed transitorily in nude mouse subcutis after inoculation of the cell line revealed glandular structures comprising cells of hepatocellular-like morphology. This is the first established woodchuck hepatocyte cell line free from woodchuck hepatitis virus and is therefore expected to be useful for studying the mode of gene expression and viral proliferation of woodchuck hepatitis virus and the mechanisms underlying woodchuck hepatitis virus-related hepatocarcinogenesis.

Lee Mary Jo (Keen Trevor) 2005. Groundhog Day : a Wolf Cubs' adventure. York, Ont., Baehrlee, 27 p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck, groundhog day, jour de la marmotte, littérature enfantine, Juvenile literature.

Lee W.M., Iverson A., McLeod L., Walpole H.E., Arnaud P., Cote P.J., Gerin J.L. & Tennant B.C. 1993. Antibodies to polymerized albumin in woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. Viral. Immunol., 6(1): 13-19.
En anglais, in English.
Polymerized human serum albumin may play a role in the entry of hepatitis B virus into hepatocytes, and antibodies to polyalbumin that frequently appear during acute hepatitis may aid the process of viral clearance. We developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies to polymerized woodchuck albumin to enable us to evaluate further the role of these antibodies in an animal model system. Sera from 17 uninfected adult woodchucks and 8 newborns showed no binding to control plates coated with woodchuck transferrin, woodchuck albumin, or polymerized human serum albumin. One of 8 newborn animals demonstrated a significant antibody titer to polymerized woodchuck albumin, and 16 of 17 adults without evidence of prior woodchuck hepatitis virus infection had measurable serum antibody titers. Antibodies to polymerized woodchuck albumin could be adsorbed by prior incubation with the antigen. In 2 animals subjected to experimental infection, significant rises in polyalbumin antibody were seen. When 4 adult woodchucks were immunized with woodchuck polyalbumin, significant increases in antibody titer were observed in 2 of the 4 animals. Of the 4 immunized and 4 controls subsequently challenged with woodchuck hepatitis virus, 7 became viremic and all 8 developed antibody to woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen. We conclude that naturally occurring antibodies to polymerized woodchuck albumin are observed in most adult woodchucks in the absence of woodchuck hepatitis virus infection and do not seem to confer immunity against infection with this virus.

Leedy D.L. 1949. Woodchucks survive bush fire and remain in the aera [Les marmottes des bois survivent à un feux de broussailles et restent dans cette aire]. J. Mammal., 30(1): 73.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, feux, fire, habitat.

Lefranc N. 1985. Du Doryphore Lynx [From the Colorado beetle ... to lynx]. Musée Municipal de Saint-Dié, p. 62.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, réintroduction, Vosges.

Lefrancois Thierry 1997. L'iconographie musicale de la mode champêtre, Musiques. Images. Instruments. Revue française d'organologie et d'iconographie musicale, n°3, Nouveaux timbres, nouvelle sensibilité au XVIII° siècle, p. 160.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, savoyard, Iconographie, Iconography.

Legaarden Thea K., Walton J.P. Plaizier Jan C., McBride Brian W. & Valdes Eduardo V. 2001. Serum fatty acid analysis and digestibility study in the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) fed a captive diet supplemented with alpha-linolenic acid. Zoo Biology, 20 (4): 251-259.
En anglais, in English.
Pdf disponible/available Marmota vancouverensis, marmotte de l'île de Vancouver, élevage, alimentation, acides gras, flaxseed oil, serum fatty acids, apparent digestibility.
Mammals that hibernate must rely on endogenous lipid reserves to survive over winter. This study was conducted to compare the difference in serum fatty acid composition, dietary intake, and apparent digestibility in the Vancouver Island marmot (N = 6) fed the Metro Zoo lagomorph diet supplemented with alpha-linolenic acid (C(18:3) n-3 (alpha-LA)). The experiment was designed as a 3 X 3 Latin square with three 17-day collection periods. The test diets contained 12.16, 14.85, and 17.05% alpha-LA as a percentage of fatty acids in the diet supplied through the addition of flaxseed oil (apprx53% alpha-LA). Across treatments, dry matter intake (g/d), dry matter digestibility, apparent fat digestibility, and apparent neutral detergent fiber digestibility did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). There were no significant differences in serum alpha-LA concentration between the three levels of alpha-LA supplementation. However, this supplementation did elevate serum alpha-LA, eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5 (n-3)), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 (n-3)) levels compared with feeding the basal zoo lagomorph diet (P < 0.05). thus, supplementation of the basal zoo lagomorph diet with alpha-la elevated the serum levels of essential fatty acids in the vancouver island marmot.

Legendre S.1988. Les communautés de mammifères du Paléogène d'Europe occidentale : structure, milieux, évolution [Mammals communities of the paleogene of western Europe: structure, environment, evolution].. Thèse, USTL Montpellier.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, mammifères, mammals, Europe, Europa.

Legendre-Kvater Philippe 2003. La marmotte de Notre-Dame [Notre-Dame's marmot]. Paris, SNC, 29 p.
En français, in French.
Marmotte, marmot, littérature enfantine, juvenile literature.

Lehmann E. von. 1963. Die Säugetiere des Fürstentums Liechtenstein [Les mammifères de la Principauté du Liechtenstein]. Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, 62: 159-362.
En allemand, in German.
Faune, fauna, mammifères, mammals, principauté du Liechtenstein, principality of Liechtenstein.

Leichleitner R.R. 1969. Wild mammals of Colorado [Les mammifères sauvages du Colorado]. Pruett Publ. Co., Boulder, Colorado, 254pp.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Colorado, États-Unis d'Aémrique, United states of America.

Leidy Joseph 1852. Descr. of the remains of Extinct Mammalia and Chelonia from Neb. Terr., Coll. during the Geol. Survey under the direction of Dr. David Dale Owen. Rept. of a Geol. Sur. of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minn. and incidentally a Portion of Nebraska Territory by David Dale Owen, United States Geologist, Phil.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leidy Joseph 1853. The Ancient Fauna of Neb. or a description of the Remains of Extinct Mammalia and Chelonia from the Mauvaises Terres of Neb. [La faune ancienne du Nébraska ou description des mammifères et des Chéloniens fossiles des Mauvaises Terres du Nébraska].Smith. Inst., 16.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Nebraska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leidy J. 1856. Notices of Remains of Extinct Mammalia discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden in Neb. Territory [Notes sur les mammifères fossile découverts par le Dr. F. V. Hayden dans les térritoires du Nébraska] . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 8.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Nebraska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leidy Joseph 1857. Observations on the extinct peccary of North America; being a sequel to "A memoir on the extinct Dicotylinae of America". Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 11 : 97-105, with pl. vi.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord,

Leidy J. 1857. Notice of some remains of Extinct Vertebrata from the Valley of the Niobrara Riv. collected during the exploring exped. of 1857, in Neb. under the command of Lieut. G. K. Warren. U.S. Top. Eng. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 10.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Nebraska, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leidy J. 1862. Observations upon the mammalian remains found in the crevices of the lead-bearing rocks at Galena, Ill [Observations sur les restes de mammifères trouvés dans les fissures des amas de rochers de Galena III]. J.D. Whitney's Report of a Geolog. Surv. of the Upper Mississippi lead region p. 423.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology.

Leidy J. 1869. The extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, including an account of some allied forms from other localities, together with a synopsis of the mammalian remains of North America. [La faune de mammifères éteints du Dakota et du Nebraska, comprenant un rapport sur des formes voisines d'autres localités, avec un synopsis des restes de mammifères d'Amérique du Nord]. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2 pp. 1-472, with 30 plat.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys vetus, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Dakota, Nebraska.

Leidy J. 1889. Notice and description of fossils in caves and crevices of the limestone rocks of Pennsylvania. [Note et description des fossiles des grottes et crevasses des calcaires de Pennsylvanie]. Ann. Report Geol. Surv. Penn. for 1887, 1-20, with pls.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys, paléontologie, paleontology.

Leidy J. 1871. Report on the Vertebrate Fossils of the Tertiary Formations of the West [Rapport sur les vertébrés fossiles des formations tertiaires de l'Ouest]. Prelim. Rept. U.S.G.S. of Wyo. and portions of Contiguous Terr.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Tertiaire, Tertiary, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leidy J. 1873. Contrib. to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Tertiaries [Contribution sur la faune des vertébrés du Tertiaire de l'Ouest]. U.S.G.S. Terr. Rept., vol., 1, pt. 1.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Tertiaire, Tertiary, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Leighton M.M. 1921. The Pleistocene succession near Alton, Illinois, and the age of the mammalian fauna [La succession pléistocènique près d'Alton, Illinois, et l'âge de la faune mammalienne]. Jour. Geol., 29: 505-514.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Amérique du Nord, Illinois.

Leinati L., Grimaldi E., Mandelli G. & Videsott R. 1959. Indagine sulle abitudini alimentari della volpe (Vulpes vulpes L.) des Parco Nazionale des Gran Paradiso (Nota preventiva) [Recherche sur les habitudes alimentaires du renard du Parc national du Grand Paradis (Note préalable]. Research on the diet habits of the fox in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Preliminary note)]. Contributi scientifici alla conoscenza des Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, N° 12, 8 pp.
En italien, in Itlian.
Vulpes vulpes, Marmota marmota, alimentation, diet, prédation.
The feeding behavior of the red fox of the Gran Paradiso National Park is investigated by means of laboratory methods involving macroscopic and microscopie analyses of 5280 fecal passages during a three-year period of study (1956-58).

Leitner L.M. & Malan A. 1973. Possible ole of the arterial chemoreceptors in the ventilatory response of the anesthetized marmot to changes in inspired p22 and pCO2. Comp. Bioch. Physiol., 445 : 953-959.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, hibernation, sang, blood.

Le Louarn Henry Les micromammifères et les oiseaux des Hautes-Alpes: Adaptation à la vie en montagne [Micromammals and birds in Hautes-Alpes: adaptation to mountain life]. Thèse de doctorat d'Etat, Univ. de Rennes.

En français, in French.
Mammifères, mammals, Oiseaux, birds, Hautes-Alpes, France.

Le Louarn H. & Saint-Girons M.C. 1977. Les rongeurs de France : faunistique et biologie. [Rodents in France: faunistic and biology]. INRA, Ann. Zool. Ecol. Anim., hors séries.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, Faunistique, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot.

Le Louarn, Henry, Quéré Jean-Pierre & Butet A. 2003. Les Rongeurs de France. Faunistique et biologie [Rodents in France: faunistic and biology]. 2e édition revue et augmentée, La marmotte, 23-126. Editions Quae, 260 pages, ISBN 2738010911.
Rodentia, Faunistique, Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot. R.

Lemke W. 1952. Noch etwas vom Murmeltier [Plus sur la marmotte]. Deutsche Jägerzeitung, 194.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Lemke W. 1989. M. flaviventris from the central Mojave desert of California: biogeographic implications [M. flaviventris du désert de Mojave central de Californie : implicatins biogéographiques]. Southwest. nat., 34: 284-287.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, biogéographie, biogeography.

Lenihan C. & Van Vuren D. 1996. Costs and benefits of sociality in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris): do noncolonial females have lower fitness? [ Coûts et bénéfices de la socialité chez les marmottes à ventre jaune : les femelles non coloniales ont-elles une valeur sélective inférieure?] Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 8: 177-189.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, marmotte à ventre jaune, yellow-bellied marmot, écologie, ecology, social.

Wether an animal lives alone or in a group may have fitness consequences. Among yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), fitness is thought to be lower for non-colonial females because juvenile survival, as indicataed by trapping, is lower. Trapping, however, may not be an accurate estimate of survival. Low recapture rates of non-colonial juveniles may result from early dispersal due to maternal behavior, or higher mortality due to predation or inadequate resources for overwinter survival. Our objective was to determine if survival was lower for noncolonial than for colonial juveniles, and to determine the cause of the low recapture rate of noncolonial juveniles. Our results show that survival of noncolonial juveniles was not lower than that of colonial juveniles. Noncolonial juveniles were not more vulnerable to predation during the active season, nor was overwintering mortality higher. Some noncolonial juveniles did disperse early, and most moved away from the natal burrow to hibernate, thereby explaining the low recapture rate reported previously. Ealy dispersal was not related to maternal behavior. Noncolonial females do not enjoy the benefits of group-living, especially the opportunity to form matrilines; but they also do not suffer the costs, such as competition for resources.

Lenihan C. & Van Vuren D. 1996. Growth and survival of juveniles yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [Croissance et survie des jeunes marmottes à ventre jaune]. Can. J. Zool.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, croissance, growth, survie, survival.

Lenti D. 1982. Alcuni daati sulla comunicazione acustica ed il comportamenta sociale della Marmotta alpina (Marmota marmota L.) [Quelques données sur la communication acoustique et le comportement social de la mamotte alpine. Some data on acoustic communication and social behaviour in alpine marmot]. In Atti del 1° Congresso della Division Ricerca di Base in Psicologia, Pavia, 82.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, communication, social.

Nel corso di una ricerca sul campo effettuata nelle estati del 1981 e del 1982 nel Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso e' stato osservato il comportamento sociale della Marmotta e ne sono stati ascoltati, descritti ed analizzati i segnali sonori. Viene presentata e discussa una descrizione generale dell' organizzazione sociale della species-anche in rapporto alle specie americane, piu' note dal punto di vista comportamentale. Vengono inoltre presentati ed analizzati i 5 diversi tipi di segnale registrati: 1. Fischio multiplo di allarme ; 2. Fischio singolo, emesso specificamente in presenza di uccelli da preda; 3. Fischio multiplo rallentato ; 4. Guaito, utilizzato nel corso di interazioni agonistiche ; 5. Ringhio, utilizzato come segnale di minaccia o agonistico. Viene affrontato, anche in ottica sociobiologica, il problema delle relazioni tra comunicazione - in particolare per quanto riguarda i segnali di allarme - e struttura sociale del gruppo.

Lenti D. 1983a. Moduli posturali, comunicazione acustica e sistema di tane nella marmotta alpina (Marmota marmota L.) [Modules posturaux, communication acoustique et système du terrier de la marmotte alpine. Postural modulus, acoustic communication and the burrow system of alpine marmot]. Unpublished manuscript.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, communication, terrier, burrow.

Lenti D. 1983b. Lo stazionamento nella marmotta alpina e il suo significato nella sorveglianza del territorio [Le stationnement de la marmotte alpine et sa signification pour la surveillance du territoire. Alpine marmot stopping and its significance for territory surveillance]. In Estratti del III Convegno dell'Associazone A. Ghigi per la Studio dei Vertebrati, 50, Bellagio.
En italie, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, surveillance.

Il ciclo di attività giornaliera della marmotta alpina ha inizio con il sorgere del sole e termina generalmente al tramonto, con una flessione nelle ore più calde della giornata. Le attività principali sono il pascolo e lo stazionamento. In questo modulo comportamentale gli animali si dispongono su massi situati nei pressi delle tane. Poichè gli animali stazionano anche quando il sole è già tramontato o quando il cielo è nuvoloso e piove, questa attività non pare legata solamente al riscaldamento dell'animale. Pare piuttosto che sia comprensiva di almeno due elementi : quello del riscaldamento e quello della sorveglianza del territorio circostante. Quando gli animali stazionano, e hanno quindi la possibilità di tenere sotto controllo il territorio circostante, esibiscono al segnale multiplo d'allarme risposte significativamente differenti da quando gli animali sono al pascolo (come mostra la figura). L'ipotesi del comportamento territoriale della marmotta alpina, almeno delle colonie che abitano alle quote più alte è confermata anche da altri fattori, quali l'esibizione di due diversi moduli comportamentali legati alla marcatura del territorio : lo strofinamento e lo scavo. Inoltre le interazioni agonistiche sono frequentemente legate alla difesa del territorio.

Lenti D. 1985. Ecologia degli insediamenti e utilizzo delle tane nella marmotta alpina (Marmota marmota L.) [Ecologie de l'installation et de l'utilisation du terrier de la marmotte alpine. Ecology of settlment and use of burrow of alpine marmot]. In Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale della Divisione Ricerca di Base in Psicologia, Salerno, Arti Grafiche Landi, 35-36.
En italie, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, terrier, burrow.

Lenti-Boero D. 1987a. La difesa del territorio familiare nella marmotta alpina (Marmota marmota L.) [La défense du territoire familial chez la marmotte alpine. Defense of the family territory in alpine marmot]. In Estratti del V Convegno dell'Associazone A. Ghigi per la Studio dei Vertebrati, Pistoia.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, territoire, territory.

Numerosi autori affualmente concordano nell'affermare che la marmotta alpine difende affimente il proprio territorio famillare dall'intrussione di conspecifici, in particolare in primevera, stagione nella quale avvengono gli accoppiamenti, e in autunno (Barash 1976; Bopp 1955, 1956, 1964 ; Lenti 1983, 1985 ; Zelenka 1965) ; fino ad oggi, pero' non sono stati presentati consistenti dati quantitativi a favore di questa ipotesi. I dati presentati forniscono un supporto di tipo quantitativo all'ipotesi precedentemente enunciata e sono stati raccolti negli anni 1984, 1985, 1986 nel corso di una ricerca a lungo termine sull' etologia ed ecologia della marmotta alpina, svolta in prevalenza sul territorio del P.N.G.P. in Valle di Cogne, e si basano su 1054 rilevamenti della localizzazione dei singoli individui effettuati ogni 15' circa in giornate campione (scan sampling, Altmann 1974) e su 80 ore di oservazione di animali non marcati. E'stato possibile evidenziare, tramite mappatura delle aree utilizzate e dei siti di marcatura, che gli individui appartenenti ad una medesima famiglia frequentano nel corso delle loro attivita' giornaliere il medesimo territorio ed occupano i redesimi siti di stazionamento (Lenti 1983) e che questa frequenza e' esclusiva, in quanto i conspecifici appartenenti a differenti famiglie vengono attivamente allontanati ; gli episodi di marcatura del territorio avvengono prevalentemente nelle zone di confine. I moduli componenti le interazioni sociali vengono definiti in dettaglio, mettendo in evidenza la coesione reciproca del vari individui entro e tra i diversi gruppi familiari durante i due stati comportamentali prevalenti : io stazionamento e il pascolo. Le interazioni amichevoli, la toelettatura reciproca e il gioco avvengono in modo significativamente maggiore all'interno di ogni gruppo di individui che frequenta le medesime aree famiari, mentre le interazioni agonistiche avvengono in numero significativamente magglore tra individui non appartenenti alla stressa area famillare che non tra individui appartenenti alla medesima area familiare, ed inoltre avvengono prevalentemente sulle zone di contine.

Lenti Boero D. 1987b. Caratteristiche degli insediamenti e stima della densita di marmotta alpina (Marmota marmota L.) in zone campione del parco nazionale Gran Paradiso [Caractéristiques de l'implantation et estimation de la densité de la marmotte alpine dans une zone échantillon du Parc National du Grand Paradis. Settlment characteristics and density valuation of the alpine marmot]. Incontro di studio sulla M. alpina, Coll. scient. PN gran Paradiso, Torino, 32-38.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, territoire, territory, Italie, Italia, Grand Paradis.

Lenti Boero D. 1988a. Distribuzione degli insediamenti e stima della densità di marmotta alpine (Marmota marmota) : metodi di indagine per zone campione [Répartition des installations et estimation de la densité des marmottes alpine : méthode de recherche par zone échantillon. Distribution of settlments and density estimation in alpine marmot: study method of sampling zones]. In Atti del 1 Convegno die Biologi della Selvaggina, Supplemento alle Ricerce di Biologia della Selvaggina, vol. 14, tipolitograpfia F.G. Savignaro sul Panoro, Modena, 253-264.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, méthodologie, methodology.

A long term study on the behavioural ecology of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota L.) was performed in the Cogne Valley, at the Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy. During this study the distribution of the colonies was determined in an area measuring 4200 hectares. Marmots were found in every grassland above the timberline (2000 m) but not in the pinewood and in stony grounds; below the pinewood (1330) few colonies were found, this was prob