Bibliographia Marmotaru m.
Ramousse R., International Marmot Network, Lyon, 1997.
ISBN : 2-9509900-2-9

Copyright 1997. Édition Réseau International sur les marmottes/ International Marmot Network Publisher
Traduction anglais - français / English - French translation: R. Ramousse
Traduction russe - français / Russian - French translation: Y. Semenov


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Tabachishin V.G., Zav'yalov E.V. & Semikhatova S.N. 2002. [Sur le rôle des colonies de marmottes des steppes (Marmota bobac) dans la répartition d'Oenanthe isabellina dans la partie nord de la région des collines de la Volga. About impliable role of colonies of steppe marmot (Marmota bobak) in genesis of distribution of Oenanthe isabellina in North part of Down Volga region. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 61.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Oenanthe isabellina,Traquet isabelle, Isabelline Wheatear, Turdidae, Volga, Russie, Russia.

Taber R.D. & Hoffmann R.S. 1963. Behavioral adaptations of mammals to mountain environments [Adaptations comportementales des mammifères aux milieux montagnards]. Proc. IVI Int. Cong. Zool., 3: 54.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Mammals, Mammalia, éthologie, ethology, montagne, mountain.

Taber R.D., Sheri A.N. & Ahmad M.S. 1967. Mammals of the Lyallpur Region, West Pakistan [Les mammifères de la région du Lyallpur, ouest du Pakistan]. J. Mamm., 48: 392-407.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Mammals, Mammalia, Pakistan.

Tacconi G. 1894. La Fauna [La faune]. In Guida del Canal del Ferro, Marinelli G. ed., Del Bianco, Udine. Réédition, SAF : 73-99.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, faune, fauna, Italie, Italy.

Taché Alexandre Antonin 1869. Esquisse sur le Nord-Ouest de l'Amérique [Sketch of the North-West of America]. Montréal, Charles Payette, 150 pages.
En français, in French.
Arctomys Empetra, Marmotte du Québec, weenusk, Arctomys Pruinosus, siffleur, whistler, Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson, Hudson's Bay Company, Indiens d'Amérique, Indians of North America, Canada, Nord-Ouest canadien, Northwest Canadian, Descriptions et voyages, Description and travel, Taché A.A.1823-1894.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Taché A.A. 1870. Sketch of the North-West of America. [Esquisse sur le Nord-Ouest de l'Amérique] Montréal, Traduction par D. R. Cameron, John Lovell.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys Empetra, Marmotte du Québec, weenusk, Arctomys Pruinosus, siffleur, whistler,Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson, Hudson's Bay Company, Indiens d'Amérique, Indians of North America, Canada, Nord-Ouest canadien, Northwest Canadian, Descriptions et voyages, Description and travel, Taché A.A..1823-1894.
Texte complet/Full text
ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Tagliacozzo A. & Fiore I. 2000. La chasse alpine au paléolitique supérieur en zone alpine [Upper Paleolithic ibex hunting in the alpine zone].Ibex J. Mt. Ecol., 5: 69-76. Anthropozoologica, 31: 69-76.
En français, in French.
Castor fiber, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Ericaneus europaeus, Lepus europaeus, Marmota marmota, Meles, Ursus arctos, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Capra ibex, Paléontologie, Paleontology, Épigravettien, epigravettian, saison de capture, capture season, boucherie, butchering, Alpes, Alps, Würm, Italie, Italy, Trento.
The rockshelter of Dalmeri is situated on the Asagio Plateau (Trento), at an altitude of 1240 m. The late Wurmian Tardiglacial stratigraphy presents a sequence of stony levels, with many faunal remains and lithic industry vestiges. Here ibex (which represents 90% of the remains) but also red deer and roe deer were hunted; the presence of beaver, hare, wolf, marmot and hedgehog has also been reported. Bone remains are highly fragmented. This fragmentation results from animal meat processing and marrow extraction, but also from the use of bones, the action of carnivores (some remains show signs of corrosion due to gastric acids) and antural agents. The surface of several fragments presents grooves typical of the action of a lithic instrument, traces of roots and carnivore and rodent teeth.
L'abri sous roche Dalmeri se trouve sur le plateau de Asiago (TN) à 1240 m d'altitude. La stratigraphie, datée de la fin du Tardiglaciaire würmien, présente une séquence de niveaux à cailloutis avec un grand nombre de restes fauniques et une industrie lithique abondante. L'abri Dalmeri est un des rares gisements italiens de haute montagne où les vestiges osseux se sont conservés. On y a chassé le bouquetin, qui représente 90 % des restes, et plus rarement le cerf et le chevreuil ; on y a aussi identifié la présence du castor, du lièvre, du renard, de l'ours, du loup, de la marmotte, et du hérisson. Les restes osseux sont très fragmentés. Les facteurs responsables de cette fragmentation sont, outre les agents naturels, les procédures de découpe, l'extraction de la moelle, l'utilisation des os et l'action des carnivores (plusieurs vestiges présentent des traces dues à l'action corrosive des sucs gastriques). De nombreux fragments présentent des traces de racines, de dents de carnivores et de rongeurs ainsi que des stries caractéristiques de l'action d'un instrument lithique sur la surface de l'os.

Tal'ko-gryntsevichtch Yu.D. 1899. O tchoumnykh zabolevaniyakh v Mongolii. [Sur la maladie de la peste en Mongolie. On plague disease in Mongolia]. Tr. Troitskosavko-Kyakhtinskogo otdeleniya Priamoursk, Otd. Roussk. geogr. ob-va, 2(1/2).
En russe, in Russian.
Médecine, medicine, peste, plague, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Tanhehco E. 2002. Marmota vancouverensis (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed March 28, 2006 at
En anglais, in English.
Marmota vancouverensis, espèce menacée, threatened species.

Tang-Martínez Zuleyma 2003. Emerging themes and future challenges : forgotten rodents, neglected questions [Thèmes émergeants et défis futurs : rongeurs oubliés, questions négligées]. Journal of Mammalogy, 84(4): 1212-1227.
En anglais, in English.
Environnement précoce, early environment, variation géographique, geographic variation, Amérique latine, Latin America, neuroendocrinologie, neuroendocrinology, rongeurs, rodents, socialité, sociality.
I identify 4 topics for future research. 1) Our knowledge of rodents from the developing world is limited, yet recent evidence suggests that many species are highly social. I concentrate on South American rodents to demonstrate the wealth of information available when we study these taxa and incorporate the findings into our current paradigms of social evolution. 2) Relatively little is known about proximate mechanisms that govern social systems. Research on the neuroendocrine basis of pair-bond formation and paternal care has provided valuable insights, but many questions remain. 3) Mounting evidence indicates that, in addition to genetics, social environment can play a major role in behavioral and physiological development. Studies on effects of early social environment would contribute to our understanding of ontogeny of individual differences in social species. 4) Recent evidence suggests a significant geographic variation in social characteristics of some rodent species. The extent and ecological correlates of such intraspecific variation merit further investigation.

Taranenko D.E. 2005. Taxonomic self-descriptiveness of some craniological features by the example of bobak group marmots (Marmota, Rodentia). Sistematitcheskaya "informativnost’" nekotorykh kraniologitcheskikh oriznakov na primere sourkov grouppy "bobak" (Marmota, Rodentia). Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 116-117.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobak, Marmota sibirica, Marmota kastschenkoi, taxonomie, taxonomy.
The geographical variations of color and dimension of body are traditionally used in taxonomy of palaearctic marmots to distinguish between sub-species, while a complex of habituaI (qualitative features of color, dimensions and proportions of body) and craniological (mainly constitution features) signs are applied to distinguish between species. Some researchers also take into account the differences of baculum structure (Galkina, 1962; Kapitonov, 1966; Chervyakova, 1966). All these signs can be divided into three groups: color, metric (dimensions and proportions) and qualitative (discrete). When studying morphological differentiation of ¥ bobac TM species group we used all of the listed sign groups. Their significance for sub-species taxonomy of marmots was considered by the example of grey marmot Marmota baibacina Kastschenko, 1899. In this message we are dealing only with some craniological indexes, both metrical and qualitative. We comparatively analyzed the following samples: 1 - M. baibacina (the Salair mountain-ridge - n=50; South-Eastern Altai - n=270; South-Western Altai -n=50; Kalbinsk Altai - n=50); 2 - M. bobak MΠller, 1776 (Northern Kazakhstan - n=48); M. sibirica Radde, 1862 (South Tuva and Transbaikalia - n=48). The representatives of M. kastschenkoi (Salair mountain-ridge) were considered in the sample of M. baibacina as sub-species M. b. kastschenkoi. The analysis was made based on 31 craniometrical and several qualitative indexes. All digital information was processed by the method of discriminant analysis and the method of principle components by means of STATISTICA 6.0 software. Mean differences reliability was evaluated by t -criterion. This analysis involved only mature animals. As a result we came to a conclusion that discrete (first of all) and metric (in the second place) features of the skull shall be used to distinguish between species. The first group includes the structure and form of postorbital outgrowth, the form of lachrymal bone, peculiarities of the lower P4 structure. The second group includes condilo-basal length of skull, interorbital and postorbital width, dimensions of auditory tympanum, alveolar length of upperteeth. These signs are less variable and more important in terms of differences between the samples of species rank by t-criterion. The whole specter of craniometrical indexes is suitable for distinguishing between sub-species. But it should be noticed that an external group needs to be included in the analysis.
Russian PDF russe

Taranenko D.E. 2006. [Systématique et morphologie des marmottes des steppe-forêts et grise. Systematics and morphology of forest-steppe and grey marmots]. In Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia, 9th International Meeting on Marmots.
En russe, in Russian.
Systématique, systematics, morphologie, morphology, Marmota katshenkoi, marmotte des steppe-forêts, forest-steppe marmot, Marmota baibacina, marmotte de l’Altaï, Altai marmot.

Taranenko L.I. 1997. K rasprostraneniiu c prochlom stepnogo sourka na territorii Donetskoï oblasti [Sur l'ancienne distribution de la marmotte des steppes dans le territoire de la région du Donestsk]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 41-42.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, histoire, history, Donestsk.

Tarasov (Tarasof) M.P. & Petukhov (Petoukhof) M.G. 1960. [Les puces de Citellus undulatus de la partie sud-est de l'Altaï Mongolien. The fleas of Citellus undulatus of the South-East Part of Mongolian Altai]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivotchoumn. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost., Irkoutsk, 23: 292-299.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Sciuridae, Spermophilus.

Tarasova N.E., Innokent'eva T.I., Dmitriev (Dmitrief) V.F. 1969. [Rôle des marmottes dans un foyer naturel de peste du sud-est de l'Altaï. Role of marmots in natural plague focality of South-East Altai]. Probl. osobo opasn. infect., Saratov, 3: 161-166.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, Altaï; Altai.

Tarasova N.E. & Suyazov (Souyazof) F. 1961. Materialy k izoutchennyu nazemnoï aktivnosti sourkov [Étude des activités terrestres des marmottes. Study of terrestrial activities of marmots]. Tr. Sredneaz. PTchI, 7.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, rythme, rhythm.

Tarasov N.S. 1958. [Méthodes de dénombrement de M. sibirica à l'aide d'une automobile. On methods of calculation of M. sibirica by using a car]. Izv. Irkoutsk. protivotchoum. in-ta Sib. i Dal. Vost., 19: 143-145.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, dénombrement, census.

Tarasov N.S. 1963. [Changement du nombre de marmottes dans le sud-est du Transbaïkal. Changes of marmot numbers in South-East Transbaikalial]. Dokl. Irkoutsk. protivotchoum. in-ta, Tchita, 6: 70-72.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, Transbaïkal.

Tarasov P.P. 1944. Biologitcheskie nabliudeniya za khichnvimi ptitsami v yugo-vostotchnoï tchasi zabaïkaliya [Observations biologiques sur les oiseaux prédateurs du sud-est de Transbaïkalie. Biological observations on birds of prey in the south-eastern Cis-Baikal]. Izv. Irkoutsk. Naouno-iss. protivotchoumnogo on-ta sibiri i dali nego vostoka, 5 : 161-175.
En russe, in Russian.
Oiseaux, birds, prédation, predation, Transbaïkalie.

Tarasov P.P. 1950. O nekotorykh biologi-tcheskikh osobennostyakh kha laïskogo tarbagana [Quelques particularités biologiques des marmottes tarbagans de Kha-Laïsk. Some biological particularities of the tarbagan marmots in Kha-Laïsk]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 8, Irkoutsk, 128-132.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica.

Tarasov P.P. 1952a. K voprosou o bidovom sostave sourkov Altaya smejnykh tchasteï Mongolii i Touvy [Questions sur la liste spécifique des marmottes de l'Altaï et des parties limitrophes de Mongolie et de Touva. Questions on the specific list of marmots in Alatai and on the borders of Mongolia and Tuva]. DAN SSSR, 87 (4).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, Russie, Altaï, Mongolie, Mongolia, Touva, Tuva.

Tarasov P.P. 1952b. Novye dannye o rasprostranenii sourkov v Yujnoï Sibiri i smejnykh tchazste Mongolii. [New data on distribution of marmots in Southern Siberia and bordering regions of Mongolia]. DAN SSSR, 87 (4): 669-671.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, réparition, distribution, Russie, Russia, Sibérie, Siberia.

Tarasov P.P. 1953. Zasoukhi kak faktor tchoumnoï epizootii v Mongolii [Les sécheresses, facteurs d'épizootie de la peste en Mongolie. Droughts as plague epizooty factor in Mongolia]. Izv. Irkout. naoutchno-Issled. protivotchoumnogo in-ta Sibiri i dalinego vostka, 2 : 53-59.
En russe, in Russian.
É,pidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, Russie, Russia, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Tarasov P.P. 1954a. Obozr sposobov dobyvaniya tarbaganov [Vue générale sur les méthodes de capture des marmottes tarbagans. General view on trapping methods of tarbagan marmots]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 13, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, capture, trapping, méthode, method.

Tarasov P.P. 1954b. Organizatsionnye voprosou brigadnogo promysla tarbagana i opyt otrabotki ploshadeï na dogovornykh natchalakh s okhotnikami [Organisation de la chasse par brigades des marmottes tarbagans et expériences de limitation de surface en accord avec les chasseurs. Hunting organization by groups of tarbagan marmots and experiences of area limitation with hunters consent]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 13, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, chasse, hunting.

Tarasov P.P. 1957. [Assainissement du foyer de peste de marmottes et chasse. Sanitation of marmot plague foci and hunting.] Scien Conf. On natural focality and epidem. Diseases, 376-379.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, peste, plague.

Tarasov P.P. 1957a. [Assainissement des foyers naturels de peste de type marmotte et questions sur la chasse. Sanitation of natural plague foci of the marmot type and questions of hunting]. Nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidemiologii osobo opasn. infec, zabolevanii, Izd. "Kommunist". Saratov.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague, assainissement, stabilization.

Tarasov P.P. 1957b. [Tentative de prognostique épidémiologique dans le foyer de peste de Mongolie. Experience of epizootological prognosis in Mongolian plague focus]. Mater. nauch. konf. po prirodn. ochagovosti i epidemiologii osobo opasn. infec., zabolevanii. Tez. dokl. Saratov: 373-375.
En russe, in Russian.
Peste, plague, épidemiology, epidemiology, Mongoli, Mongolia.

Tarasov P.P. 1958. [Méthodes combinées d'extermination des marmottes lors de l'assainissement d'un foyer naturel de peste dans une région difficile d'accès du Tien Chan. Combined method of marmots extermination during of sanitation of natural plague focus on region difficult of access of Tien Shan]. Tr. Sredn. Az. protivotchoumn. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 159-169.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, méthodologie, methodollogy, peste, plague, éradication, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Tarasov P.P. 1959. [Facteurs écologiques de la propagation de la peste parmi les marmottes. Ecological factors of plague expansion among marmots]. Nauch. konf. protivotchoumn. ouchrezhd. Kazakhst. i Sred. Az., Alma-Ata: 84-86.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, peste, plague.

Tarasov P.P. 1961a. K izoutcheniu biologii sourkov [À propos des recherches biologiques sur les marmottes. About biological research on marmots]. Soobsh., 12, Tr. Aziatskogo h.i. protivotchoumnogo in-ta, 7, Alma-Ata, Frounze, 233-248.
En russe, in Russian.

Tarasov P.P. 1961b. Faktory ouskoreniya tchoumy sredi sourkov [Les facteurs de développement de la peste parmi les marmottes. Expansion factors of plague among marmots]. Tr. Sredneaz. n;-i. in-ta, 7 : 7-17.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, peste, plague.

Tarasov P.P. 1963. Izmenenie tchislennosti sourlov v Yugo-Vostotchnom Zabaïkalie [Variations des effectifs de marmottes au sud-est du Tranbaïkal. Number changes of marmots in the south-eastern Cis-Baikal]. Dokl. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 6, Tchita.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, Transbaïkalie.

Tarasov P.P., Dubovik (Doubovik) I.M. & Fedorov (Fedorof) V.M. 1963. Intensivnosti migratsii tarbaganov iz Mongolii v Zabaïkalie [Intensité des migrations de la marmotte tarbagan de Mongolie en Tranbaïkalie. Intensity of migrations of Mongolian tarbagan marmots in Cis-Baikal]. Dokl. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 2, Tchita, 1961 ; Izv. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 25, Irkoutsk, 220-231.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, dispersion, dispersal, Mongolie, Mongolia, Transbaïkalie.

Tarasov P.P. & Khrustselevskii (Khroustselevskii) V.P. 1956. [Expérience de comptage des marmottes à partir d'une automobile. Experience of marmots calculation from a car]. Tr. Sred. Az. protivotchoumn. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 149-152.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, dénombrement, census, méthodologie, methodology.

Tarasov P.P. & Tarasov H.E. 1950. Osobaya vloshlivosti bolinykh tarbaganov i epizootologitcheskoe znatchenie etogo fakta [Infestations importantes de puces chez les marmottes tarbagans et leur importance épizootologique. Important infestions of fleas in tarbagan marmots and their epizootologic importance]. Izv. Irkoutskogo PTchI, 8, Irkoutsk.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota sibirica, Insectes, Insects, puces, fleas, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Tarasov P.P. 1961. [Études biologiques des marmottes. Comportement. On studies of the biology of marmots. Information I. Behavior]. Transactions of Central Asian Anti-Plague Institute, Alma-Ata, 7 : 233-240.
En russe, in Russian.
[Tarbagan. In Sable hunting in the north-eastern shore of Baykal. Verkhneudinsk-Leningrad].
Marmota sibirica, Russie, Russia, Baïkal, Baikal.

Tardieu Vincent. Les paisibles marmotte savent aussi vivre des liaisons dangereuses [The peaceful marmots are able to live dangerous affairs].
En français, in French.

Tarlow E. & Blumstein D.T. 2006. Evaluating methods to quantify anthropogenic stressors on animals [Méthodes d'évaluation pour quantifier les facteurs stressants anthropiques des animaux]. Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
En anglais, in English.
Facteur d'alarme anthropique, anthropogenic stressor; impact humain, human impact, succès reproducteur, breeding success, dérangement, disturbance, choix de partenaire sexuel, mate choice, glucocorticoïdes, glucocorticoids, distance de fuite, flight initiation distance.
Humans have a variety of direct and indirect impacts on wildlife and a number of methods have been proposed to identify and quantify anthropogenic stressors that negatively impact wildlife. The ideal method would ultimately help predict the presence, absence, or population viability of animals living with a particular stressor. We critically review seven methods that have been used, or are potentially useful, to identify anthropogenic stressors on animals.We rank them from fitness indicators to disturbance indicators: breeding success, mate choice, fluctuating asymmetry, flight initiation distance, immunocompetence, glucocorticoids, and cardiac response. We describe each method’s ease of use, precision in quantifying the stressor, accuracy in predicting the presence, absence, or population viability of a species experiencing a given stressor, and the repeatability of the results across populations and species. From this analysis, we conclude that there is no single optimal method to quantify anthropogenic stressors; method selection will depend on precise goals and fiscal constraints.

Taryannikov V.I. 1982. [État et perspectives de gestion des écosystèmes de montagne en Ouzbekistan. The state and prospects of management of the mountain ecosystems in Uzbekistan]. The Protection and Reproduction of Wild Life in Uzbekistan, Abstracts to Republican Conf.Tashkent: Fan Publishers, 4-5.
En russe, in Russian.
Conservation, gestion, management, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.

Taryannikov V.I 1984. [Modifications de la faune des mammifères de l'Ouzbekistan méridional. Changes in the Fauna of Mammals in the South of Uzbekistan]. VIII All-Union Zoogeographical Conf., Abstracts of Reports. Moscow: Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences, 418.
En russe, in Russian.
Conservation, gestion, management, Ouzbekistan, Uzbekistan.

Tatarinov K.A. & Bachinski 1968. Peshechernyie zakhoroneniya pliotsenovykh i antropogenovykh pozvonochnykh v zapadnykh oblastyakh Ukrainy [Vertébrés fossiles des cavernes du Pliocène et de l'Anthropogène des régions de l'ouest de l'Ukraine. Fossil vertebrates of the Pliocene and Anthropogene caves in western Ukraine]. Byull ob-va ispytatelei prirody otd. biolog., n 5.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Ukraine.

Tate G.H.H. 1947. Mammals of eastern Asia [Les mammifères de l'Asie orientale]. Macmillian, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, Asie, Asia.

Tatti K.M., Korba B.E., Stang H.L., Peek S., Gerin J.L., Tennant B.C. & Schinazi R.F. 2002. Mutations in the conserved woodchuck hepatitis virus polymerase FLLA and YMDD regions conferring resistance to lamivudine. Antiviral Res. Jul., 55(1):141-50.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, Woodchuck, Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), virus de l'hépatitet de la marmotte (VHM), virus, hépatite, Lamivudine (3TC).
During more than 104 weeks of treatment with lamivudine (3TC) in chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) carrier woodchucks, viral recrudescence occurred. Analysis of WHV DNA polymerase from woodchuck serum samples by PCR followed by DNA sequencing demonstrated that all samples were wild type at the conserved YMDD motif in domain C. Four of the six 3TC-treated woodchucks showed a mixture of the wild-type Ala (GCT) and the mutant Thr (ACT) at the conserved amino acid residue 566 (FLLA) in domain B of the WHV polymerase region. The appearance of the A566T mutation was temporally associated with viral recrudescence. This change is analogous with the amino acid 181 (FLLA) in HBV where 3TC selects for a change from Ala to Thr in humans. In the woodchuck, the Ala to Thr change in the polymerase gene results in a mutation of the WHV surface protein (amino acid 377) from Trp (TGG) to an opal codon (TGA), which may prematurely terminates the polypeptide. Three WHV molecular infectious clones were constructed to study this mutation in greater detail in vitro: A566T, analogous to A181T in HBV; M589V, analogous to the M204V in HBV; and the double mutant A566T/M589V, analogous to A181T/M204V in HBV. These mutants exhibited drug-sensitivity and replication profiles that paralleled those reported for analogous HBV variants. In transfected Huh7 cells, WHV containing the M589V mutation conferred at least 100-fold increased resistance to 3TC, but replicated approximately 5-fold less efficiently than wild-type virus as judged by both extracellular virus production and intracellular DNA replicative forms. In contrast, A566T mutant was approximately 10-fold more resistant to 3TC, replicated intracellularly as well as wild type, but produced 10-fold lower levels of virions than wild type. These findings are consistent with the observation that the A566T mutation alters the overlapping WHV surface antigen reading frame. WHV carrying mutations in the conserved YMDD motif, while not directly selected during lamivudine therapy in WHV carrier woodchucks, are replication competent in cell culture indicating the potential for their emergence in treated animals. These results further illustrate the utility of the WHV/woodchuck model to studies of HBV-drug resistance.

Taulman J.F. 1977. Vocalizations of the hoary marmot, Marmota caligata [Les vocalisations de la marmotte givrée, Marmota caligata]. J. Mammal., 58 : 681-683.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, communication.

Taulman J.F. 1990. Observations on scent marking in hoary marmots, Marmota caligata [Observations du marquage olfactif chez les marmottes givrées, Marmota caligata]. Can. Field. Nat., 104: 479-482.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata, marquage, marking, olfaction.

Tavrosky V.A. ed,. Yegorov O.V., Krivosheev V.G. et al. 1971. [Les mammifères de Yakoutie. Mammals of Yakutia]. Naouka, Moscow, 660 p.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Mammals, Marmota camtschatica, Russie, Russia, Yakoutie, Yakutia.

Taylor C.A. 1979. The Density, Distribution, and Activity Patterns of Woodchucks in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park [Densité, répartition et canevas d'activité chez les marmottes communes d'Amérique dans Cades Cove, Parc national des Great Smoky Mountains]. Master's thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, woodchuck, Virginie, Virginia, EUA, USA.

Taylor J., Chen P.J., Kalpana G., Goldberg J., Coates L., Mason W. & Gerin J. 1987. Structure and replication of the genome of hepatitis delta virus [Structure et réplication du génome du virus delta de l'hépatite]. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res., 234: 93-95.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, virus de l'hépatite, hepatitis virus.

Taylor J., Mason W., Summers J., Goldberg J., Aldrich C., Coates L., Gerin J. & Gowans E. 1987. Replication of human hepatitis delta virus in primary cultures of woodchuck hepatocytes. J. Virol., 61(9): 2891-295.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, virus de l'hépatite, hepatitis virus.

We obtained two lines of evidence that monolayer cultures of primary woodchuck hepatocytes support replication of the genome of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV). (i) From a Northern (RNA blot) analysis of the HDV-related RNA in infected cultures, both genomic and antigenomic 1.7-kilobase RNA species were detected at 11 days after infection. The ratio of genomic RNA to antigenomic RNA was 2:1 to 10:1, comparable to that previously reported in studies of experimentally infected chimpanzees and woodchucks. (ii) Replication in culture was also demonstrated by in situ hybridization with a strand-specific probe. Such studies showed that only a small fraction of the cultured cells supported replication and that in such cells the relative and absolute levels of the HDV RNAs were comparable to those in liver cells infected in vivo. Furthermore, as with the in vivo studies, the HDV RNAs were predominantly localized to the nucleus. In summary, we demonstrated that cultured cells supported both the early events of HDV adsorption and penetration and the intermediate events of genome replication.

Taylor J.M. 1999. Human hepatitis delta virus: an agent with similarities to certain satellite RNAs of plants.Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol., 239: 107-22.
En anglais, in English.
Virus de l'hépatite, hepatitis virus.

Taylor Walter Penn 1911. Mammals of the Alexander Nevada expedition of 1909 [Mammifères de l'expédition Alexander du Névada en 1909]. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 7: 205-307.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, flaviventer, Amérique du Nord, North America.
Tchabovsky A. 1996. Marmota bobak. In IUCN 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 28 March 2006.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobak, espèce menacée, threatened species, LR/cd.

Teerink B.J. 1991. Hair of West-European Mammals: Atlas and Identification Key [Poils des mammifères ouest-européens: Atlas et clé d'identification]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 224 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Poil, hair, mammifères, mammals, Europe.

Teit James Alexander & Boas Franz 1900. The Thompson Indians of British Columbia.Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Jesup North Pacific Expedition, New York.
En anglais, in English.
Peau de marmotte, Marmot skin p. 184, vêtements, clothes p. 218-220, viande , meat p. 230, Amerindiens, Indians, Ntlakyapamuk Indians, ethnologie, ethnology, Colombie Britannique, British Columbia, Teit J.A. 1864-1922, Boas F. 1858-1942.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Texier J.P. et al. 1983. Histoire paléoclimatique de l'Aquitaine du Pléistocène ancien au dernier interglaciaire [Paleoclimatic history in Aquitaine from late Pleistocene to the last interglacial period]. in Paléoclimats, Cahiers du Quaternaire, n° spécial, C.N.R.S. éd., p. 207-217.
En français, in French.
Préhistoire, prehistory, climat, climate, Aquitaine, France.

Telegin V.I. 1962. [Caractéristiques de l'hibernation des rongeurs hibernants de la Sibérie occidentale. Features of rodent hibernation in West Siberia]. Voprosy ekologii. Mater. 4 ekolog. konf.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, hibernation, Sibérie, Siberia.

Telegin V.I. 1974. [Répartition des terriers d'hibernation et l'hibernation de Marmota baibacina K. Winter burrow distribution and hibernation in M. baibacina K.]. Teriologija, 2 : 302-303.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, écologie, ecology, terrier, burrow, Hibernation.

Telegin V.I. 1989. [Dynamique des effectifs de certains animaux du parc forêt du centre scientifique de Novosibirsk. Dynamics of numbers of some animals in forest-park of Novosibirsk Scientific Center]. Mater. Vsesoyuzn. soveshc. po problemme kadastra i ucheta zhivotn. mira, Tez. dokl. Ufa, 2: 305-307.
En russe, in Russian.
Dénombrement, census.

Temiralieva G.A., Aikimbaev A.M., Kazakbaeva R.A. & Chustzelevskaya N.M. 1978. [Caractéristiques des souches de microbe de la peste isolées de Microtus gregalis dans le foyer de peste de moyenne montagne d'Asie centrale. Characterictics of plague microbe strains isolated from Microtus gregalis in Middle-Asian Mountain plague focus]. Probl. osobo opasn. infec., Saratov. 5: 20-21.
En russe, in Russian.
Microtus gregalis, peste, plague.

Tencza M.G. & Newbold J.E. 1997. Heterogeneous response for a mammalian hepadnavirus infection to acyclovir: drug-arrested intermediates of minus-strand viral DNA synthesis are enveloped and secreted from infected cells as virion-like particles. J. Med. Virol., 51(1): 6-16.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, ADN, DNA, hépatite, hepatitis.

Three woodchucks infected persistently with the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) were treated with acyclovir (ACV) to investigate the effect of inhibiting viral DNA synthesis upon the replication of an orthohepadnavirus in vivo. Normal viraemia was reduced during the treatment period in all three animals, but each responded with a distinct serum phenotype. In the most provocative case, the profile of the WHV DNAs in both the liver and serum provided a simple and novel description of the orthohepadnaviral infection for this ACV protocol. The pre-drug viraemia was rapidly cleared from the serum and replaced by virion-like particles containing predominantly minus-strand WHV DNAs. These serum DNA species had the character of replicative intermediates arrested in their elongation by ACV-mediated chain termination and were contained in particles with a buoyant density in CsCl essentially identical with virions. However, in infected hepatocytes, initiation of reverse transcription within newly formed core particles was not inhibited by the ACV treatment. Instead, an heterogeneous array of minus-strand DNAs were synthesised, each presumed to be truncated by the incorporation of one molecule of ACV monophosphate. An approximately normal level of core particles was present in the liver of this woodchuck after 26 days of the ACV protocol; excess drug-arrested nucleocapsids were steadily removed throughout the dosing period upon their envelopment and secretion as virion-like particles into the circulation. These data suggest that plus-strand DNA synthesis may not be absolutely required prior to secretion of virus from the infected cell.

Tennant BC. 2001. Animal models of hepadnavirus associated hepatocellular carcinoma [Modèles animaux des hepadnavirus associés au cancer hépatocellulaire]. In Clinics in liver disease, A.M. Di Bisceglie, ed. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 5: 43-68.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Tennant B.C., Baldwin B.H., Graham L.A., Ascenzi M.A., Hornbuckle W.E., Rowland P.H., Tochkov I.A., Yeager A.E., Erb H.N., Colacino J.M., Lopez C., Engelhardt J.A., Bowsher R.R., Richardson F.C., Lewis W., Cote P.J., Korba B.E. & Gerin J.L. 1998. Antiviral activity and toxicity of fialuridine in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology, 28(1): 179-191.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.
Woodchucks were used to study the antiviral activity and toxicity of fialuridine (FIAU; 1,-2'deoxy-2'fluoro-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-5-iodo-uracil). In an initial experiment, groups of six chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) carrier woodchucks received daily doses of FIAU by intraperitoneal injection for 4 weeks. At 0.3 mg/kg/d, the antiviral effect was equivocal, but at 1.5 mg/kg/d, FIAU had significant antiviral activity. No evidence of drug toxicity was observed during the 4-week period of treatment or during posttreatment follow-up. In a second experiment, groups of nine WHV carriers or uninfected woodchucks were given 1.5 mg/kg/d of FIAU orally for 12 weeks, and the results compared with placebo-treated controls. After 4 weeks, the serum WHV-DNA concentration in the FIAU-treated carrier group was two to three logs lower than that in the placebo-treated group. After 12 weeks of FIAU treatment, serum WHV DNA was not detectable by conventional dot-blot analysis, hepatic WHV-DNA replicative intermediates (RI) had decreased 100-fold, and hepatic expression of WHV core antigen was remarkably decreased. No evidence of toxicity was observed after 4 weeks, but, after 6 to 7 weeks, food intake decreased and, after 8 weeks, the mean body weights of woodchucks treated with FIAU were significantly lower than controls. Anorexia, weight loss, muscle wasting, and lethargy became progressively severe, and all FIAU-treated woodchucks died or were euthanized 78 to 111 days after treatment began. Hepatic insufficiency (hyperbilirubinemia, decreased serum fibrinogen, elevated prothrombin time), lactic acidosis, and hepatic steatosis were characteristic findings in the final stages of FIAU toxicity in woodchucks. The syndrome of delayed toxicity in woodchucks was similar to that observed previously in humans treated with FIAU, suggesting that the woodchuck should be valuable in future investigations of the molecular mechanisms of FIAU toxicity in vivo and for preclinical toxicological evaluation of other nucleoside analogs before use in patients.

Tennant B.C., Baldwin B.H., Graham L.A., Butler S., Menne S., Wright J. & Hornbuckle W.E. 2002. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B-like Virus (hepadnavirus) infection in woodchucks (Marmota monax) and related species of the family Sciuridae. Séro-épidiologie de l'infection du vrius du type de l'hépatite B chez les marmottes communes américaines (Marmota monax) et les espèces apparentées de la famille des Scuiridés. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 126-127.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune américaine, chronic hépatitis, hépatite chronique, cancer, virus.

Tennant B.C. & Gerin J.L. 2001.The woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection [Le modèle de la marmotte commune d'Amérique d'infection par le virus B de l'hépatite]. ILAR J., 42(2): 89-102.
En anglais,in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d'Amérique, virus, hépatite, hepatitis.
The woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) was the first of the mammalian and avian hepadnaviruses described after discovery of the virus of hepatitis B(HBV). Woodchucks chronically infected with WHV develop progressively severe hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which present as lesions that are remarkably similar to those associated with HBV infection in humans. The initial virological studies and studies of pathogenesis utilized woodchucks that had been trapped in the wild and had acquired WHV infection naturally. Research with wild woodchucks was complicated by lack of knowledge of their backgrounds (e.g., dietary history, exposure to parasites or environmental toxins, and source and duration of WHV infection). Breeding colonies of woodchucks have been established and maintained in laboratory animal facilities, and laboratory-reared woodchucks are superior for experimental studies of pathogenesis or hepatocarcinogenesis. It is possible to infect neonatal woodchucks born in the laboratory with standardized inocula and produce a high rate of chronic WHV carriers that are useful for controlled investigations. WHV has been shown experimentally to cause hepatocellular carcinoma, supporting conclusions based on epidemiological and molecular virological studies that HBV is an important etiological factor in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Chronic WHV carrier woodchucks have become a valuable animal model for the preclinical evaluation of antiviral therapy for HBV infection, providing useful pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic results in a relevant animal disease model. It also has been shown that the pattern of toxicity and hepatic injury observed in woodchucks treated with certain fluorinated pyrimidines is remarkably similar to that observed in humans that were treated with the same drugs, suggesting the woodchuck has significant potential for the preclincial assessment of antiviral drug toxicity.

Tennant B.C., Hornbuckle W.E., Bellezza C.A., Graham L.A., Tochkov I.A. & Jacob J.R. 2002. Chronic hepatitis and primary liver cancer in woodchucks (Marmota monax) associated with chronic Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV) infection. Hépatite chronique et cancer primaire du foie chez la marmotte commune américaine (Marmota monax) associés à l'infection du Virus de l'Hépatite chronique de la Marmotte (VHM). In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 128-129.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota monax, woodchuck, marmotte commune américaine, chronic hepatitis, hépatite chronique, cancer, virus.

Tenora F. & Horning B. 1972. Tapeworms of the genus Ctenotaenia Railliet 1893 (Cestoïdea) parasites of mammals of the genus Marmota (Rodentia) [Les ténias du genre Ctenotaenia Railliet 1893 (Cestoïdea) parasites des mammifères du genre Marmota (Rodentia)]. Acta. Univ. Agric. Fac. Agron., BRNO (CZK), 20 (1) : 139-146.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Plathelminthes, Plathelminths.

Tenora F. & Murai I E. 1978. Anoplocephalidae (Cestoda) parasites of Leporidae and Sciuridae in Europe [Anoplocephalidae (Cestoda) parasites des Leporidae et Sciuridae en Europe]. Acta Zool. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 24: 415-429.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuirdae, Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Plathelminthes, Plathelminths, Europe.

Tennant B.C., Toshkov I.A., Peek S.F., Jacob J.R,. Menne S., Hornbuckle W.E,. Schinazi R.D., Korba B.E., Cote P.J. & Gerin J.L. 2004. Hepatocellular carcinoma in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection [Cancer hépatocellulaire dans le modèle de la marmotte de l'infection de l'hépatite B]. Gastroenterology, 127(5 Suppl 1): S283-293.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, modèle animal, animal model, héâtite, hepatitis.
The Eastern woodchuck ( Marmota monax ) harbors a DNA virus (Woodchuck hepatitis virus [WHV]) that is similar in structure and replicative life cycle to the human hepatitis B virus (HBV). Like HBV, WHV infects the liver and can cause acute and chronic hepatitis. Furthermore, chronic WHV infection in woodchucks usually leads to development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within the first 2-4 years of life. The woodchuck model has been important in the preclinical evaluation of safety and efficacy of the antiviral drugs now in use for treatment of HBV infection and continues to serve as an important, predictive model for innovative forms of therapy of hepatitis B using antiviral nucleosides and immune response modifiers alone or in combination. Almost all woodchucks that become chronic WHV carriers after experimental neonatal inoculation develop HCC with a median HCC-free survival of 24 months and a median life expectancy of 30-32 months. The woodchuck model of viral-induced HCC has been used effectively for the development of new imaging agents for enhancement of detection of hepatic neoplasms by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The chemoprevention of HCC using long-term antiviral nucleoside therapy has been shown in the woodchuck, and "proof of principal" has been established for some of the innovative, molecular methods for treatment of HCC. The model is available for fundamental investigations of the viral and molecular mechanisms responsible for hepatocarcinogenesis and should have substantial value for future development of innovative methods for chemoprevention and gene therapy of human HCC.

Теплов В.П. (Teplov V.P.) 1935. Rezoulitaty ekspeditsionnogo obsledovaniya sourka v Bashkirskoï respoublike [Résultats des études de M. bobac en république de la Bachkirie. Results of study on M. bobac in Bashkirsk Republic]. V kn. Ekologiya sourka i sourotchii promysel, M.-L., Vneshtorgizdat.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Russie, Russia, Bachkirie.

Теплов В.П. (Teplov V.P.) 1954. K voprosou o sootnochtchenii polov ou dikikh mlekopitayuchtchikh. Zool. J., 33 (1): 174-180.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Mammals.

Теплов В.П. (Teplov V.P.) & Тихвинский В.И. (Tikhvinsky, Tikhvinskiï V.I.) 1932. Biologitcheskie obosnovaniya dlya organizatsii sourkovykh khozyajstv v Volzhsko-Kamskom krae [Principes biologiques de l'organisation des colonies de marmottes des steppes dans le territoire de Volga-Kama. Biological principles for organization of the steppe marmot colonies in Volgo-Kama territory]. Outch. zap. Kazans. Gos. oun-ta, 92 (7-8), Rab. Volzhsko-Kamskoï zonalino okhot.-promysl. biol. stantsii, 2, Kazani, 3-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, social, conservation, Russie, Russia, Volga.

Teplova L.P. & Gafurova M.M. 2002. Botanic characteristic of locality of bobac in district of Kanash of the Chuvash Republic [Caractéristique botanique d'un site à bobac dans le district de kanash en République Tchouvache]. In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 62.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, végétation, vegetation, Tchouvachie, Chuvashia.

Terekhina A. & Panteleyev P. 1994. Variablilité géographique de la taille corporelle des marmottes. Geographical variability of body size in marmots. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 146-147.
En français et en anglais, in French and in Enghlish.
Marmota, masse, mass, biogéographie, biogeography, Russie, Russia.

Collections of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University, the personal collections by L.I. Galkina (Novossibirsk), S.B. Pole (Alma-Ata), B.M. Petrov (Yugoslavia) and literary data were processed. From 27 localities differing in terms of geographical latitude and elevation above the sea level, the mass and body size were studied in Marmota bobak (Kursk Region, Russia, Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, n = 306), M. baibacina (Kirgizia, Jungaria, Altai, n = 165), M. sibirica (Mongolian Altai, Tuva, Khangai, n = 160), M. camtschatica (Trans-Baikal Region, Yakutia, Kamchatka, n = 34), M. menzbieri (Tien Shan, n = 64), M. caudata (Pamir, Kirgizia, n = 260). In the analysis of geographical variability the sex, age and seasonal forms of variability were considered. The data were treated statistically. The body mass and body size (without the tail) in each species increase from the south to the north and also with elevation above the sea level. The established variability patterns were analyzed in terms of ecogeographical variability rules. The variability pattern is in conformity with the Bergman rule.

Terrel P.S., Marsh R.E. & Stroud D. 1987. Influence of burrow destruction on recolonization by Californian ground squirrel [Influence de la destruction de terrier sur la recolonisation par le spermophile de Californie]. Wild. Soc. Bull., 15: 564-568.
En anglais, in English.
Marmotini, gestion, managment, terriers, burrows, Spermophilus beecheyi.

Terry R.A. & Tilley J.M.A. 1964. The digestibility of the leaves and stems of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy, tall fescue, lucerne, and sainfoin, as measured by an in vitro procedure [Digestibilité des feuilles et des tiges de plantes vivaces mesurée par une méthode in vitro]. J Br. Grass Soc., 19: 363-372.
En anglais, in English.
Méthodologie, methodology, digestibilité des plantes, plant digestibility.

Terzea E. 1996. Biochronology of the Pleistocene deposits at Betfia (Bihor, Romania) [Biochronologie des dépôts du Pléistocène de Betfia (Bihor, Roumanie)]. Acta Zoologica Cracovensia, 39(1): 531-540.
En anglais, in English.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, dépôts, deposits, loess, Roumanie, Romania.

Teuscher R. 1994. Plant sociological study on the grazed fens of the Engstligen alpine pasture (1950m) near Adelboden (district of Bern). Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, 51(0): 155-183.
En anglais, in English.
Botanique, Caricetum, vache, cow, marmotte, marmot, chamois, oiseaux, birds, Suisse, Switzerland.

Teyssedre A. 1987. Marmottes. Altitude sociale [Marmots. Social altitude]. In Univers du vivant, 67-74.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology.

Thaler L. 1955. Sur l'âge pliocène de la faune des grottes sur Lazaret (Sète, Hérault) [On the Pliocene age of the cave fauna in Lazaret (Sète, Hérault)]. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 240 : 1255-1257.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, France, Hérault.

Thaler L. 1966. Les rongeurs fossiles du Bas-Languedoc dans leurs rapports avec l'histoire des faunes et la stratigraphie du tertiaire d'Europe [Fossil rodents of lower Languedoc in their rapport to fauna history and Tertiary stratigraphy in Europe]. Mem. MNHN, Paris, 17 : pp.295.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Europe.

Thalmann Hans 1924a. Arctomys-Reste aus dem Diluvium der Umgebung von Burgdorf [Fossile d'Arctomys du diluvium dans le milieu de Burgdof. Arctomys fossil in Dilivium in the environment of Burgdorf]. Mitt. naturforsch. Ges. Bern, XVI-XX, 2 figs.
En allemand, in German.

Thalmann Hans 1924b. Murmeltierfunde aus diluvialen Ablagerungen des Rhônegletschers bei Lüsslingen (Ky. Solothurn) [Découverte de marmottes dans les dépôts diluviaux des glaciers du Rhôneprès de Lüsslingen (canton de Solothum). Marmot discov eries in diluvial deposit near Lüsslingen (Solothum canton)]. Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. Bern, Sitzber., 12-15.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, Suisse, Switzerland.

Thalmann Hans 1925. Zur Osteologie von Arctomys marmotta L. aus Ablagerungen des diluvialen Rhône-Gletschers bei Lüssligen, Kanton Solothurn [Sur l'ostéologie d'Arctomys marmotta des dépôts diliviaux des glaciers du Rhône près de Lüssligen, canton de Solothurn. About Arctomys marmotta L. from diluvial deposits of Rhône Glaciers, near Lüsslingen , Solothurn canton]. Eclogae geol. Helv., 19(1): 196-201.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, quaternaire, quaternary, Europe, Suisse, Switzerland.

Thenius E. 1979. Die Evolution der Säugertiere [L'évolution des mammifères. The evolution of mammals] Stuttgart, G. Fischer Verlag, 1-294.
En allemand, in German.
Mammifères, Mammals.

Thevenin R. 1943. La faune disparue de France [Missing fauna of France]. Bibl. scientif. Payot, Paris.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, France.

Theze N., Gripon P., Fourel I., Hantz O., Trepo C. & Guguen-Guillouzo C. 1987. Maintenance of woodchuck hepatitis virus activity in woodchuck hepatocyte primary culture. J. Gen. Virol., 68 ( Pt 4): 1029-1039.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis, hépatocyte, hepatocyte.

Primary cultures of non-proliferating hepatocytes isolated by the two-step collagenase perfusion method from woodchuck naturally infected with hepatitis virus (WHV) were used to study WHV propagation in vitro. Hepatocytes carrying WHV DNA exhibited a very high level of survival and retained their morphological characteristics for 2 to 3 months. Over this time, they were found to produce virus-specific proteins and release viral particles with DNA polymerase activity into the medium. Using Southern blot analysis and a recombinant hepatitis B virus DNA plasmid probe, intracellular and extracellular viral DNA was consistently detected. Only extrachromosomal forms of WHV DNA were observed and no integration could be demonstrated in the DNA of the cells. The WHV DNA patterns were repeatedly identical with a characteristic smear starting from 3.3 kb associated with other smaller DNA fragments which presumably represented intermediate replicative forms of viral DNA. Furthermore, dot blot hybridization of the total RNA revealed the presence of WHV-specific transcripts in cells after 3 weeks of culture. All these results are compatible with the maintenance of active WHV replication in vitro although it was somewhat reduced after the first day of culture. This provides a mammalian model for hepadnavirus replication studies in stable primary hepatocyte cultures.

Thiébaut Luc 1993a. Les pratiques agricoles demandées au titre de l'environnement [Farming practices aked at the instance of environment]. Congrès européen de Sociologie Rurale, Atelier "Environnement et Agriculture", Wageningen, Août 1993.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, gestion, management.

Thiébaut L. 1993b. Servir la ville, gérer le vide : la question de l'environnement dans l'évolution de l'agriculture des zones à densité extrême [To serve the city, to manage the empty pace: the evironment question of farming evolution in extreme density zones]. Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française- ASRDLF, Aménagement et Environnement, Tours, 30 et 31 Août, 1 Septembre 1993, 16 p.
En français, in French.
Agriculture, économie, economy.

Thiebaut L. 1993c. Demandes touristiques et coûts agricoles occasionnés par la faune sauvage : cas de la marmotte [Touristic demands and farming costs due to wildlife]. In 2ème Journée d'Etude sur la Marmotte Alpine, Ramousse R. et M. Le Berre eds., 5-10.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, gestion, management.

Le travail présenté vise à confronter des évaluations économiques des demandes récréatives (par les randonneurs et les chasseurs) portant sur la Marmotte des Alpes et des estimations des coûts que la présence de cet animal fait supporter aux agriculteurs.

Thiébaut L. 1994. Faune sauvage demandée et agriculture : le cas de la marmotte [Wildlife claimed and farming: the marmot case]. Colloque Les systèmes ruraux en questions : perspectives et recherche, Le Vivier, octobre 1994.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, économie, economy, gestion, management.

La "faune sauvage" fait l'objet de demandes individuelles, d'utilisations collectives et de sollicitudes tutélaires. Sa disponibilité résulte de la "production" par la nature et d'actions humaines sur les populations et d'aménagements de leur milieu. Certaines occupations agricoles peuvent involontairement favoriser certaines espèces ou en pâtir. Espèce sous contrôle, la Marmotte des Alpes est objet de demandes de types touristiques (vision), patrimoniales (existence locale) et cynégétiques (prélève-ment) dans son aire et lors de (re)introductions. Ces demandes se situent ordinalement par rapport à d'autres espèces comme le chamois. Elles sont étudiées aussi par l'estimation de consentement à payer l'accès à différents usages de la marmotte : vision à l'état libre, captif ou naturalisé, en randonnée, à partir de l'hébergement, chasse,... Cette possibilité pour certains de bénéficier de la marmotte est liée à des coûts supportés par d'autres agents : institutions de protection, organismes introducteurs et agriculteurs. Se dessine ainsi une fonction récréative indirecte de l'agriculture. Quant aux opérations d'introduction de marmotte, elles traduisent une demande effective et occasionnent des coûts directs. Les représentations de la nature "sauvage" (désirée par les non-agriculteurs, subie par les agriculteurs), constituent le contexte qu'il faut préciser pour que l'énoncé des valeurs et des coûts de la faune sauvage ait un sens.

Thiébaut S. 1999. Le milieu végétal des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs en Vercors et Chartreuse. Nouvelles données anthracologiques et proposition d'une biozonation [The vegetal environment of the last hunter-gatherer in Vercors and in Chartreuse]. In L'Europe des derniers chasseurs : épipaléolithique et mésolithique, Actes du 5e Congrès international UISPP, A. THEVENIN, éd., commission XII, Grenoble, 18-23 septembre 1995, Ed. CTHS, Paris : 589-602.
En français, in French.
Archéologie, archeology, végétation, vegetation, Vercors, Chartreuse.

Thomas C.D. 1994. Extinction, colonization and metapopulations: environmental tracking by rare species [Extinction, colonisation et métapopulations : dépistage du milieu par les animaux rares]. Conservation Biology, 8:373-378.
En anglais, in English.

Thomas D.H. 1985. The archaeology of Hidden Cave, Nevada [L'archéologie de la grotte Hidden, Névada]. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Anthropol. Papers, 61(1): 1-430.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Nevada.

Bones of yellow-bellied marmot occur in various archaeological sites associated with caves and rocksheleter site in the Great Basin and southwestern United States, but local extinctions and range changes for this marmot have been attributed to climatic changes rather than prehistoric overkill.

Thomas D.W. & Geiser F. 1997. Periodic arousals in hibernating mammals: is evaporative water loss involved? [Les réveils périodiques chez les mammifères hibernants : les pertes d'eau par évaporation sont-elles impliquées?]. Functional ecology, 11(5): 585-591.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Mammals, hibernation, eau, water.

Thomas, 1909. M. baibacina centralis.

Thomas O. 1915. The penis-bone, or "baculum", as a guide to the classification of certain squirrels [L'os pénien, ou baculum, comme guide à la classification de certains écureuils]. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, series 8, 15: 383-287.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, génital, genital.

Thomas W.K. & Martin S.L. 1993. A recent origin of Marmots [Une origine récente des marmottes]. Mol. Phylogen. Evol., 2(4): 330-336.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, génétique, genetics, évolution, evolution.

The complete mitochondrial cytochrome b genes from four ground squirrels, a marmot, and a tree squirrel were sequenced and compared.-A level of divergence three times lower than expected based on fossil evidence was found between the marmot and the ground squirrels. The observed divergence was similar to that found within the ground squirrels and is consistent with a recent divergence of marmots (Marmota) from true ground squirrels (Spermophilus).

Thompson D. 1916. David Thompson's narrative of his explorations in western America 1784-1812 [R»cit de David Thompson de ses explorations d’Am»rique occidentales]. Edited by J. B. Tyrrell. 582 pp., illus. Toronto. (Champlain Soc. Pub., no. 12.).
En anglais, in English.
Exploration, Am»rique, America.

Thompson E.E. & Seton E.T. 1886. A list of the mammals of Manitoba [Liste des mammifÀres du Manitoba]. Trans. Manitoba Sci. and Hist. Soc., no. 23, 26 pp., illus.
En anglais, in English.
MammifÀres, Mammalia, Mammals, Manitoba, Canada.

Thompson E. 1979. Socioecology of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) in central Oregon [Socioécologie de la marmotte à ventre jaune (Marmota flaviventris) dans le centre de l'Orégon]. Diss. Abstr. Int. B, Sciences and Engineering, 1980 40 (7) : 3048B-3049B.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, social, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA, Oregon.
Translocated yellow-bellied marmots in Oregon shifted their active season to coincide with local phenology in just 2 years.

Thompson L.S. 1982. Distribution of Montana amphibians, reptiles, and mammals [Répartition des amphibiens, reptiles et mammifères du Montana]. Montana Audubon Council. 24 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, répartition, distribution, montana, EUA, USA.

Thompson M.P. 1971. Feeding and burrowing effects of woodchucks (Marmota monax) on old field vegetation [Effets de l'alimentation et du fouissement des marmottes (Marmota monax) sur la végétation des friches]. Ph. D. dissert. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 127 pp.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, alimentation, foraging, terrier, burrow.

Simulation de tertre de marmottes : augmentation de la production végétale autour du tertre et augmentation des niveaux en phosphore du sol.
Simulated mounds of excavated soil similar to those from woodchuck burrows and found that presence of feces in woodchuck mounds significantly increased aboveground production relative to simulated mounds without feces and increased levels of soil phosphorous. In Swihart 1991.

Thompson M. 1979. Most prefered woodchuck grains [Les graines préférées des marmottes communes d'Amérique]. Pest. Control., 47 (9) : 22-24.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éhtologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, États-Unis d'Amérique.

Thompson Robert S. & Mead Jim I. 1982. Late Quaternary environments and biogeography in the Great Basin [Milieux de la fin du Quaternaire et biogéographie du Great Basin] . Quat. Res. (N. Y.), 17 : 39-55.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, paléontologie, paleontology, Quaternaire, Amérique du Nord, North America.

Thorington R.W., Ferrell Katie & Thorington Richard W. Jr. 2006. Squirrels- The Animal Answer Guide [Les écureuils- Guide des réponses animales]. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 183 p.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Marmota bobac, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, Marmota camtschatica, marmotte à tête noire, black-capped marmot, Marmota himalayana, Marmota olympus, Marmota sibirica, Marmota monax, woodchuck, nage, swimming.
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Thorington R.W. Jr. & Darrow K. 1996. Jaw muscles of Old World squirrels [Musculature de la mâchoire des écureuils du vieux monde]. J. Morphol., 230: 145-165.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, morphologie, morphology, mâchoire, jaw.

Thornback, J. & M. Jenkins. 1982. The IUCN mammal red data book. Part 1: Threatened mammalian taxa of the Americas and the Australasian zoogeographic region (excluding Cetacea) [Le livre rouge de l'UICN des mammifères de. Partie 1: Taxons mammaliens menacés des réfions zoogéographiques d'Amérique et d'Australie (sauf les Cetacea)]. Internatl. Union Conserv. Nat., Gland, Switzerland, xl + 516 pp.
M. vancouverensis, conservation, espèce menacées, threatened species.

Thorp C.R., Ram P.K. & Florant G. 1993. The effect of essential fatty acid deficiency on metabolic rate in euthermic and hibernating marmots (Marmota flaviventris) [L'effet de la déficience en acide gras essentiel sur le taux métabolique des marmottes euthermiques et hibernantes]. In Life in the cold. Ecological, Physiological and Moleclar Mechanisms, Carey C., Florant G.L., B. Wunder & B. Orwitz eds., Westview Press, Boulder.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, hibernation, métabolisme, metabolism.

In order to survive the winter, many homeothermic mammals retreat to their burrows to hibernate. One such hibernator, the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris), meets virtually all endogenous energy needs by metabolizing stored white adipose tissue. We investigated the hypothesis that dietary composition can alter metabolic rate in the marmot. We provided marmots with two different diets; eight animals divided into two groups of four, one fed a control diet of Purina rodent chow (5001) and the other fed a diet deficient of essential fatty acids (EFA) (Purina chow 5803). Metabolic rate was determined by indirect calorimetry during the summer and winter season. The metabolic rates of animals on the different diets wa significantly different. The mean metabolic rate (Watts/kg) measured during the summer was 2.52 for the control group and 2.49 for the EFA deficient animals. Both animal groups gained weight during the summer with body weights peaking in September. Fatty acid analysis performed on white adipose tissue from each group revealed significant differences (P < 0.01) in percent composition of fatty acid species 16:1 , 18:1, 18:2, 1 8:3 and 20:0. Winter mean metabolic rate for the control group was significandly lower (P < 0.05) than EFA deficient animals for all stages of hibernation. During entrance, mean metabolic rates (Watts kg/hr) for control and EFA deficient animals were 2.21 and 3.25, respectively. Arousal mean metabolic rates were 5.17 and 8.28 respectively and deep hibernation mean metabolic rates (Watts kg/day) were 0.22 and 0.65, respectively. Average total hibernating bout length for the control group was 7.76 days, significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the average duration of 5.72 days found in the EFA deficient group. No significant difference in thermal conductance (Watts/kg/ C) was found between control and EFA animals during the summer and winter. These results support the hypothesis that EFA alter metabolic rate in marmots and are necessary for normal thermoregulation during hibernation. Thermal conductance studies reveal that the dermatologic effects of an essential fatty acid deficiency may not be responsible for the increase mean metabolic rate.

Thorp C.R., Ram P.K. & Florant G. 1994. Diet alters metabolic rate in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) during hibernation [L'alimentation modifie le taux métabolique chez la marmotte à ventre jaune (Marmota flaviventris) pendant l'hibernation]. Physiol. Zool., 67: 1213-1229.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, alimentation, foraging, hibernation.

Thwaites Reuben Gold Ed. 1901. The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 : the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes [Rapports des jésuites et documents connexes : voyages et explorations des missionnaires Jésuites en Nouvelle-France, 1610-1791 : textes originaux en français, latin et italien avec des traductions anglaises et des notes]. Cleveland, Burrows, Vol.LXXII, Index A-I.
Arctomys monax, Arctomys pruinosus, histoire, history, Canada, Thwaites Reuben Gold 1853-1913.

Thwaites Reuben Gold Ed. 1901. The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 : the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes [Rapports des jésuites et documents connexes : voyages et explorations des missionnaires Jésuites en Nouvelle-France, 1610-1791 : textes originaux en français, latin et italien avec des traductions anglaises et des notes]. Cleveland, Burrows, Vol.LXXII, Index J-Z.
hoary marmot, whistler, nightdingale, woodchuck, histoire, history, Canada, Thwaites Reuben Gold 1853-1913.

Tiedemann F. 1808. Ueber das Murmelthier (mit 1 tafel) [Sur la marmotte alpine. On the alpine marmot]. Neujarhrstüch d. Zurch. naturf. Geselsch., 8 p.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, physiologie, physiology, hibernation.
Tiedemann ne trouva l'estomac d'une Marmotte engourdie qu'une mousse blanche, molle, placée tout à fait près de la membrane muqueuse de l'estomac. Il remarqua dans l'intestin grêle des mucosités blanc-rougeâtre mélangées à de la bile. Le cæcum renfermait un liquide mucilagineux gris jaune où se trouvaient quelques poils de l'animal, et dans le rectum un liquide gris brun visqueux semblable à du méconium d'enfant : le foie était gros, d'un rouge brun jaunâtre, les vaisseaux contenaient peu de bile, la vésicule était remplie de bile rouge brun. Appendice, Dubois, 1896.

Tiedemann F. 1815. Ueber die Thymusdrüse des Murmelthieres während des Winterschlafs (mit Nachschrift von J. Fr. Meckel) [Sur le thymus des marmottes pendant l'hibernation. About the marmot thymus during hibernation]. Meckel's deutsch. Arch. f. Physiol., 1: 481-499.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, thymus, hibernation.

Tiedemann F. 1834. Anatomische Beschreibung des Murmelthier Auges (Mit Abbild.) [Description anatomique des yeux de la marmotte alpine. Anatomic description of the eyes of the alpine marmot]. Ann. Wetter f. d. ges. Naturkunde, 3 : 345-348.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, anatomie, anatmy, hibernation.

Tiedemann Friedrich & Jourdan Antoine Jacques Louis 1823. Anatomie du cerveau [Anatomy of the brain]. Paris, Chez J.-B. Ballière, 325p.
En français, in French.
Anatomie, anatomy, cerveau, brain, marmotte, marmot.
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Tiersot 1903. Receuil de chansons des Alpes françaises (Savoie et Dauphiné)[Collection of songs from the French Alps (Savoy and Dauphiné].

Tiflov V.E. 1937. [Étude des puces (Anaphiptera) du Kazakhstan oriental. To study of fleas fauna (Aphaniptera) in east part of Kazakh SSR]. Mater. po vreditelyam jivotnovodstva i faune Yujnogo Kazakhstana, Tr. Kaz. FAN SSSR, M.-L.,2: 189-219.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Kazakhstan.

Tiflov V.E. & Davydov G.S. 1962. [Puces de certains rongeurs du sud-ouest du Tadjikistan. Fauna of the fleas of some rodents in South-West Tajikistan]. Tr. in-ta zool. i parazitol. AN Tajik. SSR, 22: 70-75.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, puces, fleas, Tadjikistan, Tajikistan.

Tiflov V.E. & Pavlov E.I. 1936. [Matéraux d'étude des puces du Transbaïkal. Materials to study of fleas in Transbaikalia]. Vestnik mikrobiol., epidemiol. i parazitolog., 15, 1: 79-88.
En russe, in Russian.
Puces, fleas, Tranbaïkal.

Tikader B.K. 1983. Threatened animals of India [Les animaux menacés de l'Inde]. Zool. Survey of India, Calcutta, pp.307.
En anglais, in English.
Conservation, Inde, India.

Tikhomirov H.H. & Korchagin H.N. 1889. [Liste et description de la collection de mammifères du Muséum. Lists and Description of the Mammal Collection of the Museum]. The Bulletin of the Imperial Society of Naturalists, Antropologists and Etnographers, Moscow, LVI. (4) : 1- 31.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Mammals, Muséum, Museum.

Тихвинский В.И. (Tikhvinsky, Tikhvinskiï V.I.) 1934. Rezoultitaty statsionarnogo izoutcheniya ekologii sourka v Volzhsko-Kamslom krae [Résultats des études de terrain sur l'écologie de la marmotte dans la région de Volzhsko-Kamslom. Results of field studies on the marmot ecology in the Volzhsko-Kamslom region]. Raboty Voljsko-Kamskoï zo-nalinoï okhotnitchie-promyslovoï biostantsii, 3, Kazani.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, Russie, Russia.

Tikhvinsky V.I. 1934. [Résultats d'une étude écologique de terrain des marmottes de la région de Volga-Kama. Results of stationary study of marmot ecology in Volga-Kama region]. Ouch. zapiski Kazakhskogo universiteta: 94.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, Volga.

Tillet Thierry 1995. La grotte de Prételang, rapport sur les travaux effectués en 1995 [The Prételang cave, report on 1995 works]. Rapport de fouilles, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble II, 36 p.
En français, in French.
Archéologie, archeology, Marmota bobac.
Préhistoire, préhistory, Ours (12%), chevreuil, cerf élaphe, bouquetin, sanglier, aurochs, marmotte des steppes (Marmota bobac).

Tillet T. 1997. Les grottes à ours et occupations néandertaliennes dans les Alpes [Bears caves and Neanderthalian occupation in the Alps]. In L'homme et l'Ours / Man and bear, Tillet T. & Binford L.R. (dir.), Actes du colloque d'Auberives-en-Royans, 15-16 et 20-21.
Archéologie, archeology, bears, ours, Néanderthal, Neanderthal, Alpes, Alps.

Tillet T. & Bernard-Guelle Sébastien 1996. Behaviour patterns, strategies and seasonality in the mousterian site of Pretelang (Vercors): the mousterian in Alps [Canevas comportementaux, stratégies et saisonnalité dans le site moustérien de Prételang (Vercors) : le moustérien dans les Alpes]. XIII U.I.S.P.P. Congress Proceedings.
En anglais, in English.
Archéologie, archeology, moustérien, mousterian, Alpes, Alps.

Tilton John L. 1926. Permian vertebrates from West Virginia [Vertébrés permiens de Virginie occidentale]. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 37: 385-394, 2 figs.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota arizonae, paléontologie, paleontology, Permien, Amérique du Nord, États-unis d'Amérique, Virginie, Virginia.

Timm R.M. 1975. Distribution, natural history, and parasites of mammals of Cook County, Minnesota [Répartition, histoire naturelle et parasites des mammifères du comté de Cook, Minnesota] . Minnesota University, Belle Museum of Natural History, Minnesota, Occasional papers N° 14 (1), 56 p.
Faune, fauna, parasite, Marmota monax, Minnesota, EUA, USA.
fauna guide; p.16-20,25,27-28,38,39: Lepus americanus, Tamias striatus, Eutamias minimus, Marmota monax, Sciurus carolinensis, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Glaucomys sabrinus, Castor canadensis, Ondatra zibethicus, Erethizon dorsatum, Sylvilagus floridanus, Lepus europeaus, Introduction: Sciurus niger, Myocastor coypus p.28-36,39: Canis latrans thamnos, Canis lupus lycaon, Vulpes vulpes regalis, Urcoyon cinereargenteus, Euarctos americanus, Ursus americanus, Procyon lotor hirtus, Martes americana, Martes pennanti, Food habits: Mustela erminea, Mustela rixosa, Mustela nivalis rixosa, Mustela vison, Gulo gulo luscus, Mephitis mephitis, Lutra canadensis, Lontra canadensis, Lynx canadensis, Lynx rufus, Felis concolor, Mustela frenata spadix.

Timofeev-Resovski N.V., Vorontsov N.N. & Yablokov A.V. 1969. Kratkiï otcherk teorii evolyutsii [Bref essai sur la théorie de l'évolution]. M., Naouka.
En russe, in Russian.
Évolution, evolution.

Timofeyeva L.A. 1972. O taksonomii tchoumnogo mikrova [Sur la taxonomie du microbe de la peste. On the taxonomy of the plague microbe]. V kn. Problemy osovo opasnykh infektsiï , Saratov,1(23).
En russe, in Russian.
Taxonomie, taxonomy, bactérie, bacteria, peste, plague.

Timofeyeva L.A & Golocheva V.Ya. 1961. [Plague microbe and other microlora receiving in the Transbaikal plague focus]. Sci. Papers Irkoutsk Anti-Plague Inst., Tchita, 2 : 105-106.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, épidémiologie, epidemiology, peste, plague, salmonellose, Erysipeloide, Listeriose, Transbaikalie.

Timofeyeva L.A., Logachev A.I., Sotnikova A.N., Gorbatov N.A. & Idesh D. 1975. [Sur des variétés atypiques de microbe de la peste isolées dans les foyers des montagnes de l'Altaï et de Mongolie. On atypical strains of the plague microbe isolated in foci of Mountain Altai and Mongolia]. In Safonova ed., Int. and national aspect of the epidemiological surveillance of Plague, II: 134-136.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, peste, plague, Russie, Russia, Altaï, Altai, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Tinaeva E.A., Fedoseeva G.A. & Balakirev A.N. 2002. [Polymorphisme biochimique chez les marmottes des steppes élevées en cage. Biochemical polymorphism in cage breeding steppe marmots (Marmota bobak). In Marmots in Eurasian steppe biocenoses, Brandler O.V. & Dimitriev A.V. eds., Reports of the State nature reserve "Prisursky", Cheboksary-Moscow, 8: 64.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, élevage, breeding, polymorphisme biochimique, biochemical polymorphism.

Tinaeva E.A., Fedoseeva G.A., Markovich L.G., Balakirev N.A. &Artioukhova; N.S. 2003. Connection between the allele frequency of polymorphous loci and their complexes and polygenetic heritable signs in steppe marmots. Rapport entre la fréquence allélique des locus polymorphes et leurs complexes et les caractétiqtiques héritables chez la marmotte des steppes. Отошение между аллельной частотой полиморфных locus, их комплексами и насдедуемыми характеристиками у степного сурка. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 275-280.
Anglais, français et résumé russe ; English, French and Russian abstract
PDF disponible/available
Marmota baibacina, Marmota bobac, Marmota sibirica, Immunology, immunologie, subspecies, sous-espèce, population.
Lors du processus d'adaptation aux conditions d'élevages, des modifications du spectre et de la concentration des fréquences allélique et génotypique des systèmes polymorphes sanguins ont été observées sur 5 locus : de l'albumine (Al), de la postalbumine (Pa), de la transférine (Tf) et de la post-transférine (Ptf) du sérum et de l'hémoglobine (Hb) des érythrocytes. La synthèse de l'albumine est déterminée par deux allèles ; celle de la post-albumine, de la transférine et de la post-tranférine par trois allèles, le locus de l'hémoglobine a quatre allèles. Pour mettre en évidence la corrélation entre les allèles des systèmes sanguins polymorphes et leur manifestation, les paramètres corporels des animaux, masse et taille, ont été définis parallèlement à l'étude des protéines polymorphes et de la dynamique de la ressource en allèles dans la population de marmottes étudiée. Les méthodes d'élevage influencent sans aucun doute la formation de la structure génétique, ce qui se manifeste par un changement du spectre et de l'évolution des fréquences alléliques au cours des années. Pratiquement, tous les loci étudiés sont influencés par la sélection. Cette dernière contribue à l'accumulation de l'hétérozygotie au locus de la transférine, alors qu'aux loci Pa, Ptf et Hb, au contraire, elle accroît l'homozygotie ; il est possible qu'une telle distribution représente non seulement la direction de la sélection mais aussi qu'elle ait une signification adaptative dans le processus de formation de cette population captive. Ainsi, les marmottes femelles portant l'allèle PtfA ont une masse corporelle élevée. La masse corporelle d'un nombre important de ces femelles excède la masse moyenne de la population entière (P < 0,01).

Tinaeva E.A., Markovich L.G., Mashurov A.M., Artyuhova N.S. & Orlov V.N. Biochemical polymorphism of caged marmots (Marmota bobac) [Polymorphisme biochimique des marmottes captives (Marmota bobac)]. Animal genetics.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, marmotte des steppes, steppe marmot, élevage, breeding, génétique, genetics.
Adaptation of marmots began in 1989 from snaring 1500 animals in Rostov region and their further reproduction in state pedigree farm "Pushkinskiy", situated in Moscow region. For the first time biochemical polymorphism was studied on the second year marmot (n=153) by horizontal electrophoresis methods. Blood was taken from heart during slaughter. Two allele genes were detected in albumin locus, three allele genes were found out in postalbumin, transferrin and posttransferrin loci, and four - locus of hemoglobin of red corpuscles. 15 allele variants were determined altogether. In all systems level of homozygosity was within 50, 4-54,5%, that corresponded to 44, 9-45,1 theoretically expected percentage (x2>0,05). Body length of the marmots wasn't connected with definite alleles and genotypes of studied polymorphous systems. However connection between posttransferrin A allele and live weight of females was established. Stabley for 3 year posttransferrin A allele had been defining in marmot females which had higher weight in comparison with those which had alternative allele. Degree realization of possible variability in five loci was within 49,9-64,7 that testified to considerable genetical reserves of marmots of this population.

Tinaeva E.A., Markovich L.G., Mashurov A.M., Koulikova N.I., Kazakova T.I. & Fedoseeva G.A. 1999. Kharakteristika popoulyatsii sourkov (Marmota bobak) s ispol'zovaniem biokhimitcheskilh marketov. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 96.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, population.

Tinker I.S. 1940. Epizootologiya tchoumy na souslikakh [Épizootologie de la peste chez les sousliks. Plague epizootology in susliks]. Rostov n/D.
En russe, in Russian.
Épizootie, epizooty, peste, plague.

Tinsley Robert S. 2006. Farewell, Miss Julie- Or the Spoiled-Rotten Bird Dogs. AuthorHouse, Bloomington, 140 p.
En anglais, in English.
Fiction, Marmota monax, woodchuck.
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Tintori Andrea, Cardini Andrea, Cattaneo Cristina & Di Giancamillo Mauro 2002. Sissi: dalla Valmalenco la prima mummia di marmotta [Sissi : de valmalenco, la première momie de marmotte]. Abstract Giornate di paleontolgia
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie paleontology, Italie, Italy.
In Val Sissone, circa 30 anni fa, venne alla luce una marmotta mummificata: l'esemplare, splendidamente conservato, giaceva sulla morena superficiale della Vedretta del Disgrazia e fu raccolto da un cercatore di minerali. Recentemente la mummia, denominata Sissi dalla valle di provenienza, è stata donata al comune di Chiesa Valmalenco perchè possa essere valorizzata. Lo studio è stato affidato ad Andrea Tintori, che si avvale della collaborazione di Andrea Cardini, specialista di marmotte, di Cristina Cattaneo, medico legale, e di Mauro Di Giancamillo, radiologo veterinario. La formazione di un team multidisciplinare è indispensabile se si vuole ricostruire la storia di questa mummia che puo essere considerata la prima mummia naturale conosciuta di marmotta.
Sissi è destinata ad essere esposta nel centro multifunzionale di Chiesa Valmalenco (SO): la rarità di mummie naturali sulle Alpi ne fa un ritrovamento comunque eccezionale, che merita di essere approfondito e valorizzato, soprattutto in questo anno che è stato proclamato Anno Internazionale delle Montagne. Ancora oggi le nostre montagne continuano ad offrirci piacevoli sorprese come Sissi.
La mummificazione naturale non è certamente un fenomeno comune alle nostre latitudini e con il nostro clima; tuttavia, in numerose località anche italiane si trovano situazioni particolari che permettono sia la formazione che la conservazione di mummie. Cio avviene pero in edifici, perchè le piogge abbastanza diffuse limitano notevolmente le possibilità all'esterno. La perfetta mummificazione della nostra marmotta deve quindi essere considerata un caso veramente eccezionale, tanto che non sono noti altri casi del genere, nè nelle Alpi nè in altre regioni della Terra. Certamente le piccole dimensioni dell'animale hanno favorito il processo di disidratazione: nelle giuste condizioni di temperatura e aridità, poche settimane potrebbero essere state sufficienti. Una primavera asciutta e una vallata ventosa possono essere stati i fattori determinanti per la formazione della nostra mummia. Sissi era una giovane marmotta, lo stato di ossificazione lo testimonia, e il fatto che sia stata rinvenuta in un'area lontana dalle colonie di marmotte che ancora oggi popolano la Val Sissone, fa pensare che fosse in cerca di un sito adeguato per costruire la propria tana dopo aver abbandonato quella di origine. Questi spostamenti avvengono in primavera, subito dopo il risveglio dal letargo, quando gli esemplari sono estremamente magri. Anche questa condizione potrebbe aver favorito la conservazione, poichè l'eventuale presenza di tessuto adiposo (che si accumula durante l'estate come scorta per l'inverno) avrebbe reso più problematica la disidratazione. La mancanza di fratture a carico dello scheletro ci porta ad escludere una morte traumatica (ad esempio sotto una frana di massi); tuttavia, la posizione fortemente scomposta dell'esemplare puo suggerire un seppellimento sotto una piccola frana di terriccio o una valanga. Possiamo, con buon margine di sicurezza, escludere che la marmotta sia stata inclusa nel ghiaccio della Vedretta del Disgrazia, perchè il movimento del ghiacciaio avrebbe provocato seri danni alla mummia.
Dopo una prima serie di osservazioni senza interventi diretti sulla mummia (X.ray, aspetto esterno, ambiente di ritrovamento), attualmente sono in corso datazioni con C14 e analisi dei tessuti, per meglio puntualizzare lo stato di conservazione e ricostruire cosi" i processi che hanno condotto alla formazione della mummia. In una fase successiva si potrà confrontare il DNA di Sissi con quello delle popolazioni di marmotte che ancora oggi vivono in Valmalenco, nella speranza di poter stabilire da quale colonia provenisse.

Tinzhen & Wan et al. 1983. [Ressources en animaux sauvages des montagnes de l'Altaï-Baitar. Wild animal resources in Altai-Baitar Mountains]. Chinese Wildlife.
En chinois, in Chinese.
Conservation, Chine, China, Altaï, Altai.

Tirard A., Renucci M., Bagneres A.G., Sreng L., Matarazzo V., Belaich A., Dusticier G., Bel M.C. & Clément J.L. 1997. Molecular basis of social odor recognition in the woodchuck, Marmota marmota [Bases moléculaires de la reconnaissance odorante sociale chez la marmotte Marmota marmota]. Abstract of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology at the University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada, July 12-16.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, odeur, odor, social, phéromones, pheromons.

Tissot Victor 1889. La Suisse inconnue [Unknown Switzerland]. E. Dentu, Paris.
En français, in French.
Géographie, geography, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, Suisse, Switzerland.

Tissot Victor 1893. Au pays des glaciers, vacances en Suisse [In the Glacier country, holidays in Switzerland]. Paris.
En français, in French.
Géographie, geography, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, p. 68-71, Suisse, Switzerland.

Titov S.V. 1997. Rol' stepnogo sourka v podderjanii prostranstvenno-etologitchesko stroutoury sovmestnogo poseleniya trekh vidov nzemnykh belitch'ikh. The role of steppe marmot in maintenance spatial. Ethological structure of mixed settlement of three species ground squirrels [Le rôle de la marmotte des steppes dans la maintenance de l'espace. Structure éthologique de trois espèces sympatriques d'écureuils terrestres]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 95-96 (Rousskie), 197 (Angliïskie). III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 95-96 (Russian), 197 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, Spermophilus major, Spermophilus suslicus, éthologie, ethology, sympatrie, sympatry.

Титов С.Б. (Titov S.V.) 1999. Strouktoura poseleniï stepnogo sourka iz oul'yanovskoï onlasti v svyazi s lanchaftnymi osobennostyami mest obitaniya. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 97-98.
Marmota bobac.

Титов С.Б. (Titov S.V.) 2002. The steppe marmot role in maintenance spatial-ethological structure of mixed settlement of three species ground squirrel.Роль стерного сурка в организации пространственно-этологической структуры совместного поселения трех видов наземных беличьих. [Rol' stepnogo sourka v organizatsii prostranstvenno-etologitcheskoï strouktoury sovmestnogo poseleniya trekh vidov nazemnykh belitch'ikh. Rôle de la marmotte des steppes dans le maintien de la structure etho-spatiale d'un peuplement de trois écureuils terrestres]. In Сурки голарктики как фактор биоразнообразия. [Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziïa. Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity], Armitage K.B. & Rumiantsev V.Yu. Eds., 381-388, International Marmot network, Moscow, 411 p.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, écureuils terrestres, ground squirrels.
Dans une zone de sympatrie du Spermophile roussâtre (Spermophilus major) et du souslic (S. suslic), rive droite de la Volga, nous avons découvert un peuplement mixte de spermophiles et de marmottes de steppes. Au cours de la 2ème saison de terrain (1996-97), après la caractérisation du peuplement, une étude éthologique a été réalisée (600 heures).La territorialité intraspécifique est rigide, mais la répartition territoriale des individus des trois espèces est indépendante. Les spermophiles utilisent le système de terriers des groupes familiaux de marmottes. Ces dernières, par leur cri d’alarme, réduisent le fardeau de surveillance des deux espèces de spermophiles. Les spermophiles, qui présentent un niveau élevé d’agressivité intraspécifique, les agressions interspécifiques sont rares et ne se produisent que lorsque la distance individuelle critique (5-10 m) n’est pas respectée. Les causes de l’établissement des relations morpho éthologiques mutuelles favorables et d’une société plus marquée entre ces espèces sont à rechercher.
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Tizard I.R., Billett, J.B. & Ramsden R.O. 1976. The prevalence of antibodies against Toxoplama gondii in some Ontario mammals [Prévalence des anticorps contre Toxoplasma gondii chez certains mammifères de l'Ontario]. Journal of wildlife diseases, 12(3): 322-325.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, mammals, toxoplasmose, toxoplasm, Ontario, Canada.
Odocoileus virginainus, diseases, Vulpes vulpes fulva, Canis latrans, Euarctos americanus, Mustela vison, Martes pennanti, Martes americana, Procyon lotor, Mephitis mephitis, Sylvilagus floridanus, Sciurus carolinensis, Marmota monax, Lepus americanus diseases.

Tkachenko A.A. 1959. Sovremennoe geografitcheskoe rasprostranenie i zapasy stepnogo sourka v SSSR [Extansion géographique actuelle et réserves de M. bobac en URSS. Present range et resources in M. bobac in USSR].Vestn. Mosk. oun-ta. Ser. biol., potchvoved. geol., geogr., 1.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, biogéographie, biogeography, réserves, reserves, conservation, URSS, USSR.

Tkachenko A.A. 1961. Baïbak, ego promysel i seliskokhozyajstvennoe znatchenie [Effets de M. bobac sur l'agriculture et la chasse. Bobac marmot effects on farming and hunting]. Zool. J., 40 (2).
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, anthropisation, agriculture, chasse, hunting, Baïkal, Baikal.

Tkachenko A.A. 1962. Biologiya i khozyaïstvennoe znatchenie stepnogo sourka v period osvoeniya tselinnykh zemeli Kazakhstana [Biologie et effets des marmottes des steppes sur le développement des terres vierges. Biology and influences of the steppe marmots on exploitation of virgin lands]. Avtoref. kand. diss. MGU, pp. 20.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, colonisation, Kazakhstan.

Tkachenko V. A. 1991. Rasprostranenie serogo sorka v Touvinskoï ASSR [La dispersion de la marmotte de l'Alataï dans la RSSA du Touva. The dispersal of Altai marmot in the Tuva ASSR]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 147-150.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, dispersion, dispersal, Russie, Russia, Altaï, Altai, Touva, Tuva.

Tkachenko V. A. & Shurygin V. V. 1991. Rasprostranenie i tchislennost' tarbagana v Touvinskoï ASSR [Dispersion et population de la marmotte bobac de mongolie dans la RSSA du Touva. Dispersal and population of the Mongolian bobak in the Tuva ASSR]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 150-153.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, dispersion, dispersal, population, Russie, Russia, Touva, Tuva.

Tobien J. 1970. Biostratigraphy of the Mammalian faunas at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in middle and western Europe [Biostratigraphie des mammifères à la limite Pliocène-Pléistocène de l'Europe centrale et occidentale]. Paleogeography, Paleo-climatology, Paleoecology, 8(2-3): 77-95.
En anglais, in English.
Mammifères, Mammals, paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Europe.

Togtookhon T., Staalduinen M.A; van & Bayasgaland D. 2002. The marmot's (Marmota sibirica) influence on vegetation and soil of needle grass steppe of Hustai National Park, Mongolia. Influence de la marmotte (Marmota sibirica) sur la végétation et le sol de la steppe à herbes épineuses du Parc National de Hustai, Mongolie. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds International Marmot Network, Lyon, 130-131.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota sibirica, Mongolian marmot, marmotte de Mongolie, vegetation, végétation, soil, sol, humidity, humidité.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1983. Baïbak [La marmotte bobac. The bobac marmot]. Okhota i Okhotnitch'e khozyaïstvo, 5: 17-18.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1987a. Okhrana i ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie stepnogo sourka pri ousilenii antropogennogo vozdejstviya [Protection et utilisation rationnelle de la marmotte des steppes lors d'une augmentation de la pression anthropique. Protection and exploitation of the steppe marmot with an increasing anthropogenic pressure]. Vliyanie antropogennoï transformatsii landshafta na naselenie nazemnykh pozvonotchnykh jivotnykh, Tez. Vses. sovechtch., u.1, M., 264-266.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, gestion, management, anthropisation.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1987b. Ekologiya, okhrana i ratsionalinoe ispolizovanie baïbaka na Ukraine [Écologie, protection et utilisation rationnelle de la marmotte des steppes en Ukraine. Ecology, protection and exploitation of the steppe marmot in Ukraine]. In-ta zoologii AN USSR Preprint, 16.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, gestion, management, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1987c. Stepnoï sourok na Ukraine (ekologiya, voprosy okhrany i eatsionalinogo ispolizovaniya) [La marmotte des steppes en Ukraine (Écologie, questions de protection et de gestion). The steppe marmot in Ukraine (Ecology, protection and management questions)]. Avtoref. kand. diss. M., PP. 22.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, gestion, management, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1988a. Ot promysla k polouvolinomou razvedenyu sourkov [De la chasse à l'élevage en semi-liberté des marmottes. From hunting to breeding in semi-freedom of marmots]. Okhota i okhotnitchie khoz-vo, 3, PP. 21.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting, élevage, breeding.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1988b. Ekologitcheskie nablyudeniya za iskoustvenno sozdannym poseleniem sourkov [Observations écologiques sur les populations artificielles de marmottes. Ecologic observations on artifical populations of marmots]. Vestn. Kharik. oun-ta, 313 : 86-87.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, écologie, ecology, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1988c. Stepnoï sourok na Ukraine [La marmotte des steppes en Ukraine. The steppe marmot in Ukraine]. Avtoref. dis. kand. biol. naouk., M., pp. 26.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1991a. A breeding of Marmota bobac Müll. in a cage [L'élevage de Marmota bobac Müll. en cage]. Abst. 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) and on Genus Marmota, 20.
Marmota bobac, élevage, breeding.
En anglais, in English

We have studied a possibility of marmot's breeding in a cage since 1981. A stable reproduction of Marmota bobac was achieved on Seversko-doneskay biological station.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1991b. Dynamics of an area of Marmota bobac Müll. on the Ukraine [Dynamique de l'aire de M. bobac en Ukraine]. Abst. 1st International Symposium on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) and on Genus Marmota, 20.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, Ukraine.

The dynamics of an area and a number of Marmota bobac were determined. We investigated some problems of biology, ecology, protection of this species, its sensititvity to anthropogenic influence.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1993. Analysis of Marmota camtschatica populations [Analyse des populations de M. camtschatica]. 4th Intern. Conf. Rodens & Spatium, May 24-28 1993, Mikolajki, Poland.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota camtschatica, population.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1994a. Biologie, comportement et reproduction de la marmotte à tête noire (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) en captivité. Biology, behavior and breeding of black-capped marmots (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in captivity. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 148-149.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota camtschatica, éthologie, ethology, élevage, breeding, Russie, Russia, Kamtchaka.

The study of the settlements of black-capped marmots in Kamchatka carried out in 1980-1993 has shown that their home ranges include two necessary elements (two subranges): alpine meadows and massive accumulations of large boulders and screes. The first subrange provides marmots with high-quality food till mid-September, practically, right up to the onset of hibernation (late September). Each family possessed 1 to 2 winter burrows, 5 to 7 summer burrows and 15 to 20 temporary ones. The overall length of a branched net of passages of a winter burrow excavated by us was 54 m, the depth of their location being 0.7 to 1m. The dimensions of the nest chamber located approximately in the geometric center of the burrow were 51 x 51 x 74 cm. Refuge burrows have usually one passageway 1.5 to 2 m in length. A small marmot breeding farm was organized in 1991 at the base "Vershinskaya". Initially there were formed 20 pairs of marmots captured by us in the Sredinny ridge, 13 of them being puberal. In 1992 four and in 1993 three of them had litters. The number of pups in a litter was 2 to 8.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1994b. Dynamique de population et effectif de Marmota bobac en Ukraine. Population dynamics and Marmota bobac number in Ukraina. Abstracts 2d Conf. Intern. Marmots, 150-151.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English. Marmota bobac, démographie, demography, Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the 20-30-ties of our century the M. bobac areal in the Ukraine extended at a rate of 15-20 km every 20 years. There is observed a rapid growth of Kharkov population, where the number of animals increased from several tens of specimens at the beginning of our century to tens of thousand individuals. A similar splash in the animal number and the areal territory is observed in Lugansk region. M. bobac number in Lugansk region achieves 54,000 specimens. The All-Ukrainian reserve of the species is about 100,000 individuals. Three zones are observed in each population. First of them is the center of the areal with the radius of 15-20 km where all suitable territories are occupied by M. bobac home ranges. The population density in this zone is more than 0.4 fam/ha. The second zone occupies next 10-15 km of the territory and is characterized by an incomplete population, its density being from 0.1 to 0. 4 fam/ha. The third zone isthe border of the areal 5-8 km wide where one can find M. bobac in small groups (the density <0.1 fam/ha). Besides the M. bobac population in Kharkov and Lugansk region there are two more populations in the Ukraine. They are dislocated in the reservation "Askania- Nova" (Kherson region) and Nicolayev region.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1996. Biologie, comportement et reproduction de la marmotte à tête noire (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) en captivité. Biology, behaviour and breeding black-capped marmots (Marmota camtschatica Pall.) in captivity. In Biodiversité chez les marmottes / Biodiversity in marmots, Le Berre M., Ramousse R. & Le Guelte L. eds., International Marmot Network, 257-260.
En français et en anglais, in French and in English.
Marmota camtschatica, reproduction, élevage, breeding.

Les domaines vitaux des marmottes à tête noire du Kamtchatka incluent 2 éléments : des pairies alpines et des amas de rochers. En moyenne, chaque famille occupe 13 ha et 1 à 2 terriers d'hiver, 5-7 d'été et 15-20 temporaires. La longueur du réseau d'hibernation est de 54 m, sa profondeur de 0,7-1 m et la chambre d'hibernation mesure 51x51x74 cm. Les refuges n'ont qu'une galerie de 1,5-2 m de long. Une petite ferme d'élevage de marmottes, organisée en 1991 à Vershinskaya, comprenait 20 couples dont 13 pubères. En 1992, 4 et en 1993, 3 couples se sont reproduits. Le nombre de jeunes par portée variait de 2 à 8.
Home ranges of black-capped marmots in Kamchatka included two elements: alpine meadows and boulder accumulations. On average each family occupied 13 ha with 1 to 2 winter burrows, 5 to 7 summer burrows and 15 to 20 temporary ones. The overall length of a winter burrow was 54 m, its depth 0.7 to 1 m, and its nest chamber were 51x51x74 cm. Refuge burrows have usually one passageway 1.5 to 2 m long. A small marmot breeding farm, organized in 1991 at Vershinskaya, was formed of 20 pairs, 13 of them being puberal. In 1992, 4 and in 1993, 3 of them had litters. The number of pups in a litter was 2 to 8.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1997a. [Bobak et autres espèces de marmottes. Baibak and other marmot species]. Kharkov, 304 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Marmota bobac.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 1997b. istoritcheskie izmeneniya areala i tchislennosti baïbaka v Oukraine [Changements historiques d'aire et du nombre de marmotte bobac en Ukraine]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 42-45.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, dénombrement, census, histoire, history, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) 2005. Dynamics of bobak marmot’s habitat and population number in Ukraine in XX-XXI centuries. Dinamika areala i tchislennosti stepnogo sourka v Oukraine v XX-XXI bekakh. [Dynamique de l’habitat de la marmotte bobac et de sa population en Ukraine au XX-XXI siÀcle]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 118-119.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobak, habita, population.
At the beginning of XX century, marmot colonies in Europe had been preserved in Kharkov and Lugansk provinces, ¥ Rocky steppe TM, south of the Voronezh province, and north-east of the Rostov province, as weIl as in the Chuvash Republic and Tatarstan. A factor that affects marmot population is direct or indirect anthropogenic influence. It includes hunting, poaching, grazing, and civil works. ln Ukraine, all open flat areas have been ploughed up and are under crops now. This, a number of specialists believe, has led to marmots' mortality. There is also an opinion that it is incorrect to conclude that ploughing up virgin steppes was the main reason for bobak to disappear from the steppes of Eastern Europe. According to D.I. Bibikov and A.V. Dezhkin (1988), ploughing up the virgin lands was one of the factors that contributed to its disappearance, while the main reason for that was said to be the hinting for bobaks. V. Lobkov (2003) believes that bobaks left the tlat areas for the guIlies to open a new habitat. The phenomenon of Europe's bobak revival in XX century, specialists explained, was due to improved protection and acclimatization in the former habitat (Abelentsev, 1975 et al.). Revival of marmot can be also explained by its protection and overall prohibition on hunting. But according to V.I. Mashkin (1993) and in our opinion, it was insufficient for its revival. During several decades European bobak acquired features non-peculiar to this species in terms of both ecology and etiology that explain European marmot's revival phenomena. Starting from 1960s, marmots from Velikoburluk district have begun to penetrate and live in alI neighbouring districts forming new centers of resettlement. At the end of XX century marmots habitat expanded 15-25 km in each 20 years. ln 1987, marmot population only in one Melovsk district made up 29,000 animals. A density of baibak population in this area made up 3-10 animals per one ha, sometimes reducing to one animal (in Melovoy GuIly), while growing in the others up to 15 animals per one ha (Glinyanniy gully) (Tokarskiy, 1988). The 1992 studies showed that compared to a period with maximum population (the beginning of 1980s - over 0.4 families per ha at 5.4 animals in one family, on the average) no redistribution of the area between families took place but reproduction decreased significantly (density -0.4 families per ha at 3.5 animals in one family). At the beginning of XXI century a population of this species decreased sharply in Ukraine. A sharp decrease in bobak population is also related to the changes of vegetation in the gullies. A major part of gully steppes underwent a strong depression. O. Grebenshikov (1973) singled out five stages of the depression. We can name one more stage; this is a stage of ruderal plants expansion. Only in the Velikoburluk district (the Kharkov province) number of cattle reduced 2.4 times during the last decade. This has a negative effect on bobak population. ln 2003-2004, the guIlies, where a cattle grazing was stopped, were so much overgrown with vegetation. Also, we can not ignore predators. When herbs grow too high, the young animals, particularly during the first months of life, become easy prey for foxes, polecats, dogs and wolf. And finally, ifs epizootics. Bobaks repeatedly died of rabbit-fever (for example, at the autumn 2004).
Russian PDF russe

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) On keeping and breeding of marmots at Seversky Donets biological station of Kharkov state University [Sur l'élevage et la reproduction des marmottes de la station biologique de Seversky Donets de l'Université d'Etat de Kharkov].
En anglais, in English. Unpublished text.
Marmota, élevage, breeding.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & A.F. Bartenev 1997. Roukopis' A.V. Tchernaya "Opisanie jivotnykh pod imenem souslikov ili sourjov". Manuscript by A.V. Chernay "Description of animals under the name souslics or marmots" [Le manuscrit d A.V. Chernay "Description des animaux portant le nom de souslics ou marmottes". In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 96-97 (Rousskie), 198-199 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 96-97 (Russian), 198-199 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, souslik, suslik, ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Bibikov D.I. 1993. Poyavlenie novykh tsvegovukh morf v surkov [Apparition de nouvelles fleurs chez les marmottes]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 37-38.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, végétation, vegetation, fleur, flower.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Brandler O.V. 1990a. Adaptatslya Stepnogo Sourka k ousileniyu antropogennogo vliyaniya [Adaptation de M. bobac à un accroissement de la pression antropique. Adaptation of steppe marmot to strengthening of anthropogenic influence]. Ekologiya stepnogo sourka na Ukraine, Kiev, 30-39.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, anthropisation.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Brandler O.V. 1990b. Sostoyanie koloniï tchernochaptchnogo sourka [État des colonies de la marmotte camtschatica. State of colonies of black-capped marmots]. Materialy V s'ezda Vses. teriol. o-ba, 1: 115-116.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, population.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Brandler O.V. 1997a. O soedinenii areala stepnogo sourka khar'kovskoï i Louganskoï popoulyastiï [Sur la réunification des populations de marmotte des steppes de Kar'kov et de Lougansk]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 45-46.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, populations, Kharkov, Lougansk.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Brandler O.V. 1997b. Osoedinenii areala stepnogo sourka kharbkoskoï i Louganskoï popoulayatsi . About combination of steppe marmot area of Kharkov and Lougansk populations [Sur la jonction des aires de distibution de la marmotte des steppes de Kharkov et de Lougansk]. In Sourki golarktiki kak faktor bioraznoobraziya, III Mejdounarodnaya Konferentsia po sourkam, Tezisy dokladov, 97-98 (Rousskie), 199 (Angliïskie) [In Holarctic marmot as a factor of biodiversity, III International Conference on Marmots, Abstracts, 97-98 (Russian), 199 (English).
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Brandler O.V. & Zavgorudiko A.V. 1990. Metodika i rezoultaty outcheta tchislennosti stepnogo sourka na Ukraine [Méthodes et comptages de la marmotte des steppes en Ukraine. Counting methods of the steppe marmot in Ukraine]. Ekologiya stepnogo sourka na Ukraine, Kiev, 3-29.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, dénombrement, census, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Brandler O.V., Zavgorudiko A.V. 1991. Prostranstvennaya strouktoura popoulyatsiï stepnogo sourka na Ukraine. Spatial structure of the bobac population in the Ukraine [Structure spatiale de la population de marmotte des steppes en Ukraine]. Proc. USSR Theriol. Soc., Population structure of the marmot, Bibikov D.I., A.A. Nikolskii, V.Yu. Rumiantsev & T.A. Seredneva eds., 45-70.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, habitat, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Groubnik V.V. & Petritchenko V.V. 1997. Reakklimatizatsiya stepnogo sourka v Zaporojskoï oblasti [Réaclimatation de la marmotte des steppes dans la région de Zaporojky]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 48-49.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, réintroduction, re-introduction, Zaporojky.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Kalinin M.I., Velikodnyï G.I., Bogdan S.N. & Gorodov V.P. 1997. Tchilennost' i rasprostranenie stepnogo sourka v velikobourloukskom raïone khar'kovskoï oblasti [Nombre et distribution de la marmotte des steppes dans le district de Velikobourlousky dans la région de Khar'kov]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 46-47.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, dénombrement, census, répartition distribution, Kharkov.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Kovalenkov A.G. 1996. Reakklimatizatsiya tchernoshapotchnogo sourka na kamtchatke [Réacclimatation de la marmotte à tête noire au Kamtchatka. Reacclimatization of the black-capped marmot in Kamchatka]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 82-83.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, réintroduction, re-introduction.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Kozyra P.S. 1999. Stepnoï khopek (Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827) v stepnom biotsenoze vostotchnoï Oukrainy. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 98-99.
En russe, in Russian.
Mustela eversmanni, steppe.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Masolov V.I. 1993. Razmechtchenie i tchislennost' tchernochapotchnogo sourka v Kronotskom zapovednike [Distribution et nombre de marmottes à tête noire dans la réserve de Kronotsk. Distribution and number of black-capped marmots in the Kronotsk reserve]. Tezisy dokl. V Mejdounarodn. sovechtch. po sourkam stran SNG, M. S., 39.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, répartition, distribution, dénombement, census, réserve.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Mirochnitchenko V.V. & Chakhov V.N. 1997. Rasprostranenie stepnogo sourka v Belgorodskoï oblasti [Distribution de la marmotte des steppes dans la région de Belgorodsky]. In Vozrojdenie stepnogo sourka, Tokarsky V.A. & Roumiantsev V.Iu., Izdatel'stvo ABF, Moskva, 47-48.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, Belgorodsk.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Prudina N.S. & Solodovnikova V.S 1984. O sredoobrazuiusheï roli sourka v severnoï stepi Levoberezhnoï Ukrainy [Sur l'importance du rôle de M. bobac dans les steppes du nord de la rive gauche de l'Ukraine. On the important role of steppe marmots in the northern steppes of the left bank of theUkraine River]. Problemy potchvennoï zoologii, Tez. dokl. 8 Vsesoiuznogo sobeshaniya, Ashkhabad.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Ronkin V.I. 1993. Svedeniya po etologii stepnogo sourka [Études éthologiques de la marmotte des steppes. Ethologic study of the steppe marmot]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 39-40.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, éthologie, ethology.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Ronkin V.I. & Stepanov Yu.V. 1991. Potreblenie kormov stepnym i krasnym sourkom v ousloviyakh nevoli [Consommation alimentaire par la marmotte des steppes et la marmotte à longue queue en captivité. Consumption of forage by the bobak and long-tailed marmot in captivity]. In Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots, Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 154-156.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, élevage, breeding.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Savchenko G.A & Ronkin V.N. 1999. Metodika individoual'nogo metcheniya sourkov. In Sourki palearktiki : biologiya i oupravlenie popoulyatsiyami [Marmottes paléarctiques : Biologie et gestion des populations, Palearctic marmots: biology and population management], O.V. Brandler & Rumiantsev ed., Dialog-MGOu, Moscow : 99-100.
En russe, in Russian.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Shalamov Y.A. 2002. Intrapopultive migrations of bobak marmots (Marmota bobak), Mull.). Migrations intra-population chez les marmottes bobak (Marmota bobak, Mull.). In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds International Marmot Network, Lyon, 132-133.
Anglais et français ; English and French.
Marmota bobac, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, dispersal, dispersion.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Shalamov Y.A. 2003. Number and range dynamics in Marmota bobac, in Ukraine. Evolution de l'effetif et de l'aire de répartition de Marmota bobac en Ukraine. Развитие численности и ареала обитания Marmota bobac на Украине. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 211-214.
Anglais, français et résumé russe; English, French and Russian abstract
PDF disponible/available
Marmota bobac, steppe marmot, marmotte des steppes, dispersal, dispersion.
Au début du XXème siècle, la marmotte bobak avait presque disparue d'Ukraine. Mais, l'espèce a montré des capacités adaptatives surprenantes malgré une pression anthropique croissante. C'est la seule espèce parmi les marmottes d'Eurasie à avoir augmenté ses effectifs et son aire de distribution ces dernières années. L'accroissement parallèle de l'effectif, de la densité et de la pression anthropique exigent de cette espèce de nouveaux comportements ainsi que le changement de certains facteurs écologiques. Cette supposition est confirmée par la grande capacité de Marmota bobac à vivre dans les champs cultivés, les ruines, les cours de ferme et les tombes des cimetières désertés et les bas-côtés des routes pour des décades. La densité de ces animaux dans de tels sites est de 8-10 individus par ha.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Sokol S.V. 1986. Nekototy osobennosti povedenie stepnogo sourka pri domestikatsii [Quelques particularités comportemental de la marmotte des steppes lors de la domestication. Some behavioural particularities of the steppe marmot during domestication]. Vestn. Kharikovsk. oun-ta, 288 : 93-94.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, élevage, breeding, domestication.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Solodovnicova V.S. & Krivitsky I.A. 1988. Stepnoï sourkov kak founktsionalinoe yadro organizatsii soobshestv zhivykh organizmov v biogeotsenozakh severo-vostotchnoï tchasti lesostepnoï Ukrainiy [La marmotte des steppes, base fonctionnelle des communautés animales des biogéocénoses des forêts du nord-est de l'Ukraine. The steppe marmot as functional basis of animal communities of forest biocenosis in north-eastern Ukraine].Vestnik Kharikovskogo oun-ta, 313.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, écologie, ecology, population, Ukraine.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Valentsev A.S. 1991a. Razmechtchenie i tchislennost' tchernochapotchnogo sourka v Kamtchaskoï oblasti [Répartition et nombre de marmottes camtschatica dans le Kamtchatka. Distribution and number of the black-capped marmot in the Kamchatka region]. Proc. USSR Theriol. Soc., Population structure of the marmot, Bibikov D.I., A.A. Nikolski, V.Yu. Rumiantsev & T.A. Seredneva eds., 290-299.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, répartition, distribution, densité, Russie, Russia, Kamtchatka. Traduction française, Semenov Y. & Le Berre M.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Valentsev A.S. 1991b. Razmechtchenie i tchislennost' tchernochapotchnogo sourka v Kamtchatskoï Oblasti [Répartition et nombre de marmottes à tête noire dans la région du Kamtchatka. Distribution and number of the black-capped marmot in the Kamchatka region]. Stroutktoura popoulyatsii sourkov, Bibikov D.I., A.A. Nikolski, V.Yu. Rumiantsev & T.A. Seredneva eds., M. S., 210-299.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, répartition, densité, density, Russie, Russia, Kamtchatka.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Valentsev A.S. 1994. Razchtchenie, biologiya i razvedenie v nevole tchernochapotchnogo sourka Marmota camtschatica (Rodentia, Sciuridae) [Répartition, biologie et élevage de la marmotte à tête noire en captivité. Distribution, biology and breeding in captivity of blak-capped marmot, Marmota camtschatica (Rodentia, Sciuridae)]. Zool. J., 73(7, 8) : 209-222.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, répartition, distribution, élevage, breeding.

Remoteness and inaccessibility of marmot colonies mostly located in high-elevated alpine and subalpine zones above dwarf pine and alder belts make the study of three subspecies of balck-capped marmot, i.e. the Kamtchatka Marmota camtschatica camtschatica Pall., the Yakut M. c. bungei Kastsch. and the baikal M. c. doppelmayri Bir., extremely difficult. The litterary data on the Kamtchatka subspecies are scanty and give only fragmentary information concerning the biology of this subspecies, whereas the data on the number and population density of marmota inhabiting this territory are completely absent. The evergrowing influence of humn activity (geological and extractiveworks, cattle pasturage, poaching...) results in partial or complete extermination of marmots in some colonies. All this stimulated us to start a thorough study of the Kamtchatka population of black-capped marmot and the study of its breeding in captivity. Altough the paper is based on ecological and biological aspects of the Kamtchatka subspecies, the comparative data on specific features of all three subspecies of black-capped marmot are given.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Zavgorud'ko A. V. 1991. Strouktoura semeïnogo outchastka tchernochapotchnogo sourka [Structure d'un domaine familial de la marmotte du Kamtchatka. Structure of a family range of the Kamchatka marmot]. In Biologiya, Ekologiya, okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie sourkov, Materialy Vses. sovchtch. M. S., [Biology, ecology, conservation and management of marmots], Seredneva T.A. ed., Proc. All-Union Conf., Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, Souzdal, Moscow, 156-160.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota camtschatica, éthologie, ethology, social.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.) & Zavgorud'ko A.V. & Atemsova T. 1993. Sovremennoe sostoyanie kolonii stepnogo sourka na okhranyaemykh territoriyakh Khar'kovsko oblasti [Composition actuelle des colonies de bobak sur les territoires protégés de Kharkov. Present structure of the bobac marmot colonies in the protected areas of Kharkov]. Abst. Intern. Conf. on marmots of the CIS-states, Gaidary, Ukraine, Moscow, 38-39.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, faunistique, fauna, population, réserve, reserve, Russie, Russia, Karkov.

Токарский В.А. (Tokarsky, Tokarskiï V.A.), Zavgorud'ko L.V. & Zavgorud'ko A.V. 1996. O fakte razmnojeniya sourka menzbira (Marmota menzbieri) v nevole [Sur la reproduction de la marmotte de Menzbier en captivité. On reproduction in the Menzbier's marmot in captivity]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 81-82.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota menzbieri, reproduction.

Tokmergenov T.Z., Turdumatova N.K. & Jumabay uulu K. 2005. Marmots of Kyrgystan : conservation by sustainable use. Sourki Kyrgystana : sokhranenie tcherez oustoïtchivoe ipol’zovanie. [Marmottes de Kirghizie : conservation par utilisation durable]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 120-121.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota baibacina, marmotte grise, grey marmot, Marmota caudata, marmotte à longue queue, long-tailed marmot, Marmota menzbieri, marmotte de Menzbier, Menzbier's marmot, conservation, Kirghizie, Kirghistan.
This report illustrates some aspects which determine status of population of grey marmot (Marmota baibacina Kastsch, 1899), long-tailed marmot (Marmota caudata Geoff, 1842) and Menzbier's marmot (Marmota menzbieri Kaschk, 1925.) inhabiting in area of 120-130 thousand sq. km, which cover 70 % of the Republic area. The potential population of marmots in Kyrgyzstan is estimated about 900 thousand marmots including grey marmots (about 600 thousand individuals), long-tailed marmots - 300 thousand, and population of Menzbier's marmot is about 500-12000 individuals. The economical value for local communities is estimated by sustainable yielding of 100000 of marmots, which includes 20 tons of fat. From 1960s a steady decline of long-tailed marmot population was general tendency. The main factor of this tendency was:extermination of marmots for plague hygienics in the area of 10000 sq. km, where density of marmot's population was decreased from 40-50 to 2-5 individuals per 1 sq. km. Hunting and poaching: The dynamics marmot's skins yielding changed from 125000 in 1950s to 26-3 thousand in 1982. Influence of changing climate: it is considered that grey marmot invasion and occupation of Central Tien -Shan, which opened entrance to red marmot's natural habitat, took place in period of warming between glacial epochs (Bibikov, Berendiaev 1978). Reduction of natural habitat of long-tailed marmot was forced not only by anthropogenic factors, changing climate influenced too. The lower border of marmot's habitat on the Northern slope of Alai ridge moved to the South for 30 - 50 km. Remains of past settlement were found a few dozens and hundreds of kilometers away from the current border of natural habitat. The condition of marmots' population (2-15 individuals per km.) on the area of 3/4 of the habitat is depressed. Competition: natural habitats of Menzbier's marmot are in more harsh conditions comparing to long-tailed marmot. There is a tendency of gradual Menzbier's marmot habitat movement to high watersheds. Wide range of habitats on different altitudes (600-4500 rn a. s. 1.), demonstrates its less specialization and less competitive ability to grey marmot.
Russian PDF russe

Tokobaev M.M. 1960. Gel'mintofaouna gryzounov Kirgizii [Helminthofaune des rongeurs de Khirghizie. Rodent helminthofauna in Kirgizia]. Tr. Gel'mintol. lab. AN SSSR, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Helminthes, Helminths.

Tokobaev M.M. 1956. [Étude de l'helminthofaune des rongeurs de Kirghizie. To study of helmintofauna of the rodents in Kirgizia]. Tr. In-ta Zool. i parazitolog. AN Kirg. SSR, Frunze, 5: 145-148.
En russe, in Russian.
Rodentia, Helminthes, Kirghizie, Kirgizia.

Tokobaev M.M. 1976. Gel'minty dikikh mlekopitayuchtchikh Sredneï Azii. Opyt ekologo-geogr. analiza, Frounze, Ilim.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Mammals, Helminthes, Helminths, parasitologie, parasitology.

Tokunaga S. & Nobuo Naora 1939. Fossil remains excavated at Ku-Hsiang-Tung near Harbin, Manchoukuo [Restes fossiles mis à jour à Ku-Hsiang-Tung près d'Harbin, Mandchourie]. Rept. Sci. Exped. Manchoukuo, Sec. 2 4 230 pp., 23 figs., 22 pls. En japonais et résumé anglais, in Japonese, English summary.
Marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Asie, Asia, Chine, China.

Tokuyama K., Galantino H.L., Green R. & Florant G.L. 1991. Seasonal glucose uptake in marmots (Marmota flaviventris): the role of pancreatic hormones [Variations saisonnières de la prise de glucose chez les marmottes (Marmota flaviventris): rôle des hormones pancréatiques]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 100A(4): 925-930.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, glucose, hormones pancréatiques, pancreatic hormons, saison, season.

1. Glucose uptake was measured throughout the year in marmots (Marmota flaviventris) by the hyperglycemic clamp technique. During each 2 hr experiment, the plasma glucose level was maintained at 215 mg/dl while blood samples were collected and analysed for glucose, insulin, glucagon, cortisol and catecholamines. 2. Glucose uptake was calculated from the glucose infusion rate, changes in the glucose pool (using a correction factor), and urinary glucose excretion. 3. In autumn, animals peaked in body weight (greater than 4.0 kg) and ceased to feed. Basal plasma insulin levels in autumn were significantly elevated over all other seasons (P less than 0.01) and glucose uptake in autumn was 9.7 +/- 2.4 mg/min which was significantly lower (P less than 0.05) than summer (21.7 +/- 2.4 mg/min) during the steady state phase of the glucose clamp (90-120 min). 4. Plasma glucagon levels declined during the clamp in all seasons but there was no significant difference between seasons. Plasma cortisol and catecholamine (norepinephrine and epinephrine) levels remained unchanged under basal and experimental conditions throughout the seasons. 5. During glucose infusion, beta-hydroxybutyrate levels were suppressed suggesting that lipolysis was reduced during the experiment. 6. These results suggest that the marmot exhibits seasonal changes in glucose uptake; the lowest rate of glucose uptake occurring in the autumn after the animals peak in body weight and cease to feed.

Toldt K. 1910. Über eine beachtensweerte Haarsorte und über das Haarfromnsystem der Säugertiere. Annalen d. K. u. K. Naturhist. Hofmuseums Wien, 24.
Mammifères, Mammals, poil, hair.

Tolmacheva L.R., Semenova N.I., Vorotnikov I.A. 1971. [Épizootie d'érysipeloide chez les marmottes grises du bassin de Bolgart. Epizootics of erysipeloid in grey marmots from Bolgart river basin]. Mater. VII nauch. konf. protivotchoum. ouchrezhd. Sred. Az. i Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata: 524-525.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, épidémiologie, epidemiology.

Tomé C. 1998. Étude de la marmotte des Alpes (Marmota marmota L.) et de son exploitation par les chasseurs du Paléolithique final de la grotte Colomb (Méaudre- Vercors- France) [Study of the alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) and of its exploitation by late paleolithical hunters in the Colomb Cave]. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble II, 201 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, archéologie, archeology, chasseurs paléolithiques, paleolithical hunters, boucherie, butchery, dépeçage, cuuting up, Vercors, France.
La petite grotte Colomb a été fouillée au début du XXe siècle par Hippolyte Müller, le pionnier de la recherche préhistorique dans le massif du Vercors (Alpes, France). Ce site est connu pour les milliers d’ossements de marmottes livrés, témoignage de la forte exploitation de ce gros Rongeur par les chasseurs du Paléolithique final. Une partie de cet abondant matériel (plus de 4000 restes) a pu être étudié dans le cadre d’un mémoire de maîtrise. À partir de ces restes extrêmement bien conservés, plusieurs constations ont pu être faite : manque des éléments de la boîte crânienne, du thorax, du rachis et de l’autopode (os du carpe/tarse, métapodes et phalanges) ; préservation préférentielle de certaines parties des os des membres ; quasi absence de traces de brûlure ; nombreuses traces de désarticulation et de dépouillement de la peau. Si une grande part de ces observations s’explique bien par une conservation différentielle naturelle et l’absence de tamisage lors de la fouille, une action anthropique est également à mettre en avant. En effet, ce campement ne devait représenter qu’une halte de chasse par la belle saison. Les marmottes étaient rapportées à la grotte seulement pour leur dépouillage : enlèvement de la tête (fines traces d’un dépouillement soigneux sur la face externe des mandibules), éviscération (?), récupération des quartiers de viande les plus charnus (peut-être fumage de la viande pour son transport en plaine), nettoyage des fourrures dans lesquelles les éléments de l’autopode étaient conservés pour une meilleure conservation des peaux. L’hypothèse d’une non consommation sur place des quartiers de viande expliquerait le manque anormal des humérus et des fémurs et l’absence de restes brûlés (alors que des traces de foyers existent sur le site). Un seul os travaillé à pu être observé : une aiguille réalisée dans une fibula de marmotte. Cet outil témoigne peut-être du perçage des peaux en vue de leur séchage... La mise en place d’un référentiel d’âge à partir de l’observation des rangées dentaires inférieures et des stades d’épiphysation du squelette a permit de mettre en évidence une chasse préférentielle, mais non exclusive, des individus « adultes » et « adultes âgés ». La présence de petits fragments lithiques fichés dans une scapula droite de marmotte reste énigmatique (chasse à l’aide d’un projectile ?) et pose le problème des méthodes de chasse employées. Une étude comparative a également été réalisée avec d’autres sites d’altitude, dont la grotte voisine de La Passagère qui présente une exploitation très similaire des marmottes. On regrette de ne pas avoir de données provenant de sites de plaines pour voir si l’on y retrouve bien les éléments rarissimes de notre matériel : humérus, fémurs et éléments de l’autopode.

Tomé C. (à paraître) Les Marmottes de la grotte Colomb (Vercors - France) [The marmots of the Colomb Cave (Vercors - France). Paléobiologie, Hommages à Louis Chaix.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, marmotte alpine, alpine marmot, archéologie, archeology, Vercors, France.

Tomé C. & Chaix L. 2002. Hunting and using of marmot (Marmota marmota L.) in western Alps and southern Jura from late Pleistocen to Holocen. Chasse et exploitation de la marmotte (Marmota marmota L.) dans les Alpes occidentales et le sud du Jura du Pléistocène final au début de l'Holocène. In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds International Marmot Network, Lyon, 134-135.
Anglais et français, English and French.
Marmota marmota, archéologie, archeology, chasseurs, hunters, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Alpes, Alps, Jura, France.

Tomé C. & Chaix L. 2003. Marmot's hunting and exploitation in Western Alps and Southern Jura from late Pleistocen to Holocen. Chasse et exploitation de la marmotte dans les Alpes occidentales et le sud du Jura du Pléistocène final au début de l'Holocène. Доббыча и использование сурков в западных йльпах и южной части юрских гор с конца пдейстоцена до голоцена. In Adaptive strategies and diversity in marmots. Stratégies adaptatives et diversité chez les marmottes, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds International Marmot Network, Lyon, 77-84.
Anglais, français et résumé russe; English, French and Russian abstract.
PDF disponible/available
Marmota marmota, archéologie, archeology, chasseurs, hunters, Pléistocène, Pleistocene, Alpes, Alps, Jura, France.
Les fouilles anciennes et récentes de sites archéologiques alpins et jurassiens ont livré de nombreux restes de marmottes. Les assemblages proviennent essentiellement de grottes et d'abris sous-roche occupés à la fin du Pléistocène et au début du Postglaciaire, soit entre 10000 et 6000 ans JC. Une omoplate présente un fragment de pointe de flèche, témoignant de l'existence d’une chasse à l'arc durant les mois d'été. L'étude détaillée des ossements montre que la marmotte était recherchée pour sa fourrure et sa peau, mais également pour sa chair et sa graisse.

Tomes John. 1850. On the structure of the dental tissues of the order Rodentia [Sur la structure des tissus dentaires de l'ordre de Rodentia]. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 529-567, with pls.
En anglais, in English.
Rodentia, Arctomys, dents, teeth.

Tong S.P., Vitvitski L., Li J.S., Pichoud C. & Trepo C. 1992. Lack of pre-C region mutation in woodchuck hepatitis virus from seroconverted woodchucks. Arch. Virol. Suppl., 4: 95-96.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, virus, hépatite, hepatits.

Woodchuck hepatitis virus, which shares a large degree of homology with human HBV, was examined for indications of mutational variants. No alteration in the pre-C region was found, but as in HBV, viral DNA could still be detected by PCR after seroconversion to anti-WHe.

Tongiorgi P., Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tosi L. & G. Pigozzi 1990. Ethological observations on alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) in the Apennine Mountains [Observations éthologiques des marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota) dans les Apennins]. Atti 14° Convegno della Società Italiana di Etologia, Lerici, settembre 1990.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, Italie, Italy, Apennins, Apennines.

Tongiorgi P., Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tosi L. & G. Pigozzi 1993. Ethological observation on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) [Observations éthologiques sur la marmotte alpine]. Ethol. Ecol. Evol..
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, éthologie, ethology, Italie, Italy, Apennins, Apennines.

Tonon M. 1989. [Découvertes de de la grotte Verdi de Clauzetto. Finds of the Grotte Verdi of Clauzetto (PN)]. Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Pordernone. Mammut, 2: 140-156.
En italien, In Italian.

Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontyology, Italie, Italy.

Topachevskiy Vadim Aleksandrovich 1973. Gryzouny tamanskogo faunisticheskogo kompleksa Kryma. [Les rongeurs de la collection de faune de Taman en Crimée. The rodents of the Taman faunal assemblage of the Crimea]. Akademiya Nauk UkrSSR, Institut Zoologii, Izdatel'stvo.
En russe, in Russian.
Rongeurs, Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, Europe, Ukraine, Crimée, Crimea.

Topachevskiy V.A., Aleksandra Fëdorov Skorik & Leonid Ivanovich Rekovets. 1987. Gryzouny verkhneneogenovykh i ranneantropogenovykh otlojeniy Khadjibeyskogo limana. [Rongeurs des dépôts du Néogène supérieur et de l'Anthropogène du lagon de Khadjibey. Rodents from the Upper Neogene and Early Anthropogene deposits of the Khadzhibey Lagoon]. AN UkrSSR, In-t Zool., Ukr. Otdel. Vsesoyuz. Teriol. Ob-va AN SSSR. Kiev: Izd-vo ``Naukova Dumka''. 208 pp.
En russe, in Russian.
Rongeurs, Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Topachevski V.O. 1957. Uber die Wirbeltierfauna des Pliozäns und des Anthropogens in den Talsedimenten im Süden der U.d.S.S.R [Sur la faune des vertébrés des sédiments du Pliocène et de l'Anthropogène du sud de l'URSS. On the vertebate fauna in pliocene and Anthropogene sediments in southern USSR]. Akad Naouk. Uk.S.S.R., Tr. Inst. Zool., Kiev, 14 : 141-147.
En allemand, in German.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Pliocène, Pliocene, URSS, USSR.

Topachevski V.O. 1961. Novyie materialy po antropogenovoi istorii faouny gryzounov Srednego Pridneprovya [Nouveaux matériaux de l'histoire anthropogénique de la faune des rongeurs de la région proche du Dniepr. New material of the anthropogenic history of rodent fauna in the Dniepr neighbourings]. Sb. Troudov Zoll. Mouzeya, 30.
Rodentia, histoire, history, anthropisation, Russie, Russia.

Anonyme Topogragitcheskoe Opisaanie Dostachimsy a po Mirnomou traktatou ot ottomansko porty vo vladenie.

Torcapel 1880. Les glaciers quaternaires des Cévennes [The quaternary glaciers in the Cévennes]. Bull. Soc. géol. de France, 3e série, 6 : 601. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1881 : 197.
En français, in French.
Géologie, geology, quaternaire, quaternary, Cévennes, France.

Toropova V.I. 2005. Monitoring of number of grey marmot (Marmota baibacina) in internal Tien shan (1940-2003). Monitoring tchislennosti serogo sourka vo vnoutrennem Tyan’-Chane (1940-2003). [Dénombrement de la marmotte grise (Marmota baibacina) au Tien Chan interne]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 122-123.
Marmota baibacina, d»nombrement, census, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Kirghizie, Kirghiztan.
Within the area of InternaI Tien Shan grey marmot (Marmota baibacina) appears almost everywhere, reaching in the south up to Kokshaal ridge. In the West the border passes on the Fergana ridge and in Arpa valley approaches to the area of a red marmot. The top border of distribution of a grey marmot in this area passes at height of 4000 meters above sea level. Marmots live here both in the Alpine meadows and in high-mountainous steppe and in high-mountainous desert, but their greatest nurnber is noted on steppe slopes, at foot which there are sites of mezophyl meadows. Intensive development of high mountains of Central Tien Shan during last decades is reflected in number of all inhabitants of this region, including grey marmot. Monitoring of number of a grey marmot except for scientific interest is important and for the organization of hunting, and for the control over an epidemiological situation. In the fiftieth-seventieth years except for hunting on number of this species influenced also regular processing by poisons conducted by workers of anti-plague services. Last 15 years these works are not spent because of absence of means. We le ad comparison of number of marmots from fortieth years of the last century till now in view of destruction by "anti-plague" expeditions. In 1940-1950, number of a grey marmot (Aizin, 1950) was from 50 individuals per square kilometer (high-mountainous deserts) up to 240-1300 in the Alpine meadows and adjoining slopes. Numerous of carrying out processing by poisons (on separate sites up to 11 times) has reduced number of marmots in 10 times and reached in the seventieth years of 40- 70 individuals per square kilometer (Mihajuljuta, 1988). In valley Ak-Sai after unitary destruction their number was reduced on the average at 4-12 times (Aizin, 1970). On our data, in 2003 number of a grey marmot in these places was restored completely and reached in Arpa from 210 up to 270 individuals per square kilometer, and to the north - 300-350 individuals. However it is necessary to note, that very high number of marmots in 1988 (280-300 individuals) on territory of National park "Chong-Kemin" in two years was sharply reduced (70-80 individuals), though hunting was not spent.

Tornier Gustav 1889. Giebt es ein Prähalluxrudiment. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1889 175-181, 1 fig.
En allemand, in German.

Tornier Gustav 1891. Ueber den Säugetier-Praehallux. Ein dritter Beitrag zur Phylogenese des Säugetierfusses. Arch. Naturges., 57(1) : 113-204, pl. vii.
En allemand, in German.

Torrens Henry D'Oyley 1862. Travels in Ladâk, Tartary, and Kashmir [Voyages au Ladakh, en Tartarie et Cashemir]. Saunders, Otley, and Co, London, 367p., Num. Google.
Voyage, travel, Arctomys thibetensis.
extrait PDF extract

Torrey Bradford 1889. A Mountain-Side Ramble [Randonnée sur le versant d’une montagne]. In The Atlantic monthly, Boston, 64(381) : 1-866, pp. 106-111, Num. Cornell University.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, marmotte commune d’Amérique, woodchuck p. 107, ruines, ruins.
Torti C. 1980. Recherches sur l'implantation humaine en Limagne au Paléolithique moyen et supérieur [Research on human settlement in Limagne during middle and upper Paleolothic]. Thèse de troisième cycle, Université de Bordeaux I, n° 1594, 2 vol., 476 p., 27 cartes h.t.
En français, in French.
Paleolithique, Paleolithic, homme, man, Limagne, France.

Toschi A. 1954. Sul popolamento della Marmotta (Marmota marmota marmota L.) nelle Alpi italiane [Sur le peuplement de la Marmotte dans les Aples italiennes. On the marmot stocking in the Italian Alps]. Ricerche di Zoologia Applicata alla Caccia, 24 : 1-40.
En italien, in Italian.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, population, Italie, Italy, Alpes, Alps.

Toschi A. 1965. Mammalia, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Cetacea. In Fauna d'Italia, 7, Bologna, Calderini, pp.647.
En italien, in Italian.
Mammifères, Mammals, faunistique, faune, Italie, Italy.

Toubeau Yvette & Butel Lucile 1987. La maison des petites marmottes [The house of the small marmots]. Paris, Gautier-Languereau, 19 p.
En français, in French.
Littérature enfantine, juvenile literature, conte, tale.

Tourier J. 1924. La grotte des Hotteaux (Ain). ge du Renne. Étude complète et définitve d'après les premières fouilles (1894-1896-1897) et les dernières fouilles (1917-1918-1919) [The Hotteaux cave (Ain). Reindeer age. Whole and final study from the first excavations (1894-1896-1897) and the last ones (1917-1918-1919). Belley, Impr. Chaduc, 84 pp.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ain, France.

Tourier J. & Costa de Beauregard O. 1922. Deux stations préhistoriques du Jura occidental de l'Ain dans la vallée du Suran [Two prehistoric stations in the western Jura of Ain in the Suran Valley]. Anthropologie, 32 (5-6) : 383-408.
En français, in French.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Ain, France.

Toussenel Alphonse 1857. L'esprit des bêtes : zoologie passionnelle : mammifères de France [Spirit of the beasts: zoology pertaining to the passions. Mammals of France]. Paris, Librairie phalanstérienne, 515p., Num. BNF.
En français, in French.
Savoyard, ramoneur, chimney sweep, marmotte, marmot p. 278, Extrait/Extract pdf, générations futures.

Townley C. & Sorrel C. 1989. La Savoie, la France et la Révolution [Savoy, France and the Revolution]. Curandera, Chambéry, 380 p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota, Savoie.

Townsend J.K. 1839. Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River [Récit d'un voyage à travers les Montagnes Rocheuses jusqu'à la rivière Columbia]. H. Perkins, Philadelphia.
In Thwaites R.G. ed. 1905. Early Western Travels, Vol. 8, Authur H. Clark, Cleveland. Reprints 1978, University of Nebraska Press (Bison Books).
En anglais, in English.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, voyage, travel, Montagnes Rocheuses, Rocky Mountains, Columbia.
Electronic edition:
Specimens taken by Townsend were an important contribution to the work of Audubon. Arctomys = Spermophillus.
On the morning of the 24th of May we forded the Platte river, or rather its south fork, along which we had been travelling during the previous week. On the northern side, we found the country totally different in its aspect. In the evening we arrived upon the plain again; it was thickly covered with ragged and gnarled bushes of a species of wormwood, (Artemesia) which perfumed the air, and at first was rather agreeable. The soil was poor and sandy, and the straggling blades of grass which found their way to the surface were brown and withered. Here was a poor prospect for our horses; a sad contrast indeed to the rich and luxuriant prairies we had left. On the edges of the little streams, however, we found some tolerable pasture, and we frequently stopped during the day to bait our poor animals in these pleasant places. We observed here several species of small marmots, (Arctomys) which burrowed in the sand, and were constantly skipping about the ground in front of our party. The short rattlesnake of the prairies was also abundant, and no doubt derived its chief subsistence from foraging among its playful little neighbors. Shortly before we halted this evening, being a considerable distance in advance of the caravan, I observed a dead gopher, (Diplostoma) -a small animal about the size of a rat, with large external cheek pouches, lying upon the ground; and near it a full grown rattlesnake, also dead. The gopher was yet warm and pliant, and had evidently been killed but a few minutes previously; the snake also gave evidence of very recent death, by a muscular twitching of the tail, which occurs in most serpents, soon after life is extinct. It was a matter of interest to me to ascertain the mode by which these animals were deprived of life. I therefore dismounted from my horse, and examined them carefully, but could perceive nothing to furnish even a clue. Neither of them had any external or perceptible wound. The snake had doubtless killed the quadruped, but what had killed the snake? There being no wound upon its body was sufficient proof that the gopher had not used his teeth, and in no other way could he causedeath.

Townsend S.E. & Zahler P. 2005. Marmot survey in the eastern steppe in Mongolia. Obsledovanie sourkov v vostotchnoï stepi Mongolii. Suivi de marmotte dans les steppes orientales de Mongolie]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 124-125.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota sibirica, d»nombrement, census, Mongolie, Mongolia.
Siberian marmots (Marmota sibirica) are important members of the Mongolian steppe ecosystem and local economy. Unfortunately, recent declines in marmot numbers have forced the Mongolian government to restrict marmot hunting. The main objectives for this study were to survey marmot colonies and to develop an understanding of marmot distribution in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia. We conducted transects across the Eastern Steppe during pup emergence from June through July 2005. These surveys were undertaken to locate all active and inactive marmot colonies along our line transects, and we used distance sampling in order to estimate colony density. We estimated the number of marmots at each colony (maximum count) and more intensively sampled a subset of detected colonies to gain reliable estimates of marmot numbers per colony. ln addition, we attempt to identify a way to estimate numbers within a colony based on a proxy variable. In addition to marmot colonies, we recorded locations of other wildlife (primarily carnivores, ungulates and, to some extent, raptors) along our transects. We hope to examine the relationship of wildlife diversity and density with proximity to marmot colonies. ln the future, we hope to develop predictive surfaces of marmot density based on spatial models using location data and physiographic variables. For this talk, we will present our preliminary findings about density and distribution of marmot colonies in the Eastern Steppe.
Russian PDF russe

Towshend John Kirk 1840. Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains. Including a Journey to the Columbia River and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c.; [Excursions de chasse dans les montagnes rocheuses. Incluant un voyage à la Columbia River et une visite aux îles Sandwich, au Chili etc.].Vol. II, H. Colburn, London.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys ludovicianus, Prairie marmot, Arctomys franklinii, Franklin’s marmot, Arctomys douglassii, Douglass’ marmot, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, Hodd’s marmot.

Tozzi C. 1970. La grotta di S. Agostino (Gaeta) [La grotte de S. Agostino. The S. Agostino cave]. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 25 : 1-87.
En italien, in Italian.
Paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota marmota, Latium, Toringien final, late Toringian, Italie, Italy.

Trabucco G. 1887. Considerazioni paleo-geologiche sui resti di Arctomys marmota scoperti nelle tane del Colle di S. pancrazio presso Silvano d'Olba (Alto Montferrato) [Considérations paléo-géologiques sur les restes d'Arctomys marmota découverts dans la grotte du col de S. pancrazio près de Silvano d'Olba]. Fusi, Pavia, 1-38.
En italie, in Italy.
Marmota marmota, paléontologie, paleontology, Piedmont, Italie, Italy.

Traill Catherine Parr 1895. Cot and cradle stories [Histoires de chaumière et de berceau]. Toronto, W. Briggs, Montreal , C.W. Coates, Halifax, S.F. Huestis.
Compétition avec marmotte, marmot competition, Alpine mouse, Traill C.P. 1802-1899, FitzGibbon Mary Agnes Ed. 1851-1915.
Texte complet/Full text ICMH (Institut Canadien de Microreproductions historiques)/CIHM

Traub R., Rothschild M. & Haddow J.F. 1983. The Rothschild collection of fleas. The Ceratophyllidae: Key to the Genera and host relationships [La collection Rothschild de puces. Les Ceratophyllidae : clé des genres et rapports avec les hôtes].
Acad. Press Inc., London.
En anglais, in English.
Insectes, Insects, entomologie, entomology, clef de détermination, determination key.

Travé J. 1956. Contribution à l'étude de la faune de la Massane [Contribution to the fauna study of the Massane]. Vie et Milieu, 7 (1) : 77-94.
En français, in French.
Faune, fauna, réserve naturelle, Natural reserve, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, France.

Travé J. 1960. Contribution à l'étude de la faune de la Massane [Contribution to the fauna study of the Massane]. Vie et Milieu, 11 (2) : 209-232.
En français, in French.
Faune, fauna, réserve naturelle, Natural reserve, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, France.

Travé J., Gadéa E., Delamare & Debouteville U. 1954. Contribution à l'étude de la faune de la Massane Massane [Contribution to the fauna study of the Massane]. Vie et Milieu, 5 (2) : 201-214.
En français, in French.
Faune, fauna, réserve naturelle, Natural reserve, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, France.

Travé J. & Garrigue J. 1995. Inventaires flore et faune, Liste des espèces [Wildlife inventory. Species checklist]. Réserve Naturelle de la Massane, Travaux 41 : 1-159.
En français, in French.
Faune, fauna, flore, flora, réserve naturelle, Natural reserve, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, France.

Travis S.E. & Armitage K.B. 1972. Some quantitative aspects of the behavior of marmots [Quelques aspects quantitatifs du comportement des marmottes]. Trans. Kansas. Acad. Sci., 75 : 308-321.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota flaviventris, éthologie, ethology, rythme, rhythm, surveillance, États-Unis d'Amérique.
Sunning and watching was the predominant behavioral activity in two colonies of yellow-bellied marmots. Following emergence from the burrow in the morning, the sequence of major activities was sunning, feeding and other active behaviors, and sunning and watching. Marmots spent more time feeding on cloudy days than on sunny days. There was no evidence that one marmot acts as a sentinel while another marmot feeds. Habitat utilization was characterized by activity in vegetation below 80 cm high and by the presence of large rocks used for sunning behaviors. Much of the marmot behavior is interpretable as adaptation to the high altitude environment and to predation.

Travis S.E. & Slobodchikoff C.N. 1993. Effects of food resource distribution on the social system of Gunnison Prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni) [Effets de la rpartition de la ressource alimentaire sur le système social du chien de prairie de Gunnison]. Canad. J. Zool., 71 (6): 1186-1192.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Cynomys gunnisoni, évolution, evolution, éthologie, ethology, social, appariement, mating.

We tested the predictions of Slobodchikoff's habitat variability - mating system model using the social system of Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni). The model predicts that when resources are abundant and patchily distributed, social groups will include several females, while scarce, uniformly distributed resources will lead to smaller groups with single females. Gunnison's prairie dogs form family groups consisting of a single adult male and female(s), and their young of the year, which occupy fixed spatial territories within a colonial framework. Resource abundances and distributions were characterized and compared at two colonies in northern Arizona. Resource abundance did not vary between colonies, while two separate measures showed resource distribution to be significantly more patchy at one colony than at the other. As predicted, there were significantly more territories with multiple females at the patchy colony, while single-female territories predominated at the uniform colony. While the differences in resource abundance between colonies were not significant from a statistical standpoint, sizable differences were observed, with the direction of the difference opposite to that predicted by the model.
Nous avons mis à l'épreuve les prédictions du modèle du système social d'accouplement en fonction de la variabilité dans l'habitat de Slobodchikoff dans le système social du chien de prairie de Gunnison (Cynomys gunnisoni). Selon le modèle, lorsque les ressources sont abondantes et réparties de façon contagieuse, les groupes sociaux comptent plusieurs femelles, alors que lorsque les ressources sont rares et réparties de façon uniforme, les groupes sociaux sont plus petits et comptent une seule emelle. Les chiens de prairie de Gunnison forment des groupes familiaux constitués d'un seul mâle adulte, d'une ou de plusieurs femelles et de leurs rejetons de l'année, et ces groupes occupent des espaces territoriaux fixes au sein d'une colonie. L'abondance des ressources et leur répartition ont été examinées et comparées chez deux colonies du nord de l'Arizona. L'abondance des ressources était semblable aux deux endroits, mais deux mesures propres à évaluer la répartition des ressouces ont révélé que cette répartition était significatvement plus contagieuse chez une colonie que chez l'autre. Conformément aux prédictions, il y avait significativement plus de territoires occupés par plusieurs femelles chez la colonie dont les ressources avaient une répartition contagieuse, alors que les territoires à une seule femelle prédominaient chez la colonie à ressources réparties uniformément. Les différences dans l'abondance des ressources entre les deux colonies n'étaient pas statistiquement significatives, mais il y avait cependant des différences appréciables dont le sens était opposé au sens théorique établi selon le modèle.

Tretyakov G.P. 1982. [Répartition et nombre de la marmotte à longue queue sur les chaînes de Pskem et Maidantal. The Distribution and Numbers of the Long-Tailed Marmot in Pskem and Maidantal Ridges (W Tian Shan)]. Ouzbek Biol. Journal., 13: 59-60.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, répartition, distribution, dénombrement, census.

Tretyakov G.P. 1992. [La marmotte à longue queue. The Long-Tailed Marmot]. A Cadastre Reference Book of Game and Commercial Animals in Uzbekistan,Tashkent: Fan Publishers, 67-68.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata.

Tretyakov G.P. 2005. Current distribution and population of Menzbier’s marmot on the southern slopes of the Chatkal ridge. Sovremennoe rasprostranenie i sostoyanie tchislennosti sourka menzbira na iujnykh sklonakh tchatkal’skogo khrebta. [Répartition actuelle de la population de marmotte menzbier sur les pentes sud de la chaîne du Chatkal]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 126-127.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota menzbieri, répartition, distribution, Tien Chan, Tien Shan, Chatkal.
Menzbier's marmot (Marmota menzbieri Kashkarov) - is a relict endemic species in the West Tien Shan. Even today, in spite of the prohibition of hunting for Menzbier's marmot its population and habitat tends to reduce. From July 29 to August 28, 2001, field studies were conducted in an area adjacent to the Maidantal site of the Chatkal nature reserve in the upper reaches of the Kizilcha, Djanaryk, Kelimchek rivers, where we carried out overall counts of marmots and their holes within an area of 21 sq. km. This work was supported by GEF and WB. The counts showed that marmots have decreased in number, particularly over the Iast years. According to Mashkin V.I. and Baturin A.P. (1993), 20 years ago a density of population on the southern slopes of the Chatkal ridge was 8-10 families, an average of 2-3 families (2-12 animals per family) per one sq. km. Nowadays, within the area under study, the quantity of marmots ranges from 1.92 to 4.72; 3.4 animals per square km on the average. Therefore, an area of 15, from the upper reaches of the right tributary of the Kizilcha river to the upper reaches of the Ieft tributary of the Kelimchek river, is inhabited by 51 marmots. 66 holes were counted there. 35 of the holes (53.0 percent) were inhabited, 22 (33.3 percent) holes had developed centers, cleared entrances and traces of animals' activity though the animals themselves did not appear during a two-day observation, and nine (13.6 percent) holes were found uninhabited. Of special concern is the fact that in each of 28 (80 percent) holes only one mature marmot was found. Three (8.58 percent) holes were found to be inhabited by two mature animals. Disastrous situation concerns the presence of young animals in the marmot colonies. Only in two holes (!) marmots under one year (two in one and one in another) were found together with mature animals. Our studies also showed that for the last 20 years the lower isohypse has moved 200 rn up from 2,600 rn to 2,800 rn a.s.l. The Iowest hole was found at downstream of the right tributary of the Kelimchek river at 2,800 rn a.s.l. If no urgent Menzbier's marmot conservation measures are taken its population and habitat will continue to reduce.
Russian PDF russe

Tretyakov G.P. & Khaidarov I. 2005. Distribuion and status of Menzbier’s marmot population in the Akbulak River Basin. Rasprostranenie i sostoyanie tchilennosti sourka Menzbira v basseïne p. Akboulak. [Répartition et statut de la population de marmotte menzbier du bassin de la rivière Akboulak]. Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Genus Marmota, Tashkent, 128-129.
En russe et en anglais, in Russian and in English.
Marmota menzbieri, r»partition, distribution, Akboulak, Akbulak, Ouzb»kistan, Uzbekistan.
As the Akbulak river basin is a difficult of access area, its fauna is understudied. Marmot is one of its rare representatives. An area on the left bank of the Akbulak river was under study from July 19 to August 10, 2002. 18 transects (walking and horse-riding) with a total length of 110 km were established. A total area occupied by marmots, their altitudal distribution, number and composition of their population were defined in seven tracts. This study was supported by GEF and WB.
Tract Area (Km2) Inhabited holes Total animals Including (individuals/%) Density of population (per 1 Km2) Lower isohypse
Mature One year old Under one year
Chalmansay 7.6 19 54 38/70.4 8/14.8 8/14.8 7.1 2200
Aksham 10.5 9 25 18/2.0 4/16.0 3/12.0 2.6 2600
Turasav 5.6 12 406/65.0 8/20.0 6/15.0 7.1 2600
Akbulak 15.0 12 34 24/70.6 6/17.7 4/11.8 2.3 2500
Davansay 2.8 2 4 4/100 1.4
Arpapaya 2.8 3 6 6/100 2.1 2700
Koshmansay 4.0 4 11 8/72.7 2/18.2 1/9.1 2.8 2700

In general, status of marmot population on the left bank of the Akbulak river is satisfactory.
Russian PDF russe

Treude A., Vallbracht S., Ehrardt N. & Exner C. 2002. Mating, birth and early juvenile development in the alpine marmots (Marmota marmota L.). Appariement, naissance et développement précoce des marmottes alpines (Marmota marmota L.). In Abstracts-résumés IVth Marmot World Conference, Ramousse R., Allainé D. & Le Berre M, Eds; International Marmot Network, Lyon, 136-137.
Anglais et français ; English and French
Marmota marmota, alpine marmot, marmotte alpine, mating, appariement, birth, naissance, social behaviour, comportement social.

Treviranus Gottgried Reinhold 1802-1822. Biologie oder Philosophie der lebenden Natur für Naturforscher und Arzte [Biologie et philosophie de la nature vivante pour le naturaliste et le médecin]. Vol. V, Göttingen, Röwer.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota p.265 et 275, hibernation.
Tréviranus s'est occupé surtout des animaux à sang froid. Il dit que chez les animaux à sang chaud l'hivernation peut se produire, mais à un moindre degré que chez les Reptiles, et chez ceux-ci à un degré moindre que chez les être inférieurs. Chez les Marmottes, c'est le fruit d'une habitude acquise de s'endormir l'hiver, car celles qui sont tenues en captivité peuvent la perdre et, d'autre part, ces animaux s'endorment sans que le froid extérieur en soit cause. Il y a chez la Marmotte une résistance vitale qui lui permet de réduire la vie ou la faculté de vivre à son minimum. Cette résistance est subordonnée à la dépendance du rythme des mouvements toniques et principalement des mouvements anapnoïques du milieu extérieur. Ce serait donc la suspension des mouvements respiratoires qui empêcherait les autres Mammifères de se refroidir comme les Marmottes.

Treviranus Gottfried Reinhold 1832. Die Erscheinungen und Gesetze des organischen Lebens. Johann Georg Heyse, Bremen.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota bobac, Marmota citellus.

Triandafil M. 1991. Le bout du monde : six mois dans les neiges de Haute-Maurienne, à Bessans [The end of the world: six months in the Haute-Maurienne snow, in Bessans]. Fontaine de Siloé, Marches, 187p.
En français, in French.
Ethnobiologie, ethnobiology, Marmota marmota, France, Savoie.

Trifa Vlad M., Girod Lewis, Collier Travis, Blumstein Daniel T. & Taylor Charles E. 2007. Automated wildlife monitoring using self-configuring sensor networks deployed in natural habitats. [Surveillance automatisée de la faune en utilisant des réseaux de sondes auto-configurées des habitats naturels].In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Sugisaka M. & Tanaka H., eds.
Méthodologie, methodology.
To understand the complex interactions among animals within an ecosystem, biologists need to be able to track their location and social interactions. There are a variety of factors that make this difficult. We propose using adaptive, embedded networked sensing technologies to develop an efficient means for wildlife monitoring. This paper surveys our research; we demonstrate how a self-organizing system can efficiently conduct real-time acoustic source detection and localization using distributed embedded devices.

Tristan D.F., Klassovskii L.N. 1956. [Données sur le déterrage hivernal de marmottes grises au Tien Chan. Materials on winter's excavations of grey marmot burrows in Tien Shan]. Tr. Sred. Az. protivotchoum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 3: 75-79.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota baibacina, chasse, hunting, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Troitchski V. 1909. Nekotl'ko slov o promysle na baïbakov (Arctomys bobac) i o rasprostranenii etikh jivotnykh v predelakh vladeniï Provalskogo zavoda [À propos de la chasse de la marmotte bobac et de sa répartition près de l'usine de Provalski. On the subject of bobac marmot hunting and its distribution near the Provalsky factory]. Tr. stoud. kroujka dlya issled. rousskoï prirody, sost. pri Mosk., oun-ta, 4.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, répartition, distribution, chasse, hunting.

Tron L., Cortot H. & D. Juan 1993. Suivi des marmotte sur le plateau de Charnière. Essai de dénombrement [Marmot survey on the Charnières plateau. Census attempt]. In 2ème Journée d'étude sur la marmotte alpine, Ramousse R. & Le Berre M. eds., 55-60.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, dénombrement, census, hautes-Alpes, France.

Tronquet Marc 1998. Fauna of marmot's burrows: Second note [Faune des terriers de marmotte: deuxième note]. Entomologiste, Paris, 54 (3) 113-117.
En anglais, in English. Marmota marmota, entomologie, entomology, terrier, burrow.

Trapping beetles inside marmot's burrows, in the Pyrenees, Method, list of insects caught.

Tronquet Marc 1998. Oxypoda (s. tr.) pseudolongipes, n.sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), a commensal of the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) in the Pyrenees [Oxypoda (s. tr.) pseudolongipes, n.sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), un commensal de la marmotte alpine Oxypoda (s. tr.) pseudolongipes, n.sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), dans les Pyrénées]. Entomologiste, Paris, 54 (3): 135-140.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, entomologie, entomology, Coléoptères, Coleoptera, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, France.

Description d'une espèce nouvelle d'Oxypoda (s. tr.) très proche de O. falcozi Deville, dont elle se distingue avec certitude par l'examen des génitalias et par son aire de répartion.
Description of a new species of Oxypoda (s. tr.) close to O. falcozi Deville, from it separate clearly by their genitalia, and geographical range.

Troschel Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der Rheinlande, XIX: 192.
Marmotte du loess de Kästrich.

Trotereau A. Premières observations botaniques après l'arrêt du pacage des transhumants dans le vallon de la Sassière [First observations after pasturing stop of transhumants in the Sassière Vale]. Travaux Scientifiques du Parc National de la Vanoise, 101-105.
En français, in French.
Botanique, botany, herbivores, herbivorous, alpages, mountain pastures, Savoie, France.
Cette première contribution à l'étude des modifications du tapis végétal parès l'arrêt du pacage des transhumants prend note de la réapparition ou de l'extension significative de certaines espèces parmi les plus intéressantes de la flore de Savoie. Astragalus leontinus Wulf. Hedysarum obscurum L., Artemisia borealis Pall (A. nana Gaud)

Trouessart L. 1854. Histoire naturelle de la France (Mammifères) [Natural history of France (Mammals)]. Deyrolles, Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Mammifères, Mammals, France.

Trouessart E.L. 1880. Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles [Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Bull. Soc. d’ét. scient. d’Angers, 10e année, 58. In Revue des travaux scientifiques, 1881 : 606.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammalia, paléontologie, paleontology.

Trouessart E.L. 1884. Faune élémentaire des mammifères de France. Genre Marmotte [Basic fauna of mammals of France. Marmot genera]. In Histoire Naturelle de la France, Deyrolle, 112-117.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, Mammifères, Mammalia, France.

Trouessart E-L. 1880. Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles [Checklist of living and fossil mammals]. Bull. Soc. d’études sc. d’Angers, 105p.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, fossile, fossil.

Trouessart E-L. 1881. Distribution géographique des Rongeurs vivants et fossiles, au point de vue de la doctrine de l'évolution [Geographical range of the living and fossil rodents, from the point of view of the evolution doctrin]. Le naturaliste, 52 : 410. Revue scientifique, 3(28) : 65.
En français, in French.
Rodentia, paléontologie, paleontology, évolution, evolution.

Trouessart E-L. 1882. Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles [Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Revue des travaux scientifiques, publ. sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, 20.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, fossile, fossil.

Trouessart E-L. 1882. Distribution géographique des Rongeurs vivants et fossiles, au point de vue de la doctrine de l'évolution [Geographical range of the living and fossil rodents, from the point of view of the evolution doctrin]. Revue des travaux scientifiques, publ. sous la dir. du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, 12 fasc., 2 : 188-190.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, fossile, fossil.

Trouessart E.L. 1898. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium [Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Nova editio. Berolini 1898 pp. 665-1264, 8vo.
En latin, in Latin.
Mammifères, Mammals, fossile, fossil, Marmota, Arctomys, Marmota vetus.

Trouessart E.L. 1898-1899. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quàm fossilium [Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Friedländer, Berlin, 2 Vol.
Mammifères, Marmota 442-445, paléontologie, paleontology.

Trouessart E.L. 1904. Leiognathus blanchardi n. sp., acarien parasite de la marmotte des Alpes [Leiognathus blanchardi n. sp., parasitic mite of the alpine marmot]. Arch. Parasitol., 8 : 558-561.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, parasitologie, parasitology, Acariens, Acarida, France.

Trouessart E.L. 1904. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium [Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Quinquinale supplementum. Berolini 1904 i-iv; 1-546.
Marmota vetus, flaviventer.

Trouessart E.L. 1904-1905. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quàm fossilium [Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Quinquennale Supplementum, anno 1904. Suppl. (fasc. 2): 344, Friedländer, Berlin.
En latin, in Latin.
Mammifères, Marmota, Marmota flaviventris avara, Marmota monax canadensis, Marmota monax ignava, Marmota monax monax, Marmota olympus, Marmota flaviventer, taxonomie, taxonomy, paléontologie, paleontology, Marmota flaviventer avarus, Marmota monax p. 344, Marmota monax ignavus p. 344, Marmota monax canadensis 344.

Trouessart E.L. 1905. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium [Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Catalogue of the living and fossil mammals]. Quinquinale supplementum. Pages 547-929.
En latin, in Latin.Marmota, vetus.

Trouessart E-L. 1910a. Sur la faune des mammifères d’Europe [About the Mammal fauna in Europe]. Comptes rendus hebdomadairse des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, 151 : 648-650.
En français, in French.
Variétés, varieties, sous-espèces, sub-species, collection, Hermine, ermine, belette, weasel.

Trouessart L. 1910. Faune des Mammifères d'Europe [Conspectus Mammalium Europae. Mammal fauna of Europe]. R. Friedländer, Berlin, 226 pp.
En français, in French.
Mammifères, Mammals, faunistique, fauna, Europe.

True 1884. Proc. U.S. Nat Mus., 7 (App. Circ. 29): 593.
En anglais, in English.
Arctomys pruinosus, Marmota caligata, hoary marmot, marmotte givrée. Marmota caligata caligata True, 1884
Arctomys monax

Trulio L.A. 1996. The functional significance of infanticide in a population of California squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) [Signification fonctionnelle de l'infanticide dans une population d'écureuils de Californie]. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 38: 97-103.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, Spermophilus beecheyi, infanticide.

Trump R.F. 1943. Ways of the woodchuck [Les chemins de la marmotte des bois]. Nat. Hist., 52(5): 221-225.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

Trump R.F. 1950. Home range of the southern woodchuck [Le domaine vital de la marmotte des bois du sud]. Iowa Acad. Sci., 57 : 537-540.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, domaine vital, home range, États-Unis d'Amérique, Iowa.

Trump R.F. & Hendrickson G.O. 1943. Methods for trapping and tagging woodchucks [Méthodes pour capturer et marquer les marmottes des bois] J. Wildl. Manage., 7 (4) : 420-421.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, écologie, ecology, méthodologie, methodology, capture, trapping, marquage, tagging, conservation.

Trunova Yu.E. & Lobkov V.A. 1997. Recording the Hibernation Peculiarities by Incisor Dentin in Spotted Suslik Spermophilus suslicus (Sciuridae, Rodentia) [Enregistrer les particularités de l'hibernation sur la dentine des incisives du spermophile tacheté Spermophilus suslicus]. Russian Journal of Zoology, 1( 3) : 352-359
En anglais, in English.
Hibernation, méthodologie, methodology, dent, teeth.
Longitudinal and transverse ground sections of the upper incisors and sections stained with hematoxylin were analyzed in spotted susliks (Spermophilus suslicus): 59 adults hibernating in nature, ten juveniles trapped in nature and in 17 adults and 11 juveniles kept in laboratory without illumination and heating for 1-7 months (including the hibernation season) and injected with tetracycline (1-6 times, at doses of 10-20 mg/kg of the body weight) to label chronologically the growing sites of dentin. During the euthermal season, the layers were formed in incisor dentin. When entering hibernation in August-September, the contrasting hypo- and hyper-chromatic bands corresponding to hypothermal episodes were formed in dentin; a decrease in the rates of dentin apposition and incisor eruption and a disturbance in the dentinogenesis rhythm occurred. During deep hibernation, in both the natural and experimental conditions, the hibernation zone was formed in dentin. This included the hyperchromatic layers of decreasing width followed by a group of faintly stained narrow layers (3-6 m). The groups of narrow layers were formed in February-March, during the terminal arousal from hibernation and in December during artificially provoked arousal in experiment. In the latter case, dentin apposition and incisor eruption renewed, and the daily rhythm of the dentinogenesis restored, which is evidence for incisor growth during hibernation in nature throughout the spontaneous rhythmic arousals.

Trusler G.A., Mcbirnie J.E., Pearson F.G., Gornall A.G. & Bigelow W.G. 1993. A study of hibernation in relation to the technique of hypothermia for intracardiac surgery [Étude de l'hibernation en relation avec la technique d'hypothermie en chirurgie intracardiaque]. Surg. Forum Amer. Coll. Surg., 4 : 72-77.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, physiologie, physiology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, hibernation, médecine, medicine.

Trusler Scott & Johnson Leslie Main 2003. Berry patch as a kind of place: the ethnoecology of black huckleberrry resources in Northwestern Canada. Abstracts, 26th Annual Ethnobiology Conference, 39.
En anglais, in English.

Ethnoécologie, ethnoecology, Vaccinium membranaceum, amerindiens, indians.
The Gitxsan and Wetísuwetíen of Northwestern British Columbia formerly managed patches of black huckleberry, which was the most important plant resource of their seasonal round. Managed sites included patches of a wide variety of elevations, aspects, and moisture regimes. Proximity to salmon fishing sites, village sites, or sites for harvest of alpine resources such as mountain goat or marmot proved to be a common factor in known historic berry patch sites. We conclude that characterization of the ideal site type for aboriginal Vaccinium membranaceum management must include the economy and social institutions of the local First Nations.

Trutat M.E. 1878. Catalogue des Mammifères des Pyrénées. [List of the mammals of Pyrenees]. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. de Toulouse, 12 : 95-122.
En français, in French.
Mammifères; Mammalia, France, Pyrénées, Pyrenees.

Tsalkin V.I. 1956. Materialy dlya istorii skotovodstva i okhoty v Drevneï Rousi [Matériaux pour l'histoire de l'élevage des bêtes à cornes et la chasse en ancienne Russie. Material on the history of horned beasts breeding and hunting in former Russia]. M., Izd-vo AN SSSR.
En russe, in Russian.
Histoire, history, élevage, breeding, chasse, hunting, Russie, Russia.

Tsalkin V.I. 1966. Drevnee jivotnovodstvo plemen Vostotchnoï Evropy i Sredneï Azii [L'élevage préhistorique dans les tribus d'Europe orientale et d'Asie centrale. Ancient breeding in the western European and middle Asia tribes]. M., Naouka.
Préhistoire, prehistory, élevage, breeding, Europe, Asie, Asia.

Tschenett K. 1911. Das Murmeltier [La marmotte des alpes. The alpine marmot].
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota.

Tschudi Frédéric de 1854.
Das Thierleben der Alpenwelt [La faune vivante du monde des Alpes].
J. J. Weber, Leipzig, 582p.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, p. 532.

Tschudi Frédéric de 1859. Les Alpes. Description pittoresque de la nature et de la faune alpestre [The Alps. Picturesque description of the alpine nature and fauna]. Dalp, Berne, Treutel & Wurtz, Strasbourg, XV-737 p.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, faune, fauna, Alpes, Alps.

Tschudi F. von 1870. Le monde des Alpes [The alpine world]. Cherbuliez et Magnin. Paris.
En français, in French.
Marmota marmota, faune, fauna, chasse, hunting, déterrage, unearthing, Alpes, Alps.
« En Novembre 1852, deux chasseurs du canton de Genève, Carlier et son fils, étaient à la recherche de trous de marmotte au glacier d’Argentière. Le père rampait dans l’un des galeries habitées, qu’il élargissait au fur et à mesure péniblement, lorsque soudain le rocher branlant s’effondra et ensevelit le chasseur étendu sur le ventre. Le fils se mit alors à ramper derrière pour dégager le père, et parvint à atteindre le milieu de l’éboulement, quand un nouvel effondrement l’ensevelit lui aussi. Pendant deux heures, les chasseurs creusèrent, le fils allongé au-dessus du père, dans l’éboulis, pour se dégager jusqu’à ce que le plus jeune rende l’âme, écrasé et à bout de forces. Trois longs jours d’angoisse, sans lumière ni réconfort, sans aide ni force, pendant lesquels le malheureux père resta étendu dans la galerie, sous le cadavre de son fils de 19 ans, jusqu’à ce qu’enfin les amis partis à leur recherche le trouvent et le déterrent. Quelques heurs après sa libération, il succombait lui aussi des suites de cette terrible torture morale et physique. »

Tschudi F. von 1871. Die Alpenmurmeltiere [Les marmottes alpines. The alpine marmots]. In Das Tierleben der Alpenwelt (La vie animale dans les Alpes), 472-484, J.J. Weber, Leipzig.
En allemand, in German.
Marmota marmota, Alpes, Alps.

Tsendjav D. 1990a. [Une influence des marmottes de steppes de Mongolie sur la biogéocénose. A influence of Mongolian marmots on steppe biogeocenosis.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 22-27, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica, Mongolie, Mongolia.

Tsendjav D. 1990b. [Possibilité d'apport alimentaire pour les troupeaux à partir des organes internes de marmottes. A possibility of feed preparation for livestock from internal organs of marmots.] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 110, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota sibirica. troupeaux, livestock.

Tsendjav D. & Budsuren C. 1990. [Étude d'ensemble des ressources et de l'organisation de la chasse des marmottes. The comprehensive form of resource study and hunt organization of marmots. ] In Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 71-77, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, In Mongolian.
Marmota, chasse, hunting.

Tsendjav D. , Sosorburmaa D. & Lodoi T. 1990. Techniques et technologies du traitement des produits bruts de la marmotte. The treat techniques and technology of marmot's row materials (meat, fat, etc.)] Questions on management and conservation marmots in Mongolia, Dulamtseren S., Zhanchiv Ts., Batsukh D., Tsendjav D., Batbold J. & Budsuren C. Eds., 97-104, Ulaanbaatar.
En Mongol, in Mongolian.
Marmota, viande, meat, graisse, fat, usage, use.

Tselishev A. & Tokarsky V.A. 1996. Ispol'zovanie territorii semeïnogo outchastka stepnym sourkom (Marmota bobac Mull.) [Utilisation du territoire familial par la marmotte des steppes. Utilization of the family territory in the steppe marmot]. In Sourki severnoï evrazii: sokhranenie biologitcheskogo raznoobrazniya [Marmots of Northern Eurasia: the biodiversity saving], Rumiantsev V.Y. ed., International Marmots Network Publication, Moscow, ABF, 85-86.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac, spatial, social, domaine vital, home range.

Tselisheva L.K. & Da Neko E.K. 1967. Otcherk potchv Streletskogo outchastka Tsentral'no- Tchernozemnogo zapovednika. [Essai sur les sols de Streletski de la réserve de Tsentral'no-Tchernozem. Essay on the Streletski soils in the Tsentral'no-Tchernozem reserve]. Tr. Tsentral'no-Tchernozemnogo gos. zapovednika, 10.
En russe, in Russian.
Sols, soils, réserve, reserve.

Tsubin I.G., Abeletntsev V.I. & Semikhatova V.N. 1978. Baïbak [La marmotte bobac. The bobac marmot]. In Sourki. Rasprostranenie i ekoloiya, Zimina R.P. ed., Izdatel'stbo Naouka, Mosckva., 10-38.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota bobac.

Tsuctova A.A. 1975. [L'activité printanière de Marmota caudata dans la réserve d'Aksou-Ozhagahel, Tien-Chan occidental. The spring activity of M. caudata in the Aksu-Ozhagahe reserve]. Ekologija, 6 : 101-102.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, éthologie, ethology, rythme, rhythm, Russie, Russia, Tien Chan, Tien Shan.

Tsvetkova R.A. 1975. [L'activité printanière de la marmotte à longue queue dans la réserve d'Auxjabagli. Spring activity of the long tailed marmot in the Auxjabagly reserve]. The Soviet J. Ecol., 6(6): 577-578.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, rythme, rhythm, printemps, spring, Russie, Russia.

Tsvetkova A.A. & Kapitonov V.I. 1976. [Écologie de la marmotte à longue queue de l'ouest du Talas Alatau. Ecology of the long tailed marmot in west part of Talas Alatau]. In 50 years of the Axujabagly reserve, Alma-Ata, Publ. Haus "Nauka"Kaz. SSR: 98-122.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, écologie, ecology.

Tulembaev M.A., Soorbekov O.S., Yakunin B.M., Pole S.B., Slunkin Y.S. & Shwart A.V. 1982. [Épizootie de peste parmi les petits rongeurs du foyer de peste du Talas. Manifestation of plague epizootic among small rodents in Talas plague focus]. In Questions of natural focality zoonosis, Saratov, 40-41.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota, Rodentia, peste, plague, Russie, Russia.

Tullberg T. 1890. Über das system der Nagetiere. Eine phylogenetiche Studie [Sur le système des rongeurs. Une étude phylogénétique. On the rodents system. A phylogenetic study]. Nova Acta reg. soc. sc. Upsalensis, ser. 3, 18(3; 2 : 1-514 + A1-A8, Taf. 1-57.
En allemand, in German.
Rodentia, phylogenèse, phylogenesis.

Tumanski V.M. 1958. Mikrobiologiya tchoumy [Microbiologie de la peste. Plague microbiology]. 2-e izd. M., Medgiz.
En russe, in Russian.
Bactérie, bacteria, peste, plague.

Turaev A.K. & SafarovV K. 1987. Mestoobitanie dlinnokhvostogo sourka na iuzhnom sklone Gissarskogo khrebta Tadzhikistana i ego okhrana [L'aire de distribution des marmottes à longue queue sur les pentes de Gissarski au Tadjikistan et sa protection. Distribution range of the long-tailed marmot on the Gissarsky slopes in Tadjikistan and its protection]. Vliyanie antropogennoï transformatsii landshafta na naselenie nazemnykh pozvonotchnykh, Tez. Vses. Sovechtch. u.1, M., 269-271.
En russe, in Russian.
Marmota caudata, Tadjikistan.

Turbs F.F. 1936. Woodchucks may aid the rabbit supply [Les marmottes des bois peuvent aider à l'approvisionnement des lapins]. Mich. Conserv., 5(12): 4.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax.

Türk A. & Arnold W. 1988. Thermoregulation as a limit to habitat use in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) [La thermorégulation comme limite à l'utilisation de l'habitat chez la marmotte alpine]. Oecologia, 76 : 544-548.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota marmota, écologie, ecology, thermorégulation, thermoregulation, Allemagne, Germany, Bavière, Bavaria.

The body temperature (Tb) of free-living alpine marmots rose with activity; the higher the effective environmental temperature (Te), the higher the rise. Maximum Tb of 400 C was reached at the time of greatest activity in late afternoon or evening. The activity pattern was strongly influenced by the microclimate. Up to an te of 25 C the animals spent more time above ground and were more active the higher Te was, but above 25 0 C this trend was reversed, and the animals wihdrew increasingly into their burrows. On warm days the activity pattern was therefore bimodal and above ground presence was reduced, in contast to cool days. Hence behavioural thermoregulation limits the available time for above ground activity on days with high Te in this strictly diurnal species. We suggest that the alpine marmots' preference for south oriented slopes is due to the better conditions for hibernation there.The microclimate during summer is more favourable on northerly slopes. Thermoregulatory constraints could also keep alpine marmots away from lower elevations.

Turkin N.V. & Satunin K.A. 1902. Zveri Rossii [Les animaux de la Russie. Animals of Russia]. M. Russie.
Faune, fauna, Russie, Russia.

Turner M.D., Kondo Y., Turner A.C., White H.B. & Hardy J.D. 1975. Metabolic aspects of induced deep hypothermia [Aspects métaboliques de l'hypothermie profonde induite]. Bull. Soc. Int. Chir., 34(6): 567-572.
En anglais, in English.
Hypotermie, hypothermy.

Turner R.W. 1974. Mammals of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming [Mammifères des Black Hills du Dakota du Sud et du Wyoming]. Miscellaneous Publication of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, 60: 1-178.
Mammifères, mammals, Marmota, biogéographie, biogeography, South Dakota, Wyoming, États-Unis d'Amérique, USA.

Turov I.S., Dmitrievskaya M.E., Tarasova N.E. 1958. [Cas d'isolation de la peste dans des restes de nourriture du Milan noir. Case of isolation of plague from food rests in nest of black kite]. Tr. Sredneaz. protivotchoum. in-ta, Alma-Ata, 4: 263-264.
En Russian.
Falconiforme, alimentation, foraging, peste, plague.

Turov S.S. 1936. [Matériaux pour l¢étude de la faune des mammifères de la région de Barguzin (Baikal N.E.). Material for the study of the mammal fauna on the Barguzin region] Archives du Musée Zoologique de l¢Université de Moscou, III: 25-40.
En russe, in Russian.
Mammifères, Mammals, Bargouzin, Barguzin, Russie, Russia.

Twichell A.R. 1939. Notes on the southern woodchucks in Missouri [Notes sur les marmottes des bois du sud du Missouri]. J. Mammal., 20 : 71-74.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology, écologie, ecology, États-Unis d'Amérique, Missouri.

Twidale J.K. 1936. A swimming woodchuck [Une marmotte des bois nageuse]. Field London, 168(4362): 272.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, éthologie, ethology.

Tyler J.D. & Buscher H.N. 1975. Parasites of vertebrates inhabiting prairie dog towns in Oklahoma. I. Ectoparasites [Les parasites des vertébrés ocupant les villes des chiens de prairie en Oklahoma]. Proc. Oklahoma Acad. Sci., 55 : 166-168.
Parasitologie, parasitology, États-Unis d'Amérique, Oklahoma.

Tyler G.V., Snyder R.L. & Summers J. 1986. Experimental infection of the woodchuck (Marmota monax monax) with woodchuck hepatitis virus. Lab Invest., 55(1): 51-55.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, hépatite, hepatitis.

Six woodchucks, 10 1/2 months of age, injected intramuscularly with 0.02 ml of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV)-positive serum and two woodchucks of similar age and origin injected with phosphate buffered saline were studied by serial blood samples and liver biopsy sections over an 18 week period. Serum samples were assayed for WHV surface antigen (WHsAg), its corresponding antibody (anti-WHs) and antibody to WHV core antigen (anti-WHc). WHV core antigen (WHcAg) was detected in liver biopsy sections by fluorescent labeled anti-WHc, and WHsAg was detected by the Victoria blue stain. All six experimentally infected woodchucks eventually developed anti-WHs and four developed serologic and histologic signs of acute hepatitis. Hepatic lesions resembled lesions described in the livers of chimpanzees and humans with acute hepatitis B viral infections. The first histologic signs of liver change coincided with the appearance of WHsAg within the serum and WHcAg within the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. After WHcAg was no longer detected in the serum, WHsAg appeared in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Microfocal areas of hepatic necrosis were associated with aggregates of lymphocytes, macrophages, and a few neutrophils and plasma cells. The periportal exudate became increasingly abundant during the 18-week study period in the four animals with acute hepatitis. The results from this study indicate that acute hepatitis may be induced in the woodchuck by experimental infection with WHV. Furthermore, the woodchuck might serve as an excellent model for the study of the pathogenesis of acute viral hepatitis in man.

Tyler G.V., Summers J.W. & Snyder R.L. 1981. Woodchuck hepatitis virus in natural woodchuck populations [Le virus de l'hépatite de la marmotte des bois dans les populations naturelles de marmottes des bois]. J. Wildl. Dis., 17 : 297-301.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota monax, médecine, medicine, virus.

Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) was discovered in serum samples from captive woodchucks (Marmota monax) at the Penrose Research Laboratory in December, 1977. WHV belongs to the same class of viruses as hepatitis B virus (HBV), the cause of serum hepatitis in man. Both appear to be associated with chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma in their respective hosts. Woodchucks were trapped and blood samples collected to determine the prevalence of WHV in natural woodchuck populations. Sera from 217 woodchucks trapped from southeastern Pennsylvania, central New Jersey, and north central Maryland during the spring and summer of 1978 and 1979 were tested for evidence of WHV infection. In 1978, 7 of 51 (13.7%) woodchucks were positive for WHV antigens and in 1979, 28 of 166 (16.9%) tested positive. In addition, 49 of 166 (29.5%) woodchucks trapped in 1979 had antibodies to WHV antigens. The data indicate a high prevalence of WHV in woodchucks from the areas surveyed.

Tyrrell 1888. Proc. Canadian Inst., Toronto, ser. 3, 6: 88.
En anglais, in English.
Marmota caligata caligata, Arctomys caligatus.

Tyser R.W. 1978. Foraging and substrate use patterns in talus mammals [Alimentation et utilisation du substrat chez les mammifères des éboulis]. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, 142 p.
En anglais, in English.
Ochotona princeps, Spermophilus columbianus, Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, alimentation, foraging, spatial, &Etats-Unis; d'Amérique, USA.

Tyser R.W. 1980. Use of substrate for surveillance behaviors in a community of talus slope mammals [Utilisation du substrat lors des comportements de surveillance dans une communauté de mammifères des pentes d'éboulis]. Am. Midl. Nat., 104 (1) : 32-38.
En anglais, in English.
Ochotona princeps, Spermophilus columbianus, Marmota caligata, éthologie, ethology, surveillance.

Pikas (Ochotona princeps), Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) and hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) all have pronounced visual surveillance behavior. These behaviors are described and the extent to which each behavior is associated with rock promontories is determined. All thee species show tendencies to use rock promontories for surveillance activities, although distinct interspecific differences in these tendencies are apparent. Factors which may contribute to these differences are variations in burrowing habits and in vulnerability to predation.

Tyser R.W. & Moermont T.C. 1983. Foraging behavior in two species of different-sized sciurids [Comportement alimentaire chez deux espèces de siuridae de taille différente]. Amer. Midl. Nat., 109: 240-245.
En anglais, in English.
Sciuridae, alimentation, foraging.