Welcome on the website of the International Marmot Network

English version

Second announcement, VI International Conference on the genus Marmota
Third announcement, VI International Conference on the genus Marmota: Marmot in a changing world: research and action.

VI Conferenza Internazionale sul genere Marmota : Marmotte in un mondo che cambia: quali risposte dalla ricerca?

seconde annonce, VI Conférence Internationale sur le genre Marmota
Troisième annonce, VI Conférence Internationale sur le genre Marmota : Marmotte dans un monde en mutation : recherche et action.
du 3 au 5 septembre 2008 / 3 to 5 September 2008

Text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), from "Jahrmarktsfest auf Plundersweilern"
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven, op. 52 n.7

New :

Marmot range in the Mézenc Massif:

After the introduction of Alpine marmot in the Mézenc Massif in 1980, a periodic survey of the population is realized. Every site is georeferenced and described and the demography of family groups is analyzed since 25 years.

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