The Museum was founded in 1960 as a laboratory named Zoological
Museum in the Biological Institute of the Siberian Division of the Academy
of Science of the USSR. Its first head was Prof. I.V. Stebaev (in 1960-1964),
than it was headed by B.S. Yudin (1965-1981), Prof. A.I. Tsherepanov (1981-1982),
Prof. G.S. Zolotarenko (1983-1987).
Since 1987 the Museum is headed by Prof. Vyacheslav Genrikhovich
Total area of the Museum is 400 m2,
270 m2 of which is occupied by its collections.
Official address:
Siberian Zoological Museum
Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Frunze street 11
Novosibirsk 91
630091 RUSSIA
Phone: +7(3832)170633
FAX: +7(3832)170973
E-mail: [email protected]
Curator: Elena I. Zholnerovskaya, Curator of Mammals,
Collection of Mammals (105000 specimens and 284 species)
Official Internet Site
or Mirror in USA.
The Siberian Zoological Museum is the largest depository of zoological materials in Asian part of Russia. The theriological collection is one of the 3 which have more than 105,000 samples representing 284 species of mammals. Collection of marmots consist of 1102 specimens representing 8 species unique by the way its specifics.
The main collection (835 specimens) concern to Marmota baibacina Kastschenko, 1899, in the main to the most interesting of the systematical plan altai-mongolian knot of marmots (602 specimens) from Kosh-Agachskyi district of the Altai Republic: 1932, 1933 - collection of E.M.Korzinkina, 1958-1962 - collector L.I.Galkina, 1985 - coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya, and 1 specimens from Mongolia (Sailyugem range, 1980, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya). Well presented (118 specimens) is ecologically isolated M. b. kastschenkoi Stroganov et Judin, 1956 (Novosibirskaya region, 1931-1977, coll. L.I.Galkina and B.S.Yudin). The HOLOTYPE of this subspecies is kept in the Siberian Zoological Museum. Most interesting are 111 skulls from the Southern Altai (1987, 1988, coll. V.K.Zinchenko). The two skulls from island population are unique (Tuva, Island on Khindiktig-Khol Lake, 1989, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya).
There are 111 specimens of Marmota bobak Muller, 1776. In the majority it is M. b. schaganensis Bazhanov, 1930 from Kazakhstan: Turgaiskaya region (1958, 4 skulls), Tselinogradskaya (now - Astana) region (80 specimens, including embryos, 1957, coll. L.I.Galkina; 1966, coll. S.V.Tomskikh). Well presented is M. b. kozlovi Fokanov, 1966 - 25 skulls from Uljanovskaya region, 1985, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya.
Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862 from the Museum are 134 specimens. Good presented M. s. sibirica Radde, 1862: 4 skulls from Buryatia (1972, 1973, coll. Ts.Z.Dozhiev), 66 skulls from Chitinskaya region (different years, since 1929 - coll. P.Yakishov, to 1957 - coll. B.I.Peshkov, S.V.Tomskihk). M. sibirica from Tuva (33 specimens) concern apparently to M. s. caliginosus Bannikov et Skalon, 1949 (1945, 1947, coll. A.I.Yanushevich; 1965, coll. N.D.Ovodov; 1976, coll. V.V.Suntsov). Be of the special importance in my view has series of skulls (31 specimens) from Mongolia (Khangai range, 1977, coll. Yu.G.Shvetsov; Khenteiskyi district, 1980, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya).
There are 11 skulls of Marmota caudata Geoffroy, 1842 from Tadjikistan: Leninabadskaya (now - Khodzhent) region, 1952, coll. V.I.Chernyshov, 1959, coll. L.I.Lindt, and Mountain Badakhshan - 1972, coll. R.A.Potapkina.
Marmota camtschatica Pallas, 1811 (7 specimens) concern to the M. c. doppelmayeri Birula, 1922 (Buryatia, 1975, coll. Yu.G.Shvetsov; 1990, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya) and M. c. camtschatica Pallas, 1811 (Kamchatka, Sredinnyi range, 1990, coll. V.A.Tokarsky).
Three specimens of Marmota menzbieri Kaschkarov, 1925 are in the collection obtain from Kirghizstan, Chatkalsky range, 1991, coll. E.I.Zholnerovskaya.
You can see also Marmota marmota Linnaeus, 1758
(1 skin with skull, 1922, coll. S.Jager) and nearctic Marmota flaviventris
et Bachman, 1841 (1 skull, 1979, coll. C.F.Nadler) received by exchange.