

Restoration of Natural Systems program, School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria

Room C133, Sedgewick Building,

PO Box 1700, STN CSC

Victoria, British Columbia


[email protected] 

Phone : (1) 250-472-4568 

Fax : (1) 250-721-8985 

Faculty Coordinator, Adjunct Associate Professor, wildlife conservation, restoration


EDRENKIN A.V. Alexandr Vitalievich

 St. Zlobina str., 49, apt. 15

450022, Yfa,





senior hunting specialist, Marmota bobac, South Urals, preservation and management



EDRENKIN A.V. Alexandr Vitalievich

Bashkir Hunting Administration,

Tsuriupy str., 25

450025, YFA



() 23-32-83 Tel.

senior hunting specialist, Marmota bobac, South Urals, preservation and management



EGOROV L.V. Leonid Valentinovich

apt. 525, Kadykova str., 11,

Cheboksary, 428037,





associate professor, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Chuvash Republic, ecology, fauna and ecology of coprobionts of the marmots in Chuvashia



EGOROV L.V. Leonid Valentinovich

Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute,

Karla Marksa str., 38,

Cheboksary, 428000





associate professor, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Chuvash Republic, ecology, fauna and ecology of coprobionts of the marmots in Chuvashia



ENDUKIN A.Yu. Andrei Yurievich

Gromova str., 59, apt. 1

620146, Ekaterinburg,





ingener, Marmota bobac, South Urals



ENDUKIN A.Yu. Andrei Yurievich

Institute of Animals and Plants Ecology, Urals Branch of RAS, Russia,

 8 March str., 202

620008, Ekaterinburg,





ingener, Marmota bobac, South Urals



ERBAJEVA M.A. Margarita Alexandrovna

apt. 58, Solnechnaja str., 20,

Ulan-Ude, 670031





leader researcher, Dr. of biology, Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica doppelmayri, Transbaikal region, paleontology, morphology, systematics and fauna of small mammals in Pleistocen



ERBAJEVA M.A. Margarita Alexandrovna

Buryat Geological Institute, Sib. Dept. RAS (BGI SD RAS)

6a, Sahianova str.,

Ulan-Ude, 670047


[email protected]

(30122) 3-09-55 Tel.,

(30122) 3-60-24 fax

leader researcher, Dr. of biology, Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica doppelmayri, Transbaikal region, paleontology, morphology, systematics and fauna of small mammals in Pleistocen



ERMAKOV O.A. Oleg Alexandrovich

Clara Cetkin str., 53-24,

Penza, 440051





teaching assistant, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions



ERMAKOV O.A. Oleg Alexandrovich

Penza State Pedagogical University, Chair of zoology,

Lermontov str., 37,

Penza, 440602



(8412) 66-27-06 Tel.,

 (8412) 66-15-66 fax

teaching assistant, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions


ESIPOV A.V. Alexander Victorovich

Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Laboratory of mammalogy

Nijazova str., 1,

 Tashkent, 700095


[email protected]

Phone : ++998712 502417 

Fax : ++998711 206791 

Researcher; Menzbier’s Marmot, Long-tailed Marmot; ecology, assessment, conservation measures, propaganda


EVANS Hovard E., Professor, Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine,

Cornell University,

Ithaca, New York 14853-6401


[email protected]

(607) 253-3553 Tel.,

(607) 253-3541 fax,



EVREINOV A.G. Alexei Glebovich

Inessy Armand str., 7, apt. 115






Marmota bobac, preservation and management, Breeding in captivity