

Professor Dipartamento Morfofisiologia Veterinaria - Settore Fisiologia, Universite di Torino, Istituto di Fisiologia

Via Campana 16,

Torino - 10125 -


[email protected]

(+39 11) 655089 tel.,

(+39 11) 655089 fax



FARAND Etienne

Laboratorie de Biologie des Populations d'Altitude, UMR CNRS 55 53, Université Lyon 1

43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918

69622 Villeurbanne Cedex,


 [email protected]

(33) 04 72 43 14 04 Tel., (33) 04 72 43 14 04 fax,



Fawcett, Jesse Cian

DNE Productions (record label) http://www.dneproductions.com SlushWear.com (wilderness outfitting e-store)

RR1, 2190 Harbour View Rd.

Sooke, BC V0S 1N0.


[email protected] 

Phone : (250) 642-0115 (don't know country code) 

no fax right now 

Species of concern: Marmota vancouverensis (Vancouver Island Marmot, Canada's most endangered species); Involvement: I am a musician and entrepreneur involved in independent fundraising on behalf of organizations dedicated to the recovery of this species. I have released an eclectic ambient CD available at http://www.mp3.com/neur0mancer, called Nuu-Chalnuth (after a local aboriginal group), a portion of the proceeds from which will go to aid breeding programs and habitat preservation and recovery efforts. 


Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs de la Drôme

Imm. Le Sud,

497. avenue Victor Hugo

26000 Valence








FEDOROVA O.I. Oksana Ivanovna

Novogireevskaya str., 44/28, apt. 338

111397, Moscow





researcher, Marmota bobac, morphology, color and quality of marmots fur in captivity



FEDOROVA O.I. Oksana Ivanovna

Afanasyev' Research Institute of Fur Animals and Rabbits,

140143, Moscow region, Ramenski district, Rodniki



(095) 501-53-55 Tel.

researcher, Marmota bobac, morphology, color and quality of marmots fur in captivity



FEDOSEEVA G.A. Galina Alexandrovna

Afanasyev' Research Institute of Fur Animals and Rabbits

141214, Moscow Region, Pushkino Distr., Zverosovkhos





senior researcher, Candidate of Biology, Marmota bobac, M. caudata, ecology, preservation and management breeding in captivity



Ferrario, E.

Dipartimento di Biologia

 Universita di Milano










Dep. Biol. Science Santé,

Université du Québec

Rimouski, QUEBEC G5LA1








Florant Gregory L.

Colorado State University,

Dept. of Biology

Fort Collins, Colorado 80523


email: [email protected] and [email protected]

(970) 491-7627 office, (970) 491-7433 lab

(970) 491-0649 

Professor of Biology, Hibernation, Lipid metabolism, Energy regulation, and cell signal transduction.



University of California

Dept Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

One Shields Ave.

Davis, CA 95616


[email protected]

Phone #: 530-752-3203

Fax #: 530-752-0175

Graduate student, University of California, Davis, marmots, genetics, microsatellites, Great Basin, Rocky Mountains, gene flow.


FORMOZOV N.A. Nikolai Alexandrovich

Stroitelei str., 6, k.5, apt. 22

117311, Moscow





researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, M. bobac, M. baibacina, M. himalayana, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, processing of records of M. himalayana calls Formozov, A.



FORMOZOV N.A. Nikolai Alexandrovich

Moscow State University, Fac. of Biology, Dept. of Vertebrate Zoology,

 Vorobjovy Gory

Russia, 119899, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 939-50-11 tel.,

(095) 930-28-21 fax

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, M. bobac, M. baibacina, M. himalayana, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, processing of records of M. himalayana calls Formozov, A.



Fourcade, P.

Laboratoire d'Ethnobiologie Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle

57, rue Cuvier

75005 Paris








Fourcade, P.


28, avenue de Chanzy

93 250 Villemomble








Francou M.

Parc National des Ecrins

Maison de la vallée, Pont du fossé

05260 Chabottes









University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology,

Savoyenstr. 1,

A-1160 Vienna


[email protected] 

Phone : 0041-1 489 09 15-153  

Fax : 0041-1 489 09 15-553  

Research assistant, Marmota marmota, Ecology, Ethology, Physiology, Biotelemetry 


Frigerio, D.

Dipartimento di Biologia

 Universita di Milano
