
Rabeder, G.

Institut für Paläontologie,

Universitätsstr. 7,

A-1010 Wien








Ramousse, R.

Université Claude Bernard Lyon I Laboratoire de Socioécologie

Bâtiment 403, 43, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918

69622 Villeurbanne cedex


[email protected]

(33) 04 72 43 12 48 Tel.,

(33) 04 72 43 12 48 fax



Rogatin, A.B.

Kazakh Antiplague Research Institute

Central Administration of Animal Protection

KR - Almaty








RONKIN V.I. Vladimir Isaakovich



313720, Kharkov Region, Zmiev Distr., Gaidary vil.,


[email protected] (Attn. V.I. Ronkin)

Marmota bobac, Ukraine, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic role feeding in natural habitats; behaviour, social and territorial structure of populations.



RONKIN V.I. Vladimir Isaakovich

Kharkov State University, Fac. of Biology,

Svobody sq., 4,

310077, Kharkov,








RUDI V.N. Valentina Nikitichna

Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute, Chair of Zoology,

 Sovetskaya str., 19

460844, Orenburg,



(3532) 47-66-54 tel.,

(3532) 47-91-51 fax

associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Southern Urals, morphology, phisiology, ecology, preservation and management, biocenotic role, adaptations; reproductive biology; population structure and dynamics; interspecific variability; management on the resources.



Ruiz-Olmo J.

Servei de Proteccio i Gestio de la Fauna, Direccio General del Medi Natural,

Corcega 329,

08037 Barcelona.








RUMIANTSEV V.Yu. Vadim Yurievich

Moscow State University, Fac. of Geography, Dept. of Biogeography

GSP-3, Vorobjovy Gory

119899, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 939-47-17; -26-11 tel.,

(095) 932-88-36 fax

researcher, Candidate of Geography (Ph.D.), all marmot species, all the area of Genus Marmota, systematics, ecology, geography, preservation and management, biocenotic role.



RYMALOV I.V. Ivan Viktorovich

Severtsov' Institute of Ecological and Evolutionary Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninskii Prospect, 33,

117071, Moscow,



(095) 431-58-44 tel.,

(095) 434-02-20 fax

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), all marmot species, all the area of Genus Marmota, physiology, ecology, preservation and management. Hibernation, ecology, breeding in captivity.