TAIGUZIN R.Sh. Ramil Shamilievich
Orenburg State Agriculture University, Chair of Anatomy and Histology,
Novaya str., 23/1, apt. 41
460008, Orenburg,
(3532) 7-54-61 tel.
assistant professor, Candidate of Veterinary (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Orenburg Region, morphology.
Terekhina, A.
Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Staromonetnyi Perevlok 29
109017 Moscow
TITOV S.V. Sergei Vitalievich
Penza State Pedagogical University, Chair of zoology
Lermontov str., 37,
Penza, 440602
(8412) 66-27-06 tel.,
(8412) 66-15-66 fax
post-graduate, Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, ethology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions; behaviour.
>TOKARSKY V.A. Victor Arsentievich
>313720, Kharkov region, Zmiev district, Gaidary vill.,
>[email protected] (Attn. V.A. Tokarsky)
>assistant professor, senior researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D), Marmota bobac, M. camtschatica, M. menzbieri. Ukraine, Kamchatka, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic role social ecology, breeding in captivity.
Dipartimento di Biologia Animale - Universita di Modena
Via Universita, 4
41100 Modena
(059) 225067 Tel.,
(059) 581069 fax
Chatkal State Nature Reserve.
Abdullaev str., 62A-13
Tashkent 700077
Phone : ++998712 672076
Fax : ++998711 206791
Researcher; Menzbiers Marmot, Long-tailed Marmot; ecology, assessment, conservation measures, propaganda, infections
Tron L.
Parc National des Ecrins Service scientifique
Domaine de Charance
05004 Gap
TURK Agnes
Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhalt.,
8130 Seewiesen,