Born: June 5, 1955, Moscow, Russia 9/1970- 6/1972: Moscow Special Mathematical School #2 5/1968-6/1972: Club of Young Biologists under Moscow Society of Naturalists (Director - Anna P. Razorenova) 9/1972 - 6/1977: Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow University 11/1991: Ph.D. in Zoology, Fac. of Biology, Moscow Univ. Employment
present: Scientific researcher, Dep. of Vertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
phone: (095) 939-50-11
Expedition experience: regions: Russia -- Tuva (1974-75, 1985-86), Buryatiya (1976, 1979, 1984, 1990), Chita oblast (1976, 1979, 1985, 1987); Amurland (1981, 1983), Far East (1979); Kazakhstan (1978-81, 1988-89), Turkmenia (1977, 1980-81, 1984-85), Mongolia(1978, 1982, 1986, 1992), China (1993, 1994), USA -- Oregon (1989) main objects: pikas (Ochotona) - 1974-76, 1979-81, 1983-90; 1994-5 marmots (Marmota)- 1978-79, 1981-82; susliks (Spermophilus) - 1977, 1983 red deer (Cervus elaphus) - 1978-1979, 1985 titmice (Parus) - 1981, 1984-85, 1989, 1993 Professional Societies
Species Survival Commission IUCN, |
Publications RĂ©centes Recent Publications 64 Scientific publications [include: Chapter 3 and 14 in "Rabbits, Hares and Pikas. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan" (ed. J.A. Chapman and J.E.C. Flux) IUCN/SSC] and 24 popular articals.