• Birth date: 21st of January, 1961
  • Citizenship: Spanish
  • University Degrees : Biologist
  • Currently:

    Associated teacher

    University of Alcalá. Spain
    Department of Ecology
    [E-28871 Alcalá de Henares

    I started my professional carreer as wildlife consultant in 1988 specializing in large mammals. I am biologist and my work concentrates on teaching ecology; planification of natural resources; ungulate management, large predators conservation, research on introduced species and damage control. I work mainly with local Pyrenean administrations (Aragon, Navarre, Catalonia, NGOs (IUCN, WWF) and international adminsitrations (UE, UN).
    The development of my job has allowed me to make more than 40 reports and aproximatly 50 publications in several specialized journals, abstracts, proceedings or cientific divulgation reviews.
    My mother language is spanish and I also know english and italian.
    Regarding the techniques I normally use I would like to underline two big groups: computer aplications to data analysis (data bases and statistical programs) and several field survey techniques (radiotelemetry, census, etc.)
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