Nikolai Konstantinovitch ZHELEZNOV

Birth date:March 02 1936
University Degrees :Doctor of biological sciences, Candidate, PhD


  • Chairman Department Nature of North-East Russia
  • Merited Science Worker of the Russian Federation
  • Chukotka, Anadyr
  • E-mail [email protected]

    Education details
    Graduates from two institutes and a university - Kuibyshevsky Politechnical Institute, Kuibyshev (today Samara), 04 June 1966, General Mechanics faculty. Diploma C _ 685026. Another one institute is All Union Agricultural Institute, Moscow, Zootechnics faculty, Game Biology speciality, 19 February, 1975, Diploma J _ 672701. And Syzran branch of the University, General Philosophy faculty, General Philosophy speciality. Diploma _ 285. Data 26 June 1969.

    Expériences de Recherche / Research experience:

    When Moscow post - graduate course having been finished in 1980. I received the candidate’s degree. I wo--rked on the theme: “Anthropogenic landscapes of the North East”. The landscapes ha-ving been classified and practical proposals on their restoration and recultivation worked out I was awarded All Union Exhibition of National Economic Achievement Silver Medal in 1998. Then I worked on the theme: “Biological grounds of wildlife reconstruction and pro-tec-tion” which resulted in the foundamental monograf “Wild ungulates of the USSR North East", 1990, 490 pages. The following themes I worked on were “Structure, organization and functionning of the Far East ecosystems”, and “Protection strategy for the North Pa-ci-fic, as for a nature complex part of the Earth planet indivisible ecosystem”. And I reported the latter theme at the congresses in Mexico and Australia. In 1994 I defended the thesis on “Wild ungulates of the North Asia and their population spatial structure”. Ecology of five species - musk-deer, moose, reindeer, snow sheep and musk-ox-nas considered as well as their Beringian links between North Asia and North America. Based on 26 - year - long collected materials the fundamental monograf “Beringia: History and Evolution” was writ-ten in commot with Biology Sciences Doctor Kozhevnikov Y.P. and in 1996 it was issued by the Nauka Publishing House.
    Up to 1970 I worked as a leading constructor in a specific office. Since 1972 I had been working as a ranger of the Regional Hunting Management Department in Ana-dyr, and lafer in 1974 I began to work in the North Biological problems Institute, then in the Landscape Management and Nature Protection Laboratory of the Sciences Academy (Ma-gadan), first as head engeneer, then as juniour research worker, later as a seniour research worker. In 1988 I was offered to work, for the Pacific Geography Inslitute (Vladivvostok). La-ter I organized and headed Chukotka Nature Use Department of the North East Branch of the Pacific Geography Institute of the Science Acadamy of Russia. In 1993 I began the work to form and establish the Russian part of the Beringia International park (Russia - Chukotka + the USA - Alaska). The park is supposed to be uni-ted in future in order to be managed by both sides and its nature resouries of the North Pacific are planned to be rationallu used. Since 1999, April 7, I have been at the head of the Nature Protection Territories and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Wildlife Department and of the Science Board of the Pacific Geography Institute.
    Honored titles and awards.
    For my scientific elaborations. In 1998 I was awarded the Silver Medal of the All Union Exhibition of National Economic Achievement. For certain gread scenitific working-outs, 8 published monographs and for great services to seience and to development of the science in the North I have given the litle of in “Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation”. Honored Hanting Worker Russian. I have beun rewarded with 2 honorary iplomas of the Russian Geographical Society (St. Petersburg) for some developed georaphical ideas, as well as with two Diplomas of the Chykotsky Autonomons Okrug Administration. Many times I was prized by the pacific Gegrapraphy Institute and by the Chykotsky Autonomons Okrug Administration. In 2000 I was confered the 1itle of Chukotka governor prize winner on my great contribution to the development of the Chukotsky Autanomons Okrug. Work- Institute of the North Biological Problems (NBPI FEC SA USSR-Magadan (Station in Anadyr) from 1972 till 1988. Pacific Geography Institute FEB RSA (PGI, Station in Anadyrfrom 1989 till prezent time).
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