Oleg Vladimirovich BRANDLER

  • 1. Tokarskii V.A., Krivitskii I.A, Brandler O.V. 1986. On advisability of foundation of Ukranian marmot's nature reserve. In: Abstracts of Allunion science conference "Geographic problems of development of nature reserve business." - Samarkand, P. 44-45. (in Rus.)
  • 2. Brandler O.V. 1990. A structure of family area of steppe marmot. In: Vestnik Kharkovskogo universiteta. - Kharkov, V. 346. P. 87-88. (in Rus.)
  • 3. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1990. An adaptation of steppe marmot to intensification of anthropogenic pressure. In: Ecology of steppe marmot on Ukraine. - Kiev, P. 30-39. (in Rus.)
  • 4. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V., Zavgorud'ko A.V. 1990. Methodic and results of number recording of steppe marmot on Ukraine. In: Ecology of steppe marmot on Ukraine. - Kiev, P. 3-29. (in Rus.)
  • 5. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1990. Condition of black capped marmot's colonies. In: Abstracts of V Congress of Teriology Society of AS USSR: V. 2. - Moscow, P. 115-116. (in Rus.)
  • 6. Brandler O.V. Shalamov Yu.A., Shakhbazov V.G. 1991. Electrokinetic propeties of nucleus of epithelium cells of marmots. In: Abstracts of Allunion meeting "Biology, ecology, conservation and rational using of marmots": Suzdal. - Moscow, P. 19-21. (in Rus.)
  • 7. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V., Zavgorud'ko A.V. 1991. Space structure of steppe marmot populations on Ukraine. In: Structure of marmots' populations. - Moscow, P. 45-70. (in Rus.)
  • 8. Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N. 1994. Marmots cytogenetic differentiation and systematic (Marmota, Sciuridae). In: Abstracts of 2nd Intern. Conference on Marmots. Aussois (France), 2-6 X P. 40.
  • 9. Brandler O.V., Tokarskii V.A. 1996. Enlargement of steppe marmot area (Marmota bobac Mull.) in Lugansk population. In: Marmots of North Eurasia: conservation of biodiversity. - Moscow: ABF, P. 13. (in Rus.)
  • 10. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vasil'ev V.N., Boieskorov G.G., Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1996. Immunogenetic analyses of variability of black capped marmot. In: Marmots of North Eurasia: conservation of biodiversity. - Moscow: ABF, P. 31-32. (in Rus.)
  • 11. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1997. About combination of steppe marmot area of Kharkov and Lougansk populations. In: Abstracts of 3d International Conference on Marmots “Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity”. - Moscow: ABF, P. 97-98.
  • 12. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1997. About combination of Kharkov and Lougansk populations area of steppe marmot. In: Abstracts of International seminar "Regeneration of steppe marmot". - Moscow: ABF, P. 45-46. (in Rus.)
  • 13. Frisman L.V., Korablev V.P., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N., Brandler O.V. 1999. Allozyme differentiation of the forms of the spotted souslic (Spermophilus suslicus Guld, 1770, Rodentia) with different chromosomes sets. In: Russian Journal of Genetics, V.35. N 3. P. 307-313.
  • 14. Mezhzherin S.V., Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Morozov-Leonov S.Yu, Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Genetic relationships and differentiation in ground squirrels Marmotinae Pocock, 1923 (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from Palearctics. In: Russian Journal of Genetics, V. 35, N. 6, P. 639-646.
  • 15. Brandler O.V. 1999. A finding of 36-chromosomal gray marmot Marmota baibacina (Rodentia, Sciuridae) // Zoologicheskii zhurnal. V.78. N.7. P.891-894. (in Rus.)
  • 16. Brandler O.V., Vorontsov N.N., Lyapunova E.A., Bogdanov A.S., Kartashov A.V. 1999. Karyology differentiation in gray marmot (Marmota baibacina Kastchenko). In: Abstracts of III International (VII) meeting on marmots "Palearctic marmots: biology and management of population". Moscow: Dialog-MGU. P.14-15. (in Rus.)
  • 17. Korablev V.P., Suzuki H., Lyapunova E.A., Brandler O.V., Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Molecular-genetic study of chromosomal forms of spotted suslik Spermophilus suslicus Guld., 1770. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 125. (in Rus.)
  • 18. Tsvirka M.V., Korablev V.P., Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Cytogenetic differentiation in superspecies Spermophilus erythrogenys. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 271. (in Rus.)
  • 19. Brandler O.V. 1999. New chromosomal form of gray hamster Cricetulus migratorius Pallas, 1773 from Tien Shan. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 37. (in Rus.)
  • 20. Brandler O.V. 2000. Modern methods at marmots systematics. In: Biology of Palearctic marmots. - Moscow: MAKS Press. P. 4-24. (in Rus.)
  • 21. Lyapunova E.A., Brandler O.V. 2001. Molecular-genetic study of remote hybridization in the genus Marmota (Sciuridae, Rodentia). // In: "Evolution, genetics, ecology and biodiversity: International Conference. Vladivostok - Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 24-30, 2001: Abstracts". - Vladivostok, P. 60.
  • 22. Korablev V., Frisman L., Tsvirka M., Brandler O., Lyapunova E., Vorontsov N. 2001. Genetic differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Sciuridae, Rodentia) in major-erythrogenys-pallidicauda species group // In: Evolution, genetics, ecology and biodiversity: International Conference. Vladivostok - Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 24-30, 2001: Abstracts". - Vladivostok, P. 59.