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2. Brandler O.V. 1990. A structure of family area of steppe marmot. In: Vestnik Kharkovskogo universiteta. - Kharkov, V. 346. P. 87-88. (in Rus.)
3. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1990. An adaptation of steppe marmot to intensification of anthropogenic pressure. In: Ecology of steppe marmot on Ukraine. - Kiev, P. 30-39. (in Rus.)
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8. Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N. 1994. Marmots cytogenetic differentiation and systematic (Marmota, Sciuridae). In: Abstracts of 2nd Intern. Conference on Marmots. Aussois (France), 2-6 X P. 40.
9. Brandler O.V., Tokarskii V.A. 1996. Enlargement of steppe marmot area (Marmota bobac Mull.) in Lugansk population. In: Marmots of North Eurasia: conservation of biodiversity. - Moscow: ABF, P. 13. (in Rus.)
10. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vasil'ev V.N., Boieskorov G.G., Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1996. Immunogenetic analyses of variability of black capped marmot. In: Marmots of North Eurasia: conservation of biodiversity. - Moscow: ABF, P. 31-32. (in Rus.)
11. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1997. About combination of steppe marmot area of Kharkov and Lougansk populations. In: Abstracts of 3d International Conference on Marmots Holarctic marmots as a factor of biodiversity. - Moscow: ABF, P. 97-98.
12. Tokarskii V.A., Brandler O.V. 1997. About combination of Kharkov and Lougansk populations area of steppe marmot. In: Abstracts of International seminar "Regeneration of steppe marmot". - Moscow: ABF, P. 45-46. (in Rus.)
13. Frisman L.V., Korablev V.P., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N., Brandler O.V. 1999. Allozyme differentiation of the forms of the spotted souslic (Spermophilus suslicus Guld, 1770, Rodentia) with different chromosomes sets. In: Russian Journal of Genetics, V.35. N 3. P. 307-313.
14. Mezhzherin S.V., Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Morozov-Leonov S.Yu, Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Genetic relationships and differentiation in ground squirrels Marmotinae Pocock, 1923 (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from Palearctics. In: Russian Journal of Genetics, V. 35, N. 6, P. 639-646.
15. Brandler O.V. 1999. A finding of 36-chromosomal gray marmot Marmota baibacina (Rodentia, Sciuridae) // Zoologicheskii zhurnal. V.78. N.7. P.891-894. (in Rus.)
16. Brandler O.V., Vorontsov N.N., Lyapunova E.A., Bogdanov A.S., Kartashov A.V. 1999. Karyology differentiation in gray marmot (Marmota baibacina Kastchenko). In: Abstracts of III International (VII) meeting on marmots "Palearctic marmots: biology and management of population". Moscow: Dialog-MGU. P.14-15. (in Rus.)
17. Korablev V.P., Suzuki H., Lyapunova E.A., Brandler O.V., Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Molecular-genetic study of chromosomal forms of spotted suslik Spermophilus suslicus Guld., 1770. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 125. (in Rus.)
18. Tsvirka M.V., Korablev V.P., Brandler O.V., Lyapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N. 1999. Cytogenetic differentiation in superspecies Spermophilus erythrogenys. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 271. (in Rus.)
19. Brandler O.V. 1999. New chromosomal form of gray hamster Cricetulus migratorius Pallas, 1773 from Tien Shan. In: Abstracts of VI Congress of Teriological Society of RAS. P. 37. (in Rus.)
20. Brandler O.V. 2000. Modern methods at marmots systematics. In: Biology of Palearctic marmots. - Moscow: MAKS Press. P. 4-24. (in Rus.)
21. Lyapunova E.A., Brandler O.V. 2001. Molecular-genetic study of remote hybridization in the genus Marmota (Sciuridae, Rodentia). // In: "Evolution, genetics, ecology and biodiversity: International Conference. Vladivostok - Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 24-30, 2001: Abstracts". - Vladivostok, P. 60.
22. Korablev V., Frisman L., Tsvirka M., Brandler O., Lyapunova E., Vorontsov N. 2001. Genetic differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Sciuridae, Rodentia) in major-erythrogenys-pallidicauda species group // In: Evolution, genetics, ecology and biodiversity: International Conference. Vladivostok - Vostok Marine Biological Station, September 24-30, 2001: Abstracts". - Vladivostok, P. 59.