Lucyna COVA

SCI articles

  • COVA L., FOUREL I., VITVITSKI L., LAMBERT V., CHASSOT S., HANTZ O., TREPO C. Animal models for the understanding and control of HBV and HDV infections. J. Hepatol., 1993, 17, S143-S148
  • ROLLIER C., SUNYACH C., BARRAUD L., MADANI N., JAMARD C., TREPO C., COVA L. Protective and therapeutic effect of DNA-based immunization against Hepadnavirus large envelope protein. Gastroenterology, 1999, 116, 658-665 (sur couverture)
  • ROBACZEWSKA M, GUERRET S, REMY JS, CHEMIN I, OFFENSPERGER WB, CHEVALLIER M, BEHR JP, PODHAJSKA A, BLUM HE, TREPO C, COVA L. Inhibition of hepadnaviral replication by polyethylenimine-based intravenous delivery of antisense phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides to the liver. Gene Therapy, 2001,8:874-881
  • LE GUERHIER F, PICHOUD C, JAMARD C, GUERRET S, CHEVALLIER M, PEYROL S, HANTZ O, KING I, TREPO C, CHENG YC, , ZOULIM F. Antiviral activity of _-L-2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-5-fluorocytidine in woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus. Antimicrob. Agents & Chemother., 2001,45:1065-1077