Publicazioni su riviste con referee

dal 1990

Tosi L., Spampanato A., Sola C., Tongiorgi P., 1990 - Relation of water odour, salinity and temperature to ascent of glass-eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.): a laboratory study. J. Fish Biol. 36: 327-340.
Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tongiorgi P., 1992 - The marmot population of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine ridge. In Bassano B., Durio P., Gallo Orsi U., Macchi E. (Eds) Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota) and on Genus Marmota. Torino, pp. 101-108.
Sola C., 1992 - Aspetti morfologici e comportamentali della chemorecezione nelle ceche di Anguilla anguilla (L.). Tesi di Dottorato, 164 pp.
Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tongiorgi P., Magnanini M. 1993 - Capture and identification techniques of marmots in the Mount Cimone (Northen Apennines). Proc. 4th meeting on Alpine Marmot, Ibex, 1: 14-16.
Sola C., Tosi L., 1993 - Bile salts and taurine as chemical stimuli for glass-eels (Anguilla anguilla L.): a behavioural study. Environ. Biol. Fish., 37: 197-204.
Sola C., Giulianini P.G., Ferrero E.A. 1993 - Ultrastructural characterization of the olfactory organ in glass eels, Anguilla anguilla (Osteichthyes, Anguilliformes). Boll. Zool., 60: 253-261.
Sola C, Spampanato A.,Tosi L., 1993 - Behavioural responses of glass-eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) towards amino acids. J. Fish Biol., 42: 683-691.
Tosi L., Sola C. 1993 - Role of Geosmin, a typical inland water odour, in guiding glass eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) migration. Ethology, 95: 177-185.
Tongiorgi P., Sola C. 1993 - Pardosa nigristernis Denis, 1966 a North African component of the Italian and Spanish Arachnofauna. C.R. XIIIe Coll. europ. Arachnol., Neuchatel, sept. 1991, Bull Soc. neuchâtel. Sci. nat., 116: 241-244.
Sola C., 1995 - Chemoattraction of upstream migrating glass eels Anguilla anguilla to earthy and green odorants. Environ. Biol. Fish. 43: 179-185.
Tongiorgi P., Sola C., 1995 - Pardosa nigristernis in Sicily: a forseen presence. The Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 74: 12-13.
Sola C., Tongiorgi P., 1996 - The effect of salinity on the chemotaxis of glass eels, Anguilla anguilla, to organic earthy and green odorants. Envir. Biol. Fish. 44 (in stampa).

Comunicazioni a Congressi internazionali

Tosi L.,Sola C. 1990 - Significance of chemical cues on glass-eels and elvers behaviour. Atti 25 E.M.B.S. (Abstract).
Sola C. , 1994 - Chemoreception of glass eels Anguilla anguilla during upstream migration. Atti Simposio "Chemorecption in aquatic Vertebrates", Oslo 9-13 Luglio 1994, (in stampa) (Abstract).
Sola C., Tongiorgi P. 1994 - An integrated view of the environmental factors influencing glass eel ascent. In: R. Williamson (ed.) Orientation and migration in the Sea. J. mar. biol. Ass. U. K. 74: 720 (Abstract).
Sola C., Tosi L., Magherini P.C. 1994 - Chemotaxis in anosmic glass eels Anguilla anguilla. Atti XI E.C.R.O., Blois, 25-30 Luglio 1994, p. 220 (Abstract).
Sala L.,Sola C., Spampanato A., Magnanini M., Tongiorgi P. 1994 - Space and time use in a population of Marmota marmota of the northern Apennines. Proc. of the Second international Conference on Marmots. Aussois, 2-5 Ottobre 1994 (in stampa).

Comunicazioni a Congressi nazionali

Sala L.,Sola C., Spampanato A., Tongiorgi P., Tosi L.,Pigozzi G. 1990 - Osservazioni etologiche sulla marmotta dell'Appennino modenese. Atti LIII Congresso U.Z.I., (Abstract).
Sola C., Spampanato A.,Tongiorgi P., Tosi L. 1990 - Sensibilità agli acidi biliari delle ceche di Anguilla anguilla. Atti LIII Congresso U.Z.I., (Abstract).
Sola C., Giulianini P.G., Ferrero E.A.
1992 - Ultrastruttura dell'organo olfattivo nelle ceche di Anguilla anguilla (L.). Atti 54deg. Congresso U.Z.I., pp. 244-245 (Abstract).
Sola C., Tosi L. 1993 - Freshwater odorants and glass-eels (Anguilla anguilla) ascent. Atti 14deg. Congresso S.I.E., Lerici 1990, Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 5:414 (Abstract).
Tongiorgi P., Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tosi L., Pigozzi G 1993 - Ethological observations on alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Atti 14deg. Congresso S.I.E., Lerici 1990, Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 5:415-416 (Abstract).
Sola C.,Tosi L., 1994 - Freshwater distinctive signals in the orientation of glass eels of Anguilla anguilla (L.) towards coast. Atti 15deg. Congresso S.I.E., Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 6: 447-448 (Abstract).
Sala L.,Magnanini M., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tongiorgi P., 1994 - Use of territory in a population of Marmota marmota of the northern Apennines. Boll. Zool. 61:66 . (Abstract).


Ferri M., Sala L., Sola C., Spampanato A., Tongiorgi P., Tosi L., 1992 - La marmotta, Marmota marmota Linneo: indagini preliminari per uno studio della popolazione dell'Appennino settentrionale. In: Relazione sullo stato dell'ambiente nella provincia di Modena. Aggiornamento, Vol. 2. Provincia di Modena, pp. 81-85.

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