Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vorontsov N.N., Baranov O.K.
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59. N 5. P. 750-754. Vorontsov N.N., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Baranov O.K.
Immunotaxonomy of ground squirrels of palearctics (Citellus, Sciuridae, Rodentia) //
Zoologichesky Zhurnal. 1980. V. 59. N 10. P. 1517-1529. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Baranov O.K.
Intraspecific antigenic differences of serum proteins in Sciurus vulgaris and
Eutamias sibiricus (Rodentia, Sciuridae) // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. 1980. V.
59. N 12. P. 1898-1901. Vorontsov N.N., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Baranov O.K.
Populational genetics and genogeography of wild mammals.
II. Serological differentiation in populations of long-tailed ground squirrel
Citellus undulatus // Genetica. 1981. V. 17. N 1. P. 160-164. Vorontsov N.N., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Baranov O.K.
Immunotaxonomy of sousliks of Palearctic (Citellus, Sciuridae, Rodentia) // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. 1981. V. 60. N 7. P. 1070-1077. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Shvetsov Yu.G., Kalabin O.L., Lopatina N.V.
Catalogue of collection of the Zoological Museum of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Mammals // Novosibirsk, Russia. 1989. 161 p. (in Russian). Zholnerovskaya E.I., Bibikov D.I. 1989. Intraspecific differentiation of marmots from Mongolia and USSR on antigens of serum globulins // V Congress of the All- Union Theriological Society, USSR Acad. Sci. Moscow. V. 1. P. 60-61. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Bibikov D.I. 1991. Interrelationship among marmots of group "bobac" established by immunodiffusion method // IV conference "Biology, ecology, conservation and managment of marmots". Suzdal. P. 33-35. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Bibikov D.I., Ermolaev V.I.
Immunogenetical analysis of taxonomical relations among marmots // Bulleten MOIP. 1990. V. 95. N 5. P. 15-24. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Bibikov D.I., Ermolaev V.I.
Immunogenetical analysis of taxonomical relations among Marmots // I International Symp. on Alpine Marmot. Italy. 1992. P. 193-196. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Bibikov D.I., Ermolaev V.I. 1993.Immunogenetical analysis of systematical relations of marmots // Conference on marmots from SNG. Gaidary, Ukraine. P. 15-16. Zholnerovskaya E.I.
The largest collection of mammals in Siberia // Madrid, Spain. 1992. Zholnerovskaya E.I. 1994. Immunodiffusion difference between Marmota menzbieri and Palearctic marmots // 2 International conference on Marmots. Aussois, France. P. 168-169. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Shvetsov Yu. G., Kalabin S.L., Lopatina N.V.
Catalogue of collections of the Zoological Museum of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Mammals (Mustelids) // Moscow. 1994. P. 23-32 (in English). Koyasu K., Oda S., Hanamura H., Yamamura H., Dobrotvorsky A. K.,
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Falejev V.I., Borodin P.M.
Size of upper haplodont teeth in tree species of Sorex in Novosibirsk,
Russia // Ann. Res. Inst. Environ. Med., Nagoya Univ., Japan. 1995. 46. P.
209-212. Zholnerovskaya E.I.
Collection of mammals of the Zoological museum in Siberia: 50 years since the
day of faundation. Second European Congress of Mammalogy // University of
Southampton. England. 1995. P. 66. Mordkovich V.G., Zholnerovskaya E.I.
Collections of the Siberian Zoological museum (50th anniversary of the Museum)
// Zoologichesky Zhurnal. 1995. V. 74. N 9. P. 137-143. Zholnerovskaya E.I., Ermolaev V.I.
Immunogenetic differences between Marmota menzbieri and other Palearctic
marmots. International Marmot Network publisher "Biodiversity in Marmots" //
France. 1996. P. 217-223.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vasiljev V.N., Boeskorov G.G., Tokarskyi V.A., Brandler O.V. 1996. Immunogenetical analysis of the variability of Marmota camtschatica // Abstracts of the 2nd International (6) Conference of Marmots of the FSU countries. "Marmots of Northen Eurasia: the Biotiversity Saving". Cheboksary, Russia. P.31-32.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. 1996. Marmota menzbieri in the system of tne genus Marmota accorging to immunogenetic data // Archives of International congress "The condition of teriological fauna of Russia and adjacent territories". Moscow. P.148-152.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Koyasu K.
Catalogue of the collection of mammals of the
Siberian zological museum (Novosibirsk, Russia) // Edited by Sen-ichi Oda.
Nagoya Society of Mammalogists, special publication NO.1. Nagoya, Japan,
1997. 191 p. Boeskorov G.G., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vorontsov N.N., Lyapunova E.A. 1997. Intraspecific divergence of the black-capped marmot // 3 International Conference of Marmots "Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity". Cheboksary, Russia. P. 130.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. 1999. Palearctic Marmots in the Internet // International (VII) Conference of Marmots "Holarctic Marmots: Biology and management of populations". Buzuluk, Russia. P. 34-35.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Mammal collection of Siberia // The International Theriological Congress 7. 1997. Akapulko, Mexico. P.
Ermolaev V., Savina M., Zholnerovskaya E. Genetics and philogenetics of allotypes of mink alpha-macroglobulins // The International Theriological Congress-7. 1997. Akapulko, Mexico. P. .
Boeskorov G.G., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Vorontsov N.N., Lyapunova E.A. Intraspecific divergence of the black-capped marmot // 3 International Conference of Marmots «Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity». Cheboksary, Russia. 1997. P.130.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collection of mammals of the Siberian Zoological Museum // 3 International Conference of Marmots «Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity». Cheboksary, Russia. 1997. P.206.
Ermolaev V., Savina M., Zholnerovskaya E. Genetic and evolution of mink a-macroglobulins family // 9th International Congress on Genes, Genes Families, and Isozymes. San Antonio, Texas. USA. 1997. N 51. P.56.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collection of Mammals of the Siberian Zoological Museum in INTERNET. 1998: http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/szmn/Vertebr/Mamcol/Col_rus.htm (Russian text) http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/szmn/Vertebr/Mammalia.htm (English text) or Mirror site in Germany: http://members.xoom.com/vvdubat/SZMN/Vertebr/Mammalia.htm or Mirror site in USA: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/4397/szmn/Vertebr/Mammalia.htm
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collection of Insectivores Mammals from Siberia in the Internet // International Conference "Biology of Insectivorous Mammals". Kemerovo, Russia. 1999. P.102-103.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Palearctic marmots in the Internet // International (VII) Conference of Marmots «Holarctic Marmots: Biology and management of populations». Buzuluk, Russia. 1999. P.34-35.
Koyasu K., Zholnerovskaya E.I. An Old Mogera wogura specimen comes back to Japan from the Siberian Zoological Museum after a travel of 92 years // Miscellaneous Reports of Hiwa Museum for Natural History, no.37 (Mar., 1999). Japan. 1999. P.225-236.
Mordkovich V.G., Dubatolov V.V., Zholnerovskaya E.I., Kosterin O.E. Siberian Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, SB RAS (an Internet Site) // Biodiversity and Dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia, Novosibirsk, 2000. P.81-83.
Koyasu K., Hanamura H., Mukohyama M., Zholnerovskaya E., and Oda S-I. Occurence of vestigial upper premolars of Miniopterus fuliginosus (Mammalia: Chiroptera) // Biodiversity and Dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia, Novosibirsk, 2000. P.170-172.
Kawada S., Koyasu K., Zholnerovskaya E.I., and Oda S.-I. The variability of tooth number and shape in Altai mole, Talpa altaica // The proceedings of the meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, 2000, 155p. In Japanese with English summary.
Zakharov I.K., Kolosova L.D., Zholnerovskaya E.I. Of blessed memory of N.N.Vorontsov // Vestnik VOGiS, Novosibirsk, 2000, ? 13-14. P.2-3. http://wwwicg.bionet.nsc.ru/vogis/win/current/
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Role of N.N.Vorontsov in creation of theriological collections from (and in) the Asian part of the Former USSR // International meeting Evolutionary ideas in biology, Vladivostok, 2001. P.86
Mordkovich V.G., Zholnerovskaya E I. Zoological museum in Siberia // Vestnik VOGiS, ? 17, Novosibirsk, 2001. P.6-9.
Kawada Sh., Koyasu K., Zholnerovskaya E I. and Oda S-I. Reconsideration of the dental formula of Desmana moschata and problem in the process of it's decision // Special Publication of Nagoya Society of Mammalogists, Japan, 3: 2001, 41-50. In Japanese with English summary.
Mekada K., Koyasu K., Dobrotvorsky A.K., Panov V.V., Zholnerovskaya E I. and Oda S-I. Collecting survey of small mammals of Novosibirsk, Russia // Biogeography, 3, 2001. P.41-49. (in English).
Koyasu K., Zholnerovskaya E., Hanamura H., Mukohyama M., and Oda S.-I.: Vestigial upper premolars of Miniopterus fuliginosus (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Northeastern Asia // The 106th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists, Nangoku, Kohch, Japan. 2001.4.2-4. http://homepage2.nifty.com/mammal/