Russie - Russia





ABRAKHINA I.B. Irina Borisovna

Mayakovskogo str., 14, apt. 5

Russia, 432025, Oulyanovsk,



pensioner (hunting manager), Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, ecology, preservation and management



ABRAKHINA I.B. Irina Borisovna

Oulyanovsk Hunting Administration, 

Karla Marksa str., 8

Russia, 432700, Oulyanovsk,



pensioner (hunting manager), Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, ecology, preservation and management



BADMAEV B.B. Bair Balzhievich

Buriat Institute of Biology, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences,

Sakhjanovoj str., 6

670047, Ulan-Ude,


[email protected] 

(30122) 3-32-47 tel.,

(30122) 3-01-34 fax (Badmaev, Bair B)

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica, Transbaikal region, Mongolia



BARMIN N.A. Nikolai Anatolievich

Mordovian State University, faculty of biology, chair of botany

Veselovskogo str., 53, apt. 74,

Saransk, 430028



(?) 3-05-07 Tel.

Marmota bobac bobac, Volga Region (Mordovia)



BATURIN A.L. Andrew Lvovich

Moscow State University, faculty of biology, lab. of biology of animals' development

Molodejnaya str., 5, apt. 98,

117296, Moscow





Marmota menzbieri, Western Tjan-Shan, ecology, ethology



BATURIN A.L. Andrew Lvovich

Moscow State University,

 biofac, Vorobjovy Gory,

119899, Moscow



(095) 939-35-02 tel.

Marmota menzbieri, Western Tjan-Shan, ecology, ethology



Bibikov, D. I.

Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, RAN,

Leninskii Prospect,

 117071 Moscow








Boyeskorov, G. G Gennady Gavrilovich.

Mammoth Museum of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Ac. Sci.,

Lenin av., 39,

677891, Yakutsk,Yakutia





senior researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), paleontology, morphology, systematics. Taxonomic status of M. camtschatica and the history of distribution in Eurasia



BRANDLER O. V. Oleg Vladimirovich

N. K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences

Research group of cytogenetic 

Vavilova, 26, room 305 -

117334 Moscow


[email protected]

(095) 135-75-83 Tel.,

(095) 135-75-83 fax

Marmota (all species), evolution, systematic, genetic, chromosomal and tissues collection


Dimitriev, A. V. Alexander Veniaminovich

State reserve "Prisurskii",

 P.B. 263, Central Post Office,

Cheboksary, 428000,


[email protected]

(8352) 56-93-20 Tel.,

(8352) 56-05-11 fax

vice-director on science, Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, ethology, protection and management, biocenitic role distribution, reacclimatization, biocenotic role, organisation of researches and data collection in Volga region



DMITRIEV A.I. Alexandr Ivanovich

Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute

Majskaya str., 48, apt. 2

603148, Nizhny Novgorod,



(312) 39-14-14 Tel.


Marmota bobac, Nizhny Novgorod Region



DMITRIEV P.P. Peter Petrovich


apt. 28, Novoslobodskaya st., 50/1,

Moscow, 103055



(095) 939-50-11 Tel.,

(095) 939-50-11 fax

senior researcher, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, Mongolia, ecology, biocenotic role, medical importance, Marmots' impact on environment



DMITRIEV P.P. Peter Petrovich

Moscow State University, Dept. of Biology,

Vorobjovy Gory,

119899, Moscow



(095) 939-50-11 Tel.,

(095) 939-50-11 fax

senior researcher, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, Mongolia, ecology, biocenotic role, medical importance, Marmots' impact on environment



EDRENKIN A.V. Alexandr Vitalievich


 St. Zlobina str., 49, apt. 15

450022, Yfa,





senior hunting specialist, Marmota bobac, South Urals, preservation and management



EDRENKIN A.V. Alexandr Vitalievich

Bashkir Hunting Administration,

Tsuriupy str., 25

450025, YFA



() 23-32-83 Tel.


senior hunting specialist, Marmota bobac, South Urals, preservation and management



EGOROV L.V. Leonid Valentinovich


apt. 525, Kadykova str., 11,

Cheboksary, 428037,





associate professor, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Chuvash Republic, ecology, fauna and ecology of coprobionts of the marmots in Chuvashia



EGOROV L.V. Leonid Valentinovich

Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute,

Karla Marksa str., 38,

Cheboksary, 428000





associate professor, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Chuvash Republic, ecology, fauna and ecology of coprobionts of the marmots in Chuvashia



ENDUKIN A.Yu. Andrei Yurievich


Gromova str., 59, apt. 1

620146, Ekaterinburg,





ingener, Marmota bobac, South Urals



ENDUKIN A.Yu. Andrei Yurievich

Institute of Animals and Plants Ecology, Urals Branch of RAS, Russia,

 8 March str., 202

620008, Ekaterinburg,





ingener, Marmota bobac, South Urals



ERBAJEVA M.A. Margarita Alexandrovna


apt. 58, Solnechnaja str., 20,

Ulan-Ude, 670031





leader researcher, Dr. of biology, Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica doppelmayri, Transbaikal region, paleontology, morphology, systematics and fauna of small mammals in Pleistocen



ERBAJEVA M.A. Margarita Alexandrovna

Buryat Geological Institute, Sib. Dept. RAS (BGI SD RAS)

6a, Sahianova str.,

Ulan-Ude, 670047


[email protected]

(30122) 3-09-55 Tel.,

(30122) 3-60-24 fax

leader researcher, Dr. of biology, Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica doppelmayri, Transbaikal region, paleontology, morphology, systematics and fauna of small mammals in Pleistocen



ERMAKOV O.A. Oleg Alexandrovich


Clara Cetkin str., 53-24,

Penza, 440051





teaching assistant, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions



ERMAKOV O.A. Oleg Alexandrovich

Penza State Pedagogical University, Chair of zoology,

Lermontov str., 37,

Penza, 440602



(8412) 66-27-06 Tel.,

 (8412) 66-15-66 fax

teaching assistant, candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions



EVREINOV A.G. Alexei Glebovich


Inessy Armand str., 7, apt. 115






Marmota bobac, preservation and management, Breeding in captivity



FEDOROVA O.I. Oksana Ivanovna


Novogireevskaya str., 44/28, apt. 338

111397, Moscow





researcher, Marmota bobac, morphology, color and quality of marmots fur in captivity



FEDOROVA O.I. Oksana Ivanovna

Afanasyev' Research Institute of Fur Animals and Rabbits,


140143, Moscow region, Ramenski district, Rodniki



(095) 501-53-55 Tel.


researcher, Marmota bobac, morphology, color and quality of marmots fur in captivity



FEDOSEEVA G.A. Galina Alexandrovna

Afanasyev' Research Institute of Fur Animals and Rabbits


141214, Moscow Region, Pushkino Distr., Zverosovkhos





senior researcher, Candidate of Biology, Marmota bobac, M. caudata, ecology, preservation and management breeding in captivity



FORMOZOV N.A. Nikolai Alexandrovich


Stroitelei str., 6, k.5, apt. 22

117311, Moscow





researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, M. bobac, M. baibacina, M. himalayana, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, processing of records of M. himalayana calls Formozov, A.



FORMOZOV N.A. Nikolai Alexandrovich

Moscow State University, Fac. of Biology, Dept. of Vertebrate Zoology,

 Vorobjovy Gory

Russia, 119899, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 939-50-11 tel.,

(095) 930-28-21 fax

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota sibirica, M. bobac, M. baibacina, M. himalayana, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, processing of records of M. himalayana calls Formozov, A.



DEZHKIN A.V. Andrei Vadimovich

Central Research Laboratory of Hunting Administration of Russia

Losinoostrovskaya Lesnaya Dacha, kvartal 18

129347, Moscow 



(095) 915-20-74 Tel.


researcher, Marmota bobac, M. baibacina, M. sibirica, M. camtschatica, Russia, ecology, preservation and management



GALKINA L.I. Liana Ivanovna

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of RAS,

 Frunze str., 11

630091, Novosibirsk,



(3832) 29-13-70 tel. (?)


senior researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota baibacina, Western Siberia



GAZIZOV V.Z. Victor Zarifovich


Koltsov str., 24/2, apt. 1,

Kirov, 610050





Head researcher, Dr.S. (Veterinary), Marmota menzbieri



GAZIZOV V.Z. Victor Zarifovich

All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79,

 Kirov, 610601



(8332) 62-72-26 tel.,

(8332) 69-11-30 fax

Head researcher, Dr.S. (Veterinary), Marmota menzbieri



Gorbunov, Yu. V.

Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University,

Vorobiovy Gory,

119899 Moscow








GORSHKOV P.K. Peter Konstantinovich


Zarya str., 26, apt. 41,

Kazan', 420029





associate professor, Candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac bobac, Tatarstan, ecology, protection and management, biocenotic role. Distribution, ecology, protection



GORSHKOV P.K. Peter Konstantinovich

Kazan' state pedagogical university,

Mezhlauk, 1,

 Kazan', 420021



(8432) 32-63-43 Tel.


associate professor, Candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac bobac, Tatarstan, ecology, protection and management, biocenotic role. Distribution, ecology, protection



Grigorkina, E. B.

Institut of Plant & Animal Ecology, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,

8 Marta, 202

- 620219 Ekaterinburg








GRIKO A.V. Alexander Viktorovich


2 mikrorajon, 18, Dubenki,

Mordovia, 431840





Graduate student, Marmota bobac bobac, Russia: Mordovia, Dubenskii District, preservation and management



GRIKO A.V. Alexander Viktorovich

Ogarjov' Mordovian State University, faculty of Geography

Bol'shevistskaya str., 68,

Saransk, 430000



8(3422) 4-17-77 tel.


Graduate student, Marmota bobac bobac, Russia: Mordovia, Dubenskii District, preservation and management




State reserve "Magadanskii",

Shirokaya str., 14

685014, Magadan,



(41300) 2-00-71 tel.,

(41300) 2-00-71 fax

senior researcher, Marmota camtschatica, Magadan Region



KABAKOV O.N. Oleg Nikolaevich

(Zoological Institute of RAS)

Bassejnaya str., 53, apt. 64

196135, Sanct-Peterburg,








KALYAGIN Yu.S. Yurii Sergeevich


40 Years of October str., 15, apt. 50

65001, Kemerovo,





associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota baibacina (k.), ecology, morphology, preservation and management, medical importance. Ecology of marmots under anthropogenic pressure; micromorphological adaptations to parasits (Ixodes)



KALYAGIN Yu.S. Yurii Sergeevich

Kemerovo State University, Dept. of Zoology,

 Krasnaya str., 6

650043, Kemerovo,



(3842) 23-07-46 tel.,

(3842) 23-38-85 fax

associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota baibacina (k.), ecology, morphology, preservation and management, medical importance. Ecology of marmots under anthropogenic pressure; micromorphological adaptations to parasits (Ixodes)



KAPITONOV V.I. Vladimir Ivanovich


10 Years of October str., 55a, apt. 214

426011, Izhevsk,





senior lector, Marmota bobac bobac, Udmurt Republic, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic role. Results of reacclimatization, present condition and ecology of the bobac in Udmurtia



KAPITONOV V.I. Vladimir Ivanovich

Udmurt State University, Faculty of Biology, Dept. of Animals Ecology,

 Universitetskaya str., 1

426037, Izhevsk,



(3412) 75-56-48 tel.





Karakul'ko, N.R Nikolai Remarkovich.


Odesskaya str., 24, apt. 92

410027, Saratov,





Marmota bobac, Saratov Region, ecology, preservation and management



Karakul'ko, N.R Nikolai Remarkovich.

Saratov Regional Hunting Administration

Stepana Razina str., 52

410027, Saratov,



(8452) 24-82-58 tel.


Marmota bobac, Saratov Region, ecology, preservation and management



KARDASH A.N. Anatoly Ivanovich

Chita Antiplague Station,


672041, Chita-41





zoologist, Marmota sibirica, Transbaikal Region, Mongolia, medical importance



KAVERIN A.V. Alexander Vladimirovich


Suschinskogo str., 3, apt. 49

430031, Saransk,





head of the chair, Candidate of Geography (Ph.D.), associate professor, Marmota bobac, Mordovia, preservation and management



KAVERIN A.V. Alexander Vladimirovich

Ogariov' Mordovian State University, Chair of Ecology and Usage of Natural Resourses,

Bolshevistskaya str., 68

430000, Saransk,



(8342) 24-17-77 tel.,

(8342) 24-46-27 fax

head of the chair, Candidate of Geography (Ph.D.), associate professor, Marmota bobac, Mordovia, preservation and management



KHAMAGANOV S.A. Sergey Alexandrovich

Chita Antiplague Station,


672041, Chita-41



() 7-71-27 tel.


zoologist, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota Sibirica, Transbaikal Region




Voronezh State University, Chair of vertebrate zoology,

Universitetskaya pl., 1

Voronezh, 394693,





Head of Chair, Marmota bobac, Voronezh Region, ecology, preservation and management



KIRILLOVA V.I. Vera Ivanovna

Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute,

Karla Marksa str., 38

428000, Cheboksary,



(835) 22-38-85 tel.


Marmota bobac, Chuvashia, biocenotic role



KIRILYUK V.E. Vadim Evgenievich

Nature State Reserve "Daursky",

Komsomol'skaya, 10

674480, Chita Region, Onon District, Nizhniy Tsasuchey,



(25222) 7-15-59 tel.


deputy director on scientific work, Marmota sibirica, Chita Region; North of Eastern Ajmac of Mongolia.



KISELEVA N.A. Natalia Vladimirovna

Ilmen' State Reserve,

March 8 str., 146, apt. 21

456300, Cheliabinsk Region, Miass,


[email protected] (Attn. N.V. Kiseleva)

(35135) 5-46-32 tel.,

(35135) 5-02-86 fax

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Cheliabinsk Region. ecology, preservation and management



KOLESNIKOV V.V. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich

Prof. Zhitkov' All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79

610601, Kirov,



(8332) 62-21-39 tel.,

(8332) 38-11-30 fax

researcher, Candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, morphology, ecology, ethology, preservation and management



KOMLEV E.P. Evgeny Petrovich


Juzhnaya str., 32, apt. 6

157270, Kostroma Region, Parfenievo distr., Parfenievo,





 pensioner, Marmota bobac, Oriol Region of Russia, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic importance.



LEONTIEVA M.N. Marina Nikolayevna

Nizhny Novgorod State University,

Belinskogo str., 67, apt. 2

603024, Nizhny Novgorod,





pensioner, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Nizhny Novgorod Region, ecology, preservation and management, biocenotic importance, history, distribution, numbers



LUKOVTSEV Yu.S. Yuri Semenovich

Yakutian Institute of Biology, Siberian Branch of RAS,

Lenina str., 41

677891, Yakutsk



(41122) 3-54-29


researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota camtschatica. Yakutia, ecology, preservation and management.



Lyapunova, E. A.

N. K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow

Vavilova 26 -

117334 Moscow








MALEEVA A.G. Anna Georgievna

Urals State University, Chair of Zoology,

Lenina str., 51

620083, Ekaterinburg,





associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. South Urals, paleontology



MASHKIN V.I. Victor Ivanovich

Prof. Zhitkov' All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79

610601, Kirov,



(8332) 62-72-26 tel.,

(8332) 38-11-30 fax

Chief Laboratory, Dr. of Biology (Dr.Sci.), all species of marmots, Kazakhstan, Kyrgisia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia, morphology, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic importance. Ecology, distribution and resourses, biocenotic role.



MOSOLOV V.I. Vladimir Il'itsch

Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve (Goscomecologii RF)

 Elizovo, Ryabikova str., 48

 684010, Kamchatka Region,


[email protected] (Attn. V.I. Mosolov)

() 6-17-96 tel.


senior researcher, Marmota camtschatica, ecology, ethology, preservation and management. Population ecology and monitoring in Eastern Kamchatka, Kronotsky State Reserve).



MUKHAMEDIEV T.D. Timur Djikhatovich

Sajano-Shushenskii State Biosphere Reserve

Zapovednaya str., 7

662720, Krasnojarsk Region, Shushenskii Distr., Shushenskoe,



(39139) 3-23-00 tel.,

(39139) 3-23-00 fax

senior researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota baibacina, systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management. Distribution, numbers, phenology, ethology in isolated population



NESTEROVA N.L. Natalia Leonidovna


Litovsky Bulvar, 3, korp. 2, apt. 90 (?)

117588, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 956-95-95 tel.


Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, ethology, Marmot' alarm calls



NIKOL'SKII A.A. Alexander Alexandrovich

Russian People's Friendship University, Ecological fac., Dept. of System Ecology,

Podolskoye road, 8/5 [8/5, Podol'skoye shosse]

113093, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 952-77-07 tel.,

(095) 952-89-01 fax

Professor, Dr.Sci (Biology), all species of marmots, total area of the Genus Marmota, geographical variability of M. bobac; situational variations of the M. bobac alarm call.


OLENEV G.V. Grigorii Valentinovich

Institute of Animals and Plants Ecology, Urals Branch of RAS Russia,

8 March str., 202

620008, Ekaterinburg,


[email protected]

(3432) 29-40-90 (215) tel.


Marmota bobac. South Urals



OL'KOVA N.V. Nina Vasilievna

Irkutsk Antiplague Institute,

Trilissersa str., 78

Russia, 664047, Irkutsk,



(3952) 23-04-82 tel.


Head of Branch, Dr.Sci. (Biology), senior researcher, Marmota sibirica, Transbaikal Region.



OSTANIN M.A. Mikhail Alexeevich

P/o "Kamchatpromokhota",

Prospect Rybakov, 19

683024, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii,



() 6-17-80


main hunting specialist, Marmota camtschatica, Kamchatka, preservation and management



Panteleyev, P.

Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky Prospekt 33

117071 Moscow








PARAMONOV G.V. Gennady Viktorovich

Hunting Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Region,

Grebeshkovsky Otkos str., 7, room 6

603000, Nizhny Novgorod,



(8312) 34-64-62 tel.,

(8312) 34-06-02 fax

Vice-head of Administration, Marmota bobac. Nizhny Novgorod Region, preservation and management. Observation on population state; results of reacclimatization



PAVLOV D.I. Dmitry Ivanovich

Kemerovo Region Hunting Administration,

Dzerzhinskogo str., 14

650099, Kemerovo,





senior hunting specialist, Marmota baibacina. Kemerovo Region, preservation and management.



Plechov G.N.

Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute










Plechova Z.N.

Institute of Pedagogics Ukrainian Academy od Pedagogics










PLOTNIKOV I.A. Igor Arkadievich

Prof. Zhitkov' All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79

610601, Kirov,



(8332) 62-12-50 tel.,

(8332) 38-12-50 fax

senior researcher, Marmota bobac, M. camtschatica. Kirov, Moscow, Tula Regions, Tatarstan, Kamchatka morphology, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, medical importance breeding in captivity.



POLYAKOV A.D. Alexandr Dmitrievich

Kemerovo Agricultural Institute,

Markovtseva str., 5

650060, Kemerovo,



() 51-47-55 tel.


senior lector, Marmota baibacina kastschenkoi. Kemerovo Region, morphology, ecology, preservation and management, medical importance. Ecology of marmots under human pressure; micromorphological adaptations under parasiting of Ixodes.



POTAPOVA E.G. Elena Georgievna

Severtsov' Institute of Ecological and Evolutionary Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Leninskii Prospect, 33,

117071, Moscow





Marmota bobac, M. baibacina, M. sibirica, systematics, morphology.



RUDI V.N. Valentina Nikitichna

Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute, Chair of Zoology,

 Sovetskaya str., 19

460844, Orenburg,



(3532) 47-66-54 tel.,

(3532) 47-91-51 fax

associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Southern Urals, morphology, phisiology, ecology, preservation and management, biocenotic role, adaptations; reproductive biology; population structure and dynamics; interspecific variability; management on the resources.



RUMIANTSEV V.Yu. Vadim Yurievich

Moscow State University, Fac. of Geography, Dept. of Biogeography

GSP-3, Vorobjovy Gory

119899, Moscow,


[email protected]

(095) 939-47-17; -26-11 tel.,

(095) 932-88-36 fax

researcher, Candidate of Geography (Ph.D.), all marmot species, all the area of Genus Marmota, systematics, ecology, geography, preservation and management, biocenotic role.



RYMALOV I.V. Ivan Viktorovich

Severtsov' Institute of Ecological and Evolutionary Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninskii Prospect, 33,

117071, Moscow,



(095) 431-58-44 tel.,

(095) 434-02-20 fax

researcher, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), all marmot species, all the area of Genus Marmota, physiology, ecology, preservation and management. Hibernation, ecology, breeding in captivity.



SAMIGULLIN G.M. Gennady Mikhailovich

Institute of Plants and Animals Ecology, Urals Branch of RAS, Orenburg Branch of Steppe Nature Use

Prospect Gagarina, 52, apt. 14

460051, Orenburg,








SARYCHEV V.S. Vladimir Semenovich

Reserve "Galichya Gora",


399020, Lipetsk Region, Zadonsk District, p/o Donskoe





vice-director on science, Marmota bobac. Lipetsk Region, preservation and management distribution, numbers, results of reacclimatization.





 Leningradskaya str., 37, room 420

428032, Cheboksary,





student, Marmota bobac, Chuvashia, ecology, preservation and management.



SCHEPIN S.G. Sergey Gavrilovich

PO "Buriatpromokhota",

Sovietskaya str., 21

6700??, Ulan-Ude,



(30122) 2-17-09 tel.


senior hunting manager



Schelchkova, M.

World Museum of Mammoth, Yakutian Agricultural Institute










SEMIKHATOVA S.N. Svetlana Nikolaevna

Saratov State University, Dept. of Biology,

Astrakhanskaya str., 80

410071, Saratov,



(8452) 51-92-28 tel.


arristant professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Saratov Region. morphology, systematics, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic role numbers and population state.



SERGEEV M.V. Mikhail Vasilievich

Altai Hunting Administration,

 Pr. Kommunisticheskii, 44

659700, Gorno-Altaisk,



() 41-98


Marmota baibacina, Altai, preservation and management.



Shadrina, E. G.

Yakut State University,










SHARGAEV M.A. Matvei Alexandrovich

Buriat Institute of Biology,

Sakhjanovoj str., 6

670047, Ulan-Ude,


[email protected]

(30122) 3-32-47 tel.,

(30122) 3-01-34 fax

Head of laboratory, Candidate of Biology, senior researcher, Marmota sibirica, M. camtschatica. Transbaikal region, Mongolia



SHEVLIUK N.N. Nikolai Nikolaevich

Orenburg State Medical Academy, Chair of Histology,

Sovetskaya str., 6

460000, Orenburg,



(3532) 47-22-75 tel.,

(3532) 47-94-08 fax

associate professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, Southern Urals, morphology, physiology, histophysiology of endocrine structures of reproductive organs.



SOLOMONOV N.G. Nikita Gavrilovich

Yakut Institute of Biology

 Lenina str., 41

677891, Yakutsk,



(41122) 2-41-32, 3-54-66 tel.,

(095) 230-29-19 fax (in Moscow)

Institute Director, Dr.Sci (Biology), member-corresp. of RAS, member of Yakut Ac. Sci., Marmota camtschatica, Yakutia



Soustin, V.P.

Orenburg Teachers? Training Institute,

 Sovietskaya street, 19

460844 Orenburg








Sukhanova, M. V.

Moscow State University, Vertebrate Zoology Branch, Biological Department


119899, Moscow








Suntsov, V. V.,

Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, RAS,

Leninskii Propect 33

117071 Moscow








TAIGUZIN R.Sh. Ramil Shamilievich

Orenburg State Agriculture University, Chair of Anatomy and Histology,

Novaya str., 23/1, apt. 41

460008, Orenburg,



(3532) 7-54-61 tel.


assistant professor, Candidate of Veterinary (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Orenburg Region, morphology.



Terekhina, A.

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Staromonetnyi Perevlok 29

  109017 Moscow








TITOV S.V. Sergei Vitalievich

Penza State Pedagogical University, Chair of zoology

Lermontov str., 37,

Penza, 440602



(8412) 66-27-06 tel.,

(8412) 66-15-66 fax

post-graduate, Marmota bobac, Volga region, ecology, ethology, history of distribution in Penza region; distribution in Saratov and Samara Transvolga regions; behaviour.



Ukolov, S.A.

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resourses of Russia,

Bolshaya Grouzinskaya, 4/6 GSP -

 123812 Moscow








VALENTSEV A.S. Alexander Semenovich

Kamchatka Institute of Ecology and Nature Management, Far-East Branch of RAS,

Partizanskaya str., 6,

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, 683000


[email protected]

(41500) 2-44-64 tel.


senior researcher, Marmota camtschatica camtschatica, Kamchatka, ecology, preservation and management ecology, population monitoring, protection and management of resources.



VASILIEV V.N. Vladimir Nikolaevich

Yakut International Centre for Development of the Northern Territories, Sibirian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Petrovsky str., 2,

Yakutsk, 677891


[email protected] (Attn. V.N. Vasiliev)

(41122) 6-49-52, 6-20-03 tel.,

(095) 230-29-19 fax

Research Deputy Director, Candidate of biology (Ph.D.), senior researcher, Marmota camtschatica (bungei). Yakutia: ranges: Kharaulakh', Verkhoyan', Mom', Cherskogo physiology, ecology, ethology, protection and management, biocenotic role. Biology, ecology, preservation and management of M. camtschatica in Yakutia.



VERSHININ N.M. Nikolai Mikhailovich

Chita Antiplague Station of MZ RF,


672041, Chita-41



() 7-71-27 tel.


zoologist, Marmota sibirica, Transbaikal region, Mongolia, medical importance.



Vorontsov, N.N.

N. K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology Russian Academy of Sciences










Yakovlev, F. G.

Yakut Institute of Biology,










Yendukin, D. I.

Moscow University, Biology Dept.-


 119899 Moscow








ZABOLOTSKIH Yu.S. Yurii Stepanovich

Prof. Zhitkov' All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79

610601, Kirov,



(8332) 62-12-50 tel.,

(8332) 38-12-50 fax

Head of branch, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, M. camtschatica. Kirov, Moscow, Tula Regions, Tatarstan, Kamchatka morphology, ecology, preservation and management, medical importance. Breeding in captivity.



ZAVALEEVA S.M. Svetlana Mikhailovna

Orenburg State University of Agriculture

Cheluskintsev str., 18




() 47-52-30 tel.,

() 47-23-50 fax

assistant professor, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Orenburg Region, morphology, morphology of parenhimatosic organes of the marmots.



ZAKHAROV A.P. Anatoly Pavlovich

Hunting Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Region,

Grebeshkovsky otkos str., 7

603600, Nizhny Novgorod,



(8312) 34-06-02 tel.,

 (8312) 34-06-02 fax

Head of the Hanting Administration, Marmota bobac. Nizhny Novgorod Region, preservation and management.



ZARUBIN B.Ye. Boris Yevgenyevich

Prof. Zhitkov' All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming,

Engels str., 79

610601, Kirov,



(8332) 62-22-57 tel.,

(8332) 38-11-30 fax

researcher, Candidate of biology (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, physiology, ecology, preservation and management, medical importance.



ZHELEZNOV-Chukotsky N.K. Nikolai Konstantinovich

Dept. of the Pacific Geography Institute, Nature Ethnic Beringia Park / The North-East of Chukotka Nature Use Dept. Of the Pacific Geography Institute, RAS,


otke str, 32 / P.O. Box 16

686710, Chukotka, Anadyr,


E-mail [email protected]

Tel + (7) 427-22-24480 Home

Tel/fax + (7) 427-22-263-46 Off.

Chairman Department Nature of North-East Russia, Doctor of biological sciences, Merited Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Marmota camtschatica. North-East of Russia, ecology, ethology, preservation and management, biocenotic role. Marmots as a component of ecosystems of the North.



Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals

Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Frunze str., 11

630091, Novosibirsk,


[email protected]

Phone : (work): +7(3832) 170 285 ; (home): +7(3832) 344 677

Fax : + 7(3832) 170 973

Curator of Mammals Collection of Mammals of the Siberian Zoological Museum, Candidate of Biology (Ph.D.), all marmot species of the former USSR, systematics.



ZIMINA R.P. Rimma Petrovna

Institute of Geography RAS,

Staromonetny per., 29

109017, Moscow,



(095) 238-18-22 tel.


senior researcher, Candidate of Geography (Ph.D.), Marmota bobac, M. baibacina, paleontology, ecology, preservation and management, biocenotic role



ZINCHENKO V.K. Vadim Konstantinovich

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of RAS; Siberian Zoological Museum,

 Frunze str., 11

630091, Novosibirsk,


[email protected] or [email protected]

Personal page

Phone (work) +7(3832)170285

FAX(work) +7(3832)170973

systematics, zoogeography, faunistics of Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) of the Asian Russia and neighbouring territories.  


Zlotin R.I.

Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Biogeography

Staromonetnyi Perevlok 29

109017 Moscow
