Holarctic Marmots as a factor of Biodiversity.
Rumiantsev V.Yu;, Nikol'skii A.A. & Brandler O.V. eds.,
Abstracts, 3d Conference on Marmots (Cheboksary, Russia, 25-30 August 1997),
Moscow ABF 1997, 216p., 70 (Russian), 172-173 (English)..


J. Oyunbileg*, J. Batbold**, P. Nymidava***, A. Shimoda***

* Department of Virology, Public Health Institute Ministry of Health and Social Wellfare of Mongolia
** Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, National University of Mongolia
*** University of Kanazawa, Japan

Detection of new hepadnaviruses is important for the construction of new model for the studies of hepadnavirus replication and their involvement in the origin of liver cancer. We made surveillance of hepadnavirus infection among the populations of Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica, Radde 1862) using ELISA system for HBV (hepatitis B virus) and WHV (woodchuck hepadnavirus) and molecular hybridization using the probe, based on the HBV sequences (Oyunbileg et al., 1994; 1995).

Blood sera and liver extracts of Mongolian marmots for the detection of hepadnavirus were tested. Blood sera also tested by ELISA for the markers of woodchuck (Marmota monax) hepatitis virus infection. In average 25.4% of marmots had antibodies to the core antigen of WHV and this value have reached 64.3% in some populations of Mongolian marmot.

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